Applicability of The SPT-based Methods For Estimating Toe Bearing Capacity of Driven PHC Piles in The Thick Deltaic Deposits
Applicability of The SPT-based Methods For Estimating Toe Bearing Capacity of Driven PHC Piles in The Thick Deltaic Deposits
Applicability of The SPT-based Methods For Estimating Toe Bearing Capacity of Driven PHC Piles in The Thick Deltaic Deposits
DOI 10.1007/s12205-011-0801-0
Standard Penetration Test (SPT)-based design methods for pile foundations have been extensively used in Korean practice.
However, their applicability for local application has seldom been examined, particularly for the thick deposits, such as in the
Nakdong River deltaic area. This paper examines the applicability of three common SPT-based methods to deep sandy deposits in the
delta. Routine SPT data, in which the test was completed for each of the N = 50 blows at less than 30 cm penetration in the last two
increments of 15 cm, were adopted. A special SPT was conducted to examine the general relationship between penetration and blow
counts in dense sands. Based on the special SPT and another well-documented case study, a simple linear extrapolation was
developed to estimate data equivalent to N > 50. PDA (Pile Driving Analyzer) tests were also carried out to evaluate energy
efficiency of the donut hammer used for the routine SPT. Energy correction factor (CE) was determined as 0.9. Using the corrected N-
values, the estimated SPT-based toe resistances were compared with data obtained from PDA tests, field load tests on piles, and a
CPT (Cone Penetration Test)-based method. Results indicate that the SPT-based methods generally manifest a rather low reliability.
The recommended Meyerhof’s method is deemed applicable for the preliminary design.
Keywords: toe resistance, standard penetration test N-value, PDA test, CPT, PHC pile
****Full-time Lecturer, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Dong-A University, Busan 604-714, Korea (E-mail:
****Member, Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Dong-A University, Busan 604-714, Korea (Corresponding Author, E-mail:
****Member, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Dong-A University, Busan 604-714, Korea (E-mail:
****Member, Chief Director, GY Tech Construction Co., Ltd, Busan 612-020, Korea (E-mail:
− 1023 −
N. T. Dung, S. G. Chung, S. R. Kim, and S. H. Beak
based method for the sites (Dung et al., 2007). Some discussions 2.2 SPT-based Toe Resistance Methods
and recommendations are further presented in applications of A number of SPT-based methods were proposed to estimate
SPT-based methods for pile foundations in the deposits. the bearing capacity of driven piles. However, only three methods
commonly considered in practical design are taken into account
2. SPT N-value and Toe Resistance in this study, as shown in Table 1. As the SPT data in the clay and
upper sand layers are not available for evaluation of the shaft
2.1 SPT and its Corrected N-values resistance along the piles, only toe resistance is therefore consi-
According to ASTM D 1586 – 99 (similarly, with KSF 2307, dered for the lower sand layer.
2007), the performance of SPT is completed with the occurrence
of one of the following: (i) a total of 50 blows have been applied 3. Field Soil Tests
during any one of the three 0.15 m increments; (ii) a total of 100
blows have been applied; (iii) there is no observed advance of the 3.1 Locations and Ground Conditions
sampler during the application of 10 successive blows of the Figure 1 shows the locations of the study sites, the Myeongji
hammer; and (iv) the sampler advanced the complete 0.45 m (MJ) and Shinho (SH) residential complexes in Busan City. The
without the limiting blow counts occurring as described in the locations are situated at the coastline of the deltaic area. For land
first three conditions. The sum of the number of blows required development, a landfill of about 5m thick was constructed and
for the second and third 15 cm (6 in.) of penetration is termed as finally completed in the late 1990s (MJ site) and in mid-2000
“standard penetration resistance” or the “N-value”. (SH site). Housing construction only began a few years ago for
The normalized N-value to the standard energy ratio of 60% the MJ site.
and corrected for a number of effects is often expressed by the The ground conditions of the sites are briefly described as
following form (Skempton, 1986): follows. The fill layer is followed by loose silty sand (upper
sand), soft to medium silty clay (upper clay), loose to dense sand
N60 = NCE CB CS CR (1)
(lower sand), and sandy gravel on bed rock. One of its prominent
where CE, CB, CS, and CR are the correction factors for hammer features is a thin clayey silt layer that is mostly sandwiched in the
energy efficiency, borehole diameter, sampling method, and length lower sand layer. The thickness of the silty clay layer (upper
of drill rod, respectively. clay) varies from 16 to 20 m. Groundwater levels at the sites are
The N60-value is then corrected for overburden pressure effect approximately located 2.5 m below the ground surface.
