Evaporation Tutorial
Evaporation Tutorial
Evaporation Tutorial
Evaporation Tutorial 1
2. A triple-effect evaporator is fed with 5kg/s of a liquor containing 15% solids. The
concentration in the last effect, which operates at 13.5kN/m2 is 60% solids. If the
overall heat transfer coefficients are 2.5, 2 and 1.1 kW/m2.K respectively, and the
steam is fed at 388K to the first effect, determine the temperature distribution and the
area of heating surface required in each effect. The calandria are to be identical. What
is the economy and what is the heat load on the condenser?
Feed temperature = 294K, Specific heat for all liquor = 4.18kJ/kg.K. If the unit is
running in backward system, the coefficients are 2.3, 2.0 and 1.6kW/m2.K. Under
these conditions determine the new temperatures, heat economy and heating surface