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I.Abstract I
II.List of Figures II
III.Abbreviations III
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Objective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 Brief Problem To Be Solved . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2.1 Sender Side Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2.1 Receiver Side Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.3 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.4 Organization of report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2. Literature Survey 5
2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.2 Existing Methodologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
4. Applications 10
References 16
A visual cryptography is a kind of secret sharing technique which allows the encoding of
a secret image into n number of shares distributed to participants. The beauty of such a
scheme is that a set of qualified participants is able to recover the secret image without any
cryptographic knowledge and computation devices.
Now a days hackers are trying to hack the data which is being transmitted on two or more
different machines over the network. For example, at the time of data transmission between
two armed force stations, it can be hacked by terrorists, spies and foes.
Cryptography is an imperative framework utilized for these kind of reasons. There are dif-
ferent sorts of calculations accessible for encryption and unscrambling of information i.e. De-
cryption and new calculations or algorithms are advancing.
In this system, a safe information transmission method utilizing visual cryptography has been
proposed. Here, the content information are encoded utilizing Tiny encryption calculation and
each one of those information are hide behind the image utilizing image Steganography.
The resultant stego-image is separated into N number of shares utilizing visual cryptography.
At that point, the shares are sent to the recipient where it utilizes the reverse procedure of
encryption to get the real content information.
The main aim of this paper is to design the enhanced secure algorithm which uses both
steganography using Genetic Algorithm and Visual Cryptography to ensure improved security
and reliability.
Data Transmission Using Visual Cryptography T121024265
Nowadays, in the Internet, besides text, multimedia information is also quite prevalent. There-
fore the security of these secret and confidential images is a valid concern. To answer these
concerns, in 1994, Adi Shamir and Moni Naor at EUROCRYPT, proposed a new domain of
cryptography, known as visual cryptography . Visual cryptography is a unique kind of cryp-
tography which is used to encrypt printed texts, handwritten notes and pictures such that the
decryption can be done only by the human visual system. Visual cryptography scheme elim-
inates complex computation problem at the decryption the secret images can be restored by
stack operation. In the visual secrete sharing scheme an image is split into n number of shares.
When all n shares are combining, the original image would appear. While n-1 share does not
provide the information about original image so someone with all n shares.
This unique property of visual cryptography makes decryption process unattainable even
with the help of a brute force attack, as it requires a constant human intervention to check
whether the decoded image is valid or not.Visual cryptography, derived from the basic theory
of secret sharing, extends the same sharing scheme to images in such a way that no single share
reveals information about the original image. It finds its applications in sharing multimedia
information secrets over the network.
1.1 Objective
With rapid development in internet technology, different types of information can be trans-
ferred over internet. Hence there are security issues associated with transmitting high value as-
sets like commercial data, user personal information, banking or transaction data, data related
to military. Security of such data transfer must be taken into consideration because hacker can
use various methods and steal such high value assets which results in high monetary, social,
personal loss. Various schemes are developed to protect such high value assets. Visual cryptog-
raphy was developed in 1994 by Naor and Shamir. This method is developed to eliminate the
use of decryption key in secure information transformation. In visual cryptography, decryption
is done by human visual system and in proposed system decryption key is also used. Since
attackers, hackers were able to get data even from that stego-image, we are going to use en-
cryption key and decryption key as well with the help of TEA. In visual cryptography original
image is divided into three parts called as shares. The n-1 share doesnt give any information
about original image. When the shares are superimposed together then we can see original
The visual cryptography happened at two ends those are nothing but sender side and receiver
side. In this proposed system, there are three security levels has been used to users data (1)
Encrypt the information with the help of TEA (2) Store that data behind stego-image using LSB
(3) Divide that image into three shares. Following is the process going to happen at sender side
and user side:
In the client side firstly, data is encrypted using tiny encryption algorithm. In second level,
encrypted data will hide behind secret image using LSB (Least significant Bit) Steganography
and at third level using visual cryptography to divide that image into 3 numbers of shares.
These 3 shares are sending to the server.
In the block diagram, sender will send the data in type of plain content thus, before send
this data over web. It will experiences the 3 levels of the security in which in the first place,
it is scrambled (encrypted) through the tiny encryption algorithm utilizing 128 bit key then,
it will changed over into cipher text CT1, second level of security is Steganography, in this
encoded information i.e. cipher text will hide behind the image using LSB Steganography and
this encryption will produce cipher text. Third level of security is that, they again encrypted
through the visual cryptography so image, in which encrypted data is hide will be divide into
Figure the block diagram of for receiver side process, at the receiver side receiver will receive
the 3 level of shares and stack the 3 shares that known as decryption of visual cryptography. The
image is reveal after the proper stacking. The cipher text is the image on which the encrypted
data is hiding then, extract the encrypted data from the image, that known as the Steganalysis.
