Ayurveda Thorey
Ayurveda Thorey
Ayurveda Thorey
Chapter 2
12 PART 1: Theory and practice of Ayurveda
emanate. Arising from mahat is aham . kāra, the prin- From tamas arises the five tanmātrās, the subtle
ciple that fragments the unity of God into an individ- aspects of the material universe perceived by the five
ual sense of self. Aham . kāra is in many ways similar to jñāna indriyās. The five tanmātrās are śabda
the psychological concept of the ego, as a force that (‘sound’), sparśa (‘touch’), rūpa (‘sight’), rasa
separates each of us into an individualised and incom- (‘taste’) and gandhā (‘smell’). From each of these sub-
plete experience of the Whole. When this principle of tle elemental aspects arises the pan̄ca mahābhūtas
aham . kāra is at work in our consciousness, we each (‘elements’). These five elements are the basic princi-
think that we are unique people. More closer to the ples of the universe and as such are the primary com-
truth is that only the conditions of the individual exis- ponents of the human body. They are:
tence are different, not the function of aham . kāra. It is 1. Pr.thvı̄: earth, or the principle of inertia
the sense of ‘me’ that is aham . kāra, the same sense of
2. Ap: water, or the principle of cohesion
‘me-ness’ that is possessed by each individual being.
3. Tejas: fire, or the principle of radiance
Aham . kāra resonates within the entire spectrum of 4. Vāyu: wind, or the principle of vibration
individualised existence, from a purely aesthetic or
5. Ākāśa: ether, or the principle of pervasiveness.
abstract sense of self, to physiological activities such as
the immune system that function to maintain that It is incorrect to consider the mahābhūtas as ‘ele-
‘self-ness’. ments’ in the scientific sense of the word, as they are
From aham . kāra issues three primordial qualities, contained in varying proportions within the most
the mahagun.as, called sattva, rajas and tamas. In minute subatomic phenomena. They are principles
one sense, the mahagun.as represent qualitative dif- that provide the impetus for the creation of grosser
ferences within the entire spectrum of individualised materials, but are still to some extent a philosophical
existence. Sattva can be thought of as the essence of concept, in much the same way that the most subtle
creation, the quality of perception, clarity, equanimity aspects of quantum theory remain unproven.
and light. Rajas is the energy of creation, the quality Each of the mahābhūtas forms different tissues of
of movement, change, transformation and colour. the body. As the principle of pervasiveness ākāśa
Tamas is the physical constitution of the created uni- relates to all hollow or empty places in the body, such as
verse, the quality of cohesion, stasis, inertia and dark- the orifices, channels and pores, as well as the ears that
ness. In regard to perceptual distinctions, sattva is perceive the tanmatra of śabda (‘sound’), and the dif-
also the principle of subjectivity, and from sattva ferent sounds that the body produces (e.g. during vocal-
arises the mind (manas), the five jñāna indriyās isation, respiration, myocardial activity, nervous
(‘sense organs’, i.e. ears, eyes, nose, mouth and skin), system activity etc.). From vāyu arises the skin, which
and the five karma indriyās (‘organs of action’, i.e. perceives the tanmatra of sparśa (‘touch’), and
mouth, hands, limbs, genitalia and eliminative relates to the activities of the respiratory system. From
organs). Sattva thus embodies the essence of experi- tejas arises the eyes, which perceives the tanmatra of
ence, the living subjective knowledge obtained from rūpa (‘sight’), and is responsible for activities such as
the objective experience. In contrast, tamas repre- digestion and perception. From ap arises the tongue,
sents the object, the inanimate gross matter of the which perceives the tanmatra of rasa (‘taste’), and is
universe, devoid of sentience, and the confusion of responsible for fluid metabolism in the body, and to bind
subject with object. Tamas gives rise to pure physical- the tissues together. From pr.thvı̄ arises the nose, which
ity, such as the house that needs to be repaired and perceives tanmatra of gandhā (‘smell’), and along
renovated, and the body (annamaya kośa, ‘food with ap is responsible for the physical constitution of
sheath’) that is released upon death. The emotional the body.
