The 1965 Penrose Singularity Theorem

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The 1965 Penrose singularity theorem

Jose M M Senovilla
Fsica Teorica, Universidad del Pas Vasco, Apartado 644, 48080 Bilbao, Spain
arXiv:1410.5226v2 [gr-qc] 7 Jan 2015

David Garfinkle
Dept. of Physics, Oakland University, Rochester, MI 48309, USA
and Michigan Center for Theoretical Physics, Randall Laboratory of Physics,
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1120, USA

Abstract. We review the first modern singularity theorem, published by Penrose

in 1965. This is the first genuine post-Einstenian result in General Relativity, where
the fundamental and fruitful concept of closed trapped surface was introduced. We
include historical remarks, an appraisal of the theorems impact, and relevant current
and future work that belongs to its legacy.

PACS numbers: 02.40.Dw, 04.20.Cv, 04.20.Gz

1. Introduction

1965 is an important year in the history of General Relativity (GR), which underwent
a very important revival period during the entire 1960 decade. The discovery and
interpretation of the Cosmic Background Radiation [257, 91] and the first modern
singularity theorem [248] were published in 1965 though both findings happened in
1964 a year not only right in the middle of that decade, but also exactly 50 years after
the birth of Einsteins field equations
1 8G
R Rg + g = 4 T (1)
2 c
hence half way to the present centenary. In this article we review the history, impact
and legacy of the Penrose singularity theorem, one of our selected milestones of General
Relativity, which was a key contribution to the renaissance of the theory.
The acclaimed singularity theorems are often quoted as one of the greatest theo-
retical accomplishments in General Relativity, Lorentzian geometry and Mathematical
Physics. Even though there were several results proving singularities prior to [248] and
To be historically faithful, version (1) of the field equations only came about one year later when the
cosmological constant was introduced in [97].
Singularity theorems 2

these will be discussed in sections 2 and 3 Penroses theorem is, without a doubt, the
first such theorem in its modern form containing new important ingredients and fruitful
ideas that immediately led to many new developments in theoretical relativity, and to
devastating physical consequences concerning the origin of the Universe and the collapse
of massive stars, see sections 5 and 6. In particular, Penrose introduced geodesic incom-
pleteness to characterize singularities (see subsection 4.1), used the notion of a Cauchy
hypersurface (and thereby of global hyperbolicity, see section 4) and, more importantly,
he presented the gravitational community with a precious gift in the form of a novel
concept: closed trapped surfaces, see subsections 4.2 and 7.2.
The fundamental, germinal and very fruitful notion of closed trapped surface is a key
central idea in the physics of Black Holes, Numerical Relativity, Mathematical Relativity,
Cosmology and Gravity Analogues. It has had an enormous influence as explained
succinctly in section 5 and, in its refined contemporary versions see subsections 7.2 and
7.3, keeps generating many more advances (sections 7 and 8) of paramount importance
and will probably maintain such prolific legacy with some unexpected applications in
gravitational physics.
As argued elsewhere [288], the singularity theorems constitute the first genuine
post-Einstenian content of classical GR, not foreseen in any way by Einstein as
opposed to many other milestones discussed in this issue. The global mathematical
developments needed for the singularity theorems, and the ideas on incompleteness or
trapping and thus also their derived inferences were not treated nor mentioned,
neither directly nor indirectly, in any of Einsteins writings. In 1965 GR left adolescence
behind, emancipated from its creator, and became a mature physical theory full of
vitality and surprises.

2. Before 1955

Prior to 1965 there were many indications that the appearance of some kind of
catastrophic irregularities, say singularities, was common in GR. We give a succinct
summary of some selected and instructive cases, with side historical remarks.

2.1. Friedman closed models and the de Sitter solution

As an early example, in 1922 Friedman [120] looked for solutions of (1) with the form
ds2 = F dt2 + a2 (t) d2 + sin2 d2

where a(t) is a function of time t, F is an arbitrary function, and d2 represents
the standard metric for a round sphere of unit radius. This Ansatz followed previous
discussions by Einstein and de Sitter [97, 87] where the space (for each t =const.) was
As a side historical remark, Einstein himself wrote a paper on singularities [99], later generalized
to higher dimensions with Pauli [100]. However, these results are concerned with quite another type of
singularities, namely, with the non-existence of regular point-particle solutions to stationary vacuum
gravitational equations for a revision see [135].
Singularity theorems 3

taken to be a round 3-sphere (so that (0, )) and the energy-momentum described
pressure-less matter (dust) with Ttt as the unique non-identically vanishing component.
Friedman proved that the only possible solutions to (1) with constant a(t) were given
by either F =const., which gives the Einstein static universe of [97], or by F = c2 cos2
which leads to the de Sitter universe [87, 88] (in this case with Ttt = 0 and > 0).
Nevertheless, he also found that there are dynamical solutions that require F = c2 and
a scale factor a(t) satisfying the following set of ODEs

8G 3 2 a 1
Ttt + = (a + 1), = 2 + 2 (a2 + 1)
c2 a2 a a
where dots indicate derivative with respect to ct. The second equation has an immediate
first integral

a(a2 + 1) = A + a3
for a constant A, and then the first equation provides the explicit form of the mass
3c2 A
Ttt = .
8G a3
A simple analysis of the solutions for a(t) leads to the conclusion that, whenever
< 4GTtt /c2 , a 0 inevitably for a finite value of t. This is a terrible failure of
space-time itself, as the spatial part in (2) truly vanishes and the mass density diverges.
Friedman talked about the creation time, and then went on to consider the case with
negatively curved space slices t =const. in [121].
Incidentally, and for the sake of illustration in later discussions, one may observe
that the creation time is absent when A = 0, in which case the energy density vanishes.
This provides another solution of (1) with a = cosh(ct/) and = 32 . It is easily
checked that this new solution describes a space-time of positive constant curvature, ergo
maximally symmetric [102, 320, 233]. Surprisingly, the original de Sitter solution with
F = c2 cos2 has also positive constant curvature, and therefore the two of them must
be isometric. However, there arises a problem in the line-element (2) with F = c2 cos2
at = /2 in this case it is time that seems to vanish so that in principle only one
of the two intervals (0, /2) or (/2, ) should be allowed for . This amounts to taking
only one hemi-3-sphere, and it becomes apparent that the manifold has been mutilated
This problem was addressed in [208, 209] and independently in [321], where one can
find pioneer analyses of the observational redshift in cosmological models. With modern
notation, the question is resolved by noticing that the first solution with a constant
a(t) = can be obtained from the second one (written with barred coordinates) by
means of the following transformation

sinh(ct/) + cosh(ct/) cos
t = ln q , sin = cosh(ct/) sin .
c 1 cosh2 (ct/) sin2
Singularity theorems 4

Note that, in this transformation, the barred coordinates are restricted by

cosh2 (ct/) sin2 < 1, a restriction which is not necessary in the solution by itself. Thus,
the second solution provides effectively an extension of the original de Sitter solution. It
is important to realize that, while the original de Sitter solution is independent of time
t (and therefore it is static), the extended solution depends explicitly on time t and it is
not globally static. One way to see the effect of this property, which is enlightening for
later considerations, is to check that the area of the round spheres defined by constant
values of t and is given by 42 cosh2 (ct/) sin2 . One may be tempted to use this
expression as a new coordinate by calling it 4r2 say, but: will r be a space, or rather
a time, coordinate? To answer this question one computes the gradient of the function
r and checks its causal character. It is easily seen that this gradient is spacelike in
the region cosh2 (ct/) sin2 < 1 (the original de Sitter one), while it is timelike when
cosh2 (ct/) sin2 > 1. Therefore, in this last region, the area of the round spheres is
strictly increasing (or decreasing) towards the future, as r is a time coordinate.
We had to wait until Penrose found a deeper significance and a discerning
interpretation of this kind of behavior in his milestone paper [248].

2.2. Lematre: big bang models and an extension of Schwarzschilds solution

In 1927 Lematre [212] constructed a model that combined Einstein static and de Sitter
universes in the sense that it approached the former at large past times and the latter
in future distant times. In this way he provided an explanation for the observed
galactic (or nebulosae) redshift based on GR. Then, in an outstanding and insightful
paper [213], he constructed a general solution of the field equations (1) for dust and
spherical symmetry (today known as the Lematre-Tolman model [199]) and found many
interesting results including the instability of Einstein static universe, in particular,
an ubiquitous initial singularity of Friedman creation-time type for expanding models
capable of explaining the observed cosmological redshifts. Thus, the singularity was
there again. Of course, this singular behaviour could be due to an excess of symmetry
(spherical) which, as exact, would not be realistic. Very remarkably he gave up spherical
symmetry and studied the spatially homogeneous but anisotropic models that today we
call Bianchi I models [267, 293]. The conclusion was unambiguous: the singularity is
still there, anisotropy can no more prevent the vanishing of space [213].
In the very same excellent paper [213], Lematre proved, and unequivocally
understood, the non-singular nature of the Schwarzschild event horizon along the same
lines of what had happened with de Sitter space-time and its extensions. He managed
to write the general solution of the spherically symmetric vacuum field equations (1) as
2 2 2 2 2 2
ds = c dt + + r c d + r2 d2
r 3

where r3 = sinh2 [3c(t )/2], with a constant and as above. As one can see, this
solution is singular only at r = 0 (for positive and non-negative ), thus removing the
Singularity theorems 5

then called Schwarzschild singularity. He then found an explicit change of coordinates

bringing the previous line-element into the standard Kottler form [198]
2 2 2 2 2
ds = 1 r c dt + 1 r dr2 + r2 d2 . (3)
r 3 r 3
Recall that Schwarzschild had found the general solution of Einstein vacuum equations
without in [275], which can be written in standard coordinates as (3) with = 0
[275, 93]. There appeared a distinguished worrying hypersurface r = , which is actually
similar to the region = /2 in de Sitter space-time analyzed above. Therefore, the
metric found by Lematre is an explicit regular extension of the Schwarzschild solution
that includes regions beyond r = . In [213] he distinctly remarked that the problem
was due to the assumption of the entire spherically symmetric world being static:
We show that the [r = ] singularity of the Schwarzschild exterior is an
apparent singularity due to the fact that one has imposed a static solution and
that it can be eliminated by a change of coordinates.
And later
The [r = ] singularity of the Schwarzschild field is thus a fictitious
singularity, analogous to that which appears at the horizon of the centre in
the original form of the de Sitter universe.
The question of why, after the resolution of the de Sitter and Schwarzschild horizons, the
confusion about the latter went on for almost another 40 years see e.g. the excellent
reviews in [305, 188] is a mysterious story. Actually, Eddington had found another
extension (what we would call today its Kerr-Schild form) in 1924 [94]. This is the basis
of what was later called the Eddington-Finkelstein extension [111] explicitly used for
the illustrated discussion in our milestone paper [248] and then the maximal Kruskal
extension [205]. As clearly discussed in [239] where the so-called R-and T -regions were
introduced, all extensions require giving up staticity if regions with r < are to be
included, where 4r2 is the area of the preferred round spheres. These extensions show
that there is something unusual going on with the round spheres in the r < -regions
because their area function 4r2 can be seen as a timelike coordinate there, as mentioned
above in the de Sitter case.
It is interesting to notice that Lematre wanted to solve an apparent contradiction
between the spherically symmetric Friedmans solutions, where the area of the round
spheres can become as small as desired, and the existence of a minimum value for such
an area if one is to accept the r > restriction of the static Schwarzschild solution
because then a mass such as that of the Universe [could] not have a radius less than
one billion light years ([213], p.643 of the english translation). There is a discussion
in [103] putting forward the view that this line of reasoning was seminal to the later
Oppenheimer-Snyder models, next subsection 2.3.
Singularity theorems 6

2.3. The Oppenheimer-Snyder model

The previous discussion indicates that singularities in the past of our world appeared in
the simplest models of the classical GR theory if the Universe is expanding everywhere.
One could consider a sort of time-reversal of this situation: what happens in contracting
worlds? This turned out to be of enormous relevance for the study of compact stars, since
in 1931 Chandrasekhar unexpectedly found an upper mass limit for white dwarf stars
in equilibrium, even when taking into account the quantum effects [53]. This implied
that stars with a larger mass will inevitably collapse. Then, the question of massive
neutron cores (or stars) was addressed in [242] by using a cold Fermi gas equation of
state and GR. They found another mass limit for equilibrium and concluded that, even
allowing for deviations from the Fermi equation of state, a massive enough neutron star
will contract indefinitely never reaching equilibrium again.
This prompted Oppenheimer and Snyder to consider the solutions of the field
equations (1) that described such physical processes [241]. They proved using general
arguments that, in spherical symmetry, values of r = would eventually be reached,
that light emitted from the star would be more and more redshifted for external observers
who would only see the star approach r asymptotically, and that the entire
process will last a finite amount of time for observers comoving with the stellar matter.
They then constructed an explicit analytical model which, in modern language, consists
of a portion of the Friedman closed model (2) for dust (with = 0 and a < 0) matched
with the Schwarzschild solution at the timelike hypersurface defined by = 0 < /2
on the interior side and correspondingly by a hypersurface ruled by timelike geodesics
and r = a(t) sin 0 on the vacuum side proving that the junction requires

= A sin3 0 .

