Boundary 3dec TuriNorbert Eng
Boundary 3dec TuriNorbert Eng
Boundary 3dec TuriNorbert Eng
in 3DEC
Written by:
Norbert Turi
BUTE Faculty of Civil Engineering MSc
Suppervised by:
Katalin Bagi
BUTE Department of Structural Mechanics
1. Introduction 2
2. Initial model: Masonry column loaded by self-weight 2
3. Types of boundaries 11
3.1. Load Boundary 12
3.2. Traction Boundary 17
3.3. Stress Boundary 22
3.4. Velocity (Displacement) Boundary 26
3.5. Free Boundary 56
3.6. Non-Reflecting (Viscous) Boundary 56
3.7. Reaction Boundary 56
4. Other possible functions of Boundary 57
5. Displaying results: PLOT command 60
Boundary conditions
1. Introduction
Basicly two main categories of boundaries are used in 3DEC:
1. real: surfaces or edges that physically exist in the investigated area or structure (e.g.:
tunnel surface, ground surface, stone ashlars, bricks blocks)
2. artifical: boundaries that do not exist, but have important role in working of the
numerical model. Sometimes they make it more simple, without decrease the
efficience of it (e.g.: symmetry).
Boundary command can be applied only after geometry and in case of deformable blocks
mesh are generated. Defined boundaries do not change during the calculation until we wont
overwrite them. There is only one exception, when at first velocity boundaries are defined
and later we apply stress boundary then velocities change automatically according to the
stress values. The stress boundary affects all degrees-of-freedom.
Loads applied by boundary command are constant but time-varying loads can be defined by
using history keyword.
The values defined by boundary commands are always acting on the boundaries of the model.
If we do not use the command range then the choosen values will be applied for all the
gridpoints taking place on the boundaries, except the ones are hidden by the command hide.
In case of using range we can specify a closer part of the structure or area where the
boundaries working.
Boundary stress total stress applied (in case of rigid or deformable blocks)
xload load applied in x-direction (in case of rigid or deformable blocks)
yload load applied in y-direction (in case of rigid or deformable blocks)
zload load applied in z-direction (in case of rigid or deformable blocks)
xvel x-velocity applied (only in case of deformable blocks)
yvel y-velocity applied (only in case of deformable blocks)
zvel z-velocity applied (only in case of deformable blocks)
;base-block 60x60x20cm (blue clolored block on Fig. 1)
;origin is defined in the middle of the upper surface of the base-block
poly brick -0.3,0.3 -0.3,0.3 -0.2,0.
;block-levels made up with blocks sized: 10x10x20cm
;first level (blocks orientated in y-direction)
poly brick -0.1,0. -0.1,0.1 0.,0.1
poly brick 0.,0.1 -0.1,0.1 0.,0.1
;second level (blocks orientated in x-direction)
poly brick -0.1,0.1 -0.1,0. 0.1,0.2
poly brick -0.1,0.1 0.,0.1 0.1,0.2
;third level (blocks orientated in y-direction)
poly brick -0.1,0. -0.1,0.1 0.2,0.3
poly brick 0.,0.1 -0.1,0.1 0.2,0.3
;fourth level (blocks orientated in x-direction)
poly brick -0.1,0.1 -0.1,0. 0.3,0.4
poly brick -0.1,0.1 0.,0.1 0.3,0.4
;fifth level (blocks orientated in y-direction)
poly brick -0.1,0. -0.1,0.1 0.4,0.5
poly brick 0.,0.1 -0.1,0.1 0.4,0.5
;displaying of geometry
plot block
plot reset
plot set dip 60. dd 210.
;mesh generation with 20cm average mesh-size
gen edge 0.2
;material properties (sandstone):
;density: 2400 kg/m3
;E=19.3GPa Poisson-ratio: 0.38
;K=26.8GPa G=7GPa
prop mat=1 dens=2400. k=2.68e10 g=7.e9
;joint properties (Coulomb-slip model)
;normal stiffness (1000 MPa/m) and shear stiffness (100 MPa/m)
;friction angle 25
change jcons=1
prop jmat=1 jkn 1.e9 jks 1.e8 fric 25.
;supported on the lower surface of the base-block (velocity boundary with zero values in every direction)
bound xvel=0.0 range x -0.31,0.31 y -0.31,0.31 z -0.21,-0.1
bound yvel=0.0 range x -0.31,0.31 y -0.31,0.31 z -0.21,-0.1
bound zvel=0.0 range x -0.31,0.31 y -0.31,0.31 z -0.21,-0.1
;for cycle is applied for rising the value of gravitational force
;this is necessary because some structures collapse if the gravitation is applied in one step
;"grav_lep" is the value that defines the number of cycles gravitation is applied
;the value of gr is rising with the value g/grav_lep in every cycle
;Calculation process is running until the structure reaches the desired accuracy
;this is measured by the ratio of unbalanced and applied forces
;now I set the limitvalue for 1e-5
def gra
loop n (1,grav_lep)
gravity 0.0,0.0,@gr
solve rat 1.e-5
;calling the gra command
Besides the previously demonstrated poly brick command and jset command can be used
for defining the geometry too. In this case the upper leveles are made by a single block, that is
later sliced by horizontal and vertical cutting-planes, that can be defined by jset command:
; base-block 60x60x20cm (blue clolored block on Fig. 1)
; origin is defined in the middle of the upper surface of the base-block
poly brick -0.3,0.3 -0.3,0.3 -0.2,0
; single block of upper leveles, size: 20x20x60cm
poly brick -0.1,0.1 -0.1,0.1 0,0.6
;brick-levles (10x10x20cm) created by 'jset' command
;the 6 horizontal cutting-planes
jset dip 0 dd 0 spac 0.1 num 5 origin 0,0,0.3
;vertical cutting-plane in y-direction
;the base-block and every second horizontal brick levels had
;to get hidden before the vertical cutting is made
;hiding of base-block:
hide range x -0.3,0.3 y -0.3,0.3 z -0.2,0
;hiding of second brick-level:
hide range x -0.1,0.1 y -0.1,0.1 z 0.1,0.2
;hiding of fourth brick-level:
hide range x -0.1,0.1 y -0.1,0.1 z 0.3,0.4
;hiding of sixth brick-level:
hide range x -0.1,0.1 y -0.1,0.1 z 0.5,0.6
;vertical cutting-plane in y-direction
jset dip 90 dd 90 origin 0,0,0
;make every blocks visible
In this stage a very useful symplification can be used. After the horizontal block-levels had
been hidden we can name the actually visible blocks (odd levels: 1, 3, 5) with the mark
region command e.g.:
mark region 1
In this case we do not have to use the following command-line, because a shorter command
can replace it:
hide reg 1
;vertical cutting planes (x-direction)
jset dip 90 dd 0 origin 0,0,0
;vertical cutting-plane in x-direction
jset dip 90 dd 0 origin 0,0,0
;make every blocks visible
;displaying of geometry
plot block
plot reset
plot set dip 60 dd 210
It is obvious that the use of mark region command can make the command-line much shorter.
The geometry of the column defined by the previously discussed command-lines can be seen
in Fig. 1.
The cycle called gra can be written differently from the previously viewed one:
def gra
loop n (1,grav_lep)
gravity 0.0,0.0,@gr
solve rat 1.e-5
;unbalanced forces are plotted on a graph where the horizontal axle displays the number of cycles
;and the vertical axle contains the change in the value of unballanced forces
plot hist 1 yaxis label 'change of unballanced forces'
;the calculation stops automatically, if the ratio of unbalanced and applied forces reaches
;the determined value (1e-5)
solve rat 1.e-5
If the gravitational loading is applied for the structure in smaller parts, with the cycle called
gra, the maximal settlement at the top of the column was 0.03864 mm (Fig. 2.).
Fig. 2. can be generated by the following code:
plot contour zdisp above au
Plot contour command defines different colors for the surface of the structure, according to
the intensity of the displayed feature. In this case the displayed feature is z-displacement. If
above command is used, the user can define the color that is used for the lowest displayed
value. The software uses a special colour chart with individual codes for each colors. If au
command is used with above, the software chooses the best (most visible, impressive) color
automatically. Studying Fig. 2. it can be seen that the settlement of base block is zero, because
I fixed the lower plane of the base.
Fig. 2: Z-displacements [m] under gravitational load used by the plot contour command, gravity is
applied in 10 cycles
In Fig. 3. the change of z-displacement of the top of the column can be seen over the cycles while
ratio of unbalanced and applied forces reaches the choosen limit.
Fig. 3: Z-displacement of the top of the column [m] in case gravity is applied in ten cycles
Fig. 4: Change of unbalanced forces [N] during the calculation, gravity is applied in 10 cycles
According to the graph after every load-impulse at first the displacements were higher, but
after a few cycles the column rebounded. The settlement belongs to the balanced position is
indicated by a plateau. The higher the number of cycles (applied gravitational force) is getting
the shorter the length of the plateaus are. This can be attributed to the balancing effect of the
increasing normal force.
On Fig. 4. change of unbalanced forces is displayed, the maximal unbalanced force was over 13.5
N, final balanced state was reached after 36000 cycles.
In Fig. 2., 3. and 4. gravity was applied in 10 cycles, however in Fig. 5. and 6. five cycles
were used.
According to the graphs for the final balanced state the number of cycles have to be over
20000. So the reduced number of load-impulses had not resulted the same decline in the
necessary solve-steps. Another important result can be determined by comparing Fig. 4. and
6., namely the value of maximal unbalanced forces had grown from ~13.5 N to ~26 N. So the
higher number of load-impulses cause significant decrease in the maximal value of
unbalanced forces. The maximal displacement was recorded by the value: 0.03863 mm, what
is almost exactly the same as the results of calculation was carried out by 10 load-impulses.
So in case of this structure the effect of increasing number of load-steps (load-impulses) can
be neglected on values of displacements and on number of time-steps, but the maximal
unbalaced forces are in inverse proportion to the number of load-steps.
Fig. 5.: Z-displacement of the top of the column [m] in case gravity is applied in 5 cycles
Fig. 6.: Change of unbalanced forces [N] during the calculation, gravity is applied in 5 cycles
If gravity is applied in one step to the model, the code is the following:
The unbalanced forces acting during the calculation (gravity applied in one step) and caused
by the previously demonstrated code can be seen on Fig. 7. Unbalanced forces acting during
the first calculation-steps reached 22.951 N, but this value almost suddenly had dropped to
~12 N, that almost remained constant for about 800 calculation-steps. At the end of the plateu
unbalanced forces nearly fell to zero. Over ~1100 calculation-steps unbalanced forces had
started to grow again, but during antoher 800 steps the maximal force decreased to zero again.
According to the graph over ~3400 steps the values of unbalanced forces can be neglected.
Investigation of unbalanced forces can give informations about the point where we reach the
required balanced-state. Unbalanced forces acting on gridpoints of structure will never get to
zero because of the numerical faults, but applying solve commands we can require the
desired accuracy. For example with the use of solve rat command the desired ratio of
unbalanced and applied forces can be given to the software. If the unbalanced force
approaches a constant nonzero value, this probably indicates that joint slip or block failure
and plastic flow are occurring within the model.
During this short calculation the value of gravitational acceleration is supposed to be 10m/s2.
