Kaeser Process Map

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SIGMA CONTROL 2 Process Map v 1.4.0 Table 1.

1. Compressor ==>>>> Master Controller

Table 1.1 : Alarms 3 depends on use of the function at SC 2

** Modbus: Please see paragraph "Sigma Control 2 Modbus" at page 3 2.x depends on model type or options, see table 3
* Summary of SC2 messages 1 always
Sigma Control 2 SAM
JSON-RPC Profibus/-net Modbus** DeviceNet Send/Receive Message Description / possible cause

Input Holding
BDSnd S7 S5 Protocol Input Protocol Holding S5 S7
DBX DW address Register address Register Bit Register Bit DW DBX ID Text (SC2 Display, except *)

xAM1 1.0 0 21 30022 277 40278 0 0 0 32 65.0 0001 Direction of rotation 1 The compressor drive motor is turning in the wrong direction.

xAM2 1.1 0 21 30022 277 40278 1 0 1 32 65.1 0002 Motor T 2.8 Compressor drive motor overheated. (PTC or PT100)

TV inspection: The activating pressure of the pressure relief valve on

xAM3 1.2 0 21 30022 277 40278 2 0 2 32 65.2 0003 pRV 1
the oil separator tank has been exceeded.

xAM4 1.3 0 21 30022 277 40278 3 0 3 32 65.3 0004 EMERGENCY STOP 1 EMERGENCY STOP control device actuated.

xAM5 1.4 0 21 30022 277 40278 4 0 4 32 65.4 0005 Oil separator T 2.4 Maximum air temperature at the oil separator tank outlet is exceeded.

xAM6 1.5 0 21 30022 277 40278 5 0 5 32 65.5 free

xAM7 1.6 0 21 30022 277 40278 6 0 6 32 65.6 0007 Mains monitor 2.O Power supply fault (separate network monitoring module)

xAM8 1.7 0 21 30022 277 40278 7 0 7 32 65.7 0008 Diagnostics group alarm 1 A diagnostic alarm occurred.

Permissible internal temperature for SIGMA CONTROL 2 MCS or IOM

xAM9 0.0 0 21 30022 277 40278 8 1 0 32 64.0 * Sigma Control T 1
The activating pressure of the pressure relief valve on the oil separator
xAM10 0.1 0 21 30022 277 40278 9 1 1 32 64.1 0010 Blow-off protection 2.1
tank has been exceeded.
Oil-/air cooler fan
xAM11 0.2 0 21 30022 277 40278 10 1 2 32 64.2 * 2.9 Group alarm oil-/air cooler fan (overload, FC alarm)
Group alarm

xAM12 0.3 0 21 30022 277 40278 11 1 3 32 64.3 0012 Access doors 2.21 Door open / interlocked panel removed while the machine is running.

xAM13 0.4 0 21 30022 277 40278 12 1 4 32 64.4 0013 Compressor motor overload 1 Overload shut-down of the compressor drive motor.

Air cooler - Fan

xAM14 0.5 0 21 30022 277 40278 13 1 5 32 64.5 0016 2.11 Overload shut-down of the air cooler fan motor.

xAM15 0.6 0 21 30022 277 40278 14 1 6 32 64.6 0015 ADT 1 Maximum permissible airend discharge temperature (ADT) exceeded.

0014 Oil cooler fan

xAM16 0.7 0 21 30022 277 40278 15 1 7 32 64.7 2.10 Group alarm oil cooler fan (overload, FC alarm)
* Group alarm

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SIGMA CONTROL 2 Process Map v 1.4.0 Table 1.1
1. Compressor ==>>>> Master Controller

Table 1.1 : Alarms 3 depends on use of the function at SC 2

** Modbus: Please see paragraph "Sigma Control 2 Modbus" at page 3 2.x depends on model type or options, see table 3
* Summary of SC2 messages 1 always
Sigma Control 2 SAM
JSON-RPC Profibus/-net Modbus** DeviceNet Send/Receive Message Description / possible cause

Input Holding
BDSnd S7 S5 Protocol Input Protocol Holding S5 S7
DBX DW address Register address Register Bit Register Bit DW DBX ID Text (SC2 Display, except *)
Maximum permissible airend discharge temperature (ADT) exceeded -
xAM17 3.0 1 22 30023 278 40279 0 2 0 33 67.0 0017 Safety shutdown ADT 1
safety shutdown.

xAM18 3.1 1 22 30023 278 40279 1 2 1 33 67.1 0018 Interior fan Overcurrent 2.12 Overload shut-down of the interior fan motor.

xAM19 3.2 1 22 30023 278 40279 2 2 2 33 67.2 0019 Internal pressure pi 2.1 Internal pressure too low in idle mode.

xAM20 3.3 1 22 30023 278 40279 3 2 3 33 67.3 free

xAM21 3.4 1 22 30023 278 40279 4 2 4 33 67.4 0021 Refrigeration dryer T 2.T Refrigeration dryer: Compressed air temperature too low.

xAM22 3.5 1 22 30023 278 40279 5 2 5 33 67.5 0022 Oil separator dp 2.1 Oil separator cartridge clogged.

xAM23 3.6 1 22 30023 278 40279 6 2 6 33 67.6 free berhitzung der Motorlager im Kompressormotor.

xAM24 3.7 1 22 30023 278 40279 7 2 7 33 67.7 free Khlwasserdruck zu gering.

