1 s2.0 S0013795206001487 Main
1 s2.0 S0013795206001487 Main
1 s2.0 S0013795206001487 Main
The Standard Penetration Test (SPT) is one of the oldest and the most common in situ test used in soil explorations. In the recent
years with the advent of new technology and techniques in determining the drawbacks in SPT, several researchers have attempted
to correlate corrected field measured values with several soil properties. In this context, corrections applied to field values have
become critical. In this study a questionnaire including the performance of the standard penetration test and equipment used in
practice in Turkey is circulated in order to determine the relevant correction factors. Thus the appropriate corrections are used in
acquiring corrected SPT-N values. The relationships between SPT-N and the undrained shear strength (Su) are examined from the
statistical point of view by taking the test types and SPT corrections into consideration, and comparison is made with previous
studies. It is observed that SPT corrections play an important role on the obtained correlation equations. In addition, the importance
of the effects of test types on the correlations is also emphasized. The Standard Penetration Test is found to be sufficient for reliable
assessment of Su.
2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Standard Penetration Test; SPT corrections factors; Fine-grained soils; Undrained shear strength; Correlation; Turkey
1. Introduction Test (SPT) is one of the oldest and most common in situ
tests used for soil exploration in geotechnical applications
In geotechnical engineering, the engineering proper- and foundation design. This test is the most commonly
ties of soil layers must be known down to the required used penetration test in the countries of south Europe,
depths. Engineering properties can be determined by North and South America, the United Kingdom, Aus-
means of tests carried out in the field and laboratory. In tralia, India, Spain, Portugal, South Africa, Turkey, Israel
order to avoid certain difficulties during sampling and Japan (Nixon, 1982; Dcourt, 1990). In Turkey, it is a
processes in coarse-grained soils and the disturbance of routine part of almost every soil exploration program as
the sampling in fine-grained soils, in situ tests are one of the principle steps (Durgunolu and Torol, 1974).
frequently used. Therefore, we rely heavily on the results Horn (1979) has reported that the SPT has been and is
of the tests performed in field. The Standard Penetration likely to remain a keystone in soil exploration practice in
North America. According to Mori (1979) more than 90%
Corresponding author. Fax: +90 388 225 0112. of borings during preliminary investigation stage are
E-mail address: osivrikaya@nigde.edu.tr (O. Sivrikaya). performed with the SPT.
0013-7952/$ - see front matter 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
O. Sivrikaya, E. Torol / Engineering Geology 86 (2006) 5269 53
The SPT has the advantages with the easiness of the SPT and especially the energy of SPT hammer system
test procedure and the simplicity of the equipment being measured in the field have considerably devel-
employed. Representative but disturbed samples can be oped the information on the SPT and its results
taken, which is used for classification of different layers. (Schmertmann and Palacios, 1979; Kovacs et al.,
The test is carried out in various types of soils ranging 1981; Clayton, 1990; Farrar, 1999; Srithar and Ervin,
from soft clay and loose sand to very stiff clay and dense 2001).
sand. SPT is performed by driving a standard split- Several different types of SPT hammers are used to
spoon sampling tube of 30 cm into the ground at the perform SPT tests, which influences the SPT-N value
bottom of the borehole with a 63.5 kg hammer falling due to their efficiencies. ASTM recommends that a
from 760 mm. SPT-N value, which is the number of measured SPT-N value (SPT-Nfield) should be standard-
hammer blows required to drive the sampler for last the ized it by ratio (CE) between the measured energy
two 150 mm penetration, is called standard penetration transferred to the rod (Emeasured) and 60% of the
resistance of soil. theoretical potential energy (Etheoretical)
Correlations between SPT-N values and soil
properties are empirical and cannot be considered CE Emeasured =Etheoretical =60 ER=60 1
particularly accurate in few cases since the SPT is not
completely standardized (Clayton, 1995). However, This compensates for variable efficiencies from
the results of the test, SPT-N values, are used to different SPT rigs and hammer types and therefore
calculate important engineering properties of soils improves the reliability of soil strength estimates used in
such as the internal friction angle (), relative density geotechnical designs. Knowing Emeasured permits ad-
(Dr), and bearing capacity and settlement of coarse- justment of the SPT-Nfield to the normalized SPT-N60 for
grained soils. It can also be used for the determination standard 60% energy transfer into the rods.