as generally expressed by the following form:
3.2 The SPT and CPT Profiles
( N1 )60 = CN N60 (2) SPT was performed in boreholes of NX size, which were
where CN is the correction factor for effective overburden drilled using a rotary wash boring machine with drill rods of
pressure. There are several expressions for the CN in literature; Type A (41.3 mm outer diameter and 5.7 kg/m). The SPT was
however, the expression initially proposed by Liao and Whitman manually operated using a standard donut hammer-cathead
(1986) and later suggested in ASTM D 6066 - 96 is used for this system in which the rope was rolled 2.25 turns in the clockwise
study, which is as follows: direction. The common testing procedure was largely identical to
the ASTM standard D 1568-99; however, during the last two
CN = ( pa ⁄ σ 'v )
(3) increments of 15 cm, the test was completed whenever the blow
where σ 'v= vertical effective pressure at the SPT test point and pa number reached 50 even at a penetration of less than 30 cm (50 /
reference pressure = 100 kPa.
<30). Due to the thick clay layer known as “Busan clay” (Chung routine SPT, PDA test was additionally carried out at a neighbor-
et al., 2002), SPT was performed only in the lower sand layer (at ing site in the delta area where the same equipment and operators
least below 30 m), which was considered as the bearing stratum were employed. Calibration test procedures conformed to the
of piled foundations. ASTM D 4633-05. Table 2 provides the summarized results
At the same time, Cone Penetration Test (CPT) was also per- from the test.
formed at the sites using a 20-ton capacity CPT equipment. The
test was carried out using an electrical cone of 60o apex angle 4. Correction of the Measured N-values
with base cross-sectional and sleeve friction areas of 15 cm2 and
225 cm2, respectively. A porous element was mounted immedi- 4.1 Correction Factors for Energy Efficiency and Other
ately behind the cone shoulder to measure induced pore water Effects
pressure (u2). Average penetration rate was 20 mm/s, as recom- In this study, the correction factors CB, CS, and CR in Eq. (1)
mended by ISSMFE (1989). A total of 16 SPT - CPTU adjacent were taken as unity (Skempton, 1986) since the test was per-
tests were conducted at the two sites, in which the distance formed in relation to the borehole diameter of NX size, standard
between SPT and CPTU was less than 5 m at each test location. sampler, and drill rod larger than 30 m.
Fig. 2 shows the typical five SPT-N and CPTU-qc profiles at the Table 2 on the calibrated results for three types of hammers
sites, in which the first two profiles (MA1P-5, MC2-2) belong to obtained from the PDA test shows that the average Energy
the MJ site and the others (SO2-1, SO3-2, and SO5-3) to the SH Transfer Ratio (ETR) obtained from the tested donut hammer
site. varies from 53.9 to 55.9%. These ratios closely agree with those
obtained from other Korean studies (Lee et al., 1992; Park et al.,
3.3 Special SPT and PDA Tests 1994; Lee et al., 2005), which suggest that average energy
Apart from the main field soil tests, a special SPT was design- transfer ratio for donut hammers used in Korean application can
ed to examine the general relationship between penetration and be averagely taken as 49.5~53.3%. Based on the measured
blow counts until full penetration of 45 cm was achieved; it was results, an average ratio of ETR = 54% is obtained for this study.
carried out at the MD1P-2 location of the MJ site (Fig. 1). Drill Thus, CE = ETR/60 = 0.90 and N60 = 0.9 N.
rod penetration was continuously measured for each blow. For
this test, an automatic hammer system (hammer mass = 63.5 kg, 4.2 Extrapolation Technique for Terminated N-values
fall height = 76 cm) was used together with the drill rods of Type Results from the special SPT performed at MD1P-2 are shown
A connected to the standard sampler and for the casings of NX in Fig. 3 adjacent to the CPTU-qc profile. The test was carried out
size. Results are shown in Figs. 3 and 4, and consequently only in the denser upper part of the lower sand layer at intervals
analyzed. of 1 m. Fig. 4 shows two typical profiles of penetration-blow
For the calibration of the hammer energy efficiency in the counts where SPT N-values are larger than 50 at 33.5 and 35.5 m
Fig. 2. Typical SPT-N and CPTU-qc Profiles at the MJ and SH Sites: (a) MA1P-5, (b) MC2-2, (c) SO2-1, (d) SO3-2, (e) SO5-3
depth. Data indicate that after the seating drive zone (the first 15
cm), the relationships seem to be largely linear.