xAM25 2.0 1 22 30023 278 40279 8 3 0 33 66.0 * First IOM - Group alarm 1 Fault in IOM itself

xAM26 2.1 1 22 30023 278 40279 9 3 1 33 66.1 * Second IOM - Group alarm 2.6 Fault in IOM itself

xAM27 2.2 1 22 30023 278 40279 10 3 2 33 66.2 free

xAM28 2.3 1 22 30023 278 40279 11 3 3 33 66.3 free

xAM29 2.4 1 22 30023 278 40279 12 3 4 33 66.4 * Third IOM - Group alarm 2.C Fault in IOM itself

xAM30 2.5 1 22 30023 278 40279 13 3 5 33 66.5 * Fourth IOM - Group alarm 2.C Fault in IOM itself

xAM31 2.6 1 22 30023 278 40279 14 3 6 33 66.6 free

xAM32 2.7 1 22 30023 278 40279 15 3 7 33 66.7 free

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SIGMA CONTROL 2 Process Map v 1.4.0 Table 1.1
1. Compressor ==>>>> Master Controller

Table 1.1 : Alarms 3 depends on use of the function at SC 2

** Modbus: Please see paragraph "Sigma Control 2 Modbus" at page 3 2.x depends on model type or options, see table 3
* Summary of SC2 messages 1 always
Sigma Control 2 SAM
JSON-RPC Profibus/-net Modbus** DeviceNet Send/Receive Message Description / possible cause

Input Holding
BDSnd S7 S5 Protocol Input Protocol Holding S5 S7
DBX DW address Register address Register Bit Register Bit DW DBX ID Text (SC2 Display, except *)

xAM33 5.0 2 23 30024 279 40280 0 4 0 34 69.0 0033 Oil pressure 2.V Vaccum: Oil pressure is too low

Mains-/Delta-/Redundancy Mains contactor, delta contactor or redundancy contactor does not

xAM34 5.1 2 23 30024 279 40280 1 4 1 34 69.1 * 1
contactor on? close.

xAM35 5.2 2 23 30024 279 40280 2 4 2 34 69.2 0035 Cabinet fan I 2.13 Overload shut-down of the control cabinet fan motor.

xAM36 5.3 2 23 30024 279 40280 3 4 3 34 69.3 * Fifth IOM - Group alarm 2.C Fault in IOM itself

xAM37 5.4 2 23 30024 279 40280 4 4 4 34 69.4 * Sixth IOM - Group alarm 2.C Fault in IOM itself

xAM38 5.5 2 23 30024 279 40280 5 4 5 34 69.5 0038 PD temperature 2.3 Pressure discharge temperature too low.

xAM39 5.6 2 23 30024 279 40280 6 4 6 34 69.6 0039 PD temperature 2.3 Pressure discharge temperature too high.

Mains-/Delta-/Redundancy Mains contactor, delta contactor or redundancy contactor does not

xAM40 5.7 2 23 30024 279 40280 7 4 7 34 69.7 * 1
contactor off? open.

xAM41 4.0 2 23 30024 279 40280 8 5 0 34 68.0 0041 Mains voltage 1 Second power failure.

Back pressure in the oil separator tank caused by defective venting.

xAM42 4.1 2 23 30024 279 40280 9 5 1 34 68.1 0042 Back pressure stop 1
(stop = Motor off)

xAM43 4.2 2 23 30024 279 40280 10 5 2 34 68.2 0043 ADT rise dT/dt 1 The rate of rise of the airend discharge temperature (ADT) is too fast.

The machine does not produce compressed air. The working pressure
xAM44 4.3 2 23 30024 279 40280 11 5 3 34 68.3 0044 No pressure buildup 2.1
does not rise above 3.5 bar / 51 psi within the preset period.

xAM45 4.4 2 23 30024 279 40280 12 5 4 34 68.4 free

Compressor motor FC
xAM46 4.5 2 23 30024 279 40280 13 5 5 34 68.5 * 2.F Fault in frequency converter for compressor motor
Group alarm

xAM47 4.6 2 23 30024 279 40280 14 5 6 34 68.6 * USS bus communication error 2.F RS485-FC: USS bus communication error

xAM48 4.7 2 23 30024 279 40280 15 5 7 34 68.7 * High-voltage cell 2.C Fault in the high voltage cell.

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SIGMA CONTROL 2 Process Map v 1.4.0 Table 1.1
1. Compressor ==>>>> Master Controller

Table 1.1 : Alarms 3 depends on use of the function at SC 2

** Modbus: Please see paragraph "Sigma Control 2 Modbus" at page 3 2.x depends on model type or options, see table 3
* Summary of SC2 messages 1 always
Sigma Control 2 SAM
JSON-RPC Profibus/-net Modbus** DeviceNet Send/Receive Message Description / possible cause

Input Holding
BDSnd S7 S5 Protocol Input Protocol Holding S5 S7
DBX DW address Register address Register Bit Register Bit DW DBX ID Text (SC2 Display, except *)

xAM49 7.0 3 24 30025 280 40281 0 6 0 35 71.0 free

Customer-provided power
xAM50 7.1 3 24 30025 280 40281 1 6 1 35 71.1 0050 2.C Fault in customer-provided power element

xAM51 7.2 3 24 30025 280 40281 2 6 2 35 71.2 0051 Aggregat A 2.14 HSD: Aggregate A alarm, blocking aggregate B.

xAM52 7.3 3 24 30025 280 40281 3 6 3 35 71.3 0052 Aggregat B 2.14 HSD: Aggregate B alarm, blocking aggregate A.

xAM53 7.4 3 24 30025 280 40281 4 6 4 35 71.4 free

xAM54 7.5 3 24 30025 280 40281 5 6 5 35 71.5 free

xAM55 7.6 3 24 30025 280 40281 6 6 6 35 71.6 free

xAM56 7.7 3 24 30025 280 40281 7 6 7 35 71.7 0056 RD condensate drain 2.T Refrigeration dryer: The condensate drain is defective.

xAM57 6.0 3 24 30025 280 40281 8 7 0 35 70.0 free Maschinentyp unklar

xAM58 6.1 3 24 30025 280 40281 9 7 1 35 70.1 0058 Condensate drain 2.15 The condensate drain is defective.

xAM59 6.2 3 24 30025 280 40281 10 7 2 35 70.2 0059 Back pressure run 1 Drive belt or coupling broken. (run = motor running)

xAM60 6.3 3 24 30025 280 40281 11 7 3 35 70.3 0060 Softstart 2.C Fault in the softstarter

xAM61 6.4 3 24 30025 280 40281 12 7 4 35 70.4 0061 Oil separator dT/dt 2.4 The rate of rise of the airend discharge temperature is too fast.