of the shear wave velocity (vs) of soils, liquefaction The energy ratio, ER, can be determined by means of
potential of coarse-grained soils and control of two ways. First, it can be measured directly following
compacted fills. Even though the SPT was originally procedures outlined in ASTM D 6066-96. The latter, in
developed for coarse-grained soils, it has been applied the case of knowing test equipment used and procedure
to fine-grained soils to estimate engineering properties applied, ER is determined by taking advantage of
such as undrained compressive strength (qu), un- previous studies where it is measured. In the current
drained shear strength (Su), and coefficient of volume study, ER was determined by circulating questionnaire
compressibility (mv). However, its applicability for to collect information on the test equipment and
fine-grained soils is still argued (Broms, 1986; procedure used. According to the results of the
Dcourt, 1990). questionnaire, ER, was assumed 45% from previous
Contrary to the implications by its name, the SPT is studies (Clayton, 1990) and therefore CE 0.75. In
not all that standard and SPT-N values may vary even addition, Durgunolu et al. (2000) measured ER using
for identical soil conditions. As would be known, the safety hammer with 2 rope turn release in Turkey and
SPT is dependent on many factors due to the variations determined that ER was approximately 60%. It was the
of applications carried out in the test and some same as previous studies (Seed et al., 1985; Clayton,
equipment used in the test. Various factors including 1990; Youd and Idris, 1997). Determining ER is beyond
drilling methods, drill rods, borehole sizes and stabili- the scope of the present paper.
zation, sampler, blow count rate, hammer configuration, Many factors and variables affect the validity and
energy corrections and test procedure affect the validity usefulness of SPT results (Nixon, 1982; Broms and
and use of SPT results (Schmertmann and Palacios, Flodin, 1988; Coduto, 1994), and subsequently, mea-
1979; Kovacs et al., 1981; Farrar et al., 1998). The sured penetration resistance may be too high or too low.
combined effect of all of these parameters can be A measured penetration resistance which is too high
accounted for by knowing the efficiency of system (ER). causes unconservative estimates of soil properties and
While many variables influence the SPT-N values, a bearing capacity. A measured penetration resistance
strong relationship is present between the SPT-N values which is too low causes overconservative results.
and the energy transmitted to drill rods. If the energy Therefore, the SPT corrections must be made to be
transfer characteristics of an SPT system are known, the used in the geotechnical design and the determination of
SPT-N values obtained by the system may be corrected engineering properties. In the recent years, various
to a standardized energy and more appropriately used in corrections have been developed for measured SPT-N
design. In the last 20 years works on the dynamics of the values taking account of the effect of: rod length,
54 O. Sivrikaya, E. Torol / Engineering Geology 86 (2006) 5269
borehole diameter, sampler type, type of hammer and its The SPT-N value is used with many empirical
release mechanism, blow count frequency, energy, and correlations to determine engineering properties of
the effects of overburden pressure. The corrections soil layer used in design. The relations between the
mainly include overburden correction factor (CN) and values of various soil parameters in the field and/or
blow count frequency correction factor (CBF) depending laboratory conditions both assist the engineer during
on soil type and underground water level; energy the preliminary evaluation of a project and enable
correction factor (CE), rod length correction factor him to check the consistency of the results deter-
(CR), borehole diameter correction factor (CB), liner mined by various methods. The empirical equations
correction factor (CS), anvil correction factor (CA) and developed in accordance with the soil type by various
hammer cushion correction factor (CC) depending on researchers can be used mostly in the design stage so
test procedure and equipment (McGregor and Duncan, as to obtain the values of engineering parameters
1998). The correction factors are beyond the scope of from the results of in situ tests (Terzaghi and Peck,
the current paper. Authors are aware that CR and CE are 1967; Sanglerat, 1972; Stroud, 1974; Sowers, 1979;
still under discussion. Nixon, 1982; Kulhawy and Mayne, 1990; Sivrikaya
In applications of these corrections their use has and Torol, 2002). Although the equations in the
generated confusion regarding the correlations used for literature are known, there is not available informa-
corrected and uncorrected SPT-N values. A measured tion about whether they covered the SPT corrections
blow count (SPT-Nfield) value to be used in the or had the statistical results of the regression analysis.
