Ratnagiri Gazeteer
Ratnagiri Gazeteer
Ratnagiri Gazeteer
lR;eso t;rs
Government of Maharashtra
(Revised edition of Volume X of the original Gazetteer of the Bombay Presidency relatinfJ to RqtnafJiri afl{i
Proto History 93 ; Epic Period 106 ; Pre-Christian Era 107; Early Satavahanas 109; Vakatakas 113; Early Chalukyas 116 ;
Silaharas 123 ; Medaieval. Period 135; The Portuguese 146; Early English and French Establishments 161.
Introduction 265 ; Population 265 ; Agriculture 266; industries 268; Trade 269; Finance 270; Transport 272.
Agricultural Population 275; Rainfall 283; Agricultural Seasons 284; Soils 284; Forest Area 287; Land Utilization 287 ;
Holdings 294 Co-operative Farming 299; Classification of Acreage 300; .Cereals 305; Pulses 313 ; Oilseeds 313;
Condiments and Spices 316; Fruits 320; fodder Crops 322; Vegetables 323; Agricultural Operations 326; 'Agricultural
Implements 330; Live-stocks 335 ; Irrigation 340 ; Research Station 348 ; Manures 349 ; Pests 351; Crop Rotation 357;
Tenancy 358; Tenures 359; Rural Wages 365; Famines 369; Floods 372.
Scale -375; Introduction 375; Large Industries 380; Small Industries 388.
Introduction 393.; Money' Lenders 394; Agricultural Debtors' Relief Act 397; Crop Finance 400; Co-operative Movement
400; Agricultural Credit Societies 402; Multi-Purpose Societies 411; Non-agricultural Societies 412 ; Marketing and
Supply Societies 415; Farming Societies 416; Fisheries Societies 415; Better Living Societies 416; Joint Stock Banks
417; Small Savings Schemes 421; Post Office Saving Banks and National Savings Certificates 422; Insurance 425; State
Aid to Agriculture 426; Financial Aid to Industries 432; Loans by Department of Industrial Co-operatives and Village-
Industries 433; Assistance to Educated Unemployed 433; State Aid to Handloom Industry 435; State Aid to Fisheries
Introduction 463; Roads 465 ; Road Development in Five Year Plans 482; Bridges 485; Ferries 487; Ports '490:
State Transport 495; Bungalows and Rest Houses 501; Post Offices 501; Telephone System 502.
Introduction 505; Bakeries 507; ,Boarding Houses 507; Bicycle Repairing 508; Education and Research 509;
Flour Milling 511; Hair Cutting' 512; Laundering 513; Legal Profession 514; Learned Professions 5H;'
Lodging and Boarding Houses 515; Medical Profession 515 ; Persons living on unearned' income 515; Religious .
Introduction 519; Urban' Areas 519; Rural Areas 523 ; Miscellaneous Group '.527; Concluding Remaks 528,
The Gazetteer of the Bombay Presidency was originally compiled between ]874 and 1884, though the actual
publication of the volumes was spread over a period of 27 years. The Ratnagiri District Gazetteer was ,published in
1880. This revised edition has been prepared under the orders of the Government of Maharashtra. The work was
entrusted to an Editorial Board which was specially created for that purpose in 1949.1 After the reorganization of States
in 1957, the Editorial Board was reconstituted.2 With the formation of the Maharashtra State in May 1960, the Board
was again reconstituted. The following are the members of the Editorial Board :
Chief Secretary to Government (Shri N. T. Mone, I.C.S.).
Dr. S. G. Panandikar, retired Principal, Sydenham College of Commerce and Economics, Bombay.
Executive Editor and Secretary (Shri P. Setu Madhava Rao, M.A., IAS.) .
Diacritical marks to explain the pronunciation of names of places and of words in Indian languages have been used
only in thl'ee chapters, namely, Chapter 2-History, Chapter 3-The People and Their culture and Chapter 20 Places of
Interest and also in the Directory of Villages and Towns. In other chapters the current spellings have been retained. A
key to the diacritical marks used is given at pages 821-22.
Executive Editor and Secretary.
May 1962.
1 The following members constituted that Board :-Chief Secretary to Government (8hri M. D. Bhat, I.C.S., 1949-52;
Shri M. D. Bhansali, I.C.S., 1952-58; Shri K. L. Panjabi, I.C.S., who succeeded Shri Bhansali in 1958, retired in the
same year) ; Prof. C. N.. Vakil, Bombay; Dr. G. S. Ghurye, Bombay; Dr. S. M. Katre, Poena; Dr. S. C. Nandimath,
Bagalkot; Director of Archives (Dr. P. M. Joshi); Executive Editor and Secretary (Prof. D. G. Karve, 1949-52; Prof. M.
R. Palande, 1952-60).
2 The following were the members of that Board :-Chief Secretary to Government (Shri N. T. Mone, I.C.S.); Shri V. L. Mehta,
Bombay; Dr. S. G. Panandikar, Bombay; Dr. S. M. Katre, Poona; Shri Maganbhai Desai, Ahmedabad; Director of Archives (Dr. P. M.
Joshi) ; Executive Editor and Secretary (Prof. M. R. Palande).
As early as1843 an attempt was made to arrange for the preparation of Statistical Accounts of the ,different
districts of the Bombay Presidency. The Following extract will be found interesting as. giving an idea of the intention of
those who desired to have such Accounts compiled:-
Government called on the Revenue Commissioner_ to obtain from all the Collectors as part of their next
Annual_ Report, the fullest, available information regarding their districts. . . . . . . . . Government remarked that; as
Collectors and their Assistants during the large portion of the year moved about the district in constant and intimate
communication with all classes, they possessed advantages which no either public officers enjoyed of acquiring a full
knowledge of the condition of the country, the causes of progress or retro gradation the good measures which require to
be fostered and extended, the, evil measures' which call for abandonment, the defects in existing institutions which
require to be remedied, and the nature of the remedies to be applied. Collectors also, it was observed, have an
opportunity of judging of the effect of British rule on the condition and character of the people, and their caste
prejudices, and on their superstitious observances. They can trace any alteration for the better or worse in, dwellings,
clothing and diet, and can observe the use of improved implements of husbandry or other crafts, the habits of
locomotion, the state of education, particularly among the higher classes whose decaying means and energy under our
most levelling system compared with that of preceding. governments will attract their attention. Finally they can, learn
how far existing village institutions are effectual, to their end, and may be made available for self-government and in the
management of local taxation for local purposes.
" In obedience to these orders, reports were received from the Collectors of Ahmedabad, Broach, Kaira, Thana
and Khandesh. Some of the reports contained much interesting information. These five northern reports were practically
the only result of the Circular Letter of 1842."
The matter does not seem to have been pursued any further.
In October 1867, the Secretary of State for India- desired the Bombay Government to take concrete
steps for the compilation of a Gazetteer of the Presidency on the model of' the Gazetteer prepared during that year for the
Central Provinces. The Government of Bombay then requested some of its responsible officials to submit a scheme for
carrying into effect the orders of Secretary of State, and in -1868, appointed the Bombay Gazetteer Committee to
:Supervise and direct the preparation of the Gazetteer., After a few organizational experiments the responsibility was
finally entrusted to Mr. James M. Campbell of the Bombay Civil Service, who commenced the compilation in 1874 and
completed the series in 1884. The actual publication, however, of these volumes was spread, over a period of 27 years
between 1877 and 1904 in which year the last General Index volume was published . .
"Though Gazetteer literally means only geographical index or a geographical dictionary the scope of this
particular compilation was much wider. It included not only a description of the physical and natural features of a
features of a region but also broad narrative of the, social, political economic and cultural life of the people living in that
* Gazetteer of the Bombay Presidency, Vol . I Part I (History of Gujarat), pp. III and IV
intended to serve was made clear in the following remarks of Sir William Hunter, Director General of
Statistics to the Government of India, when is opinion was sought on a draft article on Dharwar District in
1871. He said -
"My own conception of the work is that, in return for a couple of days reading, the Account should give a new
Collector, a comprehensive, and, at the same time, a district idea of the district which he has been sent to administer.
Mere reading can never supersede practical experience in the district administration. But a succinct and well conceived
district account is capable of antedating the acquisition of such personal experience by many months and of both
facilitating and systematizing a Collector's personal enquiries. But in all cases a District Account besides dealing with
local specialities should furnish a historical narration of its revenue and expenditure since it passed under the British rule,
of the sums which we have taken from it in taxes, and of the amount which we have returned to it in the protection of
property and person and the other charges of civil Government."
The Gazetteer was thus intended to give a complete picture of the district to men who were entire strangers to
India and its people but who as members of the ruling race carried on their shoulders the responsibility of conducting its
The Gazetteer had 27 Volumes, some split up into two or three Parts, making a total of 35 books including the
General Index which was published in 1904. Some of the Volumes were of a general nature and were not confined to the
limits of a particular district. For example, Volume I dealt with History and was split up into two Parts, one dealing with
Gujarat and the other with Konkan, Dekhan and Squthern Maratha Country; Volume IX was devoted to the Population
of Gujarat and contained two parts, one describing Hindus and the other Mussalmans and Parsis, but there was no
corresponding Volume devoted to the Population of J.1aharashtra or Karnatak; Volume XXV gave an account of the
Botany of the area covered in the whole Presidency. The remaining volumes dealt with various districts of the
Presidency and with what were then known as Native States attached to the Bombay Presidency. Some of the District
Volumes had two or three parts, for example, those of Thana, Kanara, Poona and Bombay. On the other hand, there was
only one combined volume for some districts, as for example, Surat and Broach, and Kaira and Panch Mahals.
The scheme of the contents was more or less the same for all the District Volumes though the accounts of particular
items varied considerably from district to district. Information was collected from Government offices and, in respect of
social and religious practices, from responsible citizens, Eminent scholars, experts and administrators contributed articles
on special subjects,
This Gazetteer compiled over seventy-five years ago had long become scarce and entirely out of print. It
contained authentic and useful information on several aspects of life in a district and was considered to be of great value
to the administrator, and scholar and the general reader. There was a general desire that there should be a new and
revised edition of this monumental work. The then Government of Bombay, therefore, decided that the old Gazetteer
should be revised and republished, and entrusted the work of revision to an Editorial Board specially created for _hat,
purpose. in 1949, This new
In the nature of things, after a lapse of over 80 years after their publication, most of the statistical information
contained in the old Gazetteer had become entirely out of date and had to be dropped altogether. In this edition an
attempt has been made to give an idea of the latest developments, whether in regard to the administrative structure or the
economic set-up or in regard to social, religious and cultural trends. There are portions in the old Gazetteer bearing on
archaeology and history which have the impress of profound scholarship and learning and their worth has not diminished
by the mere passage of time. Even in their case, however, some restatement is occasionally, necessary in view of later
investigations and new archaeological discoveries by scholars, and an attempt has been made to incorporate in this
edition, the results of such subsequent research. The revision of the old Volumes has, in fact, meant an entire rewriting of
most of the chapters and sections. In doing so, statistical and other information was obtained from the relevant
Departments of Government, and articles on certain specialised subjects were obtained from competent scholars.
In this dynamic world, circumstances and facts of life change, and so do national requirements and social
values. Such significant changes have taken place in India as in other countries during the last half a century, and more
so after the advent of Independence in 1947. The general scheme and contents cf this revised series of the Gazetteer have
been adapted to the needs of altered conditions. There is inevitably some shift in emphasis in the presentation and
interpretation of certain phenomena. For example, the weighted importance given to caste and community in the old
Gazetteer cannot obviously accord with the ideological concepts of a secular democracy, though much of that data may
have considerable interest from the functional, sociological or cultural point of view. What is necessary is a change in
perspective in presenting that account so that it could be viewed against the background of a broad nationalism and the
synthesis of a larger social life. It is also necessary to abridge and even to eliminate, elaborate details about customs and
practices which no longer obtain on any extensive scale or which are too insignificant to need any elaboration. In the
revised Gazetteer, therefore, only a general outline of the practices and customs of the main sections of the population
has been given.
An important addition to the District Volume in this edition is the Directory of Villages and Towns given at the
end which contains, in a tabulated form, useful information about every village and town in the district. The district maps
given in this edition are also fairly large and up-to-date.
The revised Gazetteer will be published in two series: - The General Series.-This will comprise Volumes on
subjects which can best be treated for the State as a whole and not for the smaller area
of a district . As at present planned, they will deal with Physical Features People, and, Their Culture, History,
Language and Literature, Botany, anc Public Administration.
2. The District Series - This will contain, one Volume for every district of the Maharashtra State. The information given
in all Volumes will follow the same pattern, and- the table of contents will more or less be the Same for all districts.
It was originally thought feasible to number the district volumes in, the alphabetical order in the District Series
and accordingly the Poona Volumes which was the first revised District Gazetteer to be compiled and published by the
Board (in 1954), was numbered as Volume XX. However; the arrangement was not found to be suitable and it was,
therefore, subsequently decided not to give any number, to any volume.
In the preparation of this volume, the Board has received every assistance from the Gazetteers Unit,
Ministry of Scientific Research and Cultural Affairs, Government of .India. A draft copy of this volume was
sent, to the Gazetteers Unit and was returned with valuable suggestions which have been incorporated in the
volume. 'The Government of India gives a grant-in-aid of Rs. 6,000 per volume towards the cost of
compilation and 40 per cent of the actual printing charges.
May 1962.
THE DISTRICT OF RATNAGIRI (15 36' N and 18 5' N,.73 5/.E and c 74036' E) has an area of 5,020.9 square miles and a population of 17,11,964.
Administratively, it consists of 15 sub-divisional (the details of area, population and major land use of these divisions are given in the Appendix to
this section on page 12. Geographically, it is the southern most district of the Maharashtra State, with considerable variations in relief and climate,
and in social and economic environment in .its different parts. The district has a north-south length of about 300 miles, from its northern boundary
near the village of Mhapral to its southern most point near Dodamarg in the former Sawantwadi State. It has an average, east-west extension of
about 40 miles, except in its extremities which taper to join the coast-line, its maximum width being from the Ratnagiri port, due east, to the border
across the Amba Ghat in the Sahyadris.
The boundaries of the Ratnagiri district are, for the most part, administrative and only in portions coincide with
natural features. Apart from the coast-line of the Arabian Sea forming its western limit, the Savitri river in the north
separates, over the major portion, this district from that of Kolaba. The Sahyadrian scarp, ending abruptly in some places
to create spectacular scenery, also serves as : a boundary between Ratnagiri on one hand and the Satara, Sangli and
Kolhapur districts on the other. .
*The sections on geography (pp. 1-21) are (contributed by Shri C. D. Deshpande, Chairman, 8. S. C. Board,
Maharashtra State, Poona.
1 To the new district of Ratnagiri are now added the territories of the former Sawantwadi State; and there have been
some adjustment & in sub-divisional boundaries also.
The Savitri river forms a boundary for a stretch of 24 miles,. though along the coast some portion north of the
Savitri also belongs to the Ratnagiri district. East of Mhapral, the boundary follows an irregular chain of hills having a
north-west and south-east trend. This chain joins the main range of the Sahyadris near the Hatlot pass and separates the
Ratnagiri district from the southern extremity of the Kolaba district. On the west lies the Arabian Sea, giving the district
a seaboard of about 160 miles, from the Bankot Fort in the north to a point some two miles south of the Redi port in the
south. On the "east, the water-shed of the Sahyadrian main range, from Hatlot to Ram in Sawantwadi forms a well-
defined natural boundary. The administrative line almost coincides with this natural feature except .at one or two points
where villages east of the. water-shed form a part of the district.
The southern boundary is more irregular. It separates the Sawantwadi portion of the district first from the Kolhapur
district, then over a very small section from the Mysore State and in the southern extremity from the territory of Goa.
Nearer the coast line the Ratnagiri area extends as a narrow tongue of land between the sea and the Goa territory, ahnost
to a point near the Terekhol Fort. This part of the boundary as a whole is influenced by water-sheds and forests, and is
accordingly difficult to traverse and much more difficult, as is borne out by the recent experiences to maintain as a
boundary between the Indian Union and the Portuguese occupied Goa. In the interior, the Sawantwadi portion of the
district projects as a wedge between the Goa territory on the west and the Belgaum district on the east to enclose the
Sahyadrian hill regions as far south as Bhedshi.
The relief features of the, district are essentially the product of its geological past, the nature of its geological
composition-an account of which is given elsewhere-and the agents of denudation working on the geological mantle. The
outstanding feature in the relief of the district is its highly uneven nature and the very narrow riverine plains that fringe
the coast-line. Over 85 per cent. of the land surface is hilly. On the east this consists of the steep and forbidding scarp of
the main Sahyadris. In the centre are the transverse chains of small hills, which projecting from the main range, develop
higher elevations in their middle portions. These are separated from each other by undulating plateaus' which gain in area
and scenic effect westwards as the coast-line is approached. The coast-line irregular marked by alternating bluff and
curving bays, but it is shallow and hence has a limited use for navigation. The landscape of the Ratnagiri district is
basically influenced by the Deccan lavas which cover most of the area except the southern and south-eastern Dart which
is underlain by metamorphic types: The typical lava landscape developed under tropical humid conditions persists
almost, everywhere. But locally even this general aspect has five different types, the coast line, the estuarine alluvial
plains and basins of the main rivers the laterite plateaus, the highly eroded remnant hills.
partly detached from and partly connected to the main range, and the scarp face of the Sahyadris proper. These patterns
as they occur from west to east, are described in detail below :-
The coast-line of the district extends to about 250 miles. It is C uniformly rocky and shallow, though locally there is a
good deal. of variation in the form of projecting bluffs and promontories that enclose small sandy bays. These are
interspersed by estuaries of the more important rivers and the mouths of numerous minor streams. All these. variations in
relief exercise a very significant influence on the scenic features of the landscape and their economic use by the
inhabitants of the district. The coast-line is marked with several islands. the result of a drowned topography. Those like
Malvan and Narayandurg were - important Maratha forts. The shallow sea and silted estuaries make navigation difficult
except for the smallest craft. The b1uffs and promontories are underlain by hard laterite they support little vegetation
and only the narrow fringe at their base are marked here and ,there, by lines of coconut palms and patches of
cultivation in an area that is generally strewn with large eroded boulders. The bare and rocky appearance of the
headlands continues over the wider plateaus in the interior. Only the small alluvial estuaries are useful for agriculture,
The junction between such fertile patches and barren lateritic slopes generally favours the development of villages.
The head lands have played a very important role as forts in the Maratha history.
Estuarine Plains and River Basins.
The central portion of the district is furrowed by numerous stream, which have mostly a parallel drainage pattern.
Rising from the Sahyadrian scarp these streams drain the waters to the Arabian Sea through a. region that is hilly and
mostly bare. Their basins, accordingly, are narrow and rocky. Their flood regime is also unsuitable for the development
of good soil and agriculture. Thus the upper and middle reaches of these rivers do not favour much economic
development. Only the estuarine portions have comparatively good soils, and they indeed form agriculturally the best
lands of the district. Such, for example, are the Savitri. the Vasishthi and the Shastri estuaries.
Lateritic Plateaus
So broad is the expanse of the plateau of the Ratnagiri I district that the deeply entrenched river courses are hardly
visible from the plateau surface. Scientists are still not agreed as to the origin of these plateau surfaces though opinion
seem to favour the view that they are the products of the lateritic material brought down from the Sahyadrian hill
regions. Compact and undulating, these plateaus offer bleak landscape; bare rock often craggy in appearance, grasses of
the poorest type and an occasional shrub make up the typical scenery in these plateaus. Their transition to lower levels is
maked by abrupt slopes to entrenched river courses, and to higher levels by more gradual slopes to residual basaltic hill
that traverse the central portions of the district.
Residual Hill
These residual hills, oddly enough, present a contrast in appearance. Being made of lava flows they show the typical
banded and terraced
from, with a pronounced tendency to develop Hat tops and smoother contours. But the tropical humid heat as well as the
heavy monsoonal downpour cause intense gully erosion and development of a furrowed. appearance an these hill
features. However, they break the monotony of the lateritic plateaus by their appearance and vegetation cover which
more often consists of strands of rich monsoonal forests. While lateritic plateaus seldom. rise more than 500 feet above
sea level, these hills record generally higher elevations varying from 600 to. 1,100 feet above sea level. Many of these
hills, owing to. their commanding position became strategic fortified points during the Maratha period. Thus
Mandangad, about 14 miles from Dapoli, is a conspicuous landmark far many miles around. South-east of Mandangad
lies Palgad (1,091 ft.). Nearer the Sahyadrian scarp these detatched hills are in fact a physical outlier of the main range
separated from it by an agelong process of denudation and underlain by hard basaltic core. As forts controlling the
Sahyadrian passes, from the Konkan side, Mahipatgad (3,090 ft.) in the extreme north , Sumargad (3,090 ft.), Rasalgad
(1,770 ft.) facing the Amboli Ghat, Mashal (3,348 ft.) opposite the Vishalgad route, were important in Maratha history.
Sahyadrian Main Range
While the hills of the central parts of the district, as viewed from the heights of the main range such as Mahabaleshwar
or Vishalgad or Bavada, display a chaotic arrangement in trend lines and from the main range of the Sahyadris as seen
from -the Kankan approaches offers an imposing sight in its vastness and splendour. The crestline is smooth though
often notched by saddles and rising Hat tops. The dark lava bands of which the Sahyadris are in - this section made up,
extend across the bare face of the scarp, in succession at various levels and separating the weaker racks which support a
typical monsoonal vegetation. The scarp face has suffered heavy erosion, so. that several portions nave been detached
from the main range and they appear as isolated small plateau or in extreme cases as pillars standing out prominently to
create a scenery of fantasy. Although these are detached and isolated forms, their genetic relationship with the main
range is clearly visible through the arrangement of the horizontal lava. bands. The scarp face proper is steep and is
marked by a succession of amphitheatres of drainage where the numerous gullies Hawing dawn, the scarp wall coalesce
to. create the rivers flowing across the central and western parts of the district, to. drain the waters to. the Arabian Sea.
