Qasim Farooq MATH 101 Fall 13 14 7

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Qasim Farooq MATH 101 Fall 13 14 7

WeBWorK assignment number Orientation is due : 04/04/2015 at 12:20pm EDT.

(* replace with url for the course home page *)
for the course contains the syllabus, grading policy and other information.

This file is /conf/snippets/ you can use it as a model for creating files which introduce each problem set.

The primary purpose of WeBWorK is to let you know that you are getting the correct answer or to alert you if you are making
some kind of mistake. Usually you can attempt a problem as many times as you want before the due date. However, if you are
having trouble figuring out your error, you should consult the book, or ask a fellow student, one of the TAs or your professor for
help. Dont spend a lot of time guessing its not very efficient or effective.
Give 4 or 5 significant digits for (floating point) numerical answers. For most problems when entering numerical answers,
you can if you wish enter elementary expressions such as 2 3 instead of 8, sin(3 pi/2)instead of -1, e (ln(2)) instead of 2,
(2 + tan(3)) (4 sin(5)) 6 7/8 instead of 27620.3413, etc. Heres the list of the functions which WeBWorK understands.
You can use the Feedback button on each problem page to send e-mail to the professors.

problem page; if you use the Back and Forward buttons on

1. (1 pt) your browser, this does not reload the page, so the times will
Understanding WeBWorK Problem Pages not be updated. Reload the page using your browsers Reload or
The WeBWorK screen is divided into several areas, each used Refresh buttons to get the current time.
for a different purpose. You will need to understand these in or- The buttons at the bottom of the screen, including the Sub-
der to use WeBWorK effectively. mit Answers button, are discussed in the next problem. At this
At the upper left are the navigation buttons that allow you point, you can get credit for Problem 1 by pressing the Submit
to move from problem to problem. The Next and Previous Answers button at the bottom of the page (even though there
buttons, naturally, send you to the next and previous problems. was no answer to submit), and then pressing the Next button
The Prob. List button takes you back to the opening page for at the top of the screen to go on to the next problem.
the homework set (the one that lists all the problems and gives
the instructions for the homework set).
The area below the navigation buttons is where WeBWorK 2. (1 pt)
tells you about your score for the current problem. When you Controlling WeBWorK
have submitted your answers, this is where you will be given in- The buttons at the bottom of the screen are what cause WeB-
formation about what answers you got right and wrong. (It will WorK to process your answers. Nothing that you type will have
be shown on a grey backgound to help make it stand out; you any effect until you press one of these buttons.
will see this later.) This area also shows you how many points a The Submit Answers button causes WeBWorK to check
problem is worth. your answers and report your score for the problem. You can
The main part of the page is the text of the problem you are continue to work on a problem until you get it right, so dont be
trying to answer, including blank boxes for you to enter your an- afraid to submit your answer even if you have only finished parts
swers. (There arent any such boxes on this page, because you of the problem or are not sure of the correctness of your answer.
are not being asked any questions here, but usually there will be If the due date is passed and the answers are available, you can
one or more answer blanks on a page.) click the Show Correct Answers button before pressing Sub-
Below the problem text is a message area where you may mit. If you do, the correct answer(s) will be displayed in the
be informed about how partial credit is handled in multi-part answer area at the top of the screen along with the answers you
problems. Other information also may appear there, such as a have provided.
message indicating that the due date is passed, or that answers If you have typed in a complicated answer, or are being told
are available. your answer is incorrect when you think its right, you may want
In the red panel at the left, instead of the list of homework to use the Preview Answer button. This will ask WeBWorK
sets, you now have a list of the problems within this assign- to display at the top of the page its interpretation of what you
ment. You can go to any problem just by clicking on it. The have entered. This can be used to help spot errors in your typ-
checkboxes at the bottom of the panel are discussed in the next ing, and verify that WeBWorK understands your answer the way
problem. you intend it to. (This is discussed further in a later problem.)
In the center of the top red panel is an indication of how At the bottom of the red panel at the left is a box that allows
much time you have left to work on the problems for this set. you to change how the problem is displayed. The equations
