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General Studies : History

Introduction to Ancient History and Indus Valley Civilization

Archaeologist divided Indian History in Five Phases :
Paleolithic Age(old stone age):
500000 BC to 8000 BC.
Homo sapiens first appeared in the last of this phase and the Palaeolithic man belonged
to the Negrito race.
Sir Robert Bruce Foot discovered the first Palaeolithic stone tool in the Indian sub-
continent near Madras in 1863 A.D. The discovery of Indian Pre-history got a boost after
the Yale-Cambridge expedition in 1935 under De Terra and Patterson.
No Family, Agriculture and fire.
Paleolithic men used tools which are made up of Quartz (stone).
Mesolithic Age(middle stone age):
8000 BC to 6000 BC.
In this age, climate changes brought about changes in the fauna and flora and made it
possible for human beings to move to new areas.
Temporary marriage and animal domestication.
Worship of Yoni.
Cave Paintings
Animal headed human figures also appear.
This is also the period when we find evidence of carefully burying the dead, which shows
the beginning of belief in life after death.
Neolithic Age(New stone age):
In the world context, the Neolithic age began around 9000 B.C. but in the Indian context
it began in 7000 B.C. Mehrgarh in Baluchistan is the only site belonging to that period.
Regular Neolithic attributes have
Invention of wheel for pottery making and transportation
Permanent marriages.
Agriculture for subsistence.
Chalcolithic Age(copper age):
The end of the Neolithic period saw the use of metals of which copper was the first. A
culture based on the use of stone and copper arrived called the Chalcolithic phase
meaning the stone-copper phase.
Indus valley civilization or Bronze Age came under this time period.
Iron Age: 1000 BC to till now

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Indus Valley Civilization:



HARRAPA RAVI 1921 DR SAHNI i.Single room barracks just

(Harappa is below the walls of the citadels

situated in for the labourers and factory

Montogomery workers.

district of ii.Discovery of a red sandstone

Punjab male torso and Stone symbols

(Pakistan)) of female genitals.

MOHENJODARO INDUS 1922 RD BANERJEE i.A college, a multi-pillared

(it lies in Larkana assembly hall.

district of Sind ii.The Great Bath

(Pakistan) iii.A bronze dancing girl

iv.A seal with a picture

suggesting Pashupati


CHANHUDARO INDUS 1931 N.G i.Inkpot, footprint of elephant

MAJUMDAR and dog

ii.only site without citadel(high


LOTHAL BHOGWA 1954 S.R. RAO i.The town planning in Lothal

was different from that of

Harappa and Mohenjodaro.

ii.The city was divided into six

sections 1.A ship designed on

a seal. And 2.A terracotta ship.

ROPAR SATLUZ 1955 Y.D SHARMA i.Buildings at Ropar were made

mainly of stone and soil.

ii.There is also an evidence of

burying a dog below the

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human burial

DHOLAVIRA 1968 J.P JOSHI i.Divided into three parts:

Lower, middle and upper. This

site is made up of stones.

Kalibangan Ghaggar i.A ploughed field was the

most important discovery of

the early excavations

ii.Burials in a rectangular grave

and Burials in a circular grave.

RAKHIGARHI Saraswati 1963 i.Terracotta wheels, toys


ii.Biggest Site of Indus Valley


MAGDHA. (1200 BC TO 321 BC)


Bhimbisara A contemporary of Buddha, he conquered Anga(east Bihar) to gain

control over the trade routes with the southern states.

Ajatshatru Bimbisaras son who killed his father and seizedthe throne.

Annexed Vaishali and Kosala

Udayin He shifted capital from Rajagriha to Patliputra.


Shishu Naga He was the viceroy of Banaras who founded Shishunaga Dynasty

The most famous event was, the capital was shiftedto Vaishali.

Kala Ashok Second Buddhist council held during his rein


Mahapadmananda It is considered first of the non-Kshatriya


Bhadrasal or Alexander attacked India during the reign of

Dhanananda Dhana Nanda


Chandragupta i.Chandragupta Maurya was the founder of Mauryan dynasty. Also known

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Maurya as Sandrocottus(kind towards friends) by Greek scholars.

ii.According to the Jain work Parishista-parvan, Chandragupta converted

to Jainism in the end years of his life and went to south near

Sravanbelgolawith his Guru Bhadrabahu.

iii.Megasthenes a famous Greek Historian travelled during his rein.