The scarp wall is regarded as the fractured face of the Sahyadris, though it is more than likely that in it present position it
marks a recession from the actual zone where faulting must have initially taken place. The wall retains its typically trap.
or stair-like appearance, but is furrowed intensively by the fast Hawing streams. The mare resistant of the Deccan lavas
stand out prominently as hill chains, and being thus linked to. the main range, they appear as transverse hills with east-
west trend to. the main range which has a general north-south trend. Thus :he scarp face from north to. south is, a
succession of sections marked. by drainage amphitheatres and intervening residual hill. these
physical features of the Sahyadrian scarp are all too prominent in their youthful appearance. The crest of the Sahyadris,
on the other hand, shows a contrast that is both amazing and spectacular. On the Sahyadrian top levels on one hand there
are precipitous depths with rapidly flowing streams and crumbling rock formations that A are hurled down by the
monsoonal torrents; and literally, within a furlong to the east of the scarp, one comes across a gentle undulating
topography that shows all the features of a mature landscape. Such features arc- quite familiar to visitors to Mahabale-
shwar, Bavda and Amboli. This great contrast in land form has got another significance. So rapid is the erosion on the
scarp face, that the scarp itself is receding eastwards by devouring: the gentle landscapes of the Deccan plateau. There
are several river captures from the plateau areas, i.e., diversions of waters from the east-flowing rivers to the west, and
thus the peaks, the plateau levels, and the passes which mark the crest-line of the Sahyadrian main range and which have
influenced the past and present of the people are essentially Nature.s creations through this gigantic process of erosion.
The crest-line records an average height of about 2,500 ft. above sea-level, with plateau tops and saddles being the local
variations. In the Maratha history, these became famous forts like Bhairavgad (2,990 ft.), Shivgad (2,371 ft.), Prachitgad
(3,127 ft.), Manohar (2,500 ft.) and Mansantoshgad (2,500 ft.). The lower saddles became the pass routes connecting this
part of the Konkan with the plateau regions to the east. Thus from the north to south are the Hatlot pass, Ambavli ghat,
Kumbharli, Tivra, Mala, South Tivra, Kundi, Amba, Vishalgad, Anaskura, Bavda, Phonda, Amboli (in Sawantwadi),
Ram, and several other ghats. Of these, the more important now are the Ambavli connecting Khed with Mahabaleshwar;
the Kumbharli, Chiplun with Karad ; the Amba, Ratnagiri with Kolhapur; the Phonda, Deogad with Nipani; and the
Amboli, Sawantwadi with Belgaum.
methods of engineering. Inspite of these natural drawbacks, the rivers are of great value to the district,
particularly from the point of view of navigation. Their channels navigable for 20 miles or more, in
conjunction with roads between the ports and their Deccan hinterland, afford easy means of communication
and facilitate Commerce. Their broad estuaries! are suitable for local craft engaged in coastal trade, and along
their low tidal banks are found some of the best agricultural lands of the district. Besides the larger rivers,
there are many small streams, creeks, and inlets, which have no communications with the interior. And during
the south-west monsoon innumerable little hills and rivulets springing up in all directions drain into patches of
level ground and convert them into good rice fields.
This is the northernmost of the more important rivers of the district, and as has been already noted it acts as a
boundary for about 24 miles between this district and the Kolaba district. The river takes its rise from the Mahabaleshwar
hill complex. In the local Hindu tradition, it is one of the five sacred rivers, the Panch Gangas, which owe their source in
the sanctified region of Mahabaleshwar. The Savitri in its course of about 50 miles, has an ungraded course in the region
of the Sahyadrian main range, with rocky channel and steep banks. Outside the mountain tract it develops a meandering
course and passes by the town of Mahad in the Kolaba district. The old port of Mhapral marks the northern boundary of
the Ratnagiri district. From this point to the region of the mouth of the river, it does not receive any tributary. The mouth
is marked by bluffs jutting out on either side into the sea. It is on the southern headland that the historically well known
Bankot fort is situated. The old fort is in ruins, and on the shores of the creek are traces of the first English Residency in
the southern Konkan. Bankot is only a fair weather port. A formidable sand bar makes anchorage difficult. The port can
be used only by small coasting vessels. The river is navigable far about 36 miles upstream t0. the town Mahad in Kolaba,
but only for small vessels drawing seven feet of water Large vessels can go only up to Mhapral in Ratnagiri district about
24 miles from the mouth of the river. Between Bank and Mhapral, the passage is smooth and large crafts work up an a
single tide. But between Mhapral and Mahad .the river narrows, and shoals, rocky ledges and reefs are numerous,
making navigation difficult even far smaller crafts; and the process of silting up has mo1de navigation all the mare
difficult. There are several paints where the river could be forded, Bank of and Bagmandla being the most frequented.
The other paints are Shipola, Panderi, Nigadi and Mhapral and the villages opposite them in the Kolaba district. From the
mouth of the river upstream the scenery improves a great deal, in that its hills present a picturesque landscape. Further
inland, the table-land features recede from the river banks to develop broad belts of alluvial low land with interspersed
patches of mangrove. swamp. But as one goes upstream towards Mahad the banks become flat and uninteresting.
The Vasishthi running parallel to the Savitri has an 80urse of about 30 miles and is the most important river of the
district from the point of view of length and navigational facilities. Its source Waters rise in the Tivra section of the
Sahyadris. In its mountainous course, it develops a narrow and steep profile. On reaching the plain tract, it develops a
meandering course. Here the river becomes tidal. It is at this point that the commercial town of Chiplun is situated.
Below the island of Govalkot, the river widens in sweeping meanders and after a course of 25 miles through low mud
banks and mangrove, it reaches the sea in the shape of a shallow estuary that is marked by promontories on either side.
As with the Savitri the estuarine mouth on the Vasishthi has a sandbar that reduces the navigational advantage of the
river. On the southern headland of the estuary stands the old fort of Anjanwel, and on the north, the once famous port of
Dabhol. Situated on a narrow strip .of low ground between the creek and the neighbouring steep hill, the present
appearance of Dabhol hardly suggests its former greatness. During stormy weather condition, Dabhol offers a better
anchorage, to the small sailing craft than Anjanwel, but all the same both these ports are essentially fair weather ports
with a limited advantage.
The Jagbudi, the principal tributary of the Vasishthi on the north, rises near the Hatlot pass of the Sahyadris. In its
first 12 miles, the, stream runs almost from north to south, and there develops a sharp bend to flow westwards for the
next 12 miles and again resumes its southward trend till it joins the Vasishthi. These sharp, almost right angled, bends of
the river are suggestive of drainage intricacies of the Konkan coastlands. Where the river becomes tidal about 12 miles
upstream-is situated the local commercial and administrative centre of Khed. Several smaller tributaries are received by
the Vasishthi on either bank, only some of the larger ones I being tidal are useful for navigation. The passage in the
smaller stream is obstructed by mud-banks and mangroves. The Vasishthi, however, is at any stage of the tide navigable
for large sized craft as far as the village of Diva about eight miles below Govalkot, which is the landing, place for
Chiplun. Larger craft can work up on the tide of Govalkot, 28 miles from the mouth of the liver, to unload the cargo
directly in the local jetty or into smaller craft which carry it upstream to Chiplun. Smaller vessels can reach as far as
Khed upstream the Jagbudi River. The triangular island of Govalkot formed by the two arms of the river is important
both on account of its historic fort and landing facilities as well as the rich agricultural land outside the fort.
Downstream, several small islands of no human importance again interrupt the course of the Vasishthi. Below Govalkot,
the river can be forded at two main points between Taribunder and Dabhol, and between Maldoli and Hodkhad.
South of the Vasishthi River, the Shastri flows from the east to the west. And drains a part of the district. It takes
its source waters in the Sahyadris near the Prachitgad fort and has a total length of about 40 miles when, it meets the sea
in an estuary, the adjoining
promontory of which supports the Jayagad fart. The first 16 miles of the river belong to a steep mountainous tract. Where
the river i. leaves this tract to enter the coastland is situated the taluka towns of Sangameshwar. Below this town the river
is joined by the tributary stream of Bav, and has a generally northwesterly trend right up to the sea. The river is tidal up
to Sangameshwar. Of the several small tributary streams, the Bav is the more important. Rising in the Sahyadris near the
Amba pass the Bav develops a fertile valley and joins the Shastri an the left bank about 20 miles upstream the main river.
On the Right Bank of the Shastri, the Gandhi is the main tributary. The estuary of the Shastri has a broad but shallow
aspect. Though Jayagad is a good port for the smaller craft, the sandbar across the Shastri mouth presents difficulties.
The river is tidal up to Sangameshwar, but its navigability. is severely limited by the shallow waters, and silted reaches.
Similarly the Gandhi and the Bav have a very limited navigational advantage. The Shastri can be forded at four
important places between Tavasal and Laiegan, between Jambhari and Kudli, between Phangas and Dingne; and between
Sangameshwar and Asurda. The Bav is usually fordable at Vandri and Parchuri.
Twenty-five miles south of the. Shastri lies the Ratnagiri River. Rising in the Amba pass, it has a course of about 40
miles. At its mouth this stream is narrow and has a sandbar. On the north, lies the promontory on which stands the old
fort of Ratnagiri. The mouth offers anchorage only to small craft, which can go upstream up to about 12 miles with the
tide. The river is crossed by ferries at two points.
The Muchkundi rises in the heights of Machal in the Sahyadrian range, near Prabhanavli, and flows parallel to the
Ratnagiri, to its south, to empty its waters into the Purangad creek. It is navigable for about twelve miles upstream, and
on its northern bank stands on a bluff the fort of Purangad.
South of the Muchkundi, the land is drained by the Jaitapur river which taking its source waters from the Anaskura
tract of the Sahyadris, develops first a south-westerly course far nearly two-third of its length, and then takes a due,
westward turn to join the sea in the Jaitapur creek. Widway between the source and the mouth, stands on the north-bank
the historical trading centre of Rajapur. The Jaitapur creek is proteced by a promontory on its north. On this bluff stands
the Yeshwantgad fart. The opening of the creek is narrow, but inside, the river broadens out and is navigable up to three
miles off Rajapur for medium sized craft. The ferry at Jaitapur connects two points on the northern bank.
Immediately south of the Jaitapur creek lies another parallel flowing river, which at its mouth is known as the
Vijayadurg creek and upstream as the Vaghotan River. Rising in. the Kajorda region of the Sahyadris, the river flows
south eastwards for about 15 miles, where it becomes tidal. At this point is situated the old trading
centre of Kharepatan. Below Kharepatan, the river rapidly widens and joins the sea in a wide estuary that is protected
from the south by the rocky height of the Vijayadurg fort. This promontory gives a good protection to craft from the
southwest monsoon and the wide estuary gives spacious room. The estuary is comparatively free from sandbars, and so
at the immediate entrance there is good depth for vessels of large size, but inside, it rapidly shoals to offer a depth of
about twelve feet to the sailing craft. After rounding Vijayadurg, the channel turns southeast for about four miles almost
parallel to the coastline, and then gradually curves eastwards. At: the bend of the river, a large back waters runs south for
about three miles to create the narrow peninsula of Bheria. The river is navigable for vessels of medium size up to the
town of Vaghotan. and for smaller sized craft up to Kharepatan which is 20 miles inland.
The Deogad River has a similar parallel flowing course of about thirty miles from the Shivgad pass to its mouth,
which is protected, by the Deogad promontory from the south. The. River is navigable only for a few miles and is
comparatively unimportant from the economic point of view.
The Achra is a small river in the sense that it has a few tributaries though its length is about thirty miles. It rises
near the Phonda Ghat. A prominent headland separates the estuary of this river from that of the Deogad river. The river
is navigable only up to a few miles.
The Kalavli rises in the Bhudargad heights of the Sahyadris, and J on receiving the waters of the Gandhi, takes
a southwesterly course and joins the sea three miles north of Malvan a developing sandbar from the north influences the
estuary. The river is forded at two points and has a very limited navigability.
This river is known as Sarambal in upper reaches and as Karli only near its mouth. It rises near Manohargad in
the Sahyadris, and after a winding course of about fifty miles, joins the- sea about eight miles south of Malvan. Sandpits
and shallow mouth have considerably reduced the importance of this river though it is navigable for about fourteen miles
upstream up to Anav for medium sized vessels. There are some ferries across the river though during the monsoons
fording is difficult at all points.
The southern-most river of the district is known in its upper reaches as the Banda River and in the lower as the
Terekhol. Rising in the environs of the Manohargad in the Sahyadris, the river flows southwest to meet the sea. As far as
Banda, about fifteen miles from the sea, it is tidal and navigable to medium sized vessels, but larger craft cannot pass
beyond Aronda which is three miles upstream from the estuary. Though the Terekhol can be forded at several points, ill
the fair weather season, it becomes a formidable rush of waters during the monsoonal season. The river forms
a boundary for some distance between the Ratnagiri district and the Goa territory.
Minor Creeks.
In addition to these main rivers, the district has numerous small creeks and back waters all along the coastline. The
more important are the Kelshi creek (between Bankot and Suvarndurg), the Ada creek (two miles to the south of the
Kelshi), the Palshey and Borya bays (between Vasishthi and the Shastri), the Ganapatipule, Nevre, Are and Kalbadevi,
(just north of the Ratnagiri creek) and the Redi creek (in the southern extremity of the district). All these creek afford
anchorage to small craft in fair weather and have a local importance in trade and fisheries.
Geographical Regions.
The foregoing description of the physical features and natural environment lends a favourable setting for
understanding the regional patterns in the district. Ratnagiri is typical Konkan with all that implied in the word; a
monsoonal land with great contrast in nature, of heights and plains, of wet and dry seasons, of forested and cultivated
stretches, of bare lateritic plateau surfaces and intensely tilled valleys. But this contrast of nature, paradoxically, is not
reflected in its human element. The keynote to human life in Ratnagiri district is economic insufficiency with all the
attendant problems. Yet regionally there is an interesting variation in landscapes and patterns of human economy.
Broadly it is possible to recognise three belts parallel to the coastline and the inland Sahyadris. The eastern portion
consists of the main areas of the Sahyadrian Range and its transverse members sprawling into the (Konkan) plain. The
mountainous face is deeply scarred by ravines, and the Deccan Lava topography yields the typical step-like appearance,
with bold and bleak scarps alternating with softer debris slopes, Vegetation, which is mostly monsoonal forests, follows
intimately the alternating patterns. On the crest line, towards the Maharashtra plateau, the landscape suddenly changes
into a mellowed smooth contoured topography. But at the Sahyadrian base ill the Konkan, ruggedness is evident all
round. Many of the peaks carry the famous Maratha fortresses, and weaker rocks have given way to create the famous
Ghat routes. The topographical influence of the Sahyadris continues westward through the minor ranges to a distance
ranging between fifteen to twenty miles. "The characteristic feature that is common all over is the destruction of vegetal
cover and bare rocky expanses. This is a stark contrast to the luxuriant forest growth southwards in Goa and Kanara.
Imporverished forest areas and shifting cultivation are not uncommon to this part of the Ratnagiri district, and
consequently population is thin, economically backward and culturally isolated. Villages dot along the main stream
courses, and only at the foot of the leading passes does a village grow into a township.
To the west of this Sahyadrian and sub-Sahyadrian region of the district, the hilly landscape opens out to form an
undulating aspect which. could be as best. called plateau surface deeply notched. by the parallel flowing streams and
their tributaries. Practically most
of this surface belongs to the low level laterite that offers a bare and bleak appearance due to the destruction of earlier
vegetation. Now nothing but coarse grass and shrubs grow. Here rough grazing of the stunted cattle population is the
natural response. This monotony in landscape is relieved only along the deeply entrenched stream courses where
meandering sweeps create alluvial patches. On these, intensive rice cultivation and cocoanut and betel-nut gardening are
practised and that gives the landscape a verdant appearance. The majority of the village.s dot along these courses and
most of them consist of strings of homesteads succeeding in one field and another Population is essentially agricultural.
The more important villages and township are concerned with commerce and transport and they have a remarkable
similarity in their geographical location and economic functions. They are situated just where the Sahyadrian foothills
open out to merge in the lateritic plateaus and where the rivers have their tidal limit. Such are, from north to south,
Mhapral (pop. 2,820), Khed (pop. 6,477), Chiplun (pop. 15,847), Devrukh (pop. 6,470), Rajapur (pop. 8,023),
Kharepatan (pop. 3,400), and Bnda (pop. 4,154). Each of these towns is situated at the navigable limit of a river and
controls the. Ghat. route beyond. Before the days of steam-ships and railways, they enjoyed a much greater importance
than at present, for goods used to be transported more economically on pack bullocks and sailing crafts and these towns
flourished because they were the points of transhipment. Development of railways on the Maharashtra plateau
considerably reduced their importance and with the new roads and faster motor traffic developing in the Ratnagiri
district, these towns may further recede into the background. .
It is difficult to say where this plateau tract of the Ratnagiri district ends and where the coastal. plains. begin, for these
landscapes dovetail into each other so frequently that any clear-cut demarcation must appear artificial. Yet, there is a
visible change as one approaches the coastline; wide estuaries, open expanses of cultivation and the salt laden
atmosphere have an unmistakable. milieu. of their own lateritic areas from water sheds between rivers and their
promontories-which are the sites of the famous Maratha fortsprojecting into the Arabian sea. But below them, in the
estuarine areas nestle villages and their cultivated fields .covered by lines of cocoanut palms, and at the mouth of the
estuary itself has a town which had its hey-day in the olden Moghal and Maratha regimes. Thus each estuary is a focus of
human activity-mostly agricultural but partly marine, and till the development of the roads in the interior, was connected
to the hinterland by the ghat routes and with the outer world through its small port, Thus Dabhol (pop. 5,065), Guhagar
(pop. 5,031), Jayagad (pop. 2,309), Ratnagiri (pop. 27,082 Vijayadurg (pop. 2,506), Deogad (pop. 2,493), Malvan (pop.
29,851), Vengurla (pop. 22,778) and Redi (pop. 4,183), were Lanportant ports in the medieval and pre-British period.
Even now they retain their function as local trade and administrative centers. Ratnagiri, due to its position as the district
headquarters, has become more important
than others. But the common features of inadequate means of sustenance prevail both in town and country
side, That explains the well known seasonal and permanent exodus of the able bodied population to Bombay
and other active areas in search of employment. What remains in the district, therefore, is economically
ineffective and dependent element, either too young or too old, and unless developmental measures to
promote agriculture, good water supply, industry including fisheries and communication are actively taken up
the geographical face of the district will continue to remain inert and unprogressive.
Administrative Divisions of Ratnagiri district, with their area, population and number of villages a11d towns therein,
according to the Census of 1951.
GEOLOGY* - Except for a few ,scattered areas, the district has not been entirely geologically mapped. The geological
formations in the area, which, in descending order of their antiquity, areas below, :::-. r_
Dharwars.-The Archaean and the Cuddapah formations are found D only in the southern half of the district, while the
entire northern portion of the district, is occupied by lava flows referred to as "Deccan traps". The Dharwars are the most
ancient formations in the area and are represented by phyllites, crush conglomerates, quartzites, banded-hematite-
quartzites, a variety of schists with variable proportions of gamet, staurolite, and kyanite and composed largely of
hornblende and mica and various granulites. The crush conglomerates, quartzites and banded-hematite-quartzites occur
as: narrow bands almost parallel to the coast and as small reefs and islands off the shore.. The other rock types appear to
cover the greater portion of the area away from the coast. These rock units have trends paralleling the coast line, i.e.,
NW-SE. to N.N.W.-S.S.E. suggesting some relation between the strike of the rocks and the run of the coast. The
quartzites and banded-hematite-quartzites along the shore near Nivti and Malvan are assodated with the crushed and
brecciated conglomerates and suggest a thrust plane parallel to the coast. Variations in the strike and dip observed at a
number of localities indicate that these rocks have been subjected to intense deformation. Some of these sections are
described below:
Narrow bands of crush conglomerates, quartzites and bandedhematite-quartzites, running almost parallel to the coast,
near Malvan, Nivti and Redi and also forming small reefs and islands off the shore, show steep easterly dips while the
rocks little further inland show a northerly dip, suggesting a thrust parallel to the coast line. Similarly, the gneissic rocks
south and south-_ast of Sawantwadi strike E-W.. with an obscure and uncertain dip. while those to the south and south-
west of Sawantwadi show NW -SE. srike, and near Mano-. hargad, north of Sawantwadi strike E-W. A little further
north, in the Kudal river the rocks strike N-S. Marked disparity in the strike and dip of these rocks is also noticed near
Phonda. where they dip towards S.S.E. at low angles while near Durgagad, north of Phonda, they
*The note on Geology was contributed by Shri Y. S. Sahasrabuddhe of the Geological Survey of Jndia. .
have north-westerly dins. The schists and quartzites near Kasal show a narth-easterly dip, while the same racks two.
miles south, show southerly dips.
Mica-schists, mica-garnet-schists,harnblende-schists. and chlarite schists are the principal rack types in the Dharwars
of this district They farm small bands, and near granitic intrusions are associated with biatite-granulites; Good exposures
are seen near Vengurla Bunder Hill. Aderi, Kadawal, Satral, Janavli, in the hills narth and south-west af Sawantwadi and
in the Gad river near Kankavli. Stauralite, kyantie ar garnet are develaped in the mica-schists in the hills north af
Shirvada, near Shravan, Lingras wadi and Gaothan. Presence of taurmaline is invariably noticed in the mica-schists in
cantact with the granite-gneiss. Harnblende and biatite granulites are expased near Kankavli, Satral, Janavli, Kasal,
Kunda Kasba, Kalsuli, Amrad, Avalegaon, Kadawal, Akeri and Danali. Granulites also. accur as inclusians in the graite-
gneiss alang the Sawantwadi-Aranda and Sawantwadi-Banda raads. Talc-schists occur frequently in the Sawantwadi
taluka and are generally found farming lenses and bands interbedded with athe!," Dharwar racks.Outcraps are naticed
near Bomgarda and near the crossing af the Tilari river and the Ram Pass raad near Kudasi. The same band passes
northwards to. the tap 0.1 the spur between Sasali and Kumberal. Good exposures are also. naticed near Akeri, north-
west of Sawantwadi Sherli, west of Banda, Vankda, south of Ashmat, the slape of the Tapalwadi Hill at Ajgaon,
Jalamba, Bidwadi, Gaothan, Asgani and Kirlasi. Actinalite-schists, composed entirely of actinalite and with a few
accesseries like rutile, biatite, phlagopite and iron-are found associated with horn blende-schists near Kankavli, Talsul,.
Nerur, Asali and Kunda. Good expasures are also. noticed at the faat of the Dcccan trap hills near Gadge-Sakkal, ane
mile north of Phanda. A few thin lenses of allthophyllite-schists are met with near Kankavli and Bidwadi. Similar lenses
assiociated with harnblende-schists are also noticed on the bank of the Gad river, west of Kankavli.
