Service Manual Trucks: Windshield Wiper System VN, VHD

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Service Manual

Group 363500
Windshield Wiper System

The descriptions and service procedures contained in this manual are based on de-
signs and methods studies carried out up to August 2000.

The products are under continuous development. Vehicles and components produced
after the above date may therefore have different specifications and repair methods.
When this is believed to have a significant bearing on this manual, supplementary ser-
vice bulletins will be issued to cover the changes.

The new edition of this manual will update the changes.

In service procedures where the title incorporates an operation number, this is a refer-
ence to an S.R.T. (Standard Repair Time).

Service procedures which do not include an operation number in the title are for gen-
eral information and no reference is made to an S.R.T.

The following levels of observations, cautions and warnings are used in this Service

Note: Indicates a procedure, practice, or condition that must be followed in order to

have the vehicle or component function in the manner intended.

Caution: Indicates an unsafe practice where damage to the product could occur.

Warning: Indicates an unsafe practice where personal injury or severe damage to the
product could occur.

Danger: Indicates an unsafe practice where serious personal injury or death could oc-

Volvo Trucks North America, Inc.

Greensboro, NC USA

Order number: PV776-TSP143133

2000 Volvo Trucks North America, Inc., Greensboro, NC USA

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in

retrieval system, or transmitted in any forms by any means, electronic, me-
chanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written
permission of Volvo Trucks North America, Inc..
General .................................................................................................... 3
Windshield Wiper System ..................................................................... 3

Tools ........................................................................................................ 5
Special Tools ......................................................................................... 5

Design and Function ............................................................................. 7

Windshield Wiper System Components .................................................. 7
The Windshield Washer System ......................................................... 8
Graphic Display Control Buttons ......................................................... 10

Troubleshooting ................................................................................... 13
Work Practices .................................................................................... 13
Using the VCADS Pro Tool ................................................................. 13
Windshield Washer Pump, Troubleshooting ........................................ 14
Windshield Wiper Stalk Switch, Troubleshooting ................................ 16
Windshield Wiper Motor, Troubleshooting ........................................... 19
Intermittent Windshield Wipers, Troubleshooting ................................ 21
Models with Volvo Engines ............................................................... 21
Intermittent Windshield Wipers, Troubleshooting ................................ 24
Models with Non-Volvo Engines ........................................................ 24
Windshield Wiper Stalk/ Graphic Display Control Buttons, Trou-
bleshooting .......................................................................................... 26

Service Procedures ............................................................................. 29

Windshield Wiper Blade, Replacement ............................................... 29
Windshield Wiper Arm, Replacement ................................................. 29
Windshield Wiper Module, Replacement ........................................... 30
Windshield Wiper Switch, Replacement ............................................. 31
Windshield Wiper Motor, Replacement ............................................... 33
Windshield Wiper Motor and Linkage Assembly, Replacement ......... 34
Windshield Washer Pump, Replacement ............................................ 40
Windshield Washer Fluid Fill Bottle, Replacement ............................. 41
Windshield Washer Fluid Filter, Replacement .................................... 42
Windshield Washer Check Valve, Replacement ................................. 42
Windshield Washer Fluid Reservoir, Replacement (Battery Box
Mount) .................................................................................................. 42
Windshield Washer Fluid Reservoir, Replacement (Frame Rail
Mount) .................................................................................................. 43


Foldout A Windshield Wiper System

Foldout B Windshield Wiper System

Foldout C Windshield Wiper Stalk/ Graphic Display Control Buttons

Operation Numbers

Group 36 General

Windshield Wiper System


This service information contains design, service and troubleshooting information on

the windshield wipers. It covers VN and VHD models. There are some differences in
the design of the wipers depending on engine model. For vehicles with Volvo engines,
the wiper electronics are in the Vehicle ECU. For vehicles with other engines, the wiper
electronics are in a Wiper Control Module. Both of these modules are located in the
TEC center in the center dash.

Group 36 Tools

Special Tools

The following special tools may be needed when troubleshooting the Windshield Wiper
System. When ordering these tools from Kent-Moore (800)-3286657 or Volvo, quote
the specified number.

Note: For VCADS Pro tooling see most current VCADS Pro user manual.


J-41133 5-pin breakout har- J-39200 Digital Multimeter

ness (Kent-Moore) (Kent-Moore)
J-44567 Probe Adapter (Kent 9998551 60-Pin breakout box
Moore) (Volvo)
J-43234 Adapter (Kent-Moore) J-43340 Overlay for 60-pin
breakout box (Kent-

Group 36 Design and Function

Design and Function

Windshield Wiper System Components

A windshield wiper stalk switch controls the windshield

wiper system used on VN/VHD series vehicles. Control
buttons for the instrument cluster graphic display are in-
tegrated into this switch.

Intermittent windshield wipers are pre-set to make a sin-

gle sweep every 10 seconds. The interval can be set to
between 1 and 10 seconds by moving the windshield W3004341

wiper stalk to the intermittent position, then to off, then to

intermittent again when another sweep is desired.

The intermittent windshield wiper function is controlled in

one of two ways, depending on the engine. On vehicles
with Volvo engines, the Vehicle Electronic Control Unit
(VECU) and intermittent windshield wiper relay are used.


On vehicles with Cummins or Detroit engines, a wind-

shield wiper control module is used.


