Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of PV PDF
Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of PV PDF
Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of PV PDF
M.Tech Electrical Engineering, HGCE, VAHELAL
ABSTRACT This paper presents a step by step procedure for the simulation of photovoltaic modules with MATLAB/
Simulink. One diode equivalent circuit is employed in order to investigate I-V(current voltage) and P-
V(Power voltage) Characteristics of a typical solar module. The proposed model is designed with the use of Simulink
block libraries.
Sunlight can be converted to electricity due to the Photo- A PV cell is conventionally represented by a current source
voltaic effect discovered in 1839 by Edmund Becquerel, (IL), one or two parallel diodes (D), a shunt resistance (Rsh),
a French scientist. Historically, it has been about 50 years and a series resistance (Rs). Usually the value of Rsh is very
since the first operational silicon solar cell was demonstrat- large and that of Rs is very small, hence they may be ne-
ed. However, the last 20years have seen large improve- glected to simplify the analysis. Fig. 4.1 shows equivalent
ments in the technology, with the best confirmed cell ef- circuit of photovoltaic cell [1].
ficiency being over 24%.
From equation (4.1) we can also see that the photo current
also depends upon the solar insolation Irr and short circuit
current Ish. As photo current Iph depends upon the solar ir- Fig.6 Simulink model of diode current Id.
radiance it will vary with the variation of solar irradiation.
From equation (4), we can see that with variation in num-
Reverse Saturation Current ber of series and parallel connected PV modules, diode
Fig. 4 shows Simulink model of reverse saturation current current Id will vary. It is also linearly proportional to the re-
Irs. From this model we can obtain the value of reverse verse saturation current Irs.
saturation current. Physically, reverse saturation current is a
measure of the leakage of carriers across the p-n junc- 2.5 Load Current
tion in reverse bias. This leakage is a result of carrier re- Fig. 7 shows Simulink model of load current I. from this
combination in the neutral regions on either side of the Simulink model we can obtain output current of the de-
junction. signed PV system.
Mathematically it can be represented by the equation: Mathematically, it can be represented by the following
I = Iph Np Id Ish
2.4 Diode Current Eg = Band gap energy of the semiconductor (1.12 eV)
Fig.6 shows Simulink model of the diode current Id. Math-
ematically diode current can be represented by the follow- Thermal Voltage
ing equation: Fig.9 shows Simulink model of the thermal voltage Vt. Us-
ing this Simulink model we can obtain output of thermal
(4) voltage. Mathematically thermal voltage Vtcan be repre-
sented by following equation:
Id = Diode current
Np = No. of parallel modules
Ns = No. of series Modules From the equation (7), we can see that thermal voltage Vt
Vt = Thermal voltage is directly proportional to the operational temperature Top.
As thermal voltage is directly proportional to the opera-
Mathematical modeling of PV system has been done.
Based on the literature review and theories, PV system is
designed. Designed PV system is developed in MATLAB/
Simulink software. Simulink-based Model of a photovoltaic
(PV) system using the single-diode model of a PV solar cell
was developed. The proposed model takes the datasheet
values (Isc, Voc,Im and Vm) along with the cell temperature,
sunlight/irradiance and ideality factor as input and outputs
the I-V and P-V characteristics. This model is implemented
with Simulink blocks.
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