Extrution Process
Extrution Process
Extrution Process
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1 author:
Yogesh Dewang
LNCT Group of Colleges
All content following this page was uploaded by Yogesh Dewang on 05 July 2018.
Extrusion is a manufacturing process used to create
objects of a fixed cross-sectional profile. A material is
pushed through a die of the desired cross-section. A brief
and concise review of the contributions made by the
previous researchers in the area of extrusion process has
been presented. Steel material and aluminium alloys are
mostly used by researchers as die and billet material in
extrusion process. FEM modeling of extrusion process is
carried out by employing axisymmetric conditions in most
cases. Meshing of the work piece is generally done by
using axisymmetric quadrilateral elements. Experimental
set-up and tools utilized in formation of extrusion process Figure 1 Direct extrusion [29]
are presented and discussed. FEM results are presented
in terms of variation of punch stroke, punch force.
Tube extrusion process, Finite element simulation, Mesh
adaptivity, Thermo mechanical coupled extrusion.
Extrusion is metal forming process which is widely
used in industry and daily life equipment . It is
another kind of manufacturing process which
involves shearing and compression. Practical
application of extrusion includes railing for sliding Figure 2 Indirect extrusion [29]
doors, tubing having various cross sections, structural
and architectural shapes, and door and window In indirect extrusion process a hollow ram drives the
frames. Extruded products can be cut into desired die back through a stationary, confined billet. Since
lengths, which then become discrete parts such as no relative motion, friction between the billet and
brackets, gears and coat hangers. It is a process in chamber is eliminated and the required force is lower.
which required product can be formed are formed by In impact extrusion process the extruded part are
using round die or it may various shapes. A round stripped by the use of stripper plate, because they
billet is placed in a chamber and force through a die tend to sticks to the punch.
opening by hydraulically driven ram or pressing or
pressing stem. This process usually comprises of
axisymmetric die.
International Journal of LNCT, Vol 2(6)
In hydrostatics extrusion high pressure fluid applies scale surface features. Chen et al. [12] hot extrusion
the force to the workpiece through a die. Billet- experiments of AZ91 alloy were carried out at
chamber friction is eliminated, and the pressurised various ram velocities of 0.1, 0.5 and 1.0 mm/ s.
fluid acts as a lubricant between the billet and the die. They investigated the dead metal zone, shearing
In extrusion mesh distortion is the major problem of zone, inflowing zone and slight deformation zone of
FE simulation. In this study we focused on the area of the part remaining from extrusion exhibited varied
mesh adaptivity and thermo mechanical modelling of microstructure characteristics. Rattanochaikul et al.
the forming process. In past, various researchers [13] reports a preliminary research and development
contributed in the area of metal extrusion process. work of a new rheo-extrusion process using the Gas
Subramanian and, Palaniradja [1] investigated by Induced Semi-Solid (GISS) technique. The effects of
simulating tension and compression by using the plunger speeds and solid fractions on the
different extrusion textures, they found the extrudability of an aluminum 356 alloy were
differences of mechanical properties between center investigated. Pathak et al. [14] investigated a finite
and side areas of the extruded bar. Hojda et al. [2] element simulation of tube extrusion process by
used Abaqus/Standard for a 3D Finite Element different mesh adaptivity schemes. A comparison of
Method is presented that is capable of simulating the these schemes has been made based on stress, strain
highly nonlinear hybrid forward extrusion process distribution, and load-stroke curves. Khosravifard et
(thermomechanical and electric field) incorporating a al. [15] a finite element analyses of rod extrusion
remeshing routine, this model is extended to couple a process are carried out considering various
strain based damage with electrical resistivity Ab processing parameters. They investigated the effect
Rahim et al. [3] investigated the trends and the of these parameters on mechanical performance.
concept of emerging to identify the recyclability Pathak et al. [16] used genetic algorithm (GA) and
contents of the product for recycling aluminum chips dynamic material modeling (DMM) for experimental
by the hot extrusion process. Zhou et al. [4] used an verification of a proposed extrusion die profile design
analytical model for predicting the shapes of approach, which aims to satisfy micro structural
rectangular bars with variable curvatures along their criteria at maximum production speed and minimum
lengths through a novel forming method, differential left out material in the die cavity. Bovas et al. [17]
velocity sideways extrusion (DVSE) has been they investigated the effect of melt temperature on
developed on the basis of the upper bound method. the surface roughness and wettability of the catheter
Joun et al. [5] used dynamic material modeling surfaces were analyzed through ANOVA. Matli et al.
(DMM) for selection the processing parameter. [18] a nano-sized Si3N4 (0, 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 vol%)/Al
Akhgar et al. [6] investigated hot extrusion of composites were fabricated using a powder
AA6061–5% SiCp composite to determine the metallurgy method involving microwave sintering
composite thermo-mechanical behavior during technique followed by hot extrusion. The influence of
deformation and the mechanical proper- ties of Si3N4 content on the structural, mechanical and
extruded composite. Pourbahari et al. [7] investigated thermal behaviour of Al–Si3N4 nanocomposites was
on the grain refinement by the dynamic systematically investigated. Chen et al. [19] the
recrystallisation (DRX). Tahmasbi et al. [8] used isothermal hot compression tests of homogenized
Friction stir extrusion (FSE) process in which a 7005 aluminium alloy at the deformation
sample is produced through the heat generated by the temperatures ranging from 623 K to 823 K and with
friction between die and materials, and the extrusion the strain rates ranging from 0.001 s 1 to 10 s 1 were
pressure.Yu and Zhao [9] investigated on the Fine conducted for constitutive analysis. Dong et al. [20] a
nano structures of bonding interfaces of weld seams deep understanding of hot deformation behaviour of a
formed by porthole die extrusion in the absence/ material plays a crucial role in determining process
presence of a gas-pocket behind the bridge of the parameters and designing extrusion dies during the
extrusion die to understand the underlying interfacial extrusion process of the aluminium alloy profiles.
