Grammar Theory Full PDF
Grammar Theory Full PDF
Grammar Theory Full PDF
From transformational grammar to
constraint-based approaches
Stefan Mller
Textbooks in Language Sciences 1 science
Textbooks in Language Sciences
In this series:
ISSN: 2364-6209
From transformational grammar to
constraint-based approaches
Stefan Mller
Stefan Mller. 2016. Grammatical theory: From transformational grammar to
constraint-based approaches (Textbooks in Language Sciences 1). Berlin: Language
Science Press.
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2016, Stefan Mller
Published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Licence (CC BY 4.0):
ISBN: Digital, complete work: 978-3-944675-21-3 ;
Hardcover: vol1: 978-3-946234-29-6; vol. 2 978-3-946234-40-1
Softcover: vol1: 978-3-946234-30-2; vol. 2 978-3-946234-41-8
Softcover US: vol1: 978-1-530465-62-0 ; vol. 2 978-1-523743-82-7
ISSN: 2364-6209
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For Max
Preface xv
23 Conclusion 667
Bibliography 689
Index 783
Name index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 783
Language index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 797
Subject index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 799
This book is an extended and revised version of my German book Grammatiktheorie
(Mller 2013b). It introduces various grammatical theories that play a role in current
theorizing or have made contributions in the past which are still relevant today. I explain
some foundational assumptions and then apply the respective theories to what can be
called the core grammar of German. I have decided to stick to the object language that
I used in the German version of this book since many of the phenomena that will be
dealt with cannot be explained with English as the object language. Furthermore, many
theories have been developed by researchers with English as their native language and it
is illuminative to see these theories applied to another language. I show how the theories
under consideration deal with arguments and adjuncts, active/passive alternations, local
reorderings (so-called scrambling), verb position, and fronting of phrases over larger
distances (the verb second property of the Germanic languages without English).
The second part deals with foundational questions that are important for developing
theories. This includes a discussion of the question of whether we have innate domain
specific knowledge of language (UG), the discussion of psycholinguistic evidence con-
cerning the processing of language by humans, a discussion of the status of empty ele-
ments and of the question whether we construct and perceive utterances holistically or
rather compositionally, that is, whether we use phrasal or lexical constructions.
Unfortunately, linguistics is a scientific field with a considerable amount of termino-
logical chaos. I therefore wrote an introductory chapter that introduces terminology in
the way it is used later on in the book. The second chapter introduces phrase structure
grammars, which plays a role for many of the theories that are covered in this book. I
use these two chapters (excluding the Section 2.3 on interleaving phrase structure gram-
mars and semantics) in introductory courses of our BA curriculum for German studies.
Advanced readers may skip these introductory chapters. The following chapters are
structured in a way that should make it possible to understand the introduction of the
theories without any prior knowledge. The sections regarding new developments and
classification are more ambitious: they refer to chapters still to come and also point to
other publications that are relevant in the current theoretical discussion but cannot be
repeated or summarized in this book. These parts of the book address advanced students
and researchers. I use this book for teaching the syntactic aspects of the theories in
a seminar for advanced students in our BA. The slides are available on my web page.
The second part of the book, the general discussion, is more ambitious and contains the
discussion of advanced topics and current research literature.
This book only deals with relatively recent developments. For a historical overview,
see for instance Robins (1997); Jungen & Lohnstein (2006). I am aware of the fact that
chapters on Integrational Linguistics (Lieb 1983; Eisenberg 2004; Nolda 2007), Optimality
Theory (Prince & Smolensky 1993; Grimshaw 1997; G. Mller 2000), Role and Reference
Grammar (Van Valin 1993) and Relational Grammar (Perlmutter 1983, 1984) are missing.
I will leave these theories for later editions.
The original German book was planned to have 400 pages, but it finally was much
bigger: the first German edition has 525 pages and the second German edition has 564
pages. I added a chapter on Dependency Grammar and one on Minimalism to the English
version and now the book has 808 pages. I tried to represent the chosen theories appro-
priately and to cite all important work. Although the list of references is over 85 pages
long, I was probably not successful. I apologize for this and any other shortcomings.
I would like to thank David Adger, Jason Baldridge, Felix Bildhauer, Emily M. Bender, Ste-
fan Evert, Gisbert Fanselow, Sandiway Fong, Hans-Martin Grtner, Kim Gerdes, Adele
Goldberg, Bob Levine, Paul Kay, Jakob Mach, Guido Mensching, Laura Michaelis, Ge-
offrey Pullum, Uli Sauerland, Roland Schfer, Jan Strunk, Remi van Trijp, Shravan Va-
sishth, Tom Wasow, and Stephen Wechsler for discussion and Monika Budde, Philippa
Cook, Laura Kallmeyer, Tibor Kiss, Gisela Klann-Delius, Jonas Kuhn, Timm Lichte, Anke
Ldeling, Jens Michaelis, Bjarne rsnes, Andreas Pankau, Christian Pietsch, Frank Rich-
ter, Ivan Sag, and Eva Wittenberg for comments on earlier versions of the German edi-
tion of this book and Thomas Gro, Dick Hudson, Sylvain Kahane, Paul Kay, Haitao Liu
(), Andrew McIntyre, Sebastian Nordhoff, Tim Osborne, Andreas Pankau, and
Christoph Schwarze for comments on earlier versions of this book. Thanks to Leonardo
Boiko and Sven Verdoolaege for pointing out typos. Special thanks go to Martin Haspel-
math for very detailed comments on an earlier version of the English book.
This book was the first Language Science Press book that had an open review phase
(see below). I thank Dick Hudson, Paul Kay, Antonio Machicao y Priemer, Andrew McIn-
tyre, Sebastian Nordhoff, and one anonymous open reviewer for their comments. Theses
comments are documented at the download page of this book. In addition the book went
through a stage of community proofreading (see also below). Some of the proofreaders
did much more than proofreading, their comments are highly appreciated and I decided
to publish these comments as additional open reviews. Armin Buch, Leonel de Alencar,
Andreas Hlzl, Gianina Iordchioaia, Timm Lichte, Antonio Machicao y Priemer, and
Neal Whitman deserve special mention here.
I thank Wolfgang Sternefeld and Frank Richter, who wrote a detailed review of the
German version of this book (Sternefeld & Richter 2012). They pointed out some mistakes
and omissions that were corrected in the second edition of the German book and which
are of course not present in the English version.
Thanks to all the students who commented on the book and whose questions lead to
improvements. Lisa Deringer, Aleksandra Gabryszak, Simon Lohmiller, Theresa Kallen-
bach, Steffen Neuschulz, Reka Meszaros-Segner, Lena Terhart and Elodie Winckel de-
serve special mention.
Since this book is built upon all my experience in the area of grammatical theory, I
want to thank all those with whom I ever discussed linguistics during and after talks at
conferences, workshops, summer schools or via email. Werner Abraham, John Bateman,
Dorothee Beermann, Rens Bod, Miriam Butt, Manfred Bierwisch, Ann Copestake, Hol-
ger Diessel, Kerstin Fischer, Dan Flickinger, Peter Gallmann, Petter Haugereid, Lars Hel-
lan, Tibor Kiss, Wolfgang Klein, Hans-Ulrich Krieger, Andrew McIntyre, Detmar Meu-
rers, Gereon Mller, Martin Neef, Manfred Sailer, Anatol Stefanowitsch, Peter Svenon-
ius, Michael Tomasello, Hans Uszkoreit, Gert Webelhuth, Daniel Wiechmann and Arne
Zeschel deserve special mention.
I thank Sebastian Nordhoff for a comment regarding the completion of the subject
index entry for recursion.
Andrew Murphy translated part of Chapter 1 and the Chapters 23, 510, and 1223.
Many thanks for this!
I also want to thank the 27 community proofreaders (Viola Auermann, Armin Buch,
Andreea Calude, Rong Chen, Matthew Czuba, Leonel de Alencar, Christian Dhler,
Joseph T. Farquharson, Andreas Hlzl, Gianina Iordchioaia, Paul Kay, Anne Kilgus,
Sandra Kbler, Timm Lichte, Antonio Machicao y Priemer, Michelle Natolo, Stephanie
Natolo, Sebastian Nordhoff, Parviz Parsafar, Conor Pyle, Daniela Schrder, Eva Schultze-
Berndt, Alec Shaw, Benedikt Singpiel, Anelia Stefanova, Neal Whitman, Viola Wiegand)
that each worked on one or more chapters and really improved this book. I got more
comments from every one of them than I ever got for a book done with a commercial
publisher. Some comments were on content rather than on typos and layout issues. No
proofreader employed by a commercial publisher would have spotted these mistakes
and inconsistencies since commercial publishers do not have staff that knows all the
grammatical theories that are covered in this book.
During the past years, a number of workshops on theory comparison have taken place.
I was invited to three of them. I thank Helge Dyvik and Torbjrn Nordgrd for inviting
me to the fall school for Norwegian PhD students Languages and Theories in Contrast,
which took place 2005 in Bergen. Guido Mensching and Elisabeth Stark invited me to
the workshop Comparing Languages and Comparing Theories: Generative Grammar and
Construction Grammar, which took place in 2007 at the Freie Universitt Berlin and An-
publisher (twenty times the price of a paperback novel).2 This basically meant that my
book was depublished: until 1998 it was available from my web page and after this it was
available in libraries only. My Habilitationsschrift was published by CSLI Publications
for a much more reasonable price. When I started writing textbooks, I was looking for
alternative distribution channels and started to negotiate with no-name print on demand
publishers. Brigitte Narr, who runs the Stauffenburg publishing house, convinced me to
publish my HPSG textbook with her. The copyrights for the German version of the book
remained with me so that I could publish it on my web page. The collaboration was
successful so that I also published my second textbook about grammatical theory with
Stauffenburg. I think that this book has a broader relevance and should be accessible
for non-German-speaking readers as well. I therefore decided to have it translated into
English. Since Stauffenburg is focused on books in German, I had to look for another
publisher. Fortunately the situation in the publishing sector changed quite dramatically
in comparison to 1997: we now have high profile publishers with strict peer review that
are entirely open access. I am very glad about the fact that Brigitte Narr sold the rights
of my book back to me and that I can now publish the English version with Language
Science Press under a CC-BY license.
erybody. The whole community may comment on the document that is published by
Language Science Press. After this second review phase, which usually lasts for two
months, authors may revise their publication and an improved version will be published.
This book was the first book to go through this open review phase. The annotated open
review version of this book is still available via the web page of this book.
Currently, Language Science Press has 17 series on various subfields of linguistics with
high profile series editors from all continents. We have 18 published and 17 forthcoming
books and 146 expressions of interest. Series editors and authors are responsible for
delivering manuscripts that are typeset in LATEX, but they are supported by a web-based
typesetting infrastructure that was set up by Language Science Press and by volunteer
typesetters from the community. Proofreading is also community-based. Until now 53
people helped improving our books. Their work is documented in the Hall of Fame:
If you think that textbooks like this one should be freely available to whoever wants
to read them and that publishing scientific results should not be left to profit-oriented
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Part I
In (1b), something is being said about the group of words a sentence is a sentence, namely
that it is a sentence. One can, of course, claim the same for the whole sentence in (1b) and
extend the sentence once again with is a sentence. The sentence in (1c) has been formed
by combining that Friederike is laughing with that, Richard and confirms. The result of
this combination is a new sentence that Richard confirms that Friederike is laughing. In
the same way, this has then been extended with that, Karl and suspects. Thus, one obtains
a very complex sentence which embeds a less complex sentence. This partial sentence in
turn contains a further partial sentence and so on. (1c) is similar to those sets of Russian
nesting dolls, also called matryoshka: each doll contains a smaller doll which can be
painted differently from the one that contains it. In just the same way, the sentence in
(1c) contains parts which are similar to it but which are shorter and involve different
nouns and verbs. This can be made clearer by using brackets in the following way:
(2) that Max thinks [that Julius knows [that Otto claims [that Karl suspects [that Rich-
ard confirms [that Friederike is laughing]]]]]
We can build incredibly long and complex sentences in the ways that were demonstrated
in (1).1
It would be arbitrary to establish some cut-off point up to which such combinations
can be considered to belong to our language (Harris 1957: 208; Chomsky 1957: 23). It is
also implausible to claim that such complex sentences are stored in our brains as a single
complex unit. While evidence from psycholinguistic experiments shows that highly fre-
quent or idiomatic combinations are stored as complex units, this could not be the case
for sentences such as those in (1). Furthermore, we are capable of producing utterances
that we have never heard before and which have also never been uttered or written down
previously. Therefore, these utterances must have some kind of structure, there must be
patterns which occur again and again. As humans, we are able to build such complex
structures out of simpler ones and, vice-versa, to break down complex utterances into
their component parts. Evidence for humans ability to make use of rules for combining
words into larger units has now also been provided by research in neuroscience (Pul-
vermller 2010: 170).
It becomes particularly evident that we combine linguistic material in a rule-governed
way when these rules are violated. Children acquire linguistic rules by generalizing from
It is sometimes claimed that we are capable of constructing infinitely long sentences (Nowak, Komarova
& Niyogi 2001: 117; Kim & Sells 2008: 3; Dan Everett in ONeill & Wood (2012) at 25:19) or that Chomsky
made such claims (Leiss 2003: 341). This is, however, not correct since every sentence has to come to an
end at some point. Even in the theory of formal languages developed in the Chomskyan tradition, there
are no infinitely long sentences. Rather, certain formal grammars can describe a set containing infinitely
many finite sentences (Chomsky 1957: 13). See also Pullum & Scholz (2010) and Section 13.1.8 on the issue
of recursion in grammar and for claims about the infinite nature of language.
1.1 Why do syntax?
the input available to them. In doing so, they produce some utterances which they could
not have ever heard previously:
(3) Ich festhalte die. (Friederike, 2;6)
I part.hold them
Intended: I hold them tight.
Friederike, who was learning German, was at the stage of acquiring the rule for the
position of the finite verb (namely, second position). What she did here, however, was
to place the whole verb, including a separable particle fest tight, in the second position
although the particle should be realized at the end of the clause (Ich halte die fest.).
If we do not wish to assume that language is merely a list of pairings of form and mean-
ing, then there must be some process whereby the meaning of complex utterances can
be obtained from the meanings of the smaller components of those utterances. Syntax
reveals something about the way in which the words involved can be combined, some-
thing about the structure of an utterance. For instance, knowledge about subject-verb
agreement helps with the interpretation of the following sentences in German:
The sentences in (4a,b) show that a singular or a plural subject requires a verb with the
corresponding inflection. In (4a,b), the verb only requires one argument so the function
of die Frau the woman and die Mdchen the girls is clear. In (4c,d) the verb requires
two arguments and die Frau the woman and die Mdchen the girls could appear in
either argument position in German. The sentences could mean that the woman knows
somebody or that somebody knows the woman. However, due to the inflection on the
verb and knowledge of the syntactic rules of German, the hearer knows that there is
only one available reading for (4c) and (4d), respectively.
It is the role of syntax to discover, describe and explain such rules, patterns and struc-
1 Introduction and basic terms
1.3 Constituents
If we consider the sentence in (5), we have the intuition that certain words form a unit.
(5) Alle Studenten lesen whrend dieser Zeit Bcher.
all students read during this time books
All the students are reading books at this time.
For example, the words alle all and Studenten students form a unit which says some-
thing about who is reading. whrend during, dieser this and Zeit time also form a
1.3 Constituents
unit which refers to a period of time during which the reading takes place, and Bcher
books says something about what is being read. The first unit is itself made up of two
parts, namely alle all and Studenten students. The unit whrend dieser Zeit during
this time can also be divided into two subcomponents: whrend during and dieser Zeit
this time. dieser Zeit this time is also composed of two parts, just like alle Studenten
all students is.
Recall that in connection with (1c) above we talked about the sets of Russian nesting
dolls (matryoshkas). Here, too, when we break down (5) we have smaller units which are
components of bigger units. However, in contrast to the Russian dolls, we do not just
have one smaller unit contained in a bigger one but rather, we can have several units
which are grouped together in a bigger one. The best way to envisage this is to imagine
a system of boxes: one big box contains the whole sentence. Inside this box, there are
four other boxes, which each contain alle Studenten all students, lesen reads, whrend
dieser Zeit during this time and Bcher books, respectively. Figure 1.1 illustrates this.
In the following section, I will introduce various tests which can be used to show how
certain words seem to belong together more than others. When I speak of a word se-
quence, I generally mean an arbitrary linear sequence of words which do not necessarily
need to have any syntactic or semantic relationship, e.g., Studenten lesen whrend stu-
dents read during in (5). A sequence of words which form a structural entity, on the
other hand, is referred to as a phrase. Phrases can consist of words as in this time or of
combinations of words with other phrases as in during this time. The parts of a phrase
and the phrase itself are called constituents. So all elements that are in a box in Figure 1.1
are constituents of the sentence.
Following these preliminary remarks, I will now introduce some tests which will help
us to identify whether a particular string of words is a constituent or not. Substitution
If it is possible to replace a sequence of words in a sentence with a different sequence
of words and the acceptability of the sentence remains unaffected, then this constitutes
evidence for the fact that each sequence of words forms a constituent.
1 Introduction and basic terms
In (6), den Mann the man can be replaced by the string eine Frau a woman. This is
an indication that both of these word sequences are constituents.
(6) a. Er kennt [den Mann].
he knows the man
He knows the man.
b. Er kennt [eine Frau].
he knows a woman
He knows a woman.
Similary, in (7a), the string das Buch zu lesen the book to read can be replaced by der
Frau das Buch zu geben the woman the book to give.
(7) a. Er versucht, [das Buch zu lesen].
he tries the book to read
He is trying to read the book.
b. Er versucht, [der Frau das Buch zu geben].
he tries the woman the book to give
He is trying to give the woman the book.
This test is referred to as the substitution test. Pronominalization
Everything that can be replaced by a pronoun forms a constituent. In (8), one can for
example refer to der Mann the man with the pronoun er he:
(8) a. [Der Mann] schlft.
the man sleeps
The man is sleeping.
b. Er schlft.
he sleeps
He is sleeping.
It is also possible to use a pronoun to refer to constituents such as das Buch zu lesen the
book to read in (7a), as is shown in (9):
(9) a. Peter versucht, [das Buch zu lesen].
Peter tries the book to read
Peter is trying to read the book.
b. Klaus versucht das auch.
Klaus tries that also
Klaus is trying to do that as well.
The pronominalization test is another form of the substitution test.
1.3 Constituents
1 Introduction and basic terms
Furthermore, constituents such as das Buch zu lesen to read the book in (7a) can be
(14) a. Er hat noch nicht [das Buch zu lesen] versucht.
he has part not the book to read tried
He has not yet tried to read the book.
b. Er hat [das Buch zu lesen] noch nicht versucht.
he has the book to read part not tried
c. Er hat noch nicht versucht, [das Buch zu lesen].
he has part not tried the book to read Fronting
Fronting is a further variant of the movement test. In German declarative sentences,
only a single constituent may normally precede the finite verb:
(15) a. [Alle Studenten] lesen whrend der vorlesungsfreien Zeit Bcher.
all students read.3pl during the time books
All students read books during the semester break.
b. [Bcher] lesen alle Studenten whrend der vorlesungsfreien Zeit.
books read all students during the time
c. * [Alle Studenten] [Bcher] lesen whrend der vorlesungsfreien Zeit.
all students books read during the time
d. * [Bcher] [alle Studenten] lesen whrend der vorlesungsfreien Zeit.
books all students read during the time
The possibility for a sequence of words to be fronted (that is to occur in front of the finite
verb) is a strong indicator of constituent status. Coordination
If two sequences of words can be conjoined then this suggests that each sequence forms
a constituent.
In (16), der Mann the man and die Frau the woman are conjoined and the entire
coordination is the subject of the verb arbeiten to work. This is a good indication of the
fact that der Mann and die Frau each form a constituent.
(16) [Der Mann] und [die Frau] arbeiten.
the man and the woman work.3PL
The man and the woman work.
The example in (17) shows that phrases with to-infinitives can be conjoined:
1.3 Constituents
(17) Er hat versucht, [das Buch zu lesen] und [es dann unauffllig verschwinden zu
he had tried the book to read and it then secretly disappear to
He tried to read the book and then make it quietly disappear. Expletives
There is a particular class of pronouns so-called expletives which do not denote peo-
ple, things, or events and are therefore non-referential. An example of this is es it in
(18) a. Es regnet.
it rains
It is raining.
b. Regnet es?
rains it
Is it raining?
c. dass es jetzt regnet
that it now rains
that it is raining now
As the examples in (18) show, es can either precede the verb, or follow it. It can also be
separated from the verb by an adverb, which suggests that es should be viewed as an
independent unit.
Nevertheless, we observe certain problems with the aforementioned tests. Firstly, es
it is restricted with regard to its movement possibilities, as (19a) and (20b) show.
(19) a. * dass jetzt es regnet
that now it rains
Intended: that it is raining now
b. dass jetzt keiner klatscht
that now nobody claps
that nobody is clapping now
1 Introduction and basic terms
Unlike the accusative object einen Mann a man in (20c,d), the expletive in (20b) cannot
be fronted.
Secondly, substitution and question tests also fail:
(21) a. * Der Mann / er regnet.
the man he rains
b. * Wer / was regnet?
who what rains
Similarly, the coordination test cannot be applied either:
(22) * Es und der Mann regnet / regnen.
it and the man rains rain
The failure of these tests can be easily explained: weakly stressed pronouns such as es are
preferably placed before other arguments, directly after the conjunction (dass in (18c))
and directly after the finite verb in (20a) (see Abraham 1995: 570). If an element is placed
in front of the expletive, as in (19a), then the sentence is rendered ungrammatical. The
reason for the ungrammaticality of (20b) is the general ban on accusative es appearing
in clause-initial position. Although such cases exist, they are only possible if es it is
referential (Lenerz 1994: 162; Grtner & Steinbach 1997: 4).
The fact that we could not apply the substitution and question tests is also no longer
mysterious as es is not referential in these cases. We can only replace es it with another
expletive such as das that. If we replace the expletive with a referential expression, we
derive a different semantic interpretation. It does not make sense to ask about something
semantically empty or to refer to it with a pronoun.
It follows from this that not all of the tests must deliver a positive result for a se-
quence of words to count as a constituent. That is, the tests are therefore not a necessary
requirement for constituent status.
1.3 Constituents Movement
The movement test is problematic for languages with relatively free constituent order,
since it is not always possible to tell what exactly has been moved. For example, the
string gestern dem Mann yesterday the man occupies different positions in the following
(23) a. weil keiner gestern dem Mann geholfen hat
because nobody yesterday the man helped has
because nobody helped the man yesterday
b. weil gestern dem Mann keiner geholfen hat
because yesterday the man nobody helped has
because nobody helped the man yesterday
One could therefore assume that gestern yesterday and dem Mann the man, which of
course do not form a constituent, have been moved together. An alternative explanation
for the ordering variants in (23) is that adverbs can occur in various positions in the
clause and that only dem Mann the man has been moved in front of keiner nobody in
(23b). In any case, it is clear that gestern and dem Mann have no semantic relation and
that it is impossible to refer to both of them with a pronoun. Although it may seem at
first glance as if this material had been moved as a unit, we have seen that it is in fact
not tenable to assume that gestern dem Mann yesterday the man forms a constituent. Fronting
As mentioned in the discussion of (15), the position in front of the finite verb is normally
occupied by a single constituent. The possibility for a given word sequence to be placed
in front of the finite verb is sometimes even used as a clear indicator of constituent status,
and even used in the definition of Satzglied 3 . An example of this is taken from Bumann
(1983), but is no longer present in Bumann (1990):4
Satzglied test A procedure based on topicalization used to analyze complex con-
stituents. Since topicalization only allows a single constituent to be moved to the
beginning of the sentence, complex sequences of constituents, for example adverb
phrases, can be shown to actually consist of one or more constituents. In the ex-
ample Ein Taxi qult sich im Schrittempo durch den Verkehr A taxi was struggling
at walking speed through the traffic, im Schrittempo at walking speed and durch
den Verkehr through the traffic are each constituents as both can be fronted inde-
pendently of each other. (Bumann 1983: 446)
Satzglied is a special term used in grammars of German, referring to a constituent on the clause level
(Eisenberg et al. 2005: 783).
The original formulation is: Satzgliedtest [Auch: Konstituententest]. Auf der Topikalisierung beruhen-
des Verfahren zur Analyse komplexer Konstituenten. Da bei Topikalisierung jeweils nur eine Konstituente
bzw. ein Satzglied an den Anfang gerckt werden kann, lassen sich komplexe Abfolgen von Kon-
stituenten (z. B. Adverbialphrasen) als ein oder mehrere Satzglieder ausweisen; in Ein Taxi qult sich im
Schrittempo durch den Verkehr sind im Schrittempo und durch den Verkehr zwei Satzglieder, da sie beide
unabhngig voneinander in Anfangsposition gerckt werden knnen.
1 Introduction and basic terms
tagesschau, 15.10.2002, 20:00.
1.3 Constituents
In such cases, the individual subconstituents can be moved independently of each other
(De Kuthy 2002) as we have seen in (25).
The second implication is problematic because of examples such as (28):
(28) a. [Trocken] [durch die Stadt] kommt man am Wochenende auch mit der
dry through the city comes one at.the weekend also with the
With the BVG, you can be sure to get around town dry at the weekend.
b. [Wenig] [mit Sprachgeschichte] hat der dritte Beitrag in dieser Rubrik
little with language.history has the third contribution in this section
zu tun, []7
to do
The third contribution in this section has little to do with language history.
In (28), there are multiple constituents preceding the finite verb, which bear no obvious
syntactic or semantic relation to each other. Exactly what is meant by a syntactic or
semantic relation will be fully explained in the following chapters. At this point, I will
just point out that in (28a) the adjective trocken dry has man one as its subject and
furthermore says something about the action of travelling through the city. That is, it
refers to the action denoted by the verb. As (29b) shows, durch die Stadt through the
city cannot be combined with the adjective trocken dry.
(29) a. Man ist / bleibt trocken.
one is stays dry
One is/stays dry.
b. * Man ist / bleibt trocken durch die Stadt.
one is stays dry through the city
Therefore, the adjective trocken dry does not have a syntactic or semantic relationship
with the prepositional phrase durch die Stadt through the city. Both phrases have in
common that they refer to the verb and are dependent on it.
One may simply wish to treat the examples in (28) as exceptions. This approach would,
however, not be justified, as I have shown in an extensive empirical study (Mller 2003a).
If one were to classify trocken durch die Stadt as a constituent due to it passing the
fronting test, then one would have to assume that trocken durch die Stadt in (30) is also
a constituent. In doing so, we would devalue the term constituent as the whole point
of constituent tests is to find out which word strings have some semantic or syntactic
taz berlin, 10.07.1998, p. 22.
Zeitschrift fr Dialektologie und Linguistik, LXIX, 3/2002, p. 339.
These data can be explained by assuming a silent verbal head preceding the finite verb and thereby en-
suring that there is in fact just one constituent in initial position in front of the finite verb (Mller 2005c,
2015b). Nevertheless, this kind of data are problematic for constituent tests since these tests have been
specifically designed to tease apart whether strings such as trocken and durch die Stadt or wenig and mit
Sprachgeschichte in (30) form a constituent.
1 Introduction and basic terms
(30) a. Man kommt am Wochenende auch mit der BVG trocken durch die
one comes at.the weekend also with the BVG dry through the
With the BVG, you can be sure to get around town dry at the weekend.
b. Der dritte Beitrag in dieser Rubrik hat wenig mit Sprachgeschichte zu
the third contribution in this section has little with language.history to
The third contribution in this section has little to do with language history.
The possibility for a given sequence of words to be fronted is therefore not a sufficient
diagnostic for constituent status.
We have also seen that it makes sense to treat expletives as constituents despite the
fact that the accusative expletive cannot be fronted (cf. (20a)):
(31) a. Er bringt es bis zum Professor.
he brings expl until to.the professor
He makes it to professor.
b. # Es bringt er bis zum Professor.
it brings he until to.the professor
There are other elements that can also not be fronted. Inherent reflexives are a good
example of this:
(32) a. Karl hat sich nicht erholt.
Karl has refl not recovered
Karl hasnt recovered.
b. * Sich hat Karl nicht erholt.
refl has Karl not recovered
It follows from this that fronting is not a necessary criterion for constituent status. There-
fore, the possibility for a given word string to be fronted is neither a necessary nor suf-
ficient condition for constituent status. Coordination
Coordinated structures such as those in (33) also prove to be problematic:
(33) Deshalb kaufte der Mann einen Esel und die Frau ein Pferd.
therefore bought the man a donkey and the woman a horse
Therefore, the man bought a donkey and the woman a horse.
At first glance, der Mann einen Esel the man a donkey and die Frau ein Pferd the woman
a horse in (33) seem to be coordinated. Does this mean that der Mann einen Esel and die
Frau ein Pferd each form a constituent?
1.4 Parts of speech
As other constituent tests show, this assumption is not plausible. This sequence of
words cannot be moved together as a unit:9
(34) * Der Mann einen Esel kaufte deshalb.
the man a donkey bought therefore
Replacing the supposed constituent is also not possible without ellipsis:
(35) a. # Deshalb kaufte er.
therefore bought he
b. * Deshalb kaufte ihn.
therefore bought him
The pronouns do not stand in for the two logical arguments of kaufen to buy, which
are realized by der Mann the man and einen Esel a donkey in (33), but rather for one
in each. There are analyses that have been proposed for examples such as (33) in which
two verbs kauft buys occur, where only one is overt, however (Crysmann 2008). The
example in (33) would therefore correspond to:
(36) Deshalb kaufte der Mann einen Esel und kaufte die Frau ein Pferd.
therefore bought the man a donkey and bought the woman a horse
This means that although it seems as though der Mann einen Esel the man a donkey
and die Frau ein Pferd the woman a horse are coordinated, it is actually kauft der Mann
einen Esel buys the man a donkey and (kauft) die Frau ein Pferd buys the woman a
horse which are conjoined.
We should take the following from the previous discussion: even when a given word
sequence passes certain constituent tests, this does not mean that one can automatically
infer from this that we are dealing with a constituent. That is, the tests we have seen are
not sufficient conditions for constituent status.
Summing up, it has been shown that these tests are neither sufficient nor necessary
for attributing constituent status to a given sequence of words. However, as long as one
keeps the problematic cases in mind, the previous discussion should be enough to get an
initial idea about what should be treated as a constituent.
1 Introduction and basic terms
Each of the words is subject to certain restrictions when forming sentences. It is com-
mon practice to group words into classes with other words which share certain salient
properties. For example, der the is an article, Mann man is a noun, lacht laugh is a
verb and jetzt now is an adverb. As can be seen in (38), it is possible to replace all the
words in (37) with words from the same word class.
(38) Die dnne Frau lchelt immer.
the thin woman smiles always
The thin woman is always smiling.
This is not always the case, however. For example, it is not possible to use a reflexive
verb such as erholt recovers or the second-person form lchelst in (38). This means that
the categorization of words into parts of speech is rather coarse and that we will have to
say a lot more about the properties of a given word. In this section, I will discuss various
word classes/parts of speech and in the following sections I will go into further detail
about the various properties which characterize a given word class.
The most important parts of speech are verbs, nouns, adjectives, prepositions and ad-
verbs. In earlier decades, it was common among researchers working on German (see
also Section 11.6.1 on Tesnires category system) to speak of action words, describing
words, and naming words. These descriptions prove problematic, however, as illustrated
by the following examples:
(39a) does not describe a concrete entity, (39b) describes a time interval and (39c) and
(39d) describe actions. It is clear that Idee idea, Stunde hour, Sprechen speaking and
Errterung discussion differ greatly in terms of their meaning. Nevertheless, these
words still behave like Mann man and Frau woman in many respects and are therefore
classed as nouns.
The term action word is not used in scientific linguistic work as verbs do not always
need to denote actions:
(40) a. Ihm gefllt das Buch.
him pleases the book
He likes the book.
1.4 Parts of speech
1 Introduction and basic terms
In German, there are also forms for the preterite, imperative, present subjunctive, past
subjunctive and infinitive forms (participles and infinitives with or without zu to). All
of these forms constitute the inflectional paradigm of a verb. Tense (present, preterite,
future), mood (indicative, subjunctive, imperative), person (1st, 2nd, 3rd) and number
(singular, plural) all play a role in the inflectional paradigm. Certain forms can coincide
in a paradigm, as (43c) and (43e) and (43d) and (43f) show.
Parallel to verbs, nouns also have an inflectional paradigm:
(44) a. der Mann
the.nom man
b. des Mannes
the.gen man.gen
c. dem Mann
the.dat man
d. den Mann
the.acc man
e. die Mnner
the.nom men
f. der Mnner
the.gen men
g. den Mnnern
the.dat men.dat
h. die Mnner
the.acc men
We can differentiate between nouns on the basis of gender (feminine, masculine, neuter).
The choice of gender is often purely formal in nature and is only partially influenced by
biological sex or the fact that we are describing a particular object:
(45) a. die Tte
the.f bag(F)
the bag
b. der Krampf
the.m cramp(M)
c. das Kind
the.n child(N)
the child
As well as gender, case (nominative, genitive, dative, accusative) and number are also
important for nominal paradigms.
1.4 Parts of speech
Like nouns, adjectives inflect for gender, case and number. They differ from nouns,
however, in that gender marking is variable. Adjectives can be used with all three gen-
(46) a. eine kluge Frau
a.f clever.f woman
b. ein kluger Mann
a clever.m man
c. ein kluges Kind
a clever.n child
In addition to gender, case and number, we can identify several inflectional classes. Tra-
ditionally, we distinguish between strong, mixed and weak inflection of adjectives. The
inflectional class that we have to choose is dependent on the form or presence of the
(47) a. ein alter Wein
an old wine
b. der alte Wein
the old wine
c. alter Wein
old wine
Furthermore, adjectives have comparative and superlative wordforms:
(48) a. klug
b. klg-er
c. am klg-sten
at.the clever-est
This is not always the case. Especially for adjectives which make reference to some end
point, a degree of comparison does not make sense. If a particular solution is optimal,
for example, then no better one exists. Therefore, it does not make sense to speak of a
more optimal solution. In a similar vein, it is not possible to be deader than dead.
There are some special cases such as color adjectives ending in -a in German lila
purple and rosa pink. These inflect optionally (49a), and the uninflected form is also
(49) a. eine lilan-e Blume
a purple-f flower
b. eine lila Blume
a purple flower
1 Introduction and basic terms
In both cases, lila is classed an adjective. We can motivate this classification by appealing
to the fact that both words occur at the same positions as other adjectives that clearly
behave like adjectives with regard to inflection.
The parts of speech discussed thus far can all be differentiated in terms of their inflec-
tional properties. For words which do not inflect, we have to use additional criteria. For
example, we can classify words by the syntactic context in which they occur (as we did
for the non-inflecting adjectives above). We can identify prepositions, adverbs, conjunc-
tions, interjections and sometimes also particles. Prepositions are words which occur
with a noun phrase whose case they determine:
(50) a. in diesen Raum
in this.acc room
b. in diesem Raum
in this.dat room
wegen because is often classed as a preposition although it can also occur after the noun
and in these cases would technically be a postposition:
(51) des Geldes wegen
the money.gen because
because of the money
It is also possible to speak of adpositions if one wishes to remain neutral about the exact
position of the word.
Unlike prepositions, adverbs do not require a noun phrase.
(52) a. Er schlft in diesem Raum.
he sleeps in this room
b. Er schlft dort.
he sleeps there
Sometimes adverbs are simply treated as a special variant of prepositions (see page 92).
The explanation for this is that a prepositional phrase such as in diesem Raum in this
room shows the same syntactic distribution as the corresponding adverbs. in differs
from dort there in that it needs an additional noun phrase. These differences are parallel
to what we have seen with other parts of speech. For instance, the verb schlafen sleep
requires only a noun phrase, whereas erkennen recognize requires two.
(53) a. Er schlft.
he sleeps
b. Peter erkennt ihn.
Peter recognizes him
Conjunctions can be subdivided into subordinating and coordinating conjunctions.
Coordinating conjunctions include und and and oder or. In coordinate structures, two
units with the same syntactic properties are combined. They occur adjacent to one an-
other. dass that and weil because are subordinating conjunctions because the clauses
1.4 Parts of speech
that they introduce can be part of a larger clause and depend on another element of this
larger clause.
(54) a. Klaus glaubt, dass er lgt.
Klaus believes that he lies
Klaus believes that he is lying.
b. Klaus glaubt ihm nicht, weil er lgt.
Klaus believes him not because he lies
Klaus doesnt believe him because he is lying.
Interjections are clause-like expressions such as Ja! Yes!, Bitte! Please! Hallo! Hel-
lo!, Hurra! Hooray!, Bravo! Bravo!, Pst! Psst!, Plumps! Clonk!.
If adverbs and prepositions are not assigned to the same class, then adverbs are nor-
mally used as a kind of left over category in the sense that all non-inflecting words
which are neither prepositions, conjunctions nor interjections are classed as adverbs.
Sometimes this category for left overs is subdivided: only words which can appear
in front of the finite verb when used as a constituent are referred to as adverbs. Those
words which cannot be fronted are dubbed particles. Particles themselves can be subdi-
vided into various classes based on their function, e.g., degree particles and illocutionary
particles. Since these functionally defined classes also contain adjectives, I will not make
this distinction and simply speak of adverbs.
We have already sorted a considerable number of inflectional words into word classes.
When one is faced with the task of classifying a particular word, one can use the decision
diagram in Figure 1.2 on the next page, which is taken from the Duden grammar of
German (Eisenberg et al. 2005: 133).10
If a word inflects for tense, then it is a verb. If it displays different case forms, then
one has to check if it has a fixed gender. If this is indeed the case, then we know that
we are dealing with a noun. Words with variable gender have to be checked to see if
they have comparative forms. A positive result will be a clear indication of an adjec-
tive. All other words are placed into a residual category, which the Duden refers to as
pronouns/article words. Like in the class of non-inflectional elements, the elements in
this remnant category are subdivided according to their syntactic behavior. The Duden
grammar makes a distinction between pronouns and article words. According to this
classification, pronouns are words which can replace a noun phrase such as der Mann
the man, whereas article words normally combine with a noun. In Latin grammars,
the notion of pronoun includes both pronouns in the above sense and articles, since
the forms with and without the noun are identical. Over the past centuries, the forms
have undergone split development to the point where it is now common in contempo-
rary Romance languages to distinguish between words which replace a noun phrase and
those which must occur with a noun. Elements which belong to the latter class are also
referred to as determiners.
The Duden is the official document for the German orthography. The Duden grammar does not have an
official status but is very influential and is used for educational purposes as well. I will refer to it several
times in this introductory chapter.
1 Introduction and basic terms
part of speech
no comparative comparative
Figure 1.2: Decision tree for determining parts of speech following Eisenberg et al. (2005:
If we follow the decision tree in Figure 1.2, the personal pronouns ich I, du you, er
he, sie her, es it, wir we, ihr you, and sie they, for example, would be grouped
together with the possessive pronouns mein mine, dein your, sein his/its, ihr her/
their, unser our, and euer your. The corresponding reflexive pronouns, mich myself,
dich yourself, sich himself/herself/itself, themselves, uns ourselves, euch your-
self, and the reciprocal pronoun einander each other have to be viewed as a special
case in German as there are no differing gender forms of sich himself/herself/itself
and einander each other. Case is not expressed morphologically by reciprocal pronouns.
By replacing genitive, dative and accusative pronouns with einander, it is possible to see
that there must be variants of einander each other in these cases, but these variants all
share the same form:
1.4 Parts of speech
wo where. However, da there and wo where do not inflect and would therefore,
following the decision tree, not be classed as pronouns.
The same is true of relative pronouns such as wo where in (56):
(56) a. Ich komme eben aus der Stadt, wo ich Zeuge eines Unglcks gewesen
I come part from the city where I witness accident been
I come from the city where I was witness to an accident.
b. Studien haben gezeigt, da mehr Unflle in Stdten passieren, wo die
studies have shown that more accidents in cities happen where the
Zebrastreifen abgebaut werden, weil die Autofahrer unaufmerksam
zebra.crossings removed become because the drivers unattentive
Studies have shown that there are more accidents in cities where they do
away with zebra crossings, because drivers become unattentive.
c. Zufllig war ich in dem Augenblick zugegen, wo der Steppenwolf
coincidentally was I in the moment present where the Steppenwolf
zum erstenmal unser Haus betrat und bei meiner Tante sich einmietete.13
to.the first.time our house entered and by my aunt refl took.lodgings
Coincidentally, I was present at the exact moment in which Steppenwolf en-
tered our house for the first time and took lodgings with my aunt.
If they are uninflected, then they cannot belong to the class of pronouns according
to the decision tree above. Eisenberg (2004: 277) notes that wo where is a kind of
uninflected relative pronoun (he uses quotation marks) and remarks that this term runs
contrary to the exclusive use of the term pronoun for nominal, that is, inflected, elements.
He therefore uses the term relative adverb for them (see also Eisenberg et al. (2005: 856,
There are also usages of the relatives dessen whose and wessen whose in combination
with a noun:
(57) a. der Mann, dessen Schwester ich kenne
the man whose sister I know
b. Ich mchte wissen, wessen Schwester du kennst.
I know whose sister you know
I would like to know whose sister you know.
According to the classification in the Duden, these should be covered by the terms Rel-
ativartikelwort relative article word and Interrogativartikelwort interrogative article
Drosdowski (1984: 672).
taz berlin, 03.11.1997, p. 23.
Herman Hesse, Der Steppenwolf. Berlin und Weimar: Aufbau-Verlag. 1986, p. 6.
1 Introduction and basic terms
word. They are mostly counted as part of the relative pronouns and question pronouns
(see for instance Eisenberg (2004: 229)). Using Eisenbergs terminology, this is unprob-
lematic as he does not make a distinction between articles, pronouns and nouns, but
rather assigns them all to the class of nouns. But authors who do make a distinction
between articles and pronouns sometimes also speak of interrogative pronouns when
discussing words which can function as articles or indeed replace an entire noun phrase.
One should be prepared for the fact that the term pronoun is often simply used for
words which refer to other entities and, this is important, not in the way that nouns
such as book and John do, but rather dependent on context. The personal pronoun er
he can, for example, refer to either a table or a man. This usage of the term pronoun
runs contrary to the decision tree in Figure 1.2 and includes uninflected elements such
as da there and wo where.
Expletive pronouns such as es it and das that, as well as the sich him/her/itself
belonging to inherently reflexive verbs, do not make reference to actual objects. They
are considered pronouns because of the similarity in form. Even if we were to assume a
narrow definition of pronouns, we would still get the wrong results as expletive forms
do not vary with regard to case, gender and number. If one does everything by the book,
expletives would belong to the class of uninflected elements. If we assume that es it as
well as the personal pronouns have a nominative and accusative variant with the same
form, then they would be placed in with the nominals. We would then have to admit
that the assumption that es has gender would not make sense. That is we would have to
count es as a noun by assuming neuter gender, analogous to personal pronouns.
We have not yet discussed how we would deal with the italicized words in (58):
(58) a. das geliebte Spielzeug
the beloved toy
b. das schlafende Kind
the sleeping child
c. die Frage des Sprechens und Schreibens ber Gefhle
the question of.the talking and writing about feelings
the question of talking and writing about feelings
d. Auf dem Europa-Parteitag fordern die Grnen einen kosozialen
on the Europe-party.conference demand the Greens a eco-social
At the European party conference, the Greens demanded eco-social political
e. Max lacht laut.
Max laughs loudly
f. Max wrde wahrscheinlich lachen.
Max would probably laugh
1.4 Parts of speech
geliebte beloved and schlafende sleeping are participle forms of lieben to love and
schlafen to sleep. These forms are traditionally treated as part of the verbal paradigm.
In this sense, geliebte and schlafende are verbs. This is referred to as lexical word class.
The term lexeme is relevant in this case. All forms in a given inflectional paradigm belong
to the relevant lexeme. In the classic sense, this term also includes the regularly derived
forms. That is participle forms and nominalized infinitives also belong to a verbal lex-
eme. Not all linguists share this view, however. Particularly problematic is the fact that
we are mixing verbal with nominal and adjectival paradigms. For example, Sprechens
speaking.gen is in the genitive case and adjectival participles also inflect for case, num-
ber and gender. Furthermore, it is unclear as to why schlafende sleeping should be
classed as a verbal lexeme and a noun such as Strung disturbance is its own lexeme
and does not belong to the lexeme stren to disturb. I subscribe to the more modern
view of grammar and assume that processes in which a word class is changed result in
a new lexeme being created. Consequently, schlafende sleeping does not belong to the
lexeme schlafen to sleep, but is a form of the lexeme schlafend. This lexeme belongs to
the word class adjective and inflects accordingly.
As we have seen, it is still controversial as to where to draw the line between inflection
and derivation (creation of a new lexeme). Sag, Wasow & Bender (2003: 263264) view
the formation of the present participle (standing) and the past participle (eaten) in English
as derivation as these forms inflect for gender and number in French.
Adjectives such as Grnen the Greens in (58d) are nominalized adjectives and are
written with a capital like other nouns in German when there is no other noun that can
be inferred from the immediate context:
(59) A: Willst du den roten Ball haben?
want you the red ball have
Do you want the red ball?
B: Nein, gib mir bitte den grnen.
no give me please the green
No, give me the green one, please.
In the answer to (59), the noun Ball has been omitted. This kind of omission is not
present in (58d). One could also assume here that a word class change has taken place.
If a word changes its class without combination with a visible affix, we refer to this as
conversion. Conversion has been treated as a sub-case of derivation by some linguists.
The problem is, however, that Grne greens inflects just like an adjective and the gender
varies depending on the object it is referring to:
(60) a. Ein Grner hat vorgeschlagen,
a green.m has suggested
A (male) member of the Green Party suggested
b. Eine Grne hat vorgeschlagen,
a green.f has suggested
A (female) member of the Green Party suggested
1 Introduction and basic terms
We also have the situation where a word has two properties. We can make life easier
for ourselves by talking about nominalized adjectives. The lexical category of Grne is
adjective and its syntactic category is noun.
The word in (58e) can inflect like an adjective and should therefore be classed as an
adjective following our tests. Sometimes, these kinds of adjectives are also classed as
adverbs. The reason for this is that the uninflected forms of these adjectives behave like
(61) Max lacht immer / oft / laut.
Max laughs always often loud
Max (always/often) laughs (loudly).
To capture this dual nature of words some researchers distinguish between lexical and
syntactic category of words. The lexical category of laut loud(ly) is that of an adjective
and the syntactic category to which it belongs is adverb. The classification of adjectives
such as laut loud(ly) in (61) as adverbs is not assumed by all authors. Instead, some
speak of adverbial usage of an adjective, that is, one assumes that the syntactic category
is still adjective but it can be used in a different way so that it behaves like an adverb
(see Eisenberg 2004: Section 7.3, for example). This is parallel to prepositions, which can
occur in a variety of syntactic contexts:
(62) a. Peter schlft im Bro.
Peter sleeps in.the office
Peter sleeps in the office.
b. der Tisch im Bro
the table in.the office
the table in the office
We have prepositional phrases in both examples in (62); however, in (62a) im Bro in
the office acts like an adverb in that it modifies the verb schlft sleeps and in (62b) im
Bro modifies the noun Tisch table. In the same way, laut loud can modify a noun (63)
or a verb (61).
(63) die laute Musik
the loud music
1.5 Heads
The head of a constituent/phrase is the element which determines the most important
properties of the constituent/phrase. At the same time, the head also determines the
composition of the phrase. That is, the head requires certain other elements to be present
in the phrase. The heads in the following examples have been marked in italics:
(64) a. Trumt dieser Mann?
dreams this.nom man
Does this man dream?
1.5 Heads
Det N liest Det N
der Mann einen Aufsatz
The annotation includes the category of the most important element in the box. VP
stands for verb phrase and NP for noun phrase. VP and NP are maximal projections of
their respective heads.
1 Introduction and basic terms
Anyone who has ever faced the hopeless task of trying to find particular photos of
their sisters wedding in a jumbled, unsorted cupboard can vouch for the fact that it is
most definitely a good idea to mark the boxes based on their content and also mark the
albums based on the kinds of photos they contain.
An interesting point is that the exact content of the box with linguistic material does
not play a role when the box is put into a larger box. It is possible, for example, to replace
the noun phrase der Mann the man with er he, or indeed the more complex der Mann
aus Stuttgart, der das Seminar zur Entwicklung der Zebrafinken besucht the man from
Stuttgart who takes part in the seminar on the development of zebra finches. However,
it is not possible to use die Mnner the men or des Mannes of the man in this position:
(66) a. * Die Mnner liest einen Aufsatz.
the men reads an essay
b. * Des Mannes liest einen Aufsatz.
of.the man.gen reads an essay
The reason for this is that die Mnner the men is in plural and the verb liest reads
is in singular. The noun phrase bearing genitive case des Mannes can also not occur,
only nouns in the nominative case. It is therefore important to mark all boxes with the
information that is important for placing these boxes into larger boxes. Figure 1.4 shows
our example with more detailed annotation.
VP, fin
The features of a head which are relevant for determining in which contexts a phrase
can occur are called head features. The features are said to be projected by the head.
1.6 Arguments and adjuncts
The logical representation of (67b) resembles what is expressed in (67a); however, it ab-
stracts away from constituent order and inflection. Peter and Maria are syntactic argu-
ments of the verb help and their respective meanings (Peter and Maria ) are arguments
of the logical relation expressed by help . One could also say that help assigns semantic
roles to its arguments. Semantic roles include agent (the person carrying out an action),
patient (the affected person or thing), beneficiary (the person who receives something)
and experiencer (the person experiencing a psychological state). The subject of help is
an agent and the direct object is a beneficiary. Arguments which fulfil a semantic role
are also called actants. This term is also used for inanimate objects.
This kind of relation between a head and its arguments is covered by the terms selection
and valence. Valence is a term borrowed from chemistry. Atoms can combine with other
atoms to form molecules with varying levels of stability. The way in which the electron
shells are occupied plays an important role for this stability. If an atom combines with
others atoms so that its electron shell is fully occupied, then this will lead to a stable
connection. Valence tells us something about the number of hydrogen atoms which an
atom of a certain element can be combined with. In forming H2 O, oxygen has a valence
of 2. We can divide elements into valence classes. Following Mendeleev, elements with
a particular valence are listed in the same column in the periodic table.
The concept of valence was applied to linguistics by Tesnire (1959): a head needs
certain arguments in order to form a stable compound. Words with the same valence
that is which require the same number and type of arguments are divided into valence
classes. Figure 1.5 shows examples from chemistry as well as linguistics.
O help
H H Peter Mary
Figure 1.5: Combination of hydrogen and oxygen and the combination of a verb with its
We used (67) to explain logical valence. Logical valence can, however, sometimes differ
from syntactic valence. This is the case with verbs like rain, which require an expletive
pronoun as an argument. Inherently reflexive verbs such as sich erholen to recover in
German are another example.
(68) a. Es regnet.
it rains
It is raining.
b. Klaus erholt sich.
Klaus recovers refl
Klaus is recovering.
The expletive es it with weather verbs and the sich of so-called inherent reflexives such
as erholen to recover have to be present in the sentence. Germanic languages have
1 Introduction and basic terms
expletive elements that are used to fill the position preceding the finite verb. These
positional expletives are not realized in embedded clauses in German, since embedded
clauses have a structure that differs from canonical unembedded declarative clauses,
which have the finite verb in second position. (69a) shows that es cannot be omitted in
(69) a. * Ich glaube, dass regnet.
I think that rains
Intended: I think that it is raining.
b. * Ich glaube, dass Klaus erholt.
I believe that Klaus recovers
Intended: I believe that Klaus is recovering.
Neither the expletive nor the reflexive pronoun contributes anything semantically to the
sentence. They must, however, be present to derive a complete, well-formed sentence.
They therefore form part of the valence of the verb.
Constituents which do not contribute to the central meaning of their head, but rather
provide additional information are called adjuncts. An example is the adverb deeply in
(70) John loves Mary deeply.
This says something about the intensity of the relation described by the verb. Further
examples of adjuncts are attributive adjectives (71a) and relative clauses (71b):
(71) a. a beautiful woman
b. the man who Mary loves
Adjuncts have the following syntactic/semantic properties:
(72) a. Adjuncts do not fulfil a semantic role.
b. Adjuncts are optional.
c. Adjuncts can be iterated.
The phrase in (71a) can be extended by adding another adjunct:
(73) a beautiful clever woman
If one puts processing problems aside for a moment, this kind of extension by adding
adjectives could proceed infinitely (see the discussion of (38) on page 65). Arguments,
on the other hand, cannot be realized more than once:
(74) * The man the boy sleeps.
If the entity carrying out the sleeping action has already been mentioned, then it is
not possible to have another noun phrase which refers to a sleeping individual. If one
wants to express the fact that more than one individual is sleeping, this must be done by
means of coordination as in (75):
1.6 Arguments and adjuncts
The case of noun phrases in modifying prepositional phrases, on the other hand, depends
on their meaning. In German, directional prepositional phrases normally require a noun
phrase bearing accusative case (79a), whereas local PPs (denoting a fixed location) appear
in the dative case (79b):
For similar examples, see Eisenberg (1994b: 78).
1 Introduction and basic terms
See Section 1.7.2 for more on the grammatical function of adverbials. The term adverbial is normally used
in conjunction with verbs. modifier is a more general term, which normally includes attributive adjectives.
1.7 Grammatical functions
Arguments are normally divided into subjects and complements.16 Not all heads re-
quire a subject (see Mller 2007b: Section 3.2). The number of arguments of a head can
therefore also correspond to the number of complements of a head.
1.7.1 Subjects
Although I assume that the reader has a clear intuition about what a subject is, it is by
no means a trivial matter to arrive at a definition of the word subject which can be used
cross-linguistically. For German, Reis (1982) suggested the following syntactic properties
as definitional for subjects:
agreement of the finite verb with it
I have already discussed agreement in conjunction with the examples in (4). Reis (1982)
argues that the second bullet point is a suitable criterion for German. She formulates a
restriction to non-copular clause because there can be more than one nominative argu-
ment in sentences with predicate nominals such as (82):
(82) a. Er ist ein Lgner.
he.nom ist a liar.nom
He is a liar.
b. Er wurde ein Lgner genannt.
he.nom was a liar.nom called
He was called a liar.
Following this criterion, arguments in the dative case such as den Mnnern the men
cannot be classed as subjects in German:
In some schools the term complement is understood to include the subject, that is, the term complement is
equivalent to the term argument (see for instance Gro 2003: 342). Some researchers treat some subjects,
e.g., those of finite verbs, as complements (Pollard 1996b; Eisenberg 1994a: 376).
1 Introduction and basic terms
1.7 Grammatical functions
b. * Graue nicht!
dread not
Dont dread it!
c. Werd einmal untersttzt und
be once supported and
Let someone support you for once and
d. * Werd einmal geholfen und
be once helped and
Let someone help you and
The verb sich frchten to be scared in (86a) obligatorily requires a nominative argument
as its subject (87a). The similar verb grauen to dread in (86b) takes a dative argument
(87) a. Ich frchte mich vor Spinnen.
I.nom be.scared refl before spiders
I am scared of spiders.
b. Mir graut vor Spinnen.
me.dat scares before spiders
I am dreading spiders.
Interestingly, dative arguments in Icelandic behave differently. Zaenen et al. (1985) dis-
cuss various characteristics of subjects in Icelandic and show that it makes sense to
describe dative arguments as subjects in passive sentences even if the finite verb does
not agree with them (Section 3.1) or they do not bear nominative case. An example of
this is infinitive constructions with an omitted dative argument (p. 457):
(88) a. g vonast til a vera hjlpa.
I hope for to be helped
I hope that I will be helped.
b. A vera hjlpa prfinu er leyfilegt.
to be helped on the.exam is not.allowed
It is not allowed for one to be helped during the exam.
In a number of grammars, clausal arguments such as those in (89) are classed as subjects
as they can be replaced by a noun phrase in the nominative (90) (see e.g., Eisenberg 2004:
63, 289).
(89) a. Dass er schon um sieben kommen wollte, stimmt nicht.
that he already at seven come wanted is.true not
Its not true that he wanted to come as soon as seven.
b. Dass er Maria geheiratet hat, gefllt mir.
that he Maria married has pleases me
Im glad that he married Maria.
1 Introduction and basic terms
It should be noted that there are different opinions on the question of whether clausal
arguments should be treated as subjects or not. As recent publications show, there is
still some discussion in Lexical Function Grammar (see Chapter 7) (Dalrymple & Ldrup
2000; Berman 2003b, 2007; Alsina, Mohanan & Mohanan 2005; Forst 2006).
If we can be clear about what we want to view as a subject, then the definition of object
is no longer difficult: objects are all other arguments whose form is directly determined
by a given head. As well as clausal objects, German has genitive, dative, accusative and
prepositional objects:
As well as defining objects by their case, it is commonplace to talk of direct objects and
indirect objects. The direct object gets its name from the fact that unlike the indirect
object the referent of a direct object is directly affected by the action denoted by the
verb. With ditransitives such as the German geben to give, the accusative object is the
direct object and the dative is the indirect object.
(92) dass er dem Mann den Aufsatz gibt
that he.nom the.dat man.dat the.acc essay.acc gives
that he gives the man the essay
For trivalent verbs (verbs taking three arguments), we see that the verb can take either
an object in the genitive case (93a) or, for verbs with a direct object in the accusative, a
second accusative object (93b):
1.7 Grammatical functions
1 Introduction and basic terms
Although the noun phrase in (97d) bears accusative case, it is not an accusative object.
den ganzen Tag the whole day is a so-called temporal accusative. The occurrence of
accusative in this case has to do with the syntactic and semantic function of the noun
phrase, it is not determined by the verb. These kinds of accusatives can occur with a
variety of verbs, even with verbs that do not normally require an accusative object:
1.7 Grammatical functions
1.7.3 Predicatives
Adjectives like those in (100a,b) as well as noun phrases such as ein Lgner a liar in
(100c) are counted as predicatives.
(100) a. Klaus ist klug.
Klaus is clever
b. Er isst den Fisch roh.
he eats the fish raw
c. Er ist ein Lgner.
he is a liar
In the copula construction in (100a,c), the adjective klug clever and the noun phrase
ein Lgner a liar is an argument of the copula sein to be and the depictive adjective in
(100b) is an adjunct to isst eats.
For predicative noun phrases, case is not determined by the head but rather by some
other element.17 For example, the accusative in (101a) becomes nominative under pas-
sivization (101b):
There is some dialectal variation with regard to copula constructions: in Standard German, the case of the
noun phrase with sein to be is always nominative and does not change when embedded under lassen to
let. According to Drosdowski (1995: 1259), in Switzerland the accusative form is common which one finds
in examples such as (ii.a).
(i) a. Ich bin dein Tanzpartner.
I am your.nom dancing.partner
b. Der wste Kerl ist ihr Komplize.
the wild guy is her.nom accomplice
c. La den wsten Kerl [] meinetwegen ihr Komplize sein.
let the.acc wild.acc guy her.nom accomplice be
Lets assume that the wild guy is her accomplice, for all I care. (Grebe & Gipper 1966: 6925)
d. Baby, la mich dein Tanzpartner sein.
baby let me.acc your.nom dancing.partner be
Baby, let me be your dancing partner! (Funny van Dannen, Benno-Ohnesorg-Theater, Berlin,
Volksbhne, 11.10.1995)
1 Introduction and basic terms
1.8 A topological model of the German clause
ordinary objects can also be seen by the fact they cannot be replaced by pronouns. It is
therefore not possible to ascertain which case they bear since case distinctions are only
realized on pronouns in English. If we translate the English examples into German, we
find accusative objects:
(103) a. Das Buch kostete einen Dollar.
the book costs one.acc dollar
The book costs one dollar.
b. Das Buch wiegt einen Zentner.
the book weighs one.acc centner
The book weighs one centner.
In the following, I will use transitive in the former sense, that is for verbs with an
object that becomes the subject when passivized (e.g., with werden in German). When
I talk about the class of verbs that includes helfen to help, which takes a nominative
and dative argument, and schlagen to hit, which takes a nominative and accusative
argument, I will use the term two-place or bivalent verb.
1 Introduction and basic terms
Spiegel, 12/1999, p. 258.
Michail Bulgakow, Der Meister und Margarita. Mnchen: Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag. 1997, p. 422.
Prefield Left bracket Middle field Right bracket Postfield
Karl schlft.
Karl hat geschlafen.
Karl erkennt Maria.
Karl frbt den Mantel um den Maria kennt.
Karl hat Maria erkannt.
Karl hat Maria als sie aus dem Zug stieg sofort erkannt.
Karl hat Maria sofort erkannt als sie aus dem Zug stieg.
Karl hat Maria zu erkennen behauptet.
Karl hat behauptet Maria zu erkennen.
Schlft Karl?
Iss jetzt dein Eis auf!
Hat er doch das ganze Eis alleine gegessen.
weil er das ganze Eis alleine gegessen hat ohne mit der Wimper zu zucken.
weil er das ganze Eis alleine essen knnen will ohne gestrt zu werden.
wer das ganze Eis alleine gegessen hat
der das ganze Eis alleine gegessen hat
mit wem du geredet hast
Table 1.1: Examples of how topological fields can be occupied
1.8 A topological model of the German clause
1 Introduction and basic terms
Flstern & Schweigen, taz, 12.07.1999, p. 14.
The sentence requires emphasis on der the. der Frau, die er kennt the woman is contrasted with another
woman or other women.
1.8 A topological model of the German clause
1 Introduction and basic terms
or the prefield (Eisenberg et al. 2005: 1345; Wllstein 2010: 2930, Section 3.1) or even
in the middle field (Altmann & Hofman 2004: 75). In Standard German interrogative or
relative clauses, both fields are never simultaneously occupied. For this reason, it is not
immediately clear to which field an element belongs. Nevertheless, we can draw parallels
to main clauses: the pronouns in interrogative and relative clauses can be contained
inside complex phrases:
(112) a. der Mann, [mit dem] du gesprochen hast
the man with whom you spoken have
the man you spoke to
b. Ich mchte wissen, [mit wem] du gesprochen hast.
I know with whom you spoken have
I want to know who you spoke to.
Normally, only individual words (conjunctions or verbs) can occupy the left bracket,23
whereas words and phrases can appear in the prefield. It therefore makes sense to assume
that interrogative and relative pronouns (and phrases containing them) also occur in this
Furthermore, it can be observed that the dependency between the elements in the
Vorfeld of declarative clauses and the remaining sentence is of the same kind as the
dependency between the phrase that contains the relative pronoun and the remaining
sentence. For instance, ber dieses Thema about this topic in (113a) depends on Vortrag
talk, which is deeply embedded in the sentence: einen Vortrag a talk is an argument
of zu halten to hold, which in turn is an argument of gebeten asked.
(113) a. ber dieses Thema habe ich ihn gebeten, einen Vortrag zu halten.
about this topic have I him asked a talk to hold
I asked him to give a talk about this topic.
b. das Thema, ber das ich ihn gebeten habe, einen Vortrag zu halten
the topic about which I him asked have a talk to hold
the topic about which I asked him to give a talk
The situation is similar in (113b): the relative phrase ber das about which is a dependent
of Vortrag talk which is realized far away from it. Thus, if the relative phrase is assigned
to the Vorfeld, it is possible to say that such nonlocal frontings always target the Vorfeld.
Finally, the Duden grammar (Eisenberg et al. 2005: 1347) provides the following ex-
amples from non-standard German (mainly southern dialects):
Coordination is an exception to this:
1.8 A topological model of the German clause
(114) a. Kommt drauf an, mit wem dass sie zu tun haben.
comes there.upon part with whom that you to do have
It depends on whom you are dealing with.
(115) a. Lotti, die wo eine tolle Sekretrin ist, hat ein paar merkwrdige
Lotti who where a great secretary is has a few strange
Herren empfangen.
gentlemen welcomed
Lotti, who is a great secretary, welcomed a few strange gentlemen.
b. Du bist der beste Snger, den wo ich kenn.
you are the best singer who where I know
You are the best singer whom I know.
These examples of interrogative and relative clauses show that the left sentence bracket
is filled with a conjunction (dass that or wo where in the respective dialects). So if one
wants to have a model that treats Standard German and the dialectal forms uniformly,
it is reasonable to assume that the relative phrases and interrogative phrases are located
in the Vorfeld.
1.8.4 Recursion
As already noted by Reis (1980: 82), when occupied by a complex constituent, the prefield
can be subdivided into further fields including a postfield, for example. The constituents
fr lange lange Zeit for a long, long time in (116b) and da du kommst that you are com-
ing in (116d) are inside the prefield but occur to the right of the right bracket verschttet
buried / gewut knew, that is they are in the postfield of the prefield.
(116) a. Die Mglichkeit, etwas zu verndern, ist damit verschttet fr lange
the possibility something to change is there.with buried for long
lange Zeit.
long time
The possibility to change something will now be gone for a long, long time.
b. [Verschttet fr lange lange Zeit] ist damit die Mglichkeit, etwas
buried for long long time ist there.with the possibility something
zu verndern.
to change
c. Wir haben schon seit langem gewut, da du kommst.
we have part since long known that you come
We have known for a while that you are coming.
d. [Gewut, da du kommst,] haben wir schon seit langem.
known that you come have we part since long
1 Introduction and basic terms
Like constituents in the prefield, elements in the middle field and postfield can also have
an internal structure and be divided into subfields accordingly. For example, da that
is the left bracket of the subordinate clause da du kommst in (116c), whereas du you
occupies the middle field and kommst come the right bracket.
Comprehension questions
1. How does the head of a phrase differ from non-heads?
(117) a. he
b. Go!
c. quick
5. How can we define the terms prefield (Vorfeld), middle field (Mittelfeld), postfield
(Nachfeld) and the left and right sentence brackets (Satzklammer)?
1. Identify the sentence brackets, prefield, middle field and postfield in the following
sentences. Do the same for the embedded clauses!
1.8 A topological model of the German clause
Further reading
Reis (1980) gives reasons for why field theory is important for the description of the
position of constituents in German.
Hhle (1986) discusses fields to the left of the prefield, which are needed for left-dislo-
cation structures such as with der Mittwoch in (120), aber in (121a) and denn in (121b):
(120) Der Mittwoch, der passt mir gut.
the Wednesday that fits me good
Wednesday, that suits me fine.
(121) a. Aber wrde denn jemand den Hund fttern morgen Abend?
but would part anybody the dog feed tomorrow evening
But would anyone feed the dog tomorrow evening?
b. Denn dass es regnet, damit rechnet keiner.
because that it rains there.with reckons nobody
Because no-one expects that it will rain.
2 Phrase structure grammar
This chapter deals with phase structure grammars (PSGs), which play an important role
in several of the theories we will encounter in later chapters.
We can analyze the sentence in (1) using the grammar in (2) in the following way:
first, we take the first word in the sentence and check if there is a rule in which this
word occurs on the right-hand side of the rule. If this is the case, then we replace the
word with the symbol on the left-hand side of the rule. This happens in lines 24, 67
and 9 of the derivation in (3). For instance, in line 2 er is replaced by NP. If there are two
or more symbols which occur together on the right-hand side of a rule, then all these
words are replaced with the symbol on the left. This happens in lines 5, 8 and 10. For
instance, in line 5 and 8, Det and N are rewritten as NP.
(3) words and symbols rules that are applied
1 er das Buch dem Mann gibt
2 NP das Buch dem Mann gibt NP er
3 NP Det Buch dem Mann gibt Det das
4 NP Det N dem Mann gibt N Buch
5 NP NP dem Mann gibt NP Det N
6 NP NP Det Mann gibt Det dem
7 NP NP Det N gibt N Mann
8 NP NP NP gibt NP Det N
9 NP NP NP V V gibt
In (3), we began with a string of words and it was shown that we can derive the structure
of a sentence by applying the rules of a given phrase structure grammar. We could have
applied the same steps in reverse order: starting with the sentence symbol S, we would
have applied the steps 91 and arrived at the string of words. Selecting different rules
from the grammar for rewriting symbols, we could use the grammar in (2) to get from
S to the string er dem Mann das Buch gibt he the man the book gives. We can say that
this grammar licenses (or generates) a set of sentences.
The derivation in (3) can also be represented as a tree. This is shown by Figure 2.1. The
Det N Det N
Figure 2.1: Analysis of er das Buch dem Mann gibt he the book the woman gives
symbols in the tree are called nodes. We say that S immediately dominates the NP nodes
and the V node. The other nodes in the tree are also dominated, but not immediately
2.1 Symbols and rewrite rules
This grammar licenses binary branching structures as shown in Figure 2.2 on the follow-
ing page.
Both the grammar in (6) and (2) are too imprecise. If we adopt additional lexical entries
for ich I and den the (accusative) in our grammar, then we would incorrectly license
the ungrammatical sentences in (7bd):3
With the grammar in (6), we also have the additional problem that we cannot determine when an utterance
is complete since the symbol V is used for all combinations of V and NP. Therefore, we can also analyze
the sentence in (i) with this grammar:
2 Phrase structure grammar
Det N NP V
Det N
Figure 2.2: Analysis of er das Buch dem Mann gibt with a binary branching structure
The number of arguments required by a verb must be somehow represented in the grammar. In the fol-
lowing chapters, we will see exactly how the selection of arguments by a verb (valence) can be captured
in various grammatical theories.
2.1 Symbols and rewrite rules
2 Phrase structure grammar
(13) shows the rules for nominative noun phrases. We would need analogous rules for
genitive, dative, and accusative. We would then require 24 symbols for determiners
(3 2 4), 24 symbols for nouns and 24 rules rather than one. If inflection class is taken
into account, the number of symbols and the number of rules doubles.
These are inflectional classes for adjectives which are also relevant for some nouns such as Beamter civil
servant, Verwandter relative, Gesandter envoy. For more on adjective classes see page 21.
To keep things simple, these rules do not incorporate information regarding the inflection class.
2.2 Expanding PSG with features
If we were to use variables rather than the values in (14), we would get rule schemata as
the one in (15):
(15) NP(3,Num,Case) Det(Gen,Num,Case) N(Gen,Num,Case)
The values of the variables here are not important. What is important is that they match.
For this to work, it is important that the values are ordered; that is, in the category of a
determiner, the gender is always first, number second and so on. The value of the person
feature (the first position in the NP(3,Num,Case)) is fixed at 3 by the rule. These kind
of restrictions on the values can, of course, be determined in the lexicon:
(16) NP(3,sg,nom) es
Det(mas,sg,nom) des
The rules in (10) can be collapsed into a single schema as in (17):
(17) S NP(Per1,Num1,nom)
The identification of Per1 and Num1 on the verb and on the subject ensures that there
is subject-verb agreement. For the other NPs, the values of these features are irrelevant.
The case of these NPs is explicitly determined.
Chapter 6 introduces attribute value structures. In these structure we always have pairs of a feature name
and a feature value. In such a setting, the order of values is not important, since every value is uniquely
identified by the corresponding feature name. Since we do not have a feature name in schemata like (13),
the order of the values is important.
2 Phrase structure grammar
2.3 Semantics
In the introductory chapter and the previous sections, we have been dealing with syntac-
tic aspects of language and the focus will remain very much on syntax for the remainder
of this book. It is, however, important to remember that we use language to commu-
nicate, that is, to transfer information about certain situations, topics or opinions. If
we want to accurately explain our capacity for language, then we also have to explain
the meanings that our utterances have. To this end, it is necessary to understand their
syntactic structure, but this alone is not enough. Furthermore, theories of language ac-
quisition that only concern themselves with the acquisition of syntactic constructions
are also inadequate. The syntax-semantics interface is therefore important and every
grammatical theory has to say something about how syntax and semantics interact. In
the following, I will show how we can combine phrase structure rules with semantic
information. To represent meanings, I will use first-order predicate logic and -calculus.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to provide a detailed discussion of the basics of logic
so that even readers without prior knowledge can follow all the details, but the simple
examples discussed here should be enough to provide some initial insights into how syn-
tax and semantics interact and furthermore, how we can develop a linguistic theory to
account for this.
To show how the meaning of a sentence is derived from the meaning of its parts, we
will consider (18a). We assign the meaning in (18b) to the sentence in (18a).
(18) a. Max schlft.
Max sleeps
Max is sleeping.
b. schlafen (max )
Here, we are assuming schlafen to be the meaning of schlft sleeps. We use prime
symbols to indicate that we are dealing with word meanings and not actual words. At
first glance, it may not seem that we have really gained anything by using schlafen to
represent the meaning of (18a), since it is just another form of the verb schlft sleeps.
It is, however, important to concentrate on a single verb form as inflection is irrelevant
when it comes to meaning. We can see this by comparing the examples in (19a) and (19b):
(19) a. Jeder Junge schlft.
every boy sleeps
Every boy sleeps.
b. Alle Jungen schlafen.
all boys sleep
All boys sleep.
To enhance readability I use English translations of the predicates in semantic represen-
tations from now on.7 So the meaning of (18a) is represented as (20) rather then (18b):
(20) sleep (max )
Note that I do not claim that English is suited as representation language for semantic relations and con-
cepts that can be expressed in other languages.
2.3 Semantics
When looking at the meaning in (20), we can consider which part of the meaning comes
from each word. It seems relatively intuitive that max comes from Max, but the trickier
question is what exactly schlft sleeps contributes in terms of meaning. If we think
about what characterizes a sleeping event, we know that there is typically an individual
who is sleeping. This information is part of the meaning of the verb schlafen to sleep.
The verb meaning does not contain information about the sleeping individual, however,
as this verb can be used with various subjects:
(21) a. Paul schlft.
Paul sleeps
Paul is sleeping.
b. Mio schlft.
Mio sleeps
Mio is sleeping.
c. Xaver schlft.
Xaver sleeps
Xaver is sleeping.
We can therefore abstract away from any specific use of sleep and instead of, for exam-
ple, max in (19b), we use a variable (e.g., x). This x can then be replaced by paul , mio
or xaver in a given sentence. To allow us to access these variables in a given meaning,
we can write them with a in front. Accordingly, schlft sleeps will have the following
(22) x sleep (x )
The step from (20) to (22) is referred to as lambda abstraction. The combination of the
expression (22) with the meaning of its arguments happens in the following way: we
remove the and the corresponding variable and then replace all instances of the variable
with the meaning of the argument. If we combine (22) and max as in (23), we arrive at
the meaning in (18b).
(23) x sleep (x ) max
The process is called -reduction or -conversion. To show this further, let us consider
an example with a transitive verb. The sentence in (24a) has the meaning given in (24b):
(24) a. Max mag Lotte.
Max likes Lotte
Max likes Lotte.
b. like (max , lotte )
The -abstraction of mag likes is shown in (25):
(25) yx like (x, y)
Note that it is always the first that has to be used first. The variable y corresponds to
the object of mgen. For languages like English it is assumed that the object forms a verb
2 Phrase structure grammar
phrase (VP) together with the verb and this VP is combined with the subject. German
differs from English in allowing more freedom in constituent order. The problems that
result for form meaning mappings are solved in different ways by different theories. The
respective solutions will be addressed in the following chapters.
If we combine the representation in (25) with that of the object Lotte, we arrive at
(26a), and following -reduction, (26b):
(26) a. yx like (x, y)lotte
b. x like (x, lotte )
This meaning can in turn be combined with the subject and we then get (27a) and (27b)
after -reduction:
(27) a. x like (x, lotte )max
b. like (max , lotte )
After introducing lambda calculus, integrating the composition of meaning into our
phrase structure rules is simple. A rule for the combination of a verb with its subject
has to be expanded to include positions for the semantic contribution of the verb, the
semantic contribution of the subject and then the meaning of the combination of these
two (the entire sentence). The complete meaning is the combination of the individual
meanings in the correct order. We can therefore take the simple rule in (28a) and turn it
into (28b):
(28) a. S NP(nom) V
b. S(V NP) NP(nom, NP) V(V )
V stands for the meaning of V and NP for the meaning of the NP(nom). V NP stands for
the combination of V and NP. When analyzing (18a), the meaning of V is x sleep (x )
and the meaning of NP is max . The combination of V NP corresponds to (29a) or after
-reduction to (18b) repeated here as (29b):
(29) a. x sleep (x )max
b. sleep (max )
For the example with a transitive verb in (24a), the rule in (30) can be proposed:
(30) S(V NP2 NP1 ) NP(nom, NP1) V(V) NP(acc, NP2)
The meaning of the verb (V) is first combined with the meaning of the object (NP2) and
then with the meaning of the subject (NP1).
At this point, we can see that there are several distinct semantic rules for the phrase
structure rules above. The hypothesis that we should analyze language in this way is
called the rule-to-rule hypothesis (Bach 1976: 184). A more general process for deriving
the meaning of linguistic expression will be presented in Section 5.1.4.
2.4 Phrase structure rules for some aspects of German syntax
2 Phrase structure grammar
analyze the other noun phrases in (31). In addition to rule (32a), one could propose a rule
such as the one in (32b).8, 9
(32) a. NP Det N
b. NP Det A N
However, this rule would still not allow us to analyze noun phrases such as (33):
(33) alle weiteren schlagkrftigen Argumente
all further strong arguments
all other strong arguments
In order to be able to analyze (33), we require a rule such as (34):
(34) NP Det A A N
It is always possible to increase the number of adjectives in a noun phrase and setting an
upper limit for adjectives would be entirely arbitrary. Even if we opt for the following
abbreviation, there are still problems:
(35) NP Det A* N
The asterisk in (35) stands for any number of iterations. Therefore, (35) encompasses
rules with no adjectives as well as those with one, two or more.
The problem is that according to the rule in (35) adjectives and nouns do not form a
constituent and we can therefore not explain why coordination is still possible in (36):
(36) alle [[geschickten Kinder] und [klugen Frauen]]
all skillful children and smart women
all the skillful children and smart women
If we assume that coordination involves the combination of two or more word strings
with the same syntactic properties, then we would have to assume that the adjective and
noun form a unit.
The following rules capture the noun phrases with adjectives discussed thus far:
(37) a. NP Det N
b. N A N
c. N N
These rules state the following: a noun phrase consists of a determiner and a nominal
element (N). This nominal element can consist of an adjective and a nominal element
(37b), or just a noun (37c). Since N is also on the right-hand side of the rule in (37b), we
can apply this rule multiple times and therefore account for noun phrases with multiple
adjectives such as (33). Figure 2.3 on the following page shows the structure of a noun
phrase without an adjective and that of a noun phrase with one or two adjectives. The
See Eisenberg (2004: 238) for the assumption of flat structures in noun phrases.
There are, of course, other features such as gender and number, which should be part of all the rules
discussed in this section. I have omitted these in the following for ease of exposition.
2.4 Phrase structure rules for some aspects of German syntax
NP Det N
NP Det N A N
Det N A N A N
adjective klug smart restricts the set of referents for the noun phrase. If we assume an
additional adjective such as glcklich happy, then it only refers to those women who
are happy as well as smart. These kinds of noun phrases can be used in contexts such as
the following:
We observe that this discourse can be continued with Aber alle glcklichen klugen Frauen
sind schn but all happy, smart women are beautiful and a corresponding answer. The
possibility to have even more adjectives in noun phrases such as eine glckliche kluge
Frau a happy, smart woman is accounted for in our rule system in (37). In the rule (37b),
N occurs on the left as well as the right-hand side of the rule. This kind of rule is referred
to as recursive.
We have now developed a nifty little grammar that can be used to analyze noun
phrases containing adjectival modifiers. As a result, the combination of an adjective
and noun is given constituent status. One may wonder at this point if it would not make
sense to also assume that determiners and adjectives form a constituent, as we also have
the following kind of noun phrases:
(39) diese schlauen und diese neugierigen Frauen
these smart and these curious women
Here, we are dealing with a different structure, however. Two full NPs have been con-
joined and part of the first conjunct has been deleted.
2 Phrase structure grammar
2.4 Phrase structure rules for some aspects of German syntax
NP Det N
Det N N PP
Figure 2.4: Combination of a noun with PP complement vom Gleimtunnel to the right
with an adjunct PP
example of noun phrases, where a noun that does not require a complement has been
omitted. The examples in (46) show NPs in which only one determiner and complement
of the noun has been realized, but not the noun itself. The underscore marks the position
where the noun would normally occur.
(45) a. eine kluge _
a smart
a smart one
b. eine kluge groe _
a smart tall
a smart tall one
c. eine kluge _ aus Hamburg
a smart from Hamburg
a smart one from Hamburg
d. eine kluge _, die alle kennen
a smart who everyone knows
a smart one who everyone knows
(46) a. (Nein, nicht der Vater von Klaus), der _ von Peter war gemeint.
no not the father of Klaus the of Peter was meant
No, it wasnt the father of Klaus, but rather the one of Peter that was meant.
b. (Nein, nicht das Bild von der Stadtautobahn), das _ vom Gleimtunnel war
no not the picture of the motorway the of.the Gleimtunnel was
No, it wasnt the picture of the motorway, but rather the one of the Gleimtun-
nel that was impressive.
2 Phrase structure grammar
c. (Nein, nicht das Kommen des Tischlers), das _ des Installateurs ist
no not the coming of.the carpenter the of.the plumber is
No, it isnt the visit of the carpenter, but rather the visit of the plumber that
is important.
In English, the pronoun one must often be used in the corresponding position,10 but in
German the noun is simply omitted. In phrase structure grammars, this can be described
by a so-called epsilon production. These rules replace a symbol with nothing (47a). The
rule in (47b) is an equivalent variant which is responsible for the term epsilon production:
(47) a. N
b. N
The corresponding trees are shown in Figure 2.5. Going back to boxes, the rules in (47)
Det N NP
A N Det N
correspond to empty boxes with the same labels as the boxes of ordinary nouns. As we
have considered previously, the actual content of the boxes is unimportant when con-
sidering the question of where we can incorporate them. In this way, the noun phrases
in (31) can occur in the same sentences. The empty noun box also behaves like one with
a genuine noun. If we do not open the empty box, we will not be able to ascertain the
difference to a filled box.
It is not only possible to omit the noun from noun phrases, but the determiner can
also remain unrealized in certain contexts. (48) shows noun phrases in plural:
(48) a. Frauen
b. Frauen, die wir kennen
women who we know
See Fillmore et al. (2012: Section 4.12) for English examples without the pronoun one.
2.4 Phrase structure rules for some aspects of German syntax
c. kluge Frauen
smart women
d. kluge Frauen, die wir kennen
smart women who we know
The determiner can also be omitted in singular if the noun denotes a mass noun:
(49) a. Getreide
b. Getreide, das gerade gemahlen wurde
grain that just ground was
grain that has just been ground
c. frisches Getreide
fresh grain
d. frisches Getreide, das gerade gemahlen wurde
fresh grain that just ground was
fresh grain that has just been ground
Finally, both the determiner and the noun can be omitted:
(50) a. Ich helfe klugen.
I help smart
I help smart ones.
b. Dort drben steht frisches, das gerade gemahlen wurde.
there over stands fresh that just ground was
Over there is some fresh (grain) that has just been ground.
Figure 2.6 shows the corresponding trees.
NP Det N
Det N A N
_ Frauen _ klugen _
women smart
It is necessary to add two further comments to the rules we have developed up to this
point: up to now, I have always spoken of adjectives. However, it is possible to have
2 Phrase structure grammar
very complex adjective phrases in pre-nominal position. These can be adjectives with
complements (51a,b) or adjectival participles (51c,d):
Taking this into account, the rule (37b) has to be modified in the following way:
(52) N AP N
An adjective phrase (AP) can consist of an NP and an adjective, a PP and an adjective or
just an adjective:
(53) a. AP NP A
b. AP PP A
c. AP A
There are two imperfections resulting from the rules we have developed thus far. These
are the rules for adjectives or nouns without complements in (53c) as well as (37c)
repeated here as (54):
(54) N N
If we apply these rules, then we will generate unary branching subtrees, that is trees
with a mother that only has one daughter. See Figure 2.6 for an example of this. If we
maintain the parallel to the boxes, this would mean that there is a box which contains
another box which is the one with the relevant content.
In principle, nothing stops us from placing this information directly into the larger
box. Instead of the rules in (55), we will simply use the rules in (56):
(55) a. A kluge
b. N Mann
(56) a. AP kluge
b. N Mann
2.4 Phrase structure rules for some aspects of German syntax
(56a) states that kluge smart has the same properties as a full adjective phrase, in partic-
ular that it cannot be combined with a complement. This is parallel to the categorization
of the pronoun er he as an NP in the grammars (2) and (6).
Assigning N to nouns which do not require a complement has the advantage that we
do not have to explain why the analysis in (57b) is possible as well as (57a) despite there
not being any difference in meaning.
(57) a. [NP einige [N kluge [N [N [N Frauen ] und [N [N Mnner ]]]]]]
some smart women and men
b. [NP einige [N kluge [N [N [N Frauen ] und [N Mnner ]]]]]
some smart women and men
In (57a), two nouns have projected to N and have then been joined by coordination.
The result of coordination of two constituents of the same category is always a new
constituent with that category. In the case of (57a), this is also N. This constituent is then
combined with the adjective and the determiner. In (57b), the nouns themselves have
been coordinated. The result of this is always another constituent which has the same
category as its parts. In this case, this would be N. This N becomes N and is then combined
with the adjective. If nouns which do not require complements were categorized as N
rather than N, we would not have the problem of spurious ambiguities. The structure in
(58) shows the only possible analysis.
(58) [NP einige [N kluge [N [N Frauen ] und [N Mnner ]]]]
some smart women and men
2 Phrase structure grammar
2.5 X theory
be incorporated in the structure of the noun phrase. If we did not place this meaning in
the empty determiner, this would lead to more complicated assumptions about semantic
combination: we only really require the mechanisms presented in Section 2.3 and these
are very general in nature. The meaning is contributed by the words themselves and not
by any rules. If we were to assume a unary branching rule such as that in the left tree in
Figure 2.7 instead of the empty determiner, then this unary branching rule would have
to provide the semantics of the determiner. This kind of analysis has also been proposed
by some researchers. See Chapter 19 for more on empty elements.
Unlike determiner-less NPs, prepositional phrases without an indication of degree or
measurement do not lack any meaning component for composition. It is therefore not
necessary to assume an empty indication of measurement, which somehow contributes
to the meaning of the entire PP. Hence, the rule in (63c) states that a prepositional phrase
consists of P, that is, a combination of P and NP.
2.5 X theory
If we look again at the rules that we have formulated in the previous section, we see that
heads are always combined with their complements to form a new constituent (65a,b),
which can then be combined with further constituents (65c,d):
(65) a. N N PP
b. P P NP
c. NP Det N
d. PP NP P
Grammarians working on English noticed that parallel structures can be used for phrases
which have adjectives or verbs as their head. I discuss adjective phrases at this point and
postpone the discussion of verb phrases to Chapter 3. As in German, certain adjectives in
English can take complements with the important restriction that adjective phrases with
2 Phrase structure grammar
complements cannot realize these pre-nominally in English. (66) gives some examples
of adjective phrases:
(66) a. He is proud.
b. He is very proud.
c. He is proud of his son.
d. He is very proud of his son.
Unlike prepositional phrases, complements of adjectives are normally optional. proud
can be used with or without a PP. The degree expression very is also optional.
The rules which we need for this analysis are given in (67), with the corresponding
structures in Figure 2.8.
(67) a. AP A
b. AP AdvP A
c. A A PP
d. AA
A AdvP A A AdvP A
proud very proud proud of his son very proud of his son
As was shown in Section 2.2, it is possible to generalize over very specific phrase
structure rules and thereby arrive at more general rules. In this way, properties such as
person, number and gender are no longer encoded in the category symbols, but rather
only simple symbols such as NP, Det and N are used. It is only necessary to specify
something about the values of a feature if it is relevant in the context of a given rule. We
can take this abstraction a step further: instead of using explicit category symbols such
as N, V, P and A for lexical categories and NP, VP, PP and AP for phrasal categories, one
can simply use a variable for the word class in question and speak of X and XP.
This form of abstraction can be found in so-called X theory (or X-bar theory, the term
bar refers to the line above the symbol), which was developed by Chomsky (1970) and
refined by Jackendoff (1977). This form of abstract rules plays an important role in many
different theories. For example: Government & Binding (Chapter 3), Generalized Phrase
Structure Grammar (Chapter 5) and Lexical Functional Grammar (Chapter 7). In HPSG
2.5 X theory
(Chapter 9), X theory also plays a role, but not all restrictions of the X schema have been
(68) shows a possible instantiation of X rules, where the category X has been used in
place of N, as well as examples of word strings which can be derived by these rules:
(68) X rule with specific categories example strings
2 Phrase structure grammar
XP specifier X
X adjunct X
X complement X
and the tree for proud in Figure 2.8 show examples of minimally populated structures.
The left tree in Figure 2.10 is also an example of a structure without an adjunct. The
right-hand structure in Figure 2.10 is an example for the maximally populated structure:
specifier, adjunct, and complement are present.
The analysis given in Figure 2.10 assumes that all non-heads in a rule are phrases.
One therefore has to assume that there is a determiner phrase even if the determiner is
not combined with other elements. The unary branching of determiners is not elegant
but it is consistent.11 The unary branchings for the NP Paris in Figure 2.10 may also
seem somewhat odd, but they actually become more plausible when one considers more
complex noun phrases:
(69) a. das Paris der dreiiger Jahre
the Paris of.the thirty years
30s Paris
b. die Maria aus Hamburg
the Maria from Hamburg
Maria from Hamburg
Unary projections are somewhat inelegant but this should not concern us too much
here, as we have already seen in the discussion of the lexical entries in (56) that unary
branching nodes can be avoided for the most part and that it is indeed desirable to avoid
such structures. Otherwise, one gets spurious ambiguities. In the following chapters, we
will discuss approaches such as Categorial Grammar and HPSG, which do not assume
unary rules for determiners, adjectives and nouns.
Furthermore, other X theoretical assumptions will not be shared by several theories
discussed in this book. In particular, the assumption that non-heads always have to
be maximal projections will be disregarded. Pullum (1985) and Kornai & Pullum (1990)
have shown that the respective theories are not necessarily less restrictive than theories
which adopt a strict version of the X theory. See also the discussion in Section 13.1.2.
For an alternative version of X theory which does not assume elaborate structure for determiners see
Muysken (1982).
2.5 X theory
DetP N
Det AP N
Det A N PP
Det N N
Det N
Figure 2.10: X analysis of das Bild the picture and das schne Bild von Paris the beautiful
picture of Paris
Comprehension questions
1. Why are phrase structure grammars that use only atomic categories inadequate
for the description of natural languages?
2. Assuming the grammar in (6), state which steps (replacing symbols) one has to
take to get to the symbol V in the sentence (70).
2 Phrase structure grammar
1. On page 55, I claimed that there is an infinite number of grammars we could use
to analyze (1). Why is this claim correct?
2. Try to come up with some ways in which we can tell which of these possible
grammars is or are the best?
3. A fragment for noun phrase syntax was presented in Section 2.4.1. Why is the
interaction of the rules in (72) problematic?
(72) a. NP Det N
b. NN
c. Det
d. N
5. Can you think of some reasons why it is not desirable to assume the following
rule for nouns such as books:
The rule in (73) combines an unlimited number of modifiers with the noun books
followed by an unlimited number of modifiers. We can use this rule to derive
phrases such as those in (74):
(74) a. books
b. interesting books
c. interesting books from Stuttgart
Make reference to coordination data in your answer. Assume that symmetric coor-
dination requires that both coordinated phrases or words have the same syntactic
2.5 X theory
6. Fillmore et al. (2012) suggested treating nounless structures like those in (75) as
involving a phrasal construction combining the determiner the with an adjective.
Adj stands for something that can be a single word like poor or complex like very
Revisit the German data in (45) and (46) and explain why such an analysis and
even a more general one as in (77) would not extend to German.
7. Why can X theory not account for German adjective phrases without additional
assumptions? (This task is for (native) speakers of German only.)
8. Come up with a phrase structure grammar that can be used to analyze the sentence
in (78), but also rules out the sentences in (79).
9. Consider which additional rules would have to be added to the grammar you devel-
oped in the previous exercise in order to be able to analyze the following sentences:
2 Phrase structure grammar
10. Install a Prolog system (e.g., SWI-Prolog12 ) and try out your grammar. Details for
the notation can be found in the corresponding handbook under the key word
Definite Clause Grammar (DCG).
Further reading
The expansion of phrase structure grammars to include features was proposed as early
as 1963 by Harman (1963).
The phrase structure grammar for noun phrases discussed in this chapter covers a
large part of the syntax of noun phrases but cannot explain certain NP structures. Fur-
thermore, it has the problem, which exercise 3 is designed to show. A discussion of these
phenomena and a solution in the framework of HPSG can be found in Netter (1998) and
Kiss (2005).
The discussion of the integration of semantic information into phrase structure gram-
mars was very short. A detailed discussion of predicate logic and its integration into
phrase structure grammars as well as a discussion of quantifier scope can be found
in Blackburn & Bos (2005).
3 Transformational Grammar
Government & Binding
Transformational Grammar and its subsequent incarnations (such as Government and
Binding Theory and Minimalism) were developed by Noam Chomsky at MIT in Boston
(Chomsky 1957, 1965, 1975, 1981a, 1986a, 1995b). Manfred Bierwisch (1963) was the first to
implement Chomskys ideas for German. In the 60s, the decisive impulse came from the
Arbeitsstelle Strukturelle Grammatik Workgroup for Structural Grammar, which was
part of the Academy of Science of the GDR. See Bierwisch 1992 and Vater 2010 for a
historic overview. As well as Bierwischs work, the following books focusing on German
or the Chomskyan research program in general should also be mentioned: Fanselow
(1987), Fanselow & Felix (1987), von Stechow & Sternefeld (1988), Grewendorf (1988),
Haider (1993), Sternefeld (2006).
The different implementations of Chomskyan theories are often grouped under the
heading Generative Grammar. This term comes from the fact that phrase structure gram-
mars and the augmented frameworks that were suggested by Chomsky can generate sets
of well-formed expressions (see p. 54). It is such a set of sentences that constitutes a lan-
guage (in the formal sense) and one can test if a sentence forms part of a language by
checking if a particular sentence is in the set of sentences generated by a given gram-
mar. In this sense, simple phrase structure grammars and, with corresponding formal
assumptions, GPSG, LFG, HPSG and Construction Grammar (CxG) are generative theo-
ries. In recent years, a different view of the formal basis of theories such as LFG, HPSG
and CxG has emerged such that the aforementioned theories are now model theoretic
theories rather than generative-enumerative ones1 (See Chapter 14 for discussion). In
1965, Chomsky defined the term Generative Grammar in the following way (see also
Chomsky 1995b: 162):
A grammar of a language purports to be a description of the ideal speaker-hearers
intrinsic competence. If the grammar is, furthermore, perfectly explicit in other
words, if it does not rely on the intelligence of the understanding reader but rather
provides an explicit analysis of his contribution we may call it (somewhat redun-
dantly) a generative grammar. (Chomsky 1965: 4)
In this sense, all grammatical theories discussed in this book would be viewed as gen-
erative grammars. To differentiate further, sometimes the term Mainstream Generative
Grammar (MGG) is used (Culicover & Jackendoff 2005: 3) for Chomskyan models. In this
1 Model theoretic approaches are always constraint-based and the terms model theoretic and constraint-based
are sometimes used synonymously.
3 Transformational Grammar Government & Binding
chapter, I will discuss a well-developed and very influential version of Chomskyan gram-
mar, GB theory. More recent developments following Chomskys Minimalist Program
are dealt with in Chapter 4.
3.1.1 Transformations
In the previous chapter, I introduced simple phrase structure grammars. Chomsky (1957:
Chapter 5) criticized this kind of rewrite grammars since in his opinion it is not clear
how one can capture the relationship between active and passive sentences or the vari-
ous ordering possibilities of constituents in a sentence. While it is of course possible to
formulate different rules for active and passive sentences in a phrase structure grammar
(e.g., one pair of rules for intransitive (1), one for transitive (2) and one for ditransitive
verbs (3)), it would not adequately capture the fact that the same phenomenon occurs in
the example pairs in (1)(3):
(1) a. weil dort noch jemand arbeitet
because there still somebody works
because somebody is still working there
b. weil dort noch gearbeitet wurde
because there still worked was
because work was still being done there
3.1 General remarks on the representational format
Chomsky (1957: 43) suggests a transformation that creates a connection between active
and passive sentences. The passive transformation for English that he suggested has the
form in (4):
(4) NP V NP 3 [AUX be] 2en [PP [P by] 1]
1 2 3
This transformational rule maps a tree with the symbols on the left-hand side of the rule
onto a tree with the symbols on the right-hand side of the rule. Accordingly, 1, 2 and
3 on the right of the rule correspond to symbols, which are under the numbers on the
left-hand side. en stands for the morpheme which forms the participle (seen, been, , but
also loved). Both trees for (5a,b) are shown in Figure 3.1.
NP VP { Mary Aux V PP
John V NP P NP
The symbols on the left of transformational rules do not necessarily have to be in a local
tree, that is, they can be daughters of different mothers as in Figure 3.1.
Rewrite grammars were divided into four complexity classes based on the properties
they have. The simplest grammars are assigned to the class 3, whereas the most complex
are of Type-0. The so-called context-free grammars we have dealt with thus far are of
Type-2. Transformational grammars which allow symbols to be replaced by arbitrary
3 Transformational Grammar Government & Binding
other symbols are of Type-0 (Peters & Ritchie 1973). Research on the complexity of natu-
ral languages shows that the highest complexity level (Type-0) is too complex for natural
language. It follows from this assuming that one wants to have a restrictive formal ap-
paratus for the description of grammatical knowledge (Chomsky 1965: 62) that the
form and potential power of transformations has to be restricted.2 Another criticism of
early versions of transformational grammar was that, due to a lack of restrictions, the
way in which transformations interact was not clear. Furthermore, there were problems
associated with transformations which delete material (see Klenk 2003: Section 3.1.4).
For this reason, new theoretical approaches such as Government & Binding (Chomsky
1981a) were developed. In this model, the form that grammatical rules can take is re-
stricted (see Section 3.1.4). Elements moved by transformations are still represented in
their original position, which makes them recoverable at the original position and hence
the necessary information is available for semantic interpretation. There are also more
general principles, which serve to restrict transformations.
After some initial remarks on the model assumed for language acquisition in GB the-
ory, we will take a closer look at phrase structure rules, transformations and constraints.
3.1 General remarks on the representational format
heads occur before their complements in their language, whereas a speaker of Japanese
has to learn that heads follow their complements. (7) gives the respective examples:
(7) a. be showing pictures of himself
b. zibun -no syasin-o mise-te iru
refl from picture showing be
As one can see, the Japanese verb, noun and prepositional phrases are a mirror image of
the corresponding phrases in English. (8) provides a summary and shows the parametric
value for the position parameter:
(8) Language Observation Parameter: head initial
English Heads occur before complements +
Japanese Heads occur after complements
Investigating languages based on their differences with regard to certain assumed pa-
rameters has proven to be a very fruitful line of research in the last few decades and has
resulted in an abundance of comparative cross-linguistic studies.
After these introductory comments on language acquisition, the following sections
will discuss the basic assumptions of GB theory.
3 Transformational Grammar Government & Binding
Figure 3.2 gives an overview of the GB architecture: phrase structure rules and the lexi-
con license the D-structure from which the S-structure is derived by means of transfor-
mations. S-structure feeds into Phonetic Form (PF) and Logical Form (LF). The model is
Phonetic Logical
Form (PF) Form (LF)
referred to as the T-model (or Y-model) because D-structure, S-structure, PF and LF form
an upside-down T (or Y). We will look at each of these individual components in more
Using phrase structure rules, one can describe the relationships between individual
elements (for instance words and phrases, sometimes also parts of words). The format
for these rules is X syntax (see Section 2.5). The lexicon, together with the structure
licensed by X syntax, forms the basis for D-structure. D-structure is then a syntactic
representation of the selectional grid (= valence classes) of individual word forms in the
The lexicon contains a lexical entry for every word which comprises information about
morphophonological structure, syntactic features and selectional properties. This will be
explained in more detail in Section Depending on ones exact theoretical assump-
tions, morphology is viewed as part of the lexicon. Inflectional morphology is, however,
mostly consigned to the realm of syntax. The lexicon is an interface for semantic inter-
pretation of individual word forms.
The surface position in which constituents are realized is not necessarily the position
they have in D-structure. For example, a sentence with a ditransitive verb has the fol-
lowing ordering variants:
(10) a. [dass] der Mann der Frau das Buch gibt
that the.nom man the.dat woman the.acc book gives
that the man gives the woman the book
3.1 General remarks on the representational format
3 Transformational Grammar Government & Binding
3.1 General remarks on the representational format
The symbol stands for a universal quantifier and stands for an existential quantifier.
The first formula corresponds to the reading that for every man, there is a woman who
he loves and in fact, these can be different women. Under the second reading, there is
exactly one woman such that all men love her. The question of when such an ambiguity
arises and which reading is possible when depends on the syntactic properties of the
given utterance. LF is the level which is important for the meaning of determiners such
as a and every.
Control Theory is also specified with reference to LF. Control Theory deals with the
question of how the semantic role of the infinitive subject in sentences such as (16) is
(16) a. Der Professor schlgt dem Studenten vor, die Klausur noch mal zu
the professor suggests the student prt the test once again to
The professor advises the student to take the test again.
b. Der Professor schlgt dem Studenten vor, die Klausur nicht zu bewerten.
the professor suggests the student prt the test not to grade
The professor suggests to the student not to grade the test.
c. Der Professor schlgt dem Studenten vor, gemeinsam ins Kino zu gehen.
the professor suggests the student prt together into cinema to go
The professor suggests to the student to go to the cinema together.
3 Transformational Grammar Government & Binding
Adjuncts modify semantic predicates and when the semantic aspect is emphasized
they are also called modifiers. Adjuncts are not present in the argument structure of
Following GB assumptions, arguments occur in specific positions in the clause in so-
called argument positions (e.g., the sister of an X0 element, see Section 2.5). The Theta-
Criterion states that elements in argument positions have to be assigned a semantic role
a so-called theta-role and each role can be assigned only once (Chomsky 1981a: 36):
Principle 1 (Theta-Criterion)
Each theta-role is assigned to exactly one argument position.
Every phrase in an argument position receives exactly one theta-role.
The arguments of a head are ordered, that is, one can differentiate between higher- and
lower-ranked arguments. The highest-ranked argument of verbs and adjectives has a
special status. Since GB assumes that it is often (and always in some languages) realized
in a position outside of the verb or adjective phrase, it is often referred to as the external
argument. The remaining arguments occur in positions inside of the verb or adjective
phrase. These kind of arguments are dubbed internal arguments or complements. For
simple sentences, this often means that the subject is the external argument.
When discussing types of arguments, one can identify three classes of theta-roles:
meaning (semantics)
3.1 General remarks on the representational format
(18) shows an example of a lexical entry:
(18) form hilft helps
semantics helfen
grammatical features verb,
3rd person singular indicative present active
theta-roles agent beneficiary
grammatical particularities dative
Assigning semantic roles to specific syntactic requirements (beneficiary = dative) is also
called linking.
Arguments are ordered according to their ranking: the highest argument is furthest
left. In the case of helfen, the highest argument is the external argument, which is why
the agent is underlined. With so-called unaccusative verbs,3 the highest argument is not
treated as the external argument. It would therefore not be underlined in the correspond-
ing lexical entry.
3.1.4 X theory
In GB, it is assumed that all syntactic structures licensed by the core grammar4 corre-
spond to the X schema (see Section 2.5).5 In the following sections, I will comment on the
syntactic categories assumed and the basic assumptions with regard to the interpretation
of grammatical rules.
N = noun
See Perlmutter (1978) for a discussion of unaccusative verbs. The term ergative verb is also common, albeit
a misnomer. See Burzio (1981, 1986) for the earliest work on unaccusatives in the Chomskyan framework
and Grewendorf (1989) for German. Also, see Pullum (1988) on the usage of these terms and for a historical
Chomsky (1981a: 78) distinguishes between a regular area of language that is determined by a grammar
that can be acquired using genetically determined language-specific knowledge and a periphery, to which
irregular parts of language such as idioms (e.g., to pull the wool over sb.s eyes) belong. See Section 16.3.
Chomsky (1970: 210) allows for grammatical rules that deviate from the X schema. It is, however, common
practice to assume that languages exclusively use X structures.
3 Transformational Grammar Government & Binding
A = adjective
P = preposition/postposition
Adv = adverb
Lexical categories can be represented using binary features and a cross-classification:6
Table 3.1: Representation of four lexical categories using two binary features
V +V
N P = [ N, V ] V = [ N, +V ]
+N N = [ +N, V ] A = [ +N, +V ]
Adverbs are viewed as intransitive prepositions and are therefore captured by the de-
composition in the table above.
Using this cross-classification, it is possible to formulate generalizations. One can, for
example, simply refer to adjectives and verbs: all lexical categories which are [ +V ] are
either adjectives or verbs. Furthermore, one can say of [ +N ] categories (nouns and
adjectives) that they can bear case.
Apart from this, some authors have tried to associate the head position with the fea-
ture values in Table 3.1 (see e.g., Grewendorf 1988: 52; Haftka 1996: 124; G. Mller 2011:
238). With prepositions and nouns, the head precedes the complement in German:
(19) a. fr Marie
for Marie
b. Bild von Maria
picture of Maria
With adjectives and verbs, the head is final:
(20) a. dem Knig treu
the king loyal
Loyal to the king
b. der [dem Kind helfende] Mann
the the child helping man
the man helping the child
c. dem Mann helfen
the man help
help the man
See Chomsky (1970: 199) for a cross-classification of N, A and V, and Jackendoff (1977: Section 3.2) for a
cross-classification that additionally includes P but has a different feature assignment.
3.1 General remarks on the representational format
This data seems to suggest that the head is final with [ +V ] categories and initial with
[ V ] categories. Unfortunately, this generalization runs into the problem that there are
also postpositions in German. These are, like prepositions, not verbal, but do occur after
the NP they require:
(21) a. des Geldes wegen
the money because
because of the money
b. die Nacht ber
the night during
during the night
Therefore, one must either invent a new category, or abandon the attempt to use binary
category features to describe ordering restrictions. If one were to place postpositions in
a new category, it would be necessary to assume another binary feature.7 Since this fea-
ture can have either a negative or a positive value, one would then have four additional
categories. There are then eight possible feature combinations, some of which would not
correspond to any plausible category.
For functional categories, GB does not propose a cross-classification. Usually, the
following categories are assumed:
But note that the situation is different with postpositions here, while all adjectives that take prepositional
objects allow for both orders, this is not the case for prepositions. Most prepositions do not allow their
object to occur before them. It is an idiosyncratic feature of some postpositions that they want to have
their argument to the left.
3 Transformational Grammar Government & Binding
endocentricity: every phrase has a head and every head is part of a phrase (put more
technically: every head projects to a phrase).
Furthermore, as with phrase structure grammars, it is assumed that the branches
of tree structures cannot cross (Non-Tangling Condition). This assumption is made by
the majority of theories discussed in this book. There are, however, some variants of
TAG, HPSG, Construction Grammar, and Dependency Grammar which allow crossing
branches and therefore discontinuous constituents (Becker, Joshi & Rambow 1991; Reape
1994; Bergen & Chang 2005; Heringer 1996: 261; Eroms 2000: Section 9.6.2).
In X theory, one normally assumes that there are at most two projection levels (X
and X). However, there are some versions of Mainstream Generative Grammar and
other theories which allow three or more levels (Jackendoff 1977; Uszkoreit 1987). In this
chapter, I follow the standard assumption that there are two projection levels, that is,
phrases have at least three levels:
X0 = head
X = intermediate projection (X, read: X bar)
(22) a. S NP VP
b. S NP Infl VP
Infl stands for Inflection as inflectional affixes are inserted at this position in the struc-
ture. The symbol AUX was also used instead of Infl in earlier work, since auxiliary verbs
are treated in the same way as inflectional affixes. Figure 3.3 on the following page shows
a sample analysis of a sentence with an auxiliary, which uses the rule in (22b).
Together with its complements, the verb forms a structural unit: the VP. The con-
stituent status of the VP is supported by several constituent tests and further differences
between subjects and objects regarding their positional restrictions.
The rules in (22) do not follow the X template since there is no symbol on the right-
hand side of the rule with the same category as one on the left-hand side, that is, there is
no head. In order to integrate rules like (22) into the general theory, Chomsky (1986a: 3)
3.1 General remarks on the representational format
Ann will read the newspaper Ann will read the newspaper
Figure 3.3: Sentence with an auxiliary verb Figure 3.4: Sentence with auxiliary verb in
following Chomsky (1981a: 19) the CP/IP system
developed a rule system with two layers above the verb phrase (VP), namely the CP/IP
system. CP stands for Complementizer Phrase. The head of a CP can be a complementizer.
Before we look at CPs in more detail, I will discuss an example of an IP in this new
system. Figure 3.4 shows an IP with an auxiliary in the I0 position. As we can see, this
corresponds to the structure of the X template: I0 is a head, which takes the VP as its
complement and thereby forms I. The subject is the specifier of the IP.
The sentences in (23) are analyzed as complementizer phrases (CPs), the complemen-
tizer is the head:
In sentences such as (23), the CPs do not have a specifier. Figure 3.5 on the next page
shows the analysis of (23a).
Yes/no-questions in English such as those in (24) are formed by moving the auxiliary
verb in front of the subject.
(24) Will Ann read the newspaper?
Let us assume that the structure of questions corresponds to the structure of sentences
with complementizers. This means that questions are also CPs. Unlike the sentences in
(23), however, there is no subordinating conjunction. In the D-structure of questions,
the C0 position is empty and the auxiliary verb is later moved to this position. Figure 3.6
on the following page shows an analysis of (24). The original position of the auxiliary is
marked by the trace _k , which is coindexed with the moved auxiliary.
3 Transformational Grammar Government & Binding
that Ann will read the newspaper willk Ann _k read the newspaper
3.1 General remarks on the representational format
3 Transformational Grammar Government & Binding
XP C0 XP V0 I0
SpecCP C0 IP (without I0 , V0 ) V0 , I0
prefield left SB middle field right SB
SpecIP phrases inside
subject position the VP
complement, then this is the sister of the head V0 and the daughter of V according to
the X schema. The accusative object is the prototypical complement.
Following the X template, adjuncts branch off above the complements of V. The analy-
sis of a VP with an adjunct is shown in Figure 3.10 on the following page.
(26) weil der Mann morgen den Jungen trifft
because the man tomorrow the boy meets
because the man is meeting the boy tomorrow
3.2 Verb position
Adv V
was originally proposed by Bierwisch (1963: 34).9 Unlike German, Germanic languages
like Danish, English and Romance languages like French are SVO languages, whereas
Welsh and Arabic are VSO languages. Around 40 % of all languages belong to the SOV
languages, around 35 % are SVO (Dryer 2013c).
The assumption of verb-final order as the base order is motivated by the following
This unit can only be seen in verb-final structures, which speaks for the fact that
this structure reflects the base order.
Bierwisch attributes the assumption of an underlying verb-final order to Fourquet (1957). A German trans-
lation of the French manuscript cited by Bierwisch can be found in Fourquet (1970: 117135). For other
proposals, see Bach (1962), Reis (1974), Koster (1975) and Thiersch (1978: Chapter 1). Analyses which as-
sume that German has an underlying SOV pattern were also suggested in GPSG (Jacobs 1986: 110), LFG
(Berman 1996: Section 2.1.4) and HPSG (Kiss & Wesche 1991; Oliva 1992; Netter 1992; Kiss 1993; Frank 1994;
Kiss 1995; Feldhaus 1997; Meurers 2000; Mller 2005b, 2015b).
For points 1 and 2, see Bierwisch (1963: 3436). For point 4 see Netter (1992: Section 2.3).
3 Transformational Grammar Government & Binding
Verbs which are derived from a noun by back-formation (e.g., urauffhren to per-
form something for the first time), can often not be divided into their component
parts and V2 clauses are therefore ruled out (This was first mentioned by Hhle
(1991b) in unpublished work. The first published source is Haider (1993: 62)):
The examples show that there is only one possible position for this kind of verb.
This order is the one that is assumed to be the base order.
2. Verbs in non-finite clauses and in finite subordinate clauses with a conjunction are
always in final position (I am ignoring the possibility of extraposing constituents):
3. If one compares the position of the verb in German with Danish (Danish is an SVO
language like English), then one can clearly see that the verbs in German form a
cluster at the end of the sentence, whereas they occur before any objects in Danish
(rsnes 2009a: 146):
3.2 Verb position
4. The scope relations of the adverbs in (31) depend on their order: the left-most ad-
verb has scope over the two following elements.11 This was explained by assuming
the following structure:
It is interesting to note that scope relations are not affected by verb position. If
one assumes that sentences with verb-second order have the underlying structure
At this point, it should be mentioned that there seem to be exceptions from the rule that modifiers to the
left take scope over those to their right. Kasper (1994: 47) discusses examples such as (i), which go back to
Bartsch & Vennemann (1972: 137).
As Koster (1975: Section 6) and Reis (1980: 67) have shown, these are not particularly convincing counter-
examples as the right sentence bracket is not filled in these examples and therefore the examples are not
necessarily instances of normal reordering inside of the middle field, but could instead involve extraposi-
tion of the PP. As noted by Koster and Reis, these examples become ungrammatical if one fills the right
bracket and does not extrapose the causal adjunct:
However, the following example from Crysmann (2004: 383) shows that, even with the right bracket occu-
pied, one can still have an order where an adjunct to the right has scope over one to the left:
(iii) Da mu es schon erhebliche Probleme mit der Ausrstung gegeben haben, da wegen
there must it already serious problems with the equipment given have since because.of
schlechten Wetters ein Reinhold Messmer niemals aufgbe.
bad weather a Reinhold Messmer never would.give.up
There really must have been some serious problems with the equipment because someone like Rein-
hold Messmer would never give up just because of some bad weather.
Nevertheless, this does not change anything regarding the fact that the corresponding cases in (31) and (32)
have the same meaning regardless of the position of the verb. The general means of semantic composition
may well have to be implemented in the same way as in Crysmanns analysis.
3 Transformational Grammar Government & Binding
in (31), then this fact requires no further explanation. (32) shows the derived S-
structure for (31):
After motivating and briefly sketching the analysis of verb-final order, I will now look
at the CP/IP analysis of German in more detail. C0 corresponds to the left sentence
bracket and can be filled in two different ways: in subordinate clauses introduced by
a conjunction, the subordinating conjunction (the complementizer) occupies C0 as in
English. The verb remains in the right sentence bracket, as illustrated by (33).
(33) dass jeder diesen Mann kennt
that everybody this man knows
that everybody knows this man
Figure 3.11 on the following page gives an analysis of (33). In verb-first and verb-second
clauses, the finite verb is moved to C0 via the I0 position: V0 I0 C0 . Figure 3.12 on
page 104 shows the analysis of (34):
(34) Kennt jeder diesen Mann?
knows everybody this man
Does everybody know this man?
The C0 position is empty in the D-structure of (34). Since it is not occupied by a comple-
mentizer, the verb can move there.
3.3 Long-distance dependencies
Since any constituent can be placed in front of the finite verb, German is treated typo-
logically as one of the verb-second languages (V2). Thus, it is a verb-second language
with SOV base order. English, on the other hand, is an SVO language without the V2
property, whereas Danish is a V2 language with SVO as its base order (see rsnes 2009a
for Danish).
Figure 3.13 on page 105 shows the structure derived from Figure 3.12. The crucial factor
for deciding which phrase to move is the information structure of the sentence. That is,
material connected to previously mentioned or otherwise-known information is placed
further left (preferably in the prefield) and new information tends to occur to the right.
