Am Cat Passage

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The impressive recent growth of certain sectors of the Indian economy is a necessary but PASSAGE-5 PASSAGE-11
insufficient condition for the elimination of extreme poverty. In response to recent rise in gas prices, we are once again hearing calls for the government to The unique Iron Age Experimental Centre at Lejre, about 40 km west of Copenhagen, serves
1. What could be the meaning of the word panacea in the passage? "do something" to force prices lower. But no matter what the price of gasoline is, such calls are as a museum, a classroom and a place to get away from it all. How did people live during the
Solution Problem Solution to all problems Sustainable solution wrong. All market fluctuations in the price of gasoline, up or Iron Age? How did they support themselves? What did they eat and how did they cultivate the
2. Why, according to the author, should microfinance be scaled up in India? 1)How do high oil prices affect companies? land?
a. The demand for microfinance is high.b. It is a market-based anti-poverty solutionD. Both 1,2 a) Efficient companies can make profitable use of these prices 1. What is the main purpose of building the Iron Age experimental center? (B) Replicate
3. Why are saving products not available?B. Due to regulatory restrictions. 2) What is the meaning of 'laggard'? b) Move or respond slowly the Iron Age to get a better understanding of the time and people of that era.
4. Why does the author talk about the 'entrepreneurial talent of poor' in the concluding 3) What is the conflict regarding market fluctuation in prices? 2) From the passage what can be inferred to be the centres initial outlook towards
paragraph? a. Entrepreneurship among poor is encouraged by microfinance. b) Companies are making no effort to stabilize prices the Lejre project? (A) It initiated the project
5. Which of the following is not a challenge faced by microfinance in India? c) Importance of government intervention is negligible, contrary to popular belief 3)What is the meaning of the sentence Initially, this experiment proved none to easy for
a. Does not help the poorest 4) Why should the government not intervene in lowering prices? modern Danes accustomed to central heating, but it convinced the centre that there was
6. Which of the following is correct with regard to microfinance? b) Rights of producers will be violated with the intervention something to the Lejre project.?
B. The demand is more than supply. (C) The way of living of the Iron Age proved difficult for the people of the modern age who are
7. What is the author's view about interest rates? B.There should be transparency with PASSAGE-6 used to living in luxury.
regard to c. The market forces should set them.. E. Both 2 and 3. Personal development is the pursuit of developing, honing and mastering the skills that help us 4)What can be the title of the passage? (D) Turning back time
8. Which of the following will the author agree to? become the best that we can, with all that we have. It is the reaching for, and the realizing of,
B. Indian economy growth is not enough to solve the problem of poverty. our full potential as human beings. We all want to live full, productive lives but, sometimes we PASSAGE-12
just don't know where to begin. There is so much information Environmental toxins which can affect children are frighteningly commonplace. Besides lead,
PASSAGE-2 1) Why are life skills essential for personal growth? there are other heavy metals such as mercury, which is found frequently in fish, that are
WHEN it came to promoting its new video-game console, the Wii, in America, Nintendo b) Growth of an individual is incomplete without proper skills and manners spewed into the air from coal-fired power plants, says Maureen
recruited a handful of carefully chosen suburban mothers in the hope that they would spread 2) What can you infer from the term 'snowball effect'? b) to pursue knowledge, and 1. Besides lead, there are other heavy metals such as mercury, which are found
the word among their friends that the Wii was a gaming console the improve oneself frequently in fish, that are spewed into the air from coal-fired power plants. How can
1. What is the experimental approach being discussed in the first paragraph? 3) Which of the following best describes the 'foundation'? c) Discover yourself and your this line be worded differently. B. Besides lead, fish contains mercury which is a heavy metal
a. Word of mouth Marketing qualities ejected in the air from power plants using coal.
