Detection of Moving Human With WiFi
Detection of Moving Human With WiFi
Detection of Moving Human With WiFi
fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JSAC.2017.2679578, IEEE
Journal on Selected Areas in Communications
0733-8716 (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JSAC.2017.2679578, IEEE
Journal on Selected Areas in Communications
there have been few works studying the more challenging In summary, our main contributions are as follows.
TTW human detection with commodity devices. More specif- We propose a design for robust device-free through-the-
ically, based on our experiments, existing CSI-based device- wall human detection (R-TTWD) using commodity WiFi
free human detection systems, such as PADS [19] and De- devices. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first
Man [20], suffer from great performance degradation in TTW scheme that leverages CSI of commodity devices for
scenario. robust device-free TTW human detection.
In this paper, we propose a novel scheme for Robust Different from utilizing the correlation of CSI in the
device-free Through-The-Wall Detection of moving human time dimension in previous works, we investigate the
(R-TTWD) with commodity WiFi devices. Existing wireless- insufficiently explored subcarrier dimension information
based device-free human detection schemes basically lever- of CSI and extract a subcarrier dimension-based feature
age the time dimension information of wireless signal, such for TTW human detection using the first-order difference
as the signal probability distribution, variance or even the of the eigenvectors derived from the PCA of CSI across d-
more robust time-correlation based features. However, in our ifferent subcarriers. The feature holds excellent sensitivity
experiments, we observe these schemes suffer from great and robustness for device-free TTW human detection, and
performance degradation in TTW scenarios due to environ- can enable numerous finer-grained sensing applications in
ment changes, signal power changes, etc. Thus, in order to addition to human detection.
obtain a robust feature for TTW detection, different from the We leverage the space diversity provided by multi-
time dimension-based features in previous works, we exploit antennas supported by modern MIMO systems and
the insufficiently explored subcarrier dimension information present a majority-vote based algorithm to enable more
of CSI, which has mainly been simply used to increase accurate and robust detection.
the reliability via frequency diversity before [20] [21] [22]. We prototype R-TTWD on commodity WiFi devices and
Specifically, we investigate the correlated changes among validate its performance in two important indoor environ-
different subcarriers in the presence of human movement and ments. Experiment results demonstrate that regardless of
extract the mean of first-order difference of eigenvector of different environments, R-TTWD can achieve both true
CSI across different subcarriers, which varies smoothly over positive rate for moving human and true negative rate for
neighboring subcarriers. Next, we apply the Support Vector human-free scenario over 99% on average, outperforming
Machine (SVM) [23] algorithm to search for a separation existing device-free human detection schemes. Moreover,
line of the extracted features to identify different states, i.e., we test R-TTWD with data fifty days after the training,
moving human presence and absence. To achieve this, we first demonstrating R-TTWDs robustness over long testing
pass the raw CSI measurements through an outlier identifier to period without requiring recalibration, a feature which
sift out biased observations. Then, to account for the sampling has not been explored in previous works.
jitter during CSI collection, we utilize linear interpolation to The rest of the paper is organized as follows. We review the
obtain evenly spaced CSI in the time domain. Afterwards, related work in Section II, followed by some preliminaries in
a wavelet filter is applied to eliminate the high-frequency Section III. Section IV presents an overview of the system
electromagnetic noise. In our experiments, we observe that architecture, while the detailed design of each component
although a low-pass filter can remove the surrounding high- is provided in Section V. In Section VI, we present the
frequency noise, it cannot efficiently remove the impulse and experiment settings and performance evaluation. We discuss
burst noises caused by internal state transitions in sender and the limitations and future works in VII and conclude our work
receiver WiFi network interface cards (NICs), such as trans- in Section VIII.
mission rate adaptation and transmission power changes. Thus,
before performing feature extraction, we design a principal
component analysis (PCA) [24] based filtering component to II. R ELATED W ORKS
further sanitize the CSI while retaining enough information The design of R-TTWD is closely related to the following
for human detection. Moreover, to improve the robustness categories of research.
and reliability of R-TTWD, we develop a majority-vote based Device-free human detection using WiFi. With the pop-
algorithm to fuse the detection results of every transmit-receive ularity of wireless networks, device-free or passive detection
(TX-RX) antenna pair. has drawn much attention in the past years [7]. Received signal
To validate our design, we prototype R-TTWD on com- strength (RSS) has been widely used for device-free detection
modity WiFi devices and evaluate its performance in two im- due to its handy accessibility with commodity devices. The
portant environments, including a meeting room and an office primary underpinning is that RSS will undergo observable
room. We collect CSI in different time periods of different changes due to human presence and movements. Youssef et
days in each environment, taking into account both different al. [7] discuss the challenges of device-free passive techniques
moving speeds and weather conditions. Our experiment results and propose both moving average and moving variance based
demonstrate that R-TTWD achieves both a true positive rate feature extraction algorithms for motion detection. Yang et
for moving human and a true negative rate for human-free al. [25] propose a joint intrusion learning approach, which
scenario over 99% on average. Besides, we demonstrate R- has the ability in combining the detection power of sever-
TTWDs applicability across different environments without al complementary intrusion indicators and detects different
requiring an environment-tailored threshold calibration. intrusion patterns at the same time. RASID [26] improves
0733-8716 (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JSAC.2017.2679578, IEEE
Journal on Selected Areas in Communications
the detection accuracy by analyzing RSS features and adopt- wireless signals off human bodies using USRP software radios
ing a nonparametric technique for adapting to environmental and an analog FMCW radio. WiDeo [6] mines the backscatter
changes. Another well-known RSS-based system is the Radio reflections from the environment and can accurately recon-
Tomographic Imaging (RTI) [9], which deploys a sensor struct the detailed trajectory of a users free-form writing
network around the target area and embraces the redundancy or gesturing in the air other than the coarsely defined full
introduced by the dense-deployed sensors to visualize the body motion. While promising, these systems all have been
human induced RSS attenuations. Unfortunately, in indoor prototyped with specialized devices, e.g., USRP software ra-
environment, the most facile RSS is neither accurate nor dios, while R-TTWD is implemented with commodity devices.