Fronting to the prefield in declarative clauses is often referred to as topicalization. But
this is rather a misnomer, since the focus (informally: the constituent being asked for) can
also occur in the prefield. Furthermore, expletive pronouns can occur there and these
3 Transformational Grammar Government & Binding
taz, 04.05.2001, p. 20.
Spiegel, 8/1999, p. 18.
3.3 Long-distance dependencies
Scherpenisse (1986: 84).
taz, 08.02.2008, p. 9.
3 Transformational Grammar Government & Binding
3.4 Passive
Before I turn to the analysis of the passive in Section 3.4.2, the first subsection will
elaborate on the differences between structural and lexical case.
3.4 Passive
Unlike the accusative, the genitive governed by a verb is a lexical case. The case of a
genitive object does not change when the verb is passivized.
(40) a. Wir gedenken der Opfer.
we remember the.gen victims
b. Der Opfer wird gedacht.
the.gen victims are remembered
The victims are being remembered.
(40b) is an example of the so-called impersonal passive. Unlike example (39b), where the
accusative object became the subject, there is no subject in (40b). See Section 1.7.1.
Similarly, there is no change in case with dative objects:
(41) a. Der Mann hat ihm geholfen.
the man has him.dat helped
The man has helped him.
b. Ihm wird geholfen.
him.dat is helped
He is being helped.
It still remains controversial as to whether all datives should be treated as lexical or
whether some or all of the datives in verbal environments should be treated as instances
of structural case. For reasons of space, I will not recount this discussion but instead
refer the interested reader to Chapter 14 of Mller (2007b). In what follows, I assume
like Haider (1986a: 20) that the dative is in fact a lexical case.
3 Transformational Grammar Government & Binding
just case
just theta-role
der Mann der Frau den Jungen zeig- -t
case and theta-role
the man the woman the boy show- -s
The passive morphology blocks the subject and absorbs the structural accusative. The
object that would get accusative in the active receives only a semantic role in its base
position in the passive, but it does not get case the absorbed case. Therefore, it has to
move to a position where case can be assigned to it (Chomsky 1981a: 124). Figure 3.15 on
the following page shows how this works for example (42b).
This movement-based analysis works well for English since the underlying object al-
ways has to move:
(43) a. The mother gave [the girl] [a cookie].
b. [The girl] was given [a cookie] (by the mother).
c. * It was given [the girl] [a cookie].
(43c) shows that filling the subject position with an expletive is not possible, so the object
really has to move. However, Lenerz (1977: Section 4.4.3) showed that such a movement
is not obligatory in German:
3.4 Passive
just case
just theta-role
der Jungei der Frau _i gezeigt wir- -d
case and theta-role
the boy the woman shown is
3 Transformational Grammar Government & Binding
A silent expletive pronoun is something that one cannot see or hear and that does not
carry any meaning. For discussion of this kind of empty elements, see Section 13.1.3 and
Chapter 19.
In the following chapters, I describe alternative treatments of the passive that do with-
out mechanisms such as empty elements that are connected to argument positions and
seek to describe the passive in a more general, cross-linguistically consistent manner as
the suppression of the most prominent argument.
A further question which needs to be answered is why the accusative object does not
receive case from the verb. This is captured by a constraint, which goes back to Burzio
(1986: 178185) and is therefore referred to as Burzios Generalization.20
(46) Burzios Generalization (modified):
If V does not have an external argument, then it does not assign (structural) ac-
cusative case.
Koster (1986: 12) has pointed out that the passive in English cannot be derived by Case
Theory since if one allowed empty expletive subjects for English as well as German and
Dutch, then it would be possible to have analyses such as the following in (47) where np
is an empty expletive:
(47) np was read the book.
Koster rather assumes that subjects in English are either bound by other elements (that is,
non-expletive) or lexically filled, that is, filled by visible material. Therefore, the structure
in (47) would be ruled out and it would be ensured that the book would have to be placed
in front of the finite verb so that the subject position is filled.
3.5 Local reordering
3 Transformational Grammar Government & Binding
NP[acc]i IP
NP[nom] I
NP[dat] V
It turns out that approaches assuming traces run into problems as they predict certain
readings for sentences with multiple traces which do not exist (see Kiss 2001: 146 and
Fanselow 2001: Section 2.6). For instance in an example such as (50), it should be possible
to interpret mindestens einem Verleger at least one publisher at the position of _i , which
would lead to a reading where fast jedes Gedicht almost every poem has scope over
mindestens einem Verleger at least one publisher. However, this reading does not exist.
(50) Ich glaube, dass mindestens einem Verlegeri fast jedes Gedichtj nur dieser
I believe that at.least one publisher almost every poem only this
Dichter _i _j angeboten hat.
poet offered has
I think that only this poet offered almost every poem to at least one publisher.
Sauerland & Elbourne (2002: 308) discuss analogous examples from Japanese, which
they credit to Kazuko Yatsushiro. They develop an analysis where the first step is to
move the accusative object in front of the subject. Then, the dative object is placed in
front of that and then, in a third movement, the accusative is moved once more. The
last movement can take place to construct either the S-structure21 or as a movement to
The authors are working in the Minimalist framework. This means there is no longer S-structure strictly
speaking. I have simply translated the analysis into the terms used here.
3.6 Summary and classification
construct the phonological form. In the latter case, this movement will not have any
semantic effects. While this analysis can predict the correct available readings, it does
require a number of additional movement operations with intermediate steps.
The alternative to a movement analysis is so-called base generation: the starting struc-
ture generated by phrase structure rules is referred to as the base. One variant of base
generation assumes that the verb is combined with one argument at a time and each -
role is assigned in the respective head-argument configuration. The order in which argu-
ments are combined with the verb is not specified, which means that all of the orders in
(48) can be generated directly without any transformations.22 This kind of analysis has
been proposed for GB by Fanselow (2001).23 For the discussion of different approaches
to describing constituent position, see Fanselow (1993).
3 Transformational Grammar Government & Binding
fronting have also received detailed and successful treatments in the GB/MP frameworks
(Bierwisch 1963; Evers 1975; Haider 1982, 1986b, 1990a, 1991, 1993; Grewendorf 1983, 1987,
1988; den Besten 1985; Sternefeld 1985b; Fanselow 1987, 2002; von Stechow & Sternefeld
1988; Bayer & Kornfilt 1989; G. Mller 1996a, 1998; Vogel & Steinbach 1998). In the area
of secondary predication, the work by Winkler (1997) is particularly noteworthy.
This list of works from subdisciplines of grammar is somewhat arbitrary (it corre-
sponds more or less to my own research interests) and is very much focused on Ger-
man. There are, of course, a wealth of other articles on other languages and phenomena,
which should be recognized without having to be individually listed here.
In the remainder of this section, I will critically discuss two points: the model of lan-
guage acquisition of the Principles & Parameters framework and the degree of formal-
ization inside Chomskyan linguistics (in particular the last few decades and the conse-
quences this has). Some of these points will be mentioned again in Part II.
3.6 Summary and classification
3.6.2 Formalization
In his 1963 work on Transformational Grammar, Bierwisch writes the following:24
It is very possible that the rules that we formulated generate sentences which are
outside of the set of grammatical sentences in an unpredictable way, that is, they
violate grammaticality due to properties that we did not deliberately exclude in
our examination. This is meant by the statement that a grammar is a hypothesis
about the structure of a language. A systematic check of the implications of a
grammar that is appropriate for natural languages is surely a task that cannot be
done by hand any more. This task could be solved by implementing the grammar
as a calculating task on a computer so that it becomes possible to verify to which
degree the result deviates from the language to be described. (Bierwisch 1963: 163)
Bierwischs claim is even more valid in light of the empirical progress made in the last
decades. For example, Ross (1967) identified restrictions for movement and long-dis-
tance dependencies and Perlmutter (1978) discovered unaccusative verbs in the 70s. For
German, see Grewendorf (1989) and Fanselow (1992a). Apart from analyses of these
phenomena, restrictions on possible constituent positions have been developed (Lenerz
1977), as well as analyses of case assignment (Yip, Maling & Jackendoff 1987; Meurers
1999c; Przepirkowski 1999b) and theories of verbal complexes and the fronting of parts
of phrases (Evers 1975; Grewendorf 1988; Hinrichs & Nakazawa 1994; Kiss 1995; G. Mller
1998; Meurers 1999b; Mller 1999a, 2002a; De Kuthy 2002). All these phenomena inter-
Consider another quote:
A goal of earlier linguistic work, and one that is still a central goal of the linguistic
work that goes on in computational linguistics, is to develop grammars that assign
a reasonable syntactic structure to every sentence of English, or as nearly every
sentence as possible. This is not a goal that is currently much in fashion in theoret-
ical linguistics. Especially in Government-Binding theory (GB), the development
of large fragments has long since been abandoned in favor of the pursuit of deep
principles of grammar. The scope of the problem of identifying the correct parse
cannot be appreciated by examining behavior on small fragments, however deeply
analyzed. Large fragments are not just small fragments several times over there
is a qualitative change when one begins studying large fragments. As the range of
constructions that the grammar accommodates increases, the number of undesired
parses for sentences increases dramatically. (Abney 1996: 20)
Es ist also sehr wohl mglich, da mit den formulierten Regeln Stze erzeugt werden knnen, die auch
in einer nicht vorausgesehenen Weise aus der Menge der grammatisch richtigen Stze herausfallen, die
also durch Eigenschaften gegen die Grammatikalitt verstoen, die wir nicht wissentlich aus der Unter-
suchung ausgeschlossen haben. Das ist der Sinn der Feststellung, da eine Grammatik eine Hypothese
ber die Struktur einer Sprache ist. Eine systematische berprfung der Implikationen einer fr natrliche
Sprachen angemessenen Grammatik ist sicherlich eine mit Hand nicht mehr zu bewltigende Aufgabe. Sie
knnte vorgenommen werden, indem die Grammatik als Rechenprogramm in einem Elektronenrechner
realisiert wird, so da berprft werden kann, in welchem Mae das Resultat von der zu beschreibenden
Sprache abweicht.
3 Transformational Grammar Government & Binding
So, as Bierwisch and Abney point out, developing a sound theory of a large fragment of a
human language is a really demanding task. But what we aim for as theoretical linguists
is much more: the aim is to formulate restrictions which ideally hold for all languages or
at least for certain language classes. It follows from this, that one has to have an overview
of the interaction of various phenomena in not just one but several languages. This task
is so complex that individual researchers cannot manage it. This is the point at which
computer implementations become helpful as they immediately flag inconsistencies in
a theory. After removing these inconsistencies, computer implementations can be used
to systematically analyze test data or corpora and thereby check the empirical adequacy
of the theory (Mller, 1999a: Chapter 22; 2015a; 2014d; Oepen & Flickinger 1998; Bender
2008b, see Section 1.2).
More than 50 years after the first important published work by Chomsky, it is appar-
ent that there has not been one large-scale implemented grammatical fragment on the
basis of Transformational Grammar analyses. Chomsky has certainly contributed to the
formalization of linguistics and developed important formal foundations which are still
relevant in the theory of formal languages in computer science and in theoretical com-
putational linguistics (Chomsky 1959). However, in 1981, he had already turned his back
on rigid formalization:
I think that we are, in fact, beginning to approach a grasp of certain basic princi-
ples of grammar at what may be the appropriate level of abstraction. At the same
time, it is necessary to investigate them and determine their empirical adequacy
by developing quite specific mechanisms. We should, then, try to distinguish as
clearly as we can between discussion that bears on leading ideas and discussion
that bears on the choice of specific realizations of them. (Chomsky 1981a: 23)
A further definition can be found in Aoun & Lightfoot (1984). This is, however, equivalent to an earlier
version as shown by Postal & Pullum (1986: 104106).
3.6 Summary and classification
This situation has been cricitized repeatedly since the 80s and sometimes very harshly
by proponents of GPSG (Gazdar, Klein, Pullum & Sag 1985: 6; Pullum 1985, 1989a; Pullum
1991: 48; Kornai & Pullum 1990).
The lack of precision and working out of the details26 and the frequent modification
of basic assumptions27 has led to insights gained by Mainstream Generative Grammar
rarely being translated into computer implementations. There are some implementa-
tions that are based on Transformational Grammar/GB/MP models or borrow ideas from
Mainstream Generative Grammar (Petrick 1965; Zwicky, Friedman, Hall & Walker 1965;
Kay 1967; Friedman 1969; Friedman, Bredt, Doran, Pollack & Martner 1971; Morin 1973;
Marcus 1980; Abney & Cole 1986; Kuhns 1986; Correa 1987; Stabler 1987, 1992, 2001; Kolb
& Thiersch 1991; Fong 1991; Crocker & Lewin 1992; Lohnstein 1993; Fordham & Crocker
1994; Nordgrd 1994; Veenstra 1998; Fong & Ginsburg 2012),28 but these implementations
often do not use transformations or differ greatly from the theoretical assumptions of
the publications. For example, Marcus (1980: 102104) and Stabler (1987: 5) use special
purpose rules for auxiliary inversion.29 These rules reverse the order of John and has for
the analysis of sentences such as (51a) so that we get the order in (51b), which is then
parsed with the rules for non-inverted structures.
(51) a. Has John scheduled the meeting for Wednesday?
b. John has scheduled the meeting for Wednesday?
These rules for auxiliary inversion are very specific and explicitly reference the category
of the auxiliary. This does not correspond to the analyses proposed in GB in any way.
As we have seen in Section 3.1.5, there are no special transformational rules for auxiliary
inversion. Auxiliary inversion is carried out by the more general transformation Move-
and the associated restrictive principles. It is not unproblematic that the explicit formu-
lation of the rule refers to the category auxiliary as is clear when one views Stablers
GB-inspired phrase structure grammar:
(52) a. s switch(aux_verb,np), vp.
b. s([First|L0],L,X0,X) :- aux_verb(First),
The rule in (52a) is translated into the Prolog predicate in (52b). The expression [First|L0]
after the s corresponds to the string, which is to be processed. The |-operator divides the
See e.g., Kuhns (1986: 550), Crocker & Lewin (1992: 508), Kolb & Thiersch (1991: 262), Kolb (1997: 3) and
Freidin (1997: 580), Veenstra (1998: 25, 47), Lappin et al. (2000a: 888) and Stabler (2011a: 397, 399, 400) for
the latter.
See e.g., Kolb (1997: 4), Fanselow (2009) and the quote from Stabler on page 171.
See Fordham & Crocker (1994) for a combination of a GB approach with statistical methods.
Nozohoor-Farshi (1986, 1987) has shown that Marcus parser can only parse context-free languages. Since
natural languages are of a greater complexity (see Chapter 17) and grammars of corresponding complexity
are allowed by current versions of Transformational Grammar, Marcus parser can be neither an adequate
implementation of the Chomskyan theory in question nor a piece of software for analyzing natural lan-
guage in general.
3 Transformational Grammar Government & Binding
list into a beginning and a rest. First is the first word to be processed and L0 contains all
other words. In the analysis of (51a), First is has and L0 is John scheduled the meeting for
Wednesday. In the Prolog clause, it is then checked whether First is an auxiliary (aux_-
verb(First)) and if this is the case, then it will be tried to prove that the list L0 begins
with a noun phrase. Since John is an NP, this is successful. L1 is the sublist of L0 which
remains after the analysis of L0, that is scheduled the meeting for Wednesday. This list is
then combined with the auxiliary (First) and now it will be checked whether the resulting
list has scheduled the meeting for Wednesday begins with a VP. This is the case and the
remaining list L is empty. As a result, the sentence has been successfully processed.
The problem with this analysis is that exactly one word is checked in the lexicon.
Sentences such as (53) can not be analyzed:30
(53) Could or should we pool our capital with that of other co-ops to address the needs
of a regional neighborhood?31
In this kind of sentence, two modal verbs have been coordinated. They then form an X0
and following GB analyses can be moved together. If one wanted to treat these cases
as Stabler does for the simplest case, then we would need to divide the list of words
to be processed into two unlimited sub-lists and check whether the first list contains
an auxiliary or several coordinated auxiliaries. We would require a recursive predicate
aux_verbs which somehow checks whether the sequence could or should is a well-formed
sequence of auxiliaries. This should not be done by a special predicate but rather by
syntactic rules responsible for the coordination of auxiliaries. The alternative to a rule
such as (52a) would be the one in (54), which is the one that is used in theories like GPSG
(Gazdar et al. 1985: 62), LFG (Falk 1984: 491), some HPSG analyses (Ginzburg & Sag 2000:
36), and Construction Grammar (Fillmore 1999):
(54) s v(aux+), np, vp.
This rule would have no problems with coordination data like (53) as coordination of
multiple auxiliaries would produce an object with the category v(aux+) (for more on
coordination see Section 21.6.2). If inversion makes it necessary to stipulate a special
rule like (52a), then it is not clear why one could not simply use the transformation-less
rule in (54).
In the MITRE system (Zwicky et al. 1965), there was a special grammar for the surface
structure, from which the deep structure was derived via reverse application of trans-
formations, that is, instead of using one grammar to create deep structures which are
then transformed into other structures, one required two grammars. The deep structures
that were determined by the parser were used as input to a transformational component
since this was the only way to ensure that the surface structures can actually be derived
from the base structure (Kay 2011: 10).
There are other implementations discussed in this chapter that differ from transfor-
mation-based analyses. For example, Kolb & Thiersch (1991: 265, Section 4) arrive at
For a discussion that shows that the coordination of lexical elements has to be an option in linguistic
theories, see Abeill (2006).
31 28.03.2010.
3.6 Summary and classification
3 Transformational Grammar Government & Binding
Comprehension questions
1. Give some examples of functional and lexical categories.
2. How can one represent lexical categories with binary features and what advan-
tages does this have?
1. Draw syntactic trees for the following examples:
For the passive sentences, use the analysis where the subject noun phrase is moved
from the object position, that is, the analysis without an empty expletive as the
Further reading
For Sections 3.13.5, I used material from Peter Gallmann from 2003 (Gallmann 2003).
This has been modified, however, at various points. I am solely responsible for any mis-
takes or inadequacies. For current materials by Peter Gallmann, see http://www.syntax-
In the book Syntaktische Analyseperspektiven, Lohnstein (2014) presents a variant of
GB which more or less corresponds to what is discussed in this chapter (CP/IP, move-
ment-based analysis of the passive). The chapters in said book have been written by
3.6 Summary and classification
proponents of various theories and all analyze the same newspaper article. This book is
extremely interesting for all those who wish to compare the various theories out there.
Haegeman (1994) is a comprehensive introduction to GB. Those who do read German
may consider the textbooks by Fanselow & Felix (1987), von Stechow & Sternefeld (1988)
and Grewendorf (1988) since they are also addressing the phenomena that are covered
in this book.
In many of his publications, Chomsky discusses alternative, transformation-less ap-
proaches as notational variants. This is not appropriate, as analyses without transfor-
mations can make different predictions to transformation-based approaches (e.g., with
respect to coordination and extraction. See Section 5.5 for a discussion of GPSG in this
respect). In Gazdar (1981a), one can find a comparison of GB and GPSG as well as a discus-
sion of the classification of GPSG as a notational variant of Transformational Grammar
with contributions from Noam Chomsky, Gerald Gazdar and Henry Thompson.
Borsley (1999) and Kim & Sells (2008) have parallel textbooks for GB and HPSG in En-
glish. For the comparison of Transformational Grammar and LFG, see Bresnan & Kaplan
(1982). Kuhn (2007) offers a comparison of modern derivational analyses with constraint-
based LFG and HPSG approaches. Borsley (2012) contrasts analyses of long-distance
dependencies in HPSG with movement-based analyses as in GB/Minimalism. Borsley
discusses four types of data which are problematic for movement-based approaches: ex-
traction without fillers, extraction with multiple gaps (see also the discussion of (57) on
p. 166 and of (55) on p. 193 of this book), extractions where fillers and gaps do not match
and extraction without gaps.
4 Transformational Grammar
Like the Government & Binding framework that was introduced in the previous chap-
ter, the Minimalist framework was initiated by Noam Chomsky at the MIT in Boston.
Chomsky (1993, 1995b) argued that the problem of language evolution should be taken
seriously and that the question of how linguistic knowledge could become part of our
genetic endowment should be answered. To that end he suggested refocusing the theo-
retical developments towards models that have to make minimal assumptions regarding
the machinery that is needed for linguistic analyses and hence towards models that as-
sume less language specific innate knowledge.
Like GB, Minimalism is wide-spread: theoreticians all over the world are working in
this framework, so the following list of researchers and institutions is necessarily incom-
plete. Linguistic Inquiry and Syntax are journals that almost exclusively publish Mini-
malist work and the reader is referred to these journals to get an idea about who is active
in this framework. The most prominent researchers in Germany are Artemis Alexiadou,
Humboldt University Berlin; Gnther Grewendorf (2002), Frankfurt am Main; Joseph
Bayer, Konstanz; and Gereon Mller, Leipzig.
While innovations like X theory and the analysis of clause structure in GB are highly
influential and can be found in most of the other theories that are discussed in this book,
this is less so for the technical work done in the Minimalist framework. It is nevertheless
useful to familiarize with the technicalities since Minimalism is a framework in which
a lot of work is done and understanding the basic machinery makes it possible to read
empirically interesting work in that framework.
While the GB literature of the 1980s and 1990s shared a lot of assumptions, there was
an explosion of various approaches in the Minimalist framework that is difficult to keep
track of. The presentation that follows is based on David Adgers textbook (Adger 2003).
Strong features make syntactic objects move to higher positions. The reader is familiar
with this feature-driven movement already since it was a component of the movement-
based analysis of the passive in Section 3.4. In the GB analysis of passive, the object had
to move to the specifier position of IP in order to receive case. Such movements that are
due to missing feature values are a key component in Minimalist proposals.
4.1 General remarks on the representational format
overt syntax
covert syntax
(meaning) (sound)
Figure 4.1: Architecture assumed in Minimalist theories before the Phase model
There are different proposals as to what categories form complete phases. Since the
concept of phases is not important for the following introduction, I will ignore this con-
cept in the following. See Section 15.1 on the psycholinguistic plausibility of phases in
particular and the Minimalist architecture in general.
4 Transformational Grammar Minimalism
If this structure would be used in a larger structure that is spelled out, the derivation
would crash since the conceptual system could not make sense of the N feature that is
still present at the P node.
Selectional features are atomic, that is, the preposition cannot select an NP[acc] as in
GB and the other theories in this book unless NP[acc] is assumed to be atomic. There-
fore, an additional mechanism is assumed that can check other features in addition to
selectional features. This mechanism is called Agree.
(5) a. * letters to he
b. letters to him
The analysis of (5b) is shown in Figure 4.4. There is an interesting difference between the
checking of selectional features and the checking of features via Agree. The features that
are checked via Agree do not have to be at the top node of the object that is combined
with a head. This will play a role later in the analysis of the passive and local reordering.
4.1 General remarks on the representational format
specifier X
specifier X
complement X
a complement and no specifier or to have one or three specifiers. What structures are
ultimately licensed depends on the features of the items that are involved in the Merge
operations. Whether a phrasal projection counts as an X or an XP depends on whether
the phrase is used as a complement or specifier of another head or whether it is used
as head in further Merge operations. If a phrase is used as specifier or complement its
status is fixed to be a phrase (XP), otherwise the projectional status of resulting phrases
is left underspecified. Lexical head daughters in Merge operations have the category X
and complex head daughters in Merge operations have the category X. This solves the
problem that standard X theoretic approaches had with pronouns and proper names: a
lot of unary branching structure had to be assumed (See left picture in Figure 2.9). This
is not necessary any longer in current Minimalist theories.2
4.1.4 Little v
In Section 3.4, I used X structures in which a ditransitive verb was combined with its
accusative object to form a V, which was then combined with the dative object to form
a further V. Such binary branching structures and also flat structures in which both
objects are combined with the verb to form a V are rejected by many practitioners of
For problems with this approach see Brosziewski (2003: Chapter 2.1).
4 Transformational Grammar Minimalism
GB and Minimalism since the branching does not correspond to branchings that would
be desired for phenomena like the binding of reflexives and negative polarity items. A
binding in which Benjamin binds himself in (6a) is impossible:
(6) a. * Emily showed himself Benjamin in the mirror.
b. Peter showed himself Benjamin in the mirror.
What is required for the analysis of Binding and NPI phenomena in theories that analyze
these phenomena in terms of tree configurations is that the reflexive pronoun is higher
in the tree than the proper name Benjamin. More precisely, the reflexive pronoun himself
has to c-command Benjamin. c-command is defined as follows (Adger 2003: 117):3
(7) A node A c-commands B if, and only if As sister either:
a. is B, or
b. contains B
In the trees to the left and in the middle of Figure 4.6 the c-command relations are not
as desired: in the left-most tree both NPs c-command each other and in the middle one
Benjamin c-commands himself rather than the other way round. Hence it is assumed
V V v
V Benjamin
that the structures at the left and in the middle are inappropriate and that there is some
additional structure involving the category v, which is called little v (Adger 2003: Sec-
tion 4.4). The sister of himself is V and V contains Benjamin, hence himself c-commands
Benjamin. Since the sister of Benjamin is V and V neither is nor contains himself, Ben-
jamin does not c-command himself.
The analysis of ditransitives involving an additional verbal head goes back to Larson
(1988). Hale & Keyser (1993: 70) assume that this verbal head contributes a causative
semantics. The structure in Figure 4.7 is derived by assuming that the verb show starts
out in the V position and then moves to the v position. show is assumed to mean see and
in the position of little v it picks up the causative meaning, which results in a cause-see
meaning (Adger 2003: 133).
c-command also plays a prominent role in GB. In fact, one part of Government & Binding is the Binding
Theory, which was not discussed in the previous chapter since binding phenomena do not play a role in
this book.
4.1 General remarks on the representational format
Peter v
v + show VP
himself V
While the verb shell analysis with an empty verbal head was originally invented by
Larson (1988) for the analysis of ditransitive verbs, it is now also used for the analysis of
strictly transitive and even intransitive verbs.
Adger (2003: Section 4.5) argues that semantic roles are assigned uniformly in certain
tree configurations:
(8) a. NP daughter of vP interpreted as agent
b. NP daughter of VP interpreted as theme
c. PP daughter of v interpreted as goal
Adger assumes that such uniformly assigned semantic roles help in the process of lan-
guage acquisition and from this, it follows that little v should also play a role in the analy-
sis of examples with strictly transitive and intransitive verbs. The Figures 4.8 and 4.9
show the analysis of sentences containing the verbs burn and laugh, respectively.4
Adger (2003: 164) assumes that intransitive and transitive verbs move from V to little
v as well. This will be reflected in the following figures.
4 Transformational Grammar Minimalism
Agent v [uD]
v VP
Agent v [uD]
v laugh [V]
4.1 General remarks on the representational format
will T[pres] vP
Anna v [uD]
v VP
the book
Figure 4.10: Analysis of Anna will read the book. involving a modal and movement of the
subject from v to T
C[Decl] TP
will T[pres] vP
Anna v [uD]
v VP
the book
Figure 4.11: Analysis of Anna will read the book. as CP with an empty C with the clause-
type feature Decl
4 Transformational Grammar Minimalism
The empty complementizer C has a Q feature that can value the clause-type feature on
T. Since clause-type features on T that have the value Q are stipulated to be strong, the
T element has to move to C to check the feature locally. In addition, the wh element is
moved. This movement is enforced by a strong wh feature on C. The analysis of (10) is
given in Figure 4.12.
will [T] vP
Anna v [uD]
v VP
Figure 4.12: Analysis of What will Anna read? with an empty C with a strong wh feature
4.1 General remarks on the representational format
T[pres] vP
Anna v [uD]
v VP
the book
Figure 4.13: Case assignment by T and v in the TP for of Anna reads the book.
checked by Merge, so this would be the D feature on T, leaving the case feature for the
other available checking mechanism: Agree. Agree can be used to check features in sister
nodes, but also features further away in the tree. The places that are possible candidates
for Agree relations have to stand in a certain relation to each other. The first node has to
c-command the node it Agrees with. c-command roughly means: one node up and then
arbitrarily many nodes down. So v c-commands VP, V, the DP the book, and all the nodes
within this DP. Since Agree can value features of c-commanded nodes, the accusative on
v can value the case feature of the DP the book.
The non-locality that is build into Agree raises a problem: why is it that (12) is un-
(12) * Him likes she.
The accusative of v could be checked with its subject and the nominative of T with the
object of likes. Both DPs stand in the necessary c-command relations to T and v. This
problem is solved by requiring that all Agree relations have to involve the closest possible
element. Adger (2003: 218) formulates this constraint as follows:
(13) Locality of matching: Agree holds between a feature F on X and a matching feature
F on Y if and only if there is no intervening Z[F].
Intervention is defined as in (14):
(14) Intervention: In a structure [X Z Y], Z intervenes between X and Y iff X
c-commands Y.
4 Transformational Grammar Minimalism
So, since T may Agree with Anna it must not Agree with the book. Hence nominative
assignment to she in (12) is impossible and (12) is correctly ruled out.
4.1.6 Adjuncts
Adger (2003: Section 4.2.3) assumes that adjuncts attach to XP and form a new XP.
He calls this operation Adjoin. Since this operation does not consume any features it
is different from External Merge and hence a new operation would be introduced into
the theory, contradicting Chomskys claim that human languages use only Merge as a
structure building operation. There are proposals to treat adjuncts as elements in special
adverbial phrases with empty heads (see Section 4.6.1) that are also assumed to be part
of a hierarchy of functional projections. Personally, I prefer Adgers solution that corre-
sponds to what is done in many other frameworks: there is a special rule or operation
for the combination of adjuncts and heads (see for instance Section 9.1.7 on the HPSG
schema for head adjunct combinations).
4.4 Passive
jeder v
VP v
DP kennt kennt v
diesen Mann
Figure 4.14: Analysis of Kennt jeder diesen Mann? Does everybody know this man?
following the analysis of Adger (2003)
4.4 Passive
Adger (2003) suggests an analysis for the passive in English, which I adapted here to
German. Like in the GB analysis that was discussed in Section 3.4 it is assumed that
the verb does not assign accusative to the object of schlagen to beat. In Minimalist
terms, this means that little v does not have an acc feature that has to be checked. This
special version of little v is assumed to play a role in the analysis of sentences of so-called
unaccusative verbs (Perlmutter 1978). Unaccusative verbs are a subclass of intransitive
verbs that have many interesting properties. For instance, they can be used as adjectival
participles although this is usually not possible with intransitive verbs:
(17) a. * der getanzte Mann
the danced man
b. der gestorbene Mann
the died man
the dead man
The explanation of this difference is that adjectival participles predicate over what is the
object in active sentences:
4 Transformational Grammar Minimalism
jeder v
VP v
Figure 4.15: Analysis of Diesen Mann kennt jeder. This man, everybody knows. following
the analysis of Adger (2003: 331)
4.4 Passive
v VP
Figure 4.16: Structure of vP with unaccusative verbs like fall, collapse, wilt according to
Adger (2003: 140)
PassP T[past,nom]
VP v
pronoun [nom] schlagen schlagen v[uInfl:Pass]
Figure 4.17: Minimalist analysis of the passive without movement but with nonlocal case
assignment via Agree
The Pass head requires the Infl feature of little v to have the value Pass, which results in
participle morphology at spellout. Hence the form that is used is geschlagen beaten. The
auxiliary moves to T to check the strong Infl feature at T and since the Infl feature is past,
the past form of werden be, namely wurde was, is used at spellout. T has a nom feature
that has to be checked. Interestingly, the Minimalist approach does not require the object
of schlagen to move to the specifier position of T in order to assign case, since case
assignment is done via Agree. Hence in principle, the pronominal argument of schlagen
could stay in its object position and nevertheless get nominative from T. This would solve
the problem of the GB analysis that was pointed out by Lenerz (1977: Section 4.4.3). See
page 109 for Lenerz examples and discussion of the problem. However, Adger (2003:
332) assumes that German has a strong EPP feature on T. If this assumption is upheld,
all problems of the GB account will carry over to the Minimalist analysis: all objects have
to move to T even when there is no reordering taking place. Furthermore, impersonal
passives of the kind in (20) would be problematic, since there is no noun phrase that
could be moved to T in order to check the EPP feature:
(20) weil getanzt wurde
because danced was
because there was dancing there
4 Transformational Grammar Minimalism
diesen Mann v
jeder v
VP v
Figure 4.18: Analysis of dass diesen Mann jeder kennt that everybody knows this man
as movement of the object to a specifier position of v
4.6 New developments and theoretical variants
4 Transformational Grammar Minimalism
works in the Minimalist framework (although see Richards (2015) for recent approaches
with derivations which are compared in terms of economy). Nevertheless, there are
other aspects of Chomskys theory which can be found in many recent works. For exam-
ple, Chomsky has proposed reducing the number of basic, structure building operations
which license structures to two: Move and Merge (that is, Internal and External Merge).
Move corresponds to the operation Move-, which was already discussed in Chapter 3,
and Merge is the combination of (two) linguistic objects.
It is generally assumed that exactly two objects can be combined (Chomsky 1995b:
226). For Move, it is assumed that there must be a reason for a given movement op-
eration. The reason for movement is assumed to be that an element can check some
feature in the position it is moved to. This idea was already presented in the analysis of
the passive in Section 3.4: the accusative object does not bear case in passive sentences
and therefore has to be moved to a position where it can receive case. This kind of ap-
proach is also used in newer analyses for a range of other phenomena. For example, it
is assumed that there are phrases whose heads have the categories focus and topic. The
corresponding functional heads are always empty in languages like German and English.
Nevertheless, the assumption of these heads is motivated by the fact that other languages
possess markers which signal the topic or focus of a sentence morphologically. This ar-
gumentation is only possible if one also assumes that the inventory of categories is the
same for all languages. Then, the existence of a category in one language would suggest
the existence of the same category in all other languages. This assumption of a shared
universal component (Universal Grammar, UG) with detailed language-specific knowl-
edge is, however, controversial and is shared by few linguists outside of the Chomskyan
tradition. Even for those working in Chomskyan linguistics, there have been questions
raised about whether it is permissible to argue in this way since if it is only the ability
to create recursive structures that is responsible for the human-specific ability to use
language (faculty of language in the narrow sense) as Hauser, Chomsky & Fitch (2002)
assume , then the individual syntactic categories are not part of UG and data from other
languages cannot be used to motivate the assumption of invisible categories in another
The assumption of such heads is not necessary since features can be bundled and then they can be checked
together. For an approach in this vein, which is in essence similar to what theories such as HPSG assume,
see Sternefeld (2006: Section II.3.3.4, Section II.4.2).
In so-called cartographic approaches, it is assumed that every morphosyntactic feature corresponds
to an independent syntactic head (Cinque & Rizzi 2010: 54, 61). For an explicitly formalized proposal in
which exactly one feature is consumed during a combination operation see Stabler (2001: 335). Stablers
Minimalist Grammars are discussed in more detail in Section 4.6.4.
4.6 New developments and theoretical variants
Force0 TopP*
Top0 FocP
Foc0 TopP*
Top0 FinP
Fin0 IP
The functional categories Force, Top, Foc and Fin correspond to clause type, topic,
focus and finiteness. It is assumed that movement always targets a specifier position.
Topics and focused elements are always moved to the specifier position of the corre-
sponding phrase. Topics can precede or follow focused elements, which is why there are
two topic projections: one above and one below FocP. Topic phrases are recursive, that
is, an arbitrary number of TopPs can appear at the positions of TopP in the figure. Follow-
ing Grewendorf (2002: 70), topic and focus phrases are only realized if they are required
for particular information structural reasons, such as movement.7 Chomsky (1995b: 147)
There are differing opinions as to whether functional projections are optional or not. Some authors assume
that the complete hierarchy of functional projections is always present but functional heads can remain
empty (e.g., Cinque 1999: 106 and Cinque & Rizzi 2010: 55).
4 Transformational Grammar Minimalism
follows Pollock (1989) in assuming that all languages have functional projections for
subject and object agreement as well as negation (AgrS, AgrO, Neg).8 Sternefeld (1995:
78), von Stechow (1996: 103) and Meinunger (2000: 100101, 124) differentiate between
two agreement positions for direct and indirect objects (AgrO, AgrIO). As well as AgrS,
AgrO and Neg, Beghelli & Stowell (1997) assume the functional heads Share and Dist in
order to explain scope phenomena in English as feature-driven movements at LF. For a
treatment of scope phenomena without empty elements or movement, see Section 19.3.
Baszczak & Grtner (2005: 13) assume the categories PolP, +PolP and %PolP for their
discussion of polarity.
Webelhuth (1995: 76) gives an overview of the functional projections that had been
proposed up to 1995 and offers references for AgrA, AgrN, AgrV, Aux, Clitic Voices,
Gender, Honorific, , Number, Person, Predicate, Tense, Z.
In addition to AdvP, NegP, AgrP, FinP, TopP and ForceP, Wiklund, Hrafnbjargarson,
Bentzen & Hrarsdttir (2007) postulate an OuterTopP. Poletto (2000: 31) suggests both
a HearerP and a SpeakerP for the position of clitics in Italian.
Cinque (1999: 106) adopts the 32 functional heads in Table 4.1 in his work. He assumes
that all sentences contain a structure with all these functional heads. The specifier po-
sitions of these heads can be occupied by adverbs or remain empty. Cinque claims that
these functional heads and the corresponding structures form part of Universal Gram-
mar, that is, knowledge of these structures is innate (page 107).9 Laenzlinger (2004) fol-
lows Cinque in proposing this sequence of functional heads for German. He also follows
Kayne (1994), who assumes that all syntactic structures have the order specifier head
complement cross-linguistically, even if the surface order of the constituents seems to
contradict this.
See Chomsky (1995b: Section 4.10.1), however.
Table 4.1 shows only the functional heads in the clausal domain. Cinque (1994: 96, 99) also accounts for the
order of adjectives with a cascade of projections: Quality, Size, Shape, Color, Nationality. These categories
and their ordering are also assumed to belong to UG (p. 100).
Cinque (1994: 96) claims that a maximum of seven attributive adjectives are possible and explains this
with the fact that there are a limited number of functional projections in the nominal domain. As was
shown on page 65, with a fitting context it is possible to use several adjectives of the same kind, which is
why some of Cinques functional projections would have to be subject to iteration.
4.6 New developments and theoretical variants
The constituent orders that are visible in the end are derived by leftward-movement.10
Figure 4.20 on the following page shows the analysis of a verb-final clause where the
functional adverbial heads have been omitted.11 Subjects and objects are generated as
arguments inside of vP and VP, respectively. The subject is moved to the specifier of
the subject phrase and the object is moved to the specifier of the object phrase. The
verbal projection (VPk ) is moved in front of the auxiliary into the specifier position of
the phrase containing the auxiliary. The only function of SubjP and ObjP is to provide a
landing site for the respective movements. For a sentence in which the object precedes
the subject, Laenzlinger assumes that the object moves to the specifier of a topic phrase.
Figure 4.20 contains only a ModP and an AspP, although Laenzlinger assumes that all
the heads proposed by Cinque are present in the structure of all German clauses. For
ditransitive verbs, Laenzlinger assumes multiple object phrases (page 230). A similar
analysis with movement of object and subject from verb-initial VPs to Agr positions
was suggested by Zwart (1994) for Dutch.
For general criticism of Kaynes model, see Haider (2000). Haider shows that a Kayne-
like theory makes incorrect predictions for German (for instance regarding the position
of selected adverbials and secondary predicates and regarding verbal complex formation)
and therefore fails to live up to its billing as a theory which can explain all languages.
Haider (1997a: Section 4) has shown that the assumption of an empty Neg head, as as-
sumed by Pollock (1989), Haegeman (1995) and others, leads to problems. See Bobaljik
(1999) for problems with the argumentation for Cinques cascade of adverb-projections.
Furthermore, it has to be pointed out that SubjP and ObjP, TraP (Transitive Phrase) and
IntraP (Intransitive Phrase) (Karimi-Doostan 2005: 1745) and TopP (topic phrase), DistP
(quantifier phrase), AspP (aspect phrase) (Kiss 2003: 22; Karimi 2005: 35), PathP and
PlaceP (Svenononius 2004: 246) encode information about grammatical function, va-
lence, information structure and semantics in the category symbols.12 In a sense, this
is a misuse of category symbols, but such a misuse of information structural and se-
This also counts for extraposition, that is, the movement of constituents into the postfield in German.
Whereas this would normally be analyzed as rightward-movement, Kayne (1994: Chapter 9) analyzes it as
movement of everything else to the left. Kayne assumes that (i.b) is derived from (i.a) by moving part of
the NP:
(i) a. just walked into the room [NP someone who we dont know].
b. Someonei just walked into the room [NP _i who we dont know].
(i.a) must have to be some kind of derived intermediate representation, otherwise English would not be
SV(O) underlyingly but rather V(O)S. (i.a) is therefore derived from (ii) by fronting the VP just walked into
the room.
(ii) Someone who we dont know just walked into the room
Such analyses have the downside that they cannot be easily combined with performance models (see Chap-
ter 15).
These structures do not correspond to X theory as it was presented in Section 2.5. In some cases, heads
have been combined with complements to form an XP rather than an X . For more on X theory in the
Minimalist Program, see Section 4.6.3.
For further examples and references, see Newmeyer (2004a: 194; 2005: 82). Newmeyer references also
works which stipulate a projection for each semantic role, e.g., Agent, Reciprocal, Benefactive, Instrumen-
tal, Causative, Comitative, and Reversive Phrase.
4 Transformational Grammar Minimalism
C0 TopP
DPj SubjP
DPi ModP
AdvP ObjP
DPj NegP
AdvP AspP
AdvP MannP
AdvP AuxP
VPk Aux+
Aux vP
Figure 4.20: Analysis of sentence structure with leftward remnant movement and func-
tional heads following Laenzlinger (2004: 224)
4.6 New developments and theoretical variants
mantic categories is necessary since syntax, semantics, and information structure are
tightly connected and since it is assumed that the semantics interprets the syntax, that
is, it is assumed that semantics comes after syntax (see Figure 3.2 and Figure 4.1). By
using semantically and pragmatically relevant categories in syntax, there is no longer a
clean distinction between the levels of morphology, syntax, semantics and pragmatics:
everything has been syntactified. Felix Bildhauer (p. c. 2012) has pointed out to me that
approaches which assume a cascade of functional projections where the individual as-
pects of meaning are represented by nodes are actually very close to phrasal approaches
in Construction Grammar (see Adger 2013: 470 also for a similar view). One simply lists
configurations and these are assigned a meaning (or features which are interpreted post-
syntactically, see Cinque & Rizzi (2010: 62) for the interpretation of TopP, for example).
4 Transformational Grammar Minimalism
p AgrOP
P p D AgrO
P AgrO P D
with me t t t
Figure 4.21: PP analysis following Radford with case assignment in specifier position and
little p
The authors assume that the movement of the DP to SpecAgrP happens invisibly, that
is, covert. This solves Radfords problem and makes the assumption of pP redundant.
The authors motivate this analysis by pointing out agreement phenomena in Hun-
garian: Hungarian postpositions agree with the preceding noun phrase in person and
number. That is, the authors argue that English prepositional and Hungarian postposi-
tional phrases have the same structure derived by movement, albeit the movement is
covert in English.
In this way, it is possible to reduce the number and complexity of basic operations
and, in this sense, the analysis is minimal. These structures are, however, still incredibly
complex. No other kind of theory discussed in this book needs the amount of inflated
structure to analyze the combination of a preposition with a noun phrase. The struc-
ture in (24) cannot be motivated by reference to data from English and it is therefore
impossible to acquire it from the linguistic input. A theory which assumes this kind
of structures would have to postulate a Universal Grammar with the information that
features can only be checked in (certain) specifier positions (see Chapters 13 and 16 for
more on Universal Grammar and language acquisition). For general remarks on (covert)
movement see Haider (2014: Section 2.3).
4.6 New developments and theoretical variants
mechanism does not work as easily. Since movement has taken place in (25b), we are
dealing with a TopP or FocP in das Buch dem Mann zu geben the book the man to give.
Therefore, um cannot simply select an non-finite IP, but rather has to disjunctively be
able to select a TopP, FocP or IP. It has to be ensured that TopPs and FocPs are marked
with regard to the form of the verb contained inside them, since um can only be combined
with zu-infinitives.
The category system, selectional mechanisms and projection of features would therefore
have to be made considerably more complicated when compared to a system which
simply base generates the orders or a system in which a constituent is moved out of the
IP, thereby creating a new IP.
Proposals that follow Cinque (1999) are problematic for similar reasons: Cinque as-
sumes the category AdverbP for the combination of an adverb and a VP. There is an
empty functional head, which takes the verbal projection as its complement and the ad-
verb surfaces in the specifier of this projection. In these systems, adverb phrases have to
pass on inflectional properties of the verb since verbs with particular inflectional proper-
ties (finiteness, infinitives with zu, infinitives without zu, participles) have to be selected
by higher heads (see page 177 and Section 9.1.4). There is of course the alternative to
use Agree for this, but then all selection would be nonlocal and after all selection is not
agreement. For further, more serious problems with this analysis like modification of ad-
verbs by adverbs in connection with partial fronting and restrictions on non-phrasality
of preverbal adverbials in English, see Haider (1997a: Section 5).
A special case of the adverb problem is the negation problem: Ernst (1992) studied the
syntax of negation more carefully and pointed out that negation can attach to several
different verbal projections (26a,b), to adjectives (26c) and adverbs (26d).
(26) a. Ken could not have heard the news.
b. Ken could have not heard the news.
c. a [not unapproachable] figure
d. [Not always] has she seasoned the meat.
If all of these projections are simply NegPs without any further properties (about verb
form, adjective part of speech, adverb part of speech), it would be impossible to account
for their different syntactic distributions. Negation is clearly just a special case of the
more general problem, since adverbs may attach to adjectives forming adjectival phrases
in the traditional sense and not adverb phrases in Chinques sense. For instance, the
adverb oft often in (27) modifies lachender laughing forming the adjectival phrase oft
4 Transformational Grammar Minimalism
lachender, which behaves like the unmodified adjectival participle lachender: it modifies
Mann man and it precedes it.
(27) a. ein lachender Mann
a laughing man
a laughing man
b. ein oft lachender Mann
a often laughing man
a man that laughs often
Of course one could imagine solutions to the last three problems that use the Agree
relation to enforce selectional constraints nonlocally, but such accounts would violate
locality of selection (see Ernst 1992: 110 and the discussion in Section 18.2 of this book)
and would be much more complicated than accounts that assume a direct selection of
Related to the locality issues that were discussed in the previous paragraph is the
assumption of special functional projections for the placement of clitics: if one uses
SpeakerP so that a clitic for first person singular can be moved to the correct specifier
positions and a HearerP so that the clitic for second person can be moved to the cor-
rect position (Poletto 2000: 31), then what one has are special projections which need to
encode in addition all features that are relevant for clauses (alternatively one could of
course assume nonlocal Agree to be responsible for distributional facts). In addition to
these features, the category labels contain information that allows higher heads to select
clauses containing clitics. In other approaches and earlier variants of transformational
grammar, selection was assumed to be strictly local so that higher heads only have ac-
cess to those properties of embedded categories that are directly relevant for selection
(Abraham 2005: 223; Sag 2007) and not information about whether an argument of a
head within the clause is the speaker or the hearer or whether some arguments in the
clause are realized as clitics. Locality will be discussed further in Section 18.2.
4.6 New developments and theoretical variants
the main stress in the clause. This can be achieved by deaccentuation, that is, by moving
the accent to another constituent or even, as shown in (28b), by moving the object to a
different position from the one in which it receives structural stress.
In Spanish, partial focus can be achieved not by special intonation, but rather only by
altruistic movement in order to move the object out of the focus. See also Bildhauer &
Cook (2010: p. 72) for a discussion of altruistic multiple frontings in German.
It is therefore not possible to assume that elements are moved to a particular position
in the tree in order to check some feature motivated by information structural proper-
ties. Since feature checking is a prerequisite for movement in current minimalist theory,
one would have to postulate a special feature, which only has the function of triggering
altruistic movement. Fanselow (2003a: Section 4; 2006: 8) has also shown that the order-
ing constraints that one assumes for topic, focus and sentence adverbs can be adequately
described by a theory which assumes firstly, that arguments are combined (in minimalist
terminology: merged) with their head one after the other and secondly, that adjuncts can
be adjoined to any projection level. The position of sentence adverbs directly before the
focused portion of the sentence receives a semantic explanation: since sentence adverbs
behave like focus-sensitive operators, they have to directly precede elements that they
refer to. It follows from this that elements which do not belong to the focus of an utter-
ance (topics) have to occur in front of the sentence adverb. It is therefore not necessary
to assume a special topic position to explain local reorderings in the middle field. This
analysis is also pursued in LFG and HPSG. The respective analyses are discussed in more
detail in the corresponding chapters.
4.6.2 Labeling
In the Minimalist Program, Chomsky tries to keep combinatorial operations and mech-
anisms as simple as possible. He motivates this with the assumption that the existence
of a UG with less language-specific knowledge is more plausible from a evolutionary
point of view than a UG which contains a high degree of language-specific knowledge
(Chomsky 2008: 135).
For this reason, he removes the projection levels of X theory, traces, indices and sim-
ilar descriptive technology (Chomsky 2008: 138). All that remains is Merge and Move,
that is, Internal and External Merge. Internal and External Merge combine two syntactic
objects and into a larger syntactic object which is represented as a set { , }.
and can be either lexical items or internally complex syntactic objects. Internal Merge
4 Transformational Grammar Minimalism
moves a part of an object to its periphery.13 The result of internally merging an element
is a set { , } where was a part of . External Merge also produces a set with two
elements. However, two independent objects are merged. The objects that are created
by Merge have a certain category (a set of features). For instance, if one combines the
elements and , one gets { l, { , } }, where l is the category of the resulting object.
This category is also called a label. Since it is assumed that all constituents are headed,
the category that is assigned to { , } has to be either the category of or the category
of . Chomsky (2008: 145) discusses the following two rules for the determination of the
label of a set.
(29) a. In { H, }, H an LI, H is the label.
b. If is internally merged to , forming { , } then the label of is the label
of { , }.
As Chomsky notes, these rules are not unproblematic since the label is not uniquely de-
termined in all cases. An example is the combination of two lexical elements. If both H
and in (29a) are lexical items (LI), then both H and can be the label of the resulting
structure. Chomsky notices that this could result in deviant structures, but claims that
this concern is unproblematic and ignores it. Chomsky offered a treatment of the combi-
nation of two lexical items in his 2013 paper. The solution to the problem is to assume that
all combinations of lexical elements consist of a functional element and a root (Marantz
1997; Borer 2005). Roots are not considered as labels per definition14 and hence the cat-
egory of the functional element determines the category of the combination (Chomsky
2013: 47). Such an analysis can only be rejected: the goal of the Minimalist Program is to
simplify the theoretical proposals to such an extent that the models of language acquisi-
tion and language evolution become plausible, but in order to simplify basic concepts it
is stipulated that a noun cannot simply be a noun but needs a functional element to tell
the noun what category it has. Given that the whole point of Chomskys Bare Phrase
Structure (Chomsky 1995a) was the elimination of the unary branching structures in X
theory, it is unclear why they are reintroduced now through the backdoor, only more
complex with an additional empty element.15 Theories like Categorial Grammar and
HPSG can combine lexical items directly without assuming any auxiliary projections or
empty elements. See also Rauh (2013) for a comparison of the treatment of syntactic cate-
gories in earlier versions of Transformational Grammar, HPSG, Construction Grammar,
Role and Reference Grammar and root-based Neo-Constructivist proposals like the one
To be more specific, part of a syntactic object is copied and the copy is placed at the edge of the entire
object. The original of this copy is no longer relevant for pronunciation (Copy Theory of Movement).
Another category that is excluded as label per definition is Conj, which stands for conjunction (Chomsky
2013: 4546). This is a stipulation that is needed to get coordination to work. See below.
The old X rule in (i.a) corresponds to the binary combination in (i.b).
(i) a. N N
b. N N-func root
In (i.a) a lexical noun is projected to an N and in (i.b), a root is combined with a functional nominal head
into a nominal category.
4.6 New developments and theoretical variants
assumed by Chomsky (2013). Rauh concludes that the direct connection of syntactic and
semantic information is needed and that the Neo-Constructivism of Marantz and Borer
has to be rejected. For further criticism of Neo-Constructivist approaches see Wechsler
(2008a) and Mller & Wechsler (2014a: Sections 6.1 and 7).
The combination of a pronoun with a verbal projection poses a problem that is related
to what has been said above. In the analysis of He left, the pronoun he is a lexical element
and hence would be responsible for the label of He left, since left is an internally complex
verbal projection in Minimalist theories. The result would be a nominal label rather than
a verbal one. To circumvent this problem, Chomsky (2013: 46) assumes that he has a
complex internal structure: perhaps D-pro, that is, he is (perhaps) composed out of an
invisible determiner and a pronoun.
The case in which two non-LIs are externally merged (for instance a nominal and a
verbal phrase) is not discussed in Chomsky (2008). Chomsky (2013: 4344) suggests that
a phrase XP is irrelevant for the labeling of { XP, YP } if XP is moved (or rather copied
in the Copy Theory of Movement) in a further step. Chomsky assumes that one of two
phrases in an { XP, YP } combination has to move, since otherwise labeling would be
impossible (p. 12).16 The following coordination example will illustrate this: Chomsky
assumes that the expression Z and W is analyzed as follows: first, Z and W are merged.
This expression is combined with Conj (30a) and in the next step Z is raised (30b).
(30) a. [ Conj [ Z W]]
b. [ Z [ Conj [ Z W]]
Since Z in is only a copy, it does not count for labeling and can get the label of W. It
is stipulated for the combination of Z and that Conj cannot be the label and hence the
label of the complete structure is Z.17
A special case that is discussed by Chomsky is the Internal Merge of an LI with a
non LI . According to rule (29a) the label would be . According to (29b), the label
would be (see also Donati (2006)). Chomsky discusses the combination of the pronoun
what with you wrote as an example.
His explanation is contradictory: on p. 11 Chomsky assumes that a label of a combination of two entities
with the same category is this category. But in his treatment of coordination, he assumes that one of the
conjuncts has to be raised, since otherwise the complete structure could not be labeled.
As Bob Borsley (p.c. 2013) pointed out to me, this makes wrong predictions for coordinations of two singular
noun phrases with and, since the result of the coordination is a plural NP and not a singular one like the
first conjunct. Theories like HPSG can capture this by grouping features in bundles that can be shared in
coordinated structures (syntactic features and nonlocal features, see Pollard & Sag (1994: 202)).
Furthermore the whole account cannot explain why (i.b) is ruled out.
(i) a. both Kim and Lee
b. * both Kim or Lee
The information about the conjunction has to be part of the representation for or Lee in order to be able to
contrast it with and Lee.
A further problem is that the label of should be the label of W since Conj does not count for label
determination. This would lead to a situation in which we have to choose between Z and W to determine
the label of . Following Chomskys logic, either Z or W would have to move on to make it possible to
label . Chomsky (2013) mentions this problem in footnote 40, but does not provide a solution.
4 Transformational Grammar Minimalism
Since wessen Schuhe whose shoes is not a lexical item, rule (29b) has to be applied,
provided no additional rules are assumed to deal with such cases. This means that the
whole free relative clause wessen Schuhe danach besprenkelt sind is labeled as CP. For
the free relatives in (33) and (34) the labeling as a CP is an unwanted result, since they
Chomsky (2013: 47) admits that there are many open questions as far as the labeling in free relative clauses
is concerned and hence admits that there remain many open questions with labeling as such.
Bausewein (1990: 155).
Thomas Gsella, taz, 12.02.1997, p. 20.
taz, taz mag, 08./09.08.1998, p. XII.
4.6 New developments and theoretical variants
function as subjects or objects of the matrix predicates and hence should be labelled DP.
However, since wessen Schuhe is a complex phrase and not a lexical item, (29a) does
not apply and hence there is no analysis of the free relative clause as a DP. Therefore,
it seems one must return to something like the GB analysis proposed by Groos & van
Riemsdijk (1981), at least for the German examples. Gross and van Riemsdijk assume
that free relatives consist of an empty noun that is modified by the relative clause like
a normal noun. In such an approach, the complexity of the relative phrase is irrelevant.
It is only the empty head that is relevant for labeling the whole phrase.22 However,
once empty heads are countenanced in the analysis, the application of (29a) to (31) is
undesirable since the application would result in two analyses for (32b): one with the
empty nominal head and one in which (31) is labeled as NP directly. One might argue
that in the case of several possible derivations, the most economical one wins, but the
assumption of transderivational constraints leads to undesired consequences (Pullum
2013: Section 5).
Chomsky (2013) abandons the labeling condition in (29b) and replaces it with general
labeling rules that hold for both internal and external Merge of two phrases. He dis-
tinguishes two cases. In the first case, labeling becomes possible since one of the two
phrases of the set { XP, YP } is moved away. This case was already discussed above.
Assuming an empty head is problematic since it may be used as an argument only in those cases in which
it is modified by an adjunct, namely the relative clause (Mller 1999b: 97). See also Ott (2011: 187) for a
later rediscovery of this problem. It can be solved in HPSG by assuming a unary projection that projects
the appropriate category from a relative clause. I also use the unary projection to analyze so-called non-
matching free relative clauses (Mller 1999b). In constructions with nonmatching free relative clauses,
the relative clause fills an argument slot that does not correspond to the properties of the relative phrase
(Bausewein 1990). Bausewein discusses the following example, in which the relative phrase is a PP but the
free relative fills the accusative slot of kocht cooks.
4 Transformational Grammar Minimalism
Chomsky writes about the other case: X and Y are identical in a relevant respect, provid-
ing the same label, which can be taken as the label of the SO (p. 11). He sketches an analysis
of interrogative clauses on p. 13 in which the interrogative phrase has a Q feature and
the remaining sentence from which the Q phrase was extracted has a Q feature as well.
Since the two constituents share this property, the label of the complete clause will be Q.
This kind of labeling will perhaps also be used for labeling normal sentences consisting
of a subject and a verb phrase agreeing in person and number. These features would be
responsible for the label of the sentence. The exact details are not worked out, but almost
certainly will be more complex than (29b).
A property that is inherent in both Chomsky (2005) and Chomsky (2013) is that the
label is exclusively determined from one of the merged objects. As Bob Borsley pointed
out to me, this is problematic for interrogative/relative phrases like (35).
(35) with whom
The phrase in (35) is both a prepositional phrase (because the first word is a prepo-
sition) and an interrogative/relative phrase (because the second word is an interroga-
tive/relative word). So, what is needed for the correct labeling of PPs like the one in (35)
is a well-defined way of percolating different properties from daughters to the mother
For further problems concerning labeling and massive overgeneration by recent for-
mulations of Merge see Fabregas et al. (2016).
Summarizing, one can say that labeling, which was introduced to simplify the theory
and reduce the amount of language specific innate knowledge that has to be assumed,
can only be made to function with a considerable amount of stipulations. For instance,
the combination of lexical elements requires the assumption of empty functional heads,
whose only purpose is determining the syntactic category of a certain lexical element.
If this corresponded to linguistic reality, knowledge about labeling, the respective func-
tional categories, and information about those categories that have to be ignored for
the labeling would have to be part of innate language specific knowledge and nothing
would be gained. One would be left with bizarre analyses with an enormous degree
of complexity without having made progress in the Minimalist direction. Furthermore,
there are empirical problems and a large number of unsolved cases.
HPSG solves this problem by distinguishing head features including part of speech information and non-
local features containing information about extraction and interrogative/relative elements. Head features
are projected from the head, the nonlocal features of a mother node are the union of the nonlocal features
of the daughters minus those that are bound off by certain heads or in certain configurations.
Citko (2008: 926) suggests an analysis in which both daughters can contribute to the mother node. The
result is a complex label like { P, { D, N } }. This is a highly complex data structure and Citko does not provide
any information on how the relevant information that it contains is accessed. Is an object with the label
{ P, { D, N } } a P, a D or an N? One could say that P has priority since it is in the least embedded set, but D
and N are in one set. What about conflicting features? How does a preposition that selects for a DP decide
whether { D, N } is a D or an N? In any case it is clear that a formalization will involve recursive relations
that dig out elements of subsets in order to access their features. This adds to the overall complexity of
the proposal and is clearly dispreferred over the HPSG solution, which uses one part of speech value per
linguistic object.
4.6 New developments and theoretical variants
The conclusion is that the label of a binary combination should not be determined
in the ways suggested by Chomsky (2008, 2013). An alternative option for computing
the label is to use the functor of a functor argument structure as the label (Berwick &
Epstein 1995: 145). This is the approach taken by Categorial Grammar (Ajdukiewicz 1935;
Steedman 2000) and in Stablers Minimalist Grammars (2011b).24 Stablers formalization
of Merge will be discussed in Section 4.6.4.
For the Categorial Grammar approach to work, it is necessary to assign the category x/x to an adjunct,
where x stands for the category of the head to which the adjunct attaches. For instance, an adjective
combines with a nominal object to form a nominal object. Therefore its category is n/n rather than adj.
Similarly, Stablers approach does not extend to adjuncts unless he is willing to assign the category
noun to attributive adjectives. One way out of this problem is to assume a special combination operation
for adjuncts and their heads (see Frey & Grtner 2002: Section 3.2). Such a combination operation is
equivalent to the Head-Adjunct Schema of HPSG.
Pauline Jacobson (p.c. 2013) pointed out that the problem with intransitive verbs could be solved by assum-
ing that the last-merged element is the specifier and all non-last-merged elements are complements. This
would solve the problems with intransitive verbs and with the coordination of verbs in (36) but it would
not solve the problem of coordination in head-final languages as in (39). Furthermore, current Minimalist
approaches make use of multiple specifiers and this would be incompatible with the Jacobsonian proposal
unless one would be willing to state more complicated restrictions on the status of non-first-merged ele-
4 Transformational Grammar Minimalism
Apart from this, theories assuming that syntactic objects merged with word groups are
specifiers do not allow for analyses in which two lexical verbs are directly coordinated,
as in (36):26
For example, in an analysis suggested by Steedman (1991: 264), and (being the head)
is first merged with loves and then the result is merged with knows. The result of this
combination is a complex object that has the same syntactic properties as the combined
parts: the result is a complex verb that needs a subject and an object. After the combi-
nation of the conjunction with the two verbs, the result has to be combined with this
record and he. this record behaves in all relevant respects like a complement. Follow-
ing Chomskys definition, however, it should be a specifier, since it is combined with
the third application of Merge. The consequences are unclear. Chomsky assumes that
Merge does not specify constituent order. According to him, the linearization happens
at the level of Phonological Form (PF). The restrictions that hold there are not described
in his recent papers. However, if the categorization as complement or specifier plays a
role for linearization as in Kaynes work (2011: 2, 12) and in Stablers proposal (see Sec-
tion 4.6.4), this record would have to be serialized before knows and loves, contrary to the
facts. This means that a Categorial Grammar-like analysis of coordination is not viable
and the only remaining option would seem to assume that knows is combined with an
object and then two VPs are coordinated. Kayne (1994: 61, 67) follows Wexler & Culi-
cover (1980: 303) in suggesting such an analysis and assumes that the object in the first
VP is deleted. However, Borsley (2005: 471) shows that such an analysis makes wrong
predictions, since (37a) would be derived from (37b) although these sentences differ in
(37) a. Hobbs whistled and hummed the same tune.
b. Hobbs whistled the same tune and hummed the same tune.
Chomsky (2013: 46) suggests the coordination analysis in (30): according to this analysis, the verbs would
be merged directly and one of the verbs would be moved around the conjunction in a later step of the
derivation. As was mentioned in the previous section, such analyses do not contribute to the goal of
making minimal assumptions about innate language specific knowledge since it is absolutely unclear how
such an analysis of coordination would be acquired by language learners. Hence, I will not consider this
coordination analysis here.
Another innovation of Chomskys 2013 paper is that he eliminates the concept of specifier. He writes
in footnote 27 on page 43: There is a large and instructive literature on problems with Specifiers, but if the
reasoning here is correct, they do not exist and the problems are unformulable. This is correct, but this also
means that everything that was explained with reference to the notion of specifier in the Minimalist frame-
work until now does not have an explanation any longer. If one follows Chomskys suggestion, a large
part of the linguistic research of the past years becomes worthless and has to be redone.
Chomsky did not commit himself to a particular view on linearization in his earlier work, but somehow
one has to ensure that the entities that were called specifier are realized in a position in which constituents
are realized that used to be called specifier. This means that the following remarks will be relevant even
under current Chomskyan assumptions.
See also Bartsch & Vennemann (1972: 102), Jackendoff (1977: 192193), Dowty (1979: 143), den Besten (1983:
104105), Klein (1985: 89) and Eisenberg (1994b) for similar observations and criticism of similar proposals
in earlier versions of Transformational Grammar.
4.6 New developments and theoretical variants
Since semantic interpretation cannot see processes such as deletion that happen at the
level of Phonological Form (Chomsky 1995b: Chapter 3), the differences in meaning can-
not be explained by an analysis that deletes material.
In a further variant of the VP coordination analysis, there is a trace that is related to
this record. This would be a Right-Node-Raising analysis. Borsley (2005) has shown that
such analyses are problematic. Among the problematic examples that he discusses is the
following pair (see also Bresnan 1974: 615).
(38) a. He tried to persuade and convince him.
b. * He tried to persuade, but couldnt convince, him.
The second example is ungrammatical if him is not stressed. In contrast, (38a) is well-
formed even with unstressed him. So, if (38a) were an instance of Right-Node-Raising,
the contrast would be unexpected. Borsley therefore excludes a Right-Node-Raising
The third possibility to analyze sentences like (36) assumes discontinuous constituents
and uses material twice: the two VPs knows this record and loves this record are coor-
dinated with the first VP being discontinuous. (See Crysmann (2001) and Beavers &
Sag (2004) for such proposals in the framework of HPSG.) However, discontinuous con-
stituents are not usually assumed in the Minimalist framework (see for instance Kayne
(1994: 67)). Furthermore, Abeill (2006) showed that there is evidence for structures in
which lexical elements are coordinated directly. This means that one needs analyses like
the CG analysis discussed above, which would result in the problems with the speci-
fier/complement status just discussed.
Furthermore, Abeill has pointed out that NP coordinations in head-final languages
like Korean and Japanese present difficulties for Merge-based analyses. (39) shows a
Japanese example.
(39) Robin-to Kim
Robin-and Kim
Kim and Robin
In the first step Robin is merged with to. In a second step Kim is merged. Since Kim is
a specifier, one would expect that Kim is serialized before the head as it is the case for
other specifiers in head-final languages.
Chomsky tries to get rid of the unary branching structures of standard X theory, which
were needed to project lexical items like pronouns and determiners into full phrases,
referring to work by Muysken (1982). Muysken used the binary features min and max to
classify syntactic objects as minimal (words or word-like complex objects) or maximal
(syntactic objects that stand for complete phrases). Such a feature system can be used
to describe pronouns and determiners as [+min, +max]. Verbs like give, however, are
classified as [+min, max]. They have to project in order to reach the [+max]-level. If
specifiers and complements are required to be [+max], then determiners and pronouns
fulfill this requirement without having to project from X0 via X to the XP-level.
4 Transformational Grammar Minimalism
In Chomskys system, the min/max distinction is captured with respect to the com-
pleteness of heads (complete = phrase) and to the property of being a lexical item. How-
ever, there is a small but important difference between Muyskens and Chomskys pro-
posal: the predictions with regard to the coordination data that was discussed above.
Within the category system of X theory, it is possible to combine two X0 s to get a new,
complex X0 . This new object has basically the same syntactic properties that simple X0 s
have (see Jackendoff 1977: 51 and Gazdar, Klein, Pullum & Sag 1985). In Muyskens sys-
tem, the coordination rule (or the lexical item for the conjunction) can be formulated
such that the coordination of two +min items is a +min item. In Chomskys system an
analogous rule cannot be defined, since the coordination of two lexical items is not a
lexical item any longer.
Like Chomsky in his recent Minimalist work, Categorial Grammar (Ajdukiewicz 1935)
and HPSG (Pollard and Sag 1987; 1994: 3940) do not (strictly) adhere to X theory. Both
theories assign the symbol NP to pronouns (for CG see Steedman & Baldridge (2006:
p. 615), see Steedman (2000: Section 4.4) for the incorporation of lexical type raising in
order to accommodate quantification). The phrase likes Mary and the word sleeps have
the same category in Categorial Grammar (s\np). In both theories it is not necessary to
project a noun like tree from N0 to N in order to be able to combine it with a determiner or
an adjunct. Determiners and monovalent verbs in controlled infinitives are not projected
from an X0 level to the XP level in many HPSG analyses, since the valence properties
of the respective linguistic objects (an empty subcat or comps list) are sufficient to de-
termine their combinatoric potential and hence their distribution (Mller 1996d; Mller
1999a). If the property of being minimal is needed for the description of a phenomenon,
the binary feature lex is used in HPSG (Pollard and Sag 1987: 172; 1994: 22). However,
this feature is not needed for the distinction between specifiers and complements. This
distinction is governed by principles that map elements of an argument structure list
(arg-st) onto valence lists that are the value of the specifier and the complements fea-
ture (abbreviated as spr and comps respectively).28 Roughly speaking, the specifier in a
verbal projection is the least oblique argument of the verb for configurational languages
like English. Since the argument structure list is ordered according to the obliqueness
hierarchy of Keenan & Comrie (1977), the first element of this list is the least oblique
argument of a verb and this argument is mapped to the spr list. The element in the spr
list is realized to the left of the verb in SVO languages like English. The elements in the
comps list are realized to the right of their head. Approaches like the one by Ginzburg &
Sag (2000: 34, 364) that assume that head-complement phrases combine a word with its
arguments have the same problem with coordinations like (36) since the head of the VP
is not a word.29 However, this restriction for the head can be replaced by one that refers
to the lex feature rather than to the property of being a word or lexical item.
Some authors assume a three-way distinction between subjects, specifiers, and complements.
As mentioned above, a multidomination approach with discontinuous constituents is a possible solution
for the analysis of (36) (see Crysmann 2001 and Beavers & Sag 2004). However, the coordination of lexical
items has to be possible in principle as Abeill (2006) has argued. Note also that the HPSG approach
to coordination cannot be taken over to the MP. The reason is that the HPSG proposals involve special
grammar rules for coordination and MP comes with the claim that there is only Merge. Hence the additional
introduction of combinatorial rules is not an option within the MP.
4.6 New developments and theoretical variants
Pollard & Sag as well as Sag & Ginzburg assume flat structures for English. Since one
of the daughters is marked as lexical, it follows that the rule does not combine a head
with a subset of its complements and then apply a second time to combine the result
with further complements. Therefore, a structure like (40a) is excluded, since gave John
is not a word and hence cannot be used as the head daughter in the rule.
(40) a. [[gave John] a book]
b. [gave John a book]
Instead of (40a), only analyses like (40b) are admitted; that is, the head is combined
with all its arguments all in one go. The alternative is to assume binary branching struc-
tures (Mller 2015c; Mller & rsnes 2015: Section 1.2.2). In such an approach, the head
complement schema does not restrict the word/phrase status of the head daughter. The
binary branching structures in HPSG correspond to External Merge in the MP.
In the previous two sections, certain shortcomings of Chomskys labeling definition
and problems with the coordination of lexical items were discussed. In the following
section, I discuss Stablers definition of Merge in Minimalist Grammar, which is explicit
about labeling and in one version does not have the problems discussed above. I will
show that his formalization corresponds rather directly to HPSG representations.
4 Transformational Grammar Minimalism
(41) >
3 <
1 2
1 is the head in (41), 2 is the complement and 3 the specifier. The pointer points to the
part of the structure that contains the head. The daughters in a tree are ordered, that is,
3 is serialized before 1 and 1 before 2.
Stabler (2011a: 402) defines External Merge as follows:
t1 t2
if t1 has exactly 1 node
(42) em(t1 [=f], t2 [f]) =
t2 t1 otherwise
=f is a selection feature and f the corresponding category. When t1 [=f] and t2 [f] are
combined, the result is a tree in which the selection feature of t1 and the respective
category feature of t2 are deleted. The upper tree in (42) represents the combination of
a (lexical) head with its complement. t1 is positioned before t2 . The condition that t1 has
to have exactly one node corresponds to Chomskys assumption that the first Merge is
a Merge with a complement and that all further applications of Merge are Merges with
specifiers (Chomsky 2008: 146).
Stabler defines Internal Merge as follows:30
t1 is a tree with a subtree t2 which has the feature f with the value . This subtree is
deleted (t2 [f] > 7 ) and a copy of the deleted subtree without the f feature (t2> ) is
positioned in specifier position. The element in specifier position has to be a maximal
projection. This requirement is visualized by the raised >.
Stabler provides an example derivation for the sentence in (44).
(44) who Marie praises
In addition to what is shown in (43), Stablers definition contains a variant of the Shortest Move Constraint
(SMC), which is irrelevant for the discussion at hand and hence will be omitted.
4.6 New developments and theoretical variants
praises is a two-place verb with two =D features. This encodes the selection of two de-
terminer phrases. who and Marie are two Ds and they fill the object and subject position
of the verb. The resulting verbal projection Marie praises who is embedded under an
empty complementizer which is specified as +wh and hence provides the position for
the movement of who, which is placed in the specifier position of CP by the application
of Internal Merge. The wh feature of who is deleted and the result of the application of
Internal Merge is who Marie praises.
This analysis has a problem that was pointed out by Stabler himself in unpublished
work cited by Veenstra (1998: 124): it makes incorrect predictions in the case of mono-
valent verbs. If a verb is combined with an NP, the definition of External Merge in (42)
treats this NP as a complement31 and serializes it to the right of the head. Instead of
analyses of sentences like (45a) one gets analyses of strings like (45b).
(45) a. Max sleeps.
b. * Sleeps Max.
To solve this problem, Stabler assumes that monovalent verbs are combined with a
nonovert object (see Veenstra (1998: 61, 124) who, quoting Stablers unpublished work,
also adopts this solution). With such an empty object, the resulting structure contains
the empty object as a complement. The empty object is serialized to the right of the verb
and Max is the specifier and hence serialized to the left of the verb as in (46)).
(46) Max sleeps _.
Of course, any analysis of this kind is both stipulative and entirely ad hoc, being moti-
vated only by the wish to have uniform structures. Moreover, it exemplifies precisely
one of the methodological deficiencies of Transformational Generative Grammar dis-
cussed at length by Culicover & Jackendoff (2005: Section 2.1.2): the excessive appeal to
An alternative is to assume an empty verbal head that takes sleeps as complement and
Max as subject. Such an analysis is often assumed for ditransitive verbs in Minimalist
theories which assume Larsonian verb shells (Larson 1988). Larsonian analyses usually
assume that there is an empty verbal head that is called little v and that contributes a
causative meaning. As was discussed in Section 4.1.4, Adger (2003) adopts a little v-
based analysis for intransitive verbs. Omitting the TP projection, his analysis is pro-
vided in Figure 4.22 on the following page. Adger argues that the analysis of sentences
with unergative verbs involves a little v that selects an agent, while the analysis of un-
accusative verbs involves a little v that does not select an N head. For unaccusatives, he
assumes that the verb selects a theme. He states that little v does not necessarily have
a causative meaning but introduces the agent. But note that in the example at hand the
subject of sleep is neither causing an event, nor is it necessarily deliberately doing some-
thing. So it is rather an undergoer than an agent. This means that the assumption of the
empty v head is made for purely theory-internal reasons without any semantic motiva-
tion in the case of intransitives. If the causative contribution of little v in ditransitive
Compare also Chomskys definition of specifier and complement in Section 4.6.3.
4 Transformational Grammar Minimalism
Max v
v sleep
constructions is assumed, this would mean that one needs two little vs, one with and
one without a causative meaning. In addition to the lack of theory-external motivation
for little v, there are also empirical problems for such analyses (for instance with coordi-
nation data). The reader is referred to Mller & Wechsler (2014a: Sections 6.1 and 7) for
further details.
Apart from the two operations that were defined in (42) and (43), there are no other
operations in MG.32 Apart from the problems with monovalent verbs, this results in the
problem that was discussed in Section 4.6.3: there is no analysis with a direct combina-
tion of verbs for (36) repeated here as (47).
(47) He [knows and loves] this record.
The reason is that the combination of knows, and and loves consists of three nodes and
the Merge of knows and loves with this record would make this record the specifier of
the structure. Therefore this record would be serialized before knows and loves, contrary
to the facts. Since the set of languages that can be generated with MGs contains the
languages that can be generated with certain TAGs and with Combinatorial Categorial
Grammar (Michaelis 2001), the existence of a Categorial Grammar analysis implies that
the coordination examples can be derived in MGs somehow. But for linguists, the fact
that it is possible to generate a certain string at all (the weak capacity of a grammar) is
of less significance. It is the actual structures that are licensed by the grammar that are
important (the strong capacity).
For extensions see Frey & Grtner (2002: Section 3.2).
4.6 New developments and theoretical variants
t1 t2
if is =x
(48) em(t1 [], t2 [x]) =
t2 t1 if is x=
The position of the equal sign specifies on which side of the head an argument has to
be realized. This corresponds to forward and backward Application in Categorial Gram-
mar (see Section 8.1.1). Stabler calls this form of grammar Directional MG (DMG). This
variant of MG avoids the problem with monovalent verbs and the coordination data is
unproblematic as well if one assumes that the conjunction is a head with a variable cat-
egory that selects for elements of the same category to the left and to the right of itself.
know and love would both select an object to the right and a subject to the left and this
requirement would be transferred to knows and loves.33 See Steedman (1991: 264) for
the details of the CG analysis and Bouma & van Noord (1998: 52) for an earlier HPSG
proposal involving directionality features along the lines suggested by Stabler for his
4 Transformational Grammar Minimalism
Since we are dealing with syntactic aspects exclusively, only a subset of the used fea-
tures is relevant: valence information and information about part of speech and certain
morphosyntactic properties that are relevant for the external distribution of a phrase is
represented in a feature description under the path synsem|loc|cat. The features that
are particularly interesting here are the so-called head features. Head features are shared
between a lexical head and its maximal projection. The head features are located inside
cat and are grouped together under the path head. Complex hierarchical structure is
also modelled with feature value pairs. The constituents of a complex linguistic object
are usually represented as parts of the representation of the complete object. For in-
stance, there is a feature head-daughter the value of which is a feature structure that
models a linguistic object that contains the head of a phrase. The Head Feature Principle
(50) refers to this daughter and ensures that the head features of the head daughter are
identical with the head features of the mother node, that is, they are identical to the head
features of the complete object.
[ ]
synsem|loc|cat|head 1
(50) headed-phrase
head-dtr|synsem|loc|cat|head 1
An alternative structuring of this basic information, discussed by Pollard & Sag (1994:
Chapter 9), uses the two features head-daughter and non-head-daughters rather
than head-daughter and daughters. This gives rise to feature descriptions like (53a),
4.6 New developments and theoretical variants
4 Transformational Grammar Minimalism
In contrast, Stabler is forced to assume an analysis like the one in (56b) (see also G. Mller
(1998) for a remnant movement analysis). In a first step, das Buch is moved out of the VP
(56a) and in a second step, the emptied VP is fronted as in (56b).
(56) a. Hat [das Buch]j [keiner [VP _j gelesen]].
b. [VP _j Gelesen]i hat [das Buch]j [keiner _i ].
Haider (1993: 281), De Kuthy & Meurers (2001: Section 2) and Fanselow (2002) showed
that this kind of remnant movement analysis is problematic for German. The only phe-
nomenon that Fanselow identified as requiring a remnant movement analysis is the prob-
lem of multiple fronting (see Mller (2003a) for an extensive discussion of relevant data).
Mller (2005b,c, 2015b) develops an alternative analysis of these multiple frontings which
uses an empty verbal head in the Vorfeld, but does not assume that adjuncts or arguments
like das Buch in (56b) are extracted from the Vorfeld constituent. Instead of the remnant
movement analysis, the mechanism of argument composition from Categorial Grammar
(Geach 1970; Hinrichs & Nakazawa 1994) is used to ensure the proper realization of argu-
ments in the sentence. Chomsky (2007: 20) already uses argument composition as part
of his analysis of TPs and CPs. Hence both remnant movement and argument composi-
tion are assumed in recent Minimalist proposals. The HPSG alternative, however, would
appear to need less theoretical apparatus and hence has to be preferred for reasons of
Finally, it should be mentioned that all transformational accounts have problems with
Across the Board extraction like (57a) and (57) in which one element corresponds to
several gaps.
(57) a. Bagels, I like and Ellison hates.36
b. The man whoi [Mary loves _i ] and [Sally hates _i ] computed my tax.
This problem was solved for GPSG by Gazdar (1981b) and the solution carries over to
HPSG. The Minimalist community tried to address these problems by introducing opera-
tions like sideward movement (Nunes 2004) where constituents can be inserted into sis-
ter trees. So in the example in (57a), Bagels is copied from the object position of hates into
the object position of like and then these two copies are related to the fronted element.
Kobele criticized such solutions since they overgenerate massively and need complicated
filters. What he suggests instead is the introduction of a GPSG-style slash mechanism
into Minimalist theories (Kobele 2008).
Furthermore, movement paradoxes (Bresnan 2001: Chapter 2) can be avoided by not
sharing all information between filler and gap, a solution that is not available for trans-
formational accounts, which usually assume identity of filler and gap or as under the
Copy Theory of Movement assume that a derivation contains multiple copies of one
object only one of which is spelled out. See also Borsley (2012) for further puzzles for,
and problems of, movement-based approaches.
A further difference between MG and HPSG is that the Head-Filler Schema is not the
only schema for analyzing long-distance dependencies. As was noted in footnote 10 on
page 143, there is dislocation to the right (extraposition) as well as fronting. Although
Pollard & Sag (1994: 205).
4.6 New developments and theoretical variants
these should certainly be analyzed as long-distance dependencies, they differ from other
long-distance dependencies in various respects (see Section 13.1.5). For analyses of extra-
position in the HPSG framework, see Keller (1995), Bouma (1996), and Mller (1999a).
Apart from the schema for long-distance dependencies, there are of course other sche-
mata in HPSG which are not present in MG or Minimalism. These are schemata which
describe constructions without heads or are necessary to capture the distributional prop-
erties of parts of constructions, which cannot be easily captured in lexical analyses (e.g.,
the distribution of wh- and relative pronouns). See Section 21.10.
Chomsky (2010) has compared a Merge-based analysis of auxiliary inversion to a
HPSG analysis and critiqued that the HPSG analysis uses ten schemata rather than one
(Merge). Ginzburg & Sag (2000) distinguish three types of construction with moved aux-
iliaries: inverted sentences such as those with fronted adverbial and with wh-questions
(58a,b), inverted exclamatives (58c) and polar interrogatives (58d):
(58) a. Under no circumstances did she think they would do that.
b. Whose book are you reading?
c. Am I tired!
d. Did Kim leave?
Fillmore (1999) captures various different usage contexts in his Construction Grammar
analysis of auxiliary inversion and shows that there are semantic and pragmatic differ-
ences between the various contexts. Every theory must be able to account for these.
Furthermore, one does not necessarily require ten schemata. It is possible to determine
this as Categorial Grammar does in the lexical entry for the auxiliary or on an empty
head (see Chapter 21 for a more general discussion of lexical and phrasal analyses). Re-
gardless of this, every theory has to somehow account for these ten differences. If one
wishes to argue that this has nothing to do with syntax, then somehow this has to be
modelled in the semantic component. This means that there is no reason to prefer one
theory over another at this point.
4 Transformational Grammar Minimalism
been checked is represented by striking them out. It is said that all uninterpretable fea-
tures have to be checked before a syntactic object is send to the interfaces (semantics
and pronunciation). If uninterpretable features are not checked, the derivation crashes.
Adger (2003: Section 3.6) explicitly discusses the consequences of these assumptions: a
selecting head checks a feature of the selected object. It is not possible to check features
of elements that are contained in the object that a head combines with. Only features
at the topmost node, the so-called root node, can be checked with external merge. The
only way features inside complex objects can be checked is by means of movement. This
means that a head may not combine with a partially saturated linguistic object, that is,
with a linguistic object that has an unchecked selection feature. I will discuss this design
decision with reference to an example provided by Adger (2003: 95). The noun letters
selects for a P and Ps select for an N. The analysis of (59a) is depicted left in Figure 4.23.
(59) a. letters to Peter
b. * letters to
Figure 4.23: The analysis of letters to Peter according to Adger (2003: 95)
The string in (59b) is ruled out since the uninterpretable N feature of the preposition to
is not checked. So this integrates the constraint that all dependent elements have to be
maximal into the core mechanism. This makes it impossible to analyze examples like
(60) in the most straightforward way, namely as involving a complex preposition and a
noun that is lacking a determiner:
(60) vom Bus
from.the bus
In theories in which complex descriptions can be used to describe dependants, the de-
pendent may be partly saturated. So for instance in HPSG, fused prepositions like vom
from.the can select an N, which is a nominal projection lacking a specifier:
(61) N[spr Det ]
The description in (61) is an abbreviation for an internally structured set of feature-value
pairs (see Section 9.6.1). The example here is given for the illustration of the differences
only, since there may be ways of accounting for such cases in a single-feature-Merge
system. For instance, one could assume a DP analysis and have the complex preposition
select a complete NP (something of category N with no uninterpretable features). Al-
ternatively, one can assume that there is indeed a full PP with all the structure that is
4.7 Summary and classification
usually assumed and the fusion of preposition and determiner happens during pronun-
ciation. The first suggestion eliminates the option of assuming an NP analysis as it was
suggested by Bruening (2009) in the Minimalist framework.
Apart from this illustrative example with a fused preposition, there are other cases
in which one may want to combine unsaturated linguistic objects. I already discussed
coordination examples above. Another example is the verbal complex in languages like
German, Dutch, and Japanese. Of course there are analyses of these languages that do
not assume a verbal complex (G. Mller 1998; Wurmbrand 2003a), but these are not
without problems. Some of the problems were discussed in the previous section as well.
Summing up this brief subsection, it has to be said that the feature checking mech-
anism that is built into the conception of Merge is more restrictive than the selection
that is used in Categorial Grammar, Lexical Functional Grammar, HPSG, Construction
Grammar, and TAG. In my opinion, it is too restrictive.
4.6.6 Summary
In sum, one can say that the computational mechanisms of the Minimalist Program (e.g.,
transderivational constraints and labeling), as well as the theory of feature-driven move-
ment are problematic and the assumption of empty functional categories is sometimes
ad hoc. If one does not wish to assume that these categories are shared by all languages,
then proposing two mechanisms (Merge and Move) does not represent a simplification
of grammar since every single functional category which must be stipulated constitutes
a complication of the entire system.
The labeling mechanism is not yet worked out in detail, does not account for the
phenomena it was claimed to provide accounts for, and hence should be replaced by the
head/functor-based labeling that is used in Categorial Grammar and HPSG.
4 Transformational Grammar Minimalism
assume that a hierarchy of functional projections is part of UG). Since there are still
parameters, the same arguments used against GB approaches to language acquisition
that were mentioned in Section 3.6.1 are still relevant for theories of language acquisi-
tion in the Minimalist Program. See Chapter 16 for an in-depth discussion of approaches
to language acquisition and the Principles & Parameters model as well as input-based
Chomskys main goal in the Minimalist Program is to simplify the theoretical assump-
tions regarding formal properties of language and the computational mechanisms that
are used so much as to make it plausible that they or relevant parts of them are part of
our genetic endowment. But if we recapitulate what was assumed in this chapter, it is
difficult to believe that Minimalist theories achieve this goal. To derive a simple sentence
with an intransitive verb, one needs several empty heads and movements. Features can
be strong or weak, Agree operates nonlocally in trees across several phrase boundaries.
And in order to make correct predictions, it has to be made sure that Agree can only
see the closest possible element (13)(14). This is a huge machinery in comparison to a
Categorial Grammar that just combines adjacent things. Categorial Grammars can be
acquired from input (see Section 13.8.3), while it is really hard to imagine how the fact
that there are features that trigger movement when they are strong, but do not trigger
it when they are weak, should be acquired from data alone.
4.7.2 Formalization
Section 3.6.2 commented on the lack of formalization in transformational grammar up
until the 1990s. The general attitude towards formalization did not change in the minimal-
ist era and hence there are very few formalizations and implementations of Minimalist
Stabler (2001) shows how it is possible to formalize and implement Kaynes theory of
remnant movement. In Stablers implementation37 , there are no transderivational con-
straints, no numerations38 , he does not assume Agree (see Fong 2014: 132) etc. The fol-
His system is available at: 05.03.2016.
38 There is a numeration lexicon in Veenstra (1998: Chapter 9). This lexicon consists of a set of numerations,
which contain functional heads, which can be used in sentences of a certain kind. For example, Veenstra
assumes numerations for sentences with bivalent verbs and subjects in initial position, for embeded sen-
tences with monovalent verbs, for wh-questions with monovalent verbs, and for polar interrogatives with
monovalent verbs. An element from this set of numerations corresponds to a particular configuration and
a phrasal construction in the spirit of Construction Grammar. Veenstras analysis is not a formalization
of the concept of the numeration that one finds in Minimalist works. Normally, it is assumed that a nu-
meration contains all the lexical entries which are needed for the derivation of a sentence. As (i) shows,
complex sentences can consist of combinations of sentences with various different sentence types:
(i) Der Mann, der behauptet hat, dass Maria gelacht hat, steht neben der Palme, die im letzten
the man who claimed has that Maria laughed has stands the palm.tree which in last
Jahr gepflanzt wurde.
year planted was
The man who claimed Maria laughed is standing next to the palm tree that was planted last year.
In (i), there are two relative clauses with verbs of differing valence, an embedded sentence with a monova-
lent verb and the matrix clause. Under a traditional understanding of numerations, Veenstra would have
to assume an infinite numeration lexicon containing all possible combinations of sentence types.
4.7 Summary and classification
40 See Sauerland & Elbourne (2002) for suggestions of PF and LF-movement and the deletion of parts of copies
(p. 285). The implementation of this would be far from trivial.
41 The claim by Berwick, Pietroski, Yankama & Chomsky (2011: 1221) in reference to Fongs work is just plain
wrong: But since we have sometimes adverted to computational considerations, as with the ability to check
features of a head/label, this raises a legitimate concern about whether our framework is computationally
realizable. So it is worth noting that the copy conception of movement, along with the locally oriented search
and labeling procedure described above, can be implemented computationally as an efficient parser; see Fong,
2011, for details. If one has a piece of software which cannot parse a single sentence, then one cannot
claim that it is efficient since one does not know whether the missing parts of the program could make it
extremely inefficient. Furthermore, one cannot compare the software to other programs. As has already
been discussed, labeling is not carried out by Fong as was described in Chomskys work, but instead he
uses a phrase structure grammar of the kind described in Chapter 2.
4 Transformational Grammar Minimalism
a proper subset of the features, namely the formal, uninterpretable features are
deleted by checking operations in a successful derivation (Collins, 1997; Chomsky
1995b: 4.5). Another idea is that certain features, in particular the features of cer-
tain functional categories, may be initially unvalued, becoming valued by entering
into appropriate structural configurations with other elements (Chomsky 2008; Hi-
raiwa, 2005). And some recent work adopts the view that features are never deleted
(Chomsky 2007: p. 11). These issues remain unsolved. (Stabler 2011a: 397)
In order to fully develop a grammar fragment, one needs at least three years (compare
the time span between the publication of Barriers (1986) and Stablers implementation
(1992)). Particularly large grammars require the knowledge of several researchers work-
ing in international cooperation over the space of years or even decades. This process is
disrupted if fundamental assumptions are repeatedly changed at short intervals.
Further reading
This chapter heavily draws from Adger (2003). Other textbooks on Minimalism are Rad-
ford (1997), Grewendorf (2002), and Hornstein, Nunes & Grohmann (2005).
Kuhn (2007) offers a comparison of modern derivational analyses with constraint-
based LFG and HPSG approaches. Borsley (2012) contrasts analyses of long-distance
dependencies in HPSG with movement-based analyses as in GB/Minimalism. Borsley
discusses four types of data which are problematic for movement-based approaches:
extraction without fillers, extraction with multiple gaps, extractions where fillers and
gaps do not match and extraction without gaps.
The discussion of labeling, abandonment of X theory and a comparison between Sta-
blers Minimalist Grammars and HPSG from Sections can be found in Mller
Intonational Phrasing, Discontinuity, and the Scope of Negation by Baszczak & Grtner
(2005) is recommended for the more advanced reader. The authors compare analyses of
negated quantifiers with wide scope in the framework of Minimalism (following Kayne)
as well as Categorial Grammar (following Steedman).
Sternefeld (2006) is a good, detailed introduction to syntax (839 pages) which devel-
ops a Transformational Grammar analysis of German which (modulo transformations)
almost matches what is assumed in HPSG (feature descriptions for arguments ordered
in a valence list according to a hierarchy). Sternefelds structures are minimal since he
does not assume any functional projections if they cannot be motivated for the language
under discussion. Sternefeld is critical regarding certain aspects which some other analy-
ses take for granted. Sternefeld views his book explicitly as a textbook from which one
can learn how to argue coherently when creating theories. For this reason, this book is
not just recommended for students and PhD students.
Sternefeld & Richter (2012) discuss the situation in theoretical linguistics with partic-
ular focus on the theories described in this and the previous chapter. I can certainly
understand the frustration of the authors with regard to the vagueness of analyses, ar-
4.7 Summary and classification
42 Vagueness: in this article, perhaps occurs 19 times, may 17 as well as various if s. Consistency: the as-
sumptions made are inconsistent. See footnote 16 on page 151 of this book. Argumentation style: the term
specifier is abolished and it is claimed that the problems associated with this term can no longer be formu-
lated. Therefore, they are now not of this world. See footnote 26 on page 156 of this book. Immunization:
Chomsky writes the following regarding the Empty Category Principle: apparent exceptions do not call for
abandoning the generalization as far as it reaches, but for seeking deeper reasons to explain where and why it
holds p. 9. This claim is most certainly correct, but one wonders how much evidence one needs in a specific
case in order to disregard a given analysis. In particular regarding the essay Problems of Projection, one has
to wonder why this essay was even published only five years after On phases. The evidence against the
original approach is overwhelming and several points are taken up by Chomsky (2013) himself. If Chom-
sky were to apply his own standards (for a quote of his from 1957, see page 6) as well as general scientific
methods (Occams Razor), the consequence would surely be a return to head-based analyses of labeling.
For detailed comments on this essay, see Sections 4.6.2 and 4.6.3.
5 Generalized Phrase Structure
Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar (GPSG) was developed as an answer to Trans-
formational Grammar at the end of the 1970s. The book by Gazdar, Klein, Pullum & Sag
(1985) is the main publication in this framework. Hans Uszkoreit has developed a lar-
gish GPSG fragment for German (1987). Analyses in GPSG were so precise that it was
possible to use them as the basis for computational implementations. The following is a
possibly incomplete list of languages with implemented GPSG fragments:
German (Weisweber 1987; Weisweber & Preuss 1992; Naumann 1987, 1988; Volk
English (Evans 1985; Phillips & Thompson 1985; Phillips 1992; Grover, Carroll &
Briscoe 1993)
French (Emirkanian, Da Sylva & Bouchard 1996)
Persian (Bahrani, Sameti & Manshadi 2011)
As was discussed in Section 3.1.1, Chomsky (1957) argued that simple phrase structure
grammars are not well-suited to describe relations between linguistic structures and
claimed that one needs transformations to explain them. These assumptions remained
unchallenged for two decades (with the exception of publications by Harman (1963)
and Freidin (1975)) until alternative theories such as LFG and GPSG emerged, which
addressed Chomskys criticisms and developed non-transformational explanations of
phenomena for which there were previously only transformational analyses or simply
none at all. The analysis of local reordering of arguments, passives and long-distance
dependencies are some of the most important phenomena that have been discussed in
this framework. Following some introductory remarks on the representational format
of GPSG in Section 5.1, I will present the GPSG analyses of these phenomena in some
more detail.
1 The analyses discussed in the following are taken from Uszkoreit (1987).
5.1 General remarks on the representational format
used in the second. Furthermore, (3) contains information about the form of the verb
(inf stands for infinitives with zu to).
If we analyze the sentence in (4) with the second rule in (2) and the second rule in (3),
then we arrive at the structure in Figure 5.1.
(4) Karl hat versucht, [den Kuchen aufzuessen].
Karl has tried the cake
Karl tried to finish eating the cake.
V2[vform inf ]
The rules in (2) say nothing about the order of the daughters which is why the verb (H[6])
can also be in final position. This aspect will be discussed in more detail in Section 5.1.2.
With regard to the HFC, it is important to bear in mind that information about the infini-
tive verb form is also present on the mother node. Unlike simple phrase structure rules
such as those discussed in Chapter 2, this follows automatically from the Head Feature
Convention in GPSG. In (3), the value of vform is given and the HFC ensures that the
corresponding information is represented on the mother node when the rules in (2) are
applied. For the phrase in (4), we arrive at the category V2[vform inf ] and this ensures
that this phrase only occurs in the contexts it is supposed to:
(5) a. [Den Kuchen aufzuessen] hat er nicht gewagt.
the cake has he not dared
He did not dare to finish eating the cake.
b. * [Den Kuchen aufzuessen] darf er nicht.
the cake he not
Intended: He is not allowed to finish eating the cake.
c. * [Den Kuchen aufessen] hat er nicht gewagt.
the cake eat.up has he not dared
Intended: He did not dare to finish eating the cake.
d. [Den Kuchen aufessen] darf er nicht.
the cake eaten.up he not
He is not allowed to finish eating the cake.
5 Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar
gewagt dared selects for a verb or verb phrase with an infinitive with zu to but not a
bare infinitive, while darf be allowed to takes a bare infinitive.
This works in an analogous way for noun phrases: there are rules for nouns which do
not take an argument as well as for nouns with certain arguments. Examples of rules
for nouns which either require no argument or two PPs are given in (6) (Gazdar, Klein,
Pullum & Sag 1985: 127):
(6) N1 H[30] (Haus house, Blume flower)
N1 H[31], PP[mit], PP[ber] (Gesprch talk, Streit argument)
5.1 General remarks on the representational format
5 Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar
The following linearization rules serve to exclude orders such as those in (14):
(15) V[+mc] < X
X < V[mc]
mc stands for main clause. The LP-rules ensure that in main clauses (+mc), the verb
precedes all other constituents and follows them in subordinate clauses (mc). There is
a restriction that says that all verbs with the mc-value + also have to be (+fin). This
will rule out infinitive forms in initial position.
These LP rules do not permit orders with an occupied prefield or postfield in a local
tree. This is intended. We will see how fronting can be accounted for in Section 5.4.
5.1.3 Metarules
We have previously encountered linearization rules for sentences with subjects, however
our rules have the form in (16), that is, they do not include subjects:
(16) V2 H[7], N2[case dat]
V2 H[8], N2[case dat], N2[case acc]
These rules can be used to analyze the verb phrases dem Mann das Buch zu geben to
give the man the book and das Buch dem Mann zu geben to give the book to the man
as they appear in (17), but we cannot analyze sentences like (9), since the subject does
not occur on the right-hand side of the rules in (16).
5.1 General remarks on the representational format
N2[nom] V2
N2[dat] N2[acc] V
Figure 5.3: VP analysis for German (not appropriate in the GPSG framework)
fact that only elements in the same local tree, that is, elements which occur on the right-
hand side of a rule, can be reordered. While we can reorder the parts of the VP and
thereby derive (9b), it is not possible to place the subject at a lower position between the
objects. Instead, a metarule can be used to analyze sentences where the subject occurs
between other arguments of the verb. This rule relates phrase structure rules to other
phrase structure rules. A metarule can be understood as a kind of instruction that creates
another rule for each rule with a certain form and these newly created rules will in turn
license local trees.
For the example at hand, we can formulate a metarule which says the following: if
there is a rule with the form V2 consists of something in the grammar, then there also
has to be another rule V3 consists of whatever V2 consists + an NP in the nominative.
In formal terms, this looks as follows:
(19) V2 W 7
V3 W, N2[case nom]
5 Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar
5.1.4 Semantics
The semantics adopted by Gazdar, Klein, Pullum & Sag (1985: Chapter 910) goes back to
Richard Montague (1974). Unlike a semantic theory which stipulates the combinatorial
possibilities for each rule (see Section 2.3), GPSG uses more general rules. This is possible
due to the fact that the expressions to be combined each have a semantic type. It is
customary to distinguish between entities (e) and truth values (t). Entities refer to an
object in the world (or in a possible world), whereas entire sentences are either true or
false, that is, they have a truth value. It is possible to create more complex types from the
types e and t. Generally, the following holds: if a and b are types, then a, b is also a
type. Examples of complex types are e, t and e, e, t . We can define the following
combinatorial rule for this kind of typed expressions:
(21) If is of type b, a and of type b, then ( ) is of type a.
This type of combination is also called functional application. With the rule in (21), it
is possible that the type e, e, t corresponds to an expression which still has to be
combined with two expressions of type e in order to result in an expression of t. The first
combination step with e will yield e, t and the second step of combination with a fur-
ther e will give us t. This is similar to what we saw with -expressions on page 62: yx
like (x, y) has to combine with a y and an x. The result in this example was mgen (max ,
lotte ), that is, an expression that is either true or false in the relevant world.
In Gazdar et al. (1985), an additional type is assumed for worlds in which an expression
is true or false. For reasons of simplicity, I will omit this here. The types that we need
for sentences, NPs and Ns, determiners and VPs are given in (22):
(22) a. TYP(S) = t
b. TYP(NP) = e, t , t
c. TYP(N) = e, t
d. TYP(Det) = TYP(N), TYP(NP)
e. TYP(VP) = e, t
A sentence is of type t since it is either true or false. A VP needs an expression of type e to
yield a sentence of type t. The type of the NP may seem strange at first glance, however,
it is possible to understand it if one considers the meaning of NPs with quantifiers. For
sentences such as (23a), a representation such as (23b) is normally assumed:
(23) a. All children laugh.
b. x child (x) laugh (x)
5.1 General remarks on the representational format
The symbol stands for the universal quantifier. The formula can be read as follows. For
every object, for which it is the case that it has the property of being a child, it is also
the case that it is laughing. If we consider the contribution made by the NP, then we see
that the universal quantifier, the restriction to children and the logical implication come
from the NP:
(24) x child (x) P(x)
This means that an NP is something that must be combined with an expression which
has exactly one open slot corresponding to the x in (24). This is formulated in (22b): an
NP corresponds to a semantic expression which needs something of type e, t to form
an expression which is either true or false (that is, of type t).
An N stands for a nominal expression for the kind x child(x). This means if there is a
specific individual which one can insert in place of the x, then we arrive at an expression
that is either true or false. For a given situation, it is the case that either John has the
property of being a child or he does not. An N has the same type as a VP.
TYP(N) and TYP(NP) in (22d) stand for the types given in (22c) and (22b), that is, a
determiner is semantically something which has to be combined with the meaning of N
to give the meaning of an NP.
Gazdar, Klein, Pullum & Sag (1985: 209) point out a redundancy in the semantic spec-
ification of grammars which follow the rule-to-rule hypothesis (see Section 2.3) since,
instead of giving rule-by-rule instructions with regard to combinations, it suffices in
many cases simply to say that the functor is applied to the argument. If we use types
such as those in (22), it is also clear which constituent is the functor and which is the
argument. In this way, a noun cannot be applied to a determiner, but rather only the
reverse is possible. The combination in (25a) yields a well-formed result, whereas (25b)
is ruled out.
(25) a. Det(N)
b. N(Det)
5.1.5 Adjuncts
For nominal structures in English, Gazdar et al. (1985: 126) assume the X analysis and,
as we have seen in Section 2.4.1, this analysis is applicable to nominal structures in Ger-
man. Nevertheless, there is a problem regarding the treatment of adjuncts in the verbal
domain if one assumes flat branching structures, since adjuncts can freely occur between
5 Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar
(27) a. weil der Mann der Frau das Buch gestern gab
because the man the woman the book yesterday gave
because the man gave the book to the woman yesterday
b. weil der Mann der Frau gestern das Buch gab
because the man the woman yesterday the book gave
c. weil der Mann gestern der Frau das Buch gab
because the man yesterday the woman the book gave
d. weil gestern der Mann der Frau das Buch gab
because yesterday the man the woman the book gave
For (27), one requires the following rule:
(28) V3 H[8], N2[case dat], N2[case acc], N2[case nom], AdvP
Of course, adjuncts can also occur between the arguments of verbs from other valence
(29) weil (oft) die Frau (oft) dem Mann (oft) hilft
because often the woman often the man often helps
because the woman often helps the man
Furthermore, adjuncts can occur between the arguments of a VP:
(30) Der Mann hat versucht, der Frau heimlich das Buch zu geben.
the man has tried the woman secretly the book to give
The man tried to secretly give the book to the woman.
In order to analyze these sentences, we can use a metarule which adds an adjunct to the
right-hand side of a V2 (Uszkoreit 1987: 146).
(31) V2 W 7
V2 W, AdvP
By means of the subject introducing metarule in (19), the V3-rule in (28) is derived from a
V2-rule. Since there can be several adjuncts in one sentence, a metarule such as (31) must
be allowed to apply multiple times. The recursive application of metarules is often ruled
out in the literature due to reasons of generative capacity (see Chapter 17) (Thompson
1982; Uszkoreit 1987: 146). If one uses the Kleene star, then it is possible to formulate the
adjunct metarule in such as way that it does not have to apply recursively (Uszkoreit
1987: 146):
(32) V2 W 7
V2 W, AdvP*
5.2 Passive as a metarule
If one adopts the rule in (32), then it is not immediately clear how the semantic con-
tribution of the adjuncts can be determined.2 For the rule in (31), one can combine the
semantic contribution of the AdvP with the semantic contribution of the V2 in the in-
put rule. This is of course also possible if the metarule is applied multiple times. If this
metarule is applied to (33a), for example, the V2-node in (33a) contains the semantic
contribution of the first adverb.
(33) a. V2 V, NP, AdvP
b. V2 V, NP, AdvP, AdvP
The V2-node in (33b) receives the semantic representation of the adverb applied to the
V2-node in (33a).
Weisweber & Preuss (1992) have shown that it is possible to use metarules such as
(31) if one does not use metarules to compute a set of phrase structure rules, but rather
directly applies the metarules during the analysis of a sentence. Since sentences are
always of finite length and the metarule introduces an additional AdvP to the right-
hand side of the newly licensed rule, the metarule can only be applied a finite number
of times.
5 Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar
In a simple phrase structure grammar, we would have to list two separate rules for each
pair of sentences making reference to the valence class of the verb in question. The
characteristics of the passive discussed above would therefore not be explicitly stated
in the set of rules. In GPSG, it is possible to explain the relation between active and
passive rules using a metarule: for each active rule, a corresponding passive rule with
suppressed subject is licensed. The link between active and passive clauses can therefore
be captured in this way.
An important difference to Transformational Grammar/GB is that we are not creating
a relation between two trees, but rather between active and passive rules. The two rules
license two unrelated structures, that is, the structure of (38b) is not derived from the
structure of (38a).
5.2 Passive as a metarule
In what follows, I will discuss the analysis of the passive given in Gazdar, Klein, Pullum
& Sag (1985) in some more detail. The authors suggest the following metarule for English
(p. 59):4
(39) VP W, NP 7
VP[pas] W, (PP[by])
This rule states that verbs which take an object can occur in a passive VP without this
object. Furthermore, a by-PP can be added. If we apply this metarule to the rules in (40),
then this will yield the rules listed in (41):
(40) VP H[2], NP
VP H[3], NP, PP[to]
It is possible to use the rules in (40) to analyze verb phrases in active sentences:
(42) a. [S The man [VP devoured the carcass]].
b. [S The man [VP handed the sword to Tracy]].
The combination of a VP with the subject is licensed by an additional rule (S NP, VP).
With the rules in (41), one can analyze the VPs in the corresponding passive sentences
in (43):
(43) a. [S The carcass was [VP[pas] devoured (by the man)]].
b. [S The sword was [VP[pas] handed to Tracy (by the man)]].
At first glance, this analysis may seem odd as an object is replaced inside the VP by a
PP which would be the subject in an active clause. Although this analysis makes correct
predictions with regard to the syntactic well-formedness of structures, it seems unclear
how one can account for the semantic relations. It is possible, however, to use a lexical
rule that licenses the passive participle and manipulates the semantics of the output
lexical item in such a way that the by-PP is correctly integrated semantically (Gazdar
et al. 1985: 219).
We arrive at a problem, however, if we try to apply this analysis to German since the
impersonal passive cannot be derived by simply suppressing an object. The V2-rules for
verbs such as arbeiten work and denken think as used for the analysis of (34a) and
(35a) have the following form:
(44) V2 H[5]
V2 H[13], PP[an]
See Weisweber & Preuss (1992: 1114) for a parallel rule for German which refers to accusative case on the
left-hand side of the metarule.
5 Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar
There is no NP on the right-hand side of these rules which could be turned into a von-PP.
If the passive is to be analyzed as suppressing an NP argument in a rule, then it should
follow from the existence of the impersonal passive that the passive metarule has to be
applied to rules which license finite clauses, since information about whether there is a
subject or not is only present in rules for finite clauses.5 In this kind of system, the rules
for finite sentences (V3) are the basic rules and the rules for V2 would be derived from
It would only make sense to have a metarule which applies to V3 for German since
English does not have V3 rules which contain both the subject and its object on the right-
hand side of the rule.6 For English, it is assumed that a sentence consists of a subject
and a VP (see Gazdar et al. 1985: 139). This means that we arrive at two very different
analyses for the passive in English and German, which do not capture the descriptive
insight that the passive is the suppression of the subject and the subsequent promotion
of the object in the same way. The central difference between German and English seems
to be that English obligatorily requires a subject,7 which is why English does not have
an impersonal passive. This is a property independent of passives, which affects the
possibility of having a passive structure, however.
The problem with the GPSG analysis is the fact that valence is encoded in phrase struc-
ture rules and that subjects are not present in the rules for verb phrases. In the following
chapters, we will encounter approaches from LFG, Categorial Grammar, HPSG, Con-
struction Grammar, and Dependency Grammar which encode valence separately from
phrase structure rules and therefore do not have a principled problem with impersonal
See Jacobson (1987b: 394396) for more problematic aspects of the passive analysis in
GPSG and for the insight that a lexical representation of valence as assumed in Cate-
gorial Grammar, GB, LFG and HPSG allows for a lexical analysis of the phenomenon,
which is however unformulable in GPSG for principled reasons having to do with the
fundamental assumptions regarding valence representations.
GPSG differs from GB in that infinitive verbal projections do not contain nodes for empty subjects. This is
also true for all other theories discussed in this book with the exception of Tree-Adjoining Grammar.
Gazdar et al. (1985: 62) suggest a metarule similar to our subject introduction metarule on page 181. The
rule that is licensed by their metarule is used to analyze the position of auxiliaries in English and only
licenses sequences of the form AUX NP VP. In such structures, subjects and objects are not in the same
local tree either.
Under certain conditions, the subject can also be omitted in English. For more on imperatives and other
subject-less examples, see page 516.
5.4 Long-distance dependencies as the result of local dependencies
empty verb in final position and links this to the verb in initial position using technical
means which we will see in more detail in the following section.
5 Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar
The rule in (50) connects a sentence with verb-initial order with a constituent which is
missing in the sentence:
(50) V3[+fin] X[+top], V3[+mc]/X
In (50), X stands for an arbitrary category which is marked as missing in V3 by the /. X
is referred to as a filler.
The interesting cases of values for X with regard to our examples are given in (51):
(51) V3[+fin] N2[+top, case nom], V3[+mc]/N2[case nom]
V3[+fin] N2[+top, case dat], V3[+mc]/N2[case dat]
V3[+fin] N2[+top, case acc], V3[+mc]/N2[case acc]
(51) does not show actual rules. Instead, (51) shows examples for insertions of specific
categories into the X-position, that is, different instantiations of the rule.
The following linearization rule ensures that a constituent marked by [+top] in (50)
precedes the rest of the sentence:
(52) [+top] < X
top stands for topicalized. As was mentioned on page 103, the prefield is not restricted
to topics. Focused elements and expletives can also occur in the prefield, which is why
the feature name is not ideal. However, it is possible to replace it with something else,
for instance prefield. This would not affect the analysis. X in (52) stands for an arbitrary
category. This is a new X and it is independent from the one in (50).
Figure 5.4 shows the interaction of the rules for the analysis of (53).9
(53) Dem Mann gibt er das Buch.
the.dat man gives he,nom the.acc book
He gives the man the book.
V3[+fin, +mc]
N2[dat,+top] V3[+mc]/N2[dat]
The fin feature has been omitted on some of the nodes since it is redundant: +mc-verbs always require the
fin value +.
5.4 Long-distance dependencies as the result of local dependencies
The metarule in (47) licenses a rule which adds a dative object into slash. This rule now
licenses the subtree for gibt er das Buch gives he the book. The linearization rule V[+mc]
< X orders the verb to the very left inside of the local tree for V3. In the next step, the
constituent following the slash is bound off. Following the LP-rule [+top] < X, the bound
constituent must be ordered to the left of the V3 node.
The analysis given in Figure 5.4 may seem too complex since the noun phrases in (53)
all depend on the same verb. It is possible to invent a system of linearization rules which
would allow one to analyze (53) with an entirely flat structure. One would nevertheless
still need an analysis for sentences such as those in (37) on page 104 repeated here as
(54) for convenience:
(54) a. [Um zwei Millionen Mark]i soll er versucht haben, [eine
around two million Deutsche.Marks should he tried have an
Versicherung _i zu betrgen].10 to deceive
He apparently tried to cheat an insurance company out of two million Deu-
tsche Marks.
b. Weri , glaubt er, da er _i ist? erregte sich ein Politiker vom Nil.11
who believes he that he is retort refl a politician from.the Nile
Who does he think he is?, a politician from the Nile exclaimed.
c. Weni glaubst du, da ich _i gesehen habe?12
who believe you that I seen have
Who do you think I saw?
d. [Gegen ihn]i falle es den Republikanern hingegen schwerer,
against him fall it the Republicans however more.difficult
[ [ Angriffe _i ] zu lancieren].13
attacks to launch
It is, however, more difficult for the Republicans to launch attacks against
The sentences in (54) cannot be explained by local reordering as the elements in the
prefield are not dependent on the highest verb, but instead originate in the lower clause.
Since only elements from the same local tree can be reordered, the sentences in (54)
cannot be analyzed without postulating some kind of additional mechanism for long-
distance dependencies.14
taz, 04.05.2001, p. 20.
Spiegel, 8/1999, p. 18.
Scherpenisse (1986: 84).
taz, 08.02.2008, p. 9.
One could imagine analyses that assume the special mechanism for nonlocal dependencies only for sen-
tences that really involve dependencies that are nonlocal. This was done in HPSG by Kathol (1995) and
Wetta (2011) and by Gro & Osborne (2009) in Dependency Grammar. I discuss the Dependency Grammar
analyses in detail in Section 11.7.1 and show that analyses that treat simple V2 sentences as ordering vari-
ants of non-V2 sentences have problems with the scope of fronted adjuncts, with coordination of simple
sentences and sentences with nonlocal dependencies and with so-called multiple frontings.