geotechnical engineering applications should be adjust- Therefore while these corrections are used, their use
ed. SPT-Nfield can be normalized to N60, which is the has led to confusion regarding the correlations used
blow count corrected to 60% of the theoretical free-fall for corrected SPT-N values and for use of uncorrect-
hammer energy, and N1,60 which is the blow count ed SPT-N values, and causes erroneous results and
corrected to 100 kPa of effective overburden pressure designs.
and 60% of the theoretical free-fall hammer energy. The
most general equations for N60 and N1,60 are as follows 2. Previous correlative works on SPT-N and
(McGregor and Duncan, 1998): engineering properties of fine-grained soils
N60 CB CC CE CR CBF CS CA Nfield 2
In engineering applications, the information con-
cerning soil types and soil conditions obtained is
N1;60 CN N60 3
limited due to the difficulties encountered in sampling,
McGregor and Duncan (1998) have reproduced the testing, and the time and costs involved. Therefore it is
equation of Skempton (1986) taking CBF, CC and CA useful to use the correlations by using a small number
into consideration. Though all corrections are made in of soil parameters that can be easily obtained. For fine-
coarse-grained soils, the overburden and blow count grained soils, certain useful relations can be determined
frequency correction cannot be made in fine-grained between the SPT-N value and undrained compressive
soils in practice (Saran, 1996; McGregor and Duncan, strength (qu), undrained shear strength (Su), coefficient
1998). As fine-grained soils during penetration are of volume compressibility (mv) for fine-grained soils.
undrained, the effective vertical stress (overburden) Correlations are important to estimate engineering
correction for clays is not normally made. However, properties of soils particularly for a project where there
there has been an argument for normalizing the effective is a financial limitation, lack of test equipment or limited
confining pressure (Farrar, 2001). Farrar (2001) states time. The correlations with SPT-N are commonly used
that although the normalization according to the in the preliminary stage of a project. However, the use of
overburden correction in the shallow depth is unneces- correlation equations given in the literature is not clear
sary, it could be useful at deep conditions. since there are generally four uncertainties, arisen in
As it is still argued, whether the effect of the effective their use, which are not well defined. They have
vertical stress particularly for fine-grained soils should considerable effects on the correlation equations and
be taken into account or not, and as it is usually not done they are as follows:
in practice, it is dismissed in this study. Therefore the
general equation including corrections for fine-grained whether the correlation includes SPT corrections or
soils is shown in Eq. (4) not; and if it does, then which corrections have been
N60 CB CC CE CR CS CA Nfield 4 whether the correlation has a statistical meaning;
O. Sivrikaya, E. Torol / Engineering Geology 86 (2006) 5269 55
Therefore the correlation equations with SPT-N value It is required to know the undrained shear strength
should be used taking into consideration these effects (Su) in order to make stability analysis for structures and
mentioned above. slopes laying on fine-grained soils. Su is determined by
means of the laboratory and field vane (FV) tests,
2.1. SPT-N and undrained compressive strength (qu) unconsolidated undrained (UU) compression test. In
addition, for saturated fine-grained soils undrained shear
The undrained compressive strength (qu) is an strength (Su = qu / 2) can be obtained by taking the half of
important characteristic for fine-grained soils and it unconfined compressive strength by the unconfined
gives an idea about their consistency. In addition, it is compression (UC) test (Table 1).