Bindusara Bindusara did not make any territorial conquest and towards the time of

his death he joined the Ajivika sect

Ashoka i.Ashoka (273-232 B.C.) had served as governor of

ii.Taxila and Ujjain previously.

iii.He used Brahmi ,Kharoshthi, Aramic and Greek in his inscriptions.

iv.He sent his son Mahindra and daughter Sanghmitra to Cylon(Sri


v.His empire covered the whole territory from Hindukush to Bengal and

extended over to Afghanistan, Baluchistan and the whole of Indiawith the

exception of a small area in the farthest south comprising of Kerela

vi.Ashoka died in 232 B.C. and with him departed theglory of Mauryan


Kunal Became blind after some time

Dasrath He split the kingdom and made Tashila his capital

Sampriti Unified the kingdom.

Bridrath Last king of Mauryan dynasty.


Pushyamitra He killed Bridrath


Agnimitra i.He was the hero of KalidasMalavikagnimitram.

ii.Patanjalis classic Mahabhaya written at his time.

Buddhism and Jainism

Buddhism is the middle way of wisdom and compassion. It stands for three pillars: a) Buddha
its founder; b) Dhamma his teachings and c) Sangha order of Buddhist monks and nuns.
Five Great Events of Buddhas Life and their Symbols:
Birth Lotus and bull
Great renunciation Horse
Nirvana Bodhi tree

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First Sermon Dharmachakra or wheel

Parinirvana or death Stupa
About Budha:
Also known as Sakyamuni (the Sage of the Sakyas), Jina (the Victorious) or Tathagata
(one who has reached the truth).
Born in 563 B.C. on the Vaishakha Poornima Day at Lumbini (near Kapilavastu) in
His father Suddhodana was the Saka ruler.
His mother was Mahamaya but he was brought up by his stepmother Gautami.
Buddha was married at 16 to Yashodhara and enjoyed married life for 13 years and had
a son named Rahula.
After seeing an old man, a sick man, a corpse and an ascetic, he decided to become a
First guru was Alarakalama, next was Udraka Ramputra. He later joined five ascetics-
Kandana, Vappa, Bhadiya, Mohanama and Assagi.
Attained Nirvana at Gaya, age 35.
Delivered the fi rst sermon at Sarnath at Deer Parkwhere his five disciples had settled.
His first sermon is called Dharmachakrapravartan or Turning of the Wheel of Law.
Attained Mahapurinirvana at Kushinagar(U.P).
Eight Fold Path:
Right Faith Right Effort
Right Thought Right Speech
Right Action Right Remembrance
Right Livelihood Right Concentration

Jainism was founded by Rishabhanath, the first Tirthankara.
There were 24 Tirthankara (Prophets or Gurus) and all of them were Kshatriyas.
Rishabhanaths reference is also there in the Rigveda. But there is no historical basis
for the first 22 Tirthankaras. Only the last two are historical personalities.
The 23rd TirthankaraParshwanath (symbol: snake) was the son of King Ashvasena
of Benaras. His main teachings were: Non-injury, Non-lying, Nonstealing, Non-possession.
The 24th and the last Tirthankara was Vardhman Mahavira (symbol: lion). He added
celibacy to his main teachings.

About Vardhman Mahavira:

He was born in Kundagram (district Muzaffarpur, Bihar) in 599 B.C.
His father Siddhartha was the head of Jnatrika clan.His mother was Trishla, sister of
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Lichchhavi PrinceChetak of Vaishali.

Mahavira was related to Bimbisara.
Married to Yashoda and had a daughter named
Priyadarsena, whose husband Jamali became hisfi rst discipline.
In the 13th year of his asceticism, outside the townof Jrimbhikgrama, he attained
supreme knowledge
At the age of 72, he attained death at Pava, nearPatna in 527 B.C.
Division in Jainism:
1) Bhadrabhan( Rule of Nudity)Digambaras
2) Sthulbhadra( Wear a white garment)Svetambaras
Teachings of Mahavira:
Rejected the authority of Vedas and sacrifice.
Refused to deny the importance of God. God was placed lower than Jina.
Three ratnas are given: 1) Right Faith 2) Right Knowledge 3) Right Conduct.

Muslim Empire

First Muslim invader was Muhammad bin-Kasim .When he attacked India Dahir was the King at
that time.(712 AD).
Mahmud of Ghazni (997-1030):
He was also known as But-Shikan(destroyer of the image) seventeen plundering expeditions
between 1000 and 1027 into northIndia.
He defeated Jaipalain First battle of Warhind(1002 AD) and Anandpala in Second battle of
Warhind(1008 AD).
Muhammad Ghori (Shahabuddin Muhammad):
In AD 1173 Shahabuddin Muhammad (AD 11731206) also called Muhammad of Ghor ascended
the throne of Ghazni.
He died in 1206 AD. Qutu I Din-Aibak took the crown from him and founded Delhi Sultanate.