Refrigeration dryer: Pressure too high in the refrigerant circuit. Safety

xAM62 6.5 3 24 30025 280 40281 13 7 5 35 70.5 0062 Refrigeration dryer p 2.T
pressure switch tripped.
Refrigeration dryer: Refrigerant lost; pressure in the refrigerant circuit
xAM63 6.6 3 24 30025 280 40281 14 7 6 35 70.6 0063 Refrigeration dryer p 2.16
too low. Inlet pressure switched tripped.
Refrigeration dryer com- Refrigeration dryer: Motor temperature too high. Temperature switch
xAM64 6.7 3 24 30025 280 40281 15 7 7 35 70.7 0064 2.17
pressor motor temperature tripped.

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SIGMA CONTROL 2 Process Map v 1.4.0 Table 1.1
1. Compressor ==>>>> Master Controller

Table 1.1 : Alarms 3 depends on use of the function at SC 2

** Modbus: Please see paragraph "Sigma Control 2 Modbus" at page 3 2.x depends on model type or options, see table 3
* Summary of SC2 messages 1 always
Sigma Control 2 SAM
JSON-RPC Profibus/-net Modbus** DeviceNet Send/Receive Message Description / possible cause

Input Holding
BDSnd S7 S5 Protocol Input Protocol Holding S5 S7
DBX DW address Register address Register Bit Register Bit DW DBX ID Text (SC2 Display, except *)

xAM65 9.0 4 25 30026 281 40282 0 8 0 36 73.0 free

xAM66 9.1 4 25 30026 281 40282 1 8 1 36 73.1 free

SC2 <=> SC2 HSD without SFC: Ethernet communication with corresponding
xAM67 9.2 4 25 30026 281 40282 2 8 2 36 73.2 0067 2.14
communication error aggregat is interrupted.

xAM68 9.3 4 25 30026 281 40282 3 8 3 36 73.3 free

xAM69 9.4 4 25 30026 281 40282 4 8 4 36 73.4 free

xAM70 9.5 4 25 30026 281 40282 5 8 5 36 73.5 free

xAM71 9.6 4 25 30026 281 40282 6 8 6 36 73.6 free

xAM72 9.7 4 25 30026 281 40282 7 8 7 36 73.7 free

xAM73 8.0 4 25 30026 281 40282 8 9 0 36 72.0 0073 External message 1 3 External binary message 1

xAM74 8.1 4 25 30026 281 40282 9 9 1 36 72.1 0074 External message 2 3 External binary message 2

xAM75 8.2 4 25 30026 281 40282 10 9 2 36 72.2 0075 External message 3 3 External binary message 3

xAM76 8.3 4 25 30026 281 40282 11 9 3 36 72.3 0076 External message 4 3 External binary message 4

xAM77 8.4 4 25 30026 281 40282 12 9 4 36 72.4 0077 External message 5 3 External binary message 5

xAM78 8.5 4 25 30026 281 40282 13 9 5 36 72.5 0078 External message 6 3 External binary message 6

xAM79 8.6 4 25 30026 281 40282 14 9 6 36 72.6 0095 p-Switch pN 3 Adjustable pN-pressure switch

xAM80 8.7 4 25 30026 281 40282 15 9 7 36 72.7 0094 T-Switch ADT 3 Adjustable airend discharge temperature switch

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SIGMA CONTROL 2 Process Map v 1.4.0 Table 1.2
1. Compressor ==>>>> Master Controller

Table 1.2 : Warning Messages 3 depends on use of the function at SC 2

** Modbus: Please see paragraph "Sigma Control 2 Modbus" at page 3 2.x depends on model type or options, see table 3
* Summary of SC2 messages 1 always
Sigma Control 2 SAM
JSON-RPC Profibus/-net Modbus** DeviceNet Send/Receive Message Description / possible cause

Input Holding
BDSnd S7 S5 Protocol Input Protocol Holding S5 S7
DBX DW address Register address Register Bit Register Bit DW DBX ID Text (SC2 Display, except *)

xWM1 11.0 5 26 30027 282 40283 0 10 0 37 75.0 free

xWM2 11.1 5 26 30027 282 40283 1 10 1 37 75.1 0002 Motor T 2.8 Drive motor overheating. (PTC oder PT100)

xWM3 11.2 5 26 30027 282 40283 2 10 2 37 75.2 free

The pressure drop across the oil separator cartridge has risen. Oil
xWM4 11.3 5 26 30027 282 40283 3 10 3 37 75.3 0004 Oil separator dp 2.1
separator cartridge clogged.

xWM5 11.4 5 26 30027 282 40283 4 10 4 37 75.4 free

xWM6 11.5 5 26 30027 282 40283 5 10 5 37 75.5 free

xWM7 11.6 5 26 30027 282 40283 6 10 6 37 75.6 free Motorlager Drive motor bearing defective.

xWM8 11.7 5 26 30027 282 40283 7 10 7 37 75.7 0008 ADT 1 Maximum airend discharge temperature will soon be reached.

xWM9 10.0 5 26 30027 282 40283 8 11 0 37 74.0 free

xWM10 10.1 5 26 30027 282 40283 9 11 1 37 74.1 free Buffer battery Data retention battery is almost discharged.