intensity with which we react to tamasic experiences
is one example of just how powerfully subject becomes
enmeshed with object, giving rise to dukha (‘dissatis- 2.2 THE gun.as
faction’). Existing between sattva and tamas is
rajas, which acts as the catalyst that binds subject The evolution of the mahābhūtas gives rise to the dis-
with object, connecting the subjectivity of mind and tinction of qualitative differences that can be objec-
sense with the physical universe. tively determined. In other words, one mahābhūta
Theory 13
will display certain qualities that differentiate it from be manifest in a mahābhūta that has an opposing
another mahābhūta. It should be clear to the reader action or effect. For example, the mahābhūta of
that individual mahābhūtas are impossible to per- pr.thvı̄ (‘earth’) is associated with the quality of guru
ceive, and admixtures thereof perhaps too complex to (‘heavy’); the opposing quality of laghu (‘light’) is
quantify. While the mahābhūtas and thus the totality associated with the mahābhūta of vāyu (‘wind’).
of corporeal existence cannot be perceived objectively, Thus to some extent pr.thvı̄ and vāyu have opposing
their presence can be inferred by the manifestation of forms and actions. Each pair of opposites is only one
certain qualities. To facilitate an understanding specific dimension in an interaction, however, with
between the differences of the mahābhūtas, each subsequent pair representing a contrasting
Āyurvedic medicine maintains a list of qualities called dimension. By recognising several different dimen-
the gurvādi (‘ten pairs of opposite’) gun.as (‘quali- sions of interaction the result is a multidimensional
ties’), shown in Table 2.1. model that explains the complexity of interactions
Each of the gurvādi gun.as is associated with that occur between the mahābhūtas. Thus while
a particular mahābhūta, and its opposite quality will pr.thvı̄ (‘earth’) displays the quality of guru (‘heavy’),
it is also considered to be rūks.a (‘dry’). Vāyu (‘wind’)
TABLE 2.1 The gurva-di gun.as: ten pairs of opposite displays the opposite quality of laghu (‘light’), but is
qualities. also rūks.a (‘dry’). The relationship between pr.thvı̄
and vāyu is therefore complex, displaying both similar
Guru (‘heavy’) Laghu (‘light’) and opposing qualities. Table 2.2 demonstrates the
Manda (‘slow’) Tiks.n.a (‘fast’)
Śita (‘cold’) Us.n. a (‘hot’)
relationship of the gurvādi gun.as with the
Snigdha (‘greasy’) Rūks.a (‘dry’) mahābhūtas.
Ślaks.na (‘smooth’) Khara (‘rough’) While all ten pairs of opposite qualities are gener-
Sāñdra (‘solid’) Drava (‘fluid’) ally considered in Āyurveda, for the purposes of diag-
Mr.du (‘soft’) Kat.hin.a (‘hard’) nosis and treatment they are usually whittled down to
Sthira (‘stability’) Cala (‘movement’)
Sūks.ma (‘subtle’) Sthūla (‘obvious’)
three dominant dimensions of interaction that in
Viśada (‘friction’) Picchila (‘slimy’) large part guide the manifestation of all subsequent
qualities, called the upakarmas (Table 2.3). As we
14 PART 1: Theory and practice of Ayurveda
Pr.thvı̄ (‘earth’) Gandhā (‘smell’) Guru, manda, sthira, kat.hin.a, sthūla, sāñdra
Ap (‘water’) Rasa (‘taste’) Śita, snigdha, mr.du, guru, drava, manda
Tejas (‘fire’) Rūpa (‘sight’) Us.n.a, laghu, tiks.n.a, drava
Vāyu (‘air’) Sparśa (‘touch’) Laghu, rūks.a, cala, viśada, khara, sūks.ma
Ākāśa (‘pervasiveness’) Śabda (‘sound’) Sūks.ma, viśada
to have an objective perspective, but instead focused and is the catalyst for all functions in the body to the
their attention on discovering the principles behind extent that without its involvement pitta and kapha
physiological activities. Thus when encountering a are said to be lame. The Caraka sam . hitā states that
disease the Āyurvedic practitioner can largely vāta is the grossest manifestation of the divine ‘wind’,
ignore the complexity of pathological definitions and is responsible for the function of the entire body
and seek to understand the principle of the disease, (tantra yantra dhara) and the originator of every
thereby to develop a corresponding principle of kind of physiological action or anatomical structure
treatment. (ces.tā pravartaka). Vāta promotes and regulates the
Having arisen from the mahābhūtas the human activities of the mind, carrying the perceptions of sen-
body can be seen to exhibit three principles of func- sory cognition (jñāna indriyās) to the effector
tion, called vāta, pitta and kapha: organs (karma indriyās) for a response. As the wind
or ‘flatus’ that expels the faeces, vāta also promotes
● Pr.thvı̄ (‘earth’) and ap (‘water’) form kapha
the expulsion of all wastes from the body, as well as the
● Tejas (‘fire’), and to a lesser extent ap (‘water’)
ejaculation of semen and the birthing of a baby.
