I. I Ntroduction

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Yair Amran. Fakhralden Huliehcl. and Shmucl (Sam) Ben-Yaakov. Member. IEEf.'

Abslracl-A !iimple. uni6ed. and Illpolll~y-independenl model they are basically composed of two separdte circuits:- onc
ctrbasic P\\'M convl'rler!i is developed usin~ Ihe s"ilcbed in- for the CCM and the other for the DCM.
ductor approach presenled in IiI. The model i!; cctmpatihle with In this paper we pro(X)se a simple unified circuit-ori-
SPIC..: or 01her similar ~eneral purpclSe ell'Ctrcmic circuit !iim-
ented model for PWM converters. which explore two
ulators. 11 clln he used to simulate dc. !;mall si~nal. and Iran-
sil'nt heha\'ior or PWM converlers operatin~ in both DCM (dis- basic ideas:
continuous conduclion mode) and CCM (f:onlinuous f:onduction I) Switched inductor modeling.
mctde). Durin~ simulation. the model automalically rollo\\"s the 2) Application of the fact that the CCM is a limit. or
CCM and DCM operation, ,,'ith re,,'er Convl'r~ence problems special case. of the DCM.
compared to previous simulation m(tdels. An effl'Ctive measure-
The accuracy and validity of the proposed simulation
menl lechnique usin~ Ihe HPJS62A dynamic si~nal analyzer
(DSA) is presented and applied 10 compare simulation runs "ith approach were tested by measuring the large and small
experimental data. The two \'ere round to he in Rood aRree- signal response of a boost converter with an HP3562A
nlenl. Dynamic Signal Analyzer (DSA) (14).


p WM DC-DC convcrtcrs are nonlinear systems witn a In this section. the SIM (switched inductor model) orig-
high switching rate as compared to their inherent time inally introduced in ( I) tor PWM converters operating in
constants. Hence, exact time domain simulation calls for CCM. is extended to describe both the CCM and the DCM
a heavy numerical computation which has to be carried conditions. Practical PWM converters consist of a linear
out for each switching cycle. This problem can be alle- part and a nonlinear part which include the PWM switch
viated by applying models which emulate the average be- or switches. Close examination of PWM converters (buck.
havior of such systems in the low frequency rclnge. Av- boost. buck-boost) reveals that they all rely on a nonlinear
eraging models were developed using two main subcircuit: a switched inductor. which serves as a tem-
porary energy storage element between the input and out-
approaches: Analytical averaging, particularly state-space
averaging [2] and "circuit-oriented" averaging methods put terminals (Fig. I ). Hence. modeling and simulation
of switch mode converters can be simplified if Ihe nonlin-
[I], [41-(9].
A common feature of the models that have been de- ear part is replaced by an equivalenl circuil that is com-
scribed hitherto is that each applies to a specific conduc- patible with generdl purposc simulators such as SPICE
tion mode. Hence, a severe limitation of these models is 110). The basic switch~d inductor assembly (Fig. 2(a
their inability to cope with 'real life' situations which are consists of an inductor that is switched at one end between
encountered, for example, when converters are subjected two terminals (8) and (C) at a frequency I. and a duty-
to large load changes or during tum-on transients. This ratio DON. for port (8). and DOFFfor port (C). where
limitation hampers the use of previous described models
by general purpose circuit simulators such as SPICE ( 10].
Circuit simulation can be based, in principle, on the state-
DOFF < 1 -DON for DCM.
space averaging method [11]-[12], on circuit-averclging
techniques or on PWM switch models (6]-[7). But pre- The equivalent circuit of the switched inductor is easily
vious models assume that the converters are in the CCM developed by considering the average signals of the ports
or in the DCM. Some authors have proposed (11]-(13) (A), (8). and (C) under the assumption that the switching
SPICE models which are capable of switching between period is much smaller than the basic time constants of
the CCM and DCM modes. However, these models are the converter system. Under these assumptions. the ter-
still topology dependent and are relatively complex since minal voltage of ports (8) and (C) do not change mark-
edly over a switching period. Hence. the average voltage
Manu!ICripl received April 1991 . across the inductor tem1inals for CCM and DCM can be
Thc authors are wilh Ihe Depanmcnl of Eleclrical and Compulcr Engi.
necring. Bcn.Gurion Univcr"ily ( Ihc Ncgcv. P.O. B()x 65-'. Becr Shcva. expressed by
VL = VC-.4DOFF + VB-ADoN (I)
IEEE LI)g Numbcr 9101954.

