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Int. J. Robust. Nonlinear Control 2015; 25:7287

Published online 12 September 2013 in Wiley Online Library ( DOI: 10.1002/rnc.3074

Sampled-data control of networked nonlinear systems with

variable delays and drops

Xi Liu1, * , , Horacio J. Marquez2 , K. D. Kumar1 and Y. Lin3

1 Department of Aerospace Engineering, Ryerson University, Toronto, ON M5B 2K3 Canada
2 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G2V4 Canada
3 Department of Mathematics, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G2G1 Canada

This paper investigates the stabilization problem of the nonlinear networked control systems (NCSs) with
drops and variable delays. The NCS is modeled as a sampled-data system. For such a sampled-data NCS,
the stability properties are studied for delay that can be both shorter and longer than one sampling period,
respectively. The exponential stability conditions are derived in terms of the parameters of the plant and
time delay. On the other hand, a model-based control scheme based on an approximate discrete-time model
of the plant is presented to guarantee the stability of the closed-loop system subject to variable time delays
and packet losses. The performance of the proposed control schemes are examined through numerical sim-
ulations of an automated rendezvous and docking of spacecraft system. Moreover, the simulations show
that by employing the model-based controller, a higher closed-loop control performance can be achieved.
Copyright 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Received 28 July 2009; Revised 2 May 2013; Accepted 19 August 2013

KEY WORDS: nonlinear control; networked control systems (NCSs); sampled data; model-based control;
exponential stability


The rapid developments in the microelectronics and telecommunication motivate the area of net-
worked control systems (NCSs) [117]. Because of the presence of communication network, the
data exchanges between NCS nodes are exposed to time delays and/or packet dropout, which may
degrade system performance or even cause instability.
Network-induced delay, as one of the main issues, has emerged as a topic of significant interest
to the control community [29, 11, 13, 14, 17]. Depending on the protocol of the control network,
the delay may be deterministic or random and constant or time varying. The commonly investigated
systems have been continuous-time models [2, 4, 9, 11, 17], discrete-time models [3, 57, 13, 14],
and stochastic models [8]. In a typical NCS setup, physical signals are sampled and then transmit-
ted on the network medium, it is more natural to analyze an NCS from the discrete-time point of
view. Halevi and Ray [3] considered an augmented linear discrete-time NCS model, and the stability
conditions were established in the case of the periodic time delay. This method had been extended
recently by Lian et al. [6], where modeling algorithm and optimal controller design were obtained
for linear NCSs with multiple distributed delays. Krtolica [5] assumed time delays to behave accord-
ing to Markov chains. The NCS was framed to be a discrete-time jump linear system, and necessary
and sufficient conditions for mean-square exponential stability were thus derived via the stochas-
tic Lyapunov method. Nilsson [13] modeled network delays as random but governed by a known

*Correspondence to: Xi Liu, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Ryerson University, Toronto, ON M5B 2K3 Canada.

Copyright 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


probability distribution. The stochastic optimal control problem was solved for linear NCSs with
delay shorter than the sampling period. Under the same assumption that the total delay is shorter
than the sampling period, Matas considered linear NCSs with drops and variable delays, and suf-
ficient stability conditions were derived using linear matrix inequality technique [7]. On the basis
of its approximate discrete-time model, Polushin et al. investigated the stabilization problem of a
nonlinear NCS in [14].
Most of the aforementioned results consider only linear NCSs, whereas nonlinear NCSs have
received little attention. This paper is concerned with the analysis of the control design to the
nonlinear context. This study is important in applications because control systems of interest are
often nonlinear. We address the stabilization problem of nonlinear sampled-data networked con-
trol systems with drops and variable delays as well as present a model-based control scheme as
a solution to compensate the network-induced constraints and to improve system performance.
Specifically, the NCS is modeled as a sampled-data control system. For such a sampled-data NCS,
the exponential stability conditions are derived for delays that can be both shorter and longer than
one sampling period, respectively. On the other hand, we follow the model-based method used in
[18, 19] for sampled-data systems and [911, 14] for NCSs. A model-based control scheme based
on an approximate discrete-time model of the plant is presented to guarantee the stability of the
closed-loop system subject to variable time delays and packet losses. Moreover, the performance of
non-networked control system can be recovered in model-based NCS.
There are several important features that are worth mentioning. First, our NCS model deals with
variable delay and relaxes the assumption that the time delay is less than one sampling period used
in [7, 13]. Moveover, in [13], it is assumed that the probability distribution of the delays are known
and that the control and measurement signals are supplemented with the so-called time stamps,
which means that the controller must obtain information of the length of previous delays. These
assumptions make the result restrictive. Second, we remove the assumption used in [7, 16] for linear
NCSs and [12] for nonlinear NCSs, which assume that the controller is designed in advance without
taking into account the network. Finally, we emphasize that the configuration of our NCS distin-
guishes our work from the existing results on model-based NCSs (e.g., [911]) where, in particular,
delays are assumed to be negligible (with the exception of Theorem 3 in [9], where the delay is
assumed to be constant and known), and most of the results address linear NCSs (with the excep-
tion of [11] (Theorem 12), where the stability of a particular class of nonlinear systems described
by xP D f .x/ C g.u/ and u D h.x/ is investigated). We also point out that the recent work in [14]
presents a comprehensive study on nonlinear model-based NCSs, and a performance recovery result
is obtained. However, the proposed scheme assumes that there exists a Lyapunov function such that
the control law designed without the presence of the network stabilizes an approximate nonlinear
model of the plant. Such Lyapunov function is difficult to find for practical problems.
The outline of this paper is organized as follows. The sampled-data stabilization problem of non-
linear NCSs is formulated in Section 2. The stability behavior is examined in Section 3 for delay
that can be both shorter and longer than one sampling period, respectively. A model-based control
scheme based on an approximate discrete-time model of the plant is presented in Section 4 to guar-
antee the stability of the closed-loop system subject to variable time delays and packet losses. The
main results are illustrated via simulations of an automated rendezvous and docking of spacecraft
system in Section 5. Finally, this paper is closed with conclusions in the last section.