used to estimate both the undrained shear strength (Su) It is possible to estimate the undrained shear strength
and the sensitivity of clays. qu is determined by means of of fine-grained soils from SPT data. It is indicated that
the unconfined compression (UC) test. Despite some sensitivity of clays may raise lower SPT-N values for a
disadvantages, the unconfined compression test is given undisturbed strength due to strength loss during
commonly used for determination of the undrained the penetration of the sampler (De Mello, 1971;
shear strength. Schmertmann, 1971; Mitchell et al., 1978). Using the
Many researchers have recommended the relation- results of UU compression tests, Stroud (1974) and
ships between SPT-N value and undrained compressive Dcourt (1990) have proposed the relationships between
strength in accordance with the soil type in fine-grained
soils as shown in Table 1. The correlation equations Table 2
obtained from the studies by 1990 do not include any Relations between SPT-N and qu for fine-grained soils in accordance
information regarding whether there were any correc- with consistency (Terzaghi and Peck, 1967)
tions made or not. However, McGregor and Duncan Consistency SPT-N qu, (kPa)
(1998) suggest that it seems sound to use N60 instead of
Very soft <2 <25
N with those correlations since hammers transmitting Soft 24 2550
60% of the theoretical energy have been the most Medium 48 50100
commonly used hammers for SPT. Moreover, the Stiff 815 100200
statistical information about them has not been encoun- Very stiff 1530 200400
Hard >30 >400
tered. Sivrikaya and Torol (2002) have recently
56 O. Sivrikaya, E. Torol / Engineering Geology 86 (2006) 5269
Table 5
Table of questionnaire including SPT procedure and equipment
Sampler Shoe Outside diameter (mm)
Inside diameter (mm)
Tip thickness (mm)
Tip angle ()
Tube Split barrel Liner Retainer Outside diameter (mm)
Inside diameter (mm)
Whole barrel Length (mm)
Head Ball (mm) Vent (mm)
Drill rod Type
Diameter (mm)
Length (mm)
Anvil Hammer cushion
Diameter (mm)
Height (mm)
Hammer Type
Releasing mechanism
Dimensions Outside diameter (mm)
Inside diameter (mm)
Height (mm)
Boring Type
Diameter (mm)
Casing Outside diameter (mm)
Inside diameter (mm)
Boring mud
SPT Crew number
Blow count frequency
Detail of cathead and rope method Rope Type
Diameter (mm)
Releasing type
Cathead Diameter (mm)
Pulley Numbers of turns of rope
Diameter (mm)
with the diameter of 90 mm112 mm. The blow al., 1984 and 1985), CB is 1.00 due to the change of the
count frequency is 2040 blows per minute. borehole diameter from 65 mm to 115 mm (Skempton,
The sampler consists of three separated parts. The 1986), CC is 1.00 due to not using hammer cushion
first part is an open shoe made from hard steel with (Dcourt, 1990), CS is 1.20 due to not using liners
the outside diameter of 50.8 mm, inner diameter of (Skempton, 1986), CA is 0.85 due to using donut
35 mm and length of about 90 mm. The second part hammer and small anvil (Tokimatsu, 1988), and CR is
is a split barrel tube with the constant inner diameter 0.75, 0.85, 0.95, 1.00 depending on the rod length
of 3638 mm, outside diameter of 50.8 mm, and (Skempton, 1986) for the data used in this study. Under
length of 600 mm740 mm without the liner. the light of the results of the questionnaire, Eq. (4)
Generally various retainers are used in this part becomes Eq. (5):
depending on the soil type. Third part is a head with 2
or 4 vents and a ball. N60 CE CR CS CA Nfield 5
SPT-N value is taken as the sum of the blow counts
for the second 15 cm and third 15 cm penetration Since CSCA is about 1, Eq. (5) becomes:
after first 15 cm penetration, which is assumed to
pass disturbed soils. N60 0:75CR Nfield 6
During testing, crew consists of 2 or 3 people.
In order to determine the correlation functions
According to the results of the questionnaire, it is between Su and SPT-N value depending on both soil
assumed that CE is 0.75 due to the type of donut hammer types and the SPT-N corrections the linear regression
with releasing 2 turns of rope (Clayton, 1990; Seed et analysis is performed from statistical point of view. First
58 O. Sivrikaya, E. Torol / Engineering Geology 86 (2006) 5269
of all, Student t-test is performed to establish whether are done for 5% meaningfulness level. As a result of t-
there is any relation between Su and SPT-N or not. The tests a relation is observed between Su and SPT-N. To
significance tests of each statistical parameters and lines develop relations between Su and SPT-N, the linear
While the empirical equations are developed, SPT- and CL soils, fine-grained soils refer to cohesive soils
N value and plasticity index (Ip) are taken as including CH, CL, CLML, ML, MH soils.
independent variables and Su as a dependent variable.
The values of Su are obtained from Unconfined 4.1. SPT-N and Su
Compression (UC), Unconsolidated Undrained Triaxial
Compression (UU) and Field Vane (FV) tests. In order to develop valid correlations between SPT-N
Analyses are performed on the data divided into the value and Su, SPT-Nfield values are obtained from the
subgroups which are highly plastic clays (CH), low different sites where SPTs are performed in Turkey, and
plastic clays (CL), all clays (CHCL) and fine-grained Su values are determined by means of UC, UU tests
soils by taking the corrections into account. Unified performed on the undisturbed specimens. These speci-
soil classification system is used in grouping the data. mens were taken from Shelby tube samples recovered
Thus, the results obtained from this study are from depths close to where SPTs were performed and
compared with the equations suggested by previous FV tests performed close SPT. For Su obtained from FV,
researchers by examining the effects of the soil type FV tests were conducted up to depth of 30 m by field
and SPT corrections. In addition, effects of test type on vanes with two type blades. One of the blades had a
the obtained regression equation are investigated for diameter of 55 mm height of 130 mm and the diameter
undrained shear strength by means of UC, UU and FV of 65 mm and height of 110 mm. The number of data
tests. pairs (SPT-N and Su) is 226 for UC tests, 190 for UU
The data for fine-grained soils are obtained from tests and 62 for FV tests. The soil types and numbers of
many parts of Turkey. They are non-sensitive clays with the specimens are given in Table 7.