081\5-8993/91/1000-051\5$OI.()()lc) 1991 IEEE


(a) 1


~ '. v. .A I B"'\

A 1\,..0---
iL c

DCM and (b) which corresponds to the CCM (see Fig.

The USIM is developed in two steps as follows:
First Step: We develop the model for the DCM. In this
case. the inductor current wave form is described by the
solid curve of (Fig. 3(3. Ipt is in this case the peak in-
ductor current during the DCM operation. The relation-
1 ship between Ipt and IL (the average inductor current which
VI will always have the same polarity as 1,.,,) can be ex-
pressed as


Fig. 2. Switched inductor. (a) Hardware configuration. (b) Unified

Switched Inductor Model (USIM).

1.4 = IL

To derive the average currents through ports (A), (8),

and (C) we consider the various possibilities of the induc-
tor current waveforms (Fig. 3). Notice that Fig. 3 is nor-
malized to Ipk, the inductor current at the switching instant
from ON to OFF. In the general case, one can distinguish IpkDoFF T 1
Ic = = 2 1""DoFF
between types of operation: (a) which corresponds to the 2T
Simple manipulation Ofl:!1 and (.'\) yield!i the following For the DCM
relationship!i: D(lfr- = D.*.FF.
I ~ = I,
It i~ impt)rtant to notc that in the DCM. VCA and I,.A
D,1~ 'I
will be ~ilher both positive or h<)th negali\'e (a~ per the
IH = Dfl~ + D(lfF
(4b) ~ign Con\'ention of Fig. 2(3)). hence DiwF is always a pos-
itive \.alu~.
D( II I Since a USIM-based ~imulation conlinuou!ily produces
1,- =
01)" + DOFF I,. . (4c)
the avera~ed value~ of Ihe converter variables. I,.A can be
constantly linkl'd 101[ by reapplyin~ (:!) and (3):
It should bc cmpha~ized that the meth(){) of exprc~~ing
the averagc currcnt of the ~)n~ :I~ a function of the in- 1 218 21(' 21[
ductor's average current is c()mpatihle \,ith thc c()nccpt of I oA=-=-=
D(,~ D,lfl' Do~ + D()fl' ()6

averagc behavior of thc L'SIM.

Sincc (4) convcrge~ to the CCM c:l~e \\'hen DoFf = I Equations (5) and (6) can now be combined 10 derive lhe
expression for D.*.FF
-D()~, the modcl i~ in fact an extcn~i()n of the m(wcl
describcd in II J. D* 2L Il.
-",-.- -
A SPICE-cornp.ltible equivalent circuit that cmulate!; T Vc-A(D(,\, + D()f-'F)
the relationship!; of I I) and 14) i!; given in Fig. 2Ib). Note
that except for I, the dependent voltagc and current Equation (7) is a quadratic equation in D6FF and may
have one. nonphysical. negative mot. Hence. only the
sources are nonlinear, That i!;. they are a function of a
ptJsiti\-e rl)Ot is chosen as the solution of (7).
product of two variable!;. This. ho"'cver. does not ~)se
any problem when the dc. large signal. or !;mall !;ignal SecmlJ Step: The model for the DCM is extended to
describe the CCM. In this case.
behavior of such a circuit is simulated by readily available
electronic circuit !;irnulators. Prdctically all commercially D(JFF = I -DON.
I1vailable !\irnulators include. a!; a standard feature, the CI1-
Close examination of (7) reveals that. for the CCM. it
pl1bility of handling nonlinear dependent ~ourcc!; of this
will always yield a solution D~I'F > I -DON if only the
type. In dc and tran~ient analy!;i~ the !;irnulators will !;olve
ptJsitive ~olution of D6FF i~ chosen. Hence. DOFF (for the
numerically the nI)nlinear nodc equations of the !;y~tem.
CCM) can be easily obtained by .clamping. the po~itive
In small signal analy~i!;, thc !;irnulators first evaluate~ the
root of (7) to ( I -Do~). This will automatically produce
linearized equival~nt circuit. .Iround the, ,,'orking point,
the correct D(~rF t(Jr b<Jth the DCM and the CCM opera-
and then solve the line.lr n(~e equations of the !;y!;tem.
Thc equivalcnt cirl..uit ()f Fig. 21b) is topology indepcn-
During a CCM trdnsient. the polarity of VC-.1could be
dent but mu!;t bc plal.'ed in the correct orientation for cach
reversed with respect to the sign convention of Fig. 2(a)
structurc. In a buck l.'On\.ener, for example (Fig. I(a).
while It ~till retains the ptJlarity shown in Fig. 2(a). This
the input power ,,'ill bc c(mnectcd to ~)n cB), the !;tccring
will cau~e thc inductor current to continue to increa~e dur-
diode to port (C). and th~ load to ~)I1,(A). In thi~ case.
ing the 01'1: pcriod as illu~tratcd in Fig. 3(b). This ~pecial
the ~teady-~tate current~ and the voltagc V(..4 arc negativc
case is I(Jund only in a boost converter. \\"hen the output
with respect to the ~ign convention of Fig,.2(11). In a boo!;t
voltage i~ lo\\"er than the input voltage. The w()r~t case is
convcrter (Fig. lIb), the !;tel1dy-~tate current!; I1nd the
when the output voltage i~ zero. a situation which is de-
voltage V(".A arc positive. I1nd in thc buck-poo!;t convertcr
picted by the ~traight line in Fig. 3(b). It should bc noted
(Fig. I (c they I1r~ negative ",ith re!;pect (0 the !;ign con-
that for buck and buck-boost topologies. Vc".1 and It are
vcntion of Fig. 2(;1),
always negative values (as per the convention of Fig.
To run 11numericl11 !;imulation. the user must provide
2(a. Hencc. during a CCM transient in a boost con-
the values of the components I1S well as complete infor-
verter. D6FF might assume negative values when calcu-
mation on the sources. Thl1t is. to run a simull1tion one
lated by (5). To remedy thi~ nonphysical situation. thc ratio
has to supply equi\'alent signl11 sources that represent Do~
(Vc-A/IJ is replaced by its absolute v~lue in (5) and (7).
and DOFF. DON is normally an externally supplied signal,
The corrected equation for the evaluation of D6FFis thus:
either from an independent generator (fo~ open loop sys-
tem!\) or from 11 controller that generJic!; 11 Do~ a!\ 11 D OFF
* -2L I ILl
-- (8)
function of the error !;ignal. In the CCM D()FF i!; !;imply T,
I -D()N. For the DCM. DoFF hl1!; to bc calculated I1S a
The magnitude of D~FF can now be used to select the cor-
function of V(".A I1nd the inductor's pcl1k current (I",,). Thl1t
rect DOFF during ~imulation:
is, by evaluating the time it takes the inductor current,
with an initil11 value of I",. to reach zcro level: DOFF = I -D()N whcn D6FF ~ I -DON (CCM)

