Primary Curriculum Overview
Primary Curriculum Overview
Primary Curriculum Overview
Appendix 1: Key Resources referenced in the development of the CIS curriculum
The purpose of the Primary School Curriculum Overview is to provide a summary of the approaches to
learning and teaching in the Primary School at Chinese International School. Intended for both parents
and new teachers, this document supplements the Chinese International School Teacher Handbook and
Chinese International School Parent Handbook with more information about the Primary Curriculum.
This document is the result of research into worldwide best practice and the extensive knowledge of our
faculty. The goal is to ensure that the CIS Primary Curriculum meets the particular learning needs of our
dual-language learners. Educational research is ongoing, as is review of our teaching practices. As such,
this curriculum document is reviewed and updated regularly.
CIS Mission
The mission of Chinese International School is to inspire students to a lifelong love of learning. The
school encourages intellectual curiosity and independent, critical and creative thinking which will
maximize students potential and promote the growth of the whole person.
The school prepares its students to be compassionate, ethical and responsible individuals, contributing to
local and global communities, respectful of other views, beliefs and cultures, and concerned to make a
difference in the world.
This statement of objectives is a living document, the purpose of which is to guide the schools
decision-making processes and ensure that the objectives are consistently focussed on the development
of the students.
Connect students, teachers, and staff in a caring, challenging and inspiring community of
Connect the school with parents as partners in learning.
Connect students and staff within a rich dual-language environment in order to develop
understanding and appreciation of the associated cultures.
Connect students and teachers with information and the tools necessary for information literacy.
Connect the school community with local and global communities.
Inspire students to reach their full potential in pursuit of excellence across the breadth of a
balanced and challenging curricular and co-curricular programme.
Inspire students of all linguistic profiles and backgrounds to achieve their full potential through
Chinese and English.
Enable students to inspire fellow students and adults with their decisions and actions at CIS and
Inspire students through the teaching and example of teachers to develop humane values and
core integrity that will inform their decisions and actions.
Inspire in students and teachers playful creativity, experimentation and appropriate risk-taking.
Create a school community that is infused with a commitment to service.
Develop leadership through service opportunities.
Serve as environmental advocates through the schools practice and curriculum.
CIS is a dual-language school. We value Chinese and English equally. We expect that students will exit
Primary School able to communicate effectively in both languages, that is, to read, write, speak and
understand both Chinese and English. We do not expect all students to exit the Primary School fluently
bilingual. Our curriculum is differentiated to enable each student to grow and succeed.
Language is taught at CIS in an immersion setting, meaning that both Mandarin Chinese and English are
used as medium of instruction for learning in all subjects. In an immersion setting, language is both
taught explicitly and also acquired through the learning of relevant content and skills. CIS students come
from both Chinese-dominant and English-dominant family backgrounds, meaning that they are a rich
resource for one another in their language learning.
CIS takes pride in its innovative approach to collaborative teaching and planning in the Primary School.
Every homeroom is headed by two teaching partners, one native Chinese speaker and one native English
speaker. Chinese and English teachers collaborate to plan for and facilitate student learning in all
subject areas, developing a holistic view of each child as a dual-language learner. Our collaborative
teaching approach ensures that students use their strengths in one language to support their learning in
the other. Collaborative teaching allows for flexible groupings, low teacher-student ratios, and
differentiation to meet individual needs.
Assessment is an ongoing process that is an essential and integrated part of both learning and teaching.
Assessment involves a partnership between teachers, students, and parents as they reflect on each
students progress and plan next steps for learning. Assessment is designed to inform the learning and
teaching process throughout the program; the results of both formative and summative assessments are
used in the planning of lessons and related activities.
Learning Areas
Language is fundamental to learning, thinking and communicating. CIS students use Chinese to develop
deep understanding in all areas of learning as they work to meet the mission of the school. Learning
outcomes in language can be grouped into listening, speaking, reading and writing.
In listening and speaking, students develop fluency as well as confidence in their oral language abilities
through structured activities in a variety of speaking and listening situations. Students also build a strong
vocabulary foundation for reading and writing.
In reading, our goals are that all students will love to read, read a lot and continually grow as readers.