liquid limit (wL) in the range of 22 to 110 and plastic The linear regression analyses are conducted with
limit (wp) in the range of 14 to 44. The soil profiles and without SPT corrections. The results obtained from
belonging to data obtained from different two sites for linear analyses, which are the functions with its
each UC, UU and FV tests are shown in Fig. 1. The coefficients of determination (r2) and its standard errors
SPTs were performed to the depth of 30 m. (s), are shown for each soil type and SPT corrections in
All data are divided into four subsoil groups, which are accordance with the test types in Table 8. Charts of these
highly plastic clays (CH), low plastic clays (CL), clays correlations are given in Figs. 2AC, 3AC and 4AC
(CH, CL) and fine-grained soils (CH, CL, CLML, ML, and 5AC. In the analysis of FV tests, Su(= Su)
MH) (Table 6). In this paper while clays refer to both CH represents undrained shear strength from FV test
including field correction. The field correction factor
() depending on Su(FV) / v0 proposed by Aas et al.
Table 6 (1986) is used in this study.
Soil types and numbers analyzed for relations between SPT-N and Su
As would be seen from Table 9, the coefficients of
Soil type Number of data (n) determination from uncorrected data (SPT-Nfield) and
UC UU FV corrected data (SPT-N60) for all soil types are in the
Highly plastic clay (CH) 113 80 13 range of 0.580.74 and 0.530.64 for UC tests,
Low plastic clay (CL) 72 67 11 0.520.64 and 0.520.64 for UU tests, 0.530.74
Clay 185 147 24 and 0.560.76 for FV tests, respectively. The
Fine-grained soil 226 190 62
coefficient of determination varies between 0.52 and
60 O. Sivrikaya, E. Torol / Engineering Geology 86 (2006) 5269
Table 8
Results of the analysis performed for relations between SPT-N and Su Su 3:70Nfield for CL 9
Soil type Su kPa Su kPa Su(Su) kPa
Su 5:35N60 for CL 10
CH 4.85Nfield, 5.90Nfield, 6.17Nfield,
r = 0.83, s = 80 r = 0.80, s = 39 r = 0.86, s = 10
6.82N60, r = 0.80, 8.76N60, r = 0.80, 8.27N60, r = 0.87, Su 4:75Nfield for Clays 11
s = 86 s = 39 s = 10
CL 3.35Nfield, 3.97Nfield, 3.58Nfield,
r = 0.76, s = 64 r= 0.75, s = 21 r = 0.82, s = 6 Su 6:90N60 for Clays 12
4.93N60, r = 0.73, 5.82N60, r = 0.75, 4.88N60, r = 0.83,
s = 68 s = 21 s = 5
Clay 4.33Nfield, 5.13Nfield, 4.97Nfield, Su 4:45Nfield for Finegrained soils 13
r = 0.82, s = 82 r = 0.76, s = 36 r = 0.73, s = 12
6.19N60, r = 0.77, 7.57N60, r = 0.76, 6.72N60, r = 0.75,
s = 85 s = 36 s = 11
Su 6:35N60 for Finegrained soils 14
Fine- 4.32Nfield, 4.68Nfield, 4.18Nfield,
grained r = 0.80, s = 78 r = 0.72, s = 35 r = 0.76, s = 10
soil 6.18N60, r = 0.78, 6.97N60, r = 0.71, 5.77N60, r = 0.79, For highly plastic clays (CH) the results obtained
s = 81 s = 35 s = 10 from this study for UC, UU and FV tests and the
previous studies are shown in terms of SPT
0.76. While the coefficient of determination (r2) is corrections (SPT-Nfield) and without SPT corrections
found to be 0.52 as the lowest value for fine-grained (SPT-N60) in Fig. 2AB. The results obtained from
soils with SPT-N60 in the UU test, the highest value the current study fall between those obtained from
is 0.76 for CH with SPT-N60 in FV test. The highest the equations proposed by Sowers (1979) and Stroud
coefficients of determination (r 2 = 0.640.76) are (1974). As can be seen in Fig. 2, while the equation
established for CH in all test types. The standard proposed by Sowers (1979) for highly plastic clays
error (s) is a measure of the amount of error in the gives highly over-estimated values, the equation
prediction of Su for individual SPT-N value. Statis- proposed by Stroud (1974) gives very close results
tical analysis indicated that the standard errors (s) of to the current study for UC. Therefore, the authors
the correlation equations vary in the range of 64 recommend that the equation suggested by Sowers
84 kPa for UC test, 2139 kPa for UU test and (1979) for highly plastic clays should not be used in
512 kPa for FV test. While standard errors of practice. Fig. 2C also shows that the SPT corrections
obtained correlations are the highest for UC test, they play an important role on the correlations and the
are quite low for UU and considered due to the variations indicate the magnitude of the corrections