To verify the above result, a well-documented experimental
data is provided. Daniel (2000) experimentally performed a
comprehensive study on correlation between Large Penetration
Test (LPT) and SPT at Seward Site, Alaska, USA, where the
deposit consists of silty and sandy gravels in the flood plain. For
these tests, a safety hammer of 63.5 kg (fall height = 76 cm) was
used, and the blow counts were recorded at intervals of 1 in (2.54
cm). Fig. 5 shows three typical profiles of penetration-blow
counts, which indicate a similar trend to our study results (Fig.
Fig. 5. Three Penetration-blow Count Profiles at Seward Site (Data
As shown in Figs. 4 and 5, the entire curves of penetration from Daniel, 2000)
versus blow counts generally exhibit a hyperbolic relationship
similar to the load-displacement curve observed from the plate
load test or pile static loading test. However, it is interesting to NLinear = 50 × 0.3 ⁄ d50 (4)
note that after passing the seating drive zone (the first 15 cm),
penetration versus blow count curves become approximately where NLinear = equivalent blow count per 0.3 m penetration, d50
linear. For N-values counted after the seating drive zone, a (m) = measured penetration when the test is terminated at N = 50.
simple linear extrapolation equation can thus be developed: The mechanism of driving the SPT sampler into dense sandy
deposits is similar with driving open-ended piles. Since the equivalent N-values larger than 50.
sampler is rather small and short (length = 9 times of diameter),
its total shaft resistance is significantly smaller than the total base 4.3 Linear Extrapolated N-values
resistance. In addition, due to cyclic loading, soil elements Figure 2 shows five typical soil profiles at the sites where the
around the sampler walls become fatigued and loosened (White, PDA and SLT were elaborately executed. In this analysis, the last
2005; White and Lehane, 2004); thus, shaft resistance decreases four locations (i.e., Figs. 2b~2e) where both PDA and CPT
with increasing number of blows. In dense sand, the hollow profiles were fully made available are taken into consideration.
sampler is quickly plugged during penetration in the seating drive Table 3 shows the measured N-values, at which the test was
zone; consequently, base resistance steadily increases. Similarly, completed at 50 blows with d50 < 30 cm, and consequently, with
total resistance increases steadily after the seating drive zone, the linearly extrapolated values (NLinear) based on Eq. (4). This
showing a slight nonlinear curve typical of those illustrated in indicates that the extrapolated N-values vary from 54 to 94.
Figs. 4 and 5.
From the recorded data, the penetrations at N = 50 blows (d50) 5. Toe Resistances
were obtained and the linear extrapolated values (NLinear) were
calculated using Eq. (4). The extrapolated values (solid symbols) 5.1 Toe Resistances based on CPT and Other Methods
are plotted together with the measured values, as shown in Figs. To examine applicability of SPT-based methods, toe resistances
4 and 5, which show that the extrapolated values are slightly obtained from CPT, PDA, and Static Loading Test (SLT), which
smaller than those measured at full penetration of 45 cm. The are known as the more reliable methods, were compared with
discrepancy between the measured and extrapolated values each other.
becomes larger in dense gravel sands; however, SPT for such
deposits is noted as less reliable. As a consequence, it can be 5.1.1 CPT-based Toe Resistances
stated that the linear extrapolated technique can conservatively It is known that the PDA-based method (CAPWAP analysis)
be used for practical design. It is applied herein to evaluate could be the most reliable field test used to determine pile
bearing capacity if SLT is not performed on piles. Dung et al.
Table 3. Linearly Extrapolated Values for N> 50 (2007) reported a comparison of shaft and toe resistances
Depth N/d50 NLinear obtained from various CPT-based and PDA-based methods at the
(m) (blow/cm) (blow) sites. Results indicate that among 10 common CPT-based methods,
34.5 50/22 68 toe resistance obtained from the Aoki and De Alencar (1975)
36.0 50/17 88 method provided the best agreement for those obtained from the
PDA test. A further study carried out by Hung et al. (2008) also
MC2-2 37.5 50/21 71
drew the same conclusion based on a similar analysis using a
49.5 50/19 79 total of 172 PDA and CPTU test data (without adjacent SPT data
51.0 50/22 68 available). Therefore, the Aoki and De Alencar (1975) method
59.5 50/24 63 (hereafter denoted as “CPT-based”) are applied herein, the result
of which is compared with those from the SPT-based methods.