bonding mechanisms. Sahu et al. [10] investigates the Ebrahimi et al. [21] equal channel forward extrusion
multi-hole extrusion process. Forward, backward and process as a severe plastic deformation method has
forward-backward multi-hole extrusions have been been experimentally and numerically investigated on
carried out to determine the extrusion load and the 6082 aluminium alloy. Gagliardi et al.[22]
variation of extruded product lengths. Wang and investigated the porthole die profile used to produce
Feng. [11] they were carried out experimental and hollow complex cross-section profiles. 12 geometric
numerical simulation to demonstrate that extrusion- variables of a standard porthole die, used to extrude
forging process can be used to create such micro profiles with circular section, were identified and
Yadav et al.
varied on three levels. 23. Parvizian et al. [23] they optimum conical and curved die has been performed
modeled and simulate hot metal forming processes in experimentally and also by finite element method.
which material undergoes large deformations with
help of the Finite Element (FE) software ABAQUS 2.Overview of extrusion process
using Lagrangian formulation. Hosseini et al. [24] a 2.1Material utilised in extrusion process
modified novel backward extrusion process Metals that are commonly extruded include
implementing severe plastic deformation is presented Aluminium, Brass, Copper, Lead and tin,
for processing of ultrafine-grained materials. The Magnesium, Zinc, steel, Titanium. Aluminium is
process was applied to commercially pure most commonly extruded material. Aluminium can
aluminium, and microstructure and micro hardness be hot or cold extruded, If it is hot extruded it is
measurements were investigated. Ramezani and heated to (300 to 6000C). Magnesium and
Neitzert [25] developed FE model can be used for Aluminium alloys have a 0.75 micrometer RMS or
investigating direct extrusion and selecting better surface finish. Titanium and steel can achieve a
appropriate die design parameters for the process. 3 micrometers RMS. Table 1 shows the description
Reddy et al. [26] investigated pure aluminium for of the author who have used variety of material as a
Equal Channel Angular Extrusion (ECAE) extruded material for manufacturing by extrusion
processing. Kapadia and Desai [27] investigated both process. It is clear from table that in majority of the
analytical and simulation result. Simulation of direct researchers have used Al materials. Some cases they
extrusion of Aluminum alloy (6063) in the form of have also used different Magnesium alloy for
round circular billet to round circular solid profile is extrusion process.
done. Ghaemi et al. (2013) [28] investigated on the
shape of die profile. Extrusion process through both
2.2FEM modelling of extrusion process using aluminum as billet material and steel as die-
Finite element simulation is considered as a powerful material. Figure 4 shows the schematic illustration of
and efficient methodology for obtaining defect free tube extrusion process and Figure 5 shows FEM
products in extrusion process, as various researchers model of axisymmetrical tube extrusion. Table 2
applied this method in the past. Jain et al. [14] shows the material properties of the billet and die.
conducted FEM simulation of tube extrusion process
International Journal of LNCT, Vol 2(6)
Yadav et al.
Figure 6 (d) Shows the flow curves for different Figure 7 Mesh topology in simulation of forging
temperatures at constant strain rate of 1 s-1 process using remeshing scheme
Figure 6 a)solid forward extrusion process extended
3.Result and discussion
with resistive heating b) shape of the formed part and
The FE model presented different types of result
computer tomographic image of cold and warm
there are force predicted by the FE simulation, the
formed part in the region of extrusion shoulder three
forces are shown together with the corresponding
c) geometry of the extrusion die d) flow curves for
measured force from experimental for three condition
different temperatures at a constant strain rate of 1 s-1.
cold, preheated and hybrid condition in Figure 3. As
[2] Mahnken et al. (2010) (23) they modelled and
a good match of the rising force at each projection at
simulate hot metal forming processes in which
nearly the same punch stroke in experiment and
material undergoes large deformations with help of
simulation is an indication of the properly
the Finite Element (FE) software ABAQUS using
implemented re meshing procedure and volume loss
Lagrangian formulation. The microstructure
is negligible.
evolution is modelled effectively with the help of
internal state variables. Element distortion and
contact during the re meshing simulation of large
deformation processes is controlled with the help of a
custom adaptive remeshing system based on Python
scripting and utilisable in commercial programs such
as ABAQUS. Element distortion of material can be
by using an adaptive remeshing scheme. They
improved the quality of the mesh of number of
elements during the simulation. Figure 6 is done by
using the adaptive refinement. After each small time
step, the distorted elements will be identified in a
post processing step. Then the distorted elements
divided into smaller elements. The number of
elements started from around 2000 at beginning of
the simulation and increases up around8000 at the
end of the simulation.
Yadav et al.
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