Acoustic Doppler Effect
Acoustic Doppler Effect
Acoustic Doppler Effect
If a source of sound is in motion rel-
ative to its medium of propagation,
the frequency of the waves that are
emitted is displaced due to the
Doppler effect.
PHYWE Systeme GmbH & Co. KG D - 37070 Gttingen Laboratory Experiments Physics 61
Acoustic Doppler effect 1.5.04
Fig. 1: Experimental set-up for measuring the Doppler shift of the frequency.
PHYWE series of publications Laboratory Experiments Physics PHYWE SYSTEME GMBH & Co. KG D-37070 Gttingen 21504-01 1
1.5.04 Acoustic Doppler effect
After the carriage carrying the sound head has returned to its The frequency shift caused by the Doppler effect
starting point, the carriage is then started with the velocity VQ
unchanged. The pen recorder is also started simultaneously %f = fQ (4)
and it records the beat frequency. C
The experiment is repeated with the sound head at various of the wave radiated by the moving sound head can therefore
velocities, whereby the carriage is moved both towards and be determined as the beat frequency.
away from the receiver.
Two sound heads connected in parallel to an audio- frequen-
cy generator serve as the sound sources in the experiment;
Theory and evaluation one of the sound heads is mounted on a carriage which can
If a sound source Q with frequency fQ moves with velocity VQ be uniformly moved. The sound is measured with a micro-
towards an observer B who is stationary relative to the medi- phone. The measurement voltage, which is proportional to the
um of propagation, he hears the frequency pressure, is amplified and, after rectification of the high fre-
quency part, is passed to a tY recorder that registers the vari-
fB = (1) ation of the beats.
C The test series was carried out with a sound frequency of
C is the velocity of sound in the propagation medium. If the
source moves away from the observer at a velocity of VQ, f0 = 10 kHz
the frequency is then
fQ Using a measurement where the sound head is moving away
fB = (2) from the microphone as an example the following is found:
C VQ = 0.098 m/s
For V0 C the equations (1) and (2) can be approximated by With the velocity of sound
fB = fQ a 1 b C = 345m/s
1 <
C the expected frequency shift according to equation (4) would
and therefore the frequency shift be
%f = 2.84 Hz
%f = fB fQ fQ (3)
C Fig. 2 shows the variation of the beat frequency recorded on
The dependence on time of the sound pressure generated by the tY recorder. The deviations of amplitude during the meas-
the radiated waves of a stationary sound source 1 and a mov- urement can be attributed to the fact that the sound pressure
ing sound source 2 which are assumed to be of the same amplitude of waves emitted by both sound heads alters at the
amplitude, can be described by the following equations for a location of the microphone when one sound head is moved.
fixed point in space: This is because the amplitude of the moving sound head
p1 = p0 sin 3 2 p fQ t 4
2fQ f
p = p1 + p2 = 2p0 cos 3 2 p ft4 sin c 2 p td
2 21504-01 PHYWE series of publications Laboratory Experiments Physics PHYWE SYSTEME GMBH & Co. KG D-37070 Gttingen
Acoustic Doppler effect 1.5.04
and fQ a 1 b
Fig. 3: Beat frequency as a function of velocity VQ. VQ C
1 <
The diagram produced on the tY recorder shows an amplitude only differ by 0.001 Hz.
of N = 17 for a paper length of l = 5.7 cm. At a paper trans-
port speed of 60 cm/min, this corresponds to 16 oscillations
in a time of t = 5.7 s, and thus a beat frequency of
%f = 2.8 Hz The measurement process described in the experiment can
also be used to determine the Doppler shift of electro-magnet-
Tab. 1 lists the beat frequencies %f which were measured by ic waves.
moving the sound head away from the microphone at various
velocities. The Doppler shift was calculated using equation (4). It permits the measurement of the velocity of moving bodies
The beat frequencies measured are entered in Fig. 3 above without physical contact. Furthermore, the body itself does
velocity VQ. The full line shows the theoretical curve which not need to emit waves. The waves reflected from it can be
would be expected according to equation (4). superimposed with the incoming primary waves.
