2014 BBLSR
2014 BBLSR
2014 BBLSR
Background: The International Network for Evaluating Outcomes in Neonates (iNeo) is a collaboration of
population-based national neonatal networks including Australia and New Zealand, Canada, Israel, Japan, Spain,
Sweden, Switzerland, and the UK. The aim of iNeo is to provide a platform for comparative evaluation of outcomes
of very preterm and very low birth weight neonates at the national, site, and individual level to generate evidence
for improvement of outcomes in these infants.
Methods/design: Individual-level data from each iNeo network will be used for comparative analysis of neonatal
outcomes between networks. Variations in outcomes will be identified and disseminated to generate hypotheses
regarding factors impacting outcome variation. Detailed information on physical and environmental factors, human
and resource factors, and processes of care will be collected from network sites, and tested for association with
neonatal outcomes. Subsequently, changes in identified practices that may influence the variations in outcomes will
be implemented and evaluated using quality improvement methods.
Discussion: The evidence obtained using the iNeo platform will enable clinical teams from member networks to
identify, implement, and evaluate practice and service provision changes aimed at improving the care and
outcomes of very low birth weight and very preterm infants within their respective countries. The knowledge
generated will be available worldwide with a likely global impact.
Keywords: Very preterm infants, Very low birth weight infants, Neonatal intensive care unit, Neonatal networks,
Comparative analysis, Neonates, Quality improvement
* Correspondence: pshah@mtsinai.on.ca
Canadian Neonatal Network, Maternal-Infant Care Research Centre, Mount
Sinai Hospital, 700 University Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M5G 1X6, Canada
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
2014 Shah et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly credited. The Creative Commons Public Domain
Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article,
unless otherwise stated.
Shah et al. BMC Pediatrics 2014, 14:110 Page 2 of 11
prevalent among junior doctors in Europe and Australia 3. Identify clinical and organizational practice
[33] compared with Canada. improvements relevant to each network.
Given the variation in mortality and morbidity be- 4. Implement and continually evaluate the impact of
tween countries, it is important to first characterize fac- evidence-based clinical and organizational practice
tors underlying these differences, and then identify areas changes in NICUs within the iNeo networks.
and approaches to improve neonatal care specific to
each network. Care provision to VLBW and VPT infants The establishment of the iNeo collaboration will en-
is a highly selective health service where specialized able the following: i) collection and integration of
units deliver the majority of such care (approximately individual-level data from population-based networks on
80% of VLBW and VPT infants are admitted to tertiary outcomes, characteristics, practices, and culture of the
NICUs), and consumes extensive resources, both in member sites; ii) evaluation of the impact of practice
terms of the per-diem cost of caring for such a neonate and outcome variations to identify the best models of
in the NICU and cumulative lifetime costs. To improve health service delivery (incorporating medical and other
outcomes and reduce health care costs globally, we need extraneous factors); iii) feedback to units of their stand-
to embrace the concept of collaborative sharing and ing in reference to each and all other networks; iv)
learning, assess the variation in practices between coun- empowerment of units to embrace implementation of
tries/networks, identify evidence-based practices associ- evidence-based practice changes for quality improve-
ated with improved outcomes, and apply these practices ment; and v) performance of ongoing cycles of translat-
to deliver optimal health care to fragile neonates. ing knowledge-to-action through continuous auditing.
Currently, informal and indirect comparisons can be Ultimately, this will improve outcomes for VLBW in-
made from the reports published by each national net- fants across the iNeo member networks.
