4 Nagel - WhatIsItLikeToBeABat - Leido PDF
4 Nagel - WhatIsItLikeToBeABat - Leido PDF
4 Nagel - WhatIsItLikeToBeABat - Leido PDF
Thomas Nagel is a professor of philosophy and law at New York University. He has written
extensively on topics in ethics and the philosophy of mind. His book The View from Nowhere (1986), this
reading, and Reading 32 (also by Nagel) have been the focus of much discussion in the philosophy of
mind. Although this reading differs from Reading 32 in topic, they both (like Colin McGinn in Reading 26)
emphasize the limitations of anything like our current concepts and theories for understanding human
consciousness-In this reading Nagel will argue that there is something very fundamental about the
human mind and minds in general which scientifically inspired philosophy of mind inevitably and perhaps
wilfully ignores. He uses various words for That something"consciousness," "subjectivity," "point of
view," and "what it is like to be (this sort of subject)." The last expression is in the title of his paper and
seems to fit his argument most precisely- It refers to what most people have in mind when they line up
in amusement parks to get on wild and scary roller-coaster rides. Unless they're anthropologists or
reporters at work, they aren't trying to learn anything. Nor are they trying to accomplish anything
they're paying to let something intense happen to them. They want an experience, a thrill; they want what
it's like to be in that kind of motion. The meanings of the other expressions overlap with the last but
also include other things.
For instance, "conscious(ness)" can signify simple perception or attention ("She became
conscious of a noise In the room"), awareness in general ("He regained consciousness"),
and self-awareness or voluntariness ("Did you do it consciously?"). "Point of view" has a
more cognitive overtone. We think of points of view as shaped by values, beliefs,
education, and other social and psychological factors. These factors may possibly play a
role in what it's like to be on a roller-coaster, but they have little bearing on what we mean
when we say a blind person doesn't know what it's like to see, and when we wonder what
it's like to be a bat. "Subjectivity" is fairly close in meaning, but it can also signify
something you can and should avoida stance that gets in the way of objectivity and
fairness; yet you can't stop being a human subject with a human type of subjectivity.
You're stuck with the experience of what it's like to be a human being.
Consciousness is what makes the mind-body problem
really intractable. Perhaps that is why current discussions suited for what is familiar and well understood, though
of the problem give it little attention or get it obviously entirely different. This has led to the acceptance of
wrong. The recent wave of reductionist euphoria has implausible accounts of the mental largely because they
produced several analyses of mental phenomena and would permit familiar kinds of reduction. 1 shall try to
mental concepts designed to explain the possibility of explain why the usual examples do not help us to
some variety of materialism, psychophysical understand the relation between the mind and body
identification, or reduction.1 But the problems dealt with why, indeed, we have at present no conception of what
arc those common to this type of reduction and other an explanation of the physical nature of a mental
types, and what makes the mind-body problem unique, phenomenon would be. Without consciousness the
and unlike the water-H20 problem or the Turing machine- mind-body problem would be much less interesting.
IBM machine problem or the lightning-electrical With consciousness it seems hopeless. The most
discharge problem or the gene-DNA problem or the oak important and characteristic feature of conscious mental
tree-hydrocarbon problem, is ignored.2 phenomena is very poorly understood. Most reductionist
Every reductionist has his favorite analogy from theories do not even try to explain it. And careful
modern science. It is most unlikely that any of these examination will show that no currently available
unrelated examples of successful reduction will shed concept of reduction is applicable to it. Perhaps a new
light on the relation of mind to brain. But philosophers theoretical form can be devised for the purpose, but such
share the general human weakness for explanations of a solution, if it exists, lies in the distant intellectual
what is incomprehensible in terms future.
Conscious experience is a widespread phenomenon.