Qutub I Din Aibak Iltutmish Razia Sultan Balban(1266-87):
(1206-10): (1210-36): (1236-40):
i.Aibak was the first i.After the death of Aibak, i.Only women i.One of the Turkish
independent Muslim ruler his son Aram Shah ii.Muslim emperor. chiefs, Ulugh Khan,
of Northern India and the become the king of Delhi known in history by
founder of Delhi Sultanate. sultanate. She was succeeded the name of Balban
Due to his generosity he ii.But Aram Shah was by Nasiruddin become new king in
was knownas Lakh incapable ruler. iii.The Mahmud 1266.

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Baksh. Turkish chiefs of Delhi

ii.He laid the foundation of invited the governor of ii.He started the
Qutub Minar in Delhi , Badayun (son-in-law of ceremony of
after the name of famous Qutbuddin Aibak) sijada(prostration)
sufisant Khwaja Qutbuddin Iltutmish to come to and paibos(kissing of
Delhi the monarchsfeet) in
iv.He introduced Silver the court.
tanka and copper jital.
v.He started Iqtadari
1)Jalaluddin Khalji 2)Alauddin Khalji : 3) Nasiruddin Khusru
(1290 96): shah :
i.JalaluddinKhalji laid the i.AlauddinKhalji was Jalaluddins ambitious Ghazi Malik killed him
foundation of the Khalji nephew and son-in-law.
dynasty. ii.Built Mosque in Rameshwaramand
ii.He ascended the throne ContructedAllaiDarwaza on QutubMinar.
at the age of 70 years. iii.Started Chehra and Daag sytem and
Renamed Chittor as Khizrabad.
Ghazi maik or Muhammad Bin Tuglaq : Firoz Shah Tuglaq: Nasirudin
GhiyasuidnTuglaq: i.First to start Rotation of Started few new Muhammad
The founder of the crops in india and also taxes: Tuglaq :
Tughlaq dynasty was Introduced copper coins. 1) Khara He was the king
Ghazi Malik who ascended ii.Known as wisest fool in 2)Jaziya when Temur
the throne as Ghiyasuddin indian History. 3) Zakat attacked india
Tughlaq in AD 1320 and 4) Kahams
this dynasty ruled till AD
1)Khizr Shah Temur after defeating Tuglaq dynasty declared Khizr Shah as the protector of
1)BahlulLodhi: 2)SikanderLodhi: 3) Ibrahim Lodhi:
Founder of Lodhi Founded Agra and made his capital. Babur defeated him in First Battle of
dynasty Banned export of slaves from India. Panipat

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Mughal Empire (1526 1857)

Babur defeated Ibrahim Lodhi in First Battle of Panipat and established Mughal Empire .
1. BABUR Descendent of Temur .He took the title of Ghazi after
defeating RanaSanga in Battle of Khanwa. Burried at Aram
2. HUMAYUN He divided his empire for his brothers. Sher Shah Suri forced
exile of 15 years(1540-55) on him . His wife name was
HamidaBanu Begum. Akbar was born at Amarkot. Humayun
Tomb is called as prototype of Tajmahal was bult by Haj
3. AKBAR Akbar was one of the greatest monarchs of India. He
succeeded the throne after his father Humayuns death.
In the second Battle of Panipat in1556, he defeated Hemu.
Ralph Fitch was the first Englishman to visit Akbar Court. He
built Ibadatkhana to discuss teaching of various religion. He
founded a religion Din i illahi. He abolished Jaziya.He also
built Agra Fort and shifted his capital to FatehpurSikri.
4. JAHANGIR When Akbar died, prince Salim succeeded with the title
Jahangir (Conqueror of World) in 1605.
In 1611, Jahangir married Mehrunnisa who was known as
He wrote his autobiography Tuzuk I jahangiri.
Captain Hawkin and Sir Thomas Roe visited his court.
5. SHAHJAHAN He built TajMahal, Moti Masjid at Agra, Jama Masjid, Red Fort,
Shalimar Bagh at Lahore.
The last years of Shah Jahans reign were clouded by a bitter
war of succession among his four sons DaraShikoh (crown
prince), Shuja (governor of Bengal), Aurangazeb (governor of
Deccan) andMuradBaksh (governor of Malwaand Gujarat).
Towards the end of 1657, Shah
Jahan fell ill at Delhi for some time but later recovered. But
the princes started fighting forthe Mughal throne.Aurangazeb
emerged victorious in this struggle. He entered the Agra
6. AURANGZEB Aurangazeb was one of the ablest of the Mughal kings. He
assumed the title Alamgir
He was called asDarwesh or ZindaPir.