Comparing the value of initial unbalanced force (~22N) and applied gravitational forces (480
N). At rough guess according to the ratio (4,58%) - even at the very begining of the
calculation - the structure can be considered to be in balanced state. As it had been mentioned
previously the ratio had dropped to ~12 N after the first few calculation-steps and after ~
1200 cycles the value of unbalanced force was only ~0.5 N (0.10% of applied gravitational
The column was rebounded a few times, but finally over ~5000 cycles it reached to
Fig. 7.: Change of unbalanced forces [N] during the calculation, gravity is applied in 1 cycle
In Fig. 8. z-displacements at the top of the column are represented in case of gravitational loading.
The maximal displacement value is registered at the top of the column, namely: 0.03863 mm. This
settlement is caused by the compression of the bricks. The maximal value of the settelement is
without reference to the number of load-steps. Phenomenonon of rebounding occurs again,
but its not periodical because gravity was applied only in one step.
As a consequence the modeled structure does not sensitive to gravitational loading, because
the results hardly show an imperceptible change in displacements according to the number of
Fig. 8.: Z-displacement of the top of the column [m] in case gravity is applied in 1 cycle
3. Types of boundaries
The previously studied scripts besides geometry, materials and boundaries dealed with the
gravitational loads. In the following sections different types of boundaries going to be
demonstrated according to the order of Command References Boundary section. From this
point the previous sections supposed to be known and some of the boundary commands are
dealed cursorily. In aim of a more effective guide detailed explanations, scripts and figures
are announced at every command.
The user can define concentrated loads in every gridpoints (in real gridpoints or points of the
generated mesh) of the structures boundary with the commands: xload, yload, zload. After
the bound point command the user have to give the point where the loads working - it can
be done by the use of x, y, z coordinates - and the load-intensity. Sometimes it causes
problems that the software cannot adopt diredt coordinates of a gridpoint even if the user
knows that it is accurate. In this cases the use of command range can be very useful, the
user can define a range what contains the gridpoint. If the closer range of the point is not
known by the user list gridpoint location command can be used to list all of the gridpoints
coordinates in the model. In huge models this command cannot help because of the too many
search results, but if we use it with command range the searched area can be tapered.
The actually studied structure is very simple so the accurate coordinates are known, but it
always has to be considered that under loads the structure is deformating, that causes the
moving of gridpoints. So the range has to be big enough to keep the point in it after
At first I tried to define the load in the middle of the upper plane of the column, but as it can
be seen on Fig. 1. there are not any mesh-points in the middle of that range. It can be
considered a drowback of the software that the user cannot manipulate the mesh directly but
the geometry of the mesh is an important feature in consideration of calculation. In the demo
version of the software number of gridpoints and blocks are limited, so I cannot generate
gridpoints in the middle of the plane. However in the full-version where the number of
elements are not limited the user can manipulate the mesh if he uses slicing planes and join
on command. The method is the following: if we want to generate a more detailed mesh, or
rise the number of elements in a range, use of join on command can help because the
software generates mesh-points in intersections of slicing-planes. This method is sometimes
complicated to use because these artifical slicing-planes (generated only for mesh
manipulation) can influence the behaviour of the structure. For example if we do not give a
high value for the joint stiffnes properties along these artifical discontinuites than the block
parts will fall appart or slide on each other under loads. Use of join on command is
necessary because this ensures that joined blocks act as one block with a common centroid
and volume.
Next command line lists every gridpoints coordinates within the range enclosed by the
z=0.45 and z=0.5 horizontal planes. I had choosen these borders because I supposed that the
gridpoints remain within this range after deformations.
The coordinates of points lying on the corners of the blocks are highlited with grey color.
For the next script I only used the listed coordinates for orientation. With range command I
defined ranges that containing the loaded points.
;concentrated loads in the courners of the upper plane of the column
boundary zload -1000. range x -0.11 -0.09 y -0.11 -0.09 z 0.45 0.5
boundary zload -1000. range x -0.11 -0.09 y 0.09 0.11 z 0.45 0.5
boundary zload -1000. range x 0.09 0.11 y -0.11 -0.09 z 0.45 0.5
boundary zload -1000. range x 0.09 0.11 y 0.09 0.11 z 0.45 0.5
hist unbal
plot hist 2 yaxis label 'change of unballanced forces'
solve rat 1.e-6
The perpendicular (z-direction) loads are acting on the 4 peaks of the top of the column, their
value is: -1000 N.
Change of unbalanced forces had been plotted during the calculation (Fig. 9.). Concentrated
loads were applied only after the structure reached in balanced state under its self-weight.
Gravity was applied in 5 load-steps. According to Fig. 9. at the begining of calculation value
of unbalanced forces reached 900N. Structure got in ballanced state after ~2700 solve-steps.
Fig. 9.: Change of unbalanced forces [N] during the calculation in case gravity and concentrated loads
were applied
In Fig 10. z-displacements are displayed with plot contour command. Maximal
perpendicular settlement was registered at the top of the column, namely: 0.68283 mm.
Displacement value is higher than in case of gravitational loads (0.03863 mm). It could have
been predicted without the software, but in Fig. 10. it can be seen on an expressive picture
that the sides (where concentrated loads acting) of the top bricks had moved more than the
middle-part of them. On the other hand it can be seen that the applied rough mesh is incapable
to express the real settlements, where only the four peaks of the top plane and their closer
range would have been moved. The evolving shape is semi-circular, because intermediate
gridpoints can only be found on the edges parallel to the x-axle. The joint between the two
top-bricks is parallel to y-axle, in this direction there arent intermediate gridpoints so these
edges remain linear. On Fig. 11. and 12. movement of a joint-edge intersection-point and a
corner-point can be seen.
Fig. 11. at teh end of the joint 0.0, -0.1, 0.5 (7132)
Fig. 12. at corner 0.1, 0.1, 0.5 (7308)
As it can be seen on Fig 11. movements of joint-edge intersection-point is -0.4453 mm while
in case of corner-point its -0.6812 mm (Fig. 12.).
Just for curiosity movements in y- and x-directions were plotted too with plot contour
command the results can be seen on Fig. 13. and 14. According to results of graph 13. the
joint between the two top-bricks is opening up. This horizontal movement is undoubtful
consequence of the vertical movements resulted by the applied loads.
Fig. 10.: Z-displacements of the column [m] in case gravity and concentrated loads were applied
Fig. 11.: Z-displacements of the column [m] at the intersection of joint and edge (in case gravity and
concentrated loads were applied)
Fig. 12.: Z-displacements of the column [m] at the corners of top plane (in case gravity and
concentrated loads were applied)
Fig. 13.: x-displacements of the column [m] in case gravity and concentrated loads were applied
Fig. 14.: y-displacements of the column [m] in case gravity and concentrated loads were applied
On Fig. 14. the opening is acting on joint parallel to x-axle (in the brick-layer under the top
bricks). The opening of joints can be explained by the well-known phenomenon of mechanics
that openings usually came up on the plane where tensile strength acting. Another important
feature of the structure is the existence of discontinuities.
During a real engineering project analysis of rock-mass response usually involves several
different scales. Its particularly true for problems, where location of the far-field boundary in
the model can have a significant influence on results. Inspite of the benefits of more precise
and detailed models the large number of elements, gridpoints and joints usually demands a
reasonable modeling approach. This involves starting with a large global model and
proceeding through reasonable models to the smallest size required, with increasing
complexity and detail added at each stage. This method can reduce the required calculation-
time and can help to avoid some modeling mistakes, because the applied modeling-levels give
better understand of the behaviour of structures or investigated fields. Furthermore the more
levels reduce the complexity of each model.
3DEC has an automatic method of recording stresses at specified locations so that they can be
applied as boundary tractions on smaller problems (higher modeling-levels). This unique
feature ensures stress compatibility between larger and smaller models.
Boundary tractions applied to the detailed model are transferred from the regional model at
points corresponding to the locations of the detailed model boundaries by the following
procedure (Fig. 15.):
1. Run Model A.
2. Enter the command set log on.
3. Enter the command list brick xl xu yl yu zl zu where (xl, xu), (yl, yu) and (zl, zu)
correspond to the boundaries of Model B.
4. The loads printed to the log file for the list brick command can be applied to
Model B by using the bound xtraction, bound ytraction and bound ztraction
This command sets global condition variables which remain constant during a run.
If we set log command to on, a text file lfname opens in the current working directory.
If lfname has not been specified with the set logfile command, then lfname is set equal to
3DEC.LOG. Log-file involves every commands and calculation steps.
This command provides an alternative to the list bound reaction command. It is used when
the stresses inside a global model are to be transferred as boundary conditions to a smaller
model. The smaller model must be defined as a brick-shaped polyhedron. The command
creates a file with bound point, bound xload, bound yload and bound zload, which
are used as input in the smaller model data file. The global model need not have joints
corresponding to the boundaries of the smaller model, as required by the list bound reaction
command. The forces are calculated by sampling stresses in a regular grid located on the brick
faces. The grid size may be defined by the user. The forces are corrected so that the force
sums balance the gravity forces acting inside the brick region. It is assumed that no holes exist
inside the brick. The default filename is BRICK.PRN. The default grid-spacing is (0.1 x
largest brick dimension).
According to Command Reference at first the user has to define an optional triangular
surface on the face of a deformable block, defined by the three vertices at (x1,y1,z1),
(x2,y2,z2), (x3,y3,z3):
triangle x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2 x3 y3 z3
The place of the triangle is optional on the sutrface of the structure, so it is independent of the
gridponts or points of the generated mesh. According to the Command Reference the three
points of the triangle must be entered in counterclockwise order, looking at the block-face
from outside the block. Inspite of that my tests were proved that the load is only applied for
the surface if it is given in clockwise order, looking at the block-face from outside the
Load can be applied for the triangles with the use of bound xtraction, bound ytraction and
bound ztraction commands. Intensity can be given automatically by the listed value of
boundary-loads (imported from an other modeling-level) but any particular value is available
The following script is applying 1000kN/m2 = 1000000 kg/ms2 = 1e6 kg/ms2 distributed load
for the upper plane of the column. If the generated mesh is taken into account then 4 triangles
can be found on the top of the column. At first I defined the loads according to these triangles.
The following script works with only two triangles but it loads the whole upper plane of the
column like the previous one.
-1.000E-01 1.000E-01 5.000E-01 &
1.000E-01 -1.000E-01 5.000E-01 &
-1.000E-01 -1.000E-01 5.000E-01 &
xtraction 0.0 &
ytraction 0.0 &
ztraction -1.0E+06
Fig. 16.: z-displacements of the column [m] in case distributed load was applied for the top of the
column with traction command
Finally I demonstrate that traction command is irrespective of the gridpoints and points of
mesh. For the sake of it the next script is defining a square (sized: 0.06 m x 0.06 m) with two
triangles on the top of the structure.
boundary triangle &
3.000E-02 3.000E-02 5.000E-01 &
3.000E-02 -3.000E-02 5.000E-01 &
-3.000E-02 3.000E-02 5.000E-01 &
xtraction 0.0 &
ytraction 0.0 &
ztraction -1.0E+06
boundary triangle &
-3.000E-02 3.000E-02 5.000E-01 &
3.000E-02 -3.000E-02 5.000E-01 &
-3.000E-02 -3.000E-02 5.000E-01 &
xtraction 0.0 &
ytraction 0.0 &
ztraction -1.0E+06
The results can be seen on Fig. 17. Studying the picture its obvious that the center of the
column is loaded, because the values of displacements are higher at that part. The
displacements show the same phenomenon that was represented in the previous section (Load
boundary). Namely the loose mesh cannot give the real behaviour of the blocks because the
sotware cannot represent deflections of edges where internal gridpoints do not exist (rigid-
block behaviour in y-dyrection). On the other hand transversal direction of brick levels
influencing the displacements and it decreasing the settlements of the upper bricks in y-
direction. On the whole a mesh with higher density would give more realistic results.