CIS students learn to read through read-aloud and shared reading. High quality reading materials are
used to encourage a positive attitude towards reading for pleasure and for learning. Students read books
that are at just the right reading level for them.
Language study in Chinese includes radicals, strokes, stroke orders, characters, words, phrases,
sentences, grammar, and punctuation. These are important fundamental blocks in language learning.
Language study is taught systematically through thematic Chinese units.
Each year, students explore five thematic units related to their lives. Teaching materials include a set of
core materials supported by supplementary materials. Units are vertically and horizontally aligned to
gradually build and enhance students Chinese proficiency.
Language is fundamental to learning, thinking and communicating. CIS students use English to develop
deep understanding in all areas of learning as they work to meet the mission of the school. Learning
outcomes in language can be grouped into oral language, reading, writing, language study and inquiry. In
addition to being embedded in other learning areas, there are blocks of time in the school day dedicated
to building specific language skills and knowledge. These three blocks are reading, writing and language
In reading, our goals are that all students will love to read, read a lot and continually grow as readers.
CIS students learn to read through read-aloud, shared reading and reading workshops. High quality
reading materials are used to encourage a positive attitude towards reading for pleasure and for
learning. Students read books of their choice that are at just the right reading level for them.
In writing, our goals are that all students will love to write, write a lot and continually grow as writers.
CIS students learn to write in writing workshops. In a writing workshop, students learn that writing is a
lifelong process during which they continually lift the level of their writing skills as they outgrow
themselves as writers. Students write for authentic audiences and purposes and have ownership over the
topics and content of their writing.
Language study in English includes spelling, vocabulary, grammar, and punctuation (including
capitalization). These are important fundamental blocks in language learning. Language study is taught
systematically through the authentic contexts of a students own reading, writing and speaking.
In today's dynamic global economy, centered on the development and exchange of knowledge and
information, individuals prosper who are fluent in several disciplines and comfortable moving among
them. Creativity, adaptability, critical reasoning, and collaboration are highly valued skills. When it
comes to fostering those skills in the classroom, integrated study is an extremely effective approach,
helping students develop multifaceted expertise and grasp the important role interrelationships can play
in the real world.
Integrated studies, sometimes called interdisciplinary studies, brings together diverse disciplines in a
comprehensive manner, enabling students to develop a meaningful understanding of the complex
Units of study in Reception - Year 6 Integrated Studies are inquiry-based and combine Art, Information
and Communications Technology (ICT), Science and Social Sciences. Inquiry-based learning is a process
where students are involved in their learning, formulate questions, investigate widely and then build new
understandings, meanings and knowledge. That knowledge is new to the students and may be used to
answer a question, to develop a solution or to support a position or point of view. The knowledge is
usually presented to others and may result in some sort of action.
At the Primary Level, students are encouraged to build an individual sense of their environment
through Art. By being involved in a variety of challenges, the students are able to explore the
richness of culture and history in relation to Art. Provision is made for the students artistic world
to expand through experiences that aim to broaden their creative and expressive capacities.
In keeping with the notion of balance, Art is treated as a fundamentally reflective process where
inspiration is drawn from student-driven questioning. Through their participation in the art
program, students will:
respond thoughtfully to other cultures
build a personal sense of expression
be able to consider themselves artists, displaying artistic behaviors
take on the responsibility of including art in their overall view of the world
CIS promotes student thinking in relationship to the world through scientific inquiry. Students
actively construct and challenge their understanding by combining scientific knowledge with
reasoning and thinking skills in integrated units of study which include life, physical and
environmental sciences. A developmental approach to instruction promotes learning activities
ranging from hands-on experiences to critical thinking and creative problem solving.
Social Sciences
Students develop the skills and strategies to assess issues and make thoughtful decisions and to
filter, interpret, and evaluate information from a variety of media. Students begin to develop
knowledge and understanding of the past and its connection to the present. They gain an
exposure to and an understanding of cultures, beliefs and value systems, from their own
communities and the wider world. As a multi-cultural community, CIS is committed to developing
a global perspective by exposing students to multiple points of view and promoting respectful
debate in order to assist students to become socially responsible, global citizens.