5 Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar
Before I conclude this chapter, I will discuss yet another example of fronting, namely
one of the more complex examples in (54). The analysis of (54c) consists of several steps:
the introduction, percolation and finally binding off of information about the long-dis-
tance dependency. This is shown in Figure 5.5. Simplifying somewhat, I assume that
N2[acc,+top] V3[+mc]/N2[acc]
N2[nom] V[6,mc]
gesehen habe have seen behaves like a normal transitive verb.15 A phrase structure rule
licensed by the metarule in (47) licenses the combination of ich I and gesehen habe has
seen and represents the missing accusative object on the V3 node. The complementizer
dass that is combined with ich gesehen habe I have seen and the information about
the fact that an accusative NP is missing is percolated up the tree. This percolation is
controlled by the so-called Foot Feature Principle, which states that all foot features of
all the daughters are also present on the mother node. Since the slash feature is a foot
feature, the categories following the / percolate up the tree if they are not bound off in
the local tree. In the final step, the V3/N2[acc] is combined with the missing N2[acc].
The result is a complete finite declarative clause of the highest projection level.
5.5 Summary and classification
5 Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar
derivations, one would have to list in the derivational rule all the numbers which cor-
respond to rules with accusative objects, which of course does not adequately describe
the phenomenon. Furthermore, the valence of the resulting adjective also depends on
the valence of the verb. For example, a verb such as vergleichen compare requires a
mit (with)-PP and vergleichbar comparable does too (Riehemann 1993: 7, 54; 1998: 68).
In the following chapters, we will encounter models which assume that lexical entries
contain information as to whether a verb selects for an accusative object or not. In such
models, morphological rules which need to access the valence properties of linguistic
objects can be adequately formulated.
The issue of interaction of valence and derivational morphology will be taken up in
Section 21.2.2 again, where approaches in LFG and Construction Grammar are discussed
that share assumptions about the encoding of valence with GPSG.
5.5 Summary and classification
The obvious generalization is that the fronted and unfronted arguments must add up to
the total set belonging to the verb. This is scarcely possible with the rule-based valence
representation in GPSG. In theories such as Categorial Grammar (see Chapter 8), it is
possible to formulate elegant analyses of (58) (Geach 1970). Nerbonne and Johnson both
suggest analyses for sentences such as (58) which ultimately amount to changing the
representation of valence information in the direction of Categorial Grammar.
Before I turn to the expressive power of the GPSG formalism, I want to note that the
problems that we discussed in the previous subsections are both related to the representa-
tion of valence in GPSG. We already run into valence-related problems when discussing
the passive in Section 5.2: since subjects and objects are introduced in phrase structure
rules and since there are some languages in which subject and object are not in the same
local tree, there seems to be no way to describe the passive as the suppression of the
subject in GPSG.
Comprehension questions
1. What does it mean for a grammar to be in an ID/LP format?
2. How are linear variants of constituents in the middle field handled by GPSG?
3. Think of some phenomena which have been described by transformations and
consider how GPSG has analyzed these data using other means.
5 Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar
1. Write a small GPSG grammar which can analyze the following sentences:
Include all arguments in a single rule without using the metarule for introducing
Further reading
The main publication in GPSG is Gazdar, Klein, Pullum & Sag (1985). This book has been
critically discussed by Jacobson (1987b). Some problematic analyses are contrasted with
alternatives from Categorial Grammar and reference is made to the heavily Categorial
Grammar influenced work of Pollard (1984), which counts as one of the predecessors of
HPSG. Some of Jacobsons suggestions can be found in later works in HPSG.
Grammars of German can be found in Uszkoreit (1987) and Busemann (1992). Gazdar
(1981b) developed an analysis of long-distance dependencies, which is still used today in
theories such as HPSG.
A history of the genesis of GPSG can be found in Pullum (1989b).
6 Feature descriptions
In the previous chapter, we talked about sets of feature-value pairs, which can be used to
describe linguistic objects. In this chapter, we will introduce feature descriptions which
play a role in theories such as LFG, HPSG, Construction Grammar, versions of Catego-
rial Grammar and TAG (and even some formalizations of Minimalist theories (Veenstra
1998)). This chapter will therefore lay some of the groundwork for the chapters to follow.
Feature structures are complex entities which can model properties of a linguistic ob-
ject. Linguists mostly work with feature descriptions which describe only parts of a given
feature structure. The difference between models and descriptions will be explained in
more detail in Section 6.7.
Alternative terms for feature structures are:
feature-value structure
attribute-value structure
feature matrix
In what follows, I will restrict the discussion to the absolutely necessary details in order
to keep the formal part of the book as short as possible. I refer the interested reader to
Shieber (1986), Pollard & Sag (1987: Chapter 2), Johnson (1988), Carpenter (1992), King
(1994) and Richter (2004). Shiebers book is an accessible introduction to Unification
Grammars. The works by King and Richter, which introduce important foundations
for HPSG, would most probably not be accessible for those without a good grounding
in mathematics. However, it is important to know that these works exist and that the
corresponding linguistic theory is build on a solid foundation.
This solution is not satisfactory as it is not immediately clear how one could describe a
person with several daughters. Should one really introduce features such as daughter-1
or daughter-3?
6.1 Feature descriptions
firstname max
lastname meier
date-of-birth 10.10.1985
(5) mother
How many features do we want to assume? Where is the limit? What would the value
of daughter-32 be?
For this case, it makes much more sense to use a list. Lists are indicated with angle
brackets. Any number of elements can occur between these brackets. A special case is
when no element occurs between the brackets. A list with no elements is also called
empty list. In the following example, Max Meier has a daughter called Clara, who herself
has no daughter.
firstname max
lastname meier
date-of-birth 10.10.1985
lastname meier
daughter date-of-birth 10.10.2004
Now, we are left with the question of sons. Should we add another list for sons? Do
we want to differentiate between sons and daughters? It is certainly the case that the
gender of the children is an important property, but these are properties of the objects
themselves, since every person has a gender. The description in (7) therefore offers a
more adequate representation.
At this point, one could ask why the parents are not included in a list as well. In fact,
we find similar questions also in linguistic works: how is information best organized for
the job at hand? One could argue for the representation of descriptions of the parents
under separate features, by pointing out that with such a representation it is possible to
make certain claims about a mother or father without having to necessarily search for
the respective descriptions in a list.
If the order of the elements is irrelevant, then we could use sets rather than lists. Sets
are written inside curly brackets.1
The definition of a set requires many technicalities. In this book, I would use sets only for collecting
semantic information. This can be done equally well using lists, which is why I do not introduce sets here
and instead use lists.
6 Feature descriptions
firstname max
lastname meier
date-of-birth 10.10.1985
gender male
firstname clara
lastname meier
date-of-birth 10.10.2004
children gender female
6.2 Types
In the previous section, we introduced feature descriptions consisting of feature-value
pairs and showed that it makes sense to allow for complex values for features. In this sec-
tion, feature descriptions will be augmented to include types. Feature descriptions which
are assigned a type are also called typed feature descriptions. Types say something about
which features can or must belong to a particular structure. The description previously
discussed describes an object of the type person.
firstname max
lastname meier
date-of-birth 10.10.1985
(8) gender male
children ,
Types are written in italics.
The specification of a type determines which properties a modelled object has. It is
then only possible for a theory to say something about these properties. Properties such
as operating voltage are not relevant for objects of the type person. If we know the
type of a given object, then we also know that this object must have certain properties
even if we do not yet know their exact values. In this way, (9) is still a description of
Max Meier even though it does not contain any information about Max date of birth:
(9) firstname max
lastname meier
gender male
6.2 Types
We know, however, that Max Meier must have been born on some day since this is a
description of the type person. The question What is Max date of birth? makes sense for
a structure such as (9) in a way that the question Which operating voltage does Max have?
does not. If we know that an object is of the type person, then we have the following
basic structure:
firstname firstname
lastname lastname
date-of-birth date
gender gender
father person
mother person
children list of person
In (10) and (9), the values of features such as firstname are in italics. These values are
also types. They are different from types such as person, however, as no features belong
to them. These kinds of types are called atomic.
Types are organized into hierarchies. It is possible to define the subtypes woman and
man for person. These would determine the gender of a given object. (11) shows the
feature structure for the type woman, which is analogous to that of man.
female person
firstname firstname
lastname lastname
date-of-birth date
(11) gender
father person
mother person
children list of person
At this point, we could ask ourselves if we really need the feature gender. The nec-
essary information is already represented in the type woman. The question if specific
information is represented by special features or whether it is stored in a type with-
out a corresponding individual feature will surface again in the discussion of linguistic
analyses. Both alternatives differ mostly in the fact that the information which is mod-
elled by types is not immediately accessible for structure sharing, which is discussed in
Section 6.4.
Type hierarchies play an important role in capturing linguistic generalizations, which
is why type hierarchies and the inheritance of constraints and information will be ex-
plained with reference to a further example in what follows. One can think of type
hierarchies as an effective way of organizing information. In an encyclopedia, the in-
dividual entries are linked in such a way that the entries for monkey and mouse will
each contain a pointer to mammal. The description found under mammal does therefore
not have to be repeated for the subordinate concepts. In the same way, if one wishes to
6 Feature descriptions
electric appliance
describe various electric appliances, one can use the hierarchy in Figure 6.1. The most
general type electrical device is the highest in Figure 6.1. Electrical devices have certain
properties, e.g., a power supply with a certain power consumption. All subtypes of elec-
trical device inherit this property. In this way, printing device and scanning device also
have a power supply with a specific power consumption. A printing device can produce
information and a scanning device can read in information. A photocopier can both pro-
duce information and read it. Photocopiers have both the properties of scanning and
printing devices. This is expressed by the connection between the two superordinate
types and photocopier in Figure 6.1. If a type is at the same time the subtype of several
superordinate types, then we speak of multiple inheritance. If devices can print, but not
scan, they are of type printer. This type can have further more specific subtypes, which
in turn may have particular properties, e.g., laser printer. New features can be added to
subtypes, but it is also possible to make values of inherited features more specific. For
example, the material that can be scanned with a negative scanner is far more restricted
than that of the supertype scanner, since negative scanners can only scan negatives.
The objects that are modeled always have a maximally specific type. In the example
above, this means that we can have objects of the type laser printer and negative scanner
but not of the type printing device. This is due to the fact that printing device is not
maximally specific since this type has two subtypes.
Type hierarchies with multiple inheritance are an important means for expressing
linguistic generalizations (Flickinger, Pollard & Wasow 1985; Flickinger 1987; Sag 1997).
Types of words or phrases which occur at the very top of these hierarchies correspond
to constraints on linguistic objects, which are valid for linguistic objects in all languages.
Subtypes of such general types can be specific to certain languages or language classes.
6.3 Disjunction
Disjunctions can be used if one wishes to express the fact that a particular object can
have various different properties. If one were to organize a class reunion twenty years
6.4 Structure sharing
after leaving school and could not recall the exact names of some former classmates,
it would be possible to search the web for Julia (Warbanow or Barbanow). In feature
descriptions, this or is expressed by a .
(12) firstname julia
lastname warbanow barbanow
Some internet search engines do not allow for searches with or. In these cases, one has
to carry out two distinct search operations: one for Julia Warbanow and then another
for Julia Barbanow. This corresponds to the two following disjunctively connected
person person
(13) firstname julia firstname julia
lastname warbanow lastname barbanow
Since we have type hierarchies as a means of expression, we can sometimes do with-
out disjunctive specification of values and instead state the supertype: for printer
photocopier, one can simply write printing device if one assumes the type hierarchy in
Figure 6.1 on the preceeding page.
6 Feature descriptions
firstname max
lastname meier
date-of-birth 10.10.1985
firstname peter
father lastname meier
[ ]
(15) children ,
firstname klaus
firstname anna
lastname meier
mother [ ]
children ,
firstname klaus
Notice that under the paths father|children and mother|children, we find a list con-
taining a description of a person with the first name Klaus. The question of whether
the feature description is of one or two children of Peter and Anna cannot be answered.
It is certainly possible that we are dealing with two different children from previous
partnerships who both happen to be called Klaus.
By using structure sharing, it is possible to specify the identity of the two values as
in (16). In (16), Klaus is a single child that belongs to both parents. Everything inside
firstname max
lastname meier
date-of-birth 10.10.1985
firstname peter
father lastname meier
(16) [ ]
children 1 ,
firstname klaus
firstname anna
mother lastname
children 1 ,
the brackets which immediately follow 1 is equally present in both positions. One can
think of 1 as a pointer or reference to a structure which has only been described once.
One question still remains open: what about Max? Max is also a child of his parents and
6.5 Cyclic structures
should therefore also occur in a list of the children of his parents. There are two points
in (16) where there are three dots. These ellipsis marks stand for information about the
other children of Peter and Anna Meier. Our world knowledge tells us that both of them
must have the same child namely Max Meier himself. In the following section, we will
see how this can be expressed in formal terms.
firstname max
lastname meier
date-of-birth 10.10.1985
firstname peter
father lastname meier
(17) 2 [ ]
children 1
, 2
firstname klaus
firstname anna
mother lastname
children 1 , 2
those described in (17) are called cyclic because one ends up going in a circle if one
follows a particular path: e.g., the path father|children||father|children|2 can
be potentially repeated an infinite number of times.
6.6 Unification
Grammatical rules are written exactly like lexical entries in HPSG and Construction
Grammar and are done so with the help of feature descriptions. For a word or a larger
phrasal entity to be usable as daughter in a phrase licensed by some grammatical rule,
The dots here stand for the path to 2 in the list which is the value of children. See Exercise 3.
6 Feature descriptions
the word or phrase must have properties which are compatible with the description of
the daughters in the grammatical rule. If this kind of compatibility exists, then we can
say that the respective items are unifiable.3 If one unifies two descriptions, the result
is a description which contains information from both descriptions but no additional
The way unification works can be demonstrated with feature descriptions describing
people. One can imagine that Bettina Kant goes to the private detective Max Mller and
wants to find a specific person. Normally, those who go to a detectives office only come
with a partial description of the person they are looking for, e.g., the gender, hair color
or date of birth. Perhaps even the registration number of the car belonging to the person
is known.
It is then expected of the detective that he or she provides information fitting the
description. If we are looking for a blonde female named Meier (18a), then we do not want
to get descriptions of a male red-head (18b). The descriptions in (18) are incompatible and
cannot be unified:
lastname meier
(18) a.
gender female
haircolor blonde
lastname meier
gender male
haircolor red
The description in (19) would be a possible result for a search for a blonde, female indi-
vidual called Meier:
firstname katharina
lastname meier
gender female
date-of-birth 15.10.1965
haircolor blonde
Katharina Meier could also have other properties unknown to the detective. The impor-
tant thing is that the properties known to the detective match those that the client is
3 The term unification should be used with care. It is only appropriate if certain assumptions with regard to
the formal basis of linguistic theories are made. Informally, the term is often used in formalisms where uni-
fication is not technically defined. In HPSG, it mostly means that the constraints of two descriptions lead
to a single description. What one wants to say here, intuitively, is that the objects described have to satisfy
the constraints of both descriptions at the same time (constraint satisfaction). Since the term unification is
so broadly-used, it will also be used in this section. The term will not play a role in the remaining discus-
sions of theories with the exception of explicitly unification-based approaches. In contrast, the concept of
constraint satisfaction presented here is very important for the comprehension of the following chapters.
6.7 Phenomena, models and formal theories
looking for. Furthermore, it is important that the detective uses reliable information and
does not make up any information about the sought object. The unification of the search
in (18a) and the information accessible to the detective in (19) is in fact (19) and not (20),
for example:
firstname katharina
lastname meier
(20) female
date-of-birth 15.10.1965
haircolor blond
(20) contains information about children, which is neither contained in (18a) nor in (19).
It could indeed be the case that Katharina Meier has no children, but there are perhaps
several people called Katharina Meier with otherwise identical properties. With this
invented information, we might exclude one or more possible candidates.
It is possible that our detective Max Mller does not have any information about hair
color in his files. His files could contain the following information:
firstname katharina
(21) lastname meier
date-of-birth 15.10.1965
These data are compatible with the search criteria. If we were to unify the descriptions
in (18a) and (21), we would get (19). If we assume that the detective has done a good job,
then Bettina Kant now knows that the person she is looking for has the properties of her
original search plus the newly discovered properties.
6 Feature descriptions
In a given model, there are only fully specified representations, that is, the model con-
tains four forms of Frau, each with a different case. For masculine nouns such as Mann
man, one would have to say something about case in the description since the genitive-
singular form Mann-es differs from other singular forms, which can be seen by adding
Mann into the examples in (22). (23) shows the feature descriptions for Frau woman
and Mann man:
(23) a. Frau
[ woman:]
gender fem
b. Mann
[ man: ]
gender mas
case nominative dative accusative
Unlike (23b), (23a) does not contain a case feature since we do not need to say anything
special about case in the description of Frau. Since all nominal objects require a case fea-
ture, it becomes clear that the structures for Frau must actually also have a case feature.
The value of the case feature is of the type case. case is a general type which subsumes
the subtypes nominative, genitive, dative and accusative. Concrete linguistic objects al-
ways have exactly one of these maximally specified types as their case value. The feature
structures belonging to (23) are given in Figure 6.2 and Figure 6.3.
Figure 6.2: Feature structures for the description of Frau woman in (23a)
In these representations, each node has a certain type (noun, fem, nominative, ) and
the types in feature structures are always maximally specific, that is, they do not have
any further subtypes. There is always an entry node (noun in the example above) and
6.7 Phenomena, models and formal theories
the other nodes are connected with arrows that are annotated with the feature labels
(gender, case).
If we return to the example with people from the previous sections, we can capture
the difference between a model and a description as follows: if we have a model of
people that includes first name, last name, date of birth, gender and hair color, then it
follows that every object we model also has a birthday. We can, however, decide to omit
these details from our descriptions if they do not play a role for stating constraints or
formulating searches.
The connection between linguistic phenomena, the model and the formal theory is
shown in Figure 6.4. The model is designed to model linguistic phenomena. Further-
phenomenon model
linguistic models feature
objects structures
more, it must be licensed by our theory. The theory determines the model and makes
predictions with regard to possible phenomena.
Comprehension questions
1. What are the reasons for using types?
2. What is inheritance? What is special about multiple inheritance?
6 Feature descriptions
3. Are the following structures compatible, that is, can they be used to describe the
same object?
firstname max firstname max
lastname meier lastname meier
person person
father firstname peter father firstname peter
lastname meier
lastname mller
1. Think about how one could describe musical instruments using feature descrip-
2. Come up with a type hierarchy for the word classes (det, comp, noun, verb, adj,
prep). Think about the ways in which one can organize the type hierachy so that
one can express the generalizations that where captured by the binary features in
Table 3.1 on page 92.
3. In this chapter, we introduced lists. This may look like an extension of the formal-
ism, but it is not as it is possible to convert the list notation into a notation which
only requires feature-value pairs. Think about how one could do this.
4. (Additional exercise) The relation append will play a role in Chapter 9. This relation
serves to combine two lists to form a third. Relational constraints such as append
do in fact constitute an expansion of the formalism. Using relational constraints,
it is possible to relate any number of feature values to other values, that is, one can
write programs which compute a particular value depending on other values. This
poses the question as to whether one needs such powerful descriptive tools in a
linguistic theory and if we do allow them, what kind of complexity we afford them.
A theory which can do without relational constraints should be preferred over one
that uses relational constraints (see Mller 2007b: Chapter 20 for a comparison of
For the concatenation of lists, there is a possible implementation in feature struc-
tures without recourse to relational constraints. Find out how this can be done.
Give your sources and document how you went about finding the solution.
6.7 Phenomena, models and formal theories
Further reading
This chapter was designed to give the reader an easy-to-follow introduction to typed
feature structures. The mathematical properties of the structures, type hierarchies and
the combinatorial possibilities of such structures could not be discussed in detail here,
but knowledge of at least part of these properties is important for work in computational
linguistics and in developing ones own analyses. For more information, I refer the in-
terested reader to the following publications: Shieber (1986) is a short introduction to
the theory of Unification Grammar. It offers a relatively general overview followed by
the discussion of important grammar types such as DCG, LFG, GPSG, HPSG, PATR-II.
Johnson (1988) describes the formalism of untyped feature structures in a mathemati-
cally precise way. Carpenter (1992) goes into the detail about the mathematical aspects
of typed feature structures. The formalism developed by King (1999) for HPSG-gram-
mars forms the basis for the formalism by Richter (2004), which currently counts as the
standard formalism for HPSG.
7 Lexical Functional Grammar
Lexical Functional Grammar (LFG) was developed in the 80s by Joan Bresnan and Ron
Kaplan (Bresnan & Kaplan 1982). LFG forms part of so-called West-Coast linguistics:
unlike MIT, where Chomsky works and teaches, the institutes of researchers such as
Joan Bresnan and Ron Kaplan are on the west coast of the USA (Joan Bresnan in Stanford
and Ron Kaplan at Xerox in Palo Alto and now at the language technology firm Nuance
Communications in the Bay Area in California).
Bresnan & Kaplan (1982) view LFG explicitly as a psycholinguistically plausible alter-
native to transformation-based approaches. For a discussion of the requirements regard-
ing the psycholinguistic plausibility of linguistics theories, see Chapter 15.
The more in-depth works on German are Berman (1996, 2003a) and Cook (2001).
LFG has well-designed formal foundations (Kaplan & Bresnan 1982; Kaplan 1995), and
hence first implementations were available rather quickly (Frey & Reyle 1983a,b; Ya-
sukawa 1984; Block & Hunze 1986; Eisele & Dorre 1986; Wada & Asher 1986; Delmonte
1990; Her, Higinbotham & Pentheroudakis 1991; Kohl 1992; Kohl, Gardent, Plainfoss,
Reape & Momma 1992; Kaplan & Maxwell III 1996; Mayo 1997, 1999; Boullier & Sagot
2005a,b; Clment 2009; Clment & Kinyon 2001).
The following is a list of languages with implemented LFG fragments, probably incom-
Arabic (Attia 2008),
Arrernte (Dras, Lareau, Brschinger, Dale, Motazedi, Rambow, Turpin & Ulinski
Bengali (Sengupta & Chaudhuri 1997),
Danish (rsnes 2002; rsnes & Wedekind 2003, 2004),
English (Her, Higinbotham & Pentheroudakis 1991; Butt, Dipper, Frank & King
1999a; Riezler, King, Kaplan, Crouch, Maxwell III & Johnson 2002; King & Maxwell
III 2007),
French (Zweigenbaum 1991; Frank 1996; Frank & Zaenen 2002; Butt, Dipper, Frank
& King 1999a; Clment & Kinyon 2001; Boullier, Sagot & Clment 2005; Schwarze
& de Alencar 2016),
Georgian (Meurer 2009),
German (Rohrer 1996; Berman 1996; Kuhn & Rohrer 1997; Butt et al. 1999a; Dipper
2003; Rohrer & Forst 2006; Forst 2006; Frank 2006; Forst & Rohrer 2009),
7 Lexical Functional Grammar
7.1 General remarks on the representational format
All lexical items that have a meaning (e.g., nouns, verbs, adjectives) contribute a pred
feature with a corresponding value. The grammatical functions governed by a head (gov-
ernment = subcategorization) are determined in the specification of pred.3 Correspond-
ing functions are called governable grammatical functions. Examples of this are shown
in Table 7.1 on the next page (Dalrymple 2006). The pred specification corresponds to
the theta grid in GB theory. The valence of a head is specified by the pred value.
The non-governable grammatical functions are given in Table 7.2 on the following
page. Topic and focus are information-structural terms. There are a number of works on
The English examples and their analyses discussed in this section are taken from Dalrymple (2001) and
Dalrymple (2006).
In the structure in (1b), the SUBJ and OBJ in the list following devour are identical to the values of SUBJ
and OBJ in the structure. For reasons of presentation, this will not be explicitly indicated in this structure
and following structures.
7 Lexical Functional Grammar
subj: subject
obj: object
comp: sentential complement or closed (non-predicative) infinitival
xcomp: open (predicative) complement, often infinitival, the subj func-
tion is externally controlled
OBJ : secondary obj functions that are related to a special, language
specific set of grammatical roles; English has OBJTHEME only.
OBL : a group of thematically restricted oblique functions, as for in-
stance OBLGOAL or OBLAGENT . These often correspond to adposi-
tional phrases in c-structure.
adj: adjuncts
topic: the topic of an utterance
focus: the focus of an utterance
their exact definition, which differ to varying degrees (Kruijff-Korbayov & Steedman
2003: 253254), but broadly speaking, one can say that the focus of an utterance consti-
tutes new information and that the topic is old or given information. Bresnan (2001: 97)
uses the following question tests in order to determine topic and focus:
(2) Q: What did you name your cat?
A: Rosie I named her. (Rosie = focus)
(3) Q: What did you name your pets?
A: My dog, I named Harold. My cat, I named Rosie. (my dog, my cat = topic)
f-structures are characterized using functional descriptions, for example, one can refer to
a value of the feature tense in the functional structure f using the following expression:
(4) (f TENSE)
It is possible to say something about the value which this feature should have in the
feature description. The following descriptions express the fact that in the structure f ,
the feature TENSE must have the value PAST.
(5) (f TENSE) = PAST
The value of a feature may also be a specific f-structure. The expression in (6) ensures
that the subj feature in f is the f-structure :
7.1 General remarks on the representational format
(6) (f SUBJ) =
David V
The function from the NP-node to the f-structure corresponding to the NP is depicted
with an arrow marked .
A phrase and its head always correspond to the same f-structure:
(10) V
[ ]
tense PAST
In LFG grammars of English, the CP/IP system is assumed as in GB theory (see Sec-
tion 3.1.5). IP, I and I (and also VP) are mapped onto the same f-structure.
7 Lexical Functional Grammar
b. IP
tense PRES
[ ]
NP I subj pred DAVID
N is V
David V
f-structures have to fulfill two well-formedness conditions: they have to be both complete
and coherent. Both these conditions will be discussed in the following sections.
7.1.2 Completeness
Every head adds a constraint of the pred value of the corresponding f-structure. In
determining completeness, one has to check that the elements required in the pred value
are actually realized. In (12b), obj is missing a value, which is why (12a) is ruled out by
the theory.
(12) a. * David devoured.
[ ]
b. subj pred DAVID
7.1.3 Coherence
The Coherence Condition requires that all argument functions in a given f-structure have
to be selected in the value of the local pred attribute. (13a) is ruled out because comp
does not appear under the arguments of devour.
(13) a. * David devoured a sandwich that Peter sleeps.
subj [ pred DAVID ]
[ ]
obj spec A
b. pred SANDWICH
[ ]
comp subj pred PETER
The constraints on completeness and coherence together ensure that all and only those
arguments required in the pred specification are actually realized. Both of those con-
straints taken together correspond to the Theta-Criterion in GB theory (see page 90).4
For the differences between predicate-argument structures in LFG and the Deep Structure oriented Theta
Criterion, see Bresnan & Kaplan (1982: xxvixxviii).
7.1 General remarks on the representational format
(16) shows a V rule with an object:
(16) V V NP
= ( OBJ) =
The annotation on the NP signals that the obj value in the f-structure of the mother
( OBJ) is identical to the f-structure of the NP node, that is, to everything that is con-
tributed from the material below the NP node (). This is shown in the figure in (17):
[ ]
(17) V OBJ []
In the equation ( OBJ) = , the arrows and correspond to feature structures.
and stand for the f and in equations such as (6).
(18) is an example with an intransitive verb and (19) is the corresponding visualization:
(18) sneezed V ( pred) = SNEEZESUBJ
[ ]
(19) V tense PAST
7.1.5 Semantics
Following Dalrymple (2006: 9092), glue semantics is the dominant approach to seman-
tic interpretation in LFG (Dalrymple, Lamping & Saraswat 1993; Dalrymple 2001: Chap-
ter 8). There are, however, other variants where Kamps discourse representation struc-
tures (Kamp & Reyle 1993) are used (Frey & Reyle 1983a,b).
7 Lexical Functional Grammar
In the following, glue semantics will be presented in more detail.5 Under a glue-based
approach, it is assumed that f-structure is the level of syntactic representation which is
crucial for the semantic interpretation of a phrase, that is, unlike GB theory, it is not the
position of arguments in the tree which play a role in the composition of meaning, but
rather functional relations such as SUBJ and OBJ. Glue semantics assumes that each sub-
structure of the f-structure corresponds to a semantic resource connected to a meaning
and furthermore, that the meaning of a given f-structure comes from the sum of these
parts. The way the meaning is assembled is regulated by certain instructions for the com-
bination of semantic resources. These instructions are given as a set of logic premises
written in linear logic as glue language. The computation of the meaning of an utterance
corresponds to a logical conclusion.
This conclusion is reached on the basis of logical premises contributed by the words
in an expression or possibly even by a syntactic construction itself. The requirements on
how the meaning of the parts can be combined to yield the full meaning are expressed
in linear logic, a resource-based logic. Linear logic is different from classic logic in that
it does not allow that premises of conclusions are not used at all or more than once in
a derivation. Hence, in linear logic, premises are resources which have to be used. This
corresponds directly to the use of words in an expression: words contribute to the entire
meaning exactly once. It is not possible to ignore them or to use their meaning more
than once. A sentence such as Peter knocked twice. does not mean the same as Peter
knocked. The meaning of twice must be included in the full meaning of the sentences.
Similarly, the sentence cannot mean the same as Peter knocked twice twice., since the
semantic contribution of a given word cannot be used twice.
The syntactic structure for the sentence in (20a) together with its semantic represen-
tation is given in (20b):
(20) a. David yawned.
b. IP
NP I pred
[ ] yawn (david ) : [ ]
N VP subj pred DAVID
David V
The semantic structure of this sentence is connected to the f-structure via the correspon-
dence function (depicted here as a dashed line). The semantic representation is derived
from the lexical information for the verb yawned, which is given in (21).
(21) x .yawn (x ) : ( SUBJ)
This formula is referred to as the meaning constructor. Its job is to combine the meaning
of yawned a one place predicate x .yawn (x ) with the formula ( SUBJ) in
The following discussion heavily draws from the corresponding section of Dalrymple (2006). (It is a trans-
lation of my translation of the original material into German.)
7.1 General remarks on the representational format
linear logic. Here, the connective is the linear implication symbol of linear logic. The
symbol contains the meaning that if a semantic resource ( SUBJ) for the meaning
of the subject is available, then a semantic resource for must be created which will
stand for the entire meaning of the sentence. Unlike the implication operator of classic
logic, the linear implication must consume and produce semantic resources: the formula
( SUBJ) states that if a semantic resource ( SUBJ) is found, it is consumed and
the semantic resource is produced.
Furthermore, it is assumed that a proper name such as David contributes its own
semantic structure as a semantic resource. In an utterance such as David yawned, this
resource is consumed by the verb yawned, which requires a resource for its SUBJ in order
to produce the resource for the entire sentence. This corresponds to the intuition that a
verb in any given sentence requires the meaning of its arguments in order for the entire
sentence to be understood.
The f-structure of David yawned with the instantiated meaning construction con-
tributed by David and yawned is given in (22):
[David] david : d
[yawn] x .yawn (x ) : d y
The left side of the meaning constructor marked by [David] is the meaning of the proper
name David, david to be precise. The left-hand side of the meaning constructor [yawn]
is the meaning of the intransitive verb a one-place predicate x .yawn (x ).
Furthermore, one must still postulate further rules to determine the exact relation
between the right-hand side (the glue) of the meaning constructors in (22) and the left-
hand side (the meaning). For simple, non-implicational meaning constructors such as
[David] in (22), the meaning on the left is the same as the meaning of the semantic
structure on the right. Meaning constructors such as [yawn] have a -expression on the
left, which has to be combined with another expression via functional application (see
Section 2.3). The linear implication on the right-hand side must be applied in parallel.
This combined process is shown in (23).
(23) x : f
P : f
P (x ) :
The right-hand side of the rule corresponds to a logical conclusion following the modus
ponens rule. With these correspondences between expressions in linear logic and the
meanings themselves, we can proceed as shown in (24), which is based on Dalrymple
(2006: 92). After combining the respective meanings of yawned and David and then
carrying out -reduction, we arrive at the desired result of yawn (david ) as the meaning
of David yawned.
7 Lexical Functional Grammar
Glue analyses of quantification, modification and other phenomena have been investi-
gated in a volume on glue semantics (Dalrymple 1999). Particularly problematic for these
approaches are cases where there appear to be too many or too few resources for the
production of utterances. These kinds of cases have been discussed by Asudeh (2004).
7.1.6 Adjuncts
Adjuncts are not selected by their head. The grammatical function adj is a non-govern-
able grammatical function. Unlike arguments, where every grammatical function can
only be realized once, a sentence can contain multiple adjuncts. The value of adj in the
f-structure is therefore not a simple structure as with the other grammatical functions,
but rather a set. For example, the f structure for the sentence in (25a) contains an adj set
with two elements: one for yesterday and one for at noon.
(25) a. David devoured a sandwich at noon yesterday.
[ ]
subj pred DAVID
[ ]
spec A
b. obj pred SANDWICH
] pred ATOBJ
[ ]
adj pred YESTERDAY , [
obj pred NOON
The annotation on the c-structure rule for adjuncts requires that the f-structure of the
adjuncts be part of the adj set of the mothers f-structure:
(26) V V PP
= ( adj)
7.2 Passive
7.2 Passive
Bresnan & Mchombo (1995) argue that one should view words as atoms of which syn-
tactic structure is comprised (lexical integrity 6 ).
Syntactic rules cannot create new words or make reference to the internal structure
of words. Every terminal node (each leaf of the tree) is a word. It follows from this
that analyses such as the GB analysis of Pollock (1989) in Figure 7.1 on the next page for
the French example in (27) are ruled out (the figure is taken from Kuhn 2007: 617):
In Pollocks analysis, the various morphemes are in specific positions in the tree and are
combined only after certain movements have been carried out.
The assumption of lexical integrity is made by all theories discussed in this book with
the exception of GB and Minimalism. However, formally, this is not a must as it is also
possible to connect morphemes to complex syntactic structures in theories such as Cate-
gorial Grammar, GPSG, HPSG, CxG, DG and TAG. As far as I know, this kind of analysis
has never been proposed.
Bresnan noticed that, as well as passivized verbs, there are passivized adjectives which
show the same morphological idiosyncrasies as the corresponding participles (Bresnan
1982b: 21; Bresnan 2001: 31). Some examples are given in (28):
If one assumes lexical integrity, then adjectives would have to be derived in the lexicon.
If the verbal passive were not a lexical process, but rather a phrase-structural one, then
the form identity would remain unexplained.
In LFG, grammatical functions are primitives, that is, they are not derived from a posi-
tion in the tree (e.g., Subject = SpecIP). Words (fully inflected word-forms) determine the
See Anderson (1992: 84) for more on lexical integrity.
7 Lexical Functional Grammar
Spec-AgrP Agr
Agr NegP
pas Neg TP
ne Spec-TP T
-er- Spec-VP V
Marie V
Figure 7.1: Pollocks analysis of Marie ne parlerait pas Marie would not speak. according
to Kuhn (2007: 617)
7.2 Passive
beneficiary > experiencer/goal > instrument > patient/theme > locative. Patient-like
roles are marked as unrestricted ([r]) in a corresponding representation, the so-called
a-structure. Secondary patient-like roles are marked as objective ([+o]) and all other roles
are marked as non-objective ([o]). For the transitive verb schlagen to beat, we have
the following:
(30) Agent Patient
a-structure schlagen beat x y
[o] [r]
The mapping of a-structure to f-structure is governed by the following restrictions:
(31) a. Subject-Mapping-Principle: The most prominent role marked with [o] is
mapped to SUBJ if it is initial in the a-structure. Otherwise, the role marked
with [r] is mapped to SUBJ.
b. The argument roles are connected to grammatical functions as shown in the
following table. Non-specified values for o and r are to be understood as +:
[r] [+r]
[+o] OBJ OBJ
c. Function-Argument Biuniqueness: Every a-structure role must be associated
to exactly one function and vice versa.
For the argument structure in (30), the principle in (31a) ensures that the agent x receives
the grammatical function SUBJ. (31b) adds an o-feature with the value + so that the
patient y is associated with OBJ:
(32) Agent Patient
a-structure schlagen beat x y
[o] [r]
Under passivization, the most prominent role is suppressed so that only the [r] marked
patient role remains. Following (31a), this role will then be mapped to the subject.
(33) Agent Patient
a-structure schlagen beat x y
[o] [r]
Unlike the objects of transitive verbs, the objects of verbs such as helfen help are marked
as [+o] (Berman 1999). The lexical case of the objects is given in the a-structure, since
this case (dative) is linked to a semantic role (Zaenen, Maling & Thrinsson 1985: 465).
The corresponding semantic roles are obligatorily mapped to the grammatical function
7 Lexical Functional Grammar
Since there is neither a [o] nor a [r] argument, no argument is connected to the sub-
ject function. The result is an association of arguments and grammatical functions that
corresponds to the one found in impersonal passives.
These mapping principles may seem complex at first glance, but they play a role in
analyzing an entire range of phenomena, e.g., the analysis of unaccusative verbs (Bres-
nan & Zaenen 1990). For the analysis of the passive, we can now say that the passive
suppresses the highest [o] role. Mentioning an eventual object in the passive rule is no
longer necessary.
a trace in verb-final position (as in GB) (see Choi 1999, Berman 1996: Section 2.1.4)
so-called extended head domains (see Berman 2003a).
In the analysis of extended head domains, the verb is simply omitted from the verb
phrase. The following preliminary variant of the VP rule is used:7
(36) VP (NP) (NP) (NP) (V)
All components of the VP are optional as indicated by the brackets. As in GB analyses,
the verb in verb-first clauses is in C. No I projection is assumed as in a number of
GB works (Haider 1993, 1995, 1997a; Sternefeld 2006: Section IV.3), since it is difficult to
motivate its existence for German (Berman 2003a: Section 3.2.2). The verb contributes
its f-structure information from the C position. Figure 7.2 on the following page contains
a simplified version of the analysis proposed by Berman (2003a: 41).
After what we learned about phrase structure rules in Chapters 2 and 5, it may seem
strange to allow VPs without V. This is not a problem in LFG, however, since for the
analysis of a given sentence, it only has to be ensured that all the necessary parts (and
See Bresnan (2001: 110) and Dalrymple (2006: Section 2.2) for a corresponding rule with optional con-
stituents on the right-hand side of the rule.
7.4 Local reordering
CP pred VERSCHLINGENsubj,obj
[ ]
subj pred DAVID
tense PRES
C [ ]
obj pred APFEL
= =
( subj) = ( obj) =
only these) are present. This is ensured by the constraints on completeness and coher-
ence. Where exactly the information comes from is not important. In Figure 7.2, the verb
information does not come from the VP, but rather from the C node. C is licensed by a
special rule:
(37) C C VP
= =
In LFG rules, there is normally only one element annotated with = , namely the
head. In (37), there are two such elements, which is why both equally contribute to the
f-structure of the mother. The head domain of V has been extended to C. The information
about SUBJ and OBJ comes from the VP and the information about pred from C.
7 Lexical Functional Grammar
In what follows, I will present the analysis proposed by Berman (1996: Section 2.1.3)
in a somewhat simplified form. Case and grammatical functions of verbal arguments are
determined in the lexicon (Berman 1996: 22). (38) shows the lexical entry for the verb
verschlingen devour:9, 10
(38) verschlingt V ( pred) = VERSCHLINGENSUBJ, OBJ
Berman proposes an analysis that does not combine the verb with all its arguments
and adjuncts at the same time, as was the case in GPSG. Instead, she chooses the other
extreme and assumes that the verb is not combined with an adjunct or an argument, but
rather forms a VP directly. The rule for this is shown in (39):
(39) VP (V)
The four cases in German can be represented using two binary features (GOV, OBL) (Berman 1996: 22).
Nominative corresponds to GOV and OBL and accusative to GOV+ and OBL. This kind of encoding
allows one to leave case partially underspecified. If one does not provided a value for GOV, then an
element with OBL is compatible with both nominative and accusative. Since this underspecification is
not needed in the following discussion, I will omit this feature decomposition and insert the case values
Alternative analyses derive the grammatical function of an NP from its case (Berman 2003a: 37 for German;
Bresnan 2001: 187, 201 for German and Russian).
Karttunen (1989: Section 2.1) makes a similar suggestion for Finnish in the framework of Categorial Gram-
mar. Such analyses are not entirely unproblematic as case cannot always be reliably paired with grammat-
ical functions. In German, as well as temporal accusatives (ii.a), there are also verbs with two accusative
objects (ii.bc) and predicative accusatives (ii.d).
All of these accusatives can occur in long-distance dependencies (see Section 7.5):
wen is not the object of glauben believe and as such cannot be included in the f-structure of glauben
believe. One would have to reformulate the implication in (i) as a disjunction of all possible grammatical
functions of the accusative and in addition account for the fact that accusatives can come from a more
deeply embedded f-structure.
7.4 Local reordering
At first sight, this may seem odd since a V such as verschlingen devour does not have
the same distribution as a verb with its arguments. However, one should recall that the
constraints pertaining to coherence and completeness of f-structures play an important
role so that the theory does not make incorrect predictions.
Since the verb can occur in initial position, it is marked as optional in the rule in (39)
(see Section 7.3).
The following rule can be used additionally to combine the verb with its subject or
(40) VP NP VP
( SUBJ |OBJ |OBJ ) = =
The | here stands for a disjunction, that is, the NP can either be the subject or the object
of the superordinate f-structure. Since VP occurs both on the left and right-hand side
of the rule in (40), it can be applied multiple times. The rule is not complete, however.
For instance, one has to account for prepositional objects, for clausal arguments, for
adjectival arguments and for adjuncts. See footnote 12 on page 233.
Figure 7.3 shows the analysis for (41a).
(41) a. [dass] David den Apfel verschlingt
that David the apple devours
that David is devouring the apple
b. [dass] den Apfel David verschlingt
that the apple David devours
pred VERSCHLINGENsubj,obj
[ ]
. =
( subj) VP
. subj pred DAVID
NP .
tense PRES
[ ]
. =
( obj) VP
NP obj pred APFEL
. .
. den Apfel
. verschlingt
. the apple
. devours
. .
Figure 7.3: Analysis of SOV order following Berman (1996)
The analysis of (41b) is shown in Figure 7.4 on the following page. The analysis of (41b)
differs from the one of (41a) only in the order of the replacement of the NP node by the
subject or object.
One further fact must be discussed: in the rule (39), the verb is optional. If it is omitted,
the VP is empty. In this way, the VP rule in (40) can have an empty VP on the right-hand
7 Lexical Functional Grammar
pred VERSCHLINGENsubj,obj
[ ]
. =
( obj) VP
. subj pred DAVID
NP .
tense PRES
[ ]
. =
( subj) VP
NP obj pred APFEL
. .
den Apfel
. David
. verschlingt
the apple
. David
. devours
. .
Figure 7.4: Analysis of OSV order following Berman (1996)
side of the rule. This VP is also simply omitted even though the VP symbol in the right-
hand side of rule (40) is not marked as optional. That is, the corresponding symbol then
also becomes optional as a result of taking the rest of the grammar into consideration as
well as possible interactions with other rules.
7.5 Long-distance dependencies and functional uncertainty
Unlike argument functions, the discourse functions topic and focus are not lexically
subcategorized and are therefore not subject to the completeness and coherence condi-
tions. The values of discourse function features like topic and focus are identified with
an f-structure that bears an argument function. (43) gives the f-structure for the sentence
in (42):
pred THINK SUBJ, comp
[ ]
topic pred CHRIS
[ ]
subj pred pro
[ ]
comp subj pred DAVID
The connecting line means that the value of topic is identical to the value of comp|obj. In
Chapter 6 on feature descriptions, I used boxes for structure sharing rather than connect-
ing lines, since boxes are more common across frameworks. It is possible to formulate
the structure sharing in (43) as an f-structure constraint as in (44):
(44) ( topic) = ( comp obj)
Fronting operations such as (42) are possible from various levels of embedding: for in-
stance, (45a) shows an example with less embedding. The object is located in the same f-
structure as the topic. However, the object in (42) comes from a clause embedded under
The f-structure corresponding to (45a) is given in (45b):
The identity restriction for topic and object can be formulated in this case as in (46):
Example (47a) shows a case of even deeper embedding than in (42) and (47b,c) show the
corresponding f-structure and the respective restriction.
7 Lexical Functional Grammar
The restrictions in (44), (46) and (47c) are c-structure constraints. The combination of a
c-structure with (44) is given in (48):
(48) CP XP C
( topic) = =
( topic) = ( comp obj)
(48) states that the first constituent contributes to the topic value in the f-structure of
the mother and furthermore that this topic value has to be identical to that of the object
in the complement clause. We have also seen examples of other embeddings of various
depths. We therefore need restrictions of the following kind as in (49):
(49) a. ( topic) = ( obj)
b. ( topic) = ( comp obj)
c. ( topic) = ( comp comp obj)
The generalization emerging from these equations is given in (50):
(50) ( topic) = ( comp* obj)
Here, * stands for an unrestricted number of occurrences of COMP. This means of leav-
ing the possible identification of discourse and grammatical function open is known as
functional uncertainty, see Kaplan & Zaenen (1989).
As was shown in the discussion of examples (2) and (3) on page 216, it is not the case
that only a topic can be placed in the specifier position of CP in English as focus can oc-
cur there too. One can use disjunctions in LFG equations and express the corresponding
condition as follows:
7.6 Summary and classification
One can introduce a special symbol for topic|focus, which stands for a disjunction of
discourse functions: df. (51) can then be abbreviated as in (52):
The final version of the c-structure rule for fronting in English will therefore have the
form of (53):11
(53) CP XP C
( df) = =
( df) = ( comp* obj)
In German, as well as objects, nearly any other constituent (e.g., subjects, sentential
complements, adjuncts) can be fronted. The c-structure rule for this is shown in (54):12
(54) CP XP C
( df) = =
( df) = ( comp* gf)
Here, gf is an abbreviation for a disjunction of grammatical functions which can occur
in the prefield.
7 Lexical Functional Grammar
rules where the part of speech of the constituents is not specified (see Section 13.1.2).
In these kinds of grammars, f-structure, coherence and completeness work together to
ensure that the grammar only allows well-formed structures.
LFG differs from other theories such as HPSG and variants of Construction Grammar
in that feature structures are untyped. Generalizations can therefore not be represented
in type hierarchies. Until a few years ago, the hierarchical organization of knowledge
in inheritance hierarchies did not form part of theoretical analyses. In computer im-
plementations, there were macros but these were viewed as abbreviations without any
theoretical status. It is possible to organize macros into hierarchies and macros were
discussed explicitly in Dalrymple, Kaplan & King (2004) with reference to capturing
linguistic generalizations. Asudeh, Dalrymple & Toivonen (2008) suggest using macros
not only for the organization of lexical items but also for capturing generalizations re-
garding c-structure annotations. Because of these developments, there was a greater
convergence between LFG and other theories such as HPSG and CxG.
Williams (1984) compares analyses in LFG with GB. He shows that many analyses are
in fact transferable: the function that f-structure has in LFG is handled by the Theta-
Criterion and Case Theory in GB. LFG can explicitly differentiate between subjects and
non-subjects. In GB, on the other hand, a clear distinction is made between external and
internal arguments (see Williams 1984: Section 1.2). In some variants of GB, as well as
in HPSG and CxG, the argument with subject properties (if there is one) is marked ex-
plicitly (Haider 1986a; Heinz & Matiasek 1994; Mller 2003b; Michaelis & Ruppenhofer
2001). This special argument is referred to as the designated argument. In infinitival con-
structions, subjects are often not expressed inside the infinitival phrase. Nevertheless,
the unexpressed subject is usually coreferential with an argument of the matrix verb:
This is a fact that every theory needs to be able to capture, that is, every theory must be
able to differentiate between subjects and non-subjects.
For a comparison of GB/Minimalism and LFG/HPSG, see Kuhn (2007).
Comprehension questions
1. What do the terms coherence and completeness mean?
2. What are extended head domains?
7.6 Summary and classification
1. Give the lexical entry for kannte knew.
2. How could one analyze the following sentence?
Provide the necessary c-structure rules. What kind of f-structure is licensed? Draw
a syntactic tree with corresponding references to the f-structure. For fronted con-
stituents, simply write NP rather than expanding the XP node. The c-structure
rule for the NP can also be omitted and a triangle can be drawn in the tree.
Further reading
Section 7.1 was based extensively on the textbook and introductory article of Dalrym-
ple (2001, 2006). Additionally, I have drawn from teaching materials of Jonas Kuhn
from 2007. Bresnan (2001) is a comprehensive textbook in English for the advanced
reader. Some of the more in-depth analyses of German in LFG are Berman (1996, 2003a).
Schwarze & de Alencar (2016) is an introduction to LFG that uses French examples. The
authors demonstrate how the XLE system can be used for the development of a French
LFG grammar. The textbook also discusses the Finite State Morphology component that
comes with the XLE system.
Levelt (1989) developed a model of language production based on LFG. Pinker (1984)
one of the best-known researchers on language acquisition used LFG as the model for
his theory of acquisition. For another theory on first and second language acquisition
that uses LFG, see Pienemann (2005).
8 Categorial Grammar
Categorial Grammar is the second oldest of the approaches discussed in this book. It was
developed in the 30s by the Polish logician Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz (Ajdukiewicz 1935).
Since syntactic and semantic descriptions are tightly connected and all syntactic combi-
nations correspond to semantic ones, Categorial Grammar is popular amongst logicians
and semanticists. Some stellar works in the field of semantics making use of Catego-
rial Grammar are those of Richard Montague (1974). Other important works come from
David Dowty in Columbus, Ohio (1979), Michael Moortgat in Utrecht (1989), Glyn Morrill
in Barcelona (1994), Bob Carpenter in New York (1998) and Mark Steedman in Edinburgh
(1991; 1997; 2000). A large fragment for German using Montague Grammar has been
developed by von Stechow (1979). The 2569-page grammar of the Institut fr Deutsche
Sprache in Mannheim (Eroms, Stickel & Zifonun 1997) contains Categorial Grammar
analyses in the relevant chapters. Fanselow (1981) worked on morphology in the frame-
work of Montague Grammar. Uszkoreit (1986a), Karttunen (1986, 1989) and Calder, Klein
& Zeevat (1988) developed combinations of unification-based approaches and Categorial
The basic operations for combining linguistic objects are rather simple and well-un-
derstood so that it is no surprise that there are many systems for the development and
processing of Categorial Grammars (Yampol & Karttunen 1990; Carpenter 1994; Bouma &
van Noord 1994; Llor 1995; Knig 1999; Moot 2002; White & Baldridge 2003; Baldridge,
Chatterjee, Palmer & Wing 2007; Morrill 2012). An important contribution has been
made by Mark Steedmans group (see for instance Clark, Hockenmaier & Steedman 2002;
Clark & Curran 2007).
Implemented fragments exist for the following languages:
German (Uszkoreit 1986a; Knig 1999; Vierhuff, Hildebrandt & Eikmeyer 2003;
Vancoppenolle, Tabbert, Bouma & Stede 2011)
English (Villavicencio 2002; Baldridge 2002; Beavers 2003, 2004)
In addition, Baldridge, Chatterjee, Palmer & Wing (2007: 15) mention an implementation
for Classical Arabic.
Some of the systems for the processing of Categorial Grammars have been augmented
by probabilistic components so that the processing is robust (Osborne & Briscoe 1997;
Clark, Hockenmaier & Steedman 2002). Some systems can derive lexical items from
corpora, and Briscoe (2000) and Villavicencio (2002) use statistical information in their
UG-based language acquisition models.
vp/np stands for something that needs an np in order for it to form a vp.
In Categorial Grammar, there are only a few very abstract rules. One of these is for-
ward application, also referred to as the multiplication rule:
(2) forward application:
X/Y Y = X
This rule combines an X looking for a Y with a Y and requires that Y occurs to the right
of X/Y. The result of this combination is an X that no longer requires a Y. X/Y is called
the functor and Y is the argument of the functor.
As in GB theory, valence is encoded only once in Categorial Grammar, in the lexi-
con. In GPSG, valence information was present in grammatical rules and in the subcat
feature of the lexical entry.
Figure 8.1 on the following page shows how a lexical entry for a transitive verb is
combined with its object. A derivation in CG is basically a binary branching tree; it is,
however, mostly represented as follows: an arrow under a pair of categories indicates
8.1 General remarks on the representational format
chased Mary
vp/np np
that these have been combined via a combinatorial rule. The direction of this arrow indi-
cates the direction of this combination. The result is given beneath the arrow. Figure 8.2
shows the tree corresponding to Figure 8.1.
vp/np np
chased Mary
One usually assumes left associativity for /; that is, (vp/pp)/np = vp/pp/np.
If we look at the lexical entries in (1), it becomes apparent that the category v does
not appear. The lexicon only determines what the product of combination of a lexical
entry with its arguments is. The symbol for vp can also be eliminated: an (English) vp is
something that requires an NP to its left in order to form a complete sentence. This can
be represented as s\np. Using the rule for backward application, it is possible to compute
derivations such as the one in Figure 8.3.
(3) Backward application:
Y X\Y = X
In Categorial Grammar, there is no explicit difference made between phrases and words:
an intransitive verb is described in the same way as a verb phrase with an object: s\np.
Equally, proper nouns are complete noun phrases, which are assigned the symbol np.
8 Categorial Grammar
8.1.2 Semantics
As already mentioned, Categorial Grammar is particularly popular among semanticists
as syntactic combinations always result in parallel semantic combinations and even for
complex combinations such as those we will discuss in more detail in the following sec-
tions, there is a precise definition of meaning composition. In the following, we will take
a closer look at the representational format discussed in Steedman (1997: Section 2.1.2).
Steedman proposes the following lexical entry for the verb eats:1
(4) eats := (s: eat (x, y)\np3S :x)/np:y
In (4), the meaning of each category is given after the colon. Since nothing is known
about the meaning of the arguments in the lexical entry of eat, the meaning is repre-
sented by the variables x and y. When the verb combines with an NP, the denotation of
the NP is inserted. An example is given in (5):2
(5) (s : eat (x, y)\np3S : x )/np : y np : apples
s : eat (x, apples )\np3S : x
When combining a functor with an argument, it must be ensured that the argument fits
the functor, that is, it must be unifiable with it (for more on unification see Section 6.6).
The unification of np:y with np: apples results in np: apples since apples is more specific
than the variable y. Apart from its occurrence in the term np:y, y occurs in the description
of the verb in another position (s: eat (x, y)\np3S :x) and therefore also receives the value
apples there. Thus, the result of this combination is s: eat (x, apples )\np3S :x as shown
in (5).
Steedman notes that this notation becomes less readable with more complex deriva-
tions and instead uses the more standard -notation:
(6) eats := (s\np3S )/np: y.x .eat (x, y)
Lambdas are used to allow access to open positions in complex semantic representations
(see Section 2.3). A semantic representation such as y.x .eat (x, y) can be combined
with the representation of apples by removing the first lambda expression and inserting
the denotation of apples in all the positions where the corresponding variable (in this
case, y) appears (see Section 2.3 for more on this point):
(7) y.x .eat (x, y) apples
x .eat (x, apples )
This removal of lambda expressions is called -reduction.
If we use the notation in (6), the combinatorial rules must be modified as follows:
(8) X/Y:f * Y:a = X: f a
Y:a * X\Y:f = X: f a
I have adapted his notation to correspond to the one used in this book.
The assumption that apples means apples and not apples (z) minus the quantifier contribution is a simpli-
fication here.
8.1 General remarks on the representational format
In such rules, the semantic contribution of the argument (a) is written after the semantic
denotation of the functor (f). The open positions in the denotation of the functor are rep-
resented using lambdas. The argument can be combined with the first lambda expression
using -reduction.
Figure 8.4 shows the derivation of a simple sentence with a transitive verb. After
forward and backward application, -reduction is immediately applied.
8.1.3 Adjuncts
As noted in Section 1.6, adjuncts are optional. In phrase structure grammars, this can be
captured, for example, by rules that have a certain element (for instance a VP) on the
left-hand side of the rule and the same element and an adjunct on the right-hand side of
the rule. Since the symbol on the left is the same as the one on the right, this rule can be
applied arbitrarily many times. (9) shows some examples of this:
(9) a. VP VP PP
b. Noun Noun PP
One can analyze an arbitrary amount of PPs following a VP or noun using these rules.
In Categorial Grammar, adjuncts have the following general form: X\X or X/X. Ad-
jectives are modifiers, which must occur before the noun. They have the category n/n.
Modifiers occurring after nouns (prepositional phrases and relative clauses) have the
category n\n instead.3 For VP-modifiers, X is replaced by the symbol for the VP (s\np)
and this yields the relatively complex expression (s\np)\(s\np). Adverbials in English are
VP-modifiers and have this category. Prepositions that can be used in a PP modifying
a verb require an NP in order to form a complete PP and therefore have the category
((s\np)\(s\np))/np. Figure 8.5 on the next page gives an example of an adverb (quickly)
and a preposition (round). Note that the result of the combination of round and the gar-
den corresponds to the category of the adverb ((s\np)\(s\np)). In GB theory, adverbs and
prepositions were also placed into a single class (see page 92). This overarching class
was then divided into subclasses based on the valence of the elements in question.
In Categorial Grammar, there is no category symbol like X for intermediate projections of X theory. So
rather than assuming N/N, CG uses n/n. See Exercise 2.
8 Categorial Grammar
8.2 Passive
In Categorial Grammar, the passive is analyzed by means of lexical rule (Dowty 1978:
412; Dowty 2003: Section 3.4). (10) shows the rule in Dowty (2003: 49).
(10) Syntax: (s\np)/np PST-PART() PstP/npby
Semantics: yx (y)(x )
Here, PstP stands for past participle and npby is an abbreviation for a verb phrase mod-
ifier of the form vp\vp or rather (s\np)\(s\np). The rule says the following: if a word
belongs to the set of words with the category (s\np)/np, then the word with past partici-
ple morphology also belongs in the set of words with the category PstP/npby .
(11a) shows the lexical entry for the transitive verb touch and (11b) the result of rule
(11) a. touch: (s\np)/np
b. touched: PstP/npby
The auxiliary was has the category (s\np)/PstP and the preposition by has the category
npby /np, or its unabbreviated form ((s\np)\(s\np))/np. In this way, (12) can be analyzed
as in Figure 8.6 on the following page.
(12) John was touched by Mary.
The question as to how to analyze the pair of sentences in (13) still remains unanswered.4
(13) a. He gave the book to Mary.
b. The book was given to Mary.
gave has the category ((s\np)/pp)/np, that is, the verb must first combine with an NP
(the book) and a PP (to Mary) before it can be combined with the subject. The problem
is that the rule in (10) cannot be applied to gave with a to-PP since the pp argument is
sandwiched between both np arguments in ((s\np)/pp)/np. One would have to generalize
the rule in (10) somehow by introducing new technical means5 or assume additional rules
for cases such as (13b).
Thanks to Roland Schfer (p. m., 2009) for pointing out these data to me.
Baldridge (p. M. 2010) suggests using regular expressions in a general lexical rule for passive.
8.3 Verb position
Steedman uses the feature sub to differentiate between subordinate and non-subordinate
sentences. Both lexical items are related via lexical rules.
One should note here that the NPs are combined with the verb in different orders. The
normal order is:
The corresponding derivations for German sentences with a bivalent verb are shown in
Figures 8.7 and 8.8.
er ihn isst
np[nom] np[acc] (s +SUB \np[nom])\np[acc]
s +SUB \np[nom]
s +SUB
isst er ihn
((s SUB /np[acc])/np[nom] np[nom] np[acc]
s SUB /np[acc]
8 Categorial Grammar
In Figure 8.7, the verb is first combined with an accusative object, whereas in Fig-
ure 8.8, the verb is first combined with the subject. For criticism of these kinds of analyses
with variable branching, see Netter (1992) and Mller (2005b, 2015b).
Jacobs (1991) developed an analysis which corresponds to the verb movement analysis
in GB. He assumes verb-final structures, that is, there is a lexical entry for verbs where
arguments are selected to the left of the verb. A transitive verb would therefore have
the entry in (16a). Additionally, there is a trace in verb-final position that requires the
arguments of the verb and the verb itself in initial position. (16b) shows what the verb
trace looks like for a transitive verb in initial position:
(16) a. Verb in final position:
b. Verb trace for the analysis of verb-first:
The entry for the verb trace is very complex. It is probably simpler to examine the analy-
sis in Figure 8.9.
isst er ihn _
(s\np[nom])\np[acc] np[nom] np[acc] (((s\(s\np[nom])\np[acc])\np[nom])\np[acc]
The trace is the head in the entire analysis: it is first combined with the accusative
object and then with the subject. In a final step, it is combined with the transitive verb
in initial-position.6 A problem with this kind of analysis is that the verb isst eats, as
well as er he and ihn him/it, are arguments of the verb trace in (17).
(17) Morgen [isst [er [ihn _]]]
tomorrow eats he him
He will eat it/him tomorrow.
Since adjuncts can occur before, after or between arguments of the verb in German,
one would expect that morgen tomorrow can occur before the verb isst, since isst is
just a normal argument of the verbal trace in final position. As adjuncts do not change
the categorial status of a projection, the phrase morgen isst er ihn tomorrow he eats
him should be able to occur in the same positions as isst er ihn. This is not the case,
however. If we replace isst er ihn by morgen isst er ihn in (18a), the result is (18b), which
is ungrammatical.
See Netter (1992) for a similar analysis in HPSG.
8.4 Local reordering
8 Categorial Grammar
Hoffman (1995: Section 3.1) has proposed an analysis analogous to that of Japanese for
Turkish and this could also be used in conjunction with an analysis of verb position for
German. This would correspond to the GB/MP analysis of Fanselow (2001) or the HPSG
analysis presented in Section 9.4.
8.5 Long-distance dependencies
same. This change of selectional direction may just seem like a trick at first glance, but as
we will see, this trick can be extremely useful. First, however, we will introduce forward
and backward composition.
infinitive form, have requires a participle and been must combine with a gerund. In the
above figure, the arrow with a small T stands for type raising, whereas the arrows with
a B indicate composition. The direction of composition is shown by the direction of the
For the analysis of (21a), we are still missing one small detail, a rule that turns the
NP at the beginning of the sentence into a functor which can be combined with s/np.
Normal type raising cannot handle this because it would produce s/(s\np) when s/(s/np)
is required.
8 Categorial Grammar
The mechanism presented here will of course also work for dependencies that cross
sentence boundaries. Figure 8.12 shows the analysis for (25):
(25) Apples, I believe that Harry eats.
Using the previously described tools, it is, however, only possible to describe extractions
where the fronted element in the sentence would have occurred at the right edge of the
phrase without fronting. This means it is not possible to analyze sentences where the
middle argument of a ditransitive verb has been extracted (Steedman 1985: 532). Pollard
(1988: 406) provides the derivation in Figure 8.13 on the following page for (26).
(26) Fido we put downstairs.
8.6 Summary and classification
In this analysis, it is not possible to combine we and put using the rule in (23a) since
(s\np) is not directly accessible: breaking down ((s\np)/pp)/np into functor and argument
gives us ((s\np)/pp) and np. In order to deal with such cases, we need another variant of
(27) Forward composition for n=2 (> BB)
X/Y (Y/Z1)/Z2 = (X/Z1)/Z2
With this addition, it is now possible to combine the type-raised we with put. The result
is (s/pp)/np. The topicalization rule in (24), however, requires an element to the right
of st with the form (s/X). This is not the case in Figure 8.13. For the NP Fido, we need
a functor category which allows that the argument itself is complex. The rule which is
needed for the case in (26) is given in (28).
If we assume that verbs can have up to four arguments (z. B. buy: buyer, seller, goods,
price), then it would be necessary to assume a further rule for composition as well as
another topicalization rule. Furthermore, one requires a topicalization rule for subject
extraction (Pollard 1988: 405). Steedman has developed a notation which provides a
compact notation of the previously discussed rules, but if one considers what exactly
these representations stand for, one still arrives at the same number of rules that have
been discussed here.
8 Categorial Grammar
(30) (n\n)/(s/np)
This means the following: if there is a sentence missing an NP to the right of a relative
pronoun, then the relative pronoun can form an N-modifier (n\n) with this sentence.
The relative pronoun is the head (functor) in this analysis.
Utilizing both additional operations of type raising and composition, the examples
with relative clauses can be analyzed as shown in Figure 8.14. The lexical entry for the
Figure 8.14: Categorial Grammar analysis of a relative clause with long-distance depen-
verbs corresponds to what was discussed in the preceding sections: married is a normal
transitive verb and says is a verb that requires a sentential complement and forms a VP
(s\np) with it. This VP yields a sentence when combined with an NP. The noun phrases in
Figure 8.14 have been type raised. Using forward composition, it is possible to combine
Anna and married to yield s/np. This is the desired result: a sentence missing an NP to its
right. Manny and says and then Manny says and Anna married can also be combined via
forward composition and we then have the category s/np for Manny says Anna married.
This category can be combined with the relative pronoun using forward application and
we then arrive at n\n, which is exactly the category for postnominal modifiers.
However, the assumption that the relative pronoun constitutes the head is problematic
since one has to then go to some lengths to explain pied-piping constructions such as
those in (31).
8.6 Summary and classification
(31) a. Heres the minister [[in [the middle [of [whose sermon]]]] the dog barked].7
b. Reports [the height of the lettering on the covers of which] the government
prescribes should be abolished.8
In (31), the relative pronoun is embedded in a phrase that has been extracted from the
rest of the relative clause. The relative pronoun in (31a) is the determiner of sermon.
Depending on the analysis, whose is the head of the phrase whose sermon. The NP is
embedded under of and the phrase of whose sermon depends on middle. The entire NP
the middle of the sermon is a complement of the preposition in. It would be quite a stretch
to claim that whose is the head of the relative clause in (31a). The relative pronoun in (31b)
is even more deeply embedded. Steedman (1997: 50) gives the following lexical entries
for who, whom and which:
(32) a. ((n\n)/(s\np))\(np/np) (complex subject-relative phrase)
b. ((n\n)/(s/pp))\(pp/np) (complex extracted PP-relative phrase)
c. ((n\n)/(s/np))\(np/np) (complex extracted NP-relative phrase)
Using (32b) and (32c), it is possible to analyze (33a) and (33b):
(33) a. a report the cover of which Keats (expects that Chapman) will design
b. a subject on which Keats (expects that Chapman) will speak
In the analysis of (33b), which requires a preposition to its left (pp/np) so it can form the
category (n\n)/(s/pp). This category needs a sentence lacking a PP to its right in order to
form a post-nominal modifier (n\n). In the analysis of (33a), the cover of becomes np/np
by means of composition and which with the lexical entry (32c) can combine with the
cover of to its left. The result is the category (n\n)/(s/np), that is, something that requires
a sentence missing an NP.
Ross examples (31b) can also be analyzed as follows (32c):
(34) reports [the height of the lettering on the covers of]np/np which](n\n)/(s/np) the gov-
ernment prescribes
The complex expression the height of the lettering on the covers of becomes np/np after
composition and the rest of the analysis proceeds as that of (33a).
In addition to entries such as those in (32), we also need further entries to analyze
sentences such as (35), where the relative phrase has been extracted from the middle of
the clause (see Pollard 1988: 410):
(35) Fido is the dog which we put downstairs.
The problem here is similar to what we saw with topicalization: we put does not have
the cateory s/np but rather (s/pp)/np and as such, cannot be directly combined with the
relative pronoun in (30).
Pollard & Sag (1994: 212).
Ross (1967: 109).
8 Categorial Grammar
Morrill (1995: 204) discusses the lexical entry in (32b) for the relative pronoun in (36):
(36) about which John talked
In the lexical entry (32b), which requires something to the left of it, which requires a
noun phrase in order to form a complete prepositional phrase; that is, which selects a
preposition. Morrill noted that there is a need to postulate further lexical items for cases
like (37) in which the relative pronoun occurs in the middle of the fronted phrase.
(37) the contract [the loss of which after so much wrangling] John would finally have
to pay for
These and other cases could be handled by additional lexical stipulations. Morrill instead
proposes additional types of the combination of functors and arguments, which allow a
functor B A to enclose its argument A and produce B, or a functor A B to enclose its
argument to then yield B (p. 190). Even with these additional operations, he still needs
the two lexical items in (38) for the derivation of a pied-piping construction with an
argument NP or a PP:
(38) a. (NP NP) (N\N)/(S/NP)
b. (PP NP) (N\N)/(S/PP)
These lexical items are still not enough, however, as (38b) contains a PP but this PP cor-
responds to an argument PP, which is required for (36). To analyze (31a), which involves
a PP adjunct, we need to assume the category (s\np)/(s\np) for the prepositional phrase
in the middle of whose sermon. We, therefore, also require at least three additional items
for relative pronouns.
By introducing new operations, Morrill manages to reduce the number of lexical en-
tries for which; however, the fact remains that he has to mention the categories which
can occur in pied-piping constructions in the lexical entry of the relative pronoun.
Furthermore, the observation that relative clauses consist of a phrase with a relative
pronoun plus a sentence missing a relative phrase is lost. This insight can be kept if
one assumes a GPSG-style analysis where information about whether there is a relative
pronoun in the relative phrase can be passed up to the highest node of the relative phrase.
The relative clause can then be analyzed as the combination of a sentence with a gap
and an appropriately marked relative phrase. For the discussion of such analyses in the
framework of GB theory and HPSG/CxG, see Section 21.10.3.
Comprehension questions
1. Identify the functors and arguments in Figures 8.1 and 8.3.
2. Which combination operations do you know?
8.6 Summary and classification
1. Analyze the following sentence:
Compare the resulting analysis with the structure given in Figure 2.4 on page 67
and think about which categories of X syntax the categories in Categorial Gram-
mar correspond to.
Further reading
Mark Steedman discusses a variant of Categorial Grammar, Combinatory Categorial
Grammar, in a series of books and articles: Steedman (1991, 2000); Steedman & Baldridge
Lobin (2003) compares Categorial Grammar with Dependency Grammar and Pick-
ering & Barry (1993) suggest a combination of Dependency Grammar and Categorial
Grammar, which they call Dependency Categorial Grammar.
Briscoe (2000) and Villavicencio (2002) discuss UG-based acquisition models in the
framework of Categorial Grammar.
9 Head-Driven Phrase Structure
Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG) was developed by Carl Pollard and Ivan
Sag in the mid-80s in Stanford and in the Hewlett-Packard research laboratories in Palo
Alto (Pollard & Sag 1987, 1994). Like LFG, HPSG is part of so-called West Coast linguistics.
Another similarity to LFG is that HPSG aims to provide a theory of competence which
is compatible with performance (Sag & Wasow 2011, 2015, see also Chapter 15).
The formal properties of the description language for HPSG grammars are well-un-
derstood and there are many systems for processing such grammars (Drre & Seiffert
1991; Drre & Dorna 1993; Popowich & Vogel 1991; Uszkoreit, Backofen, Busemann, Di-
agne, Hinkelman, Kasper, Kiefer, Krieger, Netter, Neumann, Oepen & Spackman 1994;
Erbach 1995; Schtz 1996; Schmidt, Theofilidis, Rieder & Declerck 1996b; Schmidt, Rieder
& Theofilidis 1996a; Uszkoreit, Backofen, Calder, Capstick, Dini, Drre, Erbach, Estival,
Manandhar, Mineur & Oepen 1996; Mller 1996c, 2004c; Carpenter & Penn 1996; Penn
& Carpenter 1999; Gtz, Meurers & Gerdemann 1997; Copestake 2002; Callmeier 2000;
Dahllf 2003; Meurers, Penn & Richter 2002; Penn 2004; Mller 2007a; Sato 2008; Kauf-
mann 2009).1 Currently, the LKB system by Ann Copestake and the TRALE system, that
was developed by Gerald Penn (Meurers, Penn & Richter 2002; Penn 2004), have the
most users. The DELPH-IN consortium whose grammar fragments are based on the
LKB and various TRALE users have developed many small and some large grammar
fragments of various languages. The following is a list of implementations in different
Arabic (Haddar, Boukedi & Zalila 2010; Hahn 2011; Masum, Islam, Rahman &
Ahmed 2012; Boukedi & Haddar 2014; Loukam, Balla & Laskri 2015; Arad Greshler,
Herzig Sheinfux, Melnik & Wintner 2015),
Uszkoreit et al. (1996) and Bolc et al. (1996) compare systems that were available or were developed at the
beginnings of the 1990s. Melnik (2007) compares LKB and TRALE. See also Mller (2015a: Section 5.1).
9 Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar
German (Kiss 1991; Netter 1993, 1996; Meurers 1994; Hinrichs et al. 1997; Kordoni
1999; Tseng 2000; Geiler & Kiss 1994; Keller 1994; Mller 1996c, 1999a; Mller &
Kasper 2000; Crysmann 2003, 2005b,c; Mller 2007b; Kaufmann & Pfister 2007,
2008; Kaufmann 2009; Fokkens 2011),
English (Copestake & Flickinger 2000; Flickinger, Copestake & Sag 2000; Flickin-
ger 2000; Dahllf 2002, 2003; De Kuthy & Meurers 2003a; Meurers, De Kuthy &
Metcalf 2003; De Kuthy, Metcalf & Meurers 2004),
Hebrew (Melnik 2007; Haugereid, Melnik & Wintner 2013; Arad Greshler,
Herzig Sheinfux, Melnik & Wintner 2015),
Japanese (Siegel 2000; Siegel & Bender 2002; Bender & Siegel 2005),
Mandarin Chinese (Liu 1997; Ng 1997; Mller & Lipenkova 2009, 2013; Fan, Song
& Bond 2015),
Dutch (van Noord & Bouma 1994; Bouma, van Noord & Malouf 2001b; Fokkens
Norwegian (Hellan & Haugereid 2003; Beermann & Hellan 2004; Hellan & Beer-
mann 2006),
Sahaptin (Drellishak 2009),
Spanish (Pineda & Meza 2005a,b; Bildhauer 2008; Marimon 2013),
Sign Language (German, French, British, Greek!) (Sfr & Marshall 2002; Marshall
& Sfr 2004; Sfr & Glauert 2010),
South African Sign Language (Bungeroth 2002),
Turkish (Fokkens, Poulson & Bender 2009),
Wambaya (Bender 2008a,c, 2010).
The first implemented HPSG grammar was a grammar of English developed in the Hew-
lett-Packard labs in Palo Alto (Flickinger, Pollard & Wasow 1985; Flickinger 1987). Gram-
mars for German were developed in Heidelberg, Stuttgart and Saarbrcken in the LILOG
project. Subsequently, grammars for German, English and Japanese were developed in
Heidelberg, Saarbrcken and Stanford in the Verbmobil project. Verbmobil was the largest
ever AI project in Germany. It was a machine translation project for spoken language in
the domains of trip planning and appointment scheduling (Wahlster 2000).
Currently there are two larger groups that are working on the development of gram-
mars: the DELPH-IN consortium (Deep Linguistic Processing with HPSG)2 and the net-
work CoGETI (Constraintbasierte Grammatik: Empirie, Theorie und Implementierung)3 .
Many of the grammar fragments that are listed above were developed by members of
DELPH-IN and some were derived from the Grammar Matrix which was developed for
the LKB to provide grammar writers with a typologically motivated initial grammar that
corresponds to the properties of the language under development (Bender, Flickinger &
Oepen 2002). The CoreGram project4 is a similar project that is being run at the Freie
Universitt Berlin. It is developing grammars for German, Danish, Persian, Maltese,
Mandarin Chinese, Spanish, French and Yiddish that share a common core. Constraints
that hold for all languages are represented in one place and used by all grammars. Fur-
thermore there are constraints that hold for certain language classes and again they
are represented together and used by the respective grammars. So while the Grammar
Matrix is used to derive grammars that individual grammar writers can use, adapt and
modify to suit their needs, CoreGram really develops grammars for various languages
that are used simultaneously and have to stay in sync. A description of the CoreGram
can be found in Mller (2013a, 2015a).
There are systems that combine linguistically motivated analyses with statistics com-
ponents (Brew 1995; Miyao et al. 2005; Miyao & Tsujii 2008) or learn grammars or lexica
from corpora (Fouvry 2003; Cramer & Zhang 2009).
The following URLs point to pages on which grammars can be tested:
2 13.11.2015.
3 13.11.2015. Supported by the DFG under the grant number HO3279/3-1.
4 11.03.2016.
9 Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar
One can see that this feature description contains information about the phonology,
syntactic category and semantic content of the word Grammatik. To keep things simple,
the value of phonology (phon) is mostly given as an orthographic representation. In
fully fleshed-out theories, the phon value is a complex structure that contains informa-
tion about metrical grids and weak or strong accents. See Bird & Klein (1994), Orgun
(1996), Hhle (1999), Walther (1999), Crysmann (2002: Chapter 6), and Bildhauer (2008)
for phonology in the framework of HPSG. The details of the description in (1) will be
explained in the following sections.
HPSG has adopted various insights from other theories and newer analyses have been
influenced by developments in other theoretical frameworks. Functor-argument struc-
tures, the treatment of valence information and function composition have been adopted
from Categorial Grammar. Function composition plays an important role in the analy-
sis of verbal complexes in languages like German and Korean. The Immediate Domi-
nance/Linear Precedence format (ID/LP format, see Section 5.1.2) as well as the Slash
Readers who read this book non-sequentially and who are unfamiliar with typed feature descriptions and
typed feature structures should consult Chapter 6 first.
9.1 General remarks on the representational format
mechanism for long-distance dependencies (see Section 5.4) both come from GPSG. The
analysis assumed here for verb position in German is inspired by the one that was de-
veloped in the framework of Government & Binding (see Section 3.2).
9 Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar
V[subcat ]
1 NP[nom] V[subcat 1 ]
Peter schlft
Peter sleeps
Figure 9.1: Analysis of Peter schlft Peter sleeps in dass Peter schlft that Peter sleeps
In Figures 9.1 and 9.2, one element of the subcat list is combined with its head in each
local tree. The elements that are combined with the selecting head are then no longer
present in the subcat list of the mother node. V[subcat ] corresponds to a complete
phrase (VP or S). The boxes with numbers show the structure sharing (see Section 6.4).
Structure sharing is the most important means of expression in HPSG. It plays a cen-
tral role for phenomena such as valence, agreement and long-distance dependencies. In
the examples above, 1 indicates that the description in the subcat list is identical to
another daughter in the tree. The descriptions contained in valence lists are usually par-
tial descriptions, that is, not all properties of the argument are exhaustively described.
Therefore, it is possible that a verb such as schlft sleeps can be combined with various
kinds of linguistic objects: the subject can be a pronoun, a proper name or a complex
noun phrase, it only matters that the linguistic object in question has an empty subcat
list and bears the correct case.6
9.1 General remarks on the representational format
V[subcat ]
1 NP[nom] V[subcat 1 ]
2 NP[acc] V[subcat 1 , 2 ]
Det N
dem Mann
the man
dem Mann
[ ]
phon Mann
(7) [
non-head-dtrs ]
phon dem
In (7), there is exactly one head daughter (head-dtr). The head daughter is always the
daughter containing the head. In a structure with the daughters das the and Bild von
Maria picture of Maria, the latter would be the head daughter. In principle, there can be
multiple non-head daughters. If we were to assume a flat structure for a sentence with a
ditransitive verb, as in Figure 2.1 on page 54, we would have three non-head daughters.
It also makes sense to assume binary branching structures without heads (see Mller
2007b: Chapter 11 for an analysis of relative clauses). In such structures we would also
have more than one non-head daughter, namely exactly two.
Before it is shown how it is ensured that only those head-argument structures are
licensed in which the argument matches the requirements of the head, I will present the
9 Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar
general structure of feature descriptions in HPSG. The structure presented at the start of
this chapter is repeated in (8) with all the details relevant to the present discussion:
phon Grammatik
[ ]
cat head case 1
subcat Det[case 1 ]
(8) mrs
per third
ind 2 num sg
cont gen fem
[ ]
rels grammatik
inst 2
[ ]
In the outer layer, there are the features phon and synsem. As previously mentioned,
phon contains the phonological representation of a linguistic object. The value of syn-
sem is a feature structure which contains syntactic and semantic information that can be
selected by other heads. The daughters of phrasal signs are represented outside of syn-
sem. This ensures that there is a certain degree of locality involved in selection: a head
cannot access the internal structure of the elements which it selects (Pollard und Sag
1987: 143145; 1994: 23). See also Sections and 18.2 for a discussion of locality. In-
side synsem, there is information relevant in local contexts (local, abbreviated to loc)
as well as information important for long-distance dependencies (nonlocal or non-
loc for short). Locally relevant information includes syntactic (category or cat), and
semantic (content or cont) information. Syntactic information encompasses informa-
tion that determines the central characteristics of a phrase, that is, the head information.
This is represented under head. Further details of this will be discussed in Section 9.1.4.
Among other things, the part of speech of a linguistic object belongs to the head prop-
erties of a phrase. As well as head, subcat belongs to the information contained inside
cat. The semantic content of a sign is present under cont. The type of the cont value
is mrs, which stands for Minimal Recursion Semantics (Copestake, Flickinger, Pollard &
Sag 2005). An MRS structure is comprised of an index and a list of relations which re-
strict this index. Of the nonlocal features, only slash is given here. There are further
features for dealing with relative and interrogative clauses (Pollard & Sag 1994; Sag 1997;
Ginzburg & Sag 2000; Holler 2005), which will not be discussed here.
9.1 General remarks on the representational format
As can be seen, the description of the word Grammatik grammar becomes relatively
complicated. In theory, it would be possible to list all properties of a given object directly
in a single list of feature-value pairs. This would, however, have the disadvantage that
the identity of groups of feature-value pairs could not be expressed as easily. Using the
feature geometry in (8), one can express the fact that the cat values of both conjuncts
in symmetric coordinations such as those in (9) are identical.
(9b) should be compared with the examples in (10). In (10a), the verbs select for an ac-
cusative and a dative object, respectively and in (10b), the verbs select for an accusative
and a prepositional object:
(10) a. * Er kennt und hilft dieser Frau / diese Frau.
he.nom knows and helps this.dat woman this.acc woman
Intended: He knows and helps this woman.
b. * weil er auf Maria kennt und wartet
because he for Maria knows and waits
Intended: because he knows Maria and waits for her
While the English translation of (10a) is fine, since both knows and helps take an ac-
cusative, (10a) is out, since kennt knows takes an accusative and hilft helps a dative
object. Similarly, (10b) is out since kennt knows selects an accusative object and wartet
waits selects for a prepositional phrase containing the preposition auf for.
If valence and the part of speech information were not represented in one common
sub-structure, we would have to state separately that utterances such as (9) require that
both conjuncts have the same valence and part of speech.
After this general introduction of the feature geometry that is assumed here, we can
now turn to the head-argument schema:
synsem|loc|cat|subcat 1
1 2
non-head-dtrs [ synsem 2 ]
Schema 1 states the properties a linguistic object of the type head-argument-phrase must
have. The arrow in Schema 1 stands for a logical implication and not for the arrow of
9 Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar
9.1 General remarks on the representational format
Prepositions have an initial value + and therefore have to precede arguments. Verbs
in final position bear the value and have to follow their arguments.
(14) a. [in [den Schrank]]
in the cupboard
b. * [[den Schrank] in]
the cupboard in
c. dass [er [ihn umfllt]]
that he it decants
d. * dass [er [umfllt ihn]]
that he decants it
9 Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar
This shows that projections of verbs must not only contain information about the part
of speech but also information about the verb form. Figure 9.4 shows this on the basis
of the finite verb gibt gives.
V[fin, subcat ]
GPSG has the Head Feature Convention that ensures that head features on the mother
node are identical to those on the node of the head daughter. In HPSG, there is a similar
principle. Unlike GPSG, head features are explicitly contained as a group of features in
the feature structures. They are listed under the path synsem|loc|cat|head. (17) shows
the lexical item for gibt gives:
(17) gibt gives:
phon gibt
[ ]
head verb
synsem|loc|cat vform fin
subcat NP[nom], NP[dat], NP[acc]
9.1 General remarks on the representational format
[ ]
head 1
[ ]
head 1
2 NP[nom]
subcat 2
[ ]
head 1
3 NP[dat]
subcat 2 , 3
[ ]
head 1 verb
4 NP[acc] vform fin
subcat 2 , 3 , 4
The following section will deal with how this principle is formalized as well as how it
can be integrated into the architecture of HPSG.
9 Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar
The arrow corresponds to a logical implication, as mentioned above. Therefore, (18) can
be read as follows: if a structure is of type headed-phrase, then it must hold that the value
of synsem|loc|cat|head is identical to the value of head-dtr|synsem|loc|cat|head.
An extract from the type hierarchy under sign is given in Figure 9.6.
word phrase
non-headed-phrase headed-phrase
Figure 9.6: Type hierarchy for sign: all subtypes of headed-phrase inherit constraints
word and phrase are subclasses of linguistic signs. Phrases can be divided into phrases
with heads (headed-phrase) and those without (non-headed-phrase). There are also sub-
types for phrases of type non-headed-phrase and headed-phrase. We have already dis-
cussed head-argument-phrase, and other subtypes of headed-phrase will be discussed in
the later sections. As well as word and phrase, there are the types root and stem, which
play an important role for the structure of the lexicon and the morphological compo-
nent. Due to space considerations, it is not possible to further discuss these types here,
but see Chapter 22.
The description in (19) shows the Head-Argument Schema from page 263 together
with the restrictions that the type head-argument-phrase inherits from headed-phrase.
(19) Head-Argument Schema + Head Feature Principle:
[ ]
synsem|loc|cat head 1
subcat 2
[ ]
head-dtr|synsem|loc|cat head 1
subcat 2 3
non-head-dtrs [ synsem 3 ]
9.1 General remarks on the representational format
phon das Buch gibt
head 1
subcat 2 NP[nom], NP[dat]
phon gibt
[ ]
head-dtr head 1 verb
synsem|loc|cat vform fin
subcat 2 3
phon das Buch
[ ]
head noun
synsem 3 loc|cat cas acc
For the entire sentence er das Buch dem Mann gibt he the book to the man gives, we
arrive at a structure (already shown in Figure 9.5) described by (21):
[ ]
head verb
(21) synsem|loc|cat vform fin
This description corresponds to the sentence symbol S in the phrase structure grammar
on page 53, however (21) additionally contains information about the form of the verb.
Using dominance schemata as an example, we have shown how generalizations about
linguistic objects can be captured, however, we also want to be able to capture generaliza-
tions in other areas of the theory: like Categorial Grammar, the HPSG lexicon contains a
very large amount of information. Lexical entries (roots and words) can also be divided
into classes, which can then be assigned types. In this way, it is possible to capture what
all verbs, intransitive verbs and transitive verbs, have in common. See Figure 22.1 on
page 656.
Now that some fundamental concepts of HPSG have been introduced, the following
section will show how the semantic contribution of words is represented and how the
meaning of a phrase can be determined compositionally.
9.1.6 Semantics
An important difference between theories such as GB, LFG and TAG, on the one hand,
and HPSG and CxG on the other is that the semantic content of a linguistic object is
9 Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar
modeled in a feature structure just like all its other properties. As previously mentioned,
semantic information is found under the path synsem|loc|cont. (22) gives an example
of the cont value for Buch book. The representation is based on Minimal Recursion
Semantics (MRS):9
mrs per 3
ind 1 num sg
(22) gen neu
[ ]
rels buch
inst 1
ind stands for index and rels is a list of relations. Features such as person, number and
gender are part of a nominal index. These are important in determining reference or
coreference. For example, sie she in (23) can refer to Frau woman but not to Buch
book. On the other hand, es it cannot refer to Frau woman.
(23) Die Fraui kauft ein Buchj . Siei liest esj .
the woman buys a book she reads it
The woman buys a book. She reads it.
In general, pronouns have to agree in person, number and gender with the element
they refer to. Indices are then identified accordingly. In HPSG, this is done by means
of structure sharing. It is also common to speak of coindexation. (24) provides some
examples of coindexation of reflexive pronouns:
(24) a. Ichi sehe michi .
I see myself
b. Dui siehst dichi .
you see yourself
c. Eri sieht sichi .
he sees himself
d. Wiri sehen unsi .
we see ourselves
e. Ihri seht euchi .
you see yourselves
f. Siei sehen sichi .
they see themselves
Pollard & Sag (1994) and Ginzburg & Sag (2000) make use of Situation Semantics (Barwise & Perry 1983;
Cooper, Mukai & Perry 1990; Devlin 1992). An alternative approach which has already been used in HPSG
is Lexical Resource Semantics (Richter & Sailer 2004). For an early underspecification analysis in HPSG,
see Nerbonne (1993).
9.1 General remarks on the representational format
The question of which instances of coindexation are possible and which are necessary
is determined by Binding Theory. Pollard & Sag (1992, 1994) have shown that Binding
Theory in HPSG does not have many of the problems that arise when implementing
binding in GB with reference to tree configurations. There are, however, a number of
open questions for Binding Theory in HPSG (Mller 1999a: Section 20.4).
(25) shows the cont value for the verb geben give:
ind 1 event
(25) event 1
rels agent index
goal index
theme index
It is assumed that verbs have an event variable of the type event, which is represented
under ind just as with indices for nominal objects. Until now, we did not assign elements
in the valence list to argument roles in the semantic representation. This connection is
referred to as linking. (26) shows how linking works in HPSG. The referential indices of
the argument noun phrases are structure-shared with one of the semantic roles of the
relation contributed by the head.
(26) gibt gives:
[ ]
cat vform fin
subcat NP[nom] 1 , NP[dat] 2 , NP[acc] 3
ind 4 event
cont event 4
rels agent 1
goal 2
theme 3
Since we use general terms such as agent and patient for argument roles, it is possi-
ble to state generalizations about valence classes and the realization of argument roles.
For example, one can divide verbs into verbs taking an agent, verbs with an agent and
theme, verbs with agent and patient etc. These various valence/linking patterns can be
represented in type hierarchies and these classes can be assigned to the specific lexical
entries, that is, one can have them inherit constraints from the respective types. A type
constraint for verbs with agent, theme and goal takes the form of (27):
9 Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar
cat|subcat [] 1 , [] 2 , [] 3
ind 4 event
(27) agent-goal-theme-rel
cont event 4
agent 1
goal 2
theme 3
[] 1 stands for an object of unspecified syntactic category with the index 1 . The type for
the relation geben is a subtype of agent-goal-theme-rel. The lexical entry for the word
geben give or rather the root geb- has the linking pattern in (27). For more on theories
of linking in HPSG, see Davis (1996), Wechsler (1991) und Davis & Koenig (2000).
Up to now, we have only seen how the meaning of lexical entries can be represented.
The Semantics Principle determines the computation of the semantic contribution of
phrases: the index of the entire expression corresponds to the index of the head daugh-
ter, and the rels value of the entire sign corresponds to the concatenation of the rels
values of the daughters plus any relations introduced by the dominance schema. The last
point is important because the assumption that schemata can add something to meaning
can capture the fact that there are some cases where the entire meaning of a phrase is
more than simply the sum of its parts. Pertinent examples are often discussed as part of
Construction Grammar. Semantic composition in HPSG is organized such that meaning
components that are due to certain patterns can be integrated into the complete meaning
of an utterance. For examples, see Section 21.10.
The connection between the semantic contribution of the verb and its arguments is
established in the lexical entry. As such, we ensure that the argument roles of the verb
are assigned to the correct argument in the sentence. This is, however, not the only thing
that the semantics is responsible for. It has to be able to generate the various readings
associated with quantifier scope ambiguities (see page 88) as well as deal with semantic
embedding of predicates under other predicates. All these requirements are fulfilled by
MRS. Due to space considerations, we cannot go into detail here. The reader is referred
to the article by Copestake, Flickinger, Pollard & Sag (2005) and to Section 19.3 in the
discussion chapter.
9.1.7 Adjuncts
Analogous to the selection of arguments by heads via subcat, adjuncts can also select
their heads using a feature (modified). Adjectives, prepositional phrases that modify
nouns, and relative clauses select an almost complete nominal projection, that is, a noun
that only still needs to be combined with a determiner to yield a complete NP. (28) shows
a description of the respective synsem object. The symbol N, which is familiar from X
theory (see Section 2.5), is used as abbreviation for this feature description.
9.1 General remarks on the representational format
interessantes is an adjective that does not take any arguments and therefore has an empty
subcat list. Adjectives such as treu loyal would have a dative NP in their subcat list.
(30) ein dem Knig treues Mdchen
a the.dat king loyal girl
a girl loyal to the king
The cat value is given in (31):
(31) cat value for treues loyal:
head adj
mod N
subcat NP[dat]
dem Knig treues loyal to the king forms an adjective phrase, which modifies Mdchen.
Unlike the selectional feature subcat that belongs to the features under cat, mod is
a head feature. The reason for this is that the feature that selects the modifying head
has to be present on the maximal projection of the adjunct. The N-modifying property
of the adjective phrase dem Knig treues loyal to the king has to be included in the
representation of the entire AP just as it is present in the lexical entry for adjectives in
(29) at the lexical level. The adjectival phrase dem Knig treues has the same syntactic
properties as the basic adjective interessantes interesting:
(32) cat value fr dem Knig treues:
head adj
mod N
Since mod is a head feature, the Head Feature Principle (see page 266) ensures that the
mod value of the entire projection is identical to the mod value of the lexical entry for
treues loyal.
9 Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar
As an alternative to the selection of the head by the modifier, one could assume a
description of all possible adjuncts on the head itself. This was suggested by Pollard &
Sag (1987: 161). Pollard & Sag (1994: Section 1.9) revised the earlier analysis since the
semantics of modification could not be captured.10
Figure 9.7 demonstrates selection in head-adjunct structures.
AP[head|mod 1 ] 1 N
interessantes Buch
interesting book
head-dtr|synsem 1
[ ]
head|mod 1
non-head-dtrs synsem|loc|cat
The value of the selectional feature on the adjunct ( 1 ) is identified with the synsem
value of the head daughter, thereby ensuring that the head daughter has the properties
specified by the adjunct. The subcat value of the non-head daughter is the empty list,
which is why only completely saturated adjuncts are allowed in head-adjunct structures.
Phrases such as (33b) are therefore correctly ruled out:
(33) a. die Wurst in der Speisekammer
the sausage in the pantry
b. * die Wurst in
the sausage in
Example (33a) requires some further explanation. The preposition in (as used in (33a))
has the following cat value:
10 See Bouma, Malouf & Sag (2001a), however. Bouma, Malouf & Sag (2001a) pursue a hybrid analysis where
there are adjuncts which select heads and also adjuncts that are selected by a head. Minimal Recursion
Semantics is the semantic theory underlying this analysis. Using this semantics, the problems arising for
Pollard & Sag (1987) with regard to the semantics of modifiers are avoided.
9.2 Passive
After combining in with the nominal phrase der Speisekammer the pantry one gets:
9.2 Passive
HPSG follows Bresnans argumentation (see Section 7.2) and takes care of the passive
in the lexicon.11 A lexical rule takes the verb stem as its input and licenses the par-
ticiple form and the most prominent argument (the so-called designated argument) is
suppressed.12 Since grammatical functions are not part of theory in HPSG, we do not
require any mapping principles that map objects to subjects. Nevertheless, one still has
to explain the change of case under passivization. If one fully specifies the case of a par-
ticular argument in the lexical entries, one has to ensure that the accusative argument of
a transitive verb is realized as nominative in the passive. (36) shows what the respective
lexical rule would look like:
11 Some exceptions to this are analyses influenced by Construction Grammar such as Tseng (2007) and Hau-
gereid (2007). These approaches are problematic, however, as they cannot account for Bresnans adjectival
passives. For other problems with Haugereids analysis, see Mller (2007c) and Section 21.3.6.
12 For more on the designated argument, see Haider (1986a). HPSG analyses of the passive in German have
been considerably influenced by Haider. Haider uses the designated argument to model the difference
between so-called unaccusative and unergative verbs (Perlmutter 1978): unaccusative verbs differ from
unergatives and transitives in that they do not have a designated argument. We cannot go into the literature
on unaccusativity here. The reader is referred to the original works by Haider and the chapter on the passive
in Mller (2007b).
9 Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar
(36) Lexical rule for personal passives adapted from Kiss (1992):
phon 1
head verb 7
synsem|loc|cat subcat NP[nom], NP[acc] 3
phon f ( 1 ) [ ]
head vform passive-part
subcat NP[nom] 3
This lexical rule takes a verb stem13 as its input, which requires a nominative argument,
an accusative argument and possibly further arguments (if 3 is not the empty list) and
licenses a lexical entry that requires a nominative argument and possibly the arguments
in 3 .14 The output of the lexical rule specifies the vform value of the output word. This
is important as the auxiliary and the main verb must go together. For example, it is not
possible to use the perfect participle instead of the passive participle since these differ
in their valence in Kiss approach:
(37) a. Der Mann hat den Weltmeister geschlagen.
the man has the world.champion beaten
The man has beaten the world champion.
b. * Der Mann wird den Weltmeister geschlagen.
the man is the world.champion beaten
c. Der Weltmeister wird geschlagen.
the world.champion is beaten
The world champion is (being) beaten.
There are a few conventions for the interpretation of lexical rules: all information that is
not mentioned in the output sign is taken over from the input sign. Thus, the meaning
13 The term stem includes roots (helf - help-), products of derivation (besing- to sing about) and compounds.
The lexical rule can therefore also be applied to stems like helf - and derived forms such as besing-.
14 This rule assumes that arguments of ditransitive verbs are in the order nominative, accusative, dative.
Throughout this chapter, I assume a nominative, dative, accusative order, which corresponds to the un-
marked order of arguments in the German clause. Kiss (2001) argued that a representation of the unmarked
order is needed to account for scope facts in German. Furthermore, the order of the arguments corresponds
to the order one would assume for English, which has the advantage that cross-linguistic generalizations
can be captured. In earlier work I assumed that the order is nominative, accusative, dative since this order
encodes a prominence hierarchy that is relevant in a lot of areas in German grammar. Examples are: ellipsis
(Klein 1985), Topic Drop (Fries 1988), free relatives (Bausewein 1990; Pittner 1995; Mller 1999b), depictive
secondary predicates (Mller 2004d, 2002a, 2008), Binding Theory (Grewendorf 1985; Pollard und Sag: 1992;
1994: Chapter 6). This order also corresponds to the Obliqueness Hierarchy suggested by Keenan & Com-
rie (1977) and Pullum (1977). In order to capture this hierarchy, a special list with nominative, accusative,
dative order would have to be assumed.
The version of the passive lexical rule that will be suggested below is compatible with both orders of
9.2 Passive
of the verb is not mentioned in the passive rule, which makes sense as the passive rule is
a meaning preserving rule. The cont values of the input and output are not mentioned
in the rule and hence are identical. It is important here that the linking information its
retained. As an example consider the application of the rule to the verb stem schlag-
(38) a. Input schlag- beat :
phon schlag
head verb
subcat NP[nom] , NP[acc]
1 2
ind 3 event
synsem|loc schlagen
cont event 3
agent 1
patient 2
b. Output geschlagen beaten:
phon geschlagen
[ ]
cat vform passive-part
subcat NP[nom]
ind 3 event
cont event 3
agent 1
patient 2
The agent role is connected to the subject of schlag-. After passivization, the subject
is suppressed and the argument connected to the patient role of schlag- becomes the
subject of the participle. Argument linking is not affected by this and thus the nominative
argument is correctly assigned to the patient role.
As Meurers (2001) has shown, lexical rules can also be captured with feature descrip-
tions. (39) shows the feature description representation of (36). What is on the left-hand
side of the rule in (36), is contained in the value of lex-dtr in (39). Since this kind of lex-
ical rule is fully integrated into the formalism, feature structures corresponding to these
lexical rules also have their own type. If the result of the application of a given rule is an
inflected word, then the type of the lexical rule (acc-passive-lexical-rule in our example)
is a subtype of word. Since lexical rules have a type, it is possible to state generalizations
over lexical rules.
The lexical rules discussed thus far work well for the personal passive. For the imper-
sonal passive, however, we would require a second lexical rule. Furthermore, we would
9 Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar
phon f ( 1 ) [ ]
head vform passive-part
subcat NP[nom] 3
phon 1
synsem|loc|cat head verb
subcat NP[nom], NP[acc] 3
have two different lexical items for the passive and the perfect, although the forms are
always identical in German. In the following, I will discuss the basic assumptions that
are needed for a theory of the passive that can sufficiently explain both personal and
impersonal passives and thereby only require one lexical item for the participle form.
15 The Case Principle has been simplified here. Cases of so-called raising require special treatment. For
more details, see Meurers (1999c), Przepirkowski (1999a) and Mller (2007b: Chapter 14, Chapter 17). The
Case Principle given in these publications is very similar to the one proposed by Yip, Maling & Jackendoff
(1987) and can therefore also explain the case systems of the languages discussed in their work, notably
the complicated case system of Icelandic.
9.2 Passive
(40) a. schlft sleeps: subcat NP[str]j
b. untersttzt supports: subcat NP[str]j , NP[str]k
c. hilft helps: subcat NP[str]j , NP[ldat]k
d. schenkt gives: subcat NP[str]j , NP[ldat]k , NP[str]l
str stands for structural and ldat for lexical dative. The Case Principle ensures that the
subjects of the verbs listed above have to be realized in the nominative and also that
objects with structural case are assigned accusative.
With the difference between structural and lexical case, it is possible to formulate a
passive-lexical rule that can account for both the personal and the impersonal passive:
phon f ( 1 ) [ ]
head vform ppp
subcat 2
This lexical rule does exactly what we expect it to do from a pretheoretical perspective on
the passive: it suppresses the most prominent argument with structural case, that is, the
argument that corresponds to the subject in the active clause. The standard analysis of
verb auxiliary constructions assumes that the main verb and the auxiliary forms a verbal
complex (Hinrichs & Nakazawa 1994; Pollard 1994; Mller 1999a, 2002a; Meurers 2000;
Kathol 2000). The arguments of the embedded verb are taken over by the auxiliary. After
combining the participle with the passive auxiliary, we arrive at the following subcat
(42) a. geschlafen wird slept is: subcat
b. untersttzt wird supported is: subcat NP[str]k
c. geholfen wird: helped is subcat NP[ldat]k
d. geschenkt wird: given is subcat NP[ldat]k , NP[str]l
(42) differs from (40) in that a different NP is in first position. If this NP has structural
case, it will receive nominative case. If there is no NP with structural case, as in (42c),
the case remains as it was, that is, lexically specified.
We cannot go into the analysis of the perfect here. It should be noted, however, that
the same lexical item for the participle is used for (43).
9 Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar
Figure 9.8 on the following page gives an overview of this. The verb trace in final position
behaves just like the verb both syntactically and semantically. The information about the
missing word is represented as the value of the feature double slash (abbreviated: dsl).
This is a head feature and is therefore passed up to the maximal projection (VP). The
verb in initial position has a VP in its subcat list which is missing a verb (VP//V). This
is the same verb that was the input for the lexical rule and that would normally occur in
final position. In Figure 9.8, there are two maximal verb projections: jeder diesen Mann
_k with the trace as the head and kennt jeder diesen Mann _k with kennt as the head.
This analysis will be explained in more detail in what follows. For the trace in Fig-
ure 9.8, one could assume the lexical entry in (45).
9.3 Verb position
This lexical entry differs from the normal verb kennt only in its phon value. The syntactic
aspects of an analysis with this trace are represented in Figure 9.9 on the next page.
The combination of the trace with diesen Mann this man and jeder everbody follows
the rules and principles that we have encountered thus far. This begs the immediate
question as to what licenses the verb kennt in Figure 9.9 and what status it has.
If we want to capture the fact that the finite verb in initial position behaves like a
complementizer (Hhle 1997), then it makes sense to give head status to kennt in Fig-
ure 9.9 and have kennt select a saturated, verb-final verbal projection. Finite verbs in
initial position differ from complementizers in that they require a projection of a verb
trace, whereas complementizers need projections of overt verbs:
(46) a. dass [jeder diesen Mann kennt]
that everybody this man knows
that everybody knows this man
9 Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar
V[subcat ]
V V[subcat ]
3 NP[nom] V[subcat 3 ]
4 NP[acc] [V[subcat 3 , 4 ]
Figure 9.9: Analysis of Kennt jeder diesen Mann? Does everyone know this man?
9.3 Verb position
by introducing a head feature whose value is identical to the local value of the trace.
This feature is referred to as dsl. As was already mentioned above, dsl stands for double
slash. It is called so because it has a similar function to the slash feature, which we will
encounter in the following section.16 (48) shows the modified entry for the verb trace:
Through sharing of the local value and the dsl value in (48), the syntactic and semantic
information of the verb trace is present at its maximal projection, and the verb in initial
position can check whether the projection of the trace is compatible.17
The special lexical item for verb-initial position is licensed by the following lexical
16 The feature dsl was proposed by Jacobson (1987a) in the framework of Categorial Grammar to describe
head movement in English inversions. Borsley (1989) adopted this idea and translated it into HPSG terms,
thereby showing how head movement in a HPSG variant of the CP/IP system can be modeled using dsl.
The introduction of the dsl feature to describe head movement processes in HPSG is motivated by the fact
that, unlike long-distance dependencies as will be discussed in Section 9.5, this kind of movement is local.
The suggestion to percolate information about the verb trace as part of the head information comes
from Oliva (1992).
17 Note that the description in (48) is cyclic since the tag 1 is used inside itself. See Section 6.5 on cyclic
feature descriptions. This cyclic description is the most direct way to express that a linguistic object with
certain local properties is missing and to pass this information on along the head path as the value of the
dsl feature. This will be even clearer when we look at the final version of the verb trace in (50) on page 285.
18 The lexical rule analysis cannot explain sentences such as (i):
This has to do with the fact that the lexical rule cannot be applied to the result of coordination, which
constitutes a complex syntactic object. If we apply the lexical rule individually to each verb, then we arrive
at variants of the verbs which would each select verb traces for kennen to know and lieben to love. Since
the cat values of the conjuncts are identified with each other in coordinations, coordinations involving
the V1 variants of kennt and liebt would be ruled out since the dsl values of the selected VPs contain the
meaning of the respective verbs and are hence not compatible (Mller 2005b: 13). Instead of a lexical rule,
one must assume a unary syntactic rule that applies to the phrase kennt und liebt knows and loves. As
we have seen, lexical rules in the HPSG formalization assumed here correspond to unary rules such that
the difference between (49) and a corresponding syntactic rule is mostly a difference in representation.
9 Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar
The verb licensed by this lexical rule selects a maximal projection of the verb trace which
has the same local properties as the input verb. This is achieved by the coindexation of
the local values of the input verb and the dsl values of the selected verb projection.
Only finite verbs in final position (initial) can be the input for this rule. The output
is a verb in initial-position (initial+). The corresponding extended analysis is given in
Figure 9.10. V1-LR stands for the verb-initial lexical rule.
V[subcat ]
V[subcat 1 ] 1 V[dsl|cat|subcat 2 ,
subcat ]
4 NP[acc] V[dsl|cat|subcat 2 ,
subcat 2 3 , 4 ]
Figure 9.10: Visualization of the analysis of Kennt jeder diesen Mann? Does everyone
know this man?
The lexical rule in (49) licenses a verb that selects a VP ( 1 in Figure 9.10). The dsl value
of this VP corresponds to the local value of the verb that is the input of the lexical
9.4 Local reordering
rule. Part of the dsl value is also the valence information represented in Figure 9.10 ( 2 ).
Since dsl is a head feature, the dsl value of the VP is identical to that of the verb trace
and since the local value of the verb trace is identified with the dsl value, the subcat
information of the verb kennen is also available at the trace. The combination of the trace
with its arguments proceeds exactly as with an ordinary verb.
It would be unsatisfactory if we had to assume a special trace for every verb. Fortu-
nately, this is not necessary as a general trace as in (50) will suffice for the analysis of
sentences with verb movement.
(50) General verb trace following Meurers (2000: 206208):
phon [ ]
synsem|loc 1 cat|head|dsl 1
This may seem surprising at first glance, but if we look closer at the interaction of the
lexical rule (49) and the percolation of the dsl feature in the tree, then it becomes clear
that the dsl value of the verb projection and therefore the local value of the verb trace
is determined by the local value of the input verb. In Figure 9.10, kennt is the input
for the verb movement lexical rule. The relevant structure sharing ensures that, in the
analysis of (44), the local value of the verb trace corresponds exactly to what is given
in (48).
The most important points of the analysis of verb position are summarized below:
A lexical rule licenses a special lexical item for each finite verb.
This lexical item occupies the initial position and requires as its argument a com-
plete projection of a verb trace.
The projection of the verb trace must have a dsl value corresponding to the local
value of the input verb of the lexical rule.
Since dsl is a head feature, the selected dsl value is also present on the trace.
As the dsl value of the trace is identical to its local value, the local value of the
trace is identical to the local value of the input verb in the lexical rule.
After discussing the analysis of verb-first sentences, we will now turn to local reordering.
9 Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar
such lists. See Reape (1994) and Section of this book for the formal details of these
approaches. Both the completely flat analysis and the compromise have proved to be on
the wrong track (see Mller 2005b, 2014c and Mller 2007b: Section 9.5.1) and therefore,
I will only discuss the analysis with binary branching structures.
Figure 9.11 shows the analysis of (51a).
(51) a. [weil] jeder diesen Mann kennt
because everyone this man knows
b. [weil] diesen Mann jeder kennt
because this man everyone knows
because everyone knows this man
V[subcat ]
1 NP[nom] V[subcat 1 ]
2 NP[acc] V[subcat 1 , 2 ]
The arguments of the verb are combined with the verb starting with the last element of
the subcat list, as explained in Section 9.1.2. The analysis of the marked order is shown
in Figure 9.12. Both trees differ only in the order in which the elements are taken off
V[subcat ]
2 NP[acc] V[subcat 2 ]
1 NP[nom] V[subcat 1 , 2 ]
from the subcat list: in Figure 9.11, the last element of the subcat list is discharged first
and in Figure 9.12 the first one is.
9.4 Local reordering
synsem|loc|cat|subcat 1 3
1 2 3
non-head-dtrs [ synsem 2 ]
Whereas in the first version of the Head-Argument Schema it was always the last ele-
ment from the subcat list that was combined with the head, the subcat list is divided
into three parts using append: a list of arbitrary length ( 1 ), a list consisting of exactly
one element ( 2 ) and a further list of arbitrary length ( 3 ). The lists 1 and 3 are
combined and the result is the subcat value of the mother node.
Languages with fixed constituent order (such as English) differ from languages such
as German in that they discharge the arguments starting from one side (for more on
the subject in English, see Section 9.6.1), whereas languages with free constituent order
can combine arguments with the verb in any order. In languages with fixed constituent
order, either 1 or 3 is always the empty list. Since German structures are not restricted
with regard to 1 or 3 , that is 1 and 3 can either be the empty list or contain elements,
the intuition is captured that there are less restrictions in languages with free constituent
order than in languages with fixed order. We can compare this to the Kayneian analysis
from Section 4.6.1, where it was assumed that all languages are derived from the base or-
der [specifier [head complement]] (see Figure 4.20 on page 144 for Laenzlingers analysis
of German as an SVO-language (Laenzlinger 2004)). In these kinds of analyses, languages
such as English constitute the most basic case and languages with free ordering require
some considerable theoretical effort to get the order right. In comparison to that, the
analysis proposed here requires more theoretical restrictions if the language has more
restrictions on permutations of its constituents. The complexity of the licensed struc-
tures does not differ considerably from language to language under an HPSG approach.
Languages differ only in the type of branching they have.19, 20
The analysis presented here utilizing the combination of arguments in any order is
similar to that of Fanselow (2001) in the framework of GB/MP as well as the Categorial
Grammar analyses of Hoffman (1995: Section 3.1) and Steedman & Baldridge (2006).
Gunji proposed similar HPSG analyses for Japanese as early as 1986.
19 This does not exclude that the structures in question have different properties as far as their processability
by humans is concerned. See Gibson (1998); Hawkins (1999) and Chapter 15.
20 Haider (1997b: 18) has pointed out that the branching type of VX languages differs from those of XV lan-
guages in analyses of the kind that is proposed here. This affects the c-command relations and therefore
has implications for Binding Theory in GB/MP. However, the direction of branching is irrelevant for HPSG
analyses as Binding Principles are defined using o-command (Pollard & Sag 1994: Chapter 6) and o-com-
mand makes reference to the Obliqueness Hierarchy, that is, the order of elements in the subcat list rather
than the order in which these elements are combined with the head.
9 Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar
In principle, one could also assume that the object is extracted from its unmarked
position (see Section 3.5 on the unmarked position). The extraction trace would then
follow the subject:
(53) [Diesen Mann]j kennti jeder _j _i .
this man knows everyone
Everyone knows this man.
21 In HPSG, nothing is actually passed up in a literal sense in feature structures or trees. This could be
seen as one of the most important differences between deterministic (e.g., HPSG) and derivational theories
like transformational grammars (see Section 15.1). Nevertheless, it makes sense for expository purposes to
explain the analysis as if the structure were built bottom-up, but linguistic knowledge is independent of
the direction of processing. In recent computer implementations, structure building is mostly carried out
bottom-up but there were other systems which worked top-down. The only thing that is important in the
analysis of nonlocal dependencies is that the information about the missing element on all intermediate
nodes is identical to the information in the filler and the gap.
9.5 Long-distance dependencies
Fanselow (2004c) argues that certain phrases can be placed in the Vorfeld without hav-
ing a special pragmatic function. For instance, (expletive) subjects in active sentences
(54a), temporal adverbials (54b), sentence adverbials (54c), dative objects of psycholog-
ical verbs (54d) and objects in passives (54e) can be placed in the Vorfeld, even though
they are neither topic nor focus.
(54) a. Es regnet.
it rains
It rains.
b. Am Sonntag hat ein Eisbr einen Mann gefressen.
on Sunday has a polar.bear a man eaten
On Sunday, a polar bear ate a man.
c. Vielleicht hat der Schauspieler seinen Text vergessen.
perhaps has the actor his text forgotten
Perhaps, the actor has forgotton his text.
d. Einem Schauspieler ist der Text entfallen.
a.dat actor is the.nom text forgotten
An actor forgot the text.
e. Einem Kind wurde das Fahrrad gestohlen.
a.dat child was the.nom bike stolen
A bike was stolen from a child.
Fanselow argues that information structural effects can be due to reordering in the Mit-
telfeld. So by ordering the accusative object as in (55), one can reach certain effects:
(55) Kennt diesen Mann jeder?
knows this man everybody
Does everybody know this man?
If one assumes that there are frontings to the Vorfeld that do not have information struc-
tural constraints attached to them and that information structural constraints are asso-
ciated with reorderings in the Mittelfeld, then the assumption that the initial element
in the Mittelfeld is fronted explains why the examples in (54) are not information struc-
turally marked. The elements in the Vorfeld are unmarked in the initial position in the
Mittelfeld as well:
(56) a. Regnet es?
rains it
Does it rains?
b. Hat am Sonntag ein Eisbr einen Mann gefressen?
has on Sunday a polar.bear a man eaten
Did a polar bear eat a man on Sunday?
9 Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar
qe is important for the analysis of interrogative clauses as is rel for the analysis of
relative clauses. Since these will not feature in this book, they will be omitted in what
follows. The value of slash is a list of local objects.
As with the analysis of verb movement, it is assumed that there is a trace in the po-
sition where the accusative object would normally occur and that this trace shares the
properties of that object. The verb can therefore satisfy its valence requirements locally.
22 Pollard & Sag assume that the values of qe, rel, and slash are sets rather than lists. The math behind
sets is rather complicated, which is why I assume lists here.
9.5 Long-distance dependencies
Information about whether there has been combination with a trace and not with a gen-
uine argument is represented inside the complex sign and passed upward in the tree.
The long-distance dependency can then be resolved by an element in the prefield higher
in the tree.
