Bowel Cancer Screening The Colonoscopy Investigation
Bowel Cancer Screening The Colonoscopy Investigation
Bowel Cancer Screening The Colonoscopy Investigation
The Colonoscopy
What is the aim of this leaflet?
This leaflet gives you information about how a
colonoscopy is carried out, and explains the benefits
and risks of having the investigation. It aims to help
you make an informed choice about having a
What is a colonoscopy?
A colonoscopy is an examination of the lining of
the bowel wall.
A thin flexible tube called a colonoscope is passed
into your rectum (back passage) when you are
under sedation, and guided around your large
A colonoscopy is the most effective way to
diagnose bowel cancer.
Treatments for bowel cancer are more likely to be
effective if bowel cancer is detected early.
The main reason you have been offered a colonoscopy
is to examine the lining of your bowel wall to see if
cancer is present. Treatments for bowel cancer are
more likely to be effective if bowel cancer is detected
early. A colonoscopy can also detect bowel polyps.
Polyps are not cancer, but can sometimes change into
cancer over a number of years. Polyps can be removed
(usually during the colonoscopy), reducing your risk of
developing bowel cancer in the future.
What is bowel cancer?
About one in 20 people in the UK will develop
bowel cancer during their lifetime.
Both men and women are at risk of developing
bowel cancer.
It is the third most common cancer in the UK, and
the second leading cause of cancer deaths. Over
16,000 people die from bowel cancer each year
(Cancer Research UK, 2005. Cancerstats).
Bowel cancer is also known as colon, rectal or
colorectal cancer. The lining of the bowel is made of
cells that are constantly being renewed. Sometimes
these cells grow too quickly, forming a clump of cells
known as a bowel polyp (sometimes known as an
adenoma). Polyps are not bowel cancers (they are
usually benign), but they can change into a malignant
cancer over a number of years. A malignant cancer is
when cancer cells have the ability to spread beyond
the original site and into other parts of the body.
You will receive a list of dietary restrictions and a
bowel preparation medicine (a strong laxative) before
the colonoscopy. You should take the strong laxative
the day before the colonoscopy and it will cause
diarrhoea. After taking the laxative, it is wise to stay
close to a toilet and avoid travelling or going to work.
It is important that you follow the instructions
very carefully to fully empty your bowel.
Otherwise the specialist may not be able to clearly see
your bowel lining during the colonoscopy and you will
need to have the test again. You will also need to
arrange for someone to take you home after your
colonoscopy, as you will be given a sedative and may
be drowsy.
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When do I get my results and what do they
Immediately after the colonoscopy, the specialist will
tell you if they have removed any tissue samples or
polyps. If tissue samples are removed during your
colonoscopy, you should receive the results in three
weeks. There are three types of results that you could
A normal result means that no polyps or bowel
cancers were detected during the colonoscopy. Half
of the people who have a colonoscopy (about five
in 10) will have a normal result.
The specialist will tell you after your colonoscopy if
you had a normal result. As there is a small chance
that the colonoscopy may miss a cancer, a normal
result does not guarantee that you do not have or
never will develop cancer. You will be offered
screening for bowel cancer again in two years time.
A polyp (or more than one polyp) was found during
the colonoscopy. In most cases, the specialist will
remove the polyp or polyps (this procedure is called
a polypectomy) and analyse them. About four in 10
people will have polyps. It may prevent cancer
developing if they are removed.
If a polyp was removed, you will be told whether you
are in a low-risk group, or an intermediate (medium)
or high-risk group. People in the low-risk group will be
offered bowel cancer screening again in two years.
People in the intermediate or high-risk group will be
asked to have another colonoscopy in one or three
years depending on the nature of the polyp or polyps.
A cancer was detected during the colonoscopy. Only
about one in 10 people will be found to have
bowel cancer. If cancer has been detected, you will
be referred for treatment.
If bowel cancer is detected at the earliest stage, there
is a 90% chance of it being successfully treated.
However, not all bowel cancers detected by a
colonoscopy can be successfully treated.
Are there side effects or complications from
having a colonoscopy?
For most people a colonoscopy is a straightforward
procedure, but in rare cases there may be
complications. These can include the following:
Not being able to see all of the bowel. This can
sometimes happen if your bowel is not completely
empty or the colonoscope could not reach the end
of your large bowel (you may be asked to have
another colonoscopy or a barium enema see page
Heavy bleeding that needs further investigation or
medical advice. Polyps or tissue samples that are
removed during a colonoscopy may cause heavy
bleeding. It is estimated that this could happen in
around one in every 150 colonoscopies.
A perforated bowel. The colonoscope can cause a
hole (perforation) in the wall of your bowel. The
chances of this happening are about one in 1,500.
If this happens, you may need an operation.
Breathing or heart problems. You may have a
reaction to the sedative that may make you have
temporary breathing or heart problems. Serious
problems are rare as you are carefully monitored
during the investigation.
Some of these complications may need further
In extremely rare cases, the procedure can lead to
death. Current evidence suggests that this may
happen in around one out of every 10,000 procedures.
Chemotherapy is mainly given after surgery to reduce
the risk of the cancer coming back. Sometimes it is
given before surgery to reduce the size of the cancer
or at the same time as radiotherapy.
The aim of radiotherapy is to kill the cancer cells
without causing too much harm to normal cells.
Radiotherapy is usually used to treat rectal cancer and
can be used before or after surgery.
If bowel cancer is not treated, the cancer can continue
to grow which can block the bowel, spread to other
organs or both.
Other investigations
Sometimes, due to other medical conditions, it is not
possible for you to have a colonoscopy. You may be
offered a different investigation, such as a barium
enema, instead.
A barium enema is where x-rays are taken of your
large bowel. A small tube is passed into your back
passage through which barium (a white chalky liquid)
flows into your bowel. This liquid coats the inside of
your bowel and shows its outline on an x-ray. The
barium enema takes about 30 minutes.
To help you decide whether or not you want to have a
colonoscopy, the main benefits and disadvantages of
the investigation are outlined below.
A colonoscopy can detect a cancer at an early
stage, improving your chances of successful
Removing polyps, usually during a colonoscopy, can
reduce your chances of developing bowel cancer in
the future.
You may find that the bowel preparation you take
the day before colonoscopy is unpleasant.
The effects of the sedative can make it difficult for
you to do things the day after the investigation.
There are some risks associated with having a
There is the possibility that colonoscopy can miss a
bowel cancer.
This leaflet was developed by Cancer Research UK, in
association with the NHS Bowel Cancer Screening
Programme and with advice from the English
Colorectal Screening Pilot.
You can use the space below to write down any
questions you may want to ask.
website at;;
Published by the Department of Health in association with
NHS Cancer Screening Programmes, with advice and
support from the Cancer Research UK Primary Care
Education Group.