consistent due to the highly dynamic and complex environ- Besides, R-TTWD exploits the already deployment of WiFi
ment [27]. To overcome RSSs high variability, some pioneer access point (AP) within many buildings to perform TTW
works have resorted to CSI for better detection performance detection, while Wi-Vi and WiTrack use a specialized device
since channel response can be partially extracted from off-the- for transmitting and receiving signals simultaneously, forcing
shelf receivers in the format of CSI [15]. FIMD [18] leverages them to perform a costly nulling procedure to counteract
eigenvalues of correlation matrix of successive measurements the flash effect. The closest works are [13] and [14] which
to enable accurate fine-grained motion detection. Pilot [28] is also exploit WiFi AP inside a building for passive TTW
an early attempt in device-free positioning, which exploits the monitoring. However, the receiver in [13] is a specialized
correlation of CSI over time to monitor abnormal appearance radar receiver with a PC for intensive offline processing
and further locate the target. PADS [19] and DeMan [20] and the scheme in [14] can only detect line of sight (LOS)
further exploit full information of CSI, i.e., amplitude and crossing between the transmitter and receiver. In comparison,
phase, to enhance detection performance. WiFall [21] proposes R-TTWD requires little processing, being suitable for real time
a local outlier factor based anomaly detection algorithm to monitoring with standard hardware, and can accurately detect
detect the anomaly change in wireless signal. E-eyes [29] human presence not only on the direct LOS path, but also on
leverages the moving average and probability distribution of the reflected paths with a single wireless link.
CSI measurements to identify the presence of an activity or
not. Different from previous works exploiting the temporal
stability of CSI during human absence, R-TTWD leverages III. P RELIMINARIES
the correlated effect human movement impose on different
A. Channel State Information (CSI)
subcarriers, which is demonstrated to be more sensitive and
robust. A more recent work, mTrack [30], has strived to use the Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) is
highly-directional 60 GHz millimeter wave radios for passive a bandwidth-efficient digital multicarrier modulation scheme,
object sensing, i.e., track the trajectory of a writing object which has been widely adopted in many modern wireless
at high precision. Zhu et al. [31] propose to reuse 60 GHz communication systems, such as IEEE 802.11 a/g/n/ac and
radios for mobile radar imaging, which can not only image an LTE cellular network. In OFDM, signals are transmitted over
object, but also discover a rich set of object surface properties many orthogonal frequencies called subcarriers. Based on
including object surface orientation and material. Although 60 OFDM, CSI describes how a signal propagates from the
GHz radios are standardized in IEEE 802.11 ad and anticipated transmitter to the receiver at the subcarrier level, revealing
to penetrate one third of wireless links by 2018, they cannot the combined effect of, for instance, reflecting, scattering and
penetrate walls or other objects, being impracticable for TTW power decay with distance. With slight driver modification on
detection. Apart from the above works, researchers have off-the-shelf NIC, e.g., Intel 5300, CSI can be exported to the
proposed to sense finer-grained human activity with WiFi, upper users on N=30 subcarriers [15]:
such as human respiration [32] and finger gesture [33]. Albeit
promising, these applications have limited working range, e.g., H = [H ( f 1 ), H ( f 2 ), . . . , H ( f i )], i [1, N] (1)
50cm or 1m LOS distance between TX and RX, or require
extremely high transmission rate, e.g., 2000 packets/s, which where H ( f i ) is the CSI at subcarrier i with central frequency
will interrupt normal wireless communication. f i . Each CSI H ( f i ) depicts the amplitude and phase of OFDM
Through-the-wall sensing using WiFi. R-TTWD is mo- subcarrier i:
tivated by recent researches that use WiFi to detect users H ( f i ) = |H ( f i )|e j H ( fi ) (2)
through walls [4] [6] [8] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]. VRTI [8]
tracks human movement through walls by deploying dozens of Here |H ( f i )| and H ( f i ) represent the amplitude and phase,
transceivers throughout or on many sides of a room in a res- respectively.
idential home while R-TTWD only requires a single wireless Currently, there are mainly two tools available for CSI
link. WiSee [4] leverages Doppler shifts of wireless signals extraction, i.e., Intel CSI Tool [15] and Atheros CSI Tool [16].
to enable whole-home sensing and recognition of human Although Atheros CSI Tool can be implemented with a series
gestures. Wi-Vi [10] initializes through-wall motion imaging of Atheros 802.11n WiFi chipsets, such as Atheros 9580
using MIMO nulling. WiTrack [11] implements a Frequency NIC [34], it requires two computers with customized Linux
Modulated Carrier Wave (FMCW)-based 3D motion tracking Kernel 4.1.10 installed. Since we only adopt commodity
system at the granularity of 10cm. WiTrack2.0 [12] further router, e.g., TL-WR742N, we adopt the Intel CSI tool for our
realizes multi-person localization based on the reflections of system implementation.