and vāyu (‘wind’) form pitta
The activity of vāyu is present in conception, drawing
● Vāyu (‘wind’) and ākāśa (‘pervasiveness’) form
the sperm and ovum together, guiding embryonic devel-
opment. Given the important role that vāta plays it is
These three principles of function are called dos.as perhaps no surprise that when it is retained or blocked
because they are subject to influences from both in the body it becomes a major pathogenic influence.
within and without. The term dos.a literally means As you may recall, vāta comprises the
‘blemish’ because it is the increase, decrease and dis- mahābhūtas of ākāśa and vāyu. When vāta is
turbance of one, two or all three of the dos.as that are disturbed the pervasive nature of ākāśa and the cata-
responsible for all pathological changes in the body. bolic activity of vāyu represent widespread degenera-
Each dos.a has a specific pramān.a (‘quantity’), gun.a tive changes in the body, characterised by a lightness
(‘quality’) and karma (‘action’) in the body. In an (laghu) and dryness (rūks.a) of the tissues, which in
undisturbed state their function is said to be avikr.ta turn promotes roughness (khara) and friction
(‘normal’), the result of which is arogya (the ‘absence (viśada) in the body. Vāta is also śita (‘cold’) in nature
of disease’). Foods, habits and environmental factors although only because vāta assumes either śita
that are contrary to the qualities of a particular dos.a (‘cold’) or us.n.a (‘hot’) gun.as when exposed to their
bring about its decrease, while foods, habits and envi- presence. Although vāyu and ākāśa are neutral in
ronmental factors that are similar to a particular dos.a temperament the physical body is dominant in pr.thvı̄
bring about its increase. Both of these states of (‘earth’) and ap (‘water’). Together, pr.thvı̄ and ap
increase (vr.ddhi) and decrease (ks.aya) are consid- create a cooling, solidifying influence, and thus vāta
ered abnormal (vikr.ta), but it is increase that causes assumes a cold temperament in the body.
major disturbances, while decrease typically causes
● The primary qualities of vāta are laghu (‘light’),
only minor disturbances.
śita (‘cold’), rūks.a (‘dry’), cala (‘movement’),
The three dos.as are traditionally correlated with
viśada (‘friction’), khara (‘rough’), and sūks.ma
three types of eliminatory products: vāta is synony-
mous with ‘wind’ (i.e. flatulence), pitta with ‘bile’,
and kapha with ‘phlegm’. Although the descriptors of
‘wind’, ‘bile’, and ‘phlegm’ do not describe the com-
Pitta dos.a
plete activities of the dos.as, they provide a convenient
way to understand the implications of their manifes- The function of pitta in the body is to provide heat
tation when in a disturbed state. due to the predominance of tejas in its composition,
represented by the catabolic or ‘cooking’ action of
digestion. This notion of cooking the ingested food,
Vāta dos.a
however, also extends to the concept of metabolism,
Vāta comes from the Sanskrit root word ‘va’, refer- and thus pitta is associated with metabolically active
ring to the qualities of movement and enthusiasm, organs such as the liver, skin and blood. The term
16 PART 1: Theory and practice of Ayurveda
pitta is derived from the root word tapas, which governing the area between the umbilicus and the
means ‘to heat’ or ‘glow’. Pitta also contains an diaphragm. As the dos.a of phlegm, kapha is located
aspect of ap in its constitution and thus to some extent primarily in phuphusa (‘lungs’) and hr.daya
displays snigdha (‘greasy’) and drava (‘fluid’) proper- (‘heart’), governing the areas from the diaphragm
ties, characterised by the greasy, flowing and ‘mobile’ upwards.