Hence, (i) the Schwarzschild surface r = was indeed crossable by innocuous models
containing realistic matter such as dust; and (ii) a careful analysis of the model shows
that the star will end up in a catastrophic singularity where a(t) 0 and therefore
space vanishes again.
What did Einstein think about the singularities and all the previous results? Well,
it is hard to tell, obviously, but it seems that he and the orthodoxy simply dismissed
the known singularities as either a mathematical artifact due to the spherical symmetry,
or as unattainable effects beyond the feasibility of the physical world. In the same 1939
Einstein, seemingly unaware of [241]k, proved that the Schwarzschild singularity is not
physically realizable [98] by considering a statistical distribution of particles moving in
circular orbits due to its own (spherically symmetric) gravitational field. He concluded
that r cannot be reached for the reason that matter cannot be concentrated
arbitrarily as otherwise the constituting particles would reach the speed of light and
he conjectured that this behaviour will be exhibited in all cases. Then, in [101] he treated
k [241] was published in september, before [98] (october). However, Einsteins paper was submitted
before (may vs. july).
Singularity theorems 7

the problem of the influence of the universal expansion in local gravity fields and came
up with a solution widely known as the Einstein-Straus vacuole, which is the basis of the
Swiss-cheese models, by matching an interior Schwarzschild static cavity to an external
Friedman-Lematre expanding universe for a recent review, see [227]. Ironically, this is
precisely the same matching as that in [241] for closed universes and in time reversal.
Whenever two portions of given spacetimes are matched across corresponding proper
hypersurfaces, the two discarded pieces in the given spacetimes also automatically match
with exactly the same conditions: these are called complementary matchings, see
e.g. [108]. Accordingly, the Einstein-Straus model, when contemplated in its full past
evolution, leads to a singularity and to regions with r < in the vacuum part of the
In summary, even though infinite values of physical observables must not be
accepted in physical reality, one must be prepared to probe the limits of any particular
theory, but this was reluctantly done in GR before 1955 despite many important
indications that this was needed. A new generation of less prejudiced physicists and
mathematicians was about to enter into play to take the question of the singularities
seriously within the GR theory. As a final remark of historical importance and scientific
relevance, let us mention that Godel wrote his famous paper [157] with the solution
named after him in a volume dedicated to Einsteins 70th birthday. It is a totally
vicious solution of the field equations (1), meaning that there are closed timelike curves
passing through every point of the manifold [52, 282]. Nevertheless, Godels space-time
is geodesically complete, free of singularities, and rotating. He studied in further depth
the case of rotating universes in a second paper [158]. These papers are considered
[305] the genesis of many of the necessary techniques used in the path to the singularity
theorems, specially concerning causality theory and actions of Lie groups on the space-
time, see [104]. It may have also influenced Raychaudhuri in the formulation of his
fundamentally important equation, see next section.

3. From 1955 to 1965

Einstein died on 18th April 1955 and, coincidentally, less than one month later a new
era started for GR with the publication of Raychadhuris paper containing the first ever
singularity theorem [259]. In this remarkable paper, he included a primitive form of
the equation named after him, which is the basis of later developments and of all the
singularity theorems, see subsection 5.1.
The Raychaudhuri equation can be readily derived from the Ricci identity for a
vector field u
( )u = R u
by contracting with and then with u , leading to

u u u u = R u u
Singularity theorems 8

and then reorganizing by parts the first summand on the left-hand side:
u u + u u (u u ) + R u u = 0. (4)
Nothing deep or mysterious here: Raychaudhuris contribution was to understand the
deep physical implications of this simple geometrical relation. To start with, note that
if u defines a (affinely parametrized) geodesic vector field, then u u = 0 and the
third term in (4) vanishes. The second term can be rewritten by splitting

u = ( u) + [ u] S + A

into its symmetric S and antisymmetric A parts, so that

u u = S S A A .

A one-form u is proportional to an exact differential u f defining thereby

orthogonal hypersurfaces f =const. if and only if A = 0. Moreover, assuming that
u is either null or timelike normalized, so that u u = 0 or 1, both S S and
A A are non-negative. Consequently, for hypersurface-orthogonal geodesic time-like
or null vector fields u , one has

u u = S S R u u ,

ergo the sign of the derivative of the divergence or expansion

u = S (5)
along the geodesic congruence is determined by that of R u u . If the latter is non-
negative, the former is non-positive. In particular, if is negative (positive) at some
point and R u u 0 it follows that will reach an infinite negative value in finite
affine parameter to the future (past) unless all the quantities are zero everywhere.
If (a timelike) u describes the motion of a fluid moving along these geodesics, then a
physical singularity develops, since the mean volume decreases and the density of the
fluid will become unbounded, see subsection 3.1. This was the situation treated in [259]
for the case of irrotational dust.
In general, though, no singularity but rather a caustic along the flow lines of the
congruence defined by u is formed. This property is usually called the focusing effect
on causal geodesics. For this to take place one needs the condition
R u u 0 (6)
which is a geometric condition independent of the particular theory. (6) is called the
timelike (respectively null) convergence condition when valid for timelike (resp. null)
vector fields. In GR, of course, one can relate the Ricci tensor to T via (1) and
thereby condition (6) can be rewritten in terms of physical quantities. This is why in
the standard literature (6) is many times called the strong energy condition in the case
with = 0 [173], see subsection 5.1.1 for a discussion.
Singularity theorems 9

3.1. The Raychaudhuri and Komar singularity theorems

The main result found in [259] can be stated as a singularity theorem for irrotational
dust. This was almost immediately generalized, independently, by Komar to the general
situation of fluids [197, 260]. Komars paper contained basically the same ideas but the
concept of an energy condition on T such as (6) when (1) is taken into account was
introduced. Assuming that matter moves along a geodesic and hypersurface orthogonal
timelike vector field u a matter singularity can be obtained under some physically
interesting circumstances. In modern terms the theorem can be stated as (Theorem 5.1
in [282]):
Theorem 1 (Raychaudhuri and Komar). Assume = 0 and a perfect-fluid energy-
momentum tensor
T = %u u + p(g + u u ), u u = 1 (7)
whose velocity vector field u is geodesic and irrotational. If the expansion (5) is positive
(resp. negative) at an instant of time and (6) holds, then the energy density % of the
fluid diverges in the finite past (future) along every integral curve of u .
The notion of an instant of time is meaningful here: as u is geodesic and
hypersurface-orthogonal we have u = , where is a natural time coordinate
for the fluid, and the assumption reads simply |0 > 0 (or < 0). The key assumption
in Theorem 1 is the absence of acceleration and rotation, from where we learn that
acceleration (or rotation) of matter becomes necessary to avoid singularities. This is
physically reasonable for (i) acceleration is directly related to the existence of gradients
of pressure, which are forces opposing gravitational attraction in general fluids; and (ii)
Godels revolutionary papers [157, 158] proved that rotation could prevent the formation
of singularities. This is also supported by Newtonian cosmologies, in which rotation
prevents the appearance of matter singularities, see, e.g., [267] and references therein.
Theorem 1 has one virtue that, as we will see in subsection 5.1, will be lost in the
more advanced singularity theorems: it predicts that the singularity means a divergence
of the energy density, and it says where to locate it.
Approaching 1965, there were more singularity theorems based on equation (4),
mainly dealing with spatially homogeneous (Bianchi) cosmologies [289, 171, 216, 217].
In particular, [216, 217] were the basis for the later much studied BKL conjecture [20, 21],
see subsection 6.3.
To finish this section, we would like to remark that in 1963 Kerr also discovered the
first solution for a spinning mass [195] later to become the unique metric of uncharged
black holes [263, 180].

4. The 1965 theorem, its implications and relevance

The focusing effect predicted by the Raychaudhuri equation (4) on causal geodesics
emitted orthogonally from co-dimension 1 (in the case of hypersurface-orthogonal
Singularity theorems 10

timelike unit vector fields u ) or from co-dimension 2 (null vector field case)
submanifolds became a fundamental ingredient to derive the powerful singularity
theorems. Nevertheless, as remarked above, this focusing by itself does not lead to
singularities in general. As a trivial example, observe that flat spacetime satisfies
condition (6) trivially, but it has no singularities: the focusing effect simply leads to
focal points or caustics of the geodesic congruences.
One therefore needs to combine the focusing of geodesics with other reasonable
ingredients. In this respect, the key turning point was the 1965 singularity theorem
[248]. As stated in the introduction of [248], Penrose wanted to prove that deviations
from spherical symmetry were not able to prevent the formation of singularities, such
as those described in the Oppenheimer-Snyder collapse, within the GR theory. Recall
that there was a previous result by Lematre in this direction, but it still needed a
lot of symmetry (spatial homogeneity); work in [92] also led to the conclusion that
irregularities in non-spherical collapse were somehow suppressed by physical processes
leading to a picture very similar to that of [241]. To achieve his goal, Penrose brought
in the idea of incompleteness to describe singular spacetimes (subsection 4.1), and he
introduced the notion of closed trapped surface for the first time, a major conceptual
contribution to the physics of the gravitational field (subsection 4.2). Before discussing
these two fundamental ideas let us present a modern version of Penroses theorem.
Theorem 2 (Penrose singularity theorem). If the space-time contains a non-compact
Cauchy hypersurface and a closed future-trapped surface, and if the convergence
condition (6) holds for null u , then there are future incomplete null geodesics.
For a proof of the theorem one can consult many references apart from [248], e.g.
[173, 251, 282, 202, 16, 240, 316].
A Cauchy hypersurface [173, 148, 251, 316] is an instant of time that provides
good initial value conditions for the entire space-time. More precisely, it is an achronal
hypersurface which is met once and only once by all causal endless curves (actually
this follows if it is traversed by all endless null geodesics, [148]). This is the pertinent
property for the proof of theorem 2, but there are other implications of the existence of a
Cauchy hypersurface which will be essential for later singularity theorems, namely, that
this is equivalent to the space-time being globally hyperbolic [214], and the existence
of maximal geodesics between any two causally related points, see subsection 5.1.2 for
details. If there is a Cauchy hypersurface , then the space-time as a manifold is a
product R, all slices {t} being diffeomorphic Cauchy hypersurfaces [148, 279, 32].
The presence of a Cauchy hypersurface is not guaranteed as was shown by Penrose in
another influential paper [247] published almost simultaneously with [248] where
he discovered that plane waves in GR do not admit Cauchy hypersurfaces. Whether
or not physically realistic spacetimes are globally hyperbolic is related to the so-called
strong cosmic censorship conjecture, see subsection 6.1.
The strategy of the sketched proof presented in [248] was to assume that null
geodesics were complete, proving that then the boundary of the future of the closed
Singularity theorems 11

trapped surface is compact. To do that one uses the focusing of null geodesics emanating
orthogonally from the surface as follows from (4). But this boundary is actually an
imbedded submanifold (without boundary!) [173, 251], while its canonical projection
to would have to have a boundary as is non-compact. Therefore, as argued in
[248], one must choose among one of the following possibilities: (6) is violated for null
vectors, or the concept of space-time loses its meaning at extreme conditions (maybe
quantum effects), or some null geodesics are not complete. Actually, these may all be
Next, we discuss the idea of incompleteness, which under the influence of [248]
eventually became the standard definition of a singularity in GR.

