This document defines and provides results for Malavya Yoga and Sasa Yoga based on the placement of Venus and Saturn respectively. Malavya Yoga with exalted Venus in the 1st, 7th, or 10th house results in physical strength, wealth, happy family life, fame and learning. Sasa Yoga with exalted Saturn in the same houses results in leadership but also questionable character, wickedness, and coveting others' wealth. Both yogas can have restricted effects depending on the moon's placement.
This document defines and provides results for Malavya Yoga and Sasa Yoga based on the placement of Venus and Saturn respectively. Malavya Yoga with exalted Venus in the 1st, 7th, or 10th house results in physical strength, wealth, happy family life, fame and learning. Sasa Yoga with exalted Saturn in the same houses results in leadership but also questionable character, wickedness, and coveting others' wealth. Both yogas can have restricted effects depending on the moon's placement.
This document defines and provides results for Malavya Yoga and Sasa Yoga based on the placement of Venus and Saturn respectively. Malavya Yoga with exalted Venus in the 1st, 7th, or 10th house results in physical strength, wealth, happy family life, fame and learning. Sasa Yoga with exalted Saturn in the same houses results in leadership but also questionable character, wickedness, and coveting others' wealth. Both yogas can have restricted effects depending on the moon's placement.
This document defines and provides results for Malavya Yoga and Sasa Yoga based on the placement of Venus and Saturn respectively. Malavya Yoga with exalted Venus in the 1st, 7th, or 10th house results in physical strength, wealth, happy family life, fame and learning. Sasa Yoga with exalted Saturn in the same houses results in leadership but also questionable character, wickedness, and coveting others' wealth. Both yogas can have restricted effects depending on the moon's placement.
which should be his own or exaltation sign. Results.-The person will have a well-developed physique,will be strong-minded,wealthy, happy with children and wife, will command vehicles, endowed with clean sense-organsand renowned and learned. Remarks.-Malavya Yoga can come into exis- tenceif Venus is exalted in a Kendra or occupiesa Kendra which should be his own house. Malavya Yoga cannot occur with reference to every sign of the zodiac. Consistent with the nature of Venus, Malavya Yoga will make one resolute, immensely rich and give him happinessfrom wife and children and fame and name. Venus is the indicator of conve- yances,sensualpleasures, music, dancing, fine arts, luxury and material comforts. Naturally Malavya Yoga renders one inclined towards all the indications of Venus, with the result his spiritual advancement and outlook will be in inverseratio to his material comforts and pleasures. In other words, while both Hamsa and Malavya are Raja Yogas, the former makes one more idealistic, spiritual, broad-minded and selfless, while the latter indicates love of plea- sure, and a predominantly materialistic outlook of life. Malavya Yoga can manifest in reference to the various Bhavasas given hereunderfor personsborn in different Lagnas. Malavya Yoga ,49
Taurus, Libra and Pisces First house
Aries, Scorpio and Virgo Seventh house Gemini, Leo and Capricorn Tenth house Sagittarius,Aquariusand C'ancer Fourth house Chart No. 20 on page 46 may be taken as an example of Malavya Yoga as Venus is exalted in the l0th housewhich is a Kendra. It may be noted that atl the five Yogas, going under the special distinc- tion of PanchamahaYogas, can occur unblemished only in exceptional cases and with regard to the generality of horoscopes, theseYogas will not be of much political value.
21' Sasa Yoga
Definition.-Sasa Yoga is given rise to if Saturn
occupiesa Kendra which should be his own or exal- tation sign. Results.---Oneborn in this Yoga will command good servants. His character will be questionable' He will be head of a village or a town or evena King, uill covet other'srichesand will be wicked in disposition. Remarks._-FIere Saturn comes into the picture. He should be exalted in a Kendra or occupy a Kendra being his own house. Birth in movable or fixed signs can give rise to SasaYoga by a certain dispositionof Saturn. Naturally, common signsare 50 Three Hundredlurportant Combinations
exempted. Saturn's inherent nature seemsto play a
large part in giving rise to the Yoga. Saturn is cruel, mean, undignified and sinful and consistent with thesecharacteristics,the resultsof SasaYoga should be depicted.The man no doubt becomesfamous and happy but his sexual outlook would be perverse. He would be sporting with other men's wives and he would employ every unscrupulous means to gain olher'smoney. Most of our 'war contractors'would perhapsbe having SasaYoga; otherwisethey co'.rlC not have minted millions at the cost of the poor man. In interpreting the SasaYoga, due consideration should be bestowedon the disposition of the Moon. lf this luminary is free from afriction, then the per- son having 'SasaYoga' will not covet other's wealth nor will he be unscrupulous.Where the Moon is not affiicted, the evil results attributed to Sasayoga can have anonly 'restrictedplay'. Chart No. 22.-Born on 3l-l-1896 at 4-40 a.m. Lat. 22" 20' .ry,; Long. 73" E.