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Chapter Format
A MIMO Antenna with Built-In Isolation for WLAN
USB Dongle Applications
Title of Seminar
A novel couple-fed dual-bands MIMO antenna is proposed for WLAN 2.4/5.2/5.8 GHz bands.
The MIMO antenna system consists of two parallel folded branch monopoles with an edge-
to-edge separation of 0.2 mm. The antenna elements are printed on an FR4 substrate and
are located at the top edge of the ground plane. Size of the antenna is 20 mm (W) 11 mm
(L).The isolation is achieved by introducing a round off-set structure at the end of the
coupled feeding-line. Measured results show that antennas have good impedance matching
and Port isolation. Since we have not introduced any isolation enhancing structure, the
MIMO antenna appeared to have a built-in decoupling mechanism. When one end was fed,
the Current distributions on the other feed line was reduced in magnitude by a self-
generated counter current occur at the round off-set structure area. That is, the self-
generated counter Current has contributed the needed isolation between the two antennas.
The results suggest that the proposed novel simple, compact antenna structure has indeed
attained good isolation Characteristics required for MIMO operations. Moreover, the
antenna is easy to fabricate and suitable for applications at the 2.4/5.2/5.8-GHz bands.
Planar multi-antennas structure and a small ground are very attractive for wireless local
area network (WLAN) applications. On the other hands, the non-contact feeding such as
proximity coupling and aperture coupling have become a popular type of solutions to
broaden antenna band-width. In particular, proximity coupling is one of the most utilized
methods in micro-strip antenna design. Recently, the use of multi-element antennas, such
as multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) antenna, was one of the effective ways to
improve reliability and to increase the channel capacity of the communication systems .For
multi-channel wireless communication systems, it is essential that the designed multi-
antenna would have high isolation between the antenna ports. Several methods of
improving antenna port isolation had been reported, including
incorporating a protruded ground plane between the antennas, inserting slits into the
ground , arranging antenna shorting portions facing each other, manipulating radiation
polarization of the antennas, using differential ground path, using strip resonator as a wave-
strap, adding a decoupling neutralization line, and so on In this article, we proposed a built-
in isolation/decoupling method to improve the performance (such as throughput) of two-
antenna system for WLAN 2.4/5-GHz bands applications.
The proposed MIMO antenna consists of two parallel folded and couple-feed monopole
antennas. The antenna occupies a small area of 11 mm (L) 20 mm (W). The antenna and
the ground are printed on the two-layered FR4 substrate with the dimensions 20 mm (W)
56 mm (L). The antenna is excited at dual radio frequency (RF) ports for 2400~2484/5150-
5835 MHz bands operations. To improve the isolation characteristic, the
isolation/decoupling mechanisms were studied and presented.
WLAN, an initialize of Wireless Local Area Network, is a standard
for wireless communication of high-speed data for data terminals. WLAN is work on
(2400/5200/5800) MHz this frequencies. This technology will allow operators to achieve
even higher peak throughputs and higher spectrum bandwidth.
A wireless local area network (WLAN) links two or more devices using some
wireless distribution method (typically spread-spectrum or OFDM radio), and usually
providing a connection through an access point to the wider Internet. This gives users the
ability to move around within a local coverage area and still be connected to the network.
Most modern WLANs are based on IEEE 802.11 standards, marketed under the Wi-Fi brand
Wireless LANs have become popular in the home due to ease of installation, and
in commercial complexes offering wireless access to their customers; often for free. NEW
York City, for instance, has begun a pilot program to provide city workers in all five
boroughs of the city with wireless internet access.
Extension of mobility within an agency office building users can connect to critical
business information wherever they are to improve their productivity.
Department or Agency internal wireless WLANs can also be made available at multiple
locations where the states Wi-Fi system is deployed.
Ability to share information with fellow employees
Enhanced collaboration in meeting conference rooms
Fully managed service that meets State CIO security standards and policies
Design, implementation, and remote monitoring and management of a customer's
WLAN infrastructure.
