Ebook Leadership Part1 Final
Ebook Leadership Part1 Final
Ebook Leadership Part1 Final
From the 1
to the
Table of Contents
About Brent Gleeson
Leadership Articles:
What Great Leaders Have That Good Leaders Dont . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Lead, Prioritize, and Win: Overcoming Traditional Leadership Challenges . . . . . . . . 3
The Anatomy of Entrepreneurial Leadership: A Navy SEALs Perspective . . . . . . . . . . 5
Brent Gleeson is a Navy SEAL combat veteran with multiple tours
to Iraq and Africa where his teams primary objective was running
capture or kill missions working in conjunction with the CIA. Upon
leaving SEAL Team 5, Brent turned his discipline and battlefield
lessons to the world of business and has become an accomplished
entrepreneur, writer, and acclaimed speaker on topics ranging from
leadership to entrepreneurship and marketing.
This eBook contains a collection of articles from my regular contributions to my
columns on Forbes.com and Inc.com. This is in no way a memoire of my times in
combat as a Navy SEAL although there are a few references to those experience
to provide context for key points.
That said, these articles do not contain a long list of successes but rather critical
lessons learned from both success and failure. Wisdom comes from learning from
our mistakes, of which I have made many. But applying what we learn from those
mistakes can lead to a constant state of improvement.
The reader can choose to read this eBook straight through or simply choose
the articles they find interesting and relevant. I hope you enjoy the articles
and of course, feel free to share with your team!
Loyalty is one of the core values taught in the Never throw anyone under the bus. As a
Navy SEAL training program. Instructors teach you leader, redirect praise to your team members
from the first day that your team is everything to and protect them from criticism. If you need to
you. You succeed with them, and you fail without talk to a team member about a misstep, do it
them. And you never leave anyone behind. behind closed doors.
During the chaos of SEAL training, which Never leave anyone behind. Instill in your
includes the most grueling physical and mental team the belief that every person on the team is
punishment imaginable, the officers in charge of as important as the next. Include everyone in the
each boat crew are expected to keep an accurate celebration of success. And dont blame any one
headcount while their world is literally exploding person for a failure. The next time you have a
around them. If they fail to report an accurate business success, publicly thank people in lower-
level support roles for their contributions someone who has had a bad day and give
to the team. that person ten minutes of your time. Make
it clear that he or she still fits into the future
on trust.
Try to be as candid as possible with
I would never be disloyal to a SEAL brother.
And I know my brothers will always have my
back. Its a feeling of trust and security that
your employees, and never lie to them. you get only in special places. I try to make
Loyalty is built on trust. If your people dont my organization one of them. Leadership
believe youre being forthcoming with them, is a privilege we must earn every day.
they wont trust you to have their backs.
Schedule a meeting to discuss the big picture
of the business. Let any member of your
team ask any question, and answer honestly.
of the family. The list goes on and on.
of challenges.
Prioritize the most important initiatives. All businesses experience ups and downs
There will always be a long list of number one throughout their life cycle. It is inevitable.
priorities. Improving systems and processes. The highs are high and the lows can be
Reworking sales initiatives. Restructuring the pretty low.
business. Closing new accounts. Whatever the
priorities are, select the top one or two, make A leaders character is defined by how they act
sure someone owns the outcome, and remained during the tough times much more so than the
focused on these until they are done. bad. Stay calm and work the issues. Panicking
or appearing stressed out in front of the team
Spreading the organization too thin will will serve no positive purpose.
ensure none of the priorities get done well
or in a timely manner. Prepare for change and drive towards
the win. Another thing that is inevitable is change.
Leaders need to embrace adaptive change and
be prepared for when it starts happening.
Being a leader in
any setting isnt easy.
Rely on the team to solve problems.
Then everyone will feel the satisfaction when
challenges are overcome.
As they say, it can get
lonely at the top.
Project strength when times get tough.
Being a leader in any setting isnt easy. As they say,
it can get lonely at the top. The ultimate success
or failure of the team falls on your shoulders.
A Navy SEALs
These attributes apply to leaders
Treat your men as you would your own and emergent leaders.
beloved sons. And they will follow you
into the deepest valley. Courageousness. But not in the macho sense of the
word. Being a courageous leader is about remaining
Sun Tzu calm under pressure, communicating effectively in
chaotic environments, providing resources, removing
obstacles, and protecting the team at all costs.