Through the decryption process of Steganography the cipher text will remain. Using TEA de-
cryption algorithm and get back the original data. Here, receiver will be a server of authenticate
website. Using this process, that will provide the confidentiality to the sender and receiver.
1.3 Motivation
All the systems around the world are to be used together in the important time of a nanosecond
even when installed across continents and oceans. This is possible only through networks. It
is in this context that networks become crucial to the feasibility of science and engineering re-
search. The unprecedented growth of networking has helped in breaking all geographic barriers
of the world and building the information super highway and global village. In this direction
a new technology has developed in the past few years which make it possible to interconnect
many disparate networks and make them work as a co-coordinated unit. Thus the technology
is designed to foster the communication between 2 machines with hardware architectures, to
accommodate and use any packet switched network hardware and to accommodate multiple
operating systems. It is in this context that Visual Cryptography has gained importance for
communications between disparate networks. In the public domain the threat of an intruder
accessing secret information has been an ever existing concern for the data communication.
Steganography, Cryptography, and Visual cryptography are the most widely used techniques
to overcome these threats.
Till this point the report give motivation, problem statement, objective and scope of the system.
Chapter 2 gives the literature survey of various techniques for user authentication. Chapter 3
gives overview of system architecture. It also gives computational complexity issue. Chapter
4 gives application of the system. Chapter 5 compares various schemes and provides results.
Chapter 6 conclude the report and gives future scope.
2.1 Introduction
There exists many information hiding softwares in the market. Most of the softwares directly
hide the data in the image without making use of encryption algorithms. The data in the cur-
rent model is encoded directly to LSB of the image without making use of pixel modification.
So, the security level is very low in such models. The hidden data could easy recovered by
using steganalysis technique. Many steganalysis softwares are available in the market that can
easily crack such images and retrieve the confidential data. So, the current model could be en-
hanced to increase the security level and making it more reliable. There some other softwares
that make use of encryption techniques before encoding it to the image. Some of the encryp-
tion techniques commonly used in softwares are RSA algorithm, AES(Advanced Encryption
Standard) algorithm, DES(Data Encryption Standard), Triple DES, TEA(Tiny Encryption Al-
gorithm) and many more. This would certainly enhance the security levels from the previous
model but even this software follows the LSB based steganography which is under attack. The
RS steganalysis approach could now detect the hidden data stored at the LSB of the image thus
making the software become very difficult.
An effective and secure protection of sensitive information is the primary concerned in Com-
munication systems or network storage systems. Never the less, it is also important for any
information process to ensure data is not being tampered with. Encryption methods are one of
the popular approaches to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of the protected information.
However one of the critical vulnerabilities of encryption techniques is protecting the informa-
tion from being exposed. To address these reliability problems, especially for large information
content items such as secret images (satellite photos or medical images), an image secret shar-
ing schemes (SSS) is a good alternative to remedy these types of vulnerabilities. With the rapid
advancement of network technology, multimedia information is transmitted over the Internet
conveniently. While using secret images, security issues should be taken into consideration
because hackers may utilize weak link over communication network to steal information that
they want. To deal with the security problems of secret images, various image secret sharing
schemes have been developed.
The base of protected communication among users using insecure channel is known as
cryptography. In order for cryptographic security to take place, an algorithm is involved for the
practice of encrypting and decrypting messages
In its basic form, one image is split into two separate images called shares. When the shares
are stacked on top of each other, the unique image is retrieved
A general n out of n visual cryptography scheme involves n participants in which a secret
image is split into n random looking shares and all n shares are required to recover the original
As already said, the whole process of visual cryptography is done at two ends i.e. sender end
and receiver end. At sender side, the very first step is to convert confidential data (which is to
be transmit) into the cipher text using TEA algorithm. With TEA algorithm, the information
converted into cipher text is divided into two parts i.e. left part and right part. Then this cipher
text is hidden behind the one image with steganography using LSB(Least Significant Bit) and
this image is nothing but called as stego-image. In this stego-image, one bit of byte is used to
hide the cipher text. After this, stego-image is divided into three shares using visual cryptog-
raphy and with the help of wireless channel these shares of image send to the receiver end. At
receiver end, user overlaps the all shares of stego-image together. After overlapping and with
steganalysis receiver gets a stego-image. Then receiver uses TEA decryption algorithm to get
information which is hidden behind the stego-image.
3.1.1 Working
1]First step is, to take plain image and information which is to hide.
2]Second step is, convert that information into cipher text using TEA algorithm.
3]Third step is, hide cipher text behind image using steganography.
4] Fourth step is, make 3 shares of stego-image and send those shares with wireless channel to
receiver end.