work. However, criticisms of such indirect or post-hoc
comparisons include lack of adjustment for differences Methods/design
in baseline infant and maternal characteristics, differ- Overview
ences in definitions of outcomes and their measurement, The comparison of neonatal mortality and morbidity be-
and variations in physical, environmental, and human tween the eight member networks will be conducted
factors (e.g. training system and associated working con- using four years of retrospective data collected between
ditions of physicians on duty day and night, differences January, 2007 and December, 2010. Subsequently, a
in nursing care and nurse:beds ratio, differences in strategy will be designed to collect additional data and
regionalization system, and the rate of maternal transfer assess differences in physical, environmental, and human
for extremely preterm fetuses). A system of data characteristics, and care practices associated with varia-
standardization and an understanding of the context for tions in outcomes between networks. Once identified,
comparison are urgently needed to enable valid compar- clinical and organizational practice improvements will
isons between networks. This can only be achieved be implemented within networks using the Evidence-
through an international collaboration where the know- based Practice for Quality Improvement (EPIQ) method
ledge users and decision makers are involved from the [34,35]. The effect of practice change implementation
start of the process and continuously through to know- will be measured using ongoing data collection within
ledge translation. Analyses of network-level data using each network. The total study period will be five years
all eligible infants will provide a more accurate estimate (January 2013 to December 2017). Comparison between
of the effectiveness of an intervention in a pragmatic set- the networks will be completed by early 2014, associa-
ting, rather than just a measure of efficacy proven in a tions between external factors/care practices and out-
controlled study setting. comes identified by the end of 2014, and selected
practice changes implemented by mid 2015. This will be
Network objectives followed by a two and a half-year period of continuous
The specific aims of iNeo are to: quality improvement within the networks.
Collaborative (UKNC) (see Table 1). Overall, this project variable definitions have been mapped to the ICD-10
will be collecting data from a total of 251 NICUs in nine [36] and SNOMED [37] dictionaries.
countries caring for approximately 23,000 to 24,000
VLBW neonates per year. All the participating networks
have a common mandate to collect, analyze, and bench- Ethics, data collection, and dissemination
mark performance and outcomes of their respective All participating networks have obtained ethics/regula-
NICUs. We have carefully avoided networks that only in- tory approval or the equivalent from their local granting
clude highly specialized units in order to obtain robust agencies to allow for de-identified data to be sent to the
population-based estimates. All participating networks iNeo Coordinating Centre at the Maternal-Infant Care
have confirmed the feasibility of data collection from Research Centre, Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto,
>75% of all VLBW and VPT infants born within their Canada. The Coordinating Centre has been granted Re-
country. The approximately 25% of infants missing from search Ethics Board approval for the development, com-
some of the networks are those considered to be at the pilation, and hosting of the iNeo dataset, and all
higher end of maturity (>1300 g birth weight or >30 weeks networks have signed data transfer agreements with the
gestation) who do not require intensive care support. iNeo Coordinating Centre. Privacy and confidentiality of
These infants are relatively stable and do not represent a patient and unit-related data will be of prime importance
significant burden to NICUs or health care services in to the iNeo collaboration, and data collection, handling,
general. and transfer will be performed in accordance with the
Canadian Privacy Commissioners guidelines, the Per-
sonal Information Protection and Electronic Documents
Database variables Act, and any other local rules and regulations. No data
A detailed review of all the data items collected by each identifiable at the patient level will be collected or trans-
of the participating networks has been conducted and mitted, and only aggregate data will be reported. For all
the elements common to all networks (e.g. gestational stages of the project, participating units will be assigned
age, birth weight, sex, etc.) included in a minimum data- a code by their own network prior to data transfer into
set (see Additional file 1 for full list of data variables). the iNeo dataset so that units remain anonymous within
Data items that are collected by all networks in slightly the iNeo collaborative. Following data analysis, findings
different formats (e.g., nosocomial infection, which can will be disseminated within networks by their own net-
be defined by using a cut-off of 2 days, 3 days, or 7 days) work coordination team and not by the iNeo central
have been standardized across all the networks by con- team.
sensus of the network directors. Some networks already Following completion of the study in 2017, the data
extract data from their databases according to the iNeo will be kept at the iNeo Coordinating Centre for a fur-
definitions, while others have agreed to redefine their ther two years before being returned to the originating
original data formats as an ongoing process to ensure networks unless otherwise agreed by the member
consistency and facilitate comparisons over time. The networks.