SO2-1 61.0 50/28 54
62.5 50/18 83
5.1.2 Toe Resistances from PDA and SLT
59.5 50/23 65 PDA test was performed for four closed-ended PHC piles of
61.0 50/22 68 600 mm in diameter. One pile was driven at MC2-2 location
42.0 50/25 60 (named here as pile MC2-2) and three others at the locations of
SO2-1, SO3-2, and SO5-3, and with similar names assigned. The
42.5 50/24 63
piles were successfully driven using a hydraulic impact hammer
43.0 50/23 65 with the maximum potential energy of 24 tf · m. PDA test was
43.5 50/19 79 systematically performed through the driving process from the
44.0 50/23 65 first until the final stroke. Piles were then re-struck 39 days, 42
days, 56 days and 59 days after the End of Initial Driving
SO5-3 44.5 50/23 65
(EOID). Further details on the PDA results were reported by
45.0 50/17 88 Dung et al. (2007).
45.5 50/16 94 Piles MC2-2 and SO5-3 were well-instrumented with strain
46.0 50/19 79 gauges to monitor development of residual loads with time. An
46.5 50/18 83 O-cell was installed at the bottom of the pile SO5-3. Static
Loading Test (SLT) and O-cell test were then applied to the piles
47.0 50/18 83
MC2-2 and SO5-3 at 164 days and 219 days after driving,
Note: the NLinear values were rounded to be integers. respectively. Further details of the two piles can be inferred from
the reports of Kim et al. (2006), Dung (2008), and Fellenius et al. 5.2 SPT-based Toe Resistances
(2009). An additional instrumented pile was later installed at The toe bearing capacity of driven closed-ended PHC piles of
location MA1P-5 in the MJ site, which also included an O-cell at 600 mm diameter was estimated using the corrected N-values
the bottom of the pile. Further details of pile MA1P-5 can be (i.e., N60, (N1)60). SPT-based toe resistances from the three
inferred from Kim et al. (2008). Table 4 shows the toe and shaft methods were then plotted together with the values obtained
resistances obtained from the PDA, SLT, and O-Cell tests on the from the PDA-based, CPT-based, and SLT methods, as shown in
three instrumented piles. Fig. 6. It appears that the CPT-based resistances match rather
It should be noted that PDA-based toe resistances illustrated in well with the PDA-based values, except for some points at SO3-
Table 4 were taken from the EOID. It is because the hammer 2. The discrepancy was probably due to the heterogeneity of soil
energy was insufficient to fully mobilize the shaft resistance of in the horizontal direction at the site, which made the PDA-based
the long PHC piles that were subjected to large residual loads. resistances smaller in the middle part. The relatively good agree-
Toe resistances obtained from the re-strikes were therefore ment between CPT-based, PDA-based, and SLT results, as
smaller than with the EOID. As shown in Table 4, PDA-based shown in Table 4 and Fig. 6, further confirms previous studies
toe resistances matched relatively well with those obtained from (Dung et al., 2007; Hung et al., 2008); that is, both PDA-based
the SLT and O-Cell tests. It can also be inferred that if hammer and CPT-based design approaches are appropriate for the design
energy was sufficient to fully mobilize the piles during the re- of the driven PHC piles in the thick delta. The methods of
strikes, PDA-based toe resistances would have been closer to the Decourt (1995) and Robert (1997), which were based on SPT,
data on the SLT and O-Cell tests. This is in good agreement with appear to have produced larger and smaller toe resistances,
existing conclusions supporting PDA-based resistances, which respectively, in comparison with the PDA-based and CPT-based
can be reliably used for practical applications (Likins et al., 1996; values. The Meyerhof (1976) method appears to be the best
Likins and Rausche, 2004). among the SPT-based methods, giving close resistances not only
to the PDA-based, but also to the CPT-based values.
Table 4. Toe and Shaft Resistances Obtained from the Instrumented Piles
PDA-based resistance SLT-based resistance
Pile Length (m) Applied test
Rt (kN) Rs (kN) Rt (kN) Rs (kN)
MA1P-5 35.0* PDA, O-Cell 2520 930 2480 2830
MC2-2 35.0 PDA, SLT 2800 1430 3250 3680
SO5-3 56.6 PDA, O-Cell, SLT 3300 5570 3920 8640
*Including 3m excavation from the original ground surface.
Fig. 6. Toe Resistances from Different Methods: (a) MC2-2, (b) SO2-1, (c) SO3-2, (d) SO5-3
Fig. 7. Toe Resistances from the Original and Modified Meyerhof (1976) Methods: (a) MC2-2, (b) SO2-1, (c) SO3-2, (d) SO5-3
6. Conclusions
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