All hardware and software components required to deliver the WLAN service
People can access the network from where they want; they are no longer limited by the
length of the cable
Some cities have started to offer Wireless LANs. This means that people can access the
internet even outside their normal work environment, for example when they ride the train
Setting up a wireless LAN can be done with one box (called Access point). This box can
handle a varying number of connections at the same time. Wired networks require cables
to be laid. This can be difficult for certain places.
Access points can serve a varying number of computers.
DGS in the form of partial ground is employed in ground plane. Its offer a
mechanism to improve antenna performance, reduce antenna size and reduce antenna to
antenna coupling on platforms.[2]
A meandered neutral line printed at the back of antenna i.e. on ground plane helps to match
the impedance and also to provide isolation between the PIFAs. A T-shaped element
extended from ground enhances isolation.[1]
The Coaxial feed or probe feed is one of the most common techniques used for
feeding Microstrip patch antennas. The coaxial feed or probe feed is very common technique
used for feeding Microstrip Patch antennas. However, its major disadvantage is that it
provides narrow bandwidth and is difficult to model since a hole has to be drilled into the
Multiple antennas placed at smaller spacing in the MIMO known as mutual coupling.
To increasing the distance between antennas reduces the mutual coupling. Mutual Coupling
effect by enhancing the isolation between patch.[2] The dual-broadband antenna element is
employed to develop a two-element MIMO antenna system. For a MIMO antenna system, the
coupling in the lower band needs to be reduced.
2. Performance parameters
The radiation pattern of an antenna is a plot of the relative field strength of the radio
waves emitted by the antenna at different angles. The antenna pattern is a graphical
representation in three dimensional of the radiation of the antenna as the function of
direction. It is a plot of the power radiated from an antenna per unit solid angle which gives
the intensity of radiations from the antenna.
2.3 Gain
2.4 Directivity
The directivity of an antenna is the maximum value of its directive gain. Directive
gain is represented as . An antenna's directivity is a component of its gain; the
other component is its (electrical) efficiency. If a three dimensional antenna pattern is
measured, the ratio of normalized power density at the peak of the main beam to the
average power density is called the directivity.
2.5 Bandwidth
Antenna bandwidth is the frequency range within which the antenna performance
meet specifications. The bandwidth can be the range of frequencies on either side of the
center frequency where the antenna characteristics like input impedance, radiation pattern,
beam width, polarization, side lobe level or gain, are close to those values which have been
obtained at the center frequency.
RL in dB = 10log(PrPi)
Where, Pi is the power supplied by the source and Pr is the power reflected.
If Vi is the amplitude of the incident wave and Vr that of the reflected wave, then the return
loss can be expressed in terms of the reflection coefficient as:
RL = -20log||
= Vi
2.7 VSWR
The voltage standing wave ratio can be defined as the ratio of maximum voltage to
minimum voltage in standing wave pattern.
2.8 Efficiency
The antenna efficiency is the ratio of directivity to gain. It takes into consideration all
the power lost before radiation. The losses may be due to mismatch at the input terminals,
conduction losses, dielectric losses and spillover losses.
Directional antennas have a radiation intensity peak in the particular direction. Beam
width is the angular distance between the points on two opposite sides of the peak
direction where the radiation intensity drops to the half of the peak intensity.
Another parameter measuring antenna directivity defined as the ratio of the peak
radiation intensity in the "front" direction to the radiation intensity at 180 degrees behind
the point ("back" direction).
4. Antenna specification
Parameters Specifications
Substrate Length 55 mm
Substrate Breadth 15 mm
Gain 2.4dB
Directivity 1.68dB
3. Problem Statement
The main problem in MIMO antenna is Mutual Coupling between radiating elements
which degrades the quality of antenna. Due to mutual coupling effect, Antenna give
considerably low gain and shows less efficiency at different frequency bands.