Table 1 Characteristics of networks participating in the International Network for Evaluating Outcomes of Neonates
Network Australia and Canadian Israeli Neonatal Spanish Swedish Swiss Neonatal UK Neonatal
New Zealand Neonatal Neonatal Research Neonatal Neonatal Network & Collaborative
Neonatal Network Network Network Network Quality Follow-Up
Network Japan Register Group
Country Australia and Canada Israel Japan Spain Sweden Switzerland UK (England)
New Zealand
Level III NICUs 23 + 6 30 23 93 n/a 7 9 45
in the country
Level III NICUs 29 30 23 73 36 7 9 44
in the network
Number of inhabitants Australia: 23 million 34 million 7.9 million 126 million 47 million 9.5 million 8 million 52 million
NZ: 4.4 million
Number of births/year Australia: 300,000 380,863 166,000 1,071,304 497,023 110,000 80,000 687,000
NZ: 60,000
Number of eligible 3,500 2,700 1,500 3,700 2,600 900 800 7,700
NICU admissions/year
(<32 wks gestation/<1500 g)
Shah et al. BMC Pediatrics 2014, 14:110 Page 5 of 11
Comparisons of neonatal outcomes between networks variables and using the mean and standard deviation, or
Outcomes the median and interquartile range for continuous vari-
The primary outcome for comparison between the net- ables. The data will be compared among all networks
works will be a composite indicator of mortality or any using the Chi-square test for categorical and ANOVA
of the four major neonatal morbidities (severe neuro- F-test or Moods median test for continuous variables.
logical injury, severe ROP, NEC, and BPD). Mortality
will be defined as death due to any cause prior to dis- Comparisons between networks
charge home. Severe neurological injury will be defined For the primary composite outcome, each of its compo-
as stage 3 intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) with ven- nents and the additional secondary outcomes, initial
tricular dilatation according to the criteria of Papile crude rates, and associated 95% and 99% confidence in-
et al. [38], or parenchymal injury (including periven- tervals will be calculated and graphically displayed using
tricular leukomalacia) with or without IVH. Severe ROP caterpillar plots to visually identify differences between
will be defined as stage 3 according to the International networks. To adjust for multiple baseline characteristics,
Classification [39], or need for laser surgery or intraocu- standardized outcome ratios will be computed using the
lar injections of anti-vascular endothelial growth factor indirect standardization approach. Each networks ob-
agents. NEC will be defined as stage 2 according to served rate will be compared with the expected rate
Bells criteria [40] and BPD as oxygen requirement at based on the total sample from all other networks to
36 weeks post-menstrual age [41]. identify networks with rates significantly above or below
Secondary outcomes to be compared among iNeo mem- average. For each outcome, the expected number of
ber networks will include the individual morbidities of the events will be computed as the sum of predicted prob-
composite outcome, as well as nosocomial infection de- abilities from a multivariable model (logistic regression
fined as culture-proven sepsis (blood or cerebrospinal or zero inflated negative binomial models based on data
fluid positive for pathogenic organism) at >3 days or distribution) derived using data from all other networks
72 hours postnatal age [42], patent ductus arteriosus re- with adjustment for confounders. Network standardized
quiring pharmacological treatment and/or surgical outcome ratios will be graphically displayed using fun-
ligation, receipt of delivery room cardiopulmonary resus- nel plots with 95% and 99% prediction intervals for
citation, air leak syndrome, and resource utilization comparison between networks.
(length of stay and length of respiratory support). To ac- A global comparison, as well as pair-wise comparisons
count for potential differences in practices regarding dis- between networks, will be performed using multivariate
charge home and transfer to Level 2 community units, regression models adjusted for confounders. Statistical
additional analyses will compare mortality by Day 28 after models will employ generalized estimating equations to
birth. All outcomes will be expressed as ratios with the de- adjust analyses for clustering of infants within networks.
nominator equal to all admissions to participating NICUs. In addition, hierarchical random-effects regression models
will be used to allow for variation at the network and unit
Adjustment for variations in baseline population level. Statistical significance will be evaluated by applying
characteristics between networks a Bonferroni correction to account for multiple pair-wise
Demographic characteristics and severity of illness are comparisons.
well known to impact neonatal outcomes [43] and are also
likely to vary between networks. To prevent bias, these Statistical power for outcome comparisons
potential confounders will be controlled in analyses com- With retrospective data from 251 NICUs collected over
paring network-level outcome rates. The common mini- four years (20072010), analyses (two-sided tests) com-
mum dataset includes important predictors, such as paring Canada (10,800 admissions) with all other net-
gestational age, sex, plurality of pregnancy, and receipt of works (82,800 admissions), for example, will be able to
antenatal corticosteroids, which will be used to adjust ana- detect rate differences of 0.004 to 0.02 for a range of
lyses as appropriate. In addition, most networks collect outcome rates (1% to 40%) with statistical power of 80%
various measures of severity of illness, such as CRIB [44], assuming 5% type I error rate. Similar analyses compar-
SNAPPE-II [45], or TRIPS [46] scores. These will be stan- ing Canada with one other network (3,200 to 30,800 ad-
dardized within each network (assigned a score between 0 missions) will be able to detect rate differences of 0.007
and 1) and adjusted for in analyses. to 0.03.