Reprinted from The Philosophical Review 83 (1974); 435-50. 0 It occurs at many levels of animal life, though we cannot
1974 Cornell University. Reprinted by permission. be sure of its presence in the simpler organisms, and it is
Examples are J.J. C. Smart, Philosophy and Scientific
very difficult to say in general what provides evidence
Realism (London, 1963); David K. Lewis, "An Argument for the
of it. (Some extremists have been prepared to deny it
Identity Theory." Journal of Philosophy LXIll (1966 reprinted with
even of mammals other than man.)3 No doubt it occurs
addenda in David M. Rosenthal. Materialism & the Mind-Body
in countless forms
Problem (Englewood Cliffs. N. J., 1971);
Hilary Putnam, "Psychological Predicates," in Capitan and
Merril An, Mind, & Religion (Pittsburgh. 1967). reprinted in Tissues, organs,. and organ systems of a multicellular
Rosenthal, op. cit., as "The Nature of Mental States"; D. M. organism are successively higher Ievels of functional organization
Armstrong, A Materialist Theory of (Ac Mind (London, 1968); D, among cells. The various organ systems consist of large
C, Dennett, Content and Consciousness (London, 1969). I have populations of cells that have evolved to specialize in one or
expressed earlier doubts in "Armstrong on the Mind." other of the vital functions carried out by unicellular organisms as
Philosophical Review LXXIX (1970). 394-403; "Brain Bisection they maintain and replicate themselves. For instance, the
and [he Unity of Consciousness," Synthese 22 (1971); and a digestive system specializes in what a bacterium does when IT
review of Dennett. Journal of Philosophy LXIX (1972). See also selectively permits various molecules to cross its membrane
Saul Kripke, "Naming and Necessity" in Davidson and Harman, and uses them as reactants in metabolic processes. Similarly,
Semantics of Natural Language (Dordrecht, 1972), esp. pp. 334 - the central nervous system specializes in generically the lame
342: and M. T. Thomson, "Ostensive Terms and Materialism," adaptive control function exercised by bacterial DNA as it
The Monist 56 (1972). regulates the cell's metabolic activity- There is a fairly
This list contains two very different types of relations: (3) Of smooth progression of" nervous systems from the very
the macro-perceptible to the micro-imperceptible (water, lightning, primitive BO them great complexity or the mammalian and
oak) and (2) of function to embodiment (Turing machine and human systems Unless we take
gene). ED.
totally unimaginable to us, on other planets in other solar
systems throughout the universe. But no matter how the ter of experience is, we cannot know what is required of
form may vary, the fact that an organism has conscious a physicalist theory.
experience at all means, basically, that there is While an account of the physical basis of mind must
something it is like to be that organism. There may be explain many things, this appears to be the most
further implications about the form of the experience; difficult. It is impossible to exclude the
there may even (though I doubt it) be implications about phenomenological7 features of experience from a re-
the behavior of the organism. But fundamentally an duction in the same way that one excludes the phe-
organism has conscious mental states if and only if there nomenal features of an ordinary substance from a
is something chat it is like to be that organism physical or chemical reduction of itnamely, by
something it is like for the organism. explaining them as effects on the minds8 of human
We may call this the subjective character of ex- observers.9 If physicalism is to be defended, the
perience. It is not captured by any of the familiar. phenomenological features must themselves be given a
recently devised reductive analyses of the mental, for all physical account.10 But when we examine their
of them are logically compatible with its absence. It is
subjective character it seems that such a result is
not analyzable in terms of any explanatory system of impossible. The reason is that every subjective
functional states, or intentional states, since these could phenomenon is essentially connected with a single point
be ascribed to robots or automata that behaved like of view, and it seems inevitable that an objective,
people though they experienced nothing-5 It is not physical theory will abandon that point of view.
