Icg17 Soq Ungd 04 PDF
Icg17 Soq Ungd 04 PDF
Icg17 Soq Ungd 04 PDF
The information contained in this document is for informational purposes only and should not be interpreted to be a guarantee or
commitment on the part of Itasca. Itasca cannot certify the accuracy of any information presented after the date of publication.
Product and company names other than Itasca mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.
Structural Geology and Rock Mass Characterization 6
Mining Method Selection 7
Stope Design 8
Pillar Design 9
Backfill Design 11
Blast Design 12
Ground Support Design 13
Infrastructure Design 15
Itasca International Inc. is an engineering consulting
and software development company founded in
Minneapolis, Minnesota with 16 offices worldwide.
Itasca specializes in solving complex geomechanical,
hydrogeological and microseismic issues in mining,
civil, oil & gas, energy and manufacturing. Itasca
works directly with industry, government, research
and education institutions and as a specialist to other
consulting engineering firms.
Itasca’s consulting and research evolves our software, which in-turn provides more advanced tools for us to use towards
solving complex problems for our clients.
Itasca Offices
Itasca Calgary, Inc. (IMaGE) Itasca Consulting Ltd (IMaGE)
800, 350 - 7th Ave. SW 5 Claremont Buildings
Calgary, Alberta T2P 3N9 Claremont Bank
T. (+1) 403 538-3768 Shrewsbury, Shropshire
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info@itasca-image.com T. (+44) 1743 271440
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166 Douglas Street
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T. (+1) 705- 522-2697 Aurorum 2
F. (+1) 705-522-6564 SE-977 75 Luleå
itasca@itasca.ca Sweden
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Itasca Consulting Group, Inc. www.itasca.se
111 Third Avenue South, Suite 450
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info@itascacg.com Sweden
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Itasca Denver, Inc. www.itasca.se
143 Union Boulevard, Suite 525
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itasca@itascadenver.com France
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dduthe@itasca-africa.com T. (+91) 0712-256-9853
16 main consulting offices in 13 countries, and software agents
based in another 11 countries, focused on servicing the global civil
works industry.
Itasca’s global experience and expertise in
geomechanics, hydrogeology and microseismics are
employed by our clients to select the mining method,
sequence and ground support that will maximize ore
recovery, excavation stability and operational safety
while minimizing development costs and maximizing
ore recovery.
Structural Geology Site Investigation 2012
and Rock Mass Project Description
Characterization Itasca was asked to conduct a geotechnical field
program for the prefeasibilty study of a mine. The
In order to develop a robust structural geology model, site investigation involved data collection and analysis
Itasca assesses the existing data in collaboration for rock mass characterization.
with our clients to assess any gaps, and then applies
a number of techniques as appropriate. These can Itasca’s Contribution
include lineament analysis, precise structural mapping The field program included geomechanical core
(outcrop, open pit and underground), drill core logging, logging, point load testing and analysis of down
televiewer analysis and stereophotos.
hole acoustic televiewer (ATV) logging data from
Studio 3
Itasca used core logging data and ATV logging data
to identify distinct domains in the area of interest
to produce summary statistics and graphics showing
global and local distributions of Q’ and RMR.
Borehole breakouts provided an estimate of the
Datamine plot of a structural fault model with pit geology. principal horizontal stress magnitude and direction.
Fracture frequency comparison of core and ATV
logging showed a slight bias in the core logging.
11/12/13 09:43:55
Stope Design 1
Brunswick Mine 2011
Itasca regularly performs evaluations and designs for Project Description
long-hole, cut-and-fill, room-and-pillar, longwall and In continuous operations since 1964, the Xstrata Zinc
solution stopes. As with all our work, our engineers Brunswick Mine has experienced considerable rock
combine a practical engineering approach with mechanics challenges with increasing extraction ratios,
numerical modeling technologies where appropriate. while maintaining safety and production. For example,
Itasca’s software is particularly good at representing in Zone 20-21, two mining fronts converge with
the stress-strain response of intact, blocky or bedded critical life-of-mine orepass infrastructures located
materials exhibiting plastic, brittle and creep behaviors between them, and in Zone 11 mining is conducted
over all scales of mining; thus, any combination of at depth in close proximity to a main orepass and a
mine geology can be simulated. critical ventilation raise in difficult settings.