Group 36 Design and Function

The Windshield Washer System


Fig. 1: Frame Rail Mount

1 Windshield Washer Fluid Fill Bottle

2 Windshield Washer Pump

3 Windshield Washer Fluid Filter

4 Windshield Washer Check Valve

5 Windshield Washer Fluid Reservoir (Battery Box Mount)

Group 36 Design and Function


Fig. 2: Battery Box Mount

1 Windshield Washer Fluid Fill Bottle

2 Windshield Washer Pump

3 Windshield Washer Fluid Filter

4 Windshield Washer Check Valve

5 Windshield Washer Fluid Reservoir (Frame Rail Mount)

Group 36 Design and Function

The windshield washer fluid is added to the system at the

fill bottle located on the left side cowl (1). Fill and vent
hoses run from the fill bottle to the fluid reservoir. The
battery box mount fluid reservoir (5) is most commonly
used. This is the mounting location on all VN series. The
location is the same on the VHD series when the battery T3008838
location is the same as VN. On the VHD series with al-
Low Washer Fluid Level Icon
ternate battery locations, the frame rail mount fluid
reservoir (6) is located on the top of the left frame rail.

The windshield washer pump (2) is mounted to the fluid

reservoir with the tip submerged in windshield washer
fluid. Whenever windshield wash is requested, the
pump delivers windshield washer fluid via hoses first to
an in-line filter (3) and then through a one way check
valve (4) to the spray nozzles in the windshield wiper
arm assembly.

The battery box mount fluid reservoir has a capacity in

excess of 3 gallons, while the frame rail mount fluid
reservoir capacity is considerably less. If the fluid level
becomes low, an indicator will appear on the instrument
cluster graphic display and the yellow INFO telltale light
will illuminate. There is a 10second activation delay to
allow for windshield washer fluid slosh.

Graphic Display Control Buttons

Control buttons for the instrument cluster graphic display

are integrated into the windshield wiper stalk . The fol-
lowing commands are available:
1 Esc (Escape) is used to return to the previous
menu and cancel a setting/operation.
Note: Some models may have Set instead of
2 or SELECT confirms a highlighted selection of
a menu or character.
Note: Some models may have Mode option in-
stead of .
3 Up arrow moves the cursor up and is used when
setting numerical values.
4 Down arrow moves the cursor down and is used
when setting numerical values.

Group 36 Design and Function

This service information focuses on the function and

troubleshooting of the control buttons only. If the instru-
ment cluster graphic display does not respond to the
control buttons after it is determined that the control but-
tons are working properly, see service information
Instrumentation VN, VHD.

Group 36 Troubleshooting


Work Practices
Back-probing connectors
The tests in this service information suggest taking mea-
surements with digital multimeter J-39200 or equivalent
tool by back-probing the connector pins. The following
precautions should be observed when back-probing the

Use the pin-out charts in the VN/VHD Series Elec-

trical Schematics or this bulletin to determine the
exact location of measuring points. Note that all
drawings, unless noted, show the pins from the wire
insertion side of the connector.

Use the digital multimeter test probes to contact the

metal portion of the connector pins. Do not puncture
the wire insulation when probing. To avoid false
readings and/or damage to the wiring connectors
component do not allow the test probes to contact
each other.

Do not directly front-probe connector pins or cavi-

ties. Front-probing connector cavities with these
large probes may spread and damage the cavity/pin
connectors, resulting in intermittent faults.

Using the VCADS Pro Tool

The VCADS Pro is a Windows 95 based tool that can
be used to perform various intermittent windshield wiper
tests. The following is a brief description of tests that are

Intermittent Windshield Wiper, Test

The indicators on the VCADS Pro tool will illuminate
green when various windshield wiper functions are
selected by the windshield wiper stalk switch or
when various functions are active.

Instrument Cluster, Test

This test confirms that the graphic display control
buttons on the windshield wiper stalk are delivering
a signal. The indicator on the VCADS Pro tool will il-
luminate green when the buttons Esc, Select,
Up Arrow and Down Arrow are pressed.
For detailed information about VCADS Pro tool see the
most current VCADS Pro user manual or the Help
menu in the VCADS Pro tool.

Note: VCADS Pro is designed to access the electronic

architecture of vehicles equipped with Volvo engines.
Therefore, some tests are not available on vehicles
equipped with Cummins, Caterpillar or Detroit engines.

Group 36 Troubleshooting

Windshield Washer Pump, Troubleshooting

Before working on a vehicle, set the parking brakes, Possible damage to electrical components. Turn the
place the transmission in neutral and block the vehicle ignition switch OFF before disconnecting or
wheels. Failure to do so may result in unexpected connecting electrical components. Failure to
vehicle movement and can cause serious personal in- de-energize circuits may result in electronic equip-
jury or death. ment damage.

Power to operate the windshield washer pump is sent
via a wire from the windshield wiper stalk switch. The
windshield washer pump also contains a switch that
activates the windshield washer fluid level icon on the in-
strument cluster graphic display.

If the windshield washer pump indicator illuminates prop-
erly in the Intermittent Windshield Wiper, Test (see
page 13), the windshield wiper stalk switch is delivering
a signal that is recognized by the vehicles electronic

Note: VCADS Pro test is not available on vehicles

equipped with Cummins, Caterpillar, or Detroit engines.
See Using the VCADS Pro Tool page 13

Due to its mounting location, the windshield washer

pump must be removed to access the wiring harness
To remove the windshield washer pump:

1 Place a drain pan under the windshield washer fluid


2 Use a screwdriver to pry the windshield washer

pump assembly up and out of the windshield
washer fluid reservoir.

Note: Windshield washer fluid will drain out of the

reservoir when the windshield washer pump assem-
bly is removed.

3 Disconnect the wiring harness connector.


1. Screwdriver blade

Group 36 Troubleshooting

Note: The windshield washer pump connector uses

weather resistant type connectors that should not be
back-probed. In order to avoid damage to the terminals
do not insert the test probes into the terminal connectors.
Perform the following tests by carefully contacting the ter-
minal pins with multimeter J-39200 (or equivalent tool) :

Windshield Washer Pump, Troubleshooting

Function Key Position Measuring Point Expected Value Note Possible Cause (if
expected value
not correct)
Power Supply On C to alternate 12V Washer Fuse, connectors,
from Wiper ground with meter position active or wiring fault in
Stalk Switch power supply circuit
from wiper stalk
Ground Off A to alternate <1
Connectors or
ground with meter wiring fault in
ground circuit
Washer fluid On B / jumper wire Washer fluid level Connectors or
level signal to connection to icon on graphic wiring fault in circuit
instrument alternate ground display active to instrument clus-
cluster ter or instrument
cluster fault.