Consider a nonlinear system consisting of a continuous plant

P / D f .x, u/ (1)
and a discrete-time controller
u.kT / D g.x.kT // k 2 ZC , (2)
where x and u are the plant state and the control vector, respectively, T is the sampling period, and
f .x, u/ and g.x/ are assumed to be continuously differentiable with f .0, 0/ D 0 and g.0/ D 0.

Copyright 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Robust. Nonlinear Control 2015; 25:7287
DOI: 10.1002/rnc
74 X. LIU ET AL.

Assume that x.t / is online measurable, and the measurements are transmitted in a single packet. We
address the sampled-data stabilization problem of the nonlinear system (1) with network-induced
delays and drops. There are two different sources of delays from the network: sensor-to-controller
delay sc and controller-to-actuator delay ca . For time-invariant controllers, the sensor-to-controller
k k
delay and controller-to-actuator delay can be lumped together as k D sc C ca for the purpose of
analysis [7, 17]. In particular, the round-trip time delay k D 1 corresponds to the case of packet
The stability behavior of the sampled-data NCS with delays are studied under the following
setup: a time-driven sensor, an event-driven controller, and an event-driven actuator (zero-order
holder (ZOH)). Denote the updating instant of the ZOH as tk and suppose that the signal at tk has
experienced delays k . For this setup, the controller switches at tk D kT C k . Hence

u.t / D  k // tk 6 t < tkC1 , k 2 ZC . (3)

The exponential stability results are presented for the discrete-time model of the NCS described by
(1) and (3) with time delays satisfying 0 < k < T and .l  1/T < k < lT , for some integer l > 1,
On the other hand, we employ a model-based control scheme on the basis of a set of approximate
discrete-time models of the form

O / D Fa .x.kT
O /, u.kT //, (4)

where xO is the state of the model. The closed-loop stability with a higher control performance is
guaranteed subject to variable time delays and packet losses.
The configuration of the NCS deserves some remarks.

Remark 1
The assumption on the network-induced delay is more general than that in [7, 13], where the delay
is assumed to be less than one sampling period. Moveover, in [5, 13], the time delay is usually
assumed to have a known probability distribution, and the control and measurement signals are sup-
plemented with the so-called time stamps, which means that the controller must obtain information
of the length of previous delays. These assumptions make the result restrictive, which constitutes a
significant difference from our work.

Remark 2
We emphasize that the configuration of our NCS distinguishes our work from the existing results
on model-based NCS (e.g., [911]) where, in particular, communication delays are assumed to be
negligible (with the exception of Theorem 3 in [9], where the communication delay is assumed to
be constant and known), and most of the results address linear NCSs (with the exception of [11]
(Theorem 12), where the stability of a particular class of nonlinear systems described by xP D
f .x/ C g.u/ and u D h.x/, with constant access updating time, is investigated). We also point
out that recent work in [14] presents a comprehensive study on nonlinear model-based NCSs. How-
ever, the proposed scheme assumes that there exists a Lyapunov function such that the control law
designed without the presence of the network stabilizes an approximate nonlinear model in the
Lyapunov sense. This assumption is difficult to check and make the result restrictive for application.

The following notation will be used throughout this paper. The superscript T stands for the trans-
pose of a vector or a matrix, Rn denotes the n-dimensional Euclidean space, and Rmn is the set
of all matrices of dimension m  n. The notation j  j refers to
p the Euclidean norm of a vector or
the induced
p norm of a matrix. For a vector x 2 R , jxj D x T x and for a matrix A 2 Rmn ,
jAj D max .AT A/, where max denotes the maximal eigenvalue of AT A. Denote ZC and RC as
the sets of nonnegative integers and nonnegative reals, respectively, and Br WD x W jxj 6 r.

Copyright 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Robust. Nonlinear Control 2015; 25:7287
DOI: 10.1002/rnc


In this section, we will investigate the stability behavior of the NCS (1) and (3) with network-induced
time delay. Two cases of delay that can be both shorter and longer than one sampling period are con-
sidered, respectively. The sufficient conditions for exponential stability are derived in terms of the
parameters of the plant and time delay.
Because functions f and g are continuously differentiable, let A D @f @x .0,0/
and B D @f @u
Linearizing system (1) at the origin gives
P / D Ax C Bu C F .x, u/, (5)

where F .x, u/ D f .x, u/  Ax  Bu and lim.x,u/!.0,0/ pF .x,u/ D 0. Let g.x/ D C x C G.x/,

2 jxj Cjuj2
where C D dx
and limx!0 G.x/
D 0.

3.1. Delay less than one sampling period

Consider the case where k < T . Sampling the system (5), we obtain
Z T Z T k
x..k C 1/T / D e AT x.kT / C e As ds Bu..k  1/T / C e As ds Bu.kT /
T k 0
Z (6)
A..kC1/T s/
C e F .x.s/, u.s//ds.