Fine to coarse-grained quartzites composed almost entirely of quartz with minor accessories such as muscavite,
biotite, tourmaline, magnetite and pyrite, possessing a typical granablastic texture, accur as small bands all aver the
southern part of the district. They are developed in farce in. the hill range north of Shrivade, Rathivade, Banda, Nivti, Pat
and along the coast of Malvan. The quartzites at Malvan and Nivti have hitherto been regarded as a facies of the Kaladgi
Series, but recent work shows them to belong to the Dharwar Series. Ferruginous quartzites are noticed near Asali and
below the laterite cap near Kachra, Mahapan, _at, Parule, Otavane, Banda, Degwe, Mazgaan, Kalne, Kumbrol and
Banded-hematite-quartzite forms a small proportion of the Dharwar rocks in the district. About six small bands, 10-20
feet thick, and less than a few hundred feet in length, are found inter-bedded with hornblende-schists near Kankavli with
granulites near Kiristavwadi,
A few minor bands are also noticed north-east of Kasal, south; west of Kunda, east of Vagda, Katta, Varad. and along the
coast, two miles south of Malvan. Banded.hematite-quartzite is conspicuously developed along the southern margin of
the district, particularly. along the border of the Portugue_e occupied territors. A band near I Aros which is almost
lateritised laterally extends over] ,400 feet with an average width of 300 feet. A band of similar dimensions is also
around near Aravali and Satarda. A few parallt;! bands at Rem extending over two miles in length with an average wroth
of over l,500 feet are lateritised, and are extensively worked at present for iron-ore. Small exposures, covered by laterite
and exposed intermittently, occur near Tiravada about one mile north.-east of Ajgaon, south of Wadi Phanasvada, north-
west of Aros, one and a half mile north-west of Ajavali and along the northern slope of the hill, west of Talavna.
A number of small bands of crushed conglomerates are noticed in the southern portions of the district. Three band:;
striking N-S., sharply marked off from adjacent hornbde -schists, are exposed In the bed of Gad river south of
Pisekamata and about 3 of miles west by south of Kankavli. Four small bands are also noticed near Sindhudurg, and
along the shore near Malvan and Nivti. The pebbles constitute 60 to 70 pet cent. of the rock by volume and an_
somewhat flattened and ellipsoidal in shape. The matrix is siliceous of coherent sandy and gritty material, often stained
with ferruginous material.
Granite-gneiss.-Granite-gneiss, intrusive into the schistcse rocks, forms small scattered patches occupying a
comparatively small area. All gradations are noticed varying from distinctly gfieissic varieties to an evenly granular and
porphyritic type. In the porphyritic variety the phenocrysts of micro cline are generally - set in a medium to coarse-
grained matrix composed chiefly of mien cline, quartz, oligoclase, biotite and hornblende. A few accessories such as
zircon, apatite, sphene and magnetite are common. In the gneissic varieties, the .direction of the banding varies between
N 10 W to N. 50 Wand conform to the strike of the adjacent schistose rocks. Occasionally, these granites exhibit augen
structures, suggestive of their having suffered post consolidation deformation.
The most northerly exposure of the gneisses occurs as a small inlier, surrounded by quartzites of the Kaladgi Series, at
the base of Deadanger hill north-west of Phonda. Good outcrops of granites showing their intrusive relationship with the
Dharwars are noticed near Kankavli, Katta and Koshra. An interesting section r; gneissic roch is seen at Ram Pass near
Banda. At the heart of the pass light coloured, highly felspathic gneisses crop out, while lower down the pass, compact,
fine-grained, bluish hornblende gneisses are inter_ bedded \With hornblende schists and quartzites. The strike of the rock
is quite persistent throughout the spurs upto the south of Pargad Fort. Another good section in the bend of the Tilari
river, west of the fort at permeg exhibits the light-coloured gneisses dipping at
50 towads south-west. Hornblende-gnesses are widely developed jn some P?rts of the district and are noticed in the
following localities: (1) in the hills around Banda, (2) between Ram Pass and Vengurla, (3) between Anai and Fukeri, (4)
in the valley east of Oras Budrukh, (5) south of Balamwadi, (6) one mile north-east and south-west of Dankalwadi, (7)
on the spur crowned by the Hanmant gad Fort, (8) the hills south-west and north of Sawantwadi, (9) in :a river section
near Kalmist a couple of miles north of Devsu, and (10) in the l1igh hills of Baravda, Bambarda and Mulda. Isolated
patches of granite-gneiss surrounded by lateritised Dharwar rocks are noticed near Sukalwadi, Avalegaon, Pat, Gabit and
Vajrat, Kand_lgaon, Adali, Dhampur, Kalse and Amberi.
The main granitic intrusion was followed by numerous minor, "injections of quartz, pegmatite, opatites, etc., in
apophysal forms, and are especially found traversing the schistose rocks all over the area. The pegmatites often contain
tourmaline and muscovite. Such pegmatites are exposed one mile south-west and north-west of Avlegaon, on the border
of Kumbhavade and Biravane villages and near Kadawal. The mica bearing pegmatite at Kadawal is about 1,600 feet
long and nearly 600 feet wide. Numerous small quartz veins conformably intrude the Dharwar rocks and the gneisses. A
quartz vein, about 25 feet wide and a little over a mile in lengtn occurs north of Phonda, while few quartz tourmaline
veins occur at Rathivade and Varavda. These veins appear to be responsible for the incorporation of tourmaline in ):he
country rocks as in the biotiteschists at Ratambewadi and Shiravda; the talc-schists along the northern slope of the
Tapalwadi hill at Ajgani; the quartzite at Pisekamta, north-west of Kankavli ; and the hornblende-granulite at Musalman
Wadi and at Varavda halfa mile north-west of Kankavli.
Basic and Ultramafic intrusions.-Numerous :;mall dykes of b_sk and ultramafic rocks, intrude the Dharwars and
granite-gneisses. They comprise chlorites, dolerites, olivine-dolerites gabbros, picrites and chromite-bearing serpentines.
The dykes do not outcrop continuously as they are often obscured by the laterite cover. Following are some of the
localities where the dykes are conspicuous: ( 1) along the coast south of Gabitwadi, (2) two :Diles south-west of Kochra,
(3) one mile north-west of Aravali and Nimkhe, (4) Mangaon-Akeri Road and Vengurla,cBelgaum Road, (5) half a mile
northwest of Banda, (6) Vapholi, (7) north of Kalne- Mazgaon and Padve, (8) west of Vagda, (9) Kankavli-Harkul Road,
(10) one mile west of Kasal bridge, and (11). Sawantwadi-Aronda Road.
Picrite which is noticed on the Danoli-Banda Road is coarsegrained and holo-crystalline, composed largely of
pyroxene olivine. Chromite-bearing serpentine rocks are noticed near Kankavli and Vagda exposure is composed of two.
ridges separated by a patch of cultivation. These serpentines are usually altered to laterite. The chromite ore bodies occur
as irregular lenses or small veins in the
Serpentine. An extensive outcrop of an irregular intrusive mass of Olivine-norite is noticed in the hills near Vagheri, live
miles north east of Vengurla.
Kaladgi Series
The Kaladgi Series-Rocks of the Kaladgi Series is noticed in the southern portions of the district and is represented by
conglomerates, quartzites, sandstones and shales. The Kaladgis appear to have covered large areas in the past and
suffered immense denudation long before the outpouring r of the Deccan lava flows. They now form numerous detached
inliers, separated from one another by the overlying beds of the Deccan trap and laterite. The most important of the
inliers, covering more than 100 square miles, occurs near Phonda, exposed in a chain of hills at the base of the Phonda
and Shivgad passes, extending beyond Lora and Kusli. The rocks generally have gentle dips to the S. S. E. A similar
inlier is also seen near Salva and Kokesra including the isolated hills near Kasarda, Nathaoda and Wagh. Thin bedded,
ripple-marked; sandstone's occur at the base and are overlain by quartzites and coarse friable sandstones. Extensive
development of dark-grey to black shale is also noticed in, the area, the rocks generally dipping 7 to 10 degrees to the
west. A few small isolated inliers are noticed further north of the Salva inliers on the northern and southern banks of the
Sukh liver, as at Naola, Sangalwadi, Edgaon, and near Kusur along the northern bank and near Sherpe, Edgaon, Napne,
Naida, Ozar and Hijda along the southern bank. The quartzites here are white, red or brown in colour, and dip 45 N. N.
W., resting on the chloriteschists. The more important exposures of Kaladgi rocks further south are at Math, Budhavla,
Trimbak, Shravan, Vaeran, Masda, Golvan, Chaphekhol and Sale!, where they rest unconformably on Dharwar schists.
The quartzites are white, pink and red-brown in colour and are hard and compact in texture. The conglomerates carry
pebbles of colourless, milky and smoky quartz and quartzite, with small fragments of pink feldspar, the cement being
generally siliceous. Microcline, biotite, tourmaline, zircon, rutile, epidote, apatite, garnet and anatase are some of the
common accessory minerals.
The Kaladgi rocks, in general, are well bedded, the thickness of individual beds of coarser arenaceous types varying
between 2 arid 15 feet, and of the silt and clays being from 2" to 3" thick. False bedding and symmetrical sharp ripple
marks occur in several sandstones and quartzites near Sherpewadi, while what appears to be rain prints, are seen in the
sandstone near Napne. The shales are of various colours, black, yellow-green and red-brown varieties being common.
Fine-grained, compact and grey limestone's are noticed occurring as sporadic boulders in the shales near Kasarda.
Infra-trappean beds.
The infra-trappean (?) beds.-Deccan trap generally rests on some Archaean schists or gneisses in some places or on
Kaladgi sandstones and quartzites in others. But beds of loose water-worn pebbles intervening between the trap flows
and the Archaean rocks are noticed at a few localities and are supposed to be infra-trappean beds. They crop out as
narrow discontinuous bands fringing the
Deccan traps and are traceable for about four miles along the base of the Deccan trap between Nagwa and Sakedi. Two
isolated patches of similar beds occur two miles north of Kankavli and three miles south-west of Nagwa. Both the
outcrops occur at the same altitude of about 170 feet from the mean sea level. Similar pretrapean formation is noticed
almost at the same altitude in the hill, south-east of Kasal and along the north-western flank of the hill, east of Ovalia.
The beds, in general, appear 'to be nearly horizontal. The thickness of the bed near Sakedi is about 20 feet, while
at Nagwa, it is only 10 feet. The pebbles are made up chiefly of sub-angular to rounded quartz and rarely of microcline.
Deccan trap.
Deccan trap-Towards the end of the creataceous period, there was intensive volcanism in the Deccan plateau, as seen
now by the enormous thickness of nearly horizontal lava flows known as "Deccan Trap", which flooded the country
occupied by Dharwar and Kaladgi rocks. Deccan trap forms a very extensive formation covering the entire northern
portion and parts of the southern portion of the district. However, the greater part of the exposed trap belongs to the
lowest flows, the surface of which is generally covered by thick beds of laterite. Numerous bold scarps are carved out in
several of the thick lava flows due to the prolonged action of rivers. Some of the outstanding scarps are noticed along the
Amba Pass, Amboli Pass and the Phonda Pass. These and other scarps constitute the spurs of the main Sahyadrian range.
Each spur consists of several lava flows of different thickness and each lava bed could be easily demarcated even from a
distance by their characteristic vegetation or lack of it.
Many mural precipices of hard, compact, columnar basalts are noticed near Prangad, where three distinct and
conspicuous flows form cliff-like scarp, about five to six hundred feet in height. Another prominent double mural scarp
of much beauty, made up of two flows, is noticed north of Amboli Pass. The spur on which the remarkable hill forts of
Manohar and Mansantosh stand is capped by an extensive basaltic flow showing very fine mural scarps. Another
prominent hill, on which the famous hill Fort Rangna is situated, shows seven different flows.
Recently, as many as eight flows, separated by seven red bole beds have been distinguished near the Phonda Pass. The
rocks, as a rule, have a porphyritic texture with a fine-grained aphanitic matrix. The different units of flows are
represented by: (1) coarsegrained massive basalts characterised by spheroidal weathering or development of columnar
joints, (2) amygdaloidal basalt with zeolites, (3) agglomerates and (4) breccias. The rocks are occasionally scoriaceous
and amygdular and the cavities are usually lined with anyone of the following minerals: dark-green chlorophaeite,
haulandite, stibite, opal, agate and crypto-crystalline quartz. Trap -dykes have intruded the several lava flows in a few
places, near Sawantwadi, Kasai and Maneri.
Cuddalore Series.
Cuddalore Series (?) -A few small patches of Tertiary sediments appear to rest of the denuded surface of the Deccan
trap at Ratnagiri. They consist of white and blue clays carrying fossil plant material and a few thin carbonaceous seams.
They are supposed to be the northern extensions of the Cuddalore Series extending from Travancore and fringing the
coast as far north as Ratnagiri. The fossils are very imperfectly preserved and study on these Tertiary formations is yet
Laterite.-Extensive spreads. of Laterite are noticed throughout the La district. They are considered to be the nature of
the 'high level' laterite and not of detrital origin as was once supposed. They generally form flat plateaus with an
elevation between two and three hundred feet. They make the country monotonous with sheets of slag-like laterite,
without vegetation except scanty grass and a few stunted trees. It will be convenient to treat the laterite formation of the
district in two sections: (1) Harnai- Ratnagiri- Khed- Devrukh section in the north and (2) Ratnagiri-Vengurla section in
the south.
A wall like scarp of huge laterite plateau with an elevation of about 700 feet above the mean sea level, is noticed
between the Harnai Fort and the sea. The laterite appears to be distinctly bauxitic at places. The texture of the rock is
peculiar, in that it is mottled with red and white in irregular veined patches. The upper limit of laterite appears to be near
about 700 feet in the vicinity of Harnai. However, the laterite near Khed and particularly between Khed and Chipalun
occurs at a much higher level. The laterite at Ratnagiri occurs at an elevation of 200 to 400 feet and is well seen near the
Palace of the late King Thibaw of Burmab. Good exposures of primary laterite are noticed along the coast from Harnai to
Dabhol and Ratnagiri. Extensive development is also noticed in the high ridges forming the parts of the Western Ghats
along the westernmost margin of the district. Thick spread of lateritic soil is common near Sangameshwar, while detrital
laterite is noticed in the open plains near Devrukh. .
In the southern section, the first place is at Vijayadurg Fort, which is built on a small laterite peninsula, not more than
90 feet in height. Excellent sections of tubular laterite scarp are noticed within the Fort. A thin formation of laterite-
conglomerates with the bauxitic nodules is found on the plateau top. The high ground south of the Vijayadurg Fort,
100 feet above sea level, is capped by laterite. The laterite of Vijayadurg, in general, is more ferruginous and contains
trifling seggregations of bauxitic nodules. White lithomarge found in the neighbourhood is very conspicuous. The laterite
of Deogad, in general, is similar to the laterite of Vijayadurg. Here, the masses of cream-coloured bauxite are found in
loose blocks at the top of the toe of the scarp near the customs house. A gradation of the lithomargic laterite to the deeply
kaolinised trap is noticed in the laterite section within the Fort. The laterite section near Malvan is interestiI1g. The
laterite caps the quartzites and a few sections show a regular gradation from quartzites to laterite. The next section
Cuddalore Series.
of importance is the plateau near Vengurla, where the laterite caps the granite-gneiss. Laterite capping is more
conspicuous towards east of Vengurla. It is also seen to cover the granitic country between Vengurla and Phonda and in
the vicinity of the Gad river. Thick spreads of laterite are also seen near Aros, Satarda, Ajgaon extending further south in
the Portuguese occupied territory.
Recent deposits
Recent deposits-Two kinds of alluvial deposits, viz., marine alluvium and the river alluvium, are generally noticed in
the district, but neither is of any extent or importance. To the marine alluvium, belong the recent shell-beds formed due
to the consolidation of broken shells and sands. They are noticed at some distance above the high-tide level along the
creek north of Malvan and at Deogad. The beds show a slight westerly dip. The sand spits, by which the mouths of the
Kudal and Ashamat rivers show considerable bent towards south, must all be reckoned as marine alluvium and are
supposed to be due to the prevailing northerly coast currents. The river alluvia are limited to the lower reaches of the
several creeks, and are almost entirely obscured by wet cultivation. The hillocks of brown-sand along the coast near
Malvan and Deogad cover the raised beds of sea-alluvium and the various patches of low-level laterites along the coast.
The soils depend almost on the character of the rock by whose decomposition they have been formed. Soils from the
Deccan trap are generally grey to light brown and deep red in colour. The Kaladgi quartzites and shales give rise to
sandy soils and clays, respectively. The laterite soil is typical red in colour and is very common along the coast
throughout the district.
Economic Geology Bauxite
Amboli-ghat deposits.-Two parallel ridges, situated at the trio junction of Belgaum, Kolhapur and Sawantwadi contain
bauxite associated with laterite which varies from 50-100 feet in thickness. The slopes of the ridges are sometimes
strewn with float ore. Two important floats are deposits are confined to the north and north-west of the western ridge, the
average thickness being 2 feet. The western ridge is capped by a more massive bauxite. The laterite on both the ridges in
general, is aluminous, with lens-shaped patches of grey bauxite of good quality. The massive cliff of the western
ridge shows several such patches along the length or the ridge. It is estimated that about 40,00,000 tons of bauxite will be
available in the western ridge and about 9,80,000 tons .in the eastern ridge. The float-ore maybe of the order of 2,00,000
tons. The analysis at samples gave the following range' in composition: -
Per cent.
SiO2 0.24-11.00
Al2O3 48.99-62.18
Fe2O3 3.27-13.17
MgO trace.
CaO trace.
TiO2 6.73-8.42
The extensive spread of laterite in the lowlands of the Ratnagiri district is in general, devoid of bauxite. The laterite,
however,) appears bauxitic at a few places along the coast near Harnai, Vijayadurg and Deogad. At Harnai, a wall-like
scrap of the laterite shows concentrations of white gibbsitic matter. The quantity is considerable, and being so close to
the sea, has possibilities of exploitation in the near future. The whitish portion of the laterite on chemical analysis, gave
the following result: -
Per cent.
SiO2 3.66
TiO2 2.56
Al2O3 56.88
Fe203 5.52
MgO 0.44
Loss 30.49
Building Stones.
The district is well endowed with various kinds of rock suitable for building construction. These comprise granite-
gneiss, basic dykes, quartzites, Deccan trap and laterite. Being very hard, the granite-gneiss is only locally worked near
Sawantwadi, Banda, Kadwal, and Avlegaon. Basic dykes are locally quarried for building purposes and also as a road
metal near Banda, Dagve, Sawantwadi and Kankavli. Hard, compact, fine, 'to medium-grained Kaladgi sandstones and
quartzites are quarried for dimension blocks near Phonda, Golvan, Katta, Trimbak, Shravan, Achra and Math. Deccan
trap covers a large portion of the district and can be easily quarried. It is therefore, quarried both for dimension blocks
and as a road metal near Ratnagiri, Chipalun, Kharepatan, Rajapur, Talera, Nagwa, Tarndala, Januali and along the
Kasal-Kankavli road. Laterite has a peculiar property of being soft when newly quarried and becoming hard and compact
on exposure to the air. This facilitates the easy quarrying and is therefore worked out locally - for dimension blocks all
along the coastal tract in the district.
There are no known good deposits of China clay in the district. However, a few small pockets of China clay, formed
due to the decomposition of the feldspars in the granite, are noticed in the gneissic country. One such small occurrence is
to the south of Kumbharmath east of the Malvan port. The kaolin is of good quality and is slightly plastic. It does not
fuse at 1,200 C and burns white.
Deposits 0f red, plastic, lime free, lateritic clay suitable for the manufacture of cheap and glazed-wares and roofing tiles
are noticed
on banks of a nala below an overburden of 5 to 12 feet north of Jalgaon in the Dapoli taluka. The sample analysis is as
follows: -
per cent.
SiO2 24.24
Al2O3 22.24
Fe203 40.15
CaO 0.05
MgO Trace
Loss 13.07
Chromite deposits of the district are located in die valley of the Gad River, one-mile north-north-east of Kankavli and
near Vagda. The ore body is associated with an intrusive body of serpentine intersecting the foliation of Pre-Cambdan
gneisses and schists. It is about half a mile long and varies from six to thirty feet in width. The ore is in the form of
grains disseminated in serpentine intersecting. The reserves of chromite ore are estimated at 50,000 tons in the Kankavli
deposit and about 17,000 tons in the three small loads near Vagda. Chemical analysis of a few samples of the ore gave
the foIIowing results:
Kankavli. Vagda.
Per cent. Per cent.
The chromite deposits could not be marketed owing to the high iron content; eventually, with the availability of cheap
electrical energy, and some suitable methods of beneficiation, these deposits may be worked at a later date, for use in
chemical industries.
Potash feldspar occurs as a major constituent mineral of the mica pegmatite near Kadawalo The feldspar is quite
suitable for the use in the ceramic industry and can be recovered as a by-product , during mica mining.
Glass Sand
Some of the sandstone beds of the Kaladgi Series are used in glass making and are exposed on the Sawantwadi-
Vengurla road, at Maldi, Vetora and at Valaval. These sandstones which strike N.W.-S.E. dipping almost vertically
towards north-east vary in thick. ness from 10 to 50 feet. The deposits at Valaval and Vetora are
Glass Sand
estimated to contain roughly seven million and fourteen million tons, respectively, but the material is not likely to be of
uniformly good grade.
Pinkish, soft sandstones, which can easily be crushed, are noticed one mile west of Math. The rock is locally used in
the manufacture (of sodium silicate in a factory near Vengurla. White, sacharoidal, fine-grained, highly friable
sandstones found below a thin laterite. cap near Kumbrol appear suitable for glass manufacture. Similar deposits of sand
are also worked near Chendvan, Tendoli, Dabholi, Achra and Mithbav. The analysis of few samples from above
localities gave the following results: -
All the deposits are worked on a small scale and the material is shipped to Bombay for glass manufacture. The
demand so far, has been for sand powder crushed to about 10 meshsize, and the cost per ton delivered to Bombay, works
to about RS. 30.
Beach sands containing ilmenite-sand occur sporadically along a 25-mile long coastal belt from Purangadh to
Malgund and beyond, the thickness of the ilmenite-sand varying from a minute fraction of an inch to a maximum of
three feet. The thickness of the coastal sand, inclusive of the sand dunes, cannot be more as the underlying laterite or trap
is visible in a number of localities. The accumulation of ilmenite-sand is attributed to wave or wind sorting on the slopes
of the seashore. The reserves near R3.jwade, Bhatya, Ratnagiri, Purangadh, Gaonkhadi and Malgund are supposed to be
quite extensive. The TiO2 content varies from 28 to 52 per cent while the ilmenite content varies from 25 to 76 per cent.
The deposits of ilmenite-sand along the Ratnagiri coast do not compare in any way with the rich and extensive
deposits of Travancore, though they do contain some of the important minerals such as monazite, zircon, etc., to a certain
extent. ; However, there are a few good workable deposits, which could be exploited for marketing, particularly after
improving the grade of sand, by processing.
