Recommended Usage of Microchip Uni/O Bus-Compatible Serial Eeproms
Recommended Usage of Microchip Uni/O Bus-Compatible Serial Eeproms
Recommended Usage of Microchip Uni/O Bus-Compatible Serial Eeproms
VSS 3 To Master
Set All and Erase All whereas the column Address Pointer selects which
byte from the chosen page is accessed first. Upon
When it is desired to set the entire EEPROM array to transmission of each data byte, the column Address
either 0xFF or 0x00, the simplest and fastest way is to Pointer is automatically incremented. However, during
use the SETAL or ERAL instructions. Both of these a write operation the page Address Pointer is not incre-
instructions require an extended write cycle (10 ms vs. mented, which means that attempting to cross a page
5 ms for a standard write), but are still considerably boundary during a page write operation will result in the
faster than performing the operation using byte or page data being looped back to the beginning of the page.
Note that physical page boundaries start at addresses
Note that the entire array must be unprotected for writ- that are multiples of the page size. For example, the
ing by clearing both BP1 and BP0 and setting the WEL 11XX160 features a 16-byte page size, which means
in order for either instruction to execute. that physical pages on the device begin at addresses
0x0000, 0x0010, 0x0020 and so on.
Page Writes
All Microchip UNI/O bus-compatible serial EEPROMs
feature a page buffer for use during write operations.
This allows the user to write any number of bytes from
one to the maximum page size in a single operation.
This can provide for a significant decrease in the total
write time when writing a large number of bytes.
Page write operations are limited to writing within a
single physical page, regardless of the number of bytes
actually being written. This is because the memory
array is physically stored as a two-dimensional array,
as shown in Figure 4. When the word address is given
at the beginning of a write operation, both the row and
column Address Pointers are set. The row Address
Pointer selects which row, or page, is accessed,
Byte 0 Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte n-3 Byte n-2 Byte n-1 Byte n Page Buffer
Pointer Memory Array
10 ( 8 + # data bytes )
T LOAD = ----------------------------------------------------- + ( 2 ( T SS + T HDR ) )
From these examples, it is clear that both page writes Supply Voltage (VCC)
and WIP polling can provide significant time savings.
Writing 16 bytes to the 11LC160 via byte writes at Supply voltage limits the minimum RP value due to
100 kHz requires roughly 95 ms worst-case. Switching maximum low-level output voltage (VOL) specifications.
to WIP polling brings that down to roughly 66 ms Consequently, for a given VCC level, a smaller pull-up
(assuming typical conditions), nearly a 31% decrease. resistor value will result in a higher low-level output
Changing to page writes further lowers the time to voltage. For Microchip UNI/O bus-compatible devices,
5.63 ms, an additional decrease of over 91%. Overall, the VOL specification is a maximum of 0.4V at 300 A
the two techniques provide a combined time savings of for Vcc = 5.5V (200 A for VCC = 2.5V). In other words,
over 89 ms, increasing the total data throughput nearly if there is a voltage drop across RP of VCC -0.4V, it can-
17 times over. not be sourcing more than 200 A to 300 A, depend-
ing on VCC. Applying Ohms Law yields Equation 2 for
VCC > 2.5V, and Equation 3 for VCC 2.5V.
In order to ensure bus idle during times when no device EQUATION 2: MINIMUM RP VALUE
is driving the bus, a pull-up resistor is recommended on VCC > 2.5V
the SCIO bus. However, two limiting factors must be
considered when selecting pull-up resistor (RP) values: VCC V OL V CC 0.4V
R PMIN = --------------------------- = -----------------------------
Supply voltage (VCC) I OL 300 A
Total High-Level Input Current (IIH)
Note that the pull-up resistor is meant only to provide a
DC level during times when no device is driving the EQUATION 3: MINIMUM RP VALUE
bus, and so slow slew rates due to a large bus VCC 2.5V
capacitance should not adversely affect system
performance. VCC V OL V CC 0.4V
R PMIN = --------------------------- = -----------------------------
I OL 200 A
Because some current will exist through the pull-up VCC 5.0 V
resistor even when no device is actively driving the bus, VIH 3.5 V
the effective voltage seen at the SCIO pin will be lower IIH 102 A
than VCC due to the voltage drop across the resistor.
Note 1: VIH derived from 0.7*VCC spec.
This voltage drop must be small enough that the volt-
age at the pin will still be considered a high by the 2: IIH used as an example. Each system will
device. That is, the voltage at the pin must be higher vary based on the devices connected to
than VIH. Applying Ohms Law once again results in the bus.
Equation 4.
By applying Equation 2 and Equation 3, the following
resistor value limits were calculated:
V CC ( V IH )
R PMAX = ------------------------------- Limit Value Limiting Factor
RPMIN 15.33 k Supply Voltage
RPMAX 150 k Input Current
Standby Pulse Start Header Device Address 1
0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
Standby Pulse Start Header Device Address 2
0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
This application note illustrates recommended
techniques for increasing design robustness when
using Microchip UNI/O bus-compatible serial
EEPROMs. These recommendations fall directly in line
with how Microchip designs, manufactures, qualifies
and tests its serial EEPROMs and will allow the devices
to operate within the data sheet parameters. It is
suggested that the concepts detailed in this application
note be incorporated into any system that utilizes a
UNI/O bus-compatible serial EEPROM.
Microchip believes that its family of products is one of the most secure families of its kind on the market today, when used in the
intended manner and under normal conditions.
There are dishonest and possibly illegal methods used to breach the code protection feature. All of these methods, to our
knowledge, require using the Microchip products in a manner outside the operating specifications contained in Microchips Data
Sheets. Most likely, the person doing so is engaged in theft of intellectual property.
Microchip is willing to work with the customer who is concerned about the integrity of their code.
Neither Microchip nor any other semiconductor manufacturer can guarantee the security of their code. Code protection does not
mean that we are guaranteeing the product as unbreakable.
Code protection is constantly evolving. We at Microchip are committed to continuously improving the code protection features of our
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