2. What is the tone of the passage? a.Neutral 4) What problems can we face in the beginning of personality development? 2. All these are harmful effect of mercury in the children EXEPT A. Affect driving skill
3. What can we infer from Walter Carl's statement? d) Different methods available to help us may not work effectively for all 3."Reasearcher are finding harmful effects at a lower level of exposer "How can this line
c. Amway and Tupperware are companies who use word of mouth marketing. be interpreted? D. Even little exposure, can cause harm
4. What is the effect of internet on Word-of-mouth marketing? PASSAGE-8
B. It is encouraged by the internet. The economic transformation of India is one of the great business stories of our time. As stifling PASSAGE-13
5. According to the passage, in what order did different companies use word of mouth government regulations have been lifted, entrepreneurship has flourished, and the country has Fasting is an act of homage to the majesty of appetite. So I think we should arrange to give up
marketing?b. Nintendo after Sony, Nestle and Philips. become a high-powered center for information technology and pharmaceuticals. Indian our pleasures regularly--our food, our friends, our lovers--in order to preserve their intensity,
6. According to Peter Kim, what happened to Microsoft's marketing campaign for companies like Infosys and Wipro are powerful global players, while Western firms like G.E. and the moment of coming back to them. For this is the moment that
Vista? c.It failed and I.B.M. now have major research facilities in India 1) What is the author's main argument in the passage?
7. Where does BzzAgent operate? b.USA and UK 1. Which of these could you infer according to the passage? d) We should deny ourselves pleasures once in a while in order to whet our desires and feel
8. What is the author most likely to agree to in the following? 1 :Wages in the Developing countries are less as compared to wages in the developed more alive
b. There is enough evidence to state that word-of-mouth marketing is useful. countries 2) What are the benefits of fasting?
2. What does "American jobs" in the last line of the first paragraph of the passage b) It brings joy in eating, and one learns to appreciate food
PASSAGE-3 imply? Option 2 : Jobs held (or to be held) by American people 3) What commonality has been highlighted between the sailors and hunters?
GIVE people power and discretion, and whether they are grand viziers or border guards, some 3. According to the passage, why India does not have enough skilled labour? c) They were regularly separated from their loved ones and things they liked
will use their position to enrich themselves. The problem can be big enough to hold back a Option 4 : Maximum universities and colleges do not match global standards. 4) 'The long-awaited meal became a feast to remember and an almost sacred celebration
country's development. One study has shown that bribes account for 8% of the total cost of 4. What can you infer as the meaning of 'stifling' from the passage? of life', what does this line imply?
1. Why does the author calls 'progress' as peculiar? Option 3 : Impeding b) People respected and were thankful for getting food after days of being hungry and also of
ab. Because of its unbalanced nature. 5. What is an appropriate title to the passage? Option 3 : India's Skill Shortage being united with their loved ones
2. What do you infer from the sentence -'For some of us, life in ...but emotionally and 6. In the third sentence of the third paragraph of the passage, the phrase "closer to
intellectually'? c. The nation is moving in two different directions. community colleges " is used. What does it imply? Option 2 : Like community colleges PASSAGE-14
3. How does the author feel about 'Globalisation' in India? d. Speculative 7. According to the passage, what is the paradox of the Indian economy today? AT THE end of the 19th century, India's maharajahs discovered a Parisian designer called
4. What does the sentence "We greaten like the maturing head of a hammerhead shark b. The economic progress is impressive disallowing the government to take tough decisions. Louis Vuitton and flooded his small factory with orders for custom-made Rolls-Royce interiors,
with eyes looking in diametrically opposite directions.' implies? 8. Why are salaries for skilled workers rising?. leather picnic hampers and modish polo-club bags. But after independence, when India's
b. We are progressing in some areas and regressing in the others. Option 4 : There is not enough skilled workers, while the demand for them is high princes lost much of their wealth, the orders dried up. Then in 2002 LVMH, the
5. What do you infer from the sentence in context of the passage-'India lives in several 1. Who are the 'new breed of Maharajas' ?
centuries at the same time.'? Option 3 : The new class of rich people which emerged in India post liberalisation.
a. We are progressing in some areas and regressing in the others. 2. What is the author most likely to agree to as the reason for the inflow of luxury good
THE stratospherespecifically, the lower stratospherehas, it seems, been drying out. Water vapour is a
6. What do you infer from the following lines-'In the lane behind my house, every groups in India? 1 : The fast growth in Indian economy leading to bright future prospects.
greenhouse gas, and the cooling effect on the Earth's climate due to this desiccation may account for a fair
night I walk past road gangs of emaciated labourers digging a trench to lay fiber-optic 3. Why do different rules apply to Wal-Mart and luxury good firms?
bit of the slowdown in the rise of global temperatures seen over the past ten years. These are the
cables to speed up our digital revolution? In the bitter winter cold, they work by the light Option 3 : There are different rules for retail firms and those that sell their own product.
of a few candles.? b. Progress is unbalanced. somewhat surprising conclusions of a paper by 4. What does Devyani Raman's statement imply?