The Primary Mathematics Curriculum at Chinese International School aims to enable students to become
confident mathematical thinkers who have a positive attitude towards mathematics and secure
knowledge and skills. The broad goals are for students to comprehend and connect, be flexible in their
use of procedures, formulate and present problems, use logic and be able to justify their thinking and
also have a productive disposition toward mathematics.
A central focus for the mathematics curriculum at Chinese International School is to cultivate 21st
Century competencies1 through varied and rich learning experiences. Mathematics learning goes beyond
content knowledge and learning progressions. It encompasses what we have learned from the positive
education movement in relation to character and necessary dispositions for learning and it encompasses
the skills of communication, collaboration, critical thinking and creativity.
Students will gain mathematical literacy by collaborating with others and communicating logically and
clearly. They will learn to conceptualise, inquire and reason mathematically, think critically, mindfully
and creatively to solve problems and show metacognitive capacity. They will engage in productive
struggle and see purpose and value in their learning.
The goal of the music programme at CIS is to foster a life-long love of music by providing an environment
that stimulates and challenges students through theory-based and skill-based practical musical
experiences, using a dual-language programme whenever possible. This will be accomplished by:
giving students the opportunity to explore and enjoy a wide range of musical experiences
including classifying and analysing sounds, exploring body music, harmonising, listening, playing
instruments, singing, reading and notating music, composing and recording songs;
encouraging students to develop perceptual skills through a breadth of musical experiences,
where they will learn to recognize, speculate, analyze, identify, discriminate and hypothesize in
relation to music;
enabling students to develop creatively their knowledge, abilities and understanding through
performance and composition;
allowing students to develop their potential as musicians both individually and collaboratively, in
whatever capacity, to the fullest.
As a social activity that also plays an important role in the language learning process, music is a part of
everyday life.
At CIS we believe in developing students commitment to their own learning by providing independent,
cooperative and collaborative experiences which allow them to become inquisitive, creative and
reflective thinkers. At the heart of personal and social development are the values of Ren, Yi, Li,
Zhi and Xin. In supporting our mission to promote the growth and well-being of our students, CIS has
incorporated positive education into classroom practice and whole school discourse. We also create
"21st Century Education - Center for Curriculum Redesign." 2015. 5 Oct. 2016
Chinese International School | Primary Curriculum Overview 8
cultures of thinking to enrich learning experiences and promote personal and social growth.
The Primary Physical Education Programme is part of a continuous curriculum that flows from the
Primary School into Secondary. It is our goal to foster the desire, skills and understanding that will allow
students to pursue a healthy and active lifestyle both during and beyond their school years.
The focus of the Primary Programme is to promote the physical, social, and emotional development of
the child. Physical Education provides opportunities for students to be creative, competitive and to face
different challenges as individuals and in groups.
Oral Language
Applies active listening behaviors to gain information and understanding
Uses oral language effectively for different purposes
Demonstrates good habits and a positive attitude for reading
Uses comprehension strategies to identify information and ideas from what is read, heard or
Demonstrates good habits and a positive attitude for writing
Uses pictures or words to convey meaning or messages
Demonstrates beginning understanding of the writing process
Language Study
Applies knowledge of letters, sounds and words to read words and simple sentences
Use a range of art elements, principles, materials and processes
Expresses ideas through use of art materials and processes
Expresses ideas about artworks
Interacts readily with a range of technology tools
Uses technology tools to enhance learning
Communicates information and ideas using a variety of technology tools
Asks questions to inquire
Gathers, processes and applies information
Shares and discusses ideas and information
Social Science
Appreciates the need to share work and resources at school
Identifies and relates stories about themselves in the past and present
Compares and reflects on their growth throughout Reception
Identifies stories about past events, people, places or situations
Identifies regional folk heroes, stories, or songs that have contributed to the development of a
regions cultural history
Oral Language
Effectively uses proper oral language for different purposes
Applies listening skills and strategies to gain information and make meaning
Demonstrates good habits for reading
Understands the meaning of characters, words, phrases and sentences, and comprehends texts
Uses comprehension strategies to read and make meaning from a variety of texts
Demonstrates concentration and a positive attitude toward writing
Applies knowledge of characters, words, sentence structure, text structure and punctuation in
Applies knowledge of writing strategies and follows the steps of the writing process
Oral Language
Applies listening skills and strategies to gain information and make meaning
Uses oral language effectively for different purposes
Demonstrates good habits and a positive attitude for reading
Uses comprehension strategies to identify information and ideas from what is read, heard or
Demonstrates good habits and a positive attitude for writing
Uses pictures or words to convey meaning or messages
Demonstrates beginning understanding of the writing process
Language Study
Applies knowledge of letters, sounds and words to read words and simple sentences
Uses basic grammatical and mechanical conventions in writing
Use a range of art materials, principles and processes to express ideas.