4.1. What is a singularity?

The problem of how to define a singularity in General Relativity was very difficult indeed,
see [147, 267]. Intuitively, one expects that divergences of any physical or geometrical
quantity would be a characteristic feature of singularities. However, there are problems
of several kinds:
(i) singularities do not belong to the space-time which is by definition constituted of
regular points.
(ii) characterizing the singularities with misbehaviors of the curvature tensors may run
into problems, as they may depend on a bad choice of basis [106],
(iii) even if one uses only curvature invariants independent of the bases it can
happen that all of them vanish and still there are singularities.
(iv) sometimes, singularities arise due to bad properties of the tangent bundle, for
instance in conical singularities the main problem is a lack of independent tangent
directions [106, 312]
(v) there are other known, more pathological, examples of spacetimes with vanishing
curvature and incomplete geodesics [232, 231]
(vi) sometimes there appear directional singularities, defined as limit points towards
which the curvature tensor blows up along some, but not along other, directions
[292, 143, 182, 276]
These complications led to an elaborated classification of possible singularities arising
from the curvature tensors [106].
On the other hand, incomplete physical curves may help here. Curves are very
good pointers, and using curves one employes objects that belong to the space-time
exclusively. One can imagine the fate of a courageous traveler (his/her worldline is a
casual curve in the space-time) approaching a singularity: he/she will disappear from
our world in a finite time. The time-reversal situation will describe the creation of
Penrose used an equation from [234] and did not refer to Raychaudhuris equation. However, in
his previous paper [247] he acknowledges that this effect is essentially the same phenomenon as that
discovered in [259, 197], applied to null rather than timelike geodesics.
Singularity theorems 12

the Universe: things suddenly appeared from nowhere a finite time ago. It seems thus
sensible to diagnose the existence of singularities whenever there are (hypothetical)
travelers which disappear, or materialize, abruptly.

A singularity in a Lorentzian manifold is an incomplete endless curve.

These curves cannot be continued regularly within the space-time despite they reach
only finite values of their canonical parameter. All singularity theorems after [248]
prove merely the existence of geodesic incompleteness, which of course is a sufficient
condition for singular spacetimes according to the definition. Nevertheless, there are
known examples [147, 15] of geodesically complete space-times with incomplete time-
like curves of everywhere bounded acceleration, ergo singular too. As far as we know,
there is no known singularity theorem proving the existence of a geodesically complete
singular space-time of this type.
What is the relation between geodesic incompleteness and curvature misbehavior,
if any? On can actually prove limits on the curvature growth for maximal geodesics
[301, 194, 235, 295]. The main result is that, along a causal incomplete geodesic with
tangent vector v , R v v computed in a parallel propagated basis cannot grow
faster, in modulus, than ( )2 when approaching the singularity at = , where
is an affine parameter (proper time for timelike geodesics) along the geodesic. It is
certainly curious that one can put a limit on the curvature growth when approaching
the end of an incomplete geodesic predicted by the theorems, but one does not know
whether the curvature will diverge at all! However, some results pointing towards a
curvature divergence can be found in [67, 68, 69, 71, 72, 299, 305].

4.2. The key concept of closed trapped surface

In Newtonian gravitation there is the important concept of escape velocity, providing the
necessary initial condition for a small object to abandon a gravitational field eventually
reaching infinity. Thus, a good indication of a very strong gravitational field would be
a very large escape velocity say close to that of light. In GR things are much more
complicated, as one would expect. Strong gravitational fields can distort the paths
of light immensely. Penrose cleverly invented an appropriate notion, closed trapped
surfaces, capturing this intuitive but maybe vague idea of possibility of getting away
from a gravity field.
As introduced in [248], a closed trapped surface is a two-dimensional imbedded
submanifold S (surface), compact without boundary (closed), such that the two
families of light rays emerging orthogonally from S towards the future converge initially
(trapped). An intuitive picture of this idea is presented in figure 1. Locally, the two
family of light rays can be mathematically represented by a pair of future-directed affine-

parametrized geodesic null vector fields k , and the infinitesimal variation of the area

of S is measured by the respective expansions (5): = k . These are defined up
Singularity theorems 13







Stationary spacetime Contracting spacetime

Figure 1. Intuitive explanation of the concept of a closed future trapped surface, one
dimension suppresed. Time is running upwards as shown. In the stationary situation
(left), the original sphere represented in the t = t0 slice as a yellow circle sends light
signals in the radial out- and in-going directions. These flashes form two new spheres
after an infinitesimal time dt, as represented by the red (ingoing) and blue (outgoing)
circles. The area of the former (latter) is smaller (larger) than the area of the orginal
surface, which remains constant with time t. However, if the universe is contracting,
as shown on the right, both the blue and red surfaces can have areas smaller than
that of the original surface at the initial time. In this case, the surface is said to be
future trapped. The limit case where the blue surface has precisely the area of the
original surface at the initial time is termed marginally future trapped. (Reproduced
from [287])

to multiplicative factors, but only their signs are relevant here. Thus, a closed future-
trapped surface has
+ < 0, < 0. (8)
There is a dual definition of past-trapped surface replacing future by past or,

equivalently, keeping the future-pointing k but reversing the signs in (8).
The notion of trapped surface is independent of the coordinates and of the existence
of symmetries such as spherical or the axial symmetry present in Kerrs solution
[195, 293, 173]. Importantly, it is defined by using inequalities (8), so that trapped
surfaces remain stable under small perturbations; this can be made mathematically
precise within the space of Lorentzian metrics [215]. It is therefore a general concept
devised to represent finite regions (the interior of the surface) which are somehow
instantaneously fully confined by a gravitational field.
It is easy to check that (8) is precisely the mathematical condition which generalizes
the timelike character of the gradient of 4r2 as it appeared in the earlier extensions
of de Sitter and of Schwarzschild spacetimes (for r < ), as discussed above. For, if
Singularity theorems 14

the gradient of r (which measures the instantaneous variation of area) is timelike, its
scalar product with a future-pointing null vector is negative (if dr is future), or positive
(if dr is past). But these scalar products are proportional to the expansions . In
other words, condition (8) is equivalent to dr being timelike future (and past for the
reversed signs). Observe that actually this means that that the scalar product of dr with
any future-pointing vector has the corresponding sign. Hence, a future (past) trapped
surface has an area that is initially decreasing along any possible future (past) direction.
Two important remarks:
the one-form dr (gradient of area), and its causal character, emerges as the
key object to define the trapping of surfaces in known situations with spherical
symmetry. We will see that this can be readily generalized, and the correct
mathematical vector to be used is simply the mean curvature vector of S
[202, 228, 240].
From the discussion on de Sitter and Schwarzschild extensions in section 2, and from
the above definition and intuitive picture of closed trapped surfaces, one realizes
that stationary regions cannot accommodate them. This is actually a general result,
see [228].
The idea of closed trapped surface and its applications will be analyzed in deeper detail,
with a more up-to-date perspective, in subsection 7.2.

5. After 1965: immediate impact of the theorem

Penroses singularity theorem shook the GR community. Its impact was ample, profound
and straightaway, see [105, 305].
A few months after [248] was published, Hawking [164] realized that closed trapped
surfaces, in its past version, will be present in any expanding Universe close to be
spatially homogeneous and isotropic. This started a series of papers by him, Ellis,
Geroch and others on the question of the inevitability of an initial singularity in our
past if GR is assumed to hold and some reasonable conditions are met. Papers were
even published in the same issue and consecutively, such as [165, 144].
In [166, 167, 168] Hawking developed new ideas which despite some initial
inaccuracies [305], when combined with those put forward in [248], formed the
nucleus of the modern singularity theorems. In particular he borrowed from Riemannian
geometry the concept of focal and conjugate points (essentially, these are the caustics
predicted by (4)) and their significance explained by means of the first and second
variation of the length integral [166]: the outcome is that a timelike curve from a point
(respectively from a spacelike hypersurface ) maximizes the arc-length if and only if
it is a geodesic (orthogonal to ), without corners and without conjugate (resp. focal)
points, see [16, 240, 173, 202, 282, 316]. Similar results, adequately adapted, hold
for null geodesics from a point, or orthogonal to a spacelike surface. A theorem was
proven by assuming a Cauchy hypersurface , letting u be the unit geodesic vector field
Singularity theorems 15

orthogonal to on , and assuming that its expansion (5) is bounded from below by
a positive constant. The Raychaudhuri equation leads then to all the geodesics tangent
to u having a finite length to the past, ergo the singularity [166, 173, 282]. This mainly
applied for non-compact , the compact case was treated in [167]. In [168] the previous
theorem was improved and another theorem was found by assuming the existence of a
point with re-converging light cones towards the past [168]. This is much better adapted
to what we know about the Universe (no need to assume an everywhere expanding slice),
and the theorem was used in an important article [172] to show that a combination of
the two 1965 breakthroughs cosmic background radiation and singularity theorems
gave strong indication that a singularity in our past was inevitable if one is to assume
GR and condition (6) holds everywhere.
Many other physical and mathematical developments were catalyzed by [248] and
the papers cited in the previous paragraph. For instance, in [89] the recurrent idea
of whether or not a quantum theory of gravity can extend solutions of classical GR
beyond the singularities was analyzed for the first time. Furthermore, the theory of
causality, and of causality conditions, was developed and has become an integral part
of GR. The foundations were established in [204] for an abstract analysis of causal
spaces, then the stable causality condition and time functions were introduced in [169],
the relation between the topology of spatial sections and causality studied in [145], the
basic properties of domain of dependence and global hyperbolicity given in [148], and a
comprehensive summary provided in [52], see also [149]. Updated reviews are [139, 230].
Another important ramification from the ideas behind the singularity theorems was
the standard theory of black holes [170]. It all started with another forceful paper by
Penrose [245] where the fecund idea of conformal infinity was put forward, leading to a
definition of (weak) asymptotic flatness [249] and thereby to the notion of event horizon:
the boundary of the past of future null infinity, see [149, 173, 251, 255, 256] and for a
recent review of conformal infinity [119].
Eventually, a considerable improvement in the understanding of the conditions
under which a space-time must be singular was accomplished by Hawking and
Penrose [174] in what is still considered the preeminent singularity theorem. Later,
excellent condensations of the techniques and results behind the theorems, with lengthy
enlightening discussions, were given in [173, 251]. The Hawking-Penrose result is based
on the fundamental observation that the following three things are incompatible:
every endless causal geodesic has conjugate points
there are no closed timelike curves
there is a set whose future (or past) has a compact boundary
These last sets are called trapped sets in the literature [173, 174, 282], but they are
not to be confused with trapped surfaces. The concept of trapped surface is local, there
is no need to know the structure of its future or past. However, one can prove, following
the ideas in [248], that a closed trapped surface will become a trapped set whenever the
space-time possesses complete null geodesics [16, 282]. The same can be said of points
Singularity theorems 16

with reconverging light cones, and of compact imbedded hypersurfaces. To enforce the
first of the three conditions usually (6) is enough, but to avoid exceptional situations
one also needs to add the so-called generic condition:
u[ R][ u] u u 6= 0. (9)
For timelike u this can be written in the simpler form R u u 6= 0. Physically
this means that the tidal force felt by causal curves will not always and everywhere be
aligned with their tangent vectors. Of course, there are spacetimes where this condition
will not hold, but they are very special indeed, see subsection 5.1.1.
As a corollary one has the theorem
Theorem 3 (Hawking and Penrose). If the convergence (6) and generic (9) conditions
hold for causal vectors, there are no closed timelike curves and there exists at least one
of the following:
a closed achronal imbedded hypersurface
a closed trapped surface,
a point with re-converging light cone
then the space-time has incomplete causal geodesics.
Even though originally proven in 4-dimensional spacetimes, Theorem 3 actually
holds in arbitrary dimension in which case the closed trapped surface is a co-dimension
two trapped submaniolfd.
In the next subsection we present an assessment of this and other classical
singularity theorems, the ideas behind their proofs, and a discussion of their

