Intro Ai Group3
Intro Ai Group3
Intro Ai Group3
Supervised by:
Group members:
Hanoi - Vietnam
1 Brief Introduction 2
1.1 About the problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 The dataset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3 Libraries / packages to be used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2 Preprocessing Data 5
2.1 Preprocessing the training data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.2 Preprocessing the testing data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3 Proposed algorithms 9
3.1 K-Nearest Neighbors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.2 Multilayer perceptron / Artificial Neural Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.3 Convolutional neural network (CNN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
5 Final Product 28
5.1 General Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
5.2 How to use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
5.3 Source Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
6 Conclusion 31
1 Brief Introduction
The development in the field of Artificial Intelligence in recent years has proved that A.I
is very popular in the world nowadays. Since the introduction of “ChatGPT” back in 2022,
this field has received more and more attention from the public. Lots of A.I technology has
been developed, and applied in various fields such as healthcare, automobiles, housing, stock
exchanges, ..etc... so many fields that people can sense the presence of A.I everywhere now.
The dataset that we used in this project is a simple dataset called MNIST (An acronym for
Modified National Institute of Standards and Technology database) [11], the dataset consists
of 70000 images of hand-written digits, and each image is represented in a black and white
image. They are commonly used for training various image processing systems. The images
have been normalized, processed to fit into a 28x28 pixel bounding box, and anti-aliased. This
is the dataset that we can try to implement some of our algorithms to design the system.
Figure 1: MNIST Dataset
1.3.2 Numpy
Numpy [12] is a strong library that allows us to do fast calculations, manipulate on 1d,
array, a matrix, and multi-dimensional arrays (also known as tensors) which can take a very
long time to do in a normal Python list, the libraries also proved to be extremely powerful
when it comes to data analysis and has been the fundamental building blocks for other pack-
ages/modules such as matplotlib, pandas, seaborn, scikit-learn. Numpy is also known for its
inheritance of simplicity. So this library will help us do faster operations to create and help
our system “learn”.
1.3.3 Pandas
In computer programming, pandas is a software library written for the Python program-
ming language for data manipulation and analysis [16] [18]. This is an extremely powerful
tool, especially for tabular data manipulation. In this project, pandas will be used specifically
to help us store images from additional datasets into tabular data, each column will represent
the pixel of the image, in which there will be 784 columns in total.
1.3.4 Matplotlib
Matplotlib [13] is a comprehensive library for creating static, animated, and interactive
visualizations in Python. Seaborn [21] is a Python data visualization library based on Mat-
plotlib, they are integrated and have many features and useful tools. They will help us
visualize the multiple images while training to verify whether the system is learning correctly
or not.
1.3.5 Scikit-learn
Scikit-learn [9] is a free machine-learning library for the Python programming language,
the library gives us tools to implement fast Machine Learning with lots of useful methods to
help us process the images before feeding them into the system. Not just processing methods,
it also has many attributes that we will use to experiment on which algorithms work well for
the problem.
1.3.6 OpenCV
OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision Library) [8] is a library of programming functions
mainly for real-time computer vision. Despite having many methods, functions, and utilities
for computer vision, for this project, we will use only some functions of this library to draw
the bounding box with the prediction on the canvas.
1.3.7 Tensorflow
TensorFlow [6] is a free and open-source software library for machine learning and artificial
intelligence. It can be used across a range of tasks but has a particular focus on training and
inference of deep neural networks. Due to the complexity of programming and the time
taken for each training process. We will implement a Convolution Neural Network using the
TensorFlow library, which assists us in using GPU to help with the speed of training.
1.3.8 Pillow
Pillow [10] [20] is a Python Imaging Library which is a free and open-source additional
library for the Python programming language that adds support for opening, manipulating,
and saving many different image file formats. For the context of this problem, we use this
library to retrieve images from the canvas so that we can process them, feed them through
the model, and finally return the predictions.