3.1 Objectives
Improving the gain of the antenna at different bands of frequencies, making it better
Figure 1 shows the geometry and photo of a constructed prototype for the proposed two-
monopole-antenna system, which includes two branch folded coupled monopoles etched
on the front layer and two direct-excited monopole etched on the bottom layer of a 0.8-
mm-thick FR4 substrate with dimensions 20 mm (W) 56 mm (L). More details of the two
monopoles are given in figure 2. The antennas are fed by two50-ohm micro-strip lines of
width 1.5 mm on the bottom FR4 substrate, which is suitable for a general USB dongle. The
coupled feeds have different structure, that has a round off-set coupled feed at the end of
the feeding-line. The two
monopoles are printed on the top layer of the ground plane and designed in a clearance
area (no grounding layout and electric components therein) of size 20 mm (W) 11 mm
(L).The two monopole are also identical in size and symmetrically placed with respect to the
PCB center line.
Accordingly, it is expected that the performance of each monopole should be the same.
In this design, the dual-frequency operations obtained by loading a meandered branch wire,
which are densely meandered to achieve a compact configuration and a very low profile.
One end of the strip is nearby the coupled feeding line, and the other end, the branch strip
is folded internal of the monopole. The total length of branch 1 and 2 (point A to C and point
B to D) are about 34 mm, whereas that of branch 3 and 4 (point A to E and point B to F) are
about 32 mm for the designs, respectively. It is observed from experiments that, the branch
antennas are verified, the lower band at about 2440 MHz can be excited with impedance
electric components therein) of size 20 mm (W) 11 mm (L). The two monopole are also
identical in size and Symmetrically placed with respect to the PCB center line. Accordingly, it
is expected that the performance of each monopole should be the same. In this design, the
dual-frequency operations obtained by loading a meandered branch wire, which are densely
meandered to achieve a compact configuration and a very low profile. One end of the strip
is nearby the coupled feeding
Line, and the other end, the branch strip is folded internal of the monopole. The total length
of branch 1 and 2(point A to C and point B to D) are about 34 mm, whereas that of branch 3
and 4 (point A to E and point B to F) are about 32 mm for the designs, respectively. It is
observed from Experiments that, the branch antennas are verified, the lower band at about
2440 MHz can be excited with impedance matching over the 2400 ~ 2484 MHz band, the
upper band at
About 5550 MHz can be excited with good impedance matching over the 5150 ~ 5835 MHz
bands. In addition, a capacitive coupling feed is proposed to assist bandwidth to easily cover
the 2.4/5 GHz bands operation. The capacitive feed is basically composed of a round
sectionFigure 3 shows the measured reflection coefficients (S11 for monopole 1) and the
isolation (S21) between the two monopoles. The isolation is only presented by the curves of
S21 due to the symmetrical structure of the proposed design. Generally, the measured S11
of the proposed antennas over the 2.4/5-GHz (2400-2484/5150-5835 MHz) bands are below
-7.5dB (about VSWR of 2.5), which meets the demanded bandwidth specifications for WLAN
(2.4/5.2/5.8 GHz bands) operations.
Figure 3: Measured reflection coefficients (S11 for monopole 1 ) and isolation (S21) between the two
Figure 4 plots the measured envelope correlation between the two monopoles operating in
the 2.4/5 GHz bands, respectively. The correlation coefficients were measured through the
Blue test reverberation chamber.
Figure 4: Measured envelope correlation coefficients for the antenna system, (a) for 2.4 GHz band,
(b) for 5 GHz bands.
The isolation behavior is dependent on the current distributions of the feeding lines which
were also observed in figure 5.
Furthermore, the mutual coupling in this study is mitigated by introducing the counter
currents excited by the same feeding strip. For example, when strip 1 is excited with the
currents entering the feeding strip and the round section, the opposite currents are offset in
the adjacent portion
towards the opposite of strip 2. Likewise, the current flowing from strip 2 is eliminated
towards the two opposite currents. These two surface currents are out of phase with a good
isolation located on the strip 1 and 2, respectively. If they are excited at the same time, it
can explain good isolation for the proposed antenna.