DOFF = D6FF when D~FF < I -DON (DCM).

D * --L
T, OFF --(',.4
V (5)
It can easily be shown that for a boost converter oper- An HSPICE (lS) compatible DOFF generator that re-
ating in the CCM, if VC-Ais negative with respect to JL alizes (8), including the DOFFlimiter for the CCM. is de-
(Fig. 2(a, It. is greater than zero and the positive root '.>f picted in Fig. 4(a)-(d). Actual input file listings are given
(8) is chosen, it will still yield D~ > I -DON. Hence. in the Appendix. Although the realization is shown in
(8) and (9) cover all practical cases. However. during the tenns of HSPICE. the model is by no means limited to
initial computation steps. and if the initial conditions are one particular computer circuit simulation package. Nor
D6FF = 0, JL = and VC-A < 0. the first one or two does the application of this simulator, imply endorsement
calculated values of D6FF will be smaller than I -DON. of this package or indicate its superiority over other prod-
In this CCM transient stage. DOFF will be \\'rongly cal- ucts.
culated. However. practical simulation runs show that this It can be easily shown that the circuit of Fig. 5(a) re-
error is negligibly small (see experimental results (Fig. alizes the relationship:
Another numerical problem that could be encountered V.~kJI =
,. --,
I lL
( 10)
when applying the USIM in numerical simulation. occurs
when VC.A is zero. In these cases the numerical compu-
tation of the simulation progr.tm may not converge. This Note that V.1001is forced to be a positive number by using
problem arises when the output voltage of the buck or the the HSPICE limiter feature as shown in the Appendix.
buck-boost is zero or when the input voltage is equal to Hence, circuit (4a) produces positive roots only.
the output voltage in the boost converter. The problem is The circuit of Fig. 4(b) realizes the expression:
easily solved by limiting the minimum of the absolute
value of VC-Ato be greater than some small arbitrary pos- V4l..~ = (DON + 11,.1
itive number (e.g., 10-6 V).