0733-8716 (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JSAC.2017.2679578, IEEE
Journal on Selected Areas in Communications
Subcarrier 1
Raw phase
Channel State Information
Subcarrier 10 3 Transformed phase
Subcarrier 20
amplitude [dbm]
Subcarrier 30
15 0
Data preprocessing
Outlier Data Noise
removal interpolation filtering
0 4
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
time [s] time [s]
(a) Amplitude at subcarrier 1, 10, 20 (b) Raw phase and its calibrated Human detection
and 30 version at subcarrier 10
PCA-based filtering Feature extration
Fig. 1: CSI of a single stream for 2 seconds in the human-free
scenario. (a) Amplitude at subcarrier 1, 10, 20 and 30. (b)
Raw phase and its calibrated version at subcarrier 10. N
MIMO, each combination of transmitter and receiver antenna
can be considered as a separate TX-RX data stream. Suppose
there are m transmit antennas and n receive antennas, the CSI
of all TX-RX data streams can be expressed as:
H11 H12 H1n
H21 H22 H2n
H = .
0 1 2 3 4 5
.. .. .. (3) time [s]
.. . . .
Hm1 Hm2 Hmn Fig. 3: Outlier identification for CSI at subcarrier 15 in the
human-free scenario.
where Hmn is a vector describing the CSI of all subcarriers
between the m-th transmit antenna to the n-th receive antenna
as in equation (1). Fig. 1 plots the CSI of a single TX- this paper and leave further exploration into the 5GHz channel
RX stream for 2 seconds in the human-free scenario. As to obtain both usable amplitude and phase with Intel 5300 for
shown in the figure, the amplitude maintains good stability our future work.
with some noises while the raw phase performs quite random
due to random noise and the lack of time and frequency IV. OVERVIEW
synchronization. Specifically, the measured phase at subcarrier In this section, we present the overall architecture of R-
k with carrier frequency wk can be expressed as: TTWD as shown in Fig. 2. R-TTWD initializes by collecting
k = k + 2wk t + 2wt + k (4) CSI with commodity off-the-shelf NIC, i.e., Intel 5300. Since
the raw CSI measurements could contain biased observations
where k is the genuine phase, 2wk t and 2wt are the and noise, we first pass them through a data preprocessing
unknown phase shifts caused by the sampling time offset and module, including a Hampel identifier [39] for outlier removal,
sampling frequency offset, and k is some measurement noise. data linear interpolation and a wavelet-based noise filtering.
To mitigate the random noise in raw phase measurements, we Although the noise filtering component can remove most of
can perform a linear transformation as recommended in [36] the high frequency noises, through our experiments we observe
and obtain the calibrated phase as k = k wk , where that there are still some noises remained in the filtered CSI,
and are the slope and offset of phase change over all the which are mainly determined by the internal state changes in
subcarriers, respectively. However, although we can mitigate WiFi devices. To further sanitize the CSI, we apply a PCA-
the randomness to a large extent as illustrated in Fig. 1b, based filtering scheme while retaining enough information for
Intel 5300 NIC is known to have a firmware issue on the human detection. Afterwards, based on the correlation among
2.4GHz bands and is only able to get reliable phase reading different subcarriers, we propose to extract the respective
at 5GHz [37] [38]. Since we employ the Intel 5300 NIC at mean of first-order difference of the remaining eigenvectors
2.4GHz for our experiments, we focus on the CSI amplitude in as the robust feature for TTW human detection. The extracted
0733-8716 (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JSAC.2017.2679578, IEEE
Journal on Selected Areas in Communications
20 20 20
Subcarrier 1 Subcarrier 1 Subcarrier 1
Subcarrier 15 Subcarrier 15 Subcarrier 15
Subcarrier 30 Subcarrier 30 Subcarrier 30
amplitude [dbm]
amplitude [dbm]
amplitude [dbm]
15 15 15
10 10 10
5 5 5
0 0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
time [s] time [s] time [s]
(a) The original CSI (b) The CSI after outlier removal (c) The CSI after linear interpolation
Fig. 4: Outlier removal and data interpolation on subcarrier 1,15,30 for CSI in the human-free scenario. (a) The original
CSI of subcarrier 1,15,30. (b) The CSI after outlier removal with Hampel identifier. (c) The evenly spaced CSI after linear
amplitude [dbm]
14 14
12 12
we develop a majority-vote based algorithm that fuses the 10 10
detection results of every TX-RX antenna pair and determines 8 8
4 4
2 2
time [s]
3 4 5 0 1 2
time [s]
3 4 5
In this section, we elaborate the design of R-TTWD by real (a) The CSI before wavelet denois- (b) The CSI after wavelet denoising
Fig. 5: Wavelet denoising on subcarrier 1,15,30 for CSI with
A. Data preprocessing human presence. (a) The CSI on subcarrier 1,15,30 after linear
1) Outlier removal: The first step to process CSI is to interpolation. (b) The CSI after wavelet denoising.
remove outliers. During our experiments, we observe that there
exist some anomalous measurements which are obviously not
caused by human movement and should be eliminated before 3) Noise filtering: The collected CSI samples are noisy
human detection. Fig. 3 illustrates the outliers contained in because commercial WiFi devices are susceptible to complex
the raw CSI collected in the human-free scenario. To identify indoor environment, such as surrounding electromagnetic in-
and remove these outliers, we adopt a Hampel identifier [39], terference, air pressure and temperature changes. As the varia-
which declares any point falling out of the closed interval tions caused by human activities usually have a low frequency
[ , + ] as an outlier, where and are range, we adopt a low-pass filter to eliminate noise lying at the
the median and the median absolute deviation (MAD) of the high end of the spectrum. We argue that it is not appropriate to
data sequence, respectively. is application dependent and use conventional filter, such as Butterworth filter [40], since
the most widely used value is 3. We therefore apply Hampel the pass band for the low-pass filter usually need to be less than
identifier on all 30 subcarriers. Fig. 4a and 4b show the CSI one-twentieth of the sampling rate so that the energy of the
of 3 subcarriers before and after performing outlier removal. residual noise in the pass band becomes negligible compared
It can be seen that there are some significant abrupt changes to the signal energy [41] while our sampling rate is just 50
around 1s, 2s, 3s, 3.5s and 4.5s, which have been effectively samples per second. As a result, we perform a wavelet-based
removed by the Hampel filter, and other subcarriers also show denoising scheme [42] to remove random noise and smooth
similar behavior. the CSI data.