Two types of iron-ores are noticed in the southern part of the district, viz., the banded-hematite quartzite and the
lateritic iron-ore ore, Small bands of banded-hematite-quartzite are noticed along the coast near Aravli, Aros, Satarda,
Tiravada, Ajgaon and at Redi. At present, the ore is worked at Redi. Banded-hematite-quartzite underlying about 25 feet
thick laterite form the source of the iron -ore in the one and a half mile long, low-lying hills, facing the Arabian sea,
south of Redi. The rock shows a variation in dip from N 10CE to N 300E at 40 to 60 degrees, A number of quarries are,
Worked to a depth of about 35 to 40 feet, The ore bodies form a series of discontinuous lenses of varying grades, Both
massive and powdery ore has been found, The lenticular ore bodies show a tendency to peter out and give rise to soft
powdery ore at either end, and similar powdery ore is also encountered at depth, Therefore, the available reserves of high
grade ore, carrying more than 62 per cent, iron, are limited, and there is a greater proportion of the are carrying between
58 and 60 per cent of iron, The reserves of all grades are quite extensive.
Highly ferruginous laterite forms the lateritic iron-lire and is found at a number of places in the district near Asoli,
Khanavli, Kochra, Mahapan, Pat, Parule, Dhampur, Kalse, Amberi, Danoli, Otavane, Aravali, Aros, Satarda, Tiravada
and Ajgaon, A good quality laterite iron are analyses to little above 50 per cent, Almost inexhaustible quantities of the
ore will be available along the coast in the district.
No extensive deposit of limestone has so far been found in the district, However, boulders of light to dark and
purpish-grey, massive, concretionery limestone, exhibiting: a pseudo-oolitic structure, is noticed in the valley two miles
north-east of Talera. The limestone is associated with the Kaladgi shales and is supposed to be of metasomatic origin,
The deposit is not very extensive. This lime was used for construction of the dam at Radhanagari in the Kolhapur district.
Deposits of manganese-ore are reported to occur in the, southern parts .of the district and are occasionally worked
in the Sawantwadi taluka only, Manganese occurs as irregular boulders in the laterite
Manganese - ore
or replacements of ferruginous matter in the Dharwar phyllites and c quartzites. The ore, in general, is of low-grade and
is noticed near) Banda, Degve, Adali, Kalne, Phondye, Sasoli, Netarae, Dingne, Galel, Dongarpal, Panturli and near
Talavadi. The deposits at Banda, Kalne, Sasoli, Phondye, Dingne and Galel, though not very promising, could be worked
in the event of a demand or boom in the manganese market.
A pegmatite intruding the biotite-schists and the granite-gneis near Kadawal about 12 miles northeast of Kudal, carries
mica in the form of books. The pegmatite is about 1,600 feet in length and 600 feet in width. The mica is colourless or
greenish to grey in colour, occasionally stained and spotted. It is at times buckled and appears wavy. Ruby variety is also
reported to have been found. Sizes 3 and 2 are common but sizes 1 and AI, though rare, are also reported to occur at
Mineral Waters.
Hot springs are found in various parts of the district... They occur along a line half way between the Sahyadri hills and
the sea, along the eastern margin of the coastal region. Some of the important group of springs are as follows;
1. Khed Springs.- These are approachable by road from Bombay and Poona, distance being 176 miles and 104 miles,
respectively. The springs give plenty of bubbles of carbon-di-oxide and hydrogen sulphide. The rate of flow is about 140
gallons per hour. The temperature is about 35. 5C. The radons m. Mc. per litre is almost nil. The water is reputed to cure
skin diseases and rheumatic complaints.
2. Unhala Springs.- These are situated south of Unhala village in a marshy land, at a distance of about 12 miles from
Dabhol wharf. The springs yield plenty of bubbles of hydrogen sulphide and carbon-di-oxide. The rate of flow is about
1,500 gallons per hour. The temperature is 69C and radons m. Me. per litre IS 0.806. The springs are reputed to cure
skin diseases and rheumatic complaints. The water is, reported to be a good appetiser. It contains chloride and the water
is saline.
3. Aravali Springs.- These are situated south of the Gad river bridge in the village Aravali about 20 miles from
Chiplun. The springs give out plenty of bubbles of carbon-di-oxide and hydrogen sulphide. The rate of flow is about 916
gallons per hour. The temperature is 40C and the radon content m. Mc. per litre is, nil. The springs are also reputed to
cure skin diseases.
4. Tural Spring.- This group of springs is situated to the east of the !oad between Chiplun and Sangameshwar. It gives
out plenty of bubbles of carbon-ill-oxide and hydrogen sulphide. The rate of flow is about 1,000 gallons per hour. The
temperature is about 6:1 DC. The radon content m. Mc. per litre is nil and the water is reputed to cure skin diseases.
Mineral Waters.
5. Rajwadi Spring. It is situated to the south of Rajwadi village, about a mile east of Chiplun-Sangameshwar road and
can -be reached from Karad Station via Chiplun. The spring gives out plenty of bubbles of carbon-di-oxide and hydrogen
sulphide. The late of flow is 1,870 gallons per hour. The temperature is 54C. The spring is also reputed to cure skin
diseases and rheumatic complaints and also as a good appetiser.
6. Sangameshwar Spring.-Occurs in the bed of the. Shastri River about 11/2 miles from Sangameshwar town and lies
submerged throughout the year. The spring gives plenty of bubbles of carb6ndi-oxide. The temperature varies from 50C
to 60C, and is known to cure skin diseases.
7. Rajapur Springs.-Occur on the southern bank of the tidal river in the Unhala village near Rajapur. The temperature
is about 42C and is known to cure skin diseases andrheumatic complaints.
Small deposits of various coloured earths, viz., yellow, red, black, brown, chocolate, green and rakhi, are reported to
occur near Degwe, Dongarpal, Amboli, Morgaon, Sarambale, Sasoli, Phondye, Mandkol, Ralkot, Katta, Golvan, Pat,
Parule and a number of other places in the hills along the coast between Malvan and Vengurla. The ochres are shipped to
Bombay for the manufacture of mineral pigments.
Salt is recovered by the direct solar" evaporation of seawater along the Ratnagiri coast near Ratnagiri, Malvan,
Vengurja and Shiroda. The annual total production is about 45,000 Bengali maunds. The major portion, however, is
produced near Shiroda, which is of the order of 40,000 Bengali maunds, annually.
Small bands of dark grey-grained, soft steatite are noticed near Asgani about ten miles east of Malvan, near Akheri,
Jholamba and in the hills between Kumbrol and Panturli. They are worked out locally for making utensils, etc., but are
not likely to support a flourishing industry.
Water -supply.
As regards the water supply, the district may be broadly divided lengthwise into five belts: (1) the sea-coast, (2) an
inland belt of laterite, eight or ten miles broad, (3) a ten-mile belt of mixed laterite and basalt, (4) a belt of basalt, six to
eight miles wide and (5) the font of the Sahyadri hills.
The villages along the sea coast are supplied with drinking water from wells generally fed by sea filtering through
the sand. The supply is abundant, almost every house in the village having its own well. The laterite belt is supplied with
drinking water partly from wells and partly form the hills side springs. The third; laterite belt is supplied with drinking
water from wells fed by running springs in a few cases. The supply is both abundant and wholesome. In the basalt bed
the water supply is scanty and bad. The villages in the
Water - supply.
fifth belt, immediately at the foot of the Sahyadri hills have in many C places good wells. However, the manner of
occurrence of underground water changes from place to place owing to the diversified character of the water bearing
formation and variations in the geological structure. The metamorphic rocks hold very little underground water and the
villages situated on these rocks have only a few wells and have to depend for drinking water on springs from faces of the
overhanging hills of the Sahyadris. The Kaladgi rocks crop out as isolated patches surrounded by trap and laterite. The
rocks, which are well cemented, are useless as water containers but a few sands and silts, which have escaped
cementation, serve as reservoirs of underground water.
Climate Season
CLIMATE.* - The climate of the district though moist is generally healthy. The rainfall is plentiful and regular. The
year may be Sea divided into four seasons, the summer season from March to May, the south-west monsoon season from
June to September, the post monsoon season from October to November and the winter season from December to
Records of rainfall in the district for about 80 years are available Rail for 18 rain-gauge stations. Tables No.1 and 2
give the rainfall data for the individual stations and for the district as a whole and frequency of annual rainfall. The
Amboli station, which is at the foot of the Vestern Ghats, gets a rainfall nearly twice as much as at some other stations in
the district. As this rainfall is not quite representative of the conditions prevailing in the district as a whole except the
areas at the foot of the ghats, the data of this station is not included for calculating the district averages. The monsoon
bursts over the district generally by the beginning of June and the rains continue with little intermission till about the
middle of October. The average annual rainfall for the district as a whole is 3,188 mm. (125'52"). The rainfall increases
rapidly from the coast towards the Western Ghats on the eastern border of the district. In and near the Ghats rainfall is
very heavy. Amboli gets annually on an average 7,446 mm. (293.1") of rain. The coastal stations of Malvan and Deogad
get annually 2,155 and 2,247 mm. (84.9" and 88.5") of rain, respectively. Practically the entire annual rainfall occurs
during the months from June to October. July is the month with highest rainfall when about one-third of the annual
rainfall -is received. The variation from year to year in the rainfall is not large. During the 50-year period from 1901 to
1950, the year 1931 was one with the heaviest rainfall amounting to 143 per cent. of the normal. Rainfall amounting to
only 58 per cent of the normal occurred in 1941, the year with the lowest rainfall. During the fifty year period there were
six years with less than 80 per cent of rainfall, and none of, them were consecutive. Considering' individual stations,
Malvan,. Dapoli and Mandangad had. one occasion each of two consecutive years of low rainfall. Guhagar had four
consecutive years, from 1904
* This Section on "Climate was supplied by the Meteorological Department of the Government of India, Poona.
to 1907, when rainfall was less than 80 per cent. of the normal. It will be seen from Table No.2 that in 41 out of 50 years,
the rainfall in the district was between 2,600 and 3,800 mm.
On an average for 101 days in the year the, district gets 2.5 mm. (10 cents) or more of rain. As in the case of the
amount of rainfall the number of rainy days is less near the coast than in the eastern portion of the district near the Ghats.
The heaviest rainfall in 24 hours which occurred at any station in l the district, was 535.4 mm. (21.08") at Dapoli on
June 3, 1882.
Meteorological data are available for four stations in the district, viz., Harnai, Ratnagiri, Deogad and Vengurla.
Being a coastal district the variation of temperature during the day and through the seasons is not large.
In the hot season temperature rises slowly from March, and May is the hottest month. With the onset of the
monsoon, temperature drops by three to four degrees. Day temperatures during the monsoon are lower than those in the
cold season. In the post monsoon months of October and November, day temperatures increase and days' in November
are as hot as in May. Night temperatures are the lowest in January. Areas within 20 to 25 kilometres of the coast are the
most pleasant particularly in the hot months with the sea, breeze blowing, nearly throughout the day, Further inland
during the hot months both days and nights can be oppressive and more so in the tract at the foot of the Western Ghats.
Along the coast the maximum temperature rarely goes beyond 38C (1O0'4F) but in the interior may reach 40 or 41C
(1040 or 1060 F).
Owing to the proximity 6f the sea, the district is on the whole very humid. Even during the winter and summer the
relative humidity seldom goes below 50 per cent.
During the monsoon, skies are heavily clouded to overcast. But I in the rest of the year skies are clear or very lightly
Winds are very strong and are mainly westerly or south westerly during the monsoon. In the rest of the year winds
blow from directions between north and east in the mornings and between west and north in the afternoons.
Special weather phenomena.
During the pre and post monsoon months the district experiences very strong winds sometimes reaching gale force
particularly near the coast and heavy rain in association with cyclonic storms which develop in the Arabian Sea and
move in close proximity to the coast. Thunderstorms are common in the post monsoon months and the latter part of the
hot season.
Tables No.3, 4 arid 5 give the temperature and humidity, mean wind speed and frequency of special weather
phenomena respectively for Ratnagiri. (The meteorological conditions at Harnai, Deogad and Vengurla are not
appreciably different from those at Ratnagiri. The data for Ratnagiri only has therefore been included.)
Normal And Extremes Of Rainfall (1950-
Station Number Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July August
of year
Ratnagiri 50 (a) 1.8 1.0 0.3 3.6 30.7 769.9 849.9 483.1
(b) 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.3 1.7 20.4 26.2 23.1
Vengurla 50 (a) 1.3 0.5 1.0 8.6 57.1 836.2 910.6 457.7
(b) 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.5 2.1 21.3 25.9 23.1
Malvan 50 (a) 1.0 0.5 1.0 8.1 43.9 692.2 760.5 355.6
(b) 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.4 1.8 19.4 23.7 19.9
Deogad 50 (a) 2.0 1.3 0.5 6.3 40.1 679.7 702.1 384.8
(b) 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.3 2.2 20.1 25.2 22.0
Rajapur 50 (a) 1.8 0.3 0.3 5.6 31.2 806.2 1173.2 664.7
(b) 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.4 1.6 20.6 28.6 26.1
Deorukh 50 (a) 2.8 0.3 2.8 11.7 35.6 779.0 1401.1 810.0
(b) 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.8 2.2 20.7 28.8 27.0
Chiplun 50 (a) 2.5 0.8 2.8 10.4 35.8 733.3 1340.4 745.5
(b) 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.7 1.9 19.8 28.3 26.9
Guhagar 50 (a) 1.3 0.8 0.0 3.8 29.5 727.2 875.8 466.9
(b) 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.3 1.4 19.5 26.2 23.6
Khed 50 (a) 1.5 1.0 0.5 4.3 25.7 750.1 1316.7 703.1
(b) 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.8 1.4 19.9 28.7 26.3
Dapoli 50 (a) 2.3 1.0 0.5 5.6 27.8 803.4 1247.1 715.8
(b) 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.4 1.4 21. 28.8 26.9
Mandangad 50 (a) 2.5 0.5 1.3 5.6 25.4 810.0 1522.2 897.6
(b) 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.3 1.1 19.7 29.3 27.9
Lanja 12 (a) 2.8 0.0 1.5 14.7 48.8 752.0 1470.9 926.4
(b) 0.1 0.0 0.1 1.3 2.8 19.3 27.3 24.9
Kankavali 12 (a) 0.0 0.0 6.6 7.1 65.5 783.9 1563.1 961.6
(b) 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.3 3.8 19.7 27.5 24.5
Sawantwadi 50 (a) 2.3 0.3 1.0 9.1 57.1 981.5 1370.1 759.2
(b) 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.6 2.4 22.4 28.9 26.4
Harnai 15 (a) 1.8 0.0 0.0 12.5 48.3 605.3 956.6 537.2
(b) 909 0.0 0.0 0.7 2.8 18.5 27.5 22.5
Kudal 50 (a) 1.0 0.5 1.0 7.1 47.0 875.0 1102.4 581.9
(b) 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.9 21.6 28.1 24.8
Banda 50 (a) 1.0 0.5 1.0 9.4 56.4 957.1 1294.2 690.6
(b) 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.8 2.5 22.4 29.0 26.3
Ratnagiri (a)1.7 0.5 1.3 7.9 41.5 784.3 1164.5 655.5
(District) (b)0.1 0.0 0.1 0.5 2.1 20.4 27.6 24.8
Amboli 16 (a)13.5 0.0 5.8 33.3 84.3 1607.3 2774.7 1885.9
(b)0.3 0.0 0.3 1.6 3.9 24.3 30.6 29.9
I INo. of
No. of I
Range in mm. I Range in mm.
years. I years.
1801-2000 .. .. 2 3201-3400 .. 10
2001-2200 .. .. 1 3401-3600 .. 5
2201-2400 .. .. 2 3601-3800 .. 5
2401-2600 .. .. 2 3801-4000 .. 0
2601-2800 .. .. 5 4001-4200 .. 1
2801-3000 .. .. 8 4201-4400 .. 0
3001-3200 .. .. 8 4401-4600 ..
Month Mean Daily Mean Daily Highest Maximum ever Lowest Minimum ever Relative Humidity
Maximum Minimum recorded recorded
0 0
Temperature Temperature C Date C Date 0830* per 1730* per
0 0
C C cent cent
January 30.3 19.5 36.7 1912, Jan. 27 12.2 1935 Jan. 17 57 83
February 29.8 19.8 38.3 1920 Feb. 29 13.3 1901 Feb. 13 61 65
March 30.6 22.4 38.9 1922 Mar. 9 16.1 1910 Mar. 4 68 71
April 31.6 25.0 36.1 1938 Apr. 2 16.1 1905 Apr. 1 70 75
May 32.3 26.6 37.8 1883 Mar. 31 21.7 1913 May 30 70 74
June 30.3 25.1 35.0 1957 Jun. 12 19.4 1939 Jun. 17 81 73
July 28.7 24.4 32.8 1900 Jul. 5 20.6 1919 Jul. 2 84 88
August 28.6 24.2 31.1 1939 Aug. 6 21.1 1931 Aug. 6 84 87
September 28.8 23.7 34.4 1896 Sep. 30 20.3 1808 Sep. 12 82 85
October 31.2 23.6 37.2 1888 Oct. 19 17.8 1903 Oct. 30 73 78
November 32.6 21.7 37.2 1918 Nov. 6 15.6 1955 Nov. 13 55 68
December 31.4 20.1 36.1 1896 Dec. 22 14.4 1954 Dec. 30 50 63
Annual 30.5 23.0 -- --- -- -- 70 75
*Hours I. S. T.
Table 4
Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual
9.3 10.5 10.8 11.1 11.9 12.2 14.5 12.2 8.5 8.2 8.9 8.7 10.7
Mean Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual
of days
Thunder 0 0 0 0 0.5 1.2 0.1 0 0.4 1.3 0.7 0 4.7
Hail 0 0 0 0 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1
Dust- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Squall 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Fog 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
FORESTS. - The district of Ratnagiri is formed by a narrow belt of low land, lying between the Indian Ocean and the
Sahyadri hills, with a total length of about 300 miles and a breadth of thirty to forty-five miles. Though hilly and rugged
as a whole, the district presents in different parts many characteristic features. Near the Sahyadri hills the valleys are
more open and the hills less rugged than towards the centre of the district, which is little less than a mass of wild rugged
hills. These again, towards the coast, fall into nearly level plateaus in great part made barren by a capping of laterite
rock, cleft by deep narrow steep-sided valleys and ravines, through which rivers and streams find their way from the
Sahyadri hills to the sea.
The forest areas in the district except in Dapoli, Sawantwadi and Kudal "talukas are in charge of the Revenue
department. The talukawise distribution of forest areas in the district is as below:
About 1829, on the suggestions of the Collector, Mr. Dunlop, the. forests were for the most part placed at the
disposal. of the people. The grant was considered as a charter for unlicensed, unlimited and unguarded wood cutting.
Untold quantities of Ratnagiri wood were year after year, sent to Bombay. After the proclamation, the people sold the
standing timber' as fast as they could find buyers, Thisresulted in the denudation of private forests and at present most
the country is void of forest growth. The only forests in charge of the Forest department are in Dapoli, Sawantwadi and
Kudal talukas.
Dapoli Taluka.-The forest area in charge of the Forest departwent is only four square miles. Teak and other moist
deciduous species grow in this area. It has been included in the present Janjira Sub-Division. The teak that is available in
this area is of a superior quality.
. Sawantwadi and Kudal Talukas- The terrain of the ex-Sawantwadi State, i.e., Sawantwadi and Kudal is a typical
example of the konkan tract of which it forms the southern part. Its entire bulk lies to the west of the main ridge line of
the Sahyadris except the plateau region which is wedged in between the Belgaum and Kolhapur district borders., The
tract thus lies within the narrow physical limits between Sahyadri heights reaching 3,200' above the mean sea level down
to elevations approaching sea level. The average width of the tract is 20 miles only and the whole tract is entirely rugged
and hilly with precipitous drops in places.
The forests of the former Sawantwadi State-mainly fall into two distinct climatic formations: (1) Bombay sub-tropical
evergreen forests and (2) South Indian tropical moist deciduous forests. The latter is composed of two edaphic variations:
(i) forests having laterite red soil and (ii ) forests with sandy huns. The main species on the plateau of the top canopy is
anjani (Memecylon edule) which associates in order of incidence with hirda (Terminalia Chebula), amberi (Nothopegia
colebl'ookiana), amba (Mangifera indica) shendri (Mallotus philippinensis), asena (Bidelia l'etusa), Loa (Legerstroemia
parviflora), bib (Holigama amotliana), Callicarpa, species and ]ambhul (Eugenia iambiJlana), which is rather sparse,
The middle canopy is made up of bhoma (Glochidion lanceolarium), parjambhul (Olea dialoG), dinda (leea
macrophylla), tamalpatra (Cinnamomum tama/a), pandhari ( Murraya exotica) , makad limbu (Atlantia monophylla),
kutkuta (Connarus wighta), Mrkya . (Mappia foetida), bhandira (Clerondandron infortunatum), tupa (Canthium
umballatum), dikemali (Gardenia lucida), karavti (Streblus asper), triphol (Zanthoxylum rhotsa), kulhoni (Hydnocarpus
wightina) and, Glycosmi pentaphylla, kapshi ( Lingustrum neilgherrense ), vanaphalli ( Garcinia malabarica), and
kumbhal (Sideroxylon tomentosum), occur in both the upper as well as middle canopies. 1.'he undergrowth consists of
both evergreen and deciduous species such as hasoli (Grewia mocroces) , wakeri (Wagatea
spicata), karvi (Strebilanthus callosus), harki (Rauwolfia serpenfino ), nirgud (Vitex negundo), nirgunda (Vitex trifolia)
and ukshi (Galycopteris floribunda). There is also !)ome incidence of cane (Calemus thwaitesa) too, but not .on a scale,
making its exploitation worth while.
The composition on the western slopes is characterisell by the rapid disappearance of anjani (Memecylon edule), as
the elevation falls and increasing presence of such members in the canopy as jambhul (Eugenia jambolana), parjambhul
( Olea dioica), . nana - ( Lagerstroemia lanceolata), Gin ( T erminalia tomentosa), jamba (Xylia zylocarpa) and koshimb
( Schleichera trijuga), rather prominently making a transition from ever-green into the moist deciduous.
