Non Conventional Bicycle
Non Conventional Bicycle
Non Conventional Bicycle
3(Electrical Engineering, JSPMs BSIOTR, Wagholi, Pune
4(Asst. Prof. of Electrical Engineering, JSPMs BSIOTR, Wagholi, Pune
Abstract - Basic needs of the human being are food, clothes lightning, buzzer, Mobile charger and for small domestic
and shelter but now a days electrical energy also becomes one appliances.
of the essential need in human life. Therefore demand of
electricity is increases very rapidly but generation of 1.1 Dynamo
electricity is limited because of conventional sources. Due to
the less generation of electricity peoples have to face load This is the part of our project which converts the
shedding problems. Also finding new energy sources is very big mechanical energy produced by the pedaling into the
challenge. Thus by taking all this point, we are decided to electricity. The top of the dynamo touches the tires rim,
generate the electricity by using renewable energy sources which is rotate when bicycle is rotate. Bi-cycle Dynamos are
such as solar, wind and dynamo in our project to satisfied alternators arranged with everlasting magnets, which create
electrical demand of peoples for their comfort. Non- air conditioning current. Two sorts of dynamos accessible
Conventional energy sources are freely available in nature. In are the center point dynamo and the container dynamo.
our Project we hybrid the solar, dynamo and wind energy. This Center point dynamo is incorporated with the center point of
generated energy we stored in battery and according to our bike wheel. Here era of power is done using the revolution of
applications we used. the bike wheel. A jug dynamo is additionally little electric
generator like center point dynamo. It is by and large put to
Keywords - Bicycle, dynamo, solar panel, wind blades, the back wheel of the bike. A jug dynamo serves like a
inverter and rechargeable battery. modest alternator.
1.2 Solar
In 21St century conventional energy sources used for
generation of electricity, but they are limited in nature and Sun is the main source of energy and this is freely
produce more pollution in the enviourment. By taking this available in nature. Sun oriented power and sunlight based
point we decide the generate electricity by using non- boards are getting a heaps of consideration as a component
convectional energy sources freely available in nature and of answer for our vitality emergency. Sunlight based vitality,
pollution less like Solar, Wind and Pedal power which is additionally called as photovoltaic vitality. Sun based boards
wasted by human. Todays global warming issue is more is made of a few photovoltaic cells this cells change over
generated in our country and India is fifth country daylight vitality into electrical vitality by photovoltaic impact
responsible for global warming, carbon emission with the this cell don't required fuel and have standard life time of 20
help of solar, wind and pedal power we generate the to 30 years.
electricity. We know 60% of energy is created by wind, 13%
energy is developed by solar and 4% by biomass in all 1.3 Wind
renewable energy sources in Maharashtra.
In our project we placed wind bleads in front of bicycle
and kept solar panel back side of the cycle, as well as the About 60% of energy is generated by the wind in
human energy is wasted while cycling is converted into Maharashtra. Wind energy is energy from moving air, caused
electricity with the help of dynamo and this combination is by temperature differences in the atmosphere irradiance
gives to the battery through the relay circuit. The output of from the sun heats up the air, forcing the air to rise.
project is in the form of D.C that is 6V, 0.5Amp is gives to the Conversely, where temperature falls, a low pressure zone
battery. And hence generated power is store in the battery develop. Wind balance out the differences. Hence wind
and this energy is used for further applications like LED energy in solar energy converted in the kinetic energy of
2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2058
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 03 | Mar -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
moving air. Wind energy capture the air flow by converting it 4. RESULT
into a rotational movement, which subsequently drives a
conventional generator for electricity. Table-1: Result of Non-conventional Bicycle
In our project solar panel is placed to the back side of the
bicycle. And positive terminal is connected to the normally
[1] Mrs. Manisha S. Lande and Mrs. Rupali S.Tupkar research
closed contact of relay and other terminal is connected to the
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ground. The maximum voltage rating of solar panel is 10V.
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But for battery operation require 6V.
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When output of solar panel is 6V or above 6V then battery
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3.2 Wind System Mechanism Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-
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The blades are placed in front of bicycle which is wound [3] Mr. M. P. Mohurle , D.S. Deshmukh,P. D. Patil research on
on D.C. generator and generator is connected to the battery Human Power Using Bicycle Mechanism as an Alternative
through relay circuit. The mechanical energy produced by Energy Source in International Conference on Global
wind blades is converted into electrical energy. Trends in Engineering, Technology and Management
3.3 Dynamo System Mechanism
2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2059