Long-distance dependencies are introduced by the trace, which has a feature corre-
sponding to the local value of the required argument in its slash list. (59) shows the
description of the trace as is required for the analysis of (52):
(59) Trace of the accusative object of kennen (preliminary):
[ ]
head noun
loc cat cas acc
synsem subcat
[ ]
inher|slash 1
Since traces do not have internal structure (no daughters), they are of type word. The
trace has the same properties as the accusative object. The fact that the accusative object
is not present at the position occupied by the trace is represented by the value of slash.
The following principle is responsible for ensuring that nonloc information is passed
up the tree.
9 Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar
head vform fin
loc|cat initial +
head-dtr|synsem subcat
[ ]
nonloc inher|slash 1
to-bind|slash 1
loc 1
non-head-dtrs synsem
V[subcat ,
inher|slash ]
Figure 9.14: Analysis of Diesen Mann kennt jeder. Everyone knows this man. combined
with the verb movement analysis for verb-initial order
9.6 New developments and theoretical variants
(59) provides the lexical entry for a trace that can function as the accusative object
of kennen to know. As with the analysis of verb movement, it is not necessary to have
numerous extraction traces with differing properties listed in the lexicon. A more general
entry such as the one in (60) will suffice:
This has to do with the fact that the head can satisfactorily determine the local proper-
ties of its arguments and therefore also the local properties of the traces that it combines
with. The identification of the object in the subcat list of the head with the synsem value
of the trace coupled with the identification of the information in slash with information
about the fronted element serves to ensure that the only elements that can be realized
in the prefield are those that fit the description in the subcat list of the head. The same
holds for fronted adjuncts: since the local value of the constituent in the prefield is
identified with the local value of the trace via the slash feature, there is then sufficient
information available about the properties of the trace.
The central points of the preceding analysis can be summarized as follows: informa-
tion about the local properties of a trace is contained in the trace itself and then present
on all nodes dominating it until one reaches the filler. This analysis can offer an expla-
nation for so-called extraction path marking languages where certain elements show
inflection depending on whether they are combined with a constituent out of which
something has been extracted in a long-distance dependency. Bouma, Malouf & Sag
(2001a) cite Irish, Chamorro, Palauan, Icelandic, Kikuyu, Ewe, Thompson Salish, Moore,
French, Spanish, and Yiddish as examples of such languages and provide correspond-
ing references. Since information is passed on step-by-step in HPSG analyses, all nodes
intervening in a long-distance dependency can access the elements in that dependency.
9 Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar
to assume at least one additional valence feature and a corresponding schema for the
combination of constituents. This additional feature is called specifier (spr) and is used
in grammars of English (Pollard & Sag 1994: Chapter 9) and German (Mller 2007b:
Section 9.3) for the combination of a determiner with a noun. It is assumed that the noun
selects its determiner. For the noun Zerstrung destruction, we have the following cat
[ ]
head noun
initial +
spr Det
subcat NP[gen ], PP[durch]
Schema 5 can be used just like the Head-Argument Schema for the combination of noun
and determiner.
synsem|loc|cat|spr 1 [ ]
head-dtr|synsem|loc|cat spr 1 2
non-head-dtrs [synsem 2 ]
The analysis of the NP in (62) with the Specifier Schema is shown in Figure 9.15 on the
following page.
(62) die Zerstrung der Stadt durch die Soldaten
the destruction of.the city by the soldiers
Following the linearization rules discussed in Section 9.1.3, it is ensured that the noun
occurs before the complements as the initial value of the noun is +. The LP-rule in
(63) leads to the determiner being ordered to the left of the noun.
(63) specifier < head
In grammars of English, the spr feature is also used for the selection of the subject of
verbs (Sag, Wasow & Bender 2003: Section 4.3). In a sentence such as (64), the verb is
first combined with all its complements (the elements in the subcat or comps in newer
works) and is then combined with the subject in a second step by applying Schema 5.
(64) Max likes ice cream.
As we have seen in Section 9.4, it makes sense to represent subjects and arguments in
the same valence list for the analysis of finite sentences. In this way, the fact can be cap-
tured that the order in which a verb is combined with its arguments is not fixed. While
the different orders could also be captured by assuming that the subject is selected via
9.6 New developments and theoretical variants
N[spr ,
subcat ]
1 Det N[spr 1 ,
subcat ]
N[spr 1 , 2 PP[durch]
subcat 2 ]
N[spr 1 , 3 NP[gen]
subcat 2 , 3 ]
spr, the fact that scrambling is a phenomenon that affects all arguments in the same way
would not be covered in a spr-based analysis. Furthermore, the extraction out of subjects
is impossible in languages like English, but it is possible in German (for references and
attested examples see p. 530). This difference can be captured by assuming that subjects
are selected via spr in English and that extraction out of elements in the spr list is pro-
hibited. Since subjects in German are represented on the comps list, the fact that they
pattern with the objects in terms of possible extractions is captured.
A further expansion from Pollard & Sag (1994: Chapter 9) is the introduction of an
additional list that is called arg-st in newer works. arg-st stands for Argument Struc-
ture. The arg-st list corresponds to what we encountered as subcat list in this chapter.
It contains the arguments of a head in an order corresponding to the Obliqueness Hi-
erarchy. The elements of the list are linked to argument roles in the semantic content
of the head (see Section 9.1.6). Binding Theory operates on the arg-st list. This level
of representation is probably the same for most languages: in every language there are
semantic predicates and semantic arguments. Most languages make use of syntactic cat-
egories that play a role in selection, so there is both syntactic and semantic selection.23
Languages differ with regard to how these arguments are realized. In English, the first
element in the valence list is mapped to the spr list and the remaining arguments to the
subcat (or comps list in more recent work). In German, the spr list of verbs remains
empty. (65) shows some relevant examples for German and English.
Koenig & Michelson (2012) argue for an analysis of Oneida (a Northern Iroquoian language) that does not
include a representation of syntactic valence. If this analysis is correct, syntactic argument structure would
not be universal, but would be characteristic for a large number of languages.
9 Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar
phon schlag
head verb
cat subcat 1
(65) a.
arg-st 1 NP[str] 2 , NP[str] 3
synsem|loc ind 4 event
cont event 4
rels agent 2
patient 3
phon beat
head verb
spr 1
cat subcat 2
arg-st 1 NP[str] 3 2 NP[str] 4
synsem|loc ind 5 event
cont event 5
rels agent 3
patient 4
One can view the arg-st list as the equivalent to Deep Structure in GB theory: semantic
roles are assigned with reference to this list. The difference is that there is no ordered tree
that undergoes transformations. The question of whether all languages can be derived
from either VO or OV order therefore becomes irrelevant.
9.7 Summary and classification
are members of the same linearization domain and hence may be realized in any order.
For instance, the verb may precede arguments and adjuncts or follow them. Hence, no
empty element for the verb in final position is necessary. While this allows for gram-
mars without empty elements for the analysis of the verb position, it is unclear how
examples with apparent multiple frontings can be accounted for, while such data can be
captured directly in the proposal suggested in this chapter. The whole issue is discussed
in more detail in Mller (2015b). I will not explain Reapes formalization here, but defer
its discussion until Section, where the discontinuous, non-projective structures
of some Dependency Grammars are compared to linearization-based HPSG approaches.
Apparent multiple frontings and the problems they pose for simple linearization-based
approaches are discussed in Section 11.7.1.
9 Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar
den in the analyses of both (66) and (67) as unlike in Categorial Grammar the relative
pronoun does not have to know anything about the contexts in which it can be used.
(67) der Mann, [RS [NP den] [S/NP wir kennen]]
the man that we know
the man that we know
Any theory that wants to maintain the analysis sketched here will have to have some
mechanism to make information available about the relative pronoun in a complex
phrase. If we have such a mechanism in our theory as is the case in LFG and HPSG
then we can also use it for the analysis of long-distance dependencies. Theories such as
LFG and HPSG are therefore more parsimonious with their descriptive tools than other
theories when it comes to the analysis of relative phrases.
In the first decade of HPSG history (Pollard & Sag 1987, 1994; Nerbonne, Netter &
Pollard 1994), despite the differences already mentioned here, HPSG was still very sim-
ilar to Categorial Grammar in that it was a strongly lexicalized theory. The syntactic
make-up and semantic content of a phrase was determined by the head (hence the term
head-driven). In cases where head-driven analyses were not straight-forwardly possible,
because no head could be identified in the phrase in question, then it was commonplace
to assume empty heads. An example of this is the analysis of relative clauses in Pollard
& Sag (1994: Chapter 5). Since an empty head can be assigned any syntactic valence and
an arbitrary semantics (for discussion of this point, see Chapter 19), one has not really
explained anything as one needs very good reasons for assuming an empty head, for
example that this empty position can be realized in other contexts. This is, however,
not the case for empty heads that are only proposed in order to save theoretical assump-
tions. Therefore, Sag (1997) developed an analysis of relative clauses without any empty
elements. As in the analyses sketched for (66) and (67), the relative phrases are combined
directly with the partial clause in order to form the relative clause. For the various ob-
servable types of relative clauses in English, Sag proposes different dominance rules. His
analysis constitutes a departure from strong lexicalism: in Pollard & Sag (1994), there are
six dominance schemata, whereas there are 23 in Ginzburg & Sag (2000).
The tendency to a differentiation of phrasal schemata can also be observed in the
proceedings of recent conferences. The proposals range from the elimination of empty
elements to radically phrasal analyses (Haugereid 2007, 2009).24
Even if this tendency towards phrasal analyses may result in some problematic analy-
ses, it is indeed the case that there are areas of grammar where phrasal analyses are re-
quired (see Section 21.10). For HPSG, this means that it is no longer entirely head-driven
and is therefore neither Head-Driven nor Phrase Structure Grammar.
HPSG makes use of typed feature descriptions to describe linguistic objects. General-
izations can be expressed by means of hierarchies with multiple inheritance. Inheritance
also plays an important role in Construction Grammar. In theories such as GPSG, Cat-
egorial Grammar and TAG, it does not form part of theoretical explanations. In imple-
mentations, macros (abbreviations) are often used for co-occurring feature-value pairs
For discussion, see Mller (2007c) and Section 21.3.6.
9.7 Summary and classification
(Dalrymple, Kaplan & King 2004). Depending on the architecture assumed, such macros
are not suitable for the description of phrases since, in theories such as GPSG and LFG,
phrase structure rules are represented differently from other feature-value pairs (how-
ever, see Asudeh, Dalrymple & Toivonen (2008, 2013) for macros and inheritance used
for c-structure annotations). Furthermore, there are further differences between types
and macros, which are of a more formal nature: in a typed system, it is possible under
certain conditions to infer the type of a particular structure from the presence of certain
features and of certain values. With macros, this is not the case as they are only abbrevi-
ations. The consequences for linguistic analyses made by this differences are, however,
HPSG differs from GB theory and later variants in that it does not assume transforma-
tions. In the 80s, representational variants of GB were proposed, that is, it was assumed
that there was no D-structure from which an S-structure is created by simultaneous
marking of the original position of moved elements. Instead, one assumed the S-struc-
ture with traces straight away and the assumption that there were further movements
in the mapping of S-structure to Logical Form was also abandoned (Koster 1978; Haider
1993: Section 1.4; Frey 1993: 14). This view corresponds to the view in HPSG and many
of the analyses in one framework can be translated into the other.
In GB theory, the terms subject and object do not play a direct role: one can use
these terms descriptively, but subjects and objects are not marked by features or similar
devices. Nevertheless it is possible to make the distinction since subjects and objects are
usually realized in different positions in the trees (the subject in specifier position of IP
and the object as the complement of the verb). In HPSG, subject and object are also not
primitives of the theory. Since valence lists (or arg-st lists) are ordered, however, this
means that it is possible to associate the arg-st elements to grammatical functions: if
there is a subject, this occurs in the first position of the valence list and objects follow.25
For the analysis of (68b) in a transformation-based grammar, the aim is to connect the
base order in (68a) and the derived order in (68b). Once one has recreated the base order,
then it is clear what is the subject and what is the object. Therefore, transformations
applied to the base structure in (68a) have to be reversed.
(68) a. [weil] jeder diesen Mann kennt
because everyone this man knows
because everyone knows this man
b. [weil] diesen Mann jeder kennt
because this man everyone knows
In HPSG and also in other transformation-less models, the aim is to assign arguments in
the order in (68b) to descriptions in the valence list. The valence list (or arg-st in newer
approaches) corresponds in a sense to Deep Structure in GB. The difference is that the
When forming complex predicates, an object can occur in first position. See Mller (2002a: 157) for the
long passive with verbs such as erlauben allow. In general, the following holds: the subject is the first
argument with structural case.
9 Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar
head itself is not included in the argument structure, whereas this is the case with D-
Bender (2008c) has shown how one can analyze phenomena from non-configura-
tional languages such as Wambaya by referring to the argument structure of a head.
In Wambaya, words that would normally be counted as constituents in English or Ger-
man can occur discontinuously, that is an adjective that semantically belongs to a noun
phrase and shares the same case, number and gender values with other parts of the
noun phrase can occur in a position in the sentence that is not adjacent to the remaining
noun phrase. Nordlinger (1998) has analyzed the relevant data in LFG. In her analysis,
the various parts of the constituent refer to the f-structure of the sentence and thus in-
directly ensure that all parts of the noun phrase have the same case. Bender adopts a
variant of HPSG where valence information is not removed from the valence list after an
argument has been combined with its head, but rather this information remains in the
valence list and is passed up towards the maximal projection of the head (Meurers 1999c;
Przepirkowski 1999b; Mller 2007b: Section 17.4). Similar proposals were made in GB
by Higginbotham (1985: 560) and Winkler (1997). By projecting the complete valence
information, it remains accessible in the entire sentence and discontinuous constituents
can refer to it (e.g., via mod) and the respective constraints can be formulated.26 In this
analysis, the argument structure in HPSG corresponds to f-structure in LFG. The ex-
tended head domains of LFG, where multiple heads can share the same f-structure, can
also be modeled in HPSG. To this end, one can utilize function composition as it was
presented in the chapter on Categorial Grammar (see Chapter 8.5.2). The exact way in
which this is translated into HPSG cannot be explained here due to space restrictions.
The reader is referred to the original works by Hinrichs & Nakazawa (1994) and the
explanation in Mller (2007b: Chapter 15).
Valence information plays an important role in HPSG. The lexical item of a verb in
principle predetermines the set of structures in which the item can occur. Using lexical
rules, it is possible to relate one lexical item to other lexical items. These can be used in
other sets of structures. So one can see the functionality of lexical rules in establishing a
relation between sets of possible structures. Lexical rules correspond to transformations
in Transformational Grammar. This point is discussed in more detail in Section 19.5. The
effect of lexical rules can also be achieved with empty elements. This will also be the
matter of discussion in Section 19.5.
In GPSG, metarules were used to license rules that created additional valence patterns
for lexical heads. In principle, metarules could also be applied to rules without a lexical
head. This is explicitly ruled out by Flickinger (1983) and Gazdar et al. (1985: 59) using a
special constraint. Flickinger, Pollard & Wasow (1985: 265) pointed out that this kind of
constraint is unnecessary if one uses lexical rules rather than metarules since the former
can only be applied to lexical heads.
For a comparison of HPSG and Stablers Minimalist Grammars, see Section 4.6.4.
See also Mller (2008) for an analysis of depictive predicates in German and English that makes reference
to the list of realized or unrealized arguments of a head, respectively. This analysis is also explained in
Section 18.2.
9.7 Summary and classification
Comprehension questions
1. What status do syntactic trees have in HPSG?
2. How does case assignment take place in the analysis of example (69)?
1. Give a feature description for (70) ignoring dass.
Further reading
Here, the presentation of the individual parts of the theory was as with other theories
kept relatively short. For a more comprehensive introduction to HPSG, including motiva-
tion of the feature geometry, see Mller (2007b). In particular, the analysis of the passive
was sketched in brief here. The entire story including the analysis of unaccusative verbs,
adjectival participles, modal infinitives as well as diverse passive variants and the long
passive can be found in Mller (2002a: Chapter 3) and Mller (2007b: Chapter 17).
Overviews of HPSG can be found in Levine & Meurers (2006), Przepirkowski &
Kup (2006), Bildhauer (2014) and Mller (2015c).
10 Construction Grammar
Like LFG and HPSG, Construction Grammar (CxG) forms part of West Coast linguistics.
It has been influenced considerably by Charles Fillmore, Paul Kay and George Lakoff (all
three at Berkeley) and Adele Goldberg (who completed her PhD in Berkeley and is now
in Princeton) (Fillmore 1988; Fillmore, Kay & OConnor 1988; Kay & Fillmore 1999; Kay
2002, 2005; Goldberg 1995, 2006).
Fillmore, Kay, Jackendoff and others have pointed out the fact that, to a large extent,
languages consist of complex units that cannot straightforwardly be described with the
tools that we have seen thus far. In frameworks such as GB, an explicit distinction is
made between core grammar and the periphery (Chomsky 1981a: 8), whereby the pe-
riphery is mostly disregarded as uninteresting when formulating a theory of Universal
Grammar. The criticism leveled at such practices by CxG is justified since what counts
as the periphery sometimes seems completely arbitrary (Mller 2014d) and no progress
is made by excluding large parts of the language from the theory just because they are
irregular to a certain extent.
In Construction Grammar, idiomatic expressions are often discussed with regard to
their interaction with regular areas of grammar. Kay & Fillmore (1999) studied the Whats
X doing Y?-construction in their classic essay. (1) contains some examples of this con-
(1) a. What is this scratch doing on the table?
b. What do you think your name is doing in my book?
The examples show that we are clearly not dealing with the normal meaning of the
verb do. As well as the semantic bleaching here, there are particular morphosyntactic
properties that have to be satisfied in this construction. The verb do must always be
present and also in the form of the present participle. Kay and Fillmore develop an
analysis explaining this construction and also capturing some of the similarities between
the WXDY-construction and the rest of the grammar.
There are a number of variants of Construction Grammar:
Berkeley Construction Grammar (Fillmore 1988; Kay & Fillmore 1999; Fried 2015)
Goldbergian/Lakovian Construction Grammar (Lakoff 1987; Goldberg 1995, 2006)
Cognitive Grammar (Langacker 1987, 2000, 2008; Dbrowska 2004)
Radical Construction Grammar (Croft 2001)
Embodied Construction Grammar (Bergen & Chang 2005)
10 Construction Grammar
The aim of Construction Grammar is to both describe and theoretically explore language
in its entirety. In practice, however, irregularities in language are often given far more
importance than the phenomena described as core grammar in GB. Construction Gram-
mar analyses usually analyze phenomena as phrasal patterns. These phrasal patterns are
represented in inheritance hierarchies (e.g., Croft 2001; Goldberg 2003b). An example
for the assumption of a phrasal construction is Goldbergs analysis of resultative con-
structions. Goldberg (1995) and Goldberg & Jackendoff (2004) argue for the construction
status of resultatives. In their view, there is no head in (2) that determines the number
of arguments.
(2) Willy watered the plants flat.
The number of arguments is determined by the construction instead, that is, by a rule
or schema saying that the subject, verb, object and a predicative element must occur to-
gether and that the entire complex has a particular meaning. This view is fundamentally
different from analyses in GB, Categorial Grammar, LFG1 and HPSG. In the aforemen-
tioned theories, it is commonly assumed that arguments are always selected by lexical
heads and not independently licensed by phrasal rules. See Simpson (1983), Neeleman
(1994), Wunderlich (1997), Wechsler (1997), and Mller (2002a) for corresponding work
in LFG, GB, Wunderlichs Lexical Decomposition Grammar and HPSG.
Like the theories discussed in Chapters 59, CxG is also a non-transformational the-
ory. Furthermore, no empty elements are assumed in most variants of the theory and the
assumption of lexical integrity is maintained as in LFG and HPSG. It can be shown that
these assumptions are incompatible with phrasal analyses of resultative constructions
(see Section 21.2.2 and Mller 2006, 2007c). This point will not be explained further
here. Instead, I will discuss the work of Fillmore and Kay to prepare the reader to be
able to read the original articles and subsequent publications. Although the literature
on Construction Grammar is now relatively vast, there is very little work on the basic
formal assumptions or analyses that have been formalized precisely. Examples of more
formal works are Kay & Fillmore (1999), Kay (2002), Michaelis & Ruppenhofer (2001),
and Goldberg (2003b). Another formal proposal was developed by Jean-Pierre Koenig
(1999) (formerly Berkeley). This work is coached in the framework of HPSG, but it has
been heavily influenced by CxG. Fillmore and Kays revisions of their earlier work took
place in close collaboration with Ivan Sag. The result was a variant of HPSG known
as Sign-Based Construction Grammar (SBCG) (Sag 2010, 2012). See Section 10.6.2 for
further discussion.
John Bryant, Nancy Chang, Eva Mok have developed a system for the implementa-
tion of Embodied Construction Grammar2 . Luc Steels is working on the simulation of
language evolution and language acquisition (Steels 2003). Steels works experimentally
See Alsina (1996) and Asudeh, Dalrymple & Toivonen (2008, 2013), however. For more discussion of this
point, see Sections 21.1.3 and 21.2.2.
See and Bryant (2003).
10.1 General remarks on the representational format
modeling virtual communities of interacting agents. Apart from this he uses robots that
interact in language games (Steels 2015). In personal communication (p. c. 2007) Steels
stated that is is a long way to go until robots finally will be able to learn to speak but
the current state of the art is already impressive. Steels can use robots that have a vi-
sual system (camera and image processing) and use visual information paired with au-
dio information in simulations of language acquisition. The implementation of Fluid
Construction Grammar is documented in Steels (2011) and Steels (2012). The second
book contains parts about German, in which the implementation of German declarative
clauses and w interrogative clauses is explained with respect to topological fields (Mi-
celli 2012). The FCG system, various publications and example analyses are available
at: Jurafsky (1996) developed a Construction Grammar for En-
glish that was paired with a probabilistic component. He showed that many performance
phenomena discussed in the literature (see Chapter 15 on the Competence/Performance
Distinction) can be explained with recourse to probabilities of phrasal constructions and
valence properties of words. Bannard, Lieven & Tomasello (2009) use a probabilistic con-
text-free grammar to model grammatical knowledge of two and three year old children.
10 Construction Grammar
A head is combined with at least one complement (the + following the box stands for
at least one sign that fits the description in that box). loc+ means that this element must
be realized locally. The value of role tells us something about the role that a particular
element plays in a construction. Unfortunately, here the term filler is used somewhat
differently than in GPSG and HPSG. Fillers are not necessarily elements that stand in a
long-distance dependency to a gap. Instead, a filler is a term for a constituent that fills
the argument slot of a head.
The verb phrase construction is a sub-construction of the head-complement construc-
(6) Verb phrase Construction:
cat v
The syntactic category of the entire construction is V. Its complements cannot have the
grammatical function subject.
The VP construction is a particular type of head-complement construction. The fact
that it has much in common with the more general head-complement construction is
represented as follows:
(7) Verb phrase Construction with inheritance statement:
cat v
gf subj +
This representation differs from the one in HPSG, aside from the box notation, only in the
fact that feature descriptions are not typed and as such it must be explicitly stated in the
representation from which superordinate construction inheritance takes place. HPSG
in addition to the schemata has separate type hierarchies specifying the inheritance
relation between types.
set of the mother.3 The Subset Principle states that the set values of the head-daughter
are subsets of the corresponding sets of the mother. This is the exact opposite approach
to the one taken in Categorial Grammar and HPSG. In HPSG grammars, valence lists at
the mother nodes are shorter, whereas in Berkeley CxG at least as many elements are
present on the mother node as on the head-daughter.
10.1.3 Semantics
Semantics in CxG is handled exactly the same way as in HPSG: semantic information is
contained in the same feature structure as syntactic information. The relation between
syntax and semantics is captured by using the same variable in the syntactic and seman-
tic description. (8) contains a feature description for the verb arrive:
(8) Lexical entry for arrive following Kay & Fillmore (1999: 11):
cat v
I frame ARRIVE
args { A }
val { [ sem { A } ] }
Kay & Fillmore (1999: 9) refer to their semantic representations as a notational variant of
the Minimal Recursion Semantics of Copestake, Flickinger, Pollard & Sag (2005). In later
works, Kay (2005) explicitly uses MRS. As the fundamentals of MRS have already been
discussed in Section 9.1.6, I will not repeat them here. For more on MRS, see Section 19.3.
10.1.4 Adjuncts
For the combination of heads and modifiers, Kay and Fillmore assume further phrasal
constructions that are similar to the verb phrase constructions discussed above and cre-
ate a relation between a head and a modifier. Kay and Fillmore assume that adjuncts also
contribute something to the val value of the mother node. In principle, val is nothing
more than the set of all non-head daughters in a tree.
10.2 Passive
The passive has been described in CxG by means of so-called linking constructions,
which are combined with lexical entries in inheritance hierarchies. In the base lexicon, it
is only listed which semantic roles a verb fulfils and the way in which these are realized
is determined by the respective linking constructions with which the basic lexical entry
is combined. Figure 10.1 on the next page gives an example of a relevant inheritance
hierarchy. There is a linking construction for both active and passive as well as lexical
entries for read and eat. There is then a cross-classification resulting in an active and a
passive variant of each verb.
Sets in BCG work differently from those used in HPSG. A discussion of this is deferred to Section 10.6.1.
10 Construction Grammar
The idea behind this analysis goes back to work by Fillmore and Kay between 1995
and 19974 , but variants of this analysis were first published in Koenig (1999: Chapter 3)
and Michaelis & Ruppenhofer (2001: Chapter 4). Parallel proposals have been made in
TAG (Candito 1996; Clment & Kinyon 2003: 188; Kallmeyer & Osswald 2012: 171172)
and HPSG (Koenig 1999; Davis & Koenig 2000; Kordoni 2001).
Michaelis & Ruppenhofer (2001: 5557) provide the following linking constructions:5
(9) a. Transitive [ Construction: ]
cat v
voice active
[ ]
gf obj
val role
b. the Subject [ Construction:
syn {cat v
[ [ ] ] }
val role gf subj
c. the Passive Construction:
[ ]
cat v
form PastPart
[ ]
role gf obl
val da +
syn P[von]/zero
The structure in (9a) says that the valence set of a linguistic object that is described by
the transitive construction has to contain an element that has the grammatical function
object and whose da value is . The da value of the argument that would be the subject
in an active clause is + and for all other arguments. The subject construction states
4 03.05.2010.
5 In the original version of the transitive construction in (9a), there is a feature that has the value da,
however, da is a feature itself and is the value. I have corrected this in (9a) accordingly.
In the following structures, gf stands for grammatical function and da for distinguished argument. The
distinguished argument usually corresponds to the subject in an active clause.
10.2 Passive
that an element of the valence set must have the grammatical function subject. In the
passive construction, there has to be an element with the grammatical function oblique
that also has the da value +. In the passive construction the element with the da value
+ is realized either as a by-PP or not at all (zero).
The interaction of the constructions in (9) will be explained on the basis of the verb
schlagen to beat:
(10) Lexical entry for schlag- beat:
[ ]
syn cat v
[ ]
agent [ [ ]]
val role , role patient
da +
If we combine this lexical entry with the transitive and subject constructions, we arrive
at (11a) following Fillmore, Kay, Michaelis, and Ruppenhofer, whereas combining it with
the subject and passive construction yields (11b):6
(11) a. schlag- + Subject and Transitive Construction:
[ ]
cat v
voice active
agent patient
role gf subj , role gf obj
da +
b. schlag- + Subject and Passive Construction:
[ ]
cat v
form PastPart
[ ]
role gf obl patient
da + , role gf subj
syn P[von]/zero
Using the entries in (11), it is possible to analyze the sentences in (12):
(12) a. Er schlgt den Weltmeister.
he beats the world.champion
He is beating the world champion.
b. Der Weltmeister wird (von ihm) geschlagen.
the world.champion is by him beaten
The world champion is being beaten (by him).
This analysis is formally inconsistent as set unification cannot be formalized in such a
way that the aforementioned constructions can be unified (Mller 2006; Mller 2007b:
This assumes a particular understanding of set unification. For criticism of this, see Section 10.6.1.
10 Construction Grammar
Section 7.5.2, see also Section 10.6.1 below). It is, however, possible to fix this analysis by
using the HPSG formalization of sets (Pollard & Sag 1987; Pollard & Moshier 1990). The
Subject, Transitive and Passive Constructions must then be modified such that they can
say something about what an element in val looks like, rather than specifying the val
value of a singleton set.
(13) The
[ Subject]Construction with Pollard & Moschiers definition of sets:
{[ [ ]]}
syn|cat v gf subj
role 1
val 1
The restriction in (13) states that the valence set of a head has to contain an element that
has the grammatical function subj. By these means, it is possible to suppress arguments
(by specifying syn as zero), but it is not possible to add any additional arguments to the
fixed set of arguments of schlagen to beat.7 For the analysis of Middle Constructions
such as (14), inheritance-based approaches do not work as there is no satisfactory way
to add the reflexive pronoun to the valence set:8
(14) Das Buch liest sich gut.
the book reads refl good
The book reads well / is easy to read.
If we want to introduce additional arguments, we require auxiliary features. An analy-
sis using auxiliary features has been suggested by Koenig (1999). Since there are many
argument structure changing processes that interact in various ways and are linked to
particular semantic side-effects, it is inevitable that one ends up assuming a large num-
ber of syntactic and semantic auxiliary features. The interaction between the various
linking constructions becomes so complex that this analysis also becomes cognitively
implausible and has to be viewed as technically unusable. For a more detailed discussion
of this point, see Mller (2007b: Section 7.5.2).
The following empirical problem is much more serious: some processes like passiviza-
tion, impersonalization and causativization can be applied in combination or even al-
low for multiple application, but if the grammatical function of a particular argument
is determined once and for all by unification, additional unifications cannot change the
initial assignment. We will first look at languages which allow for a combination of
7 Rather than requiring that schlagen to beat has exactly two arguments as in HPSG, one could also assume
that the constraint on the main lexical item would be of the kind in (11a). One would then require that
schlagen has at least the two members in its valence set. This would complicate everything considerably
and furthermore it would not be clear that the subject referred to in (13) would be one of the arguments
that are referred to in the description of the lexical item for schlagen in (11a).
8 One technically possible solution would be the following: one could assume that verbs that occur in middle
constructions always have a description of a reflexive pronoun in their valence set. The Transitive Con-
struction would then have to specify the syn value of the reflexive pronoun as zero so that the additional
reflexive pronoun is not realized in the Transitive Construction. The middle construction would suppress
the subject, but realizes the object and the reflexive.
This solution cannot be applied to the recursive processes we will encounter in a moment such as
causativization in Turkish, unless one wishes to assume infinite valence sets.
10.2 Passive
10 Construction Grammar
in an inheritance hierarchy since if we were to say that a word can inherit from the
causative construction three times, we would still not have anything different to what
we would have if the inheritance via the causative construction had applied only once.
For this kind of phenomenon, we would require rules that relate a linguistic object to
another, more complex object, that is, lexical rules (unary branching rules which change
the phonology of a linguistic sign) or binary rules that combine a particular sign with
a derivational morpheme. These rules can semantically embed the original sign (that is,
add cause to kill).
The problem of repeated combination with causativization affixes is an instance of
a more general problem: derivational morphology cannot be handled by inheritance
as was already pointed out by Krieger & Nerbonne (1993) with respect to cases like
If we assume that argument alternations such as passive, causativization and the Mid-
dle Construction should be described with the same means across languages, then evi-
dence from Lithuanian and Turkish form an argument against inheritance-based analy-
ses of the passive (Mller 2006, 2007c; Mller & Wechsler 2014a). See also Section 21.2.2
for the discussion of an inheritance-based approach to passive in LFG and Section 21.4.2
for the discussion of an inheritance-based approach in Simpler Syntax.
10.3 Verb position
Different variants of CxG make different assumptions about how abstract constructions
can be. In Categorial Grammar, we have very general combinatorial rules which com-
bine possibly complex signs without adding any meaning of their own (see rule (2) on
page 238 for example). (17) shows an example in which the abstract rule of forward
application was used:
(17) [[[[Gibt] der Mann] der Frau] das Buch]
give the man the woman the book
Does the man give the woman the book?
If we do not want these kinds of abstract combinatorial rules, then this analysis must be
The LFG analysis in Section 7.3 is probably also unacceptable on a CxG view as it is
assumed in this analysis that der Mann der Frau das Buch forms a VP although only three
NPs have been combined. CxG has nothing like the theory of extended head domains
that was presented in Section 7.3.
Thus, both variants with binary-branching structures are ruled out and only the analy-
sis with flat branching structures remains. Sign-based CxG, which is a variant of HPSG
(Sag 2010: 486), as well as Embodied Construction Grammar (Bergen & Chang 2005: 156)
allow for a separation of immediate dominance and linear order so that it would be pos-
sible to formulate a construction which would correspond to the dominance rule in (18)
for transitive verbs:11
(18) S V, NP, NP
Here, we have the problem that adjuncts in German can occur between any of the ar-
guments. In GPSG, adjuncts are introduced by metarules. In formal variants of CxG,
lexical rules, but not metarules, are used.12 If one does not wish to expand the formalism
to include metarules, then there are three options remaining:
Adjuncts are introduced in the lexicon (van Noord & Bouma 1994; Bouma, Malouf
& Sag 2001a) and treated as arguments in the syntax,
Kasper (1994) has proposed an analysis of the first type in HPSG: adjuncts and arguments
are combined with the head in a flat structure. This corresponds to the dominance rule
in (19), where the position of adjuncts is not stated by the dominance rule.
(19) S V, NP, NP, Adj*
In principle, this is also Micellis analysis, but she assumed that the middle field forms a separate con-
Goldberg (2014: 116) mentions metarule-like devices and refers to Cappelle (2006). The difference between
metarules and their CxG variant as envisioned by Cappelle and Goldberg is that in CxG two constructions
are related without one construction being basic and the other one derived. Rather there exists a mutual
relation between two constructions.
10 Construction Grammar
If we want to say something about the meaning of the entire construction, then one
has to combine the original construction (transitive, in the above example) with the
semantics contributed by each of the adjuncts. These computations are not trivial and
require relational constraints (small computer programs), which should be avoided if
there are conceptually simpler solutions for describing a particular phenomenon.
The alternative would be to use discontinuous constructions. Analyses with discon-
tinuous constituents have been proposed in both HPSG (Reape 1994) and Embodied Con-
struction Grammar (Bergen & Chang 2005). If we apply Bergen and Changs analysis to
German, the italicized words in (20) would be part of a ditransitive construction.
(20) Gibt der Mann morgen der Frau unter der Brcke das Geld?
gives the man tomorrow the woman under the bridge the money
Is the man going to give the woman the money under the bridge tomorrow?
The construction has been realized discontinuously and the adjuncts are inserted into
the gaps. In this kind of approach, one still has to explain how the scope of quantifiers
and adjuncts is determined. While this may be possible, the solution is not obvious and
has not been worked out in any of the CxG approaches to date. For further discussions
of approaches that allow for discontinuous constituents see Section
10.6 New developments and theoretical variants
element and the position where it is missing is achieved by the operator VAL. VAL pro-
vides all elements of the valence set of a linguistic object as well as all elements in the
valence set of these elements and so on. It is thereby possible to have unrestricted access
to an argument or adjunct daughter of any depth of embedding, and then identify the
fronted constituent with an open valence slot.13 This approach corresponds to the LFG
analysis of Kaplan & Zaenen (1989) based on functional uncertainty.
Note again, that there are problems with the formalization of this proposal in Kay & Fillmores paper. The
formalization of VAL, which was provided by Andreas Kathol, seems to presuppose a formalization of sets
as the one that is used in HPSG, but the rest of Fillmore & Kays paper assumes a different formalization,
which is inconsistent. See Section 10.6.1.
10 Construction Grammar
10.6 New developments and theoretical variants
One could solve this problem by specifying an element with the grammatical function
subject in the lexical entry of grauen to dread. In addition, it would have to be stipulated
that this subject can only be realized as an overt or covert expletive (The covert expletive
would be syn zero). For the covert expletive, this means it has neither a form nor a
meaning. Such expletive pronouns without phonological realization are usually frowned
upon in Construction Grammar and analyses that can do without such abstract entities
are to be preferred.
Kay & Fillmore (1999) represent the semantic contribution of signs as sets as well. This
excludes the possibility of preventing the unwanted unification of linking constructions
by referring to semantic constraints since we have the same effect as we have with va-
lence sets: if the semantic descriptions are incompatible, the set is extended. This means
that in an automatic unification computation all verbs are compatible with the Transi-
tive Construction in (9a) and this would license analyses for (26) in addition to those of
(26) a. * Der Mann schlft das Buch.
the man sleeps the book
b. * Der Mann denkt an die Frau das Buch.
the man thinks at the woman the book
An intransitive verb was unified with the Transitive Construction in the analysis of (26a)
and in (26b) a verb that takes a prepositional object was combined with the Transitive
Construction. This means that representations like (11) cannot be computed automati-
cally as was intended by Kay (2002). Therefore one would have to specify subconstruc-
tions for all argument structure possibilities for every verb (active, passive, middle, ).
This does not capture the fact that speakers can form passives after acquiring new verbs
without having to learn about the fact that the newly learned verb forms one.
Michaelis & Ruppenhofer (2001) do not use sets for the representation of semantic
information. Therefore they could use constraints regarding the meaning of verbs in
the Transitive Construction. To this end, one needs to represent semantic relations with
feature descriptions as it was done in Section 9.1.6. Adopting such a representation, it
is possible to talk about two-place relations in an abstract way. See for instance the
discussion of (27) on page 271. However, the unification with the Subject Construction
cannot be blocked with reference to semantics since there exist so-called raising verbs
that take a subject without assigning a semantic role to it. As is evidenced by subject
verb agreement, du you is the subject in (27), but the subject does not get a semantic
role. The referent of du is not the one who seems.
(27) Du scheinst gleich einzuschlafen.
you seem.2sg soon
You seem like you will fall asleep soon.
This means that one is forced to either assume an empty expletive subject for verbs like
grauen or to specify explicitly which verbs may inherit from the subject construction
and which may not.
10 Construction Grammar
In addition to (27), there exist object raising constructions with accusative objects that
can be promoted to subject in passives. The subject in the passive construction does not
get a semantic role from the finite verb:
(28) a. Richard lacht ihn an.
Richard laughs him towards
Richard smiles at him.
b. Richard fischt den Teich leer.
Richard fishes the pond empty
The objects in (28) are semantic arguments of an towards and leer empty, respectively,
but not semantic arguments of the verbs lacht laughs and fischt fishes, respectively.
If one wants to explain these active forms and the corresponding passive forms via the
linking constructions in (9), one cannot refer to semantic properties of the verb. There-
fore, one is forced to postulate specific lexical entries for all possible verb forms in active
and passive sentences.
10.6 New developments and theoretical variants
(29) Head-Complement Construction following Sag, Wasow & Bender (2003: 481):
[ ]
head-dtr 0 word
syn|val|comps A
dtrs 0 A nelist
The value of comps is then a list of the complements of a head (see Section 9.6.1). Unlike
in standard HPSG, it is not synsem objects that are selected with valence lists, but rather
signs. The analysis of the phrase ate a pizza takes the form in (30).14
head-comp-cx phrase
form ate, a, pizza
head verb
syn spr NP[nom]
form ate
head verb
head-dtr 1
spr NP[nom]
comps 2 NP[acc]
dtrs 1, 2
The difference to HPSG in the version of Pollard & Sag (1994) is that for Sag, Wasow &
Bender, signs do not have daughters and this makes the selection of daughters impos-
sible. As a result, the synsem feature becomes superfluous (selection of the phon value
and of the value of the newly introduced form feature is allowed in Sag, Wasow & Ben-
der (2003) and Sag (2012)). The information about the linguistic objects that contribute
to a complex sign is only represented in the very outside of the structure. The sign repre-
sented under mother is of the type phrase but does not contain any information about
the daughters. The object described in (30) is of course also of another type than the
phrasal or lexical signs that can occur as its daughters. We therefore need the following
extension so that the grammar will work (Sag, Wasow & Bender 2003: 478):15
(31) is a Well-Formed Structure according to a grammar G if and only if:
SBCG uses a form feature in addition to the phon feature, which is used for phonological information as
in earlier versions of HPSG (Sag 2012: Section 3.1, Section 3.6). The form feature is usually provided in
example analyses.
15 A less formal version of this constraint is given as the Sign Principle by Sag (2012: 105): Every sign must
be listemically or constructionally licensed, where: a sign is listemically licensed only if it satisfies some
listeme, and a sign is constructionally licensed if it is the mother of some well-formed construct.
10 Construction Grammar
10.6 New developments and theoretical variants
10 Construction Grammar
which is why Klaus is also accessible to wissen. However, the purpose of the new, more
restrictive feature geometry was to rule out such nonlocal access to arguments.
An alternative to projecting the complete argument structure was suggested by Kay
et al. (2015: Section 6): instead of assuming that the subject is the xarg in idiomatic
constructions like those in (33), they assume that the accusative or dative argument is
the xarg. This is an interesting proposal that could be used to fix the cases under discus-
sion, but the question is whether it scales up if interaction with other phenomena are
considered. For instance, Bender & Flickinger (1999) use xarg in their account of ques-
tion tags in English. So, if English idioms can be found that require a non-subject xarg
in embedded sentences while also admitting the idiom parts in the embedded sentence
to occur as full clause with question tag, we would have conflicting demands and would
have to assume different xargs for root and embedded clauses, which would make this
version of the lexical theory rather unattractive, since we would need two lexical items
for the respective verb.
(33d) is especially interesting, since here the X that refers to material outside the idiom
is in an adjunct. If such cases existed, the xarg mechanism would be clearly insufficient
since xarg is not projected from adjuncts. However, as Kay et al. (2015) point out the X
does not necessarily have to be a pronoun that is coreferent with an element in a matrix
clause. They provide the following example:
(36) Justin BieberOnce upon a time butter wouldnt melt in little Justins mouth.
Now internationally famous for being a weapons-grade petulant brat
So, whether examples of the respective kind can be found is an open question.
Returning to our horse examples, Richter & Sailer (2009: 313) argue that the idiomatic
reading is only available if the accusative pronouns is fronted and the embedded clause
is V2. The examples in (37) do not have the idiomatic reading:
(37) a. Ich glaube, dass mich ein Pferd tritt.
I believe that me a horse kicks
I believe that a horse kicks me.
b. Ich glaube, ein Pferd tritt mich.
I believe a horse kicks me
I believe that a horse kicks me.
Richter & Sailer assume a structure for X_Acc tritt ein Pferd in (33b) that contains, among
others, the constraints in (38).
The feature geometry in (38) differs somewhat from what was presented in Chapter 9
but that is not of interest here. It is only of importance that the semantic contribution
of the entire phrase is surprised (x 2 ). The following is said about the internal structure
of the phrase: it consists of a filler-daughter (an extracted element) and also of a head
daughter corresponding to a sentence from which something has been extracted. The
head daughter means a horse kicks x 2 and has an internal head somewhere whose
10.6 New developments and theoretical variants
cat|listeme very-surprised
synsem|loc cont|main surprised (x 2 )
[ ]
synsem|loc 1
lf|exc a horse kicks x 2
word [ ]
(38) tense pres
listeme treten
h-dtr + NP[listeme pferd, def , sg],
cat|head|case acc
arg-st [ ]
loc 1 cont
index 2
argument structure list contains an indefinite NP with the word Pferd horse as its head.
The second element in the argument structure is a pronominal NP in the accusative
whose local value is identical to that of the filler ( 1 ). The entire meaning of this part
of the sentence is surprised (x 2 ), whereby 2 is identical to the referential index of the
pronoun. In addition to the constraints in (38), there are additional ones that ensure that
the partial clause appears with the relevant form of glauben to believe or denken to
think. The exact details are not that important here. What is important is that one can
specify constraints on complex syntactic elements, that is, it must be possible to refer to
daughters of daughters. This is possible with the classical HPSG feature geometry, but
not with the feature geometry of SBCG. For a more general discussion of locality, see
Section 18.2.
The restrictions on Pferd clauses in (38) are too strict, however, since there are variants
of the idiom that do not have the accusative pronoun in the Vorfeld:
(39) a. ich glaub es tritt mich ein Pferd wenn ich einen derartigen Unsinn
I believe expl kicks me a horse when I a such nonsense
I am utterly surprised when I read such nonsense.
commentary section, 10.12.2015.
10 Construction Grammar
b. omg dieser xBluuR der nn ist wieder da ey nein ich glaub es tritt
omg this XBluuR he is again there no I believe expl kicks
mich ein Pferd 18
me a horse
OMG, this xBluuR, the nn, he is here again, no, I am utterly surprised.
c. ich glaub jetzt tritt mich ein pferd19
I believe now kicks me a horse
I am utterly surprised now.
In (40ab) the Vorfeld is filled by an expletive and in (40c) an adverb fills the Vorfeld
position. While these forms of the idiom are really rare, they do exist and should be
allowed for by the description of the idiom. So, one would have to make sure that ein
Pferd a horse is not fronted, but this can be done in the lexical item of tritt kicks.
This shows that the cases at hand cannot be used to argue for models that allow for the
representation of (underspecified) trees of depth greater one, but I still believe that such
idioms can be found. Of course this is an open empirical question.
What is not an open empirical question though is whether humans store chunks with
complex internal structure or not. It is clear that we do and much Construction Grammar
literature emphasizes this. Constructional HPSG can represent such chunks, but SBCG
cannot since linguistic signs do not have daughters. So here Constructional HPSG and
TAG are the theories that can represent complex chunks of linguistic material with its
internal structure, while other theories like GB, Minimalism, CG, LFG and DG can not.
10.6 New developments and theoretical variants
the corresponding feature structures. In this way, locality would have been abandoned
since it is possible to refer to daughters of daughters. By assuming (31), the theoretical
inventory has been increased without any explanatory gain.
10 Construction Grammar
In a lexical approach, one would assume an additional lexical item with an element in
slash or gap.
(42) Lexical introduction of nonlocal dependencies according to Sag (2012: 163):
form like [ ] [ ]
1 , 2
arg-st gap gap
[ ]
syn val 1
gap 2
The analysis of (43) then results in a linguistic object in which the second element of the
arg-st list of like has the form value bagels .
(43) Bagels, I like.
In a trace-based account, the form value of the extracted element would be the empty
Now, the problem is that not everybody agrees with the traceless analysis of un-
bounded dependencies. For instance, Levine & Hukari (2006) wrote a monograph dis-
cussing various versions of traceless accounts of extraction and argue against them.
Chaves (2009) suggested solutions to some of the puzzles, but does not solve them en-
tirely. While feature geometries that include a local feature allow researchers to assume
trace-based analyses, the SBCG geometry makes this impossible. So those who use traces
in their theories will never adopt the SBCG geometry. See Section 19 for more on empty
A further advantage of having a package of information that is shared in nonlocal
dependencies is that some information can be excluded from sharing by specifying it
outside of such a package. This was used by Hhle (1994), Mller (1996d, 2002a), and
Meurers (1999a) to account for partial verb phrase fronting in German. The generaliza-
tion about partial verb phrase fronting in German is that verbs can be fronted together
with some or all of their objects even though the verb does not form a VP in other con-
texts. For instance, erzhlen tell and wird will in (44a) usually form a complex that
may not be separated by scrambling a projection of erzhlen to the left.
(44) a. dass er seiner Tochter ein Mrchen erzhlen wird
that he his daughter a fairy.tale tell will
that he will tell his daughter a fairy tale
10.6 New developments and theoretical variants
10 Construction Grammar
case but not that it starts with a vowel. SBCG allows for the selection of phonological
information (the feature is called form here) and one example of such a selection is the
indefinite article in English, which has to be either a or an depending on whether the
noun or nominal projection it is combined with starts with a vowel or not (Flickinger,
Mail to the HPSG mailing list, 01.03.2016):
(46) a. an institute
b. a house
The distinction can be modeled by assuming a selection feature for determiners.22 An
alternative would be of course to capture all phonological phenomena by formulating
constraints on phonology on the phrasal level (see Bird & Klein 1994 and Walther 1999
for phonology in HPSG).
Note also that the treatment of raising and nonlocal dependencies in SBCG admits
nonlocal selection of phonology values, since the form value of the filler is present at
the arg-st list of the head from which the argument is extracted. In earlier HPSG ver-
sions only local information is shared and elements in valence lists do not have a phon
feature. In principle, SBCG could be used to model languages in which the phonology
of a filler is relevant for a head from which it is extracted. So for instance likes can see
the phonology of bagels in (47):
(47) Bagels, I think that Peter likes.
It would be possible to state constraints saying that the filler has to contain a vowel or
two vowels or that it ends with a consonant. In addition all elements on the extraction
path (that and think) can see the phonology of the filler as well. While there are lan-
guages that mark the extraction path, I doubt that there are languages that have phono-
logical effects across long distances.
Similarly, the analysis of raising in SBCG assumes that the element on the valence list
of the embedded verb is identical to an element in the arg-st list of the matrix verb (Sag
2012: 159). Hence, both verbs in (48) can see the phonology of the subject:
(48) Kim can eat apples.
In principle there could be languages in which the form of the downstairs verb depends
on the presence of an initial consonant in phonology of the subject. English allows for
long chains of raising verbs and one could imagine languages in which all the verbs on
the way are sensitive to the phonology of the subject. Such languages probably do not
Now, is this a problem? Not for me, but if one develops a general setup in a way to
exclude everything that is not attested in the languages of the world (as for instance the
selection of arguments of arguments of arguments), then it is a problem that heads can
see the phonology of elements that are far away.
In Standard HPSG there is mutual selection between the determiner and the noun. The noun selects the
determiner via spr and the determiner selects the noun via a feature called specified. This feature is similar
to the mod feature, which was explained in Section 9.1.7.
10.6 New developments and theoretical variants
There are two possible conclusions for practitioners of SBCG: either the mother fea-
ture could be given up since one agrees that theories that do not make wrong predictions
are sufficiently constraint and one does not have to explicitly state what cannot occur in
languages or one would have to react to the problem with nonlocally selected phonology
values and therefore assume a synsem or local feature that bundles information that is
relevant in raising and nonlocal dependencies and does not include the phonology.23
This supports the arguments I made on mother and local in the previous subsections.
The problem with such an approach is that VPs differ from other phrasal projections
in having an element on their valence list. APs, NPs, and (some) PPs have an empty
valence list. In other versions of HPSG the complements are represented on the comps
list and generalizations about phrases with fully saturated comps lists can be expressed
directly. One such generalization is that projections with an empty comps list (NPs, PPs,
VPs, adverbs, CPs) can be extraposed in German (Mller 1999a: Section 13.1.2). Conclusion
Due to the conceptual problems with meta-statements and the relatively simple ways
of getting around locality restrictions, the reorganization of features (mother vs. syn-
sem) does not bring with it any advantages. Since the grammar becomes more complex
due to the meta-constraint, we should reject this change.24 Other changes in the fea-
If synsem is reintroduced, the elements in the valence lists could be of type synsem. Information about
phonology would not be part of the description of the selected elements. This would not solve the problem
of partial verb phrase fronting though, since the lex feature is selected for (hence part of the information
under synsem) but not shared with the filler. One would need a local feature in addition to synsem. See
In Mller (2013b: 253) I claimed that SBCG uses a higher number of features in comparison to other variants
of HPSG because of the assumption of the mother feature. As Van Eynde (2015) points out this is not true
for more recent variants of HPSG since they have the synsem feature, which is not needed if mother is
assumed. (Van Eynde refers to the local feature, but the local feature was eliminated because it was
considered superfluous because of the lexical analysis of extraction, see Section If one simply
omits the mother feature from SBCG one is back to the 1987 version of HPSG (Pollard & Sag 1987), which
also used a syn and a sem feature. What would be missing would be the locality of selection (Sag 2012: 149)
that was enforced to some extent by the synsem feature. Note that the locality of selection that is enforced
by synsem can be circumvented by the use of relational constraints as well (see Frank Richter and Manfred
Sailers work on collocations (Richter & Sailer 1999a; Soehn & Sailer 2008)). So in principle, we end up
with style guides in this area of grammar as well.
10 Construction Grammar
ture geometry (elimination of the local feature and use of a single valence feature) are
problematic as well. However, if we do reject the revised feature geometry and revert to
the feature geometry that was used before, then Sign-Based Construction Grammar and
Constructional HPSG (Sag 1997) are (almost) indistinguishable.
For a similar construction, see Bergen & Chang (2005: 162).
10.6 New developments and theoretical variants
f|orth 1 2
case 3
number 4
m 5
Determiner f|orth 2
f|orth 1 case 3
dtrs case 3 , number 4
number 4 gender 6
gender 6
m 5
determiner has been combined with that of the noun. This strict adjacency constraint
makes sense as the claim that the determiner must precede the noun is not restrictive
enough since sequences such as (52b) would be allowed:
(52) a. [dass] die Frauen Tren ffnen
that the women doors open
that the woman open doors
b. * die Tren ffnen
If discontinuous phrases are permitted, die Tren the doors can be analyzed with the
DetNoun Construction although another noun phrase intervenes between the deter-
miner and the noun (Mller 1999a: 424; 1999c). The order in (52b) can be ruled out
by linearization constraints or constraints on the continuity of arguments. If we want
the construction to require that the determiner and noun be adjacent, then we would
simply use meets instead of before in the specification of the construction.
This discussion has shown that (51) is more restrictive than (50). There are, however,
contexts in which one could imagine using discontinuous constituents such as the de-
viant one in (52b). For example, discontinuous constituents have been proposed for ver-
bal complexes, particle verbs and certain coordination data (Wells 1947). Examples for
analyses with discontinuous constituents in the framework of HPSG are Reape (1994),
Kathol (1995), Kathol (2000), Crysmann (2008), and Beavers & Sag (2004).26 These analy-
ses, which are discussed in Section in more detail, differ from those previously
presented in that they use a feature domain instead of or in addition to the daughters
features. The value of the domain feature is a list containing the head and the elements
dependent on it. The elements do not have to necessarily be adjacent in the utterance,
that is, discontinuous constituents are permitted. Which elements are entered into this
list in which way is governed by the constraints that are part of the linguistic theory.
This differs from the simple before statement in ECG in that it is much more flexible
26 Crysmann, Beaver and Sag deal with coordination phenomena. For an analysis of coordination in TAG
that also makes use of discontinuous constituents, see Sarkar & Joshi (1996) and Section 21.6.2.
10 Construction Grammar
and in that one can also restrict the area in which a given element can be ordered since
elements can be freely ordered inside their domain only.
There is a further difference between the representation in (50) and the general HPSG
schemata: in the ECG variant, linearization requirements are linked to constructions.
In HPSG and GPSG, it is assumed that linearization rules hold generally, that is, if we
were to assume the rules in (53), we would not have to state for each rule explicitly that
shorter NPs tend to precede longer ones and that animate nouns tend to occur before
inanimate ones.
(53) a. S NP[nom], NP[acc], V
b. S NP[nom], NP[dat], V
c. S NP[nom], NP[dat], NP[acc], V
d. S NP[nom], NP[acc], PP, V
It is possible to capture these generalizations in ECG if one specifies linearization con-
straints for more general constructions and more specific constructions inherit them
from these. As an example, consider the Active-Ditransitive Construction discussed by
Bergen & Chang (2005: 170):
(54) Construction Active-Ditransitive
subcase of Pred-Expr
agent.f before action.f
action.f meets recipient.f
recipient.f meets theme.f
These restrictions allow the sentences in (55a,b) and rule out those in (55c):
(55) a. Mary tossed me a drink.
b. Mary happily tossed me a drink.
c. * Mary tossed happily me a drink.
The restriction agent.f before action.f forces an order where the subject occurs before
the verb but also allows for adverbs to occur between the subject and the verb. The other
constraints on form determine the order of the verb and its object: the recipient must
be adjacent to the verb and the theme must be adjacent to the recipient. The require-
ment that an agent in the active must occur before the verb is not specific to ditransitive
constructions. This restriction could therefore be factored out as follows:
10.6 New developments and theoretical variants
The Active-Ditransitive Construction in (54) would then inherit the relevant information
from (56).
In addition to the descriptive means used in (50), there is the evokes operator (Bergen
& Chang 2005: 151152). An interesting example is the representation of the term hy-
potenuse: this concept can only be explained by making reference to a right-angled tri-
angle (Langacker 1987: Chapter 5). Chang (2008: 67) gives the following formalization:
(57) Schema hypotenuse
subcase of line-segment
evokes right-triangle as rt
self rt.long-side
This states that a hypotenuse is a particular line segment, namely the longest side of a
right-angled triangle. The concept of a right-angled triangle is activated by means of
the evokes operator. Evokes creates an instance of an object of a certain type (in the
example, rt of type right-triangle). It is then possible to refer to the properties of this
object in a schema or in a construction.
The feature description in (58) is provided in the notation from Chapter 6. It is the
equivalent to (57).
[ ]
(58) 1 right-triangle
long-side 1
The type hypotenuse is a subtype of line-segment. The value of evokes is a list since a
schema or construction can evoke more than one concept. The only element in this list
in (58) is an object of type right-triangle. The value of the feature long-side is identified
with the entire structure. This essentially means the following: I, as a hypotenuse, am
the long side of a right-angled triangle.
Before turning to FCG in the next subsection, we can conclude that ECG and HPSG
are notational variants.
ones while the latter is a cognitive-functional one. I think that it is not legitimate to draw
these distinctions on the basis of what is done in FCG.27 I will comment on this at various
places in this section. I first deal with the representations that are used in FCG, talk about
argument structure constructions, the combination operations fusion and merging that
are used in FCG and then provide a detailed comparison of FCG and SBCG/HPSG.
(59) unit-name
feature value
1 1
featuren valuen
Linguistic objects have a form and a meaning pole. The two poles could be organized
into a single feature description by using a syn and a sem feature, but in FCG papers the
two poles are presented separately and connected via a double arrow. (60) is an example:
(60) The name Kim according to van Trijp (2013: 99):
Kim-unit (semantic pole)
[ ]
meaning individual kim
sem-cat [class person]
Depending on the mode in which the lexical items are used, the syntactic pole or the
semantic pole is used first. The first processing step is a matching phase in which it is
checked whether the semantic pole (for generation) or the syntactic pole (for parsing)
27 Steels (2013: 153) emphasizes the point that FCG is a technical tool for implementing constructionist ideas
rather than a theoretical framework of its own. However, authors working with the FCG system publish
linguistic papers that share a certain formal background and certain linguistic assumptions. So this section
addresses some of the key assumptions made and some of the mechanisms used.
LEX-CLASS proper-noun
Production Parsing
10 Construction Grammar
Semantic and syntactic potential of linkage introduced by "sent". He sent her the letter.
semantic pole syntactic pole semantic pole syntactic pole
Active ditransitive
sender Agent subject sender Agent subject
indirect indirect
sendee Recipient sendee Recipient
object object
sendee Recipient sendee Goal oblique
Goal oblique Recipient
Figure 10.3: Lexical items and phrasal constructions. Figure from van Trijp (2011: 122)
10.6 New developments and theoretical variants
(vertical), but the relation between certain variants is not covered by this. The analog to
the lexical rules in a lexical approach are GPSG-like metarules in a phrasal approach. So
what seems to be missing in FCG is something that relates phrasal patterns, e.g., allo-
constructions (Cappelle 2006; Goldberg 2014: 116, see also footnote 12).
10 Construction Grammar
The depictive reading can be forced by coordinating tot with a predicate that is not a
plausible result predicate:
(64) Schlag ihn tot oder lebendig!
beat him dead or alive
Beat him when he is dead or while he is alive!
So, the problem is that (62) has a reading which does not require the invocation of the
repair mechanism: schlug beat is used with the transitive construction and tot is an
adjunct (see Winkler 1997). However, the more likely analysis of (64) is the one with
the resultative analysis, in which the valence frame is extended by an oblique element.
So this means that one has to allow the application of merging independent of other
analyses that might be possible. As Steels & van Trijp (2011: 320) note, if merging is
allowed to apply freely, utterances like (65a) will be allowed and of course (65b) as well.
(65) a. * She sneezed her boyfriend.
b. * She dined a steak.
In (65) sneeze and dined are used in the transitive construction.
The way out of this dilemma is to establish information in lexical items that specifies
in which syntactic environments a verb can be used. This information can be weighted
and for instance the probability of dine to be used transitively would be extremely low.
Steels and van Trijp would connect their lexical items to phrasal constructions via so-
called coapplication links and the strength of the respective link would be very low for
dine and the transitive construction and reasonably high for sneeze and the Caused-
Motion Construction. This would explain the phenomena (and in a usage-based way),
but it would be a lexical approach, as it is common in CG, HPSG, SBCG, and DG.
10.6 New developments and theoretical variants
Van Trijps analysis involves several units that do not normally exist in phrase structure
grammars, but can be modeled via adjacency constraints or represent relations between
items which are part of lexical representations in HPSG/SBCG anyway. An example is
the subject-verb anchor that connects the subject and the verb to represent the fact that
these two items play an important functional role. Figure 10.4 shows the analysis of (67).
(67) What did the boy hit?
Figure 10.4: The analysis of What did the boy hit? according to van Trijp (2014: 265)
As can be seen in the figure, van Trijp also refers to information structural terms like
topic and focus. It should be noted here that the analysis of information structure has
quite some history in the framework of HPSG (Engdahl & Vallduv 1996; Kuhn 1995,
1996; Gnther et al. 1999; Wilcock 2001; De Kuthy 2002; Paggio 2005; Bildhauer 2008;
Bildhauer & Cook 2010). The fact that information structure is not talked about in syntax
papers like Sag (2012) does not entail that information structure is ignored or should be
ignored in theories like HPSG and SBCG. So much for completeness. The same holds of
course for explanational adequacy. This leaves us with theoretical parsimony, but before
I comment on this, I want to discuss van Trijps analysis in a little bit more detail in order
to show that many of his claims are empirically problematic and that his theory there-
fore cannot be explanatory since empirical correctness is a precondition for explanatory
Van Trijp claims that sentences with nonlocal dependency constructions in English
start with a topic.31 Bresnans sentences in (2) and (3) were discussed on page 216 (Bres-
nan 2001: 97) and are repeated below for convenience:
(68) Q: What did you name your cat?
A: Rosie I named her. (Rosie = focus)
31 Van Trijp (2014: 256) uses the following definitions for topic and focus: Topicality is defined in terms of
aboutness: the topic of an utterance is what the utterance is about. Focality is defined in terms of salience:
focus is used for highlighting the most important information given the current communicative setting.
10 Construction Grammar
10.6 New developments and theoretical variants
(74a) has the two readings that correspond to (74b) and (74c). A purely linearization-
based approach probably has difficulties to explain this. A slash-based approach can
assume that (74a) has a gap (or some similar means for the introduction of nonlocal
dependencies) at the position of oft in (74b) or (74c). The gap information is taken into
account in the semantic composition at the site of the gap. This automatically accounts
for the observed readings.
Another empirical problem that has to be solved is the existence of extraction path
marking languages. Bouma, Malouf & Sag (2001a) list a number of languages in which
elements vary depending on the existence or absence of a gap in a constituent they at-
tach to. For instance, Irish has complementizers that have one form if the clause they
attach to has an element extracted and another form if it does not. slash-based propos-
als can account for this in a straight-forward way: the fact that a constituent is missing
in a phrase is represented in the slash value of the trace and this information is per-
colated up the tree. So even complex structures contain the information that there is
a constituent missing inside them. Complementizers that are combined with sentences
therefore can select sentences with slash values that correspond to their inflection. Van
Trijps answer to this challenge is that all languages are different (van Trijp 2014: 263)
and that the evidence from one language does not necessarily mean that the analysis for
that language is also appropriate for another language. While I agree with this view in
principle (see Section 13.1), I do think that extraction is a rather fundamental property
of languages and that nonlocal dependencies should be analyzed in parallel for those
languages that have it.
Van Trijp points out that SBCG does not have a performance model and contrasts this
with FCG. On page 252 he states:
So parsing starts by segmenting the utterance into discrete forms, which are then
categorized into words by morphological and lexical constructions, and which can
then be grouped together as phrases (see Steels, 2011b, for a detailed account of
lexico-phrasal processing in FCG). So the parser will find similar constituents for
all four utterances, as shown in examples (2124). Since auxiliary-do in example
(24) falls outside the immediate domain of the VP, it is not yet recognized as a
member of the VP.
All of these phrases are disconnected, which means that the grammar still has to
identify the relations between the phrases. (van Trijp 2014: 252)
Van Trijp provides several tree fragments that contain NPs for subject and object and
states that these have to be combined in order to analyze the sentences he discusses.
This is empirically inadequate: if FCG does not make the competence/performance dis-
tinction, then the way utterances are analyzed should reflect the way humans process
language (and this is what is usually claimed about FCG). However, all we know about
human language processing points towards an incremental processing, that is, we pro-
cess information as soon as it is available. We start to process the first word taking into
account all of the relevant aspects (phonology, stress, part of speech, semantics, informa-
tion structure) and come up with an hypothesis about how the utterance could proceed.
10 Construction Grammar
As soon as we have two words processed (in fact even earlier: integration already hap-
pens during the processing of words) we integrate the second word into what we know
already and continue to follow our hypothesis, or revise it, or simply fail. See Section 15.2
for details on processing and the discussion of experiments that show that processing is
incremental. So, we have to say that van Trijps analysis fails on empirical grounds: his
modeling of performance aspects is not adequate.
The parsing scheme that van Trijp describes is pretty much similar to those of HPSG
parsers, but these usually come without any claims about performance. Modeling per-
formance is rather complex since a lot of factors play a role. It is therefore reasonable to
separate competence and performance and continue to work the way it is done in HPSG
and FCG. This does not mean that performance aspects should not be modeled, in fact
psycholinguistic models using HPSG have been developed in the past (Konieczny 1996),
but developing both a grammar with large coverage and the performance model that
combines with it demands a lot of resources.
I now turn to parsimony: van Trijp uses a subject-verb anchor construction that com-
bines the subject and the main verb. Because of examples like (75) it must be possible to
have discontinuous subject-verb constructions:32
(75) Peter often reads books.
But if such constructions can be discontinuous one has to make sure that (76b) cannot
be an instantiation of the subject-verb construction:
(76) a. The boy I think left.
b. * I the boy think left.
Here it is required to have some adjacency between the subject and the verb it belongs
to, modulo some intervening adverbials. This is modelled quite nicely in phrase structure
grammars that have a VP node. Whatever the internal structure of such a VP node may
be, it has to be adjacent to the subject in sentences like the ones above. The dislocated
element has to be adjacent to the complex consisting of subject and VP. This is what the
Filler-Head Schema does in HPSG and SBCG. Van Trijp criticizes SBCG for having to
stipulate such a schema, but I cannot see how his grammar can be complete without a
statement that ensures the right order of elements in sentences with fronted elements.
Van Trijp stated that FCG differs from what he calls generative approaches in that it
does not want to characterize only the well-formed utterances of a language. According
to him, the parsing direction is much more liberal in accepting input than other the-
ories. So it could well be that he is happy to find a structure for (76b). Note though
that this is incompatible with other claims made by van Trijp: he argued that FCG is
superior to other theories in that it comes with a performance model (or rather in not
32 Unless modals and tense auxiliaries are treated as main verbs (which they should not in English), construc-
tions with modals seem to be another case where the subject and the main verb are not adjacent:
(i) a. Peter will read the book.
b. Peter has read the book.
10.6 New developments and theoretical variants
separating competence from performance at all). But then (76b) should be rejected both
on competence and performance grounds. It is just unacceptable and speakers reject it
for whatever reasons. Any sufficiently worked out theory of language has to account
for this.
One of the success stories of non-transformational grammar is the slash-based analy-
sis of nonlocal dependencies by Gazdar (1981b). This analysis made it possible for the
first time to explain Rosss Across the Board Extraction (Ross 1967). The examples were
already discussed on page 193 and are repeated here for convenience:
(77) a. The kennel which Mary made and Fido sleeps in has been stolen.
(= S/NP & S/NP)
b. The kennel in which Mary keeps drugs and Fido sleeps has been stolen.
(= S/PP & S/PP)
c. * The kennel (in) which Mary made and Fido sleeps has been stolen.
(= S/NP & S/PP)
The generalization is that two (or more) constituents can be coordinated if they have
identical syntactic categories and identical slash values. This explains why which and
in which in (77a,b) can fill two positions in the respective clauses. Now, theories that
do not use a slash feature for the percolation of information about missing elements
have to find different ways to make sure that all argument slots are filled and that the
correct correspondence between extracted elements and the respective argument role is
established. Note that this is not straightforward in models like the one suggested by
van Trijp, since he has to allow the preposition in to be combined with some material to
the left of it that is simultaneously also the object of made. Usually an NP cannot simply
be used by two different heads as their argument. As an example consider (78a):
(78) a. * John said about the cheese that I like.
b. John said about the cheese that I like it.
If it would be possible to use material several times, a structure for (78a) would be pos-
sible in which the cheese is the object of the preposition about and of the verb like. This
sentence, however, is totally out: the pronoun it has to be used to fill the object slot.
There is a further problem related to discontinuity. If one does not restrict continuity,
then constituent orders like (79b) are admitted by the grammar:
(79) a. Deshalb klrt, dass Peter kommt, ob Klaus spielt.
therefore resolves that Peter comes whether Klaus plays
Therefore that Peter comes resolves whether Klaus will play.
b. * Deshalb klrt dass ob Peter Klaus kommt spielt.
therefore resolves that whether Peter Klaus comes plays
The interesting thing about the word salad in (79b) is that the constituent order within
the dass clause and within the ob clause is correct. That is, the complementizer precedes
the subject, which in turn precedes the verb. The problem is that the constituents of the
two clauses are mixed.
10 Construction Grammar
In a model that permits discontinuous constituents, one cannot require that all parts
of an argument have to be arranged after all parts that belong to another argument since
discontinuity is used to account for nonlocal dependencies. So, it must be possible to
have Klaus before other arguments (or parts of other arguments) since Klaus can be
extracted. An example of mixing parts of phrases is given in (80):
(80) Dieses Buch hat der Mann mir versprochen, seiner Frau zu geben, der gestern
this book has the man me promised his wife to give who yesterday
hier aufgetreten ist.
here performed is
The man who performed here yesterday promised me to give this book to his
We see that material that refers to der Mann the man, namely the relative clause der
gestern hier aufgetreten ist who performed here yesterday, appears to the right. And
the object of geben to give, which would normally be part of the phrase dieses Buch
seiner Frau zu geben this book his wife to give appears to the left. So, in general it
is possible to mix parts of phrases, but this is possible in a very restricted way only.
Some dependencies extend all the way to the left of certain units (fronting) and others
all the way to the right (extraposition). Extraposition is clause-bound, while extraction
is not. In approaches like GPSG, HPSG and SBCG, the facts are covered by assuming
that constituents for a complete clause are continuous apart from constituents that are
fronted or extraposed. The fronted and extraposed constituents are represented in slash
and extra (Keller 1995; Mller 1999a), respectively, rather than in valence features, so
that it is possible to require of constituents that have all their valents saturated to be
Summing up the discussion of parsimony, it has to be said that van Trijp has to provide
the details on how continuity is ensured. The formalization of this is not trivial and only
after this is done can FCG be compared with the slash-based approach.
In addition to all the points discussed so far, there is a logical flaw in van Trijps argu-
mentation. He states that:
whereas the filler-gap analysis cannot explain why do-support does not occur in
wh-questions where the subject is assigned questioning focus, this follows natu-
rally from the interaction of different linguistic perspectives in this papers ap-
proach. (van Trijp 2014: 263)
The issue here is whether a filler-gap analysis or an analysis with discontinuous con-
stituents is suited better for explaining the data. A correct argumentation against the
filler-gap analysis would require a proof that information structural or other functional
constraints cannot be combined with this analysis. This proof was not provided and in
fact I think it cannot be provided since there are approaches that integrate information
structure. Simply pointing out that a theory is incomplete does not falsify a theory. This
point was already made in my review of Boas (2003) and in a reply to Boas (2014). See
10.6 New developments and theoretical variants
Mller (2005a: 655656), Mller (2007b: Chapter 20), and Mller & Wechsler (2014b:
Footnote 15).
The conclusion about the FCG analysis of nonlocal dependencies is that there are
some empirical flaws that can be easily fixed or assumptions that can simply be dropped
(role of do as object marker, claim that the initial position in English fronting construc-
tion is the topic), some empirical shortcomings (coordination, admittance of illformed
utterances with discontinuous constituents), some empirical problems when the analy-
sis is extended to other languages (scope of adjuncts in German), and the parsimony of
the analyses is not really comparable since the restrictions on continuity are not really
worked out (or at least not published). If the formalization of restrictions on continuity
in FCG turns out to be even half as complex as the formalization that is necessary for
accounts of nonlocal dependencies (extraction and extraposition) in linearization-based
HPSG that Reape (2000) suggested,33 the slash-based analysis would be favorable.
In any case, I do not see how nonlocal dependencies could be used to drive a wedge
between SBCG and FCG. If there are functional considerations that have to be taken
into account, they should be modeled in both frameworks. In general, FCG should be
more restrictive than SBCG since FCG claims to integrate a performance model, so both
competence and performance constraints should be operative. I will come back to the
competence/performance distinction in the following section, which is a more general
comparison of SBCG and FCG.
Table 10.1: Differences between SBCG and FCG according to van Trijp (2013: 112)
33 See Kathol & Pollard (1995) for a linearization-based account of extraposition. This account is implemented
in the Babel System (Mller 1996c). See (Mller 1999d) on restricting discontinuity. Linearization-based
approaches were argued to not be able to account for apparent multiple frontings in German (Mller
2005c, 2015b) and hence linearization-based approaches were replaced by more traditional variants that
allow for continuous constituents only.
10 Construction Grammar
It is true that HPSG and SBCG make a competence/performance distinction (Sag & Wa-
sow 2011). HPSG theories are theories about the structure of utterances that are moti-
vated by distributional evidence. These theories do not contain any hypothesis regard-
ing brain activation, planning of utterance, processing of utterances (garden path effects)
and similar things. In fact, none of the theories that are discussed in this book contains an
explicit theory that explains all these things. I think that it is perfectly legitimate to work
in this way: it is legitimate to study the structure of words without studying their seman-
tics and pragmatics, it is legitimate to study phonology without caring about syntax, it
is legitimate to deal with specific semantic problems without caring about phonology
and so on, provided there are ways to integrate the results of such research into a bigger
picture. So, it is wrong to develop models like those developed in current versions of Min-
imalism (called Biolinguistics), where it is assumed that utterances are derived in phases
(NPs, CPs, depending on the variant of the theory) and then shipped to the interfaces
(spell out and semantic interpretation). This is not what humans do (see Chapter 15). But
if we are neutral with respect towards such issues, we are fine. In fact, there is psycholin-
guistic work that couples HPSG grammars to performance models (Konieczny 1996) and
similar work exists for TAG (Shieber & Johnson 1993; Demberg & Keller 2008).
Finally, there is also work in Construction Grammar that abstracts away from perfor-
mance considerations. For instance, Adele Goldbergs book from 1995 does not contain
a worked out theory of performance facts. It contains boxes in which grammatical func-
tions are related to semantic roles. So this basically is a competence theory as well. Of
course there are statements about how this is connected to psycholinguistic findings,
but this is also true for theories like HPSG, SBCG and Simpler Syntax (Jackendoff 2011:
600) that explicitly make the competence/performance distinction.
10.6 New developments and theoretical variants
computer implementation of SBCG is trivial, given the systems that we have for process-
ing HPSG grammars. In order to show this, I want to address one issue that van Trijp
discusses. He claims that SBCG cannot be directly implemented. On issues of complexity
of constraint solving systems he quotes (Levine & Meurers 2006: Section 4.2.2):
Actual implementations of HPSG typically handle the problem by guiding the lin-
guistic processor using a (rule-based) phrase structure backbone, but the disadvan-
tage of this approach is that the organization and formulation of the grammar is
different from that of the linguistic theory (Levine & Meurers 2006: Section 4.2.2).
(van Trijp 2013)
He concludes:
Applying all these observations to the operationalization of SBCG, we can con-
clude that an SBCG grammar is certainly amenable for computational implemen-
tation because of its formal explicitness. There are at least two computational plat-
forms available, mostly used for implementing HPSG-based grammars, whose ba-
sic tenets are compatible with the foundations of SBCG: LKB (Copestake 2002)
and TRALE (Richter 2006). However, none of these platforms supports a direct
implementation of an SBCG grammar as a general constraint system, so SBCGs
performance-independence hypothesis remains conjecture until proven otherwise.
There are two issues that should be kept apart here: efficiency and faithfulness to the the-
ory. First, as Levine and Meurers point out, there were many constraint solving systems
at the beginning of the 90s. So there are computer systems that can and have been used
to implement and process HPSG grammars. This is very valuable since they can be used
for direct verification of specific theoretical proposals. As was discussed by Levine and
Meurers, trying to solve constraints without any guidance is not the most efficient way
to deal with the parsing/generation problem. Therefore, additional control-structure was
added. This control structure is used for instance in a parser to determine the syntactic
structure of a phrase and other constraints will apply as soon as there is sufficient in-
formation available for them to apply. For instance, the assignment of structural case
happens once the arguments of a head are realized. Now, is it bad to have a phrase
structure backbone? One can write down phrase structure grammars that use phrase
structure rules that have nothing to do with what HPSG grammars usually do. The sys-
tems TRALE (Meurers, Penn & Richter 2002; Penn 2004) and LKB will process them. But
one is not forced to do this. For instance, the grammars that I developed for the Core-
Gram project (Mller 2013a, 2015a) are very close to the linguistic theory. To see that
this is really the case, let us look at the Head-Argument Schema. The Head-Argument
Schema is basically the type head-argument-phrase with certain type constraints that
are partly inherited from its supertypes. The type with all the constraints was given on
page 268 and is repeated here as (81):
10 Construction Grammar
The left hand side of the rule is the mother node of the tree, that is, the sign that is
licensed by the schema provided that the daughters are present. The right hand side in
(82a) consists of the head daughter 4 followed by the non-head daughter 5 . We have
the opposite order in (82b), that is, the head daughter follows the non-head daughter.
The two orders correspond to the two orders that are permitted by LP-rules: the head
precedes its argument if it is marked initial+ and it follows it if it is marked initial.
The following code shows how (83b) is implemented in TRALE:
arg_h rule (head_argument_phrase,
cat> NonHeadDtr,
cat> HeadDtr.
A rule starts with an identifier that is needed for technical reasons like displaying in-
termediate structures in the parsing process in debugging tools. A description of the
10.6 New developments and theoretical variants
mother node follows and after the arrow we find a list of daughters, each introduced by
the operator cat>.34 Structure sharing is indicated by values with capital letters. The
above TRALE rule is a computer-readable variant of (82b), but includes the explicit spec-
ification of the value of initial.
Now, the translation of a parallel schema using a mother feature like (83a) into a
phrase structure rule is almost as simple:
[ ]
mother|synsem|loc|cat head 1
subcat 2
(83) a. [ ]
head 1
head-dtr 4 |synsem|loc|cat subcat 2 3
non-head-dtrs 5 [ synsem 3 ]
[ ]
mother 6 |synsem|loc|cat head 1
subcat 2
b. 6 4 , 5 where [ ]
head 1
head-dtr 4 |synsem|loc|cat
subcat 2 3
non-head-dtrs 5 [ synsem 3 ]
(83b) is only one of the two phrase structure rules that correspond to (83a), but since the
other one only differs from (83b) in the ordering of 4 and 5 , it is not given here.
For grammars in which the order of the elements corresponds to the observable order
of the daughters in a dtrs list, the connection to phrase structure rules is even simpler:
(84) 1 2 where mother 1
dtrs 2
The value of dtrs is a list and hence 2 stands for the list of daughters on the right
hand side of the phrase structure rule as well. The type construction is a supertype of all
constructions and hence (84) can be used to analyze all phrases that are licensed by the
grammar. In fact, (84) is one way to put the meta constraint in (31).
So, this shows that the version of SBCG that has been developed by Sag (2012) has
a straightforward implementation in TRALE.35 The question remains whether SBCGs
performance-independence hypothesis remains conjecture until proven otherwise as van
Trijp sees it. The answer is: it is not a conjecture since any of the old constraint-solving
Other operators are possible in TRALE. For instance, sem_head can be used to guide the generator. This is
control information that has nothing to do with linguistic theory and not necessarily with the way humans
process natural language. There is also a cats operator, which precedes lists of daughters. This can be used
to implement flat phrase structures.
35 A toy fragment of English using a mother feature and phrase structure rules with specifications of the
kind given above can be downloaded at
10 Construction Grammar
systems of the nineties could be used to process SBCG. The question of whether this is
efficient is an engineering problem that is entirely irrelevant for theoretical linguistics.
Theoretical linguistics is concerned with human languages and how they are processed
by humans. So whether some processing system that does not make any claims about
human language processing is efficient or not is absolutely irrelevant. Phrase structure-
based backbones are therefore irrelevant as well, provided they refer to the grammar as
described in theoretical work.
Now, this begs the question whether there is a contradiction in my claims. On page 324
I pointed out that SBCG is lacking a formalization in Richters framework (Richter 2004).
Richter and also Levine & Meurers (2006) pointed out that there are problems with cer-
tain theoretically possible expressions and it is these expressions that mathematical lin-
guists care about. So the goal is to be sure that any HPSG grammar has a meaning and
that it is clear what it is. Therefore, this goal is much more foundational than writing a
single grammar for a particular fragment of a language. There is no such foundational
work for FCG since FCG is a specific toolkit that has been used to implement a set of
grammars. Static constraints vs. dynamic mappings and signature + grammar vs. open-
The cool thing about Fluid Construction Grammar is its fluidity, that is there are certain
constraints that can be adapted if there is pressure, the inventory of the theory is open-
ended, so categories and features can be added if need be.
Again, this is not a fundamental difference between HPSG/SBCG and FCG. An HPSG
grammar fragment of a specific language is a declarative representation of linguistic
knowledge and as such it of course just represents a certain fragment and does not con-
tain any information how this set of constraints evolved or how it is acquired by speak-
ers. For this we need specific theories about language evolution/language change/lan-
guage acquisition. This is parallel to what we said about the competence/performance
distinction, in order to account for language evolution we would have to have several
HPSG grammars and say something about how one developed from the other. This will
involve weighted constraints, it will involve recategorization of linguistic items and lots
more.36 So basically HPSG has to be extended, has to be paired with a model about
language evolution in the very same way as FCG is.
There are systems that use weighted constraints. We had a simple version of this in the German HPSG
grammar that was developed in Verbmobil project (Mller & Kasper 2000) already. Further theoretical ap-
proaches to integrate weighted constraints are Brew (1995) and more recently Guzmn Naranjo (2015).
Usually such weighted constraints are not part of theoretical papers, but there are exceptions as for in-
stance the paper by Briscoe and Copestake about lexical rules (Briscoe & Copestake 1999).
10.6 New developments and theoretical variants
of all languages, while FCG does not make any a priori assumptions. The fundamental
assumptions made in both theories are that the objects that we model are best described
by feature value pairs (a triviality). FCG assumes that there is always a syntactic and
a semantic pole (fundamental assumption in the system) and researchers working in
HPSG/SBCG assume that if languages have certain phenomena, they will be analyzed
in similar ways. For instance, if a language has nonlocal dependencies, these will be
analyzed via the slash mechanism. However, this does not entail that one believes that
grammars of all languages have a slash feature. And in fact, there may even be lan-
guages that do not have valence features (Koenig & Michelson 2010), which may be a
problem for FCG since it relies on the SYN-pole for the matching phase. So as far as
SBCG is concerned, there is considerable freedom to choose features that are relevant
in an analysis, and of course additional features and types can be assumed in case a lan-
guage is found that provides evidence for this. The only example of a constraint provided
by van Trijp that is possibly too strong is the locality constraint imposed by the mother
feature. The idea about this feature is that everything that is of relevance in a more non-
local context has to be passed up explicitly. This is done for nonlocal dependencies (via
slash) and for instance also for information concerning the form of a preposition inside
of a PP (via pform). Certain verbs require prepositional objects and restrict the form of
the preposition. For instance, wait has to make sure that its prepositional object has the
preposition for in it. Since this information is usually available only at the preposition,
it has to be passed up to the PP level in order to be directly selectable by the governing
(85) I am waiting for my man.
So, assuming strict locality of selection requires that all phenomena that cannot be
treated locally have to be analyzed by passing information up. Assuming strict local-
ity is a design decision that does not have any empirical consequences, as far as it does
not rule out any language or construction in principle. It just requires that information
has to be passed up that needs to be accessed at higher nodes. As I have shown in Sec-
tion 10.6.2, the locality constraint is easily circumvented even within SBCG and it makes
the analysis of idioms unnecessarily complicated and unintuitive, so I suggest dropping
the mother feature. But even if mother is kept, it is not justified to draw a distinction
between SBCG and FCG along the lines suggested by van Trijp.
Independent of the mother issue, the work done in the CoreGram project (Mller
2013a, 2015a) shows that one can derive generalizations in a bottom-up fashion rather
than imposing constraints on grammars in a top-down way. The latter paper discusses
Crofts methodological considerations and shows how methodological pitfalls are cir-
cumvented in the project. HPSG/SBCG research differs from work in Chomskyan frame-
works in not trying to show that all languages are like English or Romance or German or
whatever, rather languages are treated on their own as it is common in the Construction
Grammar community. This does not imply that there is no interest in generalizations
and universals or near universals or tendencies, but again the style of working and the
rhetoric in HPSG/SBCG is usually different from the ones in Mainstream Generative
Grammar. Therefore, I think that the purported difference between SBCG and FCG does
not exist.
10 Construction Grammar
10.7 Summary and classification
HPSG (for SBCG with regard to this point, see Sag (2007: 411) and Sag (2010: 486)), or put
differently, sister theories of HPSG. This is also true to a large extend for FCG, although
van Trijp (2013) spends 25 pages working out the alleged differences. As I have shown
in Section 10.6.4, HPSG and FCG are rather similar and I would say that these theories
are sister theories as well.
Due to the origins of all three theories, respective analyses can differ quite consider-
ably: HPSG is a strongly lexicalized theory, where phrasal dominance schemata have
only been increasingly more used in the last ten years under the influence of Ivan Sag.
The phrasal dominance schemata that Ivan Sag uses in his work are basically refinements
of schemata that were present in earlier versions of HPSG. Crucially, all phenomena that
interact with valence receive a lexical analysis (Sag, Boas & Kay 2012: Section 2.3). In
CxG, on the other hand, predominantly phrasal analyses are adopted due to the influence
of Adele Goldberg.
As already emphasized in Chapter 9, these are only tendencies that do not apply to
all researchers working in the theories in question.
1. Find three examples of utterances whose meaning cannot be derived from the
meaning of the individual words. Consider how one could analyze these examples
in Categorial Grammar (yes, Categorial Grammar).
Further reading
There are two volumes on Construction Grammar in German: Fischer & Stefanowitsch
(2006) and Stefanowitsch & Fischer (2008). Deppermann (2006) discusses Construction
Grammar from the point of view of conversational analysis. The 37(3) volume of the
Zeitschrift fr germanistische Linguistik from 2009 was also devoted to Construction
Grammar. Goldberg (2003a) and Michaelis (2006) are overview articles in English. Gold-
bergs books constitute important contributions to Construction Grammar (1995; 2006;
2009). Goldberg (1995) has argued against lexical analyses such as those common in
GB, LFG, CG, HPSG, and DG. These arguments can be invalidated, however, as will be
shown in Section 21.7.1. Sag (1997), Borsley (2006), Jacobs (2008) and Mller & Lipenkova
(2009) give examples of constructions that require a phrasal analysis if one wishes to
avoid postulating empty elements. Jackendoff (2008) discusses the noun-preposition-
noun construction that can only be properly analyzed as a phrasal construction (see
Section 21.10). The discussion on whether argument structure constructions should be
analyzed phrasally or lexically (Goldberg 1995, 2006; Mller 2006) culminated in a series
of papers (Goldberg 2013a) and a target article by Mller & Wechsler (2014a) with several
responses in the same volume.
Tomasellos publications on language acquisition (Tomasello 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006c)
constitute a Construction Grammar alternative to the Principle & Parameters theory
10 Construction Grammar
of acquisition as it does not have many of the problems that P&P analyses have (for
more on language acquisition, see Chapter 16). For more on language acquisition and
Construction Grammar, see Behrens (2009).
Dbrowska (2004) looks at psycholinguistic constraints for possible grammatical the-
11 Dependency Grammar
Dependency Grammar is the oldest framework described in this book. Its modern ver-
sion was developed by the French linguist Lucien Tesnire (18931954). His foundational
work Elments de syntaxe structurale Elements of structural syntax was basically fin-
ished in 1938 only three years after Ajdukiewiczs paper on Categorial Grammar (1935),
but the publication was delayed until 1959, five years after his death. Since valence is
central in Dependency Grammar, it is sometimes also referred to as Valence Grammar.
Tesnires ideas are wide-spread nowadays. The conceptions of valence and dependency
are present in almost all of the current theories (gel & Fischer 2010: 262263, 284).
Although there is some work on English (Anderson 1971; Hudson 1984), Dependency
Grammar is most popular in central Europe and especially so in Germany (Engel 1996:
5657). gel & Fischer (2010: 250) identified a possible reason for this: Tesnires original
work was not available in English until very recently (Tesnire 2015), but there has been
a German translation for more than 35 years now (Tesnire 1980). Since Dependency
Grammar focuses on dependency relations rather than linearization of constituents, it
is often felt to be more appropriate for languages with freer constituent order, which
is one reason for its popularity among researchers working on Slavic languages: the
New Prague School represented by Sgall, Hajiov and Panevova developed Dependency
Grammar further, beginning in the 1960s (see Hajiov & Sgall 2003 for an overview).
Igor A. Meuk and A. K. olkovskij started in the 1960s in the Soviet Union to work
on a model called MeaningText Theory, which was also used in machine translation
projects (Meluk 1964, 1981, 1988; Kahane 2003). Meluk left the Soviet Union towards
Canada in the 1970s and now works in Montral.
Dependency Grammar is very wide-spread in Germany and among scholars of Ger-
man linguistics worldwide. It is used very successfully for teaching German as a foreign
language (Helbig & Buscha 1969, 1998). Helbig and Buscha, who worked in Leipzig, East
Germany, started to compile valence dictionaries (Helbig & Schenkel 1969) and later re-
searchers working at the Institut fr Deutsche Sprache (Institute for German Language)
in Mannheim began similar lexicographic projects (Schumacher et al. 2004).
The following enumeration is a probably incomplete list of linguists who are/were
based in Germany: Vilmos gel (2000), Kassel; Klaus Baumgrtner (1965, 1970), Leipzig
later Stuttgart; Ulrich Engel (1977, 2014), IDS Mannheim; Hans-Werner Eroms (1985,
1987, 2000), Passau; Heinz Happ, Tbingen; Peter Hellwig (1978, 2003), Heidelberg; Jr-
gen Heringer (1996), Augsburg; Jrgen Kunze (1968, 1975), Berlin; Henning Lobin (1993),
Gieen; Klaus Schubert (1987), Hildesheim; Heinz Josef Weber (1997), Trier; Klaus Welke
(1988, 2011), Humboldt University Berlin; Edeltraud Werner (1993), Halle-Wittenberg.
11 Dependency Grammar
Although work has been done in many countries and continuously over the decades
since 1959, a periodical international conference was established as late as 2011.1, 2
From early on, Dependency Grammar was used in computational projects. Meuk
worked on machine translation in the Soviet Union (Meluk 1964) and David G. Hays
worked on machine translation in the United States (Hays & Ziehe 1960). Jrgen Kunze,
based in East Berlin at the German Academy of Sciences, where he had a chair for compu-
tational linguistics, also started to work on machine translation in the 1960s. A book that
describes the formal background of the linguistic work was published as Kunze (1975).
Various researchers worked in the Collaborative Research Center 100 Electronic linguistic
research (SFB 100, Elektronische Sprachforschung) from 19731986 in Saarbrcken. The
main topic of this SFB was machine translation as well. There were projects on Russian
to German, French to German, English to German, and Esperanto to German transla-
tion. For work from Saarbrcken in this context see Klein (1971), Rothkegel (1976), and
Weissgerber (1983). Muraki et al. (1985) used Dependency Grammar in a project that ana-
lyzed Japanese and generated English. Richard Hudson started to work in a dependency
grammar-based framework called Word Grammar in the 1980s (Hudson 1984, 2007) and
Sleator and Temperly have been working on Link Grammar since the 1990s (Sleator &
Temperley 1991; Grinberg et al. 1995). Fred Karlssons Constraint Grammars (1990) are
developed for many languages (bigger fragments are available for Danish, Portuguese,
Spanish, English, Swedish, Norwegian, French, German, Esperanto, Italian, and Dutch)
and are used for school teaching, corpus annotation and machine translation. An online
demo is available at the project website.3
In recent years, Dependency Grammar became more and more popular among com-
putational linguists. The reason for this is that there are many annotated corpora (tree
banks) that contain dependency information.4 Statistical parsers are trained on such tree
banks (Yamada & Matsumoto 2003; Attardi 2006; Nivre 2003; Kbler et al. 2009; Bohnet
2010). Many of the parsers work for multiple languages since the general approach is
language independent. It is easier to annotate dependencies consistently since there are
fewer possibilities to do so. While syntacticians working in constituency-based models
may assume binary branching or flat models, high or low attachment of adjuncts, empty
elements or no empty elements and argue fiercely about this, it is fairly clear what the
dependencies in an utterance are. Therefore it is easy to annotate consistently and train
statistical parsers on such annotated data.
Apart from statistical modeling, there are also so-called deep processing systems, that
is, systems that rely on a hand-crafted, linguistically motivated grammar. I already men-
tioned Meuks work in the context of machine translation; Hays & Ziehe (1960) had
a parser for Russian; Starosta & Nomura (1986) developed a parser that was used with
an English grammar, Jppinen, Lehtola & Valkonen (1986) developed a parser that was
demoed with Finnish, Hellwig (1986, 2003, 2006) implemented grammars of German in
1 10.04.2015.
A conference on MeaningText Theory has taken place biannually since 2003.
3 24.07.2015.
4 According to Kay (2000), the first treebank ever was developed by Hays and did annotate dependencies.
the framework of Dependency Unification Grammar, Hudson (1989) developed a Word
Grammar for English, Covington (1990) developed a parser for Russian and Latin, which
can parse discontinuous constituents, and Menzel (1998) implemented a robust parser of
a Dependency Grammar of German. Other work on computational parsing to be men-
tioned is Kettunen (1986); Lehtola (1986); Menzel & Schrder (1998b). The following is a
list of languages for which Dependency Grammar fragments exist:
The Constraint Grammar webpage5 additionally lists grammars for Basque, Catalan, En-
glish, Finnish, German, Italian, Sami, and Swedish.
11 Dependency Grammar
depicted by the dependency links between the node representing the verb and the nodes
representing the respective nouns. The nouns themselves require a determiner, which
again is shown by the dependency links to the and a respectively. Note that the analysis
presented here corresponds to the NP analysis that is assumed in HPSG for instance,
that is, the noun selects its specifier (see Section 9.6.1). It should be noted, though, that
the discussion whether an NP or a DP analysis is appropriate also took place within the
Dependency Grammar community (Hudson 1984: 90; Van Langendonck 1994; Hudson
2004). See Engel (1977) for an analysis with the N as head and Welke (2011: 31) for an
analysis with the determiner as head.
The verb is the head of the clause and the nouns are called dependents. Alternative
terms for head and dependent are nucleus and satellite, respectively.
An alternative way to depict the dependencies, which is used in the Dependency
Grammar variant Word Grammar (Hudson 2007), is provided in Figure 11.2 on the follow-
ing page. This graph displays the grammatical functions rather than information about
part of speech, but apart from this it is equivalent to the representation in Figure 11.1.
The highest node in Figure 11.1 is labeled with the root arrow in Figure 11.2. Downward
links are indicated by the direction of the arrows.
11.1 General remarks on the representational format
Figure 11.2: Alternative presentation of the analysis of The child reads a book.
child book
the a
Figure 11.3: Alternative presentation of the analysis of The child reads a book.
A third form of representing the same dependencies provided in Figure 11.3 has the tree
format again. This tree results if we pull the root node in Figure 11.2 upwards. Since we
have a clear visualization of the dependency relation that represents the nucleus above
the dependents, we do not need to use arrows to encode this information. However,
some variants of Dependency Grammar for instance Word Grammar use mutual
dependencies. So for instance, some theories assume that his depends on child and child
depends on his in the analysis of his child. If mutual dependencies have to be depicted,
either arrows have to be used for all dependencies or some dependencies are represented
by downward lines in hierarchical trees and other dependencies by arrows.
Of course part of speech information can be added to the Figures 11.2 and 11.3, gram-
matical function labels could be added to Figure 11.1, and word order can be added to
Figure 11.3.
The above figures depict the dependency relation that holds between a head and the
respective dependents. This can be written down more formally as an n-ary rule that is
similar to phrase structure rules that were discussed in Chapter 2 (Gaifman 1965: 305;
Hays 1964: 513; Baumgrtner 1970: 61; Heringer 1996: Section 4.1). For instance Baumgrt-
ner suggests the rule in (1):
(1) 1 . . . i i+2 . . . n , where 0 < i n
The asterisk in (1) corresponds to the word of the category . In our example, would
be V, the position of the would be taken by reads, and 1 and 3 would be N. Together
with the rule in (2b) for the determiner-noun combination, the rule in (2a) would license
the dependency tree in Figure 11.1.
(2) a. V N N
b. N D
11 Dependency Grammar
Alternatively, several binary rules can be assumed that combine a head with its subject,
direct object, or indirect object (Kahane 2009). Dependency rules will be discussed in
more detail in Section 11.7.2, where dependency grammars are compared with phrase
structure grammars.
11.1.2 Adjuncts
Another metaphor that was used by Tesnire is the drama metaphor. The core par-
ticipants of an event are the actants and apart from this there is the background, the
stage, the general setting. The actants are the arguments in other theories and the stage-
describing entities are called circumstants. These circumstants are modifiers and usually
analyzed as adjuncts in the other theories described in this book. As far as the representa-
tion of dependencies is concerned, there is not much of a difference between arguments
and adjuncts in Dependency Grammar. Figure 11.4 shows the analysis of (3):
(3) The child often reads the book slowly.
N Adv N Adv
Figure 11.4: Analysis of The child often reads the book slowly.
The dependency annotation uses a technical device suggested by Engel (1977) to depict
different dependency relations: adjuncts are marked with an additional line upwards
from the adjunct node (see also Eroms 2000). An alternative way to specify the argu-
ment/adjunct, or rather the actant/circumstant distinction, is of course an explicit speci-
fication of the status as argument or adjunct. So one can use explicit labels for adjuncts
and arguments as it was done for grammatical functions in the preceding. German gram-
mars and valence dictionaries often use the labels E and A for Ergnzung and Angabe,
11.1.3 Linearization
So far we have seen dependency graphs that had connections to words that were lin-
earized in a certain order. The order of the dependents, however, is in principle not
determined by the dependency and therefore a Dependency Grammar has to contain ad-
ditional statements that take care of the proper linearization of linguistic objects (stems,
11.1 General remarks on the representational format
morphemes, words). Engel (2014: 50) assumes the dependency graph in Figure 11.5 for
the sentences in (4).6
(4) a. Gestern war ich bei Tom.
yesterday was I with Tom
I was with Tom yesterday.
b. Ich war gestern bei Tom.
I was yesterday with Tom
c. Bei Tom war ich gestern.
with Tom was I yesterday
d. Ich war bei Tom gestern.
I was with Tom yesterday
Figure 11.5: Dependency graph for several orders of ich, war, bei Tom, and gestern I was
with Tom yesterday. according to Engel (2014: 50)
According to Engel (2014: 50), the correct order is enforced by surface syntactic rules as
for instance the rules that states that there is always exactly one element in the Vorfeld
in declarative main clauses and that the finite verb is in second position.7, 8 Furthermore,
there are linearization rules that concern pragmatic properties, as for instance given in-
formation before new information. Another rule ensures that weak pronouns are placed
into the Vorfeld or at the beginning of the Mittelfeld. This conception of linear order is
problematic both for empirical and conceptual reasons and we will turn to it again in
Section 11.7.1. It should be noted here that approaches that deal with dependency alone
admit discontinuous realizations of heads and their dependents. Without any further
constraints, Dependency Grammars would share a problem that was already discussed
on page 331 in Section 10.6.3 on Embodied Construction Grammar and in Section
with respect to Fluid Construction Grammar: one argument could interrupt another ar-
gument as in Figure 11.6 on the next page. In order to exclude such linearizations in
languages in which they are impossible, it is sometimes assumed that analyses have to
Engel uses Esub for the subject and Eacc , Edat , and Egen for the objects with respective cases.
Die korrekte Stellung ergibt sich dann zum Teil aus oberflchensyntaktischen Regeln (zum Beispiel: im
Vorfeld des Konstativsatzes steht immer genau ein Element; das finite Verb steht an zweiter Stelle) []
Engel (1970: 81) provides counterexamples to the claim that there is exactly one element in the Vorfeld.
Related examples will be discussed in Section 11.7.1.
11 Dependency Grammar
Figure 11.6: Unwanted analysis of dass die Frauen Tren ffnen that the women open
be projective, that is crossing branches like those in Figure 11.6 are not allowed. This basi-
cally reintroduces the concept of constituency into the framework, since this means that
all dependents of a head have to be realized close to the head unless special mechanisms
for liberation are used (see for instance Section 11.5 on nonlocal dependencies).9 Some
authors explicitly use a phrase structure component to be able to formulate restrictions
on serializations of constituents (Gerdes & Kahane 2001; Hellwig 2003).
11.1.4 Semantics
Tesnire already distinguished the participants of a verb in a way that was later common
in theories of semantic roles. He suggested that the first actant is the agent, the second
one a patient and the third a benefactive (Tesnire 2015: Chapter 106). Given that Depen-
dency Grammar is a lexical framework, all lexical approaches to argument linking can
be adopted. However, argument linking and semantic role assignment are just a small
part of the problem that has to be solved when natural language expressions have to be
assigned a meaning. Issues regarding the scope of adjuncts and quantifiers have to be
solved and it is clear that dependency graphs representing dependencies without taking
into account linear order are not sufficient. An unordered dependency graph assigns
grammatical functions to a dependent of a head and hence it is similar in many respects
to an LFG f-structure.10 For a sentence like (25a) on page 222, repeated here as (5), one
gets the f-structure in (25b) on page 222. This f-structure contains a subject (David), an
object (a sandwich), and an adjunct set with two elements (at noon and yesterday).
While this results in units that are also assumed in phrase structure grammars, there is a difference: the
units have category labels in phrase structure grammars (for instance NP), which is not the case in Depen-
dency Grammars. In Dependency Grammars, one just refers to the label of the head (for instance the N
that belongs to child in Figure 11.4) or one refers to the head word directly (for instance, the word child in
Figure 11.3). So there are fewer nodes in Dependency Grammar representations (but see the discussion in
Tim Osborne (p. c. 2015) reminds me that this is not true in all cases: for instance non-predicative preposi-
tions are not reflected in f-structures, but of course they are present in dependency graphs.
11.2 Passive
11.2 Passive
Dependency Grammar is a lexical theory and valence is the central concept. For this
reason, it is not surprising that the analysis of the passive is a lexical one. That is, it is
assumed that there is a passive participle that has a different valence requirement than
the active verb (Hudson 1990: Chapter 12; Eroms 2000: Section 10.3; Engel 2014: 5354).
Our standard example in (6) is analyzed as shown in Figure 11.7.
(6) [dass] der Weltmeister geschlagen wird
that the world.champion beaten is
that the world champion is (being) beaten
Vfin, prt
Figure 11.7: Analysis of [dass] der Weltmeister geschlagen wird that the world champion
is (being) beaten parallel to the analyses provided by Engel (2014: 5354)
11 Dependency Grammar
This problem would get even more pressing for cases of the so-called remote passive:
Here the object of zu reparieren, which is the object of a verb which is embedded two levels deep, agrees
with the auxiliaries wurde was and wurden were. However, the question how to analyze these remote
passives is open in Engels system anyway and the solution of this problem would probably involve the
mechanism applied in HPSG: the arguments of zu reparieren are raised to the governing verb versucht,
passive applies to this verb and turns the object into a subject which is then raised by the auxiliary. This
explains the agreement between the underlying object of zu reparieren to repair and wurde was. Hudson
(1997), working in the framework of Word Grammar, suggests an analysis of verbal complementation in
German that involves what he calls generalized raising. He assumes that both subjects and complements
may be raised to the governing head. Note that such an analysis involving generalized raising would make
an analysis of sentences like (i) straightforward, since the object would depend on the same head as the
subject, namely on hat has and hence can be placed before the subject.
For a discussion of Gro & Osbornes account of (ii) see page 576.
11.4 Local reordering
Figure 11.8: Analysis of [dass] der Weltmeister geschlagen wird that the world champion
is (being) beaten with the subject as dependent of the auxiliary
the Figures 11.9 and 11.10, we see that only the position of the verb is different, but the
dependency relations are the same, as it should be.12
(7) a. [dass] jeder diesen Mann kennt
that everybody this man knows
that everybody knows this man
b. Kennt jeder diesen Mann?
knows everybody this man
Does everybody know this man?
The correct ordering of the verb with respect to its arguments and adjuncts is en-
sured by linearization constraints that refer to the respective topological fields. See Sec-
tion 11.1.3 and Section 11.7.1 for further details on linearization.
11 Dependency Grammar
Figure 11.9: Analysis of [dass] jeder diesen Mann kennt that everybody knows this man
Figure 11.10: Analysis of Kennt jeder diesen Mann? Does everybody know this man?
11.5 Long-distance dependencies
Figure 11.11: Analysis of [dass] diesen Mann jeder kennt that everybody knows this man
Figure 11.12: Analysis of Diesen Mann kennt jeder. This man, everybody knows. without
special treatment of fronting
Now, this is the simplest case, so let us look at the example in (10), which really involves
a nonlocal dependency:
(10) Weni glaubst du, da ich _i gesehen habe?13
who.acc believe.2sg you.nom that I.nom seen have
Who do you think I saw?
The dependency relations are depicted in Figure 11.13 on the following page. This graph
differs from most graphs we have seen before in not being projective. This means that
there are crossing lines: the connection between Vprt and the N for wen who crosses the
lines connecting glaubst believe and du you with their category symbols. Depending
on the version of Dependency Grammar assumed, this is seen as a problem or it is not.
Scherpenisse (1986: 84).
11 Dependency Grammar
N Subjunction
N Vprt
Figure 11.13: Non-projective analysis of Wen glaubst du, dass ich gesehen habe? Who do
you think I saw?
Let us explore the two options: if discontinuity of the type shown in Figure 11.13 is
allowed for as in Heringers and Eroms grammars (Heringer 1996: 261; Eroms 2000:
Section 9.6.2),14 there has to be something in the grammar that excludes discontinuities
that are ungrammatical. For instance, an analysis of (11) as in Figure 11.14 on the following
page should be excluded.
(11) * Wen glaubst ich du, dass gesehen habe?
who.acc believe.2sg I.nom you.nom that seen have
Intended: Who do you think I saw?
Note that the order of elements in (11) is compatible with statements that refer to topo-
logical fields as suggested by Engel (2014: 50): there is a Vorfeld filled by wen who, there
is a left sentence bracket filled by glaubst believe, and there is a Mittelfeld filled by ich
I, du you and the clausal argument. Having pronouns like ich and du in the Mittelfeld
is perfectly normal. The problem is that these two pronouns come from different clauses:
du belongs to the matrix verb glaubst believe while ich I depends on (gesehen seen)
habe have. What has to be covered by a theory is the fact that fronting and extraposi-
tion target the left-most and right-most positions of a clause, respectively. This can be
modeled in constituency-based approaches in a straightforward way, as has been shown
in the previous chapters.
As an alternative to discontinuous constituents, one could assume additional mecha-
nisms that promote the dependency of an embedded head to a higher head in the struc-
ture. Such an analysis was suggested by Kunze (1968), Hudson (1997, 2000), Kahane
(1997), Kahane et al. (1998), and Gro & Osborne (2009). In what follows, I use the analy-
However, the authors mention the possibility of raising an extracted element to a higher node. See for
instance Eroms & Heringer (2003: 260).
11.5 Long-distance dependencies
N Subjunction
N Vprt
Figure 11.14: Unwanted dependency graph of * Wen glaubst ich du, dass gesehen habe?
Who do you think I saw?
sis by Gro & Osborne (2009) as an example for such analyses. Gro & Osborne depict
the reorganized dependencies with a dashed line as in Figure 11.15.15, 16 The origin of the
N N Subjunction
N Vprt, g
Figure 11.15: Projective analysis of Wen glaubst du, dass ich gesehen habe? Who do you
think I saw? involving rising
Eroms & Heringer (2003: 260) make a similar suggestion but do not provide any formal details.
Note that Gro & Osborne (2009) do not assume a uniform analysis of simple and complex V2 sentences.
That is, for cases that can be explained as local reordering they assume an analysis without rising. Their
analysis of (9) is the one depicted in Figure 11.12. This leads to problems which will be discussed in Sec-
tion 11.7.1.
11 Dependency Grammar
dependency (Vprt ) is marked with a g and the dependent is connected to the node to
which it has risen (the topmost V) by a dashed line. Instead of realizing the accusative
dependent of gesehen seen locally, information about the missing element is transferred
to a higher node and realized there.
The analysis of Gro & Osborne (2009) is not very precise. There is a and there
is a dashed line, but sentences may involve multiple nonlocal dependencies. In (12) for
instance, there is a nonlocal dependency in the relative clauses den wir alle begrt haben
who we all greeted have and die noch niemand hier gesehen hat who yet nobody here
seen has: the relative pronouns are fronted inside the relative clauses. The phrase dem
Mann, den wir alle kennen the man who we all know is the fronted dative object of
gegeben given and die noch niemand hier gesehen hat who yet nobody here seen has
is extraposed from the NP headed by Frau woman.
(12) Dem Mann, den wir alle begrt haben, hat die Frau das Buch gegeben, die
the man who we all greeted have has the woman the book given who
noch niemand hier gesehen hat.
yet nobody here seen has
The woman who nobody ever saw here gave the book to the man, who all of us
So this means that the connections (dependencies) between the head and the dislocated
element have to be made explicit. This is what Hudson (1997, 2000) does in his Word
Grammar analysis of nonlocal dependencies: in addition to dependencies that relate a
word to its subject, object and so on, he assumes further dependencies for extracted
elements. For example, wen who in (10) repeated here as (13) for convenience is the
object of gesehen seen and the extractee of glaubst believe and dass that:
(13) Wen glaubst du, dass ich gesehen habe?
who believe you that I seen have
Who do you believe that I saw?
Hudson states that the use of multiple dependencies in Word Grammar corresponds
to structure sharing in HPSG (Hudson 1997: 15). Nonlocal dependencies are modeled
as a series of local dependencies as it is done in GPSG and HPSG. This is important
since it allows one to capture extraction path marking effects (Bouma, Malouf & Sag
2001a: 12, Section 3.2): for instance, there are languages that use a special form of the
complementizer for sentences from which an element is extracted. Figure 11.16 on the
following page shows the analysis of (13) in Word Grammar. The links above the words
are the usual dependency links for subjects (s) and objects (o) and other arguments (r
is an abbreviation for sharer, which refers to verbal complements, l stands for clausal
complement) and the links below the words are links for extractees (x<). The link from
gesehen seen to wen who is special since it is both an object link and an extraction
link (x<o). This link is an explicit statement which corresponds to both the little and
the N that is marked by the dashed line in Figure 11.15. In addition to what is there in
Figure 11.15, Figure 11.16 also has an extraction link from dass that to wen who. One
could use the graphic representation of Engel, Eroms, and Gross & Osborne to display
11.5 Long-distance dependencies
l s
x< s r
Figure 11.16: Projective analysis of Wen glaubst du, dass ich gesehen habe? Who do you
think I saw? in Word Grammar involving multiple dependencies
the Word Grammar dependencies: one would simply add dashed lines from the Vpr t
node and from the Subjunction node to the N node dominating wen who.
While this looks simple, I want to add that Word Grammar employs further principles
that have to be fulfilled by well-formed structures. In the following I explain the No-
tangling Principle, the No-dangling Principle and the Sentence-root Principle.
11 Dependency Grammar
otherwise the No-dangling Principle would lose its force as it could be fulfilled trivially
(Hudson 2000: 25).
I added this rather complicated set of principles here in order to get a fair comparison
with phrase structure-based proposals. If continuity is assumed for phrases in general,
the three principles do not have to be stipulated. So, for example, LFG and HPSG do not
need these three principles.
Note that Hudson (1997: 16) assumes that the element in the Vorfeld is extracted even
for simple sentences like (9). I will show in Section 11.7.1 why I think that this analysis
has to be preferred over analyses assuming that simple sentences like (9) are just order
variants of corresponding verb-initial or verb-final sentences.
substance process
concrete noun verb
abstract adjective adverb
that there are constraints in which way these categories may depend on others.
According to Tesnire, nouns and adverbs may depend on verbs, adjectives may de-
pend on nouns, and adverbs may depend on adjectives or adverbs. This situation is
As Weber (1997: 77) points out this categorization is not without problems: in what sense is Angst fear a
substance? Why should glauben believe be a concrete process? See also Klein (1971: Section 3.4) for the
discussion of schlagen to beat and Schlag the beat and similar cases. Even if one assumes that Schlag is
derived from the concrete process schlag- by a transfer into the category O, the assumption that such Os
stand for concrete substances is questionable.
11.6 New developments and theoretical variants
depicted in the general dependency graph in Figure 11.17. The * means that there can be
an arbitrary number of dependencies between Es. It is of course easy to find examples
O E*
in which adjectives depend on verbs and sentences (verbs) depend on nouns. Such cases
are handled via so-called transfers in Tesnires system. Furthermore, conjunctions, de-
terminers, and prepositions are missing from this set of categories. For the combination
of these elements with their dependents Tesnire used special combinatoric relations:
junction and transfer. We will deal with these in the following subsection. Junction
Figure 11.18 on the next page illustrates the junction relation: the two conjuncts John and
Mary are connected with the conjunction and. It is interesting to note that both of the
conjuncts are connected to the head laugh.
In the case of two coordinated nouns we get dependency graphs like the one in Fig-
ure 11.19 on the following page. Both nouns are connected to the dominating verb and
both nouns dominate the same determiner.
An alternative to such a special treatment of coordination would be to treat the con-
junction as the head and the conjuncts as its dependents.18 The only problem of such a
proposal would be the category of the conjunction. It cannot be Conj since the governing
verb does not select a Conj, but an N. The trick that could be applied here is basically the
I did not use Tesnires category labels here to spare the reader the work of translating I to V and O to N.
11 Dependency Grammar
N Conj N
N Conj N
same trick as in Categorial Grammar (see Section 21.6.2): the category of the conjunction
in Categorial Grammar is (X\X)/X. We have a functor that takes two arguments of the
same category and the result of the combination is an object that has the same category
as the two arguments. Translating this approach to Dependency Grammar, one would
get an analysis as the one depicted in Figure 11.20 rather than the ones in Figure 11.18
and Figure 11.19. The figure for all girls and boys looks rather strange since both the
N N Det N N
Figure 11.20: Analysis of coordination without junction and the conjunction as head
determiner and the two conjuncts depend on the conjunction, but since the two Ns are
selecting a Det, the same is true for the result of the coordination. In Categorial Grammar
11.6 New developments and theoretical variants
11 Dependency Grammar
(17) Robin came in in exactly thirty seconds flat and Robin found a chair in exactly
thirty seconds flat and Robin pulled off her logging boots in exactly thirty seconds
The reading in (17) results when an adjunct refers to each conjunct individually rather
then referring to a cumulative event that is expressed by a verb phrase as in (16b).
