Soil Stabilization Using Plain and Treated Coir Fibres
Soil Stabilization Using Plain and Treated Coir Fibres
Soil Stabilization Using Plain and Treated Coir Fibres
Abstract - India is one of the leading coir producing weaker sections in specific areas of the coir producing
countries. Coir industry provides employment to people countries, for example in southern states of India viz., Kerala,
belonging to weaker sections of the society in rural and Karnataka, Tamilnadu, Andhra Pradesh and also in the west
coastal areas. To protect the traditional coir industry and to and south of Sri Lanka.
make it possible to meet the challenges in structured
development of the nation, the development of new products Coir is a versatile natural fibre extracted from the fibrous
and new horizons of varied applications of the existing husk that surrounds the coconut. The fibres are tough,
products is necessary. At present, Coir Geotextiles account for strong and extremely resistant to fungal and bacterial
only a fractional share of the global market of Geotextiles. decomposition. Fibre length varies from 0.3 mm to 250mm;
While the world focus is shifting to natural Geotextiles, India but to an average ranges from100 mm to 200mm. Coir cross
as a producer of Coir Geotextiles, has much to gain by using it sections are highly elliptical and non uniform with average
for meeting the domestic as well as global demands. diameter 0.25 mm. In spite of low cellulose content, coir
fibre has a very close fibre structure which account for its
The objective of present work is to study physical properties of better durability compared to other natural fibres.
sub grade soil and coir geotextile fibre. The study pertains to
ascertain the variation in index properties of soil when mixed Coir being a biodegradable and environment friendly
with plain and treated coir fibre at different proportions To material is virtually irreplaceable by any of the modem
determine engineering properties of the soil mixed with plain polymeric substitutes. With the diversification of the
and treated coir fibre at different proportions. To determine products and evolvement of new technologies for the
the variation in California Bearing Ratio (CBR) values at production of fibres, the export of coir products has been
different percentage of plain and treated coir fibre. To study increased tremendously. Though the demand for coir
the effect of plain and treated coir fibre at different geotextiles is increasing, the total coir exports from India
proportions on unconfined compression strength of the soil comprises only less than 3% of it. The close involvement of
(UCS).So that that the present study will help out in the local governments, with the support of the public
ascertaining variation of the coir fibre length on the research institutions and private enterprises is required for
engineering properties of the soil. innovation, manufacturing and marketing of coir.
2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2984
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 07 | July -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
with high fertile soil. It was also observed that when natural 3. CONCLUSIONS
fabrics were put in a shower room and kept wet for 167 days
with conditions to simulate the traction effect while flooding, Based on above literature review it could be concluded that
coir had almost no damage. The majority of works carried out in the field of coir
geotextiles are related to erosion control and watershed
Mahmood et al.[4]Studied on the geotextile - soil interface management. Only a few works have been reported
shear behaviour carried out by Mahmood et al. (2000) regarding the utilisation of coir geotextiles for roads and
concluded that the shear strength of organic clay - geotextile embankments and a systematic research work in this area is
interfaces were increasing with the increase of geotextile lacking. Non-woven and woven coir geotextiles available in
tensile strength. Similar findings were obtained by Burd early nineties have been characterized and limited published
(1995) while performing FEM analysis on the frictional literature indicates that coir geotextiles has potential for
behaviour of soil - geotextile interface. ground improvement applications. Extensive research work
is reported on use of oriented and randomly oriented
Jayaganesh et. al. [5] studied the load deformation geosynthetic reinforcements through triaxial testing. While
characteristics of a two layer base course and sub grade this brought out the positive improvement of geotechnical
system. It was concluded from the test results that as the behaviour of soils, little work is reported on the use of waste
thickness of the aggregate layer increases, the load carrying materials. The overview has brought out the need for a
capacity of the pavement system also increases. Further, for systematic investigation into the various aspects of
a given thickness of the base course layer, the load carrying reinforcement in particular considering the influence of
capacity increased with the inclusion of reinforcement. A types of waste fibre inclusions.
geotextiles group of coir fibre placed properly does improve
the performance of an unpaved road. The most effective REFERENCES
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2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2985
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 07 | July -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2986