Low Cost Wireless Internet Access

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`2008 IEEE Region 10 Colloquium and the Third International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems,

Kharagpur, INDIA December 8 -10, 2008.

Paper Identification Number: 308

Low Cost Wireless Internet Access for Rural

Areas using Tethered Aerostats
P. Bilaye V. N. Gawande U. B. Desai
Post Graduate Student Post Graduate Student Senior Member IEEE, Professor
Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering
IIT - Bombay, IIT - Bombay, IIT - Bombay,
Mumbai, India Mumbai, India Mumbai, India
Email: prakhil.bilaye@gmail.com Email: vinitng@gmail.com Email: ubdesai@ee.iitb.ac.in

A. A. Raina R. S. Pant
Project Engineer Associate Professor
Department of Aerospace Engineering, Department of Aerospace Engineering,
IIT Bombay IIT Bombay
Email: amoolraina@gmail.com Email: rkpant@aero.iitb.ac.in

through line of sight (LOS) connectivity for internet access. It

Abstract ICT plays an indispensable role in the overall is the cost of these high towers (50 to 100 meters) at the base
development of rural areas, especially in developing economies. station which makes deployment of such wireless networks
There is an urgent need to bring the rural areas into the expensive. Further, these towers, once erected, are not re-
mainstream by providing them last mile connectivity, especially
locatable to other areas where communication needs may
during natural disasters and calamities, when other modes of
communications are severely hampered. This paper describes a arise.
low cost innovative solution for providing internet access to rural
areas using tethered aerostats, which can easily be relocated. The This paper describes an innovative concept using tethered
total cost of this relocatable system was found to be nearly half of Aerostats as a platform for raising wireless communication
that of a conventional fixed tower based system. payload, which overcomes the two main limitations of high
towers listed above. Tethered aerostats are an outcome of
Index TermsICT, Internet, P2MP, Rural areas, Tethered
Aerostat, Wireless Communication
Lighter-Than-Air Technology, where static lift production
mechanism is based on the Archimedes Principle [1]. An
I. INTRODUCTION aerostat does not require any additional energy to reach to a
certain height. For a given volume of envelope that contains
L ack of infrastructure in rural areas and high installation
costs as compared to urban areas are the two major
hindrances in building a wireless network which would cater
the lighter than air gas, displaced weight of air creates a
vertically upward buoyant force that leads to the lift. One or
more ballonets are provided inside the envelope to adjust the
to needs of rural community, especially when other modes of
buoyancy. The envelope volume is large enough to ensure that
communication are disrupted. The objective of this project
the displaced air should be able to produce sufficient lift,
was to develop an easily re-locatable Wi-Fi based low cost
under the entire range of operating conditions, to balance all
communication system in rural areas, for knowledge sharing
the weight groups of the aerostat system, viz., envelope, fin,
and community participation. The feasibility of the system
nose battens, ballonets, pivot mechanism, payload, tether,
was established through experiments and a field trial. Large
recovery system, gas filling ports, and safety valves.
scale deployment of the developed system can play a major
role in bridging the gap between distant communities which
Aerostats are used all over the globe as a platform to house
are beyond the range of present communication towers.
high-resolution sensors for applications such as aerial
surveillance, regional atmospheric data collection and balloon-
Wireless bridges can provide connectivity up to 10 Km. The
barrage system. Depending on the payload, range of
conventional approach is to mount antennae (typically
surveillance, and operational time, these aerostats can be
directional) on a high tower which is then connected to the
launched to any desired altitude from a few meters above
wireless bridge. These antennae look at client side antennae
ground level to as high as 5000 m above ground level. Of
course, the payload carrying capacity of an aerostat is reduced
Manuscript received June 15, 2008. This work was supported in part by as the operational height is increased.
One World South Asia Organization through EGIFT Fellowship under Project
code no 06 IU 012
Aerostats can easily be deployed at high altitudes, ensuring
978-1-4244-2806-9/08/$25.00 2008 IEEE
`2008 IEEE Region 10 Colloquium and the Third International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems,
Kharagpur, INDIA December 8 -10, 2008.
Paper Identification Number: 308
disturbance free LOS for the communications payload. Once more clients that are located in the neighborhood of the access
they are deployed, there is very little recurring additional point. Typical indoor range is 30 m (100 ft) at 11 Mbit/s and
expenditure to keep them afloat, except in the form of small 90 m (300 ft) at 1 Mbit/s. The overall bandwidth is
amounts of lighter-than-air gas, just to top-up for the leakages dynamically shared across all the users on a channel
through the fabric over a period of time. Due to its depending on the individual demands. The protocol with few
modifications can also be used to achieve a range of several

kilometers by using high-gain directional antennas when line

of sight connectivity is available in fixed point-to-point
WLAN support Two 802.11 a+b+g Wireless miniPCI cards

