System Calculation
System Calculation
System Calculation
J. J. Perona
Equation (3) provides the answer for the example, but it requires a value for
a mass transfer coefficient in a direct contact boiler. No experimental correlations
are available for this; therefore, we will make an estimate from experimental heat
transfer coefficients. Thus, from the Colburn (or j-factor) analogy between heat
and mass transfer
k a =1-
.. 0,
[N-Ns f/3 U.
Mark S. Bohn
a interfacial surface area per unit volume, m-I (ft-I )
A" finned-tube heat exchanger surface area, m2 (ft~
AO levelized annual cost, S/yr
o specific heat, J/kg C (Btu/Ibm F)
0 0
OJ capital cost, $
Originally prepared under Task No. 4250-00, WPA No. 431-83, for the U.S. Department of
Energy Contract No. DE AC02 83CH10093, SERIfTR-252-2015, UC Category: 59c, DE 84000080,
November, 1983.
kg gas side mass-transfer coefficient, kg mol/h m2 atm (lb mol/h ft2 atm);
L liquid flow rate per unit bed area, kg/h m2 (lbm/h ft~; 0.2044
L length of finned-tube heat exchanger in flow direction, m (ft)
m mass flow rate, kg/h (Ibm/h)
m, n exponents in Htl correlation
OM operating cost, $/yr
P total pressure, atm
PBM logarithmic mean partial pressure of component B, atm
Pr Prandtl number
Q heat transfer or heat duty, W (Btu/h); 3.412
R universal gas constant, mS atm/ o C kg mol (ftS atm/ R lb mol); 8.918
Be Schmidt number
T absolute temperature, 0C (0 R)
Ua overall volumetric heat transfer coefficient, W /ms C (Btu/h ftS F);
0 0
V flow velocity, m/h (ft/h)
V, volume of packing bed, m8 (ftS)
W finned-tube heat exchanger width, m (ft)
c heat transfer area per volume, mol (ft-l)
.1p heat exchanger pressure drop, N/m2 (psi); 1.451 x 10-4
.1 Tm log mean temperature difference, 0C (0 F)
p absolute viscosity, N h/m2 (lbm/ft h); 8.690 x 106
v kinematic viscosity, m /s (ft2/s); 10.76
p density, kg/ms (Ibm/ftS); 0.0623
(J' surface tension, dyne/em
tP, 'If; parameters in Htl correlation
a aIr
9 gas
i inlet
0 outlet
8 salt
l liquid
Direct-contact heat transfer is the transfer of heat across the phase boundary of
two immiscible fluids, either two liquids or a liquid and a gas. Conventional heat
exchange technology involves heat transfer across a solid boundary such as the
wall of a steel tube in a shell-and-tube exchanger or across a plate in plate heat
exchangers. Where the two fluids do not react and can be separated after the heat
exchange has been effected, direct-contact heat exchange (DCHX) has several
advantages over conventional heat exchangers: (1) without the intervening wall, a
lower thermal resistance is present, and there is not heat exchange surface to foul;
(2) intimate mixing of the two fluid streams can produce very high rates of heat
transfer; and (3) the heat exchanger design can be simpler, require fewer materials
of construction, and allow more flexibility in choice of materials.
Figure 1.1 depicts a conventional finned-tube heat exchanger, and Fig. 1.2
shows a DCHX with a packed column. In the finned-tube heat exchanger one
fluid is pumped through the tubes, and the other fluid is pumped over the outside
of the tubes. The entire tube bundle is enclosed in the shell, which contains the
latter fluid. Sufficient heat transfer area is provided so, given the temperature
differential between the fluids and the heat transfer coefficients, the required heat
duty can be met. IT one or both of the fluids is a gas, it is common to provide fins
on the gas side to increase the heat transfer surface because of the poor heat
transfer characteristics of gases. The DCHX is a column substantially filled with a
packing material. The packing material consists of rings or saddles (Fig. 1.3) that
are generally 2-3 in. in size for large columns and are dumped in the column in a
random arrangement. As shown in Fig. 1.2, one fluid enters the top of the vessel
and flows countercurrent up through the vessel. It is also possible to have a
crossflow configuration.
Air Flow
1~~:::;:;:kJS~~~~-salt Inlet
Column Packing
Support Plate
Pall Ring
Rasch ig
Molten Salt
/ / / /
/ / / /
/ / I /
// / / /
Con tact
Mol ten Salt Heat
Receiver Exchanger
Hea t
In the case where Eq. 2.2 does not hold, heat transfer can often be related to mass
transfer by
_h_ Pr2/3 = kgRTPBM Sc2/3
from which we can calculate the heat transfer coefficient
[kgR:BM 1
For a packed column, transfer coefficients are commonly presented as volumetric
coefficients by multiplying the surface coefficients by the interfacial surface area
per unit volume a
Pr [ kgaRV:PBM 1
The denominator in parentheses in Eq. 2.5 has dimensions of length and is called
the height of a transfer unit Hd Correlations of mass transfer are often expressed
in terms of Hd Fair (1972) gives such a correlation expression for Hd for packed
,pSc;f2 dr
Hg,d = (Lld2/s)m ' (2.6)
for the gas side and liquid side, respectively. Note that Eqs. 2.6 and 2.7 are
dimensional. Dimensions of Hg,d are in ft, L is in lbm/h ft2, and de is in ft. We
can then calculate the gas side and liquid side heat transfer coefficients from
h a -[ - -
SCg 12fJ -O,G
- (2.8)
g - Prg Hg,d
Ua = [_1_ + -1-fl
hga hla
The value of the parameters m, n, W, t/J, and 0, in Eqs. 2.8 and 2.9 may be found
in Table 2.1. The parameters It. 12, and Is are functions of the liquid viscosity,
density, and surface tension, respectively, and are defined as
II = pt l8 (2.11)
12 = pr1.26 (2.12)
Is = (ITt/12.8)-{)8 . (2.13)
Dimensions are: Pl ("'Cp), Pl (~/cm8), ITl (--dyne/em).
40% flood b 110 210 60 95
60% flood 105 210 60 95
80% flood 80 -
L =2450 0.045 0.059 0.032
L -4900 0.048 0.065 0.040
L =24,500 0.048 0.090 0.068
L - 49,000 0.082 0.110 0.090
<50% flood 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
60% flood 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90
80% flood 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60
~air 1972.
bFlooding is defined 118 a column pressure drop of 1.5 in.
(water column) per foot of bed height.
CData not available or extrapolated.
...... 2000
30 40 50
rna (kg/h)
Figure 2.1 Overall volumetric heat transfer coefficients based on mass-transfer
results. In addition to comparing the relative magnitudes of the calculated and
experimental results, comparing the trends is important to determine whether the
transfer phenomena are actually equivalent.
The range of experimental parameters (air flow and salt flow) is restricted
(see Section 3.4). Within this range we should expect heat transfer coefficients Ua
from about 1000 to 3250 W 1m 3 C.
3.1 Purpose
As previously mentioned, there are uncertainties associated with calculating the
heat transfer coefficients from mass-transfer data. In addition, there are mechan-
isms of heat transfer for which no mass-transfer data exist. Therefore, we have
developed an experimental program to determine actual volumetric heat transfer
coefficients in direct-contact heat exchange between air and molten salt. Using
these data to determine the economic value of DCHX should give us more
confidence in the results than if only the calculated heat transfer values were used.
Upper Storage
Tank -
Bu bbler-~+-+-lL~:"
Salt Inlet
Salt Inlet
Pipe Air Outlet
6-in. Schedule 40
T Ali Materials
304 Stainless Steel
3 ft . 7 ft.
Support -~EI!Z~
Plate Air Inlet
Salt Outlet
position of the salt is 43% potassium nitrate and 57% sodium nitrate. Although
the melting point is listed as 222 C by the manufacturer, most of the salt melts in
the 240 -305 range, according to differential scanning calorimetry tests. Since
this high melting point caused considerable problems in operation (see Section 3.5),
a salt with a lower melting point was used for most of the tests. This salt was
Partherm 290 with a molar composition of 40% sodium nitrite, 52% potassium
nitrate, and 8% sodium nitrate. The melting point of Partherm 290 is listed as
143 C (290 F) by the manufacturer. One would assume that considerable melt-
ing does not occur until approximately 200 C for this salt.
3.3 Instrumentation
Primary instrumentation is shown in Figs. 3.1 and 3.2. Air flow rate is measured
by an inline mass flow transducer manufactured by Datametrics, Inc.
A bubbler system determines the salt flow rate by continuously monitoring
the level of salt in the lower salt tank. This system consists of a tube that passes
through the top of the tank to within a few centimeters of the tank bottom and a
similar tube short enough so its end is always above the salt surface. By measur-
ing the pressure required to force a bubble of air out the bottom of the long tube,
one can determine the salt depth because it determines the pressure head at the
end of the long tube. H the lower tank is pressurized, this pressure is sensed by
the short tube and subtracted from the pressure at the long tube. The major
advantage of this type of system is that molten salt does not come into contact
with any parts of the flow measuring system. The output of the bubbler is pro-
portional to the salt depth, and differentiating this output gives the salt flow rate.
The lower tank was calibrated by filling it with water in 5-1 increments and
recording the bubbler voltage output. In this way we could directly measure the
liquid flow rate because mass flow rate determined by this type of measurement is
independent of liquid density. When attempting to measure the salt depth, one
must be sure that the salt is completely molten and free of entrained air bubbles.
All thermocouples were Chromel-Alumel (type K). A probe inserted into
the vertical portion of the pipe from the upper tank measured the salt inlet tem-
perature (see Fig. 3.2). The probe should be an accurate measure of salt inlet
temperature since it is totally immersed in salt just before it flows into the salt dis-
tributor. This temperature was typically within 2 C of the upper-tank salt tem-
A probe inserted in the pipe leading out of the bottom of the column meas-
ured the salt outlet temperature. We inserted the probe just to where the cone at
the bottom of the column begins to expand. The probe was exposed to rivulets
dripping from the packing support plate and is the best compromise for measuring
salt outlet temperature. Constraints on this measurement include the trace heat-
ing on the column wall, which could affect the temperature of salt flowing along
the wall, and air entering the column at a lower temperature than the salt leaving
the column, which could reduce the outlet salt temperature reading if the probe
were inserted further into the column. We observed the responses of this probe to
sudden changes in the salt flow, air flow, and air inlet temperature and determined
that the probe gives a good indication of salt outlet temperature.
A probe inserted into the horizontal portion of the air inlet pipe measured
the air inlet temperature, sensing the temperature of the air about 20 cm from the
column. A probe inserted through the column just below the mist eliminator
measured the air outlet temperature. Secondary measurements included upper-
tank salt and surface temperatures, lower-tank surface temperature, column sur-
face temperature, bed temperature, and the pressure differential between the
preheater outlet pipe and the column air outlet pipe.
Operation of the primary thermocouples was checked by placing the probes
in condensing steam at local atmospheric pressure (622 mm Hg) corresponding to a
saturation temperature of 94.3 C. The five primary probes read 94.4 , 94.7 ,
95.1 , 94.2 and 95.1 for the salt in, salt out, air in, air out (column), and air
Readings from the outlet air probe indicated a close approach (",10 C) to
the salt inlet temperature. This implies that either the heat exchanger is very
effective or that some of the salt flowing in the top of the bed is carried up beyond
the distributor and contacts the probe causing it to read too high. Any salt
trapped in the mist eliminator could also drip onto this probe. To resolve this we
inserted a second air outlet probe through the air outlet pipe to just inside the
mist eliminator (see Fig. 3.2). This probe read about 7 C lower than the probe
near the mist eliminator. Pulling the probe out about 2 cm so it was not inside
the mist eliminator increased the difference to about 14 C. With the probe pulled
out to about 20 cm from the mist eliminator the discrepancy was about 50 C.
Therefore, a large temperature gradient exists in the air outlet port area, and it is
difficult to measure the air outlet temperature. For other reasons (see Section 3.6)
we used the temperature measured by the probe inserted in the column just below
the mist eliminator as the actual air outlet temperature.
Data were recorded by a Hewlett-Packard Model 85 computer that gave
printed, displayed, and plotted information. A Leeds and Northrup strip chart
also recorded surface temperatures, air flow rate, and bubbler output.
~ 0.40
u.. ~
(!J ... 0.20 0.05 (4)
c:i ~ 0.10
0.01 ~--L_-"'-"'---L--'-_...L.-...L--L_..I..---J
0.01 0.02 0.06 0.20 0.60 2.00 4.00
200 0.25 in.lft 0.5 in.lft
3o 100
'" " "
Domain of Experiments
o~ ____________ ____________________ ____
~ ~ ~
10 20 30
Air Flow (scfm)
Figure 3.5 Pressure drops and limits of salt and air flow.
We alleviated some of these problems by replacing the original salt with one hav-
ing a lower melting point (143' C versus 221' C for the first salt).
Only one materials-related failure occurred. The heat tracing overheated on
the connecting tube about 30 cm from the upper tank, corroding the tube, and the
entire contents of the upper tank leaked out. On examination we found the tub-
ing had a dark brown discoloration about 3 cm long on either side of the hole. We
subsequently replaced all the tubing with some that had a larger diameter and a
heavier wall (0.7S-in. schedule 40 pipe with a O.Il3-in. wall versus O.S-in., 0.03S-
in.-wall tUbing). Using a larger diameter tubing allowed better application of the
% Fe 0.70
% Mg 1.50 0.005
% Ca 0.50 0.003 0.003
% Ti 0.03
% Si 1.0
ppm Mn 100
B 20
Ba 30
Cr 70
Cu 15
Mo 15
Ni 150
Pb 20
Sr 30
V 20
~one detected.
heat tracing because it was easier to form the tracing to the contours of the larger
tubing. In addition, the salt tends to freeze more easily in small-diameter tubing.
Most operational difficulties were eliminated after installation of the larger-
diameter tubing.
A brownish residue collected in the bottom of the upper salt tank. Analysis
of this residue is given in Table 3.2 along with an analysis of the as-received salt.
It appears that at some point in the loop, the salt is reacting with the containment
materials; that even at 350 C, long life could be a problem; or that temperatures
in parts of the test loop are substantially above 350 C. Operational problems
resulted, as this viscous residue tended to plug the salt valve, making it difficult to
maintain a contant salt flow. Foreign particulate matter also became trapped in
the valve orifice. These particles were very hard and brittle (similar to small peb-
bles) and were either related to the viscous residue or in the salt as delivered.
The apparatus shown in Fig. 3.1 is somewhat simplified from the original
design, which had two features that caused operational problems and were ulti-
mately abandoned. The salt valve originally was electrically actuated and could
be operated remotely from the control room. This provided a way to control the
salt flow as the salt head in the upper tank was reduced. Unfortunately, the valve
did not operate as smoothly as required, and, if salt froze in the valve, it was
difficult to diagnose the lack of salt flow because of the remote location of the
actuator. Finally, the weight of the entire valve/actuator assembly caused one of
the tubing welds to break. We replaced the valve with a manual bellows valve,
and the pneumatic system described previously provided good salt flow control.
increases very rapidly as Tao approaches T,;. For a 5.2' 0 increase in Tao, Ua
increases by 40%.
Although the thermocouple should not generate errors greater than 1 0 0
(see Section 3.3), placing the air outlet probe where it is influenced by salt drain-
ing from the mist eliminator, heat tracing on the column walls, etc., could cause
large errors. The solution is to totally separate the two phases to eliminate the
influence of salt in the measured air temperature and at the same time to place
the probe close enough to the top of the bed to get a true air outlet temperature.