Note that this is computed at the moment you downloaded the within the problem can be represented in three different ways:
images mode is the default choice (what WeBWorK Sometimes WeBWorK will insist that you calculate the value
uses unless you tell it otherwise). It produces the accu- of an expression as a single number before you enter it. For ex-
rate mathematical notation, with the disadvantages of ample, calculate the value of 6(2 + 4) (6 + 3) and enter it in
being slightly slower, and not printing well if you want the following blank. (Here you have to enter a single integer; the
to print out a single problem. question is testing whether you can do the operations correctly.)
6(2 + 4) (6 + 3) =
formatted-text mode produces results quickly, but Most often you will not have to simplify your answer, but can
more complicated mathematics may be difficult to read let WeBWorK do this for you. The following blanks are all ex-
in this mode. For example, some fractions and integrals pecting the value 16. Try entering it several different ways, such
are not easy to read in formatted-text mode. as 7+9, 18-2, 8*2, 32/2, and 42. Note: pressing the Tab key
on your keyboard will move you from one answer box to the
jsMath mode uses a JavaScript program and Cascad- next.
ing Style Sheets (CSS) to display the mathematics. This 16 = or or or or
produces good results, and is particularly nice if you WeBWorK also understands that quantities written next to
need to change the size of the fonts in your browser each other are supposed to be multiplied. For example, you can
or wish to print out a single problem. For best results, enter (9)(7) instead of 63. Most often this is used when one
however, you should download and install some fonts quantity is a number and the other a variable or function. For
that jsMath uses; there is a link to the fonts on the js- instance, 2x means 2*x, while 3sin(5x) means 3*sin(5*x).
Math control panel, which you can activate using the The following blank is expecting the value 100; try entering it
small jsMath button that will appear at the lower right of as 4(30-5).
the screen when you activate this mode. The first prob- 100 =
lem you view using jsMath may take a little longer to When you are ready, dont forget to press the Submit An-
appear, as the JavaScript program is being loaded into swers button to ask WeBWorK to check your work. Once you
your browser, but things should run faster after that. get the answers correct, press Next to go on.
Choose whichever mode is most comfortable for you. You 4. (1 pt)
can always select a different mode if a particular problem needs Rules of Precedence
it. Here is a sample of some simple mathematics, x2 + 3, and a The rules of precedence determine the order in which the
more complicated expression, x(1x)
2x+1 . Try changing the display mathematical operations are performed by WeBWorK. It is es-
mode by clicking the formatted-text or jsMath radio button sential for you to understand these so that you know how WeB-
and then pressing the Apply Options button to cause the page WorK interprets what you type in. If there are no parentheses
to be reformatted. Then change the display mode to back to and no functions (such as sin or log), then WeBWorK com-
images mode for the rest of the homework set. putes the value of your answer by performing exponentiation
The Show saved answers checkbox tells whether you want first, followed by multiplication and division (from left to right),
WeBWorK to fill in the answer blanks with your previous an- and finally addition and subtraction (from left to right).
swers or not. (If you like, you can test this out on the next If there are expressions within parentheses, those expressions
problem, since there are no answer blanks in this one.) are simplified first. Well talk about functions (and give a more
You are now ready to learn how to enter answers into WeB- complete list of rules) in a later problem.
WorK. Press the Submit Answers button to get credit for this Examples:
problem, and then press the Next button at the top of the page 4*3/6 = 12/6 = 2 (multiplications and divisions
to go on to the next one. are done from left to right), and 2*7 = 14, so
4*3/6-2*7+10 = 2 - 14 + 10 = -2.
3. (1 pt) 12/3/2 = 4/2 = 2 (multiplications and divisions are
Typing in Your Answers done from left to right).
Here are the standard symbols that WeBWorK, along with 12/(3/2) = 12/1.5 = 8 (expressions inside paren-
most other computer software, uses for arithmetic operations: theses are calculated before anything else).
2*42 = 2*16 = 32 (exponentiation is done before
Symbol Meaning Example multiplication), so 2*42 - 3*4 = 2*16 - 3*4 = 32 - 12 = 2
To practice these rules, completely simplify the following ex-
+ Addition 3+4 = 7
pressions. Because the point of this problem is for you to do
- Subtraction 3-4 = -1
the numerical calculations correctly, WeBWorK will only ac-
* Multiplication 3*4 = 12
cept sufficiently accurate decimal numbers as the answers to
/ Division 3/4 = .75
these problems. It will not simplify any expressions, including
or ** Exponentiation 34 = 81 or 3**4 = 81
1+5*4 = t
1/5*4 = 2t + 6
3*5-1/5*4+4 = 1
25+1 = 2(x 5)
2(5+1) =
(2x 3)4 =