(sara) nature of bile, blood and sweat. Pitta is also
laghu (‘light’) and tiks.n.a (‘sharp’) in nature, charac-
terised by the catabolic action of tejas and vāyu that 2.5 Kāla: TIMING OF THE dos.as
act together to combust solid substances into pure
expressible energy. Kāla (‘time’) relates to the influence of the dos.as in
a variety of natural cycles: over a period of time such
● The primary qualities of pitta are laghu (‘light’),
as in a day or a lifetime, or in specific processes, such
us.n.a (‘hot’), snigdha (‘greasy’), tiks.n.a (‘sharp’),
as in digestion or disease. In every situation the
sara (‘movement’), and drava (‘fluid’).
Āyurvedic practitioner attempts to understand the
state of the dos.as. Generally speaking, kapha is dom-
Kapha dos.a inant after sunrise and sunset, at the beginning stages
of digestion (in the mouth and stomach), during child-
In many ways kapha is opposite in nature to pitta,
hood (bālya) and in the congestive, prodromal stage
attending to the structural functions of the body,
of disease. Pitta is dominant at midday and midnight,
lubricating, moisturising, nourishing and providing
in the middle portion of digestion (in the lower fundus
support. Comprising pr.thvı̄ and ap, kapha most
of the stomach and small intestine), during mid-life
strongly relates to the physical structure of the body,
(madhya), and in the inflammatory or acute stage of
and is thus sthira (‘solid’), guru (‘heavy’), and
disease. Vāta is dominant in the hours before dawn
sthūla (‘gross’) in nature. The term kapha is derived
and sunset, in the latter part of digestion (in the
from the root word ślis., which means ‘to embrace’,
colon), in the latter stages of life (jı̄rn.a), and in the
referring to the snigdha (‘greasy’) and picchila
chronic and degenerative stages of disease.
(‘slimy’) qualities that in combination with solidity
and substance bind tissues together. These greasy and
slippery properties of kapha also describe the nature
2.6 Tridos.a laks.an.as:
and function of the generative organs, the creation of
new life, as well as the lactating breast that can nour-
ish another being.
The knowledge of which physical symptoms are asso-
● The primary qualities of kapha are guru (‘heavy’), ciated with a particular dos.a or group of dos.as is the
śita (‘cold’), snigdha (‘greasy’), sthira (‘stable’), first step by which an Āyurvedic practitioner gathers
mr.du (‘softening’), and picchila (‘slimy’). clinical information, formulates a diagnosis and
implements a principle of treatment. Thus certain
symptoms are generally correlated with the effects of
2.4 Sthāna: RESIDENCE OF THE dos.as a particular dos.a, based on the qualities that dos.a
tends to exhibit. Thus the us.n.a, tiks.n.a and drava
Despite the reality that each dos.a is involved in physi- qualities of pitta suggest conditions such as burning
ological processes all over the body, each also main- sensations and diarrhoea; the manda, snigdha and
tains a primary ‘seat’ of influence, or sthāna. To some śita qualities of kapha suggest catarrhal conditions
extent this idea is related to the often used translitera- and lethargy; and the rūks.a, laghu and śita proper-
tion of the dos.as; i.e. wind, bile and phlegm. As the ties of the vāta suggest wasting and degenerative
dos.a of wind, vāta is located in the antra (‘colon’) processes. In actual practice, however, each type of
and basti (‘bladder’), governing the regions of the disease is further classified according to the dos.as,
body from the umbilicus downwards. As the dos.a of even though a particular disease may be generally cor-
bile, pitta is located in organs such as the āmāśaya related with a particular dos.a. Thus while a symptom
(‘stomach’), yakrit (‘liver’) and plı̄han (‘spleen’), such as diarrhoea is a manifestation of the us.n.a and
Theory 17
l va
ute Middle age r
You Ac
H ot
9 3
Kapha Vata
Child Suba
tive e
cu Infan en
Co l
te cy Dying g
s Winter
promotes excessive appetite and thirst, burning sensa- involvement of pitta. Thus, in this example, the result
tions, diarrhoea, anger, and yellow, red or green dis- of vāta kopa is a combined vāta-pitta condition.