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Historical Battles of India

Year War / Battle Outcome

326 B.C. Battle of Hydaspas Porus loses to Alexander

1191 A.D. First Battle of Tarain Prithviraj Chauhan defeats Mohammed


1192 A.D. Second Battle of Ghori defeats Prithviraj Chauhan


1194 A.D. Battle of Chhandwar Ghori defeats Jaichandra of Kannauj

1526 A.D. First Battle of Panipat Babar defeats Ibrahim Lodhi

1527 A.D. Battle of Khanua Babar defeats Rana Sanga

1529 A.D. Battle of Ghaghara Babar defeats the Afghans

1539 A.D. Battle of Chausa Sher Shah Suri defeats Humayun

1540 A.D. Battle of Kannauj Sher Shah Suri defeats Humayun

(or Bilgram)

1556 A.D. Second Battle of Bairam Khan (representing Akbar) defeats

Panipat Hemu

1576 A.D. Battle of Haldighati Akbar defeats MaharanaPratap

1658 A.D. Battle of Dharmatt Aurangzeb defeats DaraShikoh

and Samugarh

1757 A.D. Battle of Plassey Robert Cive defeats Siraj-ud-daula, the

Nawab of Bengal

1760 A.D. Battle of Wandiwash English defeat the French

1761 A.D. Third Battle of Panipat Ahmed Shah Abdali defeats Marathas

1764 A.D. Battle of Buxar Hector Munro defeats combined armies of

Nawab Mir Qasim of Bengal, NawabShuja-

ud-daula of Awadh and Mughal emperor

Shah Alam

1767-69 A.D. First Anglo Mysore Hyder Ali defeats English forces


1780-84 A.D. Second Anglo Mysore Hyder Ali dies. Treaty of Mangalore is

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War signed

1789-92 A.D. Third Anglo Mysore Tipu Sultan defeated. Treaty of

War Serirangapatnam is signed.

1799 A.D. Fourth Anglo Mysore Tipu Sultan is defeated and killed


Modern History: 1857 Revolt

Revolt of 1857 has a significant importance in Indian History. This revolt is called as first war of
Independence by some historians. This revolt was not because of immediate reactions by
Indians, but due to oppression carried out by Britishers for more than a century.
Following is the time line of historical events which led a way toward Indias first war of
Event 1(1773): First Governor General
Lord Warren Hastings became the first Governor General of Bengal. Hewas called as first
Governor General of India (dont confuse it with Governor General of India because Governor
General of India was firstly declared in 1833.Till 1833 governor general of Bengal was considered
as head of India).
Event 2(1793):Permanent Settlement
1.Permanent settlement was introduced into some parts of India,which was also known as
Zamindari System.Lord Cornwallis was the Governor General at that time.This system was very
suppressing and forced farmers to pay taxes even in the dry season.
2.Under this system, The Zamindars were made hereditary owners of the land under their
possession. They and their successors exercised total control over lands. The companys share in
the revenue was fixed permanently with the Zamindars.
Event 3(1799): Subsidiary Alliance System
Subsidiary Alliance system was passed by Lord Wellesley,under which Indian princely states had
to come directly under the British Empire.Their army supposed to be trained by Britishers; no
relation with European countries and finance department of princely state should be held by a
British only.This system produced discomfort among Indian princes. Nizamalikhan, Nawab of
Hyderabad was the first to sign.
Event 4(1829): Ban On Sati
Ban on sati was accepted by the Britishers after the effort of Raja Ram Mohan Roy. Lord William
Bentinck was the governor general at this time. Lord William Bentinck was the first governor
general of India. Sati was an archaic Indian funeral custom where a widow immolated herself on
her husbands pyre, or committed suicide in another fashion shortly after her husbands death.
Event 5(1835): Education policy of Britishers
Lord Macaulay introduced new English education system through English education act, 1835.
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The main aim of this policy was to replace old and ancient education system which strengthens
Indian culture with new English system which made British culture supreme.
Event 6 (1848): Doctrine of lapse
Doctrine of lapse introduced by Lord Dalhousie, under which princely states without a heir had to
merge their empires with British Empire. Satara was the first state to merge with Britishers under
doctrine of lapse.
Event 7(1856): Widow Remarriage Act and Religious Diability Act
Widow Remarriage act was passed by Lord Dalhousie with the efforts of Iswar Chandra
vidyasagar in 1856.
Lord Dalhousie was replaced by Lord Canning .He passed theReligious Disability Act, 1856,
under which if anyone converts his/her religion, their parents cannot disown him/her from
their property. This was simply to promote christianity.
Final Event
There was a news in military that the newly introduced Enfieldrifles cartilage seal was made of
cows or pigs flesh, there were also news regarding mixing of animal bones into flour.19th
infantry from Bengal started this revolt.
This was immediately followed by revolt of 34th infantry,Mangalpandey was from this
The revolt began, and Bahadur shah Zafar,last king of mughal empire was declared as the
leader. But this revolt came to an end after one year. It is also referred as Indias first war
of Independence( Ref: V.D Savarkar book).
So we can conclude that 1857 revolt was not due to enfield rifles issue but because of
culmination of various factors which were seen by Indians as an intrusion in their culture,
political space, economical activities, religion and personal life.
Heroes of 1857 revolt:

