SPE 53943 New Down-Hole External Casing Mud Removal Technology Improves Primary Cement Results
SPE 53943 New Down-Hole External Casing Mud Removal Technology Improves Primary Cement Results
SPE 53943 New Down-Hole External Casing Mud Removal Technology Improves Primary Cement Results
New Down-Hole External Casing Mud Removal Technology Improves Primary Cement
Robert L. Dillenbeck, BJ Services Company, USA, SPE, Stewart Simpson, Turbeco, Inc.,
Copyright 1999, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc.
illustrate the comparative effectiveness of the new technology at
achieving improved annular hydraulic seals.
This paper was prepared for presentation at the 1999 SPE Latin American and Caribbean
Petroleum Engineering Conference held in Caracas, Venezuela, 2123 April 1999.
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of
information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
When oil and gas wells are drilled with some sort of liquid drilling
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to fluid, that fluid can take the form of either an oil base, a water base,
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at
or an emulsion of both. It is necessary to use these fluids during the
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of drilling process to cool and lubricate the drill bit, to carry cuttings out
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper of the hole, to maintain borehole stability and also to provide
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is
prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 necessary hydrostatic pressure to hold back formation fluids from
words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous entering the wellbore. Unfortunately, once the well is drilled, and
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O.
Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435. casing has been run, these same fluids that have been so beneficial up
to this point in the well, now are a hindrance to achieving a good
hydraulic seal with cement in the annular area between the casing and
Abstract the borehole. Most all common drilling fluids are to some extent
During the course of developing techniques and applications for incompatible with conventional Portland Cement based. If not
better primary cementing results, it has become universally removed from the annulus area (between the casing and the wellbore
recognized that conventional drilling fluids and their residue must be walls) before cement is pumped into place, the residual mud will
removed from the annular space of a well before an effective often cause either poor quality cement, or poor hydraulic isolation of
hydraulic seal with cement can be achieved. To adequately protect the various strata in the well. The lack of hydraulic isolation may be
well bore integrity, this hydraulic seal must be effective at both the from channels of mud through the set cement, poor cement to
cement to formation interface, and also at the cement to casing formation bond, or poor cement to pipe bond 1.. Even when hydraulic
interface. To combat the problem of mud residue on the formation isolation seems to be achieved after a primary cement job, cement
face, a vast array of external casing devices such as formation wipers can separate from the casing later, and allow formation fluids to
and scratchers have been developed to help remove this residue migrate to undesirable locations in the well1. Over the years,
through mechanical means. These devices, while effective at extensive work has been done in the industry to develop improved
mechanically assisting chemical spacers and flushes in mud residue methods and techniques to remove the drilling fluid prior to
removal from the formation face, do nothing to help clean the cementing casing in the ground. Much good work has been devoted
exterior of the casing. to the study of improving mud displacement efficiency in the annulus
Due to its impermeable nature, casing suspended in a well is not between the casing and formations of wells2. Some research has also
subject to the same mud solids build up due to filtrate loss that looked at improving the cement to pipe bond with methods such as
exposed formations are. However, due to extremely low shear rates rough coating the casing3. This work has resulted in the development
at the casing wall, some mud systems can build impressive gel of both hydraulic optimizations (such as pumping rate changes)
strengths along the casing boundary, and become totally immobile. which may or may not utilize various pre-flushes and/or spacers
Experience has shown that this immobile layer can even resist the ahead of a cement job, and also in the development of several types
abrasive flow of cement slurries on the inside of casings, and resulted of mechanical devices which are designed to help remove the drilling
in the development of the bottom wiper plug commonly used to fluid and much of its filtercake from the borehole wall. Since the
remove mud residue from inside the casing on many cement jobs wellbore wall is permeable, this is the location where the familiar
pumped today. When this same immobile layer of mud adheres to the drilling fluid filter cake forms during drilling. This filtercake can
exterior of the casing through the placement of cement, the cement be much more difficult to remove than the less viscous and mobile
can have a very difficult time bonding to the casing and creating the drilling fluid and cause failures in a primary cement job.