Define .kT / D .x T .kT /, uT ..k  1/T //T , where we denote uT ..k  1/T / D 0 for k D 0. The
augmented closed-loop system can be described by
..k C 1/T / D k .kT / C k , (7)
" R T k RT #
e AT C 0 e As ds BC As
T k e ds B
k D , (8)
C 0
" R T  R .kC1/T #
e As ds BG.x.kT // C kT e A..kC1/T s/ F .x.s/, u.s//ds
k D . (9)
G.x.kT //
A buffer which is longer than the worst-case delay is added before the node of ZOH. Suppose that
the length of the buffer is  such that 0 < k 6  < T , for all k 2 ZC . Then
..k C 1/T / D .kT / C , (10)
" R T  RT #
e AT C 0 e As dsBC T  e As dsB
D , (11)
C 0
" R R .kC1/T #
0 e As dsBG.x.kT // C kT e A..kC1/T s/ F .x.s/, u.s//ds
D . (12)
G.x.kT //

Theorem 1
Consider the buffered NCS with small delay. Suppose that the buffer length  satisfies 0 < k 6  <
T such that the augmented sampled-data model is described by (10). Then the equilibrium point

Copyright 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Robust. Nonlinear Control 2015; 25:7287
DOI: 10.1002/rnc
76 X. LIU ET AL.

.x T , uT / D .0T , 0T / of system (1)-(2) is exponentially stable in the region B .0/ WD W jj 6

,  > 0 if the matrix is Schur stable.

Since by assumption that is Schur stable, there exists a positive definite symmetric matrix P such
that T P P D I , where I denotes the identity matrix. Note that P D I CT P > I , hence,
we obtain .P / > 1, where .P / denotes the eigenvalue of P . To shorten notations, we denote
.k/ WD .kT /. Let V ..k// D .k/T P .k/ be a Lyapunov candidate for system (10). Then
V ..k C 1//  V ..k// D ..k/ C /T P ..k/ C /  .k/T P .k/
D T P .k/ C T P  C .k/T .T P  P /.k/ C .k/T T P 
6 j.k/j2 C 2jjjP jj.k/j C jP jjj2 .
Before proceeding, we claim the following.

Claim 1
For given  > 0, there exists > 0, such that jx.t /j 6 j.k/j (here,  is a constant and will be
specified later) and jj 6 j.k/j for t 2 kT , .k C 1/T /, whenever j.k/j 6 for all k 2 ZC .

From now, we suppose this claim to be true. Let 1 and 2 denote the minimal and maximal
eigenvalues of P , respectively. Choose a 1 > 0 such that
2  1 C 21 jP j C 21 jP j
r WD < 1. (14)
By Claim 1, there exists a 1 > 0 such that jj 6 1 j.k/j, jx.t /j 6 j.k/j, whenever j.k/j 6 1 .
It follows from (13) that
V ..k C 1//  V ..k// 6 1 C 21 jP j C 21 jP j j.k/j2 . (15)
By the definition of r, we have 1C21 jP jC21 jP j < 0, which implies V ..kC1// 6 r 2 V ..k//.
Because 1 j.k/j2 6 V ..k// 6 2 j.k/j2 , we have
1 j.k C 1/j2 6 V ..k C 1// 6 r 2 V ..k// 6 r 2 2 j.k/j2 . (16)
Let  WD Consider j.k0 /j 6  for some k0 2 ZC . Obviously, j.k0 /j 6 1 , and thus
2 1
(15) is applicable for k D k0 , which implies from (16) that j.k0 C 1/j 6 12 j.k0 /j 6 1 . Hence
(16) holds for k D k0 C 1, which yields that 1 j.k0 C 2/j2 6 r 2 V ..k 4
q 0 C 1// 6 r V ..k0 // 6
r 4 2 j.k0 /j2 . It follows from the definition of  that j.k0 C 2/j 6 21 j.k0 /j 6 1 . By induc-
q j.k/j 6 1 for all k > k0 , whenever j.k0 /j 6 . It follows from (16) that
tion, we have
2 k
j.k/j 6 1
r j.0/j, whenever j.0/j 6 . Hence, jx.t /j 6 j.k/j 6 e t jx.0/j, where
D r 12 and D  lnTr .
It remains to establish our initial Claim 1. By continuity, there exists 2 > 0 such that
jF .x, u/j 6 jxj C juj and jG.x/j 6 jxj, whenever jxj 6 2 and juj 6 2 . We show that there
exists 3 > 0 3 < min 2 , jCjC1 2
such that jx.t /j < 2 for all t 2 kT , .k C 1/T / whenever
j.k/j 6 3 . This can be established by contradiction. Because 3 < 2 , we assume that there exists
a tN 2 kT , .k C 1/T /, such that jx.t /j < 2 for all t 2 kT , tN/ and jx.tN/j D 2 . It follows from (5)
Z t
x.t / D x.k/ C .t  kT /Bu.k  1/ C .Ax.s/ C F .x.s/, u.k  1///ds, (17)

Copyright 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Robust. Nonlinear Control 2015; 25:7287
DOI: 10.1002/rnc

for t 2 kT , tk / and
Z t
x.t / D x.k/ C .tk  kT /Bu.k  1/ C .t  tk /Bu.k/ C Ax.s/ds
Z tk Z t (18)
C F .x.s/, u.k  1//ds C F .x.s/, u.k//ds,
kT tk

for t 2 tk , .k C 1/T /. Because tN 2 kT , .k C 1/T /, we have either tN 2 kT , tk / or tN 2 tk , .k C 1/T /.