Uses scientific methods to observe, collect, record, analyse, predict, interpret, and determine
reasonableness of data
Social Studies
Compares, contrasts and tells stories to learn more about the world
Participates in games and develops simple tactics and skills in a co-ordinated and controlled
Explores basic athletic skills including running, jumping and throwing
Performs basic movements in response to a range of stimuli to express dance ideas
Demonstrates basic gymnastic skills showing body tension and control
Moves confidently through water over a short distance, developing breath control and basic stroke
Oral Language
Applies listening skills and strategies to gain information and make meaning
Effectively uses proper oral language for different purposes
Demonstrates good habits for reading
Understands the meaning of characters, words, phrases and sentences, and comprehends texts
Uses comprehension strategies to read and make meaning from a variety of texts
Demonstrates concentration and a positive attitude toward writing
Applies knowledge of characters, words, sentence structure, text structure and punctuation in
Applies knowledge of writing strategies and follows the steps of the writing process
Oral Language
Applies listening skills and strategies to gain information and make meaning
Uses oral language effectively for different purposes
Demonstrates good habits and a positive attitude for reading
Uses comprehension strategies to read and make meaning from a variety of texts
Demonstrates good habits and a positive attitude for writing
Uses words and pictures to convey meaning or messages
Explains and engages in the steps of the writing process
Language Study
Applies knowledge of letters, sounds and words to read words and sentences
Uses grammatical and mechanical conventions in writing
Integrated Studies
Uses a range of art techniques and principles to express ideas visually and to identify
characteristics of artwork.
Interacts competently with a range of technology tools
Asks inquiry questions
Gathers, processes and applies information
Shares and discusses ideas and information
Social Studies
Identifies examples where human activity has had a beneficial or a harmful effect on other
Physical Education
Participates in games and develops simple tactics and skills in a co-ordinated and controlled
Demonstrates basic athletic skills including running, jumping and throwing
Creates basic movements in response to a range of stimuli to express dance ideas
Demonstrates basic gymnastic skills showing body tension and control
Moves confidently through water over a short distance, developing breath control and basic stroke
Oral Language
Applies listening skills and strategies to gain information and make meaning
Effectively uses proper oral language for different purposes
Demonstrates good habits for reading
Understands the meaning of characters, words, phrases and sentences, and comprehends texts
Uses comprehension strategies to read and make meaning from a variety of texts
Demonstrates concentration and a positive attitude toward writing
Applies knowledge of characters, words, sentence structure, text structure and punctuation in
Applies knowledge of writing strategies and follows the steps of the writing process
Oral Language
Applies listening skills and strategies to gain information and make meaning
Uses oral language effectively for different purposes
Demonstrates good habits and a positive attitude for reading
Uses comprehension strategies to read and make meaning from a variety of texts
Demonstrates good habits and a positive attitude for writing
Writes to communicate with a variety of audiences for different purposes
Explains and engages in the steps of the writing process
Language Study
Applies reading strategies to achieve fluent oral and silent reading
Applies knowledge of spelling, punctuation, capitalization and grammar in writing
Uses a range of art techniques and principles to express ideas visually and to identify
characteristics of artwork
Uses scientific methods to observe, collect, record, analyze, predict, interpret, and determine
reasonableness of data
Social Studies
Understands he/she can make positive personal choices to protect the environment
Plays games cooperatively and with confidence while demonstrating a range of skills
Demonstrates athletic skills including running, jumping and throwing with coordination and
Demonstrates the ability to respond to a focused stimulus in dance and use simple movements to
create dance phrases
Links gymnastic skills into a sequence showing body tension and control
Swims confidently showing correct stroke technique
Chinese Language
Oral Language
Applies listening skills and strategies to gain information and make meaning
Effectively uses proper oral language for different purposes
Demonstrates good habits for reading
Understands the meaning of characters, words, phrases and sentences, and comprehends texts