Itasca’s Contribution
Itasca developed a systematic iterative process,
combining state-of-the-art mine-wide seismic
monitoring, underground instrumentation and
observations, and advanced three-dimensional
inelastic numerical modeling to optimize the extraction
sequence in the various mining fronts.
The continuous loop between recorded seismicity,
underground observations and numerical modeling
has led to numerous strategy revisions in both zones,
which have resulted in a viable, economical and
successful design in both areas, in spite of a highly
adverse set of conditions.
Pillar Design
Itasca routinely performs mine design and evaluations
of room-and-pillar and longwall operations excavated
in rock ranging from limestone and granite to coal and
Inclined Pillars 2013
Project Description
Mines often rely on worldwide empirical estimates
of ultimate pillar strength for room-and-pillar mine
planning. Many operations face the need to design their
pillars in schistose rocks within inclined orebodies. In
such cases, design curves are limited by the following.
Itasca’s Contribution
The pillar ultimate strength and/or transition to
pillar hardening behavior are largely dependent on
the post-peak material response, including softening
rate, residual strength and brittle-to-ductile transition.
For this work, the pillar rock behavior model used
a strain-softening material model (i.e., cohesion and
tension varied from peak to residual strength over a
defined amount of plastic shear strain).
Shear strains
within the pillar
during the post-
peak strength.
with a major fault running across its width. Shearing is Load applied on
ng more extensive as mining progresses. the inclined pillar
is overlain in red.
Backfill Design
Itasca offers services in backfill characterization,
specification, design of backfill mixing and delivery
systems, stability analysis (exposure stability,
reinforcement and closure resistance), dynamic
modeling to examine stability and liquefaction
potential under rockburst and rockfall conditions,
and instrumentation and testing of placed backfill.
These services cover a wide range of backfill products
(paste fills, hydraulic fill, cemented aggregate fill and
rockfill) and have been applied to mining operations
throughout the world. Itasca also has developed
specialized methods for simulation of the deformation
and yielding of backfill, bulkheads and backfill mats.
Blast Design 3
Paste-Fill Exposures at
Itasca provides consulting services for: Raleigh Mine 2007
• Drilling and blasting engineering; Project Description
• Blast optimization: In order to prevent excessive ore dilution, any mine
• Fragmentation; backfill must be of sufficient strength to prevent
• Muckpile profile; failure during exposure. The up-hole bench extraction
• Throw; strategy at the Raleigh Mine required simultaneous
• Vibrations; horizontal and vertical exposure of narrow (2.5 - 3.5
• Back control; m) paste filled stopes. Due to the narrow exposure
• Large-scale destress blasting; and span, high closure strain caused by deformation of
• Design monitoring systems, so that performance the adjacent rock mass is likely to cause a stiff, brittle
can be assessed and optimized. fill material to undergo crushing failure.
Ground Support Design
Itasca designs the ground support layout and
specification necessary to reinforce, retain and hold
the rock mass around excavations. We design ground
support using a combination of engineering tools such
as Ground Reaction Curves and practical numerical
modeling tools based on instrumentation data where
available. Ground support elements (rock bolts, cables,
liners, etc.) are an integral component of much of
Itasca’s software. We also design instrumentation
programs to validate and subsequently monitor the
support design over the life of the excavation.
FLAC model of a
mine horseshoe drift
supported with rock
bolts and a shotcrete
liner. Plasticity around
the drift indicates
the depth of yielding
expected. Other results
shown include tunnel
convergence and forces
acting on both the liner
and rock bolts.