Fig. 17.: z-displacements of the column [m] in case distributed load was applied for a 0.06x0.06 m
square on the top of the column with traction command
In case disributed load is applied with traction command, the direction of load (tension or
compression) depends on the direction of global coordinate system. For instance if the applied
load is perpendicular and pointing downwards (like in the previous example), the user have to
define the value of ztratcion with a negative number. The z-axis of the softwares global
coordinate system is pointing upwards.
On Fig 18. displacements can be seen when the applied load is pointing upwards, the script is
the following.
0.000E+00 -1.000E-01 5.000E-01 &
0.000E+00 1.000E-01 5.000E-01 &
xtraction 0.0 &
ytraction 0.0 &
ztraction 1.0E+06
boundary triangle &
0.000E+00 1.000E-01 5.000E-01 &
0.000E+00 -1.000E-01 5.000E-01 &
-1.000E-01 1.000E-01 5.000E-01 &
xtraction 0.0 &
ytraction 0.0 &
ztraction 1.0E+06
boundary triangle &
0.000E+00 -1.000E-01 5.000E-01 &
-1.000E-01 -1.000E-01 5.000E-01 &
-1.000E-01 1.000E-01 5.000E-01 &
xtraction 0.0 &
ytraction 0.0 &
ztraction 1.0E+06
Fig. 18.: z-displacements of the column [m] in case distributed load (pointing upwards in z-direction)
was applied for the top of the column with traction command
It does not count if loads are applied with stress boundary or traction boundary, the
results remains the same in both cases. As in the previous chapter, distributed load was acting
on the whole upper plane of the column, with the value: 1000kN/m2.
Rigid or deformable blocks are both avaliable with the stress command, user can define every
items of the stress tensor (xx, yy, zz, xy, xz, yz).
boundary x y z stress xx, yy, zz, xy, xz, yz
Change of unbalanced forces and z-displacements are plotted on following pictures. In the
beginning of calculation process value of unbalanced forces was higher than 4500 N, after
~1200 solve-steps it nearly dropped to zero (Fig. 19.).
Fig. 19.: Change of unbalanced forces [N] during the calculation in case distributed load was applied
with stress command
Fig. 20.: z-displacements of the column [m] in case distributed load was applied with stress
Boundary stress command is appropriate for define linearly varying distributed load, in this
case xgrad, ygrad and zgrad commands are used, according to the next section:
xx, yy, zz, xy, xz, yz stresses at origin (x=0, y=0, z=0), from this point the boundary
stress is linearly varying.
If stresses at origin are not defined, the softwer automatically sets them to zero.
After boundary ranges (where loads acting) have to be defined. On the other hand these
coordinate boundaries (x1,x2 y1,y2 z1,z2) has another role, because they are influencing the
stress values according to the following equations. In the previous script it can be seen that the
defined range is a 0.01 m bigger in every direction than the geometry of the structure. It is
very important, because the software sometimes cannot apprehend the loads without these
extra ranges. These extra areas have an unsignificant role on the value of stresses because
the previously mentioned calculation method. Anyway the difference between the accurate
and the applied values is negligable.
According to the previous script stresses at the origin are the following:
xx = 0
yy = 0
zz = 1 104
xy = 0
xz = 0
yz = 0
So approaching to the edge x=-0.1 stress value is rising, while towards x=0.1 its decreasing,
because of the negative sign. In this example at the edge (x=0.1) stress value is 0, while at x=-
0.1 its twice of the value given in the middle of the column (0,0,0).
zz = 1104 + (105) x
The highest settlement values were reported around the negative coordinates of the x-axis,
while at positive x-coordinates it heading towards zero. The load causes compression in the
whole crossection.
So with the use of grad command several kind of loadtypes can be created.
Fig. 22.: z-displacements of the column [m] in case boundary grad command was applied
Displacements cannot be controlled directly in 3DEC; in fact, they play no part in the
calculation process. In order to apply a given displacement to a boundary of a deformable
block, it is necessary to fix the boundary and prescribe the boundarys velocity for a given
number of steps. The commands boundary xvel, yvel and zvel fix the x-, y- and z
components of velocity at selected boundary gridpoints.
If the desired displacement is d and a velocity (v) is applied for a time increment (t), then
displacement is calculated with d = v t equation. Where t = tn, t is the timestep and n
is the number of steps (or cycles). In practice, v should be kept small and n large, in order
to minimize shocks to the system being modeled.
The apply xvel (yvel, zvel) commands have the same role as boundary velocity, but
they specify a velocity for rigid blocks. Apply defines constant velocities for rigid blocks
centroids that can be found in range where apply command is used
In this section FIX and VELOCITY BOUNDARY commands were used at the same time.
Although it is not important, because only one of these commands is enough to define zero
velocities for gridpoints at the boundaries. On the other hand this is not obvious and some
tests were provided that certain Itasca versions cannot get on with these commands. They had
not given the same results if only one of the previously mentioned commands were used. So
in the following examples I try to demonstrate that in 3DEC 4.10.121 (in demo and in full
version) these commands are equal and only one of them is enough to use. To prove this
phenomenon I run the whole column loaded with its self-weight and at first I use only the
BOUND XVEL, YVEL, ZVEL commands. I defined velocities with zero value for gridpoints
at the lower plane of the base-block.
After that definition of geometry and material properties BOUNDARY commands can be
seen. Now velocities were set to zero in every direction, after the gravitational loading was
applied to the structure.
;base-block 60x60x20cm (blue clolored block on Fig. 1)
;origin is defined in the middle of the upper surface of the base-block
poly brick -0.3,0.3 -0.3,0.3 -0.2,0.
;block-levels made up with blocks sized: 10x10x20cm
;first level (blocks orientated in y-direction)
poly brick -0.1,0. -0.1,0.1 0.,0.1
poly brick 0.,0.1 -0.1,0.1 0.,0.1
;second level (blocks orientated in x-direction)
poly brick -0.1,0.1 -0.1,0. 0.1,0.2
poly brick -0.1,0.1 0.,0.1 0.1,0.2
;third level (blocks orientated in y-direction)
poly brick -0.1,0. -0.1,0.1 0.2,0.3
poly brick 0.,0.1 -0.1,0.1 0.2,0.3
;fourth level (blocks orientated in x-direction)
poly brick -0.1,0.1 -0.1,0. 0.3,0.4
poly brick -0.1,0.1 0.,0.1 0.3,0.4
;fifth level (blocks orientated in y-direction)
poly brick -0.1,0. -0.1,0.1 0.4,0.5
poly brick 0.,0.1 -0.1,0.1 0.4,0.5
;displaying of geometry
plot block
plot reset
plot set dip 60. dd 210.
;mesh generation with 20cm average mesh-size
gen edge 0.2
;material properties (sandstone):
;density: 2400 kg/m3
;E=19.3GPa Poisson-ratio: 0.38
;K=26.8GPa G=7GPa
prop mat=1 dens=2400. k=2.68e10 g=7.e9
;joint properties (Coulomb-slip model)
;normal stiffness (1000 MPa/m) and shear stiffness (100 MPa/m)
;friction angle 25
change jcons=1
prop jmat=1 jkn 1.e9 jks 1.e8 fric 25.
;supported on the lower surface of the base-block (velocity boundary with zero values in every direction)
bound xvel=0.0 range x -0.31,0.31 y -0.31,0.31 z -0.21,-0.18
bound yvel=0.0 range x -0.31,0.31 y -0.31,0.31 z -0.21,-0.18
bound zvel=0.0 range x -0.31,0.31 y -0.31,0.31 z -0.21,-0.18
;for cycle is applied for rising the value of gravitational force
;this is necessary because some structures collapse if the gravitation is applied in one step
;"grav_lep" is the value that defines the number of cycles gravitation is applied
;the value of gr is rising with the value g/grav_lep in every cycle
;Calculation process is running until the structure reaches the desired accuracy
;this is measured by the ratio of unbalanced and applied forces
;now I set the limitvalue for 1e-5
def gra
loop n (1,grav_lep)
gravity 0.0,0.0,@gr
solve rat 1.e-5
hist zvel -0.3 -0.3 0
plot hist 1
;calling the gra command
The working of supports can be determined according to the displacements of the gridpoints
or the velocities of them.
At first let us see how can we check the displacements: the commands hist zvel -0.3 -0.3 0 and
plot hist 1 were used to create the following graph (Fig. 23.):
Fig. 23.: z-velocities of point: x= -0.3 y= -0.3 z= 0.0 [m] in case boundary velocity command
was applied
As it can be seen on Fig. 23. the velocity of the registered gridpoint had reached the highest
values at calculation steps when new gravitational load-step was applied to the structure.
When the registered point was choosen to (-0.3 -0.3 0) this history had given the following
results (Fig. 24).
Fig. 24.: z-velocities of point: x= -0.3 y= -0.3 z= -0.2 [m] in case boundary velocity command
was applied
Comparing the two graphs it can be announced that support can be defined only with the
boundary velocity command, because velocities of the lower plane (-0.3, -0.3, -0.2) remained
zero during the whole calculation process. On the other hand the upper plane of the base-
block moved so the supports had to work.
There is a very useful command that can help identifying positions of vertexes: list rf ve. On
Fig. 25. resulted chart of the listing can be seen. The first column of the chart contains the
face where vertex can be found, the second contains the ID of the block, the third is the ID of
the vertex and the last three columns are the original x, y and z coordinates of the vertexes.
During the probe of several models I realised that the software generates a totally different
mesh in every new running of the code. This is a very important moment, because it indicates
that after every new running the user should check the coordinates of the mesh-grids if the
identification of gridpoint locations is relevant in aspect of calculation.
Or a lot of command can give these coordinates too, even if the main purpose of them is not
listing of the original coordinates. For example:
gives the same coordinates as the previous command, but after the original coordinates
displacements of gridpoints are listed too. See the following results: these tables (Fig. 26.)
were all generated with the same geometry and the same average mesh-size (0.2 m), in spite
of that every listing resulted different coordinates for gridpoints 9036, 8997, 8958, 8919.
Fig. 26.: Change of mesh-grids location according to different runnings
In the previous examples I used BOUND VEL command to support the lower plane of the
base-block. Now I demonstrate the phenomenon mentioned at first, namely: FIX and
BOUND VEL commands give the same results individually they dont have to be used
together. As it can be seen on Fig. 27. displacements at the lower plane of the base block
were zero in case only FIX command was used.
Fig. 27.: Displacements at the lower plane of the base block in case support was defined by
FIX command
On the other hand it is true that in case velocity of gridpoints were set to a certain value earlier
than FIX command is applied we can fix only the previously defined velocity. So in these
cases at first the BOUND VEL command has to be applied and zero velocity is necessary to
be defined. FIX command automatically refers to every direction, while in case of BOUND
VEL command velocities can be changed separately in each direction. So this indicates that in
most cases the two commands has to be used together. In the previously demonstrated
examples the applied supports were fixed in every direction (velocities were set to zero in x, y
and z directions).
In the following section a script is demonstrated that generates base-settlement. At first out
of the four corner of the lower plane of the base-block only one moves, the other three is
fixed. To specify the movement of the corner I defined a loop cycle in the FISH code.
