Driving Under The Textfluence Final
Driving Under The Textfluence Final
Driving Under The Textfluence Final
Tabitha Smith
CGD 218
David Bouvin
Driving has always had its distractions and influences that have impaired drivers
and caused accidents. Every day, 32 people in the United States die, in motor vehicle
crashes that involve an alcohol-impaired driver. This amounts to one death every 45
minutes. But, there are effective measures that can help prevent injuries and deaths from
Aggressively enforcing existing 0.08% BAC laws, minimum legal drinking age
laws, and zero tolerance laws for drivers younger than 21 years old in all states
Promptly revoking the driver's licenses of people who drive while intoxicated
Each day, more than 16 people are killed and more than 1,300 people are injured
in crashes involving a distracted driver. Distracted driving is driving while doing another
activity that takes your attention away from driving; these activities can increase the
chance of a motor vehicle crash. Distracted driving activities include things like using a
cell phone, texting, eating, drinking, and talking with passengers. Using in-vehicle
technologies (such as GPS systems) and portable communication devices can also be
While any of these distractions can endanger the driver and others, texting while driving
cdcdistracted \l 1033 ]
Texting while driving has become a very serious problem. In 2008, nearly 6,000
people died in crashes involving a distracted driver and more than 500,000 people were
injured. The scope of drivers reportedly distracted at the time of a fatal crash has
[ CITATION putitdown \l
1033 ]
My first approach is the logo of the Put it down campaign. The”put it down” campaign
has been organized by the U.S. Department of Transportation. M The key message is to
put down the distraction and pay attention while you are driving. Engaging in other
activities while driving does not allow one to have full attention on the road. One of the
most commonly recognized distractions is cell phone use. Cell phone subscriptions have
grown exponentially from 1988 through 2009. About 89 percent, or approximately 277
million of all Americans, have a cell phone, according to CTIA – The Wireless
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Association. For many, it is the only kind of telephone they possess. In a recent NHTSA
survey, most individuals (77 percent) reported that they talk on the phone while driving at
Drivers honestly do not realize the dangers that are posed when they take their
eyes and minds off the road and their hands off the wheel and focus on activities other
responsible and realize the dangers they are not only posing on themselves but onto
others as well. Unlike impaired driving, driving while distracted is harder to be regulated
Our youth drivers are at the biggest risk of driving while texting and causing a
traffic accident injury or even worse a death. Younger, inexperienced drivers under 20
years old have the highest capacity of distraction-related fatal crashes. Their lack of
driving experience can contribute to critical misjudgments if they become distracted. Not
surprisingly, they text more than any other age group and the numbers of young drivers
who text is only increasing. Parents can set a good example by also not texting while
concerned citizens and those who have lost loved ones because of a distracted driver.
These partners realize that eliminating distractions while driving will save lives and
reduce costs associated with crashes caused by distracted drivers. And because everyone
is potentially affected when drivers are distracted, everyone must be part of the solution.
History has also shown for other issues like seat belt use, that when high visibility
enforcement programs were implemented to enforce state laws, numbers of seat belt
users increased dramatically. With a proven track record of success, we are confident that
this strategy will have the same effect on distracted drivers.[ CITATION
putitdownkeymess \l 1033 ]
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felt it was very informative. It is also interesting that driving while under the influence of
alcohol and driving while talking on the cell phone are both 4 times more likely to cause
an accident. While “texting while driving” you are 8 times more likely to cause an
The second element to the poster is the age breakdown. As you will see,
the largest age group texting while driving is 16-19 year olds. It gradually decreases to
the age of 34. The overall age bracket of distracted drivers due to texting is 16-34. As
you can see this is not a small group of the American population and because of these
numbers legislation has a lot of work ahead of them. We need to target this age bracket
and make them aware of the danger they put themselves and others in when they distract
The third element to this poster is the map of the United States showing the laws
by state banning texting while driving. Nineteen states and the District of Columbia have
laws banning text messaging for all drivers. Another 8 states ban text messaging by
novice drivers and 1 state has a text messaging ban on novice and school bus drivers.
Twenty-two states do not have any laws prohibiting text messaging.[ CITATION
statimage \l 1033 ] I have found some updated statistics. In early 2010, 21 States have
enacted graduated drivers licensing (GDL) laws. As of May 13, 2010, six States, the
District of Columbia and the Virgin Islands ban hand- held cell phone use for all drivers,
and 25 States, the District of Columbia and Guam ban texting by all drivers.[ CITATION
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putitdownkeymess \l 1033 ] As you can see even with updated statistics we do not have
many states enforcing laws to help get texting while driving under control and save lives.
PSAVideo \l 1033 ]
My third approach is a YouTube video. The video starts out with three teenagers
in a car and the driver of the car is texting and as she is looking for who she wants to send
the message to and veers out of her lane and hits an oncoming car and starts a series of
collisions. The video was originally supposed to be a trailer for a 30 minute film called
COW. Tredegar Comprehensive School and Gwent Police (Gwent is located in south-
east Wales, UK) present a half hour drama entitled 'COW' --The film that will stop you
from texting and driving," It is all about Cassie COWan a nice girl from a Gwent valleys
family who kills four people on the road because she used her mobile and lost her
Seeing a scenario, like the one Cassie goes through, played out right before your
eyes makes you realize how extremely dangerous it can be and what devastating
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consequences it can have.I hope that after watching this film motorists will think twice
before picking up their mobile phone when behind the wheel and realize that a quick
reply to a text message or answering a phone call is never worth putting theirs and other
can see the real effects of their actions they tend to really think about the consequences.
We need to get more Public Service Announcements out to the public like the one I have
shown in this paper. The public needs to see the truth to make a change.
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(n.d.). Retrieved May 17, 2010, from blogs.wsj.com: http://blogs.wsj.com/drivers-