Based on the two air outlet temperature probes (one inserted through the column
wall just below the mist eliminator and the other inserted through the knockout
pot just inside the mist eliminator), it appears that one probe may read slightly
high because of entrained salt and that the other may read lower by a few
degrees. The best temperature measurement to use, therefore, is the one just
below the mist eliminator.
Experimentally, it is possible to vary the salt flow rate, the air flow rate, and
the salt and air inlet temperatures. The last two variables are of secondary
importance (as long as the air inlet temperature is above the salt freezing point),
so we did not vary them in any systematic way. The salt flow rate was varied
from 50 to 200 kg/h, and the air flow was varied from 30 to 50 kg/h (see Fig. 3.5).
We could attain higher salt flow rates, but this would result in run times too short
to establish steady conditions-a crucial requirement for good data; i.e., small
values of the heat balance. Figure 3.5 shows that air flow rates much larger than
50 kg/h ("'-'25 scfm) produces column flooding.
The system was not temperature-cycled but was left at operating tempera-
ture for about six months continuously with the exception of downtime for repairs,
as described previously. To minimize the time required to reach steady state and
to minimize losses, we set the heat tracing so the bed temperature was fairly close
to the upper tank salt temperature. Pressure was applied to the upper tank from
the regulated air supply, and the salt valve was opened. To achieve a constant
salt flow rate, as indicated by the bubbler output trace, generally required 20
minutes. (As long as nothing lodged in the valve, this flow rate was steady until
the upper tank was empty. ) We then set the air flow to the desired value (it was
kg/h _9.z,..
." ........ 168
I" .,,'"
3000 e; "\1~~'"
~s ."
() ...... ~
~ ...... -Iii 170
~ 2000 168 110/ '57
S 170::: 60 \(g/'"
__ _---
83 rns _-
-- Salt Inlet Temperature: 350C
O.S-in. Raschig rings; EHn. column
Calculated - - -
15 20 25
m. (scfm)
30 40 50
rna (kg/h)
Figure 3.6 Overall volumetric heat transfer coefficients based on experimental
helpful to heat the preheater to about 200 C before turning on the air), and,
when steady state was achieved, we could adjust the air flow to a new setting.
Examination of the data indicated that the best heat balances were achieved
when the salt flow was the most uniform and when no adjustments of the salt
valve or tank pressure were necessary. A typical run of two hours provided data
on one salt flow rate and five air flow rates.
Pall Rings
O~ __________ ~ __________ ~-J
15 20 25
rna (scfm)
Figure 3.7 Comparison of measured heat transfer coefficients for Pall rings and
Raschig rings.
(Fig. 3.7). From Fig. 1.3 one can see that the two packing types should provide
similar surface areas per unit volume since the only difference is that the Pall rings
have the spokes punched in from the periphery of the ring.
Peters and Timmerhaus (1980) give surface areas per unit volume for several
types and sizes of packings. For the O.S-in. metal Raschig ring (with O.06-in.
wall), approximately 118 ft 2 of surface are provided per ft3 of packing volume.
For the Pall ring, the value is 104 ft2jft3 The two types of packing provide simi-
lar heat transfer areas and, therefore, if fully wetted by the salt, should exhibit
about the same heat transfer performance.
On the other hand, if conduction heat transfer in the packing is important,
then it would not be important how much of the surface of the packing is wet by
the salt because heat could then be transferred from the dry areas of the packing
to the air.
A better understanding of the heat transfer mechanism is required. By per-
forming tests at various temperatures with liquids having various wetting proper-
ties and with pac kings of various thermal conductivities and surface areas, it
should be possible to separate the different heat transfer mechanisms.
Overall system pressure drop is plotted in Fig. 3.8. Recall that this is a
measure of the differential pressure from the column air inlet pipe to the column
air outlet pipe. Therefore, it includes not only pressure drop across the bed (Fig.
3.5), but expansion and contraction losses at the column inlet and column outlet
and loss across the air distributor, salt distributor, and the mist eliminator. We
took additional pressure drop data with zero salt flow to determine the contribu-
tion of all these column components. These data allow only a qualitative assess-
ment of the bed pressure drop because it is only about 30% or 40% of the
50 kg/h =
,.... e
.40 } Pall Rings
o 50 100 150 200
ms (kg/h)
Figure 3.8 Overall system pressure drop.
measured system pressure drop. We could not find a satisfactory method for
measuring bed pressure drop because of the difficulties associated with isolating
the high-temperature salt from a pressure-sensing port or isolation diaphragm.
The data in Fig. 3.8 clearly show the benefits associated with using Pall
rings. At a given air flow the overall system pressure drop for the Pall rings is
about half that of the Raschig rings. From Fig. 3.4 we see that constant bed pres-
sure drop, G ,...., YF, in the region of the map where the Llp lines are level. Since
the packing factor F for Pall rings is about 0.17 that of Raschig rings, we could
operate with approximately V6 = 2.4 times as much air flow with Pall rings com-
pared to Raschig rings in the experimental column. The ratio for large (2-in.)
packing is close to 2, so we could operate with about 41 % more air in a large
column with Pall rings than with Raschig rings. From Eq. 3.5 the Pall rings could
provide about 1.411.28 = 1.55 more heat transfer per unit volume than Raschig
rings in a large column. Extrapolation of Eq. 3.5 to such large air flows should be
tested experimentally to determine if flooding is approached. This would most
likely cause the volumetric heat transfer to fall below that predicted by Eq. 3.5.
4.1 Purpose
With experimental and calculated values for the heat transfer coefficient, we can
now determine the economic value of DCHX. Rather than basing economic calcu-
lations solely on the mass-transfer data, using actual heat transfer data should give
us more confidence in the results. As expained in Section 4.2, the experimental
values of Ua or the calculated values of Ua along with the results of this economic
calculation (which also goves sensitivity to Ua) to appraise the economic viability
of DCHX relative to finned-tube heat exchangers.
0.030 S= 1.73
1.024 i~iAA1":m
'" I---~~~=
~ 0.010 0.1137in. 0.012 in.
"- 0.008
...... 0.006
1.0 2.0 3.04.0 6.0 10.0
Re x 10.3
Tube outside diameter = 1.024 in.
Fin pitch = S.S/in.
Fin thickness = 0.012 in.
Fin area/total area = 0.825
Flow passage hydraulic diameter. 4rh = 0.01927 ft
Free-flow/frontal area. a = 0.439
Heat transfer area/total volume. a = 91.2 ft,
Note: Minimum free-flow area IS In spaces transverse to flow
4.3 Materials
From exposure tests of up to 4500 hours at temperatures up to about 600 C, Tor-
torelli and DeVan (1982) demonstrate that stainless steel alloy 316 oxidizes at the
rate of 5 mil/yr or less, typically 2 mil/yr. A 9O-mil tube wall thickness, there-
fore, should be adequate for a 30-year life. Fin material will also have to be stain-
less steel because of manufacturing constraints and materials compatibility con-
For the packed column at 600 C or lower, we specify stainless steel Pall
rings for the packing and a stainless steel column with external insulation. Inter-
nal insulation with a liner to contain the salt and support the packing would allow
us to use a carbon steel column, greatly reducing the cost. This insulation method
has been tested by Martin Marietta (1979) but is not commercially available at
this time; therefore, it involves some technical risk. An alternative design that
may prove economical at intermediate temperatures is an externally insulated,
carbon-steel column with an Inconelliner. This configuration was not examined in
this study.
At temperatures above 600 C, common nitrate heat transfer salts decom-
pose. SERI, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and other laboratories are presently
researching candidate heat transfer salts and compatible containment materials at
temperatures above 600 C. Based on state-of-the-art knowledge it appears that
carbon steel column similar in design to the storage tank described in Martin
Marietta (1979). A high-purity (99% alumina) packing is required to resist attack
by the salt. To seal the insulating firebrick from the salt, an Inconelliner is neces-
sary. A layer of fiberglass insulation will cover the outside of the column, and
aluminum lagging will weatherproof the assembly.
High-purity alumina packing is not commonly available. We determined
the cost of this packing from the cost ratio (3:1) between 99% and 57% alumina
catalyst support from Norton Chemical Company. To account for unknown
manufacturing difficulties that could arise when fabricating saddles from the 99%
alumina, a cost factor of 4 (suggested by Norton Chemical Company) was applied
to the 1983 second quarter price ($19.80/ ft 3, 100 ft 3 order) quoted by Norton
Chemical Company, giving an equivalent 1981 cost of $70.49/ft 3 The packing is
the major cost item for the DCHX, which suggests that a spray column could be a
viable, high-temperature alternative.
The Inconelliner cost was taken from Martin Marietta (1979) who priced an
Incoloy liner with a wafHed design to accommodate thermal cycling. Since the
DCHX does not operate in a cycling mode, the liner can be a simpler design that
allows for thermal expansion. Allowing a 2 cost factor between Incoloy and
Inconel and a 0.5 factor for a simpler liner design, the cost of the installed liner is
$283/m 2 internal column area.
The firebricks (Krilite 30) need to be thick enough to allow the carbon-steel
column to operate below 316' C for an internal temperature of 760' C and to
keep thermal losses to less than 1% of the transferred heat. The cost of the
firebrick from Martin Marietta (1979) is $809/m 3 .
The cost of the carbon-steel shell is calculated in Eq. 4.4b. For the fiberglass
outer insulation (sufficient thickness to keep losses to 1% of the transferred heat
when the ambient temperature is 20' C and the carbon-steel column is 316' C)
Martin Marietta (1979) used $265/m 3 of insulation and $25/m 2 of aluminum lag-
Temperatures above 800' C will most likely require ceramic finned-tube
heat exchangers. Although the cost of these ceramic heat exchanger tubes is not
prohibitive (most likely less than the cost of higher alloy tubes), fabricating the
tubes into a heat exchanger is a relatively unknown art. Therefore, cost projec-
tions are difficult. Construction of the packed column, however, would not change
drastically for temperatures above 800' C and could be costed with the same level
of confidence as the 760' application.
Table 4.1 summarizes the assumed construction of both types of heat
exchangers used for the calculation as a function of salt inlet temperature.
Assumed air inlet temperature is also given for the three salt temperatures that
were run. Table 4.2 summarizes the component costs for the 760' C DCHX with
internal insulation. These are installed costs for large storage vessels. Costs for
smaller units, such as aim x 1 m DCHX, would be greater for field erection, but
if the units could be fabricated in a shop, the costs given in Table 4.2 would prob-
ably be conservative.
Table 4.1 Materials of Construction
at Salt Inlet Direct-Contact Finned-Tube
Heat Exchanger Heat Exchanger
Salt In Air In
350C 2OOC Stainless steel Pall rings Carbon steel tubes and fins
in an externally insulated,
carbon steel column
550C 25OC Stainless steel Pall rings Stainless steel tubes and
in an externally insulated, fins
stainless steel column
750C 55OC 99% alumina saddles in an Incoloy 800 tubes and fins
internally insulated, carbon
steel column with Inconelliner
-c: 2.0 Cl
u .lie:
1.0 Il..
(J .......
m 0.4
0.4 c:
m Co
~ 0.2 0.2 <l
0.1~ __~__,-~____~____~__~__~~
1,000 2,000 4,000 10,000 20,00040,00060,000
Liquid Rate (lb/ft2 h)
Figure 4.2 Mass-transfer coefficient for various sizes of Rashig rings.
Fig. 4.2 where mass-transfer and pressure-drop data from Norton Chemical (1977)
on metal Raschig rings 0.6 in., 1 in., 1.5 in., and 2 in. in size were superimposed
on one plot. The maximum mass-transfer coefficient for the 2-in. rings is about
75% of the maximum for the O.6-in. rings. The four points are the mass-transfer
coefficients for DCHX operation at a pressure drop of O.5-in. of water per foot.
With this comparison, the largest rings again have a mass-transfer coefficient
about 75% of that of the O.6-in. rings (mass-transfer data for O.5-in. Raschig rings
was not available). It appears that heat transfer coefficients for 2-in. Raschig
rings should be about 75% of that measured in the present column at a given
pressure drop.
Comparing the measured heat transfer coefficients with calculated values
based on mass transfer (see Fig. 3.6), we found that the mechanisms of heat
transfer and mass transfer appear to differ and that the mass-transfer/heat
transfer analogy does not apply. We have some experimental evidence (Fig. 3.7)
suggesting that heat transfer does not depend on packing type, at least when
changing from Raschig rings to Pall rings. Fig. 4.3 depicts the effect of packing
type on mass transfer. However, since the analogy with heat transfer is suspect,
we must assume that the 2-in. Pall ring (as used in the economic calculations)
transfers the same amount of heat as the O.5-in. Raschig ring at a given air mass
velocity G. Pressure-drop performance for the 2-in. Pall rings is accounted for in
the calculation procedure, so the reduced pressure drop caused by the Pall rings is
taken into account.
..- 2.0 2.0 .:.!
c: U
-- ,...
.S! ..-
0 1.0 1.0 CI)
0.8 i
enc: 0.6
0.5 c::
I- 0.4
0.4 I
(f) 0.3
(f) <l
~ 0.2
4.5 Results
Figures 4.4 through 4.9 present the results of the economic analysis. Each figure
shows the cost of transferring 1 GJ of energy as a function of air-outlet tempera-
ture. For each temperature range two graphs give results for 1 atm and 5 atm
operating pressure. The 1 atm case represents process-heat applications, and the 5
atm case represents a Brayton-cycle application. The Brayton cycle probably will
not apply to the two lower temperatures, but higher pressure operation is gen-
erally more economical because of increases in air density, and, therefore, the
low-temperature, high-pressure case may have application in process heat.
As the air-outlet temperature approaches the salt-inlet temperature, the
finned-tube heat exchanger needs a larger surface area and the DCHX requires
more packing. This is because the log-mean temperature difference (Eq. 3.4) is
reduced, and this increases the packing volume for a fixed, heat transfer coefficient
__ 4000
Outlet Air Temperature (0C)
Heat Duty: 5 MW tr Finned-Tube
-, 0.4
320 330 340
Outlet Air Temperature (0 C)
Figure 4.5 Cost comparison for 360 0, 5 atm, 5MWth
and heat duty (Eq. 3.3). We can compensate for this by increasing the air flow,
which increases the heat transfer coefficient, but this drives up operating costs.
Generally, DOHX provides closer temperature approaches than the finned-tube
~ 1.00 Ua
(W/m 30 C)
-, ~20/.3000
__ /4000
heat exchanger before the cosu! increase rapidly. [The curves for the DCHX for a
given Ua increase for low outlet air temperature because the volumetric heat
transfer coefficient has been artificially fixed, and the only way to reduce outlet
temperature is to increase air flow, which drives up the cost. For
Ua = 2000W 1m 3 C this effect is generally not seen for the temperature
1. 50 r--------------------_
Heat Duty: 5 MWth
Salt In: 560C
Air In: 250C
'0 1.00 Operating Pressure: 5 atm
c(1) Finned-Tube
~ua W/m 30 C
for both types of heat exchangers. Using an internally insulated, carbon steel
column with stainless steel Pall rings for 560 C operation significantly improves
the cost ratio. (Since this represents a larger technical risk than the externslly
insulated, stainless steel column, it is not a fair comparison to make with commer-
cially available, stainless steel, finned-tube heat exchangers.)