V Conj V
N Part N P
Det N
Part N N
Det Det
Levine (2003: 217) discusses these sentences in connection to the HPSG analysis of
extraction by Bouma, Malouf & Sag (2001a). Bouma, Malouf & Sag suggest an analysis
in which adjuncts are introduced lexically as dependents of a certain head. Since adjuncts
are introduced lexically, the coordination structures basically have the same structure as
the ones assumed in a Tesnireian analysis. It may be possible to come up with a way to
get the semantic composition right even though the syntax does not correspond to the
11.6 New developments and theoretical variants
semantic dependencies (see Chaves 2009 for suggestions), but it is clear that it is simpler
to derive the semantics from a syntactic structure which corresponds to what is going
on in semantics. Transfer
Transfers are used in Tesnires system for the combination of words or phrases with a
head of one of the major categories (for instance nouns) with words in minor categories
(for instance prepositions). In addition, transfers can transfer a word or phrase into
another category without any other word participating.
Figure 11.23 shows an example of a transfer. The preposition in causes a category
steigt (I)
er (O) E
in Traumboot (O)
in dream.boat
Figure 11.23: Transfer with an example adapted from Weber (1997: 83)
change: while Traumboot dream boat is an O (noun), the combination of the preposi-
tion and the noun is an E. The example shows that Tesnire used the grammatical cate-
gory to encode grammatical functions. In theories like HPSG there is a clear distinction:
there is information about part of speech on the one hand and the function of elements
as modifiers and predicates on the other hand. The modifier function is encoded by the
selectional feature mod, which is independent of the part of speech. It is therefore pos-
sible to have modifying and non-modifying adjectives, modifying and non-modifying
prepositional phrases, modifying and non-modifying noun phrases and so on. For the
example at hand, one would assume a preposition with directional semantics that selects
for an NP. The preposition is the head of a PP with a filled mod value.
Another area in which transfer is used is morphology. For instance, the derivation
of French frappant striking by suffixation of -ant to the verb stem frapp is shown in
Figure 11.24 on the following page. Such transfers can be subsumed under the general
11 Dependency Grammar
un exemple Adj
connection relation if the affix is treated as the head. Morphologists working in realiza-
tional morphology and construction morphology argue against such morpheme-based
analyses since they involve a lot of empty elements for conversions as for instance the
conversion of the verb play into the noun play (see Figure 11.25). Consequently, lexical
play _ play _
rules are assumed for derivations and conversions in theories like HPSG. HPSG lexical
rules are basically equivalent to unary branching rules (see the discussion of (39) on
page 278 and Section 19.5). The affixes are integrated into the lexical rules or into real-
ization functions that specify the morphological form of the item that is licensed by the
lexical rule.
Concluding it can be said that transfer corresponds to
binary-branching phrase structure rules, if a word or phrase is combined with
another word,
unary phrase structure rules or binary branching phrase structure rules together
with an empty head if a phrase is converted to another category without any ad-
ditional element present or
a (unary) lexical rule if a word or stem is mapped to a word or a stem.
For further discussion of the relation between Tesnires transfer rules and constituency
rules see Osborne & Kahane (2015: Section Osborne & Kahane point out
that transfer rules can be used to model exocentric constructions, that is, constructions
11.7 Summary and classification
in which there is no single part that could be identified as the head. For more on headless
constructions see Section
11.6.3 Scope
As Osborne & Kahane (2015: lix) point out, Tesnire uses so-called polygraphs to rep-
resent scopal relations. So, since that you saw yesterday in (18) refers to red cars rather
than cars alone, this is represented by a line that starts at the connection between red
and cars rather than on one of the individual elements (Tesnire 2015: 150, Stemma 149).
(18) red cars that you saw yesterday
Tesnires analysis is depicted in the left representation in Figure 11.26. It is worth not-
ing that this representation corresponds to the phrase structure tree on the right of Fig-
ure 11.26. The combination B between red and cars corresponds to the B node in the right-
cars A
red that you saw yesterday red cars that you saw yesterday
Figure 11.26: Tesnires way of representing scope and the comparison with phrase struc-
ture-based analyses by Osborne & Kahane (2015: lix)
hand figure and the combination A of red cars and that you saw yesterday corresponds to
the A node. So, what is made explicit and is assigned a name in phrase structure gram-
mars remains nameless in Tesnires analysis, but due to the assumption of polygraphs,
it is possible to refer to the combinations. See also the discussion of Figure 11.46, which
shows additional nodes that Hudson assumes in order to model semantic relations.
11 Dependency Grammar
continuous constituents, that is, projective structures, or allowing for discontinuous con-
stituents. These options will be discussed in the following subsections. Section 11.7.2
compares dependency grammars with phrase structure grammars and shows that pro-
jective Dependency Grammars can be translated into phrase structure grammars. It also
shows that non-projective structures can be modeled in theories like HPSG. The integra-
tion of semantics is discussed in Section and it will become clear that once other
levels are taken into account, Dependency Grammars are not necessarily simpler than
phrase structure grammars.
11.7.1 Linearization
We have seen several approaches to linearization in this chapter. Many just assume a
dependency graph and some linearization according to the topological fields model. As
has been argued in Section 11.5, allowing discontinuous serialization of a head and its
dependents opens up Pandoras box. I have discussed the analysis of nonlocal dependen-
cies by Kunze (1968), Hudson (1997, 2000), Kahane, Nasr & Rambow (1998), and Gro &
Osborne (2009). With the exception of Hudson those authors assume that dependents
of a head rise to a dominating head only in those cases in which a discontinuity would
arise otherwise. However, there seems to be a reason to assume that fronting should be
treated by special mechanisms even in cases that allow for continuous serialization. For
instance, the ambiguity or lack of ambiguity of the examples in (19) cannot be explained
in a straightforward way:
(19) a. Oft liest er das Buch nicht.
often reads he the book not
It is often that he does not read the book. or
It is not the case that he reads the book often.
b. dass er das Buch nicht oft liest
that he the book not often reads
It is not the case that he reads the book often.
c. dass er das Buch oft nicht liest
that he the book often not reads
It is often that he does not read the book.
The point about the three examples is that only (19a) is ambiguous. Even though (19c)
has the same order as far as oft often and nicht not are concerned, the sentence is not
ambiguous. So it is the fronting of an adjunct that is the reason for the ambiguity. The
dependency graph for (19a) is shown in Figure 11.27 on the following page. Of course
the dependencies for (19b) and (19c) do not differ. The graphs would be the same, only
differing in serialization. Therefore, differences in scope could not be derived from the
dependencies and complicated statements like (20) would be necessary:
(20) If a dependent is linearized in the Vorfeld it can both scope over and under all other
adjuncts of the head it is a dependent of.
11.7 Summary and classification
Adv N N Adv
Figure 11.27: Dependency graph for Oft liest er das Buch nicht. He does not read the book
Eroms (1985: 320) proposes an analysis of negation in which the negation is treated as
the head; that is, the sentence in (21) has the structure in Figure 11.28.20
(21) Er kommt nicht.
he comes not
He does not come.
er kommt nicht
he comes not
This analysis is equivalent to analyses in the Minimalist Program assuming a NegP and
it has the same problem: the category of the whole object is Adv, but it should be V. This
is a problem since higher predicates may select for a V rather than an Adv.21
The same is true for constituent negation or other scope bearing elements. For exam-
ple, the analysis of (22) would have to be the one in Figure 11.29 on the next page.
(22) der angebliche Mrder
the alleged murderer
But see Eroms (2000: Section 11.2.3).
See for instance the analysis of embedded sentences like (23) below.
11 Dependency Grammar
Figure 11.29: Analysis that would result if one considered all scope-bearing adjuncts to
be heads
This structure would have the additional problem of being non-projective. Eroms does
treat the determiner differently from what is assumed here, so this type of non-projectiv-
ity may not be a problem for him. However, the head analysis of negation would result
in non-projectivity in so-called coherent constructions in German. The sentence in (23)
has two readings: in the first reading, the negation scopes over singen sing and in the
second one over singen darf sing may.
(23) dass er nicht singen darf
that he not sing may
that he is not allowed to sing or that he is allowed not to sing
The reading in which nicht not scopes over the whole verbal complex would result
in the non-projective structure that is given in Figure 11.30. Eroms also considers an
Figure 11.30: Analysis that results if one assumes the negation to be a head
analysis in which the negation is a word part (Wortteilquivalent). This does, however,
not help here since first the negation and the verb are not adjacent in V2 contexts like
(19a) and even in verb-final contexts like (23). Eroms would have to assume that the
11.7 Summary and classification
object to which the negation attaches is the whole verbal complex singen darf sing
may, that is, a complex object consisting of two words.
This leaves us with the analysis provided in Figure 11.27 and hence with a problem
since we have one structure with two possible adjunct realizations that correspond to
different readings. This is not predicted by an analysis that treats the two possible lin-
earizations simply as alternative orderings.
Thomas Gro (p. c. 2013) suggested an analysis in which oft does not depend on the
verb but on the negation. This corresponds to constituent negation in phrase structure
approaches. The dependency graph is shown on the left-hand side in Figure 11.31. The
oft liest er das Buch nicht er das Buch nicht oft liest
often reads he the book not he the book not often reads
Figure 11.31: Dependency graph for Oft liest er das Buch nicht. He does not read the book
often. according to Gro and verb-final variant
figure on the right-hand side shows the graph for the corresponding verb-final sentence.
The reading corresponding to constituent negation can be illustrated with contrastive
expressions. While in (24a) it is only oft often which is negated, it is oft gelesen often
read that is in the scope of negation in (24b).
(24) a. Er hat das Buch nicht oft gelesen, sondern selten.
he has the book not often read but seldom
He did not read the book often, but seldom.
b. Er hat das Buch nicht oft gelesen, sondern selten gekauft.
he has the book not often read but seldom bought
He did not read the book often but rather bought it seldom.
These two readings correspond to the two phrase structure trees in Figure 11.32 on the
following page. Note that in an HPSG analysis, the adverb oft would be the head of
the phrase nicht oft not often. This is different from the Dependency Grammar analysis
suggested by Gro. Furthermore, the Dependency Grammar analysis has two structures:
a flat one with all adverbs depending on the same verb and one in which oft depends
on the negation. The phrase structure-based analysis has three structures: one with
the order oft before nicht, one with the order nicht before oft and the one with direct
combination of nicht and oft. The point about the example in (19a) is that one of the first
two structures is missing in the Dependency Grammar representations. This probably
11 Dependency Grammar
er das Buch nicht oft liest er das Buch nicht oft liest
he the book not often reads he the book not often reads
Figure 11.32: Possible syntactic analyses for er das Buch nicht oft liest he does not read
the book often
does not make it impossible to derive the semantics, but it is more difficult than it is in
constituent-based approaches.
Furthermore, note that models that directly relate dependency graphs to topological
fields will not be able to account for sentences like (25).
(25) Dem Saft eine krftige Farbe geben Blutorangen.22
the juice a strong color give blood.oranges
Blood oranges give a strong color to the juice.
The dependency graph of this sentence is given in Figure 11.33 on the following page.
Such apparent multiple frontings are not restricted to NPs. Various types of depen-
dents can be placed in the Vorfeld. An extensive discussion of the data is provided in
Mller (2003a). Additional data have been collected in a research project on multiple
frontings and information structure (Bildhauer 2011). Any theory based on dependen-
cies alone and not allowing for empty elements is forced to give up the restriction com-
monly assumed in the analysis of V2 languages, namely that the verb is in second posi-
tion. In comparison, analyses like GB and those HPSG variants that assume an empty
verbal head can assume that a projection of such a verbal head occupies the Vorfeld. This
explains why the material in the Vorfeld behaves like a verbal projection containing a
visible verb: such Vorfelds are internally structured topologically. They may have a filled
Nachfeld and even a particle that fills the right sentence bracket. See Mller (2005c,
2015b) for further data, discussion, and a detailed analysis. The equivalent of the analy-
sis in Gross & Osbornes framework (2009) would be something like the graph that is
Bildhauer & Cook (2010) found this example in the Deutsches Referenzkorpus (DeReKo), hosted at Institut
fr Deutsche Sprache, Mannheim:
11.7 Summary and classification
Figure 11.33: Dependency graph for Dem Saft eine krftige Farbe geben Blutorangen.
Blood oranges give the juice a strong color.
shown in Figure 11.34, but note that Gro & Osborne (2009: 73) explicitly reject empty
elements, and in any case an empty element which is stipulated just to get the multiple
fronting cases right would be entirely ad hoc.23 It is important to note that the issue is
Figure 11.34: Dependency graph for Dem Saft eine krftige Farbe geben Blutorangen.
Blood oranges give the juice a strong color. with an empty verbal head
for the Vorfeld
not solved by simply dropping the V2 constraint and allowing dependents of the finite
verb to be realized to its left, since the fronted constituents do not necessarily depend on
the finite verb as the examples in (26) show:
23 I stipulated such an empty element in a linearization-based variant of HPSG allowing for discontinuous
constituents (Mller 2002b), but later modified this analysis so that only continuous constituents are al-
lowed, verb position is treated as head-movement and multiple frontings involve the same empty verbal
head as is used in the verb movement analysis (Mller 2005c, 2015b).
11 Dependency Grammar
11.7 Summary and classification
N Adv
Det Adj P
Adj Adj
Figure 11.35: Dependency graph for Ein junger Kerl stand da, mit langen blonden Haaren.
A young guy was standing there with long blond hair. with a discontinuous
constituent in the Vorfeld
11 Dependency Grammar
a book a book
in Figure 11.37. I did not use the labels NP and VP to keep the two figures maximally
Figure 11.37: Analysis of The child reads a book. in a phrase structure with flat rules
similar. The P part of NP and VP refers to the saturation of a projection and is often
ignored in figures. See Chapter 9 on HPSG, for example. The grammar that licenses the
tree is given in (29), again ignoring valence information.
(29) N D N N child D the Da
VNVN N book V reads
If one replaces the N and V in the right-hand side of the two left-most rules in (29) with
the respective lexical items and then removes the rules that license the words, one arrives
at the lexicalized variant of the grammar given in (30):
(30) N D book D the
N D child Da
V N reads N
Lexicalized means that every partial tree licensed by a grammar rule contains a lexical
element. The grammar in (30) licenses exactly the tree in Figure 11.1.28
As mentioned on page 359, Gaifman (1965: 305), Hays (1964: 513), Baumgrtner (1970: 57) and Heringer
(1996: 37) suggest a general rule format for dependency rules that has a special marker (* and ~, respec-
tively) in place of the lexical words in (30). Heringers rules have the form in (31):
(i) X[Y1, Y2, ~, Y3]
X is the category of the head, Y1, Y2, and Y3 are dependents of the head and ~ is the position into which
the head is inserted.
11.7 Summary and classification
One important difference between classical phrase structure grammars and Depen-
dency Grammars is that the phrase structure rules impose a certain order on the daugh-
ters. That is, the V rule in (30) implies that the first nominal projection, the verb, and
the second nominal projection have to appear in the order stated in the rule. Of course
this ordering constraint can be relaxed as it is done in GPSG. This would basically per-
mit any order of the daughters at the right hand side of rules. This leaves us with the
integration of adjuncts. Since adjuncts depend on the head as well (see Figure 11.4 on
page 360), a rule could be assumed that allows arbitrarily many adjuncts in addition to
the arguments. So the V rule in (30) would be changed to the one in (31):29
(31) V N reads N Adv*
Such generalized phrase structures would give us the equivalent of projective Depen-
dency Grammars.30 However, as we have seen, some researchers allow for crossing
edges, that is, for discontinuous constituents. In what follows, I show how such Depen-
dency Grammars can be formalized in HPSG.
11 Dependency Grammar
(33) a, b c, d = a, b, c, d
a, c, b, d
a, c, d, b
c, a, b, d
c, a, d, b
c, d, a, b
The result is a disjunction of six lists. a is ordered before b and c before d in all of these
lists, since this is also the case in the two lists a, b and c, d that have been combined.
But apart from this, b can be placed before, between or after c and d. Every word comes
with a domain value that is a list that contains the word itself:
(34) Domain contribution of single words, here gibt gives:
phon gibt
1 synsem
dom 1
The description in (34) may seem strange at first glance, since it is cyclic, but it can be
understood as a statement saying that gibt contributes itself to the items that occur in
linearization domains.
The constraint in (35) is responsible for the determination of the phon values of
phon 1 n
[ ] [ ]
(35) phrase sign
dom sign
, ,
phon 1 phon n
It states that the phon value of a sign is the concatenation of the phon values of its
domain elements. Since the order of the domain elements corresponds to their surface
order, this is the obvious way to determine the phon value of the whole linguistic object.
Figure 11.38 on the following page shows how this machinery can be used to license
binary branching structures with discontinuous constituents. Words or word sequences
that are separated by commas stand for separate domain objects, that is, das, Buch
contains the two objects das and Buch and das Buch, gibt contains the two objects
das Buch and gibt. The important point to note here is that the arguments are com-
bined with the head in the order accusative, dative, nominative, although the elements
in the constituent order domain are realized in the order dative, nominative, accusative
rather than nominative, dative, accusative, as one would expect. This is possible since
the formulation of the computation of the dom value using the shuffle operator allows
for discontinuous constituents. The node for der Frau das Buch gibt the woman the
book gives is discontinuous: ein Mann a man is inserted into the domain between der
Frau the woman and das Buch the book. This is more obvious in Figure 11.39 on the
following page, which has a serialization of NPs that corresponds to their order.
11.7 Summary and classification
V[dom der Frau, ein Mann, das Buch, gibt ]
NP[nom, dom ein, Mann ] V[dom der Frau, das Buch, gibt ]
NP[dat, dom der, Frau ] V[dom das Buch, gibt ]
NP[acc, dom das, Buch ] V[dom gibt ]
Figure 11.38: Analysis of dass der Frau ein Mann das Buch gibt that a man gives the
woman the book with binary branching structures and discontinuous con-
V[dom der Frau, ein Mann, das Buch, gibt ]
NP[nom, dom ein, Mann ] V[dom der Frau, das Buch, gibt ]
NP[dat, dom der, Frau ] V[dom das Buch, gibt ]
NP[acc, dom das, Buch ] V[dom gibt ]
Figure 11.39: Analysis of dass der Frau ein Mann das Buch gibt that a man gives the
woman the book with binary branching structures and discontinuous con-
stituents showing the discontinuity
11 Dependency Grammar
Such binary branching structures were assumed for the analysis of German by Kathol
(1995, 2000) and Mller (1995, 1996c, 1999a, 2002a), but as we have seen throughout this
chapter, Dependency Grammar assumes flat representations (but see Footnote 30 on
page 389). Schema 1 licenses structures in which all arguments of a head are realized in
one go.31
To keep the presentation simple, I assume that the subcat list contains descriptions
of complete signs. Therefore the whole list can be identified with the list of non-head
daughters.32 The computation of the dom value can be constrained in the following way:
head-dtr 1
(36) headed-phrase non-head-dtrs 2 , , n
1 2 n
This constraint says that the value of dom is a list which is the result of shuffling singleton
lists each containing one daughter as elements. The result of such a shuffle operation is
a disjunction of all possible permutations of the daughters. This seems to be overkill for
something that GPSG already gained by abstracting away from the order of the elements
on the right hand side of a phrase structure rule. Note, however, that this machinery can
be used to reach even freer orders: by referring to the dom values of the daughters rather
than the daughters themselves, it is possible to insert individual words into the dom list.
head-dtr|dom 1
(37) headed-phrase non-head-dtrs [ dom 2 ] [ dom n ]
1 2 n
Using this constraint we have dom values that basically contain all the words in an
utterance in any permutation. What we are left with is a pure Dependency Grammar
without any constraints on projectivity. With such a grammar we could analyze the non-
projecting structure of Figure 11.6 on page 362 and much more. The analysis in terms of
domain union is shown in Figure 11.40 on the following page. It is clear that such discon-
tinuity is unwanted and hence one has to have restrictions that enforce continuity. One
I assume here that all arguments are contained in the subcat list of a lexical head, but nothing hinges on
that. One could also assume several valence features and nevertheless get a flat structure. For instance,
Borsley (1989: 339) suggests a schema for auxiliary inversion in English and verb-initial sentences in Welsh
that refers to both the valence feature for subjects and for complements and realizes all elements in a flat
32 Without this assumption one would need a relational constraint that maps a list with descriptions of type
synsem onto a list with descriptions of type sign. See Meurers (1999c: 198) for details.
11.7 Summary and classification
V[dom die, Frauen, Tren, ffnen ]
NP[dom Frauen ] NP[dom die, Tren ] V[dom ffnen ]
Figure 11.40: Unwanted analysis of dass die Frauen Tren ffnen that the women open
doors using Reape-style constituent order domains
11 Dependency Grammar
Figure 11.41: The dependency graph of Dass Peter kommt, klrt nicht, ob Klaus spielt. That
Peter comes does not resolve the question of whether Klaus plays. can be
derived from the semantic representation.
Figure 11.42: The dependency graph of Dass Peter kommt, klrt nicht, ob Klaus kommt.
That Peter comes does not resolve the question of whether Klaus comes.
is not unambiguously determined by semantics.
11.7 Summary and classification
Peter, while ob dominates kommt and kommt dominates Klaus. I used the wrong kommt
in the dependency chains, but this is an issue of linearization and is independent of de-
pendency. As soon as one takes linearization information into account, the dependency
graph in Figure 11.42 is ruled out since ob whether does not precede its verbal depen-
dent kommt comes. But this explanation does not work for the example in Figure 11.6
on page 362. Here, all dependents are linearized correctly; it is just the discontinuity of
die and Tren that is inappropriate. If it is required that die and Tren are continuous,
we have basically let constituents back in (see Footnote 9 on page 362).
Similarly, non-projective analyses without any constraints regarding continuity would
permit the word salad in (41b):
(41) a. Deshalb klrt, dass Peter kommt, ob Klaus spielt.
therefore resolves that Peter comes whether Klaus plays
b. * Deshalb klrt dass ob Peter Klaus kommt spielt.
therefore resolves that whether Peter Klaus comes plays
(41b) is a variant of (41a) in which the elements of the two clausal arguments are in
correct order with respect to each other, but both clauses are discontinuous in such a
way that the elements of each clause alternate. The dependency graph is shown in Fig-
ure 11.43. As was explained in Section on the analysis of nonlocal dependencies
Figure 11.43: The dependency graph of the word salad Deshalb klrt dass ob Peter Klaus
kommt spielt. Therefore resolves that whether Peter Klaus comes plays
which is admitted by non-projective Dependency Grammars that do not
restrict discontinuity
in Fluid Construction Grammar, a grammar of languages like English and German has
to constrain the clauses in such a way that they are continuous with the exception of
extractions to the left. A similar statement can be found in Hudson (1980: 192). Hud-
son also states that an item can be fronted in English, provided all of its dependents
11 Dependency Grammar
are fronted with it (p. 184). This item with all its dependents is the constituent in con-
stituent-based grammars. The difference is that this object is not given an explicit name
and is not assumed to be a separate entity containing the head and its dependents in
most Dependency Grammars.33
Summing up what has been covered in this section so far, I have shown what a phrase
structure grammar that corresponds to a certain Dependency Grammar looks like. I
have also shown how discontinuous constituents can be allowed for. However, there are
issues that remained unaddressed so far: not all properties that a certain phrase has are
identical to its lexical head and the differences have to be represented somewhere. I will
discuss this in the following subsection. Features that are not identical between heads and projections
As Oliva (2003) points out, the equivalence of Dependency Grammar and HPSG only
holds up as far as head values are concerned. That is, the node labels in dependency
graphs correspond to the head values in an HPSG. There are, however, additional fea-
tures like cont for the semantics and slash for nonlocal dependencies. These values
usually differ between a lexical head and its phrasal projections. For illustration, let us
have a look at the phrase a book. The semantics of the lexical material and the complete
phrase is given in (42):34
(42) a. a: PQx (P (x ) Q (x ))
b. book: y (book (y))
c. a book: Qx (book (x ) Q (x ))
Now, the problem for the Dependency Grammar notation is that there is no NP node that
could be associated with the semantics of a book (see Figure 11.36 on page 388), the only
thing present in the tree is a node for the lexical N: the node for book.35 This is not a big
problem, however: the lexical properties can be represented as part of the highest node
as the value of a separate feature. The N node in a dependency graph would then have
a cont value that corresponds to the semantic contribution of the complete phrase and
a lex-cont value that corresponds to the contribution of the lexical head of the phrase.
So for a book we would get the following representation:
[ ]
cont Qx (book (x ) Q (x ))
lexical-cont y (book (y))
See however Hellwig (2003) for an explicit proposal that assumes that there is a linguistic object that
represents the whole constituent rather than just the lexical head.
For lambda expressions see Section 2.3.
Hudson (2003: 391392) is explicit about this: In dependency analysis, the dependents modify the head
words meaning, so the latter carries the meaning of the whole phrase. For example, in long books about
linguistics, the word books means long books about linguistics thanks to the modifying effect of the de-
pendents. For a concrete implementation of this idea see Figure 11.44 on the following page.
An alternative is to assume different representational levels as in MeaningText Theory (Meluk 1981).
In fact the cont value in HPSG is also a different representational level. However, this representational
level is in sync with the other structure that is build.
11.7 Summary and classification
With this kind of representation one could maintain analyses in which the semantic con-
tribution of a head together with its dependents is a function of the semantic contribution
of the parts.
Now, there are probably further features in which lexical heads differ from their pro-
jections. One such feature would be slash, which is used for nonlocal dependencies
in HPSG and could be used to establish the relation between the risen element and the
head in an approach la Gro & Osborne (2009). Of course we can apply the same trick
again. We would then have a feature lexical-slash. But this could be improved and
the features of the lexical item could be grouped under one path. The general skeleton
would then be (44):
slash [ ]
(44) cont
But if we rename lexical to head-dtr, we basically get the HPSG representation.
Hellwig (2003: 602) states that his special version of Dependency Grammar, which he
calls Dependency Unification Grammar, assumes that governing heads select complete
nodes with all their daughters. These nodes may differ in their properties from their
head (p. 604). They are in fact constituents. So this very explicit and formalized variant
of Dependency Grammar is very close to HPSG, as Hellwig states himself (p. 603).
Hudsons Word Grammar (2015) is also explicitly worked out and, as will be shown,
it is rather similar to HPSG. The representation in Figure 11.44 is a detailed description
of what the abbreviated version in Figure 11.45 on the following page stands for. What
children playing
Figure 11.44: Analysis of Small children were playing outside. according to Hudson (2015)
is shown in the first diagram is that a combination of two nodes results in a new node.
For instance, the combination of playing and outside yields playing , the combination of
small and children yields children , and the combination of children and playing yields
playing . The combination of were and playing results in were and the combination
of children and were yields were . The only thing left to explain is why there is a node
11 Dependency Grammar
Figure 11.45: Abbreviated analysis of Small children were playing outside. according to
Hudson (2015)
for children that is not the result of the combination of two nodes, namely children . The
line with the triangle at the bottom stands for default inheritance. That is, the upper node
inherits all properties from the lower node by default. Defaults can be overridden, that
is, information at the upper node may differ from information at the dominated node.
This makes it possible to handle semantics compositionally: nodes that are the result of
the combination of two nodes have a semantics that is the combination of the meaning
of the two combined nodes. Turning to children again, children has the property that
it must be adjacent to playing, but since the structure is a raising structure in which
children is raised to the subject of were, this property is overwritten in a new instance of
children, namely children .
The interesting point now is that we get almost a normal phrase structure tree if we
replace the words in the diagram in Figure 11.44 by syntactic categories. The result of
the replacement is shown in Figure 11.46. The only thing unusual in this graph (marked
N V[fin]
V[fin] V[ing]
N V[ing]
Figure 11.46: Analysis of Small children are playing outside. with category symbols
by dashed lines) is that N is combined with V[ing] and the mother of N , namely N,
is combined with V[fin]. As explained above, this is due to the analysis of raising in
Word Grammar, which involves multiple dependencies between a raised item and its
11.7 Summary and classification
heads. There are two N nodes (N and N) in Figure 11.46 and two instances of children
in Figure 11.44. Apart from this, the structure corresponds to what an HPSG grammar
would license. The nodes in Hudsons diagram which are connected with lines with
triangles at the bottom are related to their children using default inheritance. This too
is rather similar to those versions of HPSG that use default inheritance. For instance,
Ginzburg & Sag (2000: 33) use a Generalized Head Feature Principle that projects all
properties of the head daughter to the mother by default.
The conclusion of this section is that the only principled difference between phrase
structure grammars and Dependency Grammar is the question of how much interme-
diate structure is assumed: is there a VP without the subject? Are there intermediate
nodes for adjunct attachment? It is difficult to decide these questions in the absence of
fully worked out proposals that include semantic representations. Those proposals that
are worked out like Hudsons and Hellwigs assume intermediate representations,
which makes these approaches rather similar to phrase structure-based approaches. If
one compares the structures of these fully worked out variants of Dependency Gram-
mar with phrase structure grammars, it becomes clear that the claim that Dependency
Grammars are simpler is unwarranted. This claim holds for compacted schematic repre-
sentations like Figure 11.45 but it does not hold for fully worked out analyses.
See Section 2.4.1 for the assumption of an empty head in a phrase structure grammar for noun phrases.
11 Dependency Grammar
assume an empty relativizer that selects for the relative phrase and the clause with a gap
(Pollard & Sag 1994: 216217). Similar analyses can be found in Dependency Grammar
(Eroms 2000: 291).37 Now, the alternative to empty elements are phrasal constructions.38
Sag (1997) working on relative clauses in English suggested a phrasal analysis of relative
clauses in which the relative phrase and the clause from which it is extracted form a new
phrase. A similar analysis was assumed by Mller (1996c) and is documented in Mller
(1999a: Chapter 10). As was discussed in Section 8.6 it is neither plausible to assume the
relative pronoun or some other element in the relative phrase to be the head of the entire
relative clause, nor is it plausible to assume the verb to be the head of the entire relative
clause (pace Sag), since relative clauses modify Ns, something that projections of (finite)
verbs usually do not do. So assuming an empty head or a phrasal schema seems to be
the only option.
Chapter 21 is devoted to the discussion of whether certain phenomena should be ana-
lyzed as involving phrase structural configurations or whether lexical analyses are better
suited in general or for modeling some phenomena. I argue there that all phenomena in-
teracting with valence should be treated lexically. But there are other phenomena as well
and Dependency Grammar is forced to assume lexical analyses for all linguistic phenom-
ena. There always has to be some element on which others depend. It has been argued
by Jackendoff (2008) that it does not make sense to assume that one of the elements in
N-P-N constructions like those in (46) is the head.
(46) a. day by day, paragraph by paragraph, country by country
b. dollar for dollar, student for student, point for point
c. face to face, bumper to bumper
d. term paper after term paper, picture after picture
e. book upon book, argument upon argument
Of course there is a way to model all the phenomena that would be modeled by a phrasal
construction in frameworks like GPSG, CxG, HPSG, or Simpler Syntax: an empty head.
Figure 11.47 on the following page shows the analysis of student after student. The lexical
item for the empty N would be very special, since there are no similar non-empty lexical
nouns, that is, there is no noun that selects for two bare Ns and a P.
The Dependency Grammar representations usually have a d- element as the head of the relative clause.
However, since the relative pronoun is also present in the clause and since the d- is not pronounced twice,
assuming an additional d- head is basically assuming an empty head.
Another option is to assume that words may have multiple functions: so, a relative pronoun may be
both a head and a dependent simultaneously (Tesnire 2015: Chapter 246, 811; Osborne & Kahane 2015:
xlvi; Kahane 2009: 129130). At least the analysis of Kahane is an instance of the Categorial Grammar
analysis that was discussed in Section 8.6 and it suffers from the same problems: if the relative pronoun is
a head that selects for a clause that is missing the relative pronoun, it is not easy to see how this analysis
extends to cases of pied-piping like (i) in which the extracted element is a complete phrase containing the
relative pronoun rather than just the pronoun itself.
(i) die Frau, von deren Schwester ich ein Bild gesehen habe
the woman of whose sister I a picture seen have
the woman of whose sister I saw a picture
See Chapter 19 on empty elements in general and Subsection 21.10.3 on relative clauses in particular.
11.7 Summary and classification
Figure 11.47: Dependency Grammar analysis of the N-P-N Construction with empty head
Bragmann (2015) pointed out an additional aspect of the N-P-N construction, which
makes things more complicated. The pattern is not restricted to two nouns. There can
be arbitrarily many of them:
(47) Day after day after day went by, but I never found the courage to talk to her.
So rather than an N-P-N pattern Bragmann suggests the pattern in (48), where + stands
for at least one repetition of a sequence.
(48) N (P N)+
Now, such patterns would be really difficult to model in selection-based approaches,
since one would have to assume that an empty head or a noun selects for an arbitrary
number of pairs of the same preposition and noun or nominal phrase. Of course one
could assume that P and N form some sort of constituent, but still one would have to
make sure that the right preposition is used and that the noun or nominal projection
has the right phonology. Another possibility would be to assume that the second N in
N-P-N can be an N-P-N and thereby allow recursion in the pattern. But if one follows
this approach it is getting really difficult to check the constraint that the involved Ns
should have the same or at least similar phonologies.
One way out of these problems would of course be to assume that there are special
combinatorial mechanisms that assign a new category to one or several elements. This
would basically be an unheaded phrase structure rule and this is what Tesnire sug-
gested: transfer rules (see Section But this is of course an extension of pure
Dependency Grammar towards a mixed model.
See Section 21.10 for the discussion of further cases which are probably problematic
for purely selection-based grammars.
Provide the dependency graphs for the following three sentences:
(49) a. Ich habe einen Mann getroffen, der blonde Haare hat.
I have a man met who blond hair has
I have met a man who has blond hair.
11 Dependency Grammar
b. Einen Mann getroffen, der blonde Haare hat, habe ich noch nie.
a man met who blond hair has have I yet never
I have never met a man who has blond hair.
c. Dass er morgen kommen wird, freut uns.
that he tomorrow come will pleases us
That he will come tomorrow pleases us.
You may use non-projective dependencies. For the analysis of relative clauses authors
usually propose an abstract entity that functions as a dependent of the modified noun
and as a head of the verb in the relative clause.
Further reading
In the section on further reading in Chapter 3, I referred to the book called Syntaktische
Analyseperspektiven Syntactic perspectives on analyses. The chapters in this book have
been written by proponents of various theories and all analyze the same newspaper
article. The book also contains a chapter by Engel (2014), assuming his version of Depen-
dency Grammar, namely Dependent Verb Grammar.
gel, Eichinger, Eroms, Hellwig, Heringer & Lobin (2003, 2006) published a handbook
on dependency and valence that discusses all aspects related to Dependency Grammar
in any imaginable way. Many of the papers have been cited in this chapter. Papers com-
paring Dependency Grammar with other theories are especially relevant in the context
of this book: Lobin (2003) compares Dependency Grammar and Categorial Grammar,
Oliva (2003) deals with the representation of valence and dependency in HPSG, and
Bangalore, Joshi & Rambow (2003) describe how valence and dependency are covered
in TAG. Hellwig (2006) compares rule-based grammars with Dependency Grammars
with special consideration given to parsing by computer programs.
Osborne & Gro (2012) compare Dependency Grammar with Construction Grammar
and Osborne, Putnam & Gro (2011) argue that certain variants of Minimalism are in
fact reinventions of dependency-based analyses.
The original work on Dependency Grammar by Tesnire (1959) is also available in
parts in German (Tesnire 1980) and in full in English (Tesnire 2015).
12 Tree Adjoining Grammar
Tree Adjoining Grammar (TAG) was developed by Aravind Joshi at the University of
Pennsylvania in the USA (Joshi, Levy & Takahashi 1975). Several important disserta-
tions in TAG have been supervised by Aravind Joshi and Anthony Kroch at the Univer-
sity of Pennsylvania (e.g., Rambow 1994). Other research centers with a focus on TAG
are Paris 7 (Anne Abeill), Columbia University in the USA (Owen Rambow) and Dssel-
dorf, Germany (Laura Kallmeyer). Rambow (1994) and Gerdes (2002b) are more detailed
studies of German.1
TAG and its variants with relevant extensions are of interest because it is assumed that
this grammatical formalism can with regard to its expressive power relatively accu-
rately represent what humans do when they produce or comprehend natural language.
The expressive power of Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar was deliberately con-
strained so that it corresponds to context-free phrase structure grammars (Type-2 lan-
guages) and it has in fact been demonstrated that this is not enough (Shieber 1985; Culy
1985).2 Grammatical theories such as HPSG and CxG can generate/describe so-called
Type-0 languages and are thereby far above the level of complexity presently assumed
for natural languages. The assumption is that this complexity lies somewhere between
context-free and context-sensitive (Type-1) languages. This class is thus referred to as
mildly context sensitive. Certain TAG-variants are inside of this language class and it is
assumed that they can produce exactly those structures that occur in natural languages.
For more on complexity, see Section 12.6.3 and Chapter 17.
There are various systems for the processing of TAG grammars (Doran, Hockey, Sar-
kar, Srinivas & Xia 2000; Parmentier, Kallmeyer, Maier, Lichte & Dellert 2008; Kallmeyer,
Lichte, Maier, Parmentier, Dellert & Evang 2008). Smaller and larger TAG fragments
have been developed for the following languages:
Arabic (Fraj, Zribi & Ahmed 2008),
German (Rambow 1994; Gerdes 2002a; Kallmeyer & Yoon 2004; Lichte 2007),
English (XTAG Research Group 2001; Frank 2002; Kroch & Joshi 1987),
French (Abeill 1988; Candito 1996, 1998, 1999; Crabb 2005),
Italian (Candito 1998, 1999),
Since my knowledge of French leaves something to be desired, I just refer to the literature in French here
without being able to comment on the content.
See Pullum (1986) for a historical overview of the complexity debate and G. Mller (2011) for argumenta-
tion for the non-context-free nature of German, which follows parallel to Culy with regard to the N-P-N
construction (see Section 21.10.4).
12 Tree Adjoining Grammar
Korean (Han, Yoon, Kim & Palmer 2000; Kallmeyer & Yoon 2004),
Vietnamese (Le, Nguyen & Roussanaly 2008)
Candito (1996) has developed a system for the representation of meta grammars which
allows the uniform specification of crosslinguistic generalizations. This system was used
by some of the projects mentioned above for the derivation of grammars for specific lan-
guages. For instance Kinyon, Rambow, Scheffler, Yoon & Joshi (2006) derive the verb
second languages from a common meta grammar. Among those grammars for verb sec-
ond languages is a grammar of Yiddish for which there was no TAG grammar until 2006.
Resnik (1992) combines TAG with a statistics component.
John V
marked (NP in the tree for laughs). Nodes for the insertion of adjuncts into a tree are
also marked (VP in the tree for always). Grammars where elementary trees always
contain at least one word are referred to as Lexicalized Tree Adjoining Grammar (LTAG).
12.1.2 Substitution
Figure 12.2 on the following page shows the substitution of nodes. Other subtrees have
to be inserted into substitution nodes such as the NP node in the tree for laughs. The
tree for John is inserted there in the example derivation.
12.1.3 Adjunction
Figure 12.3 on the following page shows an example of how the adjunction tree for al-
ways can be used.
12.1 General remarks on representational format
V John V
laughs laughs
John V
always always V
Adjunction trees can be inserted into other trees. Upon insertion, the target node
(bearing the same category as the node marked with *) is replaced by the adjunction
TAG differs considerably from the simple phrase structure grammars we encountered
in Chapter 2 in that the trees extend over a larger domain: for example, there is an NP
node in the tree for laughs that is not a sister of the verb. In a phrase structure grammar
(and of course in GB and GPSG since these theories are more or less directly built on
phrase structure grammars), it is only ever possible to describe subtrees with a depth of
one level. For the tree for laughs, the relevant rules would be those in (1):
(1) S NP VP
V laughs
In this context, it is common to speak of locality domains. The extension of the locality
domain is of particular importance for the analysis of idioms (see Section 18.2).
12 Tree Adjoining Grammar
TAG differs from other grammatical theories in that it is possible for structures to be
broken up again. In this way, it is possible to use adjunction to insert any amount of ma-
terial into a given tree and thereby cause originally adjacent constituents to end up being
arbitrarily far away from each other in the final tree. As we will see in Section 12.5, this
property is important for the analysis of long-distance dependencies without movement.
12.1.4 Semantics
There are different approaches to the syntax-semantics interface in TAG. One possibil-
ity is to assign a semantic representation to every node in the tree. The alternative is
to assign each elementary tree exactly one semantic representation. The semantics con-
struction does not make reference to syntactic structure but rather the way the structure
is combined. This kind of approach has been proposed by Candito & Kahane (1998) and
then by Kallmeyer & Joshi (2003), who build on it. The basic mechanisms will be briefly
presented in what follows.
In the literature on TAG, a distinction is made between derived trees and derivation
trees. Derived trees correspond to constituent structure (the trees for John laughs and
John always laughs in Figures 12.2 and 12.3). The derivation tree contains the deriva-
tional history, that is, information about how the elementary trees were combined. The
elements in a derivation tree represent predicate-argument dependencies, which is why
it is possible to derive a semantic derivation tree from them. This will be shown on the
basis of the sentence in (2):
The elementary tree for (2) and the derived tree are given in Figure 12.4. The nodes in
V NP {
Max V NP
Max NP
likes Anouk
Figure 12.4: Elementary trees and derived tree for Max likes Anouk.
trees are numbered from top to bottom and from left to right. The result of this number-
ing of nodes for likes is shown in Figure 12.5 on the following page. The topmost node
12.1 General remarks on representational format
in the tree for likes is S and has the position 0. Beneath S, there is an NP and a VP node.
These nodes are again numbered starting at 0. NP has the position 0 and VP the position
1. The VP node has in turn two daughters: V and the object NP. V receives number 0 and
the object NP 1. This makes it possible to combine these numbers and then it is possible
to unambiguously access individual elements in the tree. The position for the subject
NP is 00 since this is a daughter of S and occurs in first position. The object NP has the
numeric sequence 011 since it is below S (0), in the VP (the second daughter of S = 1) and
occurs in second position (the second daughter of VP = 1).
S (0)
NP (1) VP (2)
V (2.1) NP (2.2)
With these tree positions, the derivation tree for (2) can be represented as in Fig-
ure 12.6. The derivation tree expresses the fact that the elementary tree for likes was
1 2.2
Max Anouk
combined with two arguments that were inserted into the substitution positions 00 and
011. The derivation tree also contains information about what exactly was placed into
these nodes.
Kallmeyer & Joshi (2003) use a variant of Minimal Recursion Semantics as their se-
mantic representational formalism (Copestake, Flickinger, Pollard & Sag 2005). I will
use a considerably simplified representation here, as I did in Section 9.1.6 on semantics
in HPSG. For the elementary trees Max, likes and Anouk, we can assume the semantic
representations in (3).
(3) Semantic representations for elementary trees:
12 Tree Adjoining Grammar
In a substitution operation, a variable is assigned a value. If, for example, the elementary
tree for Max is inserted into the subject position of the tree for likes, then x1 is identified
with x. In the same way, x2 is identified with y if the tree for Anouk is inserted into the
object position. The result of these combinations is the representation in (4):
(4) Combination of the meaning of elementary trees:
like(x, y)
Kallmeyer & Joshi (2003) show how an extension of TAG, Multi-Component LTAG, can
handle quantifier scope and discuss complex cases with embedded verbs. Interested read-
ers are referred to the original article.
= S0
V2.1 NP2.2
bine this dominance structure with the linearization rules in (5), we arrive at the exact
order that we would get with ordinary phrase structure rules, namely NP1 V NP2 .
(5) LP1 = { 1 < 2, 2.1 < 2.2 }
If one specifies the linearization restrictions as in (6), all the orders in (7) are permitted,
since the empty set means that we do not state any restrictions at all.
12.2 Local reordering
(6) LP2 = { }
This means that it is possible to derive all orders that were derived in GPSG with flat
sentence rules despite the fact that there is a constituent in the tree that consists of NP
and VP. Since the dominance rules include a larger locality domain, such grammars are
called LD/LP grammars (local dominance/linear precedence) rather than ID/LP gram-
mars (immediate dominance/linear precedence) (Joshi, Shanker & Weir 1990).
Simple variants of TAG such as those presented in Section 12.1 cannot deal with re-
ordering if the arguments of different verbs are scrambled as in (8).
(8) weil ihm das Buch jemand zu lesen versprochen hat3
because him.dat the.acc book somebody.nom to read promised has
because somebody promised him to read the book
In (8), das Buch the book is the object of zu lesen to read, and ihm him and jemand
somebody are dependent on versprochen and hat, respectively. These cases can be ana-
lyzed by LD/LP-TAG developed by Joshi (1987b) and Free Order TAG (FO-TAG) (Becker,
Joshi & Rambow 1991: 21) since both of these TAG variants allow for crossing edges.
Since certain restrictions cannot be expressed in FO-TAG (Rambow 1994: 4850), so-
called Multi-Component TAG was developed. Joshi, Becker & Rambow (2000) illustrate
the problem that simple LTAG grammars have with sentences such as (8) using examples
such as (9):4
(9) a. da der Detektiv dem Klienten [den Verdchtigen des
that the.nom detective the.dat client the.acc suspect the.gen
Verbrechens zu berfhren] versprach
crime to indict promised
that the detective promised the client to indict the suspect of the crime
b. da des Verbrechensk der Detektiv den Verdchtigenj
that the.gen crime the.nom detective the.acc suspect
dem Klienten [_j _k zu berfhren] versprach
the.dat client to indict promised
In LTAG, the elementary trees for the relevant verbs look as shown in Figure 12.8 on the
following page. The verbs are numbered according to their level of embedding. The NP
For more on this kind of examples, see Bech (1955).
The authors use versprochen hat has promised rather than versprach promised, which sounds better but
does not correspond to the trees they use.
12 Tree Adjoining Grammar
NP22 S NP11 VP
NP12 S NP21 S* V1
NP VP versprach
PRO NP12 NP22 V2
e e zu berfhren
to indict
arguments of a verb bear the same index as that verb and each has a superscript number
that distinguishes it from the other arguments. The trees are very similar to those in
GB. In particular, it is assumed that the subject occurs outside the VP. For non-finite
verbs, it is assumed that the subject is realized by PRO. PRO is, like e, a phonologically
empty pronominal category that also comes from GB. The left tree in Figure 12.8 contains
traces in the normal position of the arguments and the relevant NP slots in higher trees
positions. An interesting difference to other theories is that these traces only exist in
the tree. They are not represented as individual entries in the lexicon as the lexicon only
contains words and the corresponding trees.
The tree for versprach promised can be inserted into any S node in the tree for zu
berfhren to indict and results in trees such as those in the Figures 12.9 and 12.10.
In Figure 12.9, the tree for versprach is inserted directly above the PRO NP and in Fig-
ure 12.10 above NP12 .
It is clear that it is not possible to derive a tree in this way where an argument of ber-
fhren to indict occurs between the arguments of versprach promised. Joshi, Becker &
Rambow (2000) therefore suggest an extension of the LTAG formalism. In MC-TAG, the
grammar does not consist of elementary trees but rather finite sets of elementary trees.
In every derivational step, a set is selected and the elements of that set are simultane-
ously added to the tree. Figure 12.11 on page 412 shows an elementary tree for versprach
promised consisting of multiple components. This tree contains a trace of NP11 that was
moved to the left. The bottom-left S node and the top-right S node are connected by a
dashed line that indicates the dominance relation. However, immediate dominance is
not required. Therefore, it is possible to insert the two subtrees into another tree sep-
arately from each other and thereby analyze the order in Figure 12.12 on page 413, for
12.3 Verb position
NP22 S
NP12 S
NP21 S V1
NP VP versprach
PRO NP12 NP22 V2
e e zu berfhren
to indict
Figure 12.9: Analysis of the order NP22 NP12 NP11 NP21 V2 V1 : adjunction to the lowest S
Other variants of TAG that allow for other constituent orders are V-TAG (Rambow
1994) and TT-MC-TAG (Lichte 2007).
12.4 Passive
There is a possible analysis for the passive that is analogous to the transformations in
Transformational Grammar: one assumes lexical rules that create a lexical item with a
passive tree for every lexical item with an active tree (Kroch & Joshi 1985: 5051).
12 Tree Adjoining Grammar
NP22 S
NP21 S V1
NP12 S versprach
e e zu berfhren
to indict
Figure 12.10: Analysis of the order NP22 NP11 NP21 NP12 V2 V1 : adjunction to the S node
between NP22 and NP12
S. NP. 11 VP
NP.11 S. e. NP.21 S*. V.1
Figure 12.11: Elementary tree set for versprach consisting of multiple components
12.4 Passive
NP11 S
NP22 S
e NP21 S V1
NP12 S versprach
e e zu berfhren
to indict
Figure 12.12: Analysis of the order NP11 NP22 NP21 NP12 V2 V1 : adjunction to the S node
between NP22 and NP12
Kroch & Joshi (1985: 55) propose an alternative to this transformation-like approach
that more adequately handles so-called raising constructions. Their analysis assumes
that arguments of verbs are represented in subcategorization lists. Verbs are entered
into trees that match their subcategorization list. Kroch and Joshi formulate a lexical
rule that corresponds to the HPSG lexical rule that was discussed on page 275, that is, an
accusative object is explicitly mentioned in the input of the lexical rule. Kroch and Joshi
then suggest a complex analysis of the impersonal passive which uses a semantic null
role for a non-realized object of intransitive verbs (p. 56). Such an analysis with abstract
auxiliary entities can be avoided easily: one can instead use the HPSG analysis going
back to Haider (1986a), which was presented in Section 9.2.
There are also proposals in TAG that use inheritance to deal with valence changing
processes in general and the passive in particular (Candito 1996 and Kinyon, Rambow,
Scheffler, Yoon & Joshi 2006 following Candito). As we saw in Section 10.2 of the Chap-
ter on Construction Grammar, inheritance is not a suitable descriptive tool for valence
changing processes. This is because these kinds of processes interact syntactically and
semantically in a number of ways and can also be applied multiple times (Mller 2006,
2007c; 2007b: Section 7.5.2; 2013c; 2014a). See also Section 21.4 of this book.
12 Tree Adjoining Grammar
. i .SOA
. .S.
. NP
. VP
. NP
. VP
. did
. John
. V. NP
. S*.
. . . .
. V. NP
. tell
. Sam
. . .
. _.i
. .
. i S.
. NP
. VP
. .
. John
. V. NP
. S.
. .
. Sam. that Bill. likes _i
. . .
Figure 12.13: Analysis of long-distance dependencies in TAG
The tree for WH COMP NP likes _i belongs to the tree family of likes and is therefore
present in the lexicon. The tree for tell is adjoined to this tree, that is, this tree is inserted
in the middle of the tree for who that Bill likes _i . Such an insertion operation can be
applied multiple times so that sentences such as (11) where who is moved across multiple
sentence boundaries can be analyzed:
12.6 New developments and theoretical variants
(11) Whoi did John tell Sam that Mary said that Bill likes _i ?
There is another important detail: although the tree for (12) has the category S, (12) is
not a grammatical sentence of English.
(12) * who that Bill likes
This has to be captured somehow. In TAG, the marking OA ensures that a tree counts as
incomplete. If a tree contains a node with marking OA, then an obligatory adjunction
operation must take place at the relevant position.
12.6.1 FTAG
In FTAG, nodes are not atomic (N, NP, VP or S), but instead consist of feature descrip-
tions. With the exception of substitution nodes, each node has a top structure and a bot-
tom structure. The top structure says something about what kind of properties a given
tree has inside a larger structure, and the bottom structure says something about the
properties of the structure below the node. Substitution nodes only have a top structure.
Figure 12.14 on the following page shows an example tree for laughs. A noun phrase can
be combined with the tree for laughs in Figure 12.14. Its top structure is identified with
the NP node in the tree for laughs. The result of this combination is shown in Figure 12.15
on the next page.
In a complete tree, all top structures are identified with the corresponding bottom
structures. This way, only sentences where the subject is in third person singular can
be analyzed with the given tree for laughs, that is, those in which the verbs agreement
features match those of the subject.
For adjunction, the top structure of the tree that is being inserted must be unifiable
with the top structure of the adjunction site, and the bottom structure of the node marked
* in the inserted tree (the so-called foot node) must be unifiable with the adjunction site.
The elementary trees discussed so far only consisted of nodes where the top part
matched the bottom part. FTAG allows for an interesting variant of specifying nodes
that makes adjunction obligatory in order for the entire derivation to be well-formed.
Figure 12.16 on page 417 shows a tree for laughing that contains two VP nodes with in-
compatible mode values. In order for this subtree to be used in a complete structure,
another tree has to be added so that the two parts of the VP node are separated. This
happens by means of an auxiliary tree as shown in Figure 12.16. The highest VP node of
12 Tree Adjoining Grammar
[ ]
cat S
[ ]
cat S
[ ] cat VP[ ]
cat NP
agr 1 per 3
agr 1 num sing
[ ]
cat VP
[ ]
[] cat V
[ ]
cat NP
[ ] cat V
agr per 3
num sing
John laughs
[ ]
cat S
[ ]
cat S
[ ] cat VP[ ]
cat NP
agr 1 per 3
agr 1 num sing
cat NP
[ ] [ ]
agr per 3 cat VP
num sing
[ ]
cat V
[ ]
cat V
John laughs
Figure 12.15: Combination of the trees for John and laughs in FTAG
12.6 New developments and theoretical variants
[ ]
cat. S
[ ]
cat S
[ ]
cat . VP
[ ] cat VP
cat NP
cat VP . agr . 1
agr 2 agr 1
mode ind
mode ind [ ]
cat VP
mode ger
[ ] [ ]
cat VP
cat. V . [ ]
mode ger
[ ] cat. V
cat V [ ]
cat VP [ ]
agr 2 per 3
num sing cat V
is. laughing
Figure 12.16: Obligatory adjunction in FTAG
the auxiliary tree is unified with the upper VP node of laughing. The node of the aux-
iliary tree marked with * is unified with the lower VP node of laughing. The result of
this is given in Figure 12.17 on the next page.
If a tree is used as a final derivation, the top structures are identified with the bottom
structures. Thus, the agr value of the highest VP node is identified with that of the lower
one in the tree in Figure 12.17. As such, only NPs that have the same agr value as the
auxiliary can be inserted into the NP slot.
This example shows that, instead of the marking for obligatory adjunction that we
saw in the section on long-distance dependencies, the same effect can be achieved by
using incompatible feature specifications on the top and bottom structures. If there are
incompatible top and bottom structures in a tree, then it cannot be a final derivation tree
and therefore this means that at least one adjunction operation must still take place in
order to yield a well-formed tree.
12.6.2 V-TAG
V-TAG is a variant of TAG proposed by Owen Rambow (1994) that also assumes feature
structures on nodes. In addition, like MC-TAG, it assumes that elementary trees consist
12 Tree Adjoining Grammar
[ ]
cat S
[ ]
cat S
[ ] cat VP
cat NP
agr 1 agr 1
mode ind
cat VP
agr 2
mode ind
[ ] [ ]
cat VP
cat V
mode ger
[ ]
cat V [ ] cat VP
agr 2 per 3 mode ger
num sing
[ ]
cat V
is [ ]
cat V
of multiple components. Figure 12.18 on the following page shows the elementary lexical
set for the ditransitive verb geben give. The lexicon set consists of a tree for the verb,
an empty element of the category VP and three trees where a VP has been combined
with an NP. As in MC-TAG, dominance relations are also indicated. The dominance
constraints in Figure 12.18 ensure that all lower VP nodes dominate the highest VP node
of the tree further to the right. The order of the arguments of the verb as well as the
position of the verb is not given. The only thing required is that lower VP in the NP
trees and lower VP in the geben tree dominate the empty VP node. With this lexicon
set, it is possible to derive all permutations of the arguments. Rambow also shows how
such lexical entries can be used to analyze sentences with verbal complexes. Figure 12.19
on the following page shows a verbal complex formed from zu reparieren to repair and
versprochen promised and the relevant dominance constraints. Both of the first NP
trees have to dominate versprochen and the third and fourth NP tree have to dominate
zu reparieren. The order of the NP trees is not restricted and thus all permutations of
NPs can be derived.
12.6 New developments and theoretical variants
Figure 12.18: Lexicon set for geben to give in V-TAG according to Rambow (1994: 6)
NP VP NP VP NP VP NP VP zu reparieren versprochen
The interesting thing here is that this approach is similar to the one proposed by
Berman (1996: Section 2.1.3) in LFG (see Section 7.4): in Bermans analysis, the verb
projects directly to form a VP and the arguments are then adjoined.
A difference to other analyses discussed in this book is that there is always an empty
element in the derived trees regardless of verb position.
12 Tree Adjoining Grammar
be described by grammar, but is rather due to processing problems with the hearer in-
dependent of their principle abilities with regard to grammar.
(13) a. dass der Hund bellt, der die Katze jagt, die die Maus gefangen hat
that the dog barks that the cat chases that the mouse caught has
that the dog that chases the cat that caught the mouse barks
b. dass der Hund, [1 der die Katze, [2 die die Maus gefangen hat, 2 ] jagt 1 ]
that the dog that the cat that the mouse caught has chases
What is interesting in this context is that it is possible to construct examples of center
embedding so that they are easier to process for the hearer. In this way, it is possible to
increase the number of center embeddings possible to process by one and therefore to
show that all grammars that formulate a restriction that there may be at most two center-
embedded relative clauses are incorrect. The following example from Hans Uszkoreit
is easier to process since all embedded relative clauses are isolated and the verbs are
separated by material from the higher clause.
(14) Die Bnke, [1 auf denen damals die Alten des Dorfes, [2 die allen
the benches on which back.then the old.people of.the village that all
Kindern, [3 die vorbeikamen 3 ], freundliche Blicke zuwarfen 2 ], lange Stunden
children that friendly glances gave long hours
schweigend nebeneinander saen 1 ], mussten im letzten Jahr einem
silent sat must in.the last year a
Parkplatz weichen.
The benches on which the older residents of the village, who used to give friendly
glances to all the children who came by, used to sit silently next to one another
had to give way to a car park last year.
For other factors that play a role in processing, see Gibson (1998).
Joshi et al. (2000) discuss verbal complexes with reordered arguments. The general
pattern that they discuss has the form shown in (15):
(15) (NP1 NP2 NPn ) Vn Vn1 V1
Here, stands for any permutation of noun phrases and V1 is the finite verb. The authors
investigate the properties of Lexicalized Tree Adjoining Grammar (LTAG) with regard
to this pattern and notice that LTAG cannot analyze the order in (16) if the semantics is
supposed to come out correctly.
(16) NP2 NP3 NP1 V3 V2 V1
Since (17) is possible in German, LTAG is not sufficient to analyze all languages.
(17) dass ihm2 das Buch3 niemand1 zu lesen3 versprechen2 darf1
that him the book nobody to read promise
that nobody is allowed to promise him to read the book
12.6 New developments and theoretical variants
Therefore, they propose the extension of TAG discussed in Section 12.2; so-called tree-
local multi-component LTAG (Tree-local MC-LTAG or TL-MCTAG). They show that TL-
MCTAG can analyze (17) but not (18) with the correct semantics. They claim that these
orders are not possible in German and argue that in this case, unlike the relative clause
examples, one has both options, that is, the unavailability of such patterns can be ex-
plained as a performance phenomenon or as a competence phenomenon.
(18) NP2 NP4 NP3 NP1 V4 V3 V2 V1
If we treat this as a performance phenomenon, then we are making reference to the
complexity of the construction and the resulting processing problems for the hearer.
The fact that these orders do not occur in corpora can be explained with reference to the
principle of cooperativeness. Speakers normally want to be understood and therefore
formulate their sentences in such a way that the hearer can understand them. Verbal
complexes in German with more than four verbs are hardly ever found since it is possible
to simplify very complex sentences with multiple verbs in the right sentence bracket by
extraposing material and therefore avoiding ambiguity (see Netter 1991: 5 and Mller
2007b: 262).
The alternative to a performance explanation would involve using a grammatical for-
malism which is just powerful enough to allow embedding of two verbs and reordering
of their arguments, but rules out embedding of three verbs and reordering of the argu-
ments. Joshi et al. (2000) opt for this solution and therefore attribute the impossibility
of the order of arguments in (18) to competence.
In HPSG (and also in Categorial Grammar and in some GB analyses), verbal complexes
are analyzed by means of argument composition (Hinrichs & Nakazawa 1989a, 1994).
Under this approach, a verbal complex behaves exactly like a simplex verb and the argu-
ments of the verbs involved can be placed in any order. The grammar does not contain
any restriction on the number of verbs that can be combined, nor any constraints that
ban embedding below a certain level. In the following, I will show that many reorder-
ings are ruled out by communication rules that apply even with cases of simple two-
place verbs. The conclusion is that the impossibility of embedding four or more verbs
should in fact be explained as a performance issue.
Before I present arguments against a competence-based exclusion of (18), I will make
a more general comment: corpora cannot help us here since one does not find any in-
stances of verbs with four or more embeddings. Bech (1955) provides an extensive collec-
tion of material, but had to construct the examples with four embedded verbs. Meurers
(1999b: 9495) gives constructed examples with five verbs that contain multiple auxil-
iaries or modal verbs. These examples are barely processable and are not relevant for
the discussion here since the verbs in (18) have to select their own arguments. There are
therefore not that many verbs left when constructing examples. It is possible to only
use subject control verbs with an additional object (e.g., versprechen to promise), object
control verbs (e.g., zwingen to force) or AcI verbs (e.g., sehen to see or lassen to let) to
construct examples. When constructing examples, it is important make sure that all the
nouns involved differ as much as possible with regard to their case and their selectional
restrictions (e.g., animate/inanimate) since these are features that a hearer/reader could
12 Tree Adjoining Grammar
use to possibly assign reordered arguments to their heads. If we want to have patterns
such as (18) with four NPs each with a different case, then we have to choose a verb that
governs the genitive. There are only a very small number of such verbs in German. Al-
though the example constructed by Joshi et al. (2000) in (9b) fulfills these requirements,
it is still very marked. It therefore becomes clear that the possibility of finding a corre-
sponding example in a newspaper article is extremely small. This is due to the fact that
there are very few situations in which such an utterance would be imaginable. Addition-
ally, all control verbs (with the exception of helfen to help) require an infinitive with zu
to and can also be realized incoherently, that is, with an extraposed infinitival comple-
ment without verbal complex formation. As mentioned above, a cooperative speaker/
author would use a less complex construction and this reduces the probability that these
kinds of sentences arise even further.
Notice that tree-local MC-LTAG does not constrain the number of verbs in a sentence.
The formalism allows for an arbitrary number of verbs. It is therefore necessary to as-
sume, as in other grammatical theories, that performance constraints are responsible for
the fact that we never find examples of verbal complexes with five or more verbs. Tree-
local MC-LAG makes predictions about the possibility of arguments to be reordered. I
consider it wrong to make constraints regarding mobility of arguments dependent on
the power of the grammatical formalism since the restrictions that one finds are inde-
pendent of verbal complexes and can be found with simplex verbs taking just two argu-
ments. The problem with reordering is that it still has to be possible to assign the noun
phrases to the verbs they belong to. If this assignment leads to ambiguity that cannot
be resolved by case, selectional restrictions, contextual knowledge or intonation, then
the unmarked constituent order is chosen. Hoberg (1981: 68) shows this very nicely with
examples similar to the following:5
(19) a. Hanna hat immer schon gewut, da das Kind sie verlassen will.
Hanna has always already known that the child she leave wants
Hanna has always known that the child wants to leave her.
b. # Hanna hat immer schon gewut, da sie das Kind verlassen will.
Hanna has always already known that she the child leave wants
Preferred reading: Hanna has always known that she wants to leave the
c. Hanna hat immer schon gewut, da sie der Mann verlassen
Hanna has always already known that she the.nom man leave
Hanna has always known that the man wants to leave her.
Instead of das the, Hoberg uses the possessive pronoun ihr her. This makes the sentences more seman-
tically plausible, but one then gets interference from the linearization requirements for bound pronouns. I
have therefore replaced the pronouns with the definite article.
12.6 New developments and theoretical variants
It is not possible to reorder (19a) to (19b) without creating a strong preference for another
reading. This is due to the fact that neither sie she nor das Kind the child are unam-
biguously marked as nominative or accusative. (19b) therefore has to be interpreted as
Hanna being the one that wants something, namely to leave the child. This reordering
is possible, however, if at least one of the arguments is unambiguously marked for case
as in (19c).
For noun phrases with feminine count nouns, the forms for nominative and accusative
as well as genitive and dative are the same. For mass nouns, it is even worse. If they are
used without an article, all cases are the same for feminine nouns (e.g., Milch milk) and
also for masculines and neuters with exception of the genitive. In the following example
from Wegener (1985: 45) it is hardly possible to switch the dative and accusative object,
whereas this is possible if the nouns are used with articles as in (20c,d):
The two nouns can only be switched if the meaning of the sentence is clear from the
context (e.g., through explicit negation of the opposite) and if the sentence carries a
certain intonation.
The problem with verbal complexes is now that with four noun phrases, two of them
almost always have the same case if one does not wish to resort to the few verbs gov-
erning the genitive. A not particularly nice-sounding example of morphologically un-
ambiguously marked case is (21):
(21) weil er den Mann dem Jungen des Freundes gedenken
because he.nom the.acc man the.dat boy of.the.gen friend remember
helfen lassen will
help let wants
because he wants to let the man help the boy remember his friend
Another strategy is to choose verbs that select animate and inanimate objects so that
animacy of the arguments can aid interpretation. I have constructed such an example
where the most deeply embedded predicate is not a verb but rather an adjective. The
12 Tree Adjoining Grammar
predicate leer fischen to fish empty is a resultative construction that should be analyzed
parallel to verbal complexes (Mller 2002a: Chapter 5).
(22) weil niemand1 [den Mann]2 [der Frau]3 [diesen Teich]4 leer4
because nobody.nom the.acc man the.dat woman this.acc pond empty
fischen3 helfen2 sah1
fish help saw
because nobody saw the man help the woman fish the pond empty
If one reads the sentences with the relevant pauses, it is comprehensible. Case is unam-
biguously marked on the animate noun phrases and our word knowledge helps us to
interpret diesen Teich this pond as the argument of leer empty.
The sentence in (22) would correctly be analyzed by an appropriately written tree-
local MC-LTAG and also by argument composition analyses for verbal complexes and
resultative constructions. The sentence in (23) is a variant of (22) that corresponds ex-
actly to the pattern of (18):
(23) weil [der Frau]2 [diesen Teich]4 [den Mann]3 niemand1 leer4
because the.dat woman this.acc pond the.acc man nobody.nom empty
fischen3 helfen2 sah1
fish help saw
because nobody saw the man help the woman fish the pond empty
(23) is more marked than (22), but this is always the case with local reordering (Gis-
bert Fanselow, p. c. 2006). This sentence should not be ruled out by the grammar. Its
markedness is more due to the same factors that were responsible for the markedness
of reordering of arguments of simplex verbs. Tree-local MC-LTAG can not correctly
analyze sentences such as (23), which shows that this TAG variant is not sufficient for
analyzing natural language.
There are varying opinions among TAG researchers as to what should be counted as
competence and what should be counted as performance. For instance, Rambow (1994:
15) argues that one should not exclude reorderings that cannot be processed by means of
competence grammar or the grammatical formalism. In Chapter 6, he presents a theory
of performance that can explain why the reordering of arguments of various verbs in
the middle field is harder to process. One should therefore opt for TAG variants such
as V-TAG or TT-MC-TAG (Lichte 2007) that are powerful enough to analyze the diverse
reorderings and then also use a performance model that makes it possible to explain the
gradual differences in acceptability.
An alternative to looking for a grammatical formalism with minimal expressive power
is to not restrict the grammatical formalism at all with regard to its expressive power
and instead develop as restrictive linguistic theories as possible. For further discussion
of this point, see Chapter 17.
12.7 Summary and classification
See Rambow (1994) and Kallmeyer (2005: 194), however, for TAG analyses with an empty element in the
12 Tree Adjoining Grammar
Comprehension questions
1. How are long-distance dependencies analyzed in TAG? Does one need empty ele-
ments for this?
2. Is it possible to analyze the reordering of arguments of multiple verbs using stan-
dard TAG processes?
1. Analyze the following string in LTAG:
Further reading
Some important articles are Joshi, Levy & Takahashi (1975), Joshi (1987a), and Joshi &
Schabes (1997). Many works discuss formal properties of TAG and are therefore not
particularly accessible for linguistically interested readers. Kroch & Joshi (1985) give
a good overview of linguistic analyses. An overview of linguistic and computational
linguistic works in TAG can be found in the volume edited by Abeill and Rambow
from 2000. Rambow (1994) compares his TAG variant (V-TAG) to Karttunens Radical
Lexicalism approach, Uszkoreits GPSG, Combinatorial Categorial Grammar, HPSG and
Dependency Grammar.
Shieber & Johnson (1993) discuss psycholinguistically plausible processing models and
show that it is possible to do incremental parsing with TAG. They also present a further
variant of TAG: synchronous TAG. In this TAG variant, there is a syntactic tree and a
semantic tree connected to it. When building syntactic structure, the semantic structure
is always built in parallel. This structure built in parallel corresponds to the level of
Logical Form derived from S-Structure using transformations in GB.
Rambow (1994: Chapter 6) presents an automaton-based performance theory. He ap-
plies it to German and shows that the processing difficulties that arise when reordering
arguments of multiple verbs can be explained.
Kallmeyer & Romero (2008) show how it is possible to derive MRS representations
directly via a derivation tree using FTAG. In each top node, there is a reference to the
semantic content of the entire structure and each bottom node makes reference to the
semantic content below the node. In this way, it becomes possible to insert an adjec-
tive (e.g., mutmalichen suspected) into an NP tree alle Mrder all murderers so that
the adjective has scope over the nominal part of the NP (Mrder murderers): for ad-
junction of the adjective to the N node, the adjective can access the semantic content
of the noun. The top node of mutmalichen is then the top node of the combination
12.7 Summary and classification
mutmalichen Mrder suspected murderers and this ensures that the meaning of mut-
malichen Mrder is correctly embedded under the universal quantifier.
Part II
General discussion
13 The innateness of linguistic
If we try and compare the theories presented in this book, we notice that there are a
number of similarities.1 In all of the frameworks, there are variants of theories that
use feature-value pairs to describe linguistic objects. The syntactic structures assumed
are sometimes similar. Nevertheless, there are some differences that have often led to
fierce debates between members of the various schools. Theories differ with regard to
whether they assume transformations, empty elements, phrasal or lexical analyses, bi-
nary branching or flat structures.
Every theory has to not only describe natural language, but also explain it. It is pos-
sible to formulate an infinite number of grammars that license structures for a given
language (see Exercise 1 on page 78). These grammars are observationally adequate. A
grammar achieves descriptive adequacy if it corresponds to observations and the intu-
itions of native speakers.2 A linguistic theory is descriptively adequate if it can be used
to formulate a descriptively adequate grammar for every natural language. However,
grammars achieving descriptive adequacy do not always necessarily reach explanatory
adequacy. Grammars that achieve explanatory adequacy are those that are compati-
ble with acquisition data, that is, grammars that could plausibly be acquired by human
speakers (Chomsky 1965: 2425).
Chomsky (1965: 25) assumes that children already have domain-specific knowledge
about what grammars could, in principle, look like and then extract information about
what a given grammar actually looks like from the linguistic input. The most prominent
The terms theory and framework may require clarification. A framework is a common set of assumptions
and tools that is used when theories are formulated. In this book, I discussed theories of German. These
theories were developed in certain frameworks (GB, GPSG, HPSG, LFG, ) and of course there are other
theories of other languages that share the same fundamental assumptions. These theories differ from the
theories of German presented here but are formulated in the same framework. Haspelmath (2010b) ar-
gues for framework-free grammatical theory. If grammatical theories used incompatible tools, it would
be difficult to compare languages. So assuming transformations for English nonlocal dependencies and
a slash mechanism for German would make comparison impossible. I agree with Haspelmath that the
availability of formal tools may lead to biases, but in the end the facts have to be described somehow. If
nothing is shared between theories, we end up with isolated theories formulated in one man frameworks.
If there is shared vocabulary and if there are standards for doing framework-free grammatical theory, then
the framework is framework-free grammatical theory. See Mller (2015a) and Chapter 22 of this book for
further discussion.
This term is not particularly useful as subjective factors play a role. Not everybody finds grammatical
theories intuitively correct where it is assumed that every observed order in the languages of the world
has to be derived from a common Specifier-Head-Complement configuration, and also only by movement
to the left (see Section 4.6.1 for the discussion of such proposals).
13 The innateness of linguistic knowledge
4. Therefore, the assumptions A1 through An that are made in this analysis must be
part of the innate knowledge of speakers.
By attributing arbitrary assumptions to UG, it is possible to keep the rest of the analysis
very simple.
The following section will briefly review some of the arguments for language-specific
innate knowledge. We will see that none of these arguments are uncontroversial. In
the following chapters, I will discuss fundamental questions about the architecture of
grammar, the distinction between competence and performance and how to model per-
formance phenomena, the theory of language acquisition as well as other controversial
questions, e.g., whether it is desirable to postulate empty elements in linguistic repre-
sentations and whether language should be explained primarily based on the properties
of words or rather phrasal patterns.
Before we turn to these hotly debated topics, I want to discuss the one that is most
fiercely debated, namely the question of innate linguistic knowledge. In the literature,
one finds the following arguments for innate knowledge:
13.1 Syntactic universals
the fact that all children learn a language, but primates do not,
Pinker (1994) offers a nice overview of these arguments. Tomasello (1995) provides a
critical review of this book. The individual points will be discussed in what follows.
parts of speech
recursion or self-embedding
4 Frans Plank has an archive of universals in Konstanz (Plank & Filimonova 2000): http://typo.uni-konstanz.
de/archive/intro/. On 23.12.2015, it contained 2029 entries. The entries are annotated with regard to their
quality, and it turns out that many of the universals are statistical universals, that is, they hold for the
overwhelming majority of languages, but there are some exceptions. Some of the universals are marked
as almost absolute, that is, very few exceptions are known. 1153 were marked as absolute or absolute with
a question mark. 1021 of these are marked as absolute without a question mark. Many of the universals
captured are implicational universals, that is, they have the form: if a language has the property X, then
it also has the property Y. The universals listed in the archive are, in part, very specific and refer to the
diachronic development of particular grammatical properties. For example, the fourth entry states that: If
the exponent of vocative is a prefix, then this prefix has arisen from 1st person possessor or a 2nd person subject.
13 The innateness of linguistic knowledge
These supposed universals will each be discussed briefly in what follows. One should
emphasize that there is by no means a consensus that these are universal and that the
observed properties actually require postulating innate linguistic knowledge.
5, 23.12.2015.
13.1 Syntactic universals
tactic categories in question belong to the inventory of Universal Grammar (see Sec-
tion 13.1.7, for more on this). Difficulties with prepositions and postpositions also arise
for this kind of assumption as these are normally assigned to the same category (P). If we
were to introduce special categories for both prepositions and postpositions, then a four-
way division of parts of speech like the one on page 92 would no longer be possible. One
would instead require an additional binary feature and one would thereby automatically
predict eight categories although only five (the four commonly assumed plus an extra
one) are actually needed.
One can see that the relation between direction of government that Pinker formulated
as a universal claim is in fact correct but rather as a tendency than as a strict rule, that is,
there are many languages where there is a correlation between the use of prepositions
or postpositions and the position the verb (Dryer 1992: 83).6
In many languages, adpositions have evolved from verbs. In Chinese grammar, it is
commonplace to refer to a particular class of words as coverbs. These are words that can
be used both as prepositions and as verbs. If we view languages historically, then we
can find explanations for these tendencies that do not have to make reference to innate
linguistic knowledge (see Evans & Levinson 2009a: 445).
Furthermore, it is possible to explain the correlations with reference to processing pref-
erences: in languages with the same direction of government, the distance between the
verb and the pre-/postposition is less (Figure 13.1ab) than in languages with differing di-
rections of government (Figure 13.1cd). From the point of view of processing, languages
with the same direction of government should be preferred since they allow the hearer
to better identify the parts of the verb phrase (Newmeyer (2004a: 219221) cites Hawkins
(2004: 32) with a relevant general processing preference, see also Dryer (1992: 131)). This
tendency can thus be explained as the grammaticalization of a performance preference
(see Chapter 15 for the distinction between competence and performance) and recourse
to innate language-specific knowledge is not necessary.
13.1.2 X structures
It is often assumed that all languages have syntactic structures that correspond to the X
schema (see Section 2.5) (Pinker 1994: 238; Meisel 1995: 11, 14; Pinker & Jackendoff 2005:
216). There are, however, languages such as Dyirbal (Australia) where it does not seem
to make sense to assume hierarchical structure for sentences. Thus, Bresnan (2001: 110)
assumes that Tagalog, Hungarian, Malayalam, Warlpiri, Jiwarli, Wambaya, Jakaltek and
other corresponding languages do not have a VP node, but rather a rule taking the form
of (3):
(3) S C
6 Pinker (1994: 234) uses the word usually in his formulation. He thereby implies that there are exceptions
and that the correlation between the ordering of adpositions and the direction of government of verbs
is actually a tendency rather than a universally applicable rule. However, in the pages that follow, he
argues that the Head Directionality Parameter forms part of innate linguistic knowledge. Travis (1984: 55)
discusses data from Mandarin Chinese that do not correspond to the correlations she assumes. She then
proposes treating the Head Directionality Parameter as a kind of Default Parameter that can be overridden
by other constraints in the language.
13 The innateness of linguistic knowledge
(a) SVO with prepositions (common) (b) SOV with postpositions (common)
(c) SVO with postpositions (rare) (d) SOV with prepositions (rare)
Figure 13.1: Distance between verb and preposition for various head orders according to
Newmeyer (2004a: 221)
Here, C stands for an arbitrary number of constituents and there is no head in the
structure. Other examples for structures without heads will be discussed in Section 21.10.
X structure was introduced to restrict the form of possible rules. The assumption
was that these restrictions reduce the class of grammars one can formulate and thus
according to the assumption make the grammars easier to acquire. But as Kornai &
Pullum (1990) have shown, the assumption of X structures does not lead to a restriction
with regard to the number of possible grammars if one allows for empty heads. In GB,
a number of null heads were used and in the Minimalist Program, there has been a
significant increase of these. For example, the rule in (3) can be reformulated as follows:
(4) V V0 C
Here, V0 is an empty head. Since specifiers are optional, V can be projected to VP and
we arrive at a structure corresponding to the X schema.
Apart from the problem with languages with very free constituent order, there are
further problems with adjunction structures: Chomskys analysis of adjective structure
in X theory (Chomsky 1970: 210; see also Section 2.5 of this book, in particular Figure 2.8
on page 74) is not straightforwardly applicable to German since, unlike English, adjec-
tive phrases in German are head-final and degree modifiers must directly precede the
13.1 Syntactic universals
13 The innateness of linguistic knowledge
However, Chomsky (1981a: 27) allows for languages not to have a subject. He assumes that this is handled
by a parameter. Bresnan (2001: 311) formulates the Subject Condition, but mentions in a footnote that it
might be necessary to parameterize this condition so that it only holds for certain languages.
13.1 Syntactic universals
13 The innateness of linguistic knowledge
Berman (1999: 11; 2003a: Chapter 4), working in LFG, assumes that verbal morphology
can fulfill the subject role in German and therefore even in sentences where no subject
is overtly present, the position for the subject is filled in the f-structure. A constraint
stating that all f-structures without a pred value must be third person singular applies
to the f-structure of the unexpressed subject. The agreement information in the finite
verb has to match the information in the f-structure of the unexpressed subject and hence
the verbal inflection in subjectless constructions is restricted to be 3rd person singular
(Berman 1999).
As we saw on page 161, some researchers working in the Minimalist Program even
assume that there is an object in every sentence (Stabler quoted in Veenstra (1998: 61,
124)). Objects of monovalent verbs are assumed to be empty elements.
If we allow these kinds of tools, then it is of course easy to maintain the existence
of many universals: we claim that a language X has the property Y and then assume
that the structural items are invisible and have no meaning. These analyses can only be
justified theory-internally with the goal of uniformity (see Culicover & Jackendoff 2005:
Section 2.1.2).10
13.1 Syntactic universals
of Binding Theory where the binding properties of pronominal expressions are deter-
mined in the lexicon. In this way, the language-specific properties of pronouns can be
accounted for. Extraposition
Baltin (1981) and Chomsky (1986a: 40) claim that the extraposed relative clauses in (14)
have to be interpreted with reference to the embedding NP, that is, the sentences are not
Newmeyer (2004b: 539540) points out a conceptual problem following from the language-specific deter-
mination of bounding nodes: it is argued that subjacency is an innate language-specific principle since
it is so abstract that it is impossible for speakers to learn it. However, if parameterization requires that a
speaker chooses from a set of categories in the linguistic input, then the corresponding constraints must be
derivable from the input at least to the degree that it is possible to determine the categories involved. This
raises the question as to whether the original claim of the impossibility of acquisition is actually justified.
See Section 13.8 on the Poverty of the Stimulus and Section 16.1 on parameter-based theories of language
Note also that a parameter that has as the value a part of speech requires the respective part of speech
values to be part of UG.
However, see Baltin (2004: 552).
13.1 Syntactic universals
equivalent to those where the relative clause would occur in the position marked with
t, but rather they correspond to examples where it would occur in the position of the t.
(14) a. [NP Many books [PP with [stories t]] t ] were sold [that I wanted to read].
b. [NP Many proofs [PP of [the theorem t]] t] appeared
[that I wanted to think about].
Here, it is assumed that NP, PP, VP and AP are bounding nodes for rightward movement
(at least in English) and the interpretation in question here is thereby ruled out by the
Subjacency Principle (Baltin 1981: 262).
If we construct a German example parallel to (14a) and replace the embedding noun
so that it is ruled out or dispreferred as a referent, then we arrive at (15):
(15) weil viele Schallplatten mit Geschichten verkauft wurden, die ich noch
because many records with stories sold were that I still
lesen wollte
read wanted
because many records with stories were sold that I wanted to read
This sentence can be uttered in a situation where somebody in a record store sees partic-
ular records and remembers that he had wanted to read the fairy tales on those records.
Since one does not read records, adjunction to the superordinate noun is implausible and
thus adjunction to Geschichten stories is preferred. By carefully choosing the nouns, it
is possible to construct examples such as (16) that show that extraposition can take place
across multiple NP nodes:13
(16) a. Karl hat mir [ein Bild [einer Frau _i ]] gegeben, [die schon lange tot
Karl has me a picture a woman given that PRT long dead
ist]i .
Karl gave me a picture of a woman that has been dead some time.
b. Karl hat mir [eine Flschung [des Bildes [einer Frau _i ]]] gegeben, [die
Karl has me a forgery of.the picture of.a woman given that
schon lange tot ist]i .
PRT long dead is
Karl gave me a forgery of the picture of a woman that has been dead for some
c. Karl hat mir [eine Kopie [einer Flschung [des Bildes [einer Frau _i ]]]]
Karl has me a copy of.a forgery of.the picture of.a woman
gegeben, [die schon lange tot ist]i .
given that PRT long dead is
Karl gave me a copy of a forgery of the picture of a woman that has been dead
for some time.
See Mller (1999a: 211) and Mller (2004b; 2007d: Section 3). For parallel examples from Dutch, see Koster
(1978: 52).
13 The innateness of linguistic knowledge
This kind of embedding could continue further if one were to not eventually run out
of nouns that allow for semantically plausible embedding. NP is viewed as a bounding
node in German (Grewendorf 1988: 81; 2002: 1718; Haider 2001: 285). These examples
show that it is possible for rightward extraposed relative clauses to cross any number of
bounding nodes.
Koster (1978: 5254) discusses some possible explanations for the data in (16), where it
is assumed that relative clauses move to the NP/PP border and are then moved on further
from there (this movement requires so-called escape hatches or escape routes). He argues
that these approaches will also work for the very sentences that should be ruled out by
subjacency, that is, for examples such as (14). This means that either data such as (14)
can be explained by subjacency and the sentences in (16) are counterexamples, or there
are escape hatches and the examples in (14) are irrelevant, deviant sentences that cannot
be explained by subjacency.
In the examples in (16), a relative clause was extraposed in each case. These rela-
tive clauses are treated as adjuncts and there are analyses that assume that extraposed
adjuncts are not moved but rather base-generated in their position, and coreference/
coindexation is achieved by special mechanisms (Kiss 2005). For proponents of these
kinds of analyses, the examples in (16) would be irrelevant to the subjacency discussion
as the Subjacency Principle only constrains movement. However, extraposition across
phrase boundaries is not limited to relative clauses; sentential complements can also be
(17) a. Ich habe [von [der Vermutung _i ]] gehrt, [dass es Zahlen gibt, die
I have from the conjecture heard that expl numbers gives that
die folgenden Bedingungen erfllen]i .
the following requirements fulfill
I have heard of the conjecture that there are numbers that fulfill the following
b. Ich habe [von [einem Beweis [der Vermutung _i ]]] gehrt, [dass es
I have from a proof of.the conjecture heard that expl
Zahlen gibt, die die folgenden Bedingungen erfllen]i .
numbers give that the following requirements fulfill
I have heard of the proof of the conjecture that there are numbers that fulfill
the following requirements.
c. Ich habe [von [dem Versuch [eines Beweises [der Vermutung _i ]]]] gehrt,
I have from the attempt of.a proof of.the conjecture heard
[dass es Zahlen gibt, die die folgenden Bedingungen erfllen]i .
that expl numbers gives that the following requirements fulfill
I have heard of the attempt to prove the conjecture that there are numbers
that fulfill the following requirements.
Since there are nouns that select zu infinitives or prepositional phrases and since these
13.1 Syntactic universals
can be extraposed like the sentences above, it must be ensured that the syntactic cate-
gory of the postposed element corresponds to the category required by the noun. This
means that there has to be some kind of relation between the governing noun and the ex-
traposed element. For this reason, the examples in (17) have to be analyzed as instances
of extraposition and provide counter evidence to the claims discussed above.
If one wishes to discuss the possibility of recursive embedding, then one is forced to
refer to constructed examples as the likelihood of stumbling across groups of sentences
such as those in (16) and (17) is very remote. It is, however, possible to find some individ-
ual cases of deep embedding: (18) gives some examples of relative clause extraposition
and complement extraposition taken from the Tiger corpus14 (Mller 2007d: 7879; Meu-
rers & Mller 2009: Section 2.1).
(18) a. Der 43jhrige will nach eigener Darstellung damit [NP den Weg [PP fr
the 43.year.old wants after own depiction there.with the way for
[NP eine Diskussion [PP ber [NP den knftigen Kurs [NP der strksten
a discussion about the future course of.the strongest
Oppositionsgruppierung]]]]]] freimachen, [die aber mit 10,4 Prozent free.make that however with 10.4 percent
der Stimmen bei der Wahl im Oktober weit hinter den Erwartungen
of.the votes at the election in October far behind the expectations
zurckgeblieben war]. (s27639)
stayed.back was
In his own words, the 43-year old wanted to clear the way for a discussion
about the future course of the strongest opposition group that had, however,
performed well below expectations gaining only 10.4 percent of the votes at
the election in October.
b. [] die Erfindung der Guillotine knnte [NP die Folge [NP eines
the invention of.the guillotine could the result of.a
verzweifelten Versuches des gleichnamigen Doktors] gewesen sein, [seine
desperate attempt the doctor have been his
Patienten ein fr allemal von Kopfschmerzen infolge schlechter Kissen
patients once for all.time of headaches because.of bad pillows
zu befreien]. (s16977)
to free
The invention of the guillotine could have been the result of a desperate at-
tempt of the eponymous doctor to rid his patients once and for all of headaches
from bad pillows.
It is also possible to construct sentences for English that violate the Subjacency Condi-
tion. Uszkoreit (1990: 2333) provides the following example:
(19) [NP Only letters [PP from [NP those people _i ]]] remained unanswered [that had
received our earlier reply]i .
See Brants et al. (2004) for more information on the Tiger corpus.
13 The innateness of linguistic knowledge
Jan Strunk (p. c. 2008) has found examples for extraposition of both restrictive and non-
restrictive relative clauses across multiple phrase boundaries:
(20) a. For example, we understand that Ariva buses have won [NP a number [PP of
[NP contracts [PP for [NP routes in London _i ]]]]] recently, [which will not be
run by low floor accessible buses]i .15
b. I picked up [NP a copy of [NP a book _i ]] today, by a law professor, about law,
[that is not assigned or in any way required to read]i .16
c. We drafted [NP a list of [NP basic demands _i ]] that night [that had to be
unconditionally met or we would stop making and delivering pizza and go on
strike]i .17
(20a) is also published in Strunk & Snider (2013: 111). Further attested examples from
German and English can be found in this paper.
The preceding discussion has shown that subjacency constraints on rightward move-
ment do not hold for English or German and thus cannot be viewed as universal. One
could simply claim that NP and PP are not bounding nodes in English or German. Then,
these extraposition data would no longer be problematic for theories assuming subja-
cency. However, subjacency constraints are also assumed for leftward movement. This
is discussed in more detail in the following section. Extraction
Under certain conditions, leftward movement is not possible from certain constituents
(Ross 1967). These constituents are referred to as islands for extraction. Ross (1967: Sec-
tion 4.1) formulated the Complex NP Constraint (CNPC) that states that extraction is not
possible from complex noun phrases. An example of extraction from a relative clause
inside a noun phrase is the following:
(21) * Whoi did he just read [NP the report [S that was about _i ]?
Although (21) would be a semantically plausible question, the sentence is still ungram-
matical. This is explained by the fact that the question pronoun has been extracted across
the sentence boundary of a relative clause and then across the NP boundary and has
therefore crossed two bounding nodes. It is assumed that the CNPC holds for all lan-
guages. This is not the case, however, as the corresponding structures are possible in
Danish (Erteschik-Shir & Lappin 1979: 55), Norwegian, Swedish, Japanese, Korean, Tamil
and Akan (see Hawkins (1999: 245, 262) and references therein). Since the restrictions
of the CNPC are integrated into the Subjacency Principle, it follows that the Subjacency
Principle cannot be universally applicable unless one claims that NP is not a bounding
node in the problematic languages. However, it seems indeed to be the case that the
majority of languages do not allow extraction from complex noun phrases. Hawkins
explains this on the basis of the processing difficulties associated with the structures
15, 24.02.2007.
16, 27.09.2008.
17, 27.09.2008.
13.1 Syntactic universals
in question (Section 4.1). He explains the difference between languages that allow this
kind of extraction and languages that do not with reference to the differing processing
load for structures that stem from the interaction of extraction with other grammatical
properties such as verb position and other conventionalized grammatical structures in
the respective languages (Section 4.2).
Unlike extraction from complex noun phrases, extraction across a single sentence
boundary (22) is not ruled out by the Subjacency Principle.
(22) Whoi did she think that he saw _i ?
Movement across multiple sentence boundaries, as discussed in previous chapters, is ex-
plained by so-called cyclic movement in transformational theories: a question pronoun
is moved to a specifier position and can then be moved further to the next highest speci-
fier. Each of these movement steps is subject to the Subjacency Principle. The Subjacency
Principle rules out long-distance movement in one fell swoop.
The Subjacency Principle cannot explain why extraction from sentences embedded
under verbs that specify the kind of utterance (23a) or factive verbs (23b) is deviant
(Erteschik-Shir & Lappin 1979: 6869).
(23) a. Whoi did she mumble that he saw _i ?
b. Whoi did she realize that he saw _i ?
The structure of these sentences seems to be the same as (22). In entirely syntactic ap-
proaches, it was also attempted to explain these differences as subjacency violations or
as a violation of Ross constraints. It has therefore been assumed (Stowell 1981: 401
402) that the sentences in (23) have a structure different from those in (22). Stowell
treats these sentential arguments of manner of speaking verbs as adjuncts. Since ad-
junct clauses are islands for extraction by assumption, this would explain why (23a) is
marked. The adjunct analysis is compatible with the fact that these sentential arguments
can be omitted:
(24) a. She shouted that he left.
b. She shouted.
Ambridge & Goldberg (2008: 352) have pointed out that treating such clauses as adjuncts
is not justified as they are only possible with a very restricted class of verbs, namely verbs
of saying and thinking. This property is a property of arguments and not of adjuncts.
Adjuncts such as place modifiers are possible with a wide number of verb classes. Fur-
thermore, the meaning changes if the sentential argument is omitted as in (24b): whereas
(24a) requires that some information is communicated, this does not have to be the case
with (24b). It is also possible to replace the sentential argument with an NP as in (25),
which one would certainly not want to treat as an adjunct.
(25) She shouted the remark/the question/something I could not understand.
The possibility of classifying sentential arguments as adjuncts cannot be extended to
factive verbs as their sentential argument is not optional (Ambridge & Goldberg 2008:
13 The innateness of linguistic knowledge
Kiparsky & Kiparsky (1970) suggest an analysis of factive verbs that assumes a complex
noun phrase with a nominal head. An optional fact Deletion-Transformation removes
the head noun and the determiner of the NP in sentences such as (27a) to derive sentences
such as (27b) (page 159).
(27) a. She realized [NP the fact [S that he left]].
b. She realized [NP [S that he left]].
The impossibility of extraction out of such sentences can be explained by assuming that
two boundary nodes were crossed, which was assumed to be impossible (on the island
status of this construction, see Kiparsky & Kiparsky 1970: Section 4). This analysis pre-
dicts that extraction from complement clauses of factive verbs should be just as bad as
extraction from overt NP arguments since the structure for both is the same. According
to Ambridge & Goldberg (2008: 353), this is, however, not the case:
(28) a. * Who did she realize the fact that he saw _i ?
b. Who did she realize that he saw _i ?
Together with Erteschik-Shir (1981), Erteschik-Shir & Lappin (1979), Takami (1988) and
Van Valin (1998), Goldberg (2006: Section 7.2) assumes that the gap must be in a part of
the utterance that can potentially form the focus of an utterance (see Cook (2001), De
Kuthy (2002) and Fanselow (2003c) for German). This means that this part must not be
presupposed.18 If one considers what this means for the data from the subjacency discus-
sion, then one notices that in each case extraction has taken place out of presupposed
(29) a. Complex NP
She didnt see the report that was about him. The report was about him.
b. Complement of a verb of thinking or saying
She didnt whisper that he left. He left.
c. Factive verb
She didnt realize that he left. He left.
Goldberg assumes that constituents that belong to backgrounded information are islands
(Backgrounded constructions are islands (BCI)). Ambridge & Goldberg (2008) have tested
this semantic/pragmatic analysis experimentally and compared it to a purely syntac-
tic approach. They were able to confirm that information structural properties play a
18 Information is presupposed if it is true regardless of whether the utterance is negated or not. Thus, it
follows from both (i.a) and (i.b) that there is a king of France.
13.1 Syntactic universals
significant role for the extractability of elements. Along with Erteschik-Shir (1973: Sec-
tion 3.H), Ambridge & Goldberg (2008: 375) assume that languages differ with regard to
how much constituents have to belong to background knowledge in order to rule out ex-
traction. In any case we should not rule out extraction from adjuncts for all languages as
there are languages such as Danish where it is possible to extract from relative clauses.19
Erteschik-Shir (1973: 61) provides the following examples, among others:
(30) a. Deti er der mange [der kan lide _i ].
that are there many that can like
There are many who like that. (lit.: That, there are many who like.)
b. Det husi kender jeg en mand [som har kbt _i ].
that house know I a man that has bought
I know a man that has bought that house. (lit.: This house, I know a man that
has bought.)
Rizzis parameterization of the subjacency restriction has been abandoned in many
works, and the relevant effects have been ascribed to differences in other areas of gram-
mar (Adams 1984; Chung & McCloskey 1983; Grimshaw 1986; Kluender 1992).
We have seen in this subsection that there are reasons other than syntactic properties
of structure as to why leftward movement might be blocked. In addition to information
structural properties, processing considerations also play a role (Grosu 1973; Ellefson &
Christiansen 2000; Gibson 1998; Kluender & Kutas 1993; Hawkins 1999; Sag, Hofmeis-
ter & Snider 2007). The length of constituents involved, the distance between filler and
gap, definiteness, complexity of syntactic structure and interference effects between sim-
ilar discourse referents in the space between the filler and gap are all important factors
for the acceptability of utterances. Since languages differ with regard to their syntactic
structure, varying effects of performance, such as the ones found for extraposition and
extraction, are to be expected.
In sum, we can say that subjacency constraints do not hold for extraposition in either
German or English and furthermore that one can better explain constraints on extrac-
tion with reference to information structure and processing phenomena than with the
Subjacency Principle. Assuming subjacency as a syntactic constraint in a universal com-
petence grammar is therefore unnecessary to explain the facts.
Discussing the question of whether UG-based approaches are falsifiable, Crain, Khlentzos & Thornton
(2010: 2669) claim that it is not possible to extract from relative clauses and the existence of such languages
would call into question the very concept of UG. (If a child acquiring any language could learn to extract
linguistic expressions from a relative clause, then this would seriously cast doubt on one of the basic tenets
of UG.) They thereby contradict Evans and Levinson as well as Tomasello, who claim that UG approaches
are not falsifiable. If the argumentation of Crain, Khlentzos and Thornton were correct, then (30) would
falsify UG and that would be the end of the discussion.
13 The innateness of linguistic knowledge
with regard to which of these grammatical properties a language has and how they are
For examples of differences in the tense system see Dahl & Velupillai (2013b,a). Man-
darin Chinese is a clear case: it has next to no morphology. The fact that the same
morphemes occur in one form or another in almost every language can be attributed to
the fact that certain things need to be expressed repeatedly and then things which are
constantly repeated become grammaticalized.
The question of whether these categories form part of UG is left open.
For the opposite view, see Jackendoff & Pinker (2009: 465).
13.1 Syntactic universals
by Villavicencio (2002: 157), working in the framework of Categorial Grammar, for the
categories S, NP, N, PP and PRT. This kind of assumption is not falsifiable (see Evans &
Levinson 2009a: 436; Tomasello 2009: 471 for a discussion of similar cases and a more
general discussion).
Whereas Evans and Levinson assume that one needs additional categories, Haspel-
math (2009: 458) and Croft (2009: 453) go so far as to deny the existence of cross-linguis-
tic parts of speech. I consider this to be too extreme and believe that a better research
strategy is to try and find commonalities between languages.22 One should, however,
expect to find languages that do not fit into our Indo-European-biased conceptions of
Das Verfahren der Sprache ist aber nicht blo ein solches, wodurch eine einzelne Er-
scheinung zustande kommt; es muss derselben zugleich die Mglichkeit erffnen,
eine unbestimmbare Menge solcher Erscheinungen und unter allen, ihr von dem
Gedanken gestellten Bedingungen hervorzubringen. Denn sie steht ganz eigentlich
einem unendlichen und wahrhaft grenzenlosen Gebiete, dem Inbegriff alles Denk-
baren gegenber. Sie muss daher von endlichen Mitteln einen unendlichen Ge-
brauch machen, und vermag dies durch die Identitt der gedanken- und sprache-
erzeugenden Kraft. (Humboldt 1988: 108)
Compare Chomsky (1999: 2): In the absence of compelling evidence to the contrary, assume languages to
be uniform, with variety restricted to easily detectable properties of utterances.
In a discussion article in Cognition, Fitch, Hauser & Chomsky (2005) clarify that their claim that recur-
sion is the only language-specific and human-specific property is a hypothesis and it could be the case
that are not any language-specific/species-specific properties at all. Then, a particular combination of abil-
ities and properties would be specific to humans (p. 182201). An alternative they consider is that innate
language-specific knowledge has a complexity corresponding to what was assumed in earlier versions of
Mainstream Generative Grammar (p. 182). Chomsky (2007: 7) notes that Merge could be a non language-
specific operation but still attributes it to UG.
The process of language is not simply one where an individual instantiation is created; at the same time
it must allow for an indefinite set of such instantiations and must above all allow the expression of the
conditions imposed by thought. Language faces an infinite and truly unbounded subject matter, the epitome
of everything one can think of. Therefore, it must make infinite use of finite means and this is possible
through the identity of the power that is responsible for the production of thought and language.
13 The innateness of linguistic knowledge
If we just look at the data, we can see that there is an upper bound for the length of
utterances. This has to do with the fact that extremely long instances cannot be pro-
cessed and that speakers have to sleep or will eventually die at some point. If we set a
generous maximal sentence length at 100,000 morphemes and then assume a morpheme
inventory of X then one can form less than X100,000 utterances. We arrive at the number
X100,000 if we use each of the morphemes at each of the 100,000 positions. Since not all
of these sequences will be well-formed, then there are actually less than X100,000 pos-
sible utterances (see also Weydt 1972 for a similar but more elaborate argument). This
number is incredibly large, but still finite. The same is true of thought: we do not have
infinitely many possible thoughts (if infinitely is used in the mathematical sense of the
word), despite claims by Humboldt and Chomsky (2008: 137) to the contrary.25
In the literature, one sometimes finds the claim that it is possible to produce infinitely
long sentences (see for instance Nowak, Komarova & Niyogi (2001: 117) and Kim & Sells
(2008: 3) and Dan Everett in ONeill & Wood (2012) at 25:19). This is most certainly not
the case. It is also not the case that the rewrite grammars we encountered in Chapter 2
allow for the creation of infinite sentences as the set of symbols of the right-hand side
of the rule has to be finite by definition. While it is possible to derive an infinite number
of sentences, the sentences themselves cannot be infinite, since it is always one symbol
that is replaced by finitely many other symbols and hence no infinite symbol sequence
may result.
Chomsky (1965: Section I.1) follows de Saussure (1916b) and draws a distinction be-
tween competence and performance: competence is the knowledge about what kind of
linguistic structures are well-formed, and performance is the application of this knowl-
Weydt (1972) discusses Chomskys statements regarding the existence of infinitely many sentences and
whether it is legitimate for Chomsky to refer to Humboldt. Chomskys quote in Current Issues in Linguistic
Theory (Chomsky 1964a: 17) leaves out the sentence Denn sie steht ganz eigentlich einem unendlichen und
wahrhaft grenzenlosen Gebiete, dem Inbegriff alles Denkbaren gegenber. Weydt (1972: 266) argues that
Humboldt, Bhler and Martinet claimed that there are infinitely many thoughts that can be expressed.
Weydt claims that it does not follow that sentences may be arbitrarily long. Instead he suggests that there
is no upper bound on the length of texts. This claim is interesting, but I guess texts are just the next bigger
unit and the argument that Weydt put forward against languages without an upper bound for sentence
length also applies to texts. A text can be generated by the rather simplified rule in (i) that combines an
utterance U with a text T resulting in a larger text T:
(i) TTU
U can be a sentence or another phrase that can be part of a text. If one is ready to admit that there is
no upper bound on the length of texts, it follows that there cannot be an upper bound on the length of
sentences either, since one can construct long sentences by joining all phrases of a text with and. Such
long sentences that are the product of conjoining short sentences are different in nature from very long
sentences that are admitted under the Chomskyan view in that they do not include center-self embeddings
of an arbitrary depth (see Section 15), but nevertheless the number of sentences that can be produced from
arbitrarily long texts is infinite.
As for arbitrarily long texts there is an interesting problem: Let us assume that a person produces
sentences and keeps adding them to an existing text. This enterprise will be interrupted when the human
being dies. One could say that another person could take up the text extension until this one dies and so on.
Again the question is whether one can understand the meaning and the structure of a text that is several
million pages long. 42. If this is not enough of a problem, one may ask oneself whether the language of the
person who keeps adding to the text in the year 2731 is still the same that the person who started the text
spoke in 2015. If the answer to this question is no, then the text is not a document containing sentences
from one language L but a mix from several languages and hence irrelevant for the debate.
13.1 Syntactic universals
edge (see Section 12.6.3 and Chapter 15). Our restricted brain capacity as well as other
constraints are responsible for the fact that we cannot deal with an arbitrary amount of
embedding and that we cannot produce utterances longer than 100,000 morphemes. The
separation between competence and performance makes sense and allows us to formu-
late rules for the analysis of sentences such as (31):
(31) a. Richard is sleeping.
b. Karl suspects that Richard is sleeping.
c. Otto claims that Karl suspects that Richard is sleeping.
d. Julius believes that Otto claims that Karl suspects that Richard is sleeping.
e. Max knows that Julius believes that Otto claims that Karl suspects that Richard
is sleeping.
The rule takes the following form: combine a noun phrase with a verb of a certain class
and a clause. By applying this rule successively, it is possible to form strings of arbitrary
length. Pullum & Scholz (2010) point out that one has to keep two things apart: the
question of whether language is a recursive system and whether it is just the case that the
best models that we can devise for a particular language happen to be recursive. For more
on this point and on processing in the brain, see Luuk & Luuk (2011). When constructing
strings of words using the system above, it cannot be shown that (a particular) language
is infinite, even if this is often claimed to be the case (Bierwisch 1966: 105106; Pinker
1994: 86; Hauser, Chomsky & Fitch 2002: 1571; Mller 2007b: 1; Hornstein, Nunes &
Grohmann 2005: 7; Kim & Sells 2008: 3).
The proof of this infinitude of language is led as an indirect proof parallel to the proof
that shows that there is no largest natural number (Bierwisch 1966: 105106; Pinker 1994:
86). In the domain of natural numbers, this works as follows: assume x is the largest
natural number. Then form x + 1 and, since this is by definition a natural number, we
have now found a natural number that is greater than x. We have therefore shown that
the assumption that x is the highest number leads to a contradiction and thus that there
cannot be such a thing as the largest natural number.
When transferring this proof into the domain of natural language, the question arises
as to whether one would still want to class a string of 1,000,000,000 words as part of the
language we want to describe. If we do not want this, then this proof will not work.
If we view language as a biological construct, then one has to accept the fact that it
is finite. Otherwise, one is forced to assume that it is infinite, but that an infinitely large
part of the biologically real object is not biologically real (Postal 2009: 111). Luuk & Luuk
(2011) refer to languages as physically uncountable but finite sets of strings. They point
out that a distinction must be made between the ability to imagine extending a sentence
indefinitely and the ability to take a sentence from a non-countable set of strings and
really extend it. We possess the first ability but not the second.
One possibility to provide arguments for the infinitude of languages is to claim that
only generative grammars, which create sets of well-formed utterances, are suited to
modeling language and that we need recursive rules to capture the data, which is why
mental representations have a recursive procedure that generates infinite numbers of
13 The innateness of linguistic knowledge
expressions (Chomsky, 1956: 115; 2002: 8687), which then implies that languages consist
of infinitely many expressions. There are two mistakes in this argument that have been
pointed out by Pullum & Scholz (2010): even if one assumes generative grammars, it can
still be the case that a context-sensitive grammar can still only generate a finite set even
with recursive rules. Pullum & Scholz (2010: 120121) give an interesting example from
Andrs Kornai.
The more important mistake is that it is not necessary to assume that grammars gen-
erate sets. There are three explicitly formalized alternatives of which only the third is
mentioned here, namely the model-theoretic and therefore constraint-based approaches
(see Chapter 14). Johnson & Postals Arc Pair Grammar (1980), LFG in the formaliza-
tion of Kaplan (1995), GPSG in the reformalization of Rogers (1997) and HPSG with the
assumptions of King (1999), Pollard (1999) and Richter (2007) are examples of model-
theoretic approaches. In constraint-based theories, one would analyze an example like
(31) saying that certain attitude verbs select a nominative NP and a that clause and that
these can only occur in a certain local configuration where a particular relation holds
between the elements involved. One of these relations is subject-verb agreement. In
this way, one can represent expressions such as (31) and does not have to say anything
about how many sentences can be embedded. This means that constraint-based theories
are compatible with both answers to the question of whether there is a finite or infinite
number of structures. Using competence grammars formulated in the relevant way, it is
possible to develop performance models that explain why certain strings for instance
very long ones are unacceptable (see Chapter 15).
However, he does note on page 78 that relative clauses are separated from the sentence containing the
head noun by a pause. Relative clauses in Warlpiri are always peripheral, that is, they occur to the left or
right of a sentence with the noun they refer to. Similar constructions can be found in German:
It could be the case that we are dealing with linking of sentences at text level and not recursion at sentence
13.1 Syntactic universals
guage family that is not related to Pirah. This language does have embedding, but the
embedded material has a different form to that of the matrix clause. It could be the case
that these embeddings cannot be carried out indefinitely. In Hixkaryna, there is also
no possibility to coordinate phrases or clauses (Derbyshire (1979: 45) cited by Pullum
& Scholz (2010: 131)), which is why this possibility of forming recursive sentence em-
bedding does not exist in this language either. Other languages without self-embedding
seem to be Akkadian, Dyirbal and Proto-Uralic.
There is of course a trivial sense in which all languages are recursive: they follow a
rule that says that a particular number of symbols can be combined to form another
(32) XXX
In this sense, all natural languages are recursive and the combination of simple symbols
to more complex ones is a basic property of language (Hockett 1960: 6). The fact that the
debate about Pirah is so fierce could go to show that this is not the kind of recursion
that is meant. Also, see Fitch (2010).
It is also assumed that the combinatorial rules of Categorial Grammar hold universally.
It is possible to use these rules to combine a functor with its arguments (X/Y Y = X).
These rules are almost as abstract as the rules in (32). The difference is that one of the
elements has to be the functor. There are also corresponding constraints in the Mini-
malist Program such as selectional features (see Section 4.6.4) and restrictions on the
assignment of semantic roles. However, whether or not a Categorial Grammar licenses
recursive structures does not depend on the very general combinatorial schemata, but
rather on the lexical entries. Using the lexical entries in (33), it is only possible to analyze
two sentences and certainly not to build recursive structures.
If we expand the lexicon to include modifiers of the category n/n or conjunctions of the
category (X\X)/X, then we arrive at a recursive grammar.
Fitch, Hauser & Chomsky (2005: 203) note that the existence of languages that do
not license recursive structures is not a problem for UG-based theories as not all the
possibilities in UG have to be utilized by an individual language. With this view, we
have actually the same situation as with parts of speech (see Section 13.1.7) that you
can posit any number of properties belonging to UG and then decide on a language by
language basis whether they play a role or not. An extreme variant of this approach
would be that grammars of all languages become part of UG (perhaps with different
symbols such as NPSpanish , NPGerman ). This variant of a UG-based theory of the human
capacity for language would be truly unfalsifiable (Evans & Levinson 2009a: 436, 443;
Tomasello 2009: 471).
Chomsky (2005: 11) assumes that Merge combines n objects. A special instance of this is binary Merge.
13 The innateness of linguistic knowledge
13.1.9 Summary
In sum, we can say that there are no linguistic universals for which there is a consensus
that one has to assume domain-specific innate knowledge to explain them. At the 2008
meeting of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fr Sprachwissenschaft, Wolfgang Klein promised
e 100 to anyone who could name a non-trivial property that all languages share (see
Klein 2009). This begs the question of what is meant by trivial. It seems clear that
all languages share predicate-argument structures and dependency relations in some
sense (Hudson 2010a; Longobardi & Roberts 2010: 2701) and, all languages have complex
expressions whose meaning can be determined compositionally (Manfred Krifka was
Pinker & Jackendoff (2005: 230) note, however, that navigation differs from the kind of recursive system
described by Chomsky and that recursion is not part of counting systems in all cultures. They assume
that those cultures that have developed infinite counting systems could do this because of their linguistic
capabilities. This is also assumed by Fitch, Hauser & Chomsky (2005: 203). The latter authors claim that all
forms of recursion in other domains depend on language. For more on this point, see Chomsky (2007: 78).
Luuk & Luuk (2011) note that natural numbers are defined recursively, but the mathematical definition
does not necessarily play a role for the kinds of arithmetic operations carried out by humans.
13.2 Speed of language acquisition
13 The innateness of linguistic knowledge
Furthermore, the claim that first language acquisition is effortless and rapid when
compared to second language acquisition is a myth as has been shown by estimations
by Klein (1986: 9): if we assume that children hear linguistic utterances for five hours a
day (as a conservative estimate), then in the first five years of their lives, they have 9100
hours of linguistic training. But at the age of five, they have still not acquired all com-
plex constructions. In comparison, second-language learners, assuming the necessary
motivation, can learn the grammar of a language rather well in a six-week crash course
with twelve hours a day (500 hours in total).
13.4 Lack of acquisition among non-human primates
language acquisition is not driven by an innate UG, but is in fact a learning process
that accesses knowledge already acquired during the critical period (Lenneberg 1967:
176). One would therefore have to show that there is a critical period for first-language
acquisition. This is, however, not straightforward as, for ethical reasons, one cannot ex-
perimentally manipulate the point at which the input is available. We cannot, say, take
20 children and let them grow up without linguistic input to the age of 3, 4, 5, 6, or
15 and then compare the results. This kind of research is dependent on thankfully very
rare cases of neglect. For example, Curtiss (1977) studied a girl called Genie. At the time,
Genie was 13 years old and had grown up in isolation. She is a so-called feral child. As
Curtiss showed, she was no longer able to learn certain linguistic rules. For an objective
comparison, one would need other test subjects that had not grown up in complete isola-
tion and in inhumane conditions. The only possibility of gaining relevant experimental
data is to study deaf subjects that did not receive any input from a sign language up
to a certain age. Johnson & Newport (1989: 63) carried out relevant experiments with
learners of American Sign Language. It was also shown here that there is a linear decline
in the ability to learn, however nothing like a sudden drop after a certain age or even a
complete loss of the ability to acquire language.
13 The innateness of linguistic knowledge
is collaborative to a high degree: symbols are used to refer to objects and sometimes also
to the speaker or hearer. In order to be able to use this kind of communication system,
one has to be able to put oneself in the shoes of the interlocutor and develop common
expectations and goals (Tomasello et al. 2005: 683). Non-human primates could thus lack
the social and cognitive prerequisites for language, that is, the difference between hu-
mans and other primates does not have to be explained by innate linguistic knowledge
(Tomasello 2003: Section 8.1.2; Tomasello et al. 2005).
For problems that can arise from the assumption of defaults values, see Meisel (1995: 17). Bickerton (1997:
56, fn. 13) distances himself from the claim that creole languages have the default values of parameters.
13.6 Localization in special parts of the brain
the participants also picked this one 70% of the time (although they would have actually
had a higher success rate if they had always chosen the bulb turned on with 70% proba-
bility). This behavior is known as Probability Matching. If we add another light bulb to
this scenario and then turn this lamp on in 70% of cases and the other two each 15% of
the time, then participants choose the more frequently lit one 8090% of the time, that
is, they regularize in the direction of the most frequent occurrence (Gardner 1957; Weir
Children regularize more than adults (Hudson & Newport 1999; Hudson Kam & New-
port 2005), a fact that can be traced back to their limited brain capacity (less is more-
hypothesis, Newport 1990; Elman 1993).
Like creolization, a similar situation can be found in certain social contexts with the
acquisition of sign language: Singleton & Newport (2004) have shown that a child (Si-
mon) that learned American Sign Language (ASL) makes considerably less mistakes than
his parents. The parents first learned ASL at the age of 15 or 16 and performed partic-
ular obligatory movements only 70% of the time. Simon made these movements 90%
of the time. He regularized the input from his parents, whereby the consistent use of
form-meaning pairs plays an important role, that is, he does not simply use Probability
Matching, but learns selectively. Singleton & Newport (2004: 401) suspect that these
kinds of regularizations also play a role for the emergence of creole and sign languages.