The magnitude of V4()O.J(which is equal to D~FF) is also

III. THE Doff GENERATOR forced to be a positive number using the HSPICE limiting
option as shown in the Appendix.
The USIM circuit of Fig. 2(b) is a direct equivalent
The circuit of Fig. 4(c) realizes the limiter that clamps
circuit implementation of ( I) and (4). Note that in this
D~FF to I -DON under CCM conditions. while the circuit
model, the duty cycles DoN and Doff are represented by
of Figure 4(d) pertorms the calculation:
voltages and that a I: 1 scaling factor is conveniently cho-
sen (i.e. .D is expressed in volts). To run this model on DOFF
a general purpose simulator, DON and Doff should be
V7(X)I = D D .(12)
specified as voltage sources. As already pointed out, DON
will normally be provided by either an 'external' source The signals: V60(1.'and V7(1111.
can now be used as inputs to
(tor open loop simulation) or as a function of the output the basic switched inductor equivalent circuit of Fig. 2(b).
(in closed loop simulation). Doff however, is a dependent The HSPICE equivalent circuit tor the USIM can be
variable and must be continuously evaluated through (8) included in the simulator's library of components as a
and (9). macro file of a three-port network.
quenc~ re!iJ'll)n!\l'~of S,,'ilc:h-mlkle converters. especially
at the high frequency end where the switching ripple
masks the t()rc:ed penumiltions.
The u~e of a dual-channel spectrum analyzer to mea-
sure s\\itc:h m(~e systems wa...intrl~uced in 1161and the
references cited in it, We improved the experimental setup
described in 1161 by including a low pass filter that in-
creases the !\ignal to noise rdtio by attenuating the switch-
ing ripple and noise. The HP3562A D.S.A. has extended
capabilities and functions compared to the HP3582A de-
scribed in (161: the use of the HP3562A is simpler and
more Oexible. Thi!i flexibility is enhances by the fact lhat
lhe analyzer can be interfaced 10 a compuler syslem. a
di!ik dri\'e. or a plotler. Here we emph&lsize lhe setup and
measuremenl melhod (rdlher lhan the delailed descriplion
of the D.S.A. funclions as wa!i done in 1161). Detailed
descriplion of HP3562A operalion and capabilities can be
found in its manuilll141.
The operation of the HP3562A D.S.A. hinges on an
Fig. 5. Block diagram of !iCIUp for frequency re!opt)nse mcasuremenl by Ihc
HP356~A analyzer.
FFT -ba:ied signal proce!i!iing algorithm that is carried out
on the sampled signals of its l\vo channels (CH I and CH2.
Fig. 5). The frequency resp<)n!ieof a system i!i measured
by injecting at Ihe input of the system under test. a te~t
In this section, the flexibility and simplicity of applyillg signal that has a flat spectrum over the frequency range
the USIM in simulation, using HSPICE [15]. is illus- of interest (I kHz-IO kHz in our case). such as white noise
trated. We used HSPICE. but other simulation packages or a sinusoidal chirp (the HP3562A includes internal ran-
can obviously be applied. dom noise sources). From the input and output sampled
To build the simulation progrdm the following steps are sequences. the analyzer estimates the frequency response
suggested: of the system. Linear averdging of any desired number of
I) Define a three-port network subcircuit that describes repeated measurement!i. which is also available on the
the USIM, including the. DOFF generator. ' as given in the
HP3562A. can be applied to improve the accuracy of the
Appendix. The sub circuit can be defined as a macro file estimated respon!ie ,
and added to the library of components of the specific The propo!ied !ietup for measuring the frequency re-
simulator used. sponse ofswilch mode conveners is !ihown in Fig. 5. The
2) Identify the switched inductor configuration in the low pass filter is uscd to atlenuate the switching ripple
converter under study and replace it by the USIM. which could causes erroneous FFT results. especially in
3) The switching diodes and transistors can be replaced the high frequency rilnge. The corner frequency of the
by their equivalent circuits in the saturation state (Fig. L. P. F, is chosen 10 be higher Ihan half the swilching fre-
I(a)-(c).) quency bul lower Ihan Ihe switching frequency. The al-
4) Enter the converter's equivalent circuit. developed tenuiltion and phase shift of the L.P.F.. in the useful fre-
in steps 2 and 3, along with a nodal description of the rest quenc~' range. i!i corrected for by the following steps:
of the circuit, as an input file to the simulator and perform I) The frequency response of the L, P, F. is first mea-
the desired analyses. sured and stored in the memory of the HP3562A,
A sample of HSPICE input files for buck. boost. and 2) The frequency response of the convener-L. P, F, as-
buck-boost converters are given in the Appendix. Observe sembly is measured and stored in the memory of the
that DON will be an independent voltage source for open- HP356:!A.
loop analysis. but an output of a controller circuit in 3) The frequency response of the converter in series
closed-loop simulation. The controlter operation could be with the L.P.F. is divided by the frequency response of
based on voltage feedback or on current mode operation. the L. P, F. using a built-in arithmetic function of the
The controllers equivalent circuit and closed-loop simu- .HP3562A. The result is the desired frequency response of
Itltion are beyond the scope of this paper. the converter itself.
The HP3562A has been connected by us to computer
systems (a PC and a V AX minicomputer) and to a plotter
for eas~' manipulation of the measured responses,
The experimental data of this study' was obtained by a
fast and simple measurement technique using the VI. EXPE!(IMI,NTAL RESULTS
HP3562A (Hewlett-Packard. Palo Alto:CA) D.S.A. 114]. The boost converter. described in Fig. 6 was used to
This measurement method overcomes the problems usu- test the USIM. The switching frequency ( 1:) was 57.5
ally encount~red when attempting to measure the fre- KHz.
IOV 9.
00000", "
o.m 2541iH SdI<Xtky Diode s r ;..'"1'--: ~:
Vo -50
~ ]~ -10r
-20f :..., r.-.~..- ,...: ..-
-100 n
Ih IRF640 c: : ., Ph3 0
~ -30~ ,...~-.~ -- n
~OI1f 2OQ OQ
~ i ;
-401 .:1..; -