The large reduction in relative cost in going from 560 C to 760 C occurs 0
because the DCHX does not need high alloy steels, while the finned-tube
exchanger does require such materials. Even though the high-purity alumina
packing is more costly than stainless steel packing, using a carbon steel column
provides a very large cost advantage over the Incoloy finned-tube heat exchanger.
rings and O.B-in. metal Pall rings. The heat transfer coefficient depends on air
flow rate but not on salt flow rate. Heat-transfer coefficients based on mass-
Finned Tube
Heat Duty: 1 MWth
Salt In: 760C
Air In: 550C
3.00 Operating Pressure: 1 atm
___~ 4000
o~ ______ ______ ________ __________
~ ~ ~ ~
Heat Duty: 2 MW'h Finned-Tube
Salt In: 760C
Air In: 550C
1.50 Operating Pressure: 5 atm
c: 1.00
We took the constant values for specific heat density and thermal conductivity of
the salt from data provided by Park Chemical Company (1983). Constant values
of the diffusion coefficient and viscosity and surface tension as a function of tem-
perature were taken from NBS (1981). The values or functions are
G = 1553 J/kg K
p = 1820 kg /m 3
k = 0.573 W/m K
D = 2.91 X 10-9 m2/s
Jl = 90.811 - 0.3517T + (4.665 X 1O-4)T2 - (2.086 xlO-7)T3 (cp)
- 0.00285 [Lf -
0.06063 [L] +
In the above equations for air properties, we used the average of the inlet and
outlet temperatures. All temperatures are in kelvin.
Bohn, M. S., 1983 (Nov.), Air/Molten Salt Direct Contact Heat-TraTl8fer Experiment and Economic
Analysis, SERI!Tr-252-2015, Golden, CO: Solar Energy Research Institute.
John D. Wright
Salt-gradient solar ponds may provide the simplest and least expensive method of
converting solar to thermal energy. The pond combines the functions of both col-
lection and storage. Because the salt gradient suppresses thermally induced con-
vection, temperatures of 750 _100o C may be achieved in the storage layer. Ther-
mal energy from ponds may be used to generate electricity, because the low collec-
tion cost offsets the inherently poor efficiency of the low-temperature power cycle.
One promising method of power production is the organic Rankine cycle. Because
of the low efficiency of the conversion cycle, the shell-and-tube heat exchangers for
heat addition and rejection are the major capital expense. Replacing these heat
exchangers with direct-contact heat exchangers can result in major cost reduc-
Originally prepared under Task No. 9123.00, WPA eo. 21-99g..99, for the U.S. Department of
Energy Contract No. EG-77-C-OI04042. SERI/TR-252-1401, VUC Categories, 62c, 63e, May, 1982.
This report critically reviews the methods available for sizing direct-contact
heat exchangers used to couple an organic (pentane) Rankine cycle to a solar
pond. Conceptual heat exchanger designs are developed, and areas requiring
further research are identified. Section 2.0 describes the overall operation of the
pond, power cycle, and heat exchanger. Section 3.0 describes methods for deter-
mining the cross-sectional areas of the liquid/liquid and vaporization zones, while
Sec. 4.0 discusses heat transfer in each zone. Section 5.0 describes complete heat
exchanger designs, and Sec. 6.0 describes the research required for confident sizing
of such devices. For a more detailed discussion of the overall system design,
choice of working fluid, and system economics, see the earlier report, An Organic
Rankine Cycle Coupled to a Solar Pond by Direct-Contact Het ExchangeSe/ec-
tion of a Working Fluid (Wright, 1981).
Solar Pond Layer
Insulating Layer
Storage Layer
Mechanical Draft
Wet Cooling Tower
per unit surface area must be very low. The capital costs of solar ponds are not
well established and are strongly dependent on location.
The most optimistic cost projection is $5/m2 by Ormat Turbines (Israel) for use
of preexisting bodies of water and a local salt supply, Jayadev (1980) estimates
$15/m2 plus salt expense for artificaial ponds lined with Hypalon. Capital costs on
the order of $5/m2 will be necessary for ponds to be practical for power genera-
The major capital cost in a fossil fuel power plant is the turbine. In the less
efficient low-temperature cycles, much larger amounts of heat must be transferred
to produce a similar quantity of electrical energy. Consequently, the heat
exchangers which supply heat to and reject heat from the power plant become the
major cost items. Furthermore, because the size and capital cost of both the pond
and generating plant are inversely proportional to the net cycle efficiency,
efficiency will be of paramount importance in plant design.
rr==r==::;::=t:=_Brine I n let
Wier-Trough Bnne
Bed Limiter-~=========~
Column Packmg
Active Heat-Exchange
Ladder-Type Pentane
Packing Distributor
Support Plate
1m .........:~_ _ BrineOutiet
60 80
Percent Energy Exchange
Do = 4 mm
U dt = 24 cm/s
a- ......E
<.J 0.04
~ 0.02
:::I 0.00
0 2 3 4 5
Drop Diameter (mm)
Figure 3.2 Spray column continuous-phase flooding velocity VB. drop diameter.
30 Sakiadis and Johnson
<ii 1 "2" Berl
Saddle Minard and Johnson
.~ E 20
Richardson and
U) 3" Pall Rings Zaki
::: 10
o 2 3 4 5
Do (mm)
Figure 3.4 Metal pall ring tower packing (Norton Chemical CO.).
impeding the progress of the two phases, the rings make it necessary to increase
the size of the column. Grid-type pac kings offer less resistance to flow and would
allow the column to work essentially as a spray column, while preventing the for-
mation of large-scale circulation patterns. By offsetting the grids as the packing
grids are stacked on top of each other, the flow can be made to split and recom-
bine repeatedly. The column would behave like many small stirred tanks in
series, which is essentially indistinguishable from plug flow.
2 - 4"
2 - 4"
larger pac kings offer less resistance to flow and are less expensive per unit volume
and, therefore, are preferred in order to minimize both the size and cost of the
tower. Packings should be made of a material, such as ceramic or oxidized metal,
that is not preferentially wet by the dispersed phase. At> a rule of thumb, the
packing pieces should be less than one-eighth the diameter of the column, in order
to achieve good distribution and prevent the dispersed phase from tending to
migrate to the walls (Treybal, 1973). Since most of the data on liquid/liquid
flooding in packed columns were obtained in laboratory-scale columns, most corre-
lations deal with pac kings smaller than one inch, as opposed to the 3-in. Pall rings
which would be most suitable for this application. The only correlation which is
valid for both the flow rates and fluid properties in the preheater and for reason-
ably large packings was derived by Hofting and Lockhart (1954) (section 9). The
largest packing covered by this correlation is a 1-1/2-in. Berl saddle. The cross-
sectional area required in the liquid/liquid section for a 1-1/2 in. Berl saddle is
shown on Fig. 3.3 and is essentially in the middle of the range for spray towers. If
the correlation is applied to 3-in. Pall rings, the predicted cross-sectional area is as
low as the lower limiting values predicted for spray towers. It is not probable that
the correlation accurately predicts the flooding velocity of the 3-in. Pall ring pack-
ing, since the correlation predicts continually diminishing cross-sectional areas as
the packing size is increased, instead of reaching a limiting value equal to that of a
spray column as would be expected. All that can be conclusively stated is that the
cross-sectional area required for a column packed with 3-in. Pall rings would be
somewhat less than that for 1-1/2-in. Berl saddles.
a 1 2 3 4 5 6
Extensive work has been done on gas/liquid flows in packed towers, because
packed towers are extensively used in the chemical industry for mass-transfer dev-
ices. Sherwood (1938) developed the first correlation of packed-tower flooding
velocities using an air/water system. Lobo (1945) modified the methood to use
experimentally determined packing factors to correlate the flow instead of meas-
ured surface-to-volume ratios. Leva (1954) included information on preflooding
conditions by including curves of constant pressure drop in the correlation, and by
extending the correlation to systems other than air/water. Eckert (1966) refined
the method for experimentally determining packing factors for dumped packings.
The plot relating flow ratio and pressure drop to the allowable column
diameter is shown in Fig. 3.7. The abscissa is determined from the energy balance
and the physical properties of the two phases. When the designer chooses a pres-
sure drop and a column packing material, the gas superficial velocity and column
diameter are fixed. In order to minimize both the volume and cost per unit
Parameter of curves IS pressure drop
In Inches of water/ft. Figures shown
In parentheSIS are mm of water/m
2.0 of packed height.
l,i 0..0
0.10 (8)
b 0.."
0.05 (4)
The considerable literature dealing with heat transfer to single drops, summarized
by Sideman (1966), applies mainly to systems where the drops are widely
dispersed and do not interact. Since the heat-transfer rate is proportional to the
surface area, it is desirable to operate at high holdups where many drops are
crowded together. Research on heat transfer in multidrop systems has been
1.50 A = 200
3000 UdS
A =
Uc 5
2500 0
~ LI
as ::::::::
1500 Legend
1000 DSS 0 '
0 0.97
":i isobutane ~ 1.51
Garwin. Smith 1 0 6
Benzene 0.8
0 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20
Holdup, (j)
Figure 4.1 Volumetric heat-transfer coefficient vs. holdup with flow ratio as
a parameter.
focused on desalination in Israel, with the work of Letan, Kehat, and Sideman,
and on geothermal applications in the United States.
No data are available for liquid/liquid heat transfer in packed towers, nor
can information be reasonably developed from the mass-heat-transfer analogies, as
mass transfer generally affects the hydrodynamics of the drops. Mass transfer
operations in liquid/liquid packed columns has not been successfully correlated,
and commercial equipment is generally designed by scaling up from pilot-plant
data. However, it can be said that the heat-transfer performance of packed beds
should be superior to that of spray columns because the convoluted path of the
drops through the packing ensures frequent wake shedding, and because the pack-
ing reduces the unmodeled reductions in performance due to backmixing. There-
fore, a conservative method of estimating heat transfer in liquid/liquid packed
columns is to estimate the holdup by the method of Pratt (Treybal, 1973) which is
shown in section 9, and then to estimate the heat-transfer coefficient from the
graph by Plass.
[me r
Deeds, 1976). Data were successfully correlated by the equation
St = = 2.0 Ja Pr -
(mOp)",P,l mIl
Ja = hIg
f /0.p v(Tc,ave - T sat')
Pr = (0 PP/k)d,v'
U = heat-transfer coefficients,
A = heat-transfer area,
Q) "ij0
UJ (Jr.
- ......
I-j 1-.-.110
(J x
Q) :5 5
:::I --- Gc = Constant
"0 - Gd = Constant
5 10 15 20
Mass Flow Rate Ratio. - x 100 [%]
(J 20r-~---------------------------'
Q) (.J
UJ (ij 0 15
c:: (J r.
Q) ~
:r: ....
(J 10
..:: x
E :i
o 1 234 5 6 7 8 9 10
Approach Temperature. ~T [0C]
Figure 4.2 Volumetric heat transfer coefficient plotted against mass flow ratio
at constant driving force and against driving force.
(a) coefficient vs. mass flow ratio at constant driving force
(b) coefficient vs. driving force
~ 8
C;; 7
~ 6 o
u: 5 edt I
:E 4
E 3
c:::: Isobulane spray column IDSS engineers)
2 2 n-Hexane spray column (Sen Holl Co.)
CO A R-113 surface boiler (Unlv of Ulah)
~} Jacobs. Plass el al. IR-113)
100 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910 20 30 40
Jakob x Prandtl Number
Table 5-1 Equipment Cost Estimates for 50-MWt Heat Exchangers (mid-1980 dollars)
Preheater Boiler
Packing Packing
Vessel and Vessel and Total
Internals Internals
Spray column
5-mm bubbles
combined prebeater /boiler 99,100 116,700 215,800
5-mm bubbles
separate prebeater /boiler 28,900 15,700 84,500 52,400 181,500
l.5-mm bubbles
combined prebeater /boiler 183,300 206,600 389,900
l.5-mm bubbles
separate preheater /boiler 28,900 15,700 169,000 33,900 247,500
again not critical. The vapor section is sized using the correlation of Eckert for
vapor liquid columns and is probably reasonably accurate. The uncertainty in the
heat transfer calculations in the vaporization section is important because no data
are available in the operating region under consideration. Data are not available
at the superficial velocities under consideration, and no data are available for heat
transfer in packed towers. While the cost of such packed-tower direct-contact
heat exchangers is low enough compared to shell-and-tube exchangers that almost
any necessary degree of over-design can be afforded (Table 5.1), it is necessary to
understand the operation to design an exchanger which will yield the expected
performance and ensure that the exchanger will perform stably under all operating
The most important uncertainties are not those inherent in the calculations
but those in the processes that were not considered. For example, some degree of
backmixing will exist in the continuous phase, even with Pall ring packing. This
will decrease the available driving force and increase the required volume. The
major reason that the column diameter at the top is smaller in the packed tower
than in the spray tower is that the vapor phase is continuous in the top of the
packed tower. However, at the beginning of the boiler section the liquid is the
continuous phase. The point where the phases reverse is a Hooding point,
characterized by large pressure drops. It is not known whether the transition will
cause large-scale flow instabilities in the column, such as slugging, or whether it
will have no effect at all on the overall column performance. In portions of the
boiling section where the vapor is the continuous phase, it is uncertain how the
liquid pentane drops will rise through the column. It is possible that the local
downward velocity of the water will be greater than the upward velocity of the
drops. This could cause accumulation of a layer of liquid pentane at the bottom
of the boiling section, which could in turn lead to liquid/liquid flooding or forma-
tion of large pockets of pentane vapor. Alternatively, the life span of a liquid drop
in the boiling section may be so short that these concerns are unwarranted. In
any case, research on the mechanism of fluid flow in the boiling section is needed
before such a column could be designed with confidence.
The low holdup in the preheater lowered the volumetric heat transfer
coefficient and led to a relatively large and expensive unit. The size and cost may
be reduced by building a system with separate preheaters. Using the same
methods described earlier, we find that the preheating load can be carried out in
two parallel vessels, each with an active height of 3.3 m (11 ft), a total height of
5.3 m (17 ft), and a diameter of 4.1 m (13.5 ft). By regulating the pressure in the
preheater, the pentane is prevented from flashing. The penetane then leaves the
preheater and is injected into the brine just withdrawn from the pond in several
relatively shallow tanks, where it is vaporized. The boiler section consists of five
vessels in parallel, each with an active height of 1.8 m (6 ft), a total height of 4.3
m (14 ft), and a diameter of 3.6 m (12 ft). While this system has a somewhat
lower capital cost (Table 5.1), it will be more complex due to the piping connect-
ing the boiler and preheater. In this case it is necessary to be able to accurately
predict the heat transfer coefficients and holdups in the liquid/liquid section of the
exchanger as well as in the boiler. Because the preheater and boiler are separate,
the preheater is not necessarily oversized as it is in the combined system.
The situation with a 1.5-mm diameter bubble is an exaggeration of that at 5
mm. The cross-sectional area required by the vapor phase at flooding is now 100
m2, compared with 20-30 m2 for the preheater. H the preheater and boiler are
combined in a single vessel, the result is 10 vessels, each with an active height of
4.6 m (15 ft), a total height of 7 m (23 ft), and a diameter of 3.6 m (12 ft). H
separate preheaters and boilers are used, we again have two preheaters with a
total height of 5.3 m and a diameter of 4.1 m. The boiling is carried out in 10
vessels in parallel, each with an active height of 1 m (3.3 ft), a total height of 4.3
m (14 ft), and a diameter of 3.6 m (12 ft).