Descriptive analyses of baseline factors Association of site characteristics and practices with
The distribution of infant characteristics and network- outcomes
level broad organizational structural features will be To identify factors contributing to outcome variation be-
summarized as counts and percentages for categorical tween networks, detailed information will be obtained
Shah et al. BMC Pediatrics 2014, 14:110 Page 6 of 11
on health service provision, including units physical lay- Human and resource factors
out, environmental characteristics, human factors, and Human factors and available resources represent another
management practices at the national and site level. The aspect of care provision possibly associated with differ-
type of data and strategy for collecting this information ences in outcomes. However, associations between hu-
will be determined following the comparison of out- man and resource factors and neonatal outcomes have
comes between networks to target identified problem not been thoroughly investigated, particularly not on a
areas and evaluate the culture, context, and practices of national scale. Human factors include staffing in relation
each network. Factors with possible impact on outcome to day and night shifts [33,55], weekdays versus week-
differences between and within networks will be ascer- ends [56], ratio of nurses to patients [57], pattern of
tained using a variety of tools, such as surveys, recurring work for medical and nursing staff (hours on call, total
questionnaires, and in specific instances, site visits to ex- duration of active duty time over 4 week period, etc.),
plore details if permitted. number and types of trainee doctors, allied healthcare
The data will be pooled across sites and networks, and personnel coverage, constitution of attending team for
statistical analyses will identify factors significantly asso- high-risk births, and relative expertise of the health care
ciated with outcomes. Through a collaborative process, providers attending resuscitation of extremely preterm
findings will be discussed with members of participating infants considering their overall experience in direct pa-
networks to select physical and environmental factors, tient care, training, and research.
human and resource factors, or processes of care that Neonatal outcomes are also impacted by resource
can be modified through a quality improvement process. availability and utilization, specifically volume and cap-
Each network will then implement practice changes acity. Units with high volume are reported to have better
within these three main target areas according to their outcomes compared with units with low volume, pos-
outcome priorities and the constraints of their respective sibly due to relatively increased staff experience [58,59];
health care systems. however, it has also been noted that low volume units
may be less crowded and have reduced rates of compli-
cations [60]. Alternatively, these differences may be sec-
Physical and environmental factors ondary to centralization of care rather than volume, as
For preterm infants, adaptation to the environment is seen in data from Finland [61]. Similarly, units function-
crucial for their survival, wellbeing, and development. ing at >90% capacity at all times, irrespective of volume,
The physical environment of the NICU is significantly may have different outcomes compared with units oper-
different from the in-utero environment and contains a ating at lower capacity.
wide range of sensory stimuli that a preterm infant Data on human factors and resource utilization will be
would not be exposed to if carried to term [47]. There collected using snapshot surveys administered at the unit
has been wide debate as to the optimal physical charac- level. Due to likely variations from year to year, data on
teristics of a NICU in relation to outcomes for VLBW human factors and resource utilization will be collected
infants. Several units that have implemented a single in- on an annual basis using electronic tools (such as recur-
fant per room design in place of the more traditional ring auto-filled surveys based on previous responses so as
open multi-patient rooms have reported improvements to only report changes), and while the data may not cap-
in outcomes, but impact on staff satisfaction and work- ture variation in the daily activity levels or acuity in the
efficiency remains unclear [48,49]. Higher physical de- unit, this will represent the average condition.
mands and workloads placed on nurses could negatively
affect the level of care provided. Additional key physical Care-provision factors
characteristics include internal and external noise [50,51], Clinical practices represent the third and possibly most
temperature control, exposure to light [52,53], practice of important set of characteristics that likely contribute to
developmentally supportive care [54], provision and extent variation in outcomes. Variations in clinical practices
of family-centered care, provision and extent of breast- are well known among neonatal communities [8]; how-
feeding support, potential for continuous parental involve- ever, no systematic prospective approach has determined,
ment, as well as training and preparation for discharge compared, and benchmarked variations associated with
home. outcomes. Some of the key practice variations between
Physical characteristics will be assessed by conducting a centers and networks include referral practices (inborn vs.