5] Fifth step is, at receiver end, overlap shares of image together and using steganalysis get
6] Sixth step is, get encrypted data and using TEA decryption algorithm decrypt data.
There are wide variety of applications of visual cryptography. Following are the some of the
Watermarking is another application area of Visual Cryptography. The scheme in explains the
use of visual cryptography in watermarking which composes of two phases: the watermark
embedding and watermark retrieving. During the watermark embedding phase, a watermark is
split into two shares by means of visual cryptography. Then, one of the two shares is embedded
into the frequency domain of the host image, and the other is distributed to the owner. To prove
the ownership, the owner has to address his/her share, extract the other share from the image
and then combine these two shares to reveal the watermark. Based on the security condition of
visual cryptography, we can make sure that the two shares cannot leak any information about
the watermark.
5.Signature Based Authentication using Contrast Enhanced Hierarchical Visual Cryp-
Employee System can be prevented by using authentication system based on visual cryptogra-
phy .Here authentication can be done using shares to prevent the systems from some attacks
such as brute force attack. Any institute can be considered as an application. Firstly, employees
will register in the system, the signature of the employee is scanned and entered in the system
to get its key share this key is printed on a card and given to the employee and the simple share
is entered to the system database. During authentication, the employee inserts his own card in
the card reader mounted in the entrance to read the key share from the card and superimposes
over the corresponding simple share available in the database.
5.1 User Data Encryption with TEA, Steganography and Visual cryptography
At The client side user data firstly encrypted using tiny encryption algorithm. In tiny encryption
algorithm it uses feistel structure and at a time 64 bit block of data is encrypted firstly it will
divide the 64 bit data into 2 halves of 32 bit i.e. left and right. TEA using 128 bit key to
encrypt data that divided into 4 sub keys of 32 bit. It contains 32 cycle and 64 rounds and 1
cycle contains 2 rounds. In the screenshot contains the encrypted data. Here, in this technique
we have use flower images as shown in Figure below to create the confusion. During the
transmission if any hacker will get the shares of images then that shares are meaningless for
After encrypting data, these encrypted data hide behind the image using Steganography as
shown in Figure below. There are image Steganography is used to hide the data.
Least Significant Bit (LSB) Steganography technique used to hide the text data at the least
significant bit of the pixel values and figure shows the image before hide the data and after hide
the data. Both images are looking same because data is hide at the LSB bit of the pixels so,
quality of the image is not affected too much so, before hiding and after hiding quality of the
images are not affected and they look similar.
For the visual cryptography it will upload the image and divide embed image that hide en-
crypted data into 3 reduced color component value i.e. Cyan, Magenta and Yellow. Then 3
images i.e. Upload File: cover1.jpg, Upload File: cover2.jpg and Upload File: cover3.jpg use
as a cover image to hide the color components of the embed image as shown in figure. Here
image that hide the data is called as a embed image.
Cover1 will hide the Cyan color component, Cover2 will hide the Magenta color Compo-
nent and Cover3 will hide the Yellow color Component and generate shares: share1, share2,
share3as shown in Figure below. These shares are sending to the server. This process provides
the confidentiality to the users data.
5.2 User Data Decryption at server side with Visual cryptography, Steganography and
At the authenticate server side shares are stacked together as shown in Figure below and gen-
erate secret image that hide the encrypted data .
From the stacked image steganalysis perform to extract the encrypted data from the image and
that encrypted data is decrypted using TEA decryption. The original data of user is get back in
plain text form and save by the server or receiver.
6.1 Conclusion
The proposed system has discussed implementation of securely using least significant bit ma-
nipulation based steganography that uses the TEA algorithm along with visual cryptographic
technique. It can be concluded that when normal image security using steganographic and
visual cryptographic technique is applied, the decryption of the encoded authenticated data
becomes a cumbersome effort. The technique of steganography using visual cryptography in
images has its scope on transmission of data in highly secured manner through audio streams
and video streams. This is accomplished by encoding the audio data using steganography and
cryptography technique in the audio streams and adopting the same technique to send the data
in audio format, text format or image format in video streams. The technique in audio streams
and images is best utilized in sending the data in video streams. It can be concluded that when
normal image security using steganographic and visual cryptographic technique is applied, it
makes the task of the investigators unfeasible to decrypt the encoded secret message.
The technique of steganography using visual cryptography in images has its scope on trans-
mission of data in highly secured manner through audio streams and video streams. This is
accomplished by encoding the audio data using steganography and cryptography technique in
the audio streams and adopting the same technique to send the data in audio format, text format
or image format in video streams. The technique in audio streams and images is best utilized
in sending the data in video streams. Although steganography has attracted great interests from
the military and government organizations, there is even a big interest shown from commercial
companies to safeguard their information from piracy.
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