1. What is the order of layers in the atmosphere, starting from the lowermost and going
7. What does the phrase "cultural insult" imply? b Disrespect of British towards Indian Option 2 : The luxury goods market is becoming disorganized.
to the topmost? B. Troposphere, Tropopause, Stratosphere, Mesosphere.
Culture. 5. What could be the meaning of the word modish, as can be inferred from the context
2. What is the passage has been cited as the main reason affecting global temperatures?
8. Why does the response towards 'Globalisation in India' differs in different parts of it is used in first line of the passage? Option 2 : Stylish
B. Drop in Stratospheric water vapour of less than one part per million. 6. What is the author most likely to agree to?
India? c. It will not benefit all sections of the society.
3. Why is the situation in the troposphere defined as unstable? C. Because of the
PASSAGE-4 Option 2 : The current number of dollar millionaires in India is low.
interaction between warm and cool air which is unpredictable in nature and can leads to 7. What is a good estimate of the middle class population in India today as inferred
China's massive subsidization of its steel industry is having consequences that are truly global.
By expanding its steel industry by Government fiat, rather than in response to the demands of from the passage? Option 3 : 58m
4. What accounts for the absence of water vapour in Stratosphere? D. Before the vapour
the market, China has skewed the entire world market in steel and in the inputs used to make 8. According to the author, which of these is not a problem for the luxury good firms
can rise up, it has to pass through below freezing temperatures and turns into ice.
steel. In doing so, it has directly injured both foreign steel producers and steel consuming in the Indian market? B. Restriction on firms to enter Indian markets
industries in other countries.
1) Which of the options most closely describes 'by Government fiat'? PASSAGE-15
Sixty years ago, on the evening of August 14, 1947, a few hours before Britains Indian Empire
a) In response to Government order SINCE the late 1970s when the technology for sex determination first came into being, sex-
was formally divided into the nation-states of India and Pakistan, Lord Louis Mountbatten and
2) How have US steel consumers gotten affected as a result of Chinese steel? selective abortion has unleashed a saga of horror. Experts are calling it "sanitised barbarism".
his wife, Edwina, sat down in the viceregal mansion in New Delhi to watch the latest Bob Hope
d) Raw material in America costs more than the finished product in China and hence production Demographic trends indicate the country is fast heading towards a million female foetuses
movie, My Favorite Brunette. Large parts of the subcontinent were descending into chaos, as
is unfeasible aborted each year.Although foetal sex determination and sex selection is a
the implications of partitioning the Indian
3) What does "dramatic expansion" indicate? a) Artificial expansion 1. Which of the following will Dr. George agree to?
1. From the passage, what can we conclude about the view of the author about Lord
4) What is the main motive behind expansion of steel industry in China? Option 3 : The girl child is more safe after birth as compared to the mother's womb.
Mountbatten? Option 2 : Sarcastic
b) Replacing imports and growth of Chinese economy 2. What is the solution to the problem of female foeticide as envisioned by Dr. Bedi?
2. What is the author likely to agree to as the reason for the chaos in the sub-continent
B. Mass public outrage.
in 1947? Option 2 : Because the British left the sub-continent in haste.
PASSAGE-7 3. What is the tone of the passage? Option 1 : Factual
3. What could possibly "grandiloquence" mean as inferred from the context in which it
The Kingdom of Spain was created in 1492 with the unification of the Kingdom of Castile and 4. What is Akhila Sivadas's opinion on the PCPNDT act?
has been used in the passage? Option 3 : Lofty speech
the Kingdom of Aragon. For the next three centuries Spain was the most important colonial 4 The act is sound, but needs enforcement.
4. What is the author primarily talking about in the article? 4 : The aftermath of the partition
power in the world. It was the most powerful state in Europe and the foremost global power 5What does the word sanitised imply in the first paragraph of the pasge?3. Free from dirt
5. In the view of the author, What does the Nehru's phrase "tryst with destiny"
during the 16th century and the greater part of the 17th century. 6. What is the doctors' explanation for foeticide? Option 2 : They do it because people
symbolise today? 4 : A symbol of the ills of the partition
1) What was the result of Napoleanic wars? b) Spain was occupied by the French demand it.
