Chapter 3 (A) - Convection Heat Transfer
Chapter 3 (A) - Convection Heat Transfer
Chapter 3 (A) - Convection Heat Transfer
Convection Heat
Figure 3.1
Convection Heat Transfer
- Density differences in
the fluid arising from
the heating process
provide the buoyancy
force required to move
the fluid.
Figure 3.3
Types of Heat Convection
1. Free Convection
2. Force Convection
Free Convection
Figure 3.4
Force Convection
- Example:
i. The transfer of heat from the surface of a
heat exchanger to the bulk of a fluid being
pumped through the heat exchanger.
Force Convection
iii. Mechanical
agitation greatly
increase the
mixing of the fluid.
Figure 3.5
Conduction vs. Convection
Conduction Convection
- Transfer of heat by the - Involves the transfer of
interaction between heat by the mixing and
adjacent molecules of a motion of a fluid due to
material. the density differences.
- Formula: - Formula:
T Q = hA(Ts T )
Q = kA
Convection Heat Transfer
Differences between Free Convection & Force
Q = h A (Ts-T) 3.1
Q = rate of heat transfer
h = convection heat transfer coefficient
A = surface area
Ts = surface/wall temperature
T = fluid/bulk temperature
Example 1
A 22 ft uninsulated steam line crosses a
room. The outer diameter of the steam line
is 18 in. and the outer surface is 280 F. The
convective heat transfer coefficient for air is
Btu/hr-ft2-F. Calculate the heat transfer
18 Btu/hr-
rate from the pipe into the room if the room
temperature is 72
Convection Heat Transfer
- The convection heat transfer coefficient, h is
also known as film conductance.
Nu f = C (Grf . Pr f ) n
Dimensionless Number
Ts + T
Tf = 3.4
T = fluid or bulk temperature.
Ts= Surface temperature.
Dimensionless Number
gT C p
3 2
= C (Gr. Pr) = C ( )
hLc L
Nu = n c n
k 2 k
Dimensionless Number
C, n = constants from Table 9-9-1
= density in kg/m3
= viscosity in kg/m.s
T = the positive temp. difference between
the wall & the bulk fluid or vice versa in K
Cp = heat capacity in J/kg.K
= volumetric coefficient of expansion of the
fluid in 1/K (For gas = 1/Tf ; Tf = (Tw+
Tb)/2 )
g = 9.81 m/s2
Dimensionless Number
- Horizontal Cylinder
0.387 Ra D
1/ 6
Nu = 0.6 +
1 [
+ ( 0.559 / Pr) 9 / 16
] 8 / 27
Range of Ra: Ra D 10 12
Nusselt Number
- Sphere
1/ 4
0.589 RaD
Nu = 2 +
1 + (0.469/ Pr)9 /16
] 4/ 9 3.10
Range of Ra: Ra D 10 11
(Pr 0.7)
Example 2
Figure 3.8