Support Audit 2005 5
Stope Modeling 2012
Project Description Project Description
In the life of any aging underground mine comes Itasca has been working with AngloGold Ashanti to
a moment when the quality of previously installed understand rock behavior, especially brittle failure
ground support needs to be evaluated. This can be mechanisms, inherent in deep gold mines in South
driven by a number of reasons, including the following. Africa. The ultimate goal of this work is to develop
a rational methodology for mine design and pillar
• Old mine workings need to be used again. Existing dimensioning, especially as mining continues deeper.
ground support must be evaluated and likely
brought to the current standards. Itasca’s Contribution
• Critical infrastructure must remain problem-free A generic mechanical model for rock behavior
during the entire life of the operation. Any potential around advancing stopes in deep gold mines has been
instabilities have to be identified early and addressed. developed using a coupled continuum-discontinuum
• Management wants to ensure that the underground technique, where a larger-scale continuum region is
infrastructure is in good condition and continuously modeled by FLAC and a more detailed discontinuum
maintained. region near the stopes is modeled by a PFC2D model
embedded within a larger FLAC model.
Itasca’s Contribution
Itasca was asked by the Xstrata Zinc Brunswick Mine Outcomes
to assist the operation’s Ground Control Department The simulations can reproduce the well-defined shear
with a mine-wide ground support audit. The fractures and stope-parallel extension fractures similar
inspections themselves were carried out over a two- to those observed in the field, where the discrete
week period, and were followed by digitization of the material exhibits formation of conjugate shear
collected data and the development of a custom data fractures that correspond with shear fractures in the
management system. continuum material. Additional damage structures
appear to be present within these shear fractures —
Outcomes e.g., en echelon fracturing is similar to what is observed
Following an audit, the collected information was in actual shear fractures underground, evidence of
digitized, cataloged in a database and linked to the spalling at the stope face, distributed damage ahead of
mine’s CAD system. In this form, it became available the stope face and formation of extension fractures.
electronically, and hence, easy to query. Having the
ability to relate collected information to ongoing
rehabilitation work made the database application
more versatile, providing its users with a means of
assessing how the information collected by the audit
was addressed.
Infrastructure Design
Robust designs for critical infrastructure (access and
ventilation shafts, crusher stations, haulage drifts, etc.)
are essential to ensure the long-term stability, mine
viability and safety of personnel. Once the location,
orientation and geometry of an excavation have been
designed, long-term considerations such as the impact
of future adjacent excavations on stability must be
Crusher Chamber 2010
Project Description
A crusher chamber with a relatively complex shape is
located less than 100 m from an active cave boundary.
The crusher feeds an orepass to a transfer station
Itasca’s Contribution
The chamber was analyzed using a combination of
empirical, analytical and numerical stability estimates.
FLAC3D numerical models incorporated both
Stress plots along several cut-planes suggest very a strain-softening material in order to assess the
little interaction would be expected between two large
underground caverns constructed in close proximity.
location and severity of damage to the surround rock
and a mining induced stress path that evolved from
nearby cave propagation over the 15 years of mining.
Separate analyses also were conducted to examine
the potential of structural instability and design the
ground support.
The analysis indicated stable unsupported excavations
under the worst stress conditions with closure strains,
which generally indicate supportable conditions
using rockbolts, cables and shotcrete. The estimated
depth of failure around the excavation was up to 3
m thick. A sensitivity study in which the strength
was varied from the base case failure envelope by
±10% showed only incremental differences in failure
By simulating all of the wedges surrounding a horseshoe depth or deformations from the base case. A simple
tunnel using multiple DFN realizations, block size and assessment of potential seismic impacts from cave-
ground support can be estimated to minimize stability risks
for critical openings.
related rockbursting indicated only minor impacts to
ground support loading.
Itasca hydrogeologists have extensive experience
in assessing key hydrogeologic issues related to
underground mining operations and projects, including:
Itasca geochemists are experienced in predicting the
water quality of mine water. Itasca investigates the
effects of fine caved materials on the enhanced leaching
of chemicals from caved material to groundwater, the
water quality of potential pit lakes including open
pits or transition from the open pits to underground
workings, and the temporal/spatial distribution of key
chemical components.
