Comprehensive Exam - PLM MEM CM
Comprehensive Exam - PLM MEM CM
Comprehensive Exam - PLM MEM CM
1. A. System
B. Why do we need system in a construction?
C. Construction a Closed or Open System?
2. Characteristics of Construction Project
3. 4 Major Participation in Construction (Roles & Responsibilities)
4. Project Manager
A. As a Function
B. As a Position
C. As a Person
5. Differentiate Project Management Consultant to: (one sentence)
A. Consultant
B. Project Manager
C. Construction Manager
D. Works Engineer
E. Construction Supervisor
F. Clerk of Works
G. Project Management Team
Discuss the features of each elements. If you are the project manager, how would you handle effective Project
Control System if the given 3 elements are not properly monitor during its implementation?