Several issues need to be addressed before direct-contact preheater /boilers can be
designed with confidence. Because the packed tower appears most promising,
research should be done on flow patterns in the vaporization section. It should be
verified that the gas phase does indeed become the continuous phase in the top of
the packing. The flow behavior at the point of phase inversion should be studied
to be sure that the local flooding will not disrupt the operation of the rest of the
column. Also it should be determined whether the correlation of Eckert ade-
quately describes the liquid/vapor flow. It should be determined whether the
vaporizing pentane has a tendency to accumulate in large pockets and slug
through the column, as well as whether liquid pentane tends to accumulate in
pockets. Next, it should be determined whether salt water brines have a tendency
to create a stable foam at the liquid/vapor surface, as such a foam would eventu-
ally be carried over into the turbine.
In addition to the fluid flow questions, work is required on vaporization heat
transfer coefficients. The only heat transfer data available describe spray-tower
operation. However, the heat transfer coefficient is a function of flow ratio and
driving force, and no data are available at the conditions under which the column
operates. Also, no theory yet exists which gives an explanation for the type of
variations observed. Such an understanding would allow more confident scaleup
of bench- and pilot-scale experience to full-scale units. Also, experiments need to
be conducted to determine what effect the presence of packing has on the spray-
column heat transfer results.
The most important questions in spray-column systems are: what is the
equilibrium size of the bubbles formed in the vaporization section, what is the
maximum allowable vapor superficial velocity, and does the correlation of Sakiadis
and Johnson adequately describe flooding in the system? These questions are criti-
cal because the size, configuration, and cost of the heat exchanger are primarily
determined by the allowable vapor superficial velocity.
The use of a direct-contact preheater/boiler instead of a shell-and-tube unit can
significantly reduce the heat-exchange costs of a solar pond power plant. The size
and cost of direct-contact heat exchangers is related to both the heat transfer and
hydrodynamics of the system. The height of an exchanger is determined by the
driving force available for heat exchange, the interfacial area, and the enthalpy
change of the dispersed phase. The cross-sectional area is determined by the
volumetric flow rates of the two phases. Methods exist for predicting the height
and cross-sectional areas of direct-contact heat exchangers, but large uncertainties
exist. The liquid/liquid preheater section of the exchanger is reasonably well
understood, but it is the boiling section which usually determines the diameter of a
combined preheater /boiler column. Flow characteristics of packed columns with
vaporization are not understood. No heat-transfer data are available on the
vaporization of drops of a dispersed organic phase at the driving forces and flow
rates which will be encountered in this system. The prediction of flooding veloci-
ties by the method of Sakiadis and Johnson requires a knowledge of the bubble
diameter, a parameter that cannot be predicted. In addition, validity of the corre-
lation for gas/liquid flows in large diameter columns is suspect. Research is
required on the flow patterns in packed columns, flooding characteristics and bub-
ble size in spray columns, and heat transfer coefficients in the boiling sections of
both packed and spray columns. Packed- and spray-column heat exchangers were
designed and costed which covered the full range of possible designs. In all cases,
the exchangers would offer significant cost savings over shell-and-tube heat
Mertes, T. S.; Rhodes, H. B. 1955 (Sept.). "Liquid-Pa.rticle Behavior: Pa.rt I." Chemical Engineering
Progress. Vol. 51 (No.9): pp. 429-432.
Mina.rd, G. W.; Johnson, A. I. 1952 (Feb.). "Limiting Flow and Holdup in a Spray Extraction
Column." Chemical Engineering Progress. Vol. 48 (No.2): pp. 62-74.
Norton Chemical Process Products. "Design Information for Packed Towers." Norton Bulletin DC-H.
Akron, OH 44309.
Pikulik, A.; Diaz, H. E. 1977 (Oct. 10). "Cost Estimating for Major Process Equipment." Chemical
Engineering. pp. 106-122.
Plass, S. G.; Jacobs, H. R.; Boehm, R. F. 1979. "Operational Cha.racteristics. of a Spray Column
Direct-Contact Preheater." American Institute of Chemical Engineer8, Symposium
Series-Heat Transfer. San Diego. Vol. 75 (No. 189): pp. 227-234.
Richa.rdson, J. F.; Zaki, W. N. 1954. "Sedimentation and Fluidization, Pa.rt I." Transactions of the
Institute of Chemical Engineers. Vol. 32: pp.35-53.
Sakiadis, B. C.; Johnson, A. I. 1954 (June). "Generalized Correlation of Flooding Rates." Industrial
and Engineering Chemistry. Vol. 46 (No.6): pp. 1229-1238.
Sherwood, T. K.; Shipley, G. H.; Ho\1oway, F. A. L. 1938. Ind. Eng. Chern. Vol. 30 (No.7): p. 765.
Sideman, S.; Taitel, Y. 1964. "Direct-Contact Heat Transfer with Change of Phase." International
Journal of Heat and Mas8 Transfer. Vol. 7: pp. 1273-1289. London: Pergamon Press.
Sideman, S. 1966. "Direct-Contact Heat Transfer in Immiscible Liquids." Adllances in Chemical
Engineering. Vol. 6: p. 207. New York: Academic Press.
Sideman, S.; Gat, Y. 1966. "Direct-Contact Heat Transfer with Change of Phase: Spray-Column Stu-
dies of a Three-Phase Heat Exchanger." American Institute of Chemical Engineers Journal.
Vol. 12 (No.3): pp. 296-303.
Sims, A. F. 1976. "Geothermal Direct-Contact Heat Exchange." Final Report, ERDA Contract No.
E(04-3) 1116. Pasadena, CA: The Ben Holt Co.
Suratt, W. B.; Ha.rt, G. K. 1977. "Study and Testing of Direct-Contact Heat Exchangers for Geother-
mal Brines." DOE Report ORO-4893-1. Ft. Launderdale, FL: DES Engineers, Inc.
Treybal, R. E. 1973. "Liquid-Liquid Systems." Chemical EngineerB Handbook" Section 21, 5th Edi-
tion. Edited by R. H. Perry and C. H. Chilton. New York: McGraw Hill.
Urbanek, M. W. 1979. "Development of Direct Contact Heat Exchangers for Geothermal Brines--
Final Report, Oct. 4, 1977-June 30, 1978." U.S. Government Report No. LBL-8558; available
from National Technical Information Service.
Wright, J. D. 1981 (June). An Organic Rankine Cycle Coupled to a Solar Pond by Direct-Contact
Heat Ezchange-Selection of a Working Fluid. SERIjTR-631-1l22. Golden, CO: Sola.r
Energy Resea.rch Institute. Available from NTIS, Springfield, VA 22161.
from 0.9 to 36 cp, and drop diameters ranged from 0.55 to 1.27 cm. The form of
the correlation is
U = superficial velocity ( ft 3 / ft 2It ),
D" = drop diameter (in.),
'7t = continuous-phase velocity (cp),
c = continuous phase, and
d = dispersed phase,
Sakiadis and Johnson (1954) developed the form of their correlation by wri~
ing a force balance on the two phases. The constants and exponents were derived
by fitting the equations to a large amount of liquid/liquid, solid/liquid, and
gas/liquid How data, gathered from experiments carried by a variety of investiga-
tors. The ability of the correlation to accurately predict the behavior of gas/liquid
systems is questionable, as the gas bubble diameter was on the same order of mag-
nitude as the column diameter. The final form of the correlation is
avo Iv. -- 0 0 ,
where V. and Vd are the continuous and dispersed phase superficial velocities, the
following quadratic equation relates holdup at flooding to the flow ratio and drop
(m + 1)(1 - R)q,] + (m + 2) Rq" - R = 0 ,
where R = V,i/v., and q" is the holdup at the flooding conditions. It is then sug-
gested that the column be operated so that the holdup is at least 10% below flood-
q, = 0.9q" .
The superficial velocity of the continuous phase is then
V T q,(1 _ q,)m+!
V = --=-'---'--
R(1 - q,) + q, .
Mertes and Rhodes (1955) developed theoretical upper and lower bounds on
the hindered settling (slip) velocity V, of a swarm of particles
low estimate V; = 1 - 1.209 q,2/3
V, 1- P
high estimate
VT - (1 - q,) + 1.209q,2/3
where V T is the terminal velocity of a single particle, and q, is the holdup.
An equation was also derived that related holdup, particle velocity number
(V,/VT ), continuous-phase throughout number (L = U./VT ), and dispersed-phase
throughput number (D = VD/VT ):
D = VT = q, [ V,
VT + 1
1- q, u. 1
:a" 0.3
Drop Number
aD L
= 00
divides the counter-current region into two parts-the n-phase (dense packing)
and p-phase (dispersed packing). In the dense packing zone, the holdup decreases
with increased dispersed-phase throughput, while in the dispersed zone, holdup
increases with increased dispersed-phase throughput. Although operation in the
dense region would be desirable, since high holdups result in increased interfacial
area and heat transfer, such operation is possible only in columns where the
dispersed-phase flow rate can be controlled by the coalescence rate at the outlet.
This is not possible in vaporizing systems. Additionally, densely packed systems
often exhibit phase reversal where the dispersed phase coalesces while rising
through the column. The graphical method may be used to size columns. The
ratio UD/Uc is set by the energy balance-a line of constant UD/Uc can be con-
structed on the graph. The intersection with the flooding line is the flooding point
for the system. The margin of safety can then be specified, i.e., operate at 90% of
flooding throughput. It is useful to note that because of the steepness of the line
of constant L/D near the flooding point, small changes in throughput result in
large reductions in holdup, and therefore in the volumetric heat transfer
coefficient. Also, for any given drop size and ratio of flow rates, the holdup can be
calculated. Therefore, this plot can be used to evaluate the effect of variations in
operating conditions.
Hoffing and Lockhart (1954) studied packed-tower flooding in liquid/liquid
systems using a 6-in.-diameter column. Flooding velocities were correlated with
the physical properties of the two phases and with an experimentally determined
area/void fraction parameter (a/F1.2) similar to the packing factor defined by
Eckert (1966). The correlation is presented in figure form (Fig. 9.2). Given the
flow ratio R = UD/Uc , the abscissa is read to give f(R) and the following equa-
tion solved to yield the continuous phase superficial velocity:
U -
3.33E - 5 p2 22
J.t = viscosity in centipoise,
p = density in g/cm s,
tT = actual interfacial tension, and
tT 1D-4 = surface tension of water in air.
The correlation was also tested against data from earlier studies. The largest
packing (smallest a/F1.2) described by the correlation is the 1-1/2-in. Berl saddle.
This packing is much less open than a modern high-capacity packing such as the
Pall ring.
Letan and Kehat (1968) developed a model of heat transfer in a spray tower.
Ai; drops enter the column, wakes begin to grow behind the drops. Heat transfer
in this region is rapid as the wakes approach the temperature of the drop. After a
short distance, the drops rise steadily through the column, periodically shedding
their wakes. As the wakes are essentially in thermal equilibrium with the drop,
and the majority of the heat transfer is from drop to wake, heat transfer in this
region, which occupies most of the column, is relatively slow and limited by the
rate at which wakes are shed. When the drops reach the top, they completely
shed their wakes and coalesce. Differential equations can be written to describe
the heat transfer rate in each zone. The equations can then be solved simultane-
ously to give the temperature difference between the two phases at the top of the
... II: ~
0 0.2
...-.. 0.1
0 0.05
"I 0
~I ~ 0.02
8 I 0.01
~{ 0Q.
0" <I
oQ. "!
~ 0 ..
oJ ::J 0.002
Packing (a/F12) 0.67
.. 0.001 1 1/2" Berl Saddles 12.6 (experimental)
3" Pall Rings 9.6 (calculated)
X 0.0005
0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 2 5 10 20 50 100 200 500 1000 2000 5000
R = U.
Ttl,oat - Tc,in
Td,in - Tc,oat
G = volumetric flow rate,
L = column height (cm),
m = volume of wake elements shed per volume of drop and unit length
of column (cm-I ),
M = ratio of wake-to-drop volume,
r = (pGp)d/(pCp)c,
R = ratio of volumetric flow rates Gd/G c , and
T = temperature (OC).
The variation of M with holdup is shown in Fig. 9.3. The number of elements of
wake shed per drop volume and unit length of column (m) are shown as a function
of holdup in Fig. 9.4. The equations may also be solved to give the column height,
but only in the special case of Rr = 1.
Pratt et al. (Treybal, 1973) studied holdup in liquid/liquid packed towers.
For commercial packings larger than 1/2 in., and at low values of the dispersed-
phase superficial velocity (UD ), the holdup (q,) varies linearly with UD up to
q, = 0.1. With a further rise in UD , the holdup increases sharply. At a higher
value of UD there is an upper transition point, drops of the dispersed phase begin
to coalesce, and UD can be increased without an increase in holdup. At a still
higher superficial velocity, the system floods.
Drops of the dispersed phase reach a constant characteristic diameter as
they travel up through the packing. For any fluid system, there is a critical pack-
ing size above which the equilibrium drop size will be minimum and independent
of packing size. The critical packing size dp (usually greater than 1/2 in.) is given
0.;:-- 0.06
o Cooling drops at an average temperature of 35C
A Cooling drops at an average temperature of 65C
m- 0.05
en:: Heating drops at an average temperature of 35C
0) 0)
E..J 0.04 A A
A i
tV c: 0
3: tV
o E 0.02
0) ~
~ 0
-> 0.01 A
II 0
E o 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70
Hz = 0 = Holdup at Bottom of Wake Shedding Zone
Figure 9.3. Holdup at bottom of wake shedding zone, as a function
of wake elements shed.
E 1.10
~ R = 1.0
0.90 A
E 0.70
0) 0.50 A
3: 0 Cooling drops at an average temperature of 35C
II 0.30 A Cooling drops at an average temperature of 65C
~ Heating drops at an average temperature of 35"C
0.10 ~---_-'-_-'-_~_--L_---J~_.L....I
0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.7.0
Hb = Average Holdup in Intermediate Zone
Figure 9.4. Average holdup in the intermediate zone, as a function of Wake
and Drop Volume.
d = ft,
(J' = interfacial tension in lb r / ft,
d = 0.92
if> 1'
where f. is the packing void fraction and VK is a characteristic drop velocity (ft/h)
which is obtained from Fig. 9.5. In Fig. 9.5, V T is the drop terminal velocity
(ft/h) and T is the tower diameter in feet. Because the drop diameter enters into
the correlation through the terminal velocity in the correlation, several iterations
are required to pick a drop diameter and characteristic velocity.
The following equation may then be utilized to determine the holdup:
T + I _ if> = f. VK(I - if .
> 0.2
0.1 10
topg CTg c
0.38d pacK - 0.92 (';-p- )
05 1
PoV, u 9
Figure 9.5 Characteristic drop velocity for packed towers (Pratt, 1955).
a= H .