The final displacement is -0.01 m, velocity is -0.1 m/s. The gp_near command registrates
the actual coordinates of 0.3,-0.3,-0.2 point and stores it in ph variable. The moved points
velocity is equals to variable v (@v), so when calculation starts the points starts to move. In
order to the cycle stop at the proper displacement value an if command had to be applied.
Z-dispalcements of ph gridpoint is stored in elm variable with gp_zdis(ph) command,
as a result elm is giving the actual displacement in every calculation cycles. This value is
enough to decide whether value of elm reached the desired displacement s. If elm
reaches or higher than s, velocity of moving gridpoint is turned into zero. The whole
monitoring cycle with loop command runs 100 times, but if the conditions sufficed earlier
the cycle stops. During one loop the software makes 100 solve-steps (cycles), this is defined
with the cycle 100 command.
bound zvel=0. range x 0.33,0.27 y -0.33,-0.27 z -0.27,-0.18
;calling tm command
The previously mentioned statement is come p again, namely: the gridpoints always has to be
identificated with ranges because the software cannot come up with direct coordinates. The
main reason of it is the constant moving of gridpoints. Unfortunately the represented
gp_near command, that identificates gridpoints with their identification number (ID) works
only within FISH code.
Fig. 28.: displacements in case uneven settlement applied for the model
Fig. 29.: zz normal stresses in z-direction in case uneven settlement applied for the model
Fig. 30.: yy normal stresses in y-direction in case uneven settlement applied for the model
Fig. 31.: xx normal stresses in x-direction in case uneven settlement applied for the model
Fig. 32.: xy shear stresses in z-direction in case uneven settlement applied for the model
Fig. 33.: xz shear stresses in case uneven settlement applied for the model
Fig. 34.: yz shear stresses in case uneven settlement applied for the model
On Fig. 29.-34. normal and shear stresses of base-block can be seen, the pictures were taken
with the following command:
Command bcontour is similar to the previousy used contour command, the automatic
color settings were applied (above au). Bcontour command displays the choosen property
with the most expressing color characterizing the investigated zone. Now the displayed values
are sxx, syy, szz, sxy, sxz, syz stresses.
Studying Fig. 29. the expected behaviour is occured, at the moved corner tensile stresses were
acting while at the neighbouring two corners compression was registered. At the corner
opposite to the moved one, tension was occured too, because the gridpoint tried to rise up but
it was fixed. Studying the results by take into account the displacements, behaviour of the
structure is proper.
According to other figures the zones show a high variety of stress values. In case of a more
detailed mesh the interaction between zones could be expressed. Stress values are nearly the
same, but the highest values were registered at normal stresses acting in z-direction.
Using list grid disp range z -0.21,-0.18 command displacements of lower part of base-block were
listed. Resulting table is the following:
Fig. 35.: Displacements of the lower part of the base-block in case uneven settlements were
set to it
In the following sections I am studying displacements of the gridpoints lying on edges leaning
to the moved corner. The edge parallel to x-axis contains the following gridpoints (IDs
enumerated in order approaching to the moved corner): 284, 1219, 1258, 328. The edge
parallel to y-axis contains the following gridpoints (IDs enumerated in order approaching to
the moved corner): 372, 1336, 1297, 328.
Fig. 36.: Displacements of the gridpoints parallel to x-axle (284, 1219, 1258, 328) contained
by lower part of the base-block in case uneven settlements were set to them
On Fig. 36. displacements of the gridpoints parallel to x-axle contained by lower part of the
base-block can be seen. Thick blue line demonstrates the original (unmoved) state, every
gridpoint is horizontal and lying at z=-0.2 coordinate. Pink (purple) polyline represents the
calculated displacements of edge, yellow line can be considered as reference, it shows linear
displacements (without internal gridpoints). According to the graph displacements of
gridpoints lying on the edge is not linear. On Fig. 37. displacements of edge parallel to y-axle
are represented. Three of the gridpoints represented on Fig. 36. and 37. were created by me,
because they build up the geometry: 284, 372, 328, but the followings were automatically
created by the software, during mesh geneartion: 1219, 1258, 1336, 1297 (gen command).
Fig. 37.: Displacements of the gridpoints parallel to y-axle (372, 1336, 1297, 328) contained
by lower part of the base-block in case uneven settlements were set to them
On Fig. 38. and 39. displacements are represented in case mesh was generated with a higher
density (the original 0.2 m average mesh-size was changed to 0.1 m).
According to Fig. 38. and 39. the settlement of the moving-corner is more concentrated than
in case of rough mesh (0.2 m) furthermore the change of displacements is refined.
Fig. 38.: z-displacements of base-block in case uneven settlement was applied for the model,
mesh was generated with 0.1 m average mesh-size
Fig. 39.: Displacements of the gridpoints parallel to y-axle (372, 1570, 1531, 1492, 1453,
1414, 328) contained by lower part of the base-block in case uneven settlements were set to
them, mesh was generated with 0.1 m average mesh-size
In case velocity boundary is applied for four ranges containing the whole area of the
lower part of base-block not for the gridpoints, the script is the following:
;uneven base-settlement movement is defined with ranges containing the whole plane of the base-block
;velociies of fixed regions is defined to zero
bound zvel=0. range x -0.31,0. y 0.31,0. z -0.21,-0.18
bound zvel=0. range x 0.31,0. y 0.31,0. z -0.21,-0.18
bound zvel=0. range x -0.31,0. y -0.31,0. z -0.21,-0.18
;fixing of boundary ranges
fix range x -0.31,0. y 0.31,0. z -0.21,-0.18
fix range x 0.31,0. y 0.31,0. z -0.21,-0.18
fix range x -0.31,0. y -0.31,0. z -0.21,-0.18
;applying movement for the region
def tm
v=-0.1 ;velocity of region
s=-0.01 ;prescribed displacement
bound zvel=@v range x 0.31,0. y -0.31,0. z -0.27,-0.18
loop n (1,100)
if elm > s then
cycle 100
bound zvel=0. range x 0.31,0. y -0.31,0. z -0.27,-0.18
Ranges were defined only for the lower plane of the base-block and they split the block into
four equal parts. The parts are connecting in the center of the block. On Fig. 40.
displacements are represented with use of plot contour command. According to the results
were announced in the previous section the gradual change is not registered in case of ranges
including the whole plane of the block. The prescribed displacements are acting on bigger
areas and because of this, settlements are concentrated on an exact range. Actually these
results are not surprising, the influence of changed model-parameters can be seen more
impressive on Fig. 41. and 42. where phenomenon of shear failure occures. The graphs are
containing displacements of gridpoints parallel to x- and y-axles. Studying the results, in the
middle of the block, displacements are evolving concentrated and changing linearly. At
ranges where specified displacements acting, the graph is horizontal at the exact values. This
phenomenon occures more intense if the average mesh-size is reduced see Fig. 43. and 44.
Fig. 40.: z-displacements in case uneven settlement was applied for four ranges containing the
whole area of the lower part of base-block
Fig. 41.: Displacements of the gridpoints parallel to x-axle (284, 1219, 1258, 328) in case
uneven settlement was applied for four ranges containing the whole area of the lower part of
Fig. 42.: Displacements of the gridpoints parallel to y-axle (372, 1336, 1297, 328) in case
uneven settlement was applied for four ranges containing the whole area of the lower part of
Fig. 43.: z-displacements in case uneven settlement was applied for four ranges containing the
whole area of the lower part of base-block, mesh was generated with 0.1 m average mesh-size
Fig. 44.: Displacements of the gridpoints parallel to y-axle (372, 1570, 1531, 1492, 1453,
1414, 328) in case uneven settlement was applied for four ranges containing the whole area of
the lower part of base-block, mesh was generated with 0.1 m average mesh-size
So on Fig. 43. and 44. the average mesh-size were changed from 0.2 m to 0.1 m. Comparing
the results the length of linear part where displacements occures had decreased, this tendence
is indicating that the more-fined-mesh occures the more concentrated displacements and
finally a shear-plane develops. So in case supports are defined with ranges covering the whole
base-block, settlements occure in block shape instead of gradual change.
In the following scripts support-ranges are covering the whole lower plane of the base-
block, like in the previous section. The difference is the following: ranges are containing the
whole block, so they were extended in vertical (z) direction up to the top of the base-
block. Results were show that displacements cannot develop in case fixed ranges are
containing the lower and upper plane of the block. In case the mesh is generated with 0.2 m
mesh size gridpoints are located on two planes (lower z=-0.2 and upper z=0.0 plane of the
block, defined by geometry). If the upper boundary of the range is defined with a few mm-s
under the upper plane displacements were occured.
Another script was ran with 0.1 m mesh size, this means that an internal level has developed
(besides the lower and upper plane of the block) where gridpoints are located. The new plane
can be found at z=-0.1 height. According to the results displacements can develop if the
ranges do not contain the gridpoints at level z=-0.1. Studying the results availability of ranges
depends on the mesh-density and a more intense mesh (mesh with smaller mesh-size) would
cause that displacements can develop only in case ranges were defined for the lower plane of
Following script is defines a base-settlement where three corner of the lower plane of base-
block is moving and only one is fixed. Velocity of gridpoint opposite to the fixed one is
0.1 m/s, while the other two gridpoints moving 0.05 m/s fast.
The described script is the following:
;stress-free base-block, only one corner of the block is fixed (veolcity of gridpoint is zero)
;the other three corners are moving. Velocity of two opposite moving-corners
;is half of the third moving gridpoint.
bound zvel=0. range x -0.31,-0.29 y 0.31,0.29 z -0.21,-0.1
;fixing of boundary
fix range x -0.31,-0.29 y 0.31,0.29 z -0.21,-0.1
;defining movement of gridpoint opposite to the fixed one
def tm
v1=-0.1 ;velocity of gridpoint
s=-0.01 ;prescribed displacement
bound zvel=@v1 range x 0.33,0.27 y -0.33,-0.27 z -0.27,-0.18
bound zvel=@v2 range x 0.33,0.27 y 0.33,0.27 z -0.27,-0.18
bound zvel=@v2 range x -0.33,-0.27 y -0.33,-0.27 z -0.27,-0.18
loop n (1,100)
if elm > s then
; pr @elm
cycle 100
bound zvel=0. range x 0.33,0.27 y -0.33,-0.27 z -0.27,-0.18
bound zvel=0. range x 0.33,0.27 y 0.33,0.27 z -0.27,-0.18
bound zvel=0. range x -0.33,-0.27 y -0.33,-0.27 z -0.27,-0.18
Displacement results of the generated base-settlement can be seen on Fig. 45. For the applied
velocity boundaries the block is moving like a rigid block that is fixed only with one thing.
The parallel color strips are proving this phenomenon, the settlement is linear. This kind of
movement should not indicate stresses in the block because deformations werent occured.
Stress results can be seen on Fig. 46. 51.
Fig. 45.: z-displacements of base-block in case only one corner is fixed on the lower part of it
Fig. 46.: zz normal stresses of base-block in case only one corner is fixed on the lower part of it
Fig. 47.: yy normal stresses of base-block in case only one corner is fixed on the lower part of it
Fig. 48.: xx normal stresses of base-block in case only one corner is fixed on the lower part of it
Fig. 49.: xy shear stresses of base-block in case only one corner is fixed on the lower part of it
Fig. 50.: xz shear stresses of base-block in case only one corner is fixed on the lower part of it
Fig. 51.: yz shear stresses of base-block in case only one corner is fixed on the lower part of it
Inspite of the previously mentioned phenomenon stress results had shown that the block is not
free from stresses. On the other hand the value of registered stresses compared to the previous
stress results (indicated by perpendicular loads) is not too high, on the other hand they cannot
be neglected. Now Im going to investigate deformations of the base block to find out the
cause of stresses.