5.1. Classical singularity theorems

Since the publication of [248, 174] there have been many papers proving singularity
theorems, mainly trying to relax the assumptions, to refine their conclusions and/or
to enhance their possible physical implications. Letting aside some subtleties, they are
usually interpreted as providing evidence of the (classical) singular beginning of the
Universe and of the singular final fate of massive compact stars. A more up-to-date
perspective would rather state that they provide very solid evidence of the need of
(possibly quantum) corrections to GR when extreme gravity effects occur.
Some selected improved theorems are:
adding alternatives to the trapped sets in theorem 3 and some topological
considerations for the case of non-simply connected space-times [136, 137, 210]
relaxing (6) to some milder averaged condition along geodesics, e.g. [303, 54, 40,
related to the previous, theorems which allow for the violation of (6) to
accommodate inflationary models [41, 43, 44, 45] (more on this in section 8)
Singularity theorems 17

quantifying somehow the curvature growth along incomplete geodesics and proving
the existence of a maximal incomplete geodesic, that is, one maximizing proper
time between any two of its points [295, 194]
weakening the causality assumption that forbids closed timelike curves [300, 302].
This work was later improved in [200] assuming that the boundary of the set of
points where there are closed causal curves is compact, see also [201]. A further
improvement was found in [221], which contains all previous results
using conformal embeddings of the space-time into larger ones fulfilling the
necessary assumptions [207] and other kind of envelopments [9]
Theorems specially tailored for some specific situations, such as singularities in
colliding plane waves [304], see [162] for a complete review.
Theorems independent of (1), just assuming a metric connection and appropriate
conditions such as (6), e.g. [218, 291]. This is related to the study of singularity
theorems in alternative theories, mainly based on rewriting the field equations in
Einstein form (1) with an effective energy-momentum tensor, see [127].
There will be more modern singularity theorems discussed in section 8.
Such a diversity of theorems do not have to cause too much concern to the reader.
To understand their main implications and applications one can use an appropriate
pattern theorem because, as argued in [282, 288], they all share the same structural
framework as condensed in the following
Theorem 4 (Pattern Singularity Theorem). If a space-time of sufficient differentiability
(i) a condition on the curvature
(ii) a causality condition
(iii) and an appropriate initial and/or boundary condition
then it contains endless but incomplete causal geodesics.
The assumption of sufficient differentiability is often ignored despite its
mathematical and physical relevance. The singularity theorems hold if the metric g is
twice differentiable with continuity. A breakdown of such differentiability is not a true
singularity, specially if the first derivatives of g satisfy the Lipshitz condition. Recall
that the entire metric of finite objects (stars or galaxies) is usually split into two different
regions matched together at the surface of the body such that the g cannot be twice
differentiable in GR: a jump in the matter density from the interior to the exterior is
directly related to the discontinuity of the second derivatives of g via equations (1). As
an example, the Oppenheimer-Snyder collapsing model (or its complementary Einstein-
Straus vacuole) can not have a twice differentiable metric. Hence, this assumption is
restrictive from a physical viewpoint, as actually realized, and briefly discussed, in [173],
see also [69, 71]. A list of the very many places where the differentiability assumption
is used to prove the singularity theorems can be found in [282].
Singularity theorems 18

5.1.1. The condition on the curvature All singularity theorems necessitate a condition
involving the Riemann tensor R . These are usually presented under the names of
energy and/or generic conditions but, as explained in formula (6), this assumption
is of a geometric nature. Mostly, the used conditions are (6) and (9) or appropriate
averaged versions thereof. The generic condition (9) is rarely violated, only in very
special or symmetric situations fails. An interesting example is provided by the Einstein
static universe: it contains trapped sets (compact slices, and points with reconverging
light cones), satisfies (6) and is globally hyperbolic, yet it is geodesically complete.
Condition (6) can be re-expressed using (1), but only in GR. However, (6) depends
then on the sign of and today we know that > 0, just the wrong sign for the
theorems. Alternative or more general theories of gravity retain the theorems, but
their formulation in terms of energy conditions depends on the field equations of the
particular theory.
Even in GR and independently of the curvature assumption does not always hold
[173, 282] classically, such as for scalar fields and other realistic type of matter. Actually,
inflationary cosmological models violate it. Notice, however, that as discussed in the
previous list of improved theorems, some of them deal successfully with this problem.
For a wider discussion on energy conditions see [314], in relation with the theorems
[282], and for a more recent perspective [76].
The curvature condition enforces the geodesic focusing via the Raychaudhuri
equation (4), and thereby is absolutely indispensable.

5.1.2. The causality condition The causality condition is used in two respects:
to prevent the possibility of traveling to ones own past
to ensure the existence of geodesics of maximal proper time between events
The first of these is not superfluous since Godels space-time contains closed time-like
lines, but also reconverging light cones [41] (and minimal surfaces [237, 41, 202, 228]),
still all its geodesics are complete. As mentioned above, this part of the assumption
can be substantially relaxed: it is enough that a region without closed timelike curves
is causally separated from the set of points in such curves, see [221].
The second point is more important, and is related to the existence of Cauchy
hypersurfaces. These do not have to exist in general spacetimes. Nevertheless, in a
majority of situations there will be partial Cauchy hypersurfaces: slices adapted to give
initial conditions which fully determine the space-time in their domain of dependence
[148, 251, 173], These domains may not be the entire space-time but they are, by
themselves, globally hyperbolic spacetimes. The proofs of the theorem always use
such globally hyperbolic portions due to the following fundamental property: global
hyperbolicity demands that the space of all causal curves between any two events is
compact [214]. This is equivalent to the property that the intersection of the past of
any point with the future of any other point is compact too. And then one can prove the
existence of geodesics maximizing proper time between any two points of the globally
Singularity theorems 19

hyperbolic portions of the space-time. The interesting fact here is that these maximal
geodesics cannot have focal/conjugate points (and their pencils cannot have caustics),
[251, 173, 16, 240]. And this is the essential property used in the theorems, as explained
in what follows.

5.1.3. The boundary/initial condition Recapitulating, from the curvature condition

one has focusing of all causal geodesics, ergo the existence of caustics and focal points
due to the focusing effect implied by the Raychaudhuri equation. Simultaneously, the
causality condition warrants the existence of geodesics of maximal proper time, hence
necessarily without focal points, joining pairs of events of the space-time.
A contradiction seems to twinkle if causal geodesics are complete. Despite
appearances, however, there is no such contradiction yet. The missing clue is that we
have not enforced a finite upper bound for the proper time of selected families of causal
geodesics. To get a contradiction with geodesic completeness one needs to add the
initial/boundary condition (positive expansion of slices, closed trapped surfaces, etc.).
This is why it took some time to understand how to combine the focusing effect with the
existence of geodesics maximizing the arc-length to get geodesic incompleteness. The
imaginative notion of closed trapped surface introduced in [248] later generalized to
compact slices and points with reconverging light cones eventually closed the gap.
Geodesic incompleteness cannot be proven without the initial/boundary condition.
There exist globally hyperbolic spacetimes, satisfying the strict inequality (6) for
all causal vectors, with everywhere expanding Cauchy hypersurfaces, but free of
singularities [280, 220]. In these examples all geodesics are complete. They can avoid the
conclusions of the singularity theorems because the initial/boundary condition simply
fails [55], and therefore there is no finite bound for the maximal proper times. The
focussing effect takes place fully, and at the same time there are maximal timelike
geodesics, without focal points, between any two causally related events. For further
details see [282, 285].
Accordingly, the initial/boundary condition is absolutely essential in the theorems.
Whether or not the initial or boundary condition is satisfied by actual physical
systems is debatable. We will probably never know if the entire Universe not only
the observable one is spatially finite, or strictly expanding now. Thus, the formation
of closed trapped surfaces in the collapse of physical systems given some realistic initial
conditions has become the main area of research to elucidate this question, see end of
subsection 7.2. One can also follow a similar program, towards the past, in the case of
the expansing Universe. Of course, the formation of closed trapped surfaces may depend
critically on the given initial conditions, so that this is an area of active research and
great relevance in numerical and mathematical relativity now, see section 6.

5.1.4. Ideas behind the proofs The geometrical basis for the proofs have been implicitly
discussed in the previous paragraphs. From a physical point of view, the proofs of
the main theorems 2, 3 and their improvements can be understood, schematically, as
Singularity theorems 20

explicated next. The boundary/initial condition provides us with a set bound to become a
trapped set (remember that a trapped set has a future (or past) with compact boundary).
One of two things will happen: either the set actually becomes a trapped set, or not. In
the last possibility the failure to become a trapped set implies a failure of completeness,
whence the singularity. In the former case, one may consider the whole future of the
compact boundary of the future of the initial set. This is actually a future Cauchy
development, which may describe the entire future or not, in the second case one knows
that the boundary of this domain is non-compact. The only way that this can happen
is by having endless geodesics which never reach this future boundary. Therefore, there
are some geodesics that either reach a singularity or go out to infinity.
In the last possibility the geodesic reaching infinity will have a particle horizon
(boundary of its entire past) which is compact or reaches a singularity. The reasoning
proceeds then as before but to the past. If again we end up with a geodesic that comes
from infinity, its combination with the first one produces the possibility of travelling
indefinitely from the past to the future, remaining within a finite spatial region and
avoiding the focusing effect. But this is not possible if (6) or its averaged versions hold.
One can extract the following conclusion: under appropriate curvature conditions,
GR favours incomplete geodesics versus trapped sets. Sometimes, this is a kind of a
mystery, for the incomplete geodesics arise even in completely empty spacetimes. Notice
that the intuitive idea that singularities must have something to do with the existence
of concentrated matter is then lost. A particular illustrative case of this situation is
given by colliding wave spacetimes [162, 304], which only contain pure gravitational
waves without matter, including realistic cases without plane symmetry and finite wave
profiles [323]. One may try to argue, perhaps, that there is a lot of gravitational energy
localized in extremely small regions in this case.

5.1.5. The conclusion of the theorems The weakest point of the singularity theorems is
their conclusions. In most cases this is very mild, as it can be a mere localized singularity.
The theorems do not say anything, in general, about the situation, strength, extension
and character of the singularity. One cannot even know whether it is in the future
or past. All one knows is that there exists, at least, one incomplete causal geodesic.
Nevertheless, there are some results proving that the incomplete geodesics predicted by
the theorems lead to singularities that, in general, if they are essential and not very
specialized [67, 68, 69], will indicate a divergence of the curvature, see for instance
[67, 68, 69, 71, 72, 299, 305].
Singularity theorems 21

6. Observational consequences: cosmic censorship, critical phenomena,

BKL conjecture, etc.