R. Letan
Operating Oondition8:
Sea-Water: specified flow rate Qe = 1.66 X 10-3 m3/s
specified inlet temperature Tei = 20 C
prescribed outlet temperature Teo = 70 C
Kerosene specified inlet temperature Teli = 75 C
disperse packing of
droplets of diameter d = 3.5 X 10-3 m
Physical Properties of Liquids:
Sea-Water: density Pe = 1000 kg/m3
specific heat cpe = 4200 J/kg'. C
viscosity Ite = 5 X 10-4 kg/m's
Kerosene: density Pel = 800 kg/m3
specific heat cpel = 2100 J/kg'. C
R = QeI = Vel
Qe Vel
The ratio of heat capacities is:
R = 1. (Teo - Tei)
r (Teli - Telo )
That leads to
Rr =1
R = l/r = 2.5
R =2.5
UT = 0.143 m/s
and is also related to the superficial velocities in the countercurrent flow as fol-
m-1 _ ~ Vc
UT (1 - J) - J + (1 - J)
However, Vd = R Vc and therefore:
IVd =0
Differentiation of the superficial velocity-holdup equation yields a relationship
between J, and Yd' Substituting RVe for Vd and combining again with the
holdup - superficial velocity relationship results in:
for holdup at flooding. The operational holdup has to be at least 10% lower:
J < 0.315
2.6 Temperatures
The inlet temperatures are specified
Tei = 200 and Tdi = 75 0
The outlet temperature of the sea water is prescribed, and the outlet temperature
of the kerosene is calculated at R = 2.5:
Teo = 70 0 and Tdo = 25 0
D=2 [~J,j,
For Qe = 1.66 X 10--8 m 3/s, Ve !:::O 9 X 10--8 mls and
D = 0.485 m
D !:::OO.5 m
L = [ [ Tdo - Teo
Tdi - Teo
1 exp (MR) - 11-m. S- -
. r -
1 [1 + 1
where S and ll'1 are expressed by Eqs. (37) and (36) respectively in Chapter 6,
"Liquid-Liquid Processes".
At 1> = 0.315, M = 0.8, and m = 3.0 m-1
For these conditions, S = -1.11, ll'1 = -8.75 m -1. Substituting for R = 2.5, r = 0.4
and the respective temperatures provides the column proper length:
L = 8.2 m
Nozzles of diameter
dN = 1.5 X 10-.'1 m
are required for the specified size of droplets d = 3.5 X 10-.'3 m. For uniformly
sized droplets the kerosene velocity through the nozzles is:
VN = 0.5 ml8
Therefore, the number of nozzles in the plate must be:
N = Q.I [~ . d% . VN 1
For Q. = 1.66 X 10-.'3 m 3/s,dN = 1.5 X 10-.'3 m and V N = 0.5 mls we obtain the
number of nozzles as:
N = 1900
The surface of the nozzles is then
where .dTm is the logarithmic mean temperature difference. For the present
Uy = 4.45 X lOt W 1m3 K
Operating Oonditions:
Flowrates: sea-water Qe = 1.66 X 10~ m3 Is
kerosene Qd = 4.15 X 1O~ m3Is
flow rate ratio R = 2.5
Diameter of column proper D =0.5 m
Length of column proper L = 8.2 m
Disperser: nozzle diameter dN = 1.5 X 1O~ m
number of nozzles N= 1900
OD drag coefficient
cp specific heat capacity
D diameter of column proper
d diameter of droplet
dN diameter of nozzle
g gravitational acceleration
L length of column proper
M ratio of wake to droplet volumes
m wake elements shed per unit length of column and per unit volume
of droplet
N number of nozzles
Q volumetric flow rate
R flow rate ratio, QdlQe
r heat capacity ratio (p. cp)dl(p cp)c
S surface
Reo Reynolds number of a single droplet
T temperature
Us slip velocity
UT terminal velocity
Uv volumetric heat transfer coefficient
V superficial velocity
JI dynamic viscosity
p density
> holdup
c continuous
d dispersed
f flooding
i inlet
0 outlet
Harold R. Jacobs
This Appendix outlines the current methods being used in the thermal and
hydraulic design of spray column type, direct contact heat exchangers. It provides
appropriate referenced equations for both preliminary design and detailed perfor-
mance analysis. The design methods are primarily empirical and are applicable
for use in the design of such units for geothermal application and for application
with solar ponds. Methods of design, for both preheater and boiler sections of the
primary heat exchangers, for direct contact binary power plants are included.
Based on a report submitted to the U.S. Department of Energy, Contract No. DE-AS07-76ID
01523 with the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, The University of Utah, Salt
Lake City, Utah, April, 1985, Revised June, 1985.
The spray column has been widely studied in the chemical industry for many
years due to its inherent simplicity as a counter-current device for heat or mass
transfer. Developments were enhanced in the 1960's due to increased interest in
desalination systems (Saline Water Conversion Engineering Data Book, 1971).
More recently, in the 1970's, Jacobs and Boehm (1980) suggested their use for
extracting heat from moderate temperature geothermal brines. They and a
number of other investigators have carried out a wide range of studies under U.S.
Department of Energy funding for nearly 10 years. This work culminated in the
construction of the 500 kW Geothermal Direct Contact Binary Cycle Power
Plant at East Mesa, Californfa, by Barber-Nichols Engineering under U.S.D.O.E.
funding, (Olander, et al., 1983). The 500 kW direct contactor was designed by
the present author as a combined working fl~id preheater-boiler. The working
fluid was isobutane with the continuous fluid being the immiscible geothermal
Based upon the relative success of this technique, a number of other applica-
tions have been spawned. Most closely related is the use of a modified spray type
direct contactor for the extraction of heat from a salt-stratified solar pond. The
low temperature design conditions for a solar pond dictate the use of pentane as
the working fluid if it is desired to utilize the working fluid vapor to generate
Although both geothermal and solar pond applications have the same ulti-
mate purpose, to generate electricity from a moderate to low temperature source
and to obtain the energy exchange at small approach temperature differences,
many source-related characteristics cause significant differences in their design.
For the geothermal application, it has generally been conceded that the most
economical design is to utilize as much heat as possible from each unit mass of
geothermal brine. This leads to near equal mass flow rates of the working fluid
and brine. For the case of solar ponds, with much lower peak temperatures and
concerns about returning too cold a fluid back to the pond, the mass flow rate of
brine far exceeds that of the working fluid.
For a combined boiler-preheater, it is clear that for high-pressure, high-
temperature vapor generation (such as for geothermal applications) the heat duty
of the preheater can greatly exceed that of the boiler. For solar pond applications,
where the vapor is generated at temperatures as low as 67 C, the boiler duty can
be two to three times that of the preheater. Thus, design philosophy can be con-
siderably different. Nevertheless, in this Appendix, an attempt is made to provide
information for general purpose design of spray column type direct contactors. As
nearly as possible, the information provided herein is current and provides the best
available information.
Vi = ~ [1.07 -
Ptl d"
0.75 ,tlpd;g
1 (1)
*Interfacial tension is not surface tension. It can be predicted by Antonoff's rule which states that
for two saturated liquid layers in equilibrium, the interracial tension is equal to the difference
between the two individual surface tensions of the two mutually saturated phases under a common
It is also necessary not to exceed the critical jetting velocity. Above this
velocity the length of jet decreases dramatically followed quickly by automization
of the dispersed phase. This requires a large pressure drop across the nozzle and is
generally undesirable for spray columns. The critical velocity and corresponding
critical drop diameter can be calculated according to Skelland and Johnson (1974)
as follows
dic =
d" for K < 0.785 (2)
0.485](2 +1
dic = for K ~ 0.785 (3)
1.51K + 0.12
K = YO'/
Vic = 2.69
dic (0.514Pd + 0.472Pc)
At this critical velocity, Treybal (1963) recommends the following equations for
the critical drop size
dDC = 0.485 E: 1 for Eo < 0.615 (6)
dDC = for Eo ~ 0.615 (7)
1.51 EJ/2 + 0.12
where Eo is the EOtvOs number, defined as
Eo = .tJ.pgd; (8)
For conditions between the jetting velocity and the critical jetting velocity,
the following correlation is recommended (Steiner and Hartland, 1983) to deter-
mine the drop size.
dD = dic r2.06 V.
Vic -1.47 In V.
vapor or gas, 0' = 0' d. - 0'c.' If the above values are not known saturated-phase surface tensions
can be used. Accuracy within 15% is claimed for organic-water and organic-organic systems for the
latter estimate. Saline Water Conversion Engineering Data Book, 2nd Edition (1971) gives values
for organic fluids and water and brine under air. These properties should be used.
0 0 0
00 0 0
000 0
00 00
0 0 0
0 0 0 0
00 00
00 0 0
00 0
00 0
o 0 0
0 000
000 0
0 000
Figure 5.1 Direct contact spray tower for liquid-liquid heat exchange.
Drops formed from jets or nozzles may behave differently according to their den-
sity, interfacial tension, volume, and whether heat or mass transfer takes place
between them and the surrounding continuous phase. For a drop rising due to
gravity in an immiscible liquid, there are five dimensionless groups that govern the
motion of the drop:
Reynolds number Re = (10)
EOtvOs number Eo = q
M - group M= (12)
o 0
0 0 0
00 0
o 0
00 0
o 0
0 0 0
o 0
0 0 0
o 0
0 0 0
o 0
00 0
0 00
0 00
Figure 5.2 Direct contact spray tower for preheating and boiling dispersed
a: 10'
10- 2 10-' 10 10' 10 2 10 3
Figure 5.3 Drop characterization map.
For spherical drops, the terminal velocity in a quiescent fluid can be calcu-
lated by a simple balance of the gravity force by the drag yielding
f Vf = .! dD
[Pd - Pc
g (15)
If it is assumed that the drops behave like rigid smooth spheres, then f varies as
f -- K 1+ 1 [K[~
+ _4_]+
~l Re~78
which accounts for the relative motion of the interface due to the differences in
fluid viscosities. It should be noted, however, that the presence of contaminants
such as found in geothermal brines or salt pond brines tend to make the interface
more immobile. However, data is missing on the influence of surfactants and
For ellipsoidal drops Grace (1985) recommends that the terminal drop velo-
city be calculated from
J = 3.42H'l.441 for (20)
H = .! Eo M-o149 ~ (21)
3 0.0009
In the above equations Pc is in kgJmsec.
ties but also that of the continuous phase. Steiner and Hartland (1983) recom-
[ kLl:.dO' (1 - ,),..."
""r [1
[1 + + R!I: ,) ]
to predict the superficial velocity of the continuous phase. This compares with
Gt VT (1 - )m+l
A - (1 - )R +
which has been used by Letan, et al. (1968) and by Jacobs and Boehm (1980). In
Equation 22, recommended values for k and n are 2.725 and 1.834 respectively.
The value of m in Equation 23 is a function of the drop Reynolds number based
on terminal velocities, as follows:
Ret< 0.2 m = 3.65
0.2 < Ret < 1.0 m = 4.35 Re;o03 - 1
1 < Ret < 500 m = 44.5 R et-o 1 - 1 (24)
Ret ~ 500 m = 1.39
In the above equations, is the holdup.
In low holdup situations, the relative velocity between the drops and the
continuous phase is equal to the terminal rise velocity of a single drop.
Gt Gd
Vr = V DT = A(1 _ ) + A (25)
However, at higher holdup the close proximity of adjacent drops influences the
terminal velocity of a typical drop within the swarm, thus, v;.;I: VDT Kumar
(1980) recommends for this situation that
Vr = [2.725 ilpdDg [ 1 -
Pc 1 + 1/2
r834J/2 (26)
It was this expression together with Equation 25 from which Equation 22 was
developed. Comparison of Equation 26 with experimental data from other investi-
gators indicate mixed results especially at low holdup. Nevertheless, it is recom-
mended by Steiner and Hartland (1983). Deviation from Vr = V T , however, is
small unless dense packing is achieved. Thus, Equation 23 is preferred unless high
holdups are encountered.
H the continuous phase flow rate is held constant and the dispersed phase
flow rate is gradually increased, a condition known as flooding can eventually
occur. (Similarly, flooding will eventually occur if the dispersed phase flow rate is
held constant and the continuous phase flow is increased.) At this point, it is
impossible to continue passing more oC the dispersed fluid through the column and
a Craction would then be washed out oC the column with the continuous phase or
the drops might all coalesce, changing either the drop size or which fluid is
dispersed. As this cannot be readily predicted, flooding is to be avoided. We,
thus, must be able to predict the flooding point.
There is not much data on flooding in the literature (Steiner and Hartland,
1983). Based on the relationship oC Richardson and Zaki (1954), Letan (1976)
recommends that
(m + 1)(1 - R)~ + (m + 2)R I - R = 0 (27)
be used to calculate the holdup at flooding where m is given in Equation 24 and
R = Gd/Ge , the ratio oC volumetric flow rates. For stable flow operation
is advised.
It should be noted, that it is possible to operate at a holdup greater than the
flooding point. This type oC operation occurs in what is called the dense packing
regime. Operating below the so-called flooding point is called the dispersed pack-
ing regime. Theoretically, it is possible to operate a spray column in each regime
Cor a given pair oC flow rates. Although considerable work has been directed
toward dense packing, in practice, it is difficult to achieve. It does have advan-
tages over the common operation with loose packing. The interfacial area can be
three to five times higher and back mixing is considerably reduced. The dense
dispersion can be controlled so that its interCace is 30-50 mm above the dispersed
phase distributor. However, iC the jets from the distributor plate enter into the
dense packing, it can lead to coalescence oC the drops. Once coalescence starts, it
continues through the column height and operation cannot be maintained. This
coalescence is the main danger in operating in the dense packing regime.
Not much is known about either the hydrodynamics or the heat transCer in
the dense packing regime. Thus, although it is possible to operate in this manner,
prudent designers have stuck to disperse packing operating. Further, research to
counteract coalescence by the adding oC surCactants to the drops could result in
practical dense phase operation oC a spray column. The influence oC the surCac-
tants on heat and mass transCer would also have to be studied.
Spray columns are designed with the intent to Cacilitate countercurrent contact
between two immiscible fluids. The degree to which this is achieved depends upon
the design oC the injectors Cor the two fluids. The design Cor the dispersed phase is
reasonably straightCorward and is essentially a perCorated plate covering a
manifold. The limiting factors on nozzle jet velocity have already been discussed.
The injection of the continuous phase is more difficult and flaws in its design are
probably the leading cause of axial circulation in a liquid-liquid spray column.
However, it should be noted that little research on internal back mixing or axial
mixing has been done.
In the analyses of spray columns, models used are normally one-dimensional
and transient or steady state. Back mixing can be introduced by introducing sin-
gle dispersion coefficients, Ee, and Ed which may be correlated by comparing
column operating results against different operating parameters. Principally, it is
assumed that an additional flux exists in the opposite direction to the main flow of
each of the phases. The magnitude of the back flow is assumed to be proportional
to the negative gradient of the parameter in question (temperature, concentration,
velocity, etc.). For example, for mass transfer, the conservation equations take the
form (Steiner and Hartland, 1983)
8x ax a2 x ke a _
- = Ve - + Ee - - - - (x - x ) (29)
8t az 8r 1-
for the continuous phase, and
2.JL = -Vd ElL + Ed ~ + -kc a (x - x - ) (30)
8t az az2
for the dispersed phase. The values for Ec and Ed will be dependent on column
geometry, injector design, etc., as well as the fluids being used. These points are
discussed by Steiner and Hartland (1983). They carried out experiments in a
spray column without any dispersed phase present. They noted strong circulation
in the continuous phase only. Other back mixing can be caused by the fact that
the drops carry wakes that are periodically shed as they rise. AB pointed out by
Letan and Kehat (1968), in a sufficiently tall column, this effect can even out along
the length of the column. In their heat transfer work this resulted in long
columns operating with a nearly constant value of the volumetric heat transfer
along the column length for columns with length to diameter ratios, L/De, greater
than eight.