Itasca’s MINEDW is commercially available
groundwater flow software that is specifically designed
to simulate complex mining-related groundwater
conditions. In contrast to the general industry
modeling practice, which requires many intermittent
Hydrogeology 2013
yearly models, MINEDW models are computationally
efficient and robust, reducing overall modeling costs Project Description
and avoiding complex management of modeling files A combined mining method of open pit mining, open
and data. MINEDW three-dimensional groundwater benching and sublevel retreat (SLR) is proposed for a
flow models are capable of simulating enhanced steeply dipping pipe-shaped deposit in Guyana. Highly
permeability around the mine and over the life of the foliated sericitic schist bound the orebody on two
mine using a single transient model simulation. The sides extending along strike beneath the Cuyuni River.
calculated two- and three-dimensional pore pressures Of potential concern was the increased hydraulic
from MINEDW can be imported seamlessly into conductivity created along these foliated bands due to
Itasca’s suite of geomechanical software for use in mining-induced disturbance or relaxation.
geomechanical stability analyses requiring a minimal
amount of time, on the order of minutes. For example, Itasca’s Contribution
a Chuquicamata Open Pit and Block Cave groundwater Two numerical models were created in conjunction
flow model required only one transient simulation to such that the staged results could be coupled, providing
calibrate past open-pit operation calibration, starting in a more appropriate approximation of pore water
1970, through to the end of block caving. The entire pressure distribution (MINEDW) to the mechanical
running time for this simulation (on a regular desktop) model (FLAC3D), and providing the hydrogeologic
was less than one day. model updated zones of higher permeability.
LOP Results of the coupled modeling indicate that rock
mass disturbance is not likely to propagate along the
As part of the Large Open Pit (LOP) project, Itasca has weaker foliated schist found on either side of the
been instrumental in the publication of Guidelines orebody during SLR mining. No material increase
for Evaluating Water in Pit Slope Stability, a in water inflow into the mine openings was modeled
comprehensive account of the hydrogeological for the proposed mining plan. The open benching
procedures that should be followed when performing and SLR method were shown to be an acceptable
open pit slope-stability design analyses. (Click on the and economic mining method for the deposit.
cover image below for more information.) These results were used to help determine the water
management systems designed within the mine.
GEoff BEalE
John rEad
Itasca specializes in providing commercial microseismic
monitoring, processing and advanced analyses to the
mining industry. Microseismic monitoring provides a
unique insight into the fractures induced by mining
operations, which has implications for:
InSite, Itasca’s integrated tool for seismic data
acquisition, signal processing and data management Underground & Open
and visualization, is independent of the acquisition
hardware used at the mine site. It can be integrated Pit Interaction 2008/12
with most commercial hardware packages to perform
real-time data capture and processing. Processing Project Description
algorithms are developed continuously to meet the As the Palabora Mine (South Africa) transitioned
complexities of processing microseismic activity in from surface to underground mining, a large-scale
challenging environments, such as high-noise operating failure occurred in the pit slope as a result of cave
mines, complex velocity structures or limited coverage mining. This resulted in the dilution of ore reserves
sensor arrays. and instability in mine infrastructure. A microseismic
(MS) monitoring system was in operation.
Itasca provides sensor array and equipment design
services and quality review. We provide an in- Itasca’s Contribution
depth and objective analysis of the type and design Synthetic Rock Mass (SRM) responses were developed
required, including a three-dimensional site analysis to for the rock mass domains at Palabora. Production
recommend the optimal positioning of a sensor array was simulated and the advancing cave and north wall
with quantitative assessment of its effect on monitoring failure area was assessed.
sensitivities and accuracy. We provide advice on a
comprehensive range of cost-effective seismic data Outcomes
acquisition systems and sensors, and facilitate vendor Microseismicity strongly indicated the development
selection and installation. We have our own solutions in of significant damage in the rock mass below the
high-speed data acquisition for investigation of micro- north slope in the months preceding its failure.
fracturing. FLAC3D models, due to higher stresses induced by
the underground mining, describe very similar macro
Additional microseismic services provided include: behavior to that observed in-situ. The combination
of numerical analyses and SRM modeling with MS
• Microseismic project management, array design, analyses provides a preliminary assessment of potential
data hosting and integrated processing systems; volumes of rock failure during caving operations to
• Geophysics team for provision of complete be completed prior to production start-up.
processing service solution;
• Quality assurance of third-party microseismic
processing results;
• Standard and advanced software tools for do-it-
yourself processing; and
• Advanced database technologies for networking
remote microseismic stakeholders.