snapshot survey of units within the iNeo networks. The outborn) [62-64], differential use of the type of initial re-
survey will be developed, piloted, and implemented in col- spiratory support [65-67], types and timings of surfactant
laboration with the iNeo Scientific Advisory Committee administration [68], fluid management [69], timing of ini-
by iNeo researchers with experience investigating the tiation of parenteral nutrition [70], use of donor milk,
extraneous factors that may impact quality of care. management of patent ductus arteriosus [71], availability
Shah et al. BMC Pediatrics 2014, 14:110 Page 7 of 11
and use of echocardiography, use of prophylactic interven- and evaluation central to the EPIQ method [34,35]. Qual-
tions [72] (e.g., probiotics, high frequency oscillatory ven- ity improvement using EPIQ methodology has been im-
tilation, phototherapy, and L-arginine), and the scope of plemented in Canadian NICUs for the last 10 years. It is
involvement of parents. based on three pillars: (1) the use of all available evidence
Specific to each secondary outcome we will identify on a particular intervention from the published scientific
top performing networks and networks with significant literature, (2) analysis of each institutes baseline data to
room for improvement. Subsequently, working groups of identify hospital-specific practices for targeted interven-
interested stakeholders from each network will be tion, and (3) the use of a network to share the results of
formed to determine methods to identify possible care quality improvement for the purpose of collaborative
provision practices related to such variations. Study learning. The EPIQ method utilizes local context and al-
methods will be similar to those described earlier, and lows customization of interventions and implementation
will include annual snapshot surveys of each unit, de- strategies to maximize improvement potential at each in-
tailed questionnaires specific to practices (e.g. parental stitute. This is conducted in conjunction with leadership
presence, use of donor milk, diagnosis and management and peer support from network members [34,35].
of hypotension, etc.), and in certain instances of out- Our plan for the iNeo network is to expand the EPIQ
standing success, a site visit with structured exploration approach to an international level. We will advocate in-
of the practices in question. All methods of exploration corporation of several cycles of practice change imple-
will be conducted with directions from the iNeo Governing mentation, evaluation, monitoring, and collaborative
Board and Scientific Advisory Committee to protect privacy learning within each unit over the course of two and a half
and confidentiality. Because individual unit information will years. The online ViviWeb Virtual Research Community
not be disclosed to the iNeo Coordinating Centre, individ- (https://meta.cche.net/viviweb/default.asp) will be used to
ual networks will be asked to identify willing members for facilitate collaboration between networks. Based on our
such participation. experiences and preliminary results implementing practice
changes in Canada, and following discussion with the
Statistical analyses and power for identification of practice NRNJ, we anticipate that regular and productive dialogue
and service variation will significantly benefit many of the participating NICUs.
Associations of clinical management practices and other The practice changes implemented by individual units
external factors with outcomes will be assessed under within networks will be evaluated every 6 to 12 months
the general framework of individual patient-level data depending upon each centres capabilities to collect and
meta-analyses. Random-effects models with adjustment submit data. In addition to outcome indicators, process
for confounding variables and important risk factors will indicators will be developed based on the specific inter-
provide estimates of association and quantify residual ventions implemented. These indicators will measure
variation due to unknown or unmeasured unit-specific the short-term impact of practice change. For example,
and network-level factors. These analyses will identify an intervention targeting early surfactant administration
treatment practices and health care services with signifi- to reduce BPD will have process indicators for the time
cant impact on outcomes, which subsequently can be of first surfactant administration and the proportion of
targeted for implementation or improvement by specific babies who received surfactant within the first 30 mi-
units or networks. This information along with details of nutes after birth. The outcome of interest for this inter-
the practices/factors will be made available to initiate vention will be reduction in the incidence of BPD. Safety
discussion within the iNeo community regarding data- and outcome improvements will be monitored within
informed, evidence-linked potentially better practices. each unit and network using control charts and Chi-
Analyses (two-sided tests) based on 10,000 yearly admis- square tests for differences in outcome rates from base-
sions evaluating impact of treatment/practices (assuming line. Multivariable logistic regression analyses will pool
50% exposure) on outcomes (incidence 1% to 40%) will data from units within each network to assess changes
be able to detect relative risks of 1.6 to 1.1 with statis- in outcomes over time with adjustment for potential
tical power of 80% and 5% type I error rate. This is a confounders and important risk factors, and accounting
conservative power calculation based on data expected for clustering.
to be collected in a one-year timeframe.