1.3.9 Tkinter
Tkinter [15] [1] is a standard Python GUI library. And this is how we will be able to
build/deploy our models/solutions. The canvas will consist of a canvas where we can draw
the numbers, 5 buttons of which 3 will be used for prediction using our 3 proposed algorithms,
1 button to show the bounding box of every digit drawn on the screen, and 1 button to clear
the canvas.
2 Preprocessing Data
Most algorithms that we use for this problem will rely mainly on a vector being fed into
a model and it will calculate and print out the prediction. So it’s reasonable for our team to
take the first step to preprocess the data by reshaping the 28 x 28 images into a vector of size
(784, ), this process is called flattening the image, by putting all rows of the image next to
each other on a single row. The dataset, which it’s size is (70000, 28, 28) now be transformed
into a 2D array of size (70000, 784).
Then to avoid calculating large numbers, and large gradients (for neural networks) as well
as to reduce the effect of illumination on the image, we will scale the picture from range [0,
255] down to [0, 1] by dividing the pixel value by 255.
For special implementations such as neural network (MLP) and Convolution neural net-
work (CNN), we will have to one-hot encode the label, which is changing the label of each
instance into a probability distribution, which we will mention about later. But for now, the
label y of the dataset will transform into a probability distribution. Which is the following:
if y = i
P (y = i|X) =
0 otherwise
Below is the function where we process the MNIST dataset. dividing by 255 so each value
of pixel will be in range[0, 1] and the label becomes a probability distribution.
1 '''
2 The dataset has shape (70000, 28, 28)
3 The label has shape (70000, 1)
4 After processing, the shape of the label should be
5 (70000, 10)
7 '''
8 #The current shape of y is (n, 1) -> transform it into (n, 10)
9 def oneHotEncoder(Y):
10 y_ = np.zeros((Y.shape[0], 10))
11 n, m = Y.shape
12 for i in range(n):
13 for j in range(m):
14 y_[i, j] = 0
15 y_[i, Y[i]] = 1
16 return y_
To fit the image to the model to be predicted, we need to fit the testing images into MNIST
format. It is simply a better solution since the MNIST dataset is the first dataset that we use
to create a model to recognize the hand-written digits, so later on when we augment more
data into the system, the system should also be able to recognize hand-written digits that are
in MNIST format. which is resizing the image down to 28x28, but before that, some crucial
steps of preprocessing are required:
Firstly we will need to dilate the image, this means that the thickness of the digit will
increase, so that when we scale it down to 28x28, it will not be blurry and thin. Then we will
separate each digit into separate images, then each image can be predicted and combined for
a result showing on a new window. The separation can be done by finding the bounding box
of each digit. The process of finding the bounding box of each digit is to locate the upper left
corner and lower right corner of the bounding box. This step is done easily by Depth-First
search (DFS) on the canvas. From the core, how the computer sees an image is a “3d-tensor”
of numbers, each tensor layer represents the color channel Red, Green, and Blue in every pixel
of the image, and, the number which will indicates the intensity of “red”, “green”, “blue”
of each pixel in that image. ranging from 0 to 255 (16 squared). But for black-and-white
images. The image is presented by only a 2D tensor (or we familiarly call it a matrix) of
pixels. The number on that matrix will indicate the intensity of the “whiteness” of that pixel.
0 will indicate and 255 will indicate white. So the DFS algorithm will work as follows.
For every non-zero non-visited pixel found while scanning through the matrix, we will per-
form DFS search on it, finding every non-zero non-visited pixel that belongs to that connected
component of the matrix. Then while searching, we will locate the minimum xmin , ymin , and
maximum xmax , ymax coordinates of the connected components. The resulting coordinates
will be a bounding box of the digit.
After locating the bounding box for every digit in the canvas. The separated digits im-
age will then be padded with columns and rows of 0 to make the bounding box square so
that when we resize the picture down to 28x28 pixel images, the image scale will not be
changed/distorted. Finally, we will flatten the newly processed image into a 784-sized vector,
so that it can be used to be predicted.