Fig. 52.: Displacements of the lower part of the base-block in case only one corner is fixed on it
Fig. 53.: Displacement of gridpoints (416, 1882, 1921, 328) taking place on diagonal
connecting the fixed and the opposite moving corners
Fig. 54.: Displacements of gridpoints (416, 1414, 1375, 372) parallel to x-axle taking place on
the edge connecting the fixed and moving corners
Fig. 55.: Displacements of gridpoints (416, 1570, 1531, 284) parallel to y-axle taking place on
the edge connecting the fixed and moving corners
Fig. 56.: Displacements of gridpoints (284, 1219, 1258, 328) parallel to x-axle taking place on
the edge connecting two moving corners
Fig. 57.: Displacements of gridpoints (372, 1336, 1297, 328) parallel to y-axle taking place on
the edge connecting two moving corners
On Fig. 53.- 57. displacements of gridpoints lying on edges and diagonal of base-block are
recorded. On Fig 54.- 57. displacements of edges can be seen, according to these graphs the
block can be determined to be stress-free. On the other hand on Fig. 53. deformation of the
diagonal is represented, studying this graph the recorded stress values can be explained.
In case velocity boundaries were applied to gridpoints, displacements can be seen on Fig.
58. The script is the following:
;base-block 60x60x20cm (blue clolored block on Fig. 1)
;origin is defined in the middle of the upper surface of the base-block
poly brick -0.3,0.3 -0.3,0.3 -0.2,0.
;block-levels made up with blocks sized: 10x10x20cm
;first level (blocks orientated in y-direction)
poly brick -0.1,0. -0.1,0.1 0.,0.1
poly brick 0.,0.1 -0.1,0.1 0.,0.1
;second level (blocks orientated in x-direction)
poly brick -0.1,0.1 -0.1,0. 0.1,0.2
poly brick -0.1,0.1 0.,0.1 0.1,0.2
;third level (blocks orientated in y-direction)
poly brick -0.1,0. -0.1,0.1 0.2,0.3
poly brick 0.,0.1 -0.1,0.1 0.2,0.3
;fourth level (blocks orientated in x-direction)
poly brick -0.1,0.1 -0.1,0. 0.3,0.4
poly brick -0.1,0.1 0.,0.1 0.3,0.4
;fifth level (blocks orientated in y-direction)
poly brick -0.1,0. -0.1,0.1 0.4,0.5
poly brick 0.,0.1 -0.1,0.1 0.4,0.5
;displaying of geometry
plot block
plot reset
plot set dip 60. dd 210.
;mesh generation with 20cm average mesh-size
gen edge 0.2
;material properties (sandstone):
;density: 2400 kg/m3
;E=19.3GPa Poisson-ratio: 0.38
;K=26.8GPa G=7GPa
prop mat=1 dens=2400. k=2.68e10 g=7.e9
;joint properties (Coulomb-slip model)
;normal stiffness (1000 MPa/m) and shear stiffness (100 MPa/m)
;friction angle 25
change jcons=1
prop jmat=1 jkn 1.e9 jks 1.e8 fric 25.
;supported on the lower surface of the base-block (velocity boundary with zero values in every direction)
bound xvel=0.0 range x -0.31,0.31 y -0.31,0.31 z -0.21,-0.1
bound yvel=0.0 range x -0.31,0.31 y -0.31,0.31 z -0.21,-0.1
bound zvel=0.0 range x -0.31,0.31 y -0.31,0.31 z -0.21,-0.1
;for cycle is applied for rising the value of gravitational force this is necessary because some structures
;collapse if the gravitation is applied in one step. "grav_lep" is the value that defines the number of cycles
;gravitation is applied the value of gr is rising with the value g/grav_lep in every cycle
;Calculation process is running until the structure reaches the desired accuracy
;this is measured by the ratio of unbalanced and applied forces, now I set the limitvalue for 1e-5
def gra
loop n (1,grav_lep)
gravity 0.0,0.0,@gr
solve rat 1.e-5
;calling the gra command
;uneven settlement with one moving gridpoint
;fixing boundary velocities
fix range x -0.31,-0.29 y 0.31,0.29 z -0.21,-0.1
fix range x 0.31,0.29 y 0.31,0.29 z -0.21,-0.1
fix range x -0.31,-0.29 y -0.31,-0.29 z -0.21,-0.1
;definition of displacement of the moving gridpoint
def tm
v=-0.005 ;velocity of gridpoint
s=-0.01 ;prescribed displacement
bound zvel=@v range x 0.33,0.27 y -0.33,-0.27 z -0.27,-0.18
loop n (1,100)
if elm > s then
cycle 100
bound zvel=0. range x 0.33,0.27 y -0.33,-0.27 z -0.27,-0.18
;calling tm command
Taking a look at the script it can be seen, that at first gravitational load was applied to the
structure, during this calculation-period every gridpoints velocity at the corner of the base
block were defined to zero. After the column got into balanced state three of the gridpoints (at
the corners) were turned to fixed. The fourth moving gridpoints settlement was defined by
the previously demonstrated script. Velocity of moving gridpoint was defined with 0.005 m/s,
this value turned out to be slow enough to get real displacement ruslts. In case of faster
movements a horizontal gap occured between the base-block and the lowest block level. If
movements were generated with 0.01 m/s the mentioned horizontal gap occured and this
cause that displacements cannot develop on the upper part of the structure (column remains
unmoved and settlements can realised only on the base block). On Fig. 58. the case is
represented when the base-block and the upper levels are moving together. Inspite of this on
Fig. 59. velocity was defined to 0.1 m/s, this case the column cannot follow the settlements of
the base-block.
Fig. 58.: z-displacements of the whole structure in case uneven settlement was generated with 0.005
m/s velocity, one of the four corners is fixed the others are moving
Fig. 59.: z-displacements of the whole structure in case uneven settlement was generated with 0.1 m/s
velocity, one of the four corners is fixed the others are moving
If base-settlement is defined with ranges covering the whole plane of the base-block, bricks
of the lowest block-level is supported at almost the whole plane of them. This is noticeable on
Fig. 60. (veolcity: 0.1 m/s), where the left side of the column is almost motionless, but on the
right handside tilting is recorded. The movement is caused by the lowest brick what is the
most closer to the concentrated settlement.
Fig. 60.: z-displacements of the whole structure in case uneven settlement was generated with 0.1 m/s
velocity, settlement was applied for four ranges containing the whole area of the lower part of
On Fig. 61. movements were generated with 0.005 m/s velocity, in this case tilting was
recorded too, but the base-block and the upper levels of the column moved together. Script is
the following:
;base-block 60x60x20cm (blue colored block on Fig. 1)
;origin is defined in the middle of the upper surface of the base-block
poly brick -0.3,0.3 -0.3,0.3 -0.2,0.
;block-levels made up with blocks sized: 10x10x20cm
;first level (blocks orientated in y-direction)
poly brick -0.1,0. -0.1,0.1 0.,0.1
poly brick 0.,0.1 -0.1,0.1 0.,0.1
;second level (blocks orientated in x-direction)
poly brick -0.1,0.1 -0.1,0. 0.1,0.2
poly brick -0.1,0.1 0.,0.1 0.1,0.2
;third level (blocks orientated in y-direction)
poly brick -0.1,0. -0.1,0.1 0.2,0.3
poly brick 0.,0.1 -0.1,0.1 0.2,0.3
;fourth level (blocks orientated in x-direction)
poly brick -0.1,0.1 -0.1,0. 0.3,0.4
poly brick -0.1,0.1 0.,0.1 0.3,0.4
;fifth level (blocks orientated in y-direction)
poly brick -0.1,0. -0.1,0.1 0.4,0.5
poly brick 0.,0.1 -0.1,0.1 0.4,0.5
;displaying of geometry
plot block
plot reset
plot set dip 60. dd 210.
;mesh generation with 20cm average mesh-size
gen edge 0.2
;material properties (sandstone):
;density: 2400 kg/m3
;E=19.3GPa Poisson-ratio: 0.38
;K=26.8GPa G=7GPa
prop mat=1 dens=2400. k=2.68e10 g=7.e9
;joint properties (Coulomb-slip model)
;normal stiffness (1000 MPa/m) and shear stiffness (100 MPa/m)
;friction angle 25
change jcons=1
prop jmat=1 jkn 1.e9 jks 1.e8 fric 25.
;supported on the lower surface of the base-block (velocity boundary with zero values in every direction)
bound xvel=0.0 range x -0.31,0.31 y -0.31,0.31 z -0.21,-0.1
bound yvel=0.0 range x -0.31,0.31 y -0.31,0.31 z -0.21,-0.1
bound zvel=0.0 range x -0.31,0.31 y -0.31,0.31 z -0.21,-0.1
;for cycle is applied for rising the value of gravitational force this is necessary because some structures
;collapse if the gravitation is applied in one step. "grav_lep" is the value that defines the number of cycles
;gravitation is applied the value of gr is rising with the value g/grav_lep in every cycle
;Calculation process is running until the structure reaches the desired accuracy
;this is measured by the ratio of unbalanced and applied forces, now I set the limitvalue for 1e-5
def gra
loop n (1,grav_lep)
gravity 0.0,0.0,@gr
solve rat 1.e-5
;calling the gra command
;uneven base-settlement is defined with ranges containing the whole plane of the base-block
;velocities of fixed regions is defined to zero
bound zvel=0. range x -0.31,0. y 0.31,0. z -0.21,-0.18
bound zvel=0. range x 0.31,0. y 0.31,0. z -0.21,-0.18
bound zvel=0. range x -0.31,0. y -0.31,0. z -0.21,-0.18
;fixing of boundary ranges
fix range x -0.31,0. y 0.31,0. z -0.21,-0.18
fix range x 0.31,0. y 0.31,0. z -0.21,-0.18
fix range x -0.31,0. y -0.31,0. z -0.21,-0.18
;applying movement for the region
def tm
v=-0.005 ;velocity of region
s=-0.01 ;prescribed displacement
bound zvel=@v range x 0.33,0. y -0.33,0. z -0.27,-0.18
loop n (1,3000)
if elm > s then
cycle 100
bound zvel=0. range x 0.33,0. y -0.33,0. z -0.27,-0.18
;calling tm command
Fig. 61.: z-displacements of the whole structure in case uneven settlement was generated with 0.005
m/s velocity, settlement was applied for four ranges containing the whole area of the lower part
of base-block
If three corner of the lower plane of base-block moved and only one was fixed,
displacements of the column can be seen on Fig. 62. and 63.
On Fig. 62. results are displayed when velocity of gridpoint with the most higher
displacement values is 0.1 m/s and the other two corners moving with 0.05 m/s. These fast
movements caused the previously demonstrated phenomenon (opening of the horizontal
joints). In spite of this on Fig. 63. velocities were changed to 0.01 m/s and 0.005 m/s. These
reduced velocities gave the proper results. In my opinion apply of slower movements are not
reasonable, because they would elongate calculation-time.
;base-block 60x60x20cm (blue clolored block on Fig. 1)
;origin is defined in the middle of the upper surface of the base-block
poly brick -0.3,0.3 -0.3,0.3 -0.2,0.