-50Ll.c. ..; ;., ., ,..,;; .; i~ -200

I 10 100 1000 104
-;- ~uency (Hz)

20, 0
10! -20
~ !. ,., 0- ,...
~ "t1
-40 ::r
LM3524N u -10 ~
-0 n

~ "' .0 .-
-20 -60 '8
"fo n
.. OQ
Fig. 6. Boost convcner circuit used in e~perimental study. 10 100 1000 104
Frequency (Hz)


The frequency responses of the boost converter were Fig. 7. Control-to-outpul frequency re!ipon!ie of btJO!itconvener. Contin-
measured using the HP3562A analyzer tor Do~ = 0.4 and uous lincs: e,p;.'rimental data. D:lshed lines: USIM simulation results. (3)
CCM: L = ~5.t ,.H. R, = 0.4 n. c = 516 ,.F. Rc = 0.07 n. R(, = 20 n.
for the DCM and the CCM. The measured responses \\'ere v,,= 10V.(b)DCM:L=~8.5,.H.R,=0.ln.c=516,.F.Rc=0.07
compared to the USIM simulations carried out by HSPICE n.R(, = 97.5!1. v" = IOV.

on a V AX-8300/VMS (Digital Equipment Co.) computer.

The experimental data and the simulation results (Fig. 7)
were tound to be in good agreement. The dift'erences be- VII. DISCUSSION A!':D CONCLl'SION

tween the measured data and the HSPICE simulations are The few simulation examples given here clearly dem-
probably due to an inaccurate estimate of the values of the onstrate the power of the proposed USIM approach. Once
converter's components, especially the parasitic resis- the basic equivalent circuit of the switched inductor is
tances. Also, the mesurement rdnge of HP3562A was constructed. large and small signal simulation becomes
chosen to be 10 kHz and hence good precision is limited trivial. All that is required for simulating a given topology
to the frequency range of 0-9 kHz. is the node connection and the values of the components.
The transient response for step changes of the load (R,,) This simple procedure replaces the rather laborious task
between 117 and 2011, \\'hich correspond to the DCM and of deriving a canonical models for each case. Further-
the CCM respectively, were measured using the HP3562A more. the proposed procedure can provide in a simple and
and compared to USIM-based simulations. The results straightforward way the large signal response of a system
(Fig. 8) show that there is good agreement bet\\'een ex- that passes through both the DCM and the CCM .
periment and simulation results. To illustrate the po\\'er The examples of Fig. 7 clearly show the fundamental
of USIM over models that do not cover both the CCM difference in behavior between the CCM and the DCM.
and the DCM, the same transient was simulated under the Whereas the CCM response is typical of a second-order
(wrong) assumption that the converter operates only in the system (Fig. 7(a. the DCM response rc~embles a first-
CCM. This simulation (Fig. 8) exhibits a large deviation order system (Fig. 7(b with a maximum phase shift of
(about 33% ) from the measured value tor the DCM pe- 90. Obviously. a teedback network that optimizes one
riod, as compared to an error of about (4-6% ) \\'hen USIM mode of operation dl1es not nccc~sarily optimize the other .
is applied. Furthermore. a reasonable phase-compcnsating network
The turn-on transient of the boost converter (Fig. I (b for one mode of operation can cause instability in the
was simulated using both the USIM and 'exact' time do- other. Hence. application of the proposed USIM can sim-
main simulation for a constant Do~ of 0.5. The results of plify and accler..te the design phase of switch mode sy~-
the two simulations are in excellent agreement (Fig. 9). terns.