Microseismic events from a mining operation viewed with Development of the pit slope failure mechanism at the
InSite. Palabora mine at various stages of production.
Itasca first commercialized its software in 1985 when
clients asked to have access to the software tools
that our engineers used in their analyses. Itasca has
pioneered and continues to innovate the application
and development of numerical modeling codes.
Our software are among the most widely used and
respected tools of their kind for analyzing and
solving problems in geomechanics, hydrogeology,
microseismic analysis and other engineering
fields. The result is a set of software that provides
unparalleled speed, power and proven capability
for handling engineering problems ranging from
traditional design work to understanding the most
complex natural phenomena encountered in some
of the most challenging environments. A summary
of Itasca’s commercial software follows. For more
information or to download a free software demo,
please visit:
◄ Drift with a shotcrete liner
and rock bolts. Plastic
yielding around the drift, bolt
loads and displacements are
These are two- and three-dimensional explicit finite- shown in this FLAC model.
difference programs for engineering mechanics
simulations. These programs model the behavior of
soil, rock or other materials that are subject to plastic
yielding. Materials are represented by a continuum of
zones, which form a grid that is adjusted by the user
to form the shape of the model to be simulated (e.g.,
tunnel, open pit, tailings dam, etc.). These programs are
capable of simulating large-strains (including unstable Iso-contours of ground
physical processes such as collapse), joints along which displacements surrounding
two large caverns and
slip and/or separation can occur, groundwater flow, several access drifts are
multiple excavation sequences (including backfilling), shown in this FLAC3D model. ►
dynamic processes and includes structural elements
(e.g., liners, rock bolts, cables, beams, etc.). FLAC/Slope
is a specialized version of FLAC designed specifically
for slope stability factor-of-safety analysis.
◄ Layers of sedimentary rock
collapsing during retreat
mining are shown in this
Griddle is a fully interactive, general-purpose mesh Itasca’s hydrogeological software has been specifically
generation plug-in for the Rhinoceros 5.0 3D CAD developed for simulating groundwater conditions
software (www.rhino3d.com). Griddle can be used to related to open-pit and underground mining. Our
remesh Rhino surface meshes to comply with precise software is very efficient in simulating multiple
size specifications and type (triangle or quad-dominant). pushbacks, the transition from the open pit to
Surface meshes can then be used as boundaries for underground mining and spatial and temporal change
Griddle’s volume mesher, which produces high-quality of hydraulic conductivity of disturbed rock as the
tetrahedral or hex-dominant meshes. The volume results of mining. The simulated pore pressure
meshes are ready for importing into most engineering distribution from MINEDW model can be readily
analysis packages, including FLAC3D and 3DEC. imported into Itasca’s geomechanical models.
A FLAC3D model of an underground block caving mine MINEDW simulation of ground topology, river and streams
generated using BlockRanger. (plan view).
Itasca software developed to simulate 3D fluid flow and
transport in porous and/or fractured media through a
3D network of pipes on any assembly of planes. Each
pipe can be assigned conductivity values from a wide
range of statistical distributions or an aperture map
can be simulated using a grid of pipes. Geometrical
properties of the space between fractures, such as size,
shape and connectivity distributions can be quantified.
3FLO is capable of 3D mesh generation; simulating
both steady and transient fluid flow; solute transport and
diffusion and can account for most types of reactions
(e.g., precipitation, dissolution, adsorption, oxydo-
reduction and kinetics). 3FLO takes full advantage
of Itasca’s FISH scripting language that allows users
Water head of a coupled fractured/continuum model.
to create new variables, meshing procedures, particle
detection procedures, custom graphical output and
work with any type of statistical distribution (e.g., for
use in fracture generation).