Long-term neurodevelopmental follow-up
Implementation and evaluation of practice changes to The members of iNeo have agreed that while the present
improve outcomes initiative should focus on ascertaining outcomes prior to
Practices identified as being associated with an improve- discharge from the NICU, the longer-term goal should
ment in outcomes will be proposed to network sites for be to assess and improve neurodevelopmental outcomes
implementation using the continuous cycle of application of VLBW and VPT infants at two to three years of age.
Shah et al. BMC Pediatrics 2014, 14:110 Page 8 of 11
Presently, five networks (CNN, NRNJ, NDAU, SNN, and data from multiple national networks will provide robust
ANZNN) follow and collect data from their infants up estimates that will allow development of unified recom-
to two to three years of age with one more network in mendations regarding optimal design and staffing of
the planning stages of follow-up data collection (SNQ). neonatal units.
The remaining networks have expressed interest in The nature of the information that will be generated
long-term follow-up, and will explore the possibility of and the resources available within the collaborative will
collecting these data. For available follow-up data, extra- put iNeo in a unique position to implement global
neous factors, and process of care factors during NICU change to improve neonatal outcomes. Neonatal out-
stay will be examined in relation to outcomes at two to comes and NICU care practices will likely vary signifi-
three years of age. A composite severe adverse outcome cantly between networks and there are many factors that
will be defined as mortality or severe morbidity, includ- may underlie these variations. The initial findings from
ing non-ambulatory cerebral palsy, developmental indi- the comparative analysis may not be welcomed by all
ces more than two standard deviations below the mean, units, and recommendations for practice changes that
legal blindness, or deafness requiring amplification. This require extensive change or high financial input, such as
will require development of a follow-up dataset (similar additional staff to attend births or changes to unit lay-
to the NICU minimum dataset) for the long-term neu- out, may be met with resistance. In answer to this, the
rodevelopmental outcomes. most persuasive element of the iNeo collaboration will
be the strength of the evidence produced from the data,
Secondary research questions the pragmatic nature of the results, and higher degree of
In order to foster a true international collaboration, the statistical precision due to the large sample size.
data collected and housed at the iNeo Coordinating In addition to the strength of the data, a high level of
Centre will be available to all iNeo member networks collaboration between network members will provide a
and iNeo-affiliated investigators after the principal ana- mechanism to address barriers to change and ensure the
lyses are completed. The iNeo database will be available knowledge gained is effectively implemented to improve
to iNeo-affiliated investigators, including trainees, wish- neonatal outcomes. Working together we will ensure
ing to examine new research questions/hypotheses. that all factors that contribute to a target outcome are
Requests for data will need to be sent to the iNeo identified and evaluated. Once identified, the process for
Coordinating Centre for discussion and approval by the exploration of extraneous factors will be supervised by
iNeo Scientific Advisory Committee. In the initial stages the iNeo Director and Scientific Advisory Committee to
of the iNeo collaboration, analysis of the dataset in ques- ensure that all suggested practice changes can be tai-
tion will be performed at the iNeo Coordinating Centre lored to networks depending on the presence or absence
and the results sent to the requesting investigator. In the of certain baseline covariates. Although the individual
later stages, limited datasets may be released to an inves- network directors will be primarily responsible for driv-
tigator using a secure electronic portal system. In all ing change within their networks, iNeo will also provide
publications, the final author will be the International various activities and mechanisms to facilitate practice
Network for Evaluating Outcomes of Neonates (iNeo). change. This will include access to in-person and online
For the analyses detailed in this protocol, the author list training, site visits between networks, effective dissemin-
will include representatives of all eight networks. For ation of information, and liaison with policy makers in
additional projects, authors will be those individuals member countries.
who meet the criteria for authorship as laid out by the The iNeo collaboration will also act as a platform
ICJME. All publications will include a list of the member whereby other NICUs and established networks or net-
networks in the acknowledgements. works in the preliminary phase of development can access
evidence regarding impact of practices on outcomes,
Discussion and approaches for collaborative learning and prac-
The iNeo collaboration will be the first multi-national tice improvement in neonatology. As such, initial
network to examine population-based data. Findings discussions with neonatal units in India, China, South
from this international collaboration generated using ex- America, and Taiwan have been productive and these
tensive data will provide strong and novel evidence re- networks are planning to assess and apply the results of
garding practices contributing to outcome variation with the iNeo collaboration.