If the measurements are outside the expected val-

ues, refer to appropriate electrical schematics,
group 37.

Before replacing the windshield washer pump check

for possible mechanical causes for failure such as
obstructed windshield washer fluid hoses, filters,
check valves or nozzles.

If all measurements are correct, probable windshield

washer pump failure.

Group 36 Troubleshooting

Windshield Wiper Stalk Switch, Troubleshooting

Before working on a vehicle, set the parking brakes, Possible damage to electrical components. Turn the
place the transmission in neutral and block the vehicle ignition switch OFF before disconnecting or
wheels. Failure to do so may result in unexpected connecting electrical components. Failure to
vehicle movement and can cause serious personal in- de-energize circuits may result in electronic equip-
jury or death. ment damage.

The windshield wiper stalk switch delivers direct output
signals for wash, low, and high speed windshield wipers.
It also delivers an intermittent wipe request to the VECU
(Volvo engine) or windshield wiper control module (Cum-
mins, Caterpillar or Detroit engines). When the
windshield wipers are switched off or stop in the intermit-
tent position, a latching circuit in the windshield wiper
motor keeps the windshield wipers in motion until they
reach the park position on the windshield.

Troubleshooting using the VCADS Pro Tool

If the indicators illuminate properly in the Intermittent
Windshield Wiper, Test (see page 13), the windshield
wiper stalk switch is delivering a signal that is recognized
by the vehicles electronic system.

Note: This VCADS Pro test is not available on vehicles

equipped with Cummins, Caterpillar or Detroit engines.
See Using the VCADS Pro Tool page 13

Troubleshooting without using the VCADS Pro Tool

1. Gain access to the windshield wiper stalk switch con-

nectors by removing the steering column cover.


Group 36 Troubleshooting

2. Locate the 2 windshield wiper stalk switch connectors

(6pin connector is for windshield wiper operation).


The tests that follow should be performed by back-

probing the windshield wiper switch connector pins with
multimeter J-39200 (or equivalent tool). Before perform-
ing the tests, see Back-probing Connectors page 13.

Windshield Wiper Stalk Switch, Troubleshooting

Function Key Position Measuring Point Expected Value Note Possible Cause (if
expected value
not correct)
Power Supply On From C to alternate 12 V Fuse, Connectors
ground with meter or wiring fault in
power supply circuit
to wiper stalk
Wash On From B to alternate 12 V Wash position If "Power Supply"
ground with meter active correct, probable
wiper stalk switch
Low Speed Wipe On From D to alternate 12 V Low speed If "Power Supply"
ground with meter position active correct, probable
wiper stalk switch
High Speed On From A to alternate 12 V High speed If "Power Supply"
Wipe ground with meter position active correct, probable
wiper stalk switch

Group 36 Troubleshooting

Park/Hold On From E to alternate 12 V Wiper sweeping 1 Fuse,

ground with meter connectors, or
wiring through
0V Wiper at park wiper motor.
position 2 Wiper motor.
Intermittent On From F to alternate 12 V Intermittent If "Power Supply"
Wipe ground with meter position active correct, probable
wiper stalk switch

If the measurements are outside the expected val-

ues, refer to appropriate electrical schematics,
group 37.

If the windshield wiper stalk switch requires replace-

ment, see the Service Procedures section.

Group 36 Troubleshooting

Windshield Wiper Motor, Troubleshooting

Before working on a vehicle, set the parking brakes, Possible damage to electrical components. Turn the
place the transmission in neutral and block the vehicle ignition switch OFF before disconnecting or
wheels. Failure to do so may result in unexpected connecting electrical components. Failure to
vehicle movement and can cause serious personal in- de-energize circuits may result in electronic equip-
jury or death. ment damage.

The windshield wiper motor receives operating signals
for low and high speed operation directly from the wind-
shield wiper stalk switch. Intermittent windshield wiper
signals are received from the VECU, in vehicles
equipped with Volvo engines, or from the windshield
wiper control module, in vehicles equipped with Cum-
mins, Caterpillar or Detroit engines.

Vehicles equipped with Volvo engines also use an inter-

mittent windshield wiper relay to deliver signals. See
Schematics, Windshield Wiper System Foldout B.

When the windshield wipers are switched off or stop in

the intermittent position, a latching circuit in the wind-
shield wiper motor keeps the windshield wipers in motion
until they reach the park position on the windshield.

The windshield wiper motor is located on the left side
bulkhead. The connector can be accessed with breakout
harness J-41133.

Note: The windshield wiper motor connector uses

weather resistant type connectors that should not be
back-probed. Back-probing these connectors will de-
stroy the weather resistant seal. If the breakout harness
tooling is not available, the following test should be per-
formed by carefully contacting the terminal pins with
multimeter J-39200 (or equivalent tool) after the connec-
tor is disconnected. In order to avoid damage to the
terminals do not insert the test probes into the terminal

1 Install breakout harness J-41133 in series between

the windshield wiper motor connector and harness

2 Use multimeter J-39200 (or equivalent tool) to per-

form the following test.

Group 36 Troubleshooting

Windshield Wiper Motor, Troubleshooting

Function Key Position Measuring Point Expected Note Possible Cause (if
Value expected value not
Power Supply On From E to alternate 12 V Fuse, Connectors or
ground with meter wiring fault in power sup-
ply circuit to wiper motor.
Ground Off From C to alternate <1
Connectors or wiring
ground with meter fault in ground circuit.
Low Speed Wipe On From A to alternate 12 V Wiper Switch 1 Wiper Stalk Switch.
ground with meter low speed
position active 2 Connectors or
wiring fault in low
speed circuit from
wiper stalk switch.