The code below is the implementation of using DFS to find the bounding box of each digit
in the new image:
6 self.num_label = 0
7 self.contours = []
8 #Perform DFS search on canvas
9 for i in range(m):
10 for j in range(n):
11 if img[i, j] != 0 and self.vst[i, j] == 0:
12 self.min_x, self.min_y = float('inf'), float('inf')
13 self.max_x, self.max_y = 0, 0
14 self.num_label += 1
16 self.dfs(img, m, n, i, j, self.num_label)
17 self.contours.append((self.min_x, self.min_y,
18 self.max_x, self.max_y))
The method digit segmentation is used to get the sub-image of each digit out of the
contour, fixing it into a square, then resizing it into 28x28 size images. After processing, we
will have an array of (784, 1) size vectors and an array of (28, 28, 1) images.
3 Proposed algorithms
The first way is by using Euclidean distance. This way is more popular than the second
way because of its efficiency. In this case, we find k nearest neighbors by computing the square
root of the sum of the deviations to the power of 2. A deviation is the distance between a
point in the training vector with a point at that position of the test vector. Then we need to
sort the calculated distances in ascending order and keep the K smallest distances.
The Euclidean distance between two vector p, q is:
d(p, q) = i=1 (pi − qi )2
The second way to compute is the Manhattan distance. We just need to calculate the sum
of the deviations instead of computing the square root and then do the same as the first way.
The Manhattan distance between two vector p, q is:
d(p, q) = i=1 |pi − qi |
For KNN, we are making every nearest neighbor’s weight equal, which means that every
neighbor in that K-nearest neighbors set has the same weight, even the K-th closest one and
the closest one to the testing vector. In practice it may have some bad effects, resulting in
bad/inaccurate predictions. So we need to assign weight to them. It means that the nearest
vector to the testing vector has more “weight” when we consider the label of the testing vec-
tor. The closer the vector is to the testing one, it will have more influence on the output of
the data than the further ones.
Our goal is to find out the best distance measure, a suitable number of K, and the best
weight option so that KNN has the highest accuracy and can be used to predict real hand-
written numbers. For this problem, we will implement KNN by using the “Sklearn” library
and “Matplotlib” library to help us visualize our experiments. We will split the dataset into
2 different sets, one for training and one for testing. We will split the MNIST dataset into
60000 samples for training size, 10000 for test
First, we will implement KNN with Euclidean distance, with different weights. We will
test two popular “kernel methods” for weighting, the “distance” and “Gaussian”, The “uni-
form” kernel does not use any kernel functions and all nearest neighbors have the same weight.
• where di is the distance between the neighbor i and the testing instance.
• σ is a fixed constant, and can be modified to adjust the influence of the weights.
By implementing the KNN algorithm on the MNIST dataset by testing on different “near-
est neighbors, we have found some “interesting results”
• For larger numbers of K, the accuracy, although still very high, tends to decrease with
“uniform” and “distance” weighting functions.
• The accuracy of “my weight” (the Gaussian weighted kernel functions) appears to be
more consistent.
• We discovered that a different sigma value, specifically σ = 2.5, seems to be the most
optimal for KNN with a higher number of K. Smaller sigma values inversely increase
the influence of the nearest neighbors on the testing set in the Gaussian weighted kernel
• Each of these processes takes a considerable amount of time to run. Each cell in our
Python notebook takes approximately 5 minutes to run, which is quite slow. Thus, it
might not be practical to apply this algorithm in real-life scenarios.
Secondly, we implement KNN with “Manhattan” Distance, with different weights, apply-
ing the same “kernel methods” for weighting as the given experiment, and the result is shown
• Surprisingly, the accuracy remains relatively consistent for large numbers of σ = 10, 20.
• While conducting some experiments, we’ve found out that for every value of σ < 10,
the accuracy of the model remains consistent while changing the number of K.
• As for uniform weight (where all nearest neighbors have the same weight of 1), the
accuracy fluctuates and tends to decrease as the number of K increases.