colorations of the skin, eyes, urine and faeces. If pitta It is said that one can become well by grace or dis-
is in a decreased state the digestion will be poor, the grace by taking the appropriate action when a dos.a is
skin will lose its lustre, and the patient will complain of in an increased or vitiated state, respectively: obviously
the general symptoms of an increase in vāta and the former is easier to treat. In a balanced state the
kapha. dos.as are referred to as avikr.ta, or ‘normal’.
Dos.a Gun.a Colour Digestion Symptoms of increase Waste products Mind and mental function
(varna) (agni) (vr. ddhi) (malas) (manas)
Vāta Rūks.a, Black, Irregular, Debilitating pain; loss of Faeces: small amount, constipation, Primarily auditory
laghu, blue, sensitive function; irregularities, dry, painful and rough evacuation; balanced: enthusiastic, motivated,
śita, brown, digestion; colic abnormalities, deformities; dark brown to black in colour joyful, artistic
khara, orange, and bloating; fragility, wasting; dryness, urine: decreased volume, imbalanced: scattered,
viśada, clear astringent stiffness, friction, brittleness, increased frequency; tenesmus; unsteadiness of mind, poor
cala taste in mouth spasm, tremor; strong aversion without colour or dark orange to concentration, restless, anxious,
to cold; symptoms worse with brown; frothy or very greasy insecure, fearful, lonely, depressed
cold or dry weather; symptoms sweat: minimal volume, even with (bipolar), insomnia, delusional; fear
worse in early morning and late exertion of cold
afternoon mucus: diminished secretion; dry,
stringy, difficult to expectorate
Pitta Us.n.a, Red, Strong, quick Burning pain, burning Faeces: moderate volume, Primarily visual
laghu, yellow, digestion; acid sensations; fever, thirst, increased frequency; watery, quick balanced: courageous, intelligent,
snigdha, green reflux, loose inflammation, ulceration, expulsion; burning sensation; disciplined
tiks.n.a, motions; bitter purulence; haemorrhage, foul yellow, green or reddish imbalanced: impatient,
sara taste in mouth smell; strong aversion to heat; discolorations, with blood judgmental, driven, controlling,
symptoms worse with hot urine: moderate volume, increased angry, violent, fanaticism,
weather; symptoms worse at frequency; burning sensation; insomnia, hallucinatory; aversion to
mid-day and in mid-night yellow to green in colour, blood heat
sweat: profuse without exertion,
mucus: moderate secretion;
yellowish to green, blood
Kapha Guru, Clear, Slow, dull Dull aching pain; lethargy, Faeces: large volume, decreased Primarily kinesthetic
snigdha, white digestion; catarrh; itching, hypertrophy, frequency; solid, heavy, slow balanced: compassionate,
picchila, epigastric oedema, obesity, cysts, evacuation; rectal itching; whitish generous, nurturing
śita, heaviness, tumours; mild aversion to cold; discoloration with mucus imbalanced: slowness, dullness,
sthūla, catarrh; symptoms worse with cold and urine: increased volume, apathy, attachment, sentimentality,
sāñdra, sweet taste wet weather; symptoms worse decreased frequency; mucus, worry, greediness, grief, depression
manda in mouth in mid-morning and mid- turbid, calculi; clear or white in (unipolar); desire for hot, aversion
evening colour to cold
sweat: profuse only with exertion;
sweet odour
breath meditation (anapānasati bhavana) and the tion, facilitates the meeting of the ovum and sperm
practice of prān.ayama. during conception, and is responsible for the expulsion
of fetus during labour. Apāna governs gross motor
functions, like walking, jumping and running. In the
Samāna vāyu
psycho-spiritual realm apāna guides the process of
Samāna vāyu is located in the āmashaya, and initi- manifestation, moving potentiality downward into
ates the function of pācaka, the aspect of pitta that actuality. As the downward moving force apāna con-
attends to digestion. Samāna promotes thirst, hunger tains kundalinı̄, placing limits upon the evolution of
and satiety, facilitates the separation of waste from consciousness, and in this respect is opposite to
