Hydraulic Valve Test Bench-H300
Hydraulic Valve Test Bench-H300
Hydraulic Valve Test Bench-H300
Installation/Operation/ Maintenance
i. Brief Introduction.................................................................... 2
i. Brief Introduction
The valve hydraulic test bench of VTB-H series is widely used in
the intensity and leakage tests of all kinds of high, medium and low
will dispatch one set seal plates/Adapters for BW/Thread end, one
the way of hydraulic oil cylinder impaction to test the valves. The
hydraulic system is the main driving source of the oil cylinder and
supplying device is composed by high and low water pressure
iii. Valve Test Bench Drawing
iv. Installation Considerations and Requirements
1) Installation:
After choosing the suitable location of the test bench, make sure
the test bench is in the horizontal line; use the concrete to fasten
the root bolt and let the air source connected to the inlet air
2) Oil inpouring:
Oil Tank(17). The oil volume cant be lower than the lowest limit of
3) Testing medium:
Water and kerosene are both ok. Make sure it is clean and wont
rust the tested valve and meets the requirement of the test. When
you use water as the test medium, add a rust inhibitor (sodium
to rust the water pipeline and the tested valve. Make sure it is clean
and wont rust the tested valve and meets the requirement of the
test. Test medium amount not less than the liquid lowest level.
Plug in, turn on the machine. Push button Oil Pump Start, check
pump to 5.0Mpa(50Bar), (by Adjusting pressure valve Y-25B)check
abnormality please stop the machine and eliminate it. Please touch
5) Pressure adjustment:
When testing the valves, firstly according to the tested valve size
pump pressure. When you find the left and right clamping pressure
Pour the water in the high and low pressure water pump before you
use it, and then open the pump till the water comes out normally, if
there is some noisy from the high pressure pump, it is normal ( The
high pressure water pump pressure is in direct ratio to the oil pump
pressure). When the pump is pouring water to the tested valves,
the operator CAN NOT leaves the test bench, in case the function
7) Pressure Gauge
The range of the pressure gauge should not less the 1.5 times of
the testing pressure, the accuracy degree should not less 1.5
When testing cast iron valves, dont use hammer to hit , the
the damage of the valves. Release all pressure inside of the valve
oil tank, replace the oil after 3 months of first time using the test
bench, and after that you should clean and replace it at least once a
year ( Depends on the detailed condition), the oil should not below
the oil limitation indicator , the temperature of the oil tank should not
above 55 Degree C.
The test bench working plate should keep clean, there shall be no
dirty between the tested valve ends/flanges and seal plates. The
zero when the water pressure black needle drops across the green
Set the pressure hold time, when the pressure reaches the test
pressure, pressing the start button to start timing; when reach the
13) Attention:
When testing pressure over 50 bar, the low pressure pump water
When the testing pressure over the pressure gauge max range,
v. Main Technical Parameters and Specifications
Model: VTB-H300
vii. Valve Test Bench Operation Manual
Before any operating, make sure the oil pump is under working and
open the pressure relief switches if test bench need working over
one hour.
you stop touch this button the cylinder is also moving, only you
touch the button of cylinder release so that the cylinder will stop,
and for the cylinder release button, if you touch it, the cylinder will
Move the moveable span to the suitable place of the face to face of
the tested valves, and make sure the center of the valve and the
seal plates are matching and then touch the button Cylinder
after loading the valve, you can do the body shell test.