However, the relevant statistical data that one would need to confirm this hypothesis
are not available.
13 The innateness of linguistic knowledge
such as imitation, motoric coordination and processing of music (Maess et al. 2001). For
an overview and further sources, see Fisher & Marcus (2005).
Musso et al. (2003) investigated brain activity during second-language acquisition.
They gave German native speakers data from Italian and Japanese and noticed that there
was activation in Brocas area. They then compared this to artificial languages that used
Italian and Japanese words but did not correspond to the principles of Universal Gram-
mar as assumed by the authors. An example of the processes assumed in their artificial
language is the formation of questions by reversing of word order as shown in (34).
(34) a. This is a statement.
b. Statement a is this?
The authors then observed that different areas of the brain were activated when learning
this artificial language. This is an interesting result, but does not show that we have
innate linguistic knowledge. It only shows that the areas that are active when processing
our native languages are also active when we learn other languages and that playing
around with words such as reversing the order of words in a sentence affects other areas
of the brain.
A detailed discussion of localization of languages in particular parts of the brain can
be found in Dbrowska (2004: Chapter 4).
13.8 Poverty of the Stimulus
13 The innateness of linguistic knowledge
After discussing these variants, they summarize the logical structure of the argument as
follows (p. 18):
(35) a. Human children learn their first language either by data-driven learning or
by learning supported by innate knowledge (a disjunctive premise by assump-
b. If children learn their first language by data-driven learning, then they could
not acquire anything for which they did not have the necessary evidence (the
definition of data-driven learning)
c. However, children do in fact learn things that they do not seem to have deci-
sive evidence for (empirical prerequisite)
d. Therefore, children do not learn their first language by data-driven learning.
(modus tollens of b and c)
e. Conclusion: children learn language through a learning process supported by
innate knowledge. (disjunctive syllogism of a and d)
Pullum and Scholz then discuss four phenomena that have been claimed to constitute
evidence for there being innate linguistic knowledge. These are plurals as initial parts of
compounds in English (Gordon 1986), sequences of auxiliaries in English (Kimball 1973),
anaphoric one in English (Baker 1978) and the position of auxiliaries in English (Chomsky
1971: 2933). Before I turn to these cases in Section 13.8.2, I will discuss a variant of the
PSA that refers to the formal properties of phrase structure grammars.
13.8 Poverty of the Stimulus
language that is licensed by the grammar. This set is a subset of all sequences of words
or morphemes that can be created by arbitrary combination. The set that contains all
possible sequences is referred to as V .
Gold (1967) has shown that in an environment E, it is not possible to solve the identifi-
cation problem for any language from particular languages classes, given a finite amount
of linguistic input, without additional knowledge. Gold is concerned with the identifi-
cation of a language from a given class of languages. A language L counts as identified
if at a given point in time tn , a learner can determine that L is the language in question
and does not change this hypothesis. This point in time is not determined in advance,
however, identification has to take place at some point. Gold calls this identification in
the limit. The environments are arbitrary infinite sequences of sentences a1 , a2 , a3 , ,
whereby each sentence in the language must occur at least once in this sequence. In
order to show that the identification problem cannot be solved for even very simple lan-
guage classes, Gold considers the class of languages that contain all possible sequences
of words from the vocabulary V expect for one sequence: let V be the vocabulary and
x1 , x2 , x3 , the sequences of words from this vocabulary. The set of all strings from
this vocabulary is V . For the class of languages in (36), which consist of all possible
sequences of elements in V with the exception of one sequence, it is possible to state a
process of how one could learn these languages from a text.
(36) L1 = V x 1 , L2 = V x 2 , L3 = V x 3 ,
After every input, one can guess that the language is V , where stands for the
alphabetically first sequence with the shortest length that has not yet been seen. If the
sequence in question occurs later, then this hypothesis is revised accordingly. In this
way, one will eventually arrive at the correct language.
If we expand the set of languages from which we have to choose by V , then our
learning process will no longer work since, if V is the target language, then the guessing
will perpetually yield incorrect results. If there were a procedure capable of learning
this language class, then it would have to correctly identify V after a certain number of
inputs. Let us assume that this input is xk . How can the learning procedure tell us at this
point that the language we are looking for is not V x j for j , k? If xk causes one to
guess the wrong grammar V , then every input that comes after that will be compatible
with both the correct (V x j ) and incorrect (V ) result. Since we only have positive
data, no input allows us to distinguish between either of the hypotheses and provide the
information that we have found a superset of the language we are looking for. Gold has
shown that none of the classes of grammars assumed in the theory of formal languages
(for example, regular, context-free and context-sensitive languages) can be identified
after a finite amount of steps given the input of a text with example utterances. This is
true for all classes of languages that contain all finite languages and at least one infinite
language. The situation is different if positive and negative data are used for learning
instead of text.
The conclusion that has been drawn from Golds results is that, for language acquisi-
tion, one requires knowledge that helps to avoid particular hypotheses from the start.
13 The innateness of linguistic knowledge
Pullum (2003) criticizes the use of Golds findings as evidence for the fact that linguistic
knowledge must be innate. He lists a number of assumptions that have to be made in
order for Golds results to be relevant for the acquisition of natural languages. He then
shows that each of these is not uncontroversial.
2. Learners could have information about which sequences of words are not gram-
matical (see p. 453454 of Golds essay for a similar conjecture). As has been
shown since then, children do have direct negative evidence and there is also in-
direct negative evidence (see Section 13.8.4).
3. It is not clear whether learners really restrict themselves to exactly one grammar.
Feldman (1972) has developed a learning procedure that eliminates all incorrect
grammars at some point and is infinitely many times correct but it does not have
to always choose one correct grammar and stick to the corresponding hypothesis.
Using this procedure, it is possible to learn all recursively enumerable languages,
that is, all languages for which there is a generative grammar. Pullum notes that
even Feldmans learning procedure could prove to be too restrictive. It could take
an entire lifetime for a learner to reach the correct grammar and they could have
incorrect yet increasingly better hypotheses along the way.
4. Learners could work in terms of improvements. If one allows for a certain degree
of tolerance, then acquisition is easier and it even becomes possible to learn the
class of recursively enumerable languages (Wharton 1974).
Furthermore, Pullum notes that it is also possible to learn the class of context-sensitive
grammars with Golds procedure with positive input only in a finite number of steps if
there is an upper bound k for the number of rules, where k is an arbitrary number. It
is possible to make k so big that the cognitive abilities of the human brain would not
be able to use a grammar with more rules than this. Since it is normally assumed that
natural languages can be described by context-sensitive grammars, it can therefore be
shown that the syntax of natural languages in Golds sense can be learned from texts
(see also Scholz & Pullum 2002: 195196).
Johnson (2004) adds that there is another important point that has been overlooked
in the discussion about language acquisition. Golds problem of identifiability is differ-
ent from the problem of language acquisition that has played an important role in the
13.8 Poverty of the Stimulus
nativism debate. In order to make the difference clear, Johnson differentiates between
identifiability (in the Goldian sense) and learnability in the sense of language acquisi-
tion. Identifiability for a language class C means that there must be a function f that for
each environment E for each language L in C permanently converges on hypothesis L
as the target language in a finite amount of time.
Johnson proposes the following as the definition of learnability (p. 585): A class C
of natural languages is learnable iff, given almost any normal human child and almost
any normal linguistic environment for any language L in C, the child will acquire L (or
something sufficiently similar to L) as a native language between the ages of one and five.
Johnson adds the caveat that this definition does not correspond to any theory of learn-
ability in psycholinguistics, but rather it is a hint in the direction of a realistic conception
of acquisition.
Johnson notes that in most interpretations of Golds theorem, identifiability and learn-
ability are viewed as one and the same and shows that this is not logically correct: the
main difference between the two depends on the use of two quantifiers. Identifiability
of one language L from a class C requires that the learner converges on L in every envi-
ronment after a finite amount of time. This time can differ greatly from environment to
environment. There is not even an upper bound for the time in question. It is straight-
forward to construct a sequence of environments E 1 , E 2 , for L, so that a learner in the
environment Ei will not guess L earlier than the time ti . Unlike identifiability, learnabil-
ity means that there is a point in time after which in every normal environment, every
normal child has converged on the correct language. This means that children acquire
their language after a particular time span. Johnson quotes Morgan (1989: 352) claiming
that children learn their native language after they have heard approximately 4,280,000
sentences. If we assume that the concept of learnability has a finite upper-bound for
available time, then very few language classes can be identified in the limit. Johnson has
shown this as follows: let C be a class of languages containing L and L , where L and L
have some elements in common. It is possible to construct a text such that the first n
sentences are contained both in L and in L . If the learner has L as its working hypoth-
esis then continue the text with sentences from L , if he has L as his hypothesis, then
continue with sentences from L. In each case, the learner has entertained a false hypoth-
esis after n steps. This means that identifiability is not a plausible model for language
Aside from the fact that identifiability is psychologically unrealistic, it is not compat-
ible with learnability (Johnson 2004: 586). For identifiability, only one learner has to
be found (the function f mentioned above), learnability, however, quantifies over (al-
most) all normal children. If one keeps all factors constant, then it is easier to show the
identifiability of a language class rather than its learnability. On the one hand, identi-
fiability quantifies universally over all environments, regardless of whether these may
seem odd or of how many repetitions these may contain. Learnability, on the other hand,
has (almost) universal quantification exclusively over normal environments. Therefore,
learnability refers to fewer environments than identifiability, such that there are less
possibilities for problematic texts that could occur as an input and render a language
13 The innateness of linguistic knowledge
unlearnable. Furthermore, learnability is defined in such a way that the learner does not
have to learn L exactly, but rather learn something sufficiently similar to L. With respect
to this aspect, learnability is a weaker property of a language class than identifiability.
Therefore, learnability does not follow from identifiability nor the reverse.
Finally, Gold is dealing with the acquisition of syntactic knowledge without taking
semantic knowledge into consideration. However, children possess a vast amount of
information from the context that they employ when acquiring a language (Tomasello
et al. 2005). As pointed out by Klein (1986: 44), humans do not learn anything if they are
placed in a room and sentences in Mandarin Chinese are played to them. Language is
acquired in a social and cultural context.
In sum, one should note that the existence of innate linguistic knowledge cannot be
derived from mathematical findings about the learnability of languages.
Also, see Abney (1996: 7) for examples from the Wall Street Journal.
13.8 Poverty of the Stimulus
d. It may be raining.
e. It has rained.
f. It has been raining.
g. It is raining.
h. It may have been raining.
(38) Aux T(M)(have+en)(be+ing)
T stands for tense, M for a modal verb and en stands for the participle morpheme (-en in
been/seen/ and -ed in rained). The brackets here indicate the optionality of the expres-
sions. Kimball notes that it is only possible to formulate this rule if (37h) is well-formed.
If this were not the case, then one would have to reorganize the material in rules such
that the three cases (M)(have+en), (M)(be+ing) and (have+en)(be+ing) would be covered.
Kimball assumes that children master the complex rule since they know that sentences
such as (37h) are well-formed and since they know the order in which modal and auxil-
iary verbs must occur. Kimball assumes that children do not have positive evidence for
the order in (37h) and concludes from this that the knowledge about the rule in (38) must
be innate.
Pullum and Scholz note two problems with this Poverty of the Stimulus Argument:
first, they have found hundreds of examples, among them some from childrens stories,
so that the Kimballs claim that sentences such as (37h) are vanishingly rare should
be called into question. For PSA arguments, one should at least specify how many oc-
currences there are allowed to be if one still wants to claim that nothing can be learned
from them (Pullum & Scholz 2002: 29).
The second problem is that it does not make sense to assume that the rule in (37h)
plays a role in our linguistic knowledge. Empirical findings have shown that this rule is
not descriptively adequate. If the rule in (38) is not descriptively adequate, then it cannot
achieve explanatory adequacy and therefore, one no longer has to explain how it can be
Instead of a rule such as (38), all theories discussed here currently assume that auxil-
iary or modal verbs embed a phrase, that is, one does not have an Aux node containing
all auxiliary and modal verbs, but rather a structure for (37h) that looks as follows:
(39) It [may [have [been raining]]].
Here, the auxiliary or modal verb always selects the embedded phrase. The acquisition
problem now looks completely different: a speaker has to learn the form of the head
verb in the verbal projection selected by the auxiliary or modal verb. If this information
has been learned, then it is irrelevant how complex the embedded verbal projections are:
may can be combined with a non-finite lexical verb (37b) or a non-finite auxiliary (37c,d).
13 The innateness of linguistic knowledge
(40) a. I would like to tell you another funny story, but Ive already told you the only
one I know.
b. The old man from France was more erudite than the young one.
Baker (416417) claims that one can never refer to single nouns inside of NPs and supports
this with examples such as (41):
(41) * The student of chemistry was more thoroughly prepared than the one of physics.
According to Baker, learners would require negative data in order to acquire this knowl-
edge about ungrammaticality. Since learners following his argumentation never have
access to negative evidence, they cannot possibly have learned the relevant knowledge
and must therefore already possess it.
Pullum & Scholz (2002: 33) point out that there are acceptable examples with the same
structure as the examples in (41):
(42) a. Id rather teach linguistics to a student of mathematics than to one of any
discipline in the humanities.
b. An advocate of Linux got into a heated discussion with one of Windows NT
and the rest of the evening was nerd talk.
This means that there is nothing to learn with regard to the well-formedness of the
structure in (41). Furthermore, the available data for acquiring the fact that one can
refer to larger constituents is not as hopeless as Baker (p. 416) claims: there are examples
that only allow an interpretation where one refers to a larger string of words. Pullum
and Scholz offer examples from various corpora. They also provide examples from the
CHILDES corpus, a corpus that contains communication with children (MacWhinney
1995). The following example is from a daytime TV show:
(43) A: Do you think you will ever remarry again? I dont.
B: Maybe I will, someday. But hed have to be somebody very special. Sensitive
and supportive, giving. Hey, wait a minute, where do they make guys like
A: I dont know. Ive never seen one up close.
Here, it is clear that one cannot refer to guys since A has certainly already seen guys.
Instead, it refers to guys like this, that is, men who are sensitive and supportive.
Once again, the question arises here as to how many instances a learner has to hear
for it to count as evidence in the eyes of proponents of the PSA.
13.8 Poverty of the Stimulus
(1971: 2933) discusses the sentences in (44) and claims that children know that they have
to move the highest auxiliary verb even without having positive evidence for this.32 If,
for example, they entertained the hypothesis that one simply places the first auxiliary
at the beginning of the sentence, then this hypothesis would deliver the correct result
(44b) for (44a), but not for (44c) since the polar question should be (44d) and not (44e).
(44) a. The dog in the corner is hungry.
b. Is the dog in the corner hungry?
c. The dog that is in the corner is hungry.
d. Is the dog that is in the corner hungry?
e. * Is the dog that in the corner is hungry?
Chomsky claims that children do not have any evidence for the fact that the hypothesis
that one simply fronts the linearly first auxiliary is wrong, which is why they could pur-
sue this hypothesis in a data-driven learning process. He even goes so far as to claim that
speakers of English only rarely or even never produce examples such as (44d) (Chom-
sky in Piattelli-Palmarini (1980: 114115)). With the help of corpus data and plausibly
constructed examples, Pullum (1996) has shown that this claim is clearly wrong. Pul-
lum (1996) provides examples from the Wall Street Journal and Pullum & Scholz (2002)
discuss the relevant examples in more detail and add to them with examples from the
CHILDES corpus showing that adult speakers cannot only produce the relevant kinds
of sentences, but also that these occur in the childs input.33 Examples from CHILDES
that disprove the hypothesis that the first auxiliary has to be fronted are given in (45):34
(45) a. Is the ball you were speaking of in the box with the bowling pin?
b. Wheres this little boy whos full of smiles?
c. While youre sleeping, shall I make the breakfast?
Pullum and Scholz point out that wh-questions such as (45b) are also relevant if one
assumes that these are derived from polar questions (see page 95 in this book) and if one
wishes to show how the child can learn the structure-dependent hypothesis. This can be
explained with the examples in (46): the base form from which (46a) is derived is (46b).
If we were to front the first auxiliary in (46b), we would produce (46c).
(46) a. Wheres the application Mark promised to fill out?35
b. the application Mark [AUX PAST] promised to fill out [AUX is] there
c. * Where did the application Mark promised to fill out is?
Examples with auxiliary inversion are used in more recent PoS arguments too, for example in Berwick,
Pietroski, Yankama & Chomsky (2011) and Chomsky (2013: 39). Work by Bod (2009b) is not discussed by
the authors. For more on Bods approach, see Section 13.8.3.
For more on this point, see Sampson (1989: 223). Sampson cites part of a poem by William Blake, that is
studied in English schools, as well as a childrens encyclopedia. These examples surely do not play a role
in acquisition of auxiliary position since this order is learned at the age of 3;2, that is, it has already been
learned by the time children reach school age.
See Lewis & Elman (2001). Researchers on language acquisition agree that the frequency of this kind of
examples in communication with children is in fact very low. See Ambridge et al. (2008: 223).
From the transcription of a TV program in the CHILDES corpus.
13 The innateness of linguistic knowledge
Evidence for the fact that (46c) is not correct can, however, also be found in language
addressed to children. Pullum and Scholz provide the examples in (47):36
(47) a. Wheres the little blue crib that was in the house before?
b. Wheres the other dolly that was in here?
c. Wheres the other doll that goes in there?
These questions have the form Wheres NP?, where NP contains a relative clause.
In (45c), there is another clause preceding the actual interrogative, an adjunct clause
containing an auxiliary as well. This sentence therefore provides evidence for falsehood
of the hypothesis that the linearly first auxiliary must be fronted (Sampson 1989: 223).
In total, there are a number of attested sentence types in the input of children that
would allow them to choose between the two hypotheses. Once again, the question
arises as to how much evidence should be viewed as sufficient.
Pullum und Scholzs article has been criticized by Lasnik & Uriagereka (2002) and
Legate & Yang (2002). Lasnik and Uriagereka argue that the acquisition problem is much
bigger than presented by Pullum and Scholz since a learner without any knowledge
about the language he was going to acquire could not just have the hypothesis in (48)
that were discussed already but also the additional hypotheses in (49):
(48) a. Place the first auxiliary at the front of the clause.
b. Place the first auxiliary in matrix-Infl at the front of the clause.
13.8 Poverty of the Stimulus
c. Place the first auxiliary in initial position (that follows the first parsed semantic
These hypotheses do not hold for sentences such as (53) that contain a conjunction:
(53) Will those who are coming and those who are not coming raise their hands?
The hypotheses in (52) would also allow for sentences such as (54):
(54) * Are those who are coming and those who not coming will raise their hands?
Speakers hearing sentences such as (53) can reject the hypotheses (52) and thereby rule
out (54), however, it is still possible to think of analogous implausible hypotheses that
are compatible with all data previously discussed.
Legate & Yang (2002) take up the challenge of Pullum and Scholz and explicitly state
how many occurrences one needs to acquire a particular phenomenon. They write the
The position of auxiliaries in English is learned by children at the age of 3;2. According
to Legate and Yang, another acquisition phenomenon that is learned at the age of 3;2 is
needed for comparison. The authors focus on subject drop37 , that is learned at 36 months
(two months earlier than auxiliary inversion). According to the authors, acquisition
problems involve a binary decision: in the first case, one has to choose between the
two hypotheses in (48). In the second case, the learner has to determine whether a
language uses overt subjects. The authors assume that the use of expletives such as
there serves as evidence for learners that the language they are learning is not one with
optional subjects. They then count the sentences in the CHILDES corpus that contain
there-subjects and estimate F2 at 1,2 % of the sentences heard by the learner. Since, in
their opinion, we are dealing with equally difficult phenomena here, sentences such as
(44d) and (47) should constitute 1.2 % of the input in order for auxiliary inversion to be
This phenomenon is also called pro-drop. For a detailed discussion of the pro-drop parameter see Sec-
tion 16.1.
13 The innateness of linguistic knowledge
The authors then searched in the Nina and Adam corpora (both part of CHILDES) and
note that 0,068 to 0,045 % of utterances have the form of (47) and none have the form of
(44d). They conclude that this number is not sufficient as positive evidence.
Legate and Yang are right in pointing out that Pullum and Scholzs data from the Wall
Street Journal are not necessarily relevant for language acquisition and also in pointing
out that examples with complex subject noun phrases do not occur in the data or at least
to a negligible degree. There are, however, three serious problems with their argumen-
tation: first, there is no correlation between the occurrence of expletive subjects and the
property of being a pro-drop language: Galician (Raposo & Uriagereka 1990: Section 2.5)
is a pro-drop language with subject expletive pronouns, in Italian there is an existential
expletive ci,38 even though Italian counts as a pro-drop language, Franks (1995) lists Up-
per and Lower Sorbian as pro-drop languages that have expletives in subject position.
Since therefore expletive pronouns have nothing to do with the pro-drop parameter,
their frequency is irrelevant for the acquisition of a parameter value. If there were a
correlation between the possibility of omitting subjects and the occurrence of subject
expletives, then Norwegian and Danish children should learn that there has to be a sub-
ject in their languages earlier than children learning English since expletives occur a
higher percentage of the time in Danish and Norwegian (Scholz & Pullum 2002: 220). In
Danish, the constructions corresponding to there-constructions in English are twice as
frequent. It is still unclear whether there are actually differences in rate of acquisition
(Pullum 2009: 246).
Second, in constructing their Poverty of the Stimulus argument, Legate and Yang as-
sume that there is innate linguistic knowledge (the pro-drop parameter). Therefore their
argument is circular since it is supposed to show that the assumption of innate linguistic
knowledge is indispensable (Scholz & Pullum 2002: 220).
The third problem in Legate and Yangs argumentation is that they assume that a
transformational analysis is the only possibility. This becomes clear from the following
citation (Legate & Yang 2002: 153):
The correct operation for question formation is, of course, structure dependent: it
involves parsing the sentence into structurally organized phrases, and fronting the
auxiliary that follows the subject NP, which can be arbitrarily long:
The analysis put forward by Chomsky (see page 95) is a transformation-based one, that
is, a learner has to learn exactly what Legate and Yang describe: the auxiliary must
move in front of the subject noun phrase. There are, however, alternative analyses that
do not require transformations or equivalent mechanisms. If our linguistic knowledge
does not contain any information about transformations, then their claim about what
has to be learned is wrong. For example, one can assume, as in Categorial Grammar,
However, ci is not treated as an expletive by all authors. See Remberger (2009) for an overview.
13.8 Poverty of the Stimulus
that auxiliaries form a word class with particular distributional properties. One possible
placement for them is initial positions as observed in questions, the alternative is after
the subject (Villavicencio 2002: 104). There would then be the need to acquire informa-
tion about whether the subject is realized to the left or to the right of its head. As an
alternative to this lexicon-based analysis, one could pursue a Construction Grammar
(Fillmore 1988: 44; 1999; Kay & Fillmore 1999: 18), Cognitive Grammar (Dbrowska 2004:
Chapter 9), or HPSG (Ginzburg & Sag 2000) approach. In these frameworks, there are
simply two39 schemata for the two sequences that assign different meanings according
to the order of verb and subject. The acquisition problem is then that the learners have
to identify the corresponding phrasal patterns in the input. They have to realize that
Aux NP VP is a well-formed structure in English that has interrogative semantics. The
relevant theories of acquisition in the Construction Grammar-oriented literature have
been very well worked out (see Section 16.3 and 16.4). Construction-based theories of
acquisition are also supported by the fact that one can see that there are frequency ef-
fects, that is, auxiliary inversion is first produced by children for just a few auxiliaries
and only in later phases of development is it then extended to all auxiliaries. If speakers
have learned that auxiliary constructions have the pattern Aux NP VP, then the coordi-
nation data provided by Lasnik and Uriagereka in (53) no longer pose a problem since, if
we only assign the first conjunct to the NP in the pattern Aux NP VP, then the rest of the
coordinate structure (and those who are not coming) remains unanalyzed and cannot be
incorporated into the entire sentence. The hearer is thereby forced to revise his assump-
tion that will those who are coming corresponds to the sequence Aux NP in Aux NP VP
and instead to use the entire NP those who are coming and those who are not coming. For
acquisition, it is therefore enough to simply learn the pattern Aux NP VP first for some
and then eventually for all auxiliaries in English. This has also been shown by Lewis &
Elman (2001), who trained a neural network exclusively with data that did not contain
NPs with relative clauses in auxiliary constructions. Relative clauses were, however,
present in other structures. The complexity of the training material was increased bit by
bit just as is the case for the linguistic input that children receive (Elman 1993).40 The
neural network can predict the next symbol after a sequence of words. For sentences
with interrogative word order, the predictions are correct. Even the relative pronoun in
(55) is predicted despite the sequence Aux Det N Relp never occurring in the training
(55) Is the boy who is smoking crazy?
Furthermore, the system signals an error if the network is presented with the ungram-
matical sentence (56):
(56) * Is the boy who smoking is crazy?
Fillmore (1999) assumes subtypes of the Subject Auxiliary Inversion Construction since this kind of inver-
sion does not only occur in questions.
There are cultural differences. In some cultures, adults do not talk to children that have not attained full lin-
guistic competence (Ochs 1982; Ochs & Schieffelin 1985) (also see Section 13.8.4). Children have to therefore
learn the language from their environment, that is, the sentences that they hear reflect the full complexity
of the language.
13 The innateness of linguistic knowledge
A gerund is not expected after the relative pronoun, but rather a finite verb. The con-
structed neural network is of course not yet an adequate model of what is going on in our
heads during acquisition and speech production.41 The experiment shows, however, that
the input that the learner receives contains rich statistical information that can be used
when acquiring language. Lewis and Elman point out that the statistical information
about the distribution of words in the input is not the only information that speakers
have. In addition to information about distribution, they are also exposed to information
about the context and can make use of phonological similarities in words.
In connection to the ungrammatical sentences in (56), it has been claimed that the
fact that such sentences can never be produced shows that children already know that
grammatical operations are structure-dependent and this is why they do not entertain
the hypothesis that it is simply the linearly first verb that is moved (Crain & Nakayama
1987). The claim simply cannot be verified since children do not normally form the rele-
vant complex utterances. It is therefore only possible to experimentally illicit utterances
where they could make the relevant mistakes. Crain & Nakayama (1987) have carried out
such experiments. Their study has been criticized by Ambridge, Rowland & Pine (2008)
since these authors could show that children do really make mistakes when fronting
auxiliaries. The authors put the difference to the results of the first study by Crain and
Nakayama down to unfortunate choice of auxiliary in Crain and Nakayamas study. Due
to the use of the auxiliary is, the ungrammatical examples had pairs of words that never
or only very rarely occur next to each other (who running in (57a)).
(57) a. The boy who is running fast can jump high.
* Is the boy who running fast can jump high?
b. The boy who can run fast can jump high.
* Can the boy who run fast can jump high?
If one uses the auxiliary can, this problem disappears since who and run certainly do ap-
pear together. This then leads to the children actually making mistakes that they should
not have, as the incorrect utterances actually violate a constraint that is supposed to be
part of innate linguistic knowledge.
Estigarribia (2009) investigated English polar questions in particular. He shows that
not even half of the polar questions in childrens input have the form Aux NP VP (p. 74).
Instead, parents communicated with their children in a simplified form and used sen-
tences such as:
(58) a. That your tablet?
b. He talking?
c. That taste pretty good?
Estigarribia divides the various patterns into complexity classes of the following kind:
frag (fragmentary), spred (subject predicate) and aux-in (auxiliary inversion). (59) shows
corresponding examples:
See Hurford (2002: 324) and Jackendoff (2007: Section 6.2) for problems that arise for certain kinds of neural
networks and Pulvermller (2003, 2010) for an alternative architecture that does not have these problems.
13.8 Poverty of the Stimulus Summary
Pullum & Scholz (2002: 19) show what an Argument from Poverty of the Stimulus (APS)
would have to look like if it were constructed correctly:
(60) APS specification schema:
a. ACQUIRENDUM CHARACTERIZATION: describe in detail what is alleged to
be known.
b. LACUNA SPECIFICATION: identify a set of sentences such that if the learner
had access to them, the claim of data-driven learning of the acquirendum
would be supported.
c. INDISPENSABILITY ARGUMENT: give reason to think that if learning were
data-driven, then the acquirendum could not be learned without access to
sentences in the lacuna.
d. INACCESSIBILITY EVIDENCE: support the claim that tokens of sentences in
the lacuna were not available to the learner during the acquisition process.
e. ACQUISITION EVIDENCE: give reason to believe that the acquirendum does
in fact become known to learners during childhood.
13 The innateness of linguistic knowledge
As the four case studies have shown, there can be reasons for rejecting the acquirendum.
If the acquirendum does not have to be acquired, than there is no longer any evidence for
innate linguistic knowledge. The acquirendum must at least be descriptively adequate.
This is an empirical question that can be answered by linguists. In three of the four PoS
arguments discussed by Pullum and Scholz, there were parts which were not descrip-
tively adequate. In previous sections, we already encountered other PoS arguments that
involve claims regarding linguistic data that cannot be upheld empirically (for example,
the Subjacency Principle). For the remaining points in (60), interdisciplinary work is
required: the specification of the lacuna falls into the theory of formal language (the
specification of a set of utterances), the argument of indispensability is a mathematical
task from the realm of learning theory, the evidence for inaccessibility is an empirical
question that can be approached by using corpora, and finally the evidence for acquisi-
tion is a question for experimental developmental psychologists (Pullum & Scholz 2002:
Pullum & Scholz (2002: 46) point out an interesting paradox with regard to (60c):
without results from mathematical theories of learning, one cannot achieve (60c). If one
wishes to provide a valid Poverty of the Stimulus Argument, then this should automat-
ically lead to improvements in theories of learning, that is, it is possible to learn more
than was previously assumed.
13.8 Poverty of the Stimulus
Figure 13.2: Possible binary-branching structures for Watch the dog and The dog barks.
that correspond exactly to this utterance. But it is also possible to build structures out of
subtrees. There are therefore multiple derivations possible for The dog barks. all of which
use the trees in Figure 13.3: one the one hand, trivial derivations that use the entire tree,
and on the other, derivations that build trees from smaller subtrees. Figure 13.4 gives
an impression of how this construction of subtrees happens. If we now want to decide
which of the analyses in (62) is the best, then we have to compute the probability of each
(62) a. [[the dog] barks]
b. [the [dog barks]]
The probability of a tree is the sum of the probabilities of all its analyses. There are two
analyses for (62b), which can be found in Figure 13.4. The probability of the first analysis
of (62b) corresponds to the probability of choosing exactly the complete tree for [the
[dog barks]] from the set of all subtrees. Since there are twelve subtrees, the probability
of choosing that one is 1/12. The probability of the second analysis is the product of the
probabilities of the subtrees that are combined and is therefore 1/12 1/12 = 1/144. The
probability of the analysis in (62b) is therefore 1/12 + (1/12 1/12) = 13/144. One can then
calculate the probability of the tree in (62a) in the same way. The only difference here is
that the tree for [the dog] occurs twice in the set of subtrees. Its probability is therefore
2/12. The probability of the tree [[the dog] barks] is therefore: 1/12 + (1/12 2/12) =
14/144. We have thus extracted knowledge about plausible structures from the corpus.
This knowledge can also be applied whenever one hears a new utterance for which there
is no complete tree. It is then possible to use already known subtrees to calculate the
probabilities of possible analyses of the new utterance. Bods model can also be combined
with weights: those sentences that were heard longer ago by the speaker, will receive
13 The innateness of linguistic knowledge
13.8 Poverty of the Stimulus
X is created by X and X
dog barks
the dog barks the dog barks the
X is created by X and X
the dog
the dog barks the dog barks barks
Figure 13.4: Analysis of The dog barks using subtrees from Figure 13.3
a lower weight. One can thereby also account for the fact that children do not have all
sentences that they have ever heard available simultaneously. This extension makes the
UDOP model more plausible for language acquisition.
In the example above, we did not assign categories to the words. If we were to do
this, then we would get the tree in Figure 13.5 as a possible subtree. These kinds of
watch dog
13 The innateness of linguistic knowledge
It is then also possible to learn auxiliary inversion in English with these kinds of discon-
tinuous trees. All one needs are tree structures for the two sentences in (64) in order to
prefer the correct sentence (65a) over the incorrect one (65b).
U-DOP can learn the structures for (64) in Figure 13.6 from the sentences in (66):
Note that these sentences do not contain any instance of the structure in (65a). With
Figure 13.6: Structures that U-DOP learned from the examples in (64) and (66)
the structures learned here, it is possible to show that the shortest possible derivation
for the position of the auxiliary is also the correct one: the correct order Is the man who
is eating hungry? only requires that the fragments in Figure 13.7 on the following page
are combined, whereas the structure for * Is the man who eating is hungry? requires at
least four subtrees from Figure 13.6 to be combined with each other. This is shown by
Figure 13.8 on the following page.
The motivation for always taking the derivation that consists of the least subparts is
that one maximizes similarity to already known material.
13.8 Poverty of the Stimulus
is hungry
the man who is eating
Figure 13.7: Derivation of the correct structure for combination with an auxiliary using
two subtrees from Figure 13.6
X X X X X X eating
is hungry
is the man who
Figure 13.8: Derivation of the incorrect structure for the combination with an auxiliary
using two subtrees from Figure 13.6
The tree for (67) containing one auxiliary too many can also be created from Figure 13.6
with just two subtrees (with the tree [X isX X] and the entire tree for The man who is eating
is hungry).
(67) * Is the man who is eating is hungry?
Interestingly, children do produce this kind of incorrect sentences (Crain & Nakayama
1987: 530; Ambridge, Rowland & Pine 2008). However, if we consider the probabilities
of the subtrees in addition to the the number of combined subparts, we get the correct
result, namely (65a) and not (67). This is due to the fact that the man who is eating
occurs in the corpus twice, in (65a) and in (66a). Thus, the probability of the man who
is eating is just as high as the probability of the man who is eating is hungry and thus
derivation in Figure 13.7 is preferred over the one for (67). This works for the constructed
examples here, however one can imagine that in a realistic corpus, sequences of the
form the man who is eating are more frequent than sequences with further words since
13 The innateness of linguistic knowledge
the man who is eating can also occur in other contexts. Bod has applied this process
to corpora of adult language (English, German and Chinese) as well as applying it to
the Eve corpus from the CHILDES database in order to see whether analogy formation
constitutes a plausible model for human acquisition of language. He was able to show
that what we demonstrated for the sentences above also works for a larger corpus of
naturally occurring language: although there were no examples for movement of an
auxiliary across a complex NP in the Eve corpus, it is possible to learn by analogy that
the auxiliary from a complex NP cannot be fronted.
It is therefore possible to learn syntactic structures from a corpus without any prior
knowledge about parts of speech or abstract properties of language. The only assump-
tion that Bod makes is that there are (binary-branching) structures. The assumption of
binarity is not really necessary. But if one includes flat branching structures into the
computation, the set of trees will become considerably bigger. Therefore, Bod only used
binary-branching structures in his experiments. In his trees, X consists of two other Xs
or a word. We are therefore dealing with recursive structures. Therefore, Bods work
proposes a theory of the acquisition of syntactic structures that only requires recursion,
something that is viewed by Hauser, Chomsky & Fitch (2002) as a basic property of
As shown in Section 13.1.8, there is evidence that recursion is not restricted to language
and thus one can conclude that it is not necessary to assume innate linguistic knowledge
in order to be able to learn syntactic structures from the given input.
Nevertheless, it is important to point out something here: what Bod shows is that syn-
tactic structures can be learned. The information about the parts of speech of each word
involved which are not yet included in his structures can also be derived using statistical
methods (Redington et al. 1998; Clark 2000).42 In all probability, the structures that can
be learned correspond to structures that surface-oriented linguistic theories would also
assume. However, not all aspects of the linguistic analysis are acquired. In Bods model,
only occurrences of words in structures are evaluated. Nothing is said about whether
words stand in a particular regular relationship to one another or not (for example, a
lexical rule connecting a passive participle and perfect participle). Furthermore, noth-
ing is said about how the meaning of expressions arise (are they rather holistic in the
sense of Construction Grammar or projected from the lexicon?). These are questions
that still concern theoretical linguists (see Chapter 21) and cannot straightforwardly be
derived from the statistic distribution of words and the structures computed from them
(see Section 21.8.1 for more on this point).
A second comment is also needed: we have seen that statistical information can
be used to derive the structure of complex linguistic expressions. This now begs the
question of how this relates to Chomskys earlier argumentation against statistical ap-
proaches (Chomsky 1957: 16). Abney (1996: Section 4.2) discusses this in detail. The prob-
lem with his earlier argumentation is that Chomsky referred to Markov models. These
are statistical versions of finite automatons. Finite automatons can only describe type 3
Computational linguistic algorithms for determining parts of speech often look at an entire corpus. But
children are always dealing with just a particular part of it. The corresponding learning process must then
also include a curve of forgetting. See Braine (1987: 67).
13.8 Poverty of the Stimulus
languages and are therefore not appropriate for analyzing natural language. However,
Chomskys criticism cannot be applied to statistical methods in general.
Also, see Tomasello (2006a: 277).
13 The innateness of linguistic knowledge
13.9 Summary
It follows from all this that not a single one of the arguments in favor of innate linguistic
knowledge remains uncontroversial. This of course does not rule out there still being
innate linguistic knowledge but those who wish to incorporate this assumption into
their theories have to take more care than was previously the case to prove that what
13.9 Summary
they assume to be innate is actually part of our linguistic knowledge and that it cannot
be learned from the linguistic input alone.
Comprehension questions
1. Which arguments are there for the assumption of innate linguistic knowledge?
Further reading
Pinkers book (1994) is the best written book arguing for nativist models of language.
Elman, Bates, Johnson, Karmiloff-Smith, Parisi & Plunkett (1996) discuss all the argu-
ments that have been proposed in favor of innate linguistic knowledge and show that
the relevant phenomena can be explained differently. The authors adopt a connectionist
view. They work with neuronal networks, which are assumed to model what is happen-
ing in our brains relatively accurately. The book also contains chapters about the basics
of genetics and the structure of the brain, going into detail about why a direct encoding
of linguistic knowledge in our genome is implausible.
Certain approaches using neuronal networks have been criticized because they cannot
capture certain aspects of human abilities such as recursion or the multiple usage of
the same words in an utterance. Pulvermller (2010) discusses an architecture that has
memory and uses this to analyze recursive structures. In his overview article, certain
works are cited that show that the existence of more abstract rules or schemata of the
kind theoretical linguists take for granted can be demonstrated on the neuronal level.
Pulvermller does not, however, assume that linguistic knowledge is innate (p. 173).
Pullum and Scholz have dealt with the Poverty-of-the-Stimulus argument in detail
(Pullum & Scholz 2002; Scholz & Pullum 2002).
Goldberg (2006) and Tomasello (2003) are the most prominent proponents of Con-
struction Grammar, a theory that explicitly tries to do without the assumption of innate
linguistic knowledge.
14 Generative-enumerative vs.
model-theoretic approaches
Generative-enumerative approaches assume that a grammar generates a set of sequences
of symbols (strings of words). This is where the term Generative Grammar comes from.
Thus, it is possible to use the grammar on page 53, repeated here as (1), to derive the
string er das Buch dem Mann gibt he the book the man gives.
(1) NP D, N NP er N Buch
S NP, NP, NP, V D das N Mann
D dem V gibt
Beginning with the start symbol (S), symbols are replaced until one reaches a sequence of
symbols only containing words. The set of all strings derived in this way is the language
described by the grammar.
The following are classed as generative-enumerative approaches:
all phrase structure grammars
Transformational Grammars in almost all variants
GPSG in the formalism of Gazdar, Klein, Pullum & Sag (1985)
many variants of Categorial Grammar
many variants of TAG
Chomskys Minimalist Grammars
LFG was also originally designed to be a generative grammar.
The opposite of such theories of grammar are model-theoretic or constraint-based
approaches (MTA). MTAs formulate well-formedness conditions on the expressions that
the grammar describes. In Section 6.7, we already discussed a model-theoretic approach
for theories that use feature structures to model phenomena. To illustrate this point, I
will discuss another HPSG example: (2) shows the lexical item for kennst know. In
the description of (2), it is ensured that the phon value of the relevant linguistic sign is
kennst , that is, this value of phon is constrained. There are parallel restrictions for
the features given in (2): the synsem value is given. In synsem, there are restrictions on
the loc and nonloc value. In cat, there are individual restrictions for head and subcat.
The value of subcat is a list with descriptions of dependent elements. The descriptions
are given as abbreviations here, which actually stand for complex feature descriptions
14 Generative-enumerative vs. model-theoretic approaches
that also consist of feature-value pairs. For the first argument of kennst, a head value
of type noun is required, the per value in the semantic index has to be second and the
num value has to be sg. The structure sharings in (2) are a special kind of constraint.
Values that are not specified in the descriptions of lexical entries can vary in accordance
with the feature geometry given by the type system. In (2), neither the slash value of
the nominative NP nor the one of the accusative NP is fixed. This means that slash can
either be an empty or non-empty list.
The constraints in lexical items such as (2) interact with further constraints that hold
for the signs of type phrase. For instance, in head-argument structures, the non-head
daughter must correspond to an element from the subcat list of the head daughter.
Generative-enumerative and model-theoretic approaches view the same problem from
different sides: the generative side only allows what can be generated by a given set of
rules, whereas the model-theoretic approach allows everything that is not ruled out by
Pullum & Scholz (2001: 1920) and Pullum (2007) list the following model-theoretic
the non-procedural variant of Transformational Grammar of Lakoff, that formu-
lates constraints on potential tree sequences,
Johnson and Postals formalization of Relational Grammar (1980),
1 Compare this to an old joke: in dictatorships, everything that is not allowed is banned, in democracies,
everything that is not banned is allowed and in France, everything that is banned is allowed. Generative-
enumerative approaches correspond to the dictatorships, model-theoretic approaches are the democracies
and France is something that has no correlate in linguistics.
2 See Pullum (2007) for a historical overview of Model Theoretic Syntax (MTS) and for further references.
14.1 Graded acceptability
GPSG in the variants developed by Gazdar et al. (1988), Blackburn et al. (1993) and
Rogers (1997),
LFG in the formalization of Kaplan (1995)3 and
3 According to Pullum (2013: Section 3.2), there seems to be a problem for model-theoretic formalizations of
so-called constraining equations.
4 The reader should take note here: there are differing views with regard to how generative-enumerative and
MTS models are best formalized and not all of the assumptions discussed here are compatible with every
formalism. The following sections mirror the important points in the general discussion.
14 Generative-enumerative vs. model-theoretic approaches
(4) Studenten strmen mit Flugblttern und Megafon die Mensa und rufen alle
students storm with flyers and megaphone the canteen and call all
auf zur Vollversammlung in der Glashalle zum kommen. Vielen bleibt das
up to plenary.meeting in the glass.hall to.the come many.dat stays the
Essen im Mund stecken und kommen sofort mit.5
food in.the mouth stick and come immediately with
Students stormed into the university canteen with flyers and a megaphone calling
for everyone to come to a plenary meeting in the glass hall. For many, the food
stuck in their throats and they immediately joined them.
Chomsky (1975: Chapter 5; 1964b) tried to use a string distance function to determine the
relative acceptability of utterances. This function compares the string of an ungrammat-
ical expression with that of a grammatical expression and assigns an ungrammaticality
score of 1, 2 or 3 according to certain criteria. This treatment is not adequate, however,
as there are much more fine-grained differences in acceptability and the string distance
function also makes incorrect predictions. For examples of this and technical problems
with calculating the function, see Pullum & Scholz (2001: 29).
In model-theoretic approaches, grammar is understood as a system of well-formed-
ness conditions. An expression becomes worse, the more well-formedness conditions it
violates (Pullum & Scholz 2001: 2627). In (3b), the person and number requirements of
the lexical item for the verb kennst are violated. In addition, the case requirements for
the object have not been fulfilled in (3c). There is a further violation of a linearization
rule for the noun phrase in (3d).
Well-formedness conditions can be weighted in such a way as to explain why cer-
tain violations lead to more severe deviations than others. Furthermore, performance
factors also play a role when judging sentences (for more on the distinction between
performance and competence, see Chapter 15). As we will see in Chapter 15, constraint-
based approaches work very well as performance-compatible grammar models. If we
combine the relevant grammatical theory with performance models, we will arrive at
explanations for graded acceptability differences owing to performance factors.
14.2 Utterance fragments
PP PP[coord and ]
Conj PP
and P NP
of Det N
Figure 14.1: Structure of the fragment and of the following Pullum & Scholz (2001: 32)
14 Generative-enumerative vs. model-theoretic approaches
14.3 A problem for model-theoretic approaches?
(10) a. Niels and Odette are cousins. They are very smart.
b. The cousins/brothers/sisters are standing over there. They are very smart.
No distinctions are found in plural when it comes to nominal inflection (brothers, sisters,
books). In German, this is different. There are differences with both nominal inflection
and the reference of (some) noun phrases with regard to the sexus of the referent. Ex-
amples of this are the previously mentioned examples Cousin male cousin and Cousine
female cousin as well as forms with the suffix -in as in Kindergrtnerin female nursery
teacher. However, gender is normally a grammatical notion that has nothing to do with
sexus. An example is the neuter noun Mitglied member, which can refer to both female
and male persons.
The question that one has to ask when discussing Ten Hackens problem is the follow-
ing: does gender play a role for pronominal binding in German? If this is not the case,
then the gender feature is only relevant within the morphology component, and here
the gender value is determined for each noun in the lexicon. For the binding of personal
pronouns, there is no gender difference in German.
(11) Die Schwestern / Brder / Vereinsmitglieder / Geschwister stehen dort.
the sisters.f brothers.m club.members.n siblings stand there
Sie lcheln.
they smile.
The sisters/brothers/club members/siblings are standing there. They are smiling.
Nevertheless, there are adverbials in German that agree in gender with the noun to which
they refer (Hhle 1983: Chapter 6):
(12) a. Die Fenster wurden eins nach dem anderen geschlossen.
the windows.n were one.n after the other closed
The windows were closed one after the other.
b. Die Tren wurden eine nach der anderen geschlossen.
the doors.f were one.f after the other closed
The doors were closed one after the other.
c. Die Riegel wurden einer nach dem anderen zugeschoben.
the bolts.m were one.m after the other closed
The bolts were closed one after the other.
For animate nouns, it is possible to diverge from the gender of the noun in question and
use a form of the adverbial that corresponds to the biological sex:
(13) a. Die Mitglieder des Politbros wurden eines / einer nach dem anderen
the members.n of.the politburo were one.n one.m after the other
aus dem Saal getragen.
out.of the hall carried
The members of the politburo were carried out of the hall one after the other.
14 Generative-enumerative vs. model-theoretic approaches
The second solution requires the type hierarchy in Figure 14.2 on the following page for
the subtypes of gender. With such a type hierarchy none is a possible value of the gen
feature and no problem will arise.
6 taz, 14.06.1990, p. 6.
7 taz, 13.03.1996, p. 11.
14.3 A problem for model-theoretic approaches?
Figure 14.2: Type hierarchy for one of the solutions of ten Hackens problem
In general, it is clear that cases such as the one constructed by ten Hacken will never be
a problem since there are either values that make sense, or there are contexts for which
there is no value that makes sense and one therefore does not require the features.
So, while ten Hackens problem is a non-issue, there are certain problems of a more
technical nature. I have pointed out one such technical problem in Mller (1999a: Sec-
tion 14.4). I show that spurious ambiguities arise for a particular analysis of verbal com-
plexes in German when one resolves the values of a binary feature (flip). I also show
how this problem can be avoided by the complicated stipulation of a value in certain
15 The competence/performance
The distinction between competence and performance (Chomsky 1965: Section 1.1),
which is assumed by several theories of grammar, was already discussed in Section 12.6.3
about the analysis of scrambling and verbal complexes in TAG. Theories of competence
are intended to describe linguistic knowledge and performance theories are assigned
the task of explaining how linguistic knowledge is used as well as why mistakes are
made in speech production and comprehension. A classic example in the competence/
performance discussion are cases of center self-embedding. Chomsky & Miller (1963:
286) discuss the following example with recursively embedded relative clauses:
(1) (the rat (the cat (the dog chased) killed) ate the malt)
(2b) is a corresponding example in German:
(2) a. dass der Hund bellt, der die Katze jagt, die die Maus kennt, die
that the dog.m barks that.m the cat chases that.f the mouse knows who
im Keller lebt
in.the basement lives
that the dog that chases the cat that knows the mouse who is living in the
basement is barking
b. dass er Hund, [1 der die Katze, [2 die die Maus, [3 die im Keller
that the dog that the cat that the mouse who in.the basement
lebt, 3 ] kennt, 2 ] jagt 1 ] bellt
lives knows chases barks
The examples in (1) and (2b) are entirely incomprehensible for most people. If one re-
arranges the material somewhat, it is possible to process the sentences and assign a
meaning to them.1 For sentences such as (2b), it is often assumed that they fall within
1 The sentence in (2a) can be continued following the pattern that was used to create the sentence. For in-
stance by adding die unter der Treppe lebte, die meine Freunde repariert haben who lived under the staircase
which my friends repaired. This shows that a restriction of the number of elements that depend on one
head to seven (Leiss 2003: 322) does not restrict the set of the sentences that are generated or licensed by
a grammar to be finite. There are at most two dependents of each head in (2a). The extraposition of the
relative clauses allows the hearer to group material into processable and reducible chunks, which reduces
the cognitive burden during processing.
This means that the restriction to seven dependents does not cause a finitization of recursion (Verend-
lichung von Rekursivitt) as was claimed by Leiss (2003: 322). Leiss argued that Miller could not use his
insights regarding short term memory, since he worked within Transformational Grammar rather than
in Dependency Grammar. The discussion shows that dependency plays an important role, but that linear
order is also important for processing.
15 The competence/performance distinction
our grammatical competence, that is, we possess the knowledge required to assign a
structure to the sentence, although the processing of utterances such as (2b) exceeds
language-independent abilities of our brain. In order to successfully process (2b), we
would have to retain the first five noun phrases and corresponding hypotheses about
the further progression of the sentence in our heads and could only begin to combine
syntactic material when the verbs appear. Our brains become overwhelmed by this task.
These problems do not arise when analyzing (2a) as it is possible to immediately begin
to integrate the noun phrases into a larger unit.
Nevertheless, center self-embedding of relative clauses can also be constructed in such
a way that our brains can handle them. Hans Uszkoreit (p. c. 2009) gives the following
(3) Die Bnke, [1 auf denen damals die Alten des Dorfes, [2 die allen
the benches on which back.then the old.people of.the village that all
Kindern, [3 die vorbeikamen 3 ], freundliche Blicke zuwarfen 2 ], lange Stunden
children that friendly glances gave long hours
schweigend nebeneinander saen 1 ], mussten im letzten Jahr einem
silent sat must in.the last year a
Parkplatz weichen.
The benches on which the older residents of the village, who used to give friendly
glances to all the children who came by, used to sit silently next to one another
for hours had to give way to a car park last year.
Therefore, one does not wish to include in the description of our grammatical knowledge
that relative clauses are not allowed to be included inside each other as in (2b) as this
would also rule out (3).
We can easily accept the fact that our brains are not able to process structures past a
certain degree of complexity and also that corresponding utterances then become unac-
ceptable. The contrast in the following examples is far more fascinating:2
(4) a. # The patient [ who the nurse [ who the clinic had hired ] admitted ] met Jack.
b. * The patient who the nurse who the clinic had hired met Jack.
Although (4a) is syntactically well-formed and (4b) is not, Gibson & Thomas (1999) were
able to show that (4b) is rated better by speakers than (4a). It does not occur to some
people that an entire VP is missing. There are a number of explanations for this fact, all
of which in some way make the claim that previously heard words are forgotten as soon
as new words are heard and a particular degree of complexity is exceeded (Frazier 1985:
178; Gibson & Thomas 1999).
Instead of developing grammatical theories that treat (2b) and (4a) as unacceptable
and (3) and (4b) as acceptable, descriptions have been developed that equally allow (2b),
2 See Gibson & Thomas (1999: 227). Frazier (1985: 178) attributes the discovery of this kind of sentences to
Janet Fodor.
15.1 The derivational theory of complexity
(3), and (4a) (competence models) and then additionally investigate the way utterances
are processed in order to find out what kinds of structures our brains can handle and
what kinds of structures it cannot. The result of this research is then a performance
model (see Gibson (1998), for example). This does not rule out that there are language-
specific differences affecting language processing. For example, Vasishth, Suckow, Lewis
& Kern (2010) have shown that the effects that arise in center self-embedding structures
in German are different from those that arise in the corresponding English cases such as
(4): due to the frequent occurrence of verb-final structures in German, speakers of Ger-
man were able to better store predictions about the anticipated verbs into their working
memory (p. 558).
Theories in the framework of Categorial Grammar, GB, LFG, GPSG and HPSG are
theories about our linguistic competence.3 If we want to develop a grammatical theory
that directly reflects our cognitive abilities, then there should also be a corresponding
performance model to go with a particular competence model. In the following two
sections, I will recount some arguments from Sag & Wasow (2011) in favor of constraint-
based theories such as GPSG, LFG and HPSG.
3 For an approach where the parser is equated with UG, see Abney & Cole (1986: Section 3.4). For a perfor-
mance-oriented variant of Minimalism, see Phillips (2003).
In Construction Grammar, the question of whether a distinction between competence and performance
would be justified at all is controversially discussed (see Section Fanselow, Schlesewsky, Cavar
& Kliegl (1999) also suggest a model albeit for different reasons where grammatical properties con-
siderably affect processing properties. The aforementioned authors work in the framework of Optimality
Theory and show that the OT constraints that they assume can explain parsing preferences. OT is not a
grammatical theory on its own but rather a meta theory. It is assumed that there is a component GEN that
creates a set of candidates. A further component EVAL then chooses the most optimal candidate from this
set of candidates. GEN contains a generative grammar of the kind that we have seen in this book. Normally,
a GP/MP variant or also LFG is assumed as the base grammar. If one assumes a transformational theory,
then one automatically has a problem with the Derivational Theory of Complexity that we will encounter
in the following section. If one wishes to develop OT parsing models, then one has to make reference to
representational variants of GB as the aforementioned authors seem to.
15 The competence/performance distinction
Theory of Complexity was in fact correct (Chomsky 1976a: 249250).4 Some years later,
however, most psycholinguists rejected the DTC. For discussion of several experiments
that testify against the DTC, see Fodor, Bever & Garrett (1974: 320328). One set of
phenomena where the DTC makes incorrect predictions for respective analyses is that
of elliptical constructions, for example (Fodor, Bever & Garrett 1974: 324): in elliptical
constructions, particular parts of the utterance are left out or replaced by auxiliaries. In
transformation-based approaches, it was assumed that (5b) is derived from (5a) by means
of deletion of swims and (5c) is derived from (5b) by inserting do.
(5) a. John swims faster than Bob swims.
b. John swims faster than Bob.
c. John swims faster than Bob does.
The DTC predicts that (5b) should require more time to process than (5a), since the analy-
sis of (5b) first requires to build up the structure in (5a) and then delete swims. This
prediction was not confirmed.
Similarly, no difference could be identified for the pairs in (6) and (7) even though one
of the sentences, given the relevant theoretical assumptions, requires more transforma-
tions for the derivation from a base structure (Fodor, Bever & Garrett 1974: 324).
(6) a. John phoned up the girl.
b. John phoned the girl up.
In (6), we are dealing with local reordering of the particle and the object. (7b) contains
a passive clause that should be derived from an active clause under Transformational
Grammar assumptions. If we compare this sentence with an equally long sentence with
an adjective, like (7a), the passive clause should be more difficult to process. This is,
however, not the case.
It is necessary to add two qualifications to Sag & Wasows claims: if one has experi-
mental data that show that the DTC makes incorrect predictions for a particular analy-
sis, this does not necessarily mean that the DTC has been disproved. One could also try
to find a different analysis for the phenomenon in question. For example, instead of a
4 In the Transformational Grammar literature, transformations were later viewed as a metaphor (Lohnstein
2014: 170, also in Chomsky 2001: Footnote 4), that is, it was no longer assumed to have psycholinguistic
reality. In Derivation by phase and On phases, Chomsky refers once again to processing aspects such as
computational and memory load (Chomsky 2001: 11, 12, 15; 2007: 3, 12; 2008: 138, 145, 146, 155). See also
Marantz (2005: 440) and Richards (2015).
A structure building operation that begins with words and is followed by transformations, as recently
assumed by theories in the Minimalist Program, is psycholinguistically implausible for sentence parsing.
See Labelle (2007) and Section 15.2 for more on incremental processing.
Chomsky (2007: 6) (written later than On phases) seems to adopt a constraint-based view. He writes
that a Merge-based system involves parallel operations and compares the analysis of an utterance with
a proof and explicitly mentions the competence/performance distinction.
15.1 The derivational theory of complexity
transformation that deletes material, one could assume empty elements for the analysis
of elliptical structures that are inserted directly into the structure without deleting any
material (see page 68 for the assumption of an empty nominal head in structures with
noun ellipsis in German). Data such as (5) would then be irrelevant to the discussion.5
However, reordering such as (6b) and the passive in (7b) are the kinds of phenomena
that are typically explained using transformations.
The second qualification pertains to analyses for which there is a representational
variant: it is often said that transformations are simply metaphors (Jackendoff 2000:
2223; 2007: 5, 20): for example, we have seen that extractions with a transformational
grammar yield structures that are similar to those assumed in HPSG. Figure 15.1 shows
cyclic movement in GB theory compared to the corresponding HPSG analysis.
_i C VP
In GB, an element is moved to the specifier position of CP (SpecCP) and can then be
moved from there to the next higher SpecCP position.
(8) a. Chrisi , we think [CP _i Anna claims [CP _i that David saw _i ]]. (GB)
b. Chrisi , we think [CP/NP Anna claims [CP/NP that David saw _i ]]. (HPSG)
In HPSG, the same effect is achieved by structure sharing. Information about a long-
distance dependency is not located in the specifier node but rather in the mother node
of the projection itself. In Section 19.2, I will discuss various ways of eliminating empty
elements from grammars. If we apply these techniques to structures such as the GB
structure in Figure 15.1, then we arrive at structures where information about missing
elements is integrated into the mother node (CP) and the position in SpecCP is unfilled.
5 Culicover & Jackendoff (2005: Chapters 1 and 7) argue in favor of analyzing ellipsis as a semantic or
pragmatic phenomenon rather than a syntactic one anyway.
15 The competence/performance distinction
This roughly corresponds to the HPSG structure in Figure 15.1.6 It follows from this that
there are classes of phenomena that can be spoken about in terms of transformations
without expecting empirical differences with regard to performance when compared to
transformation-less approaches. However, it is important to note that we are dealing
with an S-structure in the left-hand tree in Figure 15.1. As soon as one assumes that this
is derived by moving constituents out of other structures, this equivalence of approaches
15.2 Incremental processing
and also Marantz 2005: 441, who explicitly contrasts the MP to Categorial Grammar)
must therefore be rejected as inadequate from a psycholinguistic perspective.8, 9
With contrastive emphasis of individual adjectives in complex noun phrases (e.g., the
BIG blue triangle), hearers assumed that there must be a corresponding counterpart to
the reference object, e.g., a small blue triangle. The eye-tracking studies carried out by
Tanenhaus et al. (1996) have shown that taking this kind of information into account
results in objects being identified more quickly.
Similarly, Arnold et al. (2004) have shown, also using eye-tracking studies, that hear-
ers tend to direct their gaze to previously unmentioned objects if the interlocutor inter-
rupts their speech with um or uh. This can be traced back to the assumption that hearers
assume that describing previously unmentioned objects is more complex than referring
to objects already under discussion. The speaker can create more time for himself by
using um or uh.
Examples such as those above constitute evidence for approaches that assume that
when processing language, information from all available channels is used and that this
information is also used as soon as it is available and not only after the structure of the
entire utterance or complete phrase has been constructed. The results of experimental
research therefore show that the hypothesis of a strictly modular organization of linguis-
tic knowledge must be rejected. Proponents of this hypothesis assume that the output
of one module constitutes the input of another without a given module having access to
the inner states of another module or the processes taking place inside it. For example,
the morphology module could provide the input for syntax and then this would be pro-
cessed later by the semantic module. One kind of evidence for this kind of organization
of linguistic knowledge that is often cited are so-called garden path sentences such as (9):
(9) a. The horse raced past the barn fell.
b. The boat floated down the river sank.
The vast majority of English speakers struggle to process these sentences since their
parser is led down a garden path as it builds up a complete structure for (10a) or (10b) only
then to realize that there is another verb that cannot be integrated into this structure.
(10) a. The horse raced past the barn.
b. The boat floated down the river.
8 Sternefeld (2006: 729730) points out that in theories in the Minimalist Program, the common assumption
of uninterpretable features is entirely unjustified. Chomsky assumes that there are features that have to
be deleted in the course of a derivation since they are only relevant for syntax. If they are not checked, the
derivation crashes at the interface to semantics. It follows from this that NPs should not be interpretable
under the assumptions of these theories since they contain a number of features that are irrelevant for the
semantics and have to therefore be deleted (see Section 4.1.2 of this book and Richards 2015). As we have
seen, these kinds of theories are incompatible with the facts.
9 It is sometimes claimed that current Minimalist theories are better suited to explain production (generation)
than perception (parsing). But these models are as implausible for generation as they are for parsing. The
reason is that it is assumed that there is a syntax component that generates structures that are then shipped
to the interfaces. This is not what happens in generation though. Usually speakers know what they want
to say (at least partly), that is, they start with semantics.
15 The competence/performance distinction
However, the actual structure of (9) contains a reduced relative clause (raced past the
barn or floated down the river). That is the sentences in (9a) are semantically equivalent
to the sentences in (11):
(11) a. The horse that was raced past the barn fell.
b. The boat that was floated down the river sank.
The failure of the parser in these cases was explained by assuming that syntactic pro-
cessing such as constructing a sentence from NP and VP take place independently of the
processing of other constraints. As Crain & Steedman (1985) and others have shown, yet
there are data that make this explanation seem less plausible: if (9a) is uttered in a rele-
vant context, the parser is not misled. In (12), there are multiple horses under discussion
and each NP is clearly identified by a relative clause. The hearer is therefore prepared
for a relative clause and can process the reduced relative clause without being led down
the garden path, so to speak.
(12) The horse that they raced around the track held up fine. The horse that was raced
down the road faltered a bit. And the horse raced past the barn fell.
By exchanging lexical material, it is also possible to modify (9a) in such way as to ensure
that processing is unproblematic without having to add additional context. It is neces-
sary to choose the material so that the interpretation of the noun as the subject of verb
in the reduced relative clause is ruled out. Accordingly, evidence in (13) refers to an inan-
imate noun. It is therefore not a possible agent of examined. A hypothesis with evidence
as the agent of examined is therefore never created when processing this sentence (Sag
& Wasow 2011).
(13) The evidence examined by the judge turned out to be unreliable.
Since processing proceeds incrementally, it is sometimes assumed that realistic gram-
mars should be obliged to immediately assign a constituent structure to previously heard
material (Ades & Steedman 1982; Hausser 1992). Proponents of this view would assume
a structure for the following sentence where every word forms a constituent with the
preceding material:
Pulman (1985), Stabler (1991) and Shieber & Johnson (1993: 301308) have shown, how-
ever, that it is possible to build semantic structures incrementally, using the kind of
15.2 Incremental processing
phrase structure grammars we encountered in Chapter 2. This means that a partial se-
mantic representation for the string das britische the British can be computed with-
out having to assume that the two words form a constituent in (14). Therefore, one
does not necessarily need a grammar that licenses the immediate combination of words
directly. Furthermore, Shieber & Johnson (1993) point out that from a purely techni-
cal point of view, synchronous processing is more costly than asynchronous process-
ing since synchronous processing requires additional mechanisms for synchronization
whereas asynchronous processing processes information as soon as it becomes avail-
able (p. 297298). Shieber and Johnson do not clarify whether this also applies to syn-
chronous/asynchronous processing of syntactic and semantic information. See Shieber
& Johnson (1993) for incremental processing and for a comparison of Steedmans Cate-
gorial Grammar and TAG.
What kind of conclusions can we draw from the data we have previously discussed?
Are there further data that can help to determine the kinds of properties a theory of
grammar should have in order to count as psycholinguistically plausible? Sag, Wasow
& Bender (2003) and Sag & Wasow (2011, 2015) list the following properties that a per-
formance-compatible competence grammar should have:10
strictly lexicalist
representational underspecification of semantic information
Approaches such as CG, GPSG, LFG, HPSG, CxG and TAG are surface-oriented since
they do not assume a base structure from which other structures are derived via trans-
formations. Transformational approaches, however, require additional assumptions.11
This will be briefly illustrated in what follows. In Section 3.1.5, we encountered the fol-
lowing analysis of English interrogatives:
10 Also, see Jackendoff (2007) for reflections on a performance model for a constraint-based, surface-oriented
linguistic theory.
11 An exception among transformational approaches is Phillips (2003). Phillips assumes that structures rel-
evant for phenomena such as ellipsis, coordination and fronting are built up incrementally. These con-
stituents are then reordered in later steps by transformations. For example, in the analysis of (i), the string
Wallace saw Gromit in forms a constituent where in is dominated by a node with the label P(P). This node
is then turned into a PP in a subsequent step (p. 4344).
While this approach is a transformation-based approach, the kind of transformation here is very idiosyn-
cratic and incompatible with other variants of the theory. In particular, the modification of constituents
contradicts the assumption of Structure Preservation when applying transformations as well as the No
Tampering Condition of Chomsky (2008). Furthermore, the conditions under which an incomplete string
such as Wallace saw Gromit in forms a constituent are not entirely clear.
15 The competence/performance distinction
15.2 Incremental processing
a role when it comes to language acquisition. As we have seen, the question of whether
we need UG to explain language acquisition was not yet decided in favor of UG-based
approaches. Instead, all available evidence seems to point in the opposite direction. How-
ever, even if innate linguistic knowledge does exist, the question arises as to why one
would want to represent this as several structures linked via transformations when it is
clear that these do not play a role for humans (especially language learners) when pro-
cessing language. Approaches that can represent this knowledge using fewer technical
means, e.g., without transformations, are therefore preferable. For more on this point,
see Kuhn (2007: 615).
The requirement for constraint-based grammars is supported by incremental process-
ing and also by the ability to deduce what will follow from previously heard material.
Stabler (1991) has pointed out that Steedmans argumentation with regard to incremen-
tally processable grammars is incorrect, and instead argues for maintaining a modular
view of grammar. Stabler has developed a constraint-based grammar where syntactic
and semantic knowledge can be accessed at any time. He formulates both syntactic
structures and the semantic representations attached to them as conjoined constraints
and then presents a processing system that processes structures based on the availability
of parts of syntactic and semantic knowledge. Stabler rejects models of performance that
assume that one must first apply all syntactic constraints before the semantic ones can
be applied. If one abandons this strict view of modularity, then we arrive at something
like (17):
(17) (Syn1 Syn2 Synn ) (Sem1 Sem2 Semn )
Syn1 Synn stand for syntactic rules or constraints and Sem1 Semn stand for semantic
rules or constraints. If one so desires, the expressions in brackets can be referred to as
modules. Since it is possible to randomly reorder conjoined expressions, one can imagine
performance models that first apply some rules from the syntax module and then, when
enough information is present, respective rules from the semantic module. The order of
processing could therefore be as in (18), for example:
(18) Syn2 Sem1 Syn1 Synn Sem2 Semn
If one subscribes to this view of modularity, then theories such as HPSG or CxG also
have a modular structure. In the representation assumed in the HPSG variant of Pollard
& Sag (1987) and Sign-Based CxG (see Section 10.6.2), the value of syn would correspond
to the syntax module, the value of sem to the semantic module and the value of phon to
the phonology module. If one were to remove the respective other parts of the lexical
entries/dominance schemata, then one would be left with the part of the theory corre-
sponding exactly to the level of representation in question.13 Jackendoff (2000) argues
for this form of modularity with the relevant interfaces between the modules for phonol-
ogy, syntax, semantics and further modules from other areas of cognition. Exactly what
In current theories in the Minimalist Program, an increasing amount of morphological, syntactic, semantic
and information-structural information is being included in analyses (see Section 4.6.1). While there are
suggestions for using feature-value pairs (Sauerland & Elbourne 2002: 290291), a strict structuring of
information as in GPSG, LFG, HPSG, CxG and variants of CG and TAG is not present. This means that
there are the levels for syntax, Phonological Form and Logical Form, but the information relevant for these
levels is an unstructured part of syntax, smeared all over syntactic trees.
15 The competence/performance distinction
there is to be gained from assuming these modules and how these could be proved empir-
ically remains somewhat unclear to me. For skepticism with regard to the very concept
of modules, see Jackendoff (2000: 22,27). For more on interfaces and modularization in
theories such as LFG and HPSG, see Kuhn (2007).
Furthermore, Sag & Wasow (2015: 5354) argue that listeners often leave semantic
interpretation underspecified until enough information is present either in the utterance
itself or the context. They do not commit to a certain reading early and run into garden
paths or backtrack to other readings. This is modeled appropriately by theories that use
a variant of underspecified semantics. For a concrete example of underspecification in
semantics see Section 19.3.
In conclusion, we can say that surface-oriented, model-theoretic and strongly lexi-
calist grammatical theories such as CG, LFG, GPSG, HPSG, CxG and the correspond-
ing GB/MP variants (paired with appropriate semantic representations) can plausibly
be combined with processing models, while this is not the case for the overwhelming
majority of GB/MP theories.
16 Language acquisition
Linguists and philosophers are fascinated by the human ability to acquire language. As-
suming the relevant input during childhood, language acquisition normally takes place
completely effortlessly. Chomsky (1965: 2425) put forward the requirement that a gram-
matical theory must provide a plausible model of language acquisition. Only then could
it actually explain anything and would otherwise remain descriptive at best. In this sec-
tion, we will discuss theories of acquisition from a number of theoretical standpoints.
See Haider (1994) and Haider (2001: Section 2.2) for an overview. Haider assumes that there is at least
a correlation between the absence of expletive subjects and pro-drop. However, Galician is a pro-drop
language with expletive subject pronouns (Raposo & Uriagereka 1990: Section 2.5). Franks (1995: 314) cites
Upper and Lower Sorbian as pro-drop languages with expletive subjects. Scholz & Pullum (2002: 218)
point out that there is an expletive pronoun ci in modern Italian although Italian is classed as a pro-drop
16 Language acquisition
however, not the case (Bloom 1993: 731). Fodor (1998a: 343344) also notes the following
three problems: 1) Parameters can affect things that are not visible from the perceptible
constituent order. 2) Many sentences are ambiguous with regard to the setting of a
particular parameter, that is, there are sometimes multiple combinations of parameters
compatible with one utterance. Therefore, the respective utterances cannot be used to
set any parameters (Berwick & Niyogi 1996; Fodor 1998b). 3) There is a problem with
the interaction of parameters. Normally multiple parameters play a role in an utterance
such that it can be difficult to determine which parameter contributes what and thus
how the values should be determined.
Points 1) and 2) can be explained using the constituent order parameters of Gibson &
Wexler: imagine a child hears sentences such as the English and the German examples
in (2):
(2) a. Daddy drinks juice.
b. Papa trinkt Saft.
daddy drinks juice
These sentences look exactly the same, even though radically different structures are as-
sumed for each. According to the theories under discussion, the English sentence has the
structure shown in Figure 3.8 on page 97 given in abbreviated form in (3a). The German
sentence, on the other hand, has the structure in Figure 3.13 on page 105 corresponding
to (3b):
(3) a. [IP [Daddy [I _k [VP drinksk juice]]].
b. [CP Papai [C trinktk [IP _i [I [VP Saft _k ] _k ]]]].
English has the basic constituent order SVO. The verb forms a constituent with the object
(VP) and this is combined with the subject. The parameter setting must therefore be SV,
VO and V2. German, on the other had, is analyzed as a verb-final and verb-second
language and the parameter values would therefore have to be SV, OV and +V2. If we
consider the sentences in (2), we see that both sentences do not differ from one another
with regard to the order of the verb and its arguments.
Fodor (1998a,b) concludes from this that one first has to build a structure in order to
see what grammatical class the grammar licensing the structure belongs to since one
first needs the structure in (3b) in order to be able to see that the verb in the partial
constituent occurs after its argument in the VP (Saft _k ). The question is now how one
achieves this structure. A UG with 30 parameters corresponds to 230 = 1,073,741,824
fully instantiated grammars. It is an unrealistic assumption that children try out these
grammars successively or simultaneously.
Gibson & Wexler (1994) discuss a number of solutions for this problem: parameters
have a default value and the learner can only change a parameter value if a sentence
that could previously not be analyzed can then be analyzed with the new parameter
setting (Greediness Constraint). In this kind of procedure, only one parameter can be
changed at a time (Single Value Constraint), which aims at ruling out great leaps leading
to extremely different grammars (see Berwick & Niyogi 1996: 612613, however). This
reduces the processing demands, however with 40 parameters, the worst case could still
be that one has to test 40 parameter values separately, that is, try to parse a sentence with
16 Language acquisition
40 different grammars. This processing feat is still unrealistic, which is why Gibson &
Wexler (1994: 442) additionally assume that one hypothesis is tested per input sentence.
A further modification of the model is the assumption that certain parameters only begin
to play a role during the maturation of the child. At a given point in time, there could be
only a few accessible parameters that also need to be set. After setting these parameters,
new parameters could become available.
In their article, Gibson & Wexler show that the interaction between input and pa-
rameter setting is in no way trivial. In their example scenario with three parameters, a
situation can arise in which a learner sets a parameter in order to analyze a new sen-
tence, however setting this parameter leads to the fact that the target grammar cannot
be acquired because only one value can be changed at a time and changes can only be
made if more sentences can be analyzed than before. The learner reaches a so-called
local maximum in these problematic cases.2 Gibson & Wexler then suggest assigning
a default value to particular parameters, whereby the default value is the one that will
cause the learner to avoid problematic situations. For the V2 parameter, they assume
as the default value.
Berwick & Niyogi (1996) show that Gibson & Wexler calculated the problematic con-
ditions incorrectly and that, if one shares their assumptions, it is even more frequently
possible to arrive at parameter combinations from which it is not possible to reach the
target grammar by changing individual parameter values. They show that one of the
problematic cases not addressed by Gibson & Wexler is V2 (p. 609) and that the assump-
tion of a default value for a parameter does not solve the problem as both + and can
lead to problematic combinations of parameters.3 In their article, Berwick and Niyogi
show that learners in the example scenario above (with three parameters) learn the tar-
get grammar faster if one abandons the Greediness or else the Single Value Constraint.
They suggest a process that simply randomly changes one parameter if a sentence can-
not be analyzed (Random Step, p. 615616). The authors note that this approach does not
share the problems with the local maxima that Gibson & Wexler had in their example
and that it also reaches its goal faster than theirs. However, the fact that Random Step
converges more quickly has to do with the quality of the parameter space (p. 618). Since
there is no consensus about parameters in the literature, it is not possible to assess how
the entire system works.
Yang (2004: 453) has criticized the classic Principles & Parameters model since abrupt
switching between grammars after setting a parameter cannot be observed. Instead, he
proposes the following learning mechanism:
(4) For an input sentence, s, the child: (i) with probability Pi selects a grammar Gi , (ii)
analyzes s with Gi , (iii) if successful, reward Gi by increasing Pi , otherwise punish
Gi by decreasing Pi .
If one imagines the acquisition process as climbing a hill, then the Greediness Constraint ensures that one
can only go uphill. It could be the case, however, that one begins to climb the wrong hill and can no longer
get back down.
Kohl (1999, 2000) has investigated this acquisition model in a case with twelve parameters. Of the 4096
possible grammars, 2336 (57%) are unlearnable if one assumes the best initial values for the parameters.
16.1 Principles & Parameters
Yang discusses the example of the pro-drop and topic drop parameters. In pro-drop
languages (e.g., Italian), it is possible to omit the subject and in topic drop languages (e.g.,
Mandarin Chinese), it possible to omit both the subject and the object if it is a topic. Yang
compares English-speaking and Chinese-speaking children noting that English children
omit both subjects and objects in an early linguistic stage. He claims that the reason for
this is that English-speaking children start off using the Chinese grammar.
The pro-drop parameter is one of the most widely discussed parameters in the con-
text of Principles & Parameters theory and it will therefore be discussed in more detail
here. It is assumed that speakers of English have to learn that all sentences in English
require a subject, whereas speakers of Italian learn that subjects can be omitted. One
can observe that children learning both English and Italian omit subjects (German chil-
dren too in fact). Objects are also omitted notably more often than subjects. There are
two possible explanations for this: a competence-based one and a performance-based
one. In competence-based approaches, it is assumed that children use a grammar that
allows them to omit subjects and then only later acquire the correct grammar (by set-
ting parameters or increasing the rule apparatus). In performance-based approaches,
by contrast, the omission of subjects is traced back to the fact that children are not yet
capable of planning and producing long utterances due to their limited brain capacity.
Since the cognitive demands are greatest at the beginning of an utterance, this leads to
subjects beings increasingly left out. Valian (1991) investigated these various hypotheses
and showed that the frequency with which children learning English and Italian respec-
tively omit subjects is not the same. Subjects are omitted more often than objects. She
therefore concludes that competence-based explanations are not empirically adequate.
The omission of subjects should then be viewed more as a performance phenomenon
(see also Bloom 1993). Another argument for the influence of performance factors is the
fact that articles of subjects are left out more often than articles of objects (31% vs. 18%,
see Gerken 1991: 440). As Bloom notes, no subject article-drop parameter has been pro-
posed so far. If we explain this phenomenon as a performance phenomenon, then it is
also plausible to assume that the omittance of complete subjects is due to performance
Gerken (1991) shows that the metrical properties of utterances also play a role: in
experiments where children had to repeat sentences, they omitted the subject/article of
the subject more often than the object/article of the object. Here, it made a difference
whether the intonation pattern was iambic (weak-strong) or trochaic (strong-weak). It
can even be observed with individual words that children leave out weak syllables at the
beginning of words more often than at the end of the word. Thus, it is more probable
that giRAFFE is reduced to RAFFE than MONkey to MON. Gerken assumes the
following for the metrical structure of utterances:
16 Language acquisition
Subject pronouns in English are sentence-initial and form a iambic foot with the follow-
ing strongly emphasized verb as in (5a). Object pronouns, however, can form the weak
syllable of a trochaic foot as in (5b).
(5) a. she KISSED + the DOG
b. the DOG + KISSED her
c. PETE + KISSED the + DOG
Furthermore, articles in iambic feet as in the object of (5a) and the subject of (5b) are
omitted more often than in trochaic feet such as with the object of (5c).
It follows from this that there are multiple factors that influence the omission of ele-
ments and that one cannot simply take the behavior of children as evidence for switching
between two grammars.
Apart from what has been discussed so far, the pro-drop parameter is of interest for
another reason: there is a problem when it comes to setting parameters. The standard
explanation is that learners identify that a subject must occur in all English sentences,
which is suggested by the appearance of expletive pronouns in the input.
As discussed on page 511, there is no relation between the pro-drop property and the
presence of expletives in a language. Since the pro-drop property does not correlate with
any of the other putative properties either, only the existence of subject-less sentences
in the input constitutes decisive evidence for setting a parameter. The problem is that
there are grammatical utterances where there is no visible subject. Examples of this are
imperatives such as (6), declaratives with a dropped subject as in (7a) and even declar-
ative sentences without an expletive such as the example in (7b) found by Valian (1991:
32) in the New York Times.
(6) a. Give me the teddy bear!
b. Show me your toy!
The following title of a Nirvana song also comes from the same year as Valians article:
(8) Smells like Teen Spirit.
Teen Spirit refers to a deodorant and smell is a verb that, both in German and English,
requires a referential subject but can also be used with an expletive it as subject. The us-
age that Kurt Cobain had in mind cannot be reconstructed4 , independent of the intended
meaning, however, the subject in (8) is missing. Imperatives do occur in the input chil-
dren have and are therefore relevant for acquisition. Valian (1991: 33) says the following
about them:
See 06.03.2016.
16.1 Principles & Parameters
What is acceptable in the adult community forms part of the childs input, and
is also part of what children must master. The utterances that I have termed ac-
ceptable are not grammatical in English (since English does not have pro subjects,
and also cannot be characterized as a simple VP). They lack subjects and therefore
violate the extended projection principle (Chomsky 1981a), which we are assuming.
Children are exposed to fully grammatical utterances without subjects, in the form
of imperatives. They are also exposed to acceptable utterances which are not fully
grammatical, such as [(7a)], as well as forms like, Want lunch now? The Amer-
ican child must grow into an adult who not only knows that overt subjects are
grammatically required, but also knows when subjects can acceptably be omitted.
The child must not only acquire the correct grammar, but also master the discourse
conditions that allow relaxation of the grammar. (Valian 1991: 33)
This passage turns the relations on their head: we cannot conclude from the fact that a
particular grammatical theory is not compatible with certain data, that these data should
not be described by this theory, instead we should modify the incompatible grammar or,
if this is not possible, we should reject it. Since utterances with imperatives are entirely
regular, there is no reason to categorize them as utterances that do not follow gram-
matical rules. The quotation above represents a situation where a learner has to acquire
two grammars: one that corresponds to the innate grammar and a second that partially
suppresses the rules of innate grammar and also adds some additional rules.
The question we can pose at this point is: how does a child distinguish which of the
data it hears are relevant for which of the two grammars?
Fodor (1998a: 347) pursues a different analysis that does not suffer from many of the
aforementioned problems. Rather than assuming that learners try to find a correct gram-
mar among a billion others, she instead assumes that children work with a single gram-
mar that contains all possibilities. She suggests using parts of trees (treelets) rather than
parameters. These treelets can also be underspecified and in extreme cases, a treelet can
consist of a single feature (Fodor 1998b: 6). A language learner can deduce whether a
language has a given property from the usage of a particular treelet. As an example, she
provides a VP treelet consisting of a verb and a prepositional phrase. This treelet must be
used for the analysis of the VP occurring in Look at the frog. Similarly, the analysis of an
interrogative clause with a fronted who would make use of a treelet with a wh-NP in the
specifier of a complementizer phrase (see Figure 3.7 on page 97). In Fodors version of
Principles and Parameters Theory, this treelet would be the parameter that licenses wh-
movement in (overt) syntax. Fodor assumes that there are defaults that allow a learner
to parse a sentence even when no or very few parameters have been set. This allows one
to learn from utterances that one would have not otherwise been able to use since there
would have been multiple possible analyses for them. Assuming a default can lead to
misanalyses, however: due to a default value, a second parameter could be set because
an utterance was analyzed with a treelet t1 and t3 , for example, but t1 was not suited to
the particular language in question and the utterance should have instead been analyzed
with the non-default treelet t2 and the treelet t17 . In this acquisition model, there must
therefore be the possibility to correct wrong decisions in the parameter setting process.
16 Language acquisition
Fodor therefore assumes that there is a frequency-based degree of activation for param-
eters (p. 365): treelets that are often used in analyses have a high degree of activation,
whereas those used less often have a lower degree of activation. In this way, it is not
necessary to assume a particular parameter value while excluding others.
Furthermore, Fodor proposes that parameters should be structured hierarchically, that
is, only if a parameter has a particular value does it then make sense to think about
specific other parameter values.
Fodors analysis is as she herself notes (Fodor 2001: 385) compatible with theories
such as HPSG and TAG. Pollard & Sag (1987: 147) characterize UG as the conjunction of
all universally applicable principles:
(9) UG = P1 P2 Pn
As well as principles that hold universally, there are other principles that are specific to
a particular language or a class of languages. Pollard & Sag give the example of the con-
stituent ordering principle that only holds for English. English can be characterized as
follows if one assumes that Pn+1 Pm are language-specific principles, L1 Lp a complete
list of lexical entries and R1 Rq a list of dominance schemata relevant for English.
(10) English = P1 P2 Pm (L1 Lp R1 Rq )
In Pollard & Sags conception, only those properties of language that equally hold for all
languages are part of UG. Pollard & Sag do not count the dominance schemata as part
of this. However, one can indeed also describe UG as follows:
(11) UG = P1 P2 . . . Pn (Ren-1 . . . Ren-q Rde-1 . . . Rde-r . . .)
P1 Pn are, as before, universally applicable principles and Ren-1 Ren-q are the (core) dom-
inance schemata of English and Rde-1 Rde-r are the dominance schemata in German. The
dominance schemata in (11) are combined by means of disjunctions, that is, not every
disjunct needs to have a realization in a specific language. Principles can make reference
to particular properties of lexical entries and rule out certain phrasal configurations. If
a language only contains heads that are marked for final-position in the lexicon, then
grammatical rules that require a head in initial position as their daughter can never be
combined with these heads or their projections. Furthermore, theories with a type sys-
tem are compatible with Fodors approach to language acquisition because constraints
can easily be underspecified. As such, constraints in UG do not have to make reference
to all properties of grammatical rules: principles can refer to feature values, the lan-
guage-specific values themselves do not have to already be contained in UG. Similarly, a
supertype describing multiple dominance schemata that have similar but language-spe-
cific instantiations can also be part of UG, however the language-specific details remain
open and are then deduced by the learner upon parsing (see Ackerman & Webelhuth
1998: Section 9.2). The differences in activation assumed by Fodor can be captured by
weighting the constraints: the dominance schemata Ren-1 Ren-q etc. are sets of feature-
value pairs as well as path equations. As explained in Chapter 15, weights can be added
to such constraints and also to sets of constraints. In Fodors acquisition model, given
a German input, the weights for the rules of English would be reduced and those for
16.2 Principles and the lexicon
the German rules would be increased. Note that in Pollard & Sags acquisition scenario,
there are no triggers for parameter setting unlike in Fodors model. Furthermore, prop-
erties that were previously disjunctively specified as part of UG will now be acquired
directly. Using the treelet t17 (or rather a possibly underspecified dominance schema),
it is not the case that the value + is set for a parameter P5 but rather the activation
potential of t17 is increased such that t17 will be prioritized for future analyses.
16 Language acquisition
then part of the periphery. Critics of the Principles & Parameters model have pointed
out that idiomatic and irregular constructions constitute a relatively large part of our
language and that the distinction, both fluid and somewhat arbitrary, is only motivated
theory-internally (Jackendoff 1997: Chapter 7; Culicover 1999; Ginzburg & Sag 2000: 5;
Newmeyer 2005: 48; Kuhn 2007: 619). For example, it is possible to note that there are
interactions between various idioms and syntax (Nunberg, Sag & Wasow 1994). Most
idioms in German with a verbal component allow the verb to be moved to initial posi-
tion (12b), some allow that parts of idioms can be fronted (12c) and some can undergo
passivization (12d).
It is assumed that the periphery and lexicon are not components of UG (Chomsky 1986b:
150151; Fodor 1998a: 343) but rather are acquired using other learning methods namely
inductively directly from the input. The question posed by critics is now why these
Frankfurter Rundschau, 28.06.1997, p. 2.
Mannheimer Morgen, 28.06.1999, Sport; Schrauben allein gengen nicht.
16.3 Pattern-based approaches
methods should not work for regular aspects of the language as well (Abney 1996: 20;
Goldberg 2003a: 222; Newmeyer 2005: 100; Tomasello 2006c: 36; 2006b: 20): the areas
of the so-called core are by definition more regular then components of the periphery,
which is why they should be easier to learn.
Tomasello (2000, 2003) has pointed out that a Principles & Parameters model of lan-
guage acquisition is not compatible with the observable facts. The Principles and Param-
eters Theory predicts that children should no longer make mistakes in a particular area
of grammar once they have set a particular parameter correctly (see Chomsky 1986b:
146, Radford 1990: 2122 and Lightfoot 1997: 175). Furthermore, it is assumed that a
parameter is responsible for very different areas of grammar (see the discussion of the
pro-drop parameter in Section 16.1). When a parameter value is set, then there should be
sudden developments with regard to a number of phenomena (Lightfoot 1997: 174). This
is, however, not the case. Instead, children acquire language from utterances in their
input and begin to generalize from a certain age. Depending on the input, they can re-
order certain auxiliaries and not others, although movement of auxiliaries is obligatory
in English.7 One argument put forward against these kinds of input-based theories is
that children produce utterances that cannot be observed to a significant frequency in
the input. One much discussed phenomenon of this kind are so called root infinitives (RI)
or optional infinitives (OI) (Wexler 1998). These are infinitive forms that can be used in
non-embedded clauses (root sentences) instead of a finite verb. Optional infinitives are
those where children use both a finite (13a) and non-finite (13b) form (Wexler 1998: 59):
(13) a. Mary likes ice cream.
b. Mary like ice cream.
Wijnen, Kempen & Gillis (2001: 656) showed that Dutch children use the order object
infinitive 90 % of the time during the two-word phase although these orders occur in less
than 10 % of their mothers utterances that contained a verb. Compound verb forms, e.g.,
with a modal in initial position as in (14) that contain another instance of this pattern
only occurred in 30 % of the input containing a verb (Wijnen, Kempen & Gillis 2001: 647).
(14) Willst du Brei essen?
want you porridge eat
Do you want to eat porridge?
At first glance, there seems to be a discrepancy between the input and the childs ut-
terances. However, this deviation could also be explained by an utterance-final bias in
learning (Wijnen et al. 2001; Freudenthal, Pine & Gobet 2006). A number of factors can
be made responsible for the salience of verbs at the end of an utterance: 1) restrictions of
the infant brain. It has been shown that humans (both children and adults) forget words
during the course of an utterance, that is, the activation potential decreases. Since the
cognitive capabilities of small children are restricted, it is clear why elements at the
end of an utterance have an important status. 2) Easier segmentation at the end of an
Here, Yangs suggestion to combine grammars with a particular probability does not help since one would
have to assume that the child uses different grammars for different auxiliaries, which is highly unlikely.
16 Language acquisition
utterance. At the end of an utterance, part of the segmentation problem for hearers disap-
pears: the hearer first has to divide a sequence of phonemes into individual words before
he can understand them and combine them to create larger syntactic entities. This seg-
mentation is easier at the end of an utterance since the word boundary is already given
by the end of the utterance. Furthermore according to Wijnen, Kempen & Gillis (2001:
637), utterance-final words have an above average length and do bear a pitch accent.
This effect occurs more often in language directed at children.
Freudenthal, Pine, Aguado-Orea & Gobet (2007) have modeled language acquisition
for English, German, Dutch, and Spanish. The computer model could reproduce dif-
ferences between these languages based on input. At first glance, it is surprising that
there are even differences between German and Dutch and between English and Span-
ish with regard to the use of infinitives as German and Dutch have a very similar syntax
(SOV+V2). Similarly, English and Spanish are both languages with SVO order. Neverthe-
less, children learning English make OI mistakes, whereas this is hardly ever the case
for children learning Spanish.
Freudenthal, Pine, Aguado-Orea & Gobet (2007) trace the differences in error frequen-
cies back to the distributional differences in each language: the authors note that 75 %
of verb-final utterances8 in English consist of compound verbs (finite verb + dependent
verb, e.g., Can he go?), whereas this is only the case 30 % of the time in Dutch.
German also differs from Dutch with regard to the number of utterance-final infini-
tives. Dutch has a progressive form that does not exist in Standard German:
(15) Wat ben je aan het doen?
what are you on it do.inf
What are you doing?
Furthermore, verbs such as zitten to sit, lopen to run and staan to stand can be used
in conjunction with the infinitive to describe events happening in that moment:
(16) Zit je te spelen?
sit you to play
Are you sitting and playing?
Furthermore, there is a future form in Dutch that is formed with ga go. These factors
contribute to the fact that Dutch has 20 % more utterance-final infinitives than German.
Spanish differs from English in that it has object clitics:
(17) (Yo) Lo quiero.
I it want
I want it.
Short pronouns such as lo in (17) are realized in front of the finite verb so that the verb
appears in final position. In English, the object follows the verb, however. Furthermore,
For English, the authors only count utterances with a subject in third person singular since it is only in
these cases that a morphological difference between the finite and infinitive form becomes clear.
16.3 Pattern-based approaches
there are a greater number of compound verb forms in the English input (70 %) than in
Spanish (25 %). This is due to the higher frequency of the progressive in English and the
presence of do-support in question formation.
The relevant differences in the distribution of infinitives are captured correctly by the
proposed acquisition model, whereas alternative approaches that assume that children
possess an adult grammar but use infinitives instead of the finite forms cannot explain
the gradual nature of this phenomenon.
Freudenthal, Pine & Gobet (2009) could even show that input-based learning is supe-
rior to other explanations for the distribution of NPs and infinitives. They can explain
why this order is often used with a modal meaning (e.g., to want) in German and Dutch
(Ingram & Thompson 1996). In these languages, infinitives occur with modal verbs in
the corresponding interrogative clauses. Alternative approaches that assume that the
linguistic structures in question correspond to those of adults and only differ from them
in that a modal verb is not pronounced cannot explain why not all utterances of ob-
ject and verb done by children learning German and Dutch do have a modal meaning.
Furthermore, the main difference to English cannot be accounted for: in English, the
number of modal meanings is considerably less. Input-based models predict this exactly
since English can use the dummy verb do to form questions:
(18) a. Did he help you?
b. Can he help you?
If larger entities are acquired from the end of an utterance, then there would be both
a modal and non-modal context for he help you. Since German and Dutch normally do
not use the auxiliary tun do, the relevant endings of utterances are always associated
with modals contexts. One can thereby explain why infinitival expressions have a modal
meaning significantly more often in German and Dutch than in English.
Following this discussion of the arguments against input-based theories of acquisi-
tion, I will turn to Tomasellos pattern-based approach. According to Tomasello (2003:
Section 4.2.1), a child hears a sentence such as (19) and realizes that particular slots can
be filled freely (see also Dbrowska (2001) for analogous suggestions in the framework
of Cognitive Grammar).
(19) a. Do you want more juice/milk?
b. Mommy is gone.
From these utterances, it is possible to derive so-called pivot schemata such as those in
(20) into which words can then be inserted:
(20) a. more ___ more juice/milk
b. ___ gone mommy/juice gone
In this stage of development (22 months), children do not generalize using these sche-
mata, these schemata are instead construction islands and do not yet have any syntax
(Tomasello et al. 1997). The ability to use previously unknown verbs with a subject and
16 Language acquisition
an object in an SVO order is acquired slowly between the age of three and four (Toma-
sello 2003: 128129). More abstract syntactic and semantic relations only emerge with
time: when confronted with multiple instantiations of the transitive construction, the
child is then able to generalize:
(21) a. [S [NP The man/the woman] sees [NP the dog/the rabbit/it]].
b. [S [NP The man/the woman] likes [NP the dog/the rabbit/it]].
c. [S [NP The man/the woman] kicks [NP the dog/the rabbit/it]].
According to Tomasello (2003: 107), this abstraction takes the form [Sbj TrVerb Obj].
Tomasellos approach is immediately plausible since one can recognize how abstraction
works: it is a generalization about reoccurring patterns. Each pattern is then assigned a
semantic contribution. These generalizations can be captured in inheritance hierarchies
(see page 201) (Croft 2001: 26). The problem with this kind of approach, however, is that
it cannot explain the interaction between different areas of phenomena in the language:
it is possible to represent simple patterns such as the use of transitive verbs in (21),
but transitive verbs interact with other areas of the grammar such as negation. If one
wishes to connect the construction one assumes for the negation of transitive verbs with
the transitive construction, then one arrives at a problem since this is not possible in
inheritance hierarchies.
(22) The woman did not kick the dog.
The problem is that the transitive construction has a particular semantic contribution
but that negated transitive construction has the opposite meaning. The values of sem fea-
tures would therefore be contradictory. There are technical tricks to avoid this problem,
however, since there are a vast number of these kinds of interactions between syntax
and semantics, this kind of technical solution will result in something highly implausi-
ble from a cognitive perspective (Mller 2006, 2007c,b, 2010b; Mller & Wechsler 2014a).
For discussion of Crofts analysis, see Section 21.4.1.
At this point, proponents of pattern-based analyses might try and argue that these
kinds of problems are only the result of a poor/inadequate formalization and would
rather do without a formalization (Goldberg 2009: Section 5). However, this does not
help here as the problem is not the formalization itself, rather the formalization allows
one to see the problem more clearly.
An alternative to an approach built entirely on inheritance is a TAG-like approach
that allows one to insert syntactic material into phrasal constructions. Such a pro-
posal was discussed in Section 10.6.3. Bergen & Chang (2005: 170) working in Embod-
ied Construction Grammar suggest an Active-Ditransitive Construction with the form
[RefExpr Verb RefExpr RefExpr], where RefExpr stands for a referential expression and
the first RefExpr and the verb may be non-adjacent. In this way, it is possible to analyze
(23a,b), while ruling out (23c):
16.3 Pattern-based approaches
While the compulsory adjacency of the verb and the object correctly predicts that (23c)
is ruled out, the respective constraint also rules out coordinate structures such as (24):
(24) Mary tossed me a juice and Peter a water.
Part of the meaning of this sentence corresponds to what the ditransitive construction
contributes to Mary tossed Peter a water. There is, however, a gap between tossed and
Peter. Similarly, one can create examples where there is a gap between both objects of a
ditransitive construction:
(25) He showed me and bought for Mary the book that was recommended in the Guard-
ian last week.
In (25), me is not adjacent to the book . It is not my aim here to request a coordination
analysis. Coordination is a very complex phenomenon for which most theories do not
have a straightforward analysis (see Section 21.6.2). Instead, I would simply like to point
out that the fact that constructions can be realized discontinuously poses a problem for
approaches that claim that language acquisition is exclusively pattern-based. The point
is the following: in order to understand coordination data in a language, a speaker must
learn that a verb which has its arguments somewhere in the sentence has a particular
meaning together with these arguments. The actual pattern [Sbj V Obj1 Obj2] can, how-
ever, be interrupted in all positions. In addition to the coordination examples, there is
also the possibility of moving elements out of the pattern either to the left or the right.
In sum, we can say that language learners have to learn that there is a relation between
functors and their arguments. This is all that is left of pattern-based approaches but
this insight is also covered by the selection-based approaches that we will discuss in the
following section.
A defender of pattern-based approaches could perhaps object that there is a relevant
construction for (25) that combines all material. This means that one would have a con-
struction with the form [Sbj V Obj1 Conj V PP Obj2]. It would then have to be determined
experimentally or with corpus studies whether this actually makes sense. The generaliza-
tion that linguists have found is that categories with the same syntactic properties can be
coordinated (N, N, NP, V, V, VP, ). For the coordination of verbs or verbal projections,
it must hold that the coordinated phrases require the same arguments:
(26) a. Er [arbeitet] und [liest viele Bcher].
he works and reads many books
b. Er [kennt und liebt] diese Schallplatte.
he knows and loves this record
c. Er [zeigt dem Jungen] und [gibt der Frau] die Punk-Rock-CD.
he shows the boy and gives the woman the punk rock CD
d. Er [liebt diese Schallplatte] und [schenkt ihr ein Buch].
he loves this record and gives her a book
In an approach containing only patterns, one would have to assume an incredibly large
number of constructions and so far we are only considering coordinations that consist
16 Language acquisition
of exactly two conjuncts. However, the phenomenon discussed above is not only re-
stricted to coordination of two elements. If we do not wish to abandon the distinction
between competence and performance (see Chapter 15), then the number of conjuncts
is not constrained at all (by the competence grammar):
(27) Er [kennt, liebt und verborgt] diese Schallplatte.
he knows loves and lends.out this record
It is therefore extremely unlikely that learners have patterns for all possible cases in
their input. It is much more likely that they draw the same kind of generalizations as
linguists from the data occurring in their input: words and phrases with the same syn-
tactic properties can be coordinated. If this turns out to be true, then all that is left for
pattern-based approaches is the assumption of discontinuously realized constructions
and thus a dependency between parts of constructions that states that they do not have
to be immediately adjacent to one another. The acquisition problem is then the same as
for selection-based approaches that will be the topic of the following section: what ulti-
mately has to be learned are dependencies between elements or valences (see Behrens
(2009: 439), the author reaches the same conclusion following different considerations).
In her article, Green shows how long-distance dependencies and the position of En-
glish auxiliaries can be acquired in later stages of development. The acquisition of gram-
mar proceeds in a monotone fashion, that is, knowledge is added for example, knowl-
edge about the fact that material can be realized outside of the local context and pre-
vious knowledge does not have to be revised. In her model, mistakes in the acquisition
process are in fact mistakes in the assignment of lexical entries to valence classes. These
mistakes have to be correctable.
In sum, one can say that all of Tomasellos insights can be applied directly to selec-
tion-based approaches and the problems with pattern-based approaches do not surface
with selection-based approaches. It is important to point out explicitly once again here
that the selection-based approach discussed here also is a construction-based approach.
Constructions are just lexical and not phrasal. The important point is that, in both ap-
proaches, words and also more complex phrases are pairs of form and meaning and can
be acquired as such.
In Chapter 21, we will discuss pattern-based approaches further and we will also ex-
plore areas of the grammar where phrasal patterns should be assumed.
16.5 Summary
We should take from the preceding discussion that models of language acquisition that
assume that a grammar is chosen from a large set of grammars by setting binary pa-
rameters are in fact inadequate. All theories that make reference to parameters have in
common that they are purely hypothetical since there is no non-trivial set of parameters
that all proponents of the model equally agree on. In fact there is not even a trivial one.
In a number of experiments, Tomasello and his colleagues have shown that, in its
original form, the Principles & Parameters model makes incorrect predictions and that
language acquisition is much more pattern-based than assumed by proponents of P&P
analyses. Syntactic competence develops starting from verb islands. Depending on the
frequency of the input, certain verbal constructions can be mastered even though the
same construction has not yet been acquired with less frequent verbs.
The interaction with other areas of grammar still remains problematic for pattern-
based approaches: in a number of publications, it has been shown that the interac-
tion of phenomena that one can observe in complex utterances can in fact not be ex-
plained with phrasal patterns since embedding cannot be captured in an inheritance
hierarchy. This problem is not shared by selection-based approaches. All experimental
results and insights of Tomasello can, however, be successfully extended to selection-
based approaches.
Further reading
Meisel (1995) gives a very good overview of theories of acquisition in the Principles &
Parameters model.
Adele Goldberg and Michael Tomasello are the most prominent proponents of Con-
struction Grammar, a theory that explicitly tries to do without the assumption of innate
16 Language acquisition
linguistic knowledge. They published many papers and books about topics related to
Construction Grammar and acquisition. The most important books probably are Gold-
berg (2006) and Tomasello (2003).
An overview of different theories of acquisition in German can be found in Klann-
Delius (2008) an English overview is Ambridge & Lieven (2011).
17 Generative capacity and grammar
In several of the preceding chapters, the complexity hierarchy for formal languages was
mentioned. The simplest languages are so-called regular languages (Type-3), they are
followed by those described as context-free grammars (Type-2), then those grammars
which are context-sensitive (Type-1) and finally we have unrestricted grammars (Type-
0) that create recursively enumerable languages, which are the most complicated class.
In creating theories, a conscious effort was made to use formal means that correspond
to what one can actually observe in natural language. This led to the abandonment
of unrestricted Transformational Grammar since this has generative power of Type-0
(see page 84). GPSG was deliberately designed in such a way as to be able to analyze
just the context-free languages and not more. In the mid-80s, it was shown that natu-
ral languages have a higher complexity than context-free languages (Shieber 1985; Culy
1985). It is now assumed that so-called mildly context sensitive grammars are sufficient
for analyzing natural languages. Researchers working on TAG are working on devel-
oping variants of TAG that fall into exactly this category. Similarly, it was shown for
different variants of Stablers Minimalist Grammars (see Section 4.6.4 and Stabler 2001,
2011b) that they have a mildly context-sensitive capacity (Michaelis 2001). Peter Hell-
wigs Dependency Unification Grammar is also mildly context-sensitive (Hellwig 2003:
595). LFG and HPSG, as well as Chomskys theory in Aspects, fall into the class of Type-0
languages (Berwick 1982; Johnson 1988). The question at this point is whether it is an
ideal goal to find a descriptive language that has exactly the same power as the object
it describes. Carl Pollard (1996a) once said that it would be odd to claim that certain
theories in physics were not adequate simply because they make use of tools from math-
ematics that are too powerful.1 It is not the descriptive language that should constrain
the theory but rather the theory contains the restrictions that must hold for the objects in
question. This is the view that Chomsky (1981b: 277, 280) takes. Also, see Berwick (1982:
Section 4), Kaplan & Bresnan (1982: Section 8) on LFG and Johnson (1988: Section 3.5)
on the Off-Line Parsability Constraint in LFG and attribute-value grammars in general.
If physicists required the formalism to constrain the theory:
Editor: Professor Einstein, Im afraid we cant accept this manuscript of yours on general relativity.
Einstein: Why? Are the equations wrong?
Editor: No, but we noticed that your differential equations are expressed in the first-order language of
set theory. This is a totally unconstrained formalism! Why, you could have written down ANY
set of differential equations! (Pollard 1996a)
17 Generative capacity and grammar formalisms
There is of course a technical reason to look for a grammar with the lowest level of
complexity possible: we know that it is easier for computers to process grammars with
lower complexity than more complex grammars. To get an idea about the complexity of
a task, the so-called worst case for the relevant computations is determined, that is, it is
determined how long a program needs for an input of a certain length in the least favor-
able case to get a result for a grammar from a certain class. This begs the question if the
worst case is actually relevant. For example, some grammars that allow discontinuous
constituents perform less favorably in the worst case than normal phrase structure gram-
mars that only allow for combinations of continuous strings (Reape 1991: Section 8). As
I have shown in Mller (2004c), a parser that builds up larger units starting from words
(a bottom-up parser) is far less efficient when processing a grammar assuming a verb
movement analysis than is the case for a bottom-up parser that allows for discontinuous
constituents. This has to do with the fact that verb traces do not contribute any phonolog-
ical material and a parser cannot locate them without further machinery. It is therefore
assumed that a verb trace exists in every position in the string and in most cases these
traces do not contribute to an analysis of the complete input. Since the verb trace is not
specified with regard to its valence information, it can be combined with any material
in the sentence, which results in an enormous computational load. On the other hand,
if one allows discontinuous constituents, then one can do without verb traces and the
computational load is thereby reduced. In the end, the analysis using discontinuous con-
stituents was eventually discarded for linguistic reasons (Mller 2005b,c, 2007b, 2015b),
however, the investigation of the parsing behavior of both grammars is still interesting
as it shows that worst case properties are not always informative.
I will discuss another example of the fact that language-specific restrictions can re-
strict the complexity of a grammar: Grtner & Michaelis (2007: Section 3.2) assume that
Stablers Minimalist Grammars (see Section 4.6.4) with extensions for late adjunction
and extraposition are actually more powerful than mildly context-sensitive. If one bans
extraction from adjuncts (Frey & Grtner 2002: 46) and also assumes the Shortest Move
Constraint (see footnote 30 on page 160), then one arrives at a grammar that is mildly-
context sensitive (Grtner & Michaelis 2007: 178). The same is true of grammars with
the Shortest Move Constraint and a constraint for extraction from specifiers.
Whether extraction takes place from a specifier or not depends on the organization
of the particular grammar in question. In some grammars, all arguments are specifiers
(Kratzer 1996: 120123, also see Figure 18.4 on page 541). A ban on extraction from spec-
ifiers would imply that extraction out of arguments would be impossible. This is, of
course, not true in general. Normally, subjects are treated as specifiers (also by Frey &
Grtner 2002: 44). It is often claimed that subjects are islands for extraction (see Grewen-
dorf 1989: 35, 41; G. Mller 1996b: 220; 1998: 32, 163; Sabel 1999: 98; Fanselow 2001: 422).
Several authors have noted, however, that extraction from subjects is possible in Ger-
man (see Drscheid 1989: 25; Haider 1993: 173; Pafel 1993; Fortmann 1996: 27; Suchsland
1997: 320; Vogel & Steinbach 1998: 87; Ballweg 1997: 2066; Mller 1999a: 100101; De
Kuthy 2002: 7). The following data are attested examples:
(1) a. [Von den brigbleibenden Elementen]i scheinen [die Determinantien _i ] die
of the left.over elements seem the determinants the
wenigsten Klassifizierungsprobleme aufzuwerfen.
fewest classification.problems to.throw.up
Of the remaining elements, the determinants seem to pose the fewest prob-
lems for classification.
b. [Von den Gefangenen]i hatte eigentlich [keine _i ] die Nacht der Bomben
of the prisoners had actually none the night of.the bombs
berleben sollen.3
survive should
None of the prisoners should have actually survived the night of the bomb-
c. [Von der HVA]i hielten sich [etwa 120 Leute _i ] dort in ihren Gebuden
of the HVA held refl around 120 people there in their buildings
Around 120 people from the HVA stayed there inside their buildings.
d. [Aus dem Englischen Theater]i stehen [zwei Modelle _i ] in den Vitrinen.5
from the English theater stand two models in the cabinets
Two models from the English Theater are in the cabinets.
e. [Aus der Fraktion]i stimmten ihm [viele _i ] zu darin, dass die
from the faction agreed him many prt that the
Kaufkraft der Brger gepppelt werden msse, nicht die gute Laune
buying.power of.the citizens boosted become must not the good mood
der Wirtschaft.6
of.the economy
Many of the fraction agreed with him that it is the buying power of citizens
that needed to be increased, not the good spirits of the economy.
f. [Vom Erzbischof Carl Theodor Freiherr von Dalberg]i gibt es
from archbishop Carl Theodor Freiherr from Dalberg gives it
beispielsweise [ein Bild _i ] im Stadtarchiv.7
for.example a picture in.the city.archives
For example, there is a picture of archbishop Carl Theodor Freiherr of Dalberg
in the city archives.
In the main text of Engel (1970: 102).
Bernhard Schlink, Der Vorleser, Diogenes Taschenbuch 22953, Zrich: Diogenes Verlag, 1997, p. 102.
Spiegel, 3/1999, p. 42.
Frankfurter Rundschau, quoted from De Kuthy (2001: 52).
taz, 16.10.2003, p. 5.
Frankfurter Rundschau, quoted from De Kuthy (2002: 7).
17 Generative capacity and grammar formalisms
This means that a ban on extraction from specifiers cannot hold for German. As such, it
cannot be true for all languages.
We have a situation that is similar to the one with discontinuous constituents: since
it is not possible to integrate the ban on extraction discussed here into the grammar
formalism, it is more powerful than what is required for describing natural language.
However, the restrictions in actual grammars in this case, the restrictions on extraction
from specifiers in the relevant languages ensure that the respective language-specific
grammars have a mildly context-sensitive capacity.
18 Binary branching, locality, and
This chapter discusses three points: section 18.1 deals with the question of whether all
linguistic structures should be binary branching or not. Section 18.2 discusses the ques-
tion what information should be available for selection, that is, whether governing heads
can access the internal structure of selected elements or whether everything should be
restricted to local selection. Finally, Section 18.3 discusses recursion and how/whether
it is captured in the different grammar theories that are discussed in this book.
Mummy must leave now Mummy must leave now Mummy must leave now
However, Haegeman (1994: 88) provides evidence for the fact that (1) has the structure
in (2):
(2) [Mummy [must [leave now]]]
The relevant tests showing this include elliptical constructions, that is, the fact that it
is possible to refer to the constituents in (2) with pronouns. This means that there is
actually evidence for the structure of (1) that is assumed by linguists and we therefore
do not have to assume that it is just hard-wired in our brains that only binary-branching
structures are allowed. Haegeman (1994: 143) mentions a consequence of the binary
branching hypothesis: if all structures are binary-branching, then it is not possible to
straightforwardly account for sentences with ditransitive verbs in X theory. In X theory,
it is assumed that a head is combined with all its complements at once (see Section 2.5).
So in order to account for ditransitive verbs in X theory, an empty element (little v) has
to be assumed (see Section 4.1.4).
It should have become clear in the discussion of the arguments for the Poverty of
the Stimulus in Section 13.8 that the assumption that only binary-branching structures
are possible is part of our innate linguistic knowledge is nothing more than pure spec-
ulation. Haegeman offers no kind of evidence for this assumption. As shown in the
discussions of the various theories we have seen, it is possible to capture the data with
flat structures. For example, it is possible to assume that, in English, the verb is combined
with its complements in a flat structure (Pollard & Sag 1994: 39). There are sometimes
theory-internal reasons for deciding for one kind of branching or another, but these are
not always applicable to other theories. For example, Binding Theory in GB theory is
formulated with reference to dominance relations in trees (Chomsky 1981a: 188). If one
assumes that syntactic structure plays a crucial role for the binding of pronouns (see
page 88), then it is possible to make assumptions about syntactic structure based on the
observable binding relations. Binding data have, however, received a very different treat-
ment in various theories. In LFG, constraints on f-structure are used for Binding Theory
(Dalrymple 1993), whereas Binding Theory in HPSG operates on argument structure lists
(valence information that are ordered in a particular way, see Section 9.6.1).
The opposite of Haegemans position is the argumentation for flat structures put for-
ward by Croft (2001: Section 1.6.2). In his Radical Construction Grammar FAQ, Croft
observes that a phrasal construction such as the one in (3a) can be translated into a
Categorial Grammar lexical entry like (3b).
(3) a. [VP V NP ]
b. VP/NP
He claims that a disadvantage of Categorial Grammar is that it only allows for binary-
branching structures and yet there exist constructions with more than two parts (p. 49).
The exact reason why this is a problem is not explained, however. He even acknowledges
himself that it is possible to represent constructions with more than two arguments in
Categorial Grammar. For a ditransitive verb, the entry in Categorial Grammar of English
would take the form of (4):
18.1 Binary branching
(4) ((s\np)/np)/np
If we consider the elementary trees for TAG in Figure 18.2, it becomes clear that it
is equally possible to incorporate semantic information into a flat tree and a binary-
branching tree. The binary-branching tree corresponds to a Categorial Grammar deriva-
tion. In both analyses in Figure 18.2, a meaning is assigned to a head that occurs with a
certain number of arguments. Ultimately, the exact structure required depends on the
kinds of restrictions on structures that one wishes to formulate. In this book, such restric-
tions are not discussed, but we have seen some theories model binding relations with
reference to tree structures. Reflexive pronouns must be bound within a particular local
domain inside the tree. In theories such as LFG and HPSG, these binding restrictions are
formulated without any reference to trees. This means that evidence from binding data
for one of the structures in Figure 18.2 (or for other tree structures) constitutes nothing
more than theory-internal evidence.
Another reason to assume trees with more structure is the possibility to insert adjuncts
on any node. In Chapter 9, an HPSG analysis for German that assumes binary-branching
structures was proposed. With this analysis, it is possible to attach an adjunct to any
node and thereby explain the free ordering of adjuncts in the middle field:
(5) a. [weil] der Mann der Frau das Buch gestern gab
because the man the woman the book yesterday gave
because the man gave the woman the book yesterday
b. [weil] der Mann der Frau gestern das Buch gab
because the man the woman yesterday the book gave
c. [weil] der Mann gestern der Frau das Buch gab
because the man yesterday the woman the book gave
d. [weil] gestern der Mann der Frau das Buch gab
because yesterday the man the woman the book gave
18 Binary branching, locality, and recursion
This analysis is not the only one possible, however. One could also assume an entirely
flat structure where arguments and adjuncts are dominated by one node. Kasper (1994)
suggests this kind of analysis in HPSG (see also Section 5.1.5 for GPSG analyses that make
use of metarules for the introduction of adjuncts). Kasper requires complex relational
constraints that create syntactic relations between elements in the tree and also compute
the semantic contribution of the entire constituent using the meaning of both the verb
and the adjuncts. The analysis with binary-branching structures is simpler than those
with complex relational constraints and in the absence of theory-external evidence for
flat structures should be preferred to the analysis with flat structures. At this point, one
could object that adjuncts in English cannot occur in all positions between arguments
and therefore the binary-branching Categorial Grammar analysis and the TAG analysis
in Figure 18.2 are wrong. This is not correct, however, as it is the specification of adjuncts
with regard to the adjunction site that is crucial in Categorial Grammar. An adverb has
the category (s\np)\(s\np) or (s\np)/(s\np) and can therefore only be combined with con-
stituents that correspond to the VP node in Figure 18.2. In the same way, an elementary
tree for an adverb in TAG can only attach to the VP node (see Figure 12.3 on page 405).
