Answer All Questions Part-A (5x2) (10 Marks) : V.SURESHKANNAN, AP II, MECH (Staff In-Charge)
Answer All Questions Part-A (5x2) (10 Marks) : V.SURESHKANNAN, AP II, MECH (Staff In-Charge)
Answer All Questions Part-A (5x2) (10 Marks) : V.SURESHKANNAN, AP II, MECH (Staff In-Charge)
Year : II Yr Semester: III Sem
Branch & Section : B.E., Mechanical Engg.-A Section Total Marks: 50
Subject Name : Engineering Thermodynamics Date & Session: 21.10.2012, AN
Answer All Questions
Part-A (5x2) (10 Marks)
1. What is critical point? What are the properties of water at critical point?
2. What is adiabatic mixing and write the equation for that.
3. Why Carnot cycle is not practicable for a steam power plant?
4. Define dew point temperature.
5. Draw psychrometric chart and show the following processes on it.
(a)Sensible cooling, (b) Latent heating, (c) Heating and dehumidification and (d) Cooling and
Part-B (16+16+8) (40 Marks)
6. a. (i)In an adiabatic mixing of two streams, derive the relationship among the ratio of mass of
streams, ratio of mass of streams, ratio of enthalpy change and ratio of specific humidity change.
(8 Marks)
(ii)Saturated air at 20C at the rate of 1.167 m3/sec is mixed adiabatically with the outside air at
35C and 50% relative humidity at a rate of 0.5 m3/sec.Assuming adiabatic mixing condition at 1
atm, determine specific humidity, relative humidity, dry bulb temperature and volume flow rate
of the mixture. (8 Marks)
b. The moist air is at 45C dry bulb temperature and 30C wet bulb temperature. Calculate
(i)vapour pressure,(ii)dew point temperature,(iii)specific humidity,(iv)relative
humidity,(v)degree of saturation,(vi)vapour density and (vii)enthalpy of mixture. (16 Marks)
7. a. Steam at a pressure of 2.5 MPa and 500C is expanded in a steam turbine to a condenser pressure
0.05MPa.Determine for Rankine cycle (i)The thermal efficiency,(ii)Specific steam consumption.
If the steam pressure is reduced to 1 MPa and the temperature is kept same 500C.Determine the
thermal efficiency and the specific steam consumption. Neglect feed pump work. (16 Marks)
b. In a reheat steam cycle, the maximum steam temperature is limited to 773 K.The condenser
pressure is 10 kPa and the quality at turbine exhaust is 0.8778 had been no reheat, the exhaust
quality would have been 0.7592.Assuming ideal processes, determine (i) reheat pressure, (ii) the
boiler pressure, (iii) the cycle efficiency, and (iv) the steam rate in kg/kWhr. (16 Marks)
8. a. Using the cycle relation and the first Maxwells relation, derive the other three relations.
b. Describe Joule Kelvin (Thomson) effect with the help of T-p diagram. (8 Marks)
V.SURESHKANNAN, AP II, MECH (Staff in-charge)