Microseismic event locations and event density in the InSite
Our software development is directed and refined
3D visualizer.
by Itasca’s consulting practice. Itasca consultants can
obtain custom additions to any Itasca software for
specific projects or client needs. Itasca also can develop
entirely new simulation programs in consultation with
clients or as part of research collaborations. The
software programs REBOP, Blo-Up, Slope Model and
HF (Hydraulic Fracturing) were created in this manner.
LEAD PERSONNEL, Branko Damjanac
UNDERGROUND Itasca Consulting Group, Inc.
Principal and Geotechnical
MINING Engineer
Participated in development of
a novel numerical method for
simulation of slope stability in
fractured rock masses, with intended
application to large open pit slopes.
Investigated the mechanics and the
effects of rock mass preconditioning
by hydraulic fracturing for block
caving operations.
Houmao Liu Loren Lorig Richard Brummer
Ph.D., P. Eng. Ph.D., P. Eng. Ph.D., P. Eng.
Itasca Denver, Inc. Itasca Consulting Group, Inc. Itasca Consulting Canada, Inc.
General Manager and Itasca S.A. President and Principal
Principal Hydrogeologist Principal Mining Engineer Geomechanics Engineer
hliu@itascadenver.com loren.lorig@itasca.cl rbrummer@itasca.ca
Dr. Liu has more than 20 Dr. Lorig has more than 35 years of Dr. Brummer has 35 years of
years of experience in mining experience in engineering projects experience in geomechanics
and environmental hydrology, requiring specialized geomechanics consulting, practical mining
geochemistry and development consulting. His area of expertise is in applications, research and academia.
implementation of numerical the application of numerical models His areas of specialization are all
models. His area of expertise is in to provide solutions to stability, aspects of the behavior of highly
applying multidisciplinary knowledge support and dynamics problems in stressed rock in deep mines or in
of engineering, hydrology and civil and mining engineering. Dr. extensively mined workings. He
geochemistry in solving various Lorig has worked extensively at some also has expertise in rockbursts, the
problems. Dr. Liu is also a Sun of the largest open pits in the world design of microseismic and general
Micro Certified Java programmer and currently is working on studies instrumentation systems, the design
with extensive experience in the involving transition from open-pit of backfill and backfill systems, and
development of software, internet to underground cave mining at sites particularly in the optimization of
applications and databases. He is a around the world. He has served mining layouts to reduce risk and
registered Professional Engineer in as a member of consulting and maximize value. He is the author of
Colorado. peer review boards for several large over 50 technical articles. Dr. Brummer
projects. He has conducted over 40 is a Registered Professional Engineer
short courses and has authored more in Ontario, Quebec, Saskatchewan &
than 50 technical articles, and he is a the Northwest Territories, and is a
Registered Professional Engineer in Designated Consulting Engineer with
four U.S. states. Professional Engineers Ontario.
William Pettitt Matthew Pierce Glenn Sharrock
Ph.D. Ph.D., P. Eng. Ph.D., MAusIMM CP (Geotech)
Itasca Consulting Group, Inc. Itasca Consulting Group, Inc. Itasca Australia Pty. Ltd.
Principal Geophysicist Senior Associate General Manager and Principal
wpettitt@itascacg.com Geotechnical Engineer
Dr. Pettitt specializes in the Dr. Pierce specializes in Dr. Sharrock’s has 15 years industry
development and application of geomechanical characterization and experience in a wide range of rock
passive seismology techniques to underground mine design. He has mechanics positions such as Principal
induced seismicity focused on the pioneered methods for determination Geotechnical Engineer (Newcrest
microseismic and acoustic emission of the strength of rock masses and Mining NL), Rock Mechanics
imaging of rock fractures and the the analysis of caving, fragmentation, Engineer (Mt Isa Mines), Senior
integration of these techniques with subsidence, draw/recovery and Geotechnical Consultant (AMC
numerical models. Managed field infrastructure stability in block, panel Consultants), Senior Lecturer in
operations, equipment installations, and sublevel caving mines. He also Geotechnical Engineering (UNSW)
real-time data acquisition, post- has experience in sequencing and and Associate Professor - Caving
processing and interpretation studies.support of underground excavations, Geomechanics (UQ). His last position
assessment of backfill strength was as Principal Geotechnical
He is the creator of InSite and has requirements and prediction of Engineer at Newcrest’s Cadia East,
developed unique high-frequency mining-induced seismicity. Ridgeway Deeps, Ridgeway SLC
data acquisition equipment for and Telfer Mines. In addition to
fracture monitoring across a range of He was appointed as Director of the Newcrest, consulting experience
applications. Rio Tinto Centre for Underground includes Argyle, Perseverance, North
Mine Construction in 2014 (Centre Parks, Koffiefontein, Resolution,
for Excellence in Mining Innovation, Goldex, Afton, Ekati, Perseverance
Sudbury Canada). Dr. Pierce is a Deeps, and Ridgeway Deeps (Lift 2).