Processor 266 MHz NSC SC1100 system on a chip CPU

(Intel Pentium MMX architecture)
Ethernet Ports Two 10/100 Mbps using the NSC DP83816
Flash BIOS 2 Mbit on board
Flash Memory Compact Flash 64MB
USB connector 1.0 version
Figure 1. Conceptual Sketch of the overall system PoE Standard 802.3af
aerodynamic shape as well as provision of fins, an aerostat can Operating Temp. -20C to +70C
remain fairly steady even in strong winds and hence can Weight 209 g
provide stable line of sight connectivity. An omni-directional Board Size 105 mm x 215 mm (4.13 inch by 8.46 inch)
antenna mounted below the aerostat leads to a relaxation in the
antenna direction alignment requirement.
A conceptual sketch of proposed communication system is
shown in Fig. 1. The PoE cable carries data as well as power
from ground to the router box mounted below the aerostat.
The receiver antenna at client location which may be in the Specifications Omni-directional Antenna Directional Antenna
range of 10 to 30 km from the aerostat spot location can easily Frequency 2.4 GHz 2.4 GHz
receive these signals.
Gain 15.4 dBi 19 dBi
VSWR 1.5 : 1 1.5 : 1
Section II of the paper focuses on the networking part of the
proposed model. Section III describes the procedure for Polarization Vertical Vertical
arriving at sizing of Aerostat. Experimental details and field H. Beamwidth - 18
trial are included in Section IV. Cost Analysis is provided in V. Beamwidth - 18
Section V followed by conclusions in Section VI.
Cross Polarization - >30 dB
II. WIRELESS COMMUNICATION Max. Input Power 100 Watts 100 Watts
Wireless infrastructure can be built for very little cost Impedance 50 Ohms 50 Ohms
compared to traditional wired alternatives. Using inexpensive Windage 200 kmph -
off-the-shelf equipment, high speed data networks can be built Connector N-Female N-Female
for connecting remote areas together. The primary technology 1780 mm (height) 394 x 394 x 28mm
used for building low-cost wireless networks belongs to
802.11x family of protocols, also known as Wi-Fi [2].
Weight 1.16 kg 1.8 kg

A. IEEE 802.11b Standard

802.11b [3] uses the ISM (Industrial Scientific Medical)
band from 2.400 to 2.495GHz. Due to the ubiquity of
equipment and unlicensed nature of the 2.4 GHz ISM band, B. Building a 802.11b wireless network
our work is focused on building a network using 802.11b. It We are using Mikrotiks RB/KAO [4] outdoor router
makes use of Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) packages at the base station and client end. The router board
modulation and has a maximum rate of 11 Mbps, with actual consists of a 266 MHz processor with 64MB RAM. 802.11b
usable data speeds up to about 5 Mbps. 802.11b can be used base station device is operated in master mode (also called AP
in a point-to-multipoint configuration, wherein an access point or infrastructure mode). The wireless card creates a network
communicates via an omni-directional antenna with one or with a specified SSID (Service Set Identifier) and channel, and

978-1-4244-2806-9/08/$25.00 2008 IEEE
`2008 IEEE Region 10 Colloquium and the Third International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems,
Kharagpur, INDIA December 8 -10, 2008.
Paper Identification Number: 308
offers network services on it.

C. Software
All configurations were done using Winbox software tool
[4]. The Winbox console is used for accessing the MikroTik
Router configuration and management features, using
graphical user interface (GUI). Four Winbox utilities viz.,
Traceroute, ICMP Bandwidth Test, Packet Sniffer and Ping
were used to analyze the link performance during


A. Aerostat Design Methodology

A methodology for sizing of a tethered aerostat has been Figure 3. Tether profiles for various wind speeds from the mooring point
developed by Raina et al. [5]. This methodology arrives at
geometrical dimensions and mass breakdown of an aerostat to wind loading. The fins are the main directional stabilizers
that meets certain user-specified operational and performance for the aerostat, as they prevent the aerostat from re-orienting
related requirements. The methodology was used for sizing of itself. We also determined the tether profile under various
an aerostat meeting the requirements and assumptions shown wind loading conditions, as depicted in the Fig. 3, using the
in Fig. 2
Output Parameters Unit Value
Envelope Volume m 188.38
Envelope Surface Area m 185.10
Envelope Length m 16.19
Envelope Diameter m 5.06
Drag on Aerostat Envelope N 91.40
Mass of Envelope Group Kg 71.78
Mass of Fin Group Kg 36.74
Mass Tether Group Kg 35.15