• The time taken to run each variation of KNN was extremely long. Each model took
around 10 minutes of runtime. The training process was nearly instantaneous, but the
testing process took a very long time.
• The reason behind this is that KNN doesn’t really “learn” anything; it simply stores the
training data. When the testing data are fed into the model, it calculates the distance
from the testing data to every vector in the training set, and then sorts to find the
K-nearest ones.
From the given experiments we can conclude that KNN has really good performance, and
took zero training time but the testing phase took very long, so it’s not suitable for real-life
applications. But for demonstration, we will use it for the demo.
Conclusion: Through all the plots, we have concluded that KNN with Euclidean distance
with Gaussian Kernel of σ = 4 and value k = 7 is the model that will be deployed.
3.1.3 Implementation
Below is the part of the code that we used to plot out some experiment result of Euclidean
distance, the code of other weights are nearly the same, so we will show the part where we
test the accuracy on σ = 4
1 def my_weight_4(distance):
2 sigma_square = 4
3 return np.exp(-(distance**2) / sigma_square)
5 acc_4 = []
6 for i in range(1, 21):
7 print("Running on {} Neighbors".format(i))
8 knn_4 = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors = i, weights = my_weight_4)
9, y_train)
10 acc_4.append(knn_4.score(x_test[1:5000], y_test[1:5000]))
The rest of the code and the experiment can be found at the end of this report.
Neural networks were first proposed in 1944 by Warren McCullough and Walter Pitts,
two University of Chicago researchers. The idea is to stimulate how neurons in our brain
might work. and in 1957, a layered network of perceptrons, consisting of an input layer, a
hidden layer with randomized weights that did not learn, and an output layer with learning
connections, was introduced by Frank Rosenblatt in his book Perceptron [19]. And this is our
second algorithm to recognize hand-written digits.
Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) is another name for a modern feedforward artificial neural
network. Which consists of fully connected neurons with some non-linear activation function.
It is known to learn and distinguish complex data that are not linearly separable. With given
data, it can be used to recognize and make accurate predictions about non-linear structure,
which in this case is our hand-written digits.
MLP consists of at least three layers, one input layer, one (or more hidden layers), and
one output layer. The more hidden layers we add, the better the MLP can learn complex
structures. It will learn through an algorithm called Back Propagation, which uses using
“Gradient descent” method, trying to minimize the loss function by calculating the gradient
of the loss function with respect to each of the weights, then the weights of the neural network
will be updated.
The loss function that MLP uses to learn is the cross-entropy loss function, which is cross
entropy. Cross entropy is a measure of the difference between two probability distributions
for a given random variable or set of events. The formula of cross entropy is below:
Cross-Entropy Loss = − N1 i=1 j=1 yij · log(pij )
Where yij represents the true probability distribution over class j for the ith instance (in
one-hot encoded vector), pij represents the predicted probability distribution over class j for
the ith instance.
The output layer of the neural network comes in 10 units, which can be considered as a
vector of size 10. Which v[i] will represent the probability P(ypredicted = i | X = given image),
the true label of the image which is considered to be a probability distribution as follows:
if y = i
P (y = i|X) =
0 otherwise
Our team’s neural network will have an input layer of 784 units, each unit representing a
pixel in a flattened 28 x 28 image. The output layer has 10 units/nodes, which if a number is
a 0, 1, . . . 9 then that node will be “switched” on. Moreover, the Softmax activation function
will be used for the output layer. It is typically a useful function for multi-class classification
problems. In this case, it is classifying each digit to predict whether they are 0, 1, . . . , 9.
ez i
Softmax(zi ) = N
ez j
For activation functions in the hidden layers, we will use “relu” (Rectified Linear unit) for
our activation function. It is easy, fast to compute, non-linear, and is a very robust choice for
activation functions for neural networks nowadays.
if x > 0
f (x) =
0 otherwise
But in practice, to avoid the problem called ”dead neurons” inside our neural network,
which means that the value passing through one neuron always returns zero, implying it is
inactive during training, we will use a variant of ”relu”, which is called ”leaky relu”. The
leaky relu activation function is shown below:
if x > 0
f (x) =
0.01 otherwise
Our problem now is to determine the best architecture for our artificial neural networks.