6.1. Cosmic censorship

What are the observational consequences of the singularity theorems? The answer to
this question depends on another question: can we see singularities? The Schwarzschild
spacetime (3) with = 0 contains a singularity; but it is inside the black hole event
horizon r = , and is therefore not visible to observers outside the black hole. Even for
observers inside the black hole, the singularity is always towards their future, and the
observer cannot see the singularity before encountering it. This leads to the question
of whether gravitational collapse produces singularities that are like the singularity
of Schwarzschild in these respects [253], that is, are the singularities produced in
gravitational collapse hidden inside black hole event horizons? (weak cosmic censorship)
and are singularities non-timelike? (strong cosmic censorship). The issue of cosmic
censorship is sometimes viewed as one of the consistency of the theory, in other words
that it would somehow be a disaster for general relativity if cosmic censorship were false.
However, this is probably not the right way to look at things for the following reason:
general relativity is itself an approximation obtained by ignoring the quantum nature
of the gravitational field. At sufficiently large spacetime curvature (such as would be
expected to occur near a spacetime singularity) this approximation breaks down. Thus
we will need quantum gravity to understand the true nature of singularities. Cosmic
censorship can thus be viewed as the question of whether the effects of quantum gravity
are visible in the process of gravitational collapse, or more succinctly: do astrophysicists
need to know quantum gravity?
Ideally one would like to formulate cosmic censorship as a precise mathematical
conjecture and then find a proof or a counterexample. However, this turns out to be
quite difficult. Recall that ultimately one is interested in the astrophysical process of
gravitational collapse. Therefore an overly naive formulation of a cosmic censorship
conjecture might be vulnerable to what from the astrophysical point of view looks like
an artificial counterexample. For example one can easily produce naked singularities
[250, 252] simply by removing regions from Minkowski spacetime [150] or by collapsing
spherically symmetric dust. Rather than regard cosmic censorship as refuted by these
simple counterexamples, one refines the condition of the conjecture to rule out such
counterexamples. Of course, one could view this conjecture refining process as unfairly
making cosmic censorship invulnerable to refutation by larding on conditions (as one
eminent astrophysicist put it). Here the only (admittedly vague) response is that if faced
with an astrophysically realistic counterexample one should give up the fight rather
than add a condition to rule it out. For an extensive treatment (including a somewhat
precise version) of the weak cosmic censorship conjecture see [317].
One strategy to use with a conjecture is to search for a proof and also to search
for a counterexample. If a wide class of possible counterexamples can be shown to fail,
then this can be regarded as evidence for the probable truth of the conjecture. For
Singularity theorems 22

weak cosmic censorship, one possible counterexample would be a process that turns a
black hole into a naked singularity. Recall that the Reissner-Nordstrom metric with (in
natural units) mass M and charge Q represents a black hole if Q M and a naked
singularity if Q > M . Similarly, the Kerr metric with mass M and angular momentum
J represents a black hole if J M 2 and a naked singularity if J > M 2 . Thus, one way
to produce a naked singularity would be to overcharge or overspin a black hole. At
first it might seem easy to overcharge a black hole: just shoot enough particles of charge
q into the black hole until finally the black holes charge exceeds its mass. However, it
turns out that this process doesnt work: For q the same sign as Q, the black hole will
repel the charged particle. The particle will therefore need enough energy to overcome
the repulsion, and this energy will be incorporated into the mass of the black hole.
Though the black hole charge increases in this process, so does its mass, and in such
a way that the charge does not exceed the mass. Similarly, spinning black holes repel
the particles whose angular momentum would increase their spin, and this spin-spin
repulsion prevents the overspinning of a black hole.
In a similar vein, Penrose showed [252] that if a certain inequality (now called the
Penrose inequality) involving the area of a marginally (outer) future-trapped surface S
the apparent horizon and the mass of the initial hypersurface containing S were
violated, then the spacetime that comes from evolving the initial data would contain a
naked singularity. To date, the Penrose inequality has been proven only in some special
cases, while no counterexample has been found either, see subsection 7.3 for further
details and a longer discussion.
In a globally hyperbolic spacetime, there can be no timelike singularities. Thus,
one way of formulating strong cosmic censorship is as the statement that (under suitable
conditions) spacetime must be globally hyperbolic. An initial data set has a maximal
Cauchy development, which is a globally hyperbolic spacetime; however that maximal
Cauchy development may not be the whole spacetime. Thus strong cosmic censorship is
the statement that generically the maximal Cauchy development is inextendible. Here,
the word generically is used because there are known special cases where the maximal
development is extendible, so without some sort of generic condition, this version of
cosmic censorship would fail. Theorems on maximal Cauchy developments come under
the heading of global results for partial differential equations. They are generally very
difficult to prove (cases with spacetime symmetries are more tractable) and must be done
separately for each type of matter (vacuum, Einstein-Maxwell, etc.). For a discussion
of results of this type see [262].

6.2. Critical gravitational collapse

One idea for producing naked singularities comes from considering some properties of
the Schwarzschild spacetime (3) with = 0. Let M be the Schwarzschild black hole
mass, so that the constant in (3) reads = 2GM/c2 . Then the spacetime curvature at
radius r is proportional to /r3 while the radius of the event horizon is . It then follows
Singularity theorems 23

that the maximum curvature that is visible to outside observers is proportional to 1/2 ,
that is, to 1/M 2 . Thus the ability to produce arbitrarily small black holes is the ability
to produce arbitrarily large curvature visible to outside observers. Therefore in the limit,
a configuration of matter that collapses to form a zero mass black hole actually forms
a naked singularity. Is there such a configuration of matter? In his mathematical studies
of the collapse of a spherically symmetric self-gravitating scalar field [60] Christodoulou
proved the existence of just such a configuration of matter. But what are the properties
of such a zero mass black hole? and what happens to configurations of the scalar field
that are close to the configuration that produces it? These questions were addressed in
[61, 62] and nicely answered by Choptuik [56] in his numerical simulations of spherically
symmetric scalar field collapse. Choptuik considered a family of initial data specified
by a parameter p which when evolved results in dispersal of the scalar field for small p
and formation of a black hole for large p. There is thus some critical value p which
marks the boundary between those configurations that form black holes and those that
dont. Choptuik found that for p close to, but greater than p there is a scaling relation
for the mass M of the black hole
M (p p) (10)
Furthermore there is a universality in this relation in the sense that picking a different
one parameter family of initial data leads to the same scaling relation with the same
value of . In addition, the critical solution (the one that results from the evolution
of the p = p data) has the property of discrete self-similarity: after a certain amount
of time the scalar field evolves to the same profile, but with the scale of space shrunk
by a factor of e . The collapse process then continues, for an infinite number of times,
on an ever smaller scale of space and time, until it finally results in the formation of a
naked singularity in a finite amount of proper time. The critical solution (and the value
of the constant ) are also universal in the sense that they do not depend on which
one parameter family of initial data is chosen. Though the critical solution contains a
naked singularity, the production of the naked singularity only occurs for one value of
p in the family and thus would not occur for generic initial data. Thus (as for the case
of strong cosmic censorship) a viable version of weak cosmic censorship takes the form
that naked singularities do not result from the evolution of generic initial data.
There is a connection between the critical solution and the mass scaling relation:
The critical solution has one unstable mode, which grows exponentially as e where
is a constant and is a logarithmic time variable. It then follows that for p near p
any geometric quantity with dimension of length satisfies a scaling relation of the form
of eqn. (10) with = 1/. In particular, since the parameter in (3) (the black hole
mass in natural units) has the dimension of length, it satisfies eqn. (10). Note, that this
explanation of scaling requires only that p is near p, not that p > p. In particular, for
subcritical collapse (i.e. where p < p and therefore a black hole does not form) there
is some maximum value Rmax achieved by the spacetime curvature during the collapse
process. Since the maximum spacetime curvature is a geometric invariant, it follows
Singularity theorems 24

[141] that it satisfies a scaling relation of the form Rmax (p p)2 where is the
same constant that occurs in the black hole mass scaling relation.
Critical collapse has been studied for many forms of matter in spherical symmetry:
perfect fluids [107], complex scalar fields [181], Yang-Mills fields [57] etc. It has also been
studied in axisymmetry for vacuum [1] and with scalar field matter [58]. There is even
a preliminary result for the case with no symmetry [179]. In all cases there is a scaling
relation for black hole mass, and there is a critical solution that is either discretely
self-similar or continuously self-similar. Here the value of (and in the discretely
self-similar case) depends on the type of matter. For results on critical collapse, see the
review [163] and references therein.

6.3. BKL singularities

As remarked in subsection 5.1.5, one disadvantage of the singularity theorems is that
they give very little information on the nature of singularities. One normally thinks of
gravitational collapse as producing an all encompassing singularity at which spacetime
curvature blows up, and at which all observers who enter the black hole end their
existence. However, as explained in section 5, the singularity theorems dont say all
that, merely stating that for some unspecified reason some observer or light ray ends.
Nonetheless, there may be a simple, general description of the properties of
singularities for the following reason: As with all gravitational phenomena, singularities
are described by the Einstein field equations. If curvature blows up at spacetime
singularities, so should some terms in the field equations. If terms in the field equations
blow up at different rates, then a truncated set of field equations, in which only the
dominant terms are kept, should give an accurate asymptotic picture of the approach
to the singularity. The trick is to guess which terms in the field equations are dominant
and then to somehow verify that that guess is correct. Such a guess was provided by
Belinskii, Khalatnikov, and Lifschitz (BKL)[20, 21] and usually referred to as the BKL
conjecture. BKL write the field equations in a synchronous coordinate system where
time to the singularity is the time coordinate. They then assume that the dominant
terms in the field equations are those involving time derivatives (with the terms involving
spatial derivatives being less important). They then verify that their guess is consistent
with the field equations. Note that in the BKL picture, the singularity occurs at t = 0 in
a synchronous coordinate system, and is therefore spacelike, in accordance with strong
cosmic censorship. Since spatial derivatives are neglected, this means that at each
spatial point the dynamics is that of a homogeneous (but anisotropic) cosmology, and
that each spatial points dynamics decouples from the dynamics of the other points, so
that the singularity dynamics is local. Furthermore, since the most general dynamics for
homogeneous, anisotropic cosmologies is the oscillatory dynamics of the Bianchi type
IX (Mixmaster) spacetime [267, 293], BKL singularities are oscillatory. In addition,
the terms in the field equations due to the anisotropy blow up faster than those of the
stress-energy (except for scalar field matter) and so the singularity is well described by
Singularity theorems 25

the vacuum field equations. In summary, in the BKL picture singularities are spacelike,
local, and oscillatory, and matter doesnt matter. But is the BKL picture right?
Objections were raised in [13] including the fact that synchronous coordinates based on
a singularity cannot be assumed to be smooth, and that consistency of an asymptotic
scheme with the field equations does not preclude the possibility of different asymptotic
regimes that are also consistent with the field equations; nor does it mean that a general
evolution towards a singularity gets itself into that asymptotic regime.
In order to resolve these questions, Berger and Moncrief [29] (and later several of
their collaborators [28]) embarked on a program of numerical simulations of spacetime
singularities. The idea was to pick some (fairly general) initial data, numerically
evolve it towards the singularity, and see whether the evolution accorded with the BKL
conjecture. As with many research programs in numerics, one starts with situations
with symmetries and then gradually works towards the general case of no symmetry.
Berger and Moncrief started with the Gowdy spacetimes [160], which have two spacelike
Killing vectors. (A special class of Gowdy spacetimes, where the Killing vectors are
hypersurface-orthogonal, had been treated mathematically by Isenberg and Moncrief
[186] and shown to be well described by the BKL picture). Aside from their symmetries,
one feature of the Gowdy spacetimes, that makes them less challenging to study, is that
they only undergo a finite number of BKL oscillations. The Berger-Moncrief simulations
showed that the BKL picture is a good description of singularities, however they also
uncovered a new complication that is now called spikes. These are spatial points
where the dynamics is sufficiently different from those of neighboring points to give
rise to a steep spatial feature of ever narrowing width. These spikes are a challenge to
the numerics, and also a challenge to obtaining a mathematical proof that the Gowdy
spacetimes satisfy the BKL conjecture. Nonetheless, despite these difficulties, such a
proof was finally obtained by Ringstrom [262].
Berger and Moncrief went on to numerically simulate U (1) spacetimes [30] which
have only one spatial symmetry, and obtained results in agreement with the BKL picture.
Finally, the general case with no symmetries was simulated in [140] using a somewhat
different method based on the scale invariant tetrad system of [310]. The results of
[140] agree with the BKL picture, however with not enough spatial points to resolve the
spikes. Work to improve this simulation to resolve the spikes is in progress.
For results on the numerical studies of singularities see the review [27] and references

6.4. Null singularities

Though the BKL picture is consistent with the Einstein field equations, and is a good
description of at least some singularities, there remains the possibility of other pictures,
also consistent with the field equations and describing another class of spacetime
singularities. Such a picture was developed by Poisson and Israel [258] based on the
properties of inner horizons of black holes. The inner horizon of a Reissner-Nordstrom
Singularity theorems 26

black hole is a null hypersurface and is unstable in the sense that small perturbations
blow up on the horizon. Poisson and Israel argue that these perturbations would turn
the horizon into a singularity, but that it would retain its null character. Furthermore,
since the Kerr metric also has a null inner horizon, and since the black hole uniqueness
theorems tell us that a general black hole settles down to the Kerr metric, the picture
of [258] should be a good general description of (at least part of) the singularity inside
a black hole. The null singularity picture is supported by general arguments [243],
numerical simulations [46] and mathematical results [78]. If both the BKL picture and
the null singularity picture are correct, then an observer who stays with the star as it is
collapsing should encounter a BKL singularity, while an observer who enters the black
hole long after it forms should encounter a null singularity.