For the treatment of adjuncts in English, binary-branching structures therefore do not
make any incorrect predictions.
18.2 Locality
The question of local accessibility of information has been treated in various ways by
the theories discussed in this book. In the majority of theories, one tries to make infor-
mation about the inner workings of phrases inaccessible for adjacent or higher heads,
that is, glaubt believe in (6) selects a sentential argument but it cannot look inside
this sentential argument.
(6) a. Karl glaubt, dass morgen seine Schwester kommt.
Karl believes that tomorrow his sister comes
Karl believes that his sister is coming tomorrow.
b. Karl glaubt, dass seine Schwester morgen kommt.
Karl believes that his sister tomorrow comes
Thus for example, glauben cannot enforce that the subject of the verb has to begin with a
consonant or that the complementizer has to be combined with a verbal projection start-
ing with an adjunct. In Section 1.5, we saw that it is a good idea to classify constituents in
terms of their distribution and independent of their internal structure. If we are talking
about an NP box, then it is not important what this NP box actually contains. It is only
of importance that a given head wants to be combined with an NP with a particular case
marking. This is called locality of selection.
Various linguistic theories have tried to implement locality of selection. The simplest
form of this implementation is shown by phrase structure grammars of the kind dis-
cussed in Chapter 2. The rule in (17) on page 59, repeated here as (7), states that a ditran-
sitive verb can occur with three noun phrases, each with the relevant case:
18.2 Locality
(7) S NP(Per1,Num1,nom)
Since the symbols for NPs do not have any further internal structure, the verb cannot
require that there has to be a relative clause in an NP, for example. The internal prop-
erties of the NP are not visible to the outside. We have already seen in the discussion
in Chapter 2, however, that certain properties of phrases have to be outwardly visible.
This was the information that was written on the boxes themselves. For noun phrases,
at least information about person, number and case are required in order to correctly
capture their relation to a head. The gender value is important in German as well, since
adverbial phrases such as einer nach dem anderen one after the other have to agree in
gender with the noun they refer to (see example (12) on page 495). Apart from that, in-
formation about the length of the noun phrases is required, in order to determine their
order in a clause. Heavy constituents are normally ordered after lighter ones, and are
also often extraposed (cf. Behaghels Gesetz der wachsenden Glieder Law of increasing
constituents (1909: 139; 1930: 86)).
Theories that strive to be as restrictive as possible with respect to locality therefore
have to develop mechanisms that allow one to only access information that is required
to explain the distribution of constituents. This is often achieved by projecting certain
properties to the mother node of a phrase. In X theory, the part of speech a head be-
longs to is passed up to the maximal projection: if the head is an N, for example, then
the maximal projection is an NP. In GPSG, HPSG and variants of CxG, there are Head
Feature Principles responsible for the projection of features. Head Feature Principles
ensure that an entire group of features, so-called head features, are present on the max-
imal projection of a head. Furthermore, every theory has to be capable of representing
the fact that a constituent can lack one of its parts and this part is then realized via a
long-distance dependency in another position in the clause. As previously discussed on
page 293, there are languages in which complementizers inflect depending on whether
their complement is missing a constituent or not. This means that this property must be
somehow accessible. In GPSG, HPSG and variants of CxG, there are additional groups
of features that are present at every node between a filler and a gap in a long-distance
dependency. In LFG, there is f-structure instead. Using Functional Uncertainty, one can
look for the position in the f-structure where a particular constituent is missing. In GB
theory, movement proceeds cyclically, that is, an element is moved into the specifier of
CP and can be moved from there into the next highest CP. It is assumed in GB theory
that heads can look inside their arguments, at least they can see the elements in the
specifier position. If complementizers can access the relevant specifier positions, then
they can determine whether something is missing from an embedded phrase or not. In
GB theory, there was also an analysis of case assignment in infinitive constructions in
which the case-assigning verb governs into the embedded phrase and assigns case to the
element in SpecIP. Figure 18.3 shows the relevant structure taken from Haegeman (1994:
170). Since the Case Principle is formulated in such a way that only finite I can assign
18 Binary branching, locality, and recursion
Figure 18.3: Analysis of the AcI construction with Exceptional Case Marking
case to the subject (cf. page 107), him does not receive case from I. Instead, it is assumed
that the verb believe assigns case to the subject of the embedded infinitive.
Verbs that can assign case across phrase boundaries are referred to as ECM verbs,
where ECM stands for Exceptional Case Marking. As the name suggests, this instance
of case assignment into a phrase was viewed as an exception. In newer versions of the
theory (e.g., Kratzer 1996: 120123), all case assignment is to specifier positions. For
example, the Voice head in Figure 18.4 on the following page assigns accusative to the
DP in the specifier of VP. Since the Voice head governs into the VP, case assignment to a
run-of-the-mill object in this theory is an instance of exceptional case assignment as well.
The same is true in Adgers version of Minimalism, which was discussed in Chapter 4:
Adger (2010) argues that his theory is more restrictive than LFG or HPSG since it is
only one feature that can be selected by a head, whereas in LFG and HPSG complex
feature bundles are selected. However, the strength of this kind of locality constraint
is weakened by the operation Agree, which allows for nonlocal feature checking. As in
Kratzers proposal, case is assigned nonlocally by little v to the object inside the VP (see
Adger discusses PP arguments of verbs like depend and notes that these verbs need
specific PPs, that is, the form of the preposition in the PP has to be selectable. While
18.2 Locality
DP Voice
Voice VP
this is trivial in Dependency Grammar, where the preposition is selected right away,
the respective information is projected in theories like HPSG and is then selectable at
the PP node. However, this requires that the governing verb can determine at least two
properties of the selected element: its part of speech and the form of the preposition.
This is not possible in Adgers system and he left this for further research. Of course
it would be possible to assume an onP (a phrasal projection of on that has the category
on). Similar solutions have been proposed in Minimalist theories (see Section 4.6.1 on
functional projections), but such a solution would obviously miss the generalization that
all prepositional phrases have something in common, which would not be covered in a
system with atomic categories that are word specific.
In theories such as LFG and HPSG, case assignment takes place locally in constructions
such as those in (8):
Although him, ihn him, er he and den Teich the pond are not semantic arguments
of the finite verbs, they are syntactic arguments (they are raised) and can therefore be
assigned case locally. See Bresnan (1982a: 348349 and Section 8.2) and Pollard & Sag
18 Binary branching, locality, and recursion
(1994: Section 3.5) for an analysis of raising in LFG and HPSG respectively. See Meurers
(1999c), Przepirkowski (1999b), and Mller (2007b: Section 17.4) for case assignment in
HPSG and for its interaction with raising.
There are various phenomena that are incompatible with strict locality and require the
projection of at least some information. For example, there are question tags in English
that must match the subject of the clause with which they are combined:
(9) a. She is very smart, isnt she / * he?
b. They are very smart, arent they?
Bender & Flickinger (1999), Flickinger & Bender (2003) therefore propose making infor-
mation about agreement or the referential index of the subject available on the sentence
node.1 In Sag (2007), all information about phonology, syntax and semantics of the sub-
ject is represented as the value of a feature xarg (external argument). Here, external
argument does not stand for what it does in GB theory, but should be understood in
a more general sense. For example, it makes the possessive pronoun accessible on the
node of the entire NP. Sag (2007) argues that this is needed to force coreference in En-
glish idioms:
(10) a. Hei lost [hisi / *herj marbles].
b. Theyi kept/lost [theiri / *ourj cool].
The use of the xarg feature looks like an exact parallel to accessing the specifier position
as we saw in the discussion of GB. However, Sag proposes that complements of prepo-
sitions in Polish are also made accessible by xarg since there are data suggesting that
higher heads can access elements inside PPs (Przepirkowski 1999a: Section
In Section 10.6.2 about Sign-based Construction Grammar, we already saw that a the-
ory that only makes the reference to one argument available on the highest node of a
projection cannot provide an analysis for idioms of the kind given in (11). This is because
the subject is made available with verbal heads, however, it is the object that needs to
be accessed in sentences such as (11). This means that one has to be able to formulate
constraints affecting larger portions of syntactic structure.
(11) a. Ich glaube, mich / # dich tritt ein Pferd.2
I believes me you kicks a horse
I am utterly surprised.
b. Jonas glaubt, ihn tritt ein Pferd.3
Jonas believes him kicks a horse
Jonas is utterly surprised.
c. # Jonas glaubt, dich tritt ein Pferd.
Jonas believes you kicks a horse
Jonas believes that a horse kicks you.
See also Sag & Pollard (1991: 89).
Richter & Sailer (2009: 311).
3, 06.07.2015.
18.2 Locality
Theories of grammar with extended locality domains do not have any problems with
this kind of data.4 An example for this kind of theory is TAG. In TAG, one can specify
trees of exactly the right size (Abeill 1988; Abeill & Schabes 1989). All the material that
is fixed in an idiom is simply determined in the elementary tree. Figure 18.5 shows the
tree for kick the bucket as it is used in (12a).
(12) a. The cowboys kicked the bucket.
b. Cowboys often kick the bucket.
c. He kicked the proverbial bucket.
kicked D N
the bucket
Since TAG trees can be split up by adjunction, it is possible to insert elements between
the parts of an idiom as in (12b,c) and thus explain the flexibility of idioms with regard to
adjunction and embedding.5 Depending on whether the lexical rules for the passive and
long-distance dependencies can be applied, the idiom can occur in the relevant variants.
4 Or more carefully put: they do not have any serious problems since the treatment of idioms in all their
many aspects is by no means trivial (Sailer 2000).
Interestingly, variants of Embodied CxG are strikingly similar to TAG. The Ditransitive Construction that
was discussed on page 332 allows for additional material to occur between the subject and the verb.
The problems that arise for the semantics construction are also similar. Abeill & Schabes (1989: 9)
assume that the semantics of John kicked the proverbial bucket is computed from the parts John , kick-the-
bucket and proverbial , that is, the added modifiers always have scope over the entire idiom. This is not
adequate for all idioms (Fischer & Keil 1996):
In the idiom in (i), Br bear actually means lie and the adjective has to be interpreted accordingly. The
relevant tree should therefore contain nodes that contribute semantic information and also say something
about the composition of these features.
In the same way, when computing the semantics of noun phrases in TAG and Embodied Construction
Grammar, one should bear in mind that the adjective that is combined with a discontinuous NP Construc-
tion (see page 330) or an NP tree can have narrow scope over the noun (all alleged murderers).
18 Binary branching, locality, and recursion
In cases where the entire idiom or parts of the idiom are fixed, it is possible to rule out
adjunction to the nodes of the idiom tree. Figure 18.6 shows a pertinent example from
Abeill & Schabes (1989: 7). The ban on adjunction is marked by a subscript NA.
takes P NPNA
into NNA
The question that also arises for other theories is whether the efforts that have been
made to enforce locality should be abandoned altogether. In our box model in Section 1.5,
this would mean that all boxes were transparent. Since plastic boxes do not allow all of
the light through, objects contained in multiple boxes cannot be seen as clearly as those
in the topmost box (the path of Functional Uncertainty is longer). This is parallel to a
suggestion made by Kay & Fillmore (1999) in CxG. Kay and Fillmore explicitly represent
all the information about the internal structure of a phrase on the mother node and
therefore have no locality restrictions at all in their theory. In principle, one can motivate
this kind of theory in parallel to the argumentation in Chapter 17. The argument there
made reference to the complexity of the grammatical formalism: the kind of complexity
that the language of description has is unimportant, it is only important what one does
with it. In the same way, one can say that regardless of what kind of information is in
principle accessible, it is not accessed if this is not permitted. This was the approach
taken by Pollard & Sag (1987: 143145).
It is also possible to assume a world in which all the boxes contain transparent areas
where it is possible to see parts of their contents. This is more or less the LFG world: the
information about all levels of embedding contained in the f-structure is visible to both
the inside and the outside. We have already discussed Nordlingers (1998) LFG analysis
of Wambaya on page 300. In Wambaya, words that form part of a noun phrase can be
distributed throughout the clause. For example, an adjective that refers to a noun can
occur in a separate position from it. Nordlinger models this by assuming that an adjective
can make reference to an argument in the f-structure and then agrees with it in terms of
18.2 Locality
case, number and gender. Bender (2008c) has shown that this analysis can be transferred
to HPSG: instead of no longer representing an argument on the mother node after it has
been combined with a head, simply marking the argument as realized allows us to keep it
in the representation (Meurers 1999c; Przepirkowski 1999b; Mller 2007b: Section 17.4).
Detmar Meurers compares both of these HPSG approaches to different ways of working
through a shopping list: in the standard approach taken by Pollard & Sag (1994), one
tears away parts of the shopping list once the relevant item has been found. In the other
case, the relevant item on the list is crossed out. At the end of the shopping trip, one
ends up with a list of what has been bought as well as the items themselves.
I have proposed the crossing-out analysis for depictive predicates in German and En-
glish (Mller 2004a, 2008). Depictive predicates say something about the state of a per-
son or object during the event expressed by a verb:
(13) a. Er sah sie nackt.6
he saw her naked
b. He saw her naked.
In (13), the depictive adjective can either refer to the subject or the object. However, there
is a strong preference for readings where the antecedent noun precedes the depictive
predicate (Ltscher 1985: 208). Figure 18.7 on the following page shows analyses for the
sentences in (14):
(14) a. dass eri die pfelj ungewascheni /j isst
that he the apples unwashed eats
that he eats the apples unwashed
b. dass eri ungewascheni /j die pfelj isst
that he unwashed the apples eats
that he eats the apples (while he is) unwashed
Arguments that have been realized are still represented on the upper nodes, however,
they are crossed-out and thereby marked as realized. In German, this preference for
the antecedent noun can be captured by assuming a restriction that states that the an-
tecedent noun must not yet have been realized.
It is commonly assumed for English that adjuncts are combined with a VP.
(15) a. John [[VP ate the applesi ] unwashedi ].
b. You cant [[VP give themi injections] unconsciousi ].7
In approaches where the arguments of the verb are accessible at the VP node, it is pos-
sible to establish a relation between the depictive predicate and an argument although
the antecedent noun is inside the VP. English differs from German in that depictives can
refer to both realized (them in (15b)) and unrealized (you in (15b)) arguments.
Haider (1985a: 94).
Simpson (2005a: 17).
18 Binary branching, locality, and recursion
V[subcat. 1/ , 2/ ] V[subcat . 1/ , 2/ ]
1 NP[nom]
. V[subcat . 1 , 2/ ] 1 NP[nom]
. V[subcat . 1 , 2/ ]
2 NP[acc]
. V[subcat . 1 , 2 ] AP
. V[subcat . 1 , 2/ ]
. V[subcat. 1 , 2 ] 2 NP[acc]
. V[subcat . 1 , 2 ]
Figure 18.7: Analysis of dass er die pfel ungewaschen isst that he the apples unwashed
eats and dass er ungewaschen die pfel isst that he unwashed the apples eat
Higginbotham (1985: 560) and Winkler (1997) have proposed corresponding non-can-
cellation approaches in GB theory. There are also parallel suggestions in Minimalist the-
ories: checked features are not deleted, but instead marked as already checked (Stabler
2011b: 14). However, these features are still viewed as inaccessible.
Depending on how detailed the projected information is, it can be possible to see ad-
juncts and argument in embedded structures as well as their phonological, syntactic and
semantic properties. In the CxG variant proposed by Kay and Fillmore, all information
is available. In LFG, information about grammatical function, case and similar proper-
ties is accessible. However, the part of speech is not contained in the f-structure. If
the part of speech does not stand in a one-to-one relation to grammatical function, it
cannot be restricted using selection via f-structure. Nor is phonological information rep-
resented completely in the f-structure. If the analysis of idioms requires nonlocal access
to phonological information or part of speech, then this has to be explicitly encoded in
the f-structure (see Bresnan (1982b: 4650) for more on idioms).
In the HPSG variant that I adopt, only information about arguments is projected. Since
arguments are always represented by descriptions of type synsem, no information about
their phonological realization is present. However, there are daughters in the structure
so that it is still possible to formulate restrictions for idioms as in TAG or Construction
Grammar (see Richter & Sailer (2009) for an analysis of the horse example in (11a)).
This may seem somewhat like overkill: although we already have the tree structure, we
are still projecting information about arguments that have already been realized (un-
fortunately these also contain information about their arguments and so on). At this
point, one could be inclined to prefer TAG or LFG since these theories only make use
of one extension of locality: TAG uses trees of arbitrary or rather exactly the necessary
size and LFG makes reference to a complete f-structure. However, things are not quite
18.3 Recursion
that simple: if one wants to create a relation to an argument when adjoining a depictive
predicate in TAG, then one requires a list of possible antecedents. Syntactic factors (e.g.,
reference to dative vs. accusative noun phrases, to argument vs. adjuncts, coordination
of verbs vs. nouns) play a role in determining the referent noun, this cannot be reduced
to semantic relations. Similarly, there are considerably different restrictions for different
kinds of idioms and these cannot all be formulated in terms of restrictions on f-structure
since f-structure does not contain information about parts of speech.
One should bear in mind that some phenomena require reference to larger portions
of structure. The majority of phenomena can be treated in terms of head domains and
extended head domains, however, there are idioms that go beyond the sentence level.
Every theory has to account for this somehow.
18.3 Recursion
Every theory in this book can deal with self-embedding in language as it was discussed
on page 4. The example (2) is repeated here as (16):
(16) that Max thinks [that Julia knows [that Otto claims [that Karl suspects [that Rich-
ard confirms [that Friederike is laughing]]]]]
Most theories capture this directly with recursive phrase structure rules or dominance
schemata. TAG is special with regard to recursion since recursion is factored out of the
trees. The corresponding effects are created by an adjunction operation that allows any
amount of material to be inserted into trees. It is sometimes claimed that Construction
Grammar cannot capture the existence of recursive structure in natural language (e.g.,
Leiss 2009: 269). This impression is understandable since many analyses are extremely
surface-oriented. For example, one often talks of a [Sbj TrVerb Obj] construction. How-
ever, the grammars in question also become recursive as soon as they contain a sentence
embedding or relative clause construction. A sentence embedding construction could
have the form [Sbj that-Verb that-S], where a that-Verb is one that can take a sentential
complement and that-S stands for the respective complement. A that-clause can then
be inserted into the that-S slot. Since this that-clause can also be the result of the appli-
cation of this construction, the grammar is able to produce recursive structures such as
those in (17):
(17) Otto claims [that-S that Karl suspects [that-S that Richard sleeps]].
In (17), both Karl suspects that Richard sleeps and the entire clause are instances of the
[Sbj that-Verb that-S] construction. The entire clause therefore contains an embedded
subpart that is licensed by the same construction as the clause itself. (17) also contains a
constituent of the category that-S that is embedded inside of that-S. For more on recur-
sion and self-embedding in Construction Grammar, see Verhagen (2010).
Similarly, every Construction Grammar that allows a noun to combine with a genitive
noun phrase also allows for recursive structures. The construction in question could have
18 Binary branching, locality, and recursion
the form [Det N NP[gen] ] or [ N NP[gen] ]. The [Det N NP[gen] ] construction licenses
structures such as (18):
(18) [NP des Kragens [NP des Mantels [NP der Vorsitzenden]]]
the collar of.the coat of.the chairwoman
the collar of the coat of the chairwoman
Jurafsky (1996) and Bannard, Lieven & Tomasello (2009) use probabilistic context-free
grammars (PCFG) for a Construction Grammar parser with a focus on psycholinguistic
plausibility and modeling of acquisition. Context-free grammars have no problems with
self-embedding structures like those in (18) and thus this kind of Construction Grammar
itself does not encounter any problems with self-embedding.
Goldberg (1995: 192) assumes that the resultative construction for English has the
following form:
(19) [SUBJ [V OBJ OBL]]
This corresponds to a complex structure as assumed for elementary trees in TAG. LTAG
differs from Goldbergs approach in that every structure requires a lexical anchor, that
is, for example (19), the verb would have to be fixed in LTAG. But in Goldbergs analysis,
verbs can be inserted into independently existing constructions (see Section 21.1). In TAG
publications, it is often emphasized that elementary trees do not contain any recursion.
The entire grammar is recursive however, since additional elements can be added to the
tree using adjunction and as (17) and (18) show insertion into substitution nodes can
also create recursive structures.
19 Empty elements
This chapter deals with empty elements, I first discuss the general attitude of various
research traditions towards empty elements and then show how they can be eliminated
from grammars (Section 19.2). Section 19.3 discusses empty elements that have been
suggested in order to facilitate semantic interpretation. Section 19.4 discusses possible
motivation for empty elements with a special focus on cross-linguistic comparison and
the final Section 19.5 shows that certain accounts with transformations, lexical rules, and
empty elements can be translated into each other.
19.2 Eliminating empty elements from grammars
19 Empty elements
(4) v np, v
v np, pp, v
(5) v np, v
v np, pp, v
v pp, v
This can also lead to cases where all elements on the right-hand side of a rule are re-
moved. Thus, what one has done is actually create a new empty category and then one
has to apply the respective replacement processes again. We will see an example of this
in a moment. Looking at the pair of grammars in (4)(5), it is clear that the number
of rules has increased in (5) compared to (4) despite the grammars licensing the same
sequences of symbols. The fact that an NP argument can be omitted is not expressed
directly in (5) but instead is implicitly contained in two rules.
If one applies this procedure to the HPSG grammar in Chapter 9, then the trace does
not have a specific category such as NP. The trace simply has to be compatible with a
non-head daughter. As the examples in (6) show, adjuncts, arguments and parts of verbal
complexes can be extracted.
(6) a. Eri liest ti die Berichte.
he reads the reports
b. Ofti liest er die Berichte ti nicht.
often reads he the reports not
Often, he does not read the reports.
c. Leseni wird er die Berichte ti mssen.
read will he the reports must
He will have to read the reports.
The relevant elements are combined with their head in a specific schema (Head-Argu-
ment Schema, Head-Adjunct Schema, Predicate Complex Schema). See Chapter 9 for
the first two schemata; the Predicate Complex Schema is motivated in detail in Mller
(2002a: Chapter 2; 2007b: Chapter 15). If one wishes to do without traces, then one needs
further additional schemata for the fronting of adjuncts, of arguments and of parts of
predicate complexes. The combination of a head with a trace is given in Figure 19.1 on
the following page. The trace-less analysis is shown in Figure 19.2 on the following page.
In Figure 19.1, the element in the subcat list of kennen is identified with the synsem value
of the trace 4 . The lexical entry of the trace prescribes that the local value of the trace
should be identical to the element in the inher|slash list.
The Non-Local Feature Principle (page 291) ensures that the slash information is
present on the mother node. Since an argument position gets saturated in Head-Ar-
gument structures, the accusative object is no longer contained in the subcat list of the
mother node.
19.2 Eliminating empty elements from grammars
V[subcat NP[nom] ,
inher|slash 1 ]
4 [loc 1 , V[subcat NP[nom], 4 NP[acc] ]
inher|slash 1 ]
_ liest
V[subcat NP[nom] ,
inher|slash 1 ]
V[subcat NP[nom], NP 1 [acc] ]
Figure 19.2 shows the parallel trace-less structure. The effect that one gets by combin-
ing a trace in argument position in Head-Argument structures is represented directly on
the mother node in Figure 19.2: the local value of the accusative object was identified
with the element in inher|slash on the mother node and the accusative object does not
occur in the valence list any more.
The grammar presented in Chapter 9 contains another empty element: a verb trace.
This would then also have to be eliminated.
Figure 19.3 on the next page shows the combination of a verb trace with an accusative
object. The verb trace is specified such that the dsl value is identical to the local value of
19 Empty elements
V[head|dsl 1 ,
subcat 2 ]
3 NP[acc] V 1 [head|dsl 1 ,
subcat 2 3 NP[acc] ]
die Berichte _
the reports
the trace (see p. 285). Since dsl is a head feature, the corresponding value is also present
on the mother node. Figure 19.4 shows the structures that we get by omitting the empty
node. This structure may look odd at first sight since a noun phrase is projected to a
V[head|dsl V[subcat 2 3 NP[acc] ],
subcat 2 ]
3 NP[acc]
die Berichte
the reports
verb (see page 227 for similar verb-less structures in LFG). The information about the
fact that a verb is missing in the structure is equally contained in this structure as in the
structure with the verb trace. It is the dsl value that is decisive for the contexts in which
the structure in Figure 19.4 can appear. This is identical to the value in Figure 19.3 and
contains the information that a verb that requires an accusative object is missing in the
structure in question. Until now, we have seen that extraction traces can be removed
from the grammar by stipulating three additional rules. Similarly, three new rules are
needed for the verb trace. Unfortunately, it does not stop here as the traces for extraction
and head movement can also interact. For example, the NP in the tree in Figure 19.4
could be an extraction trace. Therefore, the combination of traces can result in more
empty elements that then also have to be eliminated. Since we have three schemata,
we will have three new empty elements if we combine the non-head daughter with an
extraction trace and the head daughter with a verb trace. (8) shows these cases:
19.2 Eliminating empty elements from grammars
Eliminating two empty elements therefore comes at the price of twelve new rules. These
rules are not particularly transparent and it is not immediately obvious why the mother
node describes a linguistic object that follows general grammatical laws. For example,
there are no heads in the structures following the pattern in Figure 19.4. Since there is
no empirical difference between the theoretical variant with twelve additional schemata
19 Empty elements
and the variant with two empty elements, one should prefer the theory that makes fewer
assumptions (Occams Razor) and that is the theory with two empty elements.
One might think that the problem discussed here is just a problem specific to HPSG not
shared by trace-less analyses such as the LFG approach that was discussed in Section 7.5.
If we take a closer look at the rule proposed by Dalrymple (2006: Section 2.2), we see
that the situation in LFG grammars is entirely parallel. The brackets around the category
symbols mark their optionality. The asterisk following the PP means that any number
of PPs (zero or more) can occur in this position.
(11) V (V) (NP) PP*
This means that (11) is a shorthand for rules such as those in (12):
(12) a. V V
b. V V NP
c. V V NP PP
f. V NP
g. V NP PP
Since all the elements on the right-hand side of the rule are optional, the rule in (11) also
stands for (13):
(13) V
Thus, one does in fact have an empty element in the grammar although the empty el-
ement is not explicitly listed in the lexicon. This follows from the optionality of all el-
ements on the right-hand side of a rule. The rule in (12f) corresponds to the schema
licensed by the structure in Figure 19.4. In the licensed LFG structure, there is also no
head present. Furthermore, one has a large number of rules that correspond to exactly
the schemata that we get when we eliminate empty elements from an HPSG grammar.
This fact is, however, hidden in the representational format of the LFG rules. The rule
schemata of LFG allow for handy abbreviations of sometimes huge sets of rules (even
infinite sets when using *).
Pollard (1988) has shown that Steedmans trace-less analysis of long-distance depen-
dencies is not without its problems. As discussed in Section 8.5.3, a vast number of
recategorization rules or lexical entries for relative pronouns are required.
19.3 Empty elements and semantic interpretation
Sentences such as (14) are interesting since they have multiple readings (see Dowty
1979: Section 5.6) and it is not obvious how these can be derived.
(14) dass Max alle Fenster wieder ffnete
that Max all windows again opened
that Max opened all the windows again
There is a difference between a repetitive and a restitutive reading: for the repetitive
reading of (14), Max has to have opened every window at least once before, whereas the
restitutive reading only requires that all windows were open at some point, that is, they
could have been opened by someone else.
These different readings are explained by decomposing the predicate open into at least
two sub-predicates. Egg (1999) suggests the decomposition into CAUSE and open :
(15) CAUSE(x, open (y))
This means that there is a CAUSE operator that has scope over the relation open . Using
this kind of decomposition, it is possible to capture the varying scope of wieder again: in
one of the readings, wieder scopes over CAUSE and it scopes over open but below CAUSE
in the other. If we assume that ffnen has the meaning in (15), then we still have to explain
how the adverb can modify elements of a words meaning, that is, how wieder again can
refer to open . Von Stechow (1996: 93) developed the analysis in Figure 19.5 on the next
page. AgrS and AgrO are functional heads proposed for subject and object agreement in
languages like Basque and have been adopted for German (see Section 4.6). Noun phrases
have to be moved from the VoiceP into the specifier position of the AgrS and AgrO heads
in order to receive case. T stands for Tense and corresponds to Infl in the GB theory (see
Section 3.1.5 and Section 4.1.5). What is important is that there is the Voice head and
the separate representation of offen open as the head of its own phrase. In the figure,
everything below Voice corresponds to the verb ffnen. By assuming a separate Voice
head that contributes causative meaning, it becomes possible to derive both readings in
syntax: in the reading with narrow scope of wieder again, the adverb is adjoined to the
XP and has scope over open(x). In the reading with wide scope, the adverb attaches to
VoiceP or some higher phrase and therefore has scope over CAUSE(BECOME(open(x))).
Jger & Blutner (2003) point out that this analysis predicts that sentences such as (16)
only have the repetitive reading, that is, the reading where wieder again has scope over
(16) dass Max wieder alle Fenster ffnete
that Max again all windows opened
This is because wieder precedes alle Fenster and therefore all heads that are inside VoiceP.
Thus, wieder can only be combined with AgrOP or higher phrases and therefore has (too)
wide scope. (16) does permit a restitutive reading, however: all windows were open at
an earlier point in time and Max reestablishes this state.
Egg (1999) develops an analysis for these wieder cases using Constraint Language for
Lambda-Structures (CLLS). CLLS is an underspecification formalism, that is, no logical
formulae are given but instead expressions that describe logical formulae. Using this kind
19 Empty elements
VoiceP AgrO
DP Voice
Voice VP
19.3 Empty elements and semantic interpretation
windows to be open. It is possible to force this reading if one rules out the first reading
through contextual information (Egg 1999):
(18) Erst war nur die Hlfte der Fenster im Bus auf, aber dann ffnete Max
first was only the half of.the windows in.the bus open but then opened Max
alle Fenster.
all windows
At first, only half of the windows in the bus were open, but then Max opened all
of the windows.
Both readings under discussion here differ with regard to the scope of the universal quan-
tifier. The reading where Max opens all the windows himself corresponds to wide scope
in (19a). The reading where some windows could have already been open corresponds
to (19b):
(19) a. x window (x) CAUSE(max , open (x))
b. CAUSE(max , x window (x) open (x))
Using underspecification, both of these readings can be represented in one dominance
graph such as the one given in Figure 19.6. Each relation in Figure 19.6 has a name that
Figure 19.6: Dominance graph for Max alle Fenster ffnete
one can use to refer to the relation or grasp it. These names are referred to as handle.
The dominance graph states that h0 dominates both h1 and h6 and that h2 dominates
h4, h3 dominates h5, and h7 dominates h5. The exact scopal relations are underspecified:
the universal quantifier can have scope over CAUSE or CAUSE can have scope over the
universal quantifier. Figures 19.7 and 19.8 show the variants of the graph with resolved
scope. The underspecified graph in Figure 19.6 does not say anything about the relation
between h3 and h6. The only thing it says is that h3 somehow has to dominate h5.
In Figure 19.7 every (h3) dominates CAUSE (h6) and CAUSE dominates open (h5). So,
every dominates open indirectly. In Figure 19.8, CAUSE dominates every and every
19 Empty elements
. .
Figure 19.7: Dominance graph for the reading x window(x) CAUSE(max,open(x)).
. .
Figure 19.8: Graph for te reading CAUSE(max, x window(x) open(x)).
dominates open . Again the constraints of Figure 19.6 are fulfilled, but h7 dominates h5
only indirectly.
The fact that the quantifier dominates h4 is determined by the lexical entry of the
quantifier. The fact that the quantifier dominates h5 does not have to be made explicit in
the analysis since the quantifier binds a variable in the relation belonging to h5, namely
x. The dominance relation between h7 and h5 is always determined in the lexicon since
CAUSE and open both belong to the semantic contribution of a single lexical entry.
The exact syntactic theory that one adopts for this analysis is, in the end, not of great
importance. I have chosen HPSG here. As Figure 19.9 on the following page shows,
the analysis of alle Fenster ffnet contains a simple structure with a verb and an object.
This structure does not differ from the one that would be assumed for alle Kinder kennt
all children know, involving the semantically simplex verb kennen to know. The only
19.3 Empty elements and semantic interpretation
V[subcat NP y ,
rels h1:every(x,
h2, h3), h4:window(x), h6:CAUSE(y,h7),
h5:open(x) ,
hcons h0 =q h1, h2 =q h4, h0 =q h6, h7 =q h5 ]
2 NP x [rels h1:every(x,
h2, h3), h4:window(x)
, V[subcat NP y , 2 ,
hcons h0 =q h1, h2 =q h4 ] rels h6:CAUSE(y,h7),
hcons h0 =q h6, h7 =q h5 ]
Det[rels h1:every(x,
h2, h3) , N[rels h4:window(x) ,
hcons h0 =q h1, h2 =q h4 ] hcons ]
difference comes from the meaning of the individual words involved. As shown in Sec-
tion 9.1.6, relations between individual words are passed on upwards. The same happens
with scopal restrictions. These are also represented in lists. hcons stands for handle
constraints. =q in h0 =q h6 stand for the equality modulo quantifier scope.
Egg lists the following readings for the sentence in (16) repeated here as (20):
(20) dass Max wieder alle Fenster ffnete
that Max again all windows opened
that Max opened all the windows again
1. Max opened every window and he had already done that at least once for each
window (again ((CAUSE(open))); repetitive)
2. Max caused every window to be open and he had done that at least once before
(again (CAUSE((open))); repetitive)
3. At some earlier point in time, all windows were simultaneously open and Max
re-established this state (CAUSE(again ((open))); restitutive)
These readings correspond to the dominance graph in Figure 19.10 on the following page.
Figure 19.11 on the next page shows the graph for (14) repeated here as (21):
(21) dass Max alle Fenster wieder ffnete
that Max all windows again opened
To derive these dominance graphs from the ones without wieder again, all one has
to do is add the expression h8:again(h9) and the dominance requirements that demand
that h9 dominates quantifiers occurring to the right of wieder and that it is dominated
by quantifiers to the left of wieder.
19 Empty elements
. .
. .
Figure 19.10: Dominance graph for Max wieder alle Fenster ffnete that Max opened all
the windows again
. .
Figure 19.11: Dominance graph for Max alle Fenster wieder ffnete that Max opened all
the windows again
19.4 Evidence for empty elements
19 Empty elements
languages with free constituent order. If the direction of combination is not fixed in the
lexicon, then the lexical item can occur in a number of trees. If we compare lexical rules
that can be applied to this kind of lexical items with transformations, we see that lexical
rules create relations between different sets of trees.
In HPSG analyses, this works in a similar way: lexical rules relate lexical items with
differing valence properties to each other. In HPSG grammars of English, there is nor-
mally a schema that licenses a VP containing the verb and all its complements as well
as a schema that connects the subject to the VP (Pollard & Sag 1994: 39). In the lexical
items for finite verbs, it is already determined what the tree will look like in the end. As
in Categorial Grammar, adjuncts in HPSG can be combined with various intermediate
projections. Depending on the dominance schemata used in a particular grammar, the
lexical item will determine the constituent structure in which it can occur or allow for
multiple structures. In the grammar of German proposed in Chapter 9, it is possible to
analyze six different sequences with a lexical item for a ditransitive verb, that is, the lex-
ical item can putting adjuncts aside occur in six different structures with verb-final
order. Two sequences can be analyzed with the passive lexical item, which only has two
arguments. As in Categorial Grammar, sets of licensed structures are related to other
sets of licensed structures. In HPSG theorizing and also in Construction Grammar, there
have been attempts to replace lexical rules with other mechanisms since their status
is dubious and their interaction with other analyses is controversial (Bouma, Malouf
& Sag 2001a: 19). Bouma et al. (2001a) propose an analysis for extraction that, rather
than connecting lexical items with differing valence lists, establishes a relation between
a subset of a particular list in a lexical item and another list in the same lexical item. The
results of the two alternative analyses are shown in (22) and (23), respectively:
[ ]
subcat NP[nom], NP[acc]
(22) a.
[ ]
subcat NP[nom]
slash NP[acc]
In (22), (22a) is the basic entry and (22b) is related to (22a) via a lexical rule. The alterna-
tive analysis would only involve specifying the appropriate value of the arg-st feature3
and the subcat and slash value is then derived from the arg-st value using the relevant
constraints. (23) shows two of the licensed lexical items.
arg-st NP[nom], NP[acc]
(23) a. subcat NP[nom], NP[acc]
arg-st NP[nom], NP[acc]
b. subcat NP[nom]
slash NP[acc]
arg-st stands for Argument Structure. The value of arg-st is a list containing all the arguments of a head.
For more on arg-st, see Section 9.6.1.
19.5 Transformations, lexical rules, and empty elements
If we want to eliminate lexical rules entirely in this way, then we would require an
additional feature for each change.4 Since there are many interacting valence-chang-
ing processes, things only work out with the stipulation of a large number of auxiliary
features. The consequences of assuming such analyses have been discussed in detail
in Mller (2007b: Section The problems that arise are parallel for inheritance-
based approaches for argument structure-changing processes: they also require auxil-
iary features since it is not possible to model embedding and multiple changes of valence
information with inheritance. See Section 10.2.
Furthermore, the claim that the status of lexical rules is dubious must be rejected:
there are worked-out formalizations of lexical rules (Meurers 2001; Copestake & Briscoe
1992; Lascarides & Copestake 1999) and their interaction with other analyses is not con-
troversial. Most HPSG implementations make use of lexical rules and the interaction of a
number of rules and constraints can be easily verified by experiments with implemented
Jackendoff (1975) presents two possible conceptions of lexical rules: in one variant,
the lexicon contains all words in a given language and there are just redundancy rules
saying something about how certain properties of lexical entries behave with regard to
properties of other lexical entries. For example, les- read- and lesbar readable would
both have equal status in the lexicon. In the other way of thinking of lexical rules, there
are a few basic lexical entries and the others are derived from these using lexical rules.
The stem les- read- would be the basic entry and lesbar would be derived from it. In
HPSG, the second of the two variants is more often assumed. This is equivalent to the
assumption of unary rules. In Figure 9.8 on page 281, this has been shown accordingly:
the verb kennt knows is mapped by a lexical rule to a verb that selects the projection
of an empty verbal head. With this conception of lexical rules, it is possible to remove
lexical rules from the grammar by assuming binary-branching structures with an empty
head rather than unary rules. For example, in HPSG analyses of resultative constructions
such as (24), lexical rules have been proposed (Verspoor 1997; Wechsler 1997; Wechsler
& Noh 2001; Mller 2002a: Chapter 5).
(24) [dass] Peter den Teich leer fischt
that Peter the pond empty fishes
that Peter fishes the pond empty
In my own analysis, a lexical rule connects a verb used intransitively to a verb that
selects an accusative object and a predicate. Figure 19.12 on the following page shows
the corresponding tree. If we consider what (24) means, then we notice that the fishing
act causes the pond to become empty. This causation is not contained in any of the basic
lexical items for the words in (24). In order for this information to be present in the
semantic representation of the entire expression, it has to be added by means of a lexical
rule. The lexical rule says: if a verb is used with an additional predicate and accusative
object, then the entire construction has a causative meaning.
Alternatively, one could assume a very complex relation that connects arg-st and subcat. But this would
then have to deliver the result of an interaction of a number of phenomena and the interaction of these
phenomena would not be captured in a transparent way.
19 Empty elements
V[subcat ]
NP[nom] V[subcat NP[nom] ]
NP[acc] V[subcat NP[nom], NP[acc] ]
Adj V[subcat NP[nom], NP[acc], Adj ]
V[subcat NP[nom] ]
Figure 19.13 on the following page shows how a lexical rule can be replaced by an
empty head. The empty head requires the intransitive verb and additionally an adjec-
tive, an accusative object and a subject. The subject of fischt fishes must of course be
identical to the subject that is selected by the combination of fischt and the empty head.
This is not shown in the figure. It is possible, however, to establish this identity (see
Hinrichs & Nakazawa 1994). The causative semantics is contributed by the empty head
in this analysis. The trick that is being implemented here is exactly what was done in
Section 19.2, just in the opposite direction: in the previous section, binary-branching
structures with an empty daughter were replaced by unary-branching structures. In this
section, we have replaced unary-branching structures with binary-branching structures
with an empty daughter.5
We have therefore seen that certain transformations can be replaced by lexical rules
and also that lexical rules can be replaced by empty heads. The following chapter deals
with the question of whether phenomena like extraction, scrambling, and passive should
be described with the same tool as in GB/Minimalism or with different tools as in LFG
and HPSG.
Here, we are discussing lexical rules, but this transformation trick can also be applied to other unary rules.
Semanticists often use such rules for type shifting. For example, a rule that turns a referential NP such as
a trickster in (i.a) into a predicative one (i.b) (Partee 1987).
These changes can be achieved by a unary rule that is applied to an NP or with a special empty head that
takes an NP as its argument. In current Minimalist approaches, empty heads are used (Ramchand 2005:
370), in Categorial Grammar and HPSG unary-branching rules are more common (Flickinger 2008: 9192;
Mller 2009c, 2012a).
V[subcat ]
NP[nom] V[subcat NP[nom] ]
NP[acc] V[subcat NP[nom], NP[acc] ]
Adj [subcat NP[nom], NP[acc], Adj ]
V[subcat NP[nom] ] V[subcat NP[nom], NP[acc], Adj, V[subcat NP[nom] ] ]
19.5 Transformations, lexical rules, and empty elements
20 Extraction, scrambling, and passive:
one or several descriptive devices?
An anonymous reviewer suggested discussing one issue in which transformational theo-
ries differ from theories like LFG and HPSG. The reviewer claimed that Transformational
Grammars use just one tool for the description of active/passive alternations, scrambling,
and extraction, while theories like LFG and HPSG use different techniques for all three
phenomena. If this claim were correct and if the analyses made correct predictions, the
respective GB/Minimalism theories would be better than their competitors, since the
general aim in science is to develop theories that need a minimal set of assumptions.
I already commented on the analysis of passive in GB in Section 3.4, but I want to ex-
tend this discussion here and include a Minimalist analysis and one from Dependency
The task of any passive analysis is to explain the difference in argument realization in
examples like (1):
(1) a. She beats him.
b. He was beaten.
In these examples about chess, the accusative object of beat is realized as the nominative
in (1b). In addition, it can be observed that the position of the elements is different: while
him is realized postverbally in object position in (1a), it is realized preverbally in (1b). In
GB this is explained by a movement analysis. It is assumed that the object does not get
case in passive constructions and hence has to move into the subject position where
case is assigned by the finite verb. This analysis is also assumed in Minimalist work as
in David Adgers textbook (2003), for instance. Figure 20.1 on the following page shows
his analysis of (2):
(2) Jason was killed.
TP stands for Tense Phrase and corresponds to the IP that was discussed in Chapter 3.
PassP is a functional head for passives. vP is a special category for the analysis of verb
phrases that was originally introduced for the analysis of ditransitives (Larson 1988) and
VP is the normal VP that consists of verb and object. In Adgers analysis, the verb kill
moves from the verb position in VP to the head position of v, the passive auxiliary be
moves from the head position of PassP to the head position of the Tense Phrase. Features
like Infl are checked in combination with such movements. The exact implementation
of these checking and valuing operations does not matter here. What is important is
that Jason moves from the object position to a position that was formerly known as the
20 Extraction, scrambling, and passive: one or several descriptive devices?
Jason T [uN*]
T[past,nom] PassP
be[Pass,uInfl:past*] T[past] be vP
v VP
kill v[uInfl:Pass] kill Jason
Figure 20.1: Adgers Minimalist movement-based analysis of the passive (p. 231)
specifier position of T (see Footnote 26 on page 156 on the notion of specifier). All these
analyses assume that the participle cannot assign accusative to its object and that the
object has to move to another position to get case or check features. How exactly one can
formally represents the fact that the participle cannot assign case is hardly ever made
explicit in the GB literature. The following is a list of statements that can be found in the
(3) a. We shall assume that a passivized verb loses the ability to assign structural
ACCUSATIVE case to its complement. (Haegeman 1994: 183)
b. das Objekt des Aktivsatzes wird zum Subjekt des Passivsatzes, weil die pas-
sivische Verbform keinen Akkusativ-Kasus regieren kann (Akk-Kasus-Absorp-
tion). (Lohnstein 2014: 172)
In addition, it is sometimes said that the external theta-role is absorbed by the verb mor-
phology (Jaeggli 1986; Haegeman 1994: 183). Now, what would it entail if we made this
explicit? There is some lexical item for verbs like beat. The active form has the ability
to assign accusative to its object, but the passive form does not. Since this is a property
that is shared by all transitive verbs (by definition of the term transitive verb), this is
some regularity that has to be captured. One way to capture this is the assumption of a
special passive morpheme that suppresses the agent and changes something in the case
specification of the stem it attaches too. How this works in detail was never made ex-
plicit. Let us compare this morpheme-based analysis with lexical rule-based analyses: as
was explained in Section 19.5, empty heads can be used instead of lexical rules in those
cases in which the phonological form of the input and the output do not differ. So for ex-
ample, lexical rules that license additional arguments as in resultative constructions, for
instance, can be replaced by an empty head. However, as was explained in Section 9.2,
lexical rules are also used to model morphology. This is also true for Construction Gram-
mar (see Gert Booijs work on Construction Morphology (2010), which is in many ways
similar to Riehemanns work in HPSG (1993; 1998)). In the case of the passive lexical rule,
the participle morphology is combined with the stem and the subject is suppressed in
the corresponding valence list. This is exactly what is described in the GB/MP literature.
The respective lexical rule for the analysis of ge-lieb-t loved is depicted in Figure 20.2
to the left. The morpheme-based analysis is shown to the right. To keep things simple, I
[ phon ge 1 t] V-Aff V-Stem V-Aff
[ phon 1 ] ge t
assume a flat analysis, but those who insist on binary branching structures would have
to come up with a way of deciding whether the ge- or the -t is combined first with the
stem and in which way selection and percolation of features takes place. Independent
of how morphology is done, the fact that the inflected form (the top node in both fig-
ures) has different properties than the verb stem has to be represented somehow. In
the morpheme-based world, the morpheme is responsible for suppressing the agent and
changing the case assignment properties, in the lexical rule/construction world this is
done by the respective lexical rule. There is no difference in terms of needed tools and
necessary stipulations.
The situation in Minimalist theories is a little bit different. For instance, (Adger 2003:
229, 231) writes the following:
Passives are akin to unaccusatives, in that they do not assign accusative case to
their object, and they do not appear to have a thematic subject. [] Moreover, the
idea that the function of this auxiliary is to select an unaccusative little vP simul-
taneously explains the lack of accusative case and the lack of a thematic subject.
(Adger 2003: 229, 231)
So this is an explicit statement. The relation between a stem and a passive participle form
that was assumed in GB analyses is now a verb stem that is combined with two different
versions of little v. Which v is chosen is determined by the governing head, a functional
Perf head or a Pass head. This can be depicted as in Figure 20.3 on the following page.
When kill is used in the perfect or the passive, it is spelled out as killed. If it is used
in the active with a 3rd person singular subject it is spelled out as kills. This can be
compared with a lexical analysis, for instance the one assumed in HPSG. The analysis
is shown in Figure 20.4 on the next page. The left figure shows a lexical item that is
licensed by a lexical rule that is applied to the stem kill-. The stem has two elements in
its argument structure list and for the active forms the complete argument structure list
20 Extraction, scrambling, and passive: one or several descriptive devices?
DP v vP
v[uD] VP v VP
Figure 20.3: Analysis of the passive and the perfect and the passive in a Minimalist theory
involving two different versions of little v
V[spr 1 , V[spr 2 ,
comps 2 , comps ,
arg-st 1 NP[str], 2 NP[str] ] arg-st 2 NP[str] ]
V[arg-st 1 NP[str], 2 NP[str] ] V[arg-st 1 NP[str], 2 NP[str] ]
Figure 20.4: Lexical rule-based analysis of the perfect and the passive in HPSG
is shared between the licensed lexical item and the stem. The first element of the arg-st
list is mapped to spr and the other elements to comps (in English). Passive is depicted
in the right figure: the first element of the arg-st with structural case is suppressed and
since the element that was the second element in the arg-st list of the stem ( 2 ) is now
the first element, this item is mapped to spr. See Section 9.2 for passive in HPSG and
Section 9.6.1 for comments on arg-st and the differences between German and English.
The discussion of Figures 20.3 and 20.4 are a further illustration of a point made in Sec-
tion 19.5: lexical rules can be replaced by empty heads and vice versa. While HPSG says
there are stems that are related to inflected forms and corresponding to the inflection the
arguments are realized in a certain way, Minimalist theories assume two variants of little
v that differ in their selection of arguments. Now, the question is: are there empirical
differences between the two approaches? I think there are differences if one considers
the question of language acquisition. What children can acquire from data is that there
are various inflected forms and that they are related somehow. What remains question-
able is whether they really would be able to detect empty little vs. One could claim of
course that children operate with chunks of structures such as the ones in Figure 20.3.
But then a verb would be just a chunk consisting of little v and V and having some open
slots. This would be indistinguishable from what the HPSG analysis assumes.
As far as the lexical rules as additional tool aspect is concerned, the discussion is
closed, but note that the standard GB/Minimalism analyses differ in another way from
LFG and HPSG analyses, since they assume that passive has something to do with move-
ment, that is, they assume that the same mechanisms are used that are used for nonlocal
dependencies.1 This works for languages like English in which the object has to be real-
ized in postverbal position in the active and in preverbal position in the passive, but it
fails for languages like German in which the order of constituents is more free. Lenerz
(1977: Section 4.4.3) discussed the examples in (44) on page 109 which are repeated
here as (4) for convenience:
(4) a. weil das Mdchen dem Jungen den Ball schenkt
because the girl the.dat boy the.acc Ball gives
because the girl gives the ball to the boy
b. weil dem Jungen der Ball geschenkt wurde
because the.dat boy the.nom ball given was
c. weil der Ball dem Jungen geschenkt wurde
because the.nom ball the.dat boy given was
because the ball was given to the boy
While both orders in (4b) and (4c) are possible, the one with dativenominative order
in (4b) is the unmarked one. There is a strong linearization preference in German de-
manding that animate NPs be serialized before inanimate ones (Hoberg 1981: 46). This
linearization rule is unaffected by passivization. Theories that assume that passive is
movement either have to assume that the passive of (4a) is (4c) and (4b) is derived from
(4c) by a further reordering operation (which would be implausible since usually one
assumes that more marked constructions require more transformations), or they would
have to come up with other explanations for the fact that the subject of the passive sen-
tence has the same position as the object in active sentences. As was already explained in
Section 3.4, one such explanation is to assume an empty expletive subject that is placed
in the position where nominative is assigned and to somehow connect this expletive el-
ement to the subject in object position. While this somehow works, it should be clear
that the price for rescuing a movement-based analysis of passive is rather high: one has
to assume an empty expletive element, that is, something that neither has a form nor a
meaning. The existence of such an object could not be inferred from the input unless it
is assumed that the structures in which it is assumed are given. Thus, a rather rich UG
would have to be assumed.
The question one needs to ask here is: why does the movement-based analysis have
these problems and why does the valence-based analysis not have them? The cause
of the problem is that the analysis of the passive mixes two things: the fact that SVO
languages like English encode subjecthood positionally, and the fact that the subject is
suppressed in passives. If these two things are separated the problem disappears. The fact
that the object of the active sentence in (1a) is realized as the subject in (1b) is explained
1 There is another option in Minimalist theories. Since Agree can check features nonlocally, T can assign
nominative to an embedded element. So, in principle the object may get nominative in the VP without
moving to T. However, Adger (2003: 368) assumes that German has a strong EPP feature on T, so that
the underlying object has to move to the specifier of T. This is basically the old GB analysis of passive in
German with all its conceptual problems and disadvantages.
20 Extraction, scrambling, and passive: one or several descriptive devices?
by the assumption that the first NP on the argument structure list with structural case
is realized as subject and mapped to the respective valence feature: spr in English. Such
mappings can be language specific (see Section 9.6.1 and Mller (2016a) where I discuss
Icelandic, which is an SVO language with subjects with lexical case).
In what follows, I discuss another set of examples that are sometimes seen as evidence
for a movement-based analysis. The examples in (5) are instances of the so-called remote
passive (Hhle 1978: 175176).2
(5) a. da er auch von mir zu berreden versucht wurde3
that he.nom also from me to persuade tried got
that an attempt to persuade him was also made by me
b. weil der Wagen oft zu reparieren versucht wurde
because the car.nom often to repair tried was
because many attempts were made to repair the car
What is interesting about these examples is that the subject is the underlying object of a
deeply embedded verb. This seems to suggest that the object is extracted out of the verb
phrase. So the analysis of (5b) would be (6):
(6) weil [IP der Wageni [VP oft [VP [VP [VP _i zu reparieren] versucht] wurde]
because the car.nom often to repair tried was
While this is a straight-forward explanation of the fact that (5b) is grammatical, another
explanation is possible as well. In the HPSG analysis of German (and Dutch) it is assumed
that verbs like those in (5b) form a verbal complex, that is, zu reparieren versucht wurde
to repair tried was forms one unit. When two or more verbs form a complex, the highest
verb attracts the arguments from the verb it embeds (Hinrichs & Nakazawa 1989b, 1994;
Bouma & van Noord 1998). A verb like versuchen to try selects a subject, an infinitive
with zu to and all complements that are selected by this infinitive. In the analysis of
(7), versuchen to try selects for its subject, the object of reparieren to repair and for the
verb zu reparieren to repair.
(7) weil er den Wagen zu reparieren versuchen will
because he.nom the.acc car to repair try wants
because he wants to try to repair the car
Now if the passive lexical rule applies to versuch-, it suppresses the first argument of
versuch- with structural case, which is the subject of versuch-. The next argument of
versuch- is the object of zu reparieren. Since this element is the first NP with structural
case, it gets nominative as in (5b). So, this shows that there is an analysis of the remote
passive that does not rely on movement. Since movement-based analyses were shown to
be problematic and since there are no data that cannot be explained without movement,
analyses without movement have to be preferred.
2 See Mller (2002a: Section and Wurmbrand (2003b) for corpus examples.
3 Oppenrieder (1991: 212).
This leaves us with movement-based accounts of local reordering (scrambling). The
reviewer suggested that scrambling, passive, and nonlocal extraction may be analyzed
with the same mechanism. It was long thought that scope facts made the assumption of
movement-based analyses of scrambling necessary, but it was pointed out by Kiss (2001:
146) and Fanselow (2001: Section 2.6) that the reverse is true: movement-based accounts
of scrambling make wrong predictions with regard to available quantifier scopings. I
discussed the respective examples in Section 3.5 already and will not repeat the discus-
sion here. The conclusion that has to be drawn from this is that passive, scrambling,
and long distance extraction are three different phenomena that should be treated dif-
ferently. The solution for the analysis of the passive that is adopted in HPSG is based on
an analysis by Haider (1986a), who worked within the GB framework. The scrambling-
as-base generation approach to local reordering that was used in HPSG right from the
beginning (Gunji 1986) is also adopted by some practitioners of GB/Minimalism, e.g.,
Fanselow (2001).
Having discussed the analyses in GB/Minimalism, I now turn to Dependency Gram-
mar. Gro & Osborne (2009) suggest that w-fronting, topicalization, scrambling, extra-
position, splitting, and also the remote passive should be analyzed by what they call
rising. The concept was already explained in Section 11.5. The Figures 20.5 and 20.6 show
examples for the fronting and the scrambling of an object. Gro and Osborne assume
Figure 20.5: Analysis of Die Idee wird jeder verstehen. Everybody will understand the
idea. involving rising
that the object depends on the main verb in sentences with auxiliary verbs, while the
subject depends on the auxiliary. Therefore, the object die Idee the idea and the object
sich himself have to rise to the next higher verb in order to keep the structures projec-
tive. Figure 20.7 on the following page shows the analysis of the remote passive. The
object of zu reparieren to repair rises to the auxiliary wurde was.
Gro and Osborne use the same mechanism for all these phenomena, but it should be
clear that there have to be differences in the exact implementation. Gro and Osborne
say that English does not have scrambling, while German does. If this is to be captured,
there must be a way to distinguish the two phenomena, since if this were not possible,
one would predict that English has scrambling as well, since both German and English
20 Extraction, scrambling, and passive: one or several descriptive devices?
Adv N N V
Figure 20.6: Analysis of Gestern hat sich der Spieler verletzt. Yesterday, the player injured
himself. involving rising of the object of the main verb verletzt injured
Det V
Figure 20.7: Analysis of the remote passive dass der Wagen zu reparieren versucht wurde
that it was tried to repair the car involving rising
allow long distance fronting. Gro & Osborne (2009: 58) assume that object nouns that
rise must take the nominative. But if the kind of rising that they assume for remote
passives is identical to the one that they assume for scrambling, they would predict that
den Wagen gets nominative in (8) as well:
(8) dass den Wagen niemand repariert hat
that the.acc car nobody.nom repaired has
that nobody repaired the car
Since den Wagen the car and repariert repaired are not adjacent, den Wagen has to
rise to the next higher head in order to allow for a projective realization of elements.
So in order to assign case properly, one has to take into account the arguments that
are governed by the head to which a certain element rises. Since the auxiliary hat has
already governs a nominative, the NP den Wagen has to be realized in the accusative.
An analysis that assumes that both the accusative and nominative depend on hat has
in (8) is basically the verbal complex analysis assumed in HPSG and some GB variants.
Note, however, that this does not extend to nonlocal dependencies. Case is assigned
locally by verbs or verbal complexes, but not to elements that come from far away. The
long distance extraction of NPs is more common in southern variants of German and
there are only a few verbs that do not take a nominative argument themselves. The
examples below involve dnken to think, which governs an accusative and a sentential
object and scheinen to seem, which governs a dative and a sentential object. If (9a) is
analyzed with den Wagen rising to dnkt, one might expect that den Wagen the car gets
nominative since there is no other element in the nominative. However, (8b) is entirely
Similarly there is no agreement between the fronted element and the verb to which it
(10) a. Mir scheint, dass die Wagen ihm gefallen.
me.dat.1pl seems.3sg that the cars.3pl him please.3pl
He seems to me to like the cars.
b. Die Wagen scheint mir, dass ihm gefallen.
the cars.3pl seem.3sg me.dat that him please.3pl
The cars, he seems to me to like.
c. * Die Wagen scheinen mir, dass ihm gefllt.
the cars.3pl seem.3pl me.dat that him pleases.3sg
d. * Die Wagen scheinen mir, dass ihm gefallen.
the cars.3pl seem.3pl me.dat that him please.3pl
This shows that scrambling/remote passive and extraction should not be dealt with by
the same mechanism or if they are dealt with by the same mechanism one has to make
sure that there are specialized variants of the mechanism that take the differences into
account. I think what Gro and Osborne did is simply recode the attachment relations of
phrase structure grammars. die Idee the idea has some relation to wird jeder verstehen
will everybody understand in Figure 20.5, as it does in GB, LFG, GPSG, HPSG, and other
similar frameworks. In HPSG, die Idee the idea is the filler in a filler-head configuration.
The remote passive and local reorderings of arguments of auxiliaries, modal verbs, and
other verbs that behave similarly are explained by verbal complex formation where all
non-verbal arguments depend on the highest verb (Hinrichs & Nakazawa 1994).
20 Extraction, scrambling, and passive: one or several descriptive devices?
Concluding this chapter, it can be said that local reorderings and long-distance depen-
dencies are two different things that should be described with different tools (or there
should be further constraints that differ for the respective phenomena when the same
tool is used). Similarly, movement-based analyses of the passive are problematic since
passive does not necessarily imply reordering.
21 Phrasal vs. lexical analyses
coauthored with Stephen Wechsler
This section deals with a rather crucial aspect when it comes to the comparison of
the theories described in this book: valence and the question whether sentence struc-
ture, or rather syntactic structure in general, is determined by lexical information or
whether syntactic structures have an independent existence (and meaning) and lexical
items are just inserted into them. Roughly speaking, frameworks like GB/Minimalism,
LFG, CG, HPSG, and DG are lexical, while GPSG and Construction Grammar (Goldberg
1995, 2003a; Tomasello 2003, 2006b; Croft 2001) are phrasal approaches. This catego-
rization reflects tendencies, but there are non-lexical approaches in Minimalism (Borers
exoskeletal approach, 2003) and LFG (Alsina 1996; Asudeh et al. 2008, 2013) and there
are lexical approaches in Construction Grammar (Sign-Based Construction Grammar,
see Section 10.6.2). The phrasal approach is wide-spread also in frameworks like Cogni-
tive Grammar (Dbrowska 2001; Langacker 2009: 169) and Simpler Syntax (Culicover &
Jackendoff 2005; Jackendoff 2008) that could not be discussed in this book.
The question is whether the meaning of an utterance like (1a) is contributed by the
verb give and the structure needed for the NPs occurring together with the verb does
not contribute any meaning or whether there is a phrasal pattern [X Verb Y Z] that
contributes some ditransitive meaning whatever this may be.1
(1) a. Peter gives Mary the book.
b. Peter fishes the pond empty.
Similarly, there is the question of how the constituents in (1b) are licensed. This sentence
is interesting since it has a resultative meaning that is not part of the meaning of the verb
fish: Peters fishing causes the pond to become empty. Nor is this additional meaning
part of the meaning of any other item in the sentence. On the lexical account, there
is a lexical rule that licenses a lexical item that selects for Peter, the pond, and empty.
This lexical item also contributes the resultative meaning. On the phrasal approach, it is
1 Note that the prototypical meaning is a transfer of possession in which Y receives Z from X, but the reverse
holds in (i.b):
assumed that there is a pattern [Subj V Obj Obl]. This pattern contributes the resultative
meaning, while the verb that is inserted into this pattern just contributes its prototypical
meaning, e.g., the meaning that fish would have in an intransitive construction. I call
such phrasal approaches plugging approaches, since lexical items are plugged into ready-
made structures that do most of the work.
In what follows I will examine these proposals in more detail and argue that the lexical
approaches to valence are the correct ones. The discussion will be based on earlier work
of mine (Mller 2006, 2007c, 2010b) and work that I did together with Steve Wechsler
(Mller & Wechsler 2014a,b). Some of the sections in Mller & Wechsler (2014a) started
out as translations of Mller (2013b), but the material was reorganized and refocused
due to intensive discussion with Steve Wechsler. So rather than using a translation of
Section 11.11 of Mller (2013b), I use parts of Mller & Wechsler (2014a) here and add
some subsections that had to be left out of the article due to space restrictions (Subsec-
tions 21.3.6 and 21.7.3). Because there have been misunderstandings in the past (e.g., Boas
(2014), see Mller & Wechsler (2014b)), a disclaimer is necessary here: this section is not
an argument against Construction Grammar. As was mentioned above Sign-Based Con-
struction Grammar is a lexical variant of Construction Grammar and hence compatible
with what I believe to be correct. This section is also not against phrasal constructions
in general, since there are phenomena that seem to be best captured with phrasal con-
structions. These are discussed in detail in Subsection 21.10. What I will argue against in
the following subsections is a special kind of phrasal construction, namely phrasal argu-
ment structure constructions (phrasal ASCs). I believe that all phenomena that have to
do with valence and valence alternations should be treated lexically.
21.1 Some putative advantages of phrasal models
include many different kinds of specific linguistic symbols. But never are they
empty rules devoid of semantic content or communicative function. (Tomasello
2003: 100)
Thus constructions are said to differ from grammatical rules in two ways: they must
carry meaning; and they reflect the actual patterns of usage fairly directly.
Consider first the constraint that every element of the grammar must carry meaning,
which we call the semiotic dictum. Do lexical or phrasal theories hew the most closely
to this dictum? Categorial Grammar, the paradigm of a lexical theory (see Chapter 8),
is a strong contender: it consists of meaningful words, with only a few very general
combinatorial rules such as X/Y Y = X. Given the rule-to-rule assumption, those com-
binatorial rules specify the meaning of the whole as a function of the parts. Whether
such a rule counts as meaningful in itself in Tomasellos sense is not clear.
What does seem clear is that the combinatorial rules of Construction Grammar, such
as Goldbergs Correspondence Principle for combining a verb with a construction (1995:
50), have the same status as those combinatorial rules:
(2) The Correspondence Principle: each participant that is lexically profiled and ex-
pressed must be fused with a profiled argument role of the construction. If a verb
has three profiled participant roles, then one of them may be fused with a non-
profiled argument role of a construction. (Goldberg 1995: 50)
Both verbs and constructions are specified for participant roles, some of which are pro-
filed. Argument profiling for verbs is lexically determined and highly conventionalized
(Goldberg 1995: 46). Profiled argument roles of a construction are mapped to direct gram-
matical functions, i. e., SUBJ, OBJ, or OBJ2. By the Correspondence Principle the lexically
profiled argument roles must be direct, unless there are three of them, in which case one
may be indirect.2 With respect to the semiotic dictum, the Correspondence Principle has
the same status as the Categorial Grammar combinatorial rules: a meaningless algebraic
rule that specifies the way to combine meaningful items.
Turning now to the lexicalist syntax we favor, some elements abide by the semiotic
dictum while others do not. Phrase structure rules for intransitive and transitive VPs (or
the respective HPSG ID schema) do not. Lexical valence structures clearly carry meaning
since they are associated with particular verbs. In an English ditransitive, the first object
expresses the role of intended recipient of the referent of the second object. Hence He
carved her a toy entails that he carved a toy with the intention that she receive it. So the
lexical rule that adds a benefactive recipient argument to a verb adds meaning. Alter-
natively, a phrasal ditransitive construction might contribute that recipient meaning.3
Which structures have meaning is an empirical question for us.
In Construction Grammar, however, meaning is assumed for all constructions a pri-
ori. But while the ditransitive construction plausibly contributes meaning, no truth-
We assume that the second sentence of (2) provides for exceptions to the first sentence.
In Section 21.2.1 we argue that the recipient should be added in the lexical argument structure, not through a
phrasal construction. See Wechsler (1991: 111113; 1995: 8889) for an analysis of English ditransitives with
elements of both constructional and lexical approaches. It is based on Kiparskys notion of a thematically
restricted positional linker (1987; 1988).
21 Phrasal vs. lexical analyses
conditional meaning has yet been discovered for either the intransitive or bivalent tran-
sitive constructions. Clearly the constructionists evidence for the meaningfulness of cer-
tain constructions such as the ditransitive does not constitute evidence that all phrasal
constructions have meaning. So the lexical and phrasal approaches seem to come out
the same, as far as the semiotic dictum is concerned.
Now consider the second usage-based dictum, that the elements of the grammar di-
rectly reflect patterns of usage, which we call the transparency dictum. The Construction
Grammar literature often presents their constructions informally in ways that suggest
that they represent surface constituent order patterns: the transitive construction is [X
VERB Y] (Tomasello) or [Subj V Obj] (Goldberg 1995, 2006)4 ; the passive construction
is X was VERBed by Y (Tomasello 2003: 100) or Subj aux Vpp (PPby) (Goldberg 2006:
5). But a theory in which constructions consist of surface patterns was considered in de-
tail and rejected by Mller (2006: Section 2), and does not accurately reflect Goldbergs
actual theory.5 The more detailed discussions present argument structure constructions,
which are more abstract and rather like the lexicalists grammatical elements (or perhaps
an LFG f-structure): the transitive construction resembles a transitive valence structure
(minus the verb itself); the passive construction resembles the passive lexical rule.
With respect to fulfilling the desiderata of usage-based theorists, we do not find any
significant difference between the non-lexical and lexical approaches.
21.1.2 Coercion
Researchers working with plugging proposals usually take coercion as an indication of
the usefulness of phrasal constructions. For instance, Anatol Stefanowitsch (Lecture in
the lecture series Algorithmen und Muster - Strukturen in der Sprache, 2009) discussed
the example in (3):
(3) Das Tor zur Welt Hrnglb ffnete sich ohne Vorwarnung und verschlang [sie] die
Welt Hrnglb wird von Magiern erschaffen, die Trume zu Realitt formen knnen,
aber nicht in der Lage sind zu trumen. Haltet aus, Freunde. Und ihr da drauen,
bitte trumt ihnen ein Tor.6
The crucial part is bitte trumt ihnen ein Tor Dream a gate for them. In this fantasy con-
text the word trumen, which is intransitive, is forced into the ditransitive construction
and therefore gets a certain meaning. This forcing of a verb corresponds to overwriting
or rather extending properties of the verb by the phrasal construction.
Goldberg et al. (2004: 300) report about a language acquisition experiment that involves an SOV pattern.
The SOV order is mentioned explicitly and seen as part of the construction.
This applies to argument structure constructions only. In some of her papers Goldberg assumes that very
specific phrase structural configurations are part of the constructions. For instance in her paper on complex
predicates in Persian (Goldberg 2003b) she assigns V0 and V categories. See Mller (2010b: Section 4.9) for
a critique of that analysis.
3&view=collapsed&sb=5&o=&fpart=16, 27.02.2010.
The gate to the world Hrnglb opened without warning and swallowed them. The world Hrnglb is
created by magicians that can form reality from dreams but cannot dream themselves. Hold out, friends!
And you out there, please, dream a gate for them.
21.1 Some putative advantages of phrasal models
21 Phrasal vs. lexical analyses
21.1 Some putative advantages of phrasal models
One implication of this view is that a verb must have listed in the lexicon a different
meaning for virtually every different construction in which it participates []. For
example, while the prototypical meaning of cough involves only one participant,
the cougher, we may say such things as He coughed her his cold, in which there
are three core participants. In the lexical rules approach, in order to produce this
utterance the childs lexicon must have as an entry a ditransitive meaning for the
verb cough. (Tomasello 2003: 160)
Tomasello (2003: 160) then contrasts a Construction Grammar approach, citing Fillmore
et al. (1988), Goldberg (1995), and Croft (2001). He concludes as follows:
The main point is that if we grant that constructions may have meaning of their
own, in relative independence of the lexical items involved, then we do not need to
populate the lexicon with all kinds of implausible meanings for each of the verbs we
use in everyday life. The construction grammar approach in which constructions
have meanings is therefore both much simpler and much more plausible than the
lexical rules approach. (Tomasello 2003: 161)
This reflects a misunderstanding of lexical rules, as they are normally understood. There
is no implausible sense populating the lexicon. The lexical rule approach to He coughed
her his cold states that when the word coughed appears with two objects, the whole com-
plex has a certain meaning (see Mller 2006: 876). Furthermore we explicitly distinguish
between listed elements (lexical entries) and derived ones. The general term subsuming
both is lexical item.
The simplicity argument also relies on a misunderstanding of a theory Tomasello ad-
vocates, namely the theory due to Goldberg (1995, 2006). For his argument to go through,
Tomasello must tacitly assume that verbs can combine freely with constructions, that is,
that the grammar does not place extrinsic constraints on such combinations. If it is nec-
essary to also stipulate which verbs can appear in which constructions, then the claim
to greater simplicity collapses: each variant lexical item with its implausible meaning
under the lexical rule approach corresponds to a verb-plus-construction combination
under the phrasal approach.
Passages such as the following may suggest that verbs and constructions are assumed
to combine freely:8
Constructions are combined freely to form actual expressions as long as they can
be construed as not being in conflict (invoking the notion of construal is intended
to allow for processes of accommodation or coercion). [] Allowing constructions
to combine freely as long as there are no conflicts, allows for the infinitely cre-
ative potential of language. [] That is, a speaker is free to creatively combine
constructions as long as constructions exist in the language that can be combined
suitably to categorize the target message, given that there is no conflict among the
constructions. (Goldberg 2006: 22)
8 The context of these quotes makes clear that the verb and the argument structure construction are consid-
ered constructions. See Goldberg (2006: 21, ex. (2)).
21 Phrasal vs. lexical analyses
But in fact Goldberg does not assume free combination, but rather that a verb is conven-
tionally associated with a construction (Goldberg 1995: 50): verbs specify their partic-
ipant roles and which of those are obligatory direct arguments (profiled, in Goldbergs
terminology). In fact, Goldberg herself (2006: 211) argues against Borers putative as-
sumption of free combination (2003) on the grounds that Borer is unable to account for
the difference between dine (intransitive), eat (optionally transitive), and devour (obli-
gatorily transitive).9 Despite Tomasellos comment above, Construction Grammar is no
simpler than the lexical rules.
The resultative construction is often used to illustrate the simplicity argument. For
example, Goldberg (1995: Chapter 7) assumes that the same lexical item for the verb
sneeze is used in (8a) and (8b). It is simply inserted into different constructions:
(8) a. He sneezed.
b. He sneezed the napkin off the table.
The meaning of (8a) corresponds more or less to the verb meaning, since the verb is
used in the Intransitive Construction. But the Caused-Motion Construction in (8b) con-
tributes additional semantic information concerning the causation and movement: his
sneezing caused the napkin to move off the table. sneeze is plugged into the Caused-
Motion Construction, which licenses the subject of sneeze and additionally provides two
slots: one for the theme (napkin) and one for the goal (off the table). The lexical approach
is essentially parallel, except that the lexical rule can feed further lexical processes like
passivization (The napkin was sneezed off the table), and conversion to nouns or adjectives
(see Sections 21.2.2 and 21.6).
In a nuanced comparison of the two approaches, Goldberg (1995: 139140) considers
again the added recipient argument in Mary kicked Joe the ball, where kick is lexically
a 2-place verb. She notes that on the constructional view, the composite fused struc-
ture involving both verb and construction is stored in memory. The verb itself retains
its original meaning as a 2-place verb, so that we avoid implausible verb senses such
as to cause to receive by kicking. The idea seems to be that the lexical approach, in
contrast, must countenance such implausible verb senses since a lexical rule adds a third
But the lexical and constructional approaches are actually indistinguishable on this
point. The lexical rule does not produce a verb with the implausible sense in (9a).
Instead it produces the sense in (9b):
(9) a. cause-to-receive-by-kicking(x, y, z)
b. cause(kick(x, y),receive(z,y))
The same sort of composite fused structure is assumed under either view. With respect
to the semantic structure, the number and plausibility of senses, and the polyadicity of
the semantic relations, the two theories are identical. They mainly differ in the way this
representation fits into the larger theory of syntax. They also differ in another respect:
on the lexical view, the derived three-argument valence structure is associated with the
phonological string kicked. Next, we present evidence for this claim.
9 Goldbergs critique cites a 2001 presentation by Borer with the same title as Borer (2003). See Section 21.3.4
for more discussion of this issue. As far as we know, the dine / eat / devour minimal triplet originally came
from Dowty (1989: 8990).
21.2 Evidence for lexical approaches
10 07.07.2012
11 08.06.2012
21 Phrasal vs. lexical analyses
These sentences show that both verbs are 3-argument verbs at the V 0 level, since they
involve V 0 coordination:
(13) [V0 offered and made] [NP me] [NP a wonderful espresso]
This is expected under the lexical rule analysis but not the non-lexical constructional
Summarizing the coordination argument: coordinated verbs generally must have com-
patible syntactic properties like valence properties. This means that in (12b), for example,
gebacken baked and gegeben given have the same valence properties. On the lexical
approach the creation verb gebacken, together with a lexical rule, licenses a ditransitive
verb. It can therefore be coordinated with gegeben. On the phrasal approach however,
the verb gebacken has two argument roles and is not compatible with the verb gegeben,
which has three argument roles. In the phrasal model, gebacken can only realize three
arguments when it enters the ditransitive phrasal construction or argument structure
construction. But in sentences like (12) it is not gebacken alone that enters the phrasal
syntax, but rather the combination of gebacken and gegeben. On this view, the verbs are
incompatible as far as the semantic roles are concerned.
To fix this under the phrasal approach, one could posit a mechanism such that the
semantic roles that are required for the coordinate phrase baked and given are shared by
each of its conjunct verbs and that they are therefore compatible. But this would amount
to saying that there are several verb senses for baked, something that the anti-lexicalists
claim to avoid, as discussed in the next section.
A reviewer of Theoretical Linguistics correctly observes that a version of the (phrasal)
ASC approach could work in the exactly same way as our lexical analysis. Our ditransi-
tive lexical rule would simply be rechristened as a ditransitive ASC. This construction
would combine with baked, thus adding the third argument, prior to its coordination
with gave. As long as the ASC approach is a non-distinct notational variant of the lexi-
cal rule approach then of course it works in exactly the same way. But the literature on
the ASC approach represents it as a radical alternative to lexical rules, in which construc-
tions are combined through inheritance hierarchies, instead of allowing lexical rules to
alter the argument structure of a verb prior to its syntactic combination with the other
words and phrases.
The reviewer also remarked that examples like (14) show that the benefactive argu-
ment has to be introduced on the phrasal level.
(14) I designed and built him a house.
One might wonder whether these sentences could be instances of Right Node Raising (RNR) out of coordi-
nated VPs (Bresnan 1974; Abbott 1976):
(i) She [ offered ___ ] and [ made me ___ ] a wonderful espresso.
But this cannot be correct. Under such an analysis the first verb has been used without a benefactive or
recipient object. But me is interpreted as the recipient of both the offering and making. Secondly, the
second object can be an unstressed pronoun (She offered and made me it), which is not possible in RNR.
Note that offered and made cannot be a pseudo-coordination meaning offered to make. This is possible
only with stem forms of certain verbs such as try.
21.2 Evidence for lexical approaches
Both designed and built are bivalent verbs and him is the benefactive that extends both
designed and built. However, we assume that sentences like (14) can be analyzed as
coordination of two verbal items that are licensed by the lexical rule that introduces the
benefactive argument. That is, the benefactive is introduced before the coordination.
The coordination facts illustrate a more general point. The output of a lexical rule such
as the one that would apply in the analysis of gebacken in (12b) is just a word (an X0 ), so
it has the same syntactic distribution as an underived word with the same category and
valence feature. This important generalization follows from the lexical account while on
the phrasal view, it is mysterious at best. The point can be shown with any of the lexical
rules that the anti-lexicalists are so keen to eliminate in favor of phrasal constructions.
For example, active and passive verbs can be coordinated, as long as they have the same
valence properties, as in this Swedish example:
(English works the same way, as shown by the grammatical translation line.) The passive
of the ditransitive verb bevilja grant retains one object, so it is effectively transitive and
can be coordinated with the active transitive begra request.
Moreover, the English passive verb form, being a participle, can feed a second lexical
rule deriving adjectives from verbs. All categories of English participles can be converted
to adjectives (Bresnan, 1982b, 2001: Chapter 3):
(16) a. active present participles (cf. The leaf is falling): the falling leaf
b. active past participles (cf. The leaf has fallen): the fallen leaf
c. passive participles (cf. The toy is being broken (by the child).): the broken toy
That the derived forms are adjectives, not verbs, is shown by a host of properties, includ-
ing negative un- prefixation: unbroken means not broken, just as unkind means not
kind, while the un- appearing on verbs indicates, not negation, but action reversal, as in
untie (Bresnan, 1982b: 21, 2001: Chapter 3). Predicate adjectives preserve the subject of
predication of the verb and for prenominal adjectives the rule is simply that the role that
would be assigned to the subject goes to the modified noun instead (The toy remained
(un-)broken.; the broken toy). Being an A0 , such a form can be coordinated with another
A0 , as in the following:
21 Phrasal vs. lexical analyses
In (17b), three adjectives are coordinated, one underived (old), one derived from a present
participle (rotting), and one from a passive participle (broken). Such coordination is com-
pletely mundane on a lexical theory. Each A0 conjunct has a valence feature (in HPSG it
would be the spr feature for predicates or the mod feature for the prenominal modifiers),
which is shared with the mother node of the coordinate structure. But the point of the
phrasal (or ASC) theory is to deny that words have such valence features.
The claim that lexical derivation of valence structure is distinct from phrasal combina-
tion is further supported with evidence from deverbal nominalization (Wechsler 2008a).
To derive nouns from verbs, -ing suffixation productively applies to all inflectable verbs
(the shooting of the prisoner), while morphological productivity is severely limited for
various other suffixes such as -(a)tion (* the shootation of the prisoner). So forms such
as destruction and distribution must be retrieved from memory while -ing nouns such as
looting or growing could be (and in the case of rare verbs or neologisms, must be) derived
from the verb or the root through the application of a rule (Zucchi 1993). This difference
explains why -ing nominals always retain the argument structure of the cognate verb,
while other forms show some variation. A famous example is the lack of the agent argu-
ment for the noun growth versus its retention by the noun growing: * Johns growth of
tomatoes versus Johns growing of tomatoes (Chomsky 1970).14
But what sort of rule derives the -ing nouns, a lexical rule or a phrasal one? In
Marantzs (1997) phrasal analysis, a phrasal construction (notated as vP) is responsible
for assigning the agent role of -ing nouns such as growing. For him, none of the words
directly selects an agent via its argument structure. The -ing forms are permitted to ap-
pear in the vP construction, which licenses the possessive agent. Non-ing nouns such as
destruction and growth do not appear in vP. Whether they allow expression of the agent
depends on semantic and pragmatic properties of the word: destruction involves external
causation so it does allow an agent, while growth involves internal causation so it does
not allow an agent.
However, a problem for Marantz is that these two types of nouns can coordinate and
share dependents (example (18a) is from Wechsler (2008a: Section 7)):
(18) a. With nothing left after the soldiers [destruction and looting] of their home,
they reboarded their coach and set out for the port of Calais.15
b. The [cultivation, growing or distribution] of medical marijuana within the
County shall at all times occur within a secure, locked, and fully enclosed
structure, including a ceiling, roof or top, and shall meet the following re-
On the phrasal analysis, the nouns looting and growing occur in one type of syntactic
environment (namely vP), while forms destruction, cultivation, and distribution occur in
See Section 21.3.3 for further discussion.
15, 21.07.2012
16, 05.03.2016
21.2 Evidence for lexical approaches
(19) Realizing the dire results of such a capture and that he was the only one to prevent
it, he quickly [saddled and mounted] his trusted horse and with a grim determina-
tion began a journey that would become legendary.17
As in all of these X0 coordination cases, under the phrasal analysis the two verbs place
contradictory demands on a single phrase structure.
A lexical valence structure is an abstraction or generalization over various occurrences
of the verb in syntactic contexts. To be sure, one key use of that valence structure is sim-
ply to indicate what sort of phrases the verb must (or can) combine with, and the result
of semantic composition; if that were the whole story then the phrasal theory would
be viable. But it is not. As it turns out, this lexical valence structure, once abstracted,
can alternatively be used in other ways: among other possibilities, the verb (crucially
including its valence structure) can be coordinated with other verbs that have similar
valence structures; or it can serve as the input to lexical rules specifying a new word
bearing a systematic relation to the input word. The coordination and lexical derivation
facts follow from the lexical view, while the phrasal theory at best leaves these facts as
mysterious and at worst leads to irreconcilable contradictions for the phrase structure.
tional morphology. However, the parallel German construction does interact with derivational morphol-
ogy. The absence of this interaction in Swedish can be explained by other factors of Swedish grammar and
given this I believe it to be more appropriate to assume an analysis that captures both the German and the
Swedish data in the same way.
21 Phrasal vs. lexical analyses
21.2 Evidence for lexical approaches
As Figure 21.1 shows, both the arguments selected by the heads and the structures are
completely different. In (21b), the element that is the subject of the related construction
in (21a) is not realized. As is normally the case in nominalizations, it is possible to realize
it in a PP with the preposition durch by:
(22) wegen der Leerfischung der Nordsee durch die Anrainerstaaten
because of.the of.the North.Sea by the neighboring.states
because of the fishing by the neighboring states that resulted in the North Sea
being empty
S Det N
If one assumes that the resultative meaning comes from a particular configuration in
which a verb is realized, there would be no explanation for (21b) since no verb is in-
volved in the analysis of this example. One could of course assume that a verb stem is
inserted into a construction both in (21a) and (21b). The inflectional morpheme -t and
the derivational morpheme -ung as well as an empty nominal inflectional morpheme
would then be independent syntactic components of the analysis. However, since Gold-
berg (2003b: 119) and Asudeh et al. (2013) assume lexical integrity, only entire words can
20 taz, 20.06.1996, p. 6.
21 Phrasal vs. lexical analyses
be inserted into syntactic constructions and hence the analysis of the nominalization of
resultative constructions sketched here is not an option for them.
One might be tempted to try and account for the similarities between the phrases in
(21) using inheritance. One would specify a general resultative construction standing in
an inheritance relation to the resultative construction with a verbal head and the nom-
inalization construction. I have discussed this proposal in more detail in Mller (2006:
Section 5.3). It does not work as one needs embedding for derivational morphology and
this cannot be modeled in inheritance hierarchies (Krieger & Nerbonne (1993), see also
Mller (2006) for a detailed discussion).
It would also be possible to assume that both constructions in (23), for which structures
such as those in Figure 21.1 would have to be assumed, are connected via metarules.21, 22
(23) a. [ Sbj Obj Obl V ]
b. [ Det [ [ Adj V -ung ] ] NP[gen] ]
The construction in (23b) corresponds to Figure 21.2.23 The genitive NP is an argument
Det N
N NP[gen]
N-Stem N-Affix
of the adjective. It has to be linked semantically to the subject slot of the adjective.
Alternatively, one could assume that the construction only has the form [Adj V -ung ],
that is, that it does not include the genitive NP. But then one could also assume that
the verbal variant of the resultative construction has the form [OBL V] and that Sbj and
Obj are only represented in the valence lists. This would almost be a lexical analysis,
21 Goldberg (p. c. 2007, 2009) suggests connecting certain constructions using GPSG-like metarules. Depper-
mann (2006: 51), who has a more Croftian view of CxG, rules this out. He argues for active/passive al-
ternations that the passive construction has other information structural properties. Note also that GPSG
metarules relate phrase structure rules, that is, local trees. The structure in Figure 21.2, however, is highly
22 The structure in (23b) violates a strict interpretation of lexical integrity as is commonly assumed in LFG.
Booij (2005, 2009), working in Construction Grammar, subscribes to a somewhat weaker version, however.
23 I do not assume zero affixes for inflection. The respective affix in Figure 21.2 is there to show that
there is structure. Alternatively one could assume a unary branching rule/construction as is common
in HPSG/Construction Morphology.
21.2 Evidence for lexical approaches
Turning to lexical integrity again, I want to point out that all that Asudeh & Toivonen
can do is assign some f-structure to the N in Figure 21.2. What is needed, however, is
a principled account of how this f-structure comes about and how it is related to the
resultative construction on the sentence level.
Before I turn to approaches with radical underspecification of argument structure in
the next section, I want to comment on a more recent paper by Asudeh, Giorgolo &
Toivonen (2014). The authors discuss the phrasal introduction of cognate objects and
benefactives. (24a) is an example of the latter construction.
(24) a. The performer sang the children a song.
b. The children were sung a song.
According to the authors, the noun phrase the children is not an argument of sing but
contributed by the c-structure rule that optionally licenses a benefactive.
(25) V V DP DP
= ( OBJ) = ( OBJ ) =
( @Benefactive )
Whenever this rule is evoked, the template Benefactive can add a benefactive role and
the respective semantics of this is compatible with the verb that is inserted into the
structure. The authors show how the mappings for the passive example in (24b) work,
but they do not provide the c-structure that licenses such examples. In order to analyze
these examples one would need a c-structure rule for passive VPs and this rule has to
license a benefactive as well. So it would be:
(26) V V[pass] DP
= ( OBJ ) =
( @Benefactive )
Note that a benefactive cannot be added to any verb: adding a benefactive to an intran-
sitive verb as in (27a) is out and the passive that would correspond to (27a) is ungram-
matical as well, as (27b) shows:
(27) a. * He laughed the children.
b. * The children were laughed.
So one could not just claim that all c-structure rules optionally introduce a benefactive
argument. Therefore there is something special about the two rules in (25) and (26). The
problem is that there is no relation between these rules. They are independent statements
saying that there can be a benefactive in the active and that there can be one in the
passive. This is what Chomsky (1957: 43) criticized in 1957 and this was the reason for
the introduction of transformations (see Section 3.1.1 of this book). Bresnan-style LFG
captured the generalizations by lexical rules and later by Lexical Mapping Theory. But if
elements are added outside the lexical representations, the representations where these
elements are added have to be related too. One could say that our knowledge about
formal tools has changed since 1957. We now can use inheritance hierarchies to capture
generalizations. So one can assume a type (or a template) that is the supertype of all
21 Phrasal vs. lexical analyses
those c-structure rules that introduce a benefactive. But since not all rules allow for the
introduction of a benefactive element, this basically amounts to saying: c-structure rule
A, B, and C allow for the introduction of a benefactive. In comparison, lexical rule-based
approaches have one statement introducing the benefactive. The lexical rule states what
verbs are appropriate for adding a benefactive and syntactic rules are not affected.
In Mller & Wechsler (2014a) we argued that the approach to Swedish Caused-Mo-
tion Constructions in Asudeh et al. (2008, 2013) would not carry over to German since
the German construction interacts with derivational morphology. Asudeh & Toivonen
(2014) argued that Swedish is different from German and hence there would not be a
problem. However, the situation is different with the benefactive constructions. Al-
though English and German do differ in many respects, both languages have similar
dative constructions:
(28) a. He baked her a cake.
b. Er buk ihr einen Kuchen.
he baked her.dat a.acc cake
Now, the analysis of the free constituent order was explained by assuming binary branch-
ing structures in which a VP node is combined with one of its arguments or adjuncts (see
Section 7.4). The c-structure rule is repeated in (29):
(29) VP NP VP
( SUBJ |OBJ |OBJ ) = =
The dependent elements contribute to the f-structure of the verb and coherence/com-
pleteness ensure that all arguments of the verb are present. One could add the intro-
duction of the benefactive argument to the VP node of the right-hand side of the rule.
However, since the verb-final variant of (28b) would have the structure in (30), one would
get spurious ambiguities, since the benefactive could be introduced at every node:
(30) weil [VP er [VP ihr [VP einen Kuchen [VP [V buk]]]]]
because he her a cake baked
So the only option seems to be to introduce the benefactive at the rule that got the
recursion going, namely the rule that projected the lexical verb to the VP level. The rule
(39) from page 228 is repeated as (31) for convenience.
(31) VP (V)
Note also that benefactive datives appear in adjectival environments as in (32):
(32) a. der seiner Frau einen Kuchen backende Mann
the his.dat wife a.acc cake baking man
the man who is baking a cake for her
b. der einen Kuchen seiner Frau backende Mann
the a.acc cake his.dat wife baking man
the man who is baking a cake for her
21.3 Radical underspecification: the end of argument structure?
In order to account for these datives one would have to assume that the adjective-to-AP
rule that would be parallel to (31) introduces the dative. The semantics of the benefac-
tive template would have to somehow make sure that the benefactive argument is not
added to intransitive verbs like lachen to laugh or participles like lachende laughing.
While this may be possible, I find the overall approach unattractive. First it does not
have anything to do with the original constructional proposal but just states that the
benefactive may be introduced at several places in syntax, second the unary branching
syntactic rule is applying to a lexical item and hence is very similar to a lexical rule and
third the analysis does not capture cross-linguistic commonalities of the construction.
In a lexical rule-based approach as the one that was suggested by Briscoe & Copestake
(1999: Section 5), a benefactive argument is added to certain verbs and the lexical rule
is parallel in all languages that have this phenomenon. The respective languages differ
simply in the way the arguments are realized with respect to their heads. In languages
that have adjectival participles, these are derived from the respective verbal stems. The
morphological rule is the same independent of benefactive arguments and the syntactic
rules for adjectival phrases do not have to mention benefactive arguments.
21 Phrasal vs. lexical analyses
are translated as arguments of secondary predicates such as agent and theme.25 Kratzer
(1996) further noted the possibility of mixed accounts such as (33c), in which the agent
(subject) argument is severed from the kill relation, but the theme (object) remains an
argument of the kill relation.26
In other words, the lexical approach is neutral on the question of the conceptual struc-
ture of eventualities, as noted already in a different connection in Section 21.1.4. For this
reason, certain semantic arguments for the neo-Davidsonian approach, such as those put
forth by Schein (1993: Chapter 4) and Lohndal (2012), do not directly bear upon the issue
of lexicalism, as far as we can tell.
But Kratzer (1996), among others, has gone further and argued for an account that
is neo-Davidsonian (or rather, mixed) in the syntax. Kratzers claim is that the verb
specifies only the internal argument(s), as in (35a) or (35b), while the agent (external
argument) role is assigned by the phrasal structure. On the neo-Davidsonian in the
syntax view, the lexical representation of the verb has no arguments at all, except the
event variable, as shown in (35c).
On such accounts, the remaining dependents of the verb receive their semantic roles
from silent secondary predicates, which are usually assumed to occupy the positions of
functional heads in the phrase structure. An Event Identification rule identifies the event
variables of the verb and the silent light verb (Kratzer 1996: 22); this is why the existential
quantifiers in (33) have been replaced with lambda operators in (35). A standard term
for the agent-assigning silent predicate is little v (see Section 4.1.4 on little v). These
Dowty (1989) called the system in (33a) an ordered argument system.
The event variable is shown as existentially bound, as in Davidsons original account. As discussed below,
in Kratzers version it must be bound by a lambda operator instead.
21.3 Radical underspecification: the end of argument structure?
extra-lexical dependents are the analogs of the ones contributed by the constructions in
Construction Grammar.
In the following subsections we address arguments that have been put forth in favor
of the little v hypothesis, from idiom asymmetries (Section 21.3.2) and deverbal nomi-
nals (Section 21.3.3). We argue that the evidence actually favors the lexical view. Then
we turn to problems for exoskeletal approaches, from idiosyncratic syntactic selection
(Section 21.3.4) and expletives (Section 21.3.5). We conclude with a look at the treatment
of idiosyncratic syntactic selection under Borers exoskeletal theory (Section 21.3.7), and
a summary (Section 21.3.8).
On the other hand, one does not often find special meanings of a verb associated with
the choice of subject, leaving the object position open (examples from Marantz (1984:
Kratzer observes that a mixed representation of kill as in (38a) allows us to specify vary-
ing meanings that depend upon its sole NP argument.
On the polyadic (Davidsonian) theory, the meaning could similarly be made to depend
upon the filler of the agent role. On the polyadic view, there is no technical obstacle
(Kratzer 1996: 116) to conditions like those in (38b), except reversed, so that it is the filler
21 Phrasal vs. lexical analyses
of the agent role instead of the theme role that affects the meaning. But, she writes, this
could not be done if the agent is not an argument of the verb. According to Kratzer, the
agent-severed representation (such as (38a)) disallows similar constraints on the mean-
ing that depend upon the agent, thereby capturing the idiom asymmetry.
But as noted by Wechsler (2005), there is no technical obstacle to specifying agent-
dependent meanings even if the Agent has been severed from the verb as Kratzer pro-
poses. It is true that there is no variable for the agent in (38a). But there is an event
variable e, and the language user must be able to identify the agent of e in order to in-
terpret the sentence. So one could replace the variable a with the agent of e in the
expressions in (38b), and thereby create verbs that violate the idiom asymmetry.
While this may seem to be a narrow technical or even pedantic point, it is nonetheless
crucial. Suppose we try to repair Kratzers argument with an additional assumption: that
modulations in the meaning of a polysemous verb can only depend upon arguments of
the relation denoted by that verb, and not on other participants in the event. Under
that additional assumption, it makes no difference whether the agent is severed from
the lexical entry or not. For example, consider the following (mixed) neo-Davidsonian
representation of the semantic content in the lexical entry of kill:
(39) kill: yxe[kill (e, y) aent (e, x )]
Assuming that sense modulations can only be affected by arguments of the kill(e,y) rela-
tion, we derive the idiom asymmetry, even if (39) is the lexical entry for kill. So suppose
that we try to fix Kratzers argument with a different assumption: that modulations in
the meaning of a polysemous verb can only depend upon an argument of the lexically
denoted function. Kratzers neo-Davidsonian in the syntax lexical entry in (35a) lacks
the agent argument, while the lexical entry in (39) clearly has one. But Kratzers entry
still fails to predict the asymmetry because, as noted above, it has the e argument and
so the sense modulation can be conditioned on the agent of e. As noted above, that
event argument cannot be eliminated (for example through existential quantification)
because it is needed in order to undergo event identification with the event argument of
the silent light verb that introduces the agent (Kratzer 1996: 22).
Moreover, recasting Kratzers account in lexicalist terms allows for verbs to vary. This
is an important advantage, because the putative asymmetry is only a tendency. The
following are examples in which the subject is a fixed part of the idiom and there are
open slots for non-subjects:27
(40) a. A little bird told X that S.
X heard the rumor that S.
b. The cats got Xs tongue.
X cannot speak.
c. Whats eating X?
Why is X so galled?
(40a) is from Nunberg, Sag & Wasow (1994: 526), (40b) from Bresnan (1982a: 349350), and (40c) from
Bresnan (1982a: 349350).
21.3 Radical underspecification: the end of argument structure?
Further data and discussion of subject idioms in English and German can be found in
Mller (2007b: Section 3.2.1).
The tendency towards a subject-object asymmetry plausibly has an independent ex-
planation. Nunberg, Sag & Wasow (1994) argue that the subject-object asymmetry is
a side-effect of an animacy asymmetry. The open positions of idioms tend to be ani-
mate while the fixed positions tend to be inanimate. Nunberg et al. (1994) derive these
animacy generalizations from the figurative and proverbial nature of the metaphorical
transfers that give rise to idioms. If there is an independent explanation for this ten-
dency, then a lexicalist grammar successfully encodes those patterns, perhaps with a
mixed neo-Davidsonian lexical decomposition, as explained above (see Wechsler (2005)
for such a lexical account of the verbs buy and sell). But the little v hypothesis rigidly
predicts this asymmetry for all agentive verbs, and that prediction is not borne out.
In contrast, nominals derived from obligatorily transitive verbs such as destroy allow
expression of the agent, as shown in (44a):
Following a suggestion by Chomsky (1970), Marantz (1997) argued on the basis of these
data that the agent role is lacking from lexical entries. In verbal projections like (41) and
(43) the agent role is assigned in the syntax by little v. Nominal projections like (42)
and (44) lack little v. Instead, pragmatics takes over to determine which agents can be
expressed by the possessive phrase: the possessive can express the sort of agent implied
by an event with an external rather than an internal cause because only the former
21 Phrasal vs. lexical analyses
can easily be reconstructed (quoted from Marantz (1997: 218)). The destruction of a
city has a cause external to the city, while the growth of tomatoes is internally caused
by the tomatoes themselves (Smith 1970). Marantz points out that this explanation is
unavailable if the noun is derived from a verb with an argument structure specifying
its agent, since the deverbal nominal would inherit the agent of a causative alternation
The empirical basis for this argument is the putative mismatch between the allowa-
bility of agent arguments, across some verb-noun cognate pairs: e.g., grow allows the
agent but growth does not. But it turns out that the grow/growth pattern is rare. Most
deverbal nominals precisely parallel the cognate verb: if the verb has an agent, so does
the noun. Moreover, there is a ready explanation for the exceptional cases that exhibit
the grow/growth pattern (Wechsler 2008a). First consider non-alternating theme-only
intransitives (unaccusatives), as in (45) and non-alternating transitives as in (46). The
pattern is clear: if the verb is agentless, then so is the noun:
This favors the view that the noun inherits the lexical argument structure of the verb.
For the anti-lexicalist, the badness of (45c) and (45d), respectively, would have to receive
independent explanations. For example, on Harley and Noyers 2000 proposal, (45c) is
disallowed because a feature of the root ARRIVE prevents it from appearing in the con-
text of v, but (45d) is instead ruled out because the cause of an event of arrival cannot be
easily reconstructed from world knowledge. This exact duplication in two separate com-
ponents of the linguistic system would have to be replicated across all non-alternating
intransitive and transitive verbs, a situation that is highly implausible.
Turning to causative alternation verbs, Marantzs argument is based on the implicit
generalization that noun cognates of causative alternation verbs (typically) lack the
agent argument. But apart from the one example of grow/growth, there do not seem
to be any clear cases of this pattern. Besides grow(th), Chomsky (1970: examples (7c)
and (8c)) cited two experiencer predicates, amuse and interest: John amused (interested)
the children with his stories versus * Johns amusement (interest) of the children with his
stories. But this was later shown by Rappaport (1983) and Dowty (1989) to have an inde-
pendent aspectual explanation. Deverbal experiencer nouns like amusement and interest
typically denote a mental state, where the corresponding verb denotes an event in which
such a mental state comes about or is caused. These result nominals lack not only the
21.3 Radical underspecification: the end of argument structure?
agent but all the eventive arguments of the verb, because they do not refer to events. Ex-
actly to the extent that such nouns can be construed as representing events, expression
of the agent becomes acceptable.
In a response to Chomsky (1970), Carlota Smith (1972) surveyed Websters dictionary
and found no support for Chomskys claim that deverbal nominals do not inherit agent
arguments from causative alternation verbs. She listed many counterexamples, includ-
ing explode, divide, accelerate, expand, repeat, neutralize, conclude, unify, and so on at
length. (Smith 1972: 137). Harley and Noyer (2000) also noted many so-called excep-
tions: explode, accumulate, separate, unify, disperse, transform, dissolve/dissolution, de-
tach(ment), disengage-(ment), and so on. The simple fact is that these are not exceptions
because there is no generalization to which they can be exceptions. These long lists of
verbs represent the norm, especially for suffix-derived nominals (in -tion, -ment, etc.).
Many zero-derived nominals from alternating verbs also allow the agent, such as change,
release, and use: my constant change of mentors from 19921997 ; the frequent release of the
prisoners by the governor; the frequent use of sharp tools by underage children (examples
from Borer (2003: fn. 13)).28
Like the experiencer nouns mentioned above, many zero-derived nominals lack event
readings. Some reject all the arguments of the corresponding eventive verb, not just the
agent: * the freeze of the water, * the break of the window, and so on. According to Stephen
Wechsler, his drop of the ball is slightly odd, but the drop of the ball has exactly the
same degree of oddness. The locution a drop in temperature matches the verbal one The
temperature dropped, and both verbal and nominal forms disallow the agent: * The storm
dropped the temperature. * the storms drop of the temperature. In short, the facts seem to
point in exactly the opposite direction from what has been assumed in this oft-repeated
argument against lexical valence. Apart from the one isolated case of grow/growth, event-
denoting deverbal nominals match their cognate verbs in their argument patterns.
Turning to grow/growth itself, we find a simple explanation for its unusual behavior
(Wechsler 2008a). When the noun growth entered the English language, causative (tran-
sitive) grow did not exist. The OED provides these dates of the earliest attestations of
grow and growth:
Thus growth entered the language at a time when transitive grow did not exist. The
argument structure and meaning were inherited by the noun from its source verb, and
then preserved into present-day English. This makes perfect sense if, as we claim, words
have predicate argument structures. Nominalization by -th suffixation is not productive
in English, so growth is listed in the lexicon. To explain why growth lacks the agent we
need only assume that a lexical entrys predicate argument structure dictates whether
Pesetsky (1996: 79, ex. (231)) assigns a star to the thiefs return of the money, but it is acceptable to many
speakers. The Oxford English Dictionary lists a transitive sense for the noun return (definition 11a), and
corpus examples like her return of the spoils are not hard to find.
21 Phrasal vs. lexical analyses
it takes an agent argument or not. So even this one word provides evidence for lexical
argument structure.
Such idiosyncratic lexical selection is utterly pervasive in human language. The verb
or other predicator often determines the choice between direct and oblique morphol-
ogy, and for obliques, it determines the choice of adposition or oblique case. In some
languages such as Icelandic even the subject case can be selected by the verb (Zaenen,
Maling & Thrinsson 1985).
Selection is language-specific. English wait selects for (German fr) while German
warten selects auf on with an accusative object:
(49) a. I am waiting for my man.
b. Ich warte auf meinen Mann.
I wait on my man.acc
It is often impossible to find semantic motivation for case. In German there is a tendency
to replace genitive (50a) with dative (50b) with no apparent semantic motivation:
(50) a. dass der Opfer gedacht werde
that the victims.gen remembered is
that the victims would be remembered
b. da auch hier den Opfern des Faschismus gedacht werde []29
that also here the victims.dat of.the fascism remembered is
that the victims of fascism would be remembered here too
Frankfurter Rundschau, 07.11.1997, p. 6.
21.3 Radical underspecification: the end of argument structure?
The synonyms treffen and begegnen to meet govern different cases (example from Pol-
lard & Sag (1987: 126)).
(51) a. Er traf den Mann.
he.nom met the.acc man
b. Er begegnete dem Mann.
he.nom met the.dat man
One has to specify the case that the respective verbs require in the lexical items of the
A radical variant of the plugging approach is suggested by Haugereid (2009).31 Hauge-
reid (pages 1213) assumes that the syntax combines a verb with an arbitrary combina-
tion of a subset of five different argument roles. Which arguments can be combined with
a verb is not restricted by the lexical item of the verb.32 A problem for such views is that
the meaning of an ambiguous verb sometimes depends on which of its arguments are
expressed. The German verb borgen has the two translations borrow and lend, which
basically are two different perspectives on the same event (see Kunze (1991, 1993) for an
extensive discussion of verbs of exchange of possession). Interestingly, the dative object
is obligatory only with the lend reading (Mller 2010a: 403):
(52) a. Ich borge ihm das Eichhrnchen.
I lend him the squirrel
I lend the squirrel to him.
b. Ich borge (mir) das Eichhrnchen.
I borrow me the squirrel
I borrow the squirrel.
If we omit it, we get only the borrow reading. So the grammar must specify for spe-
cific verbs that certain arguments are necessary for a certain verb meaning or a certain
perspective on an event.
Synonyms with differing valence specifications include the minimal triplet mentioned
earlier: dine is obligatorily intransitive (or takes an on-PP), devour is transitive, and eat
can be used either intransitively or transitively (Dowty 1989: 8990). Many other exam-
ples are given in Levin (1993) and Levin & Rappaport Hovav (2005).
In a phrasal constructionist approach one would have to assume phrasal patterns with
the preposition or case, into which the verb is inserted. For (49b), the pattern includes a
prepositional object with auf and an accusative NP, plus an entry for warten specifying
that it can be inserted into such a structure (see Kroch & Joshi (1985: Section 5.2) for
such a proposal in the framework of TAG). Since there are generalizations regarding
Or at least mark the fact that treffen takes an object with the default case for objects and begegnen takes a
dative object in German. See Haider (1985a), Heinz & Matiasek (1994), and Mller (2001) on structural and
lexical case.
Technical aspects of Haugereids approach are discussed in Section 21.3.6.
Haugereid has the possibility to impose valence restrictions on verbs, but he claims that he uses this pos-
sibility just in order to get a more efficient processing of his computer implementation (p. 13).
21 Phrasal vs. lexical analyses
verbs with such valence representations, one would be forced to have two inheritance
hierarchies: one for lexical entries with their valence properties and another one for
specific phrasal patterns that are needed for the specific constructions in which these
lexical items can be used.
More often, proponents of neo-constructionist approaches either make proposals that
are difficult to distinguish from lexical valence structures (see Section 21.3.7 below) or
simply decline to address the problem. For instance, Lohndal (2012) writes:
An unanswered question on this story is how we ensure that the functional heads
occur together with the relevant lexical items or roots. This is a general problem
for the view that Case is assigned by functional heads, and I do not have anything
to say about this issue here. (Lohndal 2012)
We think that getting case assignment right in simple sentences, without vast overgen-
eration of ill-formed word sequences, is a minimal requirement for a linguistic theory.
21.3.5 Expletives
A final example for the irreducibility of valence to semantics are verbs that select for
expletives and reflexive arguments of inherently reflexive verbs in German:
(53) a. weil es regnet
because it rains
b. weil (es) mir (vor der Prfung) graut
because expl me.dat before the exam dreads
because I am dreading the exam
c. weil er es bis zum Professor bringt
because he expl until to.the professor brings
because he made it to professor
d. weil es sich um den Montag handelt
because expl refl around the Monday trades
because it is about the Monday
e. weil ich mich (jetzt) erhole
because I myself now recreate
because I am relaxing now
The lexical heads in (53) need to contain information about the expletive subjects/objects
and/or reflexive pronouns that do not fill semantic roles. Note that German allows for
subjectless predicates and hence the presence of expletive subjects cannot be claimed to
follow from general principles. (53c) is an example with an expletive object. Explanations
referring to the obligatory presence of a subject would fail on such examples in any
case. Furthermore it has to be ensured that erholen is not realized in the [Sbj IntrVerb]
construction for intransitive verbs or respective functional categories in a Minimalist
setting although the relation erholen (relax ) is a one-place predicate and hence erholen
is semantically compatible with the construction.
21.3 Radical underspecification: the end of argument structure?
Arg2: patient
Arg3: benefactive or recipient
Arg4: goal
Arg5: antecedent
Here, antecedent is a more general role that stands for instrument, comitative, manner
and source. The roles Arg1Arg3 correspond to subject and objects. Arg4 is a resultative
predicate of the end of a path. Arg4 can be realized by a PP, an AP or an NP. (54) gives
examples for the realization of Arg4:
(54) a. John smashed the ball out of the room.
b. John hammered the metal flat.
c. He painted the car a brilliant red.
Whereas Arg4 follows the other participants in the causal chain of events, the antecedent
precedes the patient in the order of events. It is realized as a PP. (55) is an example of
the realization of Arg5:
(55) John punctured the balloon with a needle.
Haugereid now assumes that argument frames consist of these roles. He provides the
examples in (56):
(56) a. John smiles. (arg1-frame)
b. John smashed the ball. (arg12-frame)
c. The boat arrived. (arg2-frame)
d. John gave Mary a book. (arg123-frame)
e. John gave a book to Mary. (arg124-frame)
f. John punctured the ball with a needle. (arg125-frame)
Haugereid points out that multiple verbs can occur in multiple argument frames. He
provides the variants in (57) for the verb drip:
21 Phrasal vs. lexical analyses
21.3 Radical underspecification: the end of argument structure?
This approach comes very close to an idea by Goldberg: verbs are underspecified with
regard to the sentence structures in which they occur and it is only the actual realization
of arguments in the sentence that decides which combinations of arguments are realized.
One should bear in mind that the hierarchy in Figure 21.3 corresponds to a considerable
disjunction: it lists all possible realizations of arguments. If we say that essen to eat has
the type arg1-12, then this corresponds to the disjunction arg1 arg12. In addition to the
information in the hierarchy above, one also requires information about the syntactic
properties of the arguments (case, the form of prepositions, verb forms in verbal comple-
ments). Since this information is in part specific to each verb (see Section 21.1), it cannot
be present in the dominance schemata and must instead be listed in each individual lexi-
cal entry. For the lexical entry for warten auf wait for, there must be information about
the fact that the subject has to be an NP and that the prepositional object is an auf -PP
with accusative. The use of a type hierarchy then allows one to elegantly encode the
fact that the prepositional object is optional. The difference to a disjunctively specified
subcat list with the form of (58) is just a matter of formalization.
(58) subcat NP[str] NP[str], PP[auf , acc]
Since Haugereids structures are binary-branching, it is possible to derive all permu-
tations of arguments (59ab), and adjuncts can be attached to every branching node
(59) a. dass [arg1 keiner [arg2 Pizza isst]]
that nobody pizza eats
that nobody eats pizza
b. dass [arg2 Pizza [arg1 keiner isst]]
that pizza nobody eats
c. dass [arg1 keiner [gerne [arg2 Pizza isst]]]
that nobody gladly pizza eats
that nobody eats pizza gladly
d. dass [[hier [arg1 keiner [arg2 Pizza isst]]]
that here nobody pizza eats
that nobody eats pizza here
Haugereid has therefore found solutions for some of the problems in Goldbergs analy-
sis that were pointed out in Mller (2006). Nevertheless, there are a number of other
problems, which I will discuss in what follows. In Haugereids approach, nothing is said
about the composition of meaning. He follows the so-called Neo-Davidsonian approach.
In this kind of semantic representation, arguments of the verb are not directly repre-
sented on the verb. Instead, the verb normally has an event argument and the argument
roles belonging to the event in question are determined in a separate predication. (60)
shows two alternative representations, where e stands for the event variable.
21 Phrasal vs. lexical analyses
See Haugereid (2009: 165) for an analysis of the Norwegian examples in (i).
21.3 Radical underspecification: the end of argument structure?
Haugereid sketches an analysis of the syntax of the German clause and tackles ac-
tive/passive alternations. However, certain aspects of the grammar are not elaborated
on. In particular, it remains unclear how complex clauses containing AcI verbs such as
sehen to see and lassen to let should be analyzed. Arguments of embedded and em-
bedding verbs can be permuted in these constructions. Haugereid (2007, p. c.) assumes
special rules that allow to saturate arguments of more deeply embedded verbs, for ex-
ample, a special rule that combines an arg2 argument of an argument with a verb. In
order to combine das Nilpferd and nicht fttern helfen lsst in sentences such as (63), he
is forced to assume a special grammatical rule that combines an argument of a doubly
embedded verb with another verb:
(63) weil Hans Cecilia John das Nilpferd nicht fttern helfen lsst
because Hans Cecilia John the hippo not feed help let
because Hans is not letting Cecilia help John feed the hippo.
In Mller (2004c: 220), I have argued that embedding under complex-forming predi-
cates is only constrained by performance factors (see also Section 12.6.3). In German,
verbal complexes with more than four verbs are barely acceptable. Evers (1975: 5859)
has pointed out, however, that the situation in Dutch is different since Dutch verbal
complexes have a different branching: in Dutch, verbal complexes with up to five verbs
are possible. Evers attributes this difference to a greater processing load for German
verbal complexes (see also Gibson 1998: Section 3.7). Haugereid would have to assume
that there are more rules for Dutch than for German. In this way, he would give up
the distinction between competence and performance and incorporate performance re-
strictions directly into the grammar. If he wanted to maintain a distinction between the
two, then Haugereid would be forced to assume an infinite number of schemata or a
schema with functional uncertainty since depth of embedding is only constrained by
performance factors. Existing HPSG approaches to the analysis of verbal complexes do
without functional uncertainty (Hinrichs & Nakazawa 1994). Since such raising analy-
ses are required for object raising anyway (as discussed above), they should be given
Summing up, it must be said that Haugereids exoskeletal approach does account for
different orderings of arguments, but it neither derives the correct semantic representa-
tions nor does it offer a solution for the problem of idiosyncratic selection of arguments
and the selection of expletives.
21 Phrasal vs. lexical analyses
Borer refers to all such cases of idiosyncratic selection as idioms. In a rule such as (64),
MEANING is whatever the relevant idiom means (Borer 2005: Vol. II, p. 27). In (64),
9 is the phonological index of the verb depend and e on corresponds to an open value
that must be assigned range by the f-morph on (Borer 2005: Vol. II, p. 29), where f-
morphs are function words or morphemes. Hence this rule brings together much the
same information as the lexical valence structure in (48c). Discussing such idiom rules,
Borer writes
Although by assumption a listeme cannot be associated with any grammatical prop-
erties, one device used in this work has allowed us to get around the formidable
restrictions placed on the grammar by such a constraint the formation of idioms.
