Clearence Pump
Clearence Pump
Clearence Pump
Basic data
No: Me asur em e o t Tolera.nce
I. Ball bearing inside diameter (1. D.) to shaft. 0.0001" to 0.0007" (0.003mm to 0.018mm)
2. Ball bearing outside diameter (0. D.' 10 housing, 0.0001" to 0.001" (0.003mm to 0.0301m) clearance.
3. Sleeve to shaf]. 0.001" 10 0.0015" (0.03mm n 0.04mm) clearance.
4. Impeller 10 shaft. Melal to metal fit 10 0.0005" (0. I3mm) clearance.
Note: there are pumps sucb as borlzontll~ llxJal Spiff pWDpS and multl-stage verrteat pumps that have
Interference fits, Consult your OE1\'1 manual
5. Throat bushInR'
<I) Tbroal bushing to case. I 0.002" to 0.003" (0.05Il1m a O.08mm) interference.
b) Tbroal bushing 10 shaft. I 0.015" to 0.020" (O.40 a 0.5I01m) clearance.
c) The throat bushings on SOUle vertical in-line pumps act as intermediate bearings and require closer.
6. lmuon er
0) I Impeller rinu to hub. I 0.002" to 0.003" (O.05mm a 0.08mm interference.
The-Impeller nng Is normally do\\'cled or spot In at least places welded
bl Impeller ring [0 case ring clearance. 0.010" 10 0.012" (0.254mm a 0.3mm) plus 0.001"
(O.03mm) pcr in. i25.4mm) of impeller ring
diameter up 10 a 12" (3,65801m,) ring. Add 0.0005
(0.0 13mm) per inch (25.4mm) of ring diameter ove
12" (3.6580un). For temp. 2: 500' (260' C) add
0.10" (2.54mm). Also add 0.005 (0.1 27mm) for
gamnS! materials (stainless steel).
c) Renew impeller rings when clearance reaches twice
oncinal clearance.
7. Case rtnas
., Case rings nrc not 10 be bored QUI larger than 3010of
on iinal diameter.
bl Case nne to case. 0.002" to 0.003" (0.05mm a O.OSmml interference.