In small diameter columns, bulk circulation can occur due to the fact that
drops concentrate in the middle of the column. In larger diameter columns, this
can lead to more difficulties as it has been proposed that the axial dispersion is
proportional to the diameter raised to a power (E ,....., DA). However, it is believed
that this is again caused by the difficulty in designing an appropriate continuous
phase inlet. Such was the problem, it is believed, with the 500 kW spray column
direct contactor at East Mesa. However, changes in other opera~ing conditions
were also made at the same time as the injector was changed. Thus, no one
knows for sure whether the injector modification alone led to improved operation.
However, testing with continuous phase nozzle design prototypes at the University
of Utah in its six inch diameter unit, seemed to indicate significant reduction in
back mixing. Thus, it is believed that appropriate design can significantly reduce
back mixing.
to fit their own and some other data. Further, for long columns they could justify
the use of a constant volumetric heat transfer coefficient. As their experiments
were conducted at small temperature differences between the incoming fluids, they
did not worry about temperature dependent fluid properties.
Following the lead of Letan and earlier investigators, Plass, Jacobs and
Boehm (1979) ran a series of experiments to determine a volumetric heat transfer
coefficient, Uv They correlated both their own data and that of other investiga-
tors for organic fluids dispersed in water or geothermal brine. They claim an
accuracy of 20% for the following correlation
U. = _---eQ"--_ (33)
The above equation was used in estimating the preheater length requirement
for the 500 kW East Mesa combined boiler/preheater spray column.
For drop; originally of 3.0--3.5 mm in diameter, Jacobs and Golafshani
(1985) showed that the heat transfer is reasonably well-represented by Equations
31-32 when actual local holdup values are used. However in deriving Equations
31-32, Plass, et al. (1979) used the correlation of Johnson, et al. (1957) for holdup.
The use of the latter correlation gave "sometimes agreement" with the data from
East Mesa (Letan, 1976). The degree of accuracy in predicting preheater length
was approximately 20% depending upon how the holdup was calculated. The
calculated, detailed temperature profiles did not compare as well with the experi-
ments. Jacobs and Golafshani (1985) also investigated a model using the assump-
tion of no drop internal resistance to heat transfer and one where the heat transfer
was governed by diffusion within the drop. This latter model showed better agree-
ment, especially when it accounted for drop growth.
For drops less than 4.0 mm in diameter, it is recommended that final
preheater spray column sizing be done using the conduction drop growth model of
Jacobs and Golafshani (1985) and Jacobs (March 1985). Preliminary sizing can be
carried out using Equation 33.
For drops greater than 4 mm in diameter, it is highly probably that the
drops will be in the fluctuating ellipsoidal regime. For this regime, both internal
and external resistances to heat flow would have to be considered. For single
drops, Sideman (1966) gives
NUd = 50 + 8.5 X 10-.'3 Reo PrO. 7 (34)
for the external surface coefficient for oscillating drops for 150 < Re < 700. A
maximum deviation of 12% was reported. No reliable expression is ivailable for
Re> 700.
The internal resistance to heat transfer can be calculated by Equation 28 of
Golsfshani and Jacobs (1985). It gives
Nu", = 0.00375 / (35)
1 + J.t c
This equation is reported to be accurate to 20%.
It is not clear from the studies conducted to date whether increases in the
surface heat transfer due to internal circulation will offset reduced surface area by
going to larger drops. Before settling on a drop size for a given applications, how-
ever, such a study is warranted.
the thermodynamic analyses to select the optimum direct contact binary cycle for
a given geothermal resource. It will set the flow rates of the two fluids, brine and
working fluid once the working fluid is selected. The complete power system can
be chosen utilizing the computer program DffiGEO described by Jacobs and
Boehm (1980) and Riemer, et al. (1976).
On the basis of the system thermodynamic analyses, the mass flow rates of
brine and working fluid would be available for a given geothermal resource. The
direct contactor pressure, working fluid boiling point, and the inlet and outlet tem-
peratures for both the brine and working fluid would be established. One could
now, utilizing this information, proceed to design the direct contactor.
The first thing that must be done is to decide on the drop size for the
dispersed phase. Typically the nozzle diameter, d,., will be from one half to two
thirds as large as dD At:, the equation for the drop size, Equation 9, depends upon
the critical jetting velocity as well as the critical jet diameter, which in turn
depend on d,., we must select d,. first. For light hydrocarbons in brine values of
d,. less than 1.58 mm (1/16 inch) should result in drops from 3.0 to 3.2 mm ("'-'1/8
inch) in diameter. Such drops should remain nearly spherical with little internal
circulation. A larger nozzle diameter will result in fluctuating drops whose
behavior at high holdup could lead to an unstable column. This, of course, would
need to be examined for the actual fluids selected in light of Fig. 5.3.
After selecting d,., the jetting velocity, Vi' can be calculated from Equation
1. This is the minimum velocity for the injection nozzles. Next the critical jetting
velocity and jet diameter are determined from Equations 2-5. The critical jetting
velocity, Vic' cannot be exceeded. At the critical jetting velocity, the drops
formed will be given by either Equation 6 or 7 depending upon the Eo number.
One can operate the injector at any velocity between the jetting velocity and the
critical jetting velocity at long as the Weber number is greater than two. This is
necessary to prevent seeping.
Knowing the desired drop diameter, Equation 9 can be used to calculate the
nozzle velocity, V,.. At:, long as the criteria mentioned above is satisfied, we will
have selected the nozzle size. We can now proceed to determine the required
number of perforations, or nozzles, in the dispersed phase distributor.
At:, the total mass flow rate of the disperse phase is known, as well as its
temperature and pressure, we can calculate the volumetric flow rate, Gd = -.
The number of nozzles required is
n =---- (37)
The number of nozzles, of course, must be a whole number. We round off the cal-
culation to the nearest one, making sure we do not cause a problem by exceeding
the value of Vic. Using the whole number, we calculate a new value of V,. from
Equation 37. We then recalculate dD from Equation 9. This is then the drop
Depending upon whether or not the drops are spherical or wobbling ellip-
soidal, which can be checked roughly from Fig. 5.3, we are ready to calculate the
drop terminal velocity using either Equation 15 or 18, as is appropriate.
Next the flooding holdup, (. /' should be calculated from Equation 27. The
design value of holdup for the column should be selected as 0.9 (. / or less as
pointed out in Equation 28. Correcting for the amount of mass of geothermal
brine that is vaporized in the boiler with the working fluid, the mass entering the
preheater is determined prior to the actual calculation of (. /. Knowing the exit
conditions of the brine, the volumetric flow rate Gc is determined. We now know
gives the needed diameter of the column just above the dispersed phase injector.
If the column was isothermal, selecting the diameter just calculated would
insure its holdup being constant along its entire length. With heat transfer, the
holdup may vary. This is due to the fact that the density of the brine and
selected working fluid can vary considerably with temperature if the column pres-
sure is sufficiently high. If the working fluid density varies, the drop diameters
will vary and thus their terminal velocity, etc. No where along the column length
should the holdup exceed 0.9/. Thus, we should next calculate the conditions at
the top of the preheater in a manner similar to what was done at the bottom.
The column diameter should be whichever is larger.
Having determined the column diameter, we should next check the overall
size of the dispersed phase distribution plate. The nozzle holes should not be
placed on a center to center distance less than 1.5 dD With this type of layout,
the overall distributor plate injector should not be larger in diameter than the
column. This will insure that the drops can rise vertically.
The columns shown in Figs. 5.1 and 5.2 both have a conical section in which
the dispersed phase injector is located. Jacobs and Boehm (1980) and Treybal
(1963) indicate that the cone half angle should be about 15 0
The distributor
plate should be so located that the annular ring of open space around it should
equal the cross-sectional area of the column. This will insure that there is no
undercarry of the dispersed phase and that there is good separation of the phases.
Weare now ready to proceed with the calculation of the length of the
preheater part of the column. If the thermodynamic properties of the working
fluid liquid and brine do not vary significantly with temperature, it is possible to
calculate the length of the preheater from
temperature as was noted in the design of the 500 kWe unit at East Mesa. Thus,
it is necessary to evaluate the heat transfer in a number of steps along the
preheater length. This was done by hand using Equations 31-33 for the 500 kWe
unit (Olander, et al., 1983). For design studies it is recommended that the steady
state computer program described in Jacobs (March, 1985) be used to determine
the preheater length. The computer program is easily modified to include a
variety of methods for estimating the heat transfer rate. For spherical drops, it is
recommended that the variable diameter drop conduction model described by
Jacobs and Golafshani (1985) be used to determine the preheater length. For
fluctuating ellipsoidal drops, Equations 34 and 35 can be used.
The length of the boiler section can be calculated using the value of U.
given in Equation 36. Due to the nature of the equation as discussed, it is not
warranted to divide the boiler into segments. Thus the length of the boiler should
be calculated as
L b= m(hezit - hb.pJd
!!... D't; U. LMTD
where LMTD is based on counterflow temperatures across the boiler.
Based on results of the 500 kWe design, the length of the spray column
should start at the top of the conical section housing the dispersed phase distribu-
It is recommended that the continuous phase injector or injectors be located
in the middle of the boiler section to insure maximum heat transfer rates.
A disengagement section at the top of the column needs to be included as
shown in Fig. 5:2. This should be sufficiently large to insure no liquid carryover
with the exiting vapor.
A sensitivity analysis should be made to determine possible input variations
and the time constant for the column such as was done by Golafshani and Jacobs
(1985) for the 500 kWe unit. The controls for the column should be designed
based on this information and the resulting information indicating possible
preheater and boiler length excursions.
Following the above procedures it is possible to design a highly reliable
spray column for geothermal power applications. The techniques posed appear to
be conservative based on experience with the 500 kWe East Mesa unit. Further
refinements will require additional laboratory studies as mentioned in the discus-
sions in this manual.
("'149 C). This section presents some calculations using the methods discussed in
this Appendix to show the influence of various parameters on spray column design.
0 5.0 6.0 7.0
Figure 5.4 Typical limiting velocities for changes in nozzle diameter.
10.1 Establishing Drop Size
In designing a spray column, it is necessary to choose the drop size in order to
establish the column hydrodynamics. Figure 5.4 was developed for the isobutane-
H 2) system utilizing Equations 1-5. For a small nozzle diameter, it is clear that a
wlae range of nozzle velocities is possible between the working limits of Vi and
Vic' However, as the nozzle diameters increase, the range of permissible velocities
decrease. Thus, it would appear safer to design using nozzles of < 3.0 mm in
diameter if one wished to provide for significant variations in velocity. However,
since the area of the nozzles is proportional to their diameter squared, near
equivalent volume flow changes may occur for much smaller changes in velocity
for the larger nozzles.
H one considers the actual drop sizes as a function of the nozzle velocities, it
is clear from Fig. 5.5 that nearly the same variation in drop diameters is possible
over all the nozzle sizes shown. However, the approximate nozzle diameter limit
for non-circulating drops is less than 2.5 mm (7/64 inch) and at velocities near the
jetting velocity. As it is most easy to hydrodynamically design spray columns for
situations where the drops behave as rigid spheres, typical nozzle diameters of
1.5-2.0 mm are normally chosen. Plugging or partial plugging of some holes can
lead to velocities exceeding the critical jetting velocity. Reductions in working
fluid flow rate can cause drop diameters to exceed the limit for rigid sphere
behavior. Thus, fluctuations in spray column operation can occur even without
recirculation. Nonetheless, the advantages of spray column direct contact heat
exchange make them attractive to pursue. It should .also be noted that the limits
for rigid drop behavior and critical jetting velocity are experimentally established
and are, in general, conservative.
16 I I I
14 l- -
E 12 :- ISOBUTANE- H20 -
Figure 5.5 Variation in drop sizes produced by nozzles within operating velocity
Figure 5.6 shows the terminal velocities calculated using Equation 15 for
rigid drops and Equation 18 for fluctuating drops. For all drops formed between
the limits on Weber number and Vic for the nozzle dimensions considered, isobu-
tane drops in H 20 fall within either the spherical or fluctuating ellipsoidal regime
shown in Fig. 5.3 as log M is approximately -12.16 and .7 ~ Eo ~ 2.6. It should
further be noted that the terminal velocity is higher for drops with internal circu-
lation by up to 50%. Thus, it should be possible to increase the throughput by
increasing drop size. However, as the path of larger drops is not vertical, coales-
cence is more likely to occur. Therefore, at this time, it does not appear prudent
to significantly increase drop size without further experimental data on drop
hydrodynamics, especially for drop swarms.
THO = 150 of (65.5 C)
Figure 5.6 Terminal velocities for rigid spheres and fluctuating drops according
to Figure 5.3.
corresponds to a nearly maximum value of continuous phase superficial velocity.
The peak value of f / varies from nearly 0.34 at an R of 2.25 to 0.25 for R = 0.5.
In each case, the superficial velocity only undergoes a small change in order to
reduce to 0.8 / or 0.9f /.
The advantage for heat transfer of operating close to the flooding point is
shown in Fig. 5.8. For the case of small values of R, as is the case for solar ponds,
the correlation of Plass, et al. (1979), indicates volumetric heat transfer coefficients
of nearly 8,000 Btu/hrft3 , F (148.8 kW /m~() when operated near flooding. Of
course, it should be noted that in the liquid preheating regime, such a low value of
R leads to low utilization of the heating capacity of the continuous phase brine.
In typical geothermal applications, it is desired to utilize a considerable portion of
the thermal capacity of the hot liquid brine. With an organic working fluid such
as isobutane, a typical value for R would be around two. The correlation of
Reference 15 indicates a decrease in Uv with increasing R, but an increase with f.
Since the rate of increase of Uv with increasing f is less for higher values of R,
operating further away from the flooding point does not, as significantly, affect U.
as it would at lower R, more typical of solar pond applications.
Figure 5.8 can be used for preliminary design applications provided we keep
in mind the data from which it was determined. The limitations are: (a) the
dispersed phase is an organic fluid; (b) the continuous phase is brine or water; (c)
0.6 r-----.------.------.------r----~
~ ~0.3
o ~
c> -a
o ~----~~----~------~------~------~
o 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Figure 5.7 Superficial continuous phase velocity as a function of holdup for
spherical drops.
the drops are less than 5.0 mm in diameter; and (d) the correlation is good to only
within 20%.
8Xl0 3
'". 6x 103
~ 4x 103
2x 10 3
0 0.1 0.2 0.3
Since we know the volumetric flow rate of the brine Ge , the diameter of the
column proper at its base can be calculated from Equation 38, to be 2.80 ft or
0.855 m. Although this would be an appropriate diameter for the DCHX column
for conditions near the entry of the working fluid, large changes in the density of
isobutane can occur at pressures near 400 psi as it is heated to its saturation tem-
perature. Thus, the flooding conditions will have to be checked at several loca-
tions along the column length in the preheater section. At the top of the
preheater section, the 3.5 mm drops will have grown to a diameter of nearly 4.0
mm. The terminal velocity will increase and generally the deviation in holdup
will be to one further from the flooding point.
In order to establish the approximate length of the preheater, Equations 32
and 39 can be used. From Equation 32, U~ is approximately 4,650 Btu/hrft3 F or
86.5 kW/m 3K. The LMTD for the preheater is 21.8' F. Thus, from Equation
39, the approximate length of the preheater is 16.55 ft or 5.04 m.
In the boiler section, 5.85 X 106 Btu/hr will be transferred to the isobutane.
