WC 1 Solutions
WC 1 Solutions
WC 1 Solutions
Problem 1.1
Here you were asked to write down Maxwells equations. They are given in P&W 2015 (Eq. 1.1 - 1.4).
Problem 1.2
In this programming exercise you were asked to compute the amplitude of the electric field of a plane wave
that strikes a glass surface (with angle of incidence zero degrees, i.e. the direction of motion of the plane
wave is perpendicular w.r.t. the glass surface).
The electric field amplitude of a plane wave in index of refraction n and absorption coefficient is given
by n
E(x, t) = E0 exp cos x t + , (1)
c c
where is the plane wave frequency, c is the speed of light, E0 is the maximum amplitude, and is a phase
factor. Thus, we must plot Eq. 1 for two different conditions: the glass has n = 1.6 (index of refraction) and
= 0.05 (absorption coefficient). In vacuum (or air), n 1 and 0.
A straightforward way of doing this is to define the origin of our coordinate system to lie at the glass
boundary; then, for x < 0, we take n = 1, = 0 while for x 0 we take n = 1.6, = 0.05.
A possible implementation of a function that plots the electric field amplitude in Python is (neglecting
import statements etc):
d e f E l e c t r i c F i e l d ( x a r r a y , f r e q u e n c y , max amplitude ) :
E a r r a y = np . z e r o s ( np . s i z e ( x a r r a y ) ) # I n i t i a l i z e a r r a y f o r E f i e l d
for i in x array :
i f x < 0 : # We a r e i n vacuum
E a r r a y [ i ] = a m p l i t u d e np . c o s ( ( omega / c ) x a r r a y [ i ] )
e l s e : # We a r e i n g l a s s
kappa = 0 . 0 5
n = 1.6
E a r r a y [ i ] = a m p l i t u d e np . exp (( kappa omega / c )
x a r r a y [ i ] ) np . c o s ( ( nomega/ c ) x a r r a y [ i ]
i = i + 1
return E array
We can now define a suitable array of x-values and print the output of our new function when given
suitable values for x array, frequency, and max amplitude (just play around with them until you see
about 10-20 oscillations in the plot).
Problem 1.3
a) For this part we need to use complex numbers. In essence all we need to do is solve Eq. 2.39 in P&W
for a range of . Then we plot the real and imaginary parts of the (square root) of the solution to that
equation. The plot will look much like Fig. 2.5 in the book.
A Python function that does the job is
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Optics 2016-2017: Solutions to problem set #1
d e f n k a p p a f u n c t i o n ( omega ) :
r e s u l t = np . z e r o s ( np . s i z e ( omega ) ) # omega i s an a r r a y o f v a l u e s
f o r i i n omega :
r e s u l t [ u]=cmath . s q r t (1+(w P 2 ) / ( w 02w [ u]2 1 j w [ u ] gamma ) )
return r e s u l t
Note that cmath contains mathematical functions for complex numbers; also note that result is an array
of complex numbers; to plot n, use the command result.real and for use result.imag.
b) This time we solve Eq. 2.40 from P&W (where we sum over the different resonant frequencies). For
this we can modify the above code snippet to include a summation over the resonant frequencies.
Problem 1.4
P&W exercise 2.10
a) First lets compute the total power of the laser pulse using the elementary relation P = E/t. We obtain
P = 100mJ/(2.51014 )s = 4e12W (you can just use Google for this type of thing). This power is distributed
over an area A = (5m)2 7.85 1011 m2 . Thus, the intensity is given by P/A 5.09 1022 W/m2 .
b) See Eq. 2.62 in P&W. The relation between intensity and E-field is I = n20 c |E02 |. Thus (in units
of V /m!) |E0 | = n0 c . To obtain the value for angstroms instead of meters, note that the ratio of an
amstrong to a meter is 1 1010 .
c) To answer this question, simply use the relation E0 = cB0 .
b) This is a very similar calculation as before. Now we have 1mW of power distributed over an area rwaist
so that the intensity is approximately equal to I 1273W/m (quite similar to the intensity of the Sun).
The power (P = 1mW ) is deposited on an area given by Alaseronret = (di /do rwaist )2 9.50 1013 m2 .
Thus the intensity on the retina is Iret = P/Alaseronret 1.05 109 W/m2 . The intensity is much higher in
this case because the laser beam is so thin - the laser emitter has a much smaller size than the Sun. The
power is more concentrated.
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