6. The author persists on talking about the " Bob Hope movie" in the article. Why?
2) What is the meaning of the term 'culminated'? c) Reach the highest point 7. Which of the two people mentioned in the passage suggest similar solution to the
Optn 3 : He uses it to show the apathy of the Britishers towards the sub-continent
3) What is the summary of the passage? c) The history of Spain problem? Option 4 : Dr. George and Miss Sivadas
7. What does the author imply about the future of the Pakistan? 2 : It becomes unsecular.
4) What occurred in the latter part of 17th century? 8. Which "demand" does the author refer to, in paragraph 5?
8. Why was Gandhi assassinated? m2 : His assassin thought he was partial to the Muslims.
d) Power steadily declined under Habsburg regime Option 4 : Demand for sex determination and abortion.
The word euthanasia is of Greek origin and literally means a good death. The American Anjali could not begin to fathom what she was hearing. Event the contractor appeared The most avid users of social-networking websites may be exhibitionist teenagers, but when it
Heritage Dictionary defines it as the act of killing a person painlessly for reasons of mercy. Such flabbergasted. His mouth stayed in a half-open position, like a guitar waiting for its strings to be comes to more grown-up use by business people, such sites have a surprisingly long pedigree.
killing can be done through active means, such as administering a lethal injection, or by passive tugged. Yes. Leave it , Varun said again. He was speaking to the notion that someone LinkedIn, an online network for professionals that signed up its ten-millionth user
means, such as withholding medical care or food and water. 1. If Anjali had chosen to be deferential to her husband, what would she have most likely 1. What is the author of the passage most likely to agree to?
1) The tone of the author can best be described as C. compassionate said? Option 3 : Social networking may benefit the corporate sector to some extent.
2) In paragraph 3, the author finds starvation and dehydration induced euthanasia is to A)"Good idea 2. According to the author, how does social networking help recruitment?
be more insidious" because C. it often involves those who cannot protest 2)"She tried to cajole Varun from the direction he was heading." Option 2 : Making available a larger pool of passive candidates.
3) As used in paragraph 3, what is the best synonym for insidious? B. treacherous D)She tried to give Varun veiled threats about the direction he was heading 3. Which of the following is an appropriate title for the passage?
4) The author maintains that death by withholding care is C. often requested by family 3)What is the term given to the comparison of the contractor to a guitar? Option 1 : Social Networking and Business
members B)An analogy, meaning an extended comparison showing the similarities between two things 4. Which of the following statements is Reid Hoffman most likely to agree to?.
5) As used in paragraph 7, which is the best definition of abridged? B. curtailed Option 2 : Social networking has other uses apart from recruiting.
6) Using the passage as a guide, it can be inferred that the author would find euthanasia PASSAGE-21 5. What meaning of avid could you infer from the passage?
less objectionable in cases in which The Indian governments intention of introducing caste based quotas for the Other Backward Option 1 : Dormant 2 : Unprincipled Option 3 : Unwanted 4 : Enthusiastic
I. the patients death is imminent II. the patient has left instructions in a living will not to provide Classes in centrally funded institutions of higher learning and the prime ministers suggestion 6. What is the most probable context in which the author is talking about Pizza Hut?
care to the private sector to voluntarily go in for reservation, has once again sparked off a debate Option 3 : Social networking created problems for it.
III. the patient refuses to accept nourishment E. I, II and III on the merits and 7. Why does the author call Lotus Connections a social software platform?
7) The main idea of paragraph 7 is that 1. What is the phrase 'Sacrificing merit' referring to? c : Encouraging reservation Option 2 : It has a feature to allow employees to interact and cooperate with each other.
C. using a subjective standard will make the decision to end an individuals life arbitrary 2. What do you mean by the word 'Egalitarian'? 1 : Characterized by belief in the equality of 8. What are the hurdles that social networking has to overcome in order to benefit the
8) In the final paragraph the author writes, "Despite the ravages of their diseases, they all peopl business world Option 3 : Misalignment of interests and confidentiality.
are still our fellow human beings and deserve our care and respect." The main purpose 3. What does the statement- and not to convert it into a fetish of political correctness
of this statement is to E. justify an earlier statement in the passage imply? Option 1 : Reservation issue should not be converted into a political PaSSAGE-25
propaganda.. Times. As the train rolled out of the station, he lifted his head from the newspaper
4. What is the author most likely to agree with? and stared at the man directly across from him.A tsunami - of antipathy came over him. Rohit
PASSAGE-17 Option 1 : Caste-based reservation is the answer to India's problems. knew this man, knew him all too well.