As a Navy SEAL turned serial entrepreneur.
I have experienced many failures and a few Trustworthiness. Studies show that productivity,
successes in leadership. Most of the successes, income and profits are directly negatively or positively
however, havent come without getting feedback impacted dependent upon the levels of trust within
and learning from past mistakes. When writing the team. And that has to start at the top. Building
or speaking about how high-performance teams an environment of trust is about transparency,
ultimately achieve success, I like to focus on the consistency, tackling challenges head on, and leading
notion of leadership at all levels. Not just at the by example in every sense of the word.
middle or most senior levels. Not designed
just for those who have direct reports. But all Emotional intelligence. This could possibly be
members of any elite team. one of the most important attributes. Emotional
intelligence for leadership at any level involves being
Leadership at all levels is about every individuals self-aware, disciplined, communicative, empathetic,
innate ability to rise to the occasion and step humble, motivated, and passionate.
outside the confines of their job description in
Motive and inspire. Different types of people and shares the values, they feel more connected
are motivated in different ways. It could be which leads to greater self-discipline, collaboration,
generational, experience related, or where they insight, and collective action towards common goals.
fall within the chain of command. The list is long.
It is imperative for leaders to understand the Understand the expectations.
differences and act accordingly. Clear expectations are a result of good internal
communication and accountability. Each team
Embrace change. Otherwise known as member needs to understand what is expected
adaptability. Change is inevitable. In combat it of themselves, their peers, and their leaders.
is the norm. All organizations, especially growing
ones, experience change. If they dont they will Strive for excellence. Excellence is about being
most likely fail. Great leaders can often predict in a constant and diligent pursuit of perfection.
when change may be needed and take action. It is about attention to detail, perseverance,
They understand the need for that change. And learning from failure, and getting back up every
more importantly they are clear and consistent time you get knocked down, no matter what.
in communicating to the team what the change This type of mindset is infectious and those around
is all about, why it is necessary, and what the you will begin to exhibit these behaviors as well.
positive outcomes of that change will be. They
also help every team member understand what Have a shared sense of purpose. This goes
their role is in affecting that change. back to a teams collective belief in their mission.
In the SEAL teams the mission is clear: purge the
Align the team. Team alignment is critical for world of evil while saving as many lives as we can.
success. When the team is not aligned there can Plain and simple. The more simple the mission,
be many reasons, but ultimately it is the result of the easier it is to believe in and see where one
a leadership failure. Misalignment is usually the fits within its execution.
result of a breakdown in communication, lack of
consistent direction, lower levels of accountability, Unwavering trust and loyalty. This applies
and lack of a clear vision. The opposite of all this to all. In combat, when bullets start flying, politics
will result in one team with one fight. and other externalities go out the window.
The time for individual achievement is over and
These attributes apply to all it becomes one team, one fight. You are fighting
simply to protect the brother on your left and right.
team members.
Trustworthy organizations operate on a dividend;
a performance multiplier if you will, which
Believe in the mission, vision and values.
increases speed and decreases costs.
Although some leaders may find these softer-
side elements unimportant and that they dont
These behaviors and competencies are not typically
not translate to the bottom line, it is quite the
innate talents, but rather learned capabilities that
opposite. A team members understanding and
have to be worked on and developed over time
belief in the mission, vision, and core values
to achieve higher levels of performance and take
carries more weight than one might imagine.
collective action towards common goals.
When an employee understands the mission
Impacts the
under pressure is an absolute requirement for
effective leadership. The team responds to the
behavior of its leadership. If managers and leaders
Leaders Can The list goes on and on. The good news is that
rebuilding and maintaining trust is something
that can be learned, managed and measured to
Within Their Lets first take a look at the four critical elements
of trust that leaders need to be aware of before
we dive into methods for improving trust. This
applies to both leaders and team members alike.
Leaders have
trust within an organization have a direct positive
or negative impact on retention, productivity and
profitability. This means that there is a direct to be honest in
economic impact on an organization when trust
is low and applies to any company large or small.
their dealings and
create and follow
When trust is low in a relationship or company,
it places a hidden tax on every interaction,
fair processes for
all people.
activity, communication, strategy and decision.