Uses comprehension strategies to read and make meaning from a variety of texts
Demonstrates concentration and a positive attitude toward writing
Applies knowledge of characters, words, sentence structure, text structure and punctuation in
Applies knowledge of writing strategies and follows the steps of the writing process
Oral Language
Applies listening skills and strategies to gain information and make meaning
Uses oral language effectively for different purposes
Demonstrates good habits and a positive attitude for reading
Uses comprehension strategies to read and make meaning from a variety of texts
Demonstrates good habits and a positive attitude for writing
Writes to communicate with a variety of audiences for different purposes
Explains and engages in the steps of the writing process
Language Study
Applies reading strategies to achieve fluent oral and silent reading
Applies knowledge of spelling, punctuation, capitalization and grammar in writing
Integrated Studies
Uses a range of art techniques and materials to express ideas visually and to identify
characteristics of artworks
Plans for a successful investigation
Gathers, processes and applies information
Shares and discusses ideas and information
Social S tudies
Develops an understanding of the relationships within and between communities
Demonstrates the organizational skills and dispositions required to support music learning
Participates fully in all areas of the music curriculum
Displays and uses year-level musical vocabulary
Applies understanding of varying styles, composers and periods of music to performance and
Reads and notates note and rest values in 2/4, 3/4 and 4/4 time signatures
Reads and notates the Western letter system for pitch in treble clef
Sings on pitch and in rhythm with appropriate timbre, diction, breathing and posture and
maintains a steady beat
Plays the soprano recorder on pitch and in rhythm with appropriate fingering, tone quality,
breathing and posture and maintains a steady beat
Creatively and confidently applies music skills to performance
Physical Education
Plays games cooperatively and with confidence while demonstrating a range of skills
Demonstrates athletic skills including running, jumping and throwing with coordination and
Demonstrates the ability to respond to a focused stimulus in dance and uses simple movements
to create dance phrases
Links gymnastic skills into a sequence showing body tension and control
Swims confidently showing correct stroke technique
Oral Language
Applies listening skills and strategies to gain information and make meaning
Effectively uses proper oral language for different purposes
Demonstrates good habits for reading
Demonstrates good habits for reading
Understands the meaning of characters, words, phrases and sentences, and comprehends texts
Uses comprehension strategies to read and make meaning from a variety of texts
Demonstrates concentration and a positive attitude toward writing
Applies knowledge of characters, words, sentence structure, text structure and punctuation in
Applies knowledge of writing strategies and follows the steps of the writing process
Oral Language
Applies listening skills and strategies to gain information and make meaning
Uses oral language effectively for different purposes
Demonstrates good habits and a positive attitude for reading
Uses comprehension strategies to read and make meaning from a variety of texts
Demonstrates good habits and a positive attitude for writing
Writes to communicate with a variety of audiences for different purposes
Explains and engages in the steps of the writing process
Language Study
Applies knowledge o
f w ord origins and relationships to determine word meaning
Applies knowledge o f s pelling, punctuation, capitalization and grammar in writing
Uses a range of art techniques and materials to express ideas visually and to identify
characteristics of artworks
Plans for a successful investigation
Gathers, processes and applies information
Defines and researches an environmental problem and generates a possible solution
Social Studies
Identifies human migration, its impact on the environment and the relationship between
individuals and civilizations
Demonstrates the organizational skills and dispositions required to support music learning
Participates fully in all areas of the music curriculum
Displays and uses year-level musical vocabulary
Applies understanding of varying styles, composers and periods of music to performance and
Reads and notates note and rest values in 2/4, 3/4, 4/4 and 6/8 time signatures
Reads and notates the Western letter system for pitch in treble clef
Sings on pitch and in rhythm with appropriate timbre, diction, breathing and posture and
maintains a steady beat
Plays the soprano recorder on pitch and in rhythm with appropriate fingering, tone quality,
breathing and posture and maintains a steady beat
Creatively and confidently applies music skills to performance
Plays games cooperatively and with confidence while demonstrating a range of skills