Modern History: After 1857 Revolt And Before Formation of Congress

Event 1: End of East India Company rule in India

This revolt came as last nail in the coffin of east India company rule in India. Various steps have
taken by British parliament by passing act in 1858 under which:
Whole control of India was shifted to British parliament and queen.

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A new post of Viceroy was created, who was the head of princely states in India and he
directly reported to the queen of England.
Governor General had to give his report to the British parliament. Normally, Both posts
were held by one person at one time.
Lord Canning was the governor general at that time, So he also become the first Viceroy
of India.
To handle the Indian affairs, Secretary of state post was created. Lord Stanley was the
first in 1858.
Event 2: Indian council Act, 1861
Portfolio(ministerial) system was introduced in India, 6-10 people were added into the
governor council for legislative purposes through nomination only.
Among them few can be Indians. First three Indians nominated are : 1) Maharaja of
Patiala 2) Raja of Banaras and 3) SirDinkarrao
Event 3: Lord Lyttons Reactionary Policies
He set the maximum age limit for the I. C. S. examination to 19 years, this making it impossible
for Indians to compete for it.
He organized grand Delhi Durbar in 1877, when the country was in the severe grip of
Lytton is responsible for vernacular Press Act under which he directed pre censorship for
newspaper which means newspaper material had to submit with British before
Event 4: The Ilbert Bill Controversy
Lord Ripon replaced Lord Lytton. He was considered as one of most pragmatic Governor General
India ever had.
He sought to abolish Judicial disqualification based as race distinction and present Ilbert
Bill sought to give the Indian members of the covenanted civil services the same powers
and rights as the European colleagues enjoyed.
The Bill raised a storm of agitation among the members of the European community and
they all stood united against the Bill. Ripon had to modify the Bill that almost defeated
the original purpose.
The Ilbert Bill controversy proved an eye opener to the Indian intelligentsia. It became
clear to them that justice and fairplay could not be expected where the interests of the
European community were involved. Further, it demonstrated to them the value of
organised agitation.

Modern History: Formation of Congress

Congress was formed in 1885 at Gopuldas Tejpal House, Bombay. Sir A.O Hume, a former civil
servant was responsible for the formation of Congress. He is called as Father of Congress

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Congress Sessions and Presidents:

Modern History: Division of Bengal, Surat Split And Minto Morley Reforms

Bengal Division:
On 16th October, 1905, Lord Curzon through a royal proclamation reduced the old province of
Bengal in size by creating East Bengal and Assam out of rest of Bengal
Main objective of this move was to set up a communal gulf between the Hindus and the
Swadesi andolan was started against British in 1905 against Bengal division. People started
boycotting foreign goods.
In 1911, Bengal was reunited and Delhi was declared as new capital. Lord Hardinge was
the governor general at that time.
Surat Split, 1907:
The INC split into two groups the extremists and the moderates at the Surat session in 1907.
The Extremists were led by Bal, Pal, Lal while the moderates by G.K. Gokhale.
Indian Council Act,1909 or Minto Morley reforms
Total numbers of members in Governor Council increased to 60.
Direct elections were introduced,but only tax payers could participate.
First time executive (ministerial) post given to indian. Sir S.P Sinha was the law minister
at that time.
Separate electorate system for Muslims was introduced, which means only Muslims can
vote for Muslims.
Home rule movement:
The movement was started by B.G. Tilak in Poona in April 1916 and Annie Besant and
S.Subramania Iyer at Adyar near Madras in September 1916.
Main demand was not complete independence but self-government under the hand of

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Lucknow pact, 1916
Congress first time recognized Muslim league. Mohammed Ali Jinnah, who was the member of
congress and Muslim league, broke the ice between these two parties. Sarojini Naidu called him
Ambassador of Hindu Muslim unity. Extremist rejoined congress after their Surat split.

