Low Cost Wireless Internet Access
Low Cost Wireless Internet Access
Low Cost Wireless Internet Access
A. A. Raina R. S. Pant
Project Engineer Associate Professor
Department of Aerospace Engineering, Department of Aerospace Engineering,
IIT Bombay IIT Bombay
Email: amoolraina@gmail.com Email: rkpant@aero.iitb.ac.in
978-1-4244-2806-9/08/$25.00 2008 IEEE
`2008 IEEE Region 10 Colloquium and the Third International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems,
Kharagpur, INDIA December 8 -10, 2008.
Paper Identification Number: 308
offers network services on it.
C. Software
All configurations were done using Winbox software tool
[4]. The Winbox console is used for accessing the MikroTik
Router configuration and management features, using
graphical user interface (GUI). Four Winbox utilities viz.,
Traceroute, ICMP Bandwidth Test, Packet Sniffer and Ping
were used to analyze the link performance during
B. Aerodynamic Stability
Once the aerostat has been deployed it is mainly subjected
978-1-4244-2806-9/08/$25.00 2008 IEEE
`2008 IEEE Region 10 Colloquium and the Third International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems,
Kharagpur, INDIA December 8 -10, 2008.
Paper Identification Number: 308
Raigad district of Maharashtra, which is around 160 km from
Within IIT Bombay Campus
Base Station Rooftop, Electrical Department
Client In Hostel 12
Distance between BS & Client 1.2 Kms
Max Tx/Rx Signal Strength -64/-65 dBm
Min Tx/Rx Signal Strength -80/-80 dBm
978-1-4244-2806-9/08/$25.00 2008 IEEE
`2008 IEEE Region 10 Colloquium and the Third International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems,
Kharagpur, INDIA December 8 -10, 2008.
Paper Identification Number: 308
Omni-directional antenna and access point were mounted feasibility. The use of aerostats results in considerably
on the aerostat/balloon and were sent to a height of around 100 reducing the overall system cost. Setting up of several point-
meters above the ground. At the client end 19dBi directional to-point links will certainly distribute the available bandwidth
antenna was used. Distance between client and access point but most of the rural areas dont demand high speed
was varied from 1.5 Kms to 7.0 Kms and observations like connectivity, so using Wi-Fi with point-to-multipoint setup is
received signal strength, round trip time for ping packets and a feasible solution.
packet losses were made as shown in Fig 6.
Routers at both the Base station and the client end The proposed system can also be deployed at a short notice
are operated at 5 Volts and the max power input required for to serve emergency situations like floods, earthquakes and
the antennas on both BS and client side is 100 watts. The other natural disaster affected areas where connectivity is
router boxes are powered from a typical 230 V supply with the worst hit. Also relocation of the system to anyplace within
help of an adapter. operational range is possible with very less launching area
A detailed cost analysis of the proposed system is shown in ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
Table IX. It can be seen that the one time expenditure The authors would like to thank One World South Asia for
involved in setting up the infrastructure is INR 15,00,000 providing financial support in funding this study. Help and
TABLE IX COST BREAKDOWN OF AEROSTAT BASED SYSTEM assistance rendered by Mr. Amol Gawale, Mr. Sanjay Mohite,
System Component Cost (INR) Mr. Sharanappa Sindole and the following personnel from Dr.
BATU, Lonere during the field trial is also greatly
Wireless Equipment acknowledged; Prof. M. S. Tandale, Head, Dept. of
Routers + Antennae + Cables & Connectors 1,50,000 Mechanical Engg., Mr. Gerald Sequeira, Mr. Kaviresh
Aerostat Components Bhandari, Mr. R. M. Chavan and Mr. P. S. Shrivardhankar.
- Hull 7,00,000
- Tether 1,20,000 REFERENCES
- Winch 30,000 [1] Khoury G. A., Gillet J. D., Eds., Airship Technology Cambridge
- Initial Gas filling 5,00,000 Aerospace Series: 10, ISBN 0 521 430 737, Cambridge University Press,
Total 15,00,000 1999.
[2] R. Flickenger, Wireless Networking in the Developing World, 2nd ed.
December 2007.
which includes the wireless equipment of INR 1,50,000. The
[3] IEEE 802.11b Standard http://www.ieee802.org/11/.
aerostat envelope loses LTA gas due to permeability of the [4] Routers and Wireless Systems. http://www.mikrotik.com/systems.php.
fabric, which can be assumed to be 1% of envelope volume [5] Raina, A. A., Gawale A. C., Pant, R. S., Design, Fabrication and Field
per month of deployment. Further, additional operating costs Testing of Aerostat system, National Seminar on Strategic Applications
towards transportation of LTA gas, maintenance of the system of Lighter- Than- Air (L-T-A) Vehicles at Higher Altitudes, Snow and
Avalanche Study Establishment, Manali, India, 12-13 October 2007.
and manpower have to be incurred. For a three year operation, [6] J. Wright, Computer programs for tethered-Balloon System Design and
the total operating costs are estimated to be around INR Performance Evaluation, Report No. AFGL-TR-76-0195. Air Force
10,00,000 hence the lifecycle cost of the system over a three Geophysics Laboratories (LCB) Hanscom AFB, Massachusetts 01731,
year period would be INR 25,00,000. On the contrary, the August 1976.
[7] Choksey, K. R., Tower sharing: A strong value proposition for
setting-up cost for a fixed tower is around INR 35,00,000 Telecom Sector, Weekender, KRC Research Report, 23rd July 2007.
comprising of land lease, tower construction and telecom
equipment [7]. The operating cost of a tower based system is
mainly dependent on the cost of maintenance of the
equipment, and is estimated to be INR 5,00,000 annually [7].
The total cost of setting up a fixed tower is thus estimated to
be around INR 50,00,000 for a span of three years. It is seen
that the cost of this Aerostat based system is nearly half of the
tower based system, over a life cycle of three years.
The proposed system having a central base village
providing internet connectivity to neighboring villages has
been studied extensively for its technical and economical
978-1-4244-2806-9/08/$25.00 2008 IEEE