My cell phone rings again. It is futile to ignore it anymore; Valerie is persistent. When Valerie Option 2 : Gender-based reservation is the answer to India's problems. I) Why did a tsunami of antipathy come over Rohit? c) Because he wanted to read his
wants something, she will continue to bedevil me until I acquiesce. Hello, I answer. Option 3 : There is no solution to bridge the gap between privileged and under-privileged. newspaper and not be disturbed, especially by someone he disliked
1) As used in paragraph 1, which is the best synonym for futile? Option 4 : None of these. II)Which statement makes most sense from what is said in the paragraph?
A. arduous B. enervating C. preposterous D. ineffective 5. What do you mean by the word 'Votaries'? Option 1 : Advocates c) Rohit has had a difficult life
2) As used at in paragraph 1, what does it mean to acquiesce? 6. What do you infer from the sentence ' The idea of caste-based reservations is III) What was the biggest reason (stated or implied) for Rohit disliking the man in the
A. to give in B. to speak kindly C. to pay attention D. to answer the phone justified by the logic of social justice' ? metro?
3) " I abhor the State Fair." Which of the following is the best way to rewrite the above Option 1 : Caste-based reservation will help in providing opportunities to the socially backward c) The man did not bother to take care of his parents who were on the verge of being evicted
sentence (from paragraph 4) while keeping its original meaning as used in the story? classes. from their humble dwelling
A. I really dislike the State Fair. B. I am bored by the State Fair. Option 2 : Caste-based reservation will lead to social equality amongst all classes. Iv) What does it mean to have an imperious manner with underlings? a)To ignore them
C. I have no time for the State Fair. D. I am uncertain about the State Fair. Option 3 : Caste-based reservation will help backward classes actualise their potential.
4) According the passage, Valerie regards the state fair with Option 4 : All of these Questions with our passage: remembers questions and answers
A. ambivalence B. condescension C. jubilance D. nonchalance 7. Why does caste-bases reservation system needs to be assessed and audited from 1. What of the following is true about Christensen and Mead?
5) Logically speaking, which of the following might otherwise be included in Bobbies time to time? Option 2 : To make sure that it achieves social justice for all. Option 2 : They are in partial agreement
description of foods to be found at the state fair? 8. What is the tone of the passage? Option 1 : Neutral 2. What best describes the statement: "Build a worse mousetrap and the world will
I. fried candy bars II. candy apples III. ripe red tomatoes beat a path to your door." ? Option 3 : Satirical
A. I only B. I and III C. II and III D. I, II, and III PASSAGE-22 3. Which of the statements is the author of the passage most likely to agree to?
6) "And a fried donut hamburger with bacon, cheese AND a greasy egg?" The great event of the New York cultural season of 1882 was the visit of the sixty-twoyear-old Option 2 : Internet is an instance of Christensen's model of innovation, but unsuccessful.
Technically speaking, which of the following grammatical errors are committed in the above English philosopher and social commentator Herbert Spencer. Nowhere did Spencer have a 4. According to the author, what is the problem companies had with the internet?
sentence from paragraph 8? larger or more enthusiastic following than in the United States, where such works as Social Option 3 : The companies could not make money with it.
I. There is no subject. II. There is no predicate. III. It is a sentence fragment. Statics and The Data of Ethics were celebrated as powerful justifications for 5. What does the author imply by the phrase thanks mainly to "The Innovator's
A. I only B. II only C. II and III D. I, II, and III 1. Why did Spencer have a large enthusiastic following in the United States? Dilemma," in the first paragraph?
7) Why might the author have chosen to capitalize all the letters in the word "AND" when Option 2 : Because his work was perceived to justify capitalism 3 : The author implies that the phrase "Build a worse" comes from Christenson's book
writing about the donut hamburger in paragraph 8? 2. Which of the following will the author agree to? 6. Which segment of society are initial users to Christensen's "disruptive technology"
A. to make sure the reader understood it was a list Option 1 : Mill, Marx and Darwin are more famous than Spencer as of today. and Type One innovation of Mead? 2 : Economically low and high respectively
B. to show that a greasy egg was the last ingredient 3. What does Talcott Parson's statement, "Who now reads Spencer?" imply? 7. What does 'giddy' mean in context of it's usage in the third paragraph of the
C. to highlight that the sentence was intentionally written incorrectly Option 1 : No one read Spencer in 1937 passage? Option 4 : Nervous
D. to emphasize how many ingredients were on the hamburger 4. What could possibly "laissez-faire" mean as inferred from the context in which it 8. What does the statement of Schumpeter imply?