;block-levels made up with blocks sized: 10x10x20cm
;first level (blocks orientated in y-direction)
poly brick -0.1,0. -0.1,0.1 0.,0.1
poly brick 0.,0.1 -0.1,0.1 0.,0.1
;second level (blocks orientated in x-direction)
poly brick -0.1,0.1 -0.1,0. 0.1,0.2
poly brick -0.1,0.1 0.,0.1 0.1,0.2
;third level (blocks orientated in y-direction)
poly brick -0.1,0. -0.1,0.1 0.2,0.3
poly brick 0.,0.1 -0.1,0.1 0.2,0.3
;fourth level (blocks orientated in x-direction)
poly brick -0.1,0.1 -0.1,0. 0.3,0.4
poly brick -0.1,0.1 0.,0.1 0.3,0.4
;fifth level (blocks orientated in y-direction)
poly brick -0.1,0. -0.1,0.1 0.4,0.5
poly brick 0.,0.1 -0.1,0.1 0.4,0.5
;displaying of geometry
plot block
plot reset
plot set dip 60. dd 210.
;mesh generation with 20cm average mesh-size
gen edge 0.2
;material properties (sandstone):
;density: 2400 kg/m3
;E=19.3GPa Poisson-ratio: 0.38
;K=26.8GPa G=7GPa
prop mat=1 dens=2400. k=2.68e10 g=7.e9
;joint properties (Coulomb-slip model)
;normal stiffness (1000 MPa/m) and shear stiffness (100 MPa/m)
;friction angle 25
change jcons=1
prop jmat=1 jkn 1.e9 jks 1.e8 fric 25.
;supported on the lower surface of the base-block (velocity boundary with zero values in every direction)
bound xvel=0.0 range x -0.31,0.31 y -0.31,0.31 z -0.21,-0.1
bound yvel=0.0 range x -0.31,0.31 y -0.31,0.31 z -0.21,-0.1
bound zvel=0.0 range x -0.31,0.31 y -0.31,0.31 z -0.21,-0.1
;for cycle is applied for rising the value of gravitational force this is necessary because some structures
;collapse if the gravitation is applied in one step. "grav_lep" is the value that defines the number of cycles
;gravitation is applied the value of gr is rising with the value g/grav_lep in every cycle
;Calculation process is running until the structure reaches the desired accuracy
;this is measured by the ratio of unbalanced and applied forces, now I set the limitvalue for 1e-5
def gra
loop n (1,grav_lep)
gravity 0.0,0.0,@gr
solve rat 1.e-5
;calling the gra command
;stress-free base-block, only one corner of the block is fixed (veolcity of gridpoint is zero)
;the other three corners are moving. Velocity of two opposite moving-corners
;is half of the third moving gridpoint.
bound zvel=0. range x -0.33,-0.27 y 0.33,0.27 z -0.21,-0.18
;fixing of boundary
fix range x -0.33,-0.27 y 0.33,0.27 z -0.21,-0.18
;defining movement of gridpoint opposite to the fixed one
def tm
v1=-0.01 ;velocity of gridpoint
v2=-0.005 ;velocity of gridpoint
s=-0.01 ;prescribed displacement
bound zvel=@v1 range x 0.33,0.27 y -0.33,-0.27 z -0.27,-0.18
bound zvel=@v2 range x 0.33,0.27 y 0.33,0.27 z -0.27,-0.18
bound zvel=@v2 range x -0.33,-0.27 y -0.33,-0.27 z -0.27,-0.18
loop n (1,3000)
if elm > s then
; pr @elm
cycle 100
bound zvel=0. range x 0.33,0.27 y -0.33,-0.27 z -0.27,-0.18
bound zvel=0. range x 0.33,0.27 y 0.33,0.27 z -0.27,-0.18
bound zvel=0. range x -0.33,-0.27 y -0.33,-0.27 z -0.27,-0.18
;calling tm command
Fig. 62.: z-displacements of the whole structure in case one corner is fixed, the moving corners
velocity opposite to the fixed one is 0.1 m/s and the rest has 0.05 m/s velocity
Fig. 63.: z-displacements of the whole structure in case one corner is fixed, the moving corners
velocity opposite to the fixed one is 0.01 m/s and the rest has 0.005 m/s velocity
According to the previously represented results if movements defined with too fast velocities
horizontal gaps are occured between structural parts with different boundary conditions
(supports). In case ranges covered the whole plane of the base-block movements of the upper
parts could develop at higher velocities too, but on the whole smaller movements give more
realistic results.
Removes applied boundary conditions in the choosen direction (x, y, z). Furthermore the
FIXed velocities can get reliesed with FREE command.
boundary xfree
boundary yfree
boundary zfree
The modeling of geomechanics problems involves media which, at the scale of the analysis,
are better represented as unbounded. Deep underground excavations are normally assumed to
be surrounded by an infinite medium, while surface and near-surface structures are assumed
to lie on a half-space. Numerical methods relying on the discretization of a finite region of
space require that appropriate conditions be enforced at the artificial numerical boundaries. In
static analyses, fixed or elastic boundaries (e.g., represented by boundary element techniques)
can be realistically placed at some distance from the region of interest. In dynamic problems,
however, such boundary conditions cause the reflection of outward propagating waves back
into the model, and do not allow the necessary energy radiation. The use of a larger model can
minimize the problem, since material damping will absorb most of the energy in the waves
reflected from distant boundaries. However, this solution leads to large computational costs.
The alternative is to use non-reflecting (or absorbing) boundaries. Several formulations have
been proposed. The viscous boundary developed by Lysmer and Kuhlemeyer (1969) is used
in 3DEC. Viscous boundaries cannot be used together with a velocity boundary. Viscous
boundaries may be combined with stress boundaries.
Point loads are applied in the opposite direction to unbalanced forces at all vertices within the
range. The command cycle 1 should be given before bound reaction so that unbalanced
forces are calculated. Any velocity boundary conditions will be removed when this command
is applied.
Using reaction boundary reactions can be determined in time structure collapsing. In order
to determine a collapse load, it often is better to use strain-controlled boundary conditions
instead of stress-controlled boundary conditions (i.e., apply a constant velocity and measure
the boundary reaction forces, rather than apply forces and measure displacements). A system
that collapses becomes difficult to control as the applied load approaches the collapse load.
This is true of a real system as well as a model system. If you imagine a normal stress-strain
curve (-) of a structure, it is obvious that in the range where collapse occures the same value
of loads generates higher displacements. If we applying loads for the structure and try to find
the point where it collapse, it can easily cause that the results wont be accurate and the last
load-blast turns the structure into collapse-state instead of reaching the accurate point where it
I did not care the following types of boundaries: Fluid Boundary, Fluid-Thermal Coupling,
Histories for Loads and Velocities.
4. Other possible functions of Boundary
The command lists the state of all the gridpoints within defined range. Boundary condition
state specified by boundary code according to the coordinate axises where it acts (ix, iy, iz),
the codes are the following:
0 free
1 stress (or force)
2 viscous
3 velocity
;base-block 60x60x20cm (blue clolored block on Fig. 1)
;origin is defined in the middle of the upper surface of the base-block
poly brick -0.3,0.3 -0.3,0.3 -0.2,0.
;block-levels made up with blocks sized: 10x10x20cm
;first level (blocks orientated in y-direction)
poly brick -0.1,0. -0.1,0.1 0.,0.1
poly brick 0.,0.1 -0.1,0.1 0.,0.1
;second level (blocks orientated in x-direction)
poly brick -0.1,0.1 -0.1,0. 0.1,0.2
poly brick -0.1,0.1 0.,0.1 0.1,0.2
;third level (blocks orientated in y-direction)
poly brick -0.1,0. -0.1,0.1 0.2,0.3
poly brick 0.,0.1 -0.1,0.1 0.2,0.3
;fourth level (blocks orientated in x-direction)
poly brick -0.1,0.1 -0.1,0. 0.3,0.4
poly brick -0.1,0.1 0.,0.1 0.3,0.4
;fifth level (blocks orientated in y-direction)
poly brick -0.1,0. -0.1,0.1 0.4,0.5
poly brick 0.,0.1 -0.1,0.1 0.4,0.5
;displaying of geometry
plot block
plot reset
plot set dip 60. dd 210.
;mesh generation with 20cm average mesh-size
gen edge 0.2
;material properties (sandstone):
;density: 2400 kg/m3
;E=19.3GPa Poisson-ratio: 0.38
;K=26.8GPa G=7GPa
prop mat=1 dens=2400. k=2.68e10 g=7.e9
;joint properties (Coulomb-slip model)
;normal stiffness (1000 MPa/m) and shear stiffness (100 MPa/m)
;friction angle 25
change jcons=1
prop jmat=1 jkn 1.e9 jks 1.e8 fric 25.
;distributed load on the upper plane of the column
;loads were applied with "bound stress" command
;value of the perpendicular distributed load: 10kN/m2=10000 kg/ms2
bound (-0.11,0.11) (-0.11,0.11) (0.45,0.5) stress 0.,0.,-1.e4,0.,0.,0.
;base-block is fixed, velocities of gridpoints are zero for the whole block
bound xvel=0. range x -0.3,0.3
bound yvel=0. range y -0.3,0.3
bound zvel=0. range z -0.2,0.
;fixing the boundary conditions according to displacements
fix range x -0.3,0.3 y -0.3,0.3 z -0.2,0.
The bound state command was applied for the range z1=0.45 and z2=0.5 (in direction of z-
axis), see the command below:
As it can be seen, the chart contains the accurate coordinates and identification numbers of
gridpoints within defined range. The last three column of the chart gives the boundary
condition state specified by boundary code according to the coordinate axises (ix, iy, iz).
Chart is containing gridpoints take place on the upper part of the column. According to the
results in case of every gridpoint velocities (code: 3) and stress or force (code: 1) are defined.
It can be realised that velocities of gridpoints are zero for the whole structure, this is caused
by misdefinition of supports of base-block. This example had shown that the command can be
used for controlling conditions like this. The proper definiton of base-blocks support is given
with the following script, this type of boundary sets the upper part of the column free in x and
y directions, and 0 velocit refers only to the base block.
;base-block is fixed, velocities of gridpoints are zero for the whole block
bound xvel=0.0 range x -0.3,0.3 y -0.3,0.3 z -0.2,0.0
bound yvel=0.0 range x -0.3,0.3 y -0.3,0.3 z -0.2,0.0
bound zvel=0.0 range x -0.3,0.3 y -0.3,0.3 z -0.2,0.0
;fixing the boundary conditions
fix range x -0.3,0.3 y -0.3,0.3 z -0.2,0.0
boundary data: state
The command listing displacements of boundary gridpoints within the defined range.
The command listing forces acting at boundary gridpoints within the defined range. Results
are the following: fx, fy, fz (permanent forces) s a fxi, fyi, fzi (incremental forces
additional forces defined in the actual load-phase).
Reaction forces at any gridpoint with a fixed velocity (output is in a format that can be used
directly in the boundary point x y z load command).
Reactions at fixed velocity points in the form of average tractions on the surrounding faces
(the output can be used directly in the boundary triangle command).
The command listing the total value of forces applied on the x-, y- and z-boundaries.
In the previous sections a few options connected with plot command had been demonstarted,
but this chapter is more detailed.
As plot command has a lot of subcommands and the user can find a several ways to
manipulate the displayed items, so for more details see Command Reference Chapter of
3DEC Online manual.