approach suggested by Wright [6]. In our case, an omni-

directional antenna was mounted below the aerostat; hence
blow-by was not of much consequence. A swivel coupling can
Figure 2. Flow Chart of the aerostat design methodology [5] be used to ensure directional stability in case of directional
Depending on the payload requirements, operating altitude,
temperature variation and other atmospheric input parameters, C. Output
the envelope volume is assumed at the start, using a thumb
A typical output derived from the methodology has been
rule. The surface area and other parameters like weight of
illustrated below in Table III. Critical parameters like
envelope, tether and the fins are then estimated. Once the envelope dimensions and the weight breakup of various
weight breakup is obtained, the volume and hence mass of the groups of the aerostat system are generated based on the
ballonets are calculated. Since the value of net lift available is aerostat design methodology [5].
known, the payload capacity of the aerostat can be estimated. The methodology also generates the geometrical profile of
The envelope volume is iteratively adjusted till the payload the Envelope and the Fins, as shown in Fig. 4.
capacity of the aerostat matches the requirement specified by
the user.

B. Aerodynamic Stability
Once the aerostat has been deployed it is mainly subjected

978-1-4244-2806-9/08/$25.00 2008 IEEE
`2008 IEEE Region 10 Colloquium and the Third International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems,
Kharagpur, INDIA December 8 -10, 2008.
Paper Identification Number: 308
Raigad district of Maharashtra, which is around 160 km from
Within IIT Bombay Campus
Base Station Rooftop, Electrical Department
Client In Hostel 12
Distance between BS & Client 1.2 Kms
Max Tx/Rx Signal Strength -64/-65 dBm
Min Tx/Rx Signal Strength -80/-80 dBm

At BATU Campus Using a Spherical Balloon

Figure 4. Geometrical Output obtained from the aerostat design methodology Base Station Mechanical Workshop, BATU
Client 1 Staff Quarters
IV. EXPERIMENTATION AND RESULTS Distance between BS & Client 1.5 Kms
Max Tx/Rx Signal Strength -75/76 dBm
Initial experimentation was carried out within the campus of Min Tx/Rx Signal Strength -82/-84 dBm
IIT Bombay. Wireless link was set up between one access Minimum Ping Time 2 ms
point (AP) configured in infrastructure mode and two clients Average Ping Time 10 ms
placed at an approximate distance of 1.2 Kms from the AP, as
shown in Fig. 5. Client 2 Temple
Distance between BS & Client 2.5 Kms
Max Tx/Rx Signal Strength -90/-90 dBm
TABLE V IP ASSIGNMENT Min Tx/Rx Signal Strength
Router Box Wireless Interface Ether Interface Minimum Ping Time 2 ms
Access Point Average Ping Time 18 ms
Client 1
Client 2
At BATU Campus Using Aerostat
Base Station Mechanical Workshop, BATU
TABLE VI ACCESS POINT ROUTING TABLE Distance between BS & Client 7.0 Kms
Destination Preferred Source Gateway Max Tx/Rx Signal Strength -81/-82 dBm -- Min Tx/Rx Signal Strength -92/-92 dBm -- Minimum Ping Time 3ms -- Average Ping Time 85.3ms -- --
IIT Bombay, off Mumbai-Goa highway. One of the reasons
TABLE VII CLIENT ROUTING TABLE for choosing BATU campus as a venue for flight testing was
Destination Preferred Source Gateway because the Air Traffic Control prohibits testing of any type of -- aerial vehicles within 45 nautical miles (approx 90 km) of the -- commercial airspace. The climate at BATU campus during the -- period of trials was hot (40-43oC) with uncertain winds
throughout the day. Further, BATU is surrounded by hills
which made it a suitable place to operate the aerostat to
observe its vulnerability. Two sets of observations were made,
one using a spherical balloon and another using a tethered

Figure 5. Wireless network setup in IIT Bombay campus

IP addresses were allotted to ethernet and wireless

interfaces of the routers, access point routing, client routing
details are listed in Table V - VII. Access point was wired to
IIT Bombay LAN. A data file was downloaded from LAN to
Client 1 using FTP application to check the wireless link
performance. Average data rate of 700 Kbps was observed.
The signal strengths observed for received and transmitted
signals is provided in Table VIII.
Figure 6. Round Trip Time as a function of Received Packet Sequence
A field trial using Aerostat was conducted at Dr. Babasaheb Number. The graph shows the ping statistics for packet numbers 0 to 300
Ambedkar Technological University (BATU), located in sent over 7 Kms link between BS and Client.