2) Data interpolation: It should be noted that although we Wavelet denoising consists of three stages: decomposition,
have set the transmitter to transmit 50 packets per second in thresholding detail coefficients and reconstruction. During the
our experiments, we cannot guarantee the sampling rate of CSI decomposition procedure, discrete wavelet transform recur-
with the same frequency. In fact, we find that sampling jitter sively splits the signal into two parts, high-frequency coef-
is quite common in CSI, resulting from packet loss and some ficients (details) and low-frequency coefficients (approxima-
other reasons. Therefore, to account for the CSI information tions), at different frequency levels. After that, the thresholding
loss caused by sampling jitter and outlier removal, the CSI is applied to the detail coefficients to remove the noisy part.
measurements must be interpolated. Specifically, we utilize the Finally, we reconstruct the denoised signal by combining the
1-D linear interpolation algorithm to ensure evenly spaced CSI approximation coefficient of the last level with the thresholded
with 20ms apart between consecutive measurements. Fig. 4c details. To be more specific, we apply a 2-level db4 wavelet
portrays the evenly distributed CSI after linear interpolation. transform on CSI data of all 30 subcarriers and determine
0733-8716 (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JSAC.2017.2679578, IEEE
Journal on Selected Areas in Communications
Max eigenvalue of phase
22 22
Subcarrier 1 Subcarrier 1
0.95 20 20
Subcarrier 5 Subcarrier 5
18 Subcarrier 10 18 Subcarrier 10
amplitude [dbm]
amplitude [dbm]
16 Subcarrier 15 16 Subcarrier 15
Subcarrier 20 Subcarrier 20
14 14
Subcarrier 25 Subcarrier 25
12 Subcarrier 30 12 Subcarrier 30
10 10
8 8
0.8 6 6
4 4
0.75 No movement 2 2
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
Movement time [s] time [s]
0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 (a) Human-free (b) Human presence
Max eigenvalue of amplitude
Fig. 6: The feature distribution of eigenvalue-based scheme Fig. 7: Correlated variations at different subcarriers with
adopted by PADS [19] and DeMan [20] in TTW scenario. human movement. (a) Human-free. (b) Human presence.
the thresholds based on minimizing the Stein unbiased risk human detection. However, different from extracting features
estimate (SURE) [42]. Fig. 5 plots the CSI sequences before from each subcarrier separately in previous works, we utilize
and after using wavelet denoising with human moving in the correlation among different subcarriers, motivating us to
the monitored area. We can see that the original noisy CSI select subcarriers based on the correlation rather than single
becomes much cleaner. subcarrier-dependent metric, e.g., variance in [43]. In fact,
although the variations at all subcarriers are correlated, the
correlation between different subcarriers differs. As illustrated
B. Human detection
in [40] and [43], subcarriers that are closely spaced in fre-
1) PCA-based filtering: Existing wireless-based device-free quency show more identical variations whereas subcarriers that
human detection schemes mainly exploit signal variations farther away show weaker correlation. Therefore, in order to
along the time dimension and can be classified into two ensure the high correlation, we only extract the features from
categories. One kind of methods utilizes the temporal stability adjacent subcarriers as shown later in the feature extraction
of signal in static environment while being more dispersed part.
with human movement, such as the variance adopted in [8]. To discover the correlations between subcarriers, we choose
The other kind leverages the human movement-induced de- to conduct PCA on each CSI stream to unveil the most com-
correlation effect on signal between successive measurements, mon variations among different subcarriers. For this, R-TTWD
such as the eigenvalue of correlation matrix in [20], which has operates on the CSI time series resulting from wavelet filtering.
been proven to be more robust than the first kind. However, in Denote Ht,r (i) as the N 1 dimension vector representing
our experiments, we observe that these time dimension-based the CSI values of the N = 30 subcarriers between a TX-RX
features do not perform well in TTW scenarios, suffering from antenna pair t r for the i-th CSI sample. Then, let Ht,r
great performance degradation. Take the superior eigenvalue- be a K N dimension matrix containing the CSI values of
based scheme in PADS [19] and DeMan [20] for example, N subcarriers between a TX-RX antenna pair t r for K
Fig. 6 plots the eigenvalue distribution of CSI data collected consecutive CSI samples.
in TTW scenario with green for human absence and red for
human presence. As seen, although successive measurements Ht,r = [Ht,r (1), Ht,r (2), . . . , Ht,r (K )]T (5)
still exhibit high correlation with large eigenvalues in static
environment, there is no longer a clear gap for identifying
Each column of the matrix Ht,r represents the CSI time
human movement. Therefore, we have to extract a more robust
series for one OFDM subcarrier. R-TTWD first normalizes
feature for TTW human detection.
the matrix Ht,r so that each column has zero mean and unit
Different from the time dimension-based features discussed
variance, denoted as Zt,r .
above, we resort to the previously insufficiently explored
subcarrier dimension information of CSI, which is usually used Zt,r = [Zt,r (1), Zt,r (2), . . . , Zt,r (N )] (6)
to improve the reliability via frequency diversity [20] [21] [22].