8) As used in paragraph 8, which is the best antonym for deleterious? has been used in the passage? Option 2 : Not interfered by the government Option 3 : Incremental changes cannot lead to an innovation
A. amicable B. beneficial C. fortuitous D. pathetic 5. According to the author, why was Spencer so popular in the 19th Century?
9) In paragraph 9, the word hang is used Option 3 : He had one broad and simple idea and many specific ideas flowed from it. My phone rings again. It is futile to ignore it anymore. Maneesha is persistent. She will continue
A. as a hyperbole, meaning an exaggeration 6. What is the author most likely to agree to in the following? to bedevil me until I acquiesce. "Hello", I answer.
B. as a slang expression, meaning informal language Option 3 : Spencer's idea of evolution preceded that of Darwin "The circus, Atika?" she says in her sing-song voice. "When are we going? Only two more days
C. as an analogy, meaning a comparison between two things 7. What must have been the most-likely response/reaction of the New York audience left!"
D. as a denotation, meaning the literal definition of a word to Spencer's talk in 1882? Option 2 : Surprise I abhor the Circus. The boisterous crowds, the overwhelming smell of animal feces, the
10) Near the end of the passage, what does the author's use of the word umpteenth 8. Which people is the author referring to in the statement: "people who had limited insanely long lines with wailing children and the impossibility of finding a clean restroom all
suggest? interest in the finches of the Galpagos"? combine to make this an
A. the fair has been around for a long time Option 3 : People who were not interested in animal species or natural evolution I) What does it mean to acquiesce?
B. this is the last time Bobbie will agree to go to the fair a)To give in b)To speak kindly
C. Bobbie goes to the State Fair with Val frequently c)To pay attention d)To answer the phon Ans:(A)
D. this is the first time Bobbie has agreed to go with Val II) What does the term gastronomical suggest? a)Enormous b)Health risk c)Culinary
PASSAGE-23 issue d)Resulting in gas Ans:(C)
PASSAGE-18 Class and money has always strongly affected how people do in life in Britain, with well-heeled III) Why might the author have chosen to capitalize all the letters in the word "and" when
Along with the obscurantist language, bribe-taking culture around the world often involves the family breeding affluent children just as the offspring of the desperately poor tend to be poor. All writing about the burger she ate?
avoidance of physically handing the money from one person to another. One obvious reason is that supposed to have ceased by the end of the Second World War, with the a)To make sure the reader understood it was a list
to avoid detection, which is why bribes are known as envelopes in countries I) Which of these can be inferred from the passage as one of the key solutions to reduce b)To show that a greasy slice of cottage cheese was the last ingredient
1. What is the author likely to agree to in the following? the gap between various social groups? (c)By not disclosing the child's ethnicity and c)To highlight her dislike of greasy slice of cottage cheese
Option 3 : Bribery is not a cultural phenomena. background of parents at school so as to remove bias from coming in d)To emphasize how many ingredients were in the burge Ans:(C)
2. Which of the following the author does not identify as linguistic manifestation of II) What is the pattern noticed while studying social groups? IV) How does Maneesha seem to feel about the circus? a)Ambivalent
corruption? D.Relate to food item. (b)The ethnicity of a child becomes less important as he grows b)Condescending c)Jubilant
3. What is bribe generally called in China? Option 3 : Envelopes III) In the context of the passage, what is the meaning of the term 'blighting'? d)Nonchalant Ans:(B)
4. In summary what does the passage primarily suggest and provide evidence for? (b)Improving
Option 1 : Corruption is always concealed in some way, both linguistically and in the process.
5. What could be the meaning of the word dissimulation, as can be inferred from the
context it is used in first line of the passage? Option 1 : Hypocrisy
6. What best represents the author's attitude towards the rich people in the West?
2 : Mildly critical
7. What is the author most likely to agree to?
Option 3 : People hide money taken as bribe from view even if detection possibility is low.
8.What could be the meaning of the word 'obscurantist' as inferred from the passage?2

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