nutrient, and assists in assimilation. The movement of udāna. Disorders of apāna vāyu include miscar-
samāna within the body is sideways, descriptive of riage, premature ejaculation, flatulence, retained
the movement of chyme through the gastrointestinal urine, urinary incontinence, dysmenorrhoea, uterine
tract. Samāna assesses or ‘measures’ the metabolic prolapse, prolapse of the colon, ectopic pregnancy,
needs of the body and guides the process of anabolism haemorrhoids and infertility. Steps that can be taken
and catabolism. Samāna is said to display a radiant to correct the flow of apāna vāyu include the use of
quality, and when functioning correctly, displays that ‘grounding’ herbs such as Goks.ura root (Tribulus ter-
quality within the mind and body. Disorders of restris), as well as purgatives (virecana) such as
samāna vāyu include most problems of digestion, Vid. anga (Embelia ribes) and Trivr. t (Operculina
including gastric reflux, hiatus hernia, dyspepsia, bil- turpethum) and enema (vasti) therapy to direct apāna
iousness, diarrhoea, constipation and diverticulitis. vāyu downwards. Apāna influences the other vāyus
Measures to correct samāna include following an to such a degree that they may be treated in an
appropriate diet (see Ch. 7), and the use of
dı̄panapācana (‘digestive stimulant’) remedies such
as Yavānı̄ (Trachyspermum ammi) and Śūn.t. hı̄ Box 2.1 Prān.ayāma and digestion
(Zingiber officinalis) to enkindle digestion. Prān.ayāma is a breath-control technique that mod-
ulates the nature and duration of breathing, empha-
sising aspects of inhalation, exhalation, and the
Apāna vāyu pauses that exist between them. As we inhale prān.a
Apāna vāyu is located in the sacral plexus, primarily is brought into the body, where it descends and
the vasti (‘bladder’) and antra (‘colon’), governing meets with apāna vayu. During exhalation apa- na
rises to meet with prān.a. Holding the breath after
the function of the pelvic organs. The movement of
inhalation moves prān.a towards apāna, and holding
apāna is downward, controlling the activities of the breath after exhalation moves apāna towards
prān.a and udāna by creating a negative pressure in prān.a. The activities of prān.a and apāna, in turn,
the chest. Apāna is said to arise with the first breath impact upon the function of āgni, the flame of diges-
after birth, in which prān.a becomes rooted in the tion and metabolism that resides between them.
body to sustain life. Apāna is the root of all other During inhalation prān.a activates āgni causing it to
vāyus in the body and controls their function, just as rise upwards, burning the ingested food. Upon exha-
a young child flying a kite measures how much string lation āgni is drawn downwards, transferring the
to let out in order for the kite to fly. To use another waste products of digestion downwards to apāna
analogy of the traditional Indian family, prān.a is like vayu to be eliminated. Thus an exhalation that is twice
the husband coming in and going out, providing the as long as the inhalation ensures that waste products
are properly eliminated. When apāna vayu is exces-
material sustenance, whereas apāna is the wife,
sive it limits the capacity of prān.a to enter into the
rooted in the home, coordinating all of its activities. body, and thus the general practice of lengthening the
Despite the social importance given to the head of the exhalation in relation to the inhalation is a useful
family, however, the household and the health of the approach to rid the body of wastes and optimise
family rest with the mother. Thus, if there is a problem health. This technique is used only for the duration of
with apāna vāyu this dysfunction will eventually prān.ayāma and should not replace normal, relaxed
affect all the other vāyus in the body. Apāna governs diaphragmatic breathing at other times.
the excretion of wastes, menstruation and ejacula-
22 PART 1: Theory and practice of Ayurveda
indirect fashion by giving direct treatment to apāna. prān.a, and deficient prān.a results in poor digestion.