6. (1 pt)
Using Parentheses Effectively
5. (1 pt) One of the hardest parts about using parentheses is making
Common Errors to Avoid sure that they match up correctly. Here are a couple of hints to
Many of the answers you enter into WeBWorK will be ex- help you with this:
pressions that involve variables. Here are some important things
to know. Several types of parentheses are allowed: (), [], and
{}. When you need to nest parentheses inside other
parentheses, try using a different type for each so that
It matters what letter you use. For example, if you are you can see more easily which ones match up.
asked for a function using the variable x, then it wont
work to enter the function with the variable t. Also, When you type a left parenthesis, type the correspond-
WeBWorK considers upper- and lower-case letters to ing right parenthesis at the same time, then position
be different, so dont use the capital letter X in place your cursor between them and type the expression that
of the lower-case letter x. The following blank is ex- goes inside. This can save you a lot of time hunting for
pecting the function x3 , which you would enter as x3 mismatched parentheses.
or x**3. Instead, try entering t3 and submitting your
answer. When you have a complicated answer, type a template
for the structure of your result first. For example, sup-
pose that you are planning to enter the fraction
You should get an error message informing you that t
is not defined in this context. This tells you that WeB- 2x2 5
WorK did not receive the correct variable and doesnt (x + 1)(3x3x 22)
know how to check your answer. Now enter x3 and
A good way to start would be to type in ()/[()*()].
resubmit to get credit for this part of the problem.
This shows a template of one number divided by the
WeBWorK requires that you be precise in how you product of two other numbers. (Note that ()/()*()
think about and present your answer. We have just seen would not be a good way to start; do you see why?)
that you need to be careful about the variables that you Now when you fill in the expressions, you will be sure
use. You must be equally careful about how the rules of your parentheses balance correctly.
precedence apply to your answers. Often, this involves
Although WeBWorK understands that numbers written
using parentheses appropriately.
next to each other are meant to be multiplied (so you do
For example, you might write 1/x + 1 on your paper not have to use * to indicate multiplication if you dont
when you meant x+1 1
, but that is actually incorrect. The want to), it is often useful for you to include the * any-
way, as it helps you keep track of the structure of your
expression 1/x + 1 means 1x + 1, according to the rules
of precedence. WeBWorK will force you to be exact
in what you are thinking and in what you are writ- To see how WeBWorK is interpreting what you type,
ing, because it must interpret your answers according enter your answer and then click the Preview An-
to the standard rules. If you want to enter something swers button, which is next to the Submit Answers
that means x+1 , you must write 1/(x+1). This also is button below. WeBWorK will show you what it thinks
true in written work, so making a habit of being pre- you entered (the preview appears in your answer area at
cise about this will improve your written mathematics the top of the page). Previewing your answer does not
as well as your ability to enter answers quickly and cor- submit it for credit; that only happens when you press
rectly in WeBWorK. the Submit Answers button.

When division or exponentiation are involved, it is a

Now enter the following functions: good idea to use parentheses even in simple situations,
rather than relying on the order of operations. For ex- log10 ). You can also write ln(x) for the natural loga-
ample, 1/2x and (1/2)x both mean the same thing (first rithm of x, so log(x) and ln(x) mean the same thing.
divide 1 by 2, then multiply the result by x), but the sec- Use log10(x) for the base 10 logarithm of x.
ond makes it easier to see what is going on. Likewise,
use parentheses to clarify expressions involving expo- The exponential function with base e can be entered as
nentiation. Type (ex)2 if you mean (ex )2 , and type ex or exp(x). The second notation is convenient if
e(x2) if you mean e(x ) . you have a long, complicated exponent.

Now enter the following functions: The absolute value function, |x|, should be entered as
|x| or abs(x).
= The inverse sine function, sin 1(x), is written
(x2 x)(3x + 5) arcsin(x) or asin(x) or sin(-1)(x) in WeBWorK.
Start with the template [x()]/[()*()]. Note that this is not the same as (sin(x))(-1), which
means sin(x) . The other inverse functions are handled
(y + 3) y3 + y + 1