necessary hydraulic seal. Recognizing the need to remove this mud residue from the formation
The authors have tested a new mechanical device both under face before casing is cemented, mechanical scratchers and scrapers
controlled test conditions and in the field, which allows drilling fluid have been developed that when combined with casing reciprocation,
residue to be mechanically removed from the casing exterior both can be quite effective at removing mud and mud residue from the
before and during the actual placement of primary cement in the rock face in the borehole 4. However, the authors feel that there is
casing annulus. The paper will detail the development of the another area of mud deposition that warrants examination and
technology involved, initial testing, and actual field application of the removal. In order to better illustrate the area involved, one should
new tools. The results of select field trials where the new devices first look inside the casing during a cement job.
were run side by side with other older technology will be presented to
Whenever a casing string is to be cemented in a well, it must first mechanically assist in the removal of mud residue from the exterior
be run into the well and suspended in whatever drilling fluid is in the surface of casing during a primary cement job.
wellbore at that time. If the casing is not automatically filled with
mud while running in the hole with auto fill float equipment, it is Tool Development
usually filled with drilling fluid manually every few joints while While the authors suspected that a layer of mud was somehow
running the string in the hole. On deeper wells this can result in the building up on the exterior of the casing and remaining there through
casing being suspended in more or less static drilling fluid for a out cement placement, there still remained the question of how to go
considerable length of time. Like many lessons learned in our about mechanically removing a mud film from the exterior of the
industry, the problem of a wet shoe after a cement job is one that casing, once the casing was in the well, but before cement was
seems to keep needing to be re-learned by many. The most common placed.
cause of this problem in which at the end of a job the casing shoe As it turns out, Mr. Harlan King was thinking up a conceptual
joint(s) below the float collar is filled with mud rather than cement, is solution to the same problem as early as 19855. His first prototype
mud which has clung to the inside of the casing throughout the tool was developed in 1991. The first model was made of simple
pumping of spacers and cement slurry. Usually in these situations circular rubber O ring type wipers incased inside rigid metal rings
only a top wiper plug has been run. After the top wiper/displacement similar to finger type external casing scratchers. These were
plug is dropped and pumped down the casing, this thin layer of mud mounted around the casing at such points that would need good
is mechanically removed from the inside of the casing by the plug. cement to casing bonds. The idea was for downhole lateral casing
Unfortunately, this small layer can represent a volume of several loads on the casing string to hold the tool tightly against the borehole
barrels of drilling mud when it is collected from several thousand feet wall. When the casing was reciprocated before the start of cement
of casing. Given a good tight seal of the top wiper plug, the drilling operations, and also during the first stages when spacers and cement
fluid layer will build up under the top wiper plug during its (cement) slurry were still inside the casing, the pipe would pass back and forth
displacement trip down the casing. If the total volume of the mud through the wiper elements. While the concept was quite simple,
collected during the plugs pass through the casing is large enough, it there was still room for improvement in the wiping action of the
can partially or even completely fill the casing shoe joint(s), and even elastomer element, both in composition and shape. Additionally, a
extend out the shoe and into the annulus around the shoe joint. To more rigid tool body structure to hold the tool stationary in the hole
prevent this from happening, a bottom wiper plug is often utilized during casing reciprocation was desired. Towards this end, a switch
ahead of the cement fluid to mechanically wipe the mud layer off of to a tool body of a rigid (Non-Bow Spring) type centralizer with
the inside of the casing before the cement is pumped down the casing. angled vanes was made. Having a slightly longer body than most
In so doing, the bottom wiper plug removes the film that might external casing scratchers, this allowed for two individual wiper
otherwise end up collecting under the top wiper plug. Even though elements to be fitted in one tool body. The tool body also
the non-permeable casing cannot suffer a build-up of dehydrated mud incorporated drain holes between the two wiper elements to allow for
filter cake in the manner of a porous and permeable rock face, the any mud that might otherwise collect between the two wiper elements
prevention of wet casing shoes with the use of bottom wiper plugs to escape out of the tool and away from the casing. Figure #1 shows
where they had previously occurred with out bottom plugs, is an example of one of the first tools as produced.