Montigo Chlemsford Act, 1919, Rowlatt Act , Non Cooperation, Simon

Government of India act,1919 or Montigo-Chlemsford Act,1919:
Three Indians can become minister or executive
Separate electorate for Sikhs,christans.
Introduction of provincial diarchy which means whole India divided between centre and
provinces(states),but the final power vested in centre.
Rowlatt Act:
In 1917 a Rowlatt committee was formed under Justice Rowlatt. This committee was
formed to curb revolutionary activities. The Rowlatt Bill sought to curtail the liberty of
the people.
The act was passed in the year 1919.
It provided for speedy trial of offences by a special court of 3 High court judges. There
was to be no appeal.
Rowlatt act was repealed by British in 1922.
Non cooperation Movement:
After the Jalianwala case and the Rowlatt act, Mahatma Gandhi started non-cooperation
movement. The resolution for this movement was passed in 1920 by a specially called
session under the president ship of Lala Lajpat Rai.
Main objective of non-cooperation was to establish Indian institutes, Industries, women
upliftment , Hindu and Muslim Unity along with boycotting British goods.
Ravindernath Tagore returned his title of knighthood to Britishers. Gandhi also inspired
from him and returned Keshriya hind medal given to him by Britishers.
Mob of people at Chauri Chaura (near Gorakhpur) clashed with the police and burnt 22
policemen on 5th February,1922.
This compelled Gandhiji to withdraw the Non Cooperation Movement on 12th February,
Simon Commission:
In 1927, the British government appointed a Commission to look into the working of the
Government of India Act, 1919.
Indian leaders opposed the Commission as there were no Indian in it and the Congress
turned the boycott into a movement.

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Lala Lajpat Rai was severely beaten in lathi charge and he succumbed to his injuries
while doing protest.

From Lahore to London Or 1929 to 1932

Lahore Session, 1929:
On December 19, 1929, under the Presidentship of Jawaharlal Nehru, the INC at its
Lahore session declared Poorna Swaraj as its ultimate goal.
On 31 December, 1929 the newly adopted tricolour flag was unfurled and 26 January,
1930 was fixed as the First Independence Day, which was to be celebrated every year.
Dandi march or salt satyagrah And Civil Disobedience:
Dandi march started on 12th march, 1930.
There were 80 people including Gandhiji at the beginning of march.
He travelled 240 miles in 24 days and reached at Dandi on 5th april, 1930.
The salt satyagraha movement was taken up by C. Rajagopalachari in Tamil Nadu and
the Vaikon Satyagraha by K. Kalappan in Malabar.
He broke the salt law by making salt.
As Gandhi broke the salt law, civil disobedience started.
Round table conference:
There are three round table conference held to discuss constitutional reforms in India.
First round table Conference( November 1930 to January 1931)
There were fifty-seven political leaders from British India and sixteen delegates from
the princely states.
Congress boycotted this meeting because of civil disobedience movement.
This conference was not successful because of the absence of Congress.
Second round table conference (1931)
Gandhiji represented the INC and went to London to meet the British PM Ramsay
In the conference Gandhi demanded immediate establishment of a full responsible
government at the Centre as well as in the provinces with complete control over
defense, external affairs and finance.
But due to opposition of Gandhiji by Muslim league and Hindu Mahasabha, this
conference was also a failure.
Ambedkar has attended first two conferences with great enthusiasm, Ramsay McDonald
has given separate electorate for Dalits. This was considered as communal awards.
Poona pact( September 1932): Gandhi went on fast in Yarwada jail, Pune against communal
awards.There was a meeting held at jail between B.R.Ambedkar and Gandhi.Ambedkar agreed not
to accept these awards,insteadGandhiji promised there will be a reservation for dalit in India.

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Third round table (December 1932)

This conference was also a failure because of less enthusiasm among participants and absence of
congress.However, Round table meetings reflected in Government of India act,1935.

Government of India Act, 1935 to Cabinet mission, 1945

Government of India Act, 1935:

Abolition of provincial dyarchy and introduction of dyarchy at centre.
Abolition of Indian Council and introduction of an advisory body in its place.
Provision for an All India Federation with British India territories and princely states.
Elaborate safeguards and protective instruments for minorities.
Supremacy of British Parliament. Increase in size of legislatures, extension of franchise,
division of subjects into three lists and retention of communal electorate.
Elections of 1937:
First provincial elections held in 1937 where out of 11 congress has won eight, Muslim
league none , Unionist party won 1(in Punjab),United party won 1(Sindh) and Praja party
won 1(Bengal).
Congress ministries had resigned because Britishers declared Indias participations in
second world war without their will.
August Offer, 1940:
Dominoin Status in the unspecified future.
A post-war body to enact the Constitution.
To expand the Governor Generals Executive Council to give full weightage to minority
Cripps mission,1942:
This mission was sent by British to seek help from Indians in second world war.
Cripps worked to keep India loyal to the British war effort in exchange for a promise of full
self-government after the war.
Both congress and Muslim league rejected this offer.