In our experiments, we observe that during human movement, where Zt,r (i) is the normalized version of the CSI for subcar-
there is an obvious correlation among CSI changes across all rier i. Then R-TTWD calculates the corresponding correlation
subcarriers. Fig. 7a and Fig. 7b plot the amplitudes of CSI at matrix as follows:
7 different subcarriers for one stream with and without human C(1, 1) C(1, 2) C(1, N )
movement, respectively. As seen in the figure, in the absence
of human movement, the CSI values of different subcarriers C(2, 1) C(2, 2) C(2, N )
C= . .. .. .. (7)
contain random noise, showing little correlation, while there .. . . .
exists a strong correlation among different subcarriers along C(N, 1) C(N, 2) C(N, N )
with human movement [5]. Besides, since CSI measurements where each element C(i, j) denotes the correlation coefficient
at different subcarriers may have different amplitudes due to between Zt,r (i) and Zt,r ( j) as:
frequency diversity, resulting in different sensitivity to human
motion [43], a subcarrier selection scheme is needed for robust C(i, j) = corr (Zt,r (i), Zt,r ( j)) (8)
0733-8716 (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JSAC.2017.2679578, IEEE
Journal on Selected Areas in Communications
15 15 1 1
PCA 1 PCA 1 Eigenvector 2 Eigenvector 2
Principal component values
Eigenvector values
Eigenvector values
PCA 3 PCA 3 Eigenvector 4 Eigenvector 4
PCA 4 PCA 4 Eigenvector 5 Eigenvector 5
5 PCA 5 5 PCA 5 0.5 Eigenvector 6 0.5 Eigenvector 6
0 0
5 5 0 0
10 10
15 15 0.5 0.5
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
time [s] time [s] Subcarrier Subcarrier
(a) Top 5 principal components in (b) Top 5 principal components with (a) Eigenvectors in the human-free (b) Eigenvectors with human move-
the human-free scenario human movement scenario ment
Fig. 8: PCA of different scenarios. (a) Human-free. (b) Human Fig. 9: The remaining eigenvectors of different scenarios. (a)
movement. Human-free. (b) Human movement.
Afterwards, R-TTWD performs eigendecomposition of measurements. More specifically, we collect CSI in different
the correlation matrix to obtain the eigenvectors E = time periods of two different days and during each period, we
(e1, e2, . . . , ei ) and constructs the principal components p = collect 80 groups of data for each scenario. In Fig. 10, we use
(p1, p2, . . . , pi ) as: different shapes to denote different time periods with green
pi = Zt,r ei (9) for human-free and red for human presence. Unfortunately,
there is no clear gap between the data correspond to presence
where ei and pi are the i-th eigenvector and i-th principal
and absence of moving human as shown in Fig. 10a. This
component, respectively. Fig. 8 shows the PCA results of
is because removing the first principal component not only
human presence and absence. It can be clearly seen that the
removes noise but also eliminates some human movement
first principal components both have high variance regardless
induced signal variation. In contrast, the mean of first-order
of human movement, making them less discriminative for
difference of eigenvectors does not suffer much influence as
human detection. In fact, although the low-pass filtering can
illustrated in Fig. 10b, where we can see a clear gap, since its
remove most of the burst noise of CSI, there still remain
based on the correlation of subcarriers while the variance is
some noises caused by the internal state changes in WiFi
related to signal and environment changes. Besides, although
devices, such as transmission power changes, transmission rate
the combination of these two features has improved the
adaptation, and internal CSI reference level changes [5]. Thus,
difference between human-free and human presence as shown
we discard the most noisy projection, i.e., the first principal
in Fig. 10c, it still suffers from unsatisfactory performance due
component p1 and the first eigenvector e1 , to further sanitize
to the unsuitable variance feature. Therefore, we choose the
the CSI and use the remaining ones for feature extraction.
mean of first-order difference of eigenvector for TTW human
2) Feature extraction: Since the PCA components are
uncorrelated and the noises are mainly captured in the first
To obtain the threshold between human presence and
principal component, the further sanitized data is now clean
absence, we first conduct the Support Vector Machine
enough for TTW human detection. To obtain a robust feature
(SVM) [23] based classification on training data collected from
for human detection, we analyze both the remaining eigenvec-
different scenarios. The above mentioned features, Di f f {ei },
tors and the corresponding principal components. Through our
are used as input features of SVM and we use the top three
experiments, we gain two main observations. First, as shown
features, Di f f {e2 }, Di f f {e3 }and Di f f {e4 }, for classification,
in Fig. 8, the variance of principal components is smaller
which is demonstrated to be effective in our experiments.
in the human-free scenario. Second, the eigenvectors vary
A pre-calibrated empirical separation line is then obtained
randomly across neighboring subcarriers in the human-free
and used for future TTW human detection. Fig. 11 shows a
scenario, whereas they fluctuate more smoothly in the presence
preliminary classify result using SVM with only a few CSI
of human movement. This is because human movement results
samples and we demonstrate that its sufficient to provide a
in correlated CSI among different subcarriers as described
satisfied detection performance in our evaluation part.
before and we illustrate this in Fig. 9.