IUSIM.J -~ 100.0
-=- 19 ~ >
o Ir 'C
; 18 ,;. ~
20.0 80.0
~ 17 o

!3 00.0
o 16 ., ~ >
;.. 0 ~
SIM > ."
15 40.0
131 i I IL
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 O.S 0.6 O.O ~i~.~~: 0.0
Time (Sec) 0. 30<\15 ~ 9OOIJS 1.2mS 1.5mS
(a) (;I)

~ 0.8
0.2 ;...~.
SI~ .I. .I
00.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Ttme (S~)

Fig. 8. Transienl responses of a boosl convener. L = 48.5 ,.H. RI. = 0.1 (b)
0. C = 516,.F. R( = 0.010. V. = 10 V.loload $lep"'between 20-111
Fig.9. Tum-on Irdnsienl of a bol}sl convener. Sml}Qlh line: USIM simu-
lalion. Rippled lines: lime-domain simulalion. Sleady-slale condilions: (a)
CCM: L = 10 ,.H. R, = 0.001 D. C = 200 ,.F. R(. = 0.001 D. R(. = I
D. V. = 10 V. Do" = 0.5. T, = 20 ,.S: (b) DCM: L = I(XX) ,.H. R, =
0.01 D. C = 200 ,.F. Rc = 0.001 D. R,. = 40 D. V, = 10 V. DON = 0.5.
In the example of Fig. 8, the converter was designed to r, = 200 ,.s.
be in the DCM at low current and in the CCM when the
current level is high. Consequently, when such a con-
verter is subjected to a large decrease in load current, it tions results, given in Fig. 9, were obtained. There is,
will s\vitch from the CCM to the DCM. If DON is kept however, a fundamental difference between this time do-
constant, DOFF wiU change and therefor~-the output volt- main simulation and the USIM-based large signal simu-
age will increase (Fig. 8). The effect should be much lation. Whereas the 'exact' time domain simulation pro-
smaller (only due to voltage drop on parasitic resistors) duces the actual signal wave forms within the switching
for a converter that is kept i:l CCM. In.closed-loop con- period (see for, example, Fig. 9(b, the USIM simulation
figurations, DON will be obviously correc~ed by the feed- follows the average values of the signals. Consequently,
back path. However, to simulate the a~tual closed-loop the numerical calculation for time domain simulation has
response, one has to consider the fact that the small signal to be carried out in much smaller steps than is necessary
responses of the CCM and the DCM oper-dtions are mark- for the USIM simulation. The computer time saved, when
edly different (Fig. 7). Hence, models that cannot switch applying the USIM, could be significant for long simu-
automatically between the CCM and the DCM wiU not lation runs. For the examples given here, the CPU time
provide accurate infomlation on the conv.erter's behavior for the USIM simulations was smaller by a factor of five
both for open- and closed-loop operation; than the time required for the time domain simulation.
The examples of Fig. 9 demonstrate the ability of USIM Application of the proposed model can simplify and
simulation to cope with the large signal.lransients, asso- ease the design of the phase compensating networks to
ciated with power tum-on, in which 1heconverter might obtain a desired dynamic behavior of the closed-loop sys-
pass through both the CCM and the DCM (e.g., Fig. tem. Based on the simulated response, which is effort-
9(b. This time domain behavior can; in principle, be lessly obtained, the designer can introduce possible phase
carried out by readily available simulato.rs by emulating compensation schemes and test the overall, closed-loop
the actual switching action of the nonlin~ar portion of the performance by simulation. This numerical approach is in
converter. This is, in fact, how the time domain simula- no way inferior to procedures that are based on analytical
expressions. The design of a feedback loop for a specjfic simulation procedure .It is thus safe to predict thaI the
convener system must deal with the actual. numerical. proliferdtion of-l>0wcrful workstations will eventually
response of the system under study. Hence. any design make interdctive computer analysis and asimulation
procedure must eventually converge to the responses that method. such as the one propo!\ed here. the dominant de-
are obtained in a simple way by the proposed model and sign procedures.

Note: Lines starting with asterisks are comments.

SI";tched- Poi\'er- Stage -Model.\'

* This is a macro that represents the USIM
* As a three pon network .
.MACRO L&S-MODEL pon-A pon-B pon-C DON GM
+ LI,1 = L RLm = RL T,11 = T.