From Quit India To make British Quit India or Till Independence

Quit India,1942:
After the failure of Cripps mission, resolution for the movement to make British quit India was
passed on 8 August, 1942 at Bombay.
Gandhiji gave the slogan Do or Die.
This was the last and most violent agitation in Indian history,
Lord LinLithgow was the governor general at that time.

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Parallel governments were set up at various placessuch as the one in Ballia in eastern
U.P. under theleadership of ChittuPande. Others were in Satara,Talcher, parts of Eastern
U.P. and Bihar.
Wavell plan or Shimla conference, 1945:
This was the meeting between Governor general Lord Wavell, congress and Muslim
He proposed a plan which focused on self-government in India.
He reached a potential agreement for the self-rule of India which provided separate
representation for Muslims and reduced majority powers for both communities in their
majority region. But dispute arose when Jinnah demanded that Muslim candidates can
be selected only by Muslim league.
Congress opposed this and Wavell plan failed.
Cabinet mission,1946:
The Cabinet Mission reached Delhi on 24th March 1946. Its members were-Lord Pethick
Lawrence, Stafford Cripps (President of the Board of trade) and Mr. A.V. Alexendar (the
first Lord of the Admiralty).
This mission helped India to set up a constitution body.
This mission had rejected the proposal of Pakistan. Instead it focused on power sharing
between Hindu and Muslim in united India.
3rd june plan,1947 and Independence:
On 3rd June 1947, the Mountbatten plan was announced. It was essentially, plan for the
partition of India. The Congress and the Muslim League both accepted the plan of 3rd
The Indian Independence Bill was introduced in the British Parliament on 4th July 1947. It
was passed as the Indian Independence Act on 18thJuly 1947.
On 15 August, 1947, India got its Independence.

Social Reforms Movement

Social Reforms Movement:

Reform movement Founder Achievement

BrahmoSamaj ,1828 at Calcutta Raja Ram Mohan Roy Ban on sati
Manav dharma sabha,1844 at Durgaram Mancharam Crititcise cast.
Parmahansa mandali,1849 Dadoba Pandurang Criticize cast system

Brahma smaj of india K.C.Sen Native marriage act,1872.where

age of groom(18) and bride(14)

Adibrahmosamaj Debenderanath Tagore

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Prathanasamaj Atmaram Panurang

Aryasamaj Swami Dayanand Started Shudhi movement. HE

Saraswati endorsed that Vedas are

Ramkrishan mission Swami Vivekananda Attended world parliament of

religion(1893) at Chicago and
history of religion at

Gopal Hari Deshmukh Attack hindu orthodox. Also

known as Lokhitwadi
Jyotibha Phule Education of women,against
caste system
Aligarh movement Sir Syyed Ahmed khan For education of muslim

Ahrar movement Mohhamedali and Hakim Modern idea of self government

Ajmal khan

Theosophical Society Helena Blavatsky, Opposed child marriage.

Anniebeasant was the


Chapekar brothers (Damodar and Balkrishna) murdered the unpopular Mr. Rand and Lt.
Amherst in 1897 at Pune.
MadanLalDhingra shot dead Curzon Wyllie, an officer of India Office in London in 1909.
Assistant Superintendent of Police, Saunders was shot dead by Bhagat Singh, Chandra
Shekhar Azadand Rajguru in 1928. They were convicted in the Lahore Conspiracy cas
Bhagat Singh and BatukeshwarDutt threw bombs in the Central Legislative Assembly in
April 1929during session.
Formation of Indian Independence Committee by VirendraNathChattopadhya,
Dutt, Hardayal and others in 1915 with the assistance of German foreign Ministry under the
Zimmerman Plan.
Suryasen declared independence at Chittagong in 1930 and formed Indian Republican
Execution of Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru by the British on March 23, 1931 in
Lahoreconspiracy case.
Surya Sen was arrested in 1933 and was tried and hanged.
LalaHardayal: Most well-known for forming the Ghadar Party in America in 1913.. The Ghadar
Party is well-known for the Ghadar Conspiracy under which Indian soldiers were to be
instigated to start rebellion against the British during World War I. The plan was however foiled
by the British

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Important personalities

Mahatma Gandhi:
Inspirational Books : civil disobedient written by Thoreau, Kingdom of God is within
you by Tolstoy, Unto this last by John Ruskin, BhagwatGeeta, Kuran, Ramayana.
Spent 21 years in South Africa.
Returned to india on 9thjan 1915.
There were three Satyagraha started by Mahatama Gandhi Gandhi(truth + non-
violence) in the beginning:
1. Champaran satyagraha,1917: Farmers were forced to grow indigo. Gandhiji fought
against this practice.
2. Ahmadabad satyagraha,1917: Workers-mill owner dispute,where mill owner were
paying less.
3. Khedasatyagraha(gujrat),1918: There was a famine in kheda and Britishers were
not in mood to scrap the tax.
Books by Gandhi: An Autobiography-The Story Of My Experiments With Truth, Hind
Swaraj or Indian Home Rule, by M. K. Gandhi, key to health.