The most characteristic species is teak (Tectona grandis) which reaches luxuriant size in the sandy loams found in
Mangaon and parts of Malgaon and ,Mazgaon rounds. In lateritic red soils, teak nas reached moderate size particularly
during the period of earlier plans. In both the edaphic variations, it is associated with Gin ( Terminalia tomentosa), kinjal
( Terminalia paniculata), nana ( Lagerstroemia lanceolata), siddum (Tatramelas nudiflora), Koshimb (Schleichera
trijuga), kinai (Albizzia precera), - sawat' (Bombax malabaricum), shiras (Albizzia labbek), wavra (Holopfolia
integrifolia), etc., forming the top canopy. The dominant species {ambo (Xylia Xylocarpa) and koshimb (Schleichera
trijuga), are seen to associate teak in over-whelming preponderance in lateritic red soils and not in sandy loarns formed
from granite or granitoid gneiss. The proportion of teak in this canopy varies from region to region, between nil to
almost 30 per cent of the crop. The proportion of teak is considerable towards the northern side of the tract.
The species forming a middle storey are bibi (Holigarna arnot. tiana), satwin (Alstonia scholarim), asan (bibla)
(pterocarsus marsupium), kajara (Strychnes muxvomica), amba (Mangifera indica), phanas (Artocarpus integrifolia),
shisham (Dalbargia lati.folia) kokum (Carcinia indica), watamb (Artocarpus lakoocha), pangara (Erythrina indica),
paneruk (Sterculia urens), kolinder (Sterculia guttata), kumbhi (Careya arborea), phanashi (Carallia integerrima)
shivan (Gmelina arborea), etc., hed (Adina cordifolia), and kalamb (Mitragyna Parviflora) being rather sparse.
The under growth is generally made up of the ever green shrubs, ukshi (Calycopteria floribunda), dhaiti ( woodfordia
floribunda), hasoli (Grewia niweces), kudo (Helarrhena antidysenterica), .kudi (Wrightia tinctoria), bhandira
(Clerodendron infortunatum), bedki \ Gymnema sylvestra), loran (Zizyphus rugosa), tippan (Allophyllus (cobbe),
karawand (Carrisea carandus), etc. Ghaneri (Lantana camara) is seen to invade western exposed forest lands due to
cuttings, done for kumri cultivation in the past.
The forests in some parts and along the low ghat line touching the . toes of Sahyadris contain species of bamboos
main among which are velu (Bambusa arundinaces) and chivari (kadhani Oxytenanthera monostigma); managa
(Oxytenanthera stockeli), being found only in Malki lands.
The teak areas in Kudal peta appear to have suffered serious maltreatment in the past. Even the large size trees are
seen to have lost their form. The greatest damage to forests is caused along the border approaching the Goa territory as
considerable amount of wanton cutting has occurred here in the past, rendering the very form of growth quite stunted and
leaving the land bare in many places. Towards the east, the forests are being maintained and on the whole a major part of
the forests is saved from depredations since the beginning of organised working under definite plans.
The chief consuming centres for major forest produce are Vengurla, Malvan, Ratnagiri, Shiroda, Aronda, Kankavli
and Sawantwadi in Ratnagiri district and Kolhapur, Nipani, Belgaum,Gadhinglaj and Ajra outside Ratnagiri. Minor
forest produce such as shikekai, shembi-bark, sawar cotton, tamalpatra, kokam watsol, wavding and hirda are mostly
exported to Bombay, via Vengurla harbour. The tract has a net-work of roads although no roads are constructed by the
Forest department.
Vernacular Name. Botanical Name.
Ain .. T erminalia tomentosa.
Alu .. Vangueri spinosa.
Amba .. Mangifera indica.
Ambada .. Spondias mangifera.
Amberi .. Nothopegia colebrookiana. ..
Ambat Spondias acuminata.
Amli .. Bauhinia malabarica.
Anjani .. Memecylon edule.
Apta .. Bauhinia racemosa.
Asana, kutgi ~. Bridelia retusa.
Ashok .. Saraca indica.
Awala (Amla) .. Phyllanthus emblica.
Bakul, Wavali .. M imusops elengi.
Bel . . Aegle marmelos.
Bhava .. Cassia fistula.
Bhendi .. Chespesia populnea.
Bherlimad .. Caryota urens.
Bhokar, Shelu .. Cordia myxa.
Bhoma . . Clocpidion lancoolarium. ..
Bibla, Asan Pterocarpus marsupium.
Biba . . Semecarpus anacardium. ..
Bibi Holigarma arnottiana.
Bor . . Zizyphus jujuba.
Bulgi .. Vitex altissima.
Champhar .. Flacourtia montana.
Chandan . . Santalu-1I1 qlbum.
Chandada .. Macaranga roxburghii.
Char . . Buchanania latifolia.
Chera .. Erinocarpus nimmonanus. ..
Chinch Tamarindus indica.
Dalchini .. Cinnamomum zeylanicum. ..;
Datir Ficus gibbosa.
Datrang . . Ehretia laevis.
Dahivan .. Cordia macleodii.
Dhaman . . Grewia tiliaefolia.
Dikemali .. Gardenia lucida.
Gela .. Randia dumetorum.
Goinda .. Diospyrus montana.
Gulumb .. Machilus Macrantha.
Hadkya, Malwa .. .. Rauwolfia serpentina.
Hed . . Adina cordifolia.
Hela, Vehela .. T erminalia belerica.
Hirda .. T erminalia chebula.
Hump .. Saccopetalum tomentos-um. . .
Hure Sapium insigne.
Vernacular Name. Botanical Name.
.. Calophyllum wightianum.
Jamba .. Zylia xylocarpa.
Jambul .. Eugenia jambolana.
Kadam .. Anthocephalus cadamba.
Kaira .. Strychnos nuxvomica.
Kalhoni .. H area wightiafera.
Kakad .. Garuga pinnata.
Kalamb . . Mitragyna parviflora.
Kashi (Khargol) .. .. Trema orientalis.
Karambel . . Dillenia pentagyna.
Karan; .. Pongamia glabra.
Kawti .. Hydnocarpus wightiana.
Kel .. Ficus tsjakela.
Khair .. Acacia catechu.
Kharshing .. Stereospermum xylocarpum.
Kharwat .. Ficus asperrima.
Kinai .. Albizzia procera.
Kinjal .. Terminalia paniculata.
Kokar, Kolinder .. .. Sterculia guttata.
Kokum, Bhirand .. .. Garcinia indica.
Koshimb . . Schleichara trijuja.
Kuda, Bhura .. . Wrightia tinctoria.
Kuda, Indrajava .. .. Holarrhena antidysenterica.
Kuda, Nah.. .. Tabernaemontana heyneana.
Kuda, Tambada .. .. Wrightia tomentosa.
Kumbhi . . Careya arborea.
Kurwei, Sirid .. Hymenodictyon obovatum.
Lendi, Bondga .. Lagarstroemia varviflora.
Medshing .. Dolichandrone falcata.
Moha .. Bassia Latifolia, Bassia longi-folia. .
Moi, Shemat .. Lannea grandis.
Nagchapha .. Masua terra.
Naiain, Arjun Sadada .. Terminalia arjuna.
Nana .. Lagerstroemia lanceolaia.
Nivar .Barringtonia racemosa.
Padali, Paral . Stereospermum chelonoides.
Pair .. Ficus arnottiana.
Palos . . Butea frondosa.
Panerukh, Kandol, Dalal .. Sterculia urens.
Pangara . Erythrina indica.
Pariambul, Lakui : Olea dioica.
Pat Phanas or Ran phanas .. Artocarpus hirsuta.
Petari ., Trewia nudiflora.
Phanas .. Artocarpus integrifolia.
Phanshi . Carallia integerrima.
Phudgus .. Alseodaphne seTcicarpifolia.
Pipal .. Ficus religiosa.
Pimpri .. Ficus tstela.
Pisa .. Actinodaphne hookeri.
Pitkuli,Bhedas .. Eugenia Zeylanica
Vernacular Name. Botanical Name.
Poon . . - Calophyllum tomentosum.
Popsa .. Lophopatalum wightianum.
Ranjaiphal . . ' Myristica malabarica.
Ritha .. SapindttS emarginata.
Sag .. Tectona grandis.
Salai .. . Glochidian velutinum.
Sali, Chella .. Aporosa lindleyana.
Samudra or Datte-phal . .' Barringtonia acutangula.
Sardar .. Sterculia villosa.
Satwin .. ,Alstonia scholaris.
Sawar .. Bombax Malabaricum.,
Shawri . .. Phoenix humilis.
Shendri, Kakum . .' Mallotus philippinensis.
Shevaga .. .Moringa pterygosperma.
Shiras . . .Albizzia lebbek.
Shiras, Kala .. Albizzia odoratissima.
Sisam .. Dalbergia latifolia.
Shivan . .' .Gmelina .arborea.
Siddam, Kapsin ..' Tetrameles nudiflora.
Songarbi .. Vitex leucoxylon. '
Surangi .. Ochrocarpus longifolius.
Tamalpatra .. Cinnamomum temala.
Taman, Bondara .. Lagerstroemia flospreginae.
Tetu . .Oroxylum indicum.
Torch tree, Kurat .. Ixora parviflora.
Triphal .. Zanthoxylum rhetsa.
Undi . . Colophyllum inophyllum.
Wad .. Ficus bengalensis.
Waras .. Heterophragma roxburghii.
Warang .. .Kydia calycina.
Watam .. Artocarpus lakoocha.
Wavala .. Holoptelia integrifolia..
Adulsa .. . Adhatoda vasica.
Akra .. Strobilanthes Heyneanus.
Ankul .. Alangium lamarkii.
Bedki, Kalikdori .. Gymnema sylvestre.
Belli Patta .. Hibiscus tiliaceus.
Bhamini .. Colebrookia oppositifolia.
Bhandira .. Clerodend1'On infortunatum.
Bharatti . .Gymnosporia montana.
Bohkara .. Casearia graveolens.
Bugdi . .Aridsia humilis.
Bukra .. Strobilanthes sessilis.
Dinda .. Leea sambucina and Leea macrophylla.
Dhaity, Dhaipal .. Woodfordia floribunda.
Eisur .. Callicarpa lantana.
Ghatbor .. Zizyphus xylopyra.
Ghaneri, Tantani .. Lantana camara.
Bhalekusal . . Andropogon tricticeus
Bhongrut . . Anthistiria ciliata.
Bhuti . . Aristida paniculata.
Boru . . Andropogon halepensis.
Chikra .. Etagrostis. kemtremula. .
Chanya marvel .Andropogon pertusw'.
Gondal . . Andropogdn contortus. .
Kunda . Ischoemuspilosum.
Kusali . . Andropogon contortus. .
Marvel . Andropogon annulatm,
Pandhari Kusal . . Aristida paniculata.
Rosha . . Antropogon schoenathus. .
Shimpi . Panicum isachne.
Vala . . 'Andropogon muricatum.
Wavashi . ,Saccharum procerum.
The following is a list af the chief minor farest praduce fram the Ratnagiri district.
WILD ANIMALS: The Ratnagiri district with but few forests of any size and mast af these situated an the precipitous
slopes of the Sahya. drian range, is from the sportsman's paint of view, essentially an extremely poor district. Large game
such as tiger, sambhar and bear are scarce and their haunts more or less inaccessible. TO' 'Obtain bison, the boundary of
the district must be overstepped. Panthers are also uncommon and little help in fiinding them cirn be expected from the
villagers, who as a rule are totally without experience Dr ambition in the matter. The tradition goes that one village from
its great number
of panthers was called Vaghotan. Of late the villagers have exterminated panthers by setting fire to the hill sides where
among the boulders, panthers had dens. Wild boars are also scarce. Hare, jackals and foxes inhabit the steep rocky hills.
Two species of deer and antelope are found. The ever growing pressure of population, the development of roads and
mechanised transport, have had a disastrous effect on the already meagre wild life.. Wholesale unregulated trapping by
hunters has reduced the number of animals considerably. The loss of suitable scrub-jungle for nesting sites due to wanton
lopping of trees has also adversely affected the wild life. The area of the Koyna Project falling in this district was the
main rendezvous. But due to opening up of the tract, wild life is practically disappearing.
On the other hand, from a naturalists's point of view, the district is not without interest; several families such as the
rodents and the cheiroptera are well represented, and afford a hitherto but imperfectlx explored field. The following is a
list of the principal animals found in the district, classified in the order given in J erdon' s Mammals of India.
FAM.-SIMIDAE.- The monkeys or Simidae are represented by (1) a species of langur, probably Presbytis or
Semnopithecus Sin entellus, the hanuman or vaoor and (2) the little Macaque or Bonnet monkey, makad or kelte,
Macacus radiatus. The latters readily distinguished from its various congeners by a cap of long hair resting flat on the
crown. This wig, which is very frequently parted down the middle, either by accident, or perhaps through vanity, gives
its possessor a very knowing and 'human appearance. Both species are plentiful and distributed universally throughout
the district; but the langurs are perhaps more often seen as they affect the neighbourhood of large villages and towns,
while as a general rule the bonnet monkeys prefer the wilder forests and more secluded haunts. Both species are equally
mischievous and when occasion offers they plunder the gardens and granaries by removing the tiles or thatch from the
roofs of the houses. Occasionally, an old male langur, who, by reason of his general incompatibility of temper and
tyrannical disposition has, as a strong but necessary measure, been ostracised by the unanimous voice of his tribe, and
compelled to lead a solitary and morose life, vents his ill temper by frightening women and children and making himself
generally obnoxious in the village. The assistance of police is sometimes sought to shoot rogue monkeys of this
description; but such instances are very rare and the case must be hopelessly incurable before such aid is sought. The
Katkaris a wild forest tribe, who subsist almost entirely by hunting, habitually kill and eat monkeys shooting them with
bows and arrows. In order to approach within range, they are obliged to have recourse to stratagem, as the monkeys at
once recognise them in their 'ordinary costume. The ruse usually adopted is for one of the best shots to put on a women's
robe, sari, under the ample folds of which, he
conceals his murderous weapons. Approaching the tree on which '8 the monkeys are seated, the disguised shikari affects
the utmost unconcern, and busies himself with the innocent occupation of picking up twigs and leaves. Thus disarining
suspicion, he is enabled to get a sufficiently close shot to render success a certainty. Both the langur and the bonnet
monkeys can be easily tamed, but the latter are far more lively and interesting pets than the former.
Sub-order -CHEIROPTERA.-Cheiroptera are represented by the common Hying fox or fruit bat, Vad-vagul, or
dhamka, Pteropus medius, or P. edwardsii, as it is usually, but erroneously styled; one species of Vampire bat is
Megaderma Lyra; and three or four other small bats. Flying foxes are exceedingly plentiful. They feed chiefly on the
fruit of the various fig trees, and of the undi, Calaphyllum imophllum, and do a considerable amount of damage. They are
also accused of drinking the fresh juice of The cocoanut and in some cocoanut gardens, gins are habitually set to catch
the thieves.
The common musk rat, Sorex caerulescens is common everywhere but no other representatives of this order have
hitherto been observed in this district.
Fam.-LUTRINAE.-The Badger, Weasel, and Marten families, Melididoe and Mustelidoe, have no representatives in
the district but the Common Indian Otter, ud, Lutra nair, is plentiful on all tidal creeks and back waters, and affords
excellent sport when found in shallow water or on the mud banks of the creeks. During the heat of the day they repose
under the thick cover of the mangrove trees and other bushes, which grow on the swamps of the tidal creeks, and start
forth shortly before sunset in parties of four or five to fish in the. open rivers.
Fam.-FELIDAE.- The tiger, vagh, Felis tigris, is scarce, and is seldom seen, away from the dense cover of the
Sahyadrian range, particularly in the south. Panthers, biblya, felis pa1'dus, of small size are found all over the district in
hill and temple forests, preying on goats, dogs, small cattle and occasionally entering houses. Hunting leopards, Chittas,
Felis ]ubata, are, it is believed, found occasionally in the Sahyadrian range; but they are rare visitants. The only other
members of the cat family are the leopard cat, felis bengalensis, exceedingly rare and confined to the Sahyadrian range,
and the common jungle cat, Raul, feUs chaus, found everywhere, and is a very regular. nocturnal visitor to every district
Fam.-VIVERRIDAE -The" Striped Hyaena, Taras, Hyaena striata, is Common and the steep rocky hills of the
district are peculiarly favourable to its existence. A species of Civet cat, Kasturi, or Jovadi maniar, Viverra malaccensis,
is found in the district. The common tree or toddy cat, Manuri or Kandechaur, paradoxurus musanga is
distributed generally. It is a great pest to poultry-keepers, destroying out of apparently mere wantonness every fowl, it
can lay hands on, without any regard to its actual requirements or appetite. It also robs fruit trees and has a decided liking
for palm toddy. The mungus, I-Ierpestes grisous, is also exceedingly common everywhere.
Fam.-CANIDAE.-The jackal,Kolha, canis aureus, and the Indian fox, Khokad, Vulpes bengalensis, are both extremely
common. Wolves are sparingly known but packs of wild dogs, Kolsinda, Cuon rutilans, have been seen in the
Sahyadrian range, and are well. known to the hill peasantry.
Omitting the Cetacea, which order is probably represented by the Plumbeous Dolphin, Delphinus Plumbeus and the
Indian Fin Whale, Baloenoptera Indica, the Rodents, according to Jerdon's Classificatbn come next. Of these the chief
representatives are (1) The Bombay Red Squirrel, Sciurus elpinstonei, is only found in thick forests in the Sahyadrian
range; ( 2.) the Common Squirrel, Kharuti, Sciurus palmarum, is universally distributed; (3) the Porcupine, Salu ;
Hystrix leucura, is rare; and (4) the Common Hare, sasa, i.e., magrocollos and several species of rats and mice, including
the giant of the family, the Bandicoot, ghus, Mus-bandicota. Hares are not nearly so plentiful in this district as in the
Deccan, and owing to the ruggedness of the country, coursing is a sport which affords little amusement and some danger.
The sale representative of this order is the Indian Wild Boar, dukar, Sus indicus, found both in the Sahyadri hills and
near the coast, in brushwood overhanging the tidal creeks. During the hot months and at low tide, the pigs in the vicinity
of the creeks habitually resort to the mangrove swamps, Khajans, where they wallow for hours together. They cause
considerable damage to the standing crop.
The Ruminantia found within the limits of the district, are (1) the sambar, Rusa Al'istotelis, is restricted to the
Sahyadrian range and difficult to obtain; (2) the spotted deer, chital, Axis maculatus, is also restricted to the dense
Sahyadrian forests and is seldom seen; (3) the common rib-faced or barking deer or Muntjac, bhekra or jangli bakri,
Cervulus aureus, as distinguished from the four-horned antelope, Tetraceros quadl'icornis, also called bhekra, are
sparingly distributed throughout the district, in the thicker hillside forests, from the coast to the summits of the
Sahyadrian range; (4) the mouse deer, pisora, Memimna indica, is restricted to the Sahyadrian forest but is seldom seen.
When put up, it looks more like a hare than a deer from its elevated hind quarters and diminutive size; and (5) the four-
horned antelope, bhekra, Tetraceros quadricornis, is
generally and plentifully distributed and is found alike in thick and thin forests, rocky and almost barren hills and dense
groves, wherever the low bushes on which it feeds, give sufficient herbage. Bison, gava, Gavaeus gaurus, may possibly
on rare occasions stray within the limits of.. the district, but it cannot be properly included in the list. One or two herds
range along the Sahyadris; but they keep to the more level portions of the crest, ghat-matha; and have not been known of
late years to cross the watershed. The nilgai, Portax rictus, is practically unknown within Ratnagiri limits. Of the deer
mentioned above only two species, the barking deer, Cervulus aureus, and the four-horned antelope, Tetraceros
quadricornis, are found in sufficiently accessible places to repay the trouble of shooting them.
BIRDs.-In view of the hilly character of the country side of Ratnagiri district, the district should have been rich in
avifauna, to which facts do not bear truth. With the exception of a few common species of birds, the game birds are
strangely rare-wen nigh extinct, and from the species point of view this district is extremely poor particularly on account
of the absence of partridges, sand grouse, bustards, quails, cranes, etc. Even as regards ducks and snipes, they are not as
plentiful as they were once, and the tidal creeks and river banks which should ordinarily have been expected to swarm
with them are very rarely found to have these birds in large numbers.
The waders, swimmers, divers and aquatic and oceanic species arc naturally restricted to the coast and broad tidal
estuaries. On the other hand birds 'of 'prey with the exception of the ashing eagles, the pigeons, doves, etc., range
throughout the district. The prevailing species of birds are such as might be expected in a humid, well wooded country
rather than in bare open plains. The following examples may be cited.
Rose-ringed Parakeet (Psittacula Krameri) is comparatively a scarce bird. Similarly, the Spotted Dove replaces almost
entirely the Little Brown Dove. The Jungle Myna replac6s the Common Myna, as also the Red-whiskered Bulbul takes
the place of the Madras Red-vented Bulbul. Species such as the Green Barbct, the Southern Yellow Tit, the white-
winged Ground Thrush, the Green Bulbul ( Chloropsis) and other forest-loving .birdsare seen throughout the district. On
the other hand birds which prefer a dry open plain such as. Sand Grouse, Courier Plover, Bustard and others are hardly
ever seen.
This order is represented by four species of vultures, three of falsons, one of hawk, five of eagles, one of buzzard, two
of harriers, two of kites and several species of owls.
Fam.-VULTURIDAE-The Indian King or Black Vulture (Torgos) is rarely seen and is not known to breed within the
limits of the district.
The Long-billed Vulture (Gyps indicus) is plentiful in the fishing" villages on the coast and is seen feeding in
company with the white backed vulture. It has. breeding places in rocky cliffs.
The White-backed Vulture (Gyps bengalensis) is by far the most common vulture in the district. It has nests generally
of stick platforms in lofty trees and thick groves. A lone white egg is generally laid. Two or three nests are sometimes
found at a single place, and it appears that they prefer to stay in small colonies.
The White Scavenger Vulture (Neophron perenopterus) known locally as "PANDHRIGHAR is not seen very
commonly. It seems to breed and prefer the company of the variety mentioned above"
The Red-headed Merlin or Turumti, Chiquera Falco is also rare hut is said to be' a permanent resident. It is reported to
be comparatively common in the adjoining Satara and Sangli districts where in January and February. it breeds on
mango and tamarind trees, laying from three to four eggs. While breeding, these falcons are extremely noisy and vicious,
attacking all intruders such as crows and kites' with the greatest audacity.
The Kestrel or Falco Tinnunculu8 makes its appearance in small parties in October at the beginning of the cold
weather and leaves about the middle of March. It is not so plentiful in this district and in the Deccan plain. Major Lloyd
in his list gives in addition to the above the Shahin (Falco perigrinator) and. the Laggar (Falco jugger) which are
reported to be probable visitors but enquiries have not revealed any trace of these varieties.