Suppose tN 2 kT , tk /. It follows
p from j.k/j 6 3 that Rju.k  1/j 6 3 6 2 . Thus, for all
t 2 kT , tN, we have jx.t /j 6 1 C T 2 .jBj C 1/2 j.k/j C kT .jAj C 1/jx.s/jds, where we have
used the fact that jF .x.s/, u.k  1//j 6 jx.s/j C ju.k  1/j, because jx.s/j 6 2 for s 2 kT , tN, by
assumption and ju.k  1/j 6 2 . Denote a D ..1 C T .jBj C 1/.jC j C 1//2 C T 2 .jBj C 1/2 / 2 . It
follows by Gronwall Inequality that for all t 2 kT , tN

jx.t /j 6 aj.k/je .jAjC1/T . (19)

Suppose tN 2 tk , .k C 1/T /. Because jx.k/j 6 j.k/jR 6 3 , we have ju.k/j 6 .jC j C 1/3 6 2 .

Thus, for all t 2 tk , tN, we have jx.t /j 6 aj.k/j C kT .jAj C 1/jx.s/jds, which implies from
Gronwall Inequality that

jx.t /j 6 aj.k/je .jAjC1/T , (20)

for all t 2 tk , tN. Denote  D ae .jAjC1/T . It follows from (19) and (20) that jx.tN/j 6 j.k/j < 2 ,
which is a contradiction. Therefore, there exists 3 > 0 such that jx.t /j < 2 , for all t 2
kT , .k C1/T /, whenever j.k/j 6 3 . Moveover, jx.t /j 6 j.k/j for t 2 kT , .k C1/T / whenever
j.k/j 6 3 .
Now, we consider : Let  > 0 be given. Let > 0 be such that  D .d1 C d2 C 1/ , where
d1 D jBj.T   /e jAj.T  / and p d2 D d3 T e jAjT with d3pD .2 C .jC j C /2 / 2 . There exists
4 > 0 such that jF .x, u/j 6 jxj 2 2 2 2
C juj , whenever jxj C juj 6 4 and jG.x/j 6 jxj,
whenever jxj 6 4 . Let D min 3 , p4 , p 4
. It follows from the definition of that
2.jC jC/
j.k/j 6 3 , which implies that jx.t /j 6 j.k/j 6 p 2
, for all t 2 kT , .k C 1/T /. Moreover,
4 4
ju.k  1/j 6 j.k/j 6 p and ju.k/j 6 .jC j C /jx.k/j 6 p . Because u.t / is either u.k  1/ or
2 p 2
u.k/ for t 2 kT , .k C 1/T /, we obtain that jx.t /j2 C ju.t /j2 6 4 . Using (12) and the definition
R .kC1/T p
of , we obtain jj 6 .d1 C 1/jx.k/j C e jAjT kT 2 j.k/j2 C ju.s/j2 ds 6 j.k/j. This
completes the proof of Theorem 1. 

Remark 3
It is worth mentioning that because of the nonlinearities, local rather than global results are obtained.
In general, it is difficult to obtain good estimates of the region of attraction by the present method.
Furthermore, the methodology adopted herein does not seem to be suitable in addressing global sta-
bilization problems. These limitations are inherent in most methodologies involving linearizations.
However, stability regions for such systems can be determined by simulations.

3.2. Longer delay

Assume .l  1/T < j < lT for all j 2 ZC . Then one control sample is received every sample
period for k > l. Let O .iT / D .x T .kT /, uT ..k l/T //T , : : : , uT ..k 1/T //T with i D k l, k > l.
The augmented closed-loop system can be described by

O ..i C 1/T / D O i O .iT / C 

O i, i D 0, 1, 2, : : : (21)

Copyright 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Robust. Nonlinear Control 2015; 25:7287
DOI: 10.1002/rnc
78 X. LIU ET AL.

2 RT R lT i C1 3
e AT lT i C1 e As ds B 0 e As ds B 0  0
6 7
6 0 0 1 0  0 7
O i D 6
6 0 0 0 1  0
7, (22)
6 .. .. .. .. . . 7
4 . . . . . 1 5
C 0 0 0  0
2 R 3
.i ClC1/T A..i ClC1/T s/
e F .x.s/, u.s//ds
6 .i Cl/T 7
6 0 7
6 7
Oi D6
 .. 7. (23)
6 . 7
6 7
4 0 5
G.x..i C l/T //

Corollary 1
Consider the buffered NCS with longer delay. Suppose that .l  1/T < i 6  < lT such that the
augmented closed-loop model is described by (21) with O i  O . Then the equilibrium point of the
NCS is exponentially stable if the constant matrix O is Schur stable.

The proof can be carried out in a similar manner as we have performed in Theorem 1 and is


In this section, we employ a model-based control scheme. In model-based NCSs, an approximate

model of the plant is included into the controller node, and the control action is calculated on the
basis of the current state of the model rather than the actual state of the plant. On the other hand,
the model state is updated from time to time on the basis of the measurement of the actual state to
overcome model mismatch.