3 Intermittent wiper
relay (Volvo engine
High Speed On From B to alternate 12 V Wiper switch 1 Wiper Stalk Switch.
Wipe ground with meter high speed
position active 2 Connectors or
wiring fault in low
speed circuit from
wiper stalk switch.

Park/Hold On From D to alternate 12 V Wiper switch If power supply correct,

ground with meter off probable wiper motor
0V Wiper at park

If the measurements are outside the expected val-

ues, refer to appropriate electrical schematics,
group 37.

Before replacing the windshield wiper motor, check

for possible mechanical causes for failure such as a
damaged or binding windshield wiper linkage as-

If the windshield wiper motor requires replacement,

see the Service Procedures.

Group 36 Troubleshooting

Intermittent Windshield Wipers, Troubleshooting

Models with Volvo Engines
Before working on a vehicle, set the parking brakes, Possible damage to electrical components. Turn the
place the transmission in neutral and block the vehicle ignition switch OFF before disconnecting or
wheels. Failure to do so may result in unexpected connecting electrical components. Failure to
vehicle movement and can cause serious personal in- de-energize circuits may result in electronic equip-
jury or death. ment damage.

The Vehicle Electronic Control Unit (VECU) controls the
intermittent windshield wipers on vehicles equipped with
Volvo engines.
When the intermittent windshield wiper request is re-
ceived from the windshield wiper stalk switch, the VECU
supplies a ground to the Intermittent Windshield Wiper
Relay. A latching circuit from the windshield wiper motor
goes through the VECU, and only allows the windshield
wipers to park in the proper position on the windshield.
If windshield wash is requested, the VECU will initiate
a minimum wipe time. See Windshield Wiper System
with Volvo Engine, Foldout A.

Troubleshooting with VCADS Pro

If the indicators illuminate properly in the Intermittent W0001632

Windshield Wiper, Test (see page 13), the VECU is re-

ceiving and delivering signals that are recognized by the
vehicles electronic system.
Note: This VCADS Pro test is not available on vehicles
equipped with Cummins, Caterpillar, or Detroit engines.
See Using the VCADS Pro Tool page 13.

Troubleshooting without using the VCADS Pro Tool

1 Remove the front dash panel to be able to access

the VECU connectors.

Group 36 Troubleshooting

Note: If breakout harness tooling is not available,

the tests should be performed by back-probing the
VECU connector pins with multimeter J-39200 (or
equivalent tool). See Back-probing Connectors
page 13
2 Connect Breakout Box 9998551 with adapter
J-43234 in series between VECU wiring harness
connector PA/PB and VECU connector PA/PB.

3 Install overlay J-43340 with the 30 PIN BREAKOUT

HARNESS side up. The overlay is color coded
green for the PA connector pins/measuring points
and blue for the PB connector pins/measuring

4 Use multimeter J-39200 (or equivalent tool) and per-

form the following test:

Intermittent Windshield Wipers, Volvo Engines, Troubleshooting

Function Key Measuring Point Expected Note Possible Cause (if
Postition Value expected value not
Intermittent Wiper On From PA 10 (green) 12 V Wiper switch in Fuse, connectors or
Request to alternate ground intermittent wiring fault in power
with meter position supply circuit from
wiper stalk switch.
Ground for On From PB 16 (blue) to 0-2V Intermittent 1 Connectors or
Intermittent Wipe alternate ground with wipers in wiring fault in
Relay meter motion circuit through
intermittent wiper
Intermittent relay.
wipers at hold.
2 Intermittent wiper

Intermittent Wiper/ On From PA 9 (green) to 12 V Intermittent 1 Fuse, connectors
Hold/Park alternate ground with wipers in or wiring fault in
meter motion circuit from wiper
0V Intermittent
wipers at hold 2 Wiper motor.
Windshield Washer On From PA 11 (green) 12V Wiper switch 1 Wiper stalk switch.
Position to alternate ground wash position
with meter active 2 Fuse, connectors
or wiring fault in
wash circuit from
wiper stalk switch.

Group 36 Troubleshooting

If the measurements are outside the expected vales,

refer to appropriate electrical schematics, group 37.

If a problem with the VECU is suspected, refer to

Vehicle Electronic Control Unit, MID144 service
information, Volvo Service Publication PV776300

Group 36 Troubleshooting

Intermittent Windshield Wipers, Troubleshooting

Models with Non-Volvo Engines
Before working on a vehicle, set the parking brakes, Possible damage to electrical components. Turn the
place the transmission in neutral and block the vehicle ignition switch OFF before disconnecting or
wheels. Failure to do so may result in unexpected connecting electrical components. Failure to
vehicle movement and can cause serious personal in- de-energize circuits may result in electronic equip-
jury or death. ment damage.

The Windshield Wiper Control Module controls the inter-
mittent windshield wipers on vehicles equipped with
Cummins, Caterpillar or Detroit engines.

When the intermittent windshield wiper request is re-

ceived from the windshield wiper stalk switch, the
windshield wiper control module supplies power to the
windshield wiper motor back through the windshield
wiper stalk switch. A latching circuit from the windshield
wiper motor, which only allows the windshield wipers to
park in the proper position on the windshield, goes
through the windshield wiper control module. If wind-
shield Wash is requested, the windshield wiper control
module will initiate a minimum wipe time. See
Windshield Wiper System with Cummins, Caterpillar
and Detroit Engine Schematic Foldout A.


1 Remove the front dash panel and ash tray assembly

to access the windshield wiper control module.