compelling enough to convince the authors that a tenacious layer of The wiper ring design and elastomer compound posed many
drilling fluid can attach itself to casing and resist removal by spacers challenges in order for the tool to be effective. The first challenge to
and cement slurry. overcome was to come up with an elastomer, which would handle the
In their current duties, the authors are often in a position to environment in which the rings would be exposed, and expected to
examine intriguing and/or problem cement jobs. When the authors operate. Factors included in the decision making process were
reviewed specific primary cement applications where all surface temperature, chemical, and physical constraints. An elastomer was
indications pointed to a totally successful job, and yet either a poor needed which would operate up to the 300 degree F. range, but which
bond log or lack of zonal isolation occurred, they were often left would remain pliable at both cooler and hotter temperatures, while at
wondering about the possible causal factors involved. In some, but the same time maintaining its physical properties, and not adversely
not all of these instances, bond logs would indicate a possible micro reacting to any chemical additives in the mud or cement systems.
annulus effect, and in others, only poor bonding or fluid migration The material also needed to be compatible with most water, oil based,
was apparent. While there are admittedly many different factors that and emulsion muds as well. In addition to a composition meeting the
can contribute to these kind of problems, a careful process of many requirements listed, a shape better suited to efficient mud film
elimination, led at this point, to the authors starting to wonder about removal was also desired. After discussions were held with several
the possibility of a mud layer on the exterior of the casing in some elastomer labs, one was finally chosen to produce an elastomer seal
cement jobs. Such a layer could survive in place through the cement which met the affor mentioned criteria. They were able to formulate
placement process and then interfere with the results of the primary a compound that would perform under the strict requirements deemed
job through either cement contamination, or by providing an un- necessary for this application. The compound is proprietary, and its
cemented conduit for leakage of formation fluids after the cement set. application for the purpose of removing the mud film from the OD of
It was also noted that in some instances the problem of mud build up a casing string is unique to this tool at this time.
on the exterior of the casing also seemed more severe in cold weather Another design challenge of the wiper ring was that the wiper had to
conditions when cold casing was run in a well. The low steel have the ability to maintain strength integrity while maintaining the
temperature when first immersed in the drilling mud seemed to ability to conform to casing ODs that might or might not fall within
rapidly cause a viscous layer of mud to start forming on the casing API tolerance standards. Some of the casing on which tests were run,
exterior. in fact, did not fall within the API tolerances. Further complicating
It was the suspicion that tenacious mud films could be formed on these considerations was mill varnish coating on the casing, as well
casing exteriors, that created a desire to do something about the as sand blasted casing. The wiper elements would have to
problem. This desire ultimately lead to the development of a tool that accommodate these inconsistencies. Still other design challenges
was specifically designed to use routine casing reciprocation to included heavy lateral loading on the low side of the wiper
ring in horizontal well applications. This would tend to compress
the wiper element on the low side of the casing, while at the same very satisfied with the elastomer wipers elements ability to easily
time, leaving a gap on the high side of the casing. This meant that the remove even very nasty oil muds that had been left on the pipe for
wiper had to be energized even while in the environment of having an extended period of time. At this point, the authors felt that the
casing with an out of spec. API OD, in addition to having the casing new External Casing Wiper Tool (ECWT) was ready for field trials.
in a horizontal position with heavy lateral loading. The wiper
element would have to maintain the ability to conform to these Discussion
parameters, and still be able to effectively wipe the mud from the Once satisfied with both the materials and initial prototype design of
casing while the casing was being reciprocated. These design the tool, the authors were ready to start field tests of the technology to
parameters proved to be the most challenging aspect of the design. see if it really could aid primary cementing in the manner that they
Other design considerations included the ability of the wiper ring to hoped it would. However, before testing could begin, criteria needed
slide over the threads on the casing without being deformed or to be set for good test candidate wells. The authors both felt strongly
destroyed during installation. that the most critical applications requiring excellent cement bonding
Ultimately, a design was chosen which would have both a leading and that had the most to loose from a lack of hydraulic seal would be
and trailing ramp in order to wipe the casing during reciprocation, on production casing and liner cement jobs. Accordingly, the first batch
both the upstroke and the downstroke. In order to facilitate heavy of tools manufactured for field trial were made up in 7 inch size.