The (Spilornis Cheela) Gested Serpent Eagle is found in forested country usually in pairs.
Mhorangi Ghar is a permanent resident and breeds in the hot weather. Snakes, lizards and frogs are its chief food.
The Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) is cOmmon on the larger tidal creeks and estuaries where fish are plentiful. It is a
winter visitor and is often seen in company with the next species.
The White-bellied Sea Eagle (Haliaetus lencogaster) is found on the sea coast and a few miles up the larger tidal
rivers. It is a permanent resident and breeds regularly in winter, generally sticking to the same nests which are large stick
platforms. They lay two eggs measuring about 3" X 21'. They generaHy keep to their nests at all times while breeding or
not breeding, and return to it after their trips in search of food. It is very common to find remains of their meals - bones,
skins of snakes and poultry, etc. under their nests. Any lofty tree with a strong horizontal branch suits for their nests.
Generally, they hunt in pairs. Both, when perched and on the wings, utter a loud clear far-reaching resonant cry.
Sub-Fam.-BUTEONINAE.-The White-eyed Buzzard (Butashur teesa) is reported to be spread both in the southern and
northern side 01 the district, but it is extremely rare.
The Pale Harrier (Circus macrurus) is abundant everywhere in the cold season. It comes in October just when the
Malabar Crested Lark (Galerida malabarica) and the little Black-bellied Finch Lark (Eremopteryx grisea) are rearing
their young broods On the bare, rocky plateaus thinly covered with coarse grass. Numbers of young Nestling Larks,
partially exposed to their keen-sighted enemies, are destroyed by the harriers. By day, they hunt either singly or in pairs
beating silently over plain and hillside for young birds, lizards, mice and locusts. By night they gather in large parties,
roosting on the ground, often under cover of long grass. , Montague's Harrier, (Circus Pygargus) probably visits the
district in the cold season, but no reliable information is available.
The Marsh Harrier (Circus aeruginosus) is also occasionally found in the cold weather, 'but is not common.
Sub-Fam,-MILVINAE.-Tambadi Mhorangi or the Brahmani Kite (Halill$tur indus) is more common on the coast, but
is sometimes seen inland. It prefers crabs for food. These birds build their nests rather high on coconut palms or
mangrove trees. Usually, two eggs are laid which are white in colour and minutely speckled with reddish brown. They
are inclined to desert their nests on any provocation and do not make an active defence of the young ones or eggs, but fly
round overhead in short circles.
The Pariah Kite (Milvus migrans, govinda) is too well-known and is usually found in every village and treated with
contempt as it kills chickens. The breeding season is January to March, Choosing any high tree, it makes the usual stick
platform lined with leaves. The normal number of eggs is two, which vary in colour, and also somewhat in shape and
size. The commonest type is a dingy-white
brown with a reddish tinge at the larger end. These birds vigorously defend their eggs dashing an intruder who climbs the
tree, one on either side of him flying opposite ways, and striking at him as ' they rush past with wings and claws. Pariah
Kite is called ghar or Kombadi ghar by the Konkanis.
Fam.-STRIGIDAE.- The Indian Screech Owl (Tyto alba) is entirely S nocturnal in its habits, hiding by day in cavities
of decayed trees and buildings. It is found locally throughout the district although not very commonly. It breeds in
December and January.
The Brown Wood Owl (Strix indmnce) is a very rare species.
The Mottled Wood Owl (Strix ocellata) is usually found in the northern part and prefers mango clumps on the outside
the villages, rather away from the coast. They nest in January and February in cavities of trees, laying two very spherical
creamy-white eggs. The young can be tamed and made docile. The birds devour lizards, grass-hoppers and cockroaches,
with great gusto. Dogs are their greatest aversion. They have a rare knack, readily to learn to distinguish friends from
strangers and show evident signs of alarm on seeing a strange face. They are entirely nocturnal.
The Rock Horned Owl (Bubox bengalensis) a rather common type found amongst rocky cliffs overhanging tidal
creeks. Though it perches on trees as well as on rocks, it flies back tc even distant rocks, when disturbed from a tree. It
comes out directly when the sun is down. It has a deep dissyllabic hoot, which may be syllabled hoo! hoo! It feeds on
rats, lizards and crabs. It breeds in January and February scooping out a hole in the earth under cover of a projecting
boulder and laying three or four round, white eggs.
The Brown Fish Owl (Bubo zeylonensis) is common throughout the district, affecting thick forests and lofty trees
always near water. Fish and crabs form its chief food. These birds thrive well in confinement, and eat raw or cooked
meat. They drink water freely and greatly enjoy a bath. Popularly known as Human, they breed from January to March in
holes of trees laying two eggs. The cry of this owl is a long deep aspirated sign, excessively human in its intonation. To
those who are by nature superstitious, this repulsive laugh, when heard close overhead in the dead of night often
forebodes impending danger.
Bruce's Scops Owl, Otus brucil, is a very rare species.
The Malabar Scops Owl (Otus bakkamoena) a curious little horned owl, is found throughout the district in thick
groves and coconut gardens. It is popularly called Kuta in reference to its low soft call. Strictly nocturnal, it hides by day
an cavities of decayed trees. It is usually seen in pairs. They nest in January in cavities of trees laying three to four glossy
white eggs. Unlike other allied species, they are extremely inoffensive and if handled make 110 attempt to retaliate.
The Malabar Barred Owlet (Glaucidium malabaricum) is plenti. fully distributed, especially in the northern part. It _s
a lively, little bird diurnal in its habits, flying from tree to tree ;tild uttering its clear, tremulous, whistling call at intervals
throughout the day. It rarely hides itself except during the breeding season, March and April, when it lays three or four
round white eggs. Extremely vicious when caught or wounded, it defends itself vigorously with its sharp claws.
Fam.-HIRUNDINIDAE.-Swallows, Martins, and Swifts are plentiful thr(mghout the district and particularly on the
sea coast. All these species are indiscriminately termed Pakoli by the villagers.
Sub-Fam.-HIRUNDININAE-The Common Swallow.-It is rarely found to have settled in this district. It appears in the
cold wea1her in numbers and leaves about the middle of March.
The Wire-tailed Swallow, Hirundo filifera (Steph. Jerd. 84) is a permanent resident, though sparingly distributed.
These birds breed in rocks overhanging streams, under bridges and culverts making a beautiful cup nest lined with
feathers laying two or three delicate white eggs spotted with red.
The Redrumped or Mosque Swallow, Hinrundo erythropygia, (Sykes. Jerd. 85) is the common swallow of the district,
found plentifully in all parts both inland and on the coast. They make retort-shaped mud nests under the eaves of
buildings, and especially in the interiors of ruined fort buildings. The nests are usually isolated.
The Dusky Crag Martin, Ptyonoprogne concolor, (Skyes. Jerd. 90) is found sparingly all down the coast. These birds
breed in the hot weather making a beautiful cup nest lined with feathers under the ledges of rocks overhanging the sea
shore, laying three or four white eggs; .,
"Sub-Family.-CYPSELINAE (Gray. Jerd. 100) is plentifully distributed, especially common about the rocky lands..
These birds are gregarious in habits and a dozen or more nests may be found together in clusters. The nests though
outwardly untidy and unfinished are strongly made of grass and feathers stuck together with gluten which gives the
interior a very sticky appearance. The entrance is at the top through a narrow crevice.
The Palm Swift, Cypselus batassiensis (E. J. Gray, Jerd. 102), is an inhabitant of this district. Although it is usually
associated with the Palmera tree which is unknown in this district, they are found in cocoanut gardens in the district.
The Edible Nest Swiftlet or Salangane, Collocalia unicolor (Jerd. 103), is, as Jerdon has stated, found on some rocks
rising out of the sea, about twelve miles off the port of Vengurla. The nests are
made of inspissated saliva, in the form of white gelatine. The rock on which the nests are found is about four miles
long. It is said that the right of collecting the nests was being farmed every year, in the past.
The Indian Crested Swift, Dendrochelidon coronata (Tick Jerd, 104), is found throughout the district and appears
to be equally common near the coast as near the Sahyadris. It breeds from April to June on bare dead branches of
forests, laying a single elongate white egg. The nest is a very shallow half saucer composed of thin flakes of bark.
The bird when sitting across the nest completely hides it as the nest is very short.
Fam.-CAPRIMULGIDAE..,-.'-The Jungle Night Jar, Caprimulgus indicus (Lath. Jerd. 107) is a very rare species
which is not found these days. The Common Indian Night Jar is found in fair number. It is popularly known as
Franklin's Night Jar, Caprimulgus monticolus (Frankl. Jerd. 114), a larger species, is perhaps equally common in
the northem part.
Fam.-MERODIPAE.-The Common Indian Bee--eater, Merops viridisa (Lin. Jerd. ll7), known as Pathal Kirli is
plentifully distribute9 throughout the district. Usually seen alone or in small parties and perching on a branch or
stalk of coarse grass, it makes frequent short sallies after its insect prey, regularly retuming almost to the sama
perch, time after time, for hours together. The bee-eaters of one locality gather together in the evening and after
dispouting themselves in one large flock, retire to ,roost night after night in the same trees.
Fam.-CORACIADAE.-The Indian Roller, tas or dhau, Coracias indica (
(Lin. J erd. 123), is the only species of roller fcund. Though nowhere very plentiful, and not often seen near the
coast,' a few birds are always found about well-wooded inland village_. It is a winter visitant to this tract, though
some are inclined to think it fo be a permanent resident. The roller breeds in holes' of cocoanut, mango and other
trees laying as a rule four very glossy broad oval eggs. The nests have no lining and are. simply covered with
powdered bark.
The Whitebreasted Kingfisher., Halcyon smyrneusis (Lin. Jerd. 129), though widely distributed, is comparatively
scarce. It is more often found near small woodland streams than creeks and unlike other kingfishers is often seen
perched in dry brushwood at a considerable distance from water.
The whitecollared Kingfisher, Halcyon chloris (Bodd. Jerd.132), is found in some ma1igrove swamps on the
banks of small tidal creeks. It never pounces, but catches small crabs and mollusces.
out of the mud, preferring this to deep-water fishing. It has a peculiar shrill call, uttered both when perched and on
the wing.
The Common Indian Kingfisher, Aleedo bengalensis (Gmel. Jerd. 134), is one of the commonest birds in the
district. It swarms on all the tidal creeks and mangrove swamps, and every little pond or large well is tenanted by a
pair or more of these industrious little fisher birds.
The Pied Kingfisher, Ceryle rudis (Lin. Jerd. 136), is also common, but not nearly so plentiful. as the earlier one.
It is seen in the fresh inland rivers rather than in tidal waters.
Fam.-BUCEROTIDAE.- The great Hornbill, Diehoros eavatus (Shaw. Jerd. 140), is an eccentric bird. It
imprisons the brooding female in a hole of a tree, with mud plastered so as to leave a small opening; it decorates its
plumage, with yellow oil paint. It keeps to the slopes of the Sahyadris and the well wooded low lands. Although they
are found wandering far and wide in search of ripe berries and fruits which is their staple food, they will kill snakes
when they see them. They are usually found in groups of four to six and rarely single. It is popularly called
The Malabar Pied Hornbill, Hydrocissa coronata (Bodd. Jerd. 141), is usually seen in the southern parts of the
district and its habits are similar to that of the earlier one.
Fam.-PSITTACIDE.-The Roseringed Paroquet, Paloeornis torquatus (Bodd. Jerd. 148), is widely distributed but
rarely found. It nests in cavities of trees during the hot months, laying four or more white glassless eggs. It is
popularly called as Kir or Popat. The caged parrots are also called Raghu.
The Rose-headed Paroquet, Paloeornis purbureus (Mull. Jerd. 149), is the common species of the district and is
abundantly found everywhere. It destroys crops.
The Blue-winged Paroquet, Paloeornis Columboides (Vig. Jerd. 151), a lovely species with dove grey head and
blue wings, is found only in the Sahyadri forests.
The Indian Loriquet or Lovebird, Lorieulus vernalis (Sparrm lerd. 153), popularly called Katra, is plentiful in
almost all localities.
Fam.-PICIDAE.-The Yellow-fronted Woodpecker, Ficus mara thensis (Lath. Jerd. 160), is not very common,
but is occasionally seen in thin forests throughout the district.
The Golden-backed Woodpecker, Chrysocolapfes sultaneus (Hodgs. Jerd. 166), a beautiful bird, is found in the
inland tracts at the base and on the slopes of the Sahyadris.
The Blackbacked Woodpecker, Chrysocolaptes festivus (Bodd. Jerd. 167), the most handsome of all the group, is
commonly found in the cocoanut gardens near coast. .
The Madras Rufous Woodpecker, Misropternus gularis (Jerd. 179), is found all over the district in thick groves and
forests but not near the coast. Its head and tail are found to be smeared with resin. Malherbe's Goldenbacked
Woodpecker, Brachypternus puncticollis (Malh. Jerd. 181), is the common Woodpecker of the district distributed all
over and it frequents the cocoanut gardens on the coast as well as the inland forest tracts. It breeds in the hot months of
April and May.
Fam.- MAGALAEMIDAE. - The Malabar Green Barbet, Megalaema inornata, (Wald. Jerd. 193), is plentifully
found during the rainy season on the Sahyadri slopes. It is popularly called as Koturga.
The Small Green Barbet, Megalaema virdis, (Bodd. Jerd. 194), is plentiful in Sahyadri forests throughout the district.
Fam.-CUCULIDAE. - The Indian Cuckoo, Cuculus micropternus (Gould. Jerd. 203), is a rare species in this district
and is found near the mangroves only. It has a peculiar call which can be described as a double repetition of the word
The Indian Koel, Eudynamys honorata (Lin. Jerd. 214), is found everywhere, both on the coast and inland. It breeds in
May and July and it lays its eggs in the nests of crows. There is a popular belief that the song or whistle of the bird
heralds the coming of the monsoons. It is also believed that as it seldom alights on the ground and is thus deprived of
drinking water, it has to depend on. rain water.
Sub-Fam.-CENTROPODINAE - The Common Coucal, Centrococcyx rufipennis (Ill-Jerd. 217), popularly called
Kukudkwnba is found everywhere on the outskirts of the villages in thick bushes. One can hear its deep mournful note at
all hours of the day.
Fam.-NECTARINIDAE.-The Violeteared Red Honevsucker, Aetho pyga vigorsii (Sykes, Jerd. 226), is found on the
western slopes of the Sahyadri ranges, and sparingly near the coast in cocoanut gardens.
The Amethyst Honeysucker, Cinnyris-Zeylonica (Lin. Jerd. 232), is more widely distributed and plentiful. The males
keep their exquisite plumage throughout the year. Their nests are beautiful, hung from the slenderest twigs, and rocked to
and fro by every breath of wind. The nest is pear-shaped narrowing in the middle, with a side entrance shaded by a tiny
overhanging porch. The materials are the finest grass lines and .the nests are prettily decorated by anything that pleases
the fancy of the diminutive architects. They lay two or three eggs, greenish white sparkled with brown
spots, Although Zizyphus jujuha tree is their favourite place for nests, they do dare to build the same in verandhas and
porches of dwelling houses.
The Purple Honeysucker, Cinnyris asiatica (Lin. Jerd. 234), is abundant everywhere from the coast to the Sahyadri
hills, wherever flowering shrubs are found. The brilliant metallic hue of the male is donned only at the pairing season,
although in his winter garb of grey green little trace of his splendid wedding dress remains.
Tickell's Flowerpecker, Dicocum erythrorhynchus (Tick. Jerd. 238), is found in some localities. Being small in size
and due to its habits of keeping to the tops of the highest trees, it is difficult to find.
The Thickbilled Flowerpecker, Piprisoma agile (Tick. Jerd. 240), readily distinguished by its peculiar bill from all
other birds, is found sparingly at Ratnagiri and also at Sawantwadi.
Fam.-UPUPIDAE.-The Indian Hoopoe, Sutar, Upllpa ceylonensis (Reich. Jerd. 255), is found here and there
throughout the district, and is to be seen near all well-wooded villages. In the cold weather these birds associate in small
parties of four or five. They feed exclusively on insects.
Fam.-LANIADAE,-The Rufousbacked Shrike, Lanius erythronotus, is (Vig. Jerd. 257), commonly found in the
district in woods and hedgerows. It is popularly named as butcher bird.
The Baybacked or Hardwick's Shrike, Lanius vittatus (Valenc. Jerd. 260), is comparatively rare and usually found in
the forests on the Sahyadri slopes.
The Common Wood Slnike, Tephrodomis pondicerianus (Gmel. Jerd. 265), is found in the interior as well as on the
coast and is very abundant in certain localities, in groves and gardens where it is usually found in flocks. ,
Sub-Fam.-CAMPEPHAGINAE.-The Blackheaded Cuckoo Shrike, Volvocivora sykesi (Strick. Jerd. 268), is a very
uncommon species obtained in well-wooded parts of the district.
The Large Cuckoo Shrike, Graucalus macei (Less. Jerd. 270), is common everywhere in the village groves and well-
wooded tracts. Usually seen in pairs, it feeds entirely on insects and fruits. They build in forks of trees, making shallow
cup nest of fine twigs, very loosely put together. The eggs, two or three in number, are of a greenish fawn colour, with
pale brownish red spots. This bird has a very sweet call.
The Orange Minivet Pericrocotus flammeus. (Forst. Jerd. 272), or the Fiery-red Bird sparingly found on the western
slopes of the Sahyadris throughout the district, but never near the coast. With its
splendid red breast and glossy blue head and upper plumage, it is one of the most handsome birds in the country. It
moves briskly from tree top to tree top chirping incessantly.
The Small Minivet, Pericrocotus perigrinus (Lin. Jerd. 276), is another small beautiful bird found in groves
abundantly in all parts of the district. It also frequents low brushwood and hedgerows as well as lofty trees. It makes a
very neat cup nest of fine twigs, in the forks of a tree laying two or three greenish white eggs freckled with brick-dust
Sub-Fam.-DICRURINAE.-The Common Drongo Shrike, Buchanga atra, is the commonest bird of the district, and is
universally distributed. It is equally plentiful on the bare rocky plateaus near the coast, where, failing trees, it perches on
cattle and goats, and in the well-wooded inland tracts. It nests in April and May on forks of trees, laying four pinkish
white eggs. It is locally called Govinda..
Sub-Fam.-ARTAMINAE.-The Ashy Swallow Shrik6, Artamus fiscus (Vieill. Jerd. 287), is found in Vengurle cocoanut
Fam.-MUSCICAPIDAE.-The Paradise or Royal Flycatcher, Musc-peta paradisi (Linn. Jerd. 288), is found sparingly
in all the well-wooded tracks of the district. The adult-males with their glossy black heads and flying white streamers are
conspicuous objects when seen flittering like streaks of silver from tree to tree. It is a restless bird always on the move in
pursuit of his prey. It is known as Dhobi bird or Ban Pakhru.
The Whitespotted Fantail, Leucocerca Leucogaster, (Cuv. 293), an amusing and familiar little bird is very common. Its
quaint manners and grotesque antics are well known. Its dance, a short flight of a few feet, to and from a branch of a tree,
followed by a half pirouette, a lowering of head and wings and spreading of the broad tail, is kept up incessantly
throughout the day.
The Southern Brown Flycatcher, Alseonax latirostris (Ram. Jerd. 297), is rare.
The Verditer Flycatcher, stoporala molanops (Vig. Jerd. 301) though rare near the coast is more plentiful in the well-
wooded country at the base of the Sahyadri hills.
The Blue Redbreast, cyornis tickelli, (Vig. Jerd. 305 and 306), is distributed sparingly in thick groves. It is usually
seen alone, and is a familiar bird.
The Whitetailed Robin or Dwarf Flycatcher, Erythrostorna parva (Boch. Jerd. 323), a familiar little bird, is often seen
in clumps of trees in the cold weather and has a confiding way of perching upon tent ropes.
Fam.-MERULIDA, Sub-Fam.-MYLOTHERINA.-The Malabar Whistlin Thrush, Myiophoneus Horieldi, (Vig. Jerd.
342), is found in suitable
places all along the Sahyadri range, both on the slopes and at the base of the hills, but does not extend to the coast. Its
rich mellow whistle, and its love of mountain waterfalls are well known.
The Indian or Yellow breasted Ground Thrush, Pitta branchyura (Lin. Jerd. 345), a beautifully plumaged bird, is
found sparingly at the base and on the lower slopes of the Sahyadri range.
Sub-Fam,-MERULINAE.-The Blue Rock Thrush, Cyanocinclus cyanus (Lin. Jerd. 351), is a cold weather visitant, and
frequents bare rocky grounds and stony hills. It is almost always alone and feeds on the ground. It is a familiar bird and
has a sweet note.
The Blue headed Chat Thrush, Petlrophila cinclorhynchus, (Vig. Jerd. 353), is a pretty bird, chiefly confined to the
ravines and slopes of the Sahyadri range.
The White winged Bush Thrush, or Ground-Thmsh, Geocichla cyanotia (Jerd. and Self. Jerd. 354), is common and a
permanent resident. It is found in gardens, groves and woods from the coast to the slopes of the Sahyadris. These birds
breed generally in Mango trees, early in the rains making a cup nest of grass plastered with mud, and placing it low down
in the fork of the tree. These little thrushes are very vigorous and bold in defence of their young, and fly at any intruder
with intrepidity.
The Blackcapped Black-bird, Merula nigropilae, (Lafr. Jerd. 359), is widely distributed from the coast to the Sahyadri
forests. It is a permanent resident which feeds on the ground and also fruit trees. It is more arboreal in its habits.
Sub-Fam.- TIMALINAE.- The Yelloweyed Babbler, Pyctorhis sinensis, (Gmel. Jerd. 385), is found in small parties
flying from bush to bush in low hill side brushwood. It is a noisy bird said to breed in rainy season in bamboo clumps
making nests of coarse grass.
The Nilgiri Quaker Thrush, Alcippe poiocephale, (Jerd. 389), is found in the southern part of the district.
The Whitethroated Wren Babbler, Dumetia albogularies (Blyth. Jerd. 398), is comparatively very scarce in this district.
The Spotted Wren Babbler, Pellorneum ruficeps (Swainson Jerd. 399), is also scarce and occasionally seen in small
parties in thin bush, both inland and near the coast.
The Southern Scimitar Babbler, Pomatorhinus horsfieldi, (Sykes. Jerd. 404), is found only on the slopes and at the
foot of the Sahyadri ranges where it is a permanent resident.