By strengthening the mother, the whole family is like- Symptoms of weak pācaka include anorexia, flatu-
wise strengthened. lence, bloating, constipation, malabsorption, chronic
fatigue and arthritis. Symptoms of excess pācaka
pitta include gastric and duodenal ulcers, diarrhoea,
Vyāna vāyu
and dysentery.
Vyāna vāyu is rooted in the hr.daya (‘heart’) but cir-
culates through the body as spiral currents, moving
Ranjaka pitta
like a wheel. Vyāna governs circulatory function, dis-
tributing oxygen, nutrients and heat throughout the Ranjaka pitta is located primarily in the liver, gall
body. On a more subtle level vyāna also circulates bladder, spleen and red bone marrow. It is identified by
emotions and feelings in the body, and thus unresolved the colour red, travels in the bloodstream as haemo-
emotional issues may locate themselves in certain globin and is manifested as the intrinsic factor
areas within the body and affect the function and flow required for the absorption of vitamin B12. Ranjaka
of vyāna in these areas. Vyāna also provides the initiates haemopoiesis in the red bone marrow and
impetus for gross motor function, discharging the stimulates erythropoietin secretion by the kidneys.
nervous impulse and stimulating the flow of secretions, Ranjaka assists in the emulsification of fats, forms
including the movement of lymph. Disorders of vyāna the stool and gives it shape and colour. Ranjaka is
include cyanosis, poor circulation, cold intolerance connected to enthusiasm, will and desire, and a lack of
and problems with coordination. Measures to correct these qualities indicates its deficiency. Ranjaka also
the flow of vyāna involve regular exercise, a healthy relates to the colour of skin, and thus yellow or red
emotional life, and the moderate use of stimulants discolorations can indicate a derangement of ran-
such as Śūn.t.hı̄ (Zingiber officinalis) and Guggulu jaka.
(Commiphora mukul).
Sādhaka pitta
2.11 SUB-dos.as OF pitta Sādhaka pitta is located in the hr.daya (‘heart’),
the seat of the mind and emotions, and by extension
● Pācaka pitta can also be said to function in the brain. Along with
● Ranjaka pitta prān.a, sādhaka governs intellect (buddhi), com-
● Sādhaka pitta prehension, recognition and sensory perception. It
● Ālocaka pitta is thought by some to maintain the function of the
● Bhrājaka pitta. hypothalamus, the part of the brain that is directly
responsible for maintaining homeostasis in the body.
Sādhaka is also synonymous with awareness, the
Pācaka pitta
capacity for reasoning, the ability to concentrate,
Pācaka pitta is synonymous with the jat.harāgni and the strength of courage. Sādhaka helps to dis-
(i.e. agni), the fire of digestion located in the stomach criminate between illusion and reality, and is the
and small intestine. The function of pācaka is to digest fiery messenger within each of us that awakens
the ingested food, and guide the manifestation of all higher consciousness. Sādhaka also maintains
subsequent forms of pitta. Pācaka discriminates what individual consciousness and relates to the ego-
substances to secrete during the process of digestion identification with the body (aham . kāra). In its
and the guides the enzymatic breakdown of nutrients. higher manifestation sādhaka is an evolutionary
The influence of pācaka extends from the lower fun- force, whereas in its lower manifestation it main-
dus of the stomach to the ileocaecal valve and is con- tains the illusions, delusions and hallucinations of
centrated between the villi of the small intestine, its the ego. It is thought that by meditating upon the
actions increasing in subtlety as it extends its influence flame of a ghr. ta candle sādhaka can be stabilised,
from the jejunum to the ileum. The function of pācaka and with the practice mantra can elevate spiritual
pitta is completely dependent upon the status of consciousness.
