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Abstract— Increment in Indium molar fraction in InGaN cap Semiconductor HEMT structure [7]. Among these normally-off
layer leads to increase in negative piezoelectric polarization AlGaN/GaN HEMTs with InGaN cap layer is the issues of
charge, which creates a downward polarization charge, further interest because this type of E-mode HEMT are epitaxial
results in an increase in depletion layer thickness, whereas, growth dependent.
thickness of InGaN cap layer increases which results in reduction
of gate controllability over the channel. Therefore, the effects of
The device works as a thin InGaN cap layer introduces a
heterostructure parameter i.e. molar fraction and thickness polarization field, which raises the conduction band of the
variation of InGaN cap layer of InGaN/AlGaN/GaN HEMT on
its DC characteristics i.e. threshold voltage, subthreshold swing
and maximum transconductance has been examined in the paper.
Growth of InGaN over AlGaN with high Indium molar fraction
cannot be done because roughness increases and critical
thickness decreases. Thus, for simulation purpose, percentage
variation in Indium molar fraction and InGaN cap layer
thickness is taken as 5-20% and 4-7nm, respectively. In addition
to this, optimized barrier layer thickness and Aluminium molar
fraction is taken as 15nm and 25%. Hence, variation of threshold
voltage, subthreshold swing and maximum transconductance due
to change in heterostructure parameter of InGaN cap layer are
reported as 1-0.7V, 135-80mV/dec and 400-360 mS/mm2,
Index Terms— Enhancement mode GaN HEMT, threshold Fig. 1. The Raising of Conduction band due to negative polarization
voltage, transconductance, leakage, 2DEG, Modeling. introduced by InGaN cap layer.
1st National Conference on Device and Circuits, ISBN : 978-93-82208-75-4. 20th – 21st February, 2015
Cap layer Engineering: Performance Evaluation of E-Mode InGaN/AlGaN/GaN HEMT
which shows the effects of variation of heterostructure AlGaN 8.9 1.9x 0 (12)
parameter on DC characteristics of E-mode InGaN/AlGaN/ InGaN 10 .4 4.9 y 0 (13)
GaN HEMT. The model is formulated as follows:
The piezoelectric and spontaneous polarization charge for Thus, molar fraction variation is effecting on band offset
InGaN/AlGaN and AlGaN/GaN interface is given as which further have an impact on threshold voltage. It can be
calculated from the eqn.14.
(1 x )PGaN
x Ga 1 x N (1) ECInGaN ECAlGaN EFO
VTH B Vp (14)
PIn Ga yPInN
(1 y)PGaN
q q q
y 1 y N
a In Ga a Al Ga
Where, B = barrier height between InGaN cap layer and
y 1 yN x 1 x N C13
2 e31 e (3) metal, E FO = change in Fermi level.
In y Ga1 y N 33
a Alx Ga1 x N C 33
InGaN The effective capacitance from gate to the channel is therefore
shown as:
a Alx Ga 1 x N a GaN
2 e31 C13 e33 (4) AlGaN InGaN
Alx Ga 1 x N
a GaN
d AlGaN d InGaN
C eff (15)
P pe AlGaN InGaN
Alx Ga 1 x N PGaN PAlx Ga 1 x N
sp sp
AlGaN d AlGaN d InGaN
(5) The 2DEG channel is formed between AlGaN/GaN interface
P pe pe sp sp so, effective mobility of electron in 2DEG will depend on the
In y Ga 1 y N PAlx Ga 1 x N PAlx Ga 1 x N PIn y Ga 1 y N (6)
InGaN effective mass of AlGaN and GaN which can be shown as:
eff GaN *
m AlGaN GaN (16)
The model to calculate doping induced charges of doped
AlGaN barrier layer is shown as follows: Therefore, the effect of molar fraction and thickness variation,
The voltage required to deplete the entire AlGaN layer is on dielectric, mobility, 2DEG and capacitance are evident.
given by: The eqn. (17) shows the relation of these parameters with
qN dAlGaN 2
drain current.
Vp d AlGaN
2 AlGaN 2
eff VDL eff L eff g
Q doping AlGaN Vp (8) s
Thus, the total charge between AlGaN and GaN interface is ……….(17)
shown as: Where, s = saturation velocity of electrons, which depends
Qtotal QGaN AlGaN
AlGaN Qdoping QInGaN
(9) on mobility and electric field.
Therefore, the two dimensional gas (2DEG) is calculated by Therefore, transconductance is further be calculated by the
help of this equation.
n 2 deg Q total q
Assume, conduction bandgap discontinuity is 70% between G m max max D (18)
AlGaN and GaN, thus the effect of molar fraction on the band- dVG VD constan t
gap offset is as follows:
E c 0.7 * E g
Model formulation shows the effect of molar fraction and
Where, E g AlGaN ( x ) xE g AlN (1 x )E g GaN bx (1 x ) (10) thickness is evident for change in Gmmax, Vth and leakage if
E g E g AlGaN ( x ) E g GaN , b 1eV process parameters are fixed.
Molar fraction dependent band-gap offset is calculated by III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
assuming, the conduction bandgap discontinuity is 80%
The molar fraction of Al is 25% and In is varied from (5-
between InGaN and AlGaN,
20%). The thickness of the AlGaN barrier layer is 15nm and
E c 0.8 * E g
InGaN varies from (4-7nm).
Where, E g InGaN ( y) xE g InN (1 y)E g GaN by(1 y) (11)
Table.1 depicts the molar fraction variation effects on
b 1.43eV, E g E g InGaN ( y) E g GaN heterostructure parameters i.e. lattice constant, inplane strain,
polarization charge, dielectic constant and bandgap, these
The dielectric constant of AlGaN and InGaN is dependent on
parameter further influences on Vth, Gmmax and leakage which
the molar fraction, which is represented as:
have shown in fig. 2 for an optimized thickness of cap layer as
1st National Conference on Device and Circuits, ISBN : 978-93-82208-75-4. 20th – 21st February, 2015
Cap layer Engineering: Performance Evaluation of E-Mode InGaN/AlGaN/GaN HEMT
4nm. Fig. 3 shows the variation of Vth, Gmmax and subthreshold another case is, thickness of cap layer, as thickness increases
swing for change in thickness for an optimized molar fraction the gate controllability over channel reduces, which results in
of the cap layer as 20%. The model formulation shows a way the creation of 2DEG due to heterostructure, without applying
to correlate the heterostructure parameters with the DC any gate potential. The variation can be seen in fig.3.
characteristics. Table.2 shows the combined effects of molar
fraction and thickness variation on the effective capacitance
value which further influence on the current and hence on
Fig. 3. The variation in Vth, Gm max and sub-threshold swing with of cap layer
thickness at optimized molar fraction (20%).
1st National Conference on Device and Circuits, ISBN : 978-93-82208-75-4. 20th – 21st February, 2015
Cap layer Engineering: Performance Evaluation of E-Mode InGaN/AlGaN/GaN HEMT
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for financial support. The tool has been purchased through 3, pp. 254–264, 2006.
ENS project sanctioned by Department of Electronics and
Information Technology (DeitY), Government of India. This
1st National Conference on Device and Circuits, ISBN : 978-93-82208-75-4. 20th – 21st February, 2015