Group 36 Troubleshooting

2. Use multimeter J-39200 (or equivalent tool) and per-

form the test below by back-probing the windshield wiper
control module connector pins. Before performing the
tests, see Back-probing Connectors page 13.

Intermittent Windshield Wipers, Cummins, Caterpillar and Detroit Engines, Troubleshooting

Function Key Measuring Point Expected Note Possible Cause (if expected
Position Value value not correct)
Power Supply for On From Pin-9 to 12 V Fuse, connectors or wiring
Wiper Control alternate ground fault in power supply circuit to
Module with meter wiper control circuit.
Ground Off From Pin-1 to <1
1. Connectors or wiring fault in
alternate ground ground circuit.
with meter
Power Supply for On From Pin-15 to 12 V 1. Fuse, connectors or wiring
Intermittent alternate ground fault in power supply circuit to
Wipers (input) with meter wiper control module.
2. Wiper control module.
Power Supply for On From Pin-13 to 12 V Intermittent 1. Fuse, connectors or wiring
Intermittent alternate ground wipers in fault in power supply circuit to
Wipers (output) with meter motion wiper control module.
2. Wiper control module.
Intermittent On From Pin-6 to 12 V Wiper switch Fuse, connectors or wiring
Wiper Request alternate ground in intermittent fault in power supply circuit
with meter position from wiper stalk switch.
Intermittent On From Pin-16 to 12 V Intermittent 1. Fuse, connectors or wiring
Wiper - alternate ground wipers in fault in circuit from wiper motor.
Hold/Park with meter motion 2. Wiper motor.
0V Intermittent
wipers at
Windshield On From Pin-8 to 12 V Wiper switch 1. Wiper stalk switch.
Washer Position alternate ground wash position 2. Fuse, connectors or wiring
with meter active fault in wash circuit from wiper
stalk switch.

If the measurements are outside the expected val-

ues, refer to appropriate electrical schematics,
group 37.

If the windshield wiper control module requires re-

placement, see the Service Procedures section.

Group 36 Troubleshooting

Windshield Wiper Stalk/ Graphic Display Control Buttons, Trou-

Before working on a vehicle, set the parking brakes, Possible damage to electric components. Turn the ve-
place the transmission in neutral and block the hicle ignition switch OFF before disconnecting or
wheels. Failure to do so can result in unexpected connecting electrical components. Failure to
vehicle movement and can cause serious personal in- de-energize circuits may result in electronic equip-
jury or death. ment damage.

The windshield wiper stalk control buttons are used to
manually communicate with and manipulate the instru-
ment cluster graphic display menus.
The instrument cluster delivers 12 volts to the windshield
wiper stalk control buttons common terminal. When
buttons Escape, Select, Up Arrow or Down Arrow
are pressed, 12 volt signals are sent back to the instru-
ment cluster via individual wires.

Troubleshooting Using the VCADS Pro Tool

If the windshield wiper stalk control buttons function

properly in the Instrument Cluster, Test (see page 13)
and graphic display functions can be accessed, the wind-
shield wiper stalk control buttons are working properly.

If the windshield wiper stalk control buttons do not func-

tion properly in the Instrument Cluster, Test or graphic
display functions can not be accessed, perform the test


Troubleshooting without using the VCADS Pro Tool

1. Remove the 3 torx bolt that holds the steering column

cover to access the windshield wiper stalk switch.


Group 36 Troubleshooting

2. Locate the two windshield wiper stalk switch connec-

tors (8pin connector is for the windshield wiper stalk
control buttons).


3. Do the following tests by carefully back-probing the

windshield wiper stalk control button connector pins. Use
multimeter J-39200 (or equivalent tool). Before perform-
ing the tests, see Back-probing Connectors page 13.

Windshield Wiper Stalk/ Graphic Display Control Buttons, Troubleshooting

Function Key Measuring Point Expected Note Possible Cause (if expected
Position Value value not correct)
Power Supply On/Off From A to alternate 12 V Fuse, connectors or wiring fault
from instrument ground with meter in power supply circuit from
cluster instrument cluster.
Esc Button On/Off From C to alternate 12 V "Esc" If "Power Supply from instrument
signal to ground with meter Button active cluster" correct, probable wiper
instrument stalk switch failure.
Select Button On/Off From E to alternate 12 V "Select" If "Power Supply from instrument
signal to ground with meter Button active cluster" correct, probable wiper
instrument stalk switch failure.
Up Arrow Button On/Off From G to alternate 12 V "Up Arrow" If "Power Supply from instrument
signal to ground with meter Button active cluster" correct, probable wiper
instrument stalk switch failure.
Down Arrow On/Off From H to alternate 12 V "Down Arrow" If "Power Supply from instrument
Button signal to ground with meter Button active cluster" correct, probable wiper
instrument stalk switch failure.

Group 36 Troubleshooting

If the measurements are outside the expected

values, refer to appropriate electrical schematics,
group 37.

If the windshield wiper stalk control buttons operate

correctly but the instrument cluster graphic display
does not function properly, refer to Instrumentation

If the windshield wiper stalk assembly requires

replacement, see the service procedure section.

Group 36 Service Procedures

Service Procedures
3636-03-02-01 3637-03-02-01
Windshield Wiper Blade, Re- Windshield Wiper Arm, Re-
placement placement
Pull the windshield wiper arm away
from the windshield and angle the
windshield wiper blade to the arm as

W3004323 W3004332
Press the windshield wiper blade lock 1
down toward the windshield wiper arm
to release. Slide the windshield wiper
blade out of the windshield wiper arm.
Before working on a vehicle, set the parking brakes,
3 place the transmission in neutral and block the
Position the replacement windshield wheels. Failure to do so may result in unexpected
wiper blade into the arm and slide up vehicle movement and can cause serious personal in-
until it locks into position. jury or death.