The following keywords assign view settings:
plot reset:
plot set:
Most of the results can get by subcommands connected with plot set command can be
produced in easier way because the graphical interface of the software let the user to modify
the current view. Switches and buttons can be found on the left handside of the software-
window. On the other hand during script writing use of these commands can be crucial. On
Fig. 64. definiton of view settings can be seen.
Some of the plot set subcommands are the following: background, center, dip direction, dip,
distance, eye, fov, jobtitle, legend, magnification, printsize, projection, radius, viewtitle.
For example the following script is plotting the defined blocks and changing the dip and dip
direction of the default view. Finally plot reset command resets the current view settings to
default values.
plot block
If this script is applied the plot block command plots the blocks were defined previously for
example in case of the script gravity (on page number 2 and 3) this gives the following
result (see Fig. 65.).
If the following command-line is applied the result can be seen on Fig. 66.:
If plot reset command is used the result is the same as on Fig. 65.. It is obvious that by
default the blocks are displayed according to the three-dimensional cartesian axes.
Fig. 65.: Result of plot block command in case plot sets are not applied
Fig. 66.: Result of plot block command in case plot sets are applied
By default in case plot block command is applied, the colors are choosen automatically by
the software. If plot block clear command is applied the automatic colors are cleared so the
structure turns into black (Fig. 67.).
If regions are defined for the structure the created parts are treated as one block, to reresents
this they have the same color.
For example if I name the upper leveles of the column region 1 and join the blocks, only
two colours can be seen at the resulted picture (Fig. 68.).
Pictures like Fig. 65. and Fig. 66. can be generated with plot block colourby block
command. So it gives the same result as plot block command. The picture on Fig. 68. can
be generated with command plot block colorby region too. But for this the joining have to
be released before with using the following command (Fig. 69.):
join off
Fig. 68.: Result of plot block command in case only two regions are defined
Fig. 69.: Result of plot block colourby region command in case joining is released
plot applied:
This command plots vectors indicating applied quantities on the model. Each Cartesian
component may be indicated separately. Available types are: load (applied force vectors) and
velocity (applied velocity vectors).
As in the previous sections above au switch keyword can be added to the main command.
Furthermore the following subcommands can be used for manipulation of vectors displayed
by applied load or velocity (the list is not complete, see Command Reference for further
below au or below value specify which color to use for values below the
colorbymagnitude bool vectors are drawn in a color determined by a contour color
ramp based on magnitude (bool means on or off)
interval au or interval value specifies the size of the interval between colors
ramp specifies which color ramp the contour will use to go from minimum to
maximum (greyscale or rainbow)
range the range where represented objects can be found
case vectors are drawn with red lines and the add command ensures that the red line is
represented on the same picture as the framework. (Fig. 71.)
Fig. 71.: Result of plot block fill off and plot add applied load line color red command
width value is set to default (1)
Fig. 72.: Result of plot block fill off and plot add applied load line color red width 3
plot axes:
This command sets the Cartesian coordinate axes on the screen. When a plot item is
represented on the screen, axes can be set only with the plot add axes command. In case
add command is missed only the axes are represented.
Fig. 73.: Result of plot axes command in case of default-sized coordinate axes and an
enlarged one
As it can be seen on Fig. 73. by default the size of the axes is too small, this can be changed
with the command plot add axes scale 20. Besides the size command several other
keywords are avaliable with axes command. For instance the most useful keywords are the
following: position, transparency, xaxis, yaxis, zaxis.
There are some reinforcement elements that usually used at geotechnical problems, but
sometimes they can be applied to structural tasks too. Now I am only mentioning them, for
further details see Command Reference Structure section:
1. axial reinforcement: this command defines a normal restraint even across
discontinuites. If the modell is build up with deformable blocks discretization has
to be finished before reinforcements are specifed. The command is the following:
Two types of elements positioning can be defined: a series of beams and a single
beam. In case of the multi-beams the following command is used:
radial gen x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2
seg naxial nradial prop n
begin xb yb zb end xe ye ze connect
struct porp n area= density= emod= l= l1= l2= J= nu= S1= ycomp= yield=
x1, y1, z1 and x2, y2, z2 coordinates refer to the starting and ending point of the tunnel axis.
naxial defines the number of sections, that enclosed by the starting and ending plane
(begin, end). (Fig. 74.)
nradial gives the number of beam elements in each section. connect command connects
new elements to the existing nodes if they are at the same location. Single beams can be
added with:
node x y z id id prop n tol tol
The first command places the beam according to the node that identifed with its ID, tol is
the distance tolerance to search for a face to place the node. The second one is according to
the ID of the element, not for the node. Possible structural properties are the same as in
case of multi-beams.
3. cable element: this command allows use of tendons even if they are grouted. The
required input command is the following:
As it can be seen, as in case of axial reinforcement geometry of tendons are given with the
coordinates of starting (x1, y1, z1) and ending (x2, y2, z2) point of the cable. Number of
segments which cable is divided into is defined with seg ns. property number is defined
in the same manner as at the previous structural commands and pretension value can be added
with tens t subcommand.
Fig. 75.: Grout material (on the left handside) and cable material (on the right handside)
properties for cable elements
4. liner element: it is obvious that thickness of tunnel liners are usually negligable
compared to their diameter. So the liners usually represented with their theoretical
axis. 3DEC is providing a pre-defined structural element that allows this
simplification to be taken into account.
For two-dimensional analysis liners are beam elements which include non-linear behavior.
(Fig. 76.) With these structural parts axial, transverse and flexural loads can be taken into
consideration. For three-dimensional analysis triangular elements are used instead of beams
(Fig. 77.)
radial x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2 &
seg na, nr prop n cylinder r &
begin xb yb zb end xe ye ze connect
struct porp n cohesion= emod= kn= ks= nu= tensile= thexpansion= thick=
x1, y1, z1 and x2, y2, z2 are the coordinates of beginning and ending points of the axis of
tunnel. nr is the number of radial and na is number of axial segments into which the liner
is divided. By default the liners are defined at the whole cylindrical surface, but with the use
of begin and end coordinates liners can be added for only a segment of the tunel.
The previously demonstrated structural elements can be used in special cases for masonry
structures, but now they are not taking part of this booklet. So the following plot commands
according to these structures wont be discussed: plot axial, plot axialcontour, plot
axialvector, plot beam, plot beamcontour, plot beamvector, plot cable, plot
cablecontour, plot cablevector, plot liner, plot linercontour, plot linervector, plot
plot bcontour, plot block, plot contour, plot history commands were demonstrated
previously, so they are not mentioned in this section.
plot boundary
If only the gravity is added to the structure and the following script is used for displaying
boundary, the result can be seen on Fig. 78. It is represented that the whole lower plane of
base block is fixed (velocity displacement is defined with zero value).
First line of the script is used to represent the active boundaries, the second line was applied
to show the positions of gridpoints where boundaries were active. If we are studying the
Command reference it turns out, that a lot of subcommands can be used to manipulate the
resulted picture.
plot displacement
This command is used to display displacement vectors at vertexes. The following switch
keywords can be used with the command:
The first five commands give the same results if the default values are applied. Resulted plot
output can be seen on Fig. 79. The resulted picture contains the maximal value of
displacements, it can be seen on the left hand side. Furthermore displacement vectors at
vertexes are represented with black lines proportional to the displacement values.
Fig. 80.: Result of plot disp colorbymagnitude line width 2 command
Fig. 81.: Result of plot disp colorbymagnitude line width 3 command if plot add block fill
off is applied too
Fig. 80. is the same as Fig. 79., the only difference between the two pictures is that Fig. 80. is
more expressing, because it is representing displacement vectors with a special color ramp
besides the proportional sizes. On Fig. 81. I used the previously demonstrated fill off
command, as it can be seen now it is not so expressive as it was for example at plot
boundary command. The generated mesh-grid covers the coloured vectors. It is obvious that
in case of a mesh with normal density the vectors without the mesh-grid is resulting a well-
represented geometry. Results of Fig. 79., 80., 81. are all generated under gravitational loads.
plot dxf
With the help of this command the loaded dxf files (converted Autocad files) can be
plot fknot
This command is not reviewed in this paper because its connected to fluid models. If the
command is applied locations of fluid flow knots can be plotted.
plot fob
If this command is applied to the modell the out-of-balance force vectors will be represented
at the vertexes.
According to the previously demonstrated script it is obvious that the available subcommands
are the same at every command. This makes their use easier. If only gravitation is acting on
the model the results can be seen on Fig. 82., 83. In case of a model where besides the
gravitational loading four concentrated loads (each of them is 1000 N) are acting on the top-
plane of the column, results are the same as in case of gravitational loading.
According to the pictures the demonstrated results are the following: value of maximum
unbalanced force, unbalanced force vectors with proportional sizes. With the use of color by
magnitude command the results can be made more expressive.
Fig. 82.: Result of plot fob line width 2 command
Fig. 83.: Result of plot fob colorbymagnitude line width 3 point size 3 command
The next commands are connected to fluid-flows in the discontinuities of rocks. In 3DEC
there is a built-in experimental fracture fluid-flow logic. The flow geometry consists of flow
planes along the faces of blocks. There are flow pipes at the intersections of the flow planes
along the edges of the faces. There are flow knots at the intersections of flow pipes (corners of
plot fpcontour
This command is not reviewed in this paper because its connected to fluid models. If the
command is applied contours of various quantities on flow planes can be plotted.
plot fplane
This command is not reviewed in this paper because it is connected to fluid models. If the
command is applied locations of flow planes in the model can be plotted.
plot fpvector
This command is not reviewed in this paper because its connected to fluid models. If it is
applied, fluid plane discharge vectors can be plotted.
plot joint
The joints in the modell can be represented by the command plot joint active, result can be
seen on Fig. 85. Colours were choosen by joint-id.
Fig. 85.: Result of plot joint active command
On Fig. 86. result of plot joint backface on command can be seen, the difference between
the two figures 85 and 86 is obvious. Backface on command is not fill every joint-planes,
but the contours of the planes are shown, sometimes this can make the result more useful.
Plot joint clear command is similar to plot block clear (on page 66) both of them are clear
all color information. This results a joint representation like the one on Fig. 87.
Fig. 88.: Result of plot joint colorby material and plot joint colorby model commands in
case the first script was used
Fig. 89.: Result of plot joint colorby material command in case the second modified joint
properties were used
;joint properties (Coulomb-slip model)
;normal stiffness (1000 MPa/m) and shear stiffness (100 MPa/m)
;friction angle 25
change jcons=1
prop jmat=1 jkn 1.e9 jks 1.e8 fric 25.
;joint properties (Coulomb-slip model)
;normal stiffness (1000 MPa/m) and shear stiffness (100 MPa/m)
;friction angle 25
;1st joint material
change jcons=1
prop jmat=1 jkn 1.e9 jks 1.e8 fric 25.
change jmat=1 range z -0.21, 0.21
;2nd joint material
change jcons=1
prop jmat=2 jkn 1.e8 jks 1.e7 fric 15.
change jmat=2 range z 0.21, 0.51
The colors of joint material can be changed by the plot add joint colorlist red command. As
it can be seen on Fig. 90. the colour changed to red, but any other colors can be used.
Fig. 90.: Result of plot joint colorlist red command
Another plot joint command is the plot joint fill of, this command plots the joint faces but
ignores their color fill, so only the edges of the planes remain. (Fig. 91.) Plot joint wire
command gives the same result as plot joint fill off.