Finding out the number of hidden layers, determining the number of units in each hidden
layer. So that it can achieve high accuracy without overfitting and can generalize well on
unseen data.
All the number of nodes in a hidden layer are all power of 2, inspired by this article [7].
We will split the MNIST dataset into 3 sets, a training set, which consists of 48000 samples, a
validation set which consists of 12000 images to make sure the neural network can generalize
well and the test sets for the final testing with 10000 samples. We have done some research
on the simple feed-forward neural networks using Adam optimizer, which is an accelerator for
the learning rate to help the loss function escape local extrema, and using a batch size of 32.
We have come up with interesting results.
Num Epoch Learning rate batch size hidden layer dims acc
128 1 ×10−3 32 512 256 128 97.08
128 1 ×10−3 32 256 256 256 97.07
128 1 ×10−3 32 512 512 512 97.5
128 1 ×10−3 32 32 96.76
128 3 ×10−3 32 512 256 128 96.85
128 1 ×10−3 32 512 512 256 256 128 64 97.52
• The accuracy of the neural network did not increase significantly when we tried increas-
ing the number of hidden layers as well as their dimensions.
• The more hidden layers we add and the more dimensions we add to it, the longer the
training time becomes. For instance, the last architecture took the longest with 50
minutes of training time, while the third architecture also took around 45 minutes for
• Furthermore, the more hidden layers we add, the more vulnerable the neural network
is to overfitting.
Conclusion: Since the accuracy barely changes for different architectures, We have de-
cided to pick the architecture that has an accuracy that is above 97% and has the least
parameters so that the calculating process would be time–effective, which is the first archi-
tecture (3 hidden layers with each has size 512, 256 and 128).
(a) Accuracy (b) Loss
3.2.3 Implementation
We can implement this neural network very conveniently using Tensorflow library, but for
this capstone project, our team wanted to implement MLP from scratch, taking inspiration
from these articles [5], [4]
Firstly we have to define some activation functions that our neural network uses, which
are ”leaky relu”, and ”softmax”:
1 def leakyRelu(x):
2 return np.where(x > 0, x, 0.01 * x)
3 def softmax(z):
4 ez = np.exp(z - np.max(z, axis = 0))
5 return ez / np.sum(ez, axis = 0, keepdims = True)
7 def leakyRelu_derivative(x):
8 return np.where(x > 0, 1, 0.01)
First, we have to create a function to do forward propagating, calculating the value from
the given data (input layer) through hidden layers then end at the output layer.
7["A" + str(layer)] = leakyRelu(["Z" + str(layer)])
8 else:
9["A" + str(layer)] = softmax(["Z" + str(layer)])
With forwarding propagation, we need to write the back propagation function to calculate
the gradient of the loss function (cross-entropy) with respect to each weight in each layer, with
the given gradients, we can then implement gradient descent to minimize the loss function.
1 n = X.shape[0]
2 self.fowardProp(X)
3 dZ =["A" + str(self.L)] - y.T
4 dW = 1. / n *,["A" + str(self.L - 1)].T)
5 db = 1. / n * np.sum(dZ, axis = 1).reshape(-1, 1)
6 dA_prev =["W" + str(self.L)].T, dZ)
8 self.derivative["dW" + str(self.L)] = dW
9 self.derivative["db" + str(self.L)] = db
18 self.derivative["dW" + str(l)] = dW
19 self.derivative["db" + str(l)] = db
Now the last thing is to implement gradient descent on the loss function given the input
data to train our neural network. Since computing using the entire dataset is very time-
consuming, we will implement mini-batch gradient descent to train our neural network.