xWM11 10.2 5 26 30027 282 40283 10 11 2 37 74.2 0011 Oilfilter dp 2.18 The pressure differential of the oil filter has risen. Oil filter clogged.

xWM12 10.3 5 26 30027 282 40283 11 11 3 37 74.3 free

xWM13 10.4 5 26 30027 282 40283 12 11 4 37 74.4 0013 Air filter dp 2.19 Air filter clogged.

xWM14 10.5 5 26 30027 282 40283 13 11 5 37 74.5 free

xWM15 10.6 5 26 30027 282 40283 14 11 6 37 74.6 0015 Bus alarm 1 The bus link from the Com-Modul interface is interrupted.

xWM16 10.7 5 26 30027 282 40283 15 11 7 37 74.7 free

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SIGMA CONTROL 2 Process Map v 1.4.0 Table 1.2
1. Compressor ==>>>> Master Controller

Table 1.2 : Warning Messages 3 depends on use of the function at SC 2

** Modbus: Please see paragraph "Sigma Control 2 Modbus" at page 3 2.x depends on model type or options, see table 3
* Summary of SC2 messages 1 always
Sigma Control 2 SAM
JSON-RPC Profibus/-net Modbus** DeviceNet Send/Receive Message Description / possible cause

Input Holding
BDSnd S7 S5 Protocol Input Protocol Holding S5 S7
DBX DW address Register address Register Bit Register Bit DW DBX ID Text (SC2 Display, except *)

xWM17 13.0 6 27 30028 283 40284 0 12 0 38 77.0 free

xWM18 13.1 6 27 30028 283 40284 1 12 1 38 77.1 free

xWM19 13.2 6 27 30028 283 40284 2 12 2 38 77.2 free

xWM20 13.3 6 27 30028 283 40284 3 12 3 38 77.3 free

xWM21 13.4 6 27 30028 283 40284 4 12 4 38 77.4 free

xWM22 13.5 6 27 30028 283 40284 5 12 5 38 77.5 free

xWM23 13.6 6 27 30028 283 40284 6 12 6 38 77.6 free

xWM24 13.7 6 27 30028 283 40284 7 12 7 38 77.7 0024 Mains contactor operations 1 Maximum switching operations of mains contactor exceeded.

xWM25 12.0 6 27 30028 283 40284 8 13 0 38 76.0 0025 Oil separator h 1 Oil separator cartridge: Maintenance interval has elapsed.

xWM26 12.1 6 27 30028 283 40284 9 13 1 38 76.1 0026 Oil change h 1 Cooling oil: Maintenance interval has elapsed.

xWM27 12.2 6 27 30028 283 40284 10 13 2 38 76.2 0027 Oil filter h 1 Oil filter: Maintenance interval has elapsed.

xWM28 12.3 6 27 30028 283 40284 11 13 3 38 76.3 0028 Air filter h 1 Air filter: Maintenance interval has elapsed.

xWM29 12.4 6 27 30028 283 40284 12 13 4 38 76.4 0029 Valve inspection h 1 Valves: Maintenance interval has elapsed.

xWM30 12.5 6 27 30028 283 40284 13 13 5 38 76.5 0030 Belt/coupling inspection h 1 Belt tension/coupling: Maintenance interval has elapsed.

xWM31 12.6 6 27 30028 283 40284 14 13 6 38 76.6 0031 Motor bearings h 1 Motor bearing of compressor motor: Maintenance interval has elapsed.

Electric components and installation: Maintenance interval has

xWM32 12.7 6 27 30028 283 40284 15 13 7 38 76.7 0032 Electrical equipment h 1

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SIGMA CONTROL 2 Process Map v 1.4.0 Table 1.2
1. Compressor ==>>>> Master Controller

Table 1.2 : Warning Messages 3 depends on use of the function at SC 2

** Modbus: Please see paragraph "Sigma Control 2 Modbus" at page 3 2.x depends on model type or options, see table 3
* Summary of SC2 messages 1 always
Sigma Control 2 SAM
JSON-RPC Profibus/-net Modbus** DeviceNet Send/Receive Message Description / possible cause

Input Holding
BDSnd S7 S5 Protocol Input Protocol Holding S5 S7
DBX DW address Register address Register Bit Register Bit DW DBX ID Text (SC2 Display, except *)

xWM33 15.0 7 28 30029 284 40285 0 14 0 39 79.0 0033 Fan bearings h 2.20 Motor bearing of fan motors: Maintenance interval has elapsed.

xWM34 15.1 7 28 30029 284 40285 1 14 1 39 79.1 0034 PD temperature 2.3 Pressure discharge temperature low.

xWM35 15.2 7 28 30029 284 40285 2 14 2 39 79.2 0035 PD temperature 2.3 Pressure discharge temperature high.

The permissible number of motor starts was exceeded in the last 60

xWM36 15.3 7 28 30029 284 40285 3 14 3 39 79.3 0036 Motor starts /h 1
The permissible number of motor starts was exceeded in the last 24
xWM37 15.4 7 28 30029 284 40285 4 14 4 39 79.4 0037 Motor starts /d 1

xWM38 15.5 7 28 30029 284 40285 5 14 5 39 79.5 0038 Blow-off protection 2.1 The pressure relief valve's activating pressure will soon be reached.

xWM39 15.6 7 28 30029 284 40285 6 14 6 39 79.6 free

xWM40 15.7 7 28 30029 284 40285 7 14 7 39 79.7 free

xWM41 14.0 7 28 30029 284 40285 8 15 0 39 78.0 0041 Mains voltage 1 First power failure: The machine is automatically restarted.

xWM42 14.1 7 28 30029 284 40285 9 15 1 39 78.1 free

Ambiguous external load signal: Increased cut-out pressure exceeded.