4.1. Model-based scheme

Assume that the delays are time-varying and unknown, and some packets may be lost. Consider the
aforementioned nonlinear system
xP D Ax C Bu C F .x, u/ (24)
and its approximate model
O C 1/T / D D x.kT
O / C
u.kT /,
Z T (25)
D D e ,
D e As Bds,

where xO is the state of the model. Consider a model-based controller of the form
u.kT / D g .x.kT
O // , (26)
augmented by the approximate model (25). Let k be the corresponding round-trip delay. It is worth
mentioning that there are no restrictions on k , and it is possible that k D C1 for some k 2 ZC ,
which corresponds to the case of packet loss. Let  be an estimate for admissible upper bound of
round-trip delay, which is known at the plant side. In practice, this upper bound can be estimated
experimentally by comparing transmit packets with time stamps. Without loss of generality, we let
 be a multiple of T :  D lT , l 2 N. Assume that the plant node (PN) is equipped with an input

Copyright 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Robust. Nonlinear Control 2015; 25:7287
DOI: 10.1002/rnc

buffer Up , and the control node (CN) is equipped with two buffers Uc and Uct e mp . We introduce the
following variables: np 2 0, 1, sp 2 ZC at PN, and nc 2 0, 1, sc 2 ZC at CN.
In the sequel, to shorten notations, we use x.k/ and u.k/ instead of x.kT / and u.kT /. The
model-based control scheme is the following. Initially, buffers Up , Uc , and Uct e mp store a precal-
culated sequence of control signals U0 , which are calculated by (25)(26) with initial condition
O D x.0/, and np D nc D 0, sp D sc D 0. For each k 2 ZC , the control signal u.k/ is retrieved
from the buffer Up and applied to the input of the plant. The data of Up is updated according to
the following. For each k 2 ZC , set sp D k. The plant state x.k/ is measured and sent, together
with the values of  , sp , and np , over the network to CN. Upon receiving the data from PN, CN
first identifies the time instant sc when the measurement was performed, by setting sc D sp . Next,
CN calculates  x
O sc C l , which is an estimate of x sc C l , as the solution of (25) with initial
condition xO sc D x under the control sequence   u.k/,
 k D sc , : : : , sc C l  1, which are retrieved
from the buffer Uc . Then, CN calculates  u sc C l and x.k/,
O u.k/ for k > sc C las the solution

of (25)(26) with initial condition xO sc C l . The CN stores the sequence u.k/, k > sc C l in
Uct e mp and sends the data of Uct e mp to PN together with the value of sc . Once the data is received,
PN compares  with the actual delay k and compares sc with the current value of sp (which is the
time instant of the latest measurement). The fact that k >  or sc sp implies that the control
sequence has arrived late, then the control sequence is discarded. Otherwise, the control sequence
updates Up .
The binary digits np and nc are introduced to indicate that a control sequence has successfully
updated Up . If Up is updated, then np is increased by one. The current value of np is then sent with
the state measurement to CN. Upon arrival, CN compares np with nc . If nc np , which implies
that the previous control sequence updates PN successfully, then CN copies the data from Uct e mp
are to Uc and sets nc D np . Otherwise, CN keeps the data of Uc , because np D nc implies that the
packet was lost or was discarded by PN.

4.2. Stability analysis

Denote the set of all successful measurement instants by J . Here, a measurement is said to be suc-
cessful if the corresponding control sequence arrives in time to the PN and successfully updates Up .
Without loss of generality, we assume that the first successful measurement instant is j0 D 0 2 J .
Define a map .j / D j C l. Then the closed-loop model-based NCS can be described by the

x.k C 1/ D Dx.k/ C
u.k/ C .k/, (27)


< D x.k/
u.k/ for k C 1 < .j0 /, with initial x.0/
O D x.0/,
O C 1/ D x.k
x.k N C 1/ for k C 1 2 .J /, (28)
: D x.k/
u.k/ otherwise.


u.k/ D K x.k/,
O (29)
R .kC1/T A..kC1/T s/
where .k/ N D kT e F .x.s/, u.s//ds, K is the feedback gain matrix, and
N m // is an estimate of x..j m //, which is based on the measurement at jm 2 J , m D
0, 1, : : :, and is given by the value at k C 1 D .jm / of the solution of

N C 1/ D D x.k/
u.k/ (30)

with initial condition x.j

N m / D /.

Copyright 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Robust. Nonlinear Control 2015; 25:7287
DOI: 10.1002/rnc
80 X. LIU ET AL.

Theorem 2
Consider the model-based NCS (27)-(29). Suppose that the matrix D 
K is Schur stable. Given
max 2 N, suppose 0 6 .jmC1 /  jm  1 6 max for all jm 2 J . Then the equilibrium point of
the closed loop system is exponentially stable with offset ", " > 0.

We begin with the following claims.

