WCE2015 pp1240-1242 PDF
WCE2015 pp1240-1242 PDF
WCE2015 pp1240-1242 PDF
II. MATERIALS AND METHOD Therefore, in order to ensure that the punch is of proper
strength that can withstand deflection forces, a punch length
A. Equipment Design of 60 mm was selected for the design.
This relates to the considerations in the choice of equipment Fig. 1 shows the punches of different diameters (12 mm, 14
and tooling needed for the experiment to be conducted mm, 16 mm, and 18 mm) with a punch land of 3.0 mm.
successfully. It involves the design of the extrusion die, punch
design, selection of the press, and the design of the fixture and
other accessories. The material used for the extrusion is an
Aluminium-6063 alloys which was obtained at the Tower
Aluminium Industry, Sango Ota, Nigeria. Table I depicts the
chemical composition of the Aluminium-6063 alloys. Local
groundnut oil was used as the lubricant due to its availability
and low cost effective.
Alloying Composition Alloying Composition
Element (%) Element (%)
Si 0.518 Sn 0.007
Fe 0.251 Pb 0.000
Cu 0.007 Zn 0.100
Mn 0.006 Ti 0.013
Mg 0.521 Al 98.62
B. Die Design
The dies and tooling used in this research work was Fig. 1 Punches with different diameters
designed to withstand considerable amount of high stresses.
This assembly was designed for easy replacement of punches The extrusions were conducted with a vertical hydraulic press
of varying sizes. The die stack consists of the die body, die of 600 kN capacity. A constant extrusion speed was
shoe and the punch plate. The die was constructed as a flat maintained for all the punches. The vertical press was selected
faced die in order to allow metal upon entering the die to shear due to its advantages of easier alignment between the press
internally to form its own die angle. A parallel land on the exit ram and the tools.
side of the die helps to strengthen the die and allows for
reworking of the flat face on the entrance side of the die
without increasing the exit diameter. III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION
C. Punch Design
A. Extrudates
The maximum allowable punch length, Lm is calculated using
the formula
Figs. 2 a-d show the extrudates of the 6063 Aluminium
alloy billet after undergoing the extrusion process with the
punch diameters of 12 mm, 14 mm, 16 mm, and 18 mm
(1) respectively.
From Fig. 2, there is an indication that an increase in punch
diameters lead to an increase in the height of the extrudates.
Where D = diameter of punch, mm, fs = shear stress, MPa, t = The heights of the extrudates are 2.5 mm, 4.8 mm, 7.4 mm
material thickness, mm, E= modulus of elasticity of punch and 10.2 mm respectively. The depth initiated by the punches
material, N/mm2 and D/t= 1.1 or higher was also observed. The smaller the punch diameter, the deeper
the depth formed on the extrudate and this can be attributed to
Using the formula in equation (1) for a punch made of high the small surface area in contact with the specimen. The
carbon steel material, removal of the punch within the aluminium billet is assisted
fs= 758.3 MPa, E= 203.4 109 N/mm2, D = 12 mm, 14 mm, 16 with the lubricant used. The deformation spreads towards the
mm, and 18 mm respectively. rear end and the periphery of the billet and the flow becomes
The maximum punch length, Lm for the various punch more significant leading to an expansion of the deformation
diameters is obtained thus, Lm (12 mm) = 81 mm; Lm (14 mm) zone [11].
= 94 mm; Lm (16 mm) = 107 mm; and Lm (18 mm) =120 mm.
(a) (b) Shear extrusion process has been one of the approaches for
plastic deformation. The mechanics of plastic deformation
determine the flow behavior of materials with the desired
Based on the results obtained, an indication shows that the
largest diameter punch (18 mm) gives the lowest stress level
due to the large contact area spread on the surface of the billet.
This punch gives the lowest yield stress, thus causing the
material to deform easily and can be referred to as the
optimum since it was able to withstand a high load without
deflection while the small punch of 12 mm was considered not
appropriate for the operation since it deflected on high load.
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