Registered Professional Engineer in
Jonny Sjöberg
Itasca Consultants AB 1
Rose B., M. Verreault, P. Andrieux and C. O’Connor, 2011. “A systematic
General Manager and Principal approach to rock mechanics challenges at Xstrata Zinc Brunswick Mine,”
Engineer Continuum and Distinct Element Numerical Modeling in Geomechanics,
jonny@itasca.se Sainsbury, Hart, Detournay & Nelson (eds.), 9 pages.
Lorig, L.J. and A. Cabrera, 2013. “Pillar Strength Estimates for Foliated
and Inclined Pillars in Schistose Material,” Continnum and Distinct
Element Numerical Modeling in Geomechanics - 2013: Proceedings
of the 3rd International FLAC/DEM Sympsoium, October 22-24,
Hangzhou, P.R. China, H. Zhu, C. Detournay, R. Hart and M/ Nelson
(eds.), 7 pages.
Sainsbury, D. P. and Urie, R., 2007. “Stability Analysis of Horizontal and
Vertical Paste Fill Exposures at the Raleigh Mine,” MINEFILL2007,
held in Montreal, Quebec, April 29 – May 3, 9 pages.
Turichshev, A., P.P. Andrieux, P. Mercier and R. Harrisson, 2009.
“Ground Support Audit at Brunswick Mine – Data Collection and
Results Management,” ROCKENG09: Proceedings of the 3rd CANUS
Rock Mechanics Symposium, Toronto, May 2009 (Ed: M.Diederichs and
G. Grasselli), 8 pages.
Dr. Sjöberg is a rock mechanics 5
Katsaga, T., and D. O. Potyondy. “A Generic Stope Model for Investigation
engineer with experience in of Fracturing Mechanisms in Deep Gold Mines,” paper ARMA 12-541 in
operations, research and consulting Proceedings of 46th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium,
Chicago, USA, 24–27 June 2012.
within mining and civil engineering.
He holds a Ph.D. in the area of open- 6
Severin, J., M. Telford, H. Liu, D. Noone and C. Robinson, 2013. Hydro-
pit slope stability, and has worked mechanical analysis of a foliated rockmass for a proposed sublevel
retreat mine,” Continnum and Distinct Element Numerical Modeling
on underground and surface mining in Geomechanics - 2013: Proceedings of the 3rd International FLAC/
projects in rock mechanics, civil DEM Sympsoium, October 22-24, Hangzhou, P.R. China, H. Zhu, C.
engineering tunneling projects, stress Detournay, R. Hart and M/ Nelson (eds.), 11 pages.
measurements and various other 7
J. M. Reyes-Montes, B. Sainsbury, J. R. Andrews, and R. P. Young. (2012).
numerical modeling projects. Dr. Application of cave-scale rock degradation models in the imaging of the
Sjöberg also is an Adjunct Professor seismogenic zone. Massmin 2012, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada .
in Rock Mechanics and Rock 8
Sainsbury, B., M. E. Pierce and D. Mas Ivars. “Analysis of Caving
Engineering at Luleå University of Behaviour Using a Synthetic Rock Mass — Ubiquitous Joint Rock
Technology. Mass Modelling Technique,” in Proceedings, SHIRMS 2008 (, Perth,
September 2008), Vol. 1, pp. 343-252. Y. Potvin et al., Eds. Nedlands,
Western Australia: Australian Centre for Geomechanics, 2008.
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