Plot joint wire command gives the same result as plot joint fill of (Fig. 91.). Transparency
of wire can be changed by the plot joint wiretrans command, the default value is 75. If the
value is reduced for example until 1, the wireframe is getting more robust (thickness of
wires). Plot joint wireframe off command gives the result as if the value of wiretrans is set
to 100. (Fig. 92.)
Fig. 92.: Results of plot joint wiretrans 1, wiretrans 50, wiretrans 85, wiretrans 100
plot jointcontour
Plot contour commands were demonstrated in previous sections, the plot jcontour
command is working the same as the previously used ones. There are four quantities that can
be represented on the surfaces of joints normal displacement (ndisplacement), normal stress
(nstress), shear displacement (sdisplacement), shear stress (sstress). On the following I try all
of these commands in case gravity is acting on the structure.
Fig. 93.: Result of plot jointcontour ndisplacement below au
Result of plot jcontour ndisplacement below au (Fig. 93.), plot jcontour nstress max au
(Fig. 94.), plot jcontour sdisplacement above au (Fig. 95.), plot jcontour sstress above au
(Fig. 96.) Studying Fig. 93. the highest normal displacement values were registered at the
lower plane of the column. On the perpendicular planes registered displacement-values were
very low and even positive, this means they opened during load-process. This tendence is true
for the results of normal stresses too. It was expectable that normal stresses will not work on
the perpendicular joint-planes, because horizontal forces hadnt been acting on the structure.
Comparing results of stresses and displacements it can be considered that normal stresses and
displacements are far higher than values connected to shear-effects. The registrated shear-
effects can be connected to slipping of joints, this phenomenon is acting on the second and
fifth joint-planes (sequence is considered from lower to upper planes).
Fig. 94.: Result of plot jointcontour nstress max au
Fig. 96.: Result of plot jointcontour sstress above au
plot jointvector
Working of the command and its subcommands are the same as in case of the previous one.
Shear- and normal-displacements can be represented like in case of plot jointcontour
command. On the contrary the most important difference is connected to the type of
representation; while one of them is changing the colors of joint-planes, the other one is
changing the length of vectors according to the values acting on joint-planes.
Fig. 97.: Result of plot joinvector normal above au line width 3 point size 3 command
On Fig. 97. normal-displacement vectors (acting on joint planes) are represented. The results
are the same as the ones were got at plot jointcontour command. On the other hand these
results could be expected, because the magnitude of vectors are growing from the top of the
column to the bottom of it.
On Fig. 97. contour of the column can be considered distinct but the results can be more
expressive if the plot add joint wire or plot add joint fill off commands are applied too.
Fig. 98.: Result of plot joint wire and plot add jointvector normal above au line width 3
Fig. 99.: Result of plot joint fill off and plot add jointvector normal colorbymagnitude on
line width 3 commands
If Fig. 98. and Fig. 99. are compared, it is obvious that Fig. 99. is more advantageous, because
the coloured vectors are more outstanding. The previous pictures were all generated with the
plot jointvector normal command and its subcommands, but the jointvector command is
able to dislay shear-displacement (Fig. 100.).
Fig. 100.: Result of plot jointvector shear colorbymagnitude on line width 3 point size 3 and
plot add joint wire
plot jslip
This command can be used to display the nodes where joint-slip occurs. The gridpoints are
represented with three kind of colours according to the state of the nodes (slipping now,
slipped past, tensile failure). On Fig. 101. and Fig. 102. results of the command can be seen.
Displayed features can be manipulated with several subcommands.
plot location
Plot location command can be used to plot location of histories currently being taken, if the
history has an associated position. For example let us see the script when column is loaded
with its self-weight and the following script is added to the base-script. For further details
and result of this script see section 3.4. As it can be seen the following history is refers to the
point identifed by x=-0.3, y=-0.3 and z=0. coordinates. According to the geometry of the
column this point takes place at the corner of the upper plane of the base-block (Fig. 103.).
Results of the command without plot add block fill off command cant be interpreted,
because only a coloured point will be displayed on the background and the geometry of the
structure is invisible.
hist zvel -0.3 -0.3 0
plot hist 1
Fig. 104.: Result of plot jslip command in case only gravity is applied to the structure
Fig. 105.: Result of plot jslip command in case gravity and four concentrated loads are
applied for the column
Fig. 103.: Result of plot location and plot add block fill off commands
plot stereonet
This command plots orientation on an equal angle stereonet projection. This kind of
representation is very useful in case of geotechical problems. If the problem axes do not align
with the model axes (i.e., positive z-axis (vertical), x-axis (east) and y-axis (north)), then the
orientation of geologic features will have to be transformed from the problem axes to the
model axes. This can be accomplished by using a stereonet. For more information see
Problem Solving with 3DEC page 23-26.
plot table
Tables are special elements of FISH programming-langage. Tables can be used to store
high number of datas, their structure is similar to vectors. Every table has an id number and
two sequential vectors are belong to an id (xtable and ytable).
Working of table command: xtable (id of the table, sequential number of values stored in
th table)=value, this system is the same at ytable (). The datas stored in the vectors can
be identified with their id-s (sequential number).
def arch
;radius of the arch [m]
;angle between horizontal line and the line pointing to the lower point of the arch (springing)
;number of stones in the arch [pcs.]
;angle between the lines pointed to the intradose of the arch at every stone
;if the angle between the lines pointed to the springings are divided into i parts
;loop for calculating the angles and filling the tables
loop ii (1,i+1)
xtable(1,ii)=r1*cos(alf) ;x coordinate at the intradose
ytable(1,ii)=r1*sin(alf) ;z coordinate at the intradose
plot table 1
As it can be seen, the script stores the coordinates during the loop that counts the angle. The
id of the coordinates (xtable, ytable) are named by the actual number of cycle (ii). This
means that id-s of the coordinates get the same number as the sequential number of the
stones in arch. The x-coordinates are stored in the xtable, while the z-coordinates are stored in
ytable. The result of plot table command gives the contour of the intradose, this example
represents the use of the plot table and table commands. On Fig. 104. the coherent values
(x and z coordinates of intradose) are plotted.
plot traction
Tractions are result from stress tensors acting on the given boundary planes (see chapter 3.2.).
An important aspect of boundary traction is that a more complex boundary stress distribution
can be generated than by conventional linear variations (linearly varying boundary stress
distributions). On Fig. 105. 107. results of plot traction command are represented in case
that only gravitational loading is applied for the column. On Fig. 108. 110. besides gravity
four concentrated loads were applied at the corners on the top-plane of the structure. Normal
and shear tractions on a hypothetical plane, specified by dip, dip direction (dd) and origin
coordinates. The area of output may be limited by the radius keyword. This is used to assess
slip potential in different orientations. At this command orientation (normals at studied
planes) come from either a default or a cut-plane. Block failure criterions are connected to
traction components. Avaliable traction results are the following:
As I mentioned, the following six pictures can be separated into two main categories,
according to the applied loads (gravitational, gravitational+concentrated). Besides this within
these two categories the order of the results are the same at every load-types (total, normal,
If we are comparing the resulted pictures it can be settled that the representation of tractions
give very expressive results and with the help of them potential flow and failure planes can be
determined easily. It is obvious that in case of gravitational loads stresses are increasing from
the top plane of the structure towards the lower plane of it (Fig. 105. 107.). This tendence is
confirmed by the results of traction commands. On the other hand in case when besides
gravity four pointed loads were applied the higher values were concentrated on the top planes
of the column (Fig. 108. 110.). These results could have been expected because the applied
concentrated loads are higher than self-weight of the bricks and they are acting in the top
plane of the column.
Fig. 105.: Result of plot traction colorbymagnitude line width 3 point size 3 and plot add
block fill off commands
Fig. 106.: Result of plot traction colorbymagnitude contourby normal line width 3 point size
3 and plot add block fill off commands
Fig. 107.: Result of plot traction colorbymagnitude contourby shear line width 3 point size
3 and plot add block fill off commands in case gravity is applied
Fig. 108.: Result of plot traction colorbymagnitude contourby total line width 3 point size 3
and plot add block fill off commands in case 1000N concentrated load is applied on top of
the structure
Fig. 109.: Result of plot traction colorbymagnitude contourby normal line width 3 point size
3 and plot add block fill off commands in case 1000N concentrated load is applied on top
of the structure
Fig. 110.: Result of plot traction colorbymagnitude contourby shear line width 3 point size
3 and plot block fill off commands in case 1000N concentrated load is applied on top of
the structure
plot udscalar, plot udtensor, plot udvector
If a scalar, tensor or vector is created with the help of FISH, results of it can be plotted in the
same way as in case of built-in 3DEC commands. Plot user-defined commands can be used
to represent these quantities.
plot velocity
This command is used to plot block vertex velocity vectors. Subcommands and the most
effective commands and command-pairs are the same as at the previous ones. On Fig. 111.
and Fig. 112. only vectors were represented, but on Fig. 113. contours of the blocks were
plotted too. In my opinion in this case the first two pictures give more effective results than
the third one.
Fig. 111.: Result of plot velocity above au line width 3 point size 3 command
Fig. 112. : Result of plot velocity colorbymag command
Fig. 113.: Result of plot velocity colorbymag line width 3 point size 3 and plot add block
fill off commands
plot water
This command is not reviewed in this paper because it is connected to fluid models. If it is
applied, the current water table can be plotted. The water table surface is either built up with
individual triangles or an infinite plane.
plot zonetensor
In case only gravity is acting on the structure effect of color-ramp manipulating subcommands
can be seen on Fig. 114. 121. Represented quantity is principal stress at every picture.
On Fig. 122. and 123. the strainincrement and strainrate were plotted the contour ramp was
choosen by deviatoric stresses.
On Fig. 124. 126. results of principal, strainincrement and strainrate commands are
represented in case besides self-weight of the column concentrated loads were defined at the
top plane of it (4x1000N). As it can be seen zonetensors give very expressive results and the
previously mentioned phenomena (behaviour of the structure under different load cases) can
be interpreted with them. For instance on Fig. 125. highest values of zone strain increment
values were registered at the top plane of the column where concentrated loads were acting.
Fig. 114.: Result of plot zonetensor stress line width 4, by default the software represented
the tensors by the color ramp of minimum principal stress in case only gravity is acting on the
Fig. 115.: Result of plot zonetensor stress colorby deviatoric line width 4 command in case
only gravity is acting on the structure
Fig. 116.: Result of plot zonetensor stress colorby intermediate line width 4 command in
case only gravity is acting on the structure
Fig. 117.: Result of plot zonetensor stress colorby maximum line width 4 command in case
only gravity is acting on the structure
Fig. 118.: Result of plot zonetensor stress colorby minimum line width 4 command in case
only gravity is acting on the structure
Fig. 119.: Result of plot zonetensor stress colorby order line width 4 command in case only
gravity is acting on the structure
Fig. 121.: Result of plot zonetensor stress colorby uniform line width 4 command in case
only gravity is acting on the structure
Fig. 122.: Result of plot zonetensor strainincrement colorby deviatoric line width 4
command in case only gravity is acting on the structure
Fig. 123.: Result of plot zonetensor strainrate colorby deviatoric line width 4 command in
case only gravity is acting on the structure
Fig. 124.: Result of plot zonetensor stress colorby deviatoric line width 4 and plot add
block fill off commands in case gravity and concentreated loads are acting on the structure
Fig. 125.: Result of plot zonetensor ssi colorby deviatoric line width 4 command in case
gravity and concentreated loads are acting on the structure
Fig. 126.: Result of plot zonetensor ssr colorby deviatoric line width 4 command in case
gravity and concentreated loads are acting on the structure