BS Lab Manual
BS Lab Manual
BS Lab Manual
Civil Engineering) with practical learning exercises to account for the Building Services course. This manual is
designed to familiarize students with the support services building on the basic knowledge and understanding of
the principle of electrical, mechanical and utility systems in buildings. Training designed to be simple and easy
to carry out related to the concepts stated in the lecture. In most cases, students are required to prepare and
comply with in accordance with the procedures outlined in the manual. Interaction among students and lecturers
are encouraged to enhance their understanding of concepts and tools. Laboratory exercises will provide a good
opportunity for students to broaden their minds with interpersonal communication activities.
The laboratory of building services is located in the hirise building at the 23 rd floor. It contains a facilityto
simulate hydraulic conditions of a heating system with classical radiators, floor heating and with a heater of an
air-conditioning unit, where it is possible to change boundary conditions such as temperature of the heating
water in the primary circuit, temperature of the heating water in the secondary circuit and pressure conditions.
Other equipment of the laboratory include portable measurement instruments to measure physical parameters,
such as the mass flow rate, differential pressure, heating water temperature and room air temperature and
humidity. To allow complex monitoring of the changes in air and water temperatures, the laboratory is
equipped with a set of thermal cameras. The facility is mainly used for education of students and for
experimental measurements within the Student Scientific Competition.
The employees of the Department of Building Services handle the tasks of basic and applied research, and in
the present they are working on important grant research projects, cooperate with research facilities abroad,
participate in education of professionals by organizing distance courses, conferences and seminars, and
translate technical standards. The Department has elaborated a number of expertise reports, energy audits and
reports from scientific projects.
Energy Efficient Environmental Technology Systems Utilizing Renewable Energy Sources and Using
Automation Technology for Intelligent Buildings. Project VEGA, prof. Petráš, 2011-13
Progressive Solutions for Sanitary Installations and Ventilation Systems in the Indoor Climate of
Buildings Designwith the Aim of Increasing Their Energy Performance. Project VEGA, associate prof.
Peráčková, 2011-13
Competence Centre of Intelligent Technologies for Electronization and Informatization of Systems and
Services, ITMS 26240220072, Prof.Petráš, 2011-14
The laboratory provides computing power for advanced simulation software like Fluent, ESP-r, ODEON, Insul
and Radiance.