xWM43 14.2 7 28 30029 284 40285 10 15 2 39 78.2 0043 External load signal? 3
The external load control has not switched to idle (off load).

xWM44 14.3 7 28 30029 284 40285 11 15 3 39 78.3 0044 Oil T 2.C Cooling oil temperature too low.

xWM45 14.4 7 28 30029 284 40285 12 15 4 39 78.4 0045 DO test active 3 The DO test is active

Network pressure has fallen below the set 'low' value. Air consumption
xWM46 14.5 7 28 30029 284 40285 13 15 5 39 78.5 0046 System pressure 3
too high.

xWM47 14.6 7 28 30029 284 40285 14 15 6 39 78.6 0047 No pressure buildup 2.1 The compressor cannot build-up to working pressure.

xWM48 14.7 7 28 30029 284 40285 15 15 7 39 78.7 0048 Bearing lube h 1 Re-grease the motor bearings. Maintenance interval has elapsed.

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SIGMA CONTROL 2 Process Map v 1.4.0 Table 1.2
1. Compressor ==>>>> Master Controller

Table 1.2 : Warning Messages 3 depends on use of the function at SC 2

** Modbus: Please see paragraph "Sigma Control 2 Modbus" at page 3 2.x depends on model type or options, see table 3
* Summary of SC2 messages 1 always
Sigma Control 2 SAM
JSON-RPC Profibus/-net Modbus** DeviceNet Send/Receive Message Description / possible cause

Input Holding
BDSnd S7 S5 Protocol Input Protocol Holding S5 S7
DBX DW address Register address Register Bit Register Bit DW DBX ID Text (SC2 Display, except *)

xWM49 17.0 8 29 30030 285 40286 0 16 0 40 81.0 0049 Annual maintenance 1 Appears one year after last maintenance.

xWM50 17.1 8 29 30030 285 40286 1 16 1 40 81.1 free

Double aggregate emergency

xWM51 17.2 8 29 30030 285 40286 2 16 2 40 81.2 0051 2.14 HSD: Aggregate is in single run mode.

xWM52 17.3 8 29 30030 285 40286 3 16 3 40 81.3 free

xWM53 17.4 8 29 30030 285 40286 4 16 4 40 81.4 free

xWM54 17.5 8 29 30030 285 40286 5 16 5 40 81.5 free

xWM55 17.6 8 29 30030 285 40286 6 16 6 40 81.6 free

xWM56 17.7 8 29 30030 285 40286 7 16 7 40 81.7 free

xWM57 16.0 8 29 30030 285 40286 8 17 0 40 80.0 free

SC2 <=> SC2 Communication

xWM58 16.1 8 29 30030 285 40286 9 17 1 40 80.1 0058 2.14 SC2 to SC2 communication is interrupted.
The airend temperature is too low (<10C / 14F) for the machine to
xWM59 16.2 8 29 30030 285 40286 10 17 2 40 80.2 0059 Start T 1
be operated.

xWM60 16.3 8 29 30030 285 40286 11 17 3 40 80.3 0060 Start T 1 The airend temperature is too low (<+2C / 36F).

Compressor temperature (ADT or OST) did not reach the minimum

xWM61 16.4 8 29 30030 285 40286 12 17 4 40 80.4 0061 Compressor T 1
required value during operation.
Compressor motor FC Service Service mode of frequency converter is active. FC is connected
xWM62 16.5 8 29 30030 285 40286 13 17 5 40 80.5 * 2.F
mode active constantly to mains via mains contactor Q1.
Compressor motor FC test
xWM63 16.6 8 29 30030 285 40286 14 17 6 40 80.6 0063 2.F Test of "Safe Torque off" shut down at frequency converter.
shut-off required
0212 Compressor motor FC
xWM64 16.7 8 29 30030 285 40286 15 17 7 40 80.7 2.F Fault at AI0 (Sinamics) or AI1 (Masterdrive) of the frequency converter
0232 error AI

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SIGMA CONTROL 2 Process Map v 1.4.0 Table 1.2
1. Compressor ==>>>> Master Controller

Table 1.2 : Warning Messages 3 depends on use of the function at SC 2

** Modbus: Please see paragraph "Sigma Control 2 Modbus" at page 3 2.x depends on model type or options, see table 3
* Summary of SC2 messages 1 always
Sigma Control 2 SAM
JSON-RPC Profibus/-net Modbus** DeviceNet Send/Receive Message Description / possible cause

Input Holding
BDSnd S7 S5 Protocol Input Protocol Holding S5 S7
DBX DW address Register address Register Bit Register Bit DW DBX ID Text (SC2 Display, except *)

xWM65 19.0 9 30 30031 286 40287 0 18 0 41 83.0 free

xWM66 19.1 9 30 30031 286 40287 1 18 1 41 83.1 0066 free Air filter dp Initial warning: Air filter clogged..

Vacuum: Network pressure has risen above the set 'high' value. Air
xWM67 19.2 9 30 30031 286 40287 2 18 2 41 83.2 0067 System pressure 2.V
suction too low.

xWM68 19.3 9 30 30031 286 40287 3 18 3 41 83.3 0068 Condensate drain 2.15 The condensate drain is defective.

