Texting While Driving: Paola Garcia
Texting While Driving: Paola Garcia
Texting While Driving: Paola Garcia
Distracted driving is any activity that takes your attention away from the road. In everyday driving, however, distractions
are common. From talking with passengers, to eating, to turning around to check on fidgety toddlers, distracted driving
endangers you, your passengers, pedestrians and others. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention describes
three main types of distractions while driving. Visual distractions cause you to take your eyes off the road, manual
distractions cause you to take your hands off the wheel and cognitive distractions, such as listening to a talk radio show,
cause you to take your mind off what you are doing. Driving is a great privilege, but with that privilege also comes
Johnson, T. (2012). Distracted driving: Stay focused when on the road. Nation's Health, 42(1), 28.
While there are many activities that can distract a driver, such as eating or adjusting the radio while driving (see "Driven
to Distraction"), sending text messages may be the worst. "Texting is among the most dangerous activities for drivers
because it involves taking your eyes and attention off the roadway," says Justin McNaull, director of state relations for
AAA, formerly known as the American Automobile Association. "Even taking your eyes off the road for two seconds
doubles your chances of being in a crash."
Jackson, N. (2011). DN'T TXT N DRV. Current Health Teens, 37(7), 6-9.
Don't think it can't happen to you.
"We do a lot of personal injury work, and see a lot of people injured from texting and driving (crashes)," Detchemendy
said. "Kids don't realize how dangerous it is. It's stuff your brain does that you can't control."
Brain behavior is what Detchemendy and Sanders emphasized during their presentation on Friday, while also giving the
students facts and figures.
"A normal text is about five seconds. It doesn't seem that long because you're thinking about what you're going to
write," Sanders said. "If you're going 55 mph, that's 100 yards."
Texting while driving increases your chance of an accident 23 times.
"It's one of those things we all have in us that, we think we're invincible," Sanders said. "We thinking nothing bad's
gonna happen to us."
Kulmala, T. (2014, February 9). Texting and driving campaign makes stop at South Aiken. Aiken Standard (SC).
Texting while driving results in 1.6 million accidents per year, according to the National Safety Council, which is nearly 25
percent of all accidents.
Texting while driving makes you 23 times more likely to crash. It results in 300,000 injuries annually and an average of 11
teen deaths a day.
Texting while driving is incredibly dangerous activity that people think is only dangerous when other people do it.
Stand on any street corner in Maine and you will likely see drivers who distract themselves by looking at their
cellphones. Some convince themselves that it's OK because they are just reading, not typing (it's not). Some think they
are being safe because they are holding the phone in a way that lets them see the road (they can't). Some think it's not
too dangerous to look away for just a second (it is).
(2013, October 14). EDITORIAL: Tough texting penalties reflect real danger posed. Portland Press Herald (ME).
My opinion of all these texts is that I want to give a solution to this problem because is something that is growing so
much and now is the most cause of vehicles accidents, and something that I consider important is how the people think
because a lot of people say that they would not crash and that they drive very good but its like if it happened no another
person it can happen to you, another thing the people think is that they would only use the phone like 5 seconds but five
seconds in a car at 80 km/h is a great distance.
How to make video commercials
The entire process is essentially broken down into five different stages. These include:
The Briefing
The Release
1. What's the message of your commercial?
2. What's the story of your commercial?
3. Script Your Commercial
4. Record Your Commercial
5 .Edit Your Commercial
6. Show Your Commercial
CHAPTER 2: PREPPING THE PROJECT (Pre-Production. A diligent pre-production will allow for a bullet-proof shoot.
Casting, Locations, Equipment tips.)
1. Find a commercial director.
2. Develop the script.
3. Scout locations.
4. Shoot the commercial.
5. Edit the footage from the shoot
6. Add the final touches.
Honestly I am not very good in the stuff of making commercials but with these texts I learned something of the steps I
would need to do my video commercial.