1672 6340 (2012) 01 0007 08 PDF
1672 6340 (2012) 01 0007 08 PDF
1672 6340 (2012) 01 0007 08 PDF
DOI 10.1007/s11768-012-8221-3
Abstract: A nonlinear repetitive controller is proposed. The new method is mainly composed of a repetitive control
part and a deadband relay. Whenever the input error goes beyond the range of the deadband relay, the control loop is driven
dominantly by the deadband relay to obtain fast dynamic response and meanwhile to avoid the saturation of the repetitive
control part. After the input error falls within the range of the deadband relay, the deadband relay automatically turns off
and the repetitive control alone governs the current control to eliminate the steady state error. A systematic methodology
is established and it is linked to the conventional control system design. The proposed scheme is practically applied to the
current control of active lter. Experimental results veried the feasibility of the proposed method.
Keywords: Nonlinear repetitive control; Active lter; Dynamic response
the controller and at the same time reinforce the stability of can be designed independently.
overall system. On the other hand, however, Kq (s) only al- 3.1 Design of the repetitive control part
lows the specied harmonics of input signal to pass, subject
The transfer function of the repetitive control part in
to the lter bandwidth, and inuence the steady-state char-
Fig. 1 can be written as
acteristics of the controller. The design of Kq (s) is nom-
inally made by achieving the tradeoff of tracking perfor- Grc (s) = , (1)
mance and system stability. 1 Kq (s)esT
The proposed nonlinear repetitive controller is shown in and where T represents the period of the input signal.
Fig. 1 (c) where Gl (s) is a lead compensator. This new Let K(s) be a predesigned controller such that the
method is mainly composed of a repetitive control part and closed-loop system So (s) = 1/(1 + Gp (s)) is internally
a deadband relay which is a relay with a deadband in the stable, and let Kq (s) = 1/(1 + q s) with Kq (s) = 1,
vicinity of zero input. Whenever the input error goes be- where denotes the H -norm of a stable transfer func-
yond the range of the deadband relay, the current control tion.
loop is driven dominantly by the deadband relay with a near- When the repetitive control part works alone, the closed-
maximum control output, and then obtains fast dynamic re- loop characteristic equation of Fig. 2 is given by
sponse, at the same time avoids the saturation of repetitive 1 + Gp (s) Kq (s)esT = 0. (2)
control part. After the input error falls within the range of
the deadband relay, the deadband relay automatically turns Let the regeneration spectrum is dened as
off and the repetitive control alone governs the control sys- R(w) := |Kq (jw)So (jw)| . (3)
tem to eliminate the steady state error.
By assumption, 1 + Gp (s) = 0 has no zero poles in the
right-half plane. If R(w) < 1 for all w, according to the
small gain theory, the closed-loop system in Fig. 2 without
the deadband controller is stable for T > 0.
Let So = Ms and |So (jws )| = 1 shown in Fig. 3.
Since Kq = 1, a condition to ensure R(w) < 1 is given
1 1
|Kq (jws )| = < . (4)
1 + jws q Ms
This characterizes a criterion on the stability for the de-
sign of Kq (s) since ws and Ms can be found from So (s) as
Gp (s) is given.
where iLfp iLfq and iLh are the real content, reactive content From the energy-balancing point of view, the required
and harmonic content of load current, respectively. supply current ir (t), which is generated by the outer volt-
The nonlinear load is full-wave diode rectier with C = age loop controller will be equal to the real content iLfp of
1500 F in parallel with R = 50 . The nominal AC mains load current, when the DC voltage uc (t) settles down and if
root-mean-square (RMS) voltage is 110 V and its nominal the current loop of active lter has zero steady-state [15] .
frequency is 50 Hz.
4.3 Controller design
The main circuit of the shunt active lter was built by a
full-bridge boost converter with IGBT (insulated gate bipo- From (11), if the DC bus voltage is assumed to be well
lar transistor) switches and a DC capacitor C = 470 F. regulated at UDC , the current dynamics can be approxi-
Although the bang-bang control will cause the variable to mated as
switch frequency, the settling time is short. Therefore, the LiF (t) + RiF (t) = 2UDC d(t) uc (t) us (t).
low-pass lter eliminating the switching frequency can be A block diagram representation of the current loop control
designed only considering the steady-state model. As the is shown in Fig. 7.
frequency of the triangle waveform used as the carrier sig-
nal is 20 kHz, the parameter of the low-pass lter is set as
L = 1 mH.
5 Experimental results
To verify the effectiveness of the proposed method, the
active lter shown in Fig. 5 with different controllers was
tested. Fig. 8 shows the dynamic performance of active l-
ter with a basic repetitive controller. Note that the settling
time took about 10 periods. Fig. 9 shows the dynamic per-
Fig. 6 Block diagram of the current and voltage control loops. formance of active lter with the proposed method. The set-
54 X. Tang et al. / J Control Theory Appl 2012 10 (1) 5055
tling time only took about 3 periods. Fig. 11 shows steady-state performance of active lter
with the traditional PI controller. The high order harmon-
ics had a certain extent been reduced and the current THD
was 9.7%. The power factor of the overall system was 0.91.
Fig. 12 shows steady-state performance of active lter with
the proposed method. There was clearly a signicant im-
provement in the power factor and the current THD. The
high order harmonics had clearly been reduced and the cur-
rent THD was 5.6%. The power factor of the overall system
was 0.98.
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