6.5. Black strings

The study of string theory has led to a wide consideration of the properties of general
relativity in more than 4 spacetime dimensions, and in particular to the study of
higher dimensional analogs of black holes. One of the simplest such analogs is the
5 dimensional black string, which is simply the metric product of S 1 and the 4
dimensional Schwarzschild spacetime. Though the Schwarzshilid metric is stable to
small perturbations, it turns out the the black string is unstable [161]. This gives rise
to the question of what is the endstate of a perturbed black string. Based on entropic
considerations, it was argued in [161] that the black string would pinch off to become
separated 5 dimensional black holes. However it was shown in [184] that any such pinch
off would necessitate the formation of a naked singularity. Do black strings violate
cosmic censorship? To resolve this question, numerical simulations of the evolution of
a perturbed black string were performed [59, 211]. The result of the simulations is
that the unstable black string undergoes a cascade of formation of ever smaller spatial
structures finally resulting in a pinch off in a finite amount of time. Thus black strings
form naked singularities! We are thus left with the odd situation that the best evidence
we have at this point indicates that cosmic censorship holds in 4 spacetime dimensions
but is violated in 5 spacetime dimensions.

7. Long-term impact of the theorem

Many of the developments instigated by [248] and the singularity theorems have been
already discussed or mentioned, such as cosmic censorship, causality theory, global
hyperbolicity and Cauchy hypersurfaces, domain of dependence, conformal infinity,
or black hole uniqueness theorems. The ideas behind the (proofs of the) singularity
theorems have been applied to several important results in GR, such as the positive
mass theorem in its original version [272, 273] as argued in [183], or more recently
in [64] (for a restricted class of spacetimes) using the Lorentzian splitting theorems [129].
Similarly, in [3] the global structure of spacetimes with positive cosmological constant
Singularity theorems 27

under the assumption of the existence of the conformal compactification is analyzed

deriving strong restrictions on the topology of space by using standard arguments taken
from singularity theorems.
In this section we would like to put the emphasis on three important lines of research
that, in one way or another, have their origin in the outstanding paper [248] and have
become branches of GR by themselves. These are: boundaries of spacetime, trapped
submanifolds, and isoperimetric inequalities and the Hoop conjecture.

7.1. Space-time boundaries and conformal diagrams

Singularities clearly reach, or come from, the edge of space-time. This is some kind of
boundary which is not part of, but is accessible from within, the space-time. Thus the
necessity of a rigourous definition of the boundary of a space-time. This boundary may
even have relevance for string theory and the famous AdS/CFT correspondence, see
[223, 224].
Penrose himself started this quest with the introduction of conformal infinity and
conformal compactification [245, 246, 249, 119]. The basic idea is to implant the space-
time into a larger Lorentzian manifold by a conformal embedding, which ensures that
the causal properties are invariant. If the original manifold obtains a boundary in the
larger one, then this is defined as the conformal boundary. This allows one to treat
properties of infinity, and in particular to study the properties of radiative space-times.
Moreover, the boundary, being a subset of the larger manifold, inherits causal properties
itself so that it acquires attributes which allow one to place it into the future or past,
and to call it spacelike, null or timelike. Using these developments Penrose was able
to produce explicit expressions for the gravitational power radiated at infinity by an
isolated system as an integral there [249] in a fully coordinate-independent geometrical
manner, see for further details [119, 294].
The conformal compactification can be carried out for spacetimes such as de Sitter
or the Friedman models. This showed that singularities such as the creation time are
part of the boundary, and thereby they also inherit some causal properties. In general,
however, the full conformal compactification is a chimera. Nevertheless, Friedrich has
been able to establish a procedure such that it is possible to write down a set of equations,
called the conformal field equations, that allow one to treat the problem of the existence
of solutions given data at infinity as well as other relevant issues concerning conformal
infinity, see e.g. [123, 122, 124, 125, 126] and for a review [119].
Even if the full conformal compactification is not feasible, sometimes it is possible
to perform the conformal compactification of two-dimensional subsets of the space-time
providing relevant information. This is the case of spherically symmetric spacetimes
where one can safely ignore the angular part of the space-time and deal only with the (2-
dimensional) orthogonal planes. Similarly, one can concentrate on particularly relevant
2-dimensional surfaces (ergo conformally flat) of any given spacetime. In these cases we
can draw two dimensional pictures, called Penrose diagrams [246, 249] or conformal
Singularity theorems 28

diagrams, obtaining information about singularities, infinity, and the global causal
structure of the space-time. A paradigmatic example is the diagram of Kerrs space-
time axis of symmetry, first found by Carter [51], see also [173]. These extremely useful
representations of spacetimes have been used largely in GR [173, 316, 282] and, today,
they are routinely drawn in many papers and extensively utilized in live discussions
among scientists working on gravitation.
Once the definition of a singularity as an incomplete curve was settled, Geroch
started a new line of research concerning boundaries. He introduced the geodesic
boundary, or g-boundary, building equivalence classes of endless incomplete geodesics
and a notion of proximity between them [146]. A good property of the g-boundary is
that a metric structure and thus some local properties of certain singularities can
be defined sometimes. Unfortunately, the g-boundary has a number of problems and
does not consider non-geodesic curves, see [267, 139] and references therein. A more
complete structure is obtained with the bundle boundary or b-boundary due to Schmidt
[270, 271], based on the completion of a Riemannian metric defined on the frame bundle
of the space-time. The difficulties for applying this construction are enormous and,
furthermore, the cases explicitly computed have led to highly unexpected results. Yet
another program was launched in [277] with the definition of the abstract boundary
or a-boundary. This is a very general framework, actually defined for any manifold
independently of having a connection or a metric, that intends to collect every possible
boundary point arising in all the envelopments of a given manifold. In the case of
spacetimes, the boundary points can be classified by using appropriate families of curves
with definite properties (such as geodesics or others), leading to (possibly directional)
singularities, points at infinity, and some other cases [277]. Another definition of
boundary was given in [138] combining the idea of envelopment with the original idea
of conformal embedding but using the novel concept of isocausality, leading also to a
generalization of conformal diagrams. This approach is more versatile than the original
conformal one, but there are some subtleties [115] that are yet to be understood.
Probably the most important approach was put forward in [151] with the definition
of the causal boundary or c-boundary, improving on previous similar ideas that appeared
in [278]. The idea behind the c-boundary construction is to use the future or the past
of endless curves which, somehow intuitively, approach either singularities or points at
infinity. The set of all (indecomposable into smaller sets of the same form) past and
future sets can be considered as a completion containing all points in V4 plus the c-
boundary. Some identification procedure must then be used to remove duplication of
boundary points, and this may lead to great difficulties, see also [173]. The c-boundary
then entered into a history of improvements too large to be detailed here, see [223, 139],
though perhaps all the issues have been finally settled, see [116].
For a more complete discussion on space-time boundaries up to 2005 see the
review [139], and for the more recent advances and the latest on the c-boundary, check
[113, 114, 116, 117] and references therein.
Singularity theorems 29

7.2. Trapped submanifolds

Indubitably, the most important legacy of the 1965 singularity theorem is the
fundamental notion of closed trapped surface, a certainly prolific idea with many
applications. It is not only very useful in the general analysis of gravitational collapse, in
the formation of black holes [2, 17, 18, 19, 33, 90, 79], and in cosmic censorship, numerical
relativity (section 6) and isoperimetric inequalities (subsection 7.3), it has also become
an object of interest for mathematicians see for instance the use of trapped surfaces to
prove the decay rate of gravitational radiation flux [80]and it has evolved into a richer
fauna of interesting trapped-like submanifolds with many geometrical and physical
As remarked several times in this paper, trapped surfaces manifest themselves as
having a wrong causal character of a specific vector field orthogonal to the surface:
the gradient of r is timelike, where 4r2 is the area of the surface. This actually leads
to the best definition of trapped surfaces in general. We only have to identify the proper
vector field whose causal character is going to determine whether or not a given surface
is trapped. It turns out that this is a well-known vector field called the mean curvature
vector H , [202, 228, 240, 283]. One virtue of this characterization is that it can be
used for imbedded submanifolds of any dimension and not only for co-dimension two,
as has been traditionally the case.
For the purposes of what follows, we are going to deal with a n-dimensional
space-time of Lorentzian signature (, +, . . . , +). Let be a connected (n m)-
dimensional submanifold and let us denote by {eA } a basis of the vectors tangent to
(A, B, . . . = m + 1, . . . , n), so that the first fundamental form of reads

AB g | eA eB .

We assume that AB is positive definite wherefore is spacelike. Any n defined on

and orthogonal to the tangent vectors

n eA = 0

is called a normal vector to . At each point on there are m linearly independent normal
vectors. If m > 1 all of them can be chosen to be null. The orthogonal tangent/normal
splitting of the tangent spaces to leads to the standard formula [202, 240]:
eA eB = AB eC KAB

Here AB = AB are the symbols of the Levi-Civita connection of the first

fundamental form AB , while KAB = KBA is called the shape tensor (or second

fundamental form vector) of . Observe that KAB is orthogonal to . Its component

along any normal n

KAB (~n) n KAB = n eA eB = eB eA n
Singularity theorems 30

is called the second fundamental form with respect to n of . The shape tensor enters
in the fundamental relation

eA eB v | = A v B + v | KAB (11)
where, for all v we denote by v B v |S eB its projection to .
The mean curvature vector of is the trace of the shape tensor [240, 202, 228, 283]


where AB is such that AC CB = BA . By definition, H is orthogonal to . Its

component along any normal n
n n H = AB KAB (~n) (12)
is the trace of the corresponding second fundamental form and is called the expansion
of along n .
To connect with the standard definition of trapped surface using sign of expansions,
consider the traditional case of co-dimension m = 2. Then, possesses two independent
normal vector fields that can be chosen to be future-pointing and null everywhere.

Calling them k , they obey

k+ eA = 0, k eA = 0, k+ k + = 0, k k = 0.

Adding a normalization condition k+ k = 1, there still remains the boost freedom in
the orthogonal plane to
~k + ~k 0+ = 2~k, ~k ~k 0 = 2~k . (13)
The mean curvature vector of can then be written in this null normal basis

H = k+ + k

with = k , called the (future) null expansions. They correspond to those previously
introduced in (8). Even though are not invariant under the boost transformations
(13), H is invariant.
The definition of (future) trapped surfaces given in (8) demand that both
are negative. This is obviously equivalent to H being timelike and future directed.
Consequently, one can reformulate geometrically the notion of trapped surface with
the causal character of the mean curvature vector. This is sensible, because the mean
curvature vector measures the variation of the area of (in general, its (n m)-
volume) along directions orthogonal to . To fully close the relationship with the
traditional cases, one should check that H is simply the gradient of r in those cases.
This can be done in several ways, for instance, by using the explicit formula for H
given in [283] in adapted coordinate systems.
We arrive at the definition of trapped submanifolds, and their many avatars. A
spacelike submanifold of any dimension is said to be
Singularity theorems 31

future trapped if H is timelike and future-pointing everywhere on ,

weakly future trapped if H is future-pointing causal everywhere on
marginally future-trapped if H is future-pointing and points consistently along one

of the null normals k all over
minimal in the extreme case with H = 0 everywhere on
There are always dual definitions to the past. For each definition there is an
equivalent characterization in terms of the null expansions, see Table 1 for the salient
case of co-dimension m = 2. Observe that the extreme case where n = m ( is a point)
can be included somehow in the definition of trapped submanifold if the expansion
along every possible null geodesic emanating from becomes negative. This captures
the concept of a point with reconverting light cone as appears in Theorem 3.
Once we know that the causal orientation of the mean curvature vector rules
whether or not a submanifold is trapped, a symbolic notation for the causal orientation
of H becomes very useful. Using an arrow to denote H and denoting the future as
the upward direction and null vectors at 45o with respect to the vertical, the symbolic
notation was introduced in [284]:
H Causal orientation
past-pointing timelike
. or & past-pointing null ( ~k + or ~k )
or spacelike
% or - future-pointing null ( ~k + or ~k )
future-pointing timelike
The characterization using these arrows is shown in table 1 too.