broad relevance to NICUs within iNeo and worldwide. In summary, the iNeo collaboration will serve as a
This is particularly true for the investigation of the en- strong international platform for neonatal-perinatal
vironmental, human, and physical factors that impact health services research in VLBW and VPT infants. The
neonatal outcomes. The majority of current literature re- evidence obtained using the iNeo platform will enable
lates to single center or regional experiences, whereas clinical teams from member networks to identify,
Shah et al. BMC Pediatrics 2014, 14:110 Page 9 of 11
implement, and evaluate practice and service provision Pediatrics, Umea University Hospital, SE-901 85 Ume, Sweden. 7Spanish
changes aimed at improving the care and outcomes of Neonatal Network, Unidad Neonatal Barakaldo, Plaza de cruces s/n, 5 Planta,
Unidad Neonatal, Barakaldo 48903, (Bizkaia), Spain. 8UK Neonatal
VLBW and VPT infants within their respective coun- Collaborative, Imperial College London, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital
tries. The knowledge generated, assembly of expertise, Campus, London SW10 9NH, UK. 9Swiss Neonatal Network, Division of
and pool of resources will be available worldwide with a Neonatology, University Hospital Zurich, Frauenklinikstrasse 10, CH-8091
Zrich, Switzerland. 10Australia and New Zealand Neonatal Network,
likely global impact. University of Otago, Christchurch, 2 Riccarton Avenue, PO Box 4345,
Christchurch 8140, New Zealand. 11Neonatal Research Network Japan, Osaka
Additional file Medical Center and Research Institute for Maternal and Child Health, 840
Murodo-cho, Izumi, Osaka 594-1101, Japan. 12Neonatal Research Network
Japan, Maternal and Perinatal Center, Tokyo Womens Medical University, 8-1
Additional file 1: iNeo data variables for collection with Kawadacho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 162-8666, Japan. 13Australia and New
explanatory notes. Description: List of the data variables that will be Zealand Neonatal Network, Womens and Childrens Hospital, Adelaide, Level
collected and analyzed during the project described in the iNeo protocol. 2, McNevin Dickson Building, Sydney Childrens Hospital, Randwick, NSW
2031, Australia.
Received: 25 February 2014 Accepted: 5 March 2014
ANZNN: Australia-New Zealand Neonatal Network; BPD: Bronchopulmonary
Published: 23 April 2014
dysplasia; CNN: Canadian Neonatal Network; EPIQ: Evidence-based Practice
for Quality Improvement; iNeo: International Network for Evaluating
Outcomes of Neonates; INN: Israel Neonatal Network; IVH: Intraventricular References
hemorrhage; NEC: Necrotizing enterocolitis; NI: Nosocomial infection; 1. Blencowe H, Cousens S, Oestergaard MZ, Chou D, Moller AB, Narwal R,
NICU: Neonatal intensive care unit; NRNJ: Neonatal Research Network of Adler A, Vera GC, Rohde S, Say L, Lawn JE: National, regional, and
Japan; SNN: Swiss Neonatal Network; SNQ: Swedish Neonatal Quality worldwide estimates of preterm birth rates in the year 2010 with time
Register: Neonatology; ROP: Retinopathy of prematurity; SEN1500: Spanish trends since 1990 for selected countries: a systematic analysis and
Neonatal Network; UKNC: UK Neonatal Collaborative; VLBW: Very low birth implications. Lancet 2012, 379:21622172.
weight; VPT: Very preterm. 2. Joseph KS, Kramer MS, Marcoux S, Ohlsson A, Wen SW, Allen A, Platt R:
Determinants of preterm birth rates in Canada from 1981 through 1983
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The authors declare that they have no competing interests. 3. Statistics Canada: Births; 2012. 84F0210X.
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Cite this article as: Shah et al.: The International Network for Evaluating
Outcomes of very low birth weight, very preterm neonates (iNeo): a
protocol for collaborative comparisons of international health services
for quality improvement in neonatal care. BMC Pediatrics 2014 14:110.