Demonstrates athletic skills including running, jumping and throwing with consistency,
coordination and control
Demonstrates the ability to select appropriate dance movements and then refine these to
improve performance
Links gymnastic skills into a sequence with consistency, fluency and clarity of movement
Swims confidently showing correct stroke technique
Oral Language
Applies listening skills and strategies to gain information and meaning
Effectively uses proper oral language for different purposes
Demonstrates good habits for reading
Understands the meaning of characters, words, phrases and sentences, and comprehends texts
Uses comprehension strategies to read and make meaning from a variety of texts
Demonstrates concentration and a positive attitude toward writing
Applies knowledge of characters, words, sentence structure, text structure and punctuation in
Applies knowledge of writing strategies and follows the steps of the writing process
Oral Language
Applies listening skills and strategies to gain information and make meaning
Uses oral language effectively for different purposes
Demonstrates good habits and a positive attitude for reading
Uses comprehension strategies to read and make meaning from a variety of texts
Demonstrates good habits and a positive attitude for writing
Writes to communicate with a variety of audiences for different purposes
Explains and engages in the steps of the writing process
Language Study
Applies knowledge of word origins and relationships to determine word meaning
Applies knowledge of spelling, punctuation, capitalization and grammar in writing
Integrated Studies
Analyses and interprets various artworks in order to develop and refine ideas when producing art
Plans for a successful investigation
Gathers, processes and applies information
Shares and discusses ideas and information
Social Studies
Explores the relationship amongst societies, culture and religion and explains the
interconnectedness in the development of values
Orders, reads and writes numbers of any size
Selects and applies appropriate strategies for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
with numbers of any size
Compares, orders and calculates with decimals, simple fractions and simple percentages
Records, analyses and describes geometric and number patterns that involve one operation using
tables and words
Constructs, verifies and completes number sentences involving the four operations with a variety
of numbers
Gathers, sorts, displays and interprets information utilising a variety of graphical formats
Selects and uses the appropriate unit to calculate area, including the area of squares, rectangles
and triangles
Measures, constructs and classifies angles
Asks questions and applies problem solving strategies, including technological applications in
undertaking investigations
Describes and represents a mathematical situation and gives a valid reason for supporting one
solution over another
Selects and uses the appropriate unit and device to measure lengths, distances, perimeters and
the mass of objects
Manipulates, classifies and draws two-dimensional shapes and describes side and angle properties
Asks questions in relation to mathematical situations and mathematical experiences
Selects and uses a range of strategies to explore and solve problems
Uses appropriate language and representations to formulate and express mathematical ideas
Uses processes to explore relationships, check solutions and give reasons to support conclusions
Reflects on personal experiences and critical understanding to make connections with and
generalisations about existing knowledge and understanding
Demonstrates the organizational skills and dispositions required to support music learning
Participates fully in all areas of the music curriculum
Displays and uses year level musical vocabulary
Applies understanding of varying styles, composers and periods of music to performance and
Reads and notates note and rest values in 2/4, 3/4, 4/4 and 6/8 time signatures
Reads and notates the Western letter system for pitch in treble clef
Sings on pitch and in rhythm with appropriate timbre, diction and breathing and maintains a
steady beat
Plays the soprano and alto recorders on pitch and in rhythm with appropriate fingering, tone
quality, breathing and posture and maintains a steady beat
Demonstrates understanding of Chinese percussion music
Creatively and confidently applies music skills to performance
Physical Education
Plays games cooperatively and with confidence while demonstrating a range of skills
Demonstrates athletic skills including running, jumping and throwing with consistency,
coordination and control
Demonstrates the ability to select appropriate dance movements and then refine them to
improve performance
Links gymnastic skills into a sequence with consistency, fluency and clarity of movement
Swims confidently showing correct stroke technique
Val Sabin Publications and Training