Figure 6 shows the far-field, 2-D radiation patterns at 2440 MHz and 5250 MHz, the center
frequency of the 2.4 GHz bands and 5.2 GHz bands, in E and E fields for monopole 1 and 2,
respectively.. In addition, both the two monopoles show very adequate polarization
properties, the radiation patterns are inclined at an angle of -17 o in x-y plane at 2440 MHz,
and have similar conical-patterns in the x-y plane at 5250 MHz.
Figure 6: measured 2-D radiation patterns at 2440 MHz and 5250 MHz for (a) excited by strip-1, and
(b) excited by strip
This is the patch we have designed in software name CST SOFTWARE 5.5. Fig.4.2.1 shows
the design of the patch in the CST SOFTWARE which includes dimensions of 55mm*15mm
with the width of 1.6mm at 2 to 4GHz operating frequency band.
As we can see in the following fig. (4.1) we are getting the expected results for S11 for 2.34
GHz and 5.85GHZ operating frequency. Here we are getting the value of S11 less than -10
dB. So this is the correct result which we are getting from the above patch.
As we can see in the above fig. (4.1) we are getting the expected results for S22 for
2.345GHz and 5.85GHz operating frequency. Here we are getting the value of S22 less than -
10 dB. So this is the correct result which we are getting from the above patch
As we can see in the following fig. (4.1) we are getting the proper results for S12 for
22.345GHz and 5.85GHz operating frequency. Here we are getting the value of S12 less than
4. 4: S21 parameter
As we can see in the following fig. (4.1) we are getting the proper results for S21 for 2.51GHz
and 3.85GHz operating frequency. Here we are getting the value of S21 less than -15dB.
4.2 Gain
As we can see in the following fig. (4.2) we are getting the proper results for gain for 2 to
5GHz operating band. Gain should be as large as possible for this operating frequency but
we are getting it as 2.4dB . But in future if we adjust the antenna dimensions then we can
get improved results and we are working on it.
4.3: Directivity
we are getting the proper results for directivity for 2-4GHz operating frequency band. We
are getting it as 2.5dB.
4.4: VSWR
As we can see in the following fig. (4.4) we are getting the expected results for VSWR for 2-
5GHz operating frequency band. Here we are getting the value of VSWR in between 1-2dB.
5.1 Summary
At the initial stage of our project we decided to implement a MIMO patch for
various frequency applications such as Wi-MAX , WLAN, GSM, and LTE. At the first stage we
designed with the dimensions of 15mm*55mm with the width of 1.6mm at 2.05-2.7 GHz
operating frequency. After simulation we got results of reflection coefficients less than -
10dB for the frequency band of 2.05-2.7GHz.
In this patch we modified the neutral line and also made changes in the ground plane by
introducing a parasitic line. As per the defective ground technique if we change the
dimension of ground plane then the bandwidth of the antenna changes that to results in the
efficiency parameter. In the middle phase we made changes in the front side by extending
T-element and also we increased the frequency band from 2-4GHz.Inspite of this instead of
keeping a complete ground plane we restricted the ground plane as a parasitic line and
hence we got the desired results for gain and directivity.
At the end we got the results for the patch which includes dimensions of
15mm*55mm with the width of 1.6mm at 2-4GHz operating frequency. Obtained results
S11 at 2.51GHz & 3.85 GHz below -10 dB, S12 below -15 dB, S21 below -15 dB, S22 below -
10 dB at 2.51GHz & 3.85GHz, VSWR in between 1-2, gain at 2.4dB and directivity 1.6dB.
5.2 Conclusions
A PIFA type MIMO antenna for USB dongle applications operating at WLAN band is
proposed. The S11 and S22 based on -10 dB for WLAN are resonated by the two PIFAs. The
S21 between the PIFAs, which is achieved by a T shaped element and a neutral line, is less
than -15 dB to ensure good isolation. The radiation patterns of the two antennas having
reversed shapes are owing to their reverse structure. Base on the antenna performances
and compact dimension, the proposed design can be applied to WLAN dongle device.
5.4 References