disadvantages and assumptions of UC tests. In on SPT-N. a coefficient in Su = aN equation
addition, the standard errors found from FV tests determined from linear regression analysis varies
are the lowest values for all soil types. This is approximately between 4.5 and 9. The upper and
attributed to the data obtained from only one site in lower limits based on both SPT raw data (SPT-
which the soil is homogeneous with depth. It should Nfield) and on test types (UC, UU, FV) are 6.17 and
be noted that test type (UC, UU and FV tests) plays 4.85, respectively. In addition, the upper and lower
an important role on the coefficients of determination limits based on both SPT corrections (SPT-N60) and
and standard errors depending on the homogeneity of test types are 8.76 and 6.82, respectively (Table 8,
soil and advantages or disadvantages of the test Fig. 2C).
types. The results obtained for low plastic clays (CL) in
Taking three different tests (UC, UU, FV) data into this study for various test types with and without SPT
consideration, the proposed mean correlations for each corrections and those of the previous studies are
type soils from the current study are given below in shown in Fig. 3AB. The correlations obtained from
terms of SPT-Nfield and SPT-N60, and they are plotted in the current study for each test type give very close
Figs. 25. results, and are compatible with each other. The values
of proposed mean correlation from the current study
Su 5:50Nfield for CH 7 for SPT raw data (SPT-Nfield) for CL are approxi-
mately the same as Sowers (1979) for CL (Fig. 3A).
Su 7:80N60 for CH 8 The regression line obtained by Stroud (1974) for CL
O. Sivrikaya, E. Torol / Engineering Geology 86 (2006) 5269 61
constitutes the upper limit and is approximately the range of the variation for clay and fine-grained
identical with the line obtained from the current soils is found to be the same. It is thought that this is
study based on SPT corrections and UU test data. a due to the number of data available for ML, MH and
coefficient varies approximately between 3 and 6. The CLML subsoil types which are quite few in
upper and lower limits based on both SPT raw data comparison with CH and CL clays as shown in Tables
and test types are 3.97 and 3.35, respectively. In 6 and 7. The range of variations for fine-grained soils
addition, the upper and lower limits based on both from this study is nearly the same as that (4 < a < 7)
SPT corrections and test types are 5.82 and 4.88, proposed by Stroud (1974) without taking plasticity
respectively (Table 8, Fig. 3C). index (Ip) into consideration. However, it is found that
For clays the results obtained from this study for the range of the variation suggested by Stroud (1974)
various test types with and without SPT corrections for all fine-grained soils remains between the limits
and those obtained from the previous studies are obtained for SPT-N60 in this study.
shown in Fig. 4AB. The results obtained from the It can be concluded from Figs. 2C 3C 4C and 5C
equations proposed by Sanglerat (1972), Nixon (1982) that whether or not the correlation equation based on
and Dcourt (1990) for clays are much higher than SPT corrections is important and lack of that
those obtained from the current study. The previous information may mislead an engineer. Thus, unex-
studies give approximately as twice as the values pected situations are encountered at the design stage.
from this study. Therefore, the authors recommend Therefore, it is necessary to check whether or not the
that the equations suggested by the previous studies correlation equation covers the corrections before it is
for clays should not be used in practice. a used. In addition, in this study it is observed as
coefficient varies approximately between 4 and 8. expected that a coefficient increases for soil types
The upper and lower limits based on both SPT raw such as highly plastic clays (CH), clays, fine-grained
data and test types are 5.13 and 4.33, respectively. In soils and low plastic clays (CL) in all test types
addition, the upper and lower limits based on both regardless of whether SPT corrections are made or
SPT corrections and test types are 7.57 and 6.19, not.
respectively (Table 8, Fig. 4C).