Carefully disconnect the windshield

washer fluid line connector at the
windshield wiper (1).

Remove the windshield wiper arm
mounting nut (2).

Pull the windshield wiper arm away
from the windshield to relieve the
spring tension, then remove the wind-
shield wiper arm assembly from the

Group 36 Service Procedures

Installation 2

Install the replacement windshield
wiper arm assembly onto the shaft. Be
sure to position the windshield wiper
blade in the park position on the

Install the windshield wiper arm 23 3 Nm
mounting nut. Torque to 23 3 Nm (17 2 ft-lb)
(17 2 ft-lb).

Snap the windshield washer fluid line
connector on the base.

3645-03-02-06 Remove the two bolts just above the


Windshield Wiper Module, Re- ashtray that attach the front cover of
the TEC. Remove the front cover to
placement access the module.

CAUTION Remove the ashtray from the ashtray
housing. Remove the two screws from
Possible damage to electric components. Turn the ve- the ashtray housing, and remove the
hicle ignition switch OFF before disconnecting or housing.
connecting electrical components. Failure to
de-energize circuits may result in electronic equip-
ment damage.

Turn the ignition key OFF.

Group 36 Service Procedures

4 3638-03-02-01
Windshield Wiper Switch, Re-

Possible damage to electronic components. Turn the
vehicle ignition switch OFF before disconnecting or
connecting any electrical components. Failure to
de-energize circuits may result in electronic equip-
ment damage.

Turn the ignition key OFF and discon-
nect the negative and positive battery

1 Central Door Lock Module

2 Windshield Wiper Module

Disconnect the module connector,

remove the mounting screws and re-
move the module.

Install the new module in the location 4.0 0.5 Nm
where the old module was installed. (35 4 in-lb)
Bolt the module in place with 2 torx
bolts. Torque to 4.0 0.5 Nm (35 4
in-lb). Connect the module electrical

Check the new module to verify that
the system is operating correctly.

3 W8002166

Install the ashtray housing, using the 1.5 0.25 Nm Remove the two clips at the bottom of
two mounting screws. Torque the (13.28 2.21 the steering column cover.
screws to 1.5 0.25 Nm (13.28 2.21 in-lb)
in-lb). Install the ashtray.

Install the front TEC cover. Torque the 2.5 0.5 Nm
bolts to 2.5 0.5 Nm (22.13 4.43 in- (22.13 4.43
lb). in-lb)

Group 36 Service Procedures

3 5


If possible, adjust the steering column

up toward you. Remove the front
steering column cover by removing the
three torx bolts from the cover and
sliding the rubber grommets off of the

Disconnect both electrical connectors.
Remove the torx bolts on each side of
the windshield wiper switch and re-
move the switch.


If possible, adjust the steering column

forward and up. Remove the bolts
from the rear column cover and re-
move cover.

Group 36 Service Procedures

Installation 4


Install the two clips on the bottom of

the steering column cover.


Mount the windshield wiper switch to 5 0.8 Nm 3631-03-02-01

the column with bolts on each side. (44 7 in-lb)
Torque to 5 0.8 Nm (44 7 in-lb). Windshield Wiper Motor, Re-
Connect the electrical connectors.
2 Removal
If possible, pull steering column back 5 0.8 Nm
and up. Install front cover by installing (44 7 in-lb)
torx bolts. Torque to 5 0.8 Nm (44
7 in-lb).

Before working on a vehicle, set the parking brakes,

3 place the transmission in neutral and block the
If possible, pull steering column for- 5 0.8 Nm wheels. Failure to do so may result in unexpected
ward and up. Install rear cover of (44 7 in-lb) vehicle movement and can cause serious personal in-
steering column by installing torx bolts jury or death.
and attaching rubber grommets at
stalk switches. Torque to 5 0.8 Nm
(44 7 in-lb). Make certain the vehicle ignition is
OFF before beginning this procedure.

Group 36 Service Procedures

2 2

W3000669 W3000669

Disconnect the electrical connector Align the arm from the linkage to the 1013 Nm
from the windshield wiper motor. motor. Replace the nut on the shaft (89115 in-lb)
and connect the electrical connector.
Torque to 1013 Nm (89115 in-lb).
Remove the nut from the linkage arm,
and push the arm from the shaft. 3
Test the windshield wiper system to
ensure proper operation.
Push the linkage arm from the area
where the windshield wiper motor is
mounted to the housing for access to 3631-03-02-05
the bolts. Remove the three bolts to Windshield Wiper Motor and
remove motor.
Linkage Assembly, Replace-
Installation ment
1 Removal
Mount the motor to the housing with 4049 Nm
three bolts. START all bolts before (2936 ft-lb) 1
tightening. Torque to 4049 Nm (29
36 ft-lb).

Before working on a vehicle, set the parking brakes,

place the transmission in neutral and block the
wheels. Failure to do so may result in unexpected
vehicle movement and can cause serious personal in-
jury or death.

Make certain the vehicle ignition is

OFF before beginning this procedure.

Group 36 Service Procedures

2 4

Remove five torx bolts from the top
side of the right quarter fender section
in the lower door frame and two bolts
from the step bracket. Remove the
quarter fender fairing section.


Remove four torx bolts from the step

on the right side of the cab, and re-
move the step.

Remove three screws from the right
side drip molding and remove the

W3000662 Remove three torx bolts from the bot-
Remove the upper tank fairing by re- tom of the right side mirror mounting
moving four torx bolts. arm.

Group 36 Service Procedures

7 10

Remove the right side cowl panel by
Remove the two nuts shown to remove
removing bolts inside the door jamb
the windshield washer fluid fill bottle.
and around the cowl panel.

Remove three screws from the drip
molding on the left side of the cab and
remove the drip molding.