Table 1. The main cases of future-trapped surfaces, characterized by the null

expansions and the causal orientation of the mean curvature vector.
Symbol for H Expansions Type of surface
+ = = 0 stationary or minimal
+ < 0, < 0 future trapped

+ = 0, 0 marginally future trapped

& +
0, = 0 marginally future trapped

. &
+ 0, 0 weakly future trapped

In asymptotically flat situations, for example for black hole spacetimes, only the
sign of the outer expansion that pointing towards infinity is relevant [173, 316].
These can be generalized to cases where, for instance, one of the expansions is selected
or favored (say because it vanishes, or has a sign). Independently of whether or not this
selected direction coincides with any particular outer or external region to the surface,
Singularity theorems 32

it has become customary in the literature to declare it to be outer, and then the
nomenclature speaks about outer trapped. See however [175] for a more elaborated
discussion. Thus, (marginally) +-trapped surfaces are usually referred to as (marginally)
outer trapped surfaces ((M)OTS) and similarly for the case. The main possibilities
are summarized in Table 2.

Table 2. The main cases of +-trapped, usually called outer trapped, surfaces.
Symbol for H Expansion Type of surface
+ < 0 half converging or outer trapped (OTS)

. + = 0 null dual or marginally outer trapped (MOTS)

. &

. + 0 weakly outer trapped (WOTS)

MOTS have been extensively studied in recent years [4, 5, 7, 50], with relevant
results for black holes (in which case they are commonly called apparent horizons
[173, 316]) and the existence of marginally (outer) trapped tubes. These are
hypersurfaces foliated by M(O)TS. A key result is that the boundary of the region
containing OTS in a given spacelike hypersurface turns out to be a smooth MOTS
[203, 7]. There are key differences between MTSs and mere MOTSs, as the latter
need an outer notion and they are usually required to enclosed a piece of a spacelike
hypersurface; for examples and an enlightening discussion see [23]. In the case that
the foliating surfaces are truly marginally future trapped the mentioned tubes were
introduced in [175] and called future trapping horizons. They are considered as
good candidates to replace the event horizon of black holes [170, 173, 316], which
happens to be teleological: the event horizon depends on future causes and is thus
too globally defined ergo physically of little relevance [10]. The future trapping
horizons, on the other hand, are defined quasilocally, hence they are more interesting
to capture the concept of a (evolving or forming) black hole that exists now. Future
trapping horizons have been much studied, leading to thermodynamical properties, such
as surface gravity/temperature, area/entropy law, etcetera, generalizing that of event
horizons for black holes [10, 175, 176, 159, 39]. For their characterization from a 3+1
perspective or the physical aspects concerning them, check [190, 238, 38]. One can place
restrictions on the topology of M(O)TS, classical results in this direction were proven in
[170, 236], and more recent results have been found in [4, 5] and, in general dimension,
in [132, 131]. MOTS can also be searched for in numerical evolutions of collapsing
solutions [192, 297]. Indeed, the presence of OTS on spatial slices is the signal used in
numerical relativity to detect black holes [14]. One also has to take care with (M)OTS
when devising initial data sets [322].
In [175] two versions of future trapping horizons were introduced, outer and
Singularity theorems 33

inner. Their distinction is related to the stability of the foliating MTS, a concept
first considered in [236] and then put on a mathematical firm basis in [4, 5], where
the stability operator for MOTS was first described. This is analogous to the standard
stability operator for minimal hypersurfaces in Riemannian spaces. Recall that minimal
hypersurfaces extremize the area functional, and they are locally characterized by the
vanishing of the mean curvature. A fundamental question concerns then the second
variation of the area functional, defining the stability of the minimal hypersurface.
This permits to define a self-adjoint elliptic operator on the hypersurface whose (real)
spectrum governs the mentioned stability. This operator happens to be directly related
to the first variation of the (vanishing) mean curvature. Marginally outer trapped
surfaces, on the other hand, have a null mean curvature vector with one of the
null expansions vanishing identically. They also extremize the area functional in the
direction of the mean curvature vector, but the second variation is negative so that
they are unstable with respect to this functional. Nevertheless, considering that in
the Riemannian minimal case the operator was also associated to first variations of the
vanishing mean curvature, one can consider the perturbation of the vanishing expansion;
this variation leads to another elliptic stability operator analogous to the previous one
but with the important difference that it is not self-adjoint in the natural sense. Despite
this fact, a principal real eigenvalue can be defined and its sign rules the stability of
the MOTS [4]. A key fact here is that the second variation in the null mean curvature
direction turns out to be algebraic, so that the entire variation of the vanishing expansion
is ruled by a unique differential operator. This therefore translates to co-dimension two
marginally outer trapped submanifolds in higher dimensions. The parallelism between
MOTS and minimal hypersurfaces in Riemannian spaces can be explored further, and
one can actually solve the Plateau problem for MOTS, that is, the existence of MOTS
spanning a given, prescribed, boundary [95].
After pioneering work by Israel [187], in [4] stable MOTS are proven to belong
to dynamical horizons, which are spacelike future outer trapping horizons [10, 190].
Actually, they belong to many such horizons, one for each chosen foliation by slices in
the spacetime. One ends up with a pletora of MTT, which interweave each other in very
complicated ways [11], leading to a problem of high non-uniqueness when talking about
thermodynamical and other properties of locally defined black holes [10, 11, 26, 37].
Nevertheless, each MTT has a unique foliation by MTSs [11] unless the tube is null
and constitutes an isolated horizon [10], in which case any cut of this null hypersurface
is a MTS. Furthermore, stable MOTS classically perpetuate as such for some time [6].
Despite their local definition and their interesting quasilocal properties, closed
trapped surfaces are also drastically non-local in many ways. It is known that they
cannot be seen in its entirety in the Schwarzschild solution [318], however some of them
can be actually fully seen in the Oppenheimer-Snyder collapsing model, see e.g. [24]. It
might be the case that trapped surfaces associated to stable MTT are not fully visible
while those associated to non-stable ones are. More dramatically, in some examples
one can prove that closed trapped surfaces extend far away from the intuitive region
Singularity theorems 34

containing the black hole, even reaching flat portions of the spacetime whose entire past
is also flat [25]. This has been termed as the clairvoyance property of trapped surfaces
[26], and raises the question of what is the boundary of the region in spacetime with
closed future-trapped surfaces. Such an innocent-looking and seemingly simple question
has turned out to be very difficult to answer: not even in spherically symmetric cases
this has been solved hitherto. The new concept of core of a black hole has thereby come
up: a core of black hole is a minimal region that must be removed from the spacetime
in order to get rid of all closed future-trapped surfaces [26]. In other words, this is
the indinspensable region that sustains the black hole. There are some hopes that the
concept of core may lead to the characterization of a preferred future trapping horizon.
As mentioned in subsection 5.1.3 the formation of closed trapped surfaces in the
evolution of realistic initial data has become an important area of research. A pioneering
work in this respect is [90], then followed by many others such as [2] were the stability was
also analyzed. In [63] the existence of open sets of initial data, termed short pulses,
leading upon evolution to the formation of future-trapped surfaces was shown rigorously.
An important improvement has been recently achieved in [196] assuming (more general)
initial conditions given on a null hypersurface. The proof requires estimates on just the
first derivative of the curvature and weaker curvature controls.
Finally, the concept of closed trapped surface has also influenced the field of
analogue gravity [12], where quantum effects in curved space-time are modeled by
means of different physical systems, specially regarding the formation of horizons in
fluid models. This was first considered in [311] and much elaborated in [315], see [12]
for a review.

7.3. Isoperimetric inequalities and the hoop conjecture

As commented in subsection 6.1, given an asymptotically flat initial data hypersurface
whose total (ADM) mass is M , Penrose argued [252] that if the data contains an
apparent horizon Sthis is essentially a MOTS, see above, and if the inequality
Area(S) 16 GM/c2 = (in geometrized units G = c = 1) 16M 2 (14)
(now called the Penrose inequality) were violated, then the spacetime that comes
from evolving the initial data would contain a naked singularity, implying a lack of
predictability unknown in classical physical theories, or referring to subsection 6.1, a
visibility of quantum effects in macroscopic gravitational collapse. Thus initial data
violating the Penrose inequality would constitute a counterexample to weak cosmic
censorship, while a proof of the Penrose inequality would constitute evidence in favor of
weak cosmic censorship. One can also use similar arguments if the initial data set is not
asymptotically flat but rather intersects future null infinity (asymptotically hyperbolic
data) by using the non-decreasing [36, 269] Bondi mass for M . Early proofs for this case
[219] were incomplete as shown in [31], where some advances, still inconclusive, were
presented. There are some subtleties concerning the lefthand side of (14), as pointed
Singularity theorems 35

out in [189] and explicitly shown in [183, 22], so that actually Area there means the
minimal area of any surface enclosing completely S within .
The heuristic argument Penrose used in [252] can be phrased in several different
manners see for instance [225, 222, 192] invariably invoking the singularity theorems
to derive the inevitability of singularities whenever closed trapped surfaces are formed.
The inequality (14) provides a lower bound to the mass of black hole spacetimes, and
thereby is related to and strengthens the positive mass theorem [272, 273] of general
asymptotically flat spacetimes. In this sense, the rigidity part of the positive mass
theorem the mass vanishes if and only if the initial data evolves into flat Minkowski
space-time has a counterpart in the black hole case: equality holds if and only if the
initial data originates the Schwarzschild space-time with the corresponding mass.
Neither a proof of the Penrose inequality nor a counterexample has been found in
the general case, and even in spherical symmetry only a weaker version using the
energy rather than the mass has been shown to hold [177]. However, (14) has been
proven in the so-called Riemannian case [185, 47] which, from the space-time viewpoint,
describes a time-symmetric situation, using the slice of time symmetry (initial data
with zero extrinsic curvature), for further details see [225, 48]. In this time-symmetric
situation the surfaces to be used are actually minimal surfaces and the inequality (14)
is sometimes referred to as an isoperimetric inequality [152, 153]. This is reminiscent
of the classical isoperimetric problem: to determine in Euclidean space a plane figure
of the largest possible area whose boundary has a specified length (the perimeter). In
Euclidean space this leads to the classical isoperimetric inequality 4A L2 relating
the length L of a closed curve and the area A of the planar region that it encloses,
equality holding only if the curve is a circle.
The inequality (14) has the virtue that everything depends only on the initial data
set , and thus it has a neat geometrical content that can be studied independently
of weak cosmic censorship or of any other physical requirement. This also follows
from another independent argument presented by Penrose [252] using the mass M of a
thin shell collapsing into flat space-time at the speed of light. This surely produces a
singularity, hence under weak cosmic censorship a black hole must form with an event
horizon dressing it. One can then argue that (14) has to hold where now M is the
mass of the null shell. By using energy conservation across the shell, all the quantities
involved in (14) can be computed directly in flat space-time, thus leading to a pure
geometrical inequality for surfaces embedded in Minkowski space-time [154]: the length
side of the inequality is simply the integral over S of its outer null expansion + . Such
constructions have been analyzed in [154, 244, 307, 306], proving that the inequality
holds for S lying on constant time hyperplanes and, using a result in [309], this can be
extended to all mean convex bodies in Euclidean space. A claim was made [154] that
this would settle the inequality for arbitrary surfaces but this cannot be true, as clearly
explained in [225].
There exist stronger versions of the Penrose inequality involving angular
momentum, electric charge, and/or the cosmological constant , see [225, 296, 192]
Singularity theorems 36

and references therein. Some of these require, in order to make sense, that particular
expressions under a square root are non-negative, providing some sharper versions of
the positive mass theorem. In particular, the inequalities [156, 170, 85, 81]
M |Q|, M |J|

have been put forward, where Q is the total electric charge of the initial data set and
J its total angular momentum (in geometrized units). The first of these inequalities was
proven in [156, 66], while the second only makes sense if the total angular momentum
is well defined, that is, in axially symmetric situations [81, 83]. In this case, it has been
shown to hold for vacuum and maximal initial data sets when the MTS S is connected
[82, 65]. This also led to the so-called area-angular momentum inequality [8]

Area(S) 8|J|

which was proven in [86]. It also holds for totally geodesic null hypersurfaces foliated by
MOTS [226]. Actually, a local version for stable sections S of future trapping horizons
was found in [191], see also [290] for the inclusion of the cosmological constant. Area
inequalities involving charge can also be derived [84, 128]. For further details and a
lengthy discussion on these matters see [83].
The very same lightlike thin shell construction in flat space-time [252] discussed
above has also been used [244, 307] to test yet another inequality concerning black
holes: the hoop conjecture. This was originally formulated by Thorne in a (deliberately)
vague way as [298, 233]
Black hole horizons form when, and only when, a mass M gets compacted
into a region whose circumference in every direction is C . 4GM/c2 .
This statement is, to say the least, imprecise: notice the symbol .. For a discussion of
the many difficulties and the main problems that arise when trying to give a rigorous
meaning to this conjecture, see [317, 286] and references therein. Yet, the hoop
conjecture has somehow managed to survive and, in a sense, be successful. It was settled
in spherical symmetry [33, 34], and discussed in more general cases in [222]. A related
mathematical result is that of [274] where upper bounds for a radius of concentrated
matter and lower bounds for its mass density are linked. This was used in [70] to
find conditions for the formation of future-trapped surfaces, however, examples in [33]
demonstrate that the underlying criteria are rarely met.
The main physical idea here is that black holes are extremely localized objects, so
that their energy/matter content must be severely compacted in all spatial directions.
Trying to make precise this idea is difficult, though. Some specific formulations were
given in [112], and a more recent precise one in [155, 77]. A mathematical viable
reformulation of the conjecture have been presented in [286], where a long list of
references can be consulted.
Singularity theorems 37

8. XXI century singularity theorems

Are singularity theorems something of the past? The answer to this question is a
categorical no. The purpose of this last section is to give an idea of what is going on,
of the new directions that are being explored, and of what is yet to be confirmed or
improved. The whole subject has evolved and new versions, or new types, of singularity
theorems are being built to take into account recent physical features such as higher
dimensional theories, a (positive) cosmological constant, quantum effects, inflation,
averaging, etc.