8 X_batch = X_shuffled[begin_range: end_range, :]
9 y_batch = y_shuffled[begin_range: end_range, :]
More detail on the codes that we used to implement MLP will be shown at the end of the
In the 1980s, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) were first introduced to the world
by Yann LeCun, a computer science researcher. This marked the beginning of a revolutionary
approach to the field of Artificial Intelligence, especially Computer Vision [14]. The key idea
behind the convolutional neural network is also to mimic how the brain works. However, the
difference between ANNs and CNNs is that while ANNs are designed to be fully connected
networks where each neuron is connected to every neuron in the next layer, CNNs include
convolutional layers that use specific filters to extract image features from the given input.
Thus, CNNs are more effective for image-related tasks, and in our case, they have shown
noticeable improvement in terms of accuracy in the task of recognizing hand-written digits.
Figure 7: Strucutre of a convolutional neural network (Source: ANH H. REYNOLDS)
The 2 basic components that distinguish between CNNs and MLP are Convolution and
Subsampling (or pooling)
Figure 8: Example of 2x2 pooling layers with stride = 2(source: Muhamad Yani)
To be more specific, CNNs consist of some significant components. They often have one
input layer and a series of convolutional layers and subsampling pairs. In these layers, we
can choose the activation function, specify properties such as the number of filters, the size
of kernels, strides, and padding, and decide on the type of subsampling layers (MaxPooling,
AveragePooling, etc.). After several convolutional layers and subsampling blocks, a flattening
process is applied to transform the input into a vector. This vector is then passed through
fully connected layers to make the final prediction.
As mentioned, we have an input layer with 784 units and a 10-unit output layer that uses
the softmax activation function. The difference lies in implementing the CNN architecture
between these two layers. The challenge is how to choose the architecture to achieve high
accuracy without overfitting or underfitting.
In our experiment, we also utilized the rescaled and split dataset from the ANN part. Due
to the numerous components that required decisions, we opted to conduct separate tests for
each element. The architecture experiment for CNNs is based on the Kaggle notebook cited
here: [2].
To begin with, we aimed to determine the optimal number of pairs of convolutional layers
and subsampling blocks that would yield the highest accuracy while maintaining acceptable
computational costs. For the sake of the argument, we standardized the kernel size to 5x5 and
employed the ReLU activation function with the same padding and no strides. Throughout
the process, we compared three different scenarios: 1 pair, 2 pairs, and 3 pairs of Conv-
Subsampling blocks. Assuming the first block had 32 filters, we incrementally increased the
number of filters in the second and third blocks to 48 and 64 respectively, and then plotted
the validation accuracy of those 3 models.
Figure 9: Accuracy plot of the model with different number of pairs of Conv-Subsampling
As can be seen from the graph above, the accuracy of the validation set for both 2-pair
and 3-pair configurations was similar. Due to computational cost, we prefer to implement 2
pairs of Conv-Subsampling blocks into our architecture.
Next, we need to determine the number of filters to use in each convolutional layer. In this
step, we have decided to implement 2 pairs of Conv-Subsampling blocks, each with a kernel
size of 5x5, and we will apply the ReLU activation function. We aim to compare the results
of six different models, each with a different number of filters. Denote that the i-th model
has ((i − 1) ∗ 8 + 8) filters in the first layer and ((i − 1) ∗ 16 + 8) filters in the second layer.
We can then plot the graph of accuracy on the validation set as follows:
Figure 10: Accuracy plot of the model with different number of filters in each Conv-
Subsampling blocks
From the graph, we can see that 24 filters in the first convolutional layer and 48 filters in
the second layer gave stable accuracy. Hence, we will choose 24-48 filters in our architecture.
After 2 blocks of Conv-Subsampling blocks, we will then flatten the previous input into
a vector. Our next target is to decide how many nodes we should use in the fully connected
layer to make the final prediction. In this experiment, we will choose the best model out of
8 models whose nodes range from 0 (no fully connected layer at all) to 2048 nodes. We can
illustrate the accuracy of each model as follows:
Figure 11: Accuracy plot of the model with different numbers of nodes in fully connected
hidden layer
As illustrated, we can see that the accuracy in 256 nodes in a fully connected layer is
acceptable amongst 8 models. Regarding the number of layers in fully connected layers, from
experimenting the accuracy does not change much when the number of layers varies, so we
decided to choose only 1 layer in the fully connected layer. Thus, our fully connected layer
will consist of a layer whose nodes are 256, connected to the 10-node output layer.