W3000665 W3000671
Remove three torx bolts from bottom Remove the left side cowl panel by re-
of the left side mirror mounting arm. moving the remaining bolts around the
cowl section and inside the door jamb.

Remove the windshield washer hose.

Group 36 Service Procedures

13 Removal of windshield wiper motor from

linkage assembly (if needed)
Remove the nut from the motor linkage
arm and push the arm from the shaft.

Push the linkage arm away from the
area where the motor is bolted to the
housing. Remove three bolts from the
motor, then remove motor.


Remove the windshield wiper arm nut Installation

from both arms and remove the wind-
shield wiper arms. 1
If the motor was not removed from the 4049 Nm
linkage assembly, skip to step four. If (2936 ft-lb)
14 the motor was removed, mount motor
Remove the cowl panel under the on linkage housing with three mount-
windshield by removing the linkage ing bolts. START all bolts before
shaft caps and 11 torx bolts from the tightening. Torque to 4049 Nm (29
panel. 36 ft-lb).

15 2
Install the shaft nut to the linkage arm. 1013 Nm
Make sure the shaft and transmission (88.5115 in-
arm are aligned so that the timing and lb)
placement of the windshield wipers will
be properly aligned when the wind-
shield wipers are in the OFF position.
Torque to 1013 Nm (90115 in-lb.)


Disconnect the electrical connector

from the windshield wiper motor and
disconnect the hose to the windshield

Remove the windshield wiper motor
and linkage assembly by removing the
five torx bolts from assembly. W3000669

Align the windshield wiper assembly to 23 2.5 Nm

the cowl, and install it with the five torx (199 22 in-
bolts. Torque to 23 2.5 Nm (199 lb)
22 in-lb). Connect the electrical con-
nector and windshield washer hose.

Group 36 Service Procedures

4 7
Test the windshield wiper system
before installing the body panels to en-
sure proper operation of the system.

W3000673 Install the right side cowl panel using 24 4 Nm
Install the cowl panel with 11 torx bolts. 24 4 Nm bolts on the outside and inside of the (212 35 in-
Torque to 24 4 Nm (212 35 in-lb). (212 35 in- door jamb. START all bolts and align lb)
lb) the cowl before tightening. Torque to
24 4 Nm (212 35 in-lb)


Install the windshield wiper arms and 23 3 Nm

connect windshield washer hoses. (203 26 in-
Torque the arm nut to 23 3 Nm (203 lb)
26 in-lb). W3000663

Install the right side drip molding with 1.2 0.2 Nm

three screws. Torque the top two (11 2 in-lb)
screws to 1.2 0.2 Nm (11 2 in-lb), 3 0.5 Nm
and the bottom to 3 Nm 0.5 (26 5 (26 5 in-lb)

Install three bolts in the lower right 24 4 Nm
side mirror arm. Torque to 24 4 Nm (18 3 ft-lb)
(18 3 ft-lb).

Group 36 Service Procedures

10 12


Install the left side cowl panel using 24 4 Nm

bolts on the outside and inside of the (18 3 ft-lb)
door jamb. START all bolts and align
the cowl before tightening. Torque to W3000664

24 4 Nm (18 3 ft-lb). Install the left side drip molding with 1.2 0.2 Nm
three screws. Torque the top two (11 2 in-lb)
screws to 1.2 0.2 Nm (11 2 in-lb), 3 0.5 Nm
11 and the bottom to 3 0.5 Nm (26 5 (26 5 in-lb)

Install three bolts in the lower left side 24.4 4 Nm
mirror arm. Torque to 24 4 Nm (18 (18 3 ft-lb)
3 ft-lb).



Install the windshield washer fluid fill 24 4 Nm

bottle. START all bolts, then tighten (18 3 ft-lb)
nuts. Torque to 24 4 Nm (18 3 ft-

Install the right side quarter fender 24 4 Nm

section. START bolts, but do not (18 3 ft-lb)
tighten until after aligning. Torque to
24 4 Nm (18 3 ft-lb).

Group 36 Service Procedures

15 3635-03-02-01
Windshield Washer Pump, Re-

Before working on a vehicle, set the parking brakes,

place the transmission in neutral and block the
wheels. Failure to do so may result in unexpected
vehicle movement and can cause serious personal in-
jury or death.

Place a drain pan under the wind-
Install the tank fairing. START all bolts, 24 4 Nm shield washer fluid reservoir.
then tighten after aligning fairing. (18 3 ft-lb)
Torque to 24 4 Nm (18 3 ft-lb).



Install the step. START all four bolts, 12 1 Nm W3003797

then tighten after aligning the step. (106 9 in-lb)

Use a screwdriver to pry the wind-
Torque to 12 1 Nm (106 9 in-lb).
shield washer pump assembly up and
out of the windshield washer fluid

Note: Windshield washer fluid will

drain out of the reservoir when the
windshield washer pump assembly is
Group 36 Service Procedures

3 3634-03-02-11
Disconnect the wiring harness connec-
tor. Windshield Washer Fluid Fill
Bottle, Replacement
Cut the cable ties securing the hoses Removal
to the pump and remove hoses.

Install the hoses onto the replacement
windshield washer pump and secure
with cable ties.

Connect the wiring harness connector.

Press the windshield washer pump
down into the reservoir until it is prop-
erly seated.

4 W3004328

Fill the reservoir with new windshield Cut any cable ties that may secure
washer fluid. Test for proper operation vent hoses to the windshield washer
and leaks. fluid fill bottle. Remove the two mount-
ing nuts.

Remove the fill bottle from its mount-
ing location. If necessary, pour out any
windshield washer fluid and dispose of

Disconnect the reservoir fill hose at
the bottom of the windshield washer
fluid fill bottle.

Connect the reservoir fill hose to the
replacement windshield washer fluid
fill bottle.

