Abdulrahman Bakri graduated from The University of Akron in May 2020 with a Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technology, earning a GPA of 3.81/4.0. He received several academic honors including graduating Summa Cum Laude and being named to the President's and Dean's Lists multiple times. His coursework focused on industrial electrical systems, microprocessors, control systems, and circuit fundamentals. For his senior project, he designed an automatic irrigation system to maximize plant growth without constant human supervision.
Abdulrahman Bakri graduated from The University of Akron in May 2020 with a Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technology, earning a GPA of 3.81/4.0. He received several academic honors including graduating Summa Cum Laude and being named to the President's and Dean's Lists multiple times. His coursework focused on industrial electrical systems, microprocessors, control systems, and circuit fundamentals. For his senior project, he designed an automatic irrigation system to maximize plant growth without constant human supervision.
Abdulrahman Bakri graduated from The University of Akron in May 2020 with a Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technology, earning a GPA of 3.81/4.0. He received several academic honors including graduating Summa Cum Laude and being named to the President's and Dean's Lists multiple times. His coursework focused on industrial electrical systems, microprocessors, control systems, and circuit fundamentals. For his senior project, he designed an automatic irrigation system to maximize plant growth without constant human supervision.
Abdulrahman Bakri graduated from The University of Akron in May 2020 with a Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technology, earning a GPA of 3.81/4.0. He received several academic honors including graduating Summa Cum Laude and being named to the President's and Dean's Lists multiple times. His coursework focused on industrial electrical systems, microprocessors, control systems, and circuit fundamentals. For his senior project, he designed an automatic irrigation system to maximize plant growth without constant human supervision.
A highly motivated individual, who is Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronic
organized and comes with integrity Engineering Technology seeking for a suitable position within The University of Akron * USA Electrical & Electronics Engineering so GPA [ 3.81 / 4.0 ] as to demonstrate my knowledge and skills to propel the organization to the SELF ACHIEVEMENTS next level. Summa Cum Laude ( Highest Distinction ) CONTACT President’s List ( Earning a GPA 4.0 /4.0 ) Spring 2017 PHONE: Fall 2019 +966569677740 Dean’s List ( Earning a GPA 3.5 or Above ) Fall 2016 LINKEDIN Fall 2017 Fall 2018 https://www.linkedin.com/in/abdulrahma Spring 20149 n-bakri-037a10b3/ Spring 2020 The National Society of Collegiate Scholarship TAU ALPHA PI National Honor Society EMAIL abdulrahman.bakri99@gmail.com COURSEWPRK Industrial Electrical System Microprocessor Applications Microcontrollers Control System Machinery and Control Circuit Fundamental Intro to Industrial Machine Control Advanced Circuit Applications
Senior Project - Automatic Irrigation System
The objective of this project is to design a simple and easy methodology of an automatic irrigation system in order to achieve maximum plant growth, where the presence of a farmer in field in not compulsory during irrigation process. CERTIFICATES AND COURSES Professional Accreditation Certificate – Saudi Council of Engineers Electrical Works in Construction Projects - SCE Saudi Loading Code Requirements SBC 301 - SCE Arduino Platform to Control Things - SCE Digital Electronics and Microprocessors Technical Mathematics Energy Management Solution and Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Innovativeness and work environment development Problem Solving Work Under Pressure Active Learning Leadership Excellent interpersonal skills; work effectively in a team; ability to learn from scratch; highly adaptable to change.