Based on these observations, we calculate the variance of
C. Multiple-antenna enhancement
principal components, V ar{pi }, for the i-th principal compo-
nent pi , and the mean of first-order difference of eigenvectors With the endorsement of MIMO in modern communication,
as: more and more WiFi devices are equipped with multiple
1 X
N antennas. Since not all wireless links are equally sensitive
Di f f {ei } = |ei (k) ei (k 1)| (10) to human movement and the sensitivity varies with link fade
N 1 k=2
level along with other factors, we propose a majority-vote
where N = 30 is the number of subcarriers and |ei (k) based detection algorithm to combat existing bad stream
ei (k 1)| is the difference between neighboring subcarri- during CSI collection. To be more specific, we apply human
ers of the i-th eigenvector. To test the effectiveness of the detection on each TX-RX antenna pair respectively and fuse
extracted features, Fig. 10 plots the V ar{pi }, Di f f {ei } and all the detection results with a majority-vote scheme for more
their combination, i.e., V ar{pi }/Di f f {ei }, for 800 groups of precise and reliable detection.
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Journal on Selected Areas in Communications
8 0.35 300
w/o human w/o human w/o human
7 w/ human 0.3 w/ human w/ human
w/o human w/o human w/o human
Diff {e3}
Var {p3}
0 0 0
0 5 10 15 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0 500 1000 1500
Var {p2} Diff {e2} Var {p2}/Diff {e2}
(a) Variance of principal component: V ar {pi } (b) Mean of first-order difference of eigenvector: (c) Combination of variance of principal com-
Di f f {ei } ponent and mean of first-order difference of
eigenvector: V ar {pi }/Di f f {ei }
Fig. 10: Variance and mean of first-order difference for different scenarios over different time periods. (a) Variance of the 2nd
and 3rd principal components. (b) Mean of first-order difference of the 2nd and 3rd eigenvectors. (c) Combination of variance
of principal component and mean of first-order difference of eigenvector.
Diff {e3}
Human absence
Human presence
Support Vectors
0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3
Diff {e2}
A. Implementation
We prototype R-TTWD with commodity WiFi devices and
evaluate its performance in a typical office building including
a 9m*6m meeting room and a 9m*5m office room. Fig. 12
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Journal on Selected Areas in Communications
1.02 1.02
0.98 1.00
Detection rate
Detection rate
0.94 0.98
0.90 0.96
0.86 0.94
TP of Meeting_1*3 TN of Meeting_1*3
the TX while using both TL-WR742N and TL-WR841N as True Negative Rate (TN): The probability that no human
the TX in the office room. Moreover, to avoid the signal presence is correctly identified.
being severely blocked by the desks and chairs, we set the
2) Impact of sample time: We first inspect the impact of
TX at the height of 1.2m in the meeting room and 0.9m
sample time on TP and TN in different experimental cases.
in the office room, respectively. For conciseness, we denote
In Fig. 14a, we can observe that the TP in all cases stays
meeting room with TL-WR742N as Meeting_1*3 and office
more than 98% with sample time more than 2 seconds,
room with TL-WR742N and TL-WR841N as Office_1*3
indicating that compared with those time-dimension based
and Office_2*3, respectively.
schemes which require a longer sample time, R-TTWD does
We collect data of two categories: 1) Static data: There is
not suffer much with sample time, being more suitable for real-
no human presence in the monitored room. 2) Moving data:
time applications. The less satisfied performance with sample
There is an individual walking around in the monitored room.
time less than 3 seconds is mainly because we allow different
We collect the training and testing dataset with 4 volunteers
participants to walk with dynamic speeds, including normal
( 3 males and 1 female ) of different ages and body shapes.
and slow, which may results in no noticeable movement
Specifically, we gain the training data from only one volunteer
during too short sample time. Besides, even with 1 second
while test R-TTWD with both the same person and the others.
sample time, the office room with 2*3 MIMO gains a TP of
During the experiments, the participants are required to walk
89.71%, much better than the cases with 1*3 MIMO, verifying
randomly in each walking area with both their normal and
the effectiveness of employing multi-antenna enhancement.
slow speeds.
Considering TN in Fig. 14b, the TN of all cases keeps stable
To evaluate the robustness of R-TTWD, we collect data in
around 99% as the sample time increases, except in the office
three different working days for each TX-RX combination,
room with 2*3 MIMO where there exists some performance
lasting 9 days in total. More specifically, we gather data in
decline. This is because with the increasing sample time, more
different time periods of each day, i.e., morning, afternoon
noise may be included in the data in human-free scenario and
and evening, and measure 160 sets of data each time, 80
the static environment could undergo greater changes, e.g.,
for human-free and 80 for human presence, including 20
weather conditions, during the data collection in the office
for each walking area. Particularly, we collect 1440 sets of
room with 2*3 MIMO. Therefore, to balance the TP and TN
data for each TX-RX combination, of which each data set
in all cases, we choose the sample time of 3 seconds and use
contains 10 seconds of data. In total, we collect about 2100k
it for our evaluation below.