.PARAM Am = '2*l..i1lITm.
Fpof1-B pof1-B port-A POL Y(2) VI..demo VCdemo O I -I
Fport-C pOf1-C 1000 POL Y(2) VLdemo VI-C O O O O 1
VCdemo 1000 port-A O
E-B-A-DoN 2001 2()(YJ POL Y(2) pof1-B pof1-A DON GM O O O O 1
E-C-A-Dof 2000 GM POL Y(2) port-C port-A DOFF GM O O O O 1
VI..demo 200 1 2002 O
RL 2002 2003 RLI1,
L 2003 GM Lln

* This part of the circuit is the DOFF generator

* DOFF = [(2L/T)*{IL/[(DoN+DoFF)Vca]}
E3000 3000 GM POL Y( I) port-C port-A MIN =0.1 00 1
E3001 3001 GM 3002 GM MIN= IE-8 1
R3001 3001 GM 100K
H3002 3002 3003 POL Y( I) VLdemo 0 0 I
E3003 GM 3003 POL Y(2) 3001 GM 3000 GM 0 -1 00000
E4000 4000 GM 4001 GM MIN = 1E-8 I
E4001 400140023001 GM 1
E4002 GM 4002 POL Y(2) 4000 GM 4003 GM 0 -1 00 1
E4003 4003 GM POL Y(2) 4004 GM Do~ GM 0 II
E4004 4004 GM 4000 GM Am
* V( 4004 ) = DOFF

* Clamping DoFF to 1 -DoN

E6000 6000 GM POLY(I) DON GM 100 -loo
E6002 6002 GM 4004 GM loo
R6002 6002 6003 2K
D6003 6003 6000 D I N
.Model DIN D(IS= 100E-15 RS=O.OI IBV= IE-16)
EDoFF DoFF GM 6003 GM 0.01

* Calculating DoFF/(DoN + DoFF)

E7000 7000 GM POLY(2) DoFF GM DON GM 01 I
E700 I 7001 GM 7002 GM MIN = I E-3 I
R7001 7001 7004 I
VI-C 7004 GM 0
E7002 7002 7003 DoFF GM I
E7003 GM 7003 POL Y(2) 7001 GM 7000 GM 0 -1 00 I
* I(VI-C) = DOFF/(DoN-+DoF-F)-:
*End of the Macro File
* Sample Input Files for Various Topologies
* To simulate one of the the converters (buck, boost, buck-boost),
remove the ($) sign from the beginning of the lines of the desired top<)logy .

VIN I 0 Vg

$RTR TR 10.01
$XBUCK OUT 1 Diodp DONP 0 L&S-MODEL l.I,,=L Rl.In=RL T,n=T
$DI 0 Diodp DNN
$XBOOST I TR Diodp DONP 0 L&S-MODEL l.I" = L Run = RL Till = T
$RTR TR 00.01
$D 1 Diodp OUT DNN

$RTR TR 10.01
$D I Diodp OUT DNN

CI 60 Cout IC=0.1
R 1 OUT 0 Rout

*Independent generator for gener:lting DoN (for open loop simulation)

.MODEL DNN D(/S= lOOE-15 RS=0.1 IBV= IE-16)
* To avoid convergence problems in dc and ac analysis, estimate the
* steady-state DOFFmanually or by running a transient analysis, and specify the
* estimated value of DOFFin the .PARAM line below. This value will be used
* by theinitial conditions command .NODSET given below to help the
* numerical calculation to converge in dc and ac analysis.

*The values used in this Study:

,PARAM DOFF=0.48 A='2*LlT'
.NODESET V( I: DOFF)=DOFF V( I: 3001)='DoFF*(DoFF+DoN)/A ,

+V(I :4000)='DoFF/A' V(I :7001)='DoFF/(Do~+DoFF)' V(OUT)='Vg/DoFF'

*Circuit parameters of this study
.PARAM Vg = 10 DoN=0.52 Rout =20 Cout = 516U L=254U T= 17.5U
+RL=.6 RC=.02
* Analysis options
.TRAN 20E-6 45E-3 UIC
.AC DEC 80 1 10K
* HSPICE output command