To reduce overfitting, a common practice is to add a regularization technique. In this case,
we have chosen dropout regularization. Dropout is a technique where neurons are removed
randomly, and these removed neurons’ weight will not be passed into the forward pass or the
backward pass. We need to determine the probability that randomly selected nodes will be
dropped out. We will evaluate 8 models with dropout rates ranging from 0 (no dropout) to
70% chance that a node is dropped. The results are as follows:
Figure 12: Accuracy plot of the model with different dropout rates
In conclusion, the final CNN architecture consists of an input layer that takes in (28,28)
shape array of pixel values, followed by two convolutional layers and a subsampling block.
The number of filters in these layers is set to 24 and 48, with a kernel size of 5x5, using the
same padding and no strides. The architecture also includes a fully connected layer with 256
nodes and implementing a dropout rate of 0.2. The final accuracy on the test set is 99.30
Figure 13: Accuracy plot of train set and validation set on selected CNN structure
3.3.3 Implementation
Implementing convolutional network from scratch takes a lot of time and does not have
the support for training from GPU, so it’s not effective to implement this approach from
scratch. Therefore we will use ”Tensorflow” library to help us implement CNN easily.
The full code for experimenting is very very long, consists of many cell inside an ipynb
file, so we will only show the creation of the final selected CNN architecture for usage. Which
is implemented below:
1 final_model = Sequential()
2 final_model.add(Conv2D(filters=24, kernel_size=(5, 5), activation='relu',input_shape=(28,28,1)))
3 final_model.add(MaxPooling2D())
4 final_model.add(Dropout((0.2)))
10 final_model.add(Flatten())
11 final_model.add(Dense(256, activation='relu'))
12 final_model.add(Dropout(0.2))
13 final_model.add(Dense(10, activation='softmax'))
14 final_model.compile(optimizer="adam", loss="categorical_crossentropy", metrics=["accuracy"])
4.1.1 Problems
Determining the suitable number of K for KNN is always a tough problem. When we
choose k, if the value of k is too small, it is very noise-sensitive, which means that the given
model can be underfitting, which gives inaccurate results on both training and testing data.
If K is too large then it may lead to overfitting.
KNN Method at core is also known as the “lazy learning” algorithm because it takes no
time to train the model. All it does is store the training data and will be brought out to
compute to find the nearest neighbor to the testing data. And with lots of data, just 60000,
the problem has proven to be taking very long to calculate and predict the label of the digits.
In case of adding more data (in this case more digits) to the training data, the model will
take more time to compute, making it very hard to use in real-life practice because of its
computing speed.
4.2.1 Problems
Firstly, the dataset does not fully represent all kinds / special variances of numbers. When
we run the test, the numbers 1, 2, 4, 7, and 9 are the ones that have the most incorrect pre-
dictions. We have done some error analysis, and this is what we’ve found.
For formal number recognition such as reading license plates number 1, and 2 in the
datasets are enough, however, number 1, 2, and 4 in the datasets doesn’t contain all of their
variance in terms of different ways of writing it. For number 7, the diagonal line seems to be
very similar to that feature of number 2, so number 7 often gets mispredicted with number
2. Number 9, the lower half is very similar to number 3, while the images of number 9 in the
dataset are drawn very weirdly, and don’t have any common ways that most people in the
world draw it, so the model cannot learn how to predict the common 9 with the curvy lower
half with those given in the datasets.