The Rufous-tailed Babbler, Malacocercus-somerviller (Sykes. Jerd. 345), is the common babbler spread abundantly
throughout the district. It is common near the coast and inland, in gardens, brush-wood and village groves, It usually
feeds on
ground, hopping actively about, incessantly uttering their scolding, (nagging note. It nests in June and July laying two or
three greenish blue eggs and is popularly called Kekati or Chambharin.
Fam.-BRACHYPODIDAE.-Sub-Fam.-PYCNONOTINE.-The Ghat Black Bulbul, Hypsipetes ganeesa (Sykes. Jerd.
446), is very rare and perhaps restricted to the Sahyadri forests.
The Southern Red whiskered Bulbul, Otocompasa fuscicaudata, (Gould. Jerd. 460), is found abundantly in small
Rocks, throughout the district. It breeds in the hot month of April and May, in a neat cup-like nest. It is known as
The Common Madras Bulbul, Molpastes haemorrhous (Gmel. Jerd. 462), is a familiar abundant bird, which frequents
gardens, brushwood, and fruit trees. It is destructive to vegetable gardens. Although, its note is not so sweet, it makes an
amusing cage-bird. This bird lays three eggs which are dull reddish in colour. It shows greatest affection for its
youngones and will desert them only as a last resort. If the young birds are obtained and kept in the cage, the parents
continue to feed them fearlessly even by entering the cage. If one of the parent birds is caught and caged the other will
undertake feeding the whole family, through the bars of the cage.
Sub-Fam.-PHYLLORNITHINAE.-The common Green Bulbul, Phyl. lornis jeroni, (Blyth. Jerd.463), is abundant in the
well-wooded tracts both on the coast and inland. These birds feed on fruits and insects and are usually found in pairs.
The males differ from the females in having the chin and throat deep velvet black, the same parts being bluish green in
the females.
The Common lara, Iora tiphia, (Lin. Jerd. 467 and 468), both the varieties of this are met with sparingly in this
district, frequenting gardens, groves and forests, not always in pairs but always on the move. While flying, the black
headed males appear exceedingly pretty, coquetting with their tails spread and the silky white eufts fully exposed. They
nest in a beautifully made delicate cup of the finest grass and spider web. They are permanent residents like all the
Sub-Fam.-ORIOLNAE.-The Indian Oriole, Mango bird or Oriolus Kundoo, (Sykes. Jerd. 470), though it is widely
distributed, is comparatively rare in this district. The local name for this is Haldl,a very infelicitous term.
The Black-headed Oriole, Oriolus mealanocephalus (Lin. Jerd 472), is the common type found abundantly where
there are trees. It feeds on fruits and its clear mellow note is well-known. Its bright plumage makes it a universal
favourite. It nests in rainy season and is a. permanent resident.
The Indian Bushchat, Pratincola indica, (Blyth. Jerd. 483), is found sparingly during the fair season in open and stony
hillsides, but rather rare. It avoids forests and high trees, perching on walls and low bushes. The whinchats come early in
October, the males in brown winter plumage. They stay till late in March, when most of the males are getting their black
caps, wings and tails and bright rust red breasts.
Sub-Fam.-RUTLCILLINAE.- The Indian Bluethroat, Cyanficula suecica, (Lin. Jerd. 514), is found sparingly in the
district. It frequents reeds and long grass on the banks of river beds and mountain streams. .
Sub-Fam.-CALAMOHERPINE.-The Lesser Reed Warbler, Acrocephlus dumetorum, (Blyth. Jerd. 516), an active little
bird, is a regular cold weather visitant, but not very common. It habitates trees, bamboo thickets, hedgerows, and high
grass by rivers and rice fields. It has a peculiar note which could be likened to the sound of the flint and steel.
Sub-Fam.-DRYMOCINAE.-The Indian Tailor Bird, Orthotomus sutorius, (GR. Forster, Jerd. 530), is found sparingly
in wooded tracts both inland and near the coasts. They are restless creatures chirping loudly. Their nests are a marvel of
skill made up by sewing one or more leaves, according to their size, into a round cup, the stitches being made with
cobweb or cotton thread, neatly fastened off and knotted. In the hollow thus formed, a soft deep nest of cotton, wool is
The Ashy Wren Warbler, Prinia socialis, (Sykes. Jerd. 534), has also similar habits.
The Malabar's Wren Warbler, Prinia hodgsoni, (Blvth. Jerd, 538), is perhaps the most common and found in pairs and
small parties, in bushes and trees all through the district. Its nest is also like that of a true tailor bird.
The Rufous Grass Warbler or Pine-Pine, Cisticola Qursitans (Frankl. Jerd. 539), is found here and there on standing
com, or reeds etc., but is rare.
The common Wren Warbler, Drymoeca inornata, (Sykes. Jerd. 543 and 544) is found sparingly in corn fields and
hedgerows, both inland and near the coast. In weaving bottle-shaped nests it lays greenish blue eggs.
The Great Rufous Wren Warbler, Drymoeca rufescen (Hume. Jerd 544 bis.) is found in old forts.
Sub-Fam.-PHYLLOSCOPINAE.-The Bright Green Tree Warbler, Phylloscopus nitidus, (Lath. Jerd. 559) is plentiful
throughout the district in the cold weather. The bright colours seen on arrival soon fade.
The Large Crowned Warbler, Reguloides occipitalis (Jerd. 563) is a rare winter visitant.
Sub-Fam.-MOTACILLINAE.-The Pied Wagtail, Motacilla maderas patensis, (GmeI. Jerd. 589) is the common wagtail
of the district found on the banks of rivers and creeks and in rice fields, either alone or in pairs. It breeds during the hot
weather. .
The Blackfaced Wagtail, Motacala dakhanensis, (Sykes. Jerd. 591 bis), is also plentiful in cold weather and is found
in rice fields. It is seen only in its winter dress with grey head and white throat.
The Grey and Yellow Wagtail, Calobdtes melanope, (Pallas. Jerd. 592), is found in the same situation in rice fields, on
banks of rivers and ponds, inland as well as near the coast.
The Ashyheaded Field Wagtail Budytes cinerea-carilla (Savi. Jerd. 593) appears in small flocks in the cold weather
and feeds in open fields. The plumage of this and other allied forms varies,
The Tree Pipit, Authus trivalis (Lin. Jerd. 597), comes in small flocks in October and frequents gardens and corn
fields, often perching on trees, is common both in inland and near the coast.
The Tree Pipit, Anthus trivalis (Lin. Jerd. 597), comes in small flocks in October and frequents gardens and com
fields, often perching on trees, and is common both in inland and near the coast.
The Indian Titlark, Corydalla rufula (Vieill. Jerd. 600), frequents rice fields and open cultivated grounds, and is
common both inland and near the coast.
The Southern Yellow Tit, Machlolophus aplonotus (Bly. Jerd. 648). This handsome little bird is common in well
wooded tracts. It is gregarious in habit and hunts for fruit and insects on the high trees with great activity.
Sub-Fam.-CORVINAE.-The Indian or Bowbilled Corby, Corvus macrorhynchus (WagI. Jerd. 660), is abundant in this
district in almost every village, and is usually associated with the Common crow.
It makes rough stick nests lined with hair, fibre, etc. and lays usually four eggs. It is popularly known as Domkawala.
The common or Ashynecked Indian Crow, Corvus Splendens (Vieill Jerd. 663), is equally abundant and makes similar
nests. It is always seen congregating soon after sunset, and in straggling parties flying off with much clatter to their
chosen roosts, often some miles distant from the scene of their daily depredations. Mangrove swamps are often
patronised by it. With it settling down for the night is work of time and is only accomplished after incessant squabbles
and a tedious and long process of summary ejectments and hardworn recoveries. A, report of gun produces the wildest
confusion. It is popularly known as Son-Kowala.
The Indian Magpie, Dendrocitta rufa (Scop. Jerd. 674), is distributed in small numbers throughout the district in
'well-wooded tracts, both inland and near the coast. Its peculiar and inimitable whistle always betrays its presence in a
grove or a forest. It wanders about the country in search of food. It is popularly known as a paritin or water-woman.
Sub-Fam.-STRUNINAE.- The Common Myna, Acridotheres tristis (Lin. Jerd. 684), is very rare in the district. It
breeds in the rainy season in cavities of trees laying four or five white eggs.
The Dusky Myna, Acridotheres fuscus (Wagler. Jerd. 686), is abundant throughout the district, and more especially in
the well-wooded tracts. It nests in the hot weather, April and May, in holes of trees. The nests are loose and jubbled.
They gather towards dusk and roost in large flocks. The local name for both is salunki.
The Pagoda or Blackheaded Brahmani Myna, Sturnia pagodarun.., (Gmel. Jerd. 687), is found in the southern parts. It
feeds both on the ground and on fruits.
The Rosecoloured Starling or Javari Bird, Pastor rosens (Lin. Jerd. 690), comes in the cold weather in considerable
numbers. It repairs to well-wooded tracts after the winter crops are reaped. It leaves for its summer quarters late in April.
It is popularly known as Kalpi.
Fam.- FRINGILLIDAE.- Sub-Fam.- PLOCEINAE.- The Common Weaver bird or Little Baya, Ploceus Philippinus
(Lin. Jerd. 694), is found everywhere in vast flocks in winter. It is gregarious in roosting. The nests are made of coil fibre
or strong grass. The local name for it is bhorade.
Sub-Fam.-ESTRELDINAE.-The Spotted Munia, Amadina punctualata (Lin. Jerd. 699), is partially distributed and
seen in flocks in the cold weather frequenting rice fields away from the coast.
The Whitebacked Munia, Amadina stritata (L. Jerd. 700), is common everywhere in gardens, from the coast to the
Sahyadris. It is social in its habits. The nests are globular balls of grass with a side entrance covered with dry blades of
Sub-Fam.-PASSERINAE.-The house sparrow, passer domesticus (Lin. Jerd. 706), is perhaps less common than in
other districts. The yellow neck variety is also seen.
Sub-Fam.-ALAUDINAE.-The Black-bellied Finch Lark Pyrrhulauda grisea, (Scop. Jerd. 760). This little lark called
Bhatki is abundant throughout the district. Especially plentiful on the bare laterite plateau. The nest is a soft little pad of
fine grass lined with pieces of wool. The little larks have many enemies. Snakes and cowherds destroy their eggs. The
keen-eyed harriers and kites are constantly on a look-out all over the bare rocky plains in search of an inviting feast.
The Southern Crown Crest, Spizalauda malabarica (Scop. Jerd. 765) is common throughout the district in open plains,
rocky plateaus, and grassy table-lands. It is a good songster, and sings loudly on the wing. The nests are hidden under
cover of grass or found on the bare rock, sheltered by a stone. The nests are made of grass in which two or three eggs are
laid. It is locally known as Chendul or Ghorpi.
The Ind_an sky-lark, Alauda gulgula, (Frankl. Jerd. 767), is known to have been found in the southern parts of the
district, and is rare.
The pigeons and doves found in this district, comprise two species of green pigeon, one wood pigeon, the blue rock
pigeon, five turtle doves and one ground dove. The green pigeon and the spotted dove are common while the rest are
more or less scarce.
Fam.-TERONIDAE.-The southern green pigeon, Crocopus chlorigaster, (Blyth. Jerd. 773), is found abundantly, both
inland and near the coast in well wooded tracts. A banyan or a pimpal or a large bar, attracts them. They are very shy
and easily disturbed. Their flesh makes a good dish. It is locally known as pusava.
The Malbar or Greyfronted Green Pigeon, Osmotreron malabarica, (Jerd. 775), is found in the inland in well-wooded
tracts but is never seen near the coast. It associates in considerable flocks in groves and forests. The eyes both of this and
the last species are exceedingly beautiful, an inner ring of crimson enclosed in an outer circle of blue, which when
blended, give a violet hue to the whole iris.
Sub-Fam.-:COLUMBINAE._The Blue Rock Pigeon, Columba internieilia, (Strickl. Jerd. .788), is comparatively
scarce in this district
as are other grain feeding birds, as the land is too poor for them. They are also found in the massive old sea walls
of Suvarnadurga and on the rocks of Vengurla, a few miles from. the mainland. They seem to hoard grain in their homes
for use during the stormy weather which if true is a good illustration of the development of an instinct to meet
exceptional needs.
Sub_Fam,-TURTURINAE,-The Spotted or Speckled Dove, Turtur Stwantensia, (Gmel. Jerd. 795), is the common
dove which is abundant in this district arid is found everywhere. It almost replaces the little brown dove. Its nest is found
at all times. It lays glossy white eggs. The nests are thin, flat stick platforms so thin at the bottom that it is always a
wonder that thee eggs do not tumble through, and so Hat that the eggs seem always in danger of being rolled over the
sides. Cactus bushes and low trees are the favourite sites for their nests. It is locally called kavada.
The Common Ring Dove, Turtur risorius, (Lin. Jerd. 796), is found occasionally in large flocks on the low lands in
winter, disappearing entirely at the approach of the hot weather and in all probability returning to the Deccan plains to
Fam.-GOURIDAE.-The Emerald Dove, Chalcophas indica, (Lin Jerd. 798). It does not like thick forest and is rarely
found away from the coast.
The district is poorly supplied with gallinaceous birds. Sand grouse, Painted Francolins, and Grey Partridges axe
entirely wanting and Grey and Rain Quails are so scarce that they are hardly worth the trouble of beating for. The only
game bird that is at all available, is the pretty little jungle bush quail or dwarf partridge, found on all the bushy hill sides
that overhang the deep valleys and ravines intersecting the rugged country. Jungle fowl and spur fowl are rarely seen
away from the Sahyadrian forests while Pea Fowl are though more widely distributed, nowhere plentiful. The following
species are known to occur
Fam.-PHASIANIDAE.-The common peacock, Mor, Pavo cristatus. (Lin. Jerd. 803), is found sparingly throughout
the district on the stiff slopes well clad with trees overhanging large tidal creeks. They may be seen about sunset on the
banks where they come to feed.
Inland they resort to large temple groves with luxuriant undergrowth.
They breed during the rainy season and the males begin to assume their splendid trains in May.
Sub-Fam.-GALLINAE.-TheGrey Jungle Fowl, Gallus sonnerati, (Tem. Jerd. 813), popularly known as Ran-
Kombada, is found in the Sahyadrian range. Its eggs are sometimes set under domestic hens but it is difficult to rear up
the chicks in confinement
Fam.- TETRAONIDAE. Sub-Fam.-Perdicinae. The Jungle Bush Quail, Or Dwarf Partridge, Perdicula asiatica,
(Lath. Jerd. 826), is to some extent found on the hill sides. When first flushed, they rise together to the thickest cover
from where it is difficult to dislodge
them. They call their companions incessantly if separated, and reunite quickly if possible. They feed on forest glade, hill
paths etc. They can be caught on the dark-nights with the aid of torches, being completely dazed by the light, they fall an
easy prey.
Sub-Fam.-COTURICINAE.-The Large Grey Quail, Coturnix commanis, (Bonn. Jerd. 829), is very rare and may be
found in the cold weather in the fields of tur and other winter crops.
Fam-TINAMIDAE.-The Black Breasted Bustard Quail, Turnix T taigcor, - (Sykes. Jerd. 832), is found in tur crops on
the banks of rivers. The absence of hind toes in this species distinguishes it from all other quails. The females of this
species are larger and more boldly marked than the males.
The Button Quail, Turnix dussumieri, durva, (Tern. Jerd. 835), is widely distributed but is nowhere common or
abundant. It is found in groves, thin brushwood and tilled land. It is almost always flushed singly, rarely in pairs and
never in broods. It is probably a permanent resident.
The numerous tidal creeks and backwaters, whose soft mud banks harbour myriads of molluscs, crabs, aquatic
insects, and other slimy but inviting morsels, and the rice fields, mangrove swamps, and salt marshes with which the
coast portion of the district abounds attract a large and motley company of waders or shore birds. They are the only game
birds worth the name. The aquatic waders are more numerous than others. The golden plover and the pretty little ringed
plover who divide their attentions equally between river sides and grassy plains are rather common. Amongst
longirostres, snipe, sandpipers, and surlews are numerous, while the godwits and stints are either rare or entirely absent.
Despite the humid climate and large area of swampy lands the tribe of latitores is rare. Amongst the cultirosters only one
species of stork occurs. The herons and egrets are numerously represented.
Fam.-CURSERIDAE. - The Indian Courser, Cursorius coromandelicus, (Gmel. Jerd. 840), is found on the laterite
plateau although it is very rare.
Sub-Fam.-CHARADRIDAE. - The Grey Plover, Squatarola helvetica, (Gmel. Jerd. 844), though rare can be found in
the winter near the coast or on the banks of tidal creeks.
The Golden Plover, Charadrius fulvus, (Gmel. Jerd. 845), is seen in small flocks on the muddy banks of tidal rivers.
They resort to rice fields during the high tide, returning to the banks with the receding tide. They are constantly seen in
their handsome nuptial plumage late in May.
The Large Sand Plover, Aggialitis geoffroyi ,(Wagler, Jerd. 846), is also found on the coast. The lesser sand plovel is
found abundantly on the sea shore and tidal creeks only in large flocks. It is exceedingly confiding by nature.
The Indian or Small Ringed Plover, Aegilaitis curonicus, (Gmel. Jerd. 849), frequents river banks and rice fields. Its
neat and conspicuous black and white collar distinguishes it from other species.
It is also found on drier land.
Sub-Fam.-VANELLINAE.-The red wattled lapwing, Lobivanellus indicus, (Bodd. Jerd. 855), popularly called titvi, is
plentiful near the rivers, streams and rice fields. It is a permanent resident, laying typical eggs.
Sub-Fam.-ESACINAE.-The Indian Stone Plover, Cedicnemus scolapax, (S. G. Gm. Jerd. 859), is sparingly found on
the laterite plateau under cover of the thin stunted bushes or coarse grass.
Fam.-HOEMATEPODIDAE.-The Oyster Catcher or Sea Pie, Hoematopus ostralegus, (Lin. Jerd. 862), is a winter
visitant to the coast and large tidal creeks in small flocks. It feeds on the mud banks, picking up shell fish, frequently
standing in the water up to its knees, probing with its long bill in the mud. .
Sub-Fam.-TOTANINAE.-The Spotted Sandpiper, Rhyacophila glareola, (Lin. Jerd. 891), is occasionally found in
winter by the edges of reedy ponds and in flooded rice fields.
The Green Sandpiper, Tonanus ochropus, (Lin. Jerd. 892.), is more plentiful in the district than the last, but is
nowhere abundant. It frequents river banks, marshes and rice fields. It is usually solitary.
Of the Common Sandpiper, Tringoides hypoleucus, (Lin. Jerd. 893), the little snippet is one of the most common and
wid1y distributed birds. In the cold weather, throughout the length and breadth of the district, on the sandy beach, on
rocks jutting into the sea, in the tidal estuaries, on sand and mud banks, in mangrove swamps and salt marshes, in rice
fields and on margins of ponds, by mountain streams and rivulets, this industrious little bird is found, while the spotted
and green sand-piper are less common. These birds come early in winter and stay till the beginning of May. The local
name for all the sandpipers is Tivala.
The Greenshanks, Totanus glottis, (Lin. Jerd. 894), and the Redshanks, Totanus Calidris, (L. Jerd. 897), are plentiful
during the cold season on all the rivers and tidal creeks.
Fam.-PARRIDAE.- The Pheasant-tailed Jacana, Hydrophasianus chirurgus, (Scop. Jerd. 901), visits in winter in small
flocks all over the district in large ponds grown with weeds. They are shy and restless, always on the alert and circling
round the pond before again alighting. They leave in the hot weather.
Fam.-RALLIADE.-Sub-Fam.-GALLINULINAE. - The Bald or Common Coot, Pankombadi, Fulica atra, (Lin. Jerd.
903), was said to haw been plentiful in the past, but it seems to have forsaken its old haunts and as in the case of ducks
has also decreased.
The Water Hen, Gallinula Chloropus, (Lin. Jerd. 903). It may be found in almost any little frequented reedy pond.
These birds are great skulkers, and are flushed with difficulty. Their local name is Gajea.
The White Breasted Water Hen, Erythra phoenicura, (Pennant Jerd. 907), is distributed sparingly throughout the
district, but found nearer the coast than inland, it makes its habitation in mangrove swamps and bushes by the banks of
tidal creeks. It breeds during the rainy season in hedges and thickets far from water.
Sub-Fam.-RALLINAE.-The Pigmy Rail or Bailon's Crake, Zapornis pygmaea (Naum) or Porzana Bailloni (Vieill.
Jerd. 910), seems common throughout the district. It is found by the edges of feedy ponds, in mangrove swamps and in
flooded rice fields.
Fam.-CICONIDAE.-The White-necked Stork, kandesar or kaner Dissura episcopa. (Bood. Jerd. 920), is sparingly
seen in many parts of the district. It is sometimes seen by the banks of the rivers and sometimes inland far from water. It
is rarer in the neighbourhood of the coast than inland.
Fam.-ARDEIDAE. - The Common or Blue Heron, Ardea Cinerea, (Lin. J erd. 923), is found during the cold season on
large tidal rivers. It feeds on the mud banks and in mangrove swamps as a rule, unlike the next species, with no attempt
at concealment. The local name for this and the purple heron is dok or to be more exact dhok.
The Purple Heron, Ardea Purpurea, (Lin. Jerd. 924), is also found during the cold months, but is not so plentiful. It
keeps more to the thick cover of high reeds that fringe the course of the tidal rivers.
The Smaller White Heron or Egret, Herodias torra, (Buch. Ham. Jerd. 925), as distinguished from the white heron of
Europe, Ardea alba, (Lin.), is abundant on all the big rivers of the district from October to May. Shortly after their bills
have turned from yellow to black and they have assumed their splendid dersal trains, they disappear to breed. Towards
sunset they gather in vast numbers to wend their way to clumps of mangrove trees, which form common roosting places
for them. The local name for all the white egrets, Jarge and small is bali.
The Little Egret, Herodias garzetta, (Lin. Jerd. 927), is still more plentiful than the last, throughout the cold and hot
weather, disappears at the first burst of the rainy season. Its habits are in every way similar to those of the last. The
familiar little egret strays further inland and during daytime is found by every rustic stream and water course. It has a
crest of two elongated white feathers and marked breast plumes, both of which are wanting in the preceding species. The
train also lasts longer than in other members of the family.
The Ashy Egret, Demiegretta gula1ris, (Bose. Jerd. 928), is found sparingly on the large creeks during the fair
season, and usually in company with the white egrets, whom it resembles in its habits, being lonely by day and
gregarious by night.