The reflected wave exhibits a Doppler shift at a velocity V of
Tab. 1: Measured and calculated beat frequencies the body towards or away from the direction of propagation.
The magnitude of this Doppler shift is
0.065 0.098 0.13 0.16 V
m>s 2 f,
1.82 2.80 3.73 4.53
whereby f is the frequency of the primary wave and c its prop-
cal. agation velocity. From the appropriate beat frequency corre-
1.88 2.84 3.77 4.64 sponding to this frequency, velocity V of the body can be
PHYWE series of publications Laboratory Experiments Physics PHYWE SYSTEME GMBH & Co. KG D-37070 Gttingen 21504-01 3
1.5.04 Acoustic Doppler effect
4 21504-01 PHYWE series of publications Laboratory Experiments Physics PHYWE SYSTEME GMBH & Co. KG D-37070 Gttingen
Acoustic Doppler effect with Cobra3 1.5.04
Fig. 1. Experimental set-up for the case of a moving observer and sound source at rest
PHYWE series of publications Laboratory Experiments Physics PHYWE SYSTEME GMBH & Co. KG D-37070 Gttingen 21504-11 1
1.5.04 Acoustic Doppler effect with Cobra3
Start the Timer / Counter program and set the parameters for measure the frequency at rest f0 several times. To do this
the frequency measurement in accordance with Fig. 4. depress the s key on the keyboard.
Set the desired frequency on the function generator, place the Set the velocity controller on the car to an intermediate posi-
car with the microphone in the vicinity of the loud speakers and tion and set the direction of movement in a such a manner that
Fig. 2. Experimental set-up for the case of a moving sound source and observer at rest
2 21504-11 PHYWE series of publications Laboratory Experiments Physics PHYWE SYSTEME GMBH & Co. KG D-37070 Gttingen
Acoustic Doppler effect with Cobra3 1.5.04
f fB fQ fQ (3)
In the case that the sound source is at rest and the observer
moves, the following formulae apply:
f f0 a 1 b
f f0 a 1 b
f0 Frequency at rest
c Speed of sound
v Cars velocity
Fig. 5. Measuring parameters for velocity measurement The values measured in this experiment are listed in the table.
the care moves away from the loudspeakers. Release the car Table
and depress the s key when the cars velocity has become
Movement toward Movement away from
constant, i.e. it is no longer accelerating. Repeat the entire pro-
cedure several times. the sound source the sound source
Now, set the program for velocity measurement according to v /m/s 0.162 0.157
the parameters given in Fig. 5.
Do not change the velocity controller or the direction of move- v /m/s 0.159 0.156
ment of the car with respect to the previous partial experiment! v /m/s 0.158 0.157
Release the car and ensure that the screen passes through the
light barrier after the cars velocity has become constant. v /m/s 0.159 0.156
Repeat the entire procedure several times.
v /m/s 0.160 0.157
Theory and evaluation
If a sound source Q with frequency fQ moves with velocity VQ Mean
towards an observer B who is stationary relative to the medi- fmeasured/Hz 16199 16184
um of propagation, he hears the frequency
fcalculated/Hz 16199.6 16184.5
fB (1)
VQ where c = 340 m/s and f0 = 16192 Hz.
C is the velocity of sound in the propagation medium. If the For the case in which the observer is at rest and the sound
source moves away from the observer at a velocity of VQ, the source moves, the following formulae apply:
frequency is then v
fQ 1
fB (2) c
C for movement toward the observer and
For V0 C the equations (1) and (2) can be approximated by f
fQ VQ c
fB fQ a 1 b
1 away from the observer.
PHYWE series of publications Laboratory Experiments Physics PHYWE SYSTEME GMBH & Co. KG D-37070 Gttingen 21504-11 3
1.5.04 Acoustic Doppler effect with Cobra3
4 21504-11 PHYWE series of publications Laboratory Experiments Physics PHYWE SYSTEME GMBH & Co. KG D-37070 Gttingen