Claim 2
Consider the model-based NCS (27)(29). For given N > 0, there exists N > 0, such that
jx.t /j 6 jx.k/j
C 1 and j.k/j 6 jx.k/j
N C 2 , whenever jx.k/j, ju.k/j 6 N for all k 2 ZC
and t 2 kT , .k C 1/T /, where N D e , 1 and 2 are positive constants and will be specified

By continuity, there exists N2 > 0 such that jF .x, u/j 6 jxj C juj, whenever jxj, juj 6 N2 . Define

b0 D .1 C T .jBj C 1//e .jAjC1/T . We will show that there exists N3 > 0 N3 < 2 such that b0

jx.t /j 6 N2 for t 2 kT , .k C 1/T / whenever jx.k/j, ju.k/j 6 N3 . Because N3 < N2 , we assume there
exists tN 2 kT , .k C 1/T /, such that jx.t /j < N2 for t 2 kT , tN/ and jx.tN/j D N2 . It follows from (24)
and Gronwall Inequality that jx.t /j 6 .jx.k/jCT .jBjC1/ju.k/j/e .jAjC1/T for all t 2 kT , tN. Hence,
jx.tN/j 6 b0 N3 < N2 , which is a contradiction. Therefore, there exists N3 > 0 such that jx.t /j 6 N2 , for
all t 2 kT , .k C 1/T /, whenever jx.k/j, ju.k/j 6 N3 . Moveover, jx.t /j 6 jx.k/jN C 1 , whenever
jx.k/j, ju.k/j 6 N3 , where 1 D T .jBj C 1/e N .jAjC1/T .
Now consider : N Let N > 0 be given. Let N > 0 be such that N D NT N e jAjT . There exists N4 > 0
such that jF .x, u/j 6 .jxjN N
C juj/, whenever jxj, juj 6 4 . Let D minN3 , N4 . It follows that
R .kC1/T
j.k/j N jAjT kT
6 e .jx.s/j C ju.k/j/ds 6 jx.k/j
N C 2 , where 2 WD ..jBj
N N .
C 1/T N C 1/= N
This completes the proof of Claim 2. 

Claim 3
Consider the model-based NCS (27)(29). Given N > 0, there exists  N > 0 such that the follow-
ing holds. Suppose .jmC1 /  jm  1 6 max for all jm 2 J and some max 2 N. Suppose
maxk20,1,:::,i jx.k/j 6 N and maxk20,1,:::,i ju.k/j 6 N for some i 2 0, 1, : : :. Then we have
jx.i/  x.i/j
6 .

Let N be given. Define 1 D N N C 2 and

max 1 , jDj D 1
1 , jDj 1

Suppose maxk20,1,:::,i jx.k/j 6 N and maxk20,1,:::,i ju.k/j 6 N for some i 2 0, 1, : : :. It follows

from Claim 1 that j.k/j 6 1 for all k 2 0, 1, : : : , i. Consider i in the following three cases. If
i < .j0 /, then it is obvious that jx.i/ x.i/j
O D 0 for i D j0 , and jx.i/ x.i/j
O N 0 /C
D jD i j0 1 .j
i j0 2 N
Pi j0 1 P 2
D .j0 C1/C  C .iN 1/j 6 jDj1 6 nD0 jDj1 for i 2 j0 C1, : : : , j0 C 
nD0 P 1
1. If i D .jm /, then it follows that jx.i/  x.i/j
O D jx.i/  x.i/j
N 6 nD0 jDj1 . Otherwise, we
obtain by induction that jx.i/  x.i/j
O N m / C D i jm 2 .j
D jD i jm 1 .j N m C 1/ C    C .i
N  1/j 6
Pi jm 1 P.jmC1 /jm 2
nD0 jDj1 6 nD0 jDj1 for i 2 .jm /C1, : : : , .jmC1 /1. By the definition
N we have jx.i/  x.i/j
of , O N which completes the proof of Claim 3.
6 , 

Copyright 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Robust. Nonlinear Control 2015; 25:7287
DOI: 10.1002/rnc

Claim 4
Let c1 , c2 , andc3 be positive constants. Let positive real numbers . , / be such that c1 2 > . Let
a continuous function V W Rn ! RC be such that for all x 2 Rn we have c1 jxj2 6 V .x/ 6 c2 jxj2
and, moreover, for all x.k/ 2 Rn with jx.k/j 6 and maxV .x.k C 1//, V .x.k// > , the fol-
lowing holds: V .x.k C 1//  V .x.k// 6 c3 V .x.k//. Then for all jx.0/j 6 cc12 and k 2 ZC ,
we have jx.k/j 6 , and the solutions of the discrete-time model satisfies
r r
c2  c3 k
jx.k/j 6 max e 2 jx.0/j, . (32)
c1 c1

Proof p p

The definitions of and imply that jx.0/j 6 max Vp.x.0//
, p
6 . So either V .x.1// >
1 1

which, from the condition of Claim 4, implies V .x.1// 6 V .x.0//, or else V .x.1// 6 . In either
p p

case, we have V .x.1// 6 maxV .x.0//, , which implies jx.1/j 6 max Vp.x.0// c1
, p
6 .
Hence, V .x.k// 6 maxV .x.0//, follows by induction, and jx.k/j 6 holds as well.
Denote Vk WD V .x.k// and introduce the variable: p.s/ D Vk C .s=T  k/.VkC1  Vk /, s 2
kT , .k C 1/T , 8k > 0. It is noticed that p.s/ is continuous, piecewise linear, and p.s/ 6
maxVk , VkC1 . It follows from the condition of Claim 4 that
p.s/ > ) maxV .x.k C 1//, V .x.k// > ) p.s/
P 6 p.s/, (33)
which yields p.s/ 6 max e  T s p.0/, . Because p.0/ D V0 6 c2 jx.0/j2 and p.kT / D
q q
c2  c23 k 
Vk > c1 jx.k/j2 , we obtain jx.k/j 6 max c1
e jx.0/j, c1
, which completes the proof
of Claim 4. 