Error operation without RD Error operation without refrigeration dryer is activ. The compressor is
xWM69 19.4 9 30 30031 286 40287 4 18 4 41 83.4 0069 2.T
Call service! running without dryer for a certain time.

xWM70 19.5 9 30 30031 286 40287 5 18 5 41 83.5 0070 Refrigeration dryer T 2.T Refrigeration dryer: Compressed air temperature too high.

xWM71 19.6 9 30 30031 286 40287 6 18 6 41 83.6 0071 Oil level 2.C Cooling oil level too low.

xWM72 19.7 9 30 30031 286 40287 7 18 7 41 83.7 0072 RD condensate drain 2.T Refrigeration dryer: The condensate drain is defective.

xWM73 18.0 9 30 30031 286 40287 8 19 0 41 82.0 0073 External message 1 3 External binary message 1

xWM74 18.1 9 30 30031 286 40287 9 19 1 41 82.1 0074 External message 2 3 External binary message 2

xWM75 18.2 9 30 30031 286 40287 10 19 2 41 82.2 0075 External message 3 3 External binary message 3

xWM76 18.3 9 30 30031 286 40287 11 19 3 41 82.3 0076 External message 4 3 External binary message 4

xWM77 18.4 9 30 30031 286 40287 12 19 4 41 82.4 0077 External message 5 3 External binary message 5

xWM78 18.5 9 30 30031 286 40287 13 19 5 41 82.5 0078 External message 6 3 External binary message 6

xWM79 18.6 9 30 30031 286 40287 14 19 6 41 82.6 0095 p-Switch pN 3 Adjustable pN-pressure switch

xWM80 18.7 9 30 30031 286 40287 15 19 7 41 82.7 0094 T-Switch ADT 3 Adjustable airend discharge temperature switch

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SIGMA CONTROL 2 Process Map v 1.4.0 Table 1.3
1. Compressor ==>>>> Master Controller

Table 1.3 : Operational messages 3 depends on use of the function at SC 2

** Modbus: Please see paragraph "Sigma Control 2 Modbus" at page 3 2.x depends on model type or options, see table 3
* Summary of SC2 messages 1 always
Sigma Control 2 SAM
JSON-RPC Profibus/-net Modbus** DeviceNet Send/Receive Message Description / possible cause

Input Holding
BDSnd S7 S5 Protocol Input Protocol Holding S5 S7
DBX DW address Register address Register Bit Register Bit DW DBX ID Text (SC2 Display, except *)

xOM1 21.0 10 31 30032 287 40288 0 20 0 42 85.0 free

xOM2 21.1 10 31 30032 287 40288 1 20 1 42 85.1 free

xOM3 21.2 10 31 30032 287 40288 2 20 2 42 85.2 free

xOM4 21.3 10 31 30032 287 40288 3 20 3 42 85.3 free

xOM5 21.4 10 31 30032 287 40288 4 20 4 42 85.4 free

xOM6 21.5 10 31 30032 287 40288 5 20 5 42 85.5 free

xOM7 21.6 10 31 30032 287 40288 6 20 6 42 85.6 free

xOM8 21.7 10 31 30032 287 40288 7 20 7 42 85.7 free

xOM9 20.0 10 31 30032 287 40288 8 21 0 42 84.0 free

xOM10 20.1 10 31 30032 287 40288 9 21 1 42 84.1 free

xOM11 20.2 10 31 30032 287 40288 10 21 2 42 84.2 0011 Cold start release 3 Cold start is enabled

xOM12 20.3 10 31 30032 287 40288 11 21 3 42 84.3 free

xOM13 20.4 10 31 30032 287 40288 12 21 4 42 84.4 free

xOM14 20.5 10 31 30032 287 40288 13 21 5 42 84.5 free

xOM15 20.6 10 31 30032 287 40288 14 21 6 42 84.6 free

xOM16 20.7 10 31 30032 287 40288 15 21 7 42 84.7 free

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SIGMA CONTROL 2 Process Map v 1.4.0 Table 1.3
1. Compressor ==>>>> Master Controller

Table 1.3 : Operational messages 3 depends on use of the function at SC 2

** Modbus: Please see paragraph "Sigma Control 2 Modbus" at page 3 2.x depends on model type or options, see table 3
* Summary of SC2 messages 1 always
Sigma Control 2 SAM
JSON-RPC Profibus/-net Modbus** DeviceNet Send/Receive Message Description / possible cause

Input Holding
BDSnd S7 S5 Protocol Input Protocol Holding S5 S7
DBX DW address Register address Register Bit Register Bit DW DBX ID Text (SC2 Display, except *)

xOM17 23.0 11 32 30033 288 40289 0 22 0 43 87.0 0073 External message 1 3 External binary message 1

xOM18 23.1 11 32 30033 288 40289 1 22 1 43 87.1 0074 External message 2 3 External binary message 2

xOM19 23.2 11 32 30033 288 40289 2 22 2 43 87.2 0075 External message 3 3 External binary message 3

xOM20 23.3 11 32 30033 288 40289 3 22 3 43 87.3 0076 External message 4 3 External binary message 4

xOM21 23.4 11 32 30033 288 40289 4 22 4 43 87.4 0077 External message 5 3 External binary message 5

xOM22 23.5 11 32 30033 288 40289 5 22 5 43 87.5 0078 External message 6 3 External binary message 6

xOM23 23.6 11 32 30033 288 40289 6 22 6 43 87.6 0095 p-Switch pN 3 Adjustable pN-pressure switch

xOM24 23.7 11 32 30033 288 40289 7 22 7 43 87.7 0094 T-Switch ADT 3 Adjustable airend discharge temperature switch

xOM25 22.0 11 32 30033 288 40289 8 23 0 43 86.0 free

xOM26 22.1 11 32 30033 288 40289 9 23 1 43 86.1 free

xOM27 22.2 11 32 30033 288 40289 10 23 2 43 86.2 0027 Power OFF ON 1 It is necessary to switch power supply of SC2 off and on.