We would like to thank Mr. Bob Strunz for his assis- Luck-Hille Chair for Instrumentation Design awarded to
tance in applying the HP3562A D.S.A~ to measure the the last author.
de~ired responses, and for interfacing the HP3563 D.S.A.
with a V AX-8300 operating under VMS. The .author~ are RI:FERI:NCES
indebted to Meta Software, Inc., (Campbell, CA), for
III S, Bl:n- Yaak\,v, .'SPICI: ~imlllal")n \)f PWM dc-dc convl:nor ~y~-
making HSPICE available to Ben-Gurion Univer~ity at a Il:m~' vollat:1: .'I:cdhac.'k, c.'onlinllou~ inductor c..onc.llIction modI:,'. ff.'f.'
special discount. The study was partially supported by the f.'t,'clrll11, L,'II" vol, :!5, no, 1(" pp, IO61-IO6J. Aut: \IJgIJ,
,~m R. D ~ddlebroo[ and S,- cuk ...A general unified approach to niod- Yair Amran recei'cd the 8. S.: .degree~ in elec-
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lIP. 11-:1~. Guri,}n Unive~ily of Ihe Negev. I~rael. in 1988
131 R D- Middlcbrook and S, Cuk. ..A gt:nt:r.ll unificd approach to mod- and due 10 receive lhe M .s.: .del!ree fn}m Ihe ~ame
t:11;.' "l1.itchcd d.:-to-dc con..t:nt:~ in disco"tinuou~ conduction departmenl in 1991.
~.:. in IEE PSC R,'(',. pp. ~6-57. 1980, From 1988 IO 1990 he ~a~ Teal:hing A~~i~lanl
141 G- ..-Wc~er and R, D. Middlt:bn-)k. ..Low-frcqucncy character- in lhe Departmenl uf Eleclrical and C(}mpulcr En-
izat- ut- .\wirched dc-to-dc con..cne~... in If.-f.-f.- Pf..SC R..c,. 1972. ginring of Ben-Gurion Universil} .I~rael. Hc i~
pp.9-~. inl.:re!\led in modeling and developing of swilch-
151 R- Tymer;ki. V- Vorperian. F, C. Lee. and W, Bauman. ..Nonlinear rnt-de power converters.
R)(MIdting of the P\\"~1 switch... in IEEE PESC R..('.. 1988. pp- 968-
Fakhr81den A. Huliehel ~ived the B.Sc. and
I()I v. Vorperian. ..Simplify your PWM convener analysis using lIte
M.Sc. degrees in electrical and cllmputcr cngi-
nilldd of lhe PW~I s..itch. PART I: Continuous conduction mode...
I1e.:ring from the Ben-Guriun Uni\".:f);ity of the
I'Pf.CC""..n'. pp. 8-13. Fall 1988.
Nege\". Israel. in 1986 and 1990. re!ipccti\"ely.
171 v- Vorpcrian. ..Simplify your PWM convener analysis using the
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181 y- s. lee. ..A !iy~temiltic and unified appruach 10 modelling ~witches
now pursuing a PfI.D. progrolm at Dcpanmcnt uf
in swilch-modc po~er !iupplic~. ..lE TraIl.(. I"d, tl..c,r"II. .vol.
Electrical Engineering. Virginia Polytechnic In-
IE.32. no.4. pp. 445-~48. 1985.
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191 Y. S. lec and Y. C- Cheng. ..Con\putcr-aidcd analyl\il\ of elcctmnic
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s~.itch-modc power clln\"cl1ef);.
pp- 148-15:!.1988.
1101 L- W. Nagel. ..SPICE :!: A computer program to simulate scmicon-
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fornia. Berkeley. 1975. Tel Aviv. Israel in 1939. He received the B.Sc.
1111 V, Bello. ..Computer aided analysis of switching regulators using degree in electrical engineering from the Tech-
SPICE... in IEEE PESC Rl'c.. 1980. pp. 3-11. nion. Haifa Isrdel in 1961 and the M.S. and Ph.D.
1121 v. Bello. ..Using the SPICE:! CAD package for ea!iy I\imulation of degrees in Engineerin~ from the University of
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m(1des... in Proc. Po"'(,'COIl 8. 1981. pp- 1-14. specti\.ely-
113) R- E. Griffin. ..Unified power convener models for continuous and He is presently a Professor at the Depanment
di!iContinuous modc... in IEEE PESC Rt"c.. 1989. pp. 853-860. of EI~ctrical and Computer En~ineerin~.
1141 HP3562A Dynamic Signal Analyzer Oper.lting Manual. Hewlell- Ben Gurion University of the Negev. Becr-
Packard C",. Palo Alto. CA. 1986. Sheva. Isra~l. and s~f\'ed as the Chairman of that
115) HSPICE: Mela-Soft..an:. Inc,. 50 Cunner Avenuc. Suite 16. Cantp- department during the peri(Jd 1985-1989. His current research interest,; in-
bel. CA. clude: switch m(Jde conveners. expert system for electronic design. nlicro-
1161 v. Bell". '.Spectrum analyzcr!i speed switchcr mca!iurements... t-,('('- sensors. electronic instrumentation. signal processin~ and engineerin~ ed-
""II. O..si1l1l. Dec. 6, pp. 93-96. 1980. ucation.

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