The result is that speed goes down and costs
go up. The reverse is true as well. When an
Believable. Believability is about acting in a
organization is operating within an environment
consistent values-driven manner that reassures
of high trust there is a dividend. A performance
employees that they can rely on their leaders and
multiplier. Decisions, communications,
each other. Leaders have to be honest in their
dealings and create and follow fair processes Here are 7 ways that
for all people. any organization can start
Connected. Connectivity is about demonstrating
improving trust.
good communication skills and having a high level
1. Demonstrate trust. Building an environment
of emotional intelligence. Good leaders need to
of trust starts with placing the right people in
be connected to their teams by understanding
the right roles, giving them the resources to be
their needs, sharing information about the
successful, and then trusting them to get the job
company, and being accessible. Especially in times
done. Building trust in an organization starts with
of turmoil.
demonstrating trust.
feedback on areas for improvement. Regular louder than words. Good leaders live the vision
check-in meetings are critical for continually and values of the organization. It has to start at
getting the most out of each team member. the top.
6. Tackle challenges head on. All companies Building and maintaining trust is imperative for
face challenges on a regular basis. Teamwork and any personal or professional relationship to thrive.
communication are key elements to successfully But trust is a delicate commodity and must be
navigating inevitable obstacles. But when a nurtured, practiced and measured to ensure that
company or its leadership dont tackle challenges it doesnt vanish due to a series of poor decisions
head on, and more importantly dont involve or miscommunications. Like anything else, trust
the team in the process, trust deteriorates. Put building behavior can be learned and developed
challenges on the table and allow the team to to achieve high levels of performance and drive
influence the processes for providing solutions. a team towards the execution of a common goal.
gain the attributes that allow you to have emotional
intelligence by connecting to core emotions,
accepting them, and being aware of how they affect
for Effective
your decisions and actions.
Self-Assessment: This can be defined as having The more we can relate to others, the better
the ability to recognize ones own emotions, we will become at understanding what motivates
strengths, weaknesses, values and drivers and or upsets them.
understanding their impact on others.
Relationship Management: You cant make deep
Without reflection we cannot truly understand who connections with others if youre distracted. Many
we are, why we make certain decisions, what we are of us have families, other obligations, and a crazy
good at, and where we fall short. In order to reach to-do list, but building and maintaining healthy and
your maximum potential, you must be confident in productive relationships is essential to ones ability
who you are, understanding the good with the bad. to gain higher emotional intelligence.
Those that have a strong understanding of who they
are and what they want to work on, can improve You must have the ability to communicate effectively
themselves on a regular basis. and properly manage relationships in order to move
a team of people in a desired direction.
Self-regulation: Also known as discipline. This
communication is 7% the words we say and 93%
tone and body language.
And How
to Conquer
In the absence of orders I will lead These are the five main fears I have faced as
my team and accomplish the mission. a leader and what I did to overcome them.
I lead by example in all situations.
Criticism. As a leader, your shortcomings will
Navy SEAL Creed be highlighted more than your strengths. The team
you lead looks to you to make the right decisions
but most people understand that no one is
Mastering any skill usually requires some element perfect. In the SEAL teams, you grow thick skin
of fear-conquering. Leadership is no different. quickly. Public criticism is the norm. There is no
HR department. But this process has a purpose
The first step in overcoming fear is being because mistakes can cost lives. As a leader criticism
prepared. When my SEAL Team was operating is something you should expect so my best advice
in Baghdad in 2003, none of us knew how well would be to get used to it. To take it a step further,
trained we were until that training was tested get out in front of it. Being self-aware is a highly
in battle. During our first gunfight, not one man useful quality when carrying the load of leadership.
hesitated. Our team members were doing their
best to get into the fight, not out of it. Face the fear head on by regularly requesting
anonymous feedback from your team. This can
Many fears can come into play when leading be done by using 360 degree reviews or surveys
with specific questions about how effective you possible decisions you can. When you miss the mark,
are in your role. Another way to do this is simply adjust quickly.
by asking, How am I doing? What else could I
do to be a more impactful leader for this team? Speaking. The fear of public speaking tops the
Humility will go a long way. charts in surveys worldwide. I attended business
school after leaving the SEAL teams. Imagine a
Failure. Lets face it. Failing at anything sucks. combat hardened SEAL presenting in front of a
Especially when all eyes are on you. Driven graduate school class, with his hands shaking.
people hate failure more than anything in the Are you kidding me? But again, as a leader within
world. But you do not become a successful leader an organization, one of the things you should be
without having experienced failure along the doing the most is publically addressing your team.
way. Unfortunately, this is how most of us gain If you cant do this with confidence then how can
wisdom. When leading a team, failure can come you expect your team to follow you into battle.
in many forms. Making bad financial decisions.