Control mode DYNAMIC: The temperature of the compressor motor is

xOM28 22.3 11 32 30033 288 40289 11 23 3 43 86.3 0028 Dynamic motor T 2.5
too high.

xOM29 22.4 11 32 30033 288 40289 12 23 4 43 86.4 free

xOM30 22.5 11 32 30033 288 40289 13 23 5 43 86.5 0030 Voltage restored 1 SC2 has been feed with supply voltage.

xOM31 22.6 11 32 30033 288 40289 14 23 6 43 86.6 free

xOM32 22.7 11 32 30033 288 40289 15 23 7 43 86.7 free

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SIGMA CONTROL 2 Process Map v 1.4.0 Table 1.3
1. Compressor ==>>>> Master Controller

Table 1.3 : Operational messages 3 depends on use of the function at SC 2

** Modbus: Please see paragraph "Sigma Control 2 Modbus" at page 3 2.x depends on model type or options, see table 3
* Summary of SC2 messages 1 always
Sigma Control 2 SAM
JSON-RPC Profibus/-net Modbus** DeviceNet Send/Receive Message Description / possible cause

Input Holding
BDSnd S7 S5 Protocol Input Protocol Holding S5 S7
DBX DW address Register address Register Bit Register Bit DW DBX ID Text (SC2 Display, except *)

xOM33 25.0 12 33 30034 289 40290 0 24 0 44 89.0 0033 Machine report 3 Life sign has been sent.

xOM34 25.1 12 33 30034 289 40290 1 24 1 44 89.1 free

xOM35 25.2 12 33 30034 289 40290 2 24 2 44 89.2 free

xOM36 25.3 12 33 30034 289 40290 3 24 3 44 89.3 free

xOM37 25.4 12 33 30034 289 40290 4 24 4 44 89.4 free

xOM38 25.5 12 33 30034 289 40290 5 24 5 44 89.5 free

xOM39 25.6 12 33 30034 289 40290 6 24 6 44 89.6 free

xOM40 25.7 12 33 30034 289 40290 7 24 7 44 89.7 * IOSlot Undervoltage error 1 Undervoltage error at at least one IOM.

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SIGMA CONTROL 2 Process Map v 1.4.0 Table 1.4
1. Compressor ==>>>> Master Controller

Table 1.4 : Binary Signals 3 depends on use of the function

2.x see table 3
** Modbus: Please see paragraph "Sigma Control 2 Modbus" at page 3 1 always
Sigma Control 2 SAM
JSON-RPC Profibus/-net Modbus** DeviceNet Send/Receive Description Signal

Input Holding
BDSnd S7 S5 Protocol Input Protocol Holding S5 S7
DBX DW address Register address Register Bit Register Bit DW DBX "1" "0"

xBS0 27.0 13 34 30035 290 40291 0 26 0 45 91.0 Controller on (LED at key "I" on) + Remote on + Bus (Receive) 1 yes no

xBS1 27.1 13 34 30035 290 40291 1 26 1 45 91.1 Motor running 1 yes no

xBS2 27.2 13 34 30035 290 40291 2 26 2 45 91.2 Load run 1 yes no

xBS3 27.3 13 34 30035 290 40291 3 26 3 45 91.3 Idle 1 yes no

xBS4 27.4 13 34 30035 290 40291 4 26 4 45 91.4 Local mode (LED at key "Remote" off) 1 yes no

xBS5 27.5 13 34 30035 290 40291 5 26 5 45 91.5 Controller on (LED at key "I" on) 1 yes no

xBS6 27.6 13 34 30035 290 40291 6 26 6 45 91.6 Group alarm 1 yes no

xBS7 27.7 13 34 30035 290 40291 7 26 7 45 91.7 Group warning 1 yes no

xBS8 26.0 13 34 30035 290 40291 8 27 0 45 90.0 Compressor ready for load 1 yes no

xBS9 26.1 13 34 30035 290 40291 9 27 1 45 90.1 Compressor ON (Motor is running or ready for operation) 1 yes no

xBS10 26.2 13 34 30035 290 40291 10 27 2 45 90.2

xBS11 26.3 13 34 30035 290 40291 11 27 3 45 90.3

xBS12 26.4 13 34 30035 290 40291 12 27 4 45 90.4

xBS13 26.5 13 34 30035 290 40291 13 27 5 45 90.5

xBS14 26.6 13 34 30035 290 40291 14 27 6 45 90.6

xBS15 26.7 13 34 30035 290 40291 15 27 7 45 90.7

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SIGMA CONTROL 2 Process Map v 1.4.0 Table 1.4
1. Compressor ==>>>> Master Controller

Table 1.4 : Binary Signals 3 depends on use of the function

2.x see table 3
** Modbus: Please see paragraph "Sigma Control 2 Modbus" at page 3 1 always
Sigma Control 2 SAM
JSON-RPC Profibus/-net Modbus** DeviceNet Send/Receive Description Signal

Input Holding
BDSnd S7 S5 Protocol Input Protocol Holding S5 S7
DBX DW address Register address Register Bit Register Bit DW DBX "1" "0"

xBS16 29.0 14 35 30036 291 40292 0 28 0 46 93.0 Mode compressor ON from "I" key only is active 3 yes no

xBS17 29.1 14 35 30036 291 40292 1 28 1 46 93.1 Mode compressor ON from "I" key and clock is active 3 yes no

xBS18 29.2 14 35 30036 291 40292 2 28 2 46 93.2

xBS19 29.3 14 35 30036 291 40292 3 28 3 46 93.3

xBS20 29.4 14 35 30036 291 40292 4 28 4 46 93.4 Mode compressor ON from "I" key and external contact is active 3 yes no

xBS21 29.5 14 35 30036 291 40292 5 28 5 46 93.5 Mode compressor ON from "I" key and clock or external contact is active 3 yes no

xBS22 29.6 14 35 30036 291 40292 6 28 6 46 93.6 Mode compressor ON from "I" key and bus master is active 3 yes no