For fine-grained soils the results obtained from this 4.2. Test Type Effect on SPT-N and Su
study and the previous studies for test types are shown
with and without SPT corrections in Fig. 5AB. The In general, there are two uncertainties with correla-
correlation by Kulhawy and Mayne (1990) has given tions including SPT-N value, which has considerable
much higher results than that of the current study for effect on the correlation equations. First is whether a
fine-grained soils in terms of both test types and SPT correlation includes the SPT corrections or not and the
correction effects (Fig. 5A, B). The correlation of latter is the test type effect. In particular, unless which
Kulhawy and Mayne (1990) are suggested not to be type of test results is used for the correlation is known,
used in practice by the authors. As regards, the SPT the correlation used may cause overestimation or
corrections it is found that the results of proposed underestimation of the design. In this study using the
mean correlation from this study are approximately the results (Su) of three different tests types, UC, UU and
same as the correlation suggested by Terzaghi and FV tests, linear regression analysis (Su = aN) is made
Peck (1967) commonly used in practice for fine- and the effects of the test types on the regression
grained soils (Fig. 5A). Therefore, it seems necessary coefficient, a, are studied. Table 9 summarizes the
that SPT-N values suggested by Terzaghi and Peck variation of a coefficient based on the SPT
(1967) must be used after the SPT corrections applied. corrections and test types.
a coefficient varies approximately between 4 and 7. The variation intervals of a is larger for N60 than
The upper and lower limits based on both SPT raw for Nfield in each soil type as seen Table 9. a
data and test types are 4.68 and 4.18, respectively. In coefficient varies approximately between 4.5 and 9 for
addition, the upper and lower limits based on both SPT CH, between 3 and 6 for CL, between 4 and 8 for
corrections and test types are 6.97 and 5.77, respec- clays and between 4 and 7 for fine-grained soils based
tively (Table 8, Fig. 5C). on both SPT correction and test type effects. Table 9
For FV, UC and UU tests in all soil types, the and Figs. 3 4 and 5 shows that the SPT corrections
results of correlations obtained with SPT-Nfield never play an important role on the correlations and the
exceeded the values suggested by Terzaghi and Peck variations indicate the magnitude of the corrections on
(1967) as would be seen in Table 8. For the UC tests, SPT-N for all soil types.
62 O. Sivrikaya, E. Torol / Engineering Geology 86 (2006) 5269
Fig. 2. A. Comparison of previous studies with the present study for highly plastic clays (CH) in terms of SPT-Nfield. B. Comparison of previous
studies with the present study highly plastic clays (CH) in terms of SPT-N60. C. Effect of SPT corrections on Su = aN highly plastic clays (CH).
O. Sivrikaya, E. Torol / Engineering Geology 86 (2006) 5269 63
Fig. 3. A. Comparison of previous studies with the present study for low plastic clays (CL) in terms of SPT-Nfield. B. Comparison of previous studies
with the present study for low plastic clays (CL) in terms of SPT-N60. C. Effect of SPT corrections on Su = aN for low plastic clays (CL).
64 O. Sivrikaya, E. Torol / Engineering Geology 86 (2006) 5269
Fig. 4. A. Comparison of previous studies with the present study for clays in terms of SPT-Nfield. B. Comparison of previous studies with the present
study for clays (CH) in terms of SPT-N60. C. Effect of SPT corrections on Su = aN for clays.
O. Sivrikaya, E. Torol / Engineering Geology 86 (2006) 5269 65
Fig. 5. A. Comparison of previous studies with the present study for the fine-grained soils in terms of SPT-Nfield. B. Comparison of previous studies
with the present study for the fine-grained soils in terms of SPT-N60. C. Effect of SPT corrections on Su = aN for fine-grained soils.