[] Such idiomatic specification could be utilized, potentially, not just for arrive
and depend on, but also for obligatorily transitive verbs [], for verbs such as put,
with their obligatory locative, and for verbs which require a sentential complement.
The reader may object that subcategorization, of sorts, is introduced here through
the back door, with the introduction, in lieu of lexical syntactic annotation, of an
articulated listed structure, called an idiom, which accomplishes, de facto, the same
task. The objection of course has some validity, and at the present state of the art,
the introduction of idioms may represent somewhat of a concession.
(Borer 2005: Vol. II, p. 354355)
Borer goes on to pose various questions for future research, related to constraining the
class of possible idioms. With regard to that research program it should be noted that
a major focus of lexicalist research has been narrowing the class of subcategorization
and extricating derivable properties from idiosyncratic subcategorization. Those are the
functions of HPSG lexical hierarchies, for example.
21.3.8 Summary
In Sections we showed that the question of which arguments must be real-
ized in a sentence cannot be reduced to semantics and world knowledge or to general
facts about subjects. The consequence is that valence information has to be connected
to lexical items. One therefore must either assume a connection between a lexical item
and a certain phrasal configuration as in Crofts approach (2003) and in LTAG or assume
our lexical variant. In a Minimalist setting the right set of features must be specified lexi-
cally to ensure the presence of the right case assigning functional heads. This is basically
similar to the lexical valence structures we are proposing here, except that it needlessly
introduces various problems discussed above, such as the problem of coordination raised
in Section 21.2.1.
21.4 Relations between constructions
to adjectives or nouns; and so on. The lexical argument structure accompanies the word
and can be manipulated by the lexical rule. In this section we consider what can replace
such rules within a phrasal or ASC approach.
(65) a. Nom V
b. Nom Acc V
c. Nom Dat V
d. Nom Dat Acc V
21 Phrasal vs. lexical analyses
from both the transitive and the passive constructions. Figure 21.4 illustrates the inheri-
tance-based lexical approach: a lexical entry for a verb such as read or eat is combined
with either an active or passive representation. The respective representations for the
active and passive are responsible for the expression of the arguments.
21.4 Relations between constructions
in (65) to the ones in (66). If the constructions are lexically linked as in LTAG, the respec-
tive mapping rules would be lexical rules. For approaches that combine LTAG with the
Goldbergian plugging idea such as the one by Kallmeyer & Osswald (2012) one would
have to have extended families of trees that reflect the possibility of having additional
arguments and would have to make sure that the right morphological form is inserted
into the respective trees. The morphological rules would be independent of the syntactic
structures in which the derived verbal lexemes could be used. One would have to assume
two independent types of rules: GPSG-like metarules that operate on trees and morpho-
logical rules that operate on stems and words. We believe that this is an unnecessary
complication and apart from being complicated the morphological rules would not be
acceptable as form-meaning pairs in the CxG sense since one aspect of the form namely
that additional arguments are required is not captured in these morphological rules. If
such morphological rules were accepted as proper constructions then there would not
be any reason left to require that the arguments have to be present in a construction in
order for it to be recognizable, and hence, the lexical approach would be accepted.34
Inheritance hierarchies are the main explanatory device in Crofts Radical Construc-
tion Grammar (Croft 2001). He also assumes phrasal constructions and suggests repre-
senting these in a taxonomic network (an inheritance hierarchy). He assumes that every
idiosyncrasy of a linguistic expression is represented on its own node in this kind of
network. Figure 21.5 shows part of the hierarchy he assumes for sentences. There are
Sbj sleep Sbj run Sbj kick Obj Sbj kiss Obj
sentences with intransitive verbs and sentences with transitive verbs. Sentences with
the form [Sbj kiss Obj] are special instances of the construction [Sbj TrVerb Obj]. The
[Sbj kick Obj] construction also has further sub-constructions, namely the constructions
[Sbj kick the bucket] and [Subj kick the habit]. Since constructions are always pairs of
form and meaning, this gives rise to a problem: in a normal sentence with kick, there is
a kicking relation between the subject and the object of kick. This is not the case for the
idiomatic use of kick in (69):
Compare the discussion of Totschieen shoot dead in example (81) below.
21 Phrasal vs. lexical analyses
21.4 Relations between constructions
I didnt sleep
features. Since there are a number of interactions in grammars of natural languages, this
kind of analysis is highly implausible if one claims that features are a direct reflection of
observable properties of linguistic objects. For a more detailed discussion of approaches
with classifications of phrasal patterns, see Mller (2010b) as well as Mller (2007b: Sec-
tion and for the use of auxiliary features in inheritance-based analyses of the
lexicon, see Mller (2007b: Section
21 Phrasal vs. lexical analyses
tion. Culicover & Jackendoff (2005: 204) explicitly avoid names like Subject and Object
since this is crucial for their analysis of the passive to work. They assume that the first GF
following a bracket is the subject of the clause the bracket corresponds to (p. 195196) and
hence has to be mapped to an appropriate tree position in English. Note that this view of
grammatical functions and obliqueness does not account for subjectless sentences that
are possible in some languages, for instance in German.36
Regarding the passive, the authors write:
we wish to formulate the passive not as an operation that deletes or alters part
of the argument structure, but rather as a piece of structure in its own right that
can be unified with the other independent pieces of the sentence. The result of
the unification is an alternative licensing relation between syntax and semantics.
(Culicover & Jackendoff 2005: 203)
Although Culicover and Jackendoff emphasize the similarity between their approach
and Relational Grammar (Perlmutter 1983), there is an important difference: in Relational
Grammar additional levels (strata) can be stipulated if additional remappings are needed.
In Culicover and Jackendoffs proposal there is no additional level. This causes problems
for the analysis of languages which allow for multiple argument alternations. Examples
from Turkish were provided in (67). Approaches that assume that the personal passive
is the unification of a general structure with a passive-specific structure will not be able
Of course one could assume empty expletive subjects, as was suggested by Grewendorf (1993: 1311), but
empty elements and especially those without meaning are generally avoided in the constructionist litera-
ture. See Mller (2010a: Section 3.4, Section for further discussion.
21.4 Relations between constructions
to capture this, since they committed to a certain structure too early. The problem for
approaches that state syntactic structure for the passive is that such a structure, once
stated, cannot be modified. Culicover and Jackendoffs proposal works in this respect
since there are no strong constraints in the right-hand side of their constraint in (72).
But there is a different problem: when passivization is applied the second time, it has to
apply to the innermost bracket, that is, the result of applying (72) should be:
(73) [GF i > [GF j ]]k [ Vk + pass (by NPi ) (by NPj ) ]k
This cannot be done with unification, since unification checks for compatibility and since
the first application of passive was possible it would be possible for the second time as
well. Dots in representations are always dangerous and in the example at hand one
would have to make sure that NPi and NPj are distinct, since the statement in (72) just
says there has to be a by-PP somewhere. What is needed instead of unification would
be something that takes a GF representation and searches for the outermost bracket and
then places a bracket to the left of the next GF. But this is basically a rule that maps one
representation onto another one, just like lexical rules do.
If Culicover and Jackendoff want to stick to a mapping analysis, the only option to
analyze the data seems to be to assume an additional level for impersonal passives from
which the mapping to phrase structure is done. In the case of Turkish sentences like (74),
which is a personal passive, the mapping to this level would be the identity function.
(74) Arkada-m bu oda-da dv-l-d.
friend-my this room-loc hit-pass-aor
My friend is beaten (by one) in this room.
In the case of passivization + impersonal construction, the correct mappings would be
implemented by two mappings between the three levels that finally result in a mapping
as the one that is seen in (67b), repeated here as (75) for convenience.
(75) Bu oda-da dv-l-n-r.
this room-loc hit-pass-pass-aor
One is beaten (by one) in this room.
Note that passivization + impersonal construction is also problematic for purely inher-
itance based approaches. What all these approaches can suggest though is that they
just stipulate four different relations between argument structure and phrase structure:
active, passive, impersonal construction, passive + impersonal construction. But this
misses the fact that (75) is an impersonal variant of the passive in (74).
In contrast, the lexical rule-based approach suggested by Mller (2003b) does not have
any problems with such multiple alternations: the application of the passivization lexical
rule suppresses the least oblique argument and provides a lexical item with the argument
structure of a personal passive. Then the impersonal lexical rule applies and suppresses
the now least oblique argument (the object of the active clause). The result is impersonal
constructions without any arguments as the one in (75).
21 Phrasal vs. lexical analyses
21.6 Arguments from language acquisition
This suggestion comes with the claim that particles cannot be fronted. This claim is made
frequently in the literature, but it is based on introspection and wrong for languages like
Dutch and German. On Dutch see Hoeksema (1991: 19), on German, Mller (2002a,c,
2003c, 2007d).37 A German example is given in (78); several pages of attested examples
can be found in the cited references and some more complex examples will also be dis-
cussed in Section 21.7.3 on page 633.
(78) Los damit geht es schon am 15. April.38
part there.with goes it already at.the 15 April
It already starts on April the 15th.
Particle verbs are mini-idioms. So the conclusion is that idiomatic expressions that al-
low for a certain flexibility in order should not be represented as phrasal configurations
describing adjacent elements. For some idioms, a lexical analysis along the lines of Sag
(2007) seems to be required.39 The issue of particle verbs will be taken up in Section 21.7.3
again, where we discuss evidence for/against phrasal analyses from neuroscience.
Some more fundamental remarks on introspection and corpus data with relation to particle verbs can also
be found in Mller (2007d) and Meurers & Mller (2009).
taz, 01.03.2002, p. 8, see also Mller (2005c: 313).
Note also that the German example is best described as a clause with a complex internally structured
constituent in front of the finite verb and it is doubtful whether linearization-based proposals like the ones
in Kathol (1995: 244248) or Wetta (2011) can capture this. See also the discussion of multiple frontings in
connection to Dependency Grammar in Section 11.7.1.
21 Phrasal vs. lexical analyses
Although no argument of sleep is present in the phrase to sleep and neither a subject nor
an object is realized in the phrase to be loved, both phrases are recognized as phrases
containing an intransitive and a transitive verb, respectively.40
The same applies to arguments that are supposed to be introduced/licensed by a phras-
al construction: in (80) the resultative construction is passivized and then embedded un-
der a control verb, resulting in a situation in which only the result predicate (tot dead)
and the matrix verb (geschossen shot) are realized overtly within the local clause, brack-
eted here:
(80) Der kranke Mann wnschte sich, [totgeschossen zu werden].41
the sick man wished self dead.shot to be
The sick man wanted to be shot dead.
Of course passivization and control are responsible for these occurrences, but the impor-
tant point here is that arguments can remain unexpressed or implicit and nevertheless
a meaning usually connected to some overt realization of arguments is present (Mller
2007c: Section 4). So, what has to be acquired by the language learner is that when a
result predicate and a main verb are realized together, they contribute the resultative
meaning. To take another example, NP arguments that are usually realized in active
resultative constructions may remain implicit in nominalizations like the ones in (81):
(81) a. dann scheint uns das Totschieen mindestens ebensoviel Spa zu machen42
then seems us the dead-shooting at.least as.much fun to make
then the shooting dead seems to us to be as least as much fun
b. Wir lassen heut das Totgeschiee,
we let today the annoying.repeated.shooting.dead
Weil man sowas heut nicht tut.
since one such.thing today not does
Und wer einen Tag sich ausruht,
and who a day self rests
Der schiet morgen doppelt gut.43
this shoots tomorrow twice good
We do not shoot anybody today, since one does not do this today, and those
who rest a day shoot twice as well tomorrow.
The argument corresponding to the patient of the verb (the one who is shot) can remain
unrealized, because of the syntax of nominalizations. The resultative meaning is still
Constructionist theories do not assume empty elements. Of course, in the GB framework the subject would
be realized by an empty element. So it would be in the structure, although inaudible.
Mller (2007c: 387).
frauen-um-26421-6.html. 26.03.0212.
Gedicht fr den Frieden, Oliver Kalkofe,
frieden-417329.html. 04.03.2016.
21.6 Arguments from language acquisition
understood, which shows that it does not depend upon the presence of a resultative
construction involving Subj V Obj and Obl.
If we compare this analysis to the one that would have to be assumed in traditional
phrase structure grammars, it becomes apparent what the advantages are: one rule was
required for the analysis of NP coordination where two NPs are coordinated to form
Alternatively, one could analyze all three examples using a single lexical entry for the conjunction and: and
is a functor that takes a word or phrase of any category to its right and after this combination then needs
to be combined with an element of the same category to its left in order to form the relevant category after
combining with this second element. This means that the category for und would have the form (X\X)/X.
This analysis does not require any coordination rules. If one wants to assume, as is common in GB/MP,
that every structure has a head, then a headless analysis that assumes a special rule for coordination like
the one in (83) would be ruled out.
21 Phrasal vs. lexical analyses
an NP and another was required for the analysis of V coordination. This is not only
undesirable from a technical point of view, neither does it capture the basic property of
symmetric coordination: two symbols with the same syntactic category are combined
with each other.
It is interesting to note that it is possible to analyze phrases such as (84) in this way:
(84) give George a book and Martha a record
In Section, we have seen that this kind of sentences is problematic for constituent
tests. However, in Categorial Grammar, it is possible to analyze them without any prob-
lems if one adopts rules for type raising and composition as Dowty (1988) and Steedman
(1991) do. In Section 8.5, we have already seen forward type raising as well as forward
and backward composition. In order to analyze (84), one would require backward type
raising repeated in (85) and backward composition repeated in (86):
(85) Backward type raising (< T)
X T\(T/X)
This kind of type-raising analysis was often criticized because raising categories leads
to many different analytical possibilities for simple sentences. For example, one could
first combine a type-raised subject with the verb and then combine the resulting con-
stituent with the object. This would mean that we would have a [[S V] O] in addition
21.6 Arguments from language acquisition
to the standard [S [V O]] analysis. Steedman (1991) argues that both analyses differ in
terms of information structure and it is therefore valid to assume different structures for
the sentences in question.
I will not go into these points further here. However, I would like to compare Steed-
mans lexical approach to phrasal analyses: all approaches that assume that the ditransi-
tive construction represents a continuous pattern encounter a serious problem with the
examples discussed above. This can be best understood by considering the TAG analysis
of coordination proposed by Sarkar & Joshi (1996). If one assumes that [Sbj TransVerb
Obj] or [S [V O]] constitutes a fixed unit, then the trees in Figure 21.12 form the starting
point for the analysis of coordination.
knows loves
If one wants to use these trees/constructions for the analysis of (87), there are in prin-
ciple two possibilities: one assumes that two complete sentences are coordinated or al-
ternatively, one assumes that some nodes are shared in a coordinated structure.
(87) He knows and loves this record.
Abeill (2006) has shown that it is not possible to capture all the data if one assumes
that cases of coordination such as those in (87) always involve the coordination of two
complete clauses. It is also necessary to allow for lexical coordination of the kind we
saw in Steedmans analysis (see also Section 4.6.3). Sarkar & Joshi (1996) develop a TAG
analysis in which nodes are shared in coordinate structures. The analysis of (87) can be
seen in Figure 21.13 on the next page. The subject and object nodes are only present once
in this figure. The S nodes of both elementary trees both dominate the he NP. In the
same way, the object NP node belongs to both VPs. The conjunction connects two verbs
indicated by the thick lines. Sarkar and Joshi provide an algorithm that determines which
nodes are to be shared. The structure may look strange at first, but for TAG purposes,
it is not the derived tree but rather the derivation tree that is important, since this is
the one that is used to compute the semantic interpretation. The authors show that the
derivation trees for the example under discussion and even more complex examples can
be constructed correctly.
In theories such as HPSG and LFG where structure building is, as in Categorial Gram-
mar, driven by valence, the above sentence is unproblematic: both verbs are conjoined
21 Phrasal vs. lexical analyses
and then the combination behaves like a simple verb. The analysis of this is given in Fig-
ure 21.14. This analysis is similar to the Categorial Grammar analysis in Figure 21.10.45
Figure 21.14: Selection-based analysis of He knows and loves this record. in tree notation
With Goldbergs plugging analysis one could also adopt this approach to coordination:
here, knows and loves would first be plugged into a coordination construction and the
result would then be plugged into the transitive construction. Exactly how the seman-
tics of knows and loves is combined with that of the transitive construction is unclear
since the meaning of this phrase is something like and (know (x, y), love (x, y)), that is, a
complex event with at least two open argument slots x and y (and possibly additionally
an event and a world variable depending on the semantic theory that is used). Goldberg
A parallel analysis in Dependency Grammar is possible as well. Tesnires original analysis was different
though. See Section for discussion.
21.6 Arguments from language acquisition
would probably have to adopt an analysis such as the one in Figure 21.13 in order to
maintain the plugging analysis.
Croft would definitely have to adopt the TAG analysis since the verb is already present
in his constructions. For the example in (84), both Goldberg and Croft would have to
draw from the TAG analysis in Figure 21.15.
Figure 21.15: TAG analysis of He gave George a book and Martha a record.
The consequence of this is that one requires discontinuous constituents. Since coordina-
tion allows a considerable number of variants, there can be gaps between all arguments
of constructions. An example with a ditransitive verb is given in (88):
(88) He gave George and sent Martha a record.
See Crysmann (2008) and Beavers & Sag (2004) for HPSG analyses that assume discon-
tinuous constituents for particular coordination structures.
The result of these considerations is that the argument that particular elements oc-
cur next to each other and that this occurrence is associated with a particular meaning
is considerably weakened. What competent speakers do acquire is the knowledge that
heads must occur with their arguments somewhere in the utterance and that all the
requirements of the heads involved have to somehow be satisfied ( -Criterion, coher-
ence/completeness, empty subcat list). The heads themselves need not necessarily occur
directly adjacent to their arguments. See the discussion in Section 16.3 about pattern-
based models of language acquisition.
The computation of the semantic contribution of complex structures such as those in
Figure 21.15 is by no means trivial. In TAG, there is the derivation tree in addition to
the derived tree that can then be used to compute the semantic contribution of a linguis-
tic object. Construction Grammar does not have this separate level of representation.
The question of how the meaning of the sentences discussed here is derived from their
component parts still remains open for phrasal approaches.
21 Phrasal vs. lexical analyses
Errors due to lexical ambiguity cause a bigger increase in processing time than errors
in the use of the same verb. Experiments showed that there was a bigger difference in
processing times for the sentences in (89) than for the sentences in (90). The difference
in processing times between (90a) and (90b) would be explained by different preferences
for phrasal constructions. In a lexicon-based approach one could explain the difference
by assuming that one lexical item is more basic, that is, stored in the mental dictionary
and the other is derived from the stored one. The application of lexical rules would be
time consuming, but since the lexical items are related, the overall time consumption is
smaller than the time needed to process two unrelated items (Mller 2002a: 405).
Alternatively one could assume that the lexical items for both valence patterns are
the result of lexical rule applications. As with the phrasal constructions, the lexical rules
would have different preferences. This shows that the lexical approach can explain the
experimental results as well, so that they do not force us to prefer phrasal approaches.
Goldberg (1995: 18) claims that lexical approaches have to assume two variants of
load with different meaning and that this would predict that load alternations would
behave like two verbs that really have absolutely different meanings. The experiments
discussed above show that such predictions are wrong and hence lexical analyses would
21.7 Arguments from psycho- and neurolinguistics
be falsified. However, as was shown in Mller (2010a: Section, the argumenta-
tion contains two flaws: lets assume that the construction meaning of the construction
that licenses (90a) is C1 and the construction meaning of the construction that licenses
(90b) is C2 . Under such assumptions the semantic contribution of the two lexical items
in the lexical analysis would be (91). load() is the contribution of the verb that would
be assumed in phrasal analyses.
(91) a. load (onto): C1 load()
b. load (with): C2 load()
(91) shows that the lexical items partly share their semantic contribution. We hence
predict that the processing of the dispreferred argument realization of load is simpler
than the dispreferred meaning of set: in the latter case a completely new verb has to be
activated while in the first case parts of the meaning are activated already.46
Goldberg (1995: 107) argues against lexical rule-based approaches for locative alterna-
tions like (92), since according to her such approaches have to assume that one of the
verb forms has to be the more basic form.
(92) a. He loaded hay onto the wagon.
b. He loaded the wagon with hay.
She remarks that this is problematic since we do not have clear intuitions about what
the basic and what the derived forms are. She argues that the advantage of phrasal
approaches is that various constructions can be related to each other without requiring
the assumption that one of the constructions is more basic than the other. There are two
phrasal patterns and the verb is used in one of the two patterns. This criticism can be
addressed in two ways: first one could introduce two lexical types (for instance onto-verb
and with-verb) into a type hierarchy. The two types correspond to two valence frames
that are needed for the analysis of (92a) and (92b). These types can have a common
supertype (onto-with-verb) which is relevant for all spray/load verbs. One of the subtypes
or the respective lexical item of the verb is the preferred one. This corresponds to a
disjunction in the lexicon, while the phrasal approach assumes a disjunction in the set
of phrasal constructions.
A variant of this approach is to assume that the lexical description of load just contains
the supertype describing all spray/load verbs. Since model theoretic approaches assume
that all structures that are models of utterances contain only maximally specific types
(see for instance King (1999) and Pollard & Sag (1994: 21)), it is sufficient to say about
verbs like load that they are of type onto-with-verb. As this type has exactly two subtypes,
load has to be either onto-verb or with-verb in an actual model.47
A second option is to stick with lexical rules and to assume a single representation for
the root of a verb that is listed in the lexicon. In addition, one assumes two lexical rules
See also Croft (2003: 6465) for a brief rejection of Goldbergs interpretation of the experiment that corre-
sponds to what is said here.
This analysis does not allow the specification of verb specific preferences for one of the realization patterns
since the lexicon contains the general type only.
21 Phrasal vs. lexical analyses
that map this basic lexical item onto other items that can be used in syntax after being
inflected. The two lexical rules can be described by types that are part of a type hierarchy
and that have a common supertype. This would capture commonalities between the
lexical rules. We therefore have the same situation as with phrasal constructions (two
lexical rules vs. two phrasal constructions). The only difference is that the action is one
level deeper in the lexical approach, namely in the lexicon (Mller 2002a: 405406).
The argumentation with regard to the processing of resultative constructions like (93c)
is parallel:
(93) a. He drinks.
b. He drinks the milk.
c. He drinks the pub empty.
When humans parse a sentence they build up structure incrementally. If one hears a
word that is incompatible with the current hypothesis, the parsing process breaks down
or the current hypothesis is revised. In (93c) the pub does not correspond to the normal
transitive use of drink, so the respective hypothesis has to be revised. In the phrasal
approach the resultative construction would have to be used instead of the transitive
construction. In the lexical analysis the lexical item that is licensed by the resultative
lexical rule would have to be used rather than the bivalent one. Building syntactic struc-
ture and lexicon access in general place different demands on our processing capacities.
However, when (93c) is parsed, the lexical items for drink are active already, we only
have to use a different one. It is currently unclear to us whether psycholinguistic exper-
iments can differentiate between the two approaches, but it seems to be unlikely.
21.7 Arguments from psycho- and neurolinguistics
be retrievable faster than non-light verb constructions like (95) (Wittenberg & Piango
2011: 396).
(95) take a frisbee to the park
This is not the case. As Wittenberg and Piango found, there is no difference in process-
ing at the licensing condition (the noun in VO languages like English and the verb in OV
languages like German).
However, Wittenberg & Piango (2011) found an increased processing load 300ms af-
ter the light verb construction is processed. The authors explain this by assuming that
semantic integration of the noun with the verbal meaning takes place after the syntactic
combination. While the syntactic combination is rather fast, the semantic computation
takes additional resources and this is measurable at 300ms. The verb contributes aspec-
tual information and integrates the meaning of the nominal element. The semantic roles
are fused. The resource consumption effect would not be expected if the complete light
verb construction were a stored item that is retrieved together with the complete mean-
ing (p. 404). We can conclude that Wittenberg and Piangos results are compatible with
the lexical proposal, but are incompatible with the phrasal view.
this constellation of brain activities may initially lead to the co-activation of the
verb sneeze with the DCNAs for blow and thus to the sentence mentioned. Ulti-
mately, such co-activation of a one-place verb and DCNAs associated with other
verbs may result in the former one-place verb being subsumed into a three-place
verb category and DCNA set, a process which arguably has been accomplished
for the verb laugh as used in the sequence laugh NP off the stage. (Pulvermller,
Cappelle & Shtyrov 2013)
Apart from linking categories together, typical DCNAs establish a temporal order
between the category members they bind to. DCNAs that do not impose temporal
Goldberg (2006: 42).
21 Phrasal vs. lexical analyses
order (thus acting, in principle, as AND units for two constituents) are thought to
join together constituents whose sequential order is free or allow for scrambling.
(Pulvermller, Cappelle & Shtyrov 2013: 404)
I believe that this view is entirely compatible with the lexical view outlined above: the
lexical item or DCNA requires certain arguments to be present. A lexical rule that relates
an intransitive verb to one that can be used in the Caused-Motion Construction is an
explicit representation of what it means to activate the valence frame of blow.
The authors cite earlier work (Cappelle, Shtyrov & Pulvermller 2010) and argue that
particle verbs are lexical objects, admitting for a discontinuous realization despite their
lexical status (p. 21). They restrict their claim to frequently occurring particle verbs. This
claim is of course compatible with our assumptions here, but the differences in brain
behavior are interesting when it comes to fully productive uses of particle verbs. For in-
stance any semantically appropriate monovalent verb in German can be combined with
the aspectual particle los: lostanzen start to dance, loslachen start to laugh, lossingen
start to sing, . Similarly, the combination of monovalent verbs with the particle an
with the reading directed-towards is also productive: anfahren drive towards, anlachen
laugh in the direction of, ansegeln sail towards, (see Stiebels (1996) on various pro-
ductive patterns). The interesting question is how particle verbs behave that follow these
patterns but occur with low frequency. This is still an open question as far as the experi-
mental evidence is concerned, but as I argue below lexical proposals to particle verbs as
the one suggested by Mller (2003c) are compatible with both possible outcomes.
Summarizing the discussion so far, lexical approaches are compatible with the accu-
mulated neurobiological evidence and as far as particle verbs are concerned they seem
to be better suited than the phrasal proposals by Booij (2002: Section 2) and Blom (2005)
(See Section 21.5.1 for discussion). However, in general, it remains an open question what
it means to be a discontinuous lexical item. The idea of discontinuous words is pretty old
(Wells 1947), but there have not been many formal accounts of this idea. Nunberg, Sag
& Wasow (1994) suggest a representation in a linearization-based framework of the kind
that was proposed by Reape (1994) and Kathol (1995: 244248) and Crysmann (2002)
worked out such analyses in detail. Kathols lexical item for aufwachen to wake up is
given in (97):
(97) aufwachen (following Kathol 1995: 246):
|head 1 verb
wachen auf
[ ]
dom |head 1 sepref
|vcomp 2 synsem 2 |head
The lexical representation contains the list-valued feature dom that contains a descrip-
tion of the main verb and the particle (see Section for details). The dom list is a
21.7 Arguments from psycho- and neurolinguistics
list that contains the dependents of a head. The dependents can be ordered in any order
provided no linearization rule is violated (Reape 1994). The dependency between the
particle and the main verb was characterized by the value of the vcomp feature, which
is a valence feature for the selection of arguments that form a complex predicate with
their head. The shuffle operator concatenates two lists without specifying an order
between the elements of the two lists, that is, both wachen, auf and auf, wachen are
possible. The little marking vc is an assignment to a topological field in the clause.
I criticized such linearization-based proposals since it is unclear how analyses that
claim that the particle is just linearized in the domain of its verb can account for sen-
tences like (98), in which complex syntactic structures are involved (Mller 2007c). Ger-
man is a V2 language and the fronting of a constituent into the position before the finite
verb is usually described as some sort of nonlocal dependency; that is, even authors
who favor linearization-based analyses do not assume that the initial position is filled
by simple reordering of material (Kathol 2000; Mller 1999a, 2002a; Bjerre 2006).49
(98) a. [vf [mf Den Atem] [vc an]] hielt die ganze Judenheit.50
the breath part held the whole
The whole Jewish community held their breath.
b. [vf [mf Wieder] [vc an]] treten auch die beiden Sozialdemokraten.51
again part kick also the two Social.Democrats
The two Social Democrats are also running for office again.
c. [vf [vc Los] [nf damit]] geht es schon am 15. April.52
part there.with went it already at.the 15 April
It already starts on April the 15th.
The conclusion that has to be drawn from examples like (98) is that particles interact in
complex ways with the syntax of sentences. This is captured by the lexical treatment that
was suggested in Mller (2002a: Chapter 6) and Mller (2003c): the main verb selects
for the verbal particle. By assuming that wachen selects for auf, the tight connection
between verb and particle is represented.53 Such a lexical analysis provides an easy way
Kathol (1995: Section 6.3) working in HPSG suggested such an analysis for simple sentences, but later
changed his view. Wetta (2011) also working in HPSG assumes a purely linearization-based approach. Sim-
ilarly Gro & Osborne (2009) working in Dependency Grammar assume that there is a simple dependency
structure in simple sentences while there are special mechanisms to account for extraction out of embedded
clauses. I argue against such proposals in Mller (2015b) referring to the scope of adjuncts, coordination
of simple with complex sentences and Across the Board Extraction and apparent multiple frontings. See
also Section 11.7.1.
Lion Feuchtwanger, Jud S, p. 276, quoted from Grubai (1965: 56).
taz, bremen, 24.05.2004, p. 21.
taz, 01.03.2002, p. 8.
Cappelle et al. (2010: 197) write: the results provide neurophysiological evidence that phrasal verbs are
lexical items. Indeed, the increased activation that we found for existing phrasal verbs, as compared to
infelicitous combinations, suggests that a verb and its particle together form one single lexical representa-
tion, i. e. a single lexeme, and that a unified cortical memory circuit exists for it, similar to that encoding a
single word. I believe that my analysis is compatible with this statement.
21 Phrasal vs. lexical analyses
to account for fully nontransparent particle verbs like an-fangen to begin. However, I
also argued for a lexical treatment of transparent particle verbs like losfahren to start
to drive and jemanden/etwas anfahren drive directed towards somebody/something.
The analysis involves a lexical rule that licenses a verbal item selecting for an adjunct
particle. The particles an and los can modify verbs and contribute arguments (in the
case of an) and the particle semantics. This analysis can be shown to be compatible
with the neuro-mechanical findings: if it is the case that even transparent particle verb
combinations with low frequency are stored, then the rather general lexical rule that I
suggested in the works cited above is the generalization of the relation between a large
amount of lexical particle verb items and their respective main verb. The individual
particle verbs would be special instantiations that have the form of the particle specified
as it is also the case for non-transparent particle verbs like anfangen. If it should turn
out that productive combinations with particle verbs of low frequency cause syntactic
reflexes in the brain, this could be explained as well: the lexical rule licenses an item
that selects for an adverbial element. This selection would then be seen as parallel to the
relation between the determiner and the noun in the NP der Mut the courage, which
Cappelle et al. (2010: 191) discuss as an example of a syntactic combination. Note that
this analysis is also compatible with another observation made by Shtyrov, Pihko &
Pulvermller (2005): morphological affixes also cause the lexical reflexes. In my analysis
the stem of the main verb is related to another stem that selects for a particle. This stem
can be combined with (derivational and inflectional) morphological affixes causing the
lexical activation pattern in the brain. After this combination the verb is combined with
the particle and the dependency can be either a lexical or a syntactic one, depending on
the results of the experiments to be carried out. The analysis is compatible with both
Note that my analysis allows the principle of lexical integrity to be maintained. I
therefore do not follow Cappelle, Shtyrov & Pulvermller (2010: 198), who claim that they
provide proof that potentially separable multi-word items can nonetheless be word-like
themselves, and thus against the validity of a once well-established linguistic principle,
the Lexical Integrity Principle. I agree that non-transparent particle verbs are multi-
word lexemes, but the existence of multi-word lexemes does not show that syntax has
access to the word-internal morphological structure. The parallel between particle verbs
and clearly phrasal idioms was discussed in Mller (2002a,c) and it was concluded that
idiom-status is irrelevant for the question of wordhood. Since the interaction of clearly
phrasal idioms with derivational morphology as evidenced by examples like (99) did not
force grammarians to give up on lexical integrity, it can be argued that particle verbs are
not convincing evidence for giving up the Lexical Integrity Principle either.54
(99) a. Er hat ins Gras gebissen.
he has in.the grass bit
He bit the dust.
However, see Booij (2009) for some challenges to lexical integrity.
21.8 Arguments from statistical distribution
b. Heath Ledger kann ich nicht einmal schreiben, ohne dass mir sein ins
Heath Ledger can I not even write without that me his in.the
Gras-Gebeie wieder so wahnsinnig leid tut
grass.biting again so crazy sorrow does
I cannot even write Heath Ledger without being sad again about his biting
the dust.
The example in (99b) involves the discontinuous derivation with the circumfix Ge- -e
(Ldeling 2001: Section 3.4.3; Mller 2002a: 324327, 372377; Mller 2003c: Section 2.2.1,
Section 5.2.1). Still the parts of the idiom ins Gras bei- bite the dust are present and
with them the idiomatic reading. See Sag (2007) for a lexical analysis of idioms that can
explain examples like (99).
So, while I think that it is impossible to distinguish phrasal and lexical approaches for
phenomena where heads are used with different valence patterns (Section 21.7.1), there
seem to be ways to test whether patterns with high frequency and strong collocations
should be analyzed as one fixed chunk of material with a fixed form and a fixed meaning
or whether they should be analyzed compositionally.
55 23.03.2012
21 Phrasal vs. lexical analyses
can construct do not help us to decide between phrasal or lexical analyses or analyses
with empty heads. These alternative analyses are represented in Figure 21.16.56 The first
Figure 21.16: Three possible analyses for resultative construction: holistic construction,
lexical rule, empty head
figure stands for a complex construction that contributes the meaning as a whole. The
second figure corresponds to the analysis with a lexical rule and the third corresponds
to the analysis with an empty head. A distributional analysis cannot decide between
these theoretical proposals. Distribution is computed with reference to words; what the
words actually mean is not taken into account. As such, it is only possible to say that the
word fischt fishes occurs in a particular utterance, however it is not possible to see if
this word contains resultative semantics or not. Similarly, a distributional analysis does
not help to distinguish between theoretical analyses with or without a lexical head. The
empty head is not perceptible in the signal. It is a theoretical construct and, as we have
seen in Section 19.5, it is possible to translate an analysis using an empty head into one
56 The discussion is perhaps easier to follow if one assumes flat structures rather than binary-branching ones.
fischt fischt _
The first figure corresponds to the Goldbergian view of phrasal constructions where the verb is inserted
into the construction and the meaning is present at the topmost node. In the second figure, there is a
lexical rule that provides the resultative semantics and the corresponding valence information. In the third
analysis, there is an empty head that combines with the verb and has ultimately the same effect as the
lexical rule.
21.8 Arguments from statistical distribution
with a lexical rule. For the present example, any argumentation for a particular analysis
will be purely theory-internal.
Although Unsupervised Data-Oriented Parsing (U-DOP) cannot help us to decide be-
tween analyses, there are areas of grammar for which these structures are of interest:
under the assumption of binary-branching structures, there are different branching pos-
sibilities depending on whether one assumes an analysis with verb movement or not.
This means that although one does not see an empty element in the input, there is a re-
flex in statistically-derived trees. The left tree in Figure 21.17 shows a structure that one
would expect from an analysis following Steedman (2000: 159), see Section 8.3. The tree
on the right shows a structure that would be expected from a GB-type verb movement
analysis (see Section 3.2). But at present, there is no clear finding in this regard (Bod, p. c.
2009). There is a great deal of variance in the U-DOP trees. The structure assigned to an
utterance depends on the verb (Bod, referring to the Wall Street Journal). Here, it would
be interesting to see if this changes with a larger data sample. In any case, it would be
interesting to look at how all verbs as well as particular verb classes behave. The U-DOP
procedure applies to trees containing at least one word each. If one makes use of parts
of speech in addition, this results in structures that correspond to the ones we have seen
in the preceding chapters. Sub-trees would then not have two Xs as their daughters but
rather NP and V, for example. It is also possible to do statistic work with this kind of
subtrees and use the part of speech symbols of words (the preterminal symbols) rather
than the words themselves in the computation. For example, one would get trees for the
symbol V instead of many trees for specific verbs. So instead of having three different
trees for kssen kiss, kennen know and sehen see, one would have three identical trees
for the part of speech verb that corresponds to the trees that are needed for transitive
verbs. The probability of the V tree is therefore higher than the probabilities of the trees
for the individual verbs. Hence one would have a better set of data to compute structures
for utterances such as those in Figure 21.17. I believe that there are further results in this
area to be found in the years to come.
Concluding this subsection, we contend that Bods paper is a milestone in the Poverty
of the Stimulus debate, but it does not and cannot show that a particular version of
constructionist theories, namely the phrasal one, is correct.
21 Phrasal vs. lexical analyses
21.8.2 Collostructions
Stefanowitsch & Gries (2009: Section 5) assume a plugging analysis: words occur in
(slots provided by) a given construction if their meaning matches that of the construc-
tion. The authors claim that their collostructional analysis has confirmed [the plugging
analysis] from various perspectives. Stefanowitsch and Gries are able to show that cer-
tain verbs occur more often than not in particular constructions, while other verbs never
occur in the respective constructions. For instance, give, tell, send, offer and show are at-
tracted by the Ditransitive Construction, while make and do are repelled by this construc-
tion, that is they occur significantly less often in this construction than what would be
expected given the overall frequency of verbs in the corpus. Regarding this distribution
the authors write:
These results are typical for collexeme analysis in that they show two things. First,
there are indeed significant associations between lexical items and grammatical
structures. Second, these associations provide clear evidence for semantic coher-
ence: the strongly attracted collexemes all involve a notion of transfer, either liter-
ally or metaphorically, which is the meaning typically posited for the ditransitive.
This kind of result is typical enough to warrant a general claim that collostructional
analysis can in fact be used to identify the meaning of a grammatical construction
in the first place. (Stefanowitsch & Gries 2009: 943)
We hope that the preceding discussion has made clear that the distribution of words in
a corpus cannot be seen as evidence for a phrasal analysis. The corpus study shows that
give usually is used with three arguments in a certain pattern that is typical for English
(Subject Verb Object1 Object2) and that this verb forms a cluster with other verbs that
have a transfer component in their meaning. The corpus data do not show whether this
meaning is contributed by a phrasal pattern or by lexical entries that are used in a certain
21.9 Conclusion
The essence of the lexical view is that a verb is stored with a valence structure indicat-
ing how it combines semantically and syntactically with its dependents. Crucially, that
structure is abstracted from the actual syntactic context of particular tokens of the verb.
Once abstracted, that valence structure can meet other fates besides licensing the phrasal
structure that it most directly encodes: it can undergo lexical rules that manipulate that
structure in systematic ways; it can be composed with the valence structure of another
predicate; it can be coordinated with similar verbs; and so on. Such an abstraction al-
lows for simple explanations of a wide range of robust, complex linguistic phenomena.
We have surveyed the arguments against the lexical valence approach and in favor of
a phrasal representation instead. We find the case for a phrasal representation of argu-
ment structure to be unconvincing: there are no compelling arguments in favor of such
approaches, and they introduce a number of problems:
21.10 Why (phrasal) constructions?
They offer no account for the interaction of valence changing processes and deri-
vational morphology.
They offer no account for the interaction of valence changing processes and coor-
dination of words.
They offer no account for the iteration of valence changing processes.
They overgenerate, unless a link between lexical items and phrasal constructions
is assumed.
21 Phrasal vs. lexical analyses
21.10 Why (phrasal) constructions?
Here, it is also not possible to simply identify an elided verb. It is, of course, possible
to assume an empty head that selects an adverb or a mit-PP, but this would be ad hoc.
Alternatively, it would be possible to assume that adverbs in (105) select the mit-PP. Here,
one would have to disregard the fact that adverbs do not normally take any arguments.
The same is true of Jacobss examples in (106). For these, one would have to assume that
in and zur to the are the respective heads. Each of the prepositions would then have to
select a noun phrase and a mit-PP. While this is technically possible, it is as unattractive
as the multiple lexical entries that Categorial Grammar has to assume for pied-piping
constructions (see Section 8.6).
A considerably more complicated analysis has been proposed by G. Mller (2009a).
Mller treats verbless directives as antipassive constructions. Antipassive constructions
involve either the complete suppression of the direct object or its realization as an oblique
element (PP). There can also be morphological marking on the verb. The subject is nor-
mally not affected by the antipassive but can, however, receive a different case in erga-
tive case systems due to changes in the realization of the object. According to G. Mller,
there is a relation between (107a) and (107b) that is similar to active-passive pairs:
An empty passive morpheme absorbs the capability of the verb to assign accusative (see
also Section 3.4 on the analysis of the passive in GB theory). The object therefore has to be
realized as a PP or not at all. It follows from Burzios Generalization that as the accusative
object has been suppressed, there cannot be an external argument. G. Mller assumes,
like proponents of Distributed Morphology (e.g., Marantz 1997), that lexical entries are
21 Phrasal vs. lexical analyses
inserted into complete trees post-syntactically. The antipassive morpheme creates a fea-
ture bundle in the relevant tree node that is not compatible with German verbs such as
schmeien throw and this is why only a null verb with the corresponding specifications
can be inserted. Movement of the directional PP is triggered by mechanisms that cannot
be discussed further here. The antipassive morpheme forces an obligatory reordering of
the verb in initial position (to C, see Section 3.2 and Section 4.2). By stipulation, filling
the prefield is only possible in sentences where the C position is filled by a visible verb
and this is why G. Mllers analysis does only derive V1 clauses. These are interpreted
as imperatives or polar questions. Figure 21.18 gives the analysis of (107b). Budde (2010)
C vP
v + APASS C PP2 v
V v + APASS VP v
Figure 21.18: In den Mll mit diesen Klamotten in the trash with these clothes as an
antipassive following G. Mller (2009a)
and Mach (2010) note that the discussion of the data has neglected the fact that there
are also interrogative variants of the construction:
(108) a. Wohin mit den Klamotten? with the clothes
Where should the clothes go?
b. Wohin mit dem ganzen Geld? with the entire money
Where should all this money go?
Since these questions correspond to V2 sentences, one does not require the constraint
that the prefield can only be filled if the C position is filled.
One major advantage of this analysis is that it derives the different sentence types
that are possible with this kind of construction: the V1-variants correspond to polar
questions and imperatives, and the V2-variants with a question word correspond to wh-
questions. A further consequence of the approach pointed out by G. Mller is that no
21.10 Why (phrasal) constructions?
further explanation is required for other interactions with the grammar. For example,
the way in which the constructions interact with adverbs follows from the analysis:
(109) a. Schmei den Krempel weg!
throw the junk away
b. Schmei den Krempel schnell weg!
throw the junk quickly away
c. ?* Schmei den Krempel sorgfltig weg!
throw the junk carefully away
Nevertheless one should still bear the price of this analysis in mind: it assumes an empty
antipassive morpheme that is otherwise not needed in German. It would only be used
in constructions of the kind discussed here. This morpheme is not compatible with any
verb and it also triggers obligatory verb movement, which is something that is not known
from any other morpheme used to form verb diatheses.
The costs of this analysis are, of course, less severe if one assumes that humans already
have this antipassive morpheme anyway, that is, this morpheme is part of our innate
Universal Grammar. But if one follows the argumentation from the earlier sections of
this chapter, then one should only assume innate linguistic knowledge if there is no
alternative explanation.
G. Mllers analysis can be translated into HPSG. The result is given in (111):
verb-initial-lr[ ]
rels imperative-or-interrogative
event 2
head|mod none
(111) subcat XP[mod ind 1 ], (PP[mit] 1 )
lex-dtr ss|loc ind 2
cont rels event 2
patient 1
21 Phrasal vs. lexical analyses
(111) contains a lexical entry for an empty verb in verb-initial position. directive is a
placeholder for a more general relation that should be viewed as a supertype of all pos-
sible meanings of this construction. These subsume both schmeien to throw and cases
such as (112) that were pointed out to me by Monika Budde:
(112) Und mit dem Klavier ganz langsam durch die Tr!
and with the piano very slowly through the door
Carry the piano very slowly through the door!
Since only verb-initial and verb-second orders are possible in this construction, the ap-
plication of the lexical rule for verb-initial position (see page 284) is obligatory. This can
be achieved by writing the result of the application of this lexical rule into the lexicon,
without having the object to which the rule should have applied actually being present
in the lexicon itself. Koenig (1999: Section 3.4.2, 5.3) proposed something similar for En-
glish rumored it is rumored that and aggressive. There is no active variant of the verb
rumored, a fact that can be captured by the assumption that only the result of applying a
passive lexical rule is present in the lexicon. The actual verb or verb stem from which the
participle form has been derived exists only as the daughter of a lexical rule but not as
an independent linguistic object. Similarly, the verb * aggress only exists as the daughter
of a (non-productive) adjective rule that licenses aggressive and a nominalization rule
licensing aggression.
The optionality of the mit-PP is signaled by the brackets in (111). If one adds the infor-
mation inherited from the type verb-initial-lr under synsem, then the result is (113).
vform fin
head initial +
dsl none
[ ]
subcat loc|cat dsl 3
[ ]
rels imperative-or-interrogative
(113) event 2
head|mod none
subcat XP[mod ind 1 ], (PP[mit] 1 )
lex-dtr ss|loc 3 ind 2
cont rels 4 event 2
patient 1
21.10 Why (phrasal) constructions?
The valence properties of the empty verb in (113) are to a large extent determined by the
lexical rule for verb-initial order: the V1-LR licenses a verbal head that requires a VP to
its right that is missing a verb with the local properties of the lex-dtr ( 3 ).
Semantic information dependent on sentence type (assertion, imperative or question)
is determined inside the V1-LR depending on the morphological make-up of the verb
and the slash value of the selected VP (see Mller 2007b: Section 10.3; 2016b; 2015b).
Setting the semantics to imperative-or-interrogative rules out assertion as it occurs in V2-
clauses. Whether this type is resolved in the direction of imperative or interrogative is
ultimately decided by further properties of the utterance such as intonation or the use
of interrogative pronouns.
The valence of the lexical daughters in (113) as well as the connection to the semantic
role (the linking to the patient role) are simply stipulated. Every approach has to stipulate
that an argument of the verb has to be expressed as a mit-PP. Since there is no antipassive
in German, the effect that could be otherwise achieved by an antipassive lexical rule in
(113) is simply written into the lex-dtr of the verb movement rule.
The subcat list of lex-dtr contains a modifier (adverb, directional PP) and the mit-
PP. This mit-PP is co-indexed with the patient of directive and the modifier refers to
the referent of the mit-PP. The agent of directive is unspecified since it depends on the
context (speaker, hearer, third person).
This analysis is shown in Figure 21.19. Here, V[loc 2 ] corresponds to the lex-dtr in
V[subcat ]
V[subcat 1 [head|dsl 2 ] ] 1 V[head|dsl 2 ,
subcat ]
V[loc 2 ] 3 PP V[head|dsl 2 ,
subcat 3 ]
4 PP[mit] V 2 [head|dsl 2 ,
subcat 3 , 4 ]
Figure 21.19: HPSG variant of the analysis of In den Mll mit diesen Klamotten!/?
(113). The V1-LR licenses an element that requires a maximal verb projection with that
exact dsl value 2 . Since dsl is a head feature, the information is present along the head
path. The dsl value is identified with the local value ( 2 in Figure 21.19) in the verb move-
ment trace (see page 285). This ensures that the empty element at the end of sentence
has exactly the same local properties that the lex-dtr in (113) has. Thus, both the correct
21 Phrasal vs. lexical analyses
syntactic and semantic information is present on the verb trace and structure building
involving the verb trace follows the usual principles. The structures correspond to the
structures that were assumed for German sentences in Chapter 9. Therefore, there are
the usual possibilities for integrating adjuncts. The correct derivation of the semantics,
in particular embedding under imperative or interrogative semantics, follows automati-
cally (for the semantics of adjuncts in conjunction with verb position, see Mller (2007b:
Section 9.4)). Also, the ordering variants with the mit-PP preceding the direction (112)
and direction preceding the mit-PP (107b) follow from the usual mechanisms.
If one rejects the analyses discussed up to this point, then one is only really left with
phrasal constructions or dominance schemata that connect parts of the construction
and contribute the relevant semantics. Exactly how one can integrate adjuncts into the
phrasal construction in a non-stipulative way remains an open question; however, there
are already some initial results by Jakob Mach (2010) suggesting that directives can still
be sensibly integrated into the entire grammar provided an appropriate phrasal schema
is assumed.
57 See Mller & Lipenkova (2009) for a detailed discussion and further references.
21.10 Why (phrasal) constructions?
tions, English sometimes uses conjunctions in order to express relations between clauses
or verb phrases.
There are three possible ways to capture these data:
1. One could claim that speakers of Chinese simply deduce the relation between the
VPs from the context,
2. one could assume that there are empty heads in Chinese corresponding to because
or to, or
3. one could assume a phrasal construction for serial verbs that contributes the cor-
rect semantics for the complete meaning depending on the aspect marking inside
the VPs.
The first approach is unsatisfactory because the meaning does not vary arbitrarily. There
are grammaticalized conventions that should be captured by a theory. The second solu-
tion has a stipulative character and thus, if one wishes to avoid empty elements, only
the third solution remains. Mller & Lipenkova (2009) have presented a corresponding
The GB analysis of relative clauses is given in Figure 21.20. In this analysis, an empty
head is in the C position and an element from the IP is moved to the specifier position.
The alternative analysis shown in Figure 21.21 on the following page involves combin-
ing the subparts directly in order to form a relative clause. Borsley (2006) has shown
that one would require six empty heads in order to capture the various types of relative
clauses possible in English if one wanted to analyze them lexically. These heads can be
avoided and replaced by corresponding schemata (see Chapter 19 on empty elements).
A parallel argument can also be found in Webelhuth (2011) for German: grammars of
German would also have to assume six empty heads for the relevant types of relative
21 Phrasal vs. lexical analyses
NP C[rel]
C0 [rel] IP
Unlike the resultative constructions that were already discussed, there is no variability
among interrogative and relative clauses with regard to the order of their parts. There are
no changes in valence and no interaction with derivational morphology. Thus, nothing
speaks against a phrasal analysis. If one wishes to avoid the assumption of empty heads,
then one should opt for the analysis of relative clauses by Sag, or the variant in Mller
(1999a: Chapter 10; 2007b: Chapter 11). The latter analysis does without a special schema
for noun-relative clause combinations since the semantic content of the relative clause
is provided by the relative clause schema.
Sag (2010) discusses long-distance dependencies in English that are subsumed under
the term wh-movement in GB theory and the Minimalist Program. He shows that this is
by no means a uniform phenomenon. He investigates wh-questions (117), wh-exclama-
tives (118), topicalization (119), wh-relative clauses (120) and the-clauses (121):
(117) a. How foolish is he?
b. I wonder how foolish he is.
21.10 Why (phrasal) constructions?
These individual constructions vary in many respects. Sag lists the following questions
that have to be answered for each construction:
Is there a special wh-element in the filler daughter and, if so, what kind of element
is it?
Which syntactic categories can the filler daughters have?
Can the head-daughter be inverted or finite? Is this obligatory?
What is the semantic and/or syntactic category of the mother node?
What is the semantic and/or syntactic category of the head-daughter?
Is the sentence an island? Does it have to be an independent clause?
The variation that exists in this domain has to be captured somehow by a theory of
grammar. Sag develops an analysis with multiple schemata that ensure that the cate-
gory and semantic contribution of the mother node correspond to the properties of both
daughters. The constraints for both classes of constructions and specific constructions
are represented in an inheritance hierarchy so that the similarities between the construc-
tions can be accounted for. The analysis can of course also be formulated in a GB-style
using empty heads. One would then have to find some way of capturing the generaliza-
tions pertaining to the construction. This is possible if one represents the constraints on
empty heads in an inheritance hierarchy. Then, the approaches would simply be nota-
tional variants of one another. If one wishes to avoid empty elements in the grammar,
then the phrasal approach would be preferable.
21 Phrasal vs. lexical analyses
21.10 Why (phrasal) constructions?
(127) Day after day after day went by, but I never found the courage to talk to her.
So rather than an N-P-N pattern Bragmann suggests the pattern in (128), where + stands
for at least one repetition of a sequence.
(128) N (P N)+
As was pointed out on page 401 this pattern is not easy to cover in selection-based ap-
proaches. One could assume that an N takes arbitrarily many P-N combinations, which
would be very unusual for heads. Alternatively, one could assume recursion, so N would
be combined with a P and with an N-P-N to yield N-P-N-P-N. But such an analysis would
make it really difficult to enforce the restrictions regarding the identity of the nouns in
the complete construction. In order to enforce such an identity the N that is combined
with N-P-N would have to impose constraints regarding deeply embedded nouns inside
the embedded N-P-N object (see also Section 18.2).
G. Mller (2011) proposes a lexical analysis of the N-P-N construction. He assumes
that prepositions can have a feature redup. In the analysis of Buch um Buch book after
book, the preposition is combined with the right noun um Buch. In the phonological
component, reduplication of Buch is triggered by the redup feature, thereby yielding
Buch um Buch. This analysis also suffers from the problems pointed out by Jackendoff:
in order to derive the semantics of the construction, the semantics would have to be
present in the lexical entry of the reduplicating preposition (or in a relevant subsequent
component that interprets the syntax). Furthermore it is unclear how a reduplication
analysis would deal with the Bragmann data.
22 Universal Grammar and doing
comparative linguistics without an a
priori assumption of a (strong) UG
The following two sections deal with the tools that I believe to be necessary to capture
generalizations and the way one can derive such generalizations.
22.1 Formal tools for capturing generalizations
22 Universal Grammar and comparative linguistics without UG
intransitive-verb transitive-verb
Figure 22.1: Section of an inheritance hierarchy with lexical entries and dominance sche-
In addition to a type for roots, the above figure contains types for stems and words.
Complex stems are complex objects that are derived from simple roots but still have
to be inflected (lesbar- readable, besing- to sing about). Words are objects that do
not inflect. Examples of these are the pronouns er he, sie she etc. as well as preposi-
tions. An inflected form can be formed from a verbal stem (geliebt loved, besingt sings
about). Relations between inflected words and (complex) stems can be formed again us-
ing derivation rules. In this way, geliebt loved can be recategorized as an adjective stem
that must then be combined with adjectival endings (geliebt-e). The relevant descriptions
of complex stems/words are subtypes of complex-stem or word. These subtypes describe
the form that complex words such as geliebte must have. For a technical implementation
of this, see Mller (2002a: Section 3.2.7). Using dominance schemata, all words can be
combined to form phrases. The hierarchy given here is of course by no means complete.
There are a number of additional valence classes and one could also assume more general
types that simply describe one, two and three-place predicates. Such types are probably
plausible for the description of other languages. Here, we are only dealing with a small
part of the type hierarchy in order to have a comparison to the Croftian hierarchy: in
Figure 22.1, there are no types for sentence patterns with the form [Sbj IntrVerb], but
rather types for lexical objects with a particular valence (V[subcat NP[str] ]). Lexical
rules can then be applied to the relevant lexical objects that license objects with another
valence or introduce information about inflection. Complete words can be combined in
the syntax with relatively general rules, for example in head-argument structures. The
problems from which purely phrasal approaches suffer are thereby avoided. Neverthe-
less generalizations about lexeme classes and the utterances that can be formed can be
captured in the hierarchy.
There are also principles in addition to inheritance hierarchies: the Semantics Principle
presented in Section 9.1.6 holds for all languages. The Case Principle that we also saw
is a constraint that only applies to a particular class of languages, namely nominative-
accusative languages. Other languages have an ergative-absolutive system.
22.2 How to develop linguistic theories that capture cross-linguistic generalizations
The assumption of innate linguistic knowledge is not necessary for the theory of lan-
guage sketched here. As the discussion in Section 13 has shown, the question of whether
this kind of knowledge exists has still not been answered conclusively. Should it turn
out that this knowledge actually exists, the question arises of what exactly is innate. It
would be a plausible assumption that the part of the inheritance hierarchy that is rele-
vant for all languages is innate together with the relevant principles (e.g., the constraints
on Head-Argument structures and the Semantics Principle). It could, however, also be
the case that only a part of the more generally valid types and principles is innate since
something being innate does not follow from the fact that it is present in all languages
(see also Section 13.1.9).
In sum, one can say that theories that describe linguistic objects using a consistent
descriptive inventory and make use of inheritance hierarchies to capture generalizations
are the ones best suited to represent similarities between languages. Furthermore, this
kind of theory is compatible with both a positive and a negative answer to the question
of whether there is innate linguistic knowledge.
22 Universal Grammar and comparative linguistics without UG
alyze them. Moreover, within languages, we have so many different objects that it is
impossible (or too early) to state any generalizations. Again, what I describe here are
extreme positions and clichs.
In what follows, I sketch the procedure that we apply in the CoreGram project1 (Mller
2013a, 2015a). In the CoreGram project we work on a set of typologically diverse lan-
guages in parallel:
German (Mller 2007b, 2009c, 2012a; Mller & rsnes 2011, 2013a; Mller 2014b,
Danish (rsnes 2009b; Mller 2009c, 2012a; Mller & rsnes 2011, 2013a,b, 2015)
Mandarin Chinese (Lipenkova 2009; Mller & Lipenkova 2009, 2013, 2016)
Yiddish (Mller & rsnes 2011)
Spanish (Machicao y Priemer 2015)
These languages belong to diverse language families (Indo-European, Afro-Asiatic, Sino-
Tibetan) and among the Indo-European languages the languages belong to different
groups (Germanic, Romance, Indo-Iranian). Figure 22.2 provides an overview. We work
out fully formalized, computer-processable grammar fragments in the framework of
HPSG that have a semantics component. The details will not be discussed here, but
the interested reader is referred to Mller (2015a).
Danish English German Yiddish French Spanish Hindi Persian Maltese Mandarin Chinese
Figure 22.2: Language families and groups of the languages covered in the CoreGram
1, March 11, 2016.
22.2 How to develop linguistic theories that capture cross-linguistic generalizations
Arg St
Set 3
Set 1 Set 2
German Dutch
between German and Dutch (Set 3). For instance, the argument structure of lexical items,
a list containing descriptions of syntactic and semantic properties of arguments and the
linking of these arguments to the meaning of the lexical items, is contained in Set 3.
In addition to the constraints for SOV languages, the verb position and the fronting of a
constituent in V2 clauses are contained in Set 3. The respective constraints are shared be-
tween the two grammars. Although these sets are arranged in a hierarchy in Figure 22.3
and the following figures this has nothing to do with the type hierarchies that have been
discussed in the previous subsection. These type hierarchies are part of our linguistic the-
ories and various parts of such hierarchies can be in different sets: those parts of the type
hierarchy that concern more general aspects can be in Set 3 in Figure 22.3 and those that
are specific to Dutch or German are in the respective other sets. When we add another
language, say Danish, we get further differences. While German and Dutch are SOV,
Danish is an SVO language. Figure 22.4 on the next page shows the resulting situation:
the topmost node represents constraints that hold for all the languages considered so far
(for instance the argument structure constraints, linking and V2) and the node below it
22 Universal Grammar and comparative linguistics without UG
(Set 4) contains constraints that hold for German and Dutch only.2 For instance, Set 4
contains constraints regarding verbal complexes and SOV order. The union of Set 4 and
Set 5 is Set 3 of Figure 22.3.
Arg Str
Set 5
Set 4
If we add further languages, further constraint sets will be distinguished. Figure 22.5
on the following page shows the situation that results when we add English and French.
Again, the picture is not complete since there are constraints that are shared by Danish
and English but not by French, but the general idea should be clear: by systematically
working this way, we should arrive at constraint sets that directly correspond to those
that have been established in the typological literature.
The interesting question is what will be the topmost set if we consider enough lan-
guages. At first glance, one would expect that all languages have valence representa-
tions and linkings between these and the semantics of lexical items (argument structure
lists in the HPSG framework). However, Koenig & Michelson (2012) argue for an analy-
sis of Oneida (a Northern Iroquoian language) that does not include a representation
of syntactic valence. If this analysis is correct, syntactic argument structure would not
be universal. It would, of course, be characteristic of a large number of languages, but
it would not be part of the topmost set. So this leaves us with just one candidate for
the topmost set from the area of syntax: the constraints that license the combination
of two or more linguistic objects. This is basically Chomskys External Merge without
the binarity restriction3 . In addition, the topmost set would, of course, contain the basic
2 In principle, there could be constraints that hold for Dutch and Danish, but not for German or for German
and Danish, but not for Dutch. These constraints would be removed from Set 1 and Set 2, respectively, and
inserted into another constraint set higher up in the hierarchy. These sets are not illustrated in the figure
and I keep the names Set 1 and Set 2 from Figure 22.3 for the constraint sets for German and Dutch.
3 Note that binarity is more restrictive than flat structures: there is an additional constraint that there have
to be exactly two daughters. As was argued in Section 21.10.4 one needs phrasal constructions with more
than two constituents.
22.2 How to develop linguistic theories that capture cross-linguistic generalizations
Set 4
22 Universal Grammar and comparative linguistics without UG
items from different languages: calling a Persian linguistic item subject does not entail
that it has exactly the same properties as an English linguistic item that is called sub-
ject. The same is, of course, true for all other categories and relations, for instance, parts
of speech: Persian nouns do not share all properties with English nouns.4 Haspelmath
(2010c: 697) writes: Generative linguists try to use as many crosslinguistic categories in
the description of individual languages as possible, and this often leads to insurmount-
able problems. If the assumption of a category results in problems, they have to be
solved. If this is not possible with the given set of categories/features, new ones have
to be assumed. This is not a drawback of the methodology, quite the opposite is true: if
we have found something that does not integrate nicely into what we already have, this
is a sign that we have discovered something new and exciting. If we stick to language-
particular categories and features, it is much harder to notice that a special phenomenon
is involved, since all categories and features are specific to one language anyway. Note
also that not all speakers of a language community have exactly the same categories. If
one were to take the idea of language-particular category symbols to an extreme, one
would end up with person specific category symbols like Klaus-English-noun.
After my talk at the MIT in 2013, members of the linguistics department objected
to the approach taken in the CoreGram project and claimed that it would not make any
predictions as far as possible/impossible languages are concerned. Regarding predictions
two things must be said: firstly, predictions are being made on a language particular
basis. As an example consider the following sentences from Netter (1991):
When I first read these sentences I had no idea about their structure. I switched on
my computer and typed them in and within milliseconds I got an analysis of the sen-
tences and by inspecting the result I realized that these sentences are combinations of
partial verb phrase fronting and the so-called third construction (Mller 1999a: 439). I
had previously implemented analyses of both phenomena but had never thought about
4 Note that using labels like Persian Noun and English Noun (see for instance Haspelmath 2010a: Section 2
for such a suggestion regarding case, e.g., Russian Dative, Korean Dative, ) is somehow strange since
it implies that both Persian nouns and English nouns are somehow nouns. Instead of using the category
Persian Noun one could assign objects of the respective class to the class noun and add a feature language
with the value persian. This simple trick allows one to assign both objects of the type Persian Noun and
objects of the type English Noun to the class noun and still maintain the fact that there are differences. Of
course, no theoretical linguist would introduce the language feature to differentiate between Persian and
English nouns, but nouns in the respective languages have other features that make them differ. So the
part of speech classification as noun is a generalization over nouns in various languages and the categories
Persian Noun and English Noun are feature bundles that contain further, language-specific information.
22.2 How to develop linguistic theories that capture cross-linguistic generalizations
the interaction of the two. The grammar predicted that examples like (4) are grammati-
cal. Similarly the constraints of the grammar can interact to rule out certain structures.
So predictions about ungrammaticality/impossible structures are in fact made as well.
Secondly, the topmost constraint set holds for all languages seen so far. It can be re-
garded as a hypothesis about properties that are shared by all languages. This constraint
set contains constraints about the connection between syntax and information struc-
ture and such constraints allow for V2 languages but rule out languages with the verb in
penultimate position (see Kayne 1994: 50 for the claim that such languages do not exist.
Kayne develops a complicated syntactic system that predicts this). Of course, if a lan-
guage is found that places the verb in penultimate position for the encoding of sentence
types or some other communicative effect, a more general topmost set has to be defined.
But this is parallel for Minimalist theories: if languages are found that are incompatible
with basic assumptions, the basic assumptions have to be revised. As with the language
particular constraints, the constraints in the topmost set make certain predictions about
what can be and what cannot be found in languages.
Frequently discussed examples such as those languages that form questions by revers-
ing the order of the words in a string (Musso et al. 2003) need not be ruled out by the
grammar, since they are ruled out by language external constraints: we simply lack the
working memory to do such complex computations.
A variant of this argument comes from David Pesetsky and was raised in Facebook
discussions of an article by Paul Ibbotson and Michael Tomasello published in The Guard-
ian5 . Pesetsky claimed that Tomasellos theory of language acquisition could not explain
why we find V2 languages but no V3 languages. First, I do not know of anything that
blocks V3 languages in current Minimalist theories. So per se the fact that V3 languages
may not exist cannot be used to support any of the competing approaches. Of course,
the question could be asked whether the V3 pattern would be useful for reaching our
communicative goals and whether it can be easily acquired. Now, with V2 as a pattern
it is clear that we have exactly one position that can be used for special purposes in the
V2 sentence (topic or focus). For monovalent and bivalent verbs we have an argument
that can be placed in initial position. The situation is different for the hypothetical V3
languages, though: If we have monovalent verbs like sleep, there is nothing for the sec-
ond position. As Pesetsky pointed out in the answer to my comment on a blog post,
languages solve such problems by using expletives. For instance some languages insert
an expletive to mark subject extraction in embedded interrogative sentences, since oth-
erwise the fact that the subject is extracted would not be recognizable by the hearer. So
the expletive helps to make the structure transparent. V2 languages also use expletives
to fill the initial position if speakers want to avoid something in the special, designated
(5) Es kamen drei Mnner zum Tor hinein.
expl came three man to.the gate in
Three man came through the gate.
5 The roots of language: What makes us different from other animals? Published 05.11.2015. http://www.
22 Universal Grammar and comparative linguistics without UG
In order to do the same in V3 languages one would have to put two expletives in front of
the verb. So there seem to be many disadvantages of a V3 system that V2 systems do not
have and hence one would expect that V3 systems are less likely to come into existence.
If they existed, they would be expected to be subject to change in the course of time; e.g.,
omission of the expletive with intransitives, optional V2 with transitives and finally V2
in general. With the new modeling techniques for language acquisition and agent-based
community simulation one can actually simulate such processes and I guess in the years
to come, we will see exciting work in this area.
Cinque (1999: 106) suggested a cascade of functional projections to account for reoc-
curring orderings in the languages of the world. He assumes elaborate tree structures to
play a role in the analysis of all sentences in all languages even if there is no evidence
for respective morphosyntactic distinctions in a particular language (see also Cinque &
Rizzi 2010: 55). In the latter case, Cinque assumes that the respective tree nodes are
empty. Cinques results could be incorporated in the model advocated here. We would
define part of speech categories and morpho-syntactic features in the topmost set and
state linearization constraints that enforce the order that Cinque encoded directly in
his tree structure. In languages in which such categories are not manifested by lexical
material, the constraints would never apply. Neither empty elements nor elaborate tree
structures would be needed. Thus Cinques data could be covered in a better way in an
HPSG with a rich UG but I, nevertheless, refrain from introducing 400 categories (or
features) into the theories of all languages and, again, I point out that such a rich and
language-specific UG is implausible from a genetic point of view. Therefore, I wait for
other, probably functional, explanations of the Cinque data.
Note also that implicational universals can be derived from hierarchically organized
constraint sets as the ones proposed here. For instance, one can derive from Figure 22.5
the implicational statement that all SVO languages are V2 languages, since there is no
language that has constraints from Set 4 that does not also have the constraints of Set 7.
Of course, this implicational statement is wrong, since there are lots and lots of SOV lan-
guages and just exceptionally few V2 languages. So, as soon as we add other languages
as for instance Persian or Japanese, the picture will change.
The methodology suggested here differs from what is done in MGG, since MGG stip-
ulates the general constraints that are supposed to hold for all languages on the basis
of general specualtions about language. In the best case, these general assumptions are
fed by a lot of experience with different languages and grammars, in the worst case they
are derived from insights gathered from one or more Indo-European languages. Quite
often impressionistic data is used to motivate rather far-reaching fundamental design de-
cisions (Fanselow 2009; Sternefeld & Richter 2012; Haider 2014). It is interesting to note
that this is exactly what members of the MGG camp reproach typologists for. Evans &
Levinson (2009a) pointed out that counterexamples can be found for many alleged uni-
versals. A frequent response to this is that unanalyzed data cannot refute grammatical
hypotheses (see, for instance, Freidin 2009: 454). In the very same way it has to be said
that unanalyzed data should not be used to build theories on (Fanselow 2009). In the
CoreGram project, we aim to develop broad-coverage grammars of several languages,
22.2 How to develop linguistic theories that capture cross-linguistic generalizations
so those constraints that make it to the top node are motivated and not stipulated on the
basis of intuitive implicit knowledge about language.
Since it is data-oriented and does not presuppose innate language-specific knowledge,
this research strategy is compatible with work carried out in Construction Grammar (see
Goldberg 2013b: 481 for an explicit statement to this end) and in any case it should also
be compatible with the Minimalist world.
23 Conclusion
The analyses discussed in this book show a number of similarities. All frameworks use
complex categories to describe linguistic objects. This is most obvious for GPSG, LFG,
HPSG, CxG and FTAG, however, GB/Minimalism and Categorial Grammar also talk
about NPs in third person singular and the relevant features for part of speech, person
and number form part of a complex category. In GB, there are the feature N and V with
binary values (Chomsky 1970: 199), Stabler (1992: 119) formalizes Barriers with feature-
value pairs and Sauerland & Elbourne (2002: 290291) argue for the use of feature-value
pairs in a Minimalist theory. Also, see Veenstra (1998) for a constraint-based formaliza-
tion of a Minimalist analysis using typed feature descriptions. Dependency Grammar
dialects like Hellwigs Dependency Unification Grammar also use feature-value pairs
(Hellwig 2003: 612).
Furthermore, there is a consensus in all current frameworks (with the exception of
Construction Grammar and Dependency Grammar) about how the sentence structure
of German should be analyzed: German is an SOV and V2 language. Clauses with verb-
initial order resemble verb-final ones in terms of structure. The finite verb is either moved
(GB) or stands in a relation to an element in verb-final position (HPSG). Verb-second
clauses consist of verb-initial clauses out of which one constituent has been extracted.
It is also possible to see some convergence with regard to the analysis of the passive:
some ideas originally formulated by Haider (1984, 1985a, 1986a) in the framework of GB
have been adopted by HPSG. Some variants of Construction Grammar also make use of
a specially marked designated argument (Michaelis & Ruppenhofer 2001: 5557).
If we consider new developments in the individual frameworks, it becomes clear that
the nature of the proposed analyses can sometimes differ drastically. Whereas CG, LFG,
HPSG and CxG are surface-oriented, sometimes very abstract structures are assumed
in Minimalism and in some cases, one tries to trace all languages back to a common
base structure (Universal Base Hypothesis).1 This kind of approach only makes sense if
one assumes that there is innate linguistic knowledge about this base structure common
to all languages as well as about the operations necessary to derive the surface struc-
tures. As was shown in Chapter 13, all arguments for the assumption of innate linguistic
knowledge are either not tenable or controversial at the very least. The acquisition of lin-
guistic abilities can to a large extent receive an input-based explanation (Section 13.8.3,
Section 16.3 and Section 16.4). Not all questions about acquisition have been settled once
and for all, but input-based approaches are at least plausible enough for one to be very
cautious about any assumption of innate linguistic knowledge.
1 It should be noted that there are currently many subvariants and individual opinions in the Minimalist
community so that it is only possible as with CxG to talk about tendencies.
23 Conclusion
Models such as LFG, CG, HPSG, CxG and TAG are compatible with performance data,
something that is not true of certain transformation-based approaches, which are viewed
as theories of competence that do not make any claims about performance. In MGG, it
is assumed that there are other mechanisms for working with linguistic knowledge, for
example, mechanisms that combine chunks (fragments of linguistic material). If one
wishes to make these assumptions, then it is necessary to explain how chunks and the
processing of chunks are acquired and not how a complex system of transformations
and transformation-comparing constraints is acquired. This means that the problem
of language acquisition would be a very different one. If one assumes a chunk-based
approach, then the innate knowledge about a universal transformational base would
only be used to derive a surface-oriented grammar. This then poses the question of what
exactly the evidence for transformations in a competence grammar is and if it would not
be preferable to simply assume that the competence grammar is of the kind assumed by
LFG, CG, HPSG, CxG or TAG. One can therefore conclude that constraint-based analyses
and the kind of transformational approaches that allow a constraint-based reformulation
are the only approaches that are compatible with the current facts, whereas all other
analyses require additional assumptions.
A number of works in Minimalism differ from those in other frameworks in that they
assume structures (sometimes also invisible structures) that can only be motivated by
evidence from other languages. This can streamline the entire apparatus for deriving
different structures, but the overall costs of the approach are not reduced: some amount
of the cost is just transferred to the UG component. The abstract grammars that result
cannot be learned from the input.
One can take from this discussion that only constraint-based, surface-oriented models
are adequate and explanatory: they are also compatible with psycholinguistic facts and
plausible from the point of view of acquisition.
If we now compare these approaches, we see that a number of analyses can be trans-
lated into one another. LFG (and some variants of CxG and DG) differ from all other
theories in that grammatical functions such as subject and object are primitives of the
theory. If one does not want this, then it is possible to replace these labels with Argu-
ment1, Argument2, etc. The numbering of arguments would correspond to their relative
obliqueness. LFG would then move closer to HPSG. Alternatively, one could mark argu-
ments in HPSG and CxG with regard to their grammatical function additionally. This is
what is done for the analysis of the passive (designated argument).
LFG, HPSG, CxG and variants of Categorial Grammar (Moens et al. 1989; Briscoe 2000;
Villavicencio 2002) possess means for the hierarchical organization of knowledge, which
is important for capturing generalizations. It is, of course, possible to expand any other
framework in this way, but this has never been done explicitly, except in computer im-
plementations and inheritance hierarchies do not play an active role in theorizing in the
other frameworks.
In HPSG and CxG, roots, stems, words, morphological and syntactic rules are all ob-
jects that can be described with the same means. This then allows one to make gener-
alizations that affect very different objects (see Chapter 22). In LFG, c-structures are
viewed as something fundamentally different, which is why this kind of generalization
is not possible. In cross-linguistic work, there is an attempt to capture similarities in
the f-structure, the c-structure is less important and is not even discussed in a num-
ber of works. Furthermore, its implementation from language to language can differ
enormously. For this reason, my personal preference is for frameworks that describe
all linguistic objects using the same means, that is, HPSG and CxG. Formally, nothing
stands in the way of a description of the c-structure of an LFG grammar using feature-
value pairs so that in years to come there could be even more convergence between the
theories. For hybrid forms of HPSG and LFG, see Ackerman & Webelhuth (1998) and
Hellan & Haugereid (2003), for example.
If one compares CxG and HPSG, it becomes apparent that the degree of formaliza-
tion in CxG works is relatively low and a number of questions remain unanswered. The
more formal approaches in CxG (with the exception of Fluid Construction Grammar) are
variants of HPSG. There are relatively few precisely worked-out analyses in Construc-
tion Grammar and no description of German that would be comparable to the other
approaches presented in this book. To be fair, it must be said that Construction Gram-
mar is the youngest of the theories discussed here. Its most important contributions to
linguistic theory have been integrated into frameworks such as HPSG and LFG.
The theories of the future will be a fusion of surface-oriented, constraint-based and
model-theoretic approaches like CG, LFG, HPSG, Construction Grammar, equivalent
variants of TAG and GB/Minimalist approaches that will be reformulated as constraint-
based. (Variants of) Minimalism and (variants of) Construction Grammar are the most
widely adopted approaches at present. I actually suspect the truth to lie somewhere in
the middle. The linguistics of the future will be data-oriented. Introspection as the sole
method of data collection has proven unreliable (Mller 2007d; Meurers & Mller 2009)
and is being increasingly complemented by experimental and corpus-based analyses.
Statistical information and statistical processes play a very important role in machine
translation and are becoming more important for linguistics in the narrow sense (Abney
1996). We have seen that statistical information is important in the acquisition process
and Abney discusses cases of other areas of language such as language change, pars-
ing preferences and gradience with grammaticality judgments. Following a heavy focus
on statistical procedures, there is now a transition to hybrid forms in computational
linguistics,2 since it has been noticed that it is not possible to exceed certain levels of
quality with statistical methods alone (Steedman 2011; Church 2011; Kay 2011). The same
holds here as above: the truth is somewhere in between, that is, in combined systems.
In order to have something to combine, the relevant linguistic theories first need to be
developed. As Manfred Pinkal said: It is not possible to build systems that understand
language without understanding language.
2 See Kaufmann & Pfister (2007) and Kaufmann (2009) for the combination of a speech recognizer with a
HPSG grammar.
24 Solutions to the exercises
24.1 Introduction and basic terms
(1) a. Karl isst .
|{z} |{z}
b. Der Mann liebt eine Frau, den Peter kennt.
| {z } |{z} | {z } |{z} |{z} |{z}
| {z }
c. Der Mann liebt eine Frau, die Peter kennt.
| {z } |{z} |{z} |{z} |{z}
{z }
d. Die Studenten haben behauptet, nur wegen der Hitze einzuschlafen.
| {z } |{z} | {z } | {z }| {z }
| {z }
e. Dass Peter nicht kommt, rgert Klaus.
|{z} | {z } | {z } |{z} |{z}
|LS {z
f. Einen Mann kssen, der ihr nicht gefllt, wrde sie nie.
| {z } | {z } |{z} | {z } | {z } | {z } | {z }
| {z
| {z NF }
On (1c): theoretically, this could also be a case of extraposition of the relative clause to
the postfield. Since eine Frau, die Peter kennt is a constituent, however, it is assumed that
no reordering of the relative clause has taken place. Instead, we have a simpler structure
with eine Frau, die Peter kennt as a complete NP in the middle field.
the following rule to our grammar, for example, we would have a more complex
grammar that can still analyze the same fragment of the language.
2. In general, it is assumed that the grammar with the fewest rules is the best one.
Therefore, we can reject grammars that contain unnecessary rules such as (2).
One should bear in mind what the aim of a theory of grammar is. If our goal is
to describe the human language capacity, then a grammar with more rules could
be better than other grammars with less rules. This is because psycholinguistic
research has shown that highly-frequent units are simply stored in our brains and
not built up from their individual parts each time, although we would of course
be able to do this.
3. The problem here is the fact that it is possible to derive a completely empty noun
phrase (see Figure 24.1). This noun phrase could be inserted in all positions where
Det N
_ _
This problem can be solved using a feature that determines whether the left pe-
riphery of the N is empty. Visible Ns and N with at least an adjective would have
the value and all others +. Empty determiners could then only be combined
with Ns that have the value . See Netter (1994).
24.2 Phrase structure grammars
If adjectives are combined with NPs, however, it still has to be explained why (5)
is ungrammatical.
For a detailed discussions of this topic, see Mller (2007b: Section 6.6.2).
5. This kind of rule cannot analyze noun phrases such as those in (6):
Since adjectives can only be combined directly with nouns, these phrases cannot
be analyzed. Bcher books or Bcher aus Stuttgart books from Stuttgart would
be complete NPs. Since it is assumed that coordinated elements always have the
same syntactic category, then Aufstze essays would have to be an NP. Aufstze
und Bcher and Aufstze und Bcher aus Stuttgart would then also be NPs and it
remains unexplained how an adjective can be combined with this NP. Because of
(5), we must rule out analyses that assume that full NPs combine with adjectives.
See Chapter 19 for a general discussion of empty elements.
6. If a specific determiner or just any determiner were to be combined with an adjec-
tive to form a complete NP, there would be no room for the integration of post-
nominal modifiers like modifying genitives, PPs and relative clauses. For PPs and
relative clauses, analyses have been suggested in which these postnominal mod-
ifiers attach to complete NPs (Kiss 2005), but modifying genitives usually attach
to smaller units. But even if one admits postnominal modifiers to attach to com-
plete NPs, one cannot account for the iteration of adjectives and for arguments
that depend on the elided noun.
So, the simplest way to cope with the German data is the assumption of an empty
noun. Alternatively one could assume that an adjective is directly projected to an
N. This N then can be modified by further adjectives or postnominal modifiers.
The N is combined with a determiner to form a full NP. For phrases that involve
elided relational nouns, one would have to assume the projection of an argument
like vom Gleimtunnel of the Gleimtunnel to N. The N could be further modified
or combined with a determiner directly.
7. Adjective phrases such as those in (7) cannot be analyzed since the degree modifier
occurs between the complement and the adjective:
24 Solutions to the exercises
One would either have to allow for specifiers to be combined with their heads
before complements or allow crossing lines in trees. Another assumption could
be that German is like English, however then adjectival complements would have
to be obligatorily reordered before their specifier. For a description of this kind of
reordering, see Chapter 3. See Section 13.1.2 for a discussion of X-Theory.
8. Write a phrase structure grammar that can analyze the sentences in (8), but does
not allow the strings of words in (9).
In order to rule out the last two sentences, the grammar has to contain information
about case. The following grammar will do the job:
24.3 Transformational Grammar Government & Binding
k. d(nom) der
l. d(dat) der
m. d(acc) das
n. d(acc) ein
o. n(nom) Mann
p. n(dat) Frau
q. n(acc) Buch
r. n(acc) Wunder
s. p(auf,acc) auf
dass die Frau den Mann _j lieb-j -t dass der Manni _i geliebt _j wir-j -d
that the woman the man love- -s that the man loved is
24 Solutions to the exercises
der Manni (wir-j -d)k _i _i geliebt _j _k dass der Mann der Frau _j hilf-j -t
the man is loved that the man the woman help- -s
24.4 Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar
The rules (12b,c) correspond to X-rules that we encountered in Section 2.4.1. They only
differ from these rules in that the part of speech of the head is not given on the right-
hand side of the rule. The part of speech is determined by the Head Feature Convention.
The part of speech of the head is identical to that on the left-hand side of the rule, that
is, it must be N in (12b,c). It also follows from the Head Feature Convention that the
whole NP has the same case as the head and therefore does not have to be mentioned
additionally in the rule above. 27 is the subcat value. This number is arbitrary.
In order for the verb to appear in the correction position, we need linearization rules:
(14) V[+mc] < X
X < V[mc]
The fact that the determiner precedes the noun is ensured by the following LP-rule:
(15) Det < X
24 Solutions to the exercises
V3[+fin, +mc]
Figure 24.2: Analysis of Der Mann liest ihn. The man reads it.
grammar that licenses the sentences in (11) should have (at least) the following parts:
1. ID rules:
2. LP rules:
24.5 Feature descriptions
3. Metarules:
(22) V3 W, X 7
V3/X W
4. Lexical entries
2. Lists can be described using recursive structures that consist of both a list begin-
ning and a rest. The rest can either be a non-empty list (ne_list) or the empty list
(e_list). The list a, b, c can be represented as follows:
first a
first b
(24) ne_list
rest first c
rest e_list
24 Solutions to the exercises
Unlike the list representation in (24), the rest value of the end of the list is not
e_list, but rather simply list. It is then possible to extend a list by adding another
list to the point where it ends. The concatenation of (25) and (26a) is (26b).
(26) a. list first c
rest 2 list
last 2
first a
b. list
first b
rest ne_list
rest first c
rest 2 list
last 2
In order to combine the lists, the list value of the second list has to be identi-
fied with the last value of the first list. The last value of the resulting list then
corresponds to the last value of the second list ( 2 in the example.)
Information about the encoding of difference lists can be found by searching for
the keywords list, append, and feature structure. In the search results, one can find
pages on developing grammars that explain difference lists.
24.6 Lexical Functional Grammar
The analysis is a combination of the analysis in Figure 7.2 on page 227 and the
analysis of long-distance dependencies that was presented in Section 7.5. The ob-
ject is not realized inside the VP, but rather in the prefield.
The necessary c-structure rules are given in (29):
(29) a. VP NP VP
(subj |obj) = =
b. VP (V)
c. C C VP
= =
d. CP XP C
(df) = =
(df) = (comp* gf)
These rules allow two f-structures for the example in question: one in which the
NP den Apfel the apple is the topic and another in which this NP is the focus.
Figure 24.3 shows the analysis with a topicalized constituent in the prefield.
24 Solutions to the exercises
pred VERSCHLINGENsubj,obj
[ ]
pred DAVID
(df)= (comp*
. gf) =. subj
case nom
(df)= C .
tense PRES
NP [ ]
pred APFEL
=. =. topic
case acc
C VP .
. .
. =
( subj)
den Apfel
. verschlingt
. David
the apple
. devours
. David
. .
Figure 24.3: Analysis of verb second
Figure 24.4: Categorial Grammar analysis of The children in the room laugh loudly.
2. The analysis of the picture of Mary is given in Figure 24.5. n/pp corresponds to N0 ,
n corresponds to N and np corresponds to NP.
24.8 Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar
24 Solutions to the exercises
The structure sharing of the case value of the adjective with the case value of the
N under mod identifies the case values of the noun and the adjective. interessanten
can therefore be combined with Mannes, but not with Mann. Similarly, interessan-
ter can only be combined with the nominative Mann, but not with the genitive
For a refinement of the analysis of agreement inside the noun phrase, see Mller
(2007b: Abschnitt 13.2).
1, 04.03.2015.
24.10 Dependency Grammar
Det Rel
Subjunction N
N Adv V
24 Solutions to the exercises
V N Adv Adv
Det Rel
einen Mann getroffen _ der blonde Haare hat habe ich noch nie
a man met who blond hair has have I yet never
Det Det Det N Det N
der dem N N
the the NP A
Knig Diener
king treue servant
Figure 24.6: Elementary trees for der dem Knig treue Diener
By substituting the tree for dem the in the substitution node of Knig king, one then
arrives at a full NP. This can then be inserted into the substitution node of treue loyal.
24.11 Tree Adjoining Grammar
Similarly, the tree for der the can be combined with the one for Diener. One then has
both of the trees in Figure 24.7.
Det N
der N
Det N treue the
loyal Diener
dem N servant
Figure 24.7: Trees for der dem Knig treue and der Diener after substitution
The adjective tree can then be adjoined to the N-node of der Diener, which yields the
structure in Figure 24.8 on the next page.
24 Solutions to the exercises
Det N
der AP N
NP A Diener
Det N treue
dem N
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Name index
Abbott, Barbara, 588 Bach, Emmon, 62, 99
Abeill, Anne, 118, 157, 158, 403, 543, 544, 625 Backofen, Rolf, 255
Abney, Steven P., 29, 114, 115, 117, 468, 484, Bahrani, Mohammad, 175
501, 521, 669 Baker, Carl Lee, 464, 469
Abraham, Werner, 12, 148 Baker, Mark C., 434, 438, 442, 512
Abzianidze, Lasha, 256 Baldridge, Jason, xvi, 158, 237, 238, 242, 245,
Ackerman, Farrell, 114, 518, 654, 669 250, 253, 287, 558
Adams, Marianne, 449 Balla, Amar, 255
Ades, Anthony E., 506 Ballweg, Joachim, 530
Adger, David, xvi, 123, 128, 129, 132138, 145, Baltin, Mark, 442, 443, 450
161, 168, 172, 540, 569, 571, 573 Bangalore, Srinivas, 402
gel, Vilmos, 355 Bannard, Colin, 305, 548
Aguado-Orea, Javier, 477, 522 Bar-Hillel, Yehoshua, 549, 551
Ahmed, Mohamed Ben, 403 Barry, Guy, 253
Ahmed, Reaz, 255 Bartsch, Renate, 101, 156
Ajdukiewicz, Kasimir, 155, 158, 237, 355 Barwise, Jon, 270
Akhtar, Nameera, 523 Barz, Irmhild, 13, 2325, 42, 48, 71
Alcock, Katie, 463 Baschung, K., 237
Alsina, Alex, 38, 304, 438, 579, 584, 591 Bates, Elizabeth A., 457, 458, 461, 487
Altmann, Hans, 48 Baumgrtner, Klaus, 355, 359, 388
Altmann, Rebecca J., 505 Bausewein, Karin, 152, 153, 276
Ambridge, Ben, 447449, 471, 476, 483, 528 Bayer, Josef, 97, 114
Anderson, John M., 355 Beavers, John, 157, 158, 237, 296, 331, 627, 630
Anderson, Stephen R., 223 Bech, Gunnar, 47, 409, 421
Andrews, Avery, 214 Becker, Tilman, 94, 409, 410, 419422
Anttila, Arto, 357 Beermann, Dorothee, 256
Aoun, Joseph, 116 Beghelli, Filippo, 142
Arad Greshler, Tali, 255, 256 Behaghel, Otto, 539
Aras, Hidir, 330 Behne, Tanya, 459, 460, 468
Arends, Jacques, 460 Behrens, Heike, 354, 457, 526, 628
Arka, I Wayan, 214 Bellugi, Ursula, 462
Arnold, Doug, 549 Bender, Emily, 322, 542
Arnold, Jennifer E., 505 Bender, Emily M., xvi, 6, 27, 116, 256, 257,
Asher, Nicholas, 213 294, 300, 318, 319, 507, 542, 545,
Askedal, John Ole, 43 550
Asudeh, Ash, 222, 234, 299, 304, 579, 591 Bentzen, Kristine, 142
593, 595, 596 Bergen, Benjamin K., 94, 303, 313, 314, 330,
Attardi, Giuseppe, 356 332, 333, 524, 613
Attia, Mohammed A., 213 Berman, Judith, 38, 75, 97, 99, 213, 225230,
Avgustinova, Tania, 256 233, 235, 419, 438, 440
Name index
Berthoud, Ioanna, 462 Bresnan, Joan, 97, 121, 152, 157, 166, 213, 216,
Berwick, Robert C., 155, 167, 171, 471, 513, 514, 218, 223, 224, 226, 228, 235, 311,
529 339, 435, 438, 529, 541, 546, 550,
Bes, G. G., 237 563, 588, 589, 591, 592, 600
Bever, Thomas G., 502 Brew, Chris, 257, 350
Bialystok, Ellen, 458 Briscoe, Ted, 583
Bick, Eckhard, 357 Briscoe, Ted J., 119, 175, 238, 245, 253, 350,
Bickerton, Derek, 460 450, 565, 583, 597, 668
Bierwisch, Manfred, 6, 81, 99, 113115, 453 Brker, Norbert, 363
Bildhauer, Felix, xvi, 17, 145, 149, 257, 258, Brosziewski, Ulf, 127
301, 314, 339, 384 Brown, Roger, 485
Bird, Steven, 258, 328 Bruening, Benjamin, 29, 169
Bishop, Dorothy V. M., 461, 463 Bryant, John, 304
Bjerre, Tavs, 633 Bchel, Christian, 462, 663
Blackburn, Patrick, 80, 491, 558 Budde, Monika, xvi, 642
Baszczak, Joanna, 142, 172 Bhler, Karl, 452
Blevins, James P., 311 Bungeroth, Jan, 257
Block, Hans-Ulrich, 213 Burke, Michael, 214
Blom, Corrien, 620, 632 Burzio, Luigi, 91, 110
Bloom, Paul, 114, 513, 515 Buscha, Joachim, 355
Blutner, Reinhard, 557 Busemann, Stephan, 196, 255
Boas, Hans C., 318, 344, 353, 580 Butt, Miriam, 213, 214, 630
Bobaljik, Jonathan, 143
Bod, Rens, 471, 477, 478, 635 Cahill, Aoife, 214
Bgel, Tina, 214 Calder, Jo, 255, 668
Bohnet, Bernd, 356 Calder, Jonathan, 237
Bolc, Leonard, 255 Call, Josep, 459, 460, 468
Bond, Francis, 255, 256 Callmeier, Ulrich, 255
Booij, Geert E., 571, 594, 620, 632, 634 Candito, Marie-Hlne, 308, 403, 404, 406,
Borer, Hagit, 150, 579, 586, 597, 603, 607, 611, 413, 613
612 Canon, Stephen, 214
Brschinger, Benjamin, 213 Cappelle, Bert, 313, 337, 631634
Borsley, Robert D., 119, 121, 156, 157, 166, 172, Capstick, Joanne, 255
283, 329, 353, 392, 647, 775 Cargo, Martha B., 463
Bos, Johan, 80, 558 Carlson, Gregory N., 628
Bouchard, Lorne H., 175 Carpenter, Bob, 197, 211, 237, 255, 491
Boukedi, Sirine, 255 Carpenter, Malinda, 459, 460, 468
Boullier, Pierre, 213 Carroll, John, 175
Bouma, Gerlof, 237 Casenhiser, Devin, 582
Bouma, Gosse, 163, 165, 167, 237, 256, 274, Cavar, Damir, 501
293, 313, 325, 341, 370, 376, 491, etinolu, zlem, 214
549, 550, 564, 574, 617 Chang, Nancy, 94, 303, 304, 313, 314, 330,
Bragmann, Sascha, 401, 650 332, 333, 524, 613
Braine, Martin D. S., 450, 484 Chang, Nancy Chih-Lin, 333
Branco, Antnio, 256 Chater, Nick, 484
Brants, Sabine, 445 Chatterjee, Sudipta, 237, 238
Bredt, Thomas H., 117 Chaudhuri, B. B., 213
Name index
Kahane, Sylvain, xvi, 355, 357, 360, 362, 368, Kiss, Tibor, xvi, 80, 99, 112, 113, 115, 245, 256,
375, 378380, 389, 400, 406 276, 437, 444, 575, 673
Kallmeyer, Laura, xvi, 308, 403, 404, 406 Kittredge, R., 357
408, 425, 426, 550, 613, 615 Klann-Delius, Gisela, 528
Kamp, Hans, 219 Klein, Ewan, 117, 118, 158, 175, 176, 178, 182,
Kanerva, Jonni M., 224 183, 187, 188, 196, 237, 258, 300,
Kaplan, Ronald M., 119, 121, 213, 214, 218, 223, 311, 328, 489, 491, 493, 550, 668
227, 230, 232, 234, 299, 315, 438, Klein, Wolfgang, 156, 276, 356, 372, 456, 458,
454, 491, 529, 563 468
Karimi, Simin, 143 Klenk, Ursula, 84
Karimi-Doostan, Gholamhossein, 143 Kliegl, Reinhold, 501
Karlsson, Fred, 356 Kluender, Robert, 449, 457
Karmiloff-Smith, Annette, 458, 461463, 487 Knecht, Laura, 311
Karttunen, Lauri, 228, 237 Kobele, Gregory M., 166
Kasper, Robert T., 101, 185, 285, 313, 389, 425, Koelsch, Stefan, 462
538 Koenig, Jean-Pierre, 272, 295, 304, 308, 310,
Kasper, Walter, 255, 256, 350 351, 613, 617, 644, 660
Kathol, Andreas, 47, 191, 279, 285, 296, 331, Kohl, Dieter, 213
338, 345, 386, 392, 621, 632, 633 Kohl, Karen T., 514
Kaufmann, Ingrid, 592 Koit, Mare, 357
Kaufmann, Tobias, 255, 256, 669 Kolb, Hans-Peter, 117119, 139
Kay, Martin, 117, 118, 356, 669 Komarova, Natalia L., 4, 452, 512
Kay, Paul, xvi, 303305, 307, 314318, 322, Konieczny, Lars, 342, 346
330, 353, 475, 544, 583, 585, 592, Knig, Esther, 237, 445, 550
613, 616 Koopman, Hilda, 97
Kayne, Richard S., 142, 143, 156, 157, 170, 287, Kordoni, Valia, 256, 308, 613
653, 663 Kornai, Andrs, 76, 117, 436, 454
Keenan, Edward L., 153, 158, 276 Kornfilt, Jaklin, 97, 114
Keil, Martina, 543 Koster, Jan, 99, 101, 109, 110, 113, 119, 299, 443,
Keller, Frank, 167, 256, 344, 346 444
Kempen, Masja, 521, 522 Kouylekov, Milen, 255
Kern, Sabine, 501 Kratzer, Angelika, 113, 530, 540, 597600
Kettunen, Kimmo, 357 Krieger, Hans-Ulrich, 255, 312, 352, 594, 614
Keyser, Samuel Jay, 128, 591, 597 Krifka, Manfred, 456
Khlentzos, Drew, 440, 441, 449 Kroch, Anthony S., 403, 411, 413, 426, 550,
Kiefer, Bernd, 255, 352, 425 605
Kifle, Nazareth Amlesom, 214 Kropp Dakubu, Mary Esther, 256
Kim, Jong-Bok, 4, 121, 256, 452, 453 Kruijff, Geert-Jan M., 558
Kim, M., 357 Kruijff-Korbayov, Ivana, 216
Kim, Nari, 404 Kubczak, Jacqueline, 355
Kimball, John P., 464, 468 Kbler, Sandra, 356
King, Paul, 197, 211, 454, 491, 629 Kuhn, Jonas, xvi, 121, 172, 213, 223, 224, 234,
King, Tracy Holloway, 213, 214, 234, 299 339, 509, 510, 520
Kinyon, Alexandra, 213, 308, 404, 413, 613 Kuhns, Robert J., 117
Kiparsky, Carol, 448 Kunze, Jrgen, 355357, 368, 380, 605
Kiparsky, Paul, 448, 581 Kuperberg, Gina, 630
Kiss, Katalin E., 143 Kutas, Marta, 449
Name index
Newport, Elissa L., 458, 459, 461 Palmer, Alexis, 237, 238
Ng, Say Kiat, 256 Palmer, Martha, 404
Nguyen, Thi Minh Huyen, 404 Pankau, Andreas, xvi, xviii
Nio, Mara-Eugenia, 214 Pankau, Rainer, 462
Ninomiya, Takashi, 257 Parisi, Domenico, 458, 461, 487
Nivre, Joakim, 356 Parmentier, Yannick, 403
Niyogi, Partha, 4, 452, 512514 Partee, Barbara H., 566
Noh, Bokyung, 565, 592, 610 Passingham, Richard, 463
Nklestad, Anders, 357 Patejuk, Agnieszka, 214
Nolda, Andreas, xvi Paul, Hermann, 46
Nomura, Hirosato, 356, 357 Paul, Soma, 255
Noonan, Michael, 311, 614 Pembrey, Marcus E., 463
Nordgrd, Torbjrn, 117 Penn, Gerald, 255, 347
Nordhoff, Sebastian, xvi Pentheroudakis, Joseph, 213, 214
Nordlinger, Rachel, 214, 300, 544 Perchonock, Ellen, 501
Nowak, Martin A., 4, 452, 512 Pereira, Fernando, 330
Noyer, Rolf, 601603 Perles, Micha A., 549, 551
Nozohoor-Farshi, R., 117 Perlmutter, David M., 91, 115, 135, 275, 437
Nbling, Damaris, 13, 2325, 42, 48, 71 Perry, John, 270
Nunberg, Geoffrey, 520, 583, 600, 601, 616, Pesetsky, David, 454, 601, 603, 663
632 Peters, Jrg, 13, 2325, 42, 48, 71
Nunes, Jairo, 145, 166, 172, 453, 454 Peters, Stanley, 84
Nygaard, Lars, 357 Petrick, Stanley Roy, 117
Pfister, Beat, 256, 669
Ochs, Elinor, 475, 485 Phillips, Colin, 501, 507
OConnor, Mary Catherine, 303, 585 Phillips, John D., 175
Odom, Penelope, 501 Pickering, Martin, 253
ODonovan, Ruth, 214 Pienemann, Manfred, 235
Oepen, Stephan, 116, 255, 257 Pietroski, Paul, 171, 471
zkaragz, nci, 311, 614 Pietsch, Christian, xvi
Oflazer, Kemal, 214 Pihko, E., 634
Ohkuma, Tomoko, 214 Piango, Maria Mercedes, 630, 631
Oliva, Karel, 99, 283, 387, 396, 402 Pine, Julian M., 471, 476, 477, 483, 521523
ONeill, Michael, 4, 452 Pineda, Luis Alberto, 257
Oppenrieder, Wilhelm, 113, 574 Pinker, Steven, 84, 139, 235, 433435, 438,
Orgun, Cemil Orhan, 258 449, 450, 453, 456, 461, 487, 640
rsnes, Bjarne, xvi Pittner, Karin, 276
Osborne, Miles, 238 Plainfoss, Agnes, 213
Osborne, Timothy, xvi, 153, 191, 364, 366, Plank, Frans, 433
368370, 378380, 384, 385, 397, Plunkett, Kim, 458, 461, 487
400, 402, 550, 575, 576, 633 Poletto, Cecilia, 142, 148
Osenova, Petya, 255 Polgure, A., 357
Osswald, Rainer, 308, 613, 615 Pollack, Bary W., 117
Ott, Dennis, 153 Pollard, Carl J., 29, 35, 151, 158, 164166, 196,
197, 202, 248, 249, 251, 255, 257,
Paczynski, Martin, 630 262, 264, 270272, 274, 276, 279,
Pafel, Jrgen, 530 287, 290, 293295, 297, 298, 300,
Paggio, Patrizia, 255, 339
Name index
307, 310, 311, 318, 319, 325, 329, Rekau, Laura, 523
345, 386, 399, 400, 407, 454, 509, Remberger, Eva-Maria, 474, 519
518, 529, 536, 542, 544, 545, 550, Resnik, Philip, 404
556, 558, 564, 605, 629 Reyle, Uwe, 213, 219, 558
Pollock, Jean-Yves, 142, 143, 223 Rhomieux, Russell, 68, 79
Ponvert, Elias, 630 Richards, Marc, 139, 140, 502, 505
Popowich, Fred, 255 Richter, Frank, xvi, xvii, 172, 197, 211, 255,
Porzel, Robert, 330 270, 296, 320, 322, 324, 329, 347,
Postal, Paul M., 116, 453, 454, 490, 549 350, 379, 454, 542, 546, 664
Poulson, Laurie, 257 Rieder, Sibylle, 255
Preuss, Susanne, 175, 185, 187 Riehemann, Susanne, 194, 571
Prince, Alan, xvi Riehemann, Susanne Z., 194, 571
Przepirkowski, Adam, 115, 214, 255, 256, Riemer, Beate, 457
278, 300, 301, 542, 545 Riemsdijk, Henk van, 93
Pullum, Geoffrey K., xvi, xix, 4, 76, 91, 116 Riezler, Stefan, 213, 214
118, 153, 158, 175, 176, 178, 179, 182, Rijntjes, Michel, 462, 663
183, 187, 188, 195, 196, 276, 300, Ritchie, R. W., 84
311, 403, 436, 453455, 463, 466, Rizzi, Luigi, 140, 141, 145, 148, 169, 440, 442,
468471, 474, 477, 478, 485, 487, 450, 511, 664
489493, 511, 550 Roberts, Ian, 456
Pulman, Stephen G., 506 Roberts, Ian F., 512
Pulvermller, F., 634 Robins, Robert Henry, xv
Pulvermller, Friedemann, 4, 476, 487, 631 Robinson, Jane, 330
634 Rodrigues, Cilene, 454
Puolakainen, Tiina, 357 Rogers, James, 119, 454, 491
Putnam, Michael, 153, 154, 402 Rohrer, Christian, 213, 214, 445
Romero, Maribel, 426
Quaglia, Stefano, 214 Roosmaa, Tiit, 357
Rosn, Victoria, 214
Radford, Andrew, 145, 172, 434, 521 Ross, John Robert, 115, 193, 251, 343, 437, 442,
Rahman, M. Sohel, 255 446, 768
Rahman, Md. Mizanur, 255 Roth, Sebastian, 214
Rkosi, Gyrgy, 214 Rothkegel, Annely, 356
Rambow, Owen, 94, 213, 357, 368, 380, 402 Roussanaly, Azim, 404
404, 409411, 413, 415, 417, 419 Rowland, Caroline F., 471, 476, 483
422, 424426, 550 Ruiter, Vera de, 355
Ramchand, Gillian, 566 Ruppenhofer, Josef, 234, 304, 308, 317, 551,
Randriamasimanana, Charles, 214 613, 667
Raposo, Eduardo, 474, 511
Rappaport Hovav, Malka, 605 Sabel, Joachim, 530
Rappaport, Malka, 602 Sadler, Louisa, 214
Rauh, Gisa, 150 Sfr, va, 257
Reape, Mike, 94, 213, 286, 296, 314, 331, 338, Sag, Ivan A., xvi, 27, 29, 117, 118, 148, 151, 157,
345, 352, 389, 530, 632, 633, 668 158, 164167, 175, 176, 178, 182,
Redington, Martin, 484 183, 187, 188, 196, 197, 202, 251,
Reichenbach, Jrgen, 462, 663 255, 256, 262, 264, 270272, 274,
Reis, Marga, 35, 36, 43, 49, 51, 99, 101, 113, 276, 287, 290, 293298, 300, 304,
Name index
307, 310, 311, 313, 318, 319, 322, Sethuraman, Nitya, 582
325331, 339, 341, 346, 349, 353, Seuren, Pieter A. M., 139, 460
370, 376, 389, 399, 400, 407, 449, Sgall, Petr, 355
475, 477, 489, 501, 504, 506, 507, Shamir, Eliahu, 549, 551
509, 510, 518, 520, 536, 542, 544, Shanker, K. Vijay, 409
545, 549, 550, 558, 564, 591, 600, Shanker, Vijay K., 425
601, 605, 616, 617, 621, 627, 629, Shieber, Stuart M., 195, 197, 211, 330, 346, 403,
632, 635, 647, 648 426, 506, 507, 529
Sagot, Benot, 213 Shtyrov, Y., 634
Sailer, Manfred, 270, 296, 320, 322, 329, 542, Shtyrov, Yury, 631634
543, 546 Siegel, Melanie, 256
Saito, Mamoru, 508 Simov, Alexander, 255
Samarin, William J., 460 Simov, Kiril, 255
Sameti, Hossein, 175 Simpson, Jane, 214, 304, 545, 592, 771
Sampson, Geoffrey, 457, 471, 472 Singleton, Jenny L., 461
Samvelian, Pollet, 437 Sleator, Daniel D. K., 356, 357
Saraswat, Vijay, 219, 363 Sleator, Daniel Dominic, 356
Sarkar, Anoop, 331, 403, 625 Smith, Carlota S., 602, 603
Sato, Yo, 255, 296 Smith, George, 445
Sauerland, Uli, xvi, 112, 113, 171, 509, 667 Smolensky, Paul, xvi
Savin, Harris B., 501 Snedeker, Jesse, 630
Schabes, Yves, 426, 543, 544 Snider, Neal, 449
Schfer, Roland, xviii, 242 Snider, Nil, 446
Scheffler, Tatjana, 404, 413 Snyder, William, 511
Schein, Barry, 597, 598 Soehn, Jan-Philipp, 329
Schenkel, Wolfgang, 355 Son, Minjeong, 512, 519
Scherpenisse, Wim, 105, 113, 191, 367 Song, Sanghoun, 255, 256
Schieffelin, Bambi B., 475, 485 Spackman, Stephen P., 255
Schlesewsky, Matthias, 501 Speas, Margaret, 97
Schluter, Natalie, 214 Spencer, Andrew, 549
Schmidt, Paul, 255 Spivey-Knowlton, Michael J., 504, 505
Schmidt, Renate, 355 Sportiche, Dominique, 97, 116
Scholz, Barbara C., 4, 453455, 463, 466, Srinivas, Bangalore, 403
468471, 474, 477, 478, 485, 487, Stabler, Edward P., 117, 119, 140, 155, 159, 160,
490493, 511 162, 170172, 300, 440, 506, 508,
Schopp, Andrea, 339 509, 529, 546, 667
Schrder, Ingo, 357 Stding, Gabriele, 462
Schubert, K., 355 Stark, Elisabeth, xvii
Schumacher, Helmut, 355 Starosta, Stanley, 356, 357, 550
Schtz, Jrg, 255 Stede, Manfred, 237
Schwarze, Christoph, xvi, 213, 235 Steedman, Mark J., 155, 156, 158, 163, 216, 237,
Sedivy, Julie C., 504, 505 238, 240, 243, 245, 246, 248251,
Segond, Frdrique, 214 253, 287, 312, 493, 506, 509, 623
Seiffert, Roland, 255 625, 637, 669
Seiss, Melanie, 214 Steels, Luc, 304, 305, 334, 337, 338, 352
Sells, Peter, 4, 121, 256, 452, 453 Stefanowitsch, Anatol, 486, 635, 638
Sengupta, Probal, 213 Steinbach, Markus, 12, 114, 530
Name index
Sternefeld, Wolfgang, xvii, 81, 97, 113, 114, Umemoto, Hiroshi, 214
121, 140, 142, 145, 172, 226, 379, Uriagereka, Juan, 472, 474, 511
438, 505, 549, 664 Uszkoreit, Hans, 94, 175, 176, 184, 188, 189,
Stiebels, Barbara, 632 195, 196, 237, 245, 255, 330, 408,
Stowell, Timothy, 142, 447 420, 445, 500, 550
Stroik, Tom, 154
Strunk, Jan, xvi, 446 Valian, Virginia, 515517
Suchsland, Peter, 530 Valkonen, K., 356, 357
Suckow, Katja, 501 Vallduv, Enric, 339
Sulger, Sebastian, 214 Van Eynde, Frank, 329
Svenonius, Peter, 512, 519 van Genabith, Josef, 214, 357
Svenononius, Peter, 143 Van Langendonck, Willy, 29, 358
van Noord, Gertjan, 163, 237, 256, 313, 325,
Tabbert, Eric, 237 491, 574
Takahashi, Masako, 403, 426 van Riemsdijk, Henk, 153
Takami, Ken-ichi, 448 van Trijp, Remi, 333339, 341, 344347, 353
Tanenhaus, Michael K., 504, 505, 628 Van Valin, Robert D. Jr., 448
Temperley, Davy, 356, 357 Vancoppenolle, Jean, 237
ten Hacken, Pius, 119, 494 Vargha-Khadem, Faraneh, 463
Tesnire, Lucien, 31, 355, 362, 372, 373, 379, Vasishth, Shravan, xvi, 501
400, 402 Vasserman, Alexander, 214
Theofilidis, Axel, 255 Vater, Heinz, 81
Thiersch, Craig L., 99, 113, 117119 Veenstra, Mettina Jolanda Arnoldina, 117,
Thomas, James, 500 119, 161, 170, 197, 440, 491, 550, 667
Thompson, Henry S., 121, 175, 184 Velupillai, Viveka, 450
Thompson, Sandra A., 646 Vennemann, Theo, 29, 101, 156
Thompson, William, 523 Verhagen, Arie, 547
Thornton, Rosalind, 440, 441, 449 Verspoor, Cornelia Maria, 565, 592
Thrinsson, Hskuldur, 37, 185, 225, 604 Vierhuff, Tilman, 237
Timberlake, Alan, 311, 614 Vijay-Shanker, K., 415
Toivonen, Ida, 234, 299, 304, 579, 591593, Villavicencio, Aline, 237, 238, 245, 253, 451,
595, 596 475, 668
Tomasello, Michael, 84, 114, 305, 353, 433, Vogel, Carl, 255
451, 455, 459, 460, 463, 468, 485, Vogel, Ralf, 114, 153, 530
487, 521, 523, 524, 528, 548, 579 Volk, Martin, 175
582, 584, 585, 663 von Stechow, Arnim, 81, 114, 121, 142, 237,
Torisawa, Kentaro, 425 549, 557, 563
Tth, goston, 214 Voutilainen, Atro, 357
Travis, Lisa, 435
Trosterud, Trond, 357 Wada, Hajime, 213
Tseng, Jesse L., 256, 275 Walker, Donald E., 117, 118
Tsujii, Junichi, 257, 425 Walther, Markus, 258, 328
Turpin, Myfany, 213 Wang, Haifeng, 214
Tyson, Mabry, 330 Wasow, Thomas, 27, 202, 255, 257, 294, 300,
318, 319, 346, 501, 504, 506, 507,
Udwin, Orlee, 462 520, 550, 600, 601, 616, 632
Uibo, Heli, 357 Wasow, Tom, xvi, 255, 507, 510
Ulinski, Morgan, 213 Watkins, Kate E., 463
Name index
Palauan, 293
Persian, 256, 257, 434, 658
Pirah, 454
Polish, 214, 256
Portuguese, 214, 256, 356, 357
Proto-Uralic, 455
Sahaptin, 257
Sami, 357
sign language, 460461
American (ASL), 459, 512
British, 257
French, 257
German, 257
Greek, 257
South African, 257
Slavic, 355
Lower, 474, 511n1
Upper, 474, 511n1
Spanish, 149, 214, 257, 293, 314, 356, 357, 458,
522523, 658
Straits Salish, 450
Swahili, 357
Swedish, 356, 357, 446, 591n19
Urdu, 214
Vietnamese, 404
T, 93, 142, 224, 557 Caused-Motion, 337, 338, 586, 591, 596,
Tense, 129, 142 631, 632
Top, 141, 143, 148 Determiner Noun, 330
Tra, 143 linking, 307
v, 127129, 569, 598601 N-P-N, 400401, 403n2, 649651
Voice, 142, 540, 557 passive, 308
Z, 142 resultative, 304, 548, 565566, 592610
lexical, 28, 91, 450 subject, 308
syntactic, 28 transitive, 308
causative construction, 312 verb phrase, 306
CAUSE, 557 Construction Grammar (CxG), 94, 113, 150,
change of state, 584 167, 170n38, 188, 194, 195, 228n10,
CHILDES, 470, 471n35, 471, 473, 474, 484 234, 269, 272, 275n11, 298, 303
chimpanzee, 459 354, 403, 432, 475, 501n3, 507,
classifier, 450 509n13, 523526, 536, 544, 547,
clitic, 522 551, 571, 580, 594n22, 620, 651,
CoGETI, 257 667, 669
Cognitive Grammar, 303, 432, 475, 523, 551 Fluid, 312, 395
coherence, 227, 231, 233 Sign-Based, 330, 345352
coindexation, 270 Construction Grammar(CxG), 615
comparative, 21, 23 context, 476
competence, 346, 419424, 452, 499510, 515, context-free grammar, 195, 403, 464, 465, 529
526 probabilistic (PCFG), 305, 548
complement, 35, 75, 90, 155160 context-sensitive grammar, 403, 465, 466,
complementizer, 102, 245, 281 529
completeness, 227, 231, 233 context-free grammar, 83
Complex NP Constraint, 442, 446 contraction, 88
complexity class, 83, 403, 485, 529533 contrast, 505
composition, 247, 468 control, 35, 216
backward, 246, 247, 624 Control Theory, 89, 139
forward, 246, 247 conversion, 27
compositionality, 272, 457 cooperativeness, 421
computer science, 116 coordination, 1617, 48n23, 65, 78, 118, 162
configurationality, 113 163, 191n14, 249, 263, 331n26, 455,
conjunction, 22, 53, 150n14 507n11, 525
constituent, 7, 13 -test, 1011, 16
discontinuous, 44, 94, 313314, 331, 627 copula, 44, 550
constituent order, 113, 180, 227, 230, 245287, Copy Theory of Movement, 150n13, 151, 166,
314, 408411 171n41
fixed, 245, 287 core grammar, 91, 303, 511, 519
free, 245, 287 CoreGram, 257
constituent position, 285 corpus, 6
Constraint Language for Lambda-Structures corpus annotation, 356
(CLLS), 557 corpus linguistics, 486, 669
constraint-based grammar, 454 coverb, 435, 450
construction creole language, 460461
Active Ditransitive, 332 critical period, 458459
Subject index
ISBN 978-3-944675-21-3
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