Proof of Theorem 2
Now, the proof of Theorem 2 can be finalized as follows. Because D 
K is Schur stable, there
exists P > 0 such that H T PH  P D I , where we denote H D D 
K. Moreover, the solutions
of the system %.k C 1/ D H%.k/ with the initial state %.0/ satisfy j%.k/j 6 0 rN k j%.0/j, where 0
and rN < 1 are some positive constants. To shorten notations, we denote xk WD x.k/, xO k WD x.k/O
and  N k WD .k/.
N Let V .x.k// D x.k/T P x.k/ be a Lyapunov candidate for system (27)(29).
Clearly, 1 jx.k/j2 6 V .x.k// 6 2 jx.k/j2 , where 1 and 2 are the minimal and maximal eigen-
values of P , respectively. The difference of V along the solutions of system (27)(29) is given by
the following:

V .x.k C 1//  V .x.k//

N k /T P .H xk C
K.xk  xO k / C 
D .H xk C
K.xk  xO k / C  N k /  x T P xk
2 T N N kj
6 jxk j C 2jxk jjH P
Kjjxk  xO k j C 2jPH jjk jjxk j C 2jP
Kjjxk  xO k jj
C 2j.
Kjjxk  xO k j2 C jP jj
N k j2 . (34)

Define q D 1  2jPH
Kj C 2 2 jPH j C 2N jP
j  N 2 jP j, 1 D 2jH N
Kj C 2 N 2 jP j, 2 D

p  q
Kj C  N 2 jK T
Kj C 2 jP j, and " D p1 max 2 2
2 2 jP 2 1
 2 q 1 , . 2  q/q 1 C  q
1 1 1

 12 q
C2 , where q1 D max 3q1 , 3q2 . Take 0 < N < 1 such that 12 < q < 1 and
maxjKj 0 , jKj, 1  " 6 . N Define Nx D = N maxjKj 0 , jKj, 1. Consider any jx.0/j 6 1 Nx .
First of all, we claim that for any k 2 ZC , jx.k/j and ju.k/j 6 . N From now, we suppose this to be

Copyright 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Robust. Nonlinear Control 2015; 25:7287
DOI: 10.1002/rnc
82 X. LIU ET AL.

N k 6 jx
true. It follows from Claim 2 and Claim 3 that  N Then we obtain
N k j C 2 and jxk  xO k j 6 .
by (34) that
V .x.k C 1//  V .x.k// 6 qjxk j2 C 1 jxk j C 2 . (35)
Hence, we have
maxV .x.k//, V .x.k C 1// > 1 "
q 1 p
) max V .x.k//, 1  V .x.k// C p V .x.k// C 2 > 1 "
2 1 (36)
) V .x.k// > 2 q12
) V .x.k C 1//  V .x.k// 6  V .x.k//.
It follows from Claim 4 (take c1 D 1 , c2 D 2 , c3 D 3q 2 , D 1 "2 and D Nx ) that
8s 9
<  q =
2  6 k
jx.k/j 6 max e 2 jx.0/j, " . (37)
: 1 ;

Therefore, we conclude that the equilibrium

point of the closed-loop
q system is exponentially stable
n Q Q 1 N
with offset " in the region B Q .0/ WD x 2 R W jxj 6 ,  D
 x .
It remains to establish our initial claim. This claim follows by induction. Indeed, it clearly holds
for k D 0, because jx.0/j 6 Nx 6 N and ju.0/j 6 jKjjx.0/j 6 jKjNx 6 N by the definition of
x.0/. Then (36) holds for k D 0 from the previous deduction. By Claim 4, we have jx.1/j 6 Nx .
Moreover, ju.1/j 6 jKj 0 Nx 6 .N That is, this claim holds for k D 1 as well. By induction, jx.k/j
and ju.k/j 6 N follows for k 2 ZC . This completes the proof of Theorem 2. 

Remark 4
It is worth mentioning that the performance of non-networked control system can be recovered in
model-based NCS. Here, we consider the linear model-based controller (29). For general nonlinear
model-based controller of the form u.k/ D g.x.k//, we can establish the similar results. We remark
that a semi-global result can be established under a model-based scheme, provided an approximate
nonlinear model is semi-globally asymptotically stable in the Lyapunov sense.


We present a numerical example that considers the problem of rendezvous and spacecraft docking
between two spacecraft: chaser and target. The nonlinear equations of motion in the target reference
frame can be described as follows:
g .x C rl / g ux
xR  2! yP  ! 2 x  !y
P C 3
 2 D , (38)
R rl mf

g y uy
P  !2y C
yR C 2! xP C !x 3
D , (39)
R mf

g u
R C 3
D , (40)
R mf

where p D .x, y, /T denotes the position vector of the chaser relative to the target spacecraft,
u D .ux , uy , u /T represents the control input vector, rl denotes the radial distance of the target
from the center of the Earth, mf denotes the mass, ! denotes the orbital angular
p velocity of the target
spacecraft, g denotes the gravitational constant of the Earth, and R D .rl C x/2 C y 2 C 2 . It is

Copyright 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Robust. Nonlinear Control 2015; 25:7287
DOI: 10.1002/rnc

Table I. Orbital and numerical simulation parameters.