lateral loading without binding and jamming under these loads, a Obviously, this narrowed down the list of test wells to those using 7
mold was chosen with a groove on the underside of the wiper inch casing. From this point, other factors that were deemed
element. The wiper element groove in the centralizer was sized so important were compiled. Specifically, one of the criteria listed was
that the groove under the wiper would compress and flare out on the if wells were being drilled in areas with unexplained general lack of
ends, thereby facilitating heavy lateral loading in horizontal bond that couldnt be explained by other known variables. Another
applications. The wiper element diameter was sized smaller than plus in a candidate wells favor was if other offsets had suffered from
even out of spec. casing in order to be sure that there would not be a poor or incomplete hydraulic isolation, with no sure cause. Finally, a
gap on the high side of the casing. This would keep the wiper well drilled in an area where cement bonds appeared to suffer from a
energized in all situations. Figure #2 illustrates one of the two wiper form of microannuli on logs, but without normal causal factors,
elements housed in each tool and demonstrates how they fit in the would appear high on a candidate list for field trials.
tool and against the casing. After setting the criteria for selecting field trial candidate wells, the
authors planned out the best manner and method for placing the tool
Tool Testing on the casing string. An arrangement of two free-floating tools on
In order to test the physical properties of the wiper element during each joint of casing, with one friction type stop ring placed in the
installation, the wipers were installed in the centralizers and the middle of the casing joint and the tools on either side was decided
following tests were performed: upon. This set up would allow for complete external casing mud
On dry casing, the tools were hammered, with a sledgehammer and removal in each test section with just a +/- 20 foot reciprocation
a 4 X 4 block, over NuVamm threads on a joint of casing. Once stroke on the rig floor. The authors also planned on using a sequence
over the threads, the tool was slid up the entire length of casing and of conventional rigid centralizers without the external wiper
back, all the while noting the wiping ability of the rings. The tool technology spaced out in intervals between the test tools to serve as
was then hammered back over the threads and removed from the comparison tools to the new wiper tools on subsequent bond logs and
casing. After removal over the threads, the condition of the wiper other cement evaluations.
elements was inspected. The tool was then installed on the dry casing With selection criteria set and a plan for running the tools that
again. This process was continued for over 8 hours with the same set would generate good comparison data in place, contacts with
of elastomer wiper elements. At the completion of the testing period, operators in the field were made asking about possible candidate
the wiper elements showed no adverse effects. There was no wells that they might have planned in the near future. With a certain
discernible damage to the wiper rings, and the authors were satisfied naivet that only those who feel as though they have just developed a
that the next step was to test the wiping efficiency with various better mouse trap can apply, the authors plan was to review the
drilling fluids under observable conditions. collection of wells that flooded in and to then select only the wells
Once the authors were comfortable with the mechanical durability that met most if not all the selection criteria. Unfortunately, the
of the wiper elements, surface tests were performed with both vertical reality of current oilfield conditions eventually dictated that some
and horizontal sections of casing to check the efficiency of the wipers compromises had to be made in the test well selection process. Both
at removing actual field samples of mud. In these tests, it proved the number and types of primary casing cement jobs that were
easier to hold the casing stationary and to move the tool and wipers initially made available for early field trials we not quite what the
along the mud coated pipe, while in the hole, lateral casing loads authors had hoped for. Many of the wells available tended to be
would hold the tool stationary against the wall of the hole as the using either 4 in or 5 in production casing instead of the 7 in.
casing was reciprocated through it. The end result is the same. It casing that had been anticipated. This necessitated the manufacturer
should be noted at this point that the first test runs showed an of additional ECWTs in sizes beyond the original 7 in size. In the
unexpectedly high force was required to break friction and move the end, it would seem that the concept being examined was so simple
tools across the mud coated casing. The authors were concerned that that many operators tended to dismiss the idea out of hand.
excessive friction downhole could cause the tools to be drug along Regardless, the decision was made to press ahead with the subject
with the reciprocated pipe instead of remaining stationary and wiping wells that were available, and in the end, the authors believe the
the casing. Therefore, before additional tests were run, it was process to be vindicated.