8.1. Mathematical advances

To start with, and as remarked in the discussion immediately after Theorem 4, it
would be convenient to prove the theorems under milder differentiability assumptions,
for instance if the first derivatives of the metric are Lipschitz functions, see the discussion
in [282]. An important pre-requisite in that direction has been recently achieved in
[229, 206], raising some optimism in this line of research.
Recently two theorems similar to Penroses one, but applying to infinite-space
(open) cosmological spacetimes in which localized black holes may have formed were
proven in [313]. The idea is to assume that a closed trapped surface lies partly outside
a black-hole horizon something possible in a cosmological, non-asymptotically flat,
context. Unlike the original theorem, the new theorems do provide some information
on the location of the singularities. One conclusion is that the Universe should contain
causally disconnected regions.
Comparison results concerning the area and volume of sets can be applied to re-
derive singularity theorems [308]. Singularity theorems requiring the existence of an
OTS, or a MOTS, rather than true (marginally) trapped surfaces have also been recently
found [6] even considering some generalizations of the concept of MOTS [96, 74]. One
should also consider what happens when one or more of the hypotheses in the singularity
theorems are relaxed, or suppressed altogether. This has recently been addressed in [75],
trying to find theorems with milder conclusions, and considering the rigidity part of
the singularity theorems, see also [134]. This may open new lines worth to be explored.

8.2. Quantum effects

A very important line of research arises from the tension between the singularity
theorems and the (yet unfound) theory of quantum gravity. It is widely accepted that the
existence of classical singularities signal a breakdown of the classical theory at extreme
conditions, which is precisely when gravitational quantum effects will become relevant.
Thus, there is a need to clarify if the singularity theorems, or part of them, can survive
when entering into a quantum regime, or if they then simply vanish altogether. For a
general discussion, see [35]. A first step towards the analysis of singularity theorems in
this respect is the weakening of the energy conditions also relevant in the classical
Singularity theorems 38

regime, that is to say, finding an appropriate version of the curvature condition in

the theorems. Early results in this direction include the theorems based on averaged
energy conditions [303] as discussed in subsection 5.1, which were used to deal with the
quantum violations of the energy conditions in [264], later improved in [265] . A larger
discussion can be found in [110] (and references therein) and has been recently newly
considered in [109], where an analysis of Raychadhuri-like equations is performed proving
that it is viable to have energy-momentum tensors which fail to satisfy even averaged
energy conditions as long as an appropriate version of them with an exponential
damping factor are in place. This leads to a proof of a version of the Penrose
singularity theorem allowing for global violations of the energy conditions. In [118]
it was argued that one may also need to go beyond semiclassical theories and take into
account the quantum fluctuations of the space-time itself, adding extra difficulties to
possible quantum singularity theorems. One problem here is that, classically, one relies
on pointwise focusing of geodesics which cannot be exactly true (despite the smallness
of the fluctuations) in a quantum regime. The notion of closed trapped surface can
also be generalized and adapted to quantum situations [319]. The Penrose singularity
theorem can also be proven under these weaker circumstances.

8.3. Inflation and

There is also the question of inflation in the past of the Universe. Effectively this implies
a violation of the curvature condition in the theorems, and thus one can consider the
possibility that actually the Universe is past geodesically complete. This is not the case
if the weak energy condition (positivity of energy density) holds [41, 43, 44], as already
mentioned in subsection 5.1, but as discussed in the previous paragraph the weak energy
condition can be violated in inflationary models due to quantum fluctuations [45]. This
was addressed in [42] with the result that, as long as an appropriate averaged Hubble
parameter is positive, violations of the weak energy condition are not enough to avoid
past incompleteness of causal geodesics.
Inflation as well as the acceleration of the expansion of the Universe are closely
related to the existence of a positive cosmological constant > 0, which is just the
wrong sign for the curvature condition (6) used in the focusing effect and, ultimately,
in most singularity theorems. Thus the need to direct some efforts to incorporate an
explicit > 0 in the singularity theorems. For the case of compact slices (closed case)
this was studied in [130], see also [3], proving past geodesic incompleteness under some
restrictions. The classical results in [136, 137, 210] have been reconsidered in higher
dimensions where the number of topological possibilities increases drastically [73]. This
is related to the topology of space [49] and the topology of M(O)TS [170, 132, 131], and
another theorem of this kind but using closed trapped circles was presented in [133].
Singularity theorems 39

8.4. Averages
Both a 0 and averaging can be combined to obtain another form of singularity
theorems for open cosmological models. As mentioned in subsection 5.1.3 there are
physically acceptable globally hyperbolic geodesically complete solutions of the field
equations (1) [280, 55, 266, 282]. Some of these solutions cannot describe the interior of
finite stars: for perfect fluids this would require a timelike hypersurface with vanishing
pressure, and this just does not happen in the solution [280], which also has everywhere-
expanding Cauchy hypersurfaces [55, 285]. Thus one wonders which conditions must
a space-time satisfy to be geodesically complete. For stationary globally hyperbolic
spacetimes this was answered in [142], and the timelike component of the Ricci tensor
(for the preferred Killing static observer) behaves as 1/2 where is a spatial distance
between any two events. This implies a fall off of the curvature for widely separated
events. But, what about the dynamical, non-stationary, case? An important input into
this problem was provided by Raychaudhuri himself [261], who considered space-time
averages of the physical quantities. He showed that non-rotating, singularity-free, open
cosmological models, such as that in [280], must have vanishing space-time averages of
the energy density and other relevant physical quantities. Unfortunately, this is also the
case for singular spacetimes such as the standard Friedman models as was immediately
noticed [268, 281]. Nevertheless, Raychaudhuri was pointing into a very interesting
direction: averaging of physical quantities. The key point is to consider spatial, rather
than space-time, averages as conjectured in [281].
One can thus prove [285] that if there is a non-compact Cauchy hypersurface
whose expansion is positive everywhere (with asymptotic non-oscillatory behavior, a
technical condition [193]), the energy density and the scalar curvature on are non-
negative on average, 0 and (6) holds along the geodesic vector field orthogonal to
, then the non-vanishing of any of the following scalars

the averaged energy density on
the averaged scalar curvature of
implies that all timelike geodesics are past incomplete [285, 193]. Hence, a clear, decisive,
difference between singular and geodesically complete globally hyperbolic expanding
open cosmological models is that the latter must have a vanishing spatial average of
the matter variables. One could thus say that any geodesically complete model is not
cosmological if we believe that the Universe is described by a not too inhomogenous
distribution of matter. This is, on the whole, a very satisfactory result.

8.5. Trapped submanifolds of arbitrary dimension: extra space dimensions

From the discussion in subsection 7.2 we know that the concept of being trapped can
be associated to submanifolds of any dimension in space-time, and not only to surfaces
in 4 dimensions (or co-dimension 2 submanifolds in arbitrary dimension n). Thus, a
Singularity theorems 40

natural question is: why in Theorem 2 one needs to assume a closed trapped surface?
A partial answer is given by the Hawking-Penrose Theorem 3, as one can assume either
a compact slice (co-dimension 1)
a closed trapped surface (co-dimension 2)
a point with reconverting light cones (co-dimension 4).
But, what about co-dimension 3? Why closed trapped circles do not show up in
this theorem? Actually, this question is even more relevant in arbitrary dimension
n, as the number of possibilities increase. As remarked after Theorem 3, the result
holds in arbitrary dimension n but then, why trapped submanifolds of co-dimensions
3, 4, . . . , n 1 are missing?
This was discussed and answered in [133]: the outcome is that one can certainly
used trapped submanifolds of arbitrary co-dimension in Theorems 2 and 3 as long as
the appropriate curvature condition is assumed. The key result is provided by the
conditions to ensure the existence of focal points to the submanifold. Using the notation
in subsection 7.2, let be the spacelike submanifold of any co-dimension m and n a
future-pointing normal to . Let represent a geodesic curve tangent to n at with
affine parameter u (u = 0 at ), and denote by N the geodesic vector field tangent
to (N |u=0 = n ). By parallel propagating along the tangent vectors {~eA } we
construct a set {E ~ A } of vector fields along (E
~ A |u=0 = ~eA ). By construction g E E
is independent of u, so that g EA EB = g eA eB = AB . Define then P EA EB
(at u = 0 this is the projector to ). If the expansion (12) is initally negative n < 0
and the curvature tensor satisfies the inequality
R N N P 0 (15)
along , then there is a point focal to along at or before the affine parameter reaches
the value u = (m n)/n , provided is defined up to that point.
It is easily checked that condition (15) reduces simply to (6) in the cases of co-
dimension 1 or 2 [133]. For co-dimension m > 2, the interpretation of (15) can be given
physically in terms of tidal forces, or geometrically in terms of sectional curvatures. In
physical terms, it is a statement about the attractiveness of the gravitational field on
average: the tidal force in directions initially tangent to is attractive on average. The
Penrose singularity theorem 2 survives as it is simply replacing the closed trapped surface
for a closed trapped submanifold of arbitrary co-dimension if one uses (15) instead of
(6). Actually, just a milder averaged version of (15) is enough [133]. Similarly, the
Hawking-Penrose theorem 3 holds by assuming a closed trapped submanifold of any
co-dimension and (15).
Several applications of these generalized theorems are discussed in [133]. Here we
would just like to mention a particular one concerning the possible classical instability
of spatial compactified extra dimensions. This instability was suggested by Penrose
himself in [254]. He argued that, due to the singularity theorems, singularities may
Singularity theorems 41

develop within a tiny fraction of a second. His argument, though, needs some ad-hoc
splittings, and some restrictions on the Ricci tensor, because theorems 2 and 3 were
valid only for very few co-dimensions. Those problems can be avoided by using the
generalized theorems in [133] as it is enough that the compact extra-dimensional space,
or any of its compact less-dimensional subsets, satisfy the trapping condition while the
restriction on Ricci curvatures can be replaced by the appropriate averaged condition
on tidal forces. Hence, the basic argument of Penrose acquires a wider applicability and
requires less restrictions.

9. Concluding remark

As exemplified in the previous sections, there are many exciting and interesting ideas
being developed in several physical and mathematical areas which belong to the novel
realm created 50 years ago by the Penrose singularity theorem.
In conclusion, the fertile line of research engendered in [248] is, today, very much
alive and vibrant.


JMMS is supported by grants FIS2010-15492 (MICINN), GIU12/15 (Gobierno Vasco),

P09-FQM-4496 (J. AndalucaFEDER) and UFI 11/55 (UPV/EHU). DG is supported
by NSF grant PHY-1205202 to Oakland University.


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