Lab Report 2 Alkane Alkene Alkyne
Lab Report 2 Alkane Alkene Alkyne
Lab Report 2 Alkane Alkene Alkyne
Hydrocarbons are compounds which contain only carbon and hydrogen. It can be
classified into several types depending on their structure. Aliphatic hydrocarbons are divided
into three classes which are alkanes have only single bonds and saturated. Meanwhile
alkenes and alkynes have carbon-carbon double or triple bonds and are said to be unsaturated.
The three classes sometimes react differently toward the same reagent, in which case it may
be used to distinguish between them in this experiment.
The characterization test was divided into 5 parts which are set 1A that involved the
tube to leave in the dark; set 1B was put in the presence of light, set 1A and 1B which
involved the bromine in carbon tetrachloride and it air was blow at the test tube. Then the set
2A was set up to test with potassium permanganate solution, set 2B with alkaline potassium
permanganate and set 2C with acidified potassium permanganate solution.
Based on result of set 1 A in table 1, when methane is tested with bromine in carbon
tetrachloride and is placed in dark place, there is no reaction occur since methane need the
light to trigger the reaction. The vice versa result obtained for methane in set 1 B as it was
exposed to sunlight, there was small bubbles produced. However, based on theory when
methane was exposed to light, the brownish colour of bromine changes to colourless as
substitution reaction took place inside the test tube which is shown by equation R-H + Br2 --
light--> R-Br + HBr . The reason behind of this error probably due to the bromine in carbon
tetrachloride solution is originally colourless due to error in the preparation of solution.
Therefore, the colour of solution did not originally orange before exposed to light. Besides,
the presence of hydrogen bromide should be proven when the solution in the test tube turns
cloudy after blowing across the mouth of all the test tubes. However, all the test tube shows
no change occurred to the solution.
Theoretically, the reaction is easily detected by loss of the bromine colour and by
evolution of hydrogen bromide. On the other hand, bromine adds rapidly at room temperature
to alkenes in a reaction which does not require light. Since the product is colourless, the
bromine is rapidly decolorized when added to an alkene
However based on the result of set 1 A for ethene and ethyne showed similar result
when they were place in the dark place but different result for ethyne in set 1B when it was
exposed to the light. For ethene, the bromine should fill the carbon-carbon double bond of
ethene and produce dibromoethane and for ethyne, bromine will fill the carbon-carbon double
bond of ethene and produce tetrabromoethane. However, both ethene and ethyne both showed
no reaction either in the dark or exposed to the light except for ethyne in set 1B that change
colourless solution into chalky.
In test 2A, the results showed that when react with 2 ml of 0.3% potassium
permanganate solution, methane showed no reaction as the purpose of this test was used to
identify the unsaturation of the chemical bond. Theoretically, alkanes are relatively inert to
chemical oxidizing agents such as neutral or alkaline permanganate where alkenes are readily
oxidized at room temperature. The change in colour for test 2A can be used as a test for a
double bond, provided the molecule contains no easily oxidise group. Since methane is a
saturated, purple colour of solution remains unchanged. Meanwhile, both ethene and ethyne
purple coloured potassium permanganate solution turns into dark purple solution. It is
because MnO2 formed as the appearance of the brown precipitate indicates a positive test for
For test 2C, methane remains brown colour solution when tested with 2ml acidified
potassium permanganate solution. Ethene changed brown solution into dark brownish
solution while ethyne changed brown solution into light brown solution.
Through the results obtained, it can conclude that the reaction with bromine, each of
hydrocarbon will reacted with a bromine solution. But then, bromine only reacts with ethene
and ethyne by addition across the bond. Disappearance of the orange bromine colour
indicates that it has reacted with a double or triple bond of a hydrocarbon. Bromine will only
react with carbon single bonds in ethane by replacing a H with Br by substitution, however,
the reaction only reacted when the presence of light to act as a catalyst.
For the test with acidified potassium permanganate solution, methane does not react
with the solution and the other both ethene and ethyne did change to dark brownish and light
brownish. It is because acidic MnO4- is oxidized ethyne further. It should be decolourise but
then it does not reacted completely.