analyzable in terms of Ac causal role of experiences in Let me first try to state the issue somewhat more
relation to typical human behaviorfor similar reasons.6 fully than by referring to the relation between the
I do not deny that conscious mental states and events subjective and the objective, or between the pour-soi
cause behavior, nor that they may be given functional and the en-soi.11 This is far from easy. Facts about what
characterizations. I deny only that this kind of thing it is like to be an X are very peculiar, so peculiar that
exhausts their analysis. Any reductionist program has to some may be inclined to doubt their reality, or the
be based on an analysis of what is to be reduced. If the significance of claims about them. To illustrate the
analysis leaves something out, the problem will be connection between subjectivity and a point of view,
falsely posed- It is useless to base the defense of and to make evident the importance of subjective
materialism on any analysis of mental phenomena that features, it will help to explore the matter in relation to
fails to deal explicitly with their subjective character. For an example that brings out dearly the divergence
there is no reason to suppose that a reduction which between the two types of conception, subjective and
seems plausible when no attempt is made to account for objective,
consciousness can be extended to include consciousness. I assume we all believe that bats have experience.
Without some idea, therefore, of what the subjective After all, they are mammals, and there is no more doubt
charac- that they have experience than that
The mental is a lawless or anomalous domain. For this reason, his overlooked- If one understood how subjective experience could have
an objective nature, one would understand the existence of subjects
position is known as "anomalous monism." ED.
See "Mental Events" in Forster and Swanson, Experience and other than oneself.
Nagel's "speculative proposal" in the last three paragraphs of his paper is difficult to
understand. He asks us to contemplate the possibility of an account of the subjective that
would be objective and about "the mental in its own right" rather than trying to understand
the mental in terms of the physical. This account would have as its goal to "develop
concepts that could be used to explain to a person blind from birth what it was like to see"
and presumably help us non-bats get a conceptual access to what it is like to be a bat. He
admits that we would eventually "reach a blank wall." However, if we are talking simply about
the sensuous differentiation of one kind of subjectivity from another, bats from those
without a sonar modality, sighted humans from ones that are blind at birth, it's hard to see
how the blank wall isn't there from the start and forever. What blocks access to these
alternate subjectivities is not that the differentiation can't be expressed in neurochemicai or
other physical terms, but that it can't be expressed at all. A materialist might say the
following to Nagel: "Look, I don't deny that there are sensuous ingredients in our
experience, and that they are ineffable or even unintelligible, I'm not claiming that
experience includes only what is scientifically intelligible. All I'm saying Is that what is
intelligible about the mental and the world in general is what can be understood
An anti-materialist (not necessarily a duatist, just a philosopher dissatisfied with the
status quo in philosophy of mind) might make the following complaint to Nagel: "You
reduce subjectivity to a single aspect (the what-it-is-like) that you contrast with the
objective; and that aspect is one that makes subjectivities Incommensurable with one another
insofar as they are based on qualitatively different sensuous content. But subjectivity is
really much more complex, including not only the ineffably sensuous, but also psychosocial
determinants such as culture and language, and Intentionalitythe presence of an object
to a subject, of an external world within a self. Intentionality is not an appearance of
something else, it's not a what-it-is-like sort of thing, but rather the structure of what I am as
a conscious being, and what any nonhuman consciousness would be. By focusing so
heavily on the sensuously ineffable, you've made yourself an easy target for hylophiles
who want to call you a "New Mysterian."
Here is a short, and inconclusive exchange between two charactersa materialist and a
dualise (M and D), talking about qualia (aspects of the world as it appears to a being with
my sort of sensory receptors and brain);
D: You don't deny, do you, that appearances occur, and that among these appear-
ances are qualia?
M: Of course not. How could I?
D: And these are not part of the public, measurable world of physical science. M:
D: Then, since appearances do occur and they don't belong to the world as described by
physical science, there must be more to reality than what is physical. And that "more" is
the mind, in which appearances occur. M: Not so. From the fact chat the sun actually
appears to move across the sky, it does not follow that there is some actual domain in
which the sun really moves that way. In general, it does not follow from the fact that
something appears to happen or be in a certain way, that there is some place or part of
reality in which it really occurs.
D: You're missing the point. M: That's
what I was going to say.