Equation 36 yields a U~ = 14.083 Btu/hrft3 F. The LMTD across the boiler is
31.5' F. Thus, the boiler volume is 13.19 ft3 . The boiler length is 2.14 ft or 0.65
We now have a preliminary sizing of the column proper. The diameter is
2.8 ft (0.855 m) and the combined length of the preheater and boiler is 18.7 ft
(5.70 m). Using these preliminary dimensions, the steady state computer program
described by Jacobs (March, 1985) can be used to refine the size for the preheater.
Such a calculation yields an overall length of 19 ft (5.8 m).
For a vapor-mist disengagement section, a height of two diameters is sug-
gested (5.6 ft or 1.71 m). Two rows of chevron mist eliminators located mid-way
in the disengagement section would eliminate any droplet carry-over. The chev-
rons should be two inches high and inclined at 60' from the vertical.
The brine injector would be located near the midpoint of the boiler section.
An injector might be designed to distribute the brine horizontally from a single
tube. It should yield a horizontal velocity no greater than GjA at the wall of the
column. This would require the injector distribution over a height of 7.4 inches or
18.9 cm. A design such as used for the 500 kW East Mesa DCHX unit described
by Olander, et aI. (1983), would be satisfactory. e
The isobutane distribution pl~te, as noted, would require 23,328 1/16 inch
diameter holes spaced over 6.16 ft . This is equivalent to one hole every 0.038
square inches, or 0.22 inches or 5.59 mm between centers. The distributor should
be located in the conical frustrum section below the column proper where the
diameter is 3.96 ft. Ideally, the frustrum 1/2 angle would be 15'. This will allow
for the brine to pass by the IC 4 distributor with no increase in the continuous
phase superficial velocity. The orine exit would be located on the pressure head
below the column in a manner similar to that shown on the schematic of Fig. 5.l.
This design example used flow conditions identical to those for the East
Mesa DCHX observed on November 12, 1980 (Olander, et aI., 1983). The East
Mesa DCHX had a diameter of 3.67 ft. Under these flow conditions the holdup, f,
for the East Mesa DCHX was only 0.227, which was only 70% of the flooding
value. ~he resulting U. calculated from Equation 32 would ~ave been 2,718
Btu/hrft F. The experiment indicated a U. of 2,390 Btu/hrft F. The com-
parison is within the 20% claimed by Plass, et al. (1979).
A Internal cross-sectional area of the column
dD Drop diameter
dDC Critical drop size according to Treybal
die Drop diameter at critical jetting velocity
d" Nozzle diameter
i1p I(Pc - Pd}1
Dc Column diameter
Ee,Ed Dispersion coefficients, empirically determined constants used in one
dimensional conservation equations to account for backmixing
EO'tvOs number, defined by Equation 8 and 11
Void fraction, local global fraction of volume occupied by the dispersed
Void fraction at the flooding point
Drag coefficient defined by Equation 16 for rigid spheres and Equation
17 for surface mobile spheres
g Gravitational constant
Gc Volumetric flow rate of continuous phase
Gc/A Superficial velocity of the continuous phase
GD Volumetric flow rate of dispersed phase
hbp Enthalpy of liquid at the boiling point
hezit Enthalpy at exit from the column
hi" Inlet value of enthalpy
H Defined by Equation 21
J Defined by Equation 19 and 20
k,n Constants in Equation 22
K Defined by Equation 4
Kl Defined by Equation 13
L Length of column
LMTD Log mean temperature difference for countercurrent flow
Lp.H. Preheater length
m Constant in Equation 23 defined by Equation 24
Pc Dynamic viscosity of continuous phase
M-gro'Up Defined by Equation 12
n The number of nozzles required in the dispersion plate in Equation 37
NUd Nusselt Number defined on the basis of drop diameter
Pr Prandtl number
Q/Vol Total local heat transfer between phases per unit volume
Golafshani, M., H. R. Jacobs. Stability of a Direct Contact Spray Column Heat Exchanger,
ASME/AIChE National Heat Transfer Conference, Denver, CO (1985).
Grace, J. R. "Hydrodynamics of Liquid Drops in Immiscible Liquids," Chapter 38, Handbook of Fluids
in Motion, N. P. Cheremisinoff and R. Gupta, Editors, Ann Arbor Science, The Butterfield
Group, Ann Arbor, MI, pp. 1003-1025 (1983).
Jacobs, H. R. Stability AnalY8is of Direct Contact Heat Exchanger8 SubJect to System Perturbation8,"
Final Report-Task 2, U.S. Dept. of Energy Contract DE-AS07-76IDO 1523, Modification A014
(March 1985).
Jacobs, H. R., R. F. Boehm. "Direct Contact Binary Cycles," Section 4.2.6 Sourcebook on the Produc-
tion of Electricity from Geothermal Brines, J. Kestin, Editor, Published by U.S. Dept. of
Energy, Washington, D.C., DOE/RA/4051-1, pp. 413-471 (March 1980).
Jacobs, H. R., M. Golafshani. "A Heuristic Evaluation of the Governing Mode of Heat Tran8fer in a
Liquid-Liquid Spray Column," ASME/AIChE National Heat Transfer Conference, Denver, CO
Johnson, A. I., G. W. Mirand, C. J. Huang, J. H. Hansuld, V. M. McNamara. "Spray Extraction
Tower Studies," AIChE Journal 3:101-110 (1957).
Kumar, A. D., K. Vohra, S. Hartland. Canadian J. Chemical Engineering, 53:158 (1980).
Letan, R. Design of a Particle Direct Contact Heat Exchanger: Uniform Countercurrent Flow,
ASME Paper 76-HT-27, ASME/AIChE Heat Transfer Conference (1976).
Letan, R., E. Kehat. "The Mechanism of Heat Transfer in a Spray Column Heat Exchanger," AIChE
Journal, 14(3):398-405 (1968).
Olander, R, S. Oshmyanshu, K. Nichols, D. Werner. Final Phase Testing and Evaluation of the 500
k We Direct Contact Pilot Plant at East Mesa, U.S. Dept. of Energy Report DOE/SF /11700-TI,
Arvada, CO (December 1983).
Plass, S. B., H. R. Jacobs, R F. Boehm. "Operational Characteristics of a Spray Column Type Direct
Contact Preheater," AIChE Symposium Series, 189:227-234 (1979).
Richardson, J. F., W. N. Zaki. "Sedimentation and Fluidization, Part I," Transactions of the Inst. of
Chemical Engineers, 32:35-53 (1954).
Riemer, D. H., H. R. Jacobs, R F. Boehm. Analysis of Direct Contact Binary Cycles for Geothermal
Power Generation (Program DIRGEOj, University of Utah, U.S. Dept. of Energy Report
IDO/1549-5 (1976).
Riemer, D. H., H. R. Jacobs, R F. Boehm, D. S. Cook. A Computer Program for Determining the
Thermodynamic Propertie8 of Light Hydrocarbon8, University of Utah, U.S. Dept. of Energy
John C. Campbell
Water-cooling towers are used for the removal of a major portion of the heat gen-
erated in industrial plants. The basic principle of operation is the direct contact
of the heat-laden water with atmospheric air, resulting in cooling the water by
evaporating a portion of it. Since the latent heat of vaporization of water is in the
order of 4,000 times the specific heat of the cooling air, the sensible heat
transferred by the latter is generally insignificant, and the process may be con-
sidered to be the removal of heat by means of mass transfer.
The basic heat transfer equations are fairly simple, since the only primary
fluids involved are air and water. Since the transfer is primarily by evaporation of
water, the temperature difference between the two streams cannot be used to
determine the driving force; instead enthalpy difference is generally used. The
problem of accurate evaluation of the magnitude of the effective surface through
which the heat and mass transfer occurs adds a complication not usually present
in indirect contact heat transfer. This is due to the fact that in many types of
cooling tower packing the fill faces provides only part of the transfer surface, the
rest being the surface of the water droplets. The number, size, and shape of these
droplets vary widely with such variables as fill arrangement, type of fill, operating
conditions, and air velocity. The difficulty of accurate evaluation of total transfer
surface is circumvented by using the transfer coefficient and corresponding area as
a single term. The familiar heat transfer equation
Q = (u)(A)(.1T) (1)
is thus modified to
Q = (Kg)(a)(v)(.1h) (2)
Substitution (L)(0,,)(T1 - T2) for Q, and simplifying by assuming that 0" = 1.0,
the integral form of Equation (2) is the famous Merkel [1] equation:
KaV = J dT (3)
L To
hw - h.
The term KaV/L has been given several names; popular ones are "tower
characteristic" and "number of diffusion units." Calculated using Equation (3), it is
representative of the required heat and mass transfer surface for given thermal
A companion equation is convenient to express the capability of a specific fill
design and arrangement:
K~V = 0+ M [ ~ (4)
(c) Choose a cooling tower size and shape appropriate for the fill arrangement
and air and water flow rates.
(d) Compute air velocities and pressure losses through the cooling tower.
(e) Design equipment for providing the necessary flow rates and distributions of
the air and water streams.
Many combinations of
type of cooling tower
fill type
active volume
packed height
air flow rate
will yield workable cooling towers for a given heat removal rate. The skilled
designer will pare this multitudinous number down to the one selection of greatest
value to the user, considering first cost, operating power, ground area, flexibility,
maintenance costs, and other fertinent factors.
The following examples are presented to clarify the foregoing brief descrip-
(a) The design conditions indicate that a counterflow cooling tower requiring
moderately low fan and pump power may be optimum; therefore this illus-
tration of one of many possible selections will follow these guidelines. A film
type fill requiring relatively low packed height and low resistance to air flow
will be used; and is identified as No. J-5. The characteristic curve for this
fill is shown in Figure 1. This curve may be superimposed on the
counterflow demand curves applicable to the design wet-bulb temperature of
Type J
Fi 11
KaV 1.5
0.7 24
Fi 11
2.0 J-5
= 3,420,850 = 203.6 ft
This slightly exceeds the 200' plot length limitation, and leads to the selection of
four 48' long cells. Thus this selection will be four in-line cells, each 48'W X 48'L,
with a total active plan area of 9,216 square feet.
(d) The design air velocities through the fill, based on nominal plan area, will
Fill inlet: Ul = 3,420,850/9,216 = 371.19 ft/min
Fill exit: U2 = 3,498,000/9,216 = 379.56 ft/min
For convenience, pertinent air properties and flow rates are tabulated below:
WBT, OF 77.0 96.6 86.8
DBT, OF 95.0 96.6 95.8
V, ft 3 jlb dry air 14.563 14.891 14.727
p, lb mix./ft 3 mix. 0.06976 0.06974 0.06975
0, pip, 0.9314 0.9311 0.93125
(2) fill
The pressure drop through the fill is a function of:
air velocity: U a = 375.37 ft/min.
water loading: gpm/ft 2 = 40,000/9,216 = 4.34
relative air density: 0a = 0.093125
Using the manufacturer's data, Fig 3, and correcting for deviation from standard
air density,
t1P = (0.1490)(0.93125) = 0.1388 II H 20
in. H 2 0
~ Water
0.05 in. H 2 0
\ Water loading,
Air velocity,
U2 , ft/min
= [~r(/J)
= [1022.4
f(0.93ll) = 0.0607" H 0
(e) The height of the example cooling tower is 30 feet, measured from basin
curb to fan deck. This dimension is determined by:
(1) sufficient space for air inlet louvers, fill, fill support structure, spray
chamber, mist eliminators, and plenum chamber, and
(2) acceptably uniform distribution of air and water streams, and
(3) manufacturer's standards.
The velocity recovery fan stack extends 20 feet above the fan deck, for an overall
height of 50 feet.
The fans and speed reduction gears chosen for the tower have overall
efficiencies of 78% and 96%, respectively. The required driver-output power is
calculated from the equation
HP/cell = (6356)(fJ,)(17 g )
Normally the cooling tower would be equipped with either 75 or 100 horsepower
motors for driving the fans, the larger size enabling operation of about 12 percent
above the specified heat removal capability.
(a) This example will describe the thermal design of a counterflow natural draft
tower. For convenience, the fill selected will be the same as used in the
Example 1 mechanical draft type. The applicable characteristic and
"demand" curves, shown in Fig 5, intersect at LIG = 1.40. In this type of
tower, the relatively large volume of the rain area below the fill contributes
significantly to the heat and mass transfer surface. Previous experience with
similar designs indicates that, at the specified thermal conditions, this added
surface will increase the allowable LIG by 9.0 percent. Therefore a net
effective ratio of 1.40 X 1.09 = 1.526 will be used.
(b) The properties and volumetric flow rates of the inlet and exit air streams are
determined as in Example 1:
L = (400,000)(8.269) = 3,307,600 lb/min
G = 3,307,600/1.526 = 2,167,500 lb/min
Q = (3,307,600)(100 - 80)(1.00) = 99,228,000 Btu/min
.1h = 99,228,000/2,167,500 = 45.78 Btu/lb dry air
hi @ inlet conditions = 26.46 Btu/lb dry air
h 2 @ exit conditions = 72.24 Btu/lb dry air
ACFMI = (2,167,500)(13.578) = 29,430,300
ACFM2 = (2,167,500)(15.098) = 32,724,900
(c) Air flows through the natural draft cooling tower due to the existence of a
pressure differential .1P. between inlet and outlet. .1p. is the product of air
density difference ilp and effective stack height He:
KaV 1.0
2.0 b--';~---------
Fi 11
Figure 6.5 Characteristic curve for fill J-5 and 110/80/60 demand curve.
At equilibrium, AP. will equal the total air flow resistance of the system E-1PR'
The air density difference is a relatively small number, so the stack will be
correspondingly high; natural draft towers are much taller than mechanical draft
types of similar capacity.
A convenient thermal design procedure consists of assuming a cooling tower
size and shape, computing EAPR , and then checking the required net effective
stack height using Equation {11}. If the ratio of height to diameter HID is not
suitable, different selections are calculated to determine the one with suitable
shape and greatest value to the owner.
In this example, assume acceptable HID ratios are between 1.20 and 1.50.
For a first try, assume that the air velocity at the fill inlet plane will be in the
Pertinent air properties and flow rates at tower inlet and exit are:
WBT, OF 60 100.28 80.14
DBT, OF 72 100.28 86.14
w 0.00837 0.043588 0.025979
V 13.578 15.098 14.338
P 0.074265 0.069124 0.071695
() 0.991289 0.922667 0.956978
ACFM 29,430,300 32,724,900 31,077,600
The major resistances to air flow are similar in scope to those tabulated for the
Example 1 cooling tower.
fi 11
A = ( : )(318)2 = 79,423 ft 2
u = 32,724,900/79,423 = 412.04 ftjmin
water loading = 400,000/79,423 = 5.036 gpmjft2
From Fig 4, tJP = (0.0235)(0.922667) = 0.02168" H 20
= (0.0031) [ 924.90
2 X 1~
[322][ 400,000
4 81,433
r 40
The thermal calculations presented in Examples 1 and 2 cover, in each case, only
one of many possible selections. Present day practice enables the design engineer,
with computer assistance, to investigate all practicable possibilities and choose the
particular cooling tower that will be the best buy for the potential owner.