Although it’s very powerful and capable of outperforming various machine learning algo-
rithms, ANN is very sensitive to “variant” images, meaning that slight changes in the rotation,
width, and zoom of the image can result in wrong predictions. Not just the complex structure
of the dataset, but images have some special features, which are spatial information, which
means that the pixels that are adjacent to each other have some digital connection between
them. When we flattened out our 28 x 28 images into a 784-sized vector, we destroyed that
relationship / spatial information.
4.2.2 Proposed solutions
Each augmented image are processed by inverting images into a black background, and
white hand-written digits, and dilating it so that it can increase the thickness of the digits.
The images then were processed by using our image processing algorithm, being saved as a
tabular data frame with 785 columns, the first 784 columns represent the pixels of each digit,
the last column is the label value of that digit.
We will then duplicate this augmented data 2 or 3 times to increase its influence on the
training process. After that, we will concatenate this data with the training data. Then we
will train the neural network as normal.
Here are the results of the newly trained neural network with data augmentation using
the same architecture concluded above:
4.3.1 Problems
As the number of training data of MNIST data is not well-sufficient and the data still have
some particular problems as mentioned, CNN implementation may be prone to overfitting.
Without large datasets, CNN architecture may encounter some difficulties in generalization
and the risk of overfitting is noticeable.
becomes more complex, hence the selection of parameters/ hyperparameters also becomes a
challenge that we need to resolve: choosing an architecture that requires less cost but its
performance should be acceptable
To address the problem of overfitting, we need more data augmentation. The MNIST
dataset is clean, so to make it more translation variance, we need to rotate, zoom, and shift
the current images in the dataset a little bit so that this algorithm can work more effectively.
However, the process of training is computationally expensive, requiring a long training time,
so it will not be done in this capstone project.
5 Final Product
After implementing and testing 3 different approaches to solve the problem, now we can
gather it up and deploy it on a simple GUI.
The deployment of 3 approaches will be on a simple GUI. which has 5 buttons. 3 buttons
for each of the different approaches to prediction. 1 button to display the bounding box, to
locate digits drawn on the screen, and 1 button to clear the canvas.
5.1.1 Implementation
To deploy it, we will save the model structure, then use tkinter and customtkinter to make
the simple GUI, the implementation is below:
2 PEN_COLOR = "white"
3 ct.set_appearance_mode("black")
16 #Fourth button for Clearing out canvas
17 button_4 = ct.CTkButton(master=sidebar_frame, text = "Clear canvas",
18 command=clear_canvas, border_width=0, corner_radius=10)
19 button_4.pack(pady=30)
26 canvas.bind("<Button-1>", activate_event)
27 root.mainloop()
5 buttons will be activated by a function, in which they will process the image, feeding
it into the chosen model and then a result will be printed out. This is the implementa-
tion of one function regconize digit mlp, other functions such as recognize digit cnn and
recognize digit knn are similar.
1 def recognize_digit_mlp():
2 #Taking necessaries from processing canvas
3 processed_img, contours, output_img, unflattened_img = processCanvas(canvas)
4 pred = NN.predict(processed_img / 255)
22 #Display the prediction
23 cv2.imshow('prediction by MLP', output_img)
24 cv2.waitKey(0)
25 print("Digit predicted using MLP")
After downloading the demo.rar file. You need to extract it and run the file named ”demo”.
• For KNN, we conducted on Google Colab notebook, which can be accessed from here:
• For MLP (ANN), we conducted and coded our neural network class on Google Colab
notebook, which can be accessed here:
• For CNN, we also conducted our experiments on Google Colab notebook, which can be
accessed here:
6 Conclusion
In conclusion, we have conducted our experiments and tried to solve the problem by 3
different approaches: K-nearest neighbors, Multi-layer perceptron, and Convolution Neural
Network. Those approaches seem to be the most common and simple methods to solve spatial
recognition problems. With some advanced image processing technique implementation, our
system hopefully can detect and recognize digits from real-world images.
Thank you, Associate Professor Than Quang Khoat for reading until the end of our group’s
Capstone project report. If there are any mistakes, or misconceptions in the report, we would
like to hear the feedback, and comments from you on our group’s report.
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