Parameter name Value
Earths gravitational constant g D 3.985  1014 m3 /s2
Mass of the spacecraft mf D 1 kg
Radius of the leader rl D 6.878  106 m
Initial conditions p.0/ D 100, 100, 100T m, p.0/
P D 0, 0, 0T m/s
Sampling period T D5s
Length of buffer  D 2.5 s


100 x
80 z
Position (m)




0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
Time (s)

Figure 1. Position: less delay case.

q in a circular reference orbit with the radius rl D 6878 km,

assumed that the target spacecraft remains
and the orbital angular velocity ! D r 3g . Define X D .p T , pP T /T . The spacecraft docking system
can be rewritten as in (24) with
0 I 1 0
AD , BD , (41)
A1 A2 mf I

2 3
2 3 2 3 6   7
6 g rl 7
3! 2 0 0 0 2! 0 6  2! 2 C Rg3 x C r 2g  R3
6   7
A1 D 4 0 0 0 5 , A2 D 4 2! 0 0 5 , F .X / D 6 g
6 ! 2
 y 7
0 0 ! 2 0 0 0 6 R3 7
4   5

! 2  Rg3

First, we consider the case where the delay is less than the sampling period. The orbital and simu-
lation parameters are summarized in Table I. The controller design parameter K is tuned by trial and
error such that satisfactory formation performance is obtained under limited control input saturation
(50 mN). Choose K such that the eigenvalues of D 
K are 0.8, 0.94, 0.95, 0.96, 0.85, 0.88. By
evaluation, we have %./ D 0.9603 < 1. It follows from Theorem 1 that the trajectories of the
closed-loop spacecraft docking system are exponentially stability. Simulation results are presented
in Figures 13. The responses of the relative position and velocity are shown in Figures 1 and 2,
respectively, where the chaser settles approximately at the desired position within 800 s. The cor-
responding control input is shown in Figure 3, where the control forces acting on the chaser are
saturated at 50 mN. We also remark that when the sampling period is small, for example, T D 5, the
system with the proposed controller can tolerate a delay up to one full sampling period. When T is
larger, our control scheme can stabilize the closed-loop system with large delay. Take T D 150 and

Copyright 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Robust. Nonlinear Control 2015; 25:7287
DOI: 10.1002/rnc
84 X. LIU ET AL.


Velocity (m/s)
0.5 x
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
Time (s)

Figure 2. Velocity: less delay case.


Control input (N)




0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
Time (s)

Figure 3. Control u: less delay case.


100 x
80 z
Position (m)




0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000
Time (s)

Figure 4. Position (T D 150,  D 50).

 D 50. The values of other simulation parameters are considered to be the same as in Table I, and
the controller parameter K is chosen such that %./ D 0.9390. The responses of the relative posi-
tion and the control input required are shown in Figures 45. By plotting the maximal eigenvalue
magnitude of with respect to the sampling period and the upper bound of delays  , we obtain that
the proposed controller can tolerate a delay up to 70 s.
We then examine the system performance in conjunction with the model-based control scheme.
Assume that the admissible upper bound of round-trip time delay is  D 10. The values of other

Copyright 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Robust. Nonlinear Control 2015; 25:7287
DOI: 10.1002/rnc

x 103


Control input (N)


1 uy

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000
Time (s)

Figure 5. Control u (T D 150,  D 50).


80 x
Position (m)



0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
Time (s)

Figure 6. Position: model-based scheme.

simulation parameters are considered to the same as in Table I, and the controller parameter K is the
same as in the less delay case with T D 5. To further investigate the control performance, we intro-
duce two performance indexes, referred to the range of the relative position at steady state (RPS)
and the average of control force (ACF), respectively, as follows:

RPS D max jX.t /j, (42)

8006t 6Tf

R Tf
0 ju.t /jdt
ACF D , (43)
where Tf is denoted as the final time of simulations. The simulations of the model-based control
scheme are shown in Figures 68, where the relative position and velocity converge to near zero
(RPS D 0.0045) after 800 s, and the control forces remain bounded within 50 mN. For the purpose
of comparison, we also investigate the performance of the non-model-based controller with the same
simulation parameters. The RPS for the non-model-based controller is 0.0055 (Tf D 1600 s), which
is larger than that of model-based controller (RPS D 0.0045). Moreover,the average of the control
force consumption, ACF, for the non-model-based controller is 0.0019, which is larger than that of
model-based controller(ACF D 0.0014). This observation implies the advantages of model-based
approach: a higher closed-loop performance can be achieved. This means that when it is possible,
it is worth employing a model-based control scheme to compensate communication constraints and
achieve higher performance within limited control authority.

Copyright 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Robust. Nonlinear Control 2015; 25:7287
DOI: 10.1002/rnc
86 X. LIU ET AL.


Velocity (m/s)
0.5 x
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
Time (s)

Figure 7. Velocity: model-based scheme.


Control input (N)



0.03 ux
0.04 uz

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
Time (s)

Figure 8. Control u: model-based scheme.


In this present paper, we address the stabilization problem of nonlinear sampled-data networked
control systems with delays and drops as well as present a model-based control scheme as a solu-
tion to compensate the network-induced constraints and improve system performance. The NCS is
modeled as a sampled-data control system with variable delay. The exponential stability conditions
are derived for two cases: the delay less than one sampling period and longer delay. On the other
hand, a model-based control scheme based on an approximate discrete-time model of the plant is
presented to guarantee the stability of the closed-loop system subject to variable time delays and
packet losses. Simulation results are presented to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed control
schemes. It is worth pointing out that by employing the model-based scheme, a higher closed-loop
performance can be achieved as demonstrated through the numerical simulations.

This work is supported partially by HK PolyU G-YJ92.

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DOI: 10.1002/rnc

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