Subhash Chandra Bose:

Stood 4th in ICS exam in 1921.But due to Non Cooperation Movement, he didnt join.
He became president of Congress at Haripura session in 1938.
He again won the election in 1939 but due to opposition from pro Gandhi group he
resigned and formed new party Forward group.
He was put under house arrest in Bengal from where he ran away to Peshawar to Kabul
to Russia to Berlin to Singapore. S.C.Bose took over Azad Hind Fauj in 1943 at
He attacked on India with the help of Japanese and captured Andaman and
Nicobar.Tiranga was hoisted firstly in mowdak(bangladesh).
INA trial on the soldiers of Azad Hind Fauj . Charges on P.K Sahgal, Shah Nawaj Khan
and G.S Dhillon were framed for open trial on red fort.Both muslim league and congress
defended these soldiers.

Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan:

KhudaiKhidmatgar is a non-violent struggle against the British Empire started by
He was the leader of North-West Frontier Province of British India.
He is known as Frontier Gandhi of India

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Kamagatamaru case:Kamagatamaru was the Japanese ship.It was hired by the

Gurdittsingh. The passengers consisted of 340 Sikhs, 24 Muslims, and 12 Hindus.This ship
was forcefully reverted back to India from Canada.(there were originally 376 persons on
the ship,372 were not allowed to land in china)
Sir Aurobindo: was an Indian nationalist, philosopher, yogi, guru, and poet.he focused on
D.Savarkar: He was the founded student societies including Abhinav Bharat Society and the Free
India Society.
Henry Louis Vivian Derozio: Leader of young bengal movement.

Slogan given by Some famous Personalities

Slogan / Quotes Given by

A democratic Government is of the people, for the people and by Abraham Lincon
the people
Just as I would not like to be a slave, so I would not like to be a
Eureka Eureka Archimedes
Man is by nature a political animal Aristotol
Swaraj Mera Janamsiddh adhikar hai, aur main ise lekar Bal Gangadhar Tilak
rahunga(Swarajya is my birth right and I shall Have it)
Patriotism is religion and religion is love for India Bankim Chandra
Vande Mataram(I bow to thee mother) Bankim Chandra
Whether I earned your vote or not, I have listened to you, I Barack Obama
have learned from you. You have made me a better President
There never was a good war or a bad peace Benjamin Franklin
Well done is better than well said
Inquilab Zindabad(Long Live Revolution) Bhagat Singh
Directive Principles of State policy are just like a cheque on BR Ambedkar
bank payable at the convenience of the bank
Ambition is like love: Impatient both of delays as well as rivals Buddha
Dushman ki goliyon ka hum samna karenge, Azad hee rahein Chandra Shekhar Azad
hain, Azad hee rahenge
Take care to get what you like or you will be forced to like what G. B. Shaw
you get
Oh! Disrespectable democracy! I love you!

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Law grinds the poor and rich men rule the men Gold Smith
Where wealth accumulates, men decay
Adolf Hitler is Germany and Germany is Adolf Hitler, He, who Hitler
pledges himself to zhitler pledges himself to Germany
Sare jahan se accha Hindostan humara Iqbal
Araam Haraam hai Jawaharlal Nehru
A thing of beauty is a joy forever John Keats
Beauty is truth, truth is beauty, that is all
I came I saw I conquered Julius Caesar
A state is known by rights that it maintains Lakshi
Jai Jawaan, Jai Kisaan Lal Bahadur Shastri
Simon Go Back- Lala Lajpat Rai
Quit India , Do or Die, Dont Pay Tax, Bharat Chodo and Humne Mahathma Gandhi
Ghunte Tekkar Rotti Mnagi Kintu Pathar Mile
There are no political devoid of religion
I therefore want freedom immediately this very night, before
dawn if it can be had?
One child, one teacher, one pen and one book can change the Malala Yousafzay
I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation Martin Luther King
where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by
the content of their character
One religion one caste and one god for mankind Narayan Guru
Jai Hin & Dilli Chalo Netaji Subhash Chandra
Satyamev Jayathe Pandit Madan Mohan
Faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark Rabindra Nath Tagore
Samuhca Bharat ek vishal bandigrah hai RC Das
To be and not to be that is the question Shakespeare
Brevity is the soul of wit
The child is father of the man William Wordsworth

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