66 O. Sivrikaya, E. Torol / Engineering Geology 86 (2006) 5269
Table 9
Test type effects on regression coefficient, a, in regression equation of Su = aN
CH CL Clays Fine-grained soils
Nfield 4.85 a 6.17 3.35 a 3.97 4.33 a 5.13 4.18 a 4.68
N60 6.82 a 8.76 4.88 a 5.82 6.19 a 7.57 5.77 a 6.97
Fig. 6 shows the correlations for each soil type from and without SPT corrections made (Fig. 7) and the
different test types point of view. It is observed that highest correlation equation is obtained as follows:
while the results of correlations including UC test data
constitute lowest limits, those including UU test data Su 0:12Ip 2:08Nfield n 25; r2 0:38 15
constitute uppermost limit for each soil type. It is
thought to be due to the advantages of UU test in It is observed that even though the obtained correlation
accordance with UC test. Generally, the results of has the low coefficient of determination of 0.38, f1(Su /
correlations including FV test data remain between the N) increases with the increase in plasticity index, Ip. The
other two test type limits despite some small variations. same trend is determined by Sivrikaya and Torol
It is because of using a small data in the regression (2002) and Sowers (1954), except Stroud (1974).
analysis. In the correlations including SPT-Nfield, a The SPT procedure and equipment must be known so
coefficient varies approximately between 4.5 and 6.5 that the interpretation of the SPT test results can be made
for CH, between 3 and 4 for CL, between 4 and 5.5 correctly. The equipment used for SPT during the period
for clays and between 4 and 5 for fine-grained soils at which many studies (Tables 1 and 3) are carried out
based on test type. In the correlations including SPT- has varied from one country to another. Although the
N60, it varies approximately between 6.5 and 9 for SPT was a routine test in the USA, it was not sufficiently
CH, between 4.5 and 6 for CL, between 6 and 8 for standardized. Furthermore different equipment was used
clays and between 5.5 and 7 for fine-grained soils in South America and Europe (Sanglerat, 1972).
based on the test type. Therefore, it is thought that different measured SPT-N
values are obtained due to differences in equipment and
4.3. Relation of Su /N and Ip procedures followed. Thus, this could cause high a
coefficient and subsequently different correlations.
The data of undrained shear strength (Su) obtained However, it is remarkable that the correlation recom-
from UU test versus plasticity index (IP) is plotted in mended by Terzaghi and Peck (1967) used frequently in
Fig. 7. It is quite difficult to determine any relation and practice is very close to that determined by this study
make any comment between f1 (= Su / N) and plasticity (Tables 1 and 3 and Fig. 5).
index as seen from Fig. 7. However, it seems as if f1(Su /
N) decreases with the increase in plasticity index in 5. Summary and conclusions
contrast to the relation proposed by Stroud (1974) and
used in practice commonly, which f1 decreases with the Correlations between SPT-N values and soil
increases in plasticity index. The study verifying and properties are empirical and cannot be considered
backing up the same finding is performed on homog- particularly accurate in few cases since the SPT is not
enous clayey soils by Sowers (1954) (Table 10). But the completely standardized. This study has attempted to
information is brief and any further data are not given develop correlation between SPT-N and Su. Statistical
about any indication of how Su is determined. The approach has been applied to find the best linear
comparisons of studies on the variation of f1 are made in correlation result with number of data (n), coefficient
accordance with soil types or plasticity index, IP as it is of determination (r 2) and standard errors (s). A
shown in Table 10. It should be noted that for IP less than questionnaire is circulated to collect information on
20, Su values in f1 are open to question due to the SPT procedure and equipment so that the reliable
discontinuities in sampling, the difficulties of sampling corrections and correlations can be attempted. Thus the
and testing on this sort of samples. profile of the performance and equipment used to
In addition to test results using FV obtained from one determine SPT in Turkey are exposed. As a result of
site which has homogenous soil with depth, the relations the questionnaires, based on the equipment and
between f1 and Ip with 25 number of data pairs are application standards of SPT, SPT correction factors,
examined and a linear relationship is determined with CB, CC, CA, CS, CE can be taken as 1.00, 1.00, 0.85,
O. Sivrikaya, E. Torol / Engineering Geology 86 (2006) 5269 67
1.20 and 0.75, respectively in Turkey. The equation In this study the relation between SPT-N value and
including all SPT corrections for fine-grained soils can Su used to determine the undrained shear strength of
be used as N60 = (0.75 CR) Nfield in Turkey. clayey soils obtained from UC, UU and FV tests is
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