decided to increase the depth of the wiper groove in the tool body
very slightly. This modification was made in all subsequent tools Example Wells
used for the remaining tests and proved effective at eliminating One operator who did express an interest was operating in the North
excess friction. Texas Panhandle in a Shallow gas field. The reservoir characteristics
In these tests several muds were used but some were oil based muds made a good hydraulic seal essential in order to isolate two
with viscositys well over 150 cp, and in all cases the authors were formations that were located very close together in the wellbore. The
formations in question were the naturally fractured Permian age 4. As illustrated in Figure #3, cement bond logs indicated good
Brown and White Dolomites at a depth of about 3,000 ft. The White cement bond to both the casing and formation across the critical
Dolomite was being produced, while the Brown Dolomite, located zones. This was true on all three wells. The bond can be
below the White, was used as a water disposal zone. With only a 50 compared to Figure #4 which shows a representative sample of
to 100 ft tight stringer between the two zones, it was imperative that bond log from a section of the wells with no ECWT.
the operator achieve a good hydraulic seal at both the formation face
as well as the casing. Without such a cement seal, it would be very
easy for the injected disposal fluid to move up through any flaw in 5. Finally, there was no communication observed between the
the cement sheath and to then flood out the low-pressure gas disposal zone and the production zones once the wells were
production from the higher White Dolomite. The wells were drilled completed.
with a simple low-density water and bentonite mud system, with mud
density generally at or below 9.00 lbm/gal. While the subject wells Conclusions:
did not meet all the criteria for testing the new ECWT technology that The authors have concluded in their initial field tests that the external
the authors might have wanted, the decision was made to go ahead casing wiper tools could be successfully applied in actual field
and test the tools on the next three wells drilled. Other compromises applications. While not all the comparative test parameters that were
had to be made in the desired test procedure. Among the most originally hoped for were available in the first test wells, all
important was the inability to stagger non-ECWT tools between the indications are that the technology performed downhole in the same
new casing wiper tools to give direct comparisons on resulting bond manner as during surface testing. The test wells all achieved the goal
logs run after the casing was cemented. As previously noted, a total of good zonal isolation under difficult primary cementing conditions,
of three wells in this field were cemented using the new ECWT and the field operations gave the authors no reason to suspect any
technology. Each casing string had the tools placed two per joint problems would be encountered using the ECWT technology on other
with a casing stop ring in the middle of the joint. The tools were wells. The authors are continuing to actively search out other more
placed across both the Brown and the White Dolomite zones and for challenging test cases to further test the technology, and plan to try to
some distance in between the two zones. An average total of thirteen include more difficult mud systems such as oil based drilling mud.
to fifteen tools were run on each well with a total average cement
column height of about 500 feet. All three wells were cemented with Nomenclature
the same 20 bbls of water based cement mud wash and the same 14.8
lbm/gal API class H based completion cement. In all cases, slow API = American Petroleum Institute
casing reciprocation was attempted once casing was on bottom, and OD = Outside Diameter
was generally continued until the cement system was exiting the cp = centipoise
casing shoe into the annulus. Due to a very low fracture gradient in lbm/gal = Pounds per Gallon
the subject zones, rapid reciprocation would cause excessive surge ECWT = External Casing Wiper Tool
and swab pressures in the annulus, which was not desirable. A ft = Feet
reciprocation stroke of about 20 feet was used in order to try to in = Inch
achieve complete cleaning of the casing string across the critical
zones. No abnormal events were noted during the course of Acknowledgements
cement operations on the wells.
The Authors would like to thank the management of BJ Services, and
Turbeco for their assistance and permission to publish this paper. We
Results would also like to thank the BJ Tomball Technology Center staff and
Due to factors beyond the control of the authors, operations did not Turbeco staff for their assistance in carrying out the necessary tests of
allow for downhole, side by side comparisons of casing sections the initial tools. Special thanks also should go to Mr. Gary Mcdonald
which had the ECWT tools, and those that had the same tool without for his assistance in setting up the test wells used in this paper.
the wiper elements. Never the less, the authors were able to observe Finally, the authors would like to gratefully acknowledge the
encouraging results on all the wells cemented with the tools. These assistance of Issa Mendez for her assistance in compiling this paper.
1. The installation and running of the tools was accomplished with 1. Crook, Ron and Heathman, James: Predicting Potential Gas-Flow Rates
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3. The casing reciprocation and cementing was accomplished and SPE-AIME 50th ATC, Dallas, Texas Sept28-Oct. 1, 1975
the desired cement lift was achieved in an area known for its 5. Williamson, K.: Kings Pipe-Cleaning Invention Could Change the Oil
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Figure #1
Figure #2
Figure #3
Figure 4