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2) The performance test
Test 2 below valves dont need to open the low pressure pump,
use the air driven high pressure pump to perform the testing directly,
according the pressure holding time adjust the time relay in the
A: Shell test
pressure relief valve, shut the air inlet valve, right pressure relief
3. Touch the low pressure pump start to start the pump. Check if
there is any water coming out, shut the pressure relief valve
air driven pump switch, the air driven high pressure pump start
to work
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required pressure, shut the air driven high pressure pump
B: Seal test
1. Slowly open the pressure relied valve and make sure the
2. Open the left side pressure relief valve empty the left side
5. After qualification, open the left side pressure relief valve, right
valve, touch the relax button, unload the valve and finish the
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viii. Water-Vapor Schematic
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ix. Hydraulic Schematic
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x. Electrical Circuit Schematic
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xi. Common Fault Diagnosis and Solution
Phenomenon Failure Reason Solution
1. Air enters to the hydraulic system, the 1. Loose joints of the cylinder and exhaust
cylinder sometimes run and sometimes the air
Cylinder Creeping
Hydraulic System
2.Control the pressure, and the oil 2. Increase the pressure of the control
pressure is too low pressure oil
3.Control oil tube blocked 3. Get through the control oil pipeline
Cylinder Doesnt Work
2. Damage of the valve core of check 2. Grinding and replace
Pressurized Cylinder
3. Spring distorting of the check valve 3. Check and clean
4. Oil leakage at the jointing parts 4. Check and replace the O rings
1. Dirt in the solenoid reversing valve 1. Check and clean
Pressure not
sealing components
3. Damage of the cone of pressurized 3. Grind, clean and replace
adjust valve
4. Damage of pressurized control buttons 4. Replace
1. Wrong rotating direction of the motor 1. Change the power wire, and correct the
and no oil sucked
No Pressure
Oil Pump
( water)
2. Oil lever is too low, oil cannot be sucked 2. Examine the oil in the cylinder
regularly, and add oil to the standard line
3.Viscosity of oil is too high cause the 3. Change to low viscosity (Equivalent to
infeasible movements of the impeller ISOVG46,56,68 oil)
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4.Failure of the pressure gauge or get
4. Measure, clean and replace
blocked, cant indicate the pressure
Low pressure Water 1. Wrong direction of the rotating of the 1. Change the power wire, and correct the
motor direction (clockwise)
2. Water lever is to low, screw is loosen 2. Check timely, add water and fasten the
3. There is air in the water pump 3. Pour water in the water pump
4. Water outlet check valve is blocked 4. Clean and check
5. Electric or low pressure pump is burnt 5. Repair and replace
1. Water lever is to low, screw is loosen 1.Check timely , add water and fasten the
2. Water sucking ( water outlet) check 2. Clean, Repair and replace
High Pressure Pump
2.Burrs and dirt in the valve core 2. Check, Repair ,Grind, and clean
3.Damping hole blocked 3.Get through the damping hole and clean
4.Bad contact of cone valve, and valve 4.Repair or replace the cone valve
5.The space between the valve disc and 5. Replace the valve disc, adjust the
body is too big space
1. There is air in the oil sucking tube, The 1. Check ,Fasten ,Grind, Clean, or replace
oil filter is blocked
Oil Pump
2. Oil in the oil tank is not enough, air 2. Add hydraulic oil, As per standard lines
Severe noise and shake
3. Oil pump long time working, the stator 3. Repair the impeller, repair the parts by
and impeller wears . grinding,
1. The spring of the bleed valve is 1. Check and replace the spring
distorted, cannot reset
Bleed Valve
2. Damping hole in the valve core blocked 2. Use o1mm steel thread get through
by dirt the valve damping hole and clean it
3. The viscosity of the oil is too high 3. Decrease the viscosity of the oil
4. Resonance with others, impact with the 4. Separate the longer tubes
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xii. Hydraulic Devices Maintenance
Method of Status
Checked Checked Examination Time/
Type of the
Parts Items Measuring Period Run Stop
Motor The insulation
Controllin resistance
As per
g Measure by between the
Electric Electric Insulation 500volt 1/Year ground wires
megohm should be
Electric higher than
Oil Check the oil Within the
Volume indication line standard
Hydraulic Oil Temp. Temp.Meter 1/Day 20~55
Cylinder As per
Clean 1/3Mo
Degree nths
Pressure Min.tolerance when Big
Measure Measure 1/Year
gauge within 1/2 tolerance
or damage
Working No abnormal Check and
Hear by ears 1/Year
Sound sound repair
Abrasion No abrasion Replace
Check the
of 1/Year of the end when
Solenoid appearance
the lifter surface abrasion
Hydraulic Valve
Connect the
Fix the
lifter, body, 1/3 No loosen of
Screw loosen
screw loosen Month the parts
and drop
Working Check 1/3 As per Check and
Condition reliable Month Design repair
Check and
Outside 1/3
Hydraulic No leakage replace the
Leakage Month
Cylinder Sealing
As per Oil Check and
Inside Leakage of 1/3
Cylinder replace the
Leakage piston seal Month
Movement sealing
Outside Visual and 1/3
Soft No Damage Replace
damage touch Month
Oil Visual and 1/3 No Oil Oil
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Leakage touch Month Leakage leakage,
repair the
O ring s
Visual 1/3 No Distort Correct it
Month on time
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1. Connecting joint 2. O ring 3. Oil outlet Body 4.Oil outlet core 5.
disassemble the water inlet one-way valve and water outlet check
valve, cleaning them in the diesel oil. If they were damaged badly,
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should replace them.
one-way valve, clean the spring, stem, core of the oil outlet valve,
E. Water tank sealing ring used in the dirt medium will shorten the
service life and cause the water outlet pressure unable to increase.
Website: www.valvetestbench.com
Email: sale@valvetestbench.com
Phone:+86 15058707868
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