Theory 23
Avalambaka kapha
Avalambaka kapha is the primary form of kapha in
Ālocaka pitta the body, located in the chest, within the pleura of the
Ālocaka pitta is located in the eye and governs its lungs (phuphphusa) and the pericardium of the heart
function, giving it its transparency and lustre. Ālocaka (hr.daya), but also in the ileosacral joint (trika).
is responsible for the expansion and contraction of the Avalambaka most closely represents the status of the
pupil, and is present in the rods and cones of the retina ap mahābhūta in the body, lubricating, nourishing
that provide for the perception of colour, shading and and binding the body together. In the lungs avalam-
detail. Ālocaka is also located in the occipital regions baka lubricates the bronchial passages and alveoli,
of the brain, transforming inverted images right side ensuring the proper functioning of lung tissue. In the
up and processing the visual experience. Ālocaka heart avalambaka supports and protects the heart in
relates to the ājñā cakra as the mystical connection the chest. Avalambaka also anchors the cilia of the
between the mind and vision, expressed by the axiom respiratory tract to the basement membrane and acts
‘the eyes are the doorway to the soul’. A deficiency of with samāna vāyu to move foreign substances out of
ālocaka can manifest as poor eyesight, which can be the body.
corrected through vision exercises and gazing upon With the expansion of the diaphragm the secretion
the flame of a ghr.ta candle, as well as in the con- of avalambaka is initiated. Within the spinal column
sumption of nutrients such as carotenoids, flavonoids avalambaka maintains the stability of the spinal
and vitamin A that are required in order for ālocaka cord, acting as the ‘soil’ that holds and nourishes its
to function properly. An eyewash prepared from a fil- roots (i.e. the sacral plexus). Avalambaka kapha also
tered, cold infusion of Triphala is particularly benefi- represents the unfolding of love within the heart.
cial to nourish and protect the eyes. A deficiency of avalambaka relates to compromised
cardiopulmonary function, with a dry hacking cough,
pallor and wasting. Excessive avalambaka relates to
Bhrājaka pitta an increase in phlegm and a productive cough, poor
Bhrājaka pitta governs the function, lustre and com- digestion, and lassitude.
plexion of the skin, lying between the dermis and
underlying muscle. Bhrājaka interfaces with the sub-
Kledaka kapha
tle aspects of the body that are accessed by the stimu-
lation of certain pressure points (marmas). Kledaka kapha is another important form of kapha
Bhrājaka relates to the sensation of touch, and in the body, found in the mucus secretions of the
absorbs and digests topical applications such as fomen- gastrointestinal tract, protecting the underlying tis-
tations, salves, medicated oils, liniments, and oint- sues of the stomach from the us.n.a and tiks.n.a nature
ments. A deficiency of bhrājaka is indicated by not of digestion (i.e. HCl, digestive enzymes). The activity
24 PART 1: Theory and practice of Ayurveda
Tarpaka kapha
Tarpaka kapha is located in the head as soma, the cord. Tarpaka is also present in lacrimal secretions
‘nectar’ (amr. ta) that exudes from the brain and and the vitreous body of the eye, as well as in the peri-
neural tissues to protect and nourish the senses lymph and otolithic membrane of the inner ear. The
(indriyās). Tarpaka thus promotes memory and function of tarpaka is to slow neural activity, induce
guides the process of laying down new neural path- relaxation, and promote contentment and emotional
ways in the brain, recording the sensory experiences stability. In states of deep sleep tarpaka becomes
analysed by sādhaka pitta. The activity of tarpaka active, representing the awakening of the sāks.i, the
can be found in tissues such as the myelin sheath, the ‘witness’ of consciousness. Tarpaka is the link
meninges of the brain, and the cerebrospinal fluid that between deep sleep and meditation, and from the
circulates around and protects the brain and spinal clarity of tarpaka it is said that one can see the past,
Theory 25
present and future simultaneously. A deficiency of binds the joints together, and so also includes parts of
tarpaka includes dryness of the eye, vestibular prob- the function of ligaments and cartilage. Śles.aka also
lems, chronic insomnia, memory loss and diseases brings emotional support, a sense of mental stability
such as multiple sclerosis. Excess tarpaka can mani- and flexibility, and can be depleted by overwork, exces-
fest as hydrocephalous, a tumour of the pineal gland, sive responsibilities and chronic stress, resulting in
glaucoma, blockage of the tear duct, and excessive dry, popping joints.
cerumen (ear wax).
Śles.aka kapha
Śles.aka kapha is situated in diarthroses (freely move-
able joints) as synovial fluid, preventing the degenera-
tion of the articular surfaces of the bones. Śles.aka