xBS23 29.7 14 35 30036 291 40292 7 28 7 46 93.7 Mode compressor ON (xBS16..xBS22) set from 3 bus master local

xBS24 28.0 14 35 30036 291 40292 8 29 0 46 92.0 DUAL control mode is active 3 yes no

xBS25 28.1 14 35 30036 291 40292 9 29 1 46 92.1 QUADRO control mode is active 3 yes no

xBS26 28.2 14 35 30036 291 40292 10 29 2 46 92.2 VARIO control mode is active 3 yes no

xBS27 28.3 14 35 30036 291 40292 11 29 3 46 92.3 DYNAMIC control mode is active 2.5 yes no

xBS28 28.4 14 35 30036 291 40292 12 29 4 46 92.4 Continuous control mode is active 3 yes no

xBS29 28.5 14 35 30036 291 40292 13 29 5 46 92.5

xBS30 28.6 14 35 30036 291 40292 14 29 6 46 92.6

xBS31 28.7 14 35 30036 291 40292 15 29 7 46 92.7 Control mode (xBS24 - xBS28) set from 3 bus master local

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SIGMA CONTROL 2 Process Map v 1.4.0 Table 1.4
1. Compressor ==>>>> Master Controller

Table 1.4 : Binary Signals 3 depends on use of the function

2.x see table 3
** Modbus: Please see paragraph "Sigma Control 2 Modbus" at page 3 1 always
Sigma Control 2 SAM
JSON-RPC Profibus/-net Modbus** DeviceNet Send/Receive Description Signal

Input Holding
BDSnd S7 S5 Protocol Input Protocol Holding S5 S7
DBX DW address Register address Register Bit Register Bit DW DBX "1" "0"

xBS32 31.0 15 36 30037 292 40293 0 30 0 47 95.0

xBS33 31.1 15 36 30037 292 40293 1 30 1 47 95.1

xBS34 31.2 15 36 30037 292 40293 2 30 2 47 95.2

xBS35 31.3 15 36 30037 292 40293 3 30 3 47 95.3

xBS36 31.4 15 36 30037 292 40293 4 30 4 47 95.4 Mode load-idle signal from external contact is active 3 yes no

xBS37 31.5 15 36 30037 292 40293 5 30 5 47 95.5

xBS38 31.6 15 36 30037 292 40293 6 30 6 47 95.6 Mode load-idle signal from bus master is active 3 yes no

xBS39 31.7 15 36 30037 292 40293 7 30 7 47 95.7 Mode load-idle signal (xBS32..xBS47) set from 3 bus master local

xBS40 30.0 15 36 30037 292 40293 8 31 0 47 94.0 Mode load-idle signal from pressure regualtor, pA permanent is active 3 yes no

xBS41 30.1 15 36 30037 292 40293 9 31 1 47 94.1 Mode load-idle signal from pressure regualtor, pB permanent is active 3 yes no

Mode load-idle signal from pressure regualtor, pA/pB change via clock is
xBS42 30.2 15 36 30037 292 40293 10 31 2 47 94.2 3 yes no
Mode load-idle signal from pressure regualtor, pA/pB change via timer is
xBS43 30.3 15 36 30037 292 40293 11 31 3 47 94.3 3 yes no

xBS44 30.4 15 36 30037 292 40293 12 31 4 47 94.4

Mode load-idle signal from pressure regualtor, pA/pB change via external
xBS45 30.5 15 36 30037 292 40293 13 31 5 47 94.5 3 yes no
contact is active
Mode load-idle signal from pressure regualtor, pA/pB change via SC2 master
xBS46 30.6 15 36 30037 292 40293 14 31 6 47 94.6 3 yes no
(Ethernet) is active
xBS47 30.7 15 36 30037 292 40293 15 31 7 47 94.7

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SIGMA CONTROL 2 Process Map v 1.4.0 Table 1.4
1. Compressor ==>>>> Master Controller

Table 1.4 : Binary Signals 3 depends on use of the function

2.x see table 3
** Modbus: Please see paragraph "Sigma Control 2 Modbus" at page 3 1 always
Sigma Control 2 SAM
JSON-RPC Profibus/-net Modbus** DeviceNet Send/Receive Description Signal

Input Holding
BDSnd S7 S5 Protocol Input Protocol Holding S5 S7
DBX DW address Register address Register Bit Register Bit DW DBX "1" "0"

xBS48 33.0 16 37 30038 293 40294 0 32 0 48 97.0

xBS49 33.1 16 37 30038 293 40294 1 32 1 48 97.1

xBS50 33.2 16 37 30038 293 40294 2 32 2 48 97.2

xBS51 33.3 16 37 30038 293 40294 3 32 3 48 97.3 Automatic restart after power on 1 activated deactivated

xBS52 33.4 16 37 30038 293 40294 4 32 4 48 97.4

xBS53 33.5 16 37 30038 293 40294 5 32 5 48 97.5

xBS54 33.6 16 37 30038 293 40294 6 32 6 48 97.6

xBS55 33.7 16 37 30038 293 40294 7 32 7 48 97.7 Message acknowledgement by bus master 1 activated deactivated

xBS56 32.0 16 37 30038 293 40294 8 33 0 48 96.0

xBS57 32.1 16 37 30038 293 40294 9 33 1 48 96.1

xBS58 32.2 16 37 30038 293 40294 10 33 2 48 96.2

xBS59 32.3 16 37 30038 293 40294 11 33 3 48 96.3

xBS60 32.4 16 37 30038 293 40294 12 33 4 48 96.4

xBS61 32.5 16 37 30038 293 40294 13 33 5 48 96.5

xBS62 32.6 16 37 30038 293 40294 14 33 6 48 96.6

xBS63 32.7 16 37 30038 293 40294 15 33 7 48 96.7

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