The Cattle Egret, Bubulcus coromandus, (Bodd. Jerd. 929) though less plentiful than the little egret, is spread
throughout the district. It roosts in company with the other members of its family, but keeps in flocks during the day time
and is never alone. Its habits of following cattle wherever grazing is well known, but like other egrets, it feeds also on
fish and tadpoles. Rice fields are its favourite feeding grounds, During the rainy season this bird disappears from the
district presumably to breed elsewhere. If wounded or caught alive it is very easily tamed and is an amusing pet, being
especially active, after lamps are lighted, in gobbling up the innumerable insects attracted by the lights. These birds
would appear to have a horror of thunder and lighting.
The Indian Pond Heron, bagla or koko, Ardeola grayii, (Sykes. Jerd. 930), is very abundant throughout the district in
swamps rice fields, ponds and rivers. Its habits are well known. It dons its full breeding plumage, long white crest and
dark maroon train about the end of May, and is almost completely transformed by the process.
The Little Green Bittern, Butorides javanica, (Horsf. Jerd. 931), found throughout the district on all the creeks and
rivers, is especially plentiful in the mangrove swamps. It is a permanent resident and breeds in April and May. The nests
are small flat stick platforms placed in trees or bushes overhanging water, and are well hid from view. The eggs are of a
pure pale sea green, or eau-de Nil colour. This species is chiefly nocturnal in its habits, seldom coming out of its thick
cover before sunset. The villagers call this bird Khajan Kombada or swamp hen.
The Night-heron, Nycticorax griseus, (Lin. Jerd. 937), is obtained rarely and owing to its nocturnal habits, is difficult
to find.
Sub-Fam.-IBISINAE.-The White Ibis melanocephala, (Lath. Jerd. 941), is found in small parties during the cold
season feeding on the mud banks of the large tidal rivers, it is gregarious by day and roosts by night with the herons,
egrets, etc. This species as well as the curlew and whimbrel is called kuri by the villagers.
The first great tribe of this order, the Lamellirostres, comprising flamingoes, geese, and duck is very poorly
represented both in species and individuals. Of true geese there are none. The spur-winged black-backed goose, the
ruddy shieldrake or Brahmani duck, the sale members of the family of Anseridae who are the whistling teal and the little
goslet or cotton teal and flamingoes are found rarely, Six species of true ducks and two of diving ducks or pochards have
been recorded; but of these; only two, the wigeon and the common teal, are at all more common. Of the margidae or
Mergansers representatives occur. Few ducks, are round at any great distance from the coast. Here and there an old
disused pond attracts a small party of gadwalls, teals, or pochards. Of the Mergitores, the little grobe or dabchick is the
sole representative. The next tribe, the Vagatores, contributes four kinds of gulls and five of terns; the other family of
this tribe, the Procellaridae, consisting of albatrosses and petrels, being unrepresented. Lastly, the large tribe of
Piscatores has but two representatives, the little cormorant and the snake bird.
Fam.-PHOENICOPTERIDAE. - The Flamingo, Phoenicopeterus antiquorum (Pallas Jerd. 944), visits in small
numbers, the large tidal backwater to the north of Ratnagiri fort during the cold weather.
Sub-Fam.-TADORNINAE. - The Whistling Teal, Dendrocygna javanika, (Horsf. Jerd. 952), is very rare in this district.
Fam.-ANATIDAE. - Sub-Fam.-ANATINAE.-The Shoveller, Spatula Clypeata, (Lin. Jerd. 957), is also a rare species
in this district.
The Gadwall, Chaulelasmus streperus, (Lin. Jerd. 961), is found in small parties here and there throughout the district
during the cold weather, in reedy ponds and in larger rivers, but is by no means abundant. It makes an excellent eating.
The Wigeon, Mareca penelope, (Lin. Jerd. 963) is the only species of duck at all abundant in the district; but it is very,
locally distributed. These birds are late in coming, but fatten very rapidly and are excellent birds for the table. They feed
by day in the swamps and lagoons, and generally about sunset gather on the open water.
The Common Teal, Querquedula crecca, (Lin. Jerd. 964), comes early in the cold weather in small flocks and though
nowhere very plentiful, is widely distributed throughout the district, frequenting alike open rivers, reedy ponds and
flooded rice fields.
The Bluewinged or Garganey Teal, Querquedula Circia, (Lin. Jerd. 965), which is more rare, prefers lonely ponds.
Sub-Fam.-FULIGULINAE.-The White-eyed Duck, Fuligula nyroca F (GuId. Jerd. 969), is a rare bird in the district.
The golden eyed or tufted duck, Fuligula oristata, (L. Jerd. 971), has also been found in this district. The local
vernacular name for all the species of Anatidae is adla or Badak.
Fam.-PODICIPIDAE.-The little Grebe or Dabchick, Podiceps minor (Lin. Jerd. 975), is found throughout the
district, in pools and reservoirs, wherever there are rushes and floating aquatic weeds to afford cover. It is probably a
cold weather visitant only. The local name for this and indeed all other diving birds is pan-bud.
Fam.-LARIDAE.-Sub-Fam.-LARINAE.-The Slaty Her;ring Gull, Larus affinis, (Jerd. 978, ter.), sparingly occurs on
the coast.
The Great Black headed Gull, Larus inchthyaetus, is, (Pallas, Jerd. 979), reported to be seen on the coast in the past
but is now rare.
The- Brownheaded Gull, Larus brunneicephalus, (Jerd. 980), is abundant throughout the cold season on the coast and
main tidal estuaries, and for some miles up the larger rivers. It associates in large flocks. In winter the brown plumage of
the head and neck is replaced almost entirely by white.
The Laughing Gull, Larus ridibundus, (Lin. Jerd. 981), appears to be much rare than the preceding species. The
vernacular name for all the gulls is Kira.
Sub-Fam.-STERNINAE.-The Gullbilled Tern, Sterna anglica, (Mont. Jerd. 983), is found for the greater part of the
year, on all the tidal rivers, both near the coast and far inland, either alone or in small parties.
The White checked Tern, Sterna Albigena, (Licht. Jerd. 986), arrives on the Ratnagiri coast in considerable numbers
towards the end of September.
The Little Tern, sterna : Saundersi, (Hume. Jerd. 988), also visits the coast and tidal rivers in the cold weather arriving
with the last species in September.
The Large Sea Tern, Sterna bergii, (Lichst. Jerd. 989), has not been found of late.
The Smaller Sea Tern, Sterna media, (Horsf. Jerd. 990, Jerd. 984) in all probability occurs in this district. The
vernacular word for terns is Kira, the same as for gull.
about sundown, one may see thousands wending their way to their ( chosen roost, skimming over the surface of the water
in a continuous succession of small parties. They are called by the villagers pan-kavala or water-crows.
Sub-Fam.-PLOTINAE.-The Indian Snake Bird or Anhinga, Pan-buda, Plotus melanogaster (Gmel. Jerd. 1008), is also
plentiful throughout the district, frequenting alike large and small rivers. It is probably a permanent resident, but its nests
have not been discovered. Like the heron and cormorant, it is usually solitary by day and gregarious at night.
Fish introduction
FISH.-Ratnagiri district is one of the most important maritime districts of the State with the coastal belt extending to
about 200 miles from Boria in the north to Reddi in the south. Fishing industry in the district is mainly dependent upon
the exploitation of marine resources.
The district is considered under-developed in practically every field and fisheries is no exception to it. The area though
rich in fishes has remained under-exploited mainly because of the age-old method of fishing by sail crafts. In addition to
this, the state of under-development is due to lack of facilities in communication, transport and preservation. Illiteracy
prevailing amongst the fishermen of the district is also one of the handicaps in the general development of fisheries.
The ichtyological fauna of Ratnagiri is very rich comprising a good number of varieties. The estimated yearly fish
catch of the district is 20,000 tons. Besides this, shell fisheries are also exploited in a number of creeks, backwaters and
estuaries along the coast.
Fishing Gear
Fishing gear of Ratnagiri district can be grouped under the following five main heads :
(A) Gill nets; (B) Long lines; (C) Seine nets; (D) Bag nets; and (E) Cast nets.
Gill nets: Wavri net._This is a surface drift net used all along the coast. This net consists of 20-25 pieces. Each piece
varies from 140'x240' in length and 15' in breadth. Mesh size is 3" to 4".
(Stretched). The nets are made out of hemp and cotton twine, varying from 9-15 plies of 18 to 20 counts. The
fishermen are gradually changing over to nylon gill nets made out of 210 to 250 Daniel' yarn of 9-12 plies, The
approximate cost of each piece is estimated at between Rs. 25 to Rs. 40 for hemp and cotton twine and between Rs. 80 to
Rs. 140 for nylon. The net is used for catching pomfrets, tuna, silver bar, seer fish, etc. These nets are used from
September to December and late in summer during April and May.
Pas or Saranga Jal.-This is also a type of surface drift net and as the name indicates, is exclusively used for catching
pomfrets. The net consists of 20-40 pieces, each piece measuring 240' in length
and 15' in breadth with mesh size of 5" to 6". The material used in the construction of the gear is similar to that used for
Wavri nets described above.
Ghol net.-As the name suggests, the net is used mainly to catch Ghol fish. The net consists of 12 to 16 pieces, each.
piece measuring 120' in length and 10' in breadth with mesh size of 6".
Budi net.- This is a bottom set gill net made of hemp twine of 24; plies. As the net is used for catching big fishes like
Sharks, Skates, Rays, etc., the mesh size is 8" to 9". Each unit consists of. 7 to 10 pieces, each piece measuring 100' in
length and 12' in breadth.
Lang lines.-In 'this type of fishing Mustad hooks Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 6, 7, 8, 9 are most commonly used. Length of each
line varies from 500' to 1,200' and about 100 hooks are suspended from one line. Seven to twelve such lines are used at a
time. Hooks are baited with pieces of catfish, ribbon fish and squids depending upon the size of hooks to he used. It may
he stated that this method of fishing has practically replaced fishing by bottom set gill nets, which are rather expensive
compared with long lines. Main varieties of fish caught by long lines fishing are catfishes, port hole nshe5i and sharks.
Seine Nets: Rampan net (Shore seine).- The net consists of three pieces known as (i) Karel, (ii) Madan, and (iii) Ghol;
their measurements are as follows :
In Rampan net of 100 pieces, Karel part consists of 60 pieces; Madan consists of 22 pieces and Ghol consists of 18
pieces. Rampan nets which are used at Malvan and Devhag consist of 200 to 300 pieces of the abovementioned
components. Approximately 30 to 40 persons are required for dragging the net. Material used for making the gear is
hemp and cotton twine. The net is used for catching shoal fishes like mackerel and sardines.
Dhangad fal.-This is another type of seine net consisting of 7 to 8 pieces, each piece measuring 100' in length and 12'
in ,breadth having a mesh size of 7" to 8". The net is constructed of hemp twine and is used for catching Karel and
Jot net.-The method of operation of this net is very similar to that of 'purse-seine'. The net is 60' in length and
approximately 9' in breadth. The mesh size varies from to and is prepared out
of hemp twine. The net is exclusively used at Malvan, an important fishing centre, south of Ratnagiri. The fishes caught
are jew fish and catfish.
Bag Nets.-Dol.- This is a funnel shaped net and consists of five distinct portions, viz., (1) MhoI'; (2) Chirate; (3)
Katra; (4) Majola and (5) Khola. The mesh size diminishes from. 9". to )2" from Mhor to Khola. The length of the net
varies from 80' to 120' and is fixed with the help of sus (barrels). Dol is used only from Bankot to Dabhol because of a
fairly strong current prevailing .in the area. Fishes caught in the net are jew fish, ribbon fish, mandeli, Bombay ducks and
Cast Net.-Pag.-The net is prepared from cotton twine and has a circumference of 125' and a radius of 12' to 18'. Mesh
size varies from 1/8" to 1". Fishes caught in the net are sardines, mackerels and prawns.
Fishing season commences from September and lasts till the end of May. There is practically no fishing in the
monsoon except in the creeks. Sharks, skates, rays, mackerels, sardines, tuna, surmai pomfret, karel, dagol and catfish
form the main varieties of the district.
(1) Sharks, skates and rays.- They are caught throughout the fishing season with the help of long-lines and bottom-set
(2) Mackerel and sardine.-They are caught in the Rampan-nets from November to February. .
(3) Tuna and Surmai.-They are caught in the surface drift-nets from September to December.
( 4) Pomfrets.- They are caught in surface as well as gill-nets from September to December and April-May.
(5) Silver bar or Karli.- These are mostly caught in gill-nets from January to May.
(6) Dagol and catfishes.-These are mostly caught by long-lines throughout the fishing season.
The total population of fishermen in the district is estimated at 70,000, out of which about 14,000 are active
fishermen. The fishermen are scattered in 118 fishing villages along the coast. The fishermen belong to the Bhoi, Koli,
Kharvi, Gabit, Muslim and Christian communities.
With a view to provide educational facilities to fishermen's children, the Fisheries department has established
fisheries schools at Ratnagiri, Sakrinata, Mithbao and Tarkarli.
Facilities for preservation such as cold storage are lacking in the district. However, the Department of Fisheries has
provided preservation facilities by establishing 21 fish curing yards along the coast where fish are cured with salt under
the supervision of departmental staff. At present curing of fish by salt is the only effective method in the district, by
which supplies of fish available during the season at coastal places can be made available. throughout the year.
Approximately 5,000 tons of fish are cured annually.
Besides meeting the local demand for the market places at Chiplun, Sangameshwar, Lanje, Kankavli, Phonda and
Sawantwadi, Ratnagiri fish is also transported outside the district to Mahad, Miraj, Kolhapur, Karad, Satara, Belgaum,
etc. About 1,731 tons (50,000 maunds) of fish are usually transported in the aforesaid manner.
Wet salted fish is despatched in considerable quantities to the Madras State for consumption or for subsequent export
to Ceylon and elsewhere.
Dry unsalted fish, which is the cheapest, is consumed by the poorest class in the interior. Dabhol, Bankot and
Vijayadurg are very large centres for the collection of dry fish. The fish is sent to the interior markets in the district and
to the markets in the neighbouring districts like Kolaba and Kolhapur.
Co-operative Societies
There are twelve fishermens co-operative societies in the district. The co-operative movement in the district, however,
has not been able to make desired progress because most of the societies do not possess the necessary funds to carry out
the development programme. The schemes under Konkan Vikas, however, are likely to give necessary impetus to the co-
operative societies.
Under Konkan Vikas Programme the Fisheries Department will be undertaking exploratory fishing by modern type of
fishing craft and gear, establishment of ice and cold storage, provision of transport facilities and supply of fishery
requisites at subsidised rates. The monetary costs involved in Konkan Vikas schemes for Ratnagiri district is estimated at
Rs. 12.5 lakhs.
The commercial development of fisheries postulates scientific investigation of fishery problems such as life histories
of important food fishes available in the locality, their spawning grounds, feeding habits, seasonal migrations brought a
bout by such factors as changes in the planktonic food, chemical nature of water and the population studies of different
groups of fish, etc. With this object in view the Fisheries Department has established the Marine Biological Research
Station, at Ratnagiri, where research on various aspects of fisheries has been taken up.
Sub-class: SELACHII.
Family: Orectolobidae.
Chiloscyllium indicum (Gmelin.) Sunera
= Day: Chiloscyllium indicum
Chiloscyllium griseum (Mull. & Hml.) Sunera
Family: Carcharinidae.
Galeocerda cuvieri (Le Sueur.) Waghbeer
= Day: Galeocerdo tigrinus
Family: Rhinobatidae.
Rhynchobatus dfiddensis (Farskal) Lani
= Day: Rhynchobatus djiddensis
Rhinobatos granulatus (Cuvier) Ranja
= Day: Rhinobatus granulatus
Family: Pristidae.
Pristis cuspidatus (Latham) Nali
= Day: Pristis cuspidatus
* The list has been prepared by Curator, 11:lrine Biological Research Station Ratnagiri.
Family: Trygonidae.
Gymnura poesilura (Shaw) Pakat
= Day: Pteroplatea micrura
Pastinachus sephen (Forskal) Pakat
= Day: Trygon sephen
Amphotistius zugei (Muller and Henle) Pakat
= Day: Trygon bleekeri
Himantura uarnak (Forskal) Waghya Pakat
Family: Myliobatidae.
Aetobatus narinari (Euphrasen) Bolad
= Day: Aetobatis narinari
Aetomylaeus nichofii (Bloch & Schneider) Bolad
= Day: Myliobatis neiuhofii
Aetomylaeus maculatus (Gray) Waghali
=Day: Myliobatis maculata
Family: Mobulidae.
Mobula diabolus (Shaw) Bolad
= Day: Dicerobatis eregodoo
Family: Torpedinidae.
Narke diptel'ygia (Bloch and Schneider) B Bijali
_= Day: Astrape dipterygia
Family: Elopidae.
Scientific Name.
Vernacular Name.
Family: Tachysuridae.
Family: Gadidae.
Family: Atherinidae.
Caranx carangus (Bloch) Shitap
= Day: Caranx carangus
Vecaterus russelli (Ruppell) Shitap
= Day: Caranx kurra
Chorinemus lysan ( Forskal) Shitap
= Day: Chorinemus lysan
Chorinemus tal (Cuvier) Dogal
= Day: Chorinemus moadetta
Chorinemus tala (Cuvier) Dogal
= Day: Chorinemus iGloo
Trachinotus blochi (Lacepede) Lodgoo
= Day: Trachynotus ovattfs
Trachinotus bailloni (Lacepede) Lodgoo
= Day: Trachynotus bailloni
Zonichthys nigrofasciata (Ruppell) -----
= Day: Sriola nigl'Ofasciata
Seriolichthys nipinnulatus (Quoy and Gaimard) -----
= Day: Seriolichthys bipinnulatu&
Family: Rachycentridae.
Natural Resources. FISH.
Scientific Name
Vernacular Name
Linophora vagabunda (Linnaeus) Chandwa
= Day: Chaetodon rictus
Chaetodontops collaris (Bloch) Chandwa
= Day: Chaetodon collaris
Family: Cichlidae.
Family: Labridae.
Platyglossus dussumieri (Cuvier and Valenciennes) Popat
= Day: Platyglossus dussumieri
Labroides dimidiatus (Cuvier and Valenciennes) -----
= Day: Labroides dimidiatus
Family: Blenniidae.
Family: Acanthuridae.
Family: Trichicuridae.
Family: Katsuwonidae.
Family: Thunnida
Family: Scomberomoridae.
Family: Histiophoridae.
Family: Stromateidae.
Family: Mastacembelidae.
Family: Triacanthidae.
Family: Aluteridae.
Family: Ostraciontidae.
Family: Lagocephalidae.
Family: Tetraodontidae.
Family: Batrachoididae.
Natural Resources :
SNAKES* : This district of Maharashtra State extends into a region which is mountainous on one side and runs into
sea from the other. In the sea side area there are extensive sandy places with stones. The local people use these stones as
hedges by heaping them loosely one on the other. The rainfall is heavy and the soil at many places is reddish. All these
factors have contributed to the growth of certain varieties of snakes in very large numbers in this area.
In fact the statistics collected by, the Director of Public Health have revealed that the number of people dying in this
district due to snake-bites for 1956, 1957 and 1958,was the highest in the whole of the then Bombay State, coming to
136, 148, 166, respectively. The mortality due to snake-bites in previous years also indicates that more people died in
this district than in others. Previously, Government spent a certain amount of money in destroying snakes such as the
saw-scaled viper which is predominant in this area.
There is a record that as many as 140,828 echis were killed in 1877 for collecting rewards offered by Government at
the rate of annas 2 per snake. Even now the maximum number of echis carinatus, locally called Phoorsa snakes, are
available mostly from this district. During the collection of snakes made recently for scientific purposes as many as
2,000 snakes of this variety could be collected within a period of 20 days in an area of 20 miles in Deogad taluka of the
Ratnagiri district. The local farmers collect these snakes by bamboo-forceps and bring them for sale. During the rainy
season many cases of snake-bite particularly by these snakes are encountered. The largest collection of these snakes is
made primarily from Deogad taluka of Ratnagiri district. The maximum temperature of Deogad goes to 90F. and
humidity up to 94. The minimum temperature does not go beyond 68F. These factors are responsible for the growth, of
snakes of this species.
Family : Colubridae
Eryx conicus - This short snake with a blunt tail is found all over the district. It is locally called Dutondya. There are
brown irregular patches on a grey body. This snake is very sluggish and grows to about two and a half feet. It feeds on
frogs, lizards and mites and is absolutely harmless. It may be mistaken to be the young one of a python. The latter is pink
and is much thicker with a fine tapering tail.
Eryx johnii has no patches and is blackish in colour. This is slightly longer than Eryx conicus and stays more or less
submerged in soil. This is also a harmless snake.
* The section on " Snakes" was contributed by Dr. P. J. Deoras of the Haffkine Institute, Bombay.
Python molurus.-This snake is called ajgar by local people and is found in the forests. It grows to fourteen feet in
length; There are brown patches on a grey body with a pink head and faint brown lower sides. It is an omnivorous snake
which feeds on anything living which it kills by constriction.
Family: Colubridae.
Oligodon sp.- This brown snake with thick, pale cross bars on the body is found near human habitations and in
gardens. It is often mistaken to be a krait. This is a harmless snake and it feeds on insects and frogs.
Lycodon aulicus.- This wolf snake is quite common all over the district. It grows to about two feet and is also
mistaken for a krait. It is a harmless snake, having brown colour with whitish cross bars.
Natrix piscator :- This snake is locally known as "Pandiwad", It is a checkered green-black snake which is of olive
colour with black irregular markings. It is found in muddy places.
Ptyas mucosus.-This is locally known as "Dhaman". It is a long snake growing to about nine feet and is seen allover
the district. There are big yellowish brown marks all over the body and also in the tail region and at the sides. This snake
is harmless but is often mistaken to be a poisonous snake. This snake brings down the population of rats and as such it is
also called a rat-snake.
Natrix stoleta.-This snake is found more after the rains. It does not grow more than three feet and has brown and black
longitudinal stripes. It can be handled with ease and many people keep this snake as a pet. It is absolutely harmless.
Dryophis nasutus.- This parrot green snake growing to about five, feet in length and having a very pointed head is
locally known as , sarpatoli. It has the peculiar habit of staying amidst vegetation and keeping a raised head. It should
not be mistaken with the tree viper. The latter has a deeper green colour, a triangular head, is much thicker and smaller in
size than this snake.
Batga gokaol.- This is the cat snake which is prevalent in the area of low lying forests. This snake is yellowish above
with a series of vertical bars on each side separated from one another by a light vertical line. The head has a large arrow
shaped black edged mark. It grows to four feet and is very much feared though it is a non-poisoning snake. Biago
forstens is also found in this region
Cereberus sp. - This species is found in the coastal area of the district.