U velocity ft/min
u, velocity at plane of fan ft/min
Ulo .. velocity through louvers ft/min
U overall heat transfer rate Btu per lb per sq ft per 'F
V effective cooling tower volume cu ft
V specific volume of air cu ft mixture per lb dry air
VP velocity pressure inches of water
VP, velocity pressure at fan inches of water
vp. velocity pressure at stack exit inches of water
w humidity lb water vapor per lb dry air
W width ft
WBT wet-bulb temperature 'F
..1 difference ..1
..1h enthalpy difference Btu per lb dry air
..1p density difference lb mixture per cu ft mixture
..1P pressure differential inches of water
..1PR air flow resistance inches of water
..1Ps pressure differential between
inlet and outlet inches of water
..1T temperature difference 'F
77 efficiency dimensionless
77, fan efficiency dimensionless
77 g gear efficiency dimensionless
0 density ratio pip, dimensionless
p air density lb mixture per cu ft mixture
P. standard air density lb per cu ft
E summation
1 inlet
2 exit
a average
(1) Verdun8tung8kUhlung by F. Merkel, V.D.!. Forschungsarbsiten, No. 275, Berlin, 1925.
(2) Acceptance Te8t Code for Water-Cooling Tower8, CTI Code ATC-105, Houston, Texas, June
1982 issue, Appendix m-D, p. 18.
(3) Cooling Tower In8titute Performance Curve8, Cooling Tower Institute, Houston, Texas, 1967.
(4) Kelly '8 Handbook of Cr088ftow Cooling Tower Performance, Neil W. Kelly & Associates, Kan-
sas City, MO, 1976.
Gidaspow, D., 52-54, 59, 131, 164 Huang, C.-C., 28, 33, 39
Gier, T. E., 117 Huang, J. H., 368
Gilliland, E. R., 116 Humphrey, J. L., 220, 222
Glass, D. H., 146 Hunt, A. J., 194
Golafshani, M., 233, 236, 355-357, 360, 368
Goldobin, J. M., 195
Goldstick, R. J., 224, 234 Ikeda, Y., 81
Gomezplata, A., 132, 165 Incropera, E P., 194
Goodwin, P., 118 Isachenko, V. P., 235
Goosens, W. R., 52, 58 Isenberg, J. D., 232, 233, 236
Gorbis, Z. R., 154, 164 Ishida, M., 165
Gormerly, J. E., 297 Ishii, M., 47, 59
Grace, J. R., 74, 81, 120, 125,233,236,351, Iwashko, M. A., 154, 164
Green, H. J., 242
Gregory, R., 324 Jackson, R., 131, 163-164
Greif, R., 187, 194-195 Jacobs, H. R., 22, 24, 99, 117, 120, 125, 223-
Greskovich, E. J., 97, 117 226, 228-229, 231-232, 235-236, 238,
Grewal, N., 24 240, 242, 324-325, 343-344, 352, 355-
Grewal, N. S., 151, 165, 195 357,359,360,366,368
Gupta, R., 368 Jakob, M., 154, 164
Jayadev, T. S., 302
Jiji, L. M., 59
Johnson, A. I., 306-307, 309, 311-312, 321,
Hamaker, H. C., 194 325-326, 334, 356, 368
Handley, M. E, 134, 164 Johnson, D. H., 242
Handlos, A. E., 77, 81 Johnson, G., 120, 125
Hansen, A. C., 324 Johnson, K. M., 233, 236
Hanson, C., 125 Johnson, K. R., 346, 369
Hansuld, J. H., 368
Harland, S., 324
Harlow, E H., 53, 59 Kalman, H., 236
Harnet, J., 24 Kays, W. M., 283, 297
Harrison, D., 127, 146, 164 Keairns, L. M., 193
Hart, G. K., 316, 325 Kehat, E., 91, 96-97, 100, 116-117, 120, 123,
Hartland, S., 345-346, 351-354, 368-369 125, 315, 324, 329, 334, 354-355, 368
Hashmall, E, 324 KeIly, N. W., 33, 39, 389
Hasson, D. D., 228, 235 Kim, J. M., 154, 164
Hausbrand, E., 223, 234 Kim, S., 240, 242
Heertjes, P. M., 77, 81, 132, 164 Kirakosyan, V. A., 195
Heinz, J. 0., 312, 324 Klein, D. E., 195
Hertwig, T. A., 39 Knight, J. F., 70, 81
Hertz, H., 222 Knudsen, J. G., 61
Hetsroni, G., 59, 125, 153, 164 Knudsen, M., 240, 222
Hiby, J. W., 117 Kobayashi, M., 152, 164
Hijikata, K., 240, 242 Kochman, J. A., 297
Hoffing, E. H., 311, 324, 329-330, 334 Kolar, A. K., 195
HoIlaway, E A. L., 325 Kondukov, N. B., 134, 164
Hoopes, G. w., Jr., 222 Korchinski, I. J. 0., 77, 81
Horbath, M., 307, 324 Korensky, V. I., 151, 163
Hottel, H. C., 194 Kornilaev, I. M., 133
Houf, W. G., 187-188, 194-195 Korotyanskaya, L. A., 164
Hougan, O. A., 206, 222 Kovensky, Y. 1.,24, 195
Hougan, J. 0., 117,241-242 Kramers, H., 117
HoweIl, J. R., 194-195 Kreager, K. M., 117
How, H., 224, 234 Kreith, Frank, 1, 221, 245, 264, 296, 297
Hruby, J. M., 186-198, 194 Kronig, R., 240, 242
Huebner, A. W., 112, 118 Kruglov, A. S., 164
Krylov, v. S., 206, 222 Mickley, H. S., 52, 59, 150, 165
Kulik, E., 226, 235 Miller, E, 194
Kumar, A., 222 Mills, A. E, 63, 237, 239-243
Kumar, A. D., 352, 368 Minard, G. W., 306-307, 309, 325, 334
Kunii, D., 78, 81, 127, 146, 150-151, 154, Mirand, G. W., 368
164, 166 Mixon, F. D., 97, 117
Kushnyrev, v. I., 235 Moalem-Maron, D., 22, 24, 224, 230, 232-
Kutateladze, S. S., 224, 228, 234 234,236
Kwank, M., 116 Modest, M. E, 152, 163
Moler, C. B., 222
Molerus, 0., 138, 140, 166
Langenkamp, H., 166 Mori, Y., 242
Lang, W. R., 297 Morley, M. 1., 164
Langmuir, I., 204, 222 Morooka, S., 81
Lapidus, L., 86, 88, 116 Moslemian, D., 154, 165
Laurendeau, N. M., 194 Murray, 1. D., 131, 165
Leal, L. G., 150, 163-164 Murty, N. S., 232, 236
Lee, S. 1., 241-242
Lefferdo,l. M., 194
Lekic, A., 224, 226, 234, 240, 242
Nadig, R., 228-229, 235, 242
Lerner, Y., 236
Navon, V., 235
Letan, R., 42, 83, 91, 96, 97, 100, 116-117,
Neale, D. H., 194
119, 125, 233, 236, 306, 309, 315, 324,
Nichols, K., 368
326, 329, 334, 352-356, 368
Nir, A., 150, 165
Leva, M., 313, 324
Noack, R., 157, 165
Levenspiel, 0., 78, 81, 127, 146, 154, 164
Nobel, P., 154, 166
Levich, V. G., 206, 222
Noring, 1. E., 194
Lewis, 1. B., 81
Nosov, V. S., 154, 165
Lewis, W. K., 116
Lichtenstein, 1., 33, 39
Licklein, S., 154, 165
Liljegren, 1., 163 Oki, K., 133, 165
Lin, 1. S., 135, 137, 144, 163-164 Okumoto, Y., 81
Lobo, W. E., 313, 324 Olalde, G., 118, 360, 366, 368
Lockhart, E 1.,311,324,329,330,334 Olander, R., 118, 360, 366, 368
London, A. L., 283, 297 Oliker, I., 224, 234-235
Lumley, 1. L., 142, 165 Olson, D. A., 242
Luss, R., 235 Onda, K., 81
Lyczkowski, R. W., 164 Oshmyanshu, S., 368
Owens, W. L., 221
Ozisk, M. N., 194
Maa, 1. R., 222 Oznayak, T., 53, 59
Major, B. H., 233, 236
Majumdar, A. K., 218, 222, 241-242
Malcolm, G. E., 222 Palaszewski, S. 1., 56, 59
Malik, M. A. S., 222 Parsons, B. P., 209, 222
Mamaev, V. V., 154, 165 Patel, B. R., 240, 242
Marschall, E., 120, 125 Peck, R., 235
Marscheck, R. M., 132, 165 Peierozchikova,l. P., 164
Martin, 1., 176 Penney, T., 216, 221, 239, 242
Maskaev, V. K., 195 Permyakov, V. A., 234
Masson, H., 134, 165 Perona, 1. 1., 67, 70, 75, 81, 119, 125
Mastanaiah, K., 153, 165 Perry, 1. H., 39
Merry, 1. M., 134, 165 Perry, M. G., 164
Merkel, F., 389 Perry, R. H., 324, 334
Mersmann, A., 120, 125 Peters, M., 280, 282-284, 297
Mertes, T. S., 116, 306, 325, 327-328, 334 Pfeffer, R., 154, 165
Michiyachi, I., 51, 59,79, 81 Pfender, E., 51, 58
Pigford, R. L., 34-35, 39, 81, 222, 238, 242, Shirai, T., 165
296,297 Shulman, H. L., 81
Pikulik, A., 322, 325 Sideman, S., 18,22, 24, 120, 123, 125, 224,
Plass, S. B., 99, 117,315,319,324-325,356, 230, 232-234, 236, 314-316, 325, 356,
363, 367-368 369
Prausnitz, J. M., 117 Siegel, R., 194
Price,8. G., 116 Silver, R. S., 239, 242
Proulx, A. E, 81 Simms, A. E, 316, 325
Pyle, C., 34-35, 39 Singh, A., 150, 165
Singhal, A. K., 222, 241-242
Skachko, I. M., 164
Quader, 154 Skelland, A. H. P., 346, 369
Slattery, J. C., 49, 59
Smith, B. D., 315, 324
Ramaswarni, D., 164
Sodha, M. S., 222
Rao, V. D., 232, 236
Sohn, C. w., 150-151, 165
Redish, K. A., 152, 163
Sonn, A., 117
Rhodes, E., 226, 235
Soo, S. L., 131, 150, 152-153, 157
Rhodes, H. B., 116,306,325,327-328,334
Spalding, D. B., 57, 59, 222, 241-242
Richardson, J. E, 87-88, 116,306-307,321,
Stamatoudis, M., 78, 81
325-327, 334, 337, 353, 368
Steele, B. R., 194
Riemer, D. H., 357, 368-369
Steiner, L., 345-346, 348, 351-354, 369
Rios, G., 165
Steiners, S., 324
Rivard, W. C., 53, 59
Struve, D. L., 116
Rivkind, V. Y., 351, 369
Sudhoff, 8., 233, 236
Rocha, J. A., 39
Sundarajan, T., 235
Rohsenow, W., 24
Suratt, W. 8., 315-316, 325
Roscoe, R., 87, 116
Swenson, L., 33, 39
Ross, D. K., 152
Syamla1, M., 53, 54, 59
Rossetti, S., 165
Syromyatnikov, N. I., 165
Rowe, P. N., 77, 81, 131
Ruby, C. L., 77, 81
Russo, R., 194
Ryskin, G. M., 351, 369 Taitel, Y., 229, 235, 325
Takenati, H., 81
Tarnir, A., 229, 235
Sakiadis, B. c., 306-307, 309, 311-312,321, Taneda, S., 117
325-326, 334 Tavlarides, L. L., 78, 81, 125
Sam, R. G., 240, 242 Tayeban, M., 77,81
Sarma, P. K., 232, 236 Taylor, G. I., 147
Sarofim, A. 'E, 194 Tennekes, H., 142, 165
Sastri, V. M. K., 232, 236 Thomas, K. D., 230-231, 235
Saxena, S., 16, 24 Thomas, L. M., 193
Saxena, S. C., 151, 154, 165, 195 Thring, R. H., 151, 165
Schlepp, D., 221 Tien, C.-L., 24, 152, 154, 163, 165, 194
Schlunder, E. V., 53, 58, 151, 166 Timmerhaus, K., 280, 282-284, 297
Schlunderberg, D. C., 154, 165 Tiwari, G. N., 222
Schrage, R. w., 205, 222, 239, 242 Toei, R., 127, 154, 164
Schuster, A., 194 Torrey, M. D., 53, 59
Schuster, J. R., 51, 59 Tortorelli, P. F., 286, 297
Seador, J. D., 154, 164 Treybal, R. E., 77, 81, 316, 325, 331, 334,
Seban, R. A., 239, 242 346, 359, 369
Seo, Y. C., 59
Shavin, E, 118
Sheridan, J. J., 81
Sherwood, T. K., 30,33,39,74,81,205,238, Ullrich, L. L., 81
242, 296-297, 313, 325 Upadhyay, S. N., 78, 81
Shipley, G. H., 325 Urbanek, M. w., 112, 118,315,325
Flooding, 266, 272, 277, 305-307, 324, 327- fluidized bed, 171
329, 338, 358, 362 reactor, 172
Flow diagram of DCHX test loop, 268
Flow direction, 9
Flow rate ratio, 336 Heat exchanger(s), 1
Fluid(s): applications, 4
continuous, 19 direct-contact, 25-27
dispersed, 19 enhanced fluid connection, 153
dynamics, 19 fluidized bed, 16, 18
particle systems, 78 fluid mediated particle-surface, 153
phase, 50 heat-phase, 16
Fluidized: particle-particle, 46
bed(s) , 127-128, 168, 192 three-phase, 18
heat exchanger, 16 Heat tracing, 273
solids-gas/liquid, 16 Heat transfer, 1, 3, 14, 21, 98, 120,206, 314
Fogging, 61 analysis of air/molten salt direct-contact,
Forced gas flow, 169 257
Fractional distillation, 220 analogies, 29
Free-falling: between fluidized beds, 16
flow, 192 coefficient(s), 1, 54, 264,278,283, 303,
particle films, 168 322
French fluidized bed, 169 computational techniques, 41, 63
Friction factors, 124 condensation, 23
Formulation of rate equations, 71 convective, 46
Fouling, 1 correlations, 355
Fourier's law, 51 design, 25
direct contact, 1-4,7,9, 19,22,61,67
direct particle layer models, 151
Gas: due to particle impact, 152
absorption, 67 in a particle system, 10 1
cooling with humidification, 31 in bubble columns, 14
-droplet systems, 57 in bubble-liquid systems, 57
heating with humidification, 32 in gas fluidized beds, 127
-liquid: in liquid-liquid systems, 57
contacting, 25 liquid-liquid direct-contact, 119, 355
packed tower correlations, 313 macroscopic modeling, 151
separator, 68 /mass transfer analogy, 264
systems, 42, 76 measurements, 151, 154-155,276
-particle systems, 57 mechanisms, 19
-phase coefficients, 34 method,132
-solids fluidization, 23 multi-phase systems, 42
-solids fluidized beds, flow regimes of, nonmechanistic continuous models,
129 152
streamlines, differences in, 130 microscopic treatment, 152
turbine generators, 2 radiation, 23
Gauss quadrature formula, 186 salts, 270
Geometric: stages, 36
description of contact equipment, 124 system design, 317
parameters, 339 to immersed surfaces, 148
Geothermal : to stationary particles, 152
brines, 42, 343-344, 358 Heavy hydrocarbon fractionator, 4
energy, 224 Heliostats, 7
power cycle, 67 Heller cycle, 224
Glass, 172 Henry's law, 72
Global models, 43 Higby's equation, 77
Graetz solution, 228 High efficiency packings, 37
Gravity,9 High temperature:
Grid packing, 309-310 (radiative) heat transfer, 191
GTRI: solids-gas interactions, 167
entrained flow, 171 High solar emissivity, 191