CSI records. For TTW human detection, we first employ the
well-known SVM with the top three features, i.e., Di f f {e2 }, 3) Impact of number of features: Fig. 15 shows the de-
Di f f {e3 } and Di f f {e4 }, to obtain a threshold line, based on tection performance of R-TTWD using different number of
a portion of measurements, which is only 80 groups of data features. As illustrated in Fig. 15, with the number of features
from the morning of the first day, 40 for each category, in our increased, the TN increases while the TP undergoes some
experiment. loss in all cases. This is because the features we extract is
based on the correlation among different subcarriers, which
is mainly captured in the first several eigenvectors, adding
C. Performance evaluation
more features does not necessarily result in higher detection
1) Evaluation metrics: We focus on the following metrics rate. In fact, the added eigenvectors vary more randomly than
for evaluating the performance of R-TTWD. the top ones, such as the fifth eigenvector shown in Fig. 9,
True Positive Rate (TP): The probability that a moving containing less useful information for human detection. The
human presence is correctly detected. number of features is empirically selected to achieve a good
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JSAC.2017.2679578, IEEE
Journal on Selected Areas in Communications
1.01 1.01
1.00 1.00
Detection rate
Detection rate
0.99 0.99
0.98 0.98
0.97 0.97
TP of Meeting_1*3 TN of Meeting_1*3
TP of Office_2*3 TN of Office_2*3
0.95 0.95
2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5
1.00 1.00
0.99 0.98
0.98 0.96
0.97 0.94
Detection rate
Detection rate
0.96 0.92
0.95 0.90
0.94 0.88
0.93 0.86
0.92 0.84
0.91 0.82
Majority-vote Majority-vote
0.90 0.80
tradeoff between TP and TN, and can be adjusted according to 5) Comparison with state-of-the-art: So far, we have dis-
different application requirements. Since using three features cussed the parameter selection of R-TTWD. In order to verify
results in detection rate of more than 98% for both TP and TN, the advantages of R-TTWD, we need to compare R-TTWD
we choose three features for classification in our experiments with the state-of-the-art TTW detection systems. Since there
and use it for the evaluation below. has not been any prior works specially designed for the TTW
4) Impact of multiple antennas: In order to evaluate the human detection with commodity devices, and the recent
performance enhancement with multiple antennas, we compare human detection systems using commodity devices all rely on
our majority-vote based scheme with single TX-RX antenna time-dimension based features, we compare R-TTWD with the
pair-based detection in Fig. 16. We denote the three RX most widely adopted time-correlation based human detection
antennas as RX_A, RX_B and RX_C, and divide the scheme. To be more specific, we compare R-TTWD with the
Office_2*3 into two cases, i.e., TX_1 of Office_2*3 and eigenvalue-based method used in DeMan [20]. In DeMan,
TX_2 of Office_2*3, according to the transmit antenna used. the authors leverage both the amplitude and calibrated phase
As shown in Fig. 16, there indeed exists a bad TX-RX of CSI for human detection. By calculating the respective
link that results in poor detection accuracy, such as RX_A correlation matrices for amplitudes and phases of successive
in Meeting_1*3. Another interesting observation is that the CSI measurements, DeMan derives the maximum eigenvalues
bad TX-RX link does not remain the same in different of both matrices for moving human detection. For fair com-
experimental cases indicating that we cannot simply choose parison, we also apply wavelet denoising on the CSI before
a constant TX-RX link to avoid bad link. In Fig. 16, extracting eigenvalue from the correlation matrix and apply
we also see that our majority-vote based multiple-antenna our majority-vote based algorithm in DeMan [20]. Besides,
fusion scheme achieves an excellent performance in all cases, we also test the detection performance using the variance of
ensuring the reliability and robustness of R-TTWD. principal components mentioned before, denoted as Variance-
0733-8716 (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JSAC.2017.2679578, IEEE
Journal on Selected Areas in Communications
1.0 1.0
0.9 0.9
0.8 0.8
0.7 0.7
Detection rate
Detection rate
0.6 0.6
0.5 0.5
0.1 0.1
0.0 0.0
Meeting_1*3 Office_1*3 Office_2*3 Meeting_1*3 Office_1*3 Office_2*3
based in Fig. 17. TABLE I: R-TTWD performance over 50 days after the
Fig. 17 plots the detection accuracy using different features, training.
from which we have three observations. First, it can be Meeting_1*3 Office_1*3 Office_2*3
clearly seen that eigenvalue-based scheme suffers from great TP 99.58% 100% 99.17%
performance degradation in TTW scenario with a worst TP TN 100% 100% 98.33%
rate below 10% and a TN rate of 100%. This is because the
eigenvalue-based scheme relies on the temporal correlation TABLE II: Detection accuracy across different environments
of signal in static environment, while in TTW scenario, with a pre-calibrated threshold.
the human movement-induced de-correlation effect becomes Office_1*3 TX_1 of Office_2*3 TX_2 of Office_2*3
unnoticeable. Second, the variance-based method performs TP 100% 100% 99.86%
well in detecting human presence with a less satisfied TN rate TN 98.61% 93.61% 94.72%
since variance is more sensitive to human presence as well as
dynamic environmental changes. Moreover, the variance-based
detection rate is higher with meeting_1*3 than office_1*3 data in different periods for one day in each experimental
due to less signal attenuation caused by the hollow wall than case. Table I illustrates the overall performance of R-TTWD
concrete wall, while the signal loss can be compensated via over the long testing period. The result demonstrates that R-
more antennas in office_2*3 as shown in Fig. 17. Third, TTWD maintains its excellent performance even with test data
R-TTWD outperforms both eigenvalue-based and variance- collected fifty days later without recalibration, verifying its
based methods, with the average detection rate of both TP robustness. Besides, we notice a even slightly better TP rate
and TN more than 99%, demonstrating the superiority of the with the new volunteer. This is because the body shape of
subcarrier dimension-based feature over those time dimension- the new volunteer is somewhat bigger than the training one,
based features. The result is as expected, since R-TTWD only causing more obvious signal variations during walking.