978-1-4244-2806-9/08/$25.00 2008 IEEE
`2008 IEEE Region 10 Colloquium and the Third International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems,
Kharagpur, INDIA December 8 -10, 2008.
Paper Identification Number: 308
Omni-directional antenna and access point were mounted feasibility. The use of aerostats results in considerably
on the aerostat/balloon and were sent to a height of around 100 reducing the overall system cost. Setting up of several point-
meters above the ground. At the client end 19dBi directional to-point links will certainly distribute the available bandwidth
antenna was used. Distance between client and access point but most of the rural areas dont demand high speed
was varied from 1.5 Kms to 7.0 Kms and observations like connectivity, so using Wi-Fi with point-to-multipoint setup is
received signal strength, round trip time for ping packets and a feasible solution.
packet losses were made as shown in Fig 6.
Routers at both the Base station and the client end The proposed system can also be deployed at a short notice
are operated at 5 Volts and the max power input required for to serve emergency situations like floods, earthquakes and
the antennas on both BS and client side is 100 watts. The other natural disaster affected areas where connectivity is
router boxes are powered from a typical 230 V supply with the worst hit. Also relocation of the system to anyplace within
help of an adapter. operational range is possible with very less launching area
A detailed cost analysis of the proposed system is shown in ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
Table IX. It can be seen that the one time expenditure The authors would like to thank One World South Asia for
involved in setting up the infrastructure is INR 15,00,000 providing financial support in funding this study. Help and
TABLE IX COST BREAKDOWN OF AEROSTAT BASED SYSTEM assistance rendered by Mr. Amol Gawale, Mr. Sanjay Mohite,
System Component Cost (INR) Mr. Sharanappa Sindole and the following personnel from Dr.
BATU, Lonere during the field trial is also greatly
Wireless Equipment acknowledged; Prof. M. S. Tandale, Head, Dept. of
Routers + Antennae + Cables & Connectors 1,50,000 Mechanical Engg., Mr. Gerald Sequeira, Mr. Kaviresh
Aerostat Components Bhandari, Mr. R. M. Chavan and Mr. P. S. Shrivardhankar.
- Hull 7,00,000
- Tether 1,20,000 REFERENCES
- Winch 30,000 [1] Khoury G. A., Gillet J. D., Eds., Airship Technology Cambridge
- Initial Gas filling 5,00,000 Aerospace Series: 10, ISBN 0 521 430 737, Cambridge University Press,
Total 15,00,000 1999.
[2] R. Flickenger, Wireless Networking in the Developing World, 2nd ed.
December 2007.
which includes the wireless equipment of INR 1,50,000. The
[3] IEEE 802.11b Standard http://www.ieee802.org/11/.
aerostat envelope loses LTA gas due to permeability of the [4] Routers and Wireless Systems. http://www.mikrotik.com/systems.php.
fabric, which can be assumed to be 1% of envelope volume [5] Raina, A. A., Gawale A. C., Pant, R. S., Design, Fabrication and Field
per month of deployment. Further, additional operating costs Testing of Aerostat system, National Seminar on Strategic Applications
towards transportation of LTA gas, maintenance of the system of Lighter- Than- Air (L-T-A) Vehicles at Higher Altitudes, Snow and
Avalanche Study Establishment, Manali, India, 12-13 October 2007.
and manpower have to be incurred. For a three year operation, [6] J. Wright, Computer programs for tethered-Balloon System Design and
the total operating costs are estimated to be around INR Performance Evaluation, Report No. AFGL-TR-76-0195. Air Force
10,00,000 hence the lifecycle cost of the system over a three Geophysics Laboratories (LCB) Hanscom AFB, Massachusetts 01731,
year period would be INR 25,00,000. On the contrary, the August 1976.
[7] Choksey, K. R., Tower sharing: A strong value proposition for
setting-up cost for a fixed tower is around INR 35,00,000 Telecom Sector, Weekender, KRC Research Report, 23rd July 2007.
comprising of land lease, tower construction and telecom
equipment [7]. The operating cost of a tower based system is
mainly dependent on the cost of maintenance of the
equipment, and is estimated to be INR 5,00,000 annually [7].
The total cost of setting up a fixed tower is thus estimated to
be around INR 50,00,000 for a span of three years. It is seen
that the cost of this Aerostat based system is nearly half of the
tower based system, over a life cycle of three years.

It must be kept in mind that an aerostat based wireless

communication system is re-locatable; hence fewer
installations will be needed to provide wireless coverage over
a given area, for disaster management.

The proposed system having a central base village
providing internet connectivity to neighboring villages has
been studied extensively for its technical and economical

978-1-4244-2806-9/08/$25.00 2008 IEEE

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