Position the fill bottle in its mounting
location and secure with mounting
nuts. Secure any vent hoses that may
have been removed with cable ties.

Group 36 Service Procedures

Windshield Washer Fluid Filter,
Cut cable ties as needed to free the
windshield washer fluid filter

Remove the inlet and outlet hoses
from the filter.

Install the inlet and outlet hoses onto
the replacement filter.

1 Top Hoses
Secure with cable ties as needed. 2 Windshield Washer Pump

3 Lower Mounts

3634-03-02-13 4 Upper Mounts

Windshield Washer Check
Valve, Replacement
Cut cable ties as needed to free the
windshield washer fluid check valve. Before working on a vehicle, set the parking brakes,
place the transmission in neutral and block the
wheels. Failure to do so may result in unexpected
2 vehicle movement and can cause serious personal in-
Remove the inlet and outlet hoses jury or death.
from the check valve.

Disconnect the hoses on the top of the

Installation reservoir (1).

Install the inlet and outlet hoses onto
the replacement check valve.

Secure with cable ties as needed.

Windshield Washer Fluid
Reservoir, Replacement (Bat-
tery Box Mount)
Note: It may be necessary to remove various cab com-
ponents such as cab fairings or inner fenders to gain full
access and remove the windshield washer fluid reservoir.
Group 36 Service Procedures

2 2
Press the windshield washer pump
down into the reservoir until it is prop-
erly seated.

Connect the hoses on the top of the

Fill the reservoir with new windshield
washer fluid. Test for proper operation
and leaks.

Windshield Washer Fluid
Reservoir, Replacement (Frame
Rail Mount)
Note: It may be necessary to remove various cab com-
ponents such as cab fairings or inner fenders to gain full
access and remove the windshield washer fluid reservoir.

Place a drain pan under the windshield

washer fluid reservoir. Use a screw-
driver to pry the windshield washer
pump (2) up and out of the windshield
washer fluid reservoir. Do not remove
the hoses and electrical connector.

Note: Windshield washer fluid will

drain out of the reservoir when the
windshield washer pump assembly is

Remove the lower mounting bolts (3).
Remove the upper mounting bolts (4)
including the upper battery box retain-
ers and battery cable supports. Move
the battery cable assembly to the side W3004330
to allow removal of the windshield
washer fluid reservoir. 1 Washer Pump Assembly

2 Top Hoses
3 Reservoir Mounting Bolts
Position the replacement windshield
washer fluid reservoir in its mounting
location. Install and secure the mount-
ing bolts with the upper battery box
retainers and battery cable supports.

Group 36 Service Procedures

Removal Connect the hoses on the top of the
1 reservoir.

Fill the reservoir with new windshield
washer fluid. Test for proper operation
and leaks.


1 Screwdriver blade

Place a drain pan under the wind-

shield washer fluid reservoir. Use a
screwdriver to pry the windshield
washer pump assembly up (1) and out
of the windshield washer fluid reser-
voir. Do not remove the hoses and
electrical connector.

Note: Windshield washer fluid will

drain out of the reservoir when the
windshield washer pump assembly is

Disconnect the hoses on the top of the
reservoir (2).

Remove the reservoir mounting bolts
(3) and remove the windshield washer
fluid reservoir from the vehicle.

Position the replacement windshield
washer fluid reservoir in its mounting
location. Install and secure the mount-
ing bolts.

Press the windshield washer pump
down into the reservoir until it is prop-
erly seated.


One of our objectives is that workshop personnel should have access to correct and
appropriate service manuals where it concerns fault tracing, repairs and maintenance
of Volvo trucks.
In order to maintain the high standards of our literature, your opinions and experience
when using this manual would be greatly appreciated.
If you have any comments or suggestions, make a copy of this page, write down your
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To From

Volvo Trucks North America, Inc. ..........................................................................

Dept. 516 Service Publications ..........................................................................

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Fax (336) 393-3170 ..........................................................................













Concerns Service Manual: ...............................................................................................................................


Cummins, Caterpillar and Detroit Diesel Engines

Foldout A
Windshield Wiper System
Volvo Engines


The simplified schematic and pin out charts should only be used to clarify the design features and trou-
bleshooting procedures for this manual. For detailed, vehicle specific, schematics see VN/VHD Series
Electrical Schematics, Group 37
Foldout B
Windshield Wiper System
The simplified schematic and pin out charts should only be used to clarify the design features and trou-
bleshooting procedures for this manual. For detailed, vehicle specific, schematics see VN/VHD Series
Electrical Schematics, Group 37

Foldout C
Windshield Wiper Stalk/ Graphic Display Control Buttons
Operation Numbers

3631-03-02-01 Windshield Wiper Motor, Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

3631-03-02-05 Windshield Wiper Motor and Linkage Assembly, Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . 34
3634-03-02-09 Windshield Washer Fluid Reservoir, Replacement (Battery Box Mount) . . . . . . . 42
3634-03-02-10 Windshield Washer Fluid Reservoir, Replacement (Frame Rail Mount) . . . . . . . 43
3634-03-02-11 Windshield Washer Fluid Fill Bottle, Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
3634-03-02-12 Windshield Washer Fluid Filter, Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
3634-03-02-13 Windshield Washer Check Valve, Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
3635-03-02-01 Windshield Washer Pump, Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
3636-03-02-01 Windshield Wiper Blade, Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
3637-03-02-01 Windshield Wiper Arm, Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
3638-03-02-01 Windshield Wiper Switch, Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
3645-03-02-06 Windshield Wiper Module, Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Volvo Trucks North America, Inc.
P.O. Box 26115, Greensboro, NC 27402-6115
Volvo Trucks Canada, Ltd.
6490 Vipond Drive, Mississauga, Ontario L5T 1W8

PV776-TSP143133 () 8.2000 Volvo Trucks North America, Inc., 2000

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