Hydrogenation of Tetralin in The Presence of Sulfur Over - Al O - Supported PT, PD, and PD-PT Model Catalysts
Hydrogenation of Tetralin in The Presence of Sulfur Over - Al O - Supported PT, PD, and PD-PT Model Catalysts
Hydrogenation of Tetralin in The Presence of Sulfur Over - Al O - Supported PT, PD, and PD-PT Model Catalysts
Received February 26, 2001; revised May 9, 2001; accepted May 9, 2001
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c 2001 by Academic Press
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Since the size, the structure, and the composition of sup- TABLE 1
ported bimetallic particles are difficult to control for ac- Metal Loading of the Catalysts and Mean Diameters and Disper-
tive phases obtained by chemical methods, the comparison sion of Supported Clusters As Deduced from TEM Experiments
of the catalytic properties of a bimetallic catalyst to those
of a monometallic one is far from straightforward. To ob- Mean Mean
tain valuable information on the bimetallic interactions, one Metal diameter,a diameter,
loading fresh sample used samples Dispersion
needs to prepare monometallic and bimetallic systems hav- Catalyst (wt%) (nm) (nm) (%)
ing approximately the same size, morphology, and overall
uniform and well-defined composition. We attempted to Pd100 0.038 4.0 6.1 14.6
prepare such model supported catalysts by using the soft Pd65 Pt35 0.032 3.6 5.5 15.2
Pd17 Pt83 0.08 3.4 5.2 16.0
landing deposition clusters over low-acidity -Al2 O3 and Pt100 0.048 3.4 5.1 16.2
to study their sulfur tolerance and catalytic behavior in
the vapor-phase hydrogenation of tetralin in the presence Mean diameter for the fresh samples, from Ref. (16).
of H2 S.
FIG. 3. Reaction rates of pure Pd (s) and pure Pt (h) catalysts in the
presence of H2 S. The solid lines represent the best-fit data curves using
Eq. [1] (see text).
Activation Energies and Pseudo Order Rate Constants for
Tetralin Hydrogenation in the Presence of H2 S Derived Respec-
tively from Arrhenius Plot (Fig. 4) and Best-Fit TOF Curves Using
Eq. [1]
Catalyst (kJ/mol) Rate constant k (s1 ) pseudo order n
Tetralin Hydrogenation
To examine the sulfur tolerance of the noble metal cata-
lysts, variable amounts of H2 S were added during the hy-
drogenation reaction. Comparing the TOF measured on
the different samples, a first important result comes out:
platinum is the most active catalyst at low sulfur concen-
tration as shown in Fig. 2. In contrast, pure Pd becomes
slightly more active than Pt for high sulfur contents. As a
consequence of the observed pseudo order of reaction with
respect to H2 S reported in Table 2, one notes that inhibition
effects decrease in the following order: Pt100 > Pd17 Pt83 >
Pd65 Pt35 Pd100 . Additionally, one notes that the activity
curve of the Pd65 Pt35 alloy is almost superimposed with that
of the pure Pd sample in the whole range of sulfur concen-
tration. However, even if the surfaces of both systems are
entirely covered by Pd atoms, the Pd surface atoms of the
Pd65 Pt35 catalyst are surrounded by Pt atoms lying in the
layer underneath. These observations lead to the conclusion
that neighboring Pt atoms have no influence on the reactiv-
ity of Pd atoms nor on their sulfur tolerance: the bimetallic
catalyst behaves as a monometallic supported Pd catalyst.
This is consistent with the results obtained with the same
catalysts in the hydrogenation of toluene where no synergy
between Pd and Pt was observed (16). For the Pd17 Pt83 al-
loy, which is the only catalyst with a mixed PdPt surface,
the value of the pseudo order (Table 2) lies between those
FIG. 5. Comparison of the reaction rate of Pd17 Pt83 catalyst (h) with
of pure Pt and pure Pd. To illustrate quantitatively its be- those obtained by adding the TOF of the pure Pd and Pt catalysts weighted
havior, we have represented in Fig. 5 the TOF dependence by the respective Pd (59%) and Pt (41%) surface concentrations (s).
on the H2 S concentration for this alloy and that obtained by
adding the TOF of the pure metals weighted by the respec- Au alloy and three atoms over PdCu alloy. We have also
tive Pd (59%) and Pt (41%) surface concentrations. Fitting found an active site composed of a pair of atoms in the case
this predicted curve with Eq. [1] leads to a pseudo order of toluene hydrogenation over PdPt catalyst (16). There-
value of 0.61, very close to 0.67, the value measured fore, the results obtained in the present work can be sum-
on the Pd17 Pt83 catalyst. This indicates that the reactivity marized as follows: (i) The catalytic behavior of the PdPt
of the alloy in the presence of sulfur can be perfectly ac- alloys in the presence of sulfur can be perfectly explained
counted for by an additivity of the catalytic properties of by an additivity of the properties of the two pure metals. (ii)
the pure metals. However, the activity of the alloys is not a The observed activities of the two alloys are smaller respec-
simple weighted average of those of the two components. tively than that of Pt for low H2 S concentration and than
Indeed, one has to take into account an ensemble size effect that of pure Pd for high sulfur content. This established lack
of the active sites. More precisely, the nearly equal values of synergy between Pt and Pd seems in contradiction with
of the pseudo orders derived above imply that the ratio of many recent works devoted to PdPt catalysts supported on
the measured TOF of the alloy to the simulated one is al- acidic support prepared by chemical methods (3, 57, 21)
most constant whatever the sulfur content. Actually, this excepted those of Qian et al., who studied tetralin hydro-
ratio was found equal to 0.64 0.05. A value smaller than genation over Pd, Pt, and PdPt supported on alumina (2).
1 is not surprising and can be explained by a dilution ef- This could indicate that these new catalysts have a weaker
fect of the Pt ensembles, constituting the active sites, by Pd interaction with the support, explaining their different cata-
atoms or vice versa, leading to a reactivity of mixed PdPt lytic properties.
sites lower than that resulting from a simple additivity of
pure Pd and Pt activities. Indeed, it has been shown in sev- CONCLUSION
eral publications that the active site in the hydrogenation of
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(20), who studied benzene hydrogenation, determined re- and Cooper (22), is probably the simultaneous influence of
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