(2y2 2)(5y + 4)
Start by putting in an appropriate template. This means that Now enter the following functions:
you should begin by looking at the function and thinking 1
about how many pieces are used to construct it and how tan(x)
those pieces are related. Once you have entered your an- sin1 (t + 1) =
swer, try using the Preview button to see how WeBWorK
is interpreting your answer. sin(x) cos(x)
2x 7
x+1 4
x2 8. (1 pt)
Start by putting in an appropriate template. Rules of Precedence (Again)
7. (1 pt) At this point, we can give the complete rules of precedence
Constants and Functions in WeBWorK for how WeBWorK computes the value of a mathematical for-
WeBWorK knows the value of , which you can enter as mula. The operations are handled in the following order:
pi, and the value of e (the base of the natural logarithm, e (1) Evaluate expressions within parentheses.
2.71828), which you can enter simply as the letter e. (2) Evaluate functions such as sin(x), cos(x), log(x),
WeBWorK also understands many standard functions. Here sqrt(x).
is a partial list. Notice that all the function names start with a (3) Perform exponentiation (from right to left).
lower-case letter. Capitalizing the function will lead to an error (4) Perform multiplication and division, (from left to right).
message. (5) Perform addition and subtraction, (from left to right).
WeBWorK knows about sin(x), cos(x), tan(x), This can get a little subtle, so be careful. The following are
arcsin(x), arccos(x), arctan(x) and the other some typical traps for WeBWorK users.
trigonometric functions and their inverses. WeBWorK
WeBWorK interprets sin 2x to mean (sin 2) x
always uses radian mode for these functions.
Explanation : Rule 2 tells you that WeBWorK does
WeBWorK will evaluate trigonometric functions for
evaluation of functions (like sin) before multiplication.
you in many situations. For example, the follow-
Thus WeBWorK first computes sin 2, and then multi-
ing blank is expecting the value 1. Remember that
plies the result by x.
cos() = 1, so enter cos(pi) and submit it.
Moral : You must type sin(2x) for the sine of 2x, even
= 1
though we often write it as sin 2x. Get in the habit of
using parentheses for all your trigonometric functions.
The square root x is represented by the function
sqrt(x) or by x(1/2).
Now enter the following function:
The function log(x) means the natural logarithm of The cosine of 5x is entered as .
x (the logarithm with base e), not the common loga-
rithm (the logarithm with base 10, sometimes written WeBWorK interprets cos t3 to mean (cost)3
Explanation : Rule 2 tells you that WeBWorK does One common place where you use is as an endpoint of an
evaluation of functions (like cos) before exponentia- interval. WeBWorK allows you to enter intervals using stan-
tion. Thus WeBWorK first computes cost and then dard interval notation, including infinite endpoints. For exam-
raises the result to the power 3. ple, [-2,5) represents an interval that is closed on the left and
open on the right, while [2,inf) is an interval that extends in-
Moral : You must type in cos(t3) if you mean the co- finitely to the right.
sine of t 3 , even though we sometimes write it as cost 3 . Write the interval of points that are less than 1:
Now enter the following function:
Several intervals can be combined into one region using the
The tangent of y4 is entered as . set union operation, , which is represented as U in WeB-
WorK. For example, [-2,0] U (8,inf) represents the points
In mathematics, we often write sin2 x to mean (sin x)2 . from 2 to 0 together with everything bigger than 8.
WeBWorK will let you write sin2(x) for this, though Write the set of points from 7 to 1 but excluding 3
it is probably better to type (sin(x))2 instead, as this and 1 as a union of intervals: .
makes your intention clearer. Note that a power of 1,
as in sin(-1)(x), is a special case; it indicates the 10. (1 pt)
inverse function arcsin(x) rather than a power. Points and Vectors
Some problems will ask you to enter an answer that is a point
Now enter the following function: rather than a number. You enter points in WeBWorK just as you
would expect: by separating the coordinates by commas and en-
sin2 x + cos3 x = closing them all in parentheses. So (2,-3) represents the point
in the plane that has an x-coordinate of 2 and y-coordinate of
e3x means (e3 )x and not e(3x)
Explanation : Rule 3 says that WeBWorK does expo- What point is halfway between (5, 3) and (1, 1)?
nentiation before multiplication. Thus WeBWorK first .
computes e3, with the result e3 , and then multiplies Other problems require you to provide a vector as your an-
the result by x. swer. WeBWorK allows you to enter vectors either as a list of
coordinates enclosed in angle braces, < and >, or as a sum of
Moral : Always put parentheses around an exponent. multiples of the coordinate unit vectors, i, j and k, which you
Type e(3x) if you want e3x . enter as i, j and k. For example, <1,3,-2> represents the same
vector as i+3j-2k.
Now enter the following function: What vector points from the origin to the point
3 (1, 5, 1)? .
24x = Just as you can enter a number by giving an equation that
reduces to it, WeBWorK allows you to enter points and vectors
by giving equations for the individual coordinates, or by using a
vector-valued equation that reduces to your answer. For exam-
9. (1 pt)
Non-Numeric Answers
Sometimes you will be asked to enter answers that are not <1-(-3),2-sqrt(4),6/2> and
numbers. For example, if you are asked to determine a limit, the [1-(-3)]i + [2-sqrt(4)]j + (6/2)k
answer may be that the limit does not exist, so you might have both represent the vector h4, 0, 3i, while <1,0,-1>+ <2,-2,3>
to type DNE to indicate this (the problem should tell you what could be used to answer a question that asks for the vector
word to use). Note that upper- and lower-case letters are not the h3, 2, 2i.
same to WeBWorK, so you will need to enter the answer exactly Write h5, 3, 3i as a sum of two vectors:
as indicated in the problem. (Well written problems will allow .
the answer to be entered either way.)
Please enter DNE here: . 11. (1 pt)
Other problems may require you to enter , which you do us- Multiple Answers in One Blank
ing the word INFINITY (in upper- or lower-case) or INF for You may sometimes be asked to provide more than one an-
short. The problem should remind you of how to do this. Note swer in a single answer blank. For example, you may need to
that most operations are not defined on infinity, so you cant add enter all the values where a function is not defined. In this case,
or multiply something by infinity. You can, however, indicate you should separate your answers by commas. Such an answer
by -INFINITY, or -INF. is called a list in WeBWorK. Note that you need not enter mul-
Try entering here: . tiple answers for a list; a single number is a legal answer (there
might only be one point where the function is undefined, for
The function f (x) = 2 is not defined at these x
x 25
values: .
When you are asked for a list of numbers, another possible A B C D
answer is that there are no numbers that satisfy the requirements. As with the previous matching problems, you will not be told
In that case, you should enter NONE as your answer. which of your answers are correct when you submit your an-
1 swers to this problem. WeBWorK will only tell you if all your
The function f (x) = 2 is not defined at these x val-
x +1 answers are correct or not.
ues: .
Some WeBWorK problems display a link to additional infor-
12. (1 pt) mation or a hint. Follow this link for a hint about graphs in
True/False Questions in WeBWorK WeBWorK.
Enter a T or an F in each answer space below to indicate 15. (1 pt)
whether the corresponding statement is true or false. When Youre Stuck...
1. 3.2 The goal of the WeBWorK software is to help you learn
2. 1 < 7 mathematics by giving you immediate feedback on the correct-
3. 10 1 10 ness of your answer to a problem. It is not designed to be a
4. 4 4 tutorial or to replace humans in explaining the material to you.
In most multipart problems, if one or more of your answers As with any learning tool, it is up to you to make efficient and
is wrong, then WeBWorK tells you which ones they are. For effective use of the software.
True/False or multiple-choice questions, however, WeBWorK Here are some things you can try when you are stuck on a
usually only tells you whether all the answers are correct. It problem.
wont tell you which ones are right or wrong. Reread the problem carefully to see if there are any in-
structions that you did not notice.
13. (1 pt)
Matching Lists in WeBWorK Check carefully for directions on the Problem List
Match the statements defined below with the letters labeling page. You can get to this page by pressing the Prob.
their equivalent expressions. List button at the top of any problem page.