Bringing in the wrong people. Overpromising My recommendation is to take every opportunity
and under delivering. Inconsistency. Not properly you can to speak in front of audiences. This could
communicating the vision and what everyones be during meetings, in client presentations, guest
role is in mission success. The list goes on and on. lecturing at local universities, or speaking at industry
conferences. Practice makes perfect. The more you
But failure is inevitable. When you make do it, the more confident you will be. In fact, the
mistakes, own them and let the team know what more speaking I do, the more my overall confidence
you are going to do starting today to right the ship. has developed in any situation.
Be as prepared as you possibly can and make
adjustments along the way. Responsibility. As the saying goes, with much
power comes much responsibility. You are not just
Making Decisions. Decision-making is critical responsible to clients and shareholders. Your first
for business leadership. Notice I didnt say good priority is to your team. If you put them first, all
decision-making. Sometimes its just about making a the rest will fall into place. Being responsible for a
decision and moving forward. Analysis paralysis can persons livelihood can be a stressful burden. As a
cripple an organization. Poor decisions will be made. leader your role is to define the mission, provide
Refer back to the failure section. But the ability to resources, and remove obstacles.
learn how to make good decisions in highly chaotic
environments can give you the tools necessary to Embrace the fact that you have a team to lead. Its a
take your business to the next level. good problem to have. Assuming you have the right
people doing the right things, remember that they
That said, business isnt combat. Sometimes can be your best resource for important information.
you have to slow down and take your time. Even Keep them in the loop and ask them to do the same
if it means missing a potentially good opportunity. for you. Working together as a team will lighten that
Pushing forward too fast and making kneejerk burden of responsibility.These are just a few of the
decisions will always lead to major obstacles. fears that come with leadership. Whatever your fear
Obstacles that cost money. So be prepared, is, it is always best to face it head on. You will quickly
use the information at hand, and make the best realize that you had nothing to be afraid of.
the Way.
seeking new revenue that the softer side priorities
fall by the wayside. Such as, communicating to
the team why they are doing what they do and
what it means for the business and their career
path. The answer is simple. Ensure that the team
Great leaders provide a vision and understands the mission and their role in fulfilling
it. And then refer back to this frequently. If you
direction, but know when to get out
arent doing this, it makes it more difficult for the
of the way and let the team execute team to do their jobs as effectively as possible.
without interference.
The Why. Define the right purpose. This goes
well beyond revenue, profitability and even
Great leaders provide a vision and direction, shareholder value. My company recently spent
but know when to get out of the way and let the significant time reevaluating and more clearly
team execute without interference. defining our mission, vision and purpose. We
have been blessed with fantastic growth but we
Leading from the front is great. But while in front, dont want to lose sight of why we exist. Often
dont also be the very roadblock that impedes times, business owners focus solely on sales and
progress. As a Navy SEAL, the best leaders revenue but forget that the team wants and needs
I worked with provided great command and to understand what they are a part of. This also
control, were cool under pressure, but also knew helps you build the right team that believes in
when to get out of the way and let the boys get what the company is doing.
to work. They had a sensational ability for being
present and having great situational awareness That is why the Navy SEAL selection process is
while not meddling with the team during so rigorous. We absolutely must ensure that those
execution. Because that wasnt their job. Their job who make it through believe in the mission and
was to provide the right resources, get the good vision. As business owners we have to remember
missions, and let the team do what they do best. that a focus on this side of the company does
in fact positively impact performance and the
To do this, simply define what needs to bottom line.
be done, provide the tools to get it done,
The Who. Get the right team. If you assemble
then step aside and empower your team team of rock stars that you trust to do their jobs,
Set a direction within bottom line margin in the short term in order to
see exponential growth in the long term. Running a
certain boundaries then service-based business can be difficult in this regard.
The How. Provide the right resources. This is As the leader of a team or businesses it is easy to
where I have failed often.We need to invest in accidentally get in our own way, and the teams way.
our businesses in order to achieve real growth. Take a step back and make sure you arent impeding
And sometimes this means relinquishing some progress. Youll be glad you did!