relies on the correlation across different subcarriers regardless 7) Generalization across different environments: Although
of different signal strength, signal power and environment we have demonstrated R-TTWDs excellent performance in
changes. Besides, since we perform our experiments during different cases and R-TTWD only requires slight prior efforts,
working days, there are people walking outside the monitored i.e., 4 minutes in our experiments, to obtain a threshold
room or along the corridor every now and then, demonstrating for each case, a system that can generalize across different
R-TTWDs robustness to irrelevant people. environments would be more desirable for real-world appli-
6) Long time test: Since all the results shown above are cations. Thus, to test R-TTWDs resilience to environmental
based on the testing set collected within three days after changes, we calibrate the threshold with the training data from
training the system, we are interested in knowing whether R- meeting_1*3 and evaluate R-TTWD with the data collected
TTWD will still perform well if the testing occurs much later in office_1*3 and office_2*3. More specifically, we divide
in time, which could lead to performance degradation because the data from office_2*3 into two datasets according to the
of changes in the environment or mobility pattern changes with transmit antenna used. Table II illustrates the detection result
different subjects. This feature has not been explored in previ- with different test datasets using the pre-calibrated threshold.
ous works [19] [20]. To achieve this, we further test R-TTWD As seen, the TP rate is almost 100% regardless of different
with data collected fifty days after the training. Specifically, we test datasets while the TN rate suffers from some decline in
employ a new volunteer and ask him to walk randomly in each office_2*3. This is because according to our experiments, the
walking area with both normal and slow speeds, and collect extracted features of human-free scenario spread more ran-
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Journal on Selected Areas in Communications
VII. D ISCUSSIONS AND F UTURE W ORKS the target needs to traverse the wall twice (in and out of the
A. Device-free static human detection room). Besides, when both devices are deployed outside of the
Although R-TTWD can detect moving human with different room, the reflections off the wall itself is much stronger than
materials and speeds within 3 seconds, our system has not the reflections from the human inside the room, preventing us
been able to detect static people yet. Device-free static human from detecting the minute human-induced variation, which is
detection has always been a more challenging problem than also known as Flash Effect since it is analogous to how
moving human detection since it does not cause obvious signal a mirror in front of a camera reflects the cameras flash
variations, especially in through-the-wall scenario. A widely and prevents it from capturing objects in the scene [10].
employed method is to utilize the signal strength attenuation Traditional radar community eliminates the flash effect by
caused by the presence of static human. The shadowing-based isolating the reflected signals based on their arrival time while
RTI [9] uses the difference of average signal strength between requiring multiple GHz of bandwidth [50]. A more recent work
human-free and static human presence to identify human p- realized in a 20MHz-wide WiFi channel, Wi-Vi [10], performs
resence. However, this method requires dense link deployment a costly MIMO interference nulling process to counteract
which is inapplicable with a single pair of wireless devices the flash effect using USRP N210 radios and directional
in our experiment. Besides, the multipath fading can even antennas. Since we only employ commodity wireless devices
cause the signal strength to increase when a human obstruct with omnidirectional antennas, e.g., TL-WR742N, to evaluate
the link. Instead of using the shadow effect, DeMan [20] the performance of our system in this scenario, R-TTWD has
proposes to consider human breathing as an intrinsic indicator to operate in the presence of high interference caused by wall
of static human presence. Leveraging wireless signal to detect reflections and the direct signal from the transmit to the receive
vital signals, e.g., respiration and heartbeat, of human non- antenna. Specifically, we choose the low-attenuation material
intrusively is a promising technology and has been studied for evaluation, i.e., hollow wall, and deploy TX and RX along
by a lot of researchers. However, existing detection systems, the hollow wall of the meeting room as shown in Fig. 18.
e.g., Wi-Sleep [46] and [43], are only applicable in LOS We collect data from three different days and train the system
situation, while the significantly attenuated signal after passing the same way as before. With the same parameters analyzed
the wall prevents us from extracting useful features for human above, R-TTWD achieves a TP rate of 84.71% and a TN rate
breathing detection. Although WiTrack 2.0 [12] and Vital- of 90% among which the detection rate of area D is 100%. As
Radio [47] can detect respiration of static human even in analyzed before, these unsatisfied TP and TN rates are due to
through-the-wall scenario, they employ the dedicated FMCW the weaker signals obtained in this more challenging scenario.
radio which is unavailable with current COTS wireless devices. Therefore, to apply R-TTWD in this scenario, we have to deal
Since MUSIC [48] algorithm can estimate the angles at which with several challenges, such as filtering irrelevant reflections
a wireless signal from a transmitter arrives at the receiver, and boosting the power of human-induced signals. Although
we can leverage the signal strength variation from different challenging, detecting people in this scenario is critical for
angles to determine static human existence as in WiDraw [49]. some situations, such as search and rescue after earthquake,
However, there still exist several challenges to be solved, and we envision a unified framework for both TTW scenarios
such as the limited antenna number of commodity devices in the near future.
and intrinsic weak signals in through-the-wall scenario. We
envision a static human detection module to be included in VIII. C ONCLUSION
our future work.
With the rapid development of mobile network, device-
free technology has received increasing attention recently and
B. A more challenging TTW scenario paves the way for a new human-in-the-loop architecture with
Although R-TTWD leverages the already deployed WiFi AP better system efficiency and user experience. In this paper, we
within the monitored room for TTW detection, there exists present the design and implementation of R-TTWD, a robust
a more challenging scenario where both TX and RX are through-the-wall human detection system with commodity
deployed outside of the room since the signal reflected from WiFi devices. Since a simple low-pass filter is not enough
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JSAC.2017.2679578, IEEE
Journal on Selected Areas in Communications
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