1. The distance from x to 9 is at most 3 Look in the textbook for similar problems or relevant
2. The distance from x to 9 is more than 3 methods.
3. x is less than or equal to 9
4. x is greater than 9 Talk to your instructor during office hours.
5. x is any real number
Ask a fellow student for help.
A. |x + 9| 3
B. |x + 9| > 3 Use the Calculus Help Center. (Be sure to take a print-
C. < x < out of the problem with you. The tutors will need the
D. 9 < x exact wording of the problem.)
E. x 9
Usually with matching problems like this, WeBWorK only Use the Email instructor button at the bottom of the
tells you whether all your answers are correct or not. If they are problem page to send e-mail to your instructor. Include
not all correct, WeBWorK will not tell you which ones are right in your message the details of what you have tried so
and which are wrong. far. If you are having a software problem, include de-
tails about the error messages you are getting.
14. (1 pt) When you are truly stuck on a WeBWorK problem, you
Matching Graphs in WeBWorK should turn to other sources (humans or books) for help, be-
Enter the letter of the graph that corresponds to each state- cause it is not in your best interest to guess repeatedly instead of
ment: thinking about what you might be doing wrong.
1. The line is not the graph of a function To get credit for this problem, you must click the Submit
2. The line is the graph of an increasing function Answers button. Then you can use the Prob. List button at
3. The line is the graph of a decreasing function the top of the page to return to the problem list page. You will
4. The line is the graph of a constant function see that the problems you have done have been labeled as correct
or incorrect, and you can go back and do problems you skipped to review course material without any danger of changing your
or couldnt get right the first time. Once you have done a prob- grade.
lem correctly, it is always listed as correct even if you go back
and do it incorrectly later. This means you can use WeBWorK